How your DNA is being used against you
The CDC’s Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance Program isn’t about health & safety, it’s about feeding your DNA to the Vast Machine.
Karen Hunt

This morning I read about a horse escaping on a Boeing 747 mid-flight.
The plane was already 30 minutes into its flight to Belgium when its unusual cargo broke free of its constraints and that was it—complete chaos at 30,000 feet.
“There’s no issue with flying,” the pilot could be heard saying, “but we need to go back to New York as we can’t resecure the horse.”
Apparently, animals escaping on planes isn’t all that unusual. Last month, an otter and a rat caused mayhem on a flight from Thailand to Taiwan. Earlier this month, a young bear managed to escape on a flight from Baghdad to Dubai.
Animals don’t belong on airplanes. They don’t feel at home high in the sky, it’s unnatural. They have to be heavily sedated to get them through the terrifying experience. I guess they didn’t give those animals enough drugs.
It made me think about what I’m writing today. The governments, corporations and scientists that invest our money (and pay themselves billions of our dollars in the process) to research and experiment on our bodies by altering the very language of life, our DNA, are sure they have everything under control. But what makes them think they can control life and mold it to their will when they don’t even know how it started or the mystery of that spark.
And perhaps one day we ordinary humans will regret giving ourselves over so naively to be analyzed and dissected by these greedy, short-sighted and power-hungry overlords. They promise that their experiments are for our own good, to make us safer, healthier and happier, when their real desire is to extract every bit of information from our DNA in order to create something new and improved—and synthetic.
It was exactly one year ago at the G20 Summit in Indonesia that world leaders signed a “Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine Passports”, as well as amendments to its pandemic treaty that would “require swift action by countries and the WHO during an emergency and give the WHO greater powers to act during a crisis”. The plan was to “introduce vaccine passports for their respective jurisdictions, with the stated intention of creating a global verification system to facilitate safe international travel”.
The G20 promised that a Digital Health Certificate using World Health Organization (WHO) standards would be introduced during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, in May of 2023.
“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around. So, for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of people 100%, you can still provide some movement of the people,” Mr. Sadikin said.
What exactly some movement of the people means remains to be seen.
In a statement, the leaders affirmed two goals:
- Their respective countries’ support of the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub, which aims to build capacity in low- and middle-income countries to produce mRNA vaccines. (I wrote about these hubs in Building the mRNA Empire.)
- Their commitment to a globalized ‘vaccination passport’.
True to their promise one year ago, on June 2, 2023, the WHO announced the launch of a landmark digital health initiative to be rolled out in Europe:
WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics.
So far, the U.S. doesn’t have a national inoculation database. However, there are many other ways that our DNA is collected, often without our knowledge or permission.
As early as 1990, the FBI began building its treasure trove of DNA. Since then, it has amassed 21.7 million DNA profiles — equivalent to about 7 percent of the U.S. population — according to Bureau data reviewed by The Intercept.
In an April 2023 statement submitted to Congress to explain the FBI’s request to nearly double its current $56.7 million budget, FBI Director Christopher Wray said the FBI collected around 90,000 samples a month — “over 10 times the historical sample volume” — and expected that number to swell to about 120,000 a month, totaling about 1.5 million new DNA samples a year.
What started as a way to monitor violent criminals or sex offenders, is now a way to collect the DNA of any “person of interest”.
But that isn’t all.
Over the years, scientists have been perfecting their methods for collecting DNA and have turned their attention to environmental DNA, or eDNA.
An inexpensive tool for ecologists, eDNA is everywhere — floating in the air, water, snow, food, your last cup of coffee. The eDNA technology is used in wastewater surveillance systems to monitor Covid and other pathogens.
A study demonstrated that scientists could recover medical and ancestry information from minute fragments of human DNA lingering in the environment. DNA of specific individuals can be recovered from spaces such as office buildings, apartment buildings, airports, restaurants.
Recently, researchers descended on the small town of St. Augustine, Florida and, from a “soda-can-size sample of water from a creek”, recovered “enough mitochondrial DNA — passed directly from mother to child for thousands of generations — to generate a snapshot of the genetic ancestry of the population around the creek…. One mitochondrial sample was even complete enough to meet the requirements for the federal missing persons database. They also found key mutations shown to carry a higher risk of diabetes, cardiac issues or several eye diseases”.
Scientists assure us that such eDNA samples will only be used for good by helping to predict pandemics, or uncovering mutations that cause a disease within a community.
Yet, those same eDNA samples could equally be used to find and persecute ethnic minorities or people who are prone to certain illnesses. If you carry it a step further and into the realm of biowarfare, certain groups could purposely be infected with illnesses while the rest of the population would not.
“This gives a powerful new tool to authorities,” said Anna Lewis, a Harvard researcher who studies the ethical, legal and social implications of genetics research. “There’s internationally plenty of reason, I think, to be concerned.”
Countries like China already conduct extensive and explicit genetic tracking of minority populations, including Tibetans and Uighurs. Tools like eDNA analysis could make it that much easier.
Knowing the DNA of an ethnic group means that they could be targeted with biowarfare.

An NIH article Biological Warfare: Infectious Disease and Bioterrorism puts it like this:
Although we rarely perceive it this way, infectious disease is just another manifestation of biological warfare that is ubiquitous throughout life. The evolutionary relationship between hosts and pathogens is essentially a never-ending arms race. When a pathogen evolves a new toxin, the host evolves a response to it. Humanity has taken this arms race one step further by utilizing technology such as vaccines and industrial-scale manufacturing of antibiotics. However, the microbes are fighting back.
Scientists think they can control nature. But they have no idea the long-term consequences of their actions. As humanity’s natural immune system is destroyed by toxic chemicals, drugs, and the very technology that we are promised will save us, experts aren’t suggesting we return to natural remedies and a healthier lifestyle, rather we must ingest more and more of the synthetic drugs perpetuating our illnesses.
