Is Gaza genocide being used to push fake “multipolar world” as a “solution”?
Catte Black

This comment by a reader calling himself “Théophile Gautier” appeared on OffG last week. We find the take interesting and worthy of discussion (our emphasis)
“I see more people now saying the point is division and distraction and I agree and it’s gratifying to see people waking to new realities. However I think it may be even one step more cynical and diabolical.
I believe from what I see that we may soon witness a “flip of the script”. I believe Israel may soon be dropped by everyone but the so-called “alt right” who will elect to go down with her ship.
I believe the majority of the media will fall behind the so-called “silent majority” of ordinary people and begin more and more to condemn Israel.
Eventually the politicians will “reluctantly” follow suit, Israel will be condemned in the UN and there will be promises of punishment, war crime trials etc.
I believe this may be presented to the masses as a “triumph for the common man”, and we will all be flattered that our protests and righteous anger have prevailed. But in reality this will all have been planned.
On the back of this I believe the controlled independent media will join with the “enlightened” mainstream in calls for action to be taken to prevent such abuses as those done by Israel ever happening again. This will be presented to us as a “new age of accountability and direct democracy”, which will be a lie.
I believe the masses will support this in the false belief a new age of hope is dawning.
In reality I believe this will be when Agenda 2030 begins to be seriously introduced and large central authority given to the UN or perhaps a newly created body at first in the pretence of holding nations accountable and only later will the truth become obvious to all, but by then too late.
I do not claim this will definitely happen, but I fear it may.”
Is there any truth in this analysis?
It’s certainly true the controlled media are increasingly giving a lot more space to the plight of the people of Gaza than is usual in their coverage of imperial/zionist wars. For example…
- The BBC: invited UN Envoy for Palestine Theresa Albanese on to Newsnight, where she was permitted to humiliate host Kirsty Wark and primetime publicise the Palestinian plight – without having her microphone mysteriously disabled.
The NEW YORK TIMES: on Nov 18 ran the screaming front page headline – The War Turns Gaza Into a ‘Graveyard’ for Children” .
- CNN two weeks ago, the CIA’s own Anderson Cooper interviewed a nurse with ‘Doctors Without Borders’ who detailed – primetime to a potential audience of millions – the horror and “desperation” she witnessed in Gaza.
- CNN again, just last week, Jake Tapper attacked the “right-wingers” in the Israeli government, even raising the spectre of false-flag terrorism.
- The LA TIMES Nov 19, featured a professor of Genocide Studies claiming we need to “to forefront Palestinian voices and experiences, to humanize Palestinians in the face of attempts to demonize and silence them”.
- BBC Verify – the BBC’s brand new “fact checking” section – spectacularly took down Israeli claims about the al Shifa hospital.
This certainly is a considerable amount of mainstream coverage for a suppressed minority to get. Compare and contrast this with the same media’s treatment of Yemen, for example.
The BBC Verify example was taken up by notionally alternate media channels as evidence the mainstream was seeing the light. For example Novara Media released a video titled “Now Even the BBC Is Seeing Through Israel’s Lies”
Hmmm. Really? This is the level of naivety we feel appropriate? Let’s do better.
As another commenter appositely observed –
It’s not enough to say “well thank goodness CNN have seen the light”, or “well it’s nice to see Doctors without Borders on the right side for a change.” Because that’s not how these things work. The mainstream is never gonna “see the light”, it will always, always ALWAYS follow the agenda of the tiny minority who own and control it.
Exactly. This is a reality we can’t ignore. The controlled media are showing us the evils in Gaza because for some twisted reason their controllers want us to see and deplore the very slaughter they have created.
The big question that should be flashing in pink neon in all our minds is
Why do they want you to be shocked, traumatized, sympathetic toward their own victims?
Is this about cynically playing both sides to keep the controversy at boiling point – the ancient ploy of divide and rule, a first step in an Orwellian “forever war”?
Or is “Thèophile Gautier’ correct? Is this the first part of a bait and switch aimed at persuading people they want and need the Great Reset’s Brave New Multipolar World as the only way to stop the killing of innocents?
Are they hoping we will all be so traumatized by their endless snuff films of death and destruction we will grab at the first offered chance of ‘peace’, even if it involves being ruled by the UN/WEF/CFR nexus?
Is this indeed how the global managers intend to finally shed their “collective west” skin and transform into the Multipolar World of the 4th Industrial Revolution/Great Reset?
The new – inclusive, “equitable” and far worse tyranny.
Could even the manipulators of this sad world be that cynical and duplicitous?
It’s way too early to say anything like this is in the cards, of course. All we can say is the evidence does not in any way rule it out at this time.
And let’s never forget –
- The scamdemic taught us how tightly networked the global leadership is behind the facade of conflict. §
- We know already the covid narrative failed in its bid to herd us into Agenda 2030 ten years before the deadline.
- We know since then that agenda has retreated from the spotlight but is still creeping into position, masked by endless war, slaughter, fake crises and cardboard cut-out “politics”.
A bait and switch of the magnitude described by our reader might seem extreme and improbable – but then wouldn’t the pandemic lie have seemed that way five years ago?
So, let’s remain alert – and take nothing for granted. These are treacherous and strange times.
Tell us what you think. Is this a “crazy conspiracy theory” or a plausible interpretation of current events?
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I think there is an evident narrative shift. This shift is accompanied by a geopolitical, economic and financial transformation, as increasing amounts of capital and resources move from west to east. The Belt and Road project is looking more and more like the centre of a new Eurasian based global economy.
That nearly every globalist organisation, think tanks and major philanthropic foundation has been discussing and planning for this new global economic paradigm for more than a century is not a “coincidence” that should be overlooked in my view.
The BRICS led “global south” is emerging as the justification for multipolarity. This, in turn, looks set to be the foundation of real “global governance” under a “transformed” UN. Guterres almost open hostility to Israel’s “right to defend itself” was very significant in my view.
This is a fascinating thread that it seem few are willing to pull. Thanks so much.
Thanks Iain – I totally agree with your analysis. Hopefully this will go a little way to encourage more people to pull on the thread. We desperately need more voices of warning.
I am just assuming you are the Iain Davies who contributes here? Just want to say how grateful I am for your voice as one of the handful I still thoroughly trust and respect! The others being OG, Riley Waggaman and the wonderful Simon Elmer! Thank you!
Thank YOU for numerous excellent articles about the truth behind the “multi-polarity.”
What’s your opinion about the The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)? It seems like India,EU,and USA through Middle East want to compete China, Russia and Turkey.
Well Israel is not defending itself, they are currently murdering 400 kids for each kid they killed in Israel when they bombed the kibbutz
Try to grasp what this conversation is about. There are a dozen threads where you can just scream impotently with outrage about Gaza if that’s what you want to do . This thread is about trying to figure out WHY this killing is happening. If you don’t want to talk about that, well ok, but don’t try to hijack the discussion and turn it into something else.
Dear Tilly,
You assert that this thread is about trying to figure out WHY this 21st century Nakba is happening. Actually this thread appears to be about asserting that Palestinian resistance to it’s 75+ year catastrophy of ethnic cleansing, genocide, dispossession and subjugation under an apartheid politic, is about mono-multi-polarity and associated evils, therefore it is about elevating a questionable hypothesis, one which assumes the “global south” and Arab nations are working together with Palestine and with uncle Klaus, et al, to lock the world into a digital economics of… global dispossession.
Can you say “convoluted”?
And all this because of a moderate, almost invisible “narrative shift” that has so far only manifested in less than a handful of legacy media articles, which can easily be put down to the fact that even the legacy media cannot ignore the Nakba that’s currently taking place in Gaza and the West Bank, and is therefore hedging.
As to why this atrocity is happening, does it not occure to you to check the history and conditions of the creation of the illegitimate state of “israel”? Do you really imagine that, after 75+ years of oppression, marginalisation, subjugation and inhuman treatment, that Palestinians give a single sh*t about a proposed multi-polar economic order, when in fact they are attempting to lift the boot from their own face.
So the globalists may be taking advantage of the situation to further their own agenda. In what way is that surprising or shocking? And, more importantly, HOW do you propose to halt that agenda? What, exactly, are you DOING to avert your own dispossession/subjugation to the multi-billionaires of the world, besides “screaming your impotent outrage” on the internets? Or do you imagine that “raising awareness” is all it takes to change the course of planetary economics?
I concur with this response. In many of the groups I frequent there is this myopic obsession amongst the ‘truthers’ that seems to somehow almost entirely diminish the significance of the facts on the ground. I for one do not see any such narrative shift in favour of Israel, I have been screenshotting media across 4-5 news outlets for around 4 weeks now, and the coverage supports a contrary narrative. Our faces are being rubbed in this vile attrocity to once again test our resolve, our willingness to stand up and to incite the weapon of ‘hate speech’ and specifically antisemitism. The news articles support it, with the proliferation of antisemitism articles, you can sprinkle some Islamaphobia in there because hey, that’s hate-speech too, but only a little bit here and there as we dont wan’t to conjure any genuine compassion beyond the walls of Gaza. That we are being allowed to voice dissent to Israel’s latest ramp up against innocents is far more likely to me to be justification for tightening of the digital prison, as we have seen extensively already in Germany, Australia, France and beyond. The systems that were implemented, tested and assessed during COVID were not to waste, they didn’t fail to usher in agenda 2030 ‘ten years before the deadline’ at all, rather it was a prototyping exercise. It ushered in systems, legislation and provided countless data top ensure with each iteration the control mechanisims are more effective. Like the invisible killer, antisemitism as applied in all its ambiguity is a formiddable and proven formula for criminilising free expression. So to me, in the near term, certainly until 2026 and likely beyond, Israel will be free to do as it pleases. Just as it has been allowed to do since its inception. There is a lot more to this of course, Hamas is a dubious entity, there is talk of maritime gas reserves, pipelines to Turkey. I suspect Israel will retain northern Gaza and the Palestinian people will have to endure great suffering until such a time as we all do.
I don’t understand why you and Placental Mammal are attacking people for merely trying to understand the wider political situation.
I’m sure the Palestinian people just want their freedom, and I think we all support that. But how is this objective in any way undermined by considering the globalist agenda?
They are not mutually exclusive or antagonistic. In fact surely we need the deepest possible understanding if we are to be able to resist all these injustices?
Why do you see it as legitimate to protest the slaughter but not to ask questions about why it is happening?
Assessing the Department of State’s Strategy for Security in the Black Sea Region
Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation
Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
[Video begins at: 17:35]
Discussed here:
As War in Ukraine Grinds On, U.S. Officials Focus on Black Sea
The war has major implications for the geopolitics of energy.
By Edward Hunt
November 14, 2023
How would that work then, since multipolarity is the polar (excuse the pun) opposite of greater global governance. More or less by definition. The more poles, the less central command would seem to be logical.
