‘The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism’ Book Launch

When the restrictions under which we lived for two years were largely revoked in March 2022, the Great Reset of Western capitalism that was initiated in September 2019 was not revoked with them. On the contrary, the temporary removal of our rights and freedoms under lockdown is in the process of being made permanent in a renewed and concerted attack on Western democracy.
As it was in the first phase of the Great Reset, this is being perpetrated by unaccountable transnational technocracies which, on the justification of responding to numerous manufactured ‘crises’ (health, energy, environmental, geopolitical), have elected themselves to form a World Government.
The names of these technocracies are by now well-known to the populations of the West: the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the Bank for International Settlements and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; behind which are the increasingly authoritarian European Commission, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and United Nations.
In this second phase of the Great Reset, new technologies of biopower are incorporating the legal framework within which the limits of citizenship have until now been written into law into a continuum of regulatory apparatuses through which the obligations of biosecurity are enforced by the state. Simon Elmer’s new book, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, analyses the most immediate threats to our freedoms presented by this emerging biopolitical paradigm of governance: Digital Identity, Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currency.
But it also looks at how the populations of the West are being indoctrinated into the new behaviours and beliefs required for this globalist coup: through the ideology of woke, through the orthodoxies of ‘trans’, through the tenets of environmental fundamentalism and the through the dehumanisation of Russia.
Together, these technologies and ideologies are overseeing the revolution into what the World Economic Forum has called ‘stakeholder capitalism’: a technocratic, corporate-led, trans-national, anti-democratic and ultimately totalitarian system of governance that is the new political economy of the West. Finally, therefore, this book looks at what we must and must not do to resist the biopolitics of stakeholder capitalism.
Simon will be holding a launch of his new book, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, on Saturday 2 December, from 7-9pm upstairs at the Star & Garter, 62 Poland Street, Soho, London W1F 7NX. Copies will be available in paperback (£20) and hardback (£30) on the evening. Entry is free and everyone is welcome.
About the Author
Simon Elmer was born and lives in London. In 2002 he received his PhD in the History and Theory of Art from University College London, and he has taught at the universities of London, Manchester, Reading and Michigan. In 2015 he co-founded Architects for Social Housing, for which he is Head of Research. His books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022); Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 1 (2023); and The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 2 (2023).
Simon’s articles have appeared in Off-Guardian, UK Column, The Daily Sceptic, Real Left, The Conservative Woman, The Exposé, People’s Lockdown Inquiry and Unity News Network. His interviews and presentations about the Global Biosecurity State can be found on the podcasts of The Delingpod, Panda, UK Column, Brokenomics, London Bitcoin Space, Elevate, Campfire Conversation, On the Fringe, Trish Wood is Critical, Tom Nelson, Thinking Coalition, Think Twice, Common Knowledge, Planet-Uplift, Radically Human, Jerm Warfare (TNT Radio) and Reality Check Radio.
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From the capitalist point of view, digital transactions are cheaper and more efficient; and a system of digital payments that is standardized globally is the natural solution from that point of view. This solution dictates itself upon the actors, just like driving a car or bicycle demands a certain disposition of the body. Capital doesn’t like hybrid things, half digital, half analogical; some up-to-date software combined with old versions, etc.
Regarding CBDC, the raison d’être of Central Banks is to regulate the money supply and stabilise prices so as to encourage investments in productive entreprise and this lower unemployment. To achieve that goal they dispose of instruments the principal of which is the control of interest rate. The more IR, the less money is lent and the dryer is the market place.
When the IR is high, investment decreases and people generally hold onto cash or leave it in the bank; as a result prices fall for sales drop; workers are discharged and no new workers are taken, hence unemployment increases with deflation. Poverty increases as people only spend what’s necessary.
When IR is set to low values the reverse phenomena are roughly observed, of which the major problem is inflation which it doesn’t follow that it increases below wages.