Those who get richer and more powerful thanks to the drug and surveillance industries, know very well the dangers this course poses for humanity, yet they keep doing it anyway. It is a way to keep the populace docile and under their control.
Any DNA floating around can be used by authorities to track the populace, to incriminate a person, or to biologically attack them.
Recent developments in synthetic biology—which the National Academy of Sciences defines as “concepts, approaches, and tools which enable the modification or creation of biological organisms”—pose a profound threat. Synthetic bioweapons (SNBWs) can be engineered to target very specific populations or individuals.
Once your DNA leaves your body, it is no longer yours. What are the rules of privacy then? They do not exist. It is a free-for-all.
“Just by breathing, you’re discarding DNA in a way that can be traced back to you,” Lewis said.
If authorities collect your DNA, it doesn’t just affect you, it also affects “family members and, in some contexts, communities,” said Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, a biomedical ethicist at Columbia University.
“DNA tracks to your extended relatives, tracks forward in time to your children, tracks backward in time to your ancestors,” Ms. Murphy added. “In the future, who knows what DNA will tell us about people or how it might be used?”
Which leads us to the CDC’s announcement of its new Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance program.
International travelers arriving at participating airports can volunteer to self-collect nasal swab samples which are then shipped to a laboratory network. Samples that test positive for SARS-CoV-2 undergo whole genome sequencing to determine variants.
However, do not think this is in any way just about Covid. Covid was the excuse to set up a system tracking and monitoring ordinary citizens.
The CDC and Gingko Bioworks are leading the Future of Disease Surveillance:
According to Ginkgo’s press release:
Concentric by Ginkgo, the biosecurity and public health unit of Ginkgo Bioworks, and XpresCheck by XWELL, are partnering to expand their work with the CDC to monitor more than 30 new viruses, bacteria, and antimicrobial resistance targets including several seasonal respiratory pathogens, such as influenza A and B, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2. The partners continue to help the CDC grow TGS’s capabilities to detect pathogens as early as possible, allowing for the best public health response.
The program expansion will launch at four of the program’s seven major international airports (New York, JFK, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington DC, Dulles).
The TGS program has proven to be an agile and beneficial asset to public health officials in the United States—quickly adapting to an evolving pandemic in real time since it launched in 2021. As of October 2023, TGS has enlisted over 370,000 travelers and maintains an ongoing enrollment of around 6,000 volunteer travelers weekly. The program covers travelers from all World Health Organization regions and more than 135 countries. Since its inception, the program has sequenced more than 14,000 samples and made the genomic data available on several public health platforms to enable further analysis. The expansion will enhance the program’s ability to monitor and change focus as needed to identify priority pathogens. The TGS program can augment global surveillance systems, especially as testing and sequencing information become limited as Covid-19 monitoring wanes.
“We thank the volunteers who elect to swab their noses in service to our national security and public health.”
ExpresCheck CEO Ezra Ernst
It’s a one-stop-shop that describes itself as “BIOLOGY BY DESIGN”. You can go on the website and “explore Ginkgo’s capabilities for therapeutics and vaccines, agriculture, nutrition and wellness, and more”.
Since 2015, when Gingko was the first biotech company to be accepted for seed funding by Y Combinator, Ginkgo has raised $429 million, which includes $275 million in funding from Bill Gates’ Cascade Investment and others. Ginkgo is reportedly now worth over $1 billion.
Ginkgo Bioworks is the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, providing flexible, end-to-end services that solve challenges for organizations across diverse markets, from food and agriculture to pharmaceuticals to industrial and specialty chemicals. Ginkgo’s biosecurity and public health unit, Concentric by Ginkgo, is building global infrastructure for biosecurity to empower governments, communities, and public health leaders to prevent, detect and respond to a wide variety of biological threats.
Here are some of the ways Gingko Bioworks is extending its reach:
- Gingko Bioworks is partnering with Penn State University to “integrate its biosurveillance capabilities into the university’s research of 58 wildlife species for SARS-CoV-2 to monitor potential spillover to humans”.
- It is setting up a BIO4 campus in Serbia, an initiative that has already gathered “more than 1,000 PhD scientists from 17 scientific institutions, and the campus itself will open in 2026. BIO4 brings together the research centers of companies active in biomedicine, biotechnology, bioinformatics and biodiversity. Partnerships have already been signed with AstraZeneca, BGI, Merck, Pfizer, Roche, and more.
- To feed a rapidly growing population on a warming planet, society needs to develop innovative new technologies to grow and distribute food. At Ginkgo, we are working towards a future where genetic engineering can help make foods that are sustainable, healthier, delicious, and accessible to everyone.
- In 2017, Gingko acquired Gen9, where scientists “manipulate DNA” to create “new life forms that do things we tell them to do”. They are “building nanobot factories that will produce microscopic biological machines programmed to make things more efficient and effective”. They are “dissecting organisms and putting them back together to make biological nanobots that perform functions for their creator”.
One of these legendary creators, and a founder of Gen9, is George Church, who in 2018, co-founded Nebula Genomics, a personal genomics company that offers a “whole-genome sequencing service”.
In fact, the company is developing its own blockchain. It claims it will help you “decode all your genes and identify mutations”, “learn about the genetics of your mind”, “use genetic information to extend your life”, and so on. All of this can be yours, in exchange for your “genomic and personal data” so that you can “contribute to future discoveries”.
Yes, everyone wants your data, they are just salivating to get it.
Bill Gates is another one of those creators who is investing big in genomic surveillance and genomic sequencing, along with Gingko, the US CDC and Africa CDC.
Africa Pathogen Genomics Initiative, which launched in 2020 as a joint initiative of the Africa CDC and member states of the African Union.

Dr. David Blazes, Deputy Director on the Gates Foundation’s Global Health team: We’ve really seen this initiative take off in the past year. For example, at the start of 2021 there were about 5,600 sequences of SARS-COV-2 in existence and by the end of 2021, there were over 60,000. The initial plan was to phase-in labs in 20 countries over four years, but the initiative has already expanded to 45 countries.