For greater global governance, decrease the number of poles (optimally to one pole).
For less global governance, increase the number of poles.
Or have I missed something?
Yep, you’ve missed that the people who are pushing global governance have realized that they cannot accomplish it with just one center or even just a couple, too much system overload. Don’t believe me? Here is what THEY say.
What Does the G7 Do? The Group of Seven (G7) serves as a forum to coordinate global policy, but experts are increasingly questioning the group’s relevance. CFR dot org editors, 6/28/23.
You have missed the part where the leaders of various poles meet together in various events for decades to discuss in secret in the name of diplomacy. They could be talking about the weather, or they could be discussing plans to move forward the Great Reset agenda.
Real multipolarity is one in which the poles have agendas that represent their own population. But if the leaders are acting in conspiracy to represent their own private elitist agenda that is detrimental to their own population’s interest, then it is multipolar in name only.
Hence, the question is not how many poles should there be to be considered multipolar, but how have the Brics countries acted in accordance with the 4th Industrial Revolution’s agenda, and what is the end game of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Yes. By splitting the world into more manageable “regions” and localising supply chains the nation state can be further diminished in subservience to the “region.” Instead of 194 competing voices you just have half a dozen or so competing regions or “poles.” Thus making genuine “global governance” more feasible, not less. This is something that groups like Milner’s Kindergarten, the Rockefeller’s research project and the WEF have been discussing for a long time.
And the different groupings also make it easier to create illusory conflicts when desired. Just like in 1984.
The problem for the Globalists (aka Multipolarists) is that one of those regions (i.e. the USA) has a military which is substantially stronger than any of the others. And it dominates an alliance (i.e. Nato) which is increasing in strength and extent. Moreover, the USA has the capacity to unilaterally withdraw from Globalist institutions and agreements – such as the WHO and Paris Climate Accords.
In order to get to their goal of “manageable regions”, the Globalists presumably wanted to weaken both the USA and Nato. This seemed to be the plan, but the recent reversal by Kissinger (see below) would indicate that it’s not working out as intended. Would you agree?
February 28, 2022
“I hope everyone is able to remember that it was me, as President of the United States, that got delinquent NATO members to start paying their dues, which amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars,” Trump said in a statement. “Also, it was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets,” he said. “Let History so note!”
May 26, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
He now believes that Ukraine—“now the best-armed country in Europe”— belongs in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. “I’m in the ironical position that I was alone when I opposed membership, and I’m nearly alone when I advocate NATO membership.” He would like the terms of the war’s end to include the return to Ukraine of all territory with the controversial exception of Crimea. “For Russia, the loss of Sevastopol, which was always not Ukrainian in history, would be such a comedown that the cohesion of the state would be in danger. And I think that’s not desirable for the world after Ukraine.”
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.” But the ability to “execute it politically,” he says, “has declined sharply, and that is our overriding problem now.” He ascribes this political weakness to a decline in belief in the U.S. in its own historical ambitions and institutions. “There’s no element of pride and direction and purpose left,” he laments, as American leaders grapple with angst generated by events of “300 years ago.”
‘Liberal’ Americans have every bit as much of an America first attitude – see Biden on Iraq. I don’t think it’s any question of weakening America, but essentially minor disagreements between US elites as to how best to hang onto power (and a faction so genuinely insane as to really think such things as increasing secularism are a decline. Our UK elites just adapted to doing without the specific form of power that is religion). Mass deaths and genocide of non-Americans isn’t very persuasive that they’re thinking actually globally.
Being on the far left, an an anarchist I’m keen on local governing, but don’t have the same objections to the concept of truly global government as to American elites continuing to try to push everyone else around under the guise of it. Why on earth would they ever want actual global government? To rule the world, yeah, sure. About as ‘global’ as the Roman Empire was fluffily multicultural.
I understand what you are saying. However, there is something else going on which does not fit the framework you describe. Take the example of Pakistan. It was an independent nation state when Imran Khan was Prime Minister. He is now rotting in prison, possibly being slowly poisoned. Pakistan appears firmly in the grip of US/Nato, the Chief Justice of its Supreme Court and the chief of its army mere puppets who are following orders of their masters abroad. The point I am making is that Pakistan does not belong to a “manageable region”; it is being controlled directly
The multipolarists have been emphasizing the civilization state notion which they seemingly respect since indeed Russia, Iran and China are the three main civilization states now extant as such (with shout outs to Korea, Japan, India and the sadly disintegrating US).
However, along with genuine multipolarism – in that each civilization will not interfere in or violate the internal affairs of any other – it seems there might well be a globalist financial, transactional and legal ‘one world global governance’ system in which apparently the BIS will be involved. Recently Glazyev, tasked with developing a BRICS currency system, complained that the initiative was being blocked by BIS. I did not see an explanation but clearly my impression that they were trying to chart their own course entirely wasn’t true given BIS’s ability to delay or derail.
So it is quite likely that the multipolarity movement IS the globalist movement especially since nearly all major Western corporates are on board with ‘woke’ and covid et alia. Which makes most of the street level conflict we are witnessing – sadly with very real suffering and cruelty – a form of manipulated kayfabe and lower level dynamic.
Ever since the worldwide coordinated covid event it seems that the world is clearly already One so I very much doubt the current SMO conflicts between various blocs are the whole story.
So I think the comment that inspired this article has merit.
covid showed you they did a long time ago
Good point. Its all still part of the masterplan apparently
You make a good point.
Something to consider. The multi-polar world were all in on the unipolar plandemic. Did they not all sing from the same hymnal?
Just the other day the Tehran times had a photo of the supreme leader of Iran wearing a mask?!
How is it that the Common Man figured it out and not for example Vladimir Putin?
As I read this very interesting take this morning and then your comment, I thought of Anthony Sutton, an academic who stood on principle and who was cancelled for it.
He proved many things. Among which how the cartels( commonly referred to as governments) gave nuclear tech to the USSR during the 60’s. It was for this he was promptly shown the door at Stanford.
Anthony Sutton also predicted that all global events of significance would bear the marks of the skull and bones. So it would be interesting to see if anyone could find a connection to these recent events. Yale Would be the key word.
Victoria “FU EU” Nuland, for example, is married to Robert kagan. A member of the the SnBs.
But what do I know, I’m just a carpenter. But I do know this…I believe it is well beyond the time to
Strap the seat belts on, bc this will sure to be a wild ride!
And while we are at it let’s raise a glass to skeptics that came before us!
Long line
Anthony Sutton
Dave McGowan
Danny caselaro
Gary Webb
Right, whenever I’ve seen the concept of multipolarity, it’s been as a challenge to US hegemony. The mainstream media is still trying to scare us about that possibility (the anti-China rhetoric has absolutely shot up lately – I’m more stunned by how far the UK media is taking that), using terms like ‘the West’ to present our UK and other European interests as though aligned with the US. So think the question is not if ‘multipolarity’, much less direct democracy, could be foisted on us as a bad thing in itself, but whether the ruling classes would try to co-opt, steer, mitigate, if it became inevitable.
Which of course they would, but they always do, against every scrap of genuine progress or just change they don’t like. But this is a reason you don’t let the booj run your revolutions, not a reason not to have them. The idea with direct democracy is it should be less vulnerable to subversion.
Accept the idea that the various ruling classes are basically all in it together, but that doesn’t mean there’s no real power jockeying and incompatibilities between them (in the current conflict, they can’t even agree on which Abramic religion). Does anyone really think any ‘global government’ right now would be genuinely intended to be all that global? Is NATO what it says on the tin? Some rulers are still more equal than others – like white American ones over brown ones especially, but also over even blonde blue-eyed Ukranians.
(Appreciate that Jewish people are in a rough spot with how their place in the racial hierarchy is judged – this is plausible as an idea because for all Israel’s elites being seemingly permitted a spot right now, there’s no doubt Conservative Christian Americans can consider them entirely disposable. Very sorry to see the increase in Anti-Semitism, never acceptable directed at anyone. And best wishes to you many Pro-Palestinian Jewish people, doing a great job in the face of attacks from so many directions)
I honestly think this conflict is in part a faction in the US continuing to push it, determined to keep power, and hitting real disagreement from Europe, which will inevitably increase. If they want to force through an agenda to hang onto that power, very much afraid they’re going to need a much bigger war.
Many in the UK are sincerely deeply upset and touched at the plight of the Palestinians – think the real depth of feeling revealed touching in itself. But ultimately, there’s a limit to how much such a conflict can affect most of those here day to day, limiting its usefulness to push any agenda reliant on public cooperation. Would say the cost of living crisis has a more constant relentless impact.
The Multi-Polarity is an head-fake, an interium phase, in order to dismantle the West/United States. Once this is to be accomplished, the power nexus will be coalescing in China, who is very much under the control of the Globalists
Please explain what you mean by:
“The BRICS led “global south” is emerging as the justification” which will “the foundation of real “global governance”
What do you mean by justification
how does this work?
How do they become the foundation “of real “global governance”?
Are the wars, economic tension, sanctions not real??
The wars are Real in that they are happening, but are NOT Real in that they are concocted for specific purposes through the manipulation of people and events
I think it is important to remember that THEY through money control both sides and if the West goes down well the East has a history of being even more controlling and Fascist or communist as in the case of Russia and the former Soviet Union along with repressive China. People must stand up against the corruptions that you have mentioned so well. The shocker has been the mostly total inaction by all nations when Israel killed their own people on 7th November 2023 and blamed it on Hamas. Hamas who were originally trained by Israel against Yasser Arafat. Now we have 30.000 dead in Gaza. who will be held to account?
I think it is all a distraction from the catastrophic financial crisis going on. And they will continue to distract, cheer for this side, now cheer for other side, etc. At the same time, implementing Digital IDs and the final goal CBDC under the public radar. Full control of the money flow is the end game. There is no government in the world who wouldn’t like to collect 100% of the taxes, be that unipolar or multipolar world. Taxes are just the part of it, imagine the “creativity” in programming the usage of money…
When I read the words “multi-polar” world, I recall the maxim of an Einstein (the Einstein) who had lamented that he lived much of his life as nearby a kind of “elephant stampede” and that he felt very fortunate just to have stepped out of the way in time.
As for all us other curious types, surely we feel you “Albert.”
Predictions and key components: The destruction of the False flag incoming 1…2…3 in US and EU. “Arabs” will get the blame. Cyber attack incoming, internet regulations incoming. More polarization and chaos with more problem-reaction-solutions. CBDC as ‘solution’ with faustian UBI bribes (don’t worry, be happy with nothing of your own). Chinese and Israeli control and influence over the Internet and key components of the 4th industrial revolution. Israel as the new Cyber power (already now, UNIT 8200, Talpiot + they Epsteined every senator and idiot in most ). Throw in the planned mother of all false flags for good measure between 2025-2030. Destruction of the Dome in Jerusalem; then resurrection of the 3rd Temple (a Sabbaetan-Zionist and Freemasonic wet dream realized). More chaos and wars. Then ‘Order’ out of Chaos. UN [NWO] headquarters in Jerusalem by 2030 and Ukraine as parallel platform B-platform for Israelis and Jews. Greater Israel/Oded Yinon.