So Central Banks regulate the IR according to the market signals. Now, since GFC an odd combination of both low interest rates and low inflation has been observed steadily observed, meaning that even money was cheap, people weren’t making loans and prices were low and no spending; this can symbolically be regarded as a distrust towards the monetary system and the expectation of low profit and hence a threat to the system. Also, commercial banks were investing their reserves in financial instruments rather than making productive loans. This has been going on for some time and put Europe, UK, US and Japan in trouble as their economies were slumping. To remedy to this problem, the Central Banks have to lower even more the IR, but the IR is zero-bound as it can’t be made equal to zero. Why? Because 0% is the interest rate of cash: I got $100 today, I still get $100 tomorrow, so that if customers see a pattern of a dwindling IR, when it arrives to zero or nears zero people can be tempted to draw all their money in cash as their keeping it at the bank is no better than having it under the materess and they fear if the IR goes negative, parking money at the bank becomes a cost. This run would happen at anytime the IR is tending to zero. In a word, near zero interest rates is a risk for banks that can deprive them of their ammunition (reserves).
But banks have to lower the IR because there is not enough loans made for investment and so what the banks did was to offer negative interest rates to a certain class of wealthy people (not common bank customers) expected to make productive investments. Negative IR were applied then to productive sector and produced some odd results (some say it achieved its aims) but didn’t crash the system.
To find an integral solution to this problem (low IR + low inflation) there was the problem of common customers – who might be part or not of the productive sector – and to which however it was too risky to apply negative IR for the run that would happen (customer would pay for having their money parked). To avoid the banks running out of ammunition and the domino effect that could produce globally, it was thought that if the currency didn’t take the form of cash to which 0% was the inherent IR, but rather the IR could always be applied to it as a feature, the risk of bank runs could be solved and thereby applying an adequate IR to the currency so as to get the desired money supply in the market. Here comes CBDC.
So, IMO it is not somebody’s desire to control the population; it is yet the nth proposed fix to keep the system – let’s be frank here, without approving nor disapproving, – of which we so intimately depend; so intimately in fact that we don’t even think about it and take it for granted, such as having running water)
Another insight into CBDC and Capital:
In a nutshell:
Finally finally one from the sheeple crowd woke up in 2023 and found the holy grail.
My post is about nothing personal about me or anyone…
I am just looking at the money you have raised £943…that’s about enough to pay your hosting fees…what do you eat..and where’s Catte Black?
I used to send you money before the current regime turned up, when everything I wrote instantly appeared and I could actually have conversations with crazy anonymous people
like me in real time – as if you are in a pub, saying exactly what you think, when you go outside …when the band are so fucking loud
£943 is not particular good to support 4 Moderators…How tf do you pay any of your witers anything?
I read something recently that the median income of writers – articles, books and stuff was £7000 a year.
How do you feed your cat on that? (She is not back yet…My Family thought it would be nice idea if the kittens who went to different homes at the age of 9 weeks, 3 weeks ago spend a day togther – brother and sister
We have got the Girl. She will make a great Mum…
She is so fast and intelligent for so young..how does she know not to crawl up my legs unless I am wearing long pants. She is well aware of her paws and claws.
We ain’t going to let her out for 6 months…
The foxes and the birds will look at her, and they will have Respect. They know what our previous cats were like.
I don’t do pay to post…so delete it as normal before you have even read it.
I don’t see how your business model is sustainable..but maybe some of you are very rich, or know someone who is…
(Thirty minutes later)
Ewan McGregor tugging the heartstrings at the Yemen situation, while on the other channel you can watch the Saudi Soccer Superstars league and just forget about it all….
They know exactly what they’re doing.
Watching the WEF prepare for and advertise their nefarious schemes for many, many years and never taking them seriously. Shame on me (on us?). Truth told, I never thought they could get away with what they’re doing, but it seems I misjudged their potential pretty badly, as did many of us who are now looking around and asking, “WTF WEF?”
All they had to do was attack the schools. Threaten teachers with livelihoods if they didn’t abide, then let loose an army of NetZero terrorists into every household, then into every workplace, then onto every screen you can find.
Personally, i don’t know why more fuss wasn’t kicked up over Soros’ £1bn lift at the BoE (with the help of Norman Lamont), it’s celebrated now as some sort of miracle bet, like four own goals in injury time, yet half the country lost the lot. Boomers didn’t pay attention,apparently us doing so makes them look and feel stupid.
Welcome to the Age of AI:Singularity and Transhumanism where you will own nothing and be happy.