Short term goals involved Covid, but Covid was just the beginning. As Dr. Blazes explains,
“In the medium-term, we hope that the initiative is able to also address cholera, yellow fever, tuberculosis, and other diseases. Longer term plans include building links between genomic surveillance and local manufacturing of diagnostics, medicines and vaccines. We’ll also be eager to see the types of networks that are built between labs—as well as ministries of health and the Africa CDC.”
How far are we willing to go in giving up our data to the Vast Machine and those who are feeding it. We cannot even breathe without our DNA being collected and analyzed. But don’t worry, it’s all for the greater good, just like George Church assures us.

Prof. George Church’s the Human Genome Project-Write is developing technologies for large-scale engineering of human genomes. Thanks to advancements in synthetic biology, he dreams of reviving the woolly mammoth by inserting mammoth DNA into elephant skin cells which can then be turned into stem cells and used to produce embryos.
This is called “creating the world of tomorrow”.
But it’s not really about making you or me healthier, it’s not really even about bringing woolly mammals back to life, although that’s a great selling point. Once again, all roads lead back to the elites wanting to live forever—and using us as lab rats to do so.
Here’s the scruffy, bearded, elderly Church telling Stephen Colbert how he expects to live forever.
Church excitedly tells Colbert how he’s demonstrated age reversal in animals and Colbert jokingly asks if he cuts a check could he maybe get on the list of folks who will be made younger?
“It’s who you know, that’s how you live forever,” says Colbert.
It’s a joke, but it isn’t really.
Nope, your DNA isn’t being collected at the airport because the government cares about your health and safety and whether or not you have the flu and if you might pass it on to someone else.
It’s all about collecting masses of DNA from the populace, feeding it to the Vast Machine to read and interpret it, using CRISPR to edit it—which I didn’t go into here, but I have in other essays such as Techno Eugenics—so that a new race can be born that will live forever.
No matter which way we turn, all roads seem to lead to this unattainable destination. Just like the horse let loose at 30,000 feet, they aren’t going to be able to put this genie back in the bottle.
Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.
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There is currently a study about to start by Dr Jaspal Kooner associated with the WelLcome Trust called the Lolipop Study for the South Asian community. I have my doubts about this so does anyone know anything I should know pls
Clearly none of these empty muppets have the capacity to contemplate what precisely this “living forever” would mean for them.
To deal with the inevitable insanity they would have to wipe their minds clean, which is essentially dying . And when they eventually (given enough time) realise what they have done, they would kill themselves.
It is hard to imagine precisely what part of themselves they want to keep alive forever in the first place.
I recently read a piece from Naomi Wolf on the bizarre and disturbing book (an attack, really) written about her by Naomi Klein. Of course, Naomi Wolf is well known in this fight against pharma’s war on humanity and totalitarianism and some of what she discovered about Klein seems relevant here:
“Stephen Lewis (Klein’s father in law) serves as the board chair of the Stephen Lewis Foundation in Canada and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and Emeritus Board Member of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.” [Italics mine] Whose organization got a $25 million dollar grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to underwrite vaccines? That‘s correct — Naomi Klein’s father-in-law’s organization.
(Who owns patents for HIV vaccines? That’s right, Dr Anthony Fauci.)
The same chosen people genociding Gaza are responsible. They need to be dealt with.
So, you’re going ‘full retard’ on this, are you? You know, despite those who buy the binary narratives sold to us hook, line and sinker, I always get the impression that headline sagas generally fail to get the traction they were projected. There’s always an undignified scramble as it’s wrapping up, a desperate effort to wring a few more tears, to force a bit more outrage. I think the MSM mechanism is almost solely a production house, nowadays. Regardless of what they’re reporting on, and completely independent of the actual truth of the matter, the media slap on the usual propaganda makeup, smear Vaseline on the lens and turn the melodrama up to 11. And before you indignantly ask, YES, death and suffering can be decked out and schmaltzified and completely removed from reality, extremely effectively. That’s what the global media industrial production house does. That’s WHAT it’s for. Yet, people have an innate awareness of BS and we’re instinctively revolted by it. We feel demeaned when we’re forced to participate in it, it affects our egos (I think that’s a main reason why this media simulacrum exists, it keeps us feeling ridiculous and meek).
But if a narrative fails to meet ‘projected engagement targets’, or whatever, and needs insane ramping up as the close is nearing, perhaps this is a sign that this mechanism is slowly dying? People need reality, and they’ll find it, wherever they can, and reject what is unreal. A2
This word, “binary,” is a propaganda word. Like “conspiracy theory,” it denigrates anyone who asserts the bald unadorned truth. “Oh, so your one of them kooky Binaryists, are you? Love your tin-foil hat.”
Quite the opposite. It implies a simplistic, superficial analysis. It is often used to suggest that ‘opposing’ sides are ultimately serving the same agenda whilst wasting their energy fighting amongst themselves, whether wittingly or no.
You always say that everything is the opposite. Jacques Barzun used to make fun of people like you. He says you are a symptom of the de-intellectualization of the modern or post-modern or post-post-modern world–“When in doubt, do or say the opposite” being the motto of every post-modern egghead trying to make a name for hisself. “Everything is the opposite” is what is called a “knee-jerk reaction” by the cognoscenti. Yo mama is the opposite.
Newsflash. The simpleminded thing is thinking that every single thing that happens is a scam and a hoax and a false flag and all agreed upon beforehand by the powers that be who are all united and agree with each other about everything. Now, that is simplistic and superficial if I ever seen it.
Just some simple ad hom from you there, dressed up as something erudite.
I was explaining my meaning when I used the term ‘binary’. There really isn’t any room to disagree about that, unless you’re suggesting I’m lying and I actually meant something else?
Thomas– whether an explanation is unjustifiably simplistic, superficial (and unjustifiably binary) depends upon its adequacy to explain observation. “Unjustifiably” is the key. An actual analysis requires more than hurling terms like binary or simplistic, whether used pro or con. But you know that, so why participate in a dialog at least one step removed from analysis of reality.