Not necessarily all in that chronological sequence…
Israel is pulling the strings as center of Multipolar world, Belt and Road and The Great Reset (City of London and Rothschild).
I don’t discount the thesis of Black Nobility power being behind (or along) Zionist Rothschild Power, and while it’s impossible to disprove a negative entirely, and one can always argue from a fallacy of ignorance and wishful thinking, there just doesn’t seem to be much contemporary proof. Where are all the contemporary names of the invisible Black Nobility in today’s finance, media and academia? Very very sparse, almost nothing. Iain Davis what do you say? In terms of a coherent group we find overwhelming presence of so-called elite Zionist-Jewish Power in finance, academia and media instead! They Epsteined every politician also….
The Romans didn’t deny their power in the British empire. the British did not deny their power, but the Jews supremacist empire, they deny they have any power. And so there’s a big difference there….The nature of supremacist rule is oligarchical collectivism, that is a term used in Orwell’s 1984. Collectivism strikes and does away with the balance between the individual and the collective. The individual is left with nothing…They would like to be the few oligarchs, the few commisars, but they’ll settle for now with the oligarchical collectivism of today.
In Leo Strauss (Neoconservatives) and the American Right Drury noted, “There is an uncanny resemblance between Strauss’s view of the philosopher-prophet and the Sabbatean conception of the Messiah”
Judging by the cursory reading of Professor Kevin Barrett, German historian Wolfgang Eggert (specialist in apocalyptic religions, Mossad, etc.), Australian analyst Brendon O’Connell, David Icke, Jewish anthropologist Robert Sepehr, and the late Jewish Deep State analyst Barry Chamish, et al. – Zionism has its roots in Sabbatai-Frankism and the notorious false messiahs Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791).
Sabbatical Frankism is the predecessor of Chabad-Lubavitch and forms the very core of Zionism and Freemasonry. According to several analysts, the Rothschilds belong to this cult. This cult’s religious operating system has a built-in intent to start a world war, an Armageddon, to hasten the coming of their Messiah. Israel must be destroyed in it’s current form first before Ordo abdo Chao and NWO. the religious operating system of Menachem Mendel Schneerson is key here.
Rabbi Kook postulated that the collective Messiah would ride upon these Jews, exploit them for material gains and redeem them where possible. “ …and lead the ass-like Jews, who have been corrupted by satanic Western culture with its rationality and democracy and who refuse to renounce their beastly habits and embrace the true faith. To further the process, the use of force is permitted whenever necessary.”
It is telling that Benjamin Netanyahu’s father Benzion wrote a book about Abarbanel – the original founder of Sabbatean Frankist Zionism – highlighting the plan to trigger an apocalyptic Christian-vs.-Muslim war to usher in a one-world state ruled by the Jewish Messiah (who would of course be called Antichrist by Christians and Muslims). Indeed, the plan to trick (post)Christian civilization into launching a global war against Muslim civilization, rolled out on 9/11/2001, is something of a Netanyahu family business.
More than a century after Abarbanel laid the groundwork for the Clash of Civilizations, the famous false messiah Sabbatai Zevi—whose career peaked in the numerologically significant year 1666—led the first wave of Zionism by convincing large numbers of Jews to emigrate to the Holy Land. Zevi’s thought was taken up in the next century by Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who codified Zevi’s madness into the doctrine of “purification through transgression”: the notion that individuals and communities should “religiously” commit sex crimes and other abominations. Rumors of kabbalistic black magic, human sacrifice, and bizarre sexual practices have attended the Frankists, who—according to such Jewish scholars as investigative journalist Barry Chamish and Rabbi Marvin Antelman—were behind both the fiat money magic of the Rothschilds and its seeming opposite, Communism. Taken together, Rothschild capitalism and Marxian communism form a sort of Hegelian dialectical one-two punch in service to the larger project of secularized, materialist Jewish millenarianism.
Even as they “hypnotized the world” into dividing into capitalist and communist camps, heretical Jewish elites were setting the stage for Zionism…and Abarbanel’s eventual Christian-vs.-Muslim apocalypse leading to the Messiah/Antichrists’s one-world planetary dictatorship. Though Albert Pike’s alleged late 19th century prophecy of three Zionist-freemasonry-orchestrated World Wars may be apocryphal, the Frankist-Jewish elite’s hand in World War I, World War II, and the current Clash of Civilizations is convincingly documented in the last four chapters of Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion.
You have the contours of THE PLAN, – however fantastic it might now seem.
The New Eventual Super Power will be the ONE who RULES the DIGITAL SPHERE, — through which, the Panopticon designed to enprision humanity will be erected (to the point of controlling Human Bodies through nanobots). Who is at the vanguard of this digital sphere? Well…..
I think it is simple even though we are witnessing horrid and devastating things. It has to do with purpose. Two opposing purposes. There are those people who wish to live and let live, and attempt to achieve that, and there are those who wish to destroy anyone or thing that moves, and attempt to achieve that. When the latter gets into a group, government, or organization, no matter the stated purpose, we are likely to see death, destruction, lies, censorship and deterioration of human rights and liberties. ANY event will be used to achieve those negative purposes. Any handy excuse will be given. As long as we allow war criminals and criminally insane to rule and advise us that is what we will get. If we don’t use the sane laws, treaties and guidelines we have to support and uphold the former who wishes to live and let live, and instead allow the criminally insane to infiltrate governments and regulatory agencies and break these sane laws and guidelines we will have death and destruction and it will grow. We have the 4th Geneva Convention, we have the UN declaration of Human Rights. We have in many cases workable constitutions. We need to gain the wisdom, courage and persistence to throw the tyrants and infiltrators, smooth talking snakes and criminally insane out the door, where their plans and decisions do not come to fruition. Fortunately the majority of humans desire to live and let live. Money is simply a tool. It can be used for good. The reason the criminally insane tend to amass mountains of it is so they can more effectively carry out their purposes of destruction. If allowed they would not stop until the breath of the last human was extinguished. Currently there is a genocide being purpetrated on the Palestinians. It is illegal and inhumane. It would not require a regional war or World War III to handle or stop it. Just enough individuals in the right places with persistence, wisdom, courage and GUTS. Having our rights and liberties requires a constant alertness and willingness to fight back (in a non violent way).
These were exactly my thoughts a few weeks ago when suddenly the plight of the Palestinians and Israel’s crimes were finally being dragged out into the mainstream.
Dear Readers,
I was just wondering how that very moderate narrative shift is going in the realms of the western-establishment media organs? – From what I can make out, the unfolding catastrophy in Palestine is barely getting a mention. Especially relative to the massive scale of the devastation – well over a million displace people inside the Gaza Concentration Camp! 90,000 patients between the only THREE remaining hospitals! Thousands and thousands of dead children and their families! And many thousands still missing under the rubble!
“Health situation in Gaza ‘extremely catastrophic”
Turning ones back on this genocide by telling oneself it’s all part of a multi-mono-economic proposition* tacitly condones, by silent acquiescence, the barbarity of the Occupation forces!
*meaning YOU have a choice in whatever economy you wish to participate in. Chose to get your hands dirty and free yourself from economic tyranny. – Fearfully seeking the hidden meaning of the words and actions the governing regimes of the mono-multi-globalists, or seeking ones own narrative confirmation, is surely a misuse of ones energy! – You already know what the billionaire-club has planned for you. Gathering more evidence, to the extent that you neglect what’s Immediately real, as well as Immediately possible, is self-defeating! – So what are you doing to ensure that you and your nearest and dearest survive with your freedom intact?
Or could it be that you’re so traumatised by “The Covids” plandemic that you’re actually not sure what you can do? Could be. (Forgive me thinking aloud, straying off-topic.)
I do hope this comment passes moderation and is approved for publication as I feel it makes a couple of very important points.
Thank you,
You raise a grave and haunting (at least for me) question; that of the attitude to be taken regarding human tragedies of which we happen to be witnesses, and I’m not sure any generation has escaped having been an unwilling witness to at least one such tragedy. This assumes to there being a moral attitude to take, but I’m not sure it is a moral attitude in the ordinary sense of the word “moral”, in the sense of an “ought to”.
From the outset, it is plain that our individual and even collective will as citizens is of very little help (?) to stop any tragedy of international proportions thrown into reality by its own historical inertia going decades or even centuries back. It seems on the face of it that we are reduced to be passive witnesses; well not so passive but almost certainly ineffective: religious people do pray for peace, intellectuals do debate, all who can do protest, activists participate in humanitarian campaigns, etc. I prefer to agitate against these tragedies – the old Communist mot d’ordre, – that is, raise popular awareness on the first motives of these tragedies. Agitation is shamefully incapable to be of any immediate concrete effect, but it is the most some of us can do as private human beings at this point in time. In so agitating, we are forced to take a distance, to abstract from the immediacy of the tragedy after, it’s clear, having fully gone through the due grief and emotional outrage which, every human, as a human, should never be prevented from expressing; it is a biological need, I thik, similar to the need of the newborn to be touched right after birth.
The world we live in or the one we’re heading into, whatever label we put on it, shouldn’t blind us to the structure that has continuously supported human societies from the beginning of civilisation and was active in all past crises, namely: the State and Capital. There are the first causes where our focus should be put, IMO.
And I’m sure that all the blood that has been shed, and all the corpses which many by now can’t be told apart by religion, nationality or otherwise, are shouting at us to look for the first causes of this tragedy, and not dwell too long on the immediate emotions.
The above might sound as pessimism, if not fatalism, if we adopted no philosophy of History, no understanding that events have patterns and a meaning revealed in the long duration; that they should effect something (I almost hear some harsh critiques at this point,); this philosophy serves us, if for nothing else, to compensate for the otherwise illogical situation of passivity in front of human tragedies. For instance, an observer living in the second millennium BCE pondering over the tragedy that is slavery and all that surrounds it and over his or her powerlessness to be of much help can get the insight that the evolution of slavery couldn’t be possibly arbitrary; that another world slavery free is possible; that it shall come when time is ripe for it to come; that any one-sided historical development such as slavery, just like our present time, can’t fail in creating the means of its own decline and final demise; that his or her duty is to agitate for a world of free human beings, without having to feel guilt, if circumstances don’t permit it or time isn’t ripe for it yet, over not doing anymore than what he or she is currently doing.