The Great Reset is in full effect. — Klaus Schwab
So you best protect ya neck! — Wu Tang Clan
Now shut up and #eatthebugs
Technocracy Videodrome
A compilation of videos related to Neurowarfare, IoB, Synthetic Biology, Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, COGSEC, and so on
With the tenor of the recent OG pieces I revisited Network the movie written by Paddy Chayefsky, filmed in 1976. Below is Arthur Jensen’s speech to Beale.
“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.
It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.
What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state — Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do.
We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality — one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.”
I first heard it as a 12/13 year old; no wonder I come here now. We were warned.
We were warned…..too many times. Now we know it was true.
But life goes on obladi-oblada obladi-oblada life goes on obladi-oblada obladi oblada life goes on yeahhhhhhh. 😁 .
Like all the so called “Great Wars”(WW1,WW2 etc) and “Great Fires”(Alexandria, London, New York, Chicago etc), the “Great Reset” is the latest “Golem” to be raised up by the Satanic elite against us.
<img src
Resist now!!!…Don’t comply!!!
Together we will turn the “Great Reset” monster back to clay.
In solidarity with everyone of you.
Every single atrocity since March of 2020 has been a direct, urgent acceleration of NSSM200. The goal now is exactly the same as when depopulation first became American priority #1 in 1974: to make sure that poor nations remain poor and, critically, old. The regimes of poor nations sell their resources on the cheap, and old people tend not to overthrow their regimes.
COVID was exactly what it looked like: the building out of a global sterilization infrastructure. Sterilization prevents the creation of new young people. It will always be the primary aim of the great project of the West. There was never any chance the WHO was going to drop it, even when they announced that COVID was no longer a major concern in spring of 2022. Brazil’s sudden reactivation of mandatory vaccination confirms this. They didn’t go through all that trouble for nothing — mandatory vaccination is coming back, world-wide, and this time they’re not taking “no” for an answer.
The “war” in Ukraine was pure NSSM200: collaborative project by the US & Russia to evacuate resource-rich Ukraine of young people, and then to kill whoever doesn’t flee. It’s why the Ukrainian regime announced a weeks-long countdown until the start of conscription. It’s why there are no embedded journalists in Ukraine as there were in Iraq & Afghanistan, and are in Israel. Ukraine never wanted soldiers. It’s not a real war, and its “army” is not Ukrainian. All of the young Ukrainians fled to Europe, as intended, and they’re never going back.
NSSM200 is why the borders of the US and Europe remain wide open even as the politicians pretend to complain about unsustainable immigration. Young people are permitted to remain alive in rich countries where they pay for our pensions; it’s only resource-rich poor countries which must be maintained in a permanently geriatric state. Western immigration will never be meaningfully suppressed until more murderous solutions to the Problem of Third World Youth is activated — “vaccine equity” and world war.
NSSM200 is why the Gaza slaughter was planned, and why it will never stop until Gaza is empty. There were never any old people to leave behind there — half of the population of Gaza is under 18, and the rest are their young parents. NSSM200 is why the US and Russia took turns chasing the young Syrians into Europe.
NSSM200 is why the CIA floods Africa with tramadol, and why the president of Egypt bragged a few weeks ago that he could bring his own nation to its knees with only $30m of the drug. Until they can be killed or chased out, young people need to be forced to “act old” through the relentless supply of cheap opioids, which keep them pacified, physically weak, prone to overdose, and utterly dependent on their regimes’ supply of subsidized “illegal” drugs.
NSSM200 is why the trans ideology was pushed so aggressively. Self-sterilized young people don’t even need to be “vaccinated” to prevent the creation of more young people.
“Climate change” is the fail-safe — the story used to control those few young people who must be kept alive and fertile to stave off human extinction and to operate the pipelines that ship resources out of the Third World and into the First.
The gears of this machine have been grinding steadily since 1974. Nothing short of violent global revolution is going to stop the advance of this machine. And the machine was purpose-built to prevent violent global revolution.
We are in a real pickle here.
Sounds totally credible to me. And, with the cunning pragmatism the parasite class always show, these depopulation programmes achieve more than one thing at a time e.g. the Ukraine and Israel strategies also help to divide the public and negate any incipient rebellion.