Didn’t get the joke, eh? Certain ethnicities seem to be humor-challenged.
Do you even get a 4-digit salary for this?
Alright edgelord, no need to be a meanie.
“Scientists think they can control nature.”
The author is obviously a graduate of the Humanities.
Scientists hope to understand Nature. Control is a byproduct of understanding; hence Bacon’s dictum: Knowledge is Power. We know that we are a part of Nature, hence our first priority is to understand ourselves. To date, we know very little, so caution is recommended; always has been:
From Wikipedia: “”Know thyself” (Greek: Γνῶθι σαυτόν, gnōthi seauton) was inscribed upon the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. It has been quoted and analyzed throughout history, and has been given many different applications. Although traditionally attributed to the Seven Sages of Greece, the inscription likely had its origin in a popular proverb.”
Control freaks are psychopathic oddities, not scientists. They should be weeded out of all levels of society, whether they happen to be the Head of the UN, the Paterfamilias or Matriarch of your family, or just some obscure little bossy boots at school or at work.
“Scientists hope to understand Nature”
yeah sure and the corporate beasts they work for exploit that knowledge to control nature for profit
“Nope, your DNA isn’t being collected at the airport because the government cares about your health and safety and whether or not you have the flu and if you might pass it on to someone else.”==
Then it’s high time we installed a government that does care about our health and safety.
Shades of Con-911 !!! Haven’t the sheeple learnt anything yet?
“The hungry sheep look up and are not fed” — Dante, ca 1300.
Did I just dream about a comment from Thomas Paine, to which I replied? Both have been removed.
The comment in question is here
Pls try to keep the comments relevant to the topic. We have numerous open threads on the Gaza genocide and an entire front page section devoted to Israel/Palestine for you to share facts/opinions on this subject.
Thank you very much Sophie. My mistake, I mixed up the topics. But posted in the right place.
hi hope its on topic , i emailed you about vote rigging activity on this channel , i am a targeted individual ( i really am) and note that comments i am making are getting lots of dislikes , the ability to leave an anonymous dislike is a harassment tool that is being used online by the 77th brigade and their Israeli counterparts , just wondering if dislikes can be made non anonymous so we can traceback who is doing it , this is not organic but systematic , hope you will consider my comments reasonable and I am well aware that online abuse etc is an occupational hazard for those of us who care about the actual truth
A few people do use VPNs to repeat up or down vote comments. The only way to prevent this is by making people subscribe and log in to vote. We feel this is counter to our philosophy. People have the right to be anon if they choose and it’s only a very few people who abuse the system.
The more you get upset about it the more these types will target you. The best thing is just ignore it for the silly trolling it is.
They enabled voting because paying users demanded it.
And the corollary to this?
How THEIR RNA is being used against us.
Live forever with vaccine passports, vaccines, digital currency, and all the rest?
God help me NO. Let me get off this ride please….
Do you have a passport, a credit card or chequebook? Have you been vaccinated or taken an antibiotic against infectious disease?
If so, work your way to the outer edge of the terrestrial merry-go-round and jump off.
“Stop the World, I Want to Get Off” — A voice from the past.
Living forever is not intended for those who need vaccine passports and all the rest.
Its the Devil’s desperate manoeuvre.
Out of jealousy the Devil declared he could do the Creation better than God, as to give humans eternal life if they ate from the tree of good and evil.
But he cant! Therefore he is dragging time and trying with illusions and lies.
about an outbreak of Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in two Chinese cities. Where’s the usual fear-porn?
Damped down because antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a serious problem in an age of mass mobility and mass production of animals in crammed living spaces.
We must demand better quality psyops Penelope. Standards are falling!
Regarding the agenda to track and control the movement of humanity, and the horrifying information presented in this article, the following 10 minute clip will give everyone an idea of how far these monsters have come with their plans, in such a short time. This is the late Aaron Russo (film producer) speaking with Alex Jones, about his friend, Nick Rockefeller, telling him about this plan to control the movement of people, as well as digitizing their money for further control. I believe this interview was done around 2008 or so:
David Icke has been warning this for at least 30 years, like it or not that’s a fact. I look forward to counting the down votes.
I don’t know who you are, Karen Hunt, but in addition to complimenting you on your very well researched article, I want to thank you, with all my heart, for saying that animals do not belong on planes. It’s always outraged me – especially the travel addicts who bring their dogs along, as though that’s so kind of them. It’s not. Animals die all of the time on planes, all for the selfish wants or commercial purposes of humans. They don’t deserve that.
“Animals die all of the time on planes”.
People die all the time on planes as well. And on wheeled traffic. And by tripping over their own two feet.
If God had not meant animals to fly He would not have given some of the dinosaurs wings.
I was thinking the same. Don’t they have horses in Belgium?
The mad scientists working on behalf of psychopaths to create a new reality/nature are developing bioweapons targeting specific ethnic groups.,
The controligarchs couch their depravity and megalomania in noble sounding humanitarian verbiage but their real motives and objectives are: usurping power and control, gaining the power to transform nature itself, to control ” human evolution” (genome manipulation, transhumanism, bio-digital convergence etc.) reconfiguring the global socio-economic system and becoming the new gods/rulers of the planet.
When we look at current events through this lens we can see how dangerous these miscreants are and how precarious our situation actually is.
Imagine this. The monsters pull this off and dance around celebrating their victory.
12 months later while they still marvel over their genocidal coup, a fucking huge asteroid hits earth and takes everything including any remaining life form out for good. Now that’s a movie just waiting to happen.
@ gaining the power to transform nature itself, to control ” human evolution”
When you go, I just go right with you.
“The mad scientists working on behalf of psychopaths to create a new reality/nature are developing bioweapons targeting specific ethnic groups.”
This project of the U$ Dept of War has been known for decades; I first read about it on the Russian Orthodox website Saker, because U$ DoD were collecting gene sequences from ethnic Russians.