Slavery would be one such example where progress, abolition, even just the offer of more inclusion for mixed-race people (providing they were wealthy), was twisted by some to utterly cynical, wicked, ends, though (read The Black Jacobins? Would reccomend, though also suggest a bit of reading between the lines and never forgetting the English Establishment is truly evil). It’s still used to this day for Anglo propaganda. The end of slavery did not just come, enslaved people and allies fought and died for it and were still betrayed (and small wonder if the people’s belief in their power to effect change remains shaken, as was intended). It’s a very active issue during the French Revolution, the idea of people being passive would be an injustice to apply to it I think. Others werem’t passive but complicit, responsible – that’s more the situation we have, people support their genocidal States.
Lockdown could understandably be traumatic, and it’s the ongoing material impact, too. Unfortunately, even protest costs, money, time, energy. But it’s also the usual question of personal cost/benefit and how much we want change, how desperate we are. The revolutionary dead acted.
How does asking questions about possible motives behind the genocide equate to “turning one’s back” on it?
I have not turned my back. I have spoken out about it. I am angry about it and more so because I think these lives are being sacrificed simply to polarize us for or against Israel. Just in the same way many Jews were allowed to die in WW2 to ‘justify’ creating the state of Israel.
Examining the motives for the killing is for me an important, maybe the most important part of honoring the fallen. I am sure many others feel that way.
When it comes to OG I think they have made it clear they support the Palestinian people.
First of all, I would like to note that the following ideas are based on the assumption that world politics is taking place in a phase of imperial transition.
From this point of view, it is a necessity to destroy the US empire and its vassals and strengthen the new empire. Such processes have already taken place in the past and were mostly achieved with war(s) in which the old empire became indebted to the new empire and was thus made economically dependent.
I see many wars since 2001 in this context. This also applies to the wars in Ukraine and the massacres in Palestine. How should the pandemic be classified? Was it a war? How can it be classified in relation to the assumption described above? Since it is a global act and process, it should also be viewed in a globally differentiated manner. Here we should look at the different effects in different areas (economy, finance, politics, science, military, social affairs, media, etc.). It also seems important to me to distinguish between the effects in the Western world and those in the over-exploited countries. In my view, this global PsyOps was intended primarily for the Western world (the old dying empire) and achieved various aspects there that fit my assumption. On the one hand, the old dying empire was further indebted in terms of government. On the other hand, globally active pharmaceutical industries and financial institutions were strengthened. But what seems most important to me is strengthening acceptance of the new technologies (digital, genetics, nano) by Western populations.
For all these wars and other psyops, the media is crucially important as a controller of the narrative. As noted in the article, there is a difference in media behavior and that of international institutions compared to other PsyOps. While the usual pro-Western narrative was used in the media and by international institutions during the Ukrainian war and the plandemic, things are different with the Palestinian massacre. Suddenly the pro-Western narrative is not being served by the UN. Suddenly the government- and private-sector-controlled media are allowing criticism of the Western narrative. Who is intended to be served by this change? Should the critical masses in the Western world be the target audience in order to align them with the intended agendas, as described in the article? Yes, this possibility seems obvious. From my point of view, however, this PsyOps is aimed primarily at the populations of over-exploited countries and their organizations that are directed against their imperial oppression. To the populations of these countries, the different agendas for global control are not as important as the achievement of their supposed national independence. And they are aware of the period of transition of empires. Maybe I can make this idea clearer with the following metaphor. The resistance of the majority of the populations in the over-exploited countries is directed against the dystopia in Orwell’s 1980 and the resistance in the Western empire is directed against the dystopia in Aldous Huxley’s Happy New World. In a way, the current phase of imperial transition is an opportunity for the over-exploited countries to achieve their second decolonization. In my opinion, this is also correct and of course this will also serve different agendas. For those of us resisting in Western countries, the coming global technocracy may represent the greatest danger. For those resisting in the over-exploited world, maintaining the imperial status quo is the greatest danger.
I agree with Iain’s opinion that this represents the Global South and their concept of multipolarity and the strengthening of global institutions such as the UN. I also believe, as described in the article, that this represents a whitewash of the media and certain international institutions.
So I am faced with the situation in which I understand the resistance in the Western world and am in solidarity with the resistance in the over-exploited world. Historically, liberation processes always take place in steps and never represent absolute liberation. They are often accompanied by so-called liberation movements from below and systemic restrictions from above. Thus, I see the current developments of the dominant minority as both a liberation process and a process of establishing a new oppressive structure. This is exactly what needs to be pointed out and not pitted against each other. In my opinion, this article addresses this issue
Thank you for your very thoughtful perspective, burro. And especially for your Orwell/Huxley analogy.
The mainstream media may have moderated their anti-Palestinian propaganda for a far simpler reason. Unlike during the false pandemic and worst of the flag-waving for Ukraine, many bien pensants and the Left in general are no longer on-side with the dominant narrative. “Anti-vaxxers” could be far more easily equated with “antisemites” than pro-cease-fire Jewish protesters.
Now the jackboot is on the other foot, portraying Israel as the victim and not the oppressor has become a difficult sell. The Left seems to have temporarily snapped out of its vaccinated trance and reverted to certain of its pre-covidien doctrinal positions. No amount of demonizing of Hamas/Palestinians, not even with the kind of spectacularly mendacious propaganda that worked so well with covid, has served to dispel the Woke obsession with real or imagined victims and oppressed minorities, which unhappily for the media happens in this case to weigh more heavily on the side of the (truly victimized/oppressed) Palestinians. The Left is a sizable minority itself, and the obsessively Woke media has only itself to blame.
The “old white men” and young global leaders behind the Trusted News Initiative/NewsGuard may consider it prudent to pull back a bit for now and take a pause of their own, adjusting the editorial line so that it doesn’t bay quite so loudly for Palestinian blood. And more importantly in order to avoid losing a chunk of the readership they sell to advertisers, possibly much larger than the one they lost when those who resisted their covid scam gave them away in disgust.
More surprising to me is the segment of the freedom movement that’s also reverted to type, swallowing the latest propaganda and blindly supporting a state that during the false pandemic was among the worst in terms of prostitution for Big Pharma and prostration before Biosecurity; not to mention its murderousness, then and now.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes again. Bingo.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes again.
the alternative is what exactly ???
Don’t believe your lying eyes
‘The Russian government is starting the process of unilaterally withdrawing from a series of international bodies, including the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, the Russian Duma’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said on Tuesday’
Catte also has copy of the letter from Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Eritrea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nicaragua, the Russian Federation, the Syrian Arab Republic, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe
saying they won’t sign SDGs or the vaccine prepsareness treaty they were offered
I believe the Russian government specifically refuted Tolstoy’s claims did they not? I believe they made it clear they have no intention of withdrawing from WHO or WTO, did they not?
Let’s see, there has been a back and forth similar to what you say.
Is the war in Ukraine part of the WEF/NWO plan?
Come on mate, don’t just change the subject, answer the woman. Did the Russians say Tolstoy was talking crap or not?
War Criminals
This site has once again revealed itself to be an auxiliary of the bankster’s propaganda apparatus. It has failed every test for unbiased coverage of the Gaza genocide. While it poses as a truther on false flags such as 9/11, it has been very coy about exploring the obvious 10/7 false flag. This logistically impossible event was foretold by the Rothschild’s Economist many years ago and was the trigger for the monstrous bloodbath that has horrified everyone in the world with a shred of decency. This site has used multiple devices to silence the outcry against the atrocities. It has diverted attention to other topics of lower urgencies. It has inserted articles such as this one that present nonsensical hypotheses and that actually take the MSM to task for insufficient censoring. It has at the same time launched a campaign of heavy handed censorship of it’s own. Comments that deviate from the line being pushed are quite ruthlessly censored. Others languish in limbo for ages. The moderators have attacked commenters for expressing moral outrage against the horror. Is being morally outraged immoral ? The most egregious tactic has been the hosting of covert agency operatives that attack Palestinian supporters.These operatives and possibly some in the background heavily upvote their colleagues’ comments and downvote those of fairminded commenters. Some of these operatives have handles like Allie Go Pro, Tilly Petersen, Theophile Gautier, and others too numerous to name.
This comment has of course no chance of reaching a wider audience. The intent has been to accuse the administration, contributors such the author of this article and the covert agency operatives of war crimes. By muffling the global outcry it has delayed ceasefire and has led to the death of more defenceless civilians. The blood of these victims is on it’s hands.
Did it fail every test? What tests? Are there more tests? Who were these tests set by, you?
And who are you, exactly? What authority are you? Why do you keep coming back like a sadist, only to be “censored” and dismissed by “Zionist propagandists” set on ruining YOUR day in particular?
That’s the 77th’s MO.
You seem desperate for everybody to “choose a side”… well, I just wanted to say fuck you. You whingey, wormy little nobody.
Oh dear.
He’s a nutcase. He’s been attacking me non-stop. I have literally said numerous times that what Israel is doing in Gaza is evil, but he still attacks me and anyone who wants to talk about the context of why it’s happening.
I don’t know what his game is honestly
You are an evil zionist ugly feminist cunt who should be slapped and sent back to cooking and cleaning.
PM, have you got the hots for Allie, or something? Dial the silliness back, mate, thank you. Get a hold of yourself, sir 😅 A2
The covert agencies are taking things to another level. I did not make that comment. I did try earlier to retaliate against Beatriz’ foul attack but was censored.
Yeah, those ‘covert agencies’ work in mysterious ways. It must have been them who censored you too, because it certainly wasn’t me. 😉
Don’t know about the bankster’s propaganda apparatus, but yes, there is a definite blind spot here. Looks like some false flag suspicions may only be raised years after the event, after the purpose of such ops has been achieved.
A bit disappointed by the willingness of the herd to cry “false binary” in the face of the evidence. Nobody is perfect. 😀
The “herd”? Come on mate “the herd” isn’t talking about false binaries, the herd is currently split in two screaming at itself about who everyone should hate more.
Even on OG there’s only about half a dozen of us who are trying to point out that making us blame each other and not THEM is one reason the blokes in charge start these wars.
Wars are presented as horizontal but they’re actually vertical is my point. I am actually saying let’s blame the banksters (as PM calls them) who are playing both sides and not be manipulated into just hating on Jews or Moslems.
Ironically this is why PM calls me names – for blaming the banksters he also blames!
I don’t know if he’s literally a bit cracked right now or what, but he’s been screaming at me and others for basically agreeing with him for the last month at least.
wonder why they never pinned this comment.
Each gambit seems to be multi-pronged, with not just one possible result but many, e.g. destroy Gaza, create a new refugee crisis, draw in and strike Hezbollah/Iran, grab the offshore gas, divide the freedom movement, drive Israel into complete fascism, divide the the world, distract, confuse and drive to despair… One gambit may succeed where another fails, or several work to multiply an effect: all moves aimed at moving us closer to the Great Reset. And if I didn’t believe A.I. is yet another fraud I might suggest it had replaced Rand analysts in conceiving such multiple and multiplying scenarios.