Thats why we now have the elderly bomb everywhere.
On top of paying all the taxes and fines to serve MIC we also must pay all the elderly’s pensions, free public transport and their bringing out luxury lunch and electric wheel chairs by working 60 hours a week, and the only gratitude the elderly give us is a kick in our bum asking us to work harder. 😚
I can just see Soylent Green Nielsen slavering in the front row at the ceremonious Offling of anyone over , say. 50.
By then he may however have read some Economics so as to lessen his resentments against the elderly, manipulated as they are by the City and its media.
For Neilsen of course, there is no difference between a raggedy OAP in a cold bedsit getting by on catfood and an ex-banker of the same age with 3 cars in the garage at Virginia Water. .They are both Boomers, after all.
Chhese-its. When I was working for a Hollywood society gynaecologist on his beachfront at that time 4 million buck-xs house in Malibu Colony. The whole basement had 4 Porsches one for each of the kids. No to mention the Cadillac and Lincoln. He gave me the keys to a Ford Mustang and a credit card and said ‘Give them back when you’ve finished.’ It made getting home a lot easier.
I mean, Cher had the house opposite, but only on the cul-de-sac, no beachfront. You have no idea unless you’ve been there.
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cheezit: so what does the first word mean, even allowing for its misspelling? Another navel-gazing useage of some insular US idiom?
Secondly, “no idea” of what? Of your attempted name-dropping, anonymised so as to lend a veneer of social criticism tailored to OffG? Or your apparent admiration of the profits to be made in what passes for Medicine in the USA?
Your “comment” is irrelevant to the globalist media attempt to split the Freedomites into Boomer versus Non-Boomer, which is what I was addressing.
Thank you for your kind response. I am one of the last people to encourage anything whatsoever to do with ‘what passes for medicine in the USA. Useless Stupid Authoritarians.
You are of course aware of the vast sums of money paid to ‘doctors’ who toe the big Pharma line, past and present. It used to be ‘conventions’ in exotic places, sex and lump sum bribes. Now, recently $33K per ventilator, each shot, and more for each ‘cvid death’ Or any kind of death as long as it could be correctly labelled.
I was referring to the obscene wealth and way of life it enables, Which I had the opportunity of observing at first hand.
Since when do millions of immi-vader Africans or Arabs or Afghans under 30 living in rich EU countries “pay for our pensions”? You need to acquaint yourself with data on their percentage participation in the workforce 2015 (German border dismantling by Merkel) – 2023. And read Thilo Sarrazin.
They are not net contributors into social welfare funds via earmarked deductions from their wages each month (e.g. Germany) as you insinuate but net recipients.
And what economic Demand do lifelong social welfare recipients constitute?
Check also C Austin Fitts, who says that unfunded oension liabilities in EU and USA are central to understanding both the poison death shots 2021 to date (how to kill off those to whom you owe pensions) and the pending Reset away from today’s currencies to a shiny new one, viz. the CBDC.
I surmise that open borders for non-whites, none or few of whom are checked at US or EU borders to see if they are Covid-jabbed, are for different reasons:
1. to demoralise and so prevent resistance by aging indigenous EU and US whites.
2. to assemble various races with no historical experience of each other e.g. Afghan and Senegalese in places like ex-Germany and ex-France, the better to rule over them according to Divide and Rule. And the intercommunal violence that ensues can be controlled only by a new police state that coincidentally will need digital ID and CBDC, which will reassure frightened whites that the Gubbermint is on their side after all.
3. to fool oneself in humanist ie post-Christian mode (John Gray) that the immi-vaders are in fact a replacement labour force, example of this is statements by Yanis Varoufakis,
It was “whites” that plundered the planet on behalf of the banksters and it was loot from the colonies that made banksters and “whites” rich. It is white cannon fodder that fights Israel’s wars. The Americas and Australia are hardly “white” territory. That whites are subservient to the banksters is illustrated by the savage firebombing of white German cities by their Anglo Irish cousins. The more heavily pigmented Europeons from the Southern fringes of the continent are referred to as wogs and other derogatory terms. What is most despicable about cowards like you is that you don’t have the balls to stand up to your bankster masters who are in the process of emasculating your children, poisoning your environment and degrading your culture.