Covid-19 with its U$ Patent GMO spike protein which binds specifically to human bloodvessels is one of U$ DoD’s Fauci Funded Frankenstein virus projects.
Which is why the recent call by Russia and China for a UN investigation into Bio-Warfare is so important.
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
Perhaps the weird animals running amok on aeroplanes are insider communications.
Interesting about the horse code’s potential election meaning….or perhaps the stories are just actually, true. It’s proving more and more difficult to know what’s really truth these days.
But I’m increasingly thinking that a whole lot of info about AI/ new breathtaking technologies etc are actually just fake press releases to increase their stock prices ie. it’s all a load of bollocks.
This substack is positive-
Hopefully their stocks will continue to decrease!
dna does not exist
AI does not exist
George Floyd is a fictional character
Nukes do not exist
the moon landing was fake
“we will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american people believe is false”
The prefix “bio” now means antibio. All I can think of is the introduction to Plaistow Patricia by Ian Dury – A,B,FC and P, I’m far too virtuous to even think it nowadays. I just feel it.
When we the People give our tacit consent that a relatively tiny percentage of the world’s population should control the world’s currency supply, all manner of unwanted manifestations will be the downstream result as the majority competes for the “company” script.
I’m pretty sure that well over half of the world’s population are NPCs. Mindless bots, essentially. I’d say pushing 40% have cluster B personality disorders. A solid 10% meet the criteria for psychopath (and nearly all in positions of power, political or financial, do). If you think about that in the long term – both backward and forward in time – one cannot help but conclude that this inherent sickness and evil isn’t something new but is as ancient as it gets and I mean from the get go. I’m inclined to believe the Hindu explanation of time as being cyclical (and endless), with peaks and troughs, if you will. According to them, we’re in the Kali yuga, which is just about the pits of Hell in terms of evil running rampant, along with the necessary mass moral corruption that underpins it. Because I’m not a Hindu, I don’t know what forces (deities) would be relevant so I’ll just go with my Christian upbringing and call it Lucifer or Satan. I think the story of the fallen angels said they were rebellious and wanted to be God (vs part of All That Is). These psychopaths, who do not cotton to such notions as a “God” or anything greater than themselves, believe that they are gods. That Harari freak from the WEF has straight up said it. While these modern day alchemists are busy “creating” artificial (imitations) of various life forms, they cannot comprehend consciousness or the divine impulse that makes “life” alive. Living in a time like this with “people” (?) like that, with so much money and power, doesn’t make me very hopeful for the minority of us who object to it. It seems that all we can do is to keep objecting, refusing to consent, and never concede one inch because this is big – as in this is a war against and for our very souls.
Well put.
“Things change but one thing does not change
The struggle between Good and Evil does not change” — TS Eliot.
That’s it. They do believe / know there’s God but they are trying to usurp Him. Because at this time Satan has reign so he will reward them during their earthly lives.
So you know what I realised / what brought me to being born again? Realising there IS a God and that I have to totally serve Him if I want to contribute to undoing this nightmare.
To do anything else is putting faith and trust in self / man which is an absolute fool’s errand.
Proof? Look around you people. If people are not knowingly deceiving others they are completely weak and cowardly pathetic sheeps of human beings.
some anonymopus troll is targeting me on this channel , simply marking down my comments anonymously without explaining why . Maybe the channel owner can look into this as the usual suspects will be monitoring this platform with their dirty tricks
by all means mark down my posts if you really believe they are unworthy but please help me by explaining what I write you disagree with , if you cant do that then i ask others to regard such dislikes as simply troll activity
I gave you a thumbs up to make you feel better 🙂 Just ignore them!
do you think the 9 mark downs are from genuine subscribers ? point i am making is that organised trolling is happening on this channel and the mods need to take note of it and stop it , targeted abuse is not ok even though it seems you do not really understand whats going on
Many troll armies troll the net. Hit a nerve and watch the down votes mount up. Ignore it and take it as a badge of honor. Laugh, just laugh at their efforts…
thanks Thom , seems like you get it , would be better to disable dislikes entirely . my guess is that its a Zionist boiler room , they pay their activists to harass others online , i recall one video i posted on youtube had 0 views and 10 dislikes they use software and sock accounts , sickening really
20 year on various forums dealing with death threats and being called every name under the sun is enough to toughen anyone up.
Now I just look, laugh, and move on.
State actors are all over the web, they are paid to down vote, troll and cause disruption. Don’t take any of it to heart, it’s all a game.
its now 10 , fact is that trolls are being sent to this platform simply to attack me
Are you going to waste all you life crying on down votes and upvotes?
You must be like, important or something, man. Who’s sending them? P.S., I gave you a thumbs down for that one because you stated something as fact without giving any evidence.
i have been targeted for years , what do you want a screen grab well i cant send any , i can state many facts wityhout providing evidence , for example oranges are citrus fruit , not sure why you would marl me down but obvioulsy it will make you happy in some way
Try proof reading.
Let’s not snipe at each other anymore, good people. 🙂
@Hoax-a-Shian: “OK. How far is the sun and how do you know? Please give me the calculations that YOU have personally made to reach the distance. i am waiting buy.”
OK. Here we go. Don’t take my word for it: YOU personally can make these simple measurements for yourself, and do the calculations by simple arithmetic: Earth diameter; distance from Earth to Moon; hence diameter of moon; distance from Earth to Sun, hence diameter of sun. Same as Aristothenes did on the island of Samos nearly 3 thousand years ago:
2 Find a straight palm tree and measure its height. Measure the angle between the tree and its shadow at noon.
3 Travel a few hundred miles dead South, measurig the distance. Repeat 1 & 2 above. From the difference between the two angles and simple trigonometry you calculate the diameter of the Earth.