From at least and possibly earlier than the 1920’s a number of supporters of Zionism made it clear that the Palistinians had to be moved to make way for Israel. This was made abundently clear by PM Begin in a number of comments with the forthrightness of this agenda being all the more clear with each passing year, culminating in an Isreali minster suggesting nuking Gaza. The only difference since 1948 was the level of brutality used to impliment the task of displacing Palistinians.
Therefore there is nothing new to the Zionist plan since the IDF went to sleep for 7 hours on 7th Oct. 2023, giving the Zionists the perfect excuse to continue with their plans of imperialist expansion.
Another possibility regarding a small amount of back-tracking by the MSM is a fear of an intensified backlash from the peasants and workers within the Middle East, who have little to lose by overthrowing the multiple tyrants of that area. The masses are the primary section of society, when organised, of taking social control of the major sections of society, putting human interest before profit.
The most responsible and honest revolutionary group by a long way, (IMO), is the International Marxist Tendency. I recommend readers at the very least check out their very easily discovered site.
P.S. Not all readers are as yet revolutionary minded, but events will inevitably lead to a revision of approach. If you are a Communist then get organised!
My attempt to bring to light the extraordinary escapades of the Communist League was censored. Their publication The Militant cheered on the rent a crowd March for Israel rally in Warshington DC. This meet was addressed by the religious extremist John Hagee and vile senator Chuck Schumer. The rally was unabashedly pro genocide. If this is Marxism, I’ll take fascism, thank you.
I assure you it’s not Marxism, thanks for your point though.
the desperation and confusion must be brought to the boiling point for the upheavals to be accepted.
They just have to keep as many people occupied by as many subjects as possible (spinning plates) for just long enough to get us hooked up to the new money supply. The collapse of fiat is a can they’ve kicked down the road for decades. Though the fiat train has already gone over the cliff, while we’re all still on it, they have hope.
Historically, the banker has always won. No leader, business or country survives messing with the Fed, either in regard to the money supply (Kennedy) or having the temerity to repay a loan in full (Hitler). Endless wars/pandemics/green gobbledigook for endless loans with the taxpayer footing the bill for the interest is their MO. The Fed/central banks are our pimp. They handed out the goods like candy and now they’re going to default mainlining via CBDCs. Meanwhile the ‘awake’ say ‘keep cash alive’…even though it’s fiat & can be recalled at a whim.
The day the BBC asks the governor of the Bank of England if it’s true the bankers refer to boom and bust as ‘fleecing the flock’, if money actually exists, if the whole thing is a counterfeiting scam and if poverty would be eradicated overnight if psychopaths weren’t in control of the money supply…possibly then I might start to believe the MSM either gets it or is brave enough to do something useful.
We should be withholding tax and printing our own currency while it’s still legal. Money is their oxygen. Cut off the oxygen supply.
I agree that the mainstream media is noticeably more sympathetic than usual toward the Palestinians, and even erring toward condemnation of the Israeli ‘response’. After about a week of normal linguistic and reporting biases, there was a notieable shift.
That much was observable, and i had wondered what the angle was before now.
I’m increasingly frustrated by this type of “alt-right” ‘analysis'( a la James Corbett, and Iain Davies), which jettisons any complex understanding of geopolitics, for the simplistic ‘conspiracist’ narrative that everything is about the authoritarian Western plans for a technocratic world government.
They are in my opinion correct to have serious concerns, but let’s make sure it’s given its correct position in our analysis. First thing is that this is clearly nothing new, see Palmar’s ‘Foundations of the American Century’ for a longer view. Second thing to understand is that this is clearly a “Western” plan, that hoped to incorporate important non-core states like certain key BRIC countries, but that the geopolitics has changed in the past 3 years to create big tension between the West and key BRIC countries like Russia and China.
This article is an evidence free example of the ‘meta conspiracy’ being unleashed in a speculative way.
Where is the evidence to support this far fetched Israel is doomed narrative bolt-on? Non of the OffG readers will ask for this as it fits neatly into the WEF/NWO “meta conspiracy”. I was gonna post this on the list serv, but thought I’d try here instead.
My concern is that some people like myself, who were very sceptical about the Covid narrative from the start, have now lost any ability to critique their own hypothesises. They were right about Covid so, all/any anti-establishment position by default are likely to be true.
There is a trend towards showing zero interest in the super complex situation we are all in with US hegemony clearly waining, and the global capitalist system coming under pressure from certain key state actors like China and Russia, who are increasingly positioning themselves against the ‘West’
The legions of people who believe this ‘meta conspiracy’ (which in an of itself is clearly not completely erroneous) have dispatched with any critical thinking.
I don’t want to sound like I’m suggesting I’m ‘above’ these kinds of mistake (I’m certainly not), but I think this needs a robust, and possibly uncomfortable discussion.
Cut the arbitrary labels, yeah? You can disagree without that rubbish.
In terms of the evidence of a ‘meta’ conspiracy, well you mentioned Covid, which unveiled that the MSM and social media are so controlled they can essentially project a simulated reality into our faces, and therefore one must face facts… this mechanism hasn’t gone away. This is evidence.
Many project some sort of code of ethics onto the elite interests which guide this media simulacrum, and assume they won’t distort, inflate or even manufacture images of war and death.
Others sense something is indeed off about recent reporting of recent conflicts, and project no such good taste on those at the helm.
This article is inviting discussion. You’d be best placed entering some complex geopolitical understanding into this discussion, I’d have thought. Rather, your response is a ‘meta’ critique, which is quite ironic. A2
Sam, I’m not sure I understand why you have scolded Sebba Ranx. I had somewhat the same thoughts as he/she had — that we might sometimes be too easily seeing everything as part of a “plan.” A lot of things are, for sure, but I at least can’t believe everything is. Call me an irrational optimist if you like. I have to be; I’m not sure I could face living in a world where everything was being controlled by some cabal pulling the strings on every point.
I do agree with you that labels like “alt-right” are not helpful for discussion. In fact, labels in general do us little service.
What I’m talking about is classic ‘alt-right’
Using something that is partially based on truth, very appealingly simplistic, and is well suited to racist ideas. .
This particular incarnation of the ‘Great Reset’ meta-narrative is that the ‘Great Reset is happening with the assistance of Russia and China / BRICS’. *tapping into the anti-china propaganda. This clearly doesn’t make sense anymore.
This WEF/NWO ‘meta-narrative’ is based in fact, and a genuine concern.
Nobody is saying a multipolar world will be a paradise, or will happen peacefully, quite the opposite, who even knows how it would happen?
People who study geopolitics are extremely concerned about a global conflict.
We should recognise that the best laid plans of Western leaders do not look likely to happen as the US empire is loosing its global hegemony
This Isreal bolt-on is batshit, but who knows eh?
This BRICS collusion looks like an alt-right cash-in on an idea that is out-of-date.
It’s very likely we will go to war with China in next 5-10 years.
Please update your analysis, and stop needlessly encouraging xenophobia
Off topic though it may interest Iain Davis. The media is changing tack in addressing the “pernicious effects” of conspiracy theories. No longer “Marianna in Conspiracyland” but one Brent Lee presenting himself as a “recovering conspiracist”. It looks like it might be hilarious:
So you were already on to him.
I just stumbled on a twitter thread with him reacting in ways that didn’t make sense, saying he was a “consequence” of following David Icke – without explaining what this bizarre statement meant. On attempting to engage he just ignored me till I saw he wasn’t a “lone nut” in that the Guardian had featured him and he’d made a film. And from he look of it, it could be one of those Brass Eye satires.
Things have now gotten to the point where the propaganda being churned out is just so embarrassingly desperate that you wonder if there’s even any point in responding.
If they reach the number of 6.
These 3 haven’t only succeeded where Hitler failed, they have successfully milked the treasuries of Western-Democracies without having to go ‘cap-in-hand’. Bourla is the real suave, ‘Ice-man’ because he has his hand right in the pockets of the DoD, of the most powerful government on the planet. Now that takes balls … Give that man a beer …
“These are treacherous and strange times.” Here’s the rub. All times have been treacherous and strange. Long ago and far away, continual up to and including present. This script is so damn familiar.
Contrary to popular belief, the PTB are not (truly) Zionists and Israel does not control the US- rather the same PTB who control the US and the UK also control Israel and Israel- like the US- is expendable to the globalists.
This link makes the same point that most “little” (ordinary) Jews are truly Zionists (nationalists) but “big” (globalist) Jews are using Zionism to further the globalist agenda.
Note- I don’t know if the real PTB and globalists Jews are necessarily one and the same or if the latter are simply minions.
Serious research of globalist organizations bears this out, but few bother to do this research. Hardcore Zionists are not heavily represented among the globalists. Kissinger and Soros, for example, are not Zionists. In fact, Soros money supports pro-Palestinian groups.
Indeed, this same kind of thought came to my mind last week, when I heard my father say that in the mainstream media almost every nation appears to be supporting the Palestinians.
Then I remembered the Kalergy Plan, that Muslim immigration to Europe has been strongly encouraged for several years now, and not only that: Muslims have been allowed to practice their customs unabashedly in Western Europe.
This in no way points to a future global Zionist dominance.
So I agree with “Gauthier’s” comment and with the other one, that is: mainstream media will ALWAYS serve “the powers that be” Agenda. When they say a truth, is because that truth is useful for them, period.
I think you’re exaggerating the amount of pro-Palestinian sentiment to be found currently in the ordinary mass media. Do you have any statistics on just how much there is? Of course, the fact that there is any at all, I agree, is completely amazing. But, you know, limited hangout, and all. Just how rife is it? I certainly think the anti- sentiment has not by any means gone the way of the dodo. It’s still there, in spades, I’m pretty sure.
How can they be exaggerating it when they’re quoting actual news stories? And there are even more now. Take your blinders off and look. Something very strange is going on.
He’s not wrong. Most of the so called right wing press like the DT is pro-Israel. As is UnHerd, Daily Sceptic & TCW (no small feat considering the footage coming out of Gaza). They’re also Islamophibic, but that’s ok apparently. It’s really the BBC, Ch4, Sky and NYT that have veered towards the plight of the Palestinians and obviously Al-Jazeera etc.
And of course the woke movement, as unlikely bedfellows with Muslims as they are, are very anti Israel (atm). A return to a pseudo left/right divide is upon us, many feel, baked into this narrative early on. Just as was attempted with Covid (but which failed), which was forced to one side with the Russia/Ukraine episode (too many old lefties to make that work, although it did successfully carve up the Covid movement). It has never felt very organic to me. Operatives are always on here calling us left/right, not sure what box to place us in.
Humanity and its boxes, eh? 😄
How do you know?
When there are hundreds of other news stories contradicting him. You are innumerate.