You raving clown have no idea of whether I stand up to “bankster masters” and what may or may not have happened to me consequently in my life. Save me the mantra that All Wars are Bankers’ Wars and read some differentiated geopolitics, eg Carroll Quigley.
And the asset management firms of Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street are not banks at all, or are you saying that these firms have no power and influence?
So your diuretic gush in your last sentence is for flushing only.Btw, as some sort of Woketard, you do not even ask about or respect my pwo-nouns, today might be namely a day on which I don’t identify as a male, so my balls would be in 24-hour storage perhaps.
Your sentence 1: ah yes, Pierre Jalee’s Pillage of the Third World, not to mention Andre Gunder Frank, pure 1970s.
Sentence 2: do try to comprehend Israeli demographics and that IDF Sephardic Jews are happy to shoot Pallies though they themselves are not Ashkenazi ie white.
Sentence 3: Northern America and Australia/NZ are white alright and only neoliberal bankster politician fronts of the type you profess to hate press for open borders so as to maximise gross GDP and hence corporate profits for transnationals (with many branches that profit from mass immigration) while cutting per capita GDP. Anti-white sentiment like yours is hence grease on the wheels of the WEF, which is why Soros finances immi-vader boats in the Med.
Sentence 4: USAAF and RAF Bomber Command did not consist of whites as such but of specific white nationals, including Poles ie Slavs. Communist and Caucasian Russians were not in those airforces.
Sentence 5: derogatory terms exist worldwide, because Good Fences make for Good Neighbours. N. European epithets for Med dwellers do not prevent the existence of the EU.
You looking for a Popular Front of Somalis, Mexicans and (presumed) whites like you as the way ahead in the USA? Or a successful Islamic Party of mainly Turks in Belgium or Austria?
Very good comment. I’ve wondered lately about the moniker of generation Z. What comes after Z? Hmmmmm…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-19. USA’s FDA, Health Canada, European MA all agree: jabs have Plasmid DNA Contamination. Defective jabs (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
In a time of universal deception, telling the truth about genocide is a revolutionary act.
Description of the cabal between Rothschilds, British Royalty and the Labour party, the roots of lgbt, pedos, clima, co2, green wave, transhumanism, environmentalism, destruction of the family:
Whilst the Conservative pretend to do the oppsite whilst doing the exact same and worse.
U>K is where it is at.
2 children rule.no mixed age couple adult rule,cant move to another postal code area without triggering full reclaim of pensions etc.boris bikes launch in london city 2010 whilst putting the fares up from cheap to 8£ with a oyster card (smart card) for discount.automated of the whole council services and government civil services. new voice activation for all DWP service,new voice activation British gas is the same.
dont waste you time looking fake up.
look down at the poor that where it is all being tested on.
Then we must initiate the GREAT UPSET.
Civil disobedience, protest, non compliance, using cash, writing letters, graffiti, memes, songs, cartoons, poems, backyard Permaculture, Social Media monkey wrenching, hacking, mocking and generally fucking with their slimy agenda wherever possible.
If that doesn’t work, well; at least we gave it our best shot.
Their Great Reset would grind to a halt just as soon as the Guilty are swinging in the breeze.
Only a thicko could think an X on a ballot will change a thing.
History shows, only violence yields results. TPTB have the populace shit scared about acting out such things, but as i said about “the far right at the Cenotaph, oh my my what a disgrace!”- to a work colleague- isn’t the thing there to mark those who opposed and fought what *they were told was an existential threat (it wasn’t)- “they entered into the conflict to kill”. Surely that’s the very place to begin an uprising….
The Hunger Games, Harry Potter generation will only root for the oppressed on a big screen.
The only thing that an X on a ballot changes is the amount of ink left in a pen.
Anyone who tells you not to vote is your enemy
The only reason one would not vote is as part of an organized boycott.
No one tells me to do anything. I worked it out for myself nice and early that voting is a scam, and when enforced, democracy is ultimately a form of gang-rape to ensure its’ supremacy.
Alternately … anyone who tells you that ‘democracy’ exists, is displaying the effects of being rooted-up-the-rear, so many times that they don’t know whether they’re coming-or-going.
Thank you for planting that beautiful image in my brain.