4 Wait for a total eclipse of the Moon and check that the shadow of the Earth is almost exactly covering the moon.
5 Wait for a total eclipse of the Sun and check that the shadow of the Earth is almost exactly covering the Sun.
Having already calculed the Earth’s diameter you can derive the rest. The method is outlined in a post that I saw on Youtube a few years ago. I was too lazy to repeat what Eratosthenes had done; so was the rest of the world until Copernicus, Brahe and Kepler took up where the ancient Greeks had left off thousands of years ago.
“Science advances slowly, slowly,
Creeping on from point to point” — Tennyson
In between time — between 500BC and 1500Ad, every village all over the world was like this village:
“The village that thought the Earth was flat
Flat as my hat
Flatter than that” — Rudyard Kipling, The Village Which Thought the Earth Was Flat.
Show me curved water please.
Was it Eratosthenes who put sticks into the ground and measured shadows? His experiment to prove a globe Earth have been questioned as he assumed the Earth was a globe and also assumed the Sun was many millions of miles (leagues?) away.
If you want further proof of our level plane(t), perhaps see this:
Are we not fighting globalism?
Imagine a flat pancake with two hanging hairy balls underneath. This is the earth and the Atlantic Sea and the deep Pacific Ocean?
When the sun circulate around the earth, the balls get sunshine underneath, and we sleep in darkness on the pancake.
Thats just how it is, and we cant do a shet about it. 😎
The consequence of adding AI to bioengineering will be a combination of Skynet and Minority Report.
The Bill Gates and Klaus ‘Blofeld’ Schwab wing of the Masters of the Universe Club is run by closet eugenicists who look at the “Big Picture”. They are concerned about how to rid this planet of the piddling 7 billion or so humans who inhabit it.
Their goal is Earth without too many people.
Somewhere hidden deep within their Palace at Davos is a ‘Return to the Garden of Eden’ plan. Guess who’s playing the snake 🐍
the police arrested me once just to harvest my DNA , having said that as a l;aym,an i have no way of really knowing if DNA really exists , if viruses are real , how dar away the sun is or the exact shape of the earth
How far away the sun is duh 💤
how do you know how far the sun is ? whats your source Wikipedia or have you personally measured it with your tape measure?
According to Astronomic Institute Earth-Sun is average 150,000,000 km.
Earth-Moon is average 385,000 km.
Earth Diameter is 12 700 km. A trip around the globe 40 000 km.
Earth to Outer Space (Karman line) around 100 km.
There are some inconsistencies in the figures around satellites.
The Thermosphere is said to go to 2000C in upper layer before changing into the Exosphere where among others the Jackson satellite is going.
How can Satellites go through and survive 2000C?
ok how far is the sun and how do you know , please give me the calculations that YOU have personally made to reach the distance. i am waiting buyt i ma not holding my breath
There are a lot of things you have no way of knowing.
true but without evidence why must i believe it ? i do not claim knowledge of things that I cannot possibly verify
Your level of consciousness is low, so you missed so much evidence that the belief can not be seen, yet that does make the evidence invalid, its just you can’t see it, so you can not verify it. Problem solved.
you have a very high opinion of yourself
I am an IQ expert, you do not want to be tested, trust me.
you are an arropgant twat and I do not trust you, you can also stick your IQ test up your anus
janus sorry typo
Should I complain about the down votes too, that could make two of us with our panties in a wad.
This is a poor article.
It accepts orthodox science as fact when there is nothing to substantiate any of it, from transmissible viral pathogens to gene theory which claims specific genes have unique and specific functions.
It then promotes sci-fi scare stories, thereby reinforcing the original faux-science.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Yes! And full of unsupportable assumptions that are easily disproven.
What I noticed immediately is the usual Freemasonic two lots of 3 (33) in the first paragraph, and the Order out of Chaos reference:
“The plane was already 30 minutes into its flight to Belgium when its unusual cargo broke free of its constraints and that was it—complete chaos at 30,000 feet.”
Then the “author” jumps to the lie that we may regret “giving ourselves” or consenting:
“And perhaps one day we ordinary humans will regret giving ourselves over so naively to be analyzed and dissected by these greedy, short-sighted and power-hungry overlords.”
We don’t give up our rights, wealth, labor, IP, medical info, privacy etc. All of it’s forcefully seized from us by threat of physical violence, kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment by a state that has literally no moral or legal right to exist.
The invasive, unnecessary nasal swabs coerced on the populace during CONjob19 were never to test anyone for an imaginary illness or “sequence” imaginary variants CONcocted from imaginary, in silico genomic sequences but to implant toxic nano and scrape near the pineal gland with ethylene oxide (EtO) and ethylene chlorohydrin (ECH) on the swabs to potentially damage the pineal gland and brain.
I can’t even bother to read any further, because I’ll see the same litany of lies, these “authors” usually include: Imaginary pathogens, imaginary molecules, imaginary genomics, imaginary tech and imaginary authority by legal fictions.
Good point about the numerology. I was focused mainly on the quirky types of animals.
But what makes them think they can control life and mold it to their will when they don’t even know how it started or the mystery of that spark.👍
There is a huge element of scam in all these scenarios. ‘Scientists’ were said to have the power to rearrange viruses, but their deadly bioweapon seems to have only hastened the end of the dying (the others were killed by mismanagement, when they were not just put down like dogs with midazolam or clonazepam). These ‘scientists” skills appear to stop at making toxic mixtures that sicken those who accept them.
The self-appointed elites are surrounded by charlatans who make a living out of telling them their fantasies are about to come true and that they will soon not have to suffer the indignity of dying like the peons they so despise.
“A new race can be born that will live forever”. 😂 😂
Sometimes I wonder if we should be giving them so much attention.
PS: that Gingko seems to have stepped directly out of the BS generator : “End-to-End Capabilities. Unparalleled Scale”. You couldn’t make it up.
Ah but they are an empowering, flexible, horizontal platform so they must be good.
Well said.
Look at the con with stem cells. Dolly the sheep was a lie.
There is no cloning, no genetic engineering, no transhumaism or neuralink possible.
These sophisticated con artists that masquerade as scientists are making fortunes out of gullible psychopath that want to control nature and humanity or rich people who have everything except for immortality.