My comments seem to have disappeared. All I said was that I believe that there is right and wrong here.
At any rate, a while back, there used to be a lot of criticism of what I think they used to call “moral equivalency,” or something like that.
That good old precept that we imbibed with our mother’s milk, that precept that holds that everybody has a point of view, and a right to it, and so, in media coverage, for instance, we ought to give equal time to the views of both victims and murderers, of genociders and the genocided, of the rich and of the poor, of Copernicans and Ptolemaians. Because nobody’s opinion, in good democratic fashion, is better than anybody else’s.
Do you really believe that? At one time, not that long ago, such “open-mindedness” was frowned upon as simple-minded, and, worse, deliberately obfuscatory, a classic ruse out of the propaganda how-to book.
And yet, here, in these environs, it seems the entire raison d’etre of the ongoing intercourse.
To assert that people have a right to free speech is not an assertion that anybody has a duty to stop and listen to that speech.
You completely utterly and universally misunderstood everything I said.
I’m with you, Catte. We are in the prequel to Orwell’s 1984. I think we are literally following the script of The Theory and Practice of Oligarchic Collectivism, Orwell’s book within the novel. Those in power want war.
Great Britain, the US and Israel will be Airstrip One, pretend fighting the BRICS countries and Europe.
I want to relate what I learned from an article by Cynthia Chung on James Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution. Burnham (not Trotsky as many assume) is the real inspiration behind Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein. Chung draws links between Burnham, a former Trotskyite turned neoCon, and Henry Kissinger, Kissinger’s protege Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, the agenda of which is presaged in Burnham’s writings:
Schwab’s The Great Reset follows the tradition started by Burhnam and satirized by Orwell in 1984.
This is the track I take in my new novel, COvId-1984, The Musical, which is currently being considered by Skyhorse publishing.
Yes, all the world a stage, turned to a theatre of deceit when “Money” directs the plays. Then, it’s lies, lies, endless…the lies! All agents provocateurs and ‘false flags’ these days. Inconvenient truths just don’t make the grade, won’t find their way onto newspaper pages, bought newspaper pages, bought lies.
I came to a similar conclusion. Published here.
My analysis leaned on someone else’s work from 2013.
Since then China has moved into the war theater.
I also should have linked to Netanyahu’s apperance at the W.E.F..
Reading the article made me kind of sad. Indeed, things are bad, going worse…..
“I see more people now saying the point is division and distraction and I agree and it’s gratifying to see people waking to new realities.”
It’s true, supposedly, one can be for Russia or Ukraine, for Israel or Palestine…..
But then, positive development, “people waking to new realities”….I’m speechless.
It’s not about author choosing inappropriate words, no, what he is saying is real. Since the Reality is beyond bearable increasingly, then lets make our own Reality.
At least around half a million dead and crippled in Ukraine… not of consequence for New Reality. Agenda Théophile Gautier (and alternative media) is concerned about already very much succeeded, humaneness and empathy are more and more confined to a dictionary. And will be erased there, too.
Why are we incapable to come out with the answer, with a demand: PEACE?
This demand would work well against agenda 2030, world government, too!
Walking to new realities is borderline schizophrenic, is diving a head to sand.
Yeah…chaos…mad world
Tears For Fears – Mad World
I’ve noticed comments like this:
“Time to rid ourselves of all these backward-facing, warmongering politicians, with their outdated, primitive, ever-divisive concepts.
The idea of separate countries and separate nations (apartheids) has never worked and never will. The whole narrative of “us and them” needs to be completely updated and rebooted. It’s time for us all to live in Peace, side by side, together. Our differences should be the cause of celebration and unification. Time to reclaim our wholeness.
One World. One Humanity. One Citizenry.
Peace to All.”
Spoken like a true globalist. Decentralized power is always better than global governance, which sounds utopian on its face, but underneath lies a borderless world of corporate and central bank control.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
So, end nation-states, borders, constitutional rights, environmental protections, citizenship itself.
Yes, of course. The élites are counting on us finally overdosing on war-porn at some point and getting so desperate that we plead for peace at any price. That’s when they’ll make their move …
Those who find Christ find peace. Spiritual peace, just as He promised.
Only those clinging to this material matrix will plead for its survival. Ironically, it is not worth saving.
They will use up all their capital to cling to it and preserve it.
Such convoluted cynicism leaves one struggling for a purchase on reality, no?
Surely it’s possible to support Palestine without selling ones soul to the freaking mono/multi-pole-reset? Is that not the fake dialectic to be avoided here?
I’ve been flying the flag of Palestine (actually the flag of freedom!) outside my front door for years, even though I’m a bonafide anarchist. That fact has never once stopped me from digging my garden, growing my independence, or opting out of the “economy-stupid” as much as possible.
All this constant, fearful bleating about Schwab’s reset is actually preventing people from taking action to develope the alternatives. Especially when it’s applied to every-single thing that we see and read!
Such stress inducing-narrative spin as “don’t believe anything about anything unless it’s to believe that nothing is as it seems and nothing is real”, so typical of this publication, is enough to stop even the most hardened freedom fighter from getting out of bed in the morning!
Picking a side in this 75+ year conflict DOES NOT EQUATE to supporting Uncle Klaus’ mono-multi-pole reset! But questioning if one should or should not pick a side, tying oneself up in convoluted knots of uncertainty does!
It does not necessarily equate, but let’s try to incorporate alternative perspectives, and perhaps we won’t need to patly reject anything as ‘fearful bleating’? Just a thought.
I mean, you’ve certainly provided no evidence here as to why the MSM is trustworthy on this issue, and post-Covid we can’t simple argue from incredulity about such things. A2
Dear Sam,
Forgive my delayed reply, but I’ve been busy co-creating the conditions for survival and thrival outside of the “economy-stupid” for myself, my family and our neighbours. Amongst other things, of course. (Yesterday I built a doghouse for the pooches. From scratch. Using reclaimed materials and natural, local resources.)
However, your statement:
Bares no relation at all to what I wrote. Where, for example, did I even attempt to show that the MSM is trustworthy on this or any other issue?
The point of my initial comment (besides, admittedly, venting a little of my own frustration) was to point out that, although we face a monumental threat from a globalist cabal, and though the legacy media seems to be slightly shifting its narrative (quite possibly hedging), the Palestine issue both precedes and goes beyond those globalist threats which so many only began to perceive with the onset of “the covids” (a bit late to the game, but welcome nonetheless) and is rooted in the call for freedom from oppression/subjugation, and has been for 75+ years!
Point being that painting every contemporary issue, regardless of its history, as a direct globalist threat ultimately leaves one impotent to do anything about anything.
Support for Palestine is support for freedom. REGARDLESS of how the legacy media/politics attempts to spit its web.
So you argue. However, many do question the events of 10/7, and I have to agree there are many questions which seem hard to answer if this was a genuine terrorist incident. Elements of the events of that day just don’t seem to hang together and draw into question everything that follows. A false flag event, even if it pivots on existing tensions, is still a manufactured event. See 9/11.
By choosing to overlook such inconsistencies we might end up in service of a wider agenda that is exploiting these historic tensions. And if we’re referring to history, we must be fully aware that this is not unusual.
Perhaps the question is, is waving a flag in this conflict obscuring something bigger behind all the waving flags?
Is this a horizontal war, or a vertical war? Post-covid, that is a very relevant question.
Perhaps it’s accurate that it’s both – a local horizontal war in service of a larger vertical war. And we certainly have the global propaganda infrastructure to make this conversion (see Covid). Many thought Ukraine was exactly the same thing, A2
Dear Admin,
It appears that comment on this website is no more free than it is at The Guardian.
For example, where is my reply to Sam from yesterday in which I questioned his “Hamas = terrorists” legacy-media narrative talking point he so casually accepts and repeats?
In your blurb explaining the moderation policy of this website you say that you do not censor genuine debate (I paraphrase, of course). If that is true, and this site is not some limited hangout op, then why has my perfectly reasonable, moderate, on-topic, comment addressed to one of you not been published?
If you can’t take the heat of honest debate then at least have the honesty not to lie to your readers in regard to your comment policy!
Thank you,
If they were censoring you why would this comment of yours accusing them of censorship get published? You have many comments on this thread alone, some of them very uncomplimentary to the site or this article. Consider that your missing comment may simply have experienced a glitch as happens sometimes. Your angry demeanor seems so inflammatory and unhelpful.
I have been visiting here since 2020. I find it one of the most reliable and informed sources on the internet. I find the comments section to be about the most open and interesting anywhere. Very few sites have comparable activity and most are way more heavily controlled.
Do you know of another where you can comment without subbing or registering? Or where our comments appear 90% of the time without being vetted?
Why not appreciate what we have here just a little? It may be gone before we know it.
Thank you. This is much appreciated. Very much indeed. I hope you continue to enjoy it here. 🙂 A2
Individuals picking a side is one thing but these media organisations all changing tack is rightly a cause for suspicion. It is very tempting to believe that these companies have suddenly seen the light when their new stance happens to coincide with your own, but that seems a bit naive. If you suddenly see the media en masse beginning to shift it’s position that strongly suggests that the order has come down from above for them to do so.
This is exactly the problem. A bunch of middle class middle aged “hardened freedom fighters” like you actually find their self-worth in seeing themselves that way. They are 21st century colonialists using the endless wars in distant lands to give themselves a sense of being “rebels” and being on the side of good and decency, without having to do anything more than stick the right flag on the bumper of your SUV.
You are all seriously threatened by the idea this might not be enough, or that there is something coming that will endanger YOUR cozy life and not just kill third world babies far away. It scares you, and because you are really the absolute antithesis of a “fighter” for anything, even your own existence, you just want to pretend it’s not happening.
So, you ignore anyone trying to warn you about the real situation, shut your eyes, and wave your little flag.
You’re the tame, fat rabbits in Cowslip’s warren. Telling yourselves fables and waiting to be eaten.
Go check the reference if you don’t know it.
TL/DR – it’s not about your comfort zones or packaging simple little narratives that help you get up in the morning.
Well, Tilly, you leave me with two choices: I can either respond to your mischaracterisations, projections and ad hominem nonsense in kind, pretending I know anything at all about you and your life choices, or I can simply give you a glimps into my world and thereby disabuse you of your unfounded assumptions.
Suffice to say, I exited the system, as much as is possible, over 12 years ago, and got to work some 10 years ago actually creating the alternatives to the “economy-stupid” and to what these days we call the “great reset”, but then we called agenda21/30.
As such, I left behind my “comfort zone” a very long time ago. Initially because I couldn’t condone supporting/legitimising such a. dishonest system, and later because I recognised the urgent need to create those alternatives that I am able to. My website – – hasn’t been updated in any meaningful way for many years because I forgo, by choice, those resources which, I dare say, you take for granted. However, should you care to take a look, you’ll see that you are 100% wrong about me, and hopefully you will realise that projecting on to others those faults that you perceive in yourself is unwise.
