Lies, Lies, and More Lies
Todd Hayen

I was eight years old when John Kennedy was murdered. I remember getting the call from my dad, telling me rather flatly, “the president is dead.” We were living in Puerto Rico at the time, my dad being a US Naval officer and was stationed there. Even though I was quite young, I knew the gravity of such an event, and as these sorts of experiences typically do, the moment was etched in my memory—I remember every tiny detail.
Over the years since, I have heard many stories relating to “that moment.” One in particular that stands out is a story my sister tells. While attending a high school assembly that infamous day, the American flag on its stand in the school auditorium fell over with no provocation and rolled off the stage. Everyone attending the assembly that afternoon thought it a very odd event, but had no idea it was correlated to anything happening in the world until it was announced an hour later that Kennedy was dead. The flag fell over precisely at the time he was shot. Many of these events I have heard are similarly paranormal in nature, and often are attributed to the energy generated from the enormity of an assassinated president of a great country.
If such a “comment from God” is the actual reason for these strange anomalies, I would say it was not so much due to the death of a president, but more a comment on the great lie and betrayal leveled against the American people. JFK was murdered by his own government.
The JFK “conspiracy theory” was my first foray into the world of government deceit and treachery. Although at the beginnings of my personal investigation I was not so much invested in the idea the entire government was dishonorable and malfeasant, but maybe only a few individuals were guilty of such. In fact, at the time, I wondered if JFK’s assassination was instigated by some outside faction such as the American Mafia.
Whatever the reason, I became convinced that the Warren Commission was a joke (again, maybe a joke only because it was incompetently put together) and there was far more to the event than what the public was officially told.
I donned the tinfoil hat and at that moment became the proverbial conspiracy theorist.
My infatuation went on for years. Every new book on the JFK assassination that came out, I was one of the first to read. At one point I became obsessed with this intrigue and made the decision to stop digging into it all because it was making me depressed–not just from the horrific way he was killed, but by the now familiar feelings generated from the crumbling of the American illusion of a decent and benevolent government. Obviously by this point in my research, I was beginning to formulate the true story.
Kennedy’s own government murdered him.
I was also a bit tired of being seen by friends and family as a kook. Being “interested” in all this was one thing, but actually believing it was another. The JFK event is probably the granddaddy of conspiracy theories. If you include alien stuff like UFOs, abductions, captured space crafts, etc. maybe it is number two, but regardless, it is up there. No decent person believes such crap.
I think being convinced that the official story on such a massive event simply was not true had a deep impact on how I saw the rest of the world. Although this realization did not sink in as deeply as it should have (Covid allowed the full realization—yes, I must admit, very late in the game) it did indeed plant the seed that compels me to question just about everything that is in the mainstream.
As I said, while delving into the depths of the JFK situation I kept a low profile. I was amazed how everyone else around me was so convinced of the “lie.” Although it took very little, in my opinion, to expose it. People seem to think that “conspiracy theories” are wrought with complicated, evidence-less, and weird, contortions to bring forth their points. In fact, it is actually the other way around. The “lie” itself is what defies common sense and deeper scrutiny. The “conspiracy theories” only require a bit of pulling back the veil in order to clearly see the wizard behind the controls.
It is fascinating how few people are willing to do this. When the believers of the lie are asked to display the evidence for believing the lie as truth, they more often than not cannot present anything other than the official, twisted up, narrative. If asked to debunk the “conspiracy theory” they typically are completely unfamiliar with any of the details.
So, I had been bitten by the truth bug, and nearly anything that went on in the world that seemed fishy, I investigated. Sure enough, there was a “common sense” thread to most of these things that went well beyond the “head scratching” phase. Further investigation would invariably reveal the “more than likely truth” about a situation: the Vietnam War, the moon landing, 9/11 and a plethora of others that probably initially escaped my attention. I can’t say I became a hard core “believer in the agenda” at that time because I was not aware of an “agenda.” I thought most of these lies were fabricated by individuals: black hatters who slipped through the cracks. 9/11 was an eyeopener, and anything after that began to really change my perspective. Covid cracked me wide open.
Back to JFK. Now, 60 years later, most of the cat is out of the bag. Maybe the tail still remains because Biden, our buddy in charge, has refused the release of the last few pages of damning evidence. But at least the business end of the cat is out (tooth and nail), and it is clear that this had been a lie, to most, for 60 years.
So, will it be another 40 years or so before 9/11 is exposed as the sham it was to the public? The moon landing has not been exposed (I still can’t get myself to fully accept that as a hoax—I have a lot of emotion invested in it being true!) How many years will it take before Covid is exposed? Probably not until everyone living today is dead. That basically is what it was for the JFK fiasco, although one prominent documentary just released focuses on interviews with