Pity that most of the so called critics , alternative media and from the comments most are scientifically illiterate or do not look at the research , for verifiable, reproducible scientific proof but just repeat and write what experts tell them.
Stem Cells -an example.
Stem cells – embarrassing misconceptions and manipulations are not addressed
“ The first man who claimed twenty years ago to make humans immortal through cloning became filthy rich overnight (US$200 million), disappeared with the money of patrons, investors, shareholders and left us with a quote: “Cloning is the first serious step to becoming one with God.”
Thank you for that. I didn’t know about Dolly the sheep. Though I did wonder why she remained the only one of her kind.
They don’t have to know those things, they only have to know how to control you today, and according to you they seem to be doing a good job of it.
In 2017, Gingko acquired Gen9, where scientists “manipulate DNA” to create “new life forms that do things we tell them to do”. They are “building nanobot factories that will produce microscopic biological machines programmed to make things more efficient and effective”. They are “dissecting organisms and putting them back together to make biological nanobots that perform functions for their creator”.
What kind of unfeeling, insensitive, Luddite human being would oppose, “building nanobot factories that will produce microscopic biological machines”, making “things” more efficient and effective, – or oppose “dissecting organisms and putting them back together to make biological nanobots that perform functions for their creator”?
Those opposed to implementation of Nazi 4th Reich global totalitarian dictatorship/cashless society slavery and dangerous, eugenics-enabling medical experimentation, you say?…
Indirectly you can learn here that our DNA is valuable. Maybe these types are instructed to wreck it before hidden existing DNA “powers” are unveiled non physically….
So the most monotone monolith is the biggest diversity tracker: what are those few Non-Han doing? (see the facial recognition photo above). The problem is that this WEF experimental paradise is falling apart at the seams now: people who are fed up “lie flat” = do nothing useful.
The US and EU are playing ketch-up and their Hamburgers are quite diverse comparatively, so harder to swallow. The WEF machinery will fail, no match for humans.
All the theories mentioned in the article are are false . That does not mean that you do not have delusional so called scientist that believe their fabricated science and many are just sophisticated charlatans.
Genetics was disproven 20 years ago( see Genome in Dissolution). No-one can define what a gene is and genetics is not our inheritance.
The DNA is different in every nuclei and constantly changes as the result of the metabolism.
The primary function of the DNA is to store and release energy.
Genetic engineering does not work , DNA testing and collection DNA is a money making con, psyop and fear creation claiming they can manipulated nature.
The so called scientists are fooling themselves, their investors and the public.
Few question the fabricated science.
For more details see NL ( Next Level- Knowledge Rethought) ‘Scientists Say.’
An inside view of Gaza.
The harm done to children is incomprehensible.
‘Israel’s military occupation is 56 years old. For all the talk of a “two-state solution”, in reality the peace process is dead and has been for years. There is no genuine political path forward and no US-brokered talks that look like achieving an independent Palestinian state. This has allowed Israel’s settlement construction in the West Bank to continue apace.‘
More here:
Yeah, is kidnapping 2 year olds healthy? Hamas thrives on bot production and thus 150 babies are born every day on that densely populated strip without economy. Senseless unless there is a sinister plan. For them kids are potential fighters – bas.
Did Hamas care about any kids before producing and firing 100,000 rockets on their neighbors? No, so go and cry there.
Oops, touched a prejudiced nerve.
So let me get this straight. It’s alright that Israel killed them. But it’s evil that Palestinians made them. Check.
Is it not strange that according to MSM news Israelis are murdered but Palestinians are killed, discuss.
Mostly, Palestinians just die.
The “rockets” are firecrackers you imbecile. I would use stronger language but will refrain to give this post a chance to get through.
are you sure you are on the right platform? May I suggest Zionism today or the Jewish chronicle ? if you actually believe that a few Bozos were able to kill 1200 Israelis miost of whom are reserve military and many have weapons and also kidnap 200 photogenic bunch of children, models and pensioners . this is blatant wartime Propaganda , its a garish script but as usual Zionist agents infiltrate all alternative news sites to push their lies
Where to start?
“Hamas thrives on bot production and thus 150 babies are born every day”
The “150 babies born every day” are connected to the “bot production”?
And as for the article you connect to, I note you bypass the distressing conditions for pregnant women there and leap straight to “the United Nations estimates about 150 births there each day”.
Probably not applicable during a genocide!
This goes back to the Catte Black piece – why on earth is ABC here in Oz, the most zombified globalist controlled ‘news’ outfit on the planet, doing sympathy pieces about the Gaza genocide?
Since when is that in their remit?
I mean what’s going on here?
The ABC has been a world class lickspittler since the days of John Howard.
They do what they do to appease the political party in charge. Their livelihoods depend on it.
Israel, Palestine, China, Russia, Ukraine or Covid, it doesn’t matter, as long as the bucks keep coming.
Vaccines are a toxic brew of formaldehyde, mercury, foetus cells, dogshit, snot and cancerous kidney cells…
Of course when you end up with entire generations of brain damaged imbeciles…or suffering from weird side effects…
You just invent new maladies such as ADHD and autism to cover your tracks and then prescribe some more toxic medicine…as the cure…!
Whether I smoke the herbs, sniff some cocaine, drink a bottle of whiskey, or take a brew of formaldehyde, mercury, foetus cells, dogshit, snot in a vaccine, it is all the same.
I get high, I dance, Im alive, I have a life, and you dont! …………..It is MY life.
Indeed, a patient cured is a customer lost well proven by the cancer industry.
What are the odds that your Digital Health Certificate will not be used in a ‘selection’ to help rid your faulty genetic prophile from the gene pool or expunge you from society because your non-productive infirmity makes you a useless eater? .
Inconvenient People
“Bemoaning the Totalitarian Technological State – what will become of those who can’t use smartphones? And what is the fate for all of us due to those who can’t stop?”
So, Nature is at War with us hoomins !! Does Nature know that ?