Back on topic, I’m very well aware of the narrative shift taking place within the legacy media/politics. But I chose my side in this fight (the fight for freedom) a very long time ago, and made one of my battle cries “Palestinian until Palestine is free”. That stands, and my “little flag” waves, REGARDLESS of the changing position of the msm or anybody else!
In the meantime, I continue my work developing the parallel economy in my little corner of the world, creating the conditions by which my freedom – and yours – may be realised- as the keyboard warriors of the world… “warn” readers about the impending (lol) tyranny.
Oh, by the way, just because I can string a sentence together doesn’t make me middle class. I’m not.
Sounds like you and commenter Duckman have a lot in common.
I don’t know who Duckman is, but I do know that moderators are supposed (in theory anyway) to moderate trolling, not to encourage or participate in it.
Not a good look “admin 2”.
I expected Duckman to chime in. He’s been breeding his ducks and living off grid for years, and also writes very nicely, like yourself. Thought you might hit it off. Although he’s not been around for a week or so. Maybe he’s on holiday.
How do you think I’m trolling you?
I’ll keep an eye out for him. – Could be that I already know him “in real life”, as they say.
If I was mistaken about you trolling me, I apologise. For a moment there I imagined you were teaming up with the overtly trolling Tilly-mint. Sorry!
Lol. I love how you think you’re refuting me so devastatingly when every pompous self-serving word (“one of my battle cries”, “Palestinian until Palestine is Free!”) only proves I nailed you 100% in all your smug self-aggrandizing Waitrose-shopping glory.
It’s all there. The cutesy website (which you haven’t updated in ten years NOT because no one was reading it and you got depressed, but because you are “foregoing resources” whatever the self-serving fuck that’s supposed to mean) the tragically farcical hubris (“creating the conditions by which my freedom – and yours (wow thanks!) – may be realised”), even the sadly inevitable bad poetry which you no doubt believe is ‘revolutionary’ or some bollocks.
Everything – EVERYTHING – about you is the walking cliché of cozy and profoundly egotistical middle class phony “freedom fighter” I knew you were from the get go.
Yes – you are middle class – you can’t hide that smug little fact because it oozes out of your every pore.
If you really wanted to be a freedom fighter – well, here’s your chance. Spread the word about the biggest looming threat to human freedom ever witnessed. But no, that’s too real isn’t it, too scary. Just shut your eyes and put your fingers in your ears and pretend it’s still 2013 when you last updated your website.
I LOVE this btw (from one of your websites)
“Prajna has not paid tax or had the van MOTed since 2009, in protest at the lawless and corrupt state….”
Yeah, your’e definitely not middle class!
Comedy gold
What a nasty little statist you show yourself to be, little Tilly-mint! Such impotent bleating! Such unhinged vitriol! Such astonishing ignorance!
Don’t tell me, let me guess, you “woke up” in 2020 or there abouts and now think you “know” what’s going on in the world of globalist economics.
And so you sit at your keyboard, commenting on an obscure website in a hidden corner of the internet, whilst taking no real action to change anything. On top of which you attempt to denigrate the actions of those who have actually divested from the system of YOUR enslavement.
So congratulations Tilly-mint! You get the prize for demonstrating the very meaning of the word “impotent”. Well done you. 🙂
Now off you go and “pay your taxes” like a good girl, as dependant on the state (and thereby the global economy) and as supportive of the coming mono-muliti-pole order as your uncle Klaus could possibly wish you to be.
The funny thing is, you don’t even know HOW you support your own enslavement. Worse, you bleat your impotence at someone who’s been working to solve those problems you are barely aware of for more than 12 long, hard years.
You are a first-class moron Tilly: politically and economically illiterate, and more than happy to demonstrate your ignorance and stupidity to the world, thinking it makes you look clever. Trust me, it doesn’t.
I think I get it – you’re a PARODY ACCOUNT.
Wow that must have been a busy day
You’re a comic genius
Dear Tilly,
Surely you can’t be as stupid and ignorant as you pretend!
Your failure to perceive the message in my words is your problem.
“(Yesterday I built a doghouse for the pooches. From scratch. Using reclaimed materials and natural, local resources.)..”
The more discerning reader may have eyes to see and intelligence to perceive the importance of self-reliance and economic independence.
Your attempts at trolling and bullying, whilst also obfuscating the very real issues of Palestinian independence, and our own, are a noted.
Best return to your handler for further instructions on how to blow smoke up the readers arse. Because your attempts so far have fallen flat.
She nailed you. It’s not very nice but no point in trying to come back when people do that. Best just to move on imo. We all experience it some time and it feels nasty.
I’m with you Kali
Thank you for saying so Sebba.
Kind regards,
Paranoia rules where there is no intuition.
In one of the Nag Hammadi texts it is stated: “Jerusalem is a place of many Archons”, but also “They are not armed against you specifically, they are armed against each other”.
The controllers are losing it in the chaos and cognitive dissonance they created. They cannot bury the Gazza massacre as they could do with others ( in Africa for example) , becasue it has gone on for so long and because they have sizeable Arab populations in the West. Woke ideology cannot deal with this!
The magical thinking behind the Great Reset is that of chaos magick. This is now ( as any sane person would know) backfiring as they start to deal with the consequences of what they have conjoured.
The basic fact here is the Israeli psychopaths doing the killing have ZERO justification for even being there, and they were enabled by the West. Specifically the UK followed by the USA.
Speaking as someone who’s been an anarchist for 50 years now (since Summer ’73), i’d have to say you’re missing the use of the term “genocide” in the title of this article. Catte Black is not denying that there is genocide taking place, merely noting that the propaganda machine is using even that as a tool to push 4IR measures. That’s the Spectacle in action. You know, Society of the Spectacle, Guy DeBord, 1968.
It’s a declared war against “Amalek”.
Amalek was a nation described in the Hebrew Bible as a staunch persecutor of the Israelites. The name “Amalek” can refer to the nation’s founder, a grandson of Esau; his descendants, the Amalekites; or the territories of Amalek, which they inhabited. The Biblical commandments to slay all Amalekites regardless of status or age has been subject to much historical debate among Jewish and Christian scholars.
Nov 3, 2023
The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric
His recent biblical reference has long been used by the Israeli far right to justify killing Palestinians.
By Noah Lanard
On Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”
There are more than 23,000 verses in the Old Testament. The ones Netanyahu turned to, as Israeli forces launched their ground invasion in Gaza, are among its most violent—and have a long history of being used by Jews on the far right to justify killing Palestinians.
As others quickly pointed out, God commands King Saul in the first Book of Samuel to kill every person in Amalek, a rival nation to ancient Israel. “This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
Brendon O’Connell
Patreon Video 21 – Israeli Prime Minister Call’s For The Genocide Of Palestinian’s…Openly
November 18, 2023
Rumble Channel: Unit8200
Prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu states unequivocally that the Palestinians are “Amalek”, and worthy of literal genocide. THIS is what we are dealing with, a “death cult”, a cult that has penetrated and parasitically attached itself to synagogues, mosques, churches and the political and economic apparatus of nation states.
We have been SCREAMING for years…the Arab world must focus on Jewish religious and racial supremacism and the current day application of 3000+ year old books calling for the slaughter of men, women, and children, who get in the way of the Jabotinsky gangsters in Likud and Benyamin Netanyahu.
I called out Jewish Zionist activist Stanley Keyser on EXACTLY what the thug gangster Netanyahu – posing as a prime minister of a state – is stating…the Palestinians, and ALL non Jews are “Amalekites”, worthy of death when they oppose Likud gangsterism and thuggery.
Make no mistake…this is not an Arab thing, it is ANYONE who opposes them and their cyber technology AI rule the world grandiose delusion.
Jews have been speaking this truth at rally’s and you will see it in my 2014 video where I attend a Perth “Free Gaza” rally. A Jewish activist call’s out Likud’s attempts to label the Palestinians “Amalekites.”
No more dead baby competitions and more exposing of this issue and Israel’s cyber technology juggernaut status, running the planets critical infrastructure, blackmailing and bribing where ever they go.
Only the grass roots can win this with Jew, Christian and Muslim along with the odd commie of good heart.
Amalek rang a bell.
Reminded me of a theory based on Ex. 17:18, that
“The LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation”
i.e. that in every generation, there is a nation or people wanting to destroy Israel.
So a “‘de-Hamas-isation’ and demilitarization” of the Gaza strip is in fact merely the latest incarnation of ‘de-Amalek-isation’.
Of course, there are ways and means to de-Amalek-ise. Some more brutal than others.
60th Anniversary
Today is the 60th Anniversary of the termination of JFK. That event was one of so many that made apartheid in the Middle East impregnable. This anniversary is more painful because of the inhuman slaughter in progress. Also because the heir of the ill fated Kennedy dynasty has endorsed the slaughter and thus betrayed the martyrs in his family. I presume RFK jr was made an offer he couldn’t refuse by Shmuel Boteach. On the one hand he would receive endorsement from the banking community. On the other hand, there was the possibility of harms such as experienced by his father and uncle and others.
Others in his family have made self preserviing decisions.JFK’s widow and daughter cohabited with members of a particular community. In fact JFK’s only grandchildren are members of A victory of sorts. As would be a robustly pro Israel Kennedy presidency.
I have difficulty in believing everything has been planned. Rather prefer to believe that these days with intense monitoring using algorithms, the news, or at least opinions expressed through reports and stories are put out, the response monitored almost in real time, and the data is used to propogate an informed telling.
Like that almost any big event can be used as a tool of manipulation.
You do not need to believe everything has been planned. The covid operation has given us proof that everything is planned on a global scale, or at least can be when needed. Can any of us afford to ignore this truth because we “prefer” to think otherwise?
The covid thing no doubt was planned, but much of its success was due to people’s complicity. Similarly the success of any staged event will also largely depend upon how people react. What I am pointing out in my comment above is that the reaction can now be monitored and the staging of an event can be altered towards a different outcome mid stream.
But because one event was obviously staged, it doesn’t make all other events staged.
To award so much power and control to mysterious powers completely ignores the power of the complicity that inevitably drives the nail home.
Well. You Folks at OffG have certainly put the Catte amongst the pigeons.
It amazes me how many fall for the fake manufactured dialectic, picking a side, its all just another opportunity to sow unrest and create division, a distraction from truth and logic, a centuries long circle-jerk for the weak-minded to further divide and curtail the masses, and steal their property with intent. There are 100’s of books written in the last century explaining all this, on how they use secrets societies to push these agendas, all your favorite politicians, opposition etc are all members, its that simple :
Pick a side ‘n’ divide, everything is a smokescreen for this:
Are you related to Catte?