If War was Natural, if there really was interspecies Warfare, well
there wouldnt be many of any species left, now would there !
You’ve gotta be wary of the Metaphors, and definitely Really
Wary of Interpretations…
Though wanting to live forever is really the fear of Death…
(And, probably, fear of God’s wrath)…
Cood point, one that is often overlooked. I believe someone has estimated that the species which have become extinct outnumber the species that have survived. A sobering reminder of our precarious struggle for survival.
It is said that nature abhors a vacuum, but nature’s a rank amateur compared with rapacious capitalism.
When there’s a perceived gap in the market place the Corparasites dive in, head first, heart last (if at all).
There’s a buck, or a billion or two, to be made with DNA.
For fucks sake, can’t they just stand still for a bit and enjoy the awe, the wonder, the beauty and the mystery of Life?
Quoting Karen: ‘when they don’t even know how it started or the mystery of that spark’.
There is a lot more known, than is released to recorded history.
‘Scientific Lies’ (2010)
‘The Genie is out of the bottle. Don’t listen to the Doctors of Spin.’ (see above)
is that you?
Yes.I have 179 songs and the odd instrumental out on YouTube.And a large section of anti-Covid songs. I was actually doing well on Brighteon, until they had server space problems and said they would have to reduce me to 50 videos. They promised to remove only the less-watched, but they didn’t and culled the ones that had given me a couple of thousand hits in a couple of weeks. I was seriously pissed off with them. I was getting very good response and interesting dialogues with viewers.
YouBlub kept my videos up, but I’m blocked from commenting on my videos or anything else on YT.
my question is that you? has got two downvotes already really wish the votes can be seen so i can see which Zionist trolls are vote rigging this site
genie unfortunately remains in the bottle , no amount of facts or evidence will wake people up
77 views in the last 7 years , love your song , nice played and great lyrics , the problem is the public simply dont want to know the truth
This is the song that enabled me to refuse the same deal that ‘Tears for Fears’ signed. On my computer they’ve messed up the synch.
I am totally cancelled and banned by the BBC.
I added ‘Four Letter Word,’ because it had been hanging about since 198Osomething.
‘We live in a time when faith is called arrogance.
Love is a 4 letter word.
They feed you on lies that insult your intelligence.
The voice of compassion is not heard.
This is the time that the Scriptures have prophesied.
Now comes the hour of the Beast.
This is the time when we all could be crucified
by politicians, businessmen, and priests.
Where will it end?
Tell me, my friend.
How we ever going to mend
these broken hearts, broken parts
Games of let’s pretend.
We are drowning in a dream where the people think they’re powerless, struggling each moment to survive.
We are watching the sands as they run out of the hourglass
and most don’t even know we’re alive.
We have sold off our birthright for fantasy and avarice,
legalised the slaughter of the weak.
We are well past the point where we’re taking any good advice
condemned by our actions as we speak.
Where will it end….(repeat)
not sure if you are up for this but i would like to talk with you , my skype is pete.jones664
What, you mean apart from the fact that I haven’t used Skype since I was living in Ireland for a bit in 2015, and have had the camera taped over since then? I would have to rediscover it. A friendly bass player has just changed the hard drive and doubled the RAM on this computer, so it’s not as aggravating as previously. I always prefer to talk in person, if I’m invited, which is why I went to Ireland. and the USA the last time.
Are you the musical pete jones?
Genesis 2:16. But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
Remember there is two form of death. 1. The physical death (body death), 2. The spiritual and soul death (separation from God).
Good luck to elderly Church, Genomics, Gates, BIO4, Gingko, Science, and all freaks.
“The Book of Genesis says that Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden, in which, among all kinds of other trees, grew the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God forbade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but the serpent managed to persuade Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and Eve persuaded Adam to do the same.
In the light of Tantric science, we see that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil corresponds exactly to the series of chakras lying along the spinal column, and the serpent coiled at the foot of the tree is Kundalini. The serpent spoke to Eve saying: If you eat the fruit of this tree, in other words, if you awaken your chakras, you will become like God, you will be omniscient, clairvoyant, and omnipotent.’ So, of course Eve was tempted, and so was Adam. But it was all premature; they were not ready to withstand the forces involved. They should have continued to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, in other words, to draw their energies from the solar plexus, for thanks to those energies they knew neither tiredness, nor suffering, nor death. The the Tree of Life is the solar plexus, whereas the other tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is the spinal column. Adam and Eve were in too much of a hurry to eat of its fruit. They should have waited until God allowed them to do so, when the time was right.
And the situation of human beings is exactly the same today. Those who know how to nourish themselves with the solar plexus, which is linked to the sun, can again enjoy the fruits of the Tree of LIfe. They draw strength from the Prana, the Elixir of Everlasting Life. Whereas those who want to eat the fruits of the other tree before they are sufficiently strong and pure, put themselves in the gravest danger. They endeavour to awaken Kundalini, they speak with the serpent, and the serpent leads them toward deah, spiritual death.”
Extract from “You are Gods”, Part VII – The Organs of Spiritual Knowledge, 4 – The Kundalini force and the chakras by Omraam Mikahel Aivanhov.
I think you are referring to the Chrism process, the raising of the Sacred Oil to the pineal gland bringing the possibility of enlightenment. We have an opportunity for this to occur once every month when the Moon transits your natal Sun sign for approximately 2 to 3 days.
This has been known for centuries throughout all ancient cultures and especially in bible scriptures, for those who are able to interpret them.
8 minute video.
Ha, a fake tantric teacher trying to cover up the fact that the Bibical tale of Eden is a satanic inversion of the truth! Tantra doesn not teach human beings that they are gods. It is a polytheistic and non-dual system (no cosmic evil!) with gods such as Shiva and Kali.
There is no indication in the Bibilical psy-op that “god” had any such intention.
The inversion of the truth in the “Genesis” is the essence of the demonisation of nature and kundalini, and the basis of the psy-op of the Abarahamic creeds.
And so it goes.