Barbarism on one hand
Sportsmanship on the other
Football update:
Palestine lost to Australia
Romania beat Israel
La Guerre
What is it exactly?
All the players and associated football bodies seem to be getting along.
One big happy family.
wayback machine
Due to anti apartheid sporting boycotts. The South Africa Springboks did not compete in the first two rugby world cups.
Gotta love the human condition
One thing this Israel matter has shown up is the vacuity of the Zionist lexicon. Those who self identify as “Jews” are indistinguishable from everyone else. No one “hates” them because no one even knows who they are. If they want to dress a certain way and go to a certain place of worship, so do many other groups and no one cares.
The only time anyone even notices them is when they made a big noise about being hated – which comes as news to everyone else.
“We’re gonna take our bat and balls and go home! So there!”
As fucking if.
the identity stealers
the movie a great movie made by ashkanazi anthony minghella called the talented mr ripley is worth a look.
the land pirates of khazaria that is what they did stole identity claimed everything.
another is the return of martin guerre
bob dylan how wholesome of the soil robert maxwell a scottish inventor or scientist
zimmerman or Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch legal fictions run the shoah
Of late, I’ve begun noticing some because of how hating they are.
In light of this article why are you still propagating the manufactured division? Zionism is simply a boogeyman in this psyop, similar to Hamas “terrorists”, ISIS, “white supremacists” and so forth. They exist but not as the great threats described in our media. These days they are all revealed as mere disguises and distractions for the creep toward globalism.
Okay. I’ve been analyzing the actions of these monsters since the 90s, but much more closely after 9/11. Scamdemic: no surprise (though a shock in it’s extremeness and lightening speed lockdowns) because ALL “pandemics” have a been a lie. So as I soon it surfaced in the news, I knew it was bullshit. As for the coverage of Gaza… I do agree that’s strange for someone like Jake Tapper, who is a Jewish supremacist and was raised in Jewish schools, to admit any wrong doing on Israel’s part. Other outlets, like the BBC, I don’t find as surprising because they pander to the left. CNN panders to establishment Democrats, many of whom are pro Israel, but the younger ones not so much. I’m an American so may have a slightly different take than those across the pond and I see the BBC as representing globalist imperialism but the type that uses leftist/Marxist useful idiots as shock troops, which also happens in the US, though more stealthily since Marxism is a dirt word here. BLM, Antifa, climate tard Malthusian death cults, trans freaks, perverting children, Soros minions, etc, etc, etc, are all globalist leftist ideology, not right and certainly not “alt right”! There is no way in hell the alt right is ever going to align with Israel in the United States. They are firmly anti JEW, not just anti Israel. See David Duke on that. They’re also anti Islam (because it’s incompatible with our way of life) but can certainly recognize genocide/ethnic cleansing by the Jewish state psychopaths. That alt right is HATED by all mainstream establishment in the US and are always framed as “Nazis” (and there may be a few admirers but it’s not a significant number). The left, on the other hand, must be placated.
Here’s what I find really interesting, as is also widely expressed in US forums: The useful idiot left, groomed for decades by progressive Jews (for self serving motives) – especially through universities – has turned on Dr Frankenstein. If I didn’t reside in this shit show created by the monsters, I would be enjoying it. I do not believe that in their war on white people and their decades of brainwashing of these useful idiot cluster B morons, that their psychopath puppet masters ever envisioned this happening. It occurred because A) they’ve (the minions) been steeped in white people bad, brown people good and B) anti colonialism (mainly white people being the oppressive colonizers). Surprise, surprise, the minions have taken that to heart and just like that, they hate Jews because they are oppressors of brown people! The minions, while thinking the’re edgy and woke, take their direction from the establishment so that establishment must acknowledge what’s happening to the Palestinians or permanently risk losing control of their carefully cultivated “Red Guards”. The psychopaths are finding themselves having to walk a fine line. They are Zionists – many have openly stated their undying loyalty to Israel – but they are also internationalist globalists, out to destroy the US, national sovereignty, our constitution and Bill of Rights and they need the minions to achieve their goals. They got them all to think they’re non binary and trans; to support porn in elementary/primary school libraries; drag shows for the kiddos; take the clotshots; wear masks; support lockdowns; demand our energy grids be destroyed; demand open borders; demand WEF slave plantation neo feudalism; hate white people and use the Ukrainian flag icon on their social media posts BUT… they all made a sharp turn, like a school of fish, against Jews and Israel. I believe a case of unintended consequences. As result, the media must acknowledge that which everyone is seeing on their cell phones or they’ll be exposed for the Zionists they are. Still, though, they are speaking with a forked tongue and supporting “Israel’s right to defend itself’. The minions have educated themselves on Israel’s nasty history, and they’re right on the verge of saying Israel should not exist. This is a big problem for their controllers. Those are my thoughts, at this point. They could change.
A big mistake I see among “conspiracy theorists” is the belief that the psychopaths are all knowing, all powerful, every move perfectly planned. Yes, they conspire and make broad, long range plans but not everything goes according to plan and they tweak shit as things unfold. They also have unintended consequences and have to revise their plans. They are not infallible.
Last, I was somewhat confused by OffGuardian’s and your poster’s use of “multi-polar”. My understanding and that in the US is contrary to the WEF/UN/Western uni-polar view which wants one world government. It is Russia, China, India ect. who want the multi-polar world and being in charge of their own affairs (national sovereignty), not dictated by the self described “international community” (west + OZ). Hell, even Hungary is in that camp and they’re in EU. Maybe someone could clarify that.
Anyway, very interesting topic.
Not what the multi-polar world order is about, at all. It’s the idea put forth by Goldman Sachs as an “alternative” corporate global management.
Goldman Sachs & BRICS: Alternative World Scenarios, Sebs Solomon, 7/3/22.
That’s fairly long and I will read it. A quick search reveals this:
Scenario Delta: Muted Multipolar World — A strong welfare and social investment economy. Tradeoffs of nationalism for economic development strengthen U.S. influence and preserve U.S. military presence overseas. Local community infrastructures inhibit military stationing and reduce installation investments.
That is NOT what Russia has in mind, at all. When they speak of multi polar, they don’t mean a US/UK Anglo Zionist Hegemon calling the shots through their various globalist organizations like the IMF, World Court, International Court of Criminals and octopus of NGOs, which is unipolar, i.e., one voice of “liberal democracy”. They mean national sovereignty for all nations, making and ending alliances as each sees fit for it’s own national interests.
The WEF “multipolar world” is defined as a nexus of a few nations to replace the unipolar model. These nations all “interoperable” and pursuing the same agenda – “sustainability”, the 4th IR, CBDCs, the pandemic treaty etc.
Russia is signed up for and is actively pursuing this agenda.
Please read Riley Waggaman and Iain Davis on here, who totally expose the nonsense being peddled by some alt news types on this subject.
Just do a search for their names in the search box top right. You will be very shocked.
Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context
Al Jazeera, which has indeed done an excellent job reporting on the Gaza genocide, is at the same time pushing a “solution” involving multinational control of the Gaza Strip. An interview by Steve Clemons of The Bottom Line program with Jon Alternan of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a ruling class planning unit deluxe, is here, Alternan is pushing the idea.
“Alterman tells host Steve Clemons that Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel, and Israel’s continuing destruction of the Gaza Strip, will force major changes in the political leadership of Palestinians and Israelis.
There will be no progress unless Israel makes way for a solution “that gives dignity and some sense of self-determination to the Palestinians,” says Alterman.”
AJ is a totally establishment-controlled outfit now so this “excellent job” will have been approved by those controlling it.
I was merely noting that it does provide reports from inside Gaza which other media aren’t even bothering to do, as they rely entirely upon Israeli military sources for their “information.”
I appreciate that and it wasn’t meant as a criticism of you, just a general reality check
This Brit reads out an article from an old American
magazine (scroll down) without telling his readers.
Clear violation of copyright law. I assume that
“Heinz Vonkreiger” means “Heinz von Krieger”.
My concern, in addition to the horrors in Palestine, there will be false flag attacks in the West and the “Terrorists” will be blamed. Will the public then demand a police state that will make the “Covid” lockdowns look tame by comparison?
Yes. Off course they will. Plus the public will demand innocent scapegoats hanged.
Nothing else will satisfy their requirement for “safety”.
Personally, I don’t think so. Problem is, I can’t say why on here or my comment will be censored. Go figure.
Has anyone noticed the BBC and United Nations are on the ‘good guy’ side in that propaganda cartoon? I think the message they are starting to roll out for us is quite obvious.
Mr Gautier is right. It fits, makes sense, matches known MO
2 things
1. Performative failure from the managerial classes (well you really can’t expect not to be genocided by X Y Z these days it’s 2023) part of the great reset of expectations.
2. The total/ultimate disorder. The pawns who have been fulfilling the good guys bad guys divide were always held in contempt. Satan despises his ‘ followers’ most of all.
3. Satan, the Antichrist…this is the Apocalypse imo
It is really about the envy of the suffering, (purportadly as a result of Israel’s colonialism), Palestinians. The West feels guilty over its relative affluence compared to this suffering so they envy the suffering and sublimate their envy into rowdy virtue signalling protest marches, whilst being appropriatley kitted-out with martyr-soldier Palestinian Keffiya scarves
You’re totally missing the point. It’s not about the protest marches, it’s specifically asking why the globalist-controlled media are giving so much airtime suddenly to the Palestinian genocide.
Don’t you see how weird that is?
What was “weird” was how little the western media were reporting it previously and how any that spoke out were labelled antisemitic or terrorist sympathisers, as now.
This is where the “We are the 99%” fantasy falls apart. As there are very real casualties. With people looking to honour their dead.
Now youall can say that there’s something above Govt and that the present puppets are incahoots with this entity,no doubt!. That a script is being followed.
But careful minimising the very real suffering that has occurred and no matter how people have been duped into it, the reality is, it’s “us” doing it to “us”..
Yes, the only way to “win” is to not play their game. To see the manipulations coercion lies but they’ve got people killing eachother and forgiveness isn’t likely from those that have lost.
They’ve diced us up good and proper. Are we really the 99% or only when it suits “us”?
Israel has faced no negative consequences for it’s actions and enjoyed a freeride from the West & it’s media that’s what’s been “weird”
Amen. There is no ‘we are the 99%’. There is a bunch of people who admittedly unit on not wanting to be genocided. But when the food runs out they will kill one another for a loaf of bread. So can we honestly say we are united? No, it’s bollocks.
The ONLY hope for mankind is to find and know the one true God. Only then do we realise our own shortcomings, correct them and act as a holy example to others. The world ONLY changes for the better when this happens.
Otherwise you’re just another gobshite lamenting the state of the world while contributing to it.
Four and a half lines without links go into “pending”: OG is becoming OMG and totally Off.
Drop the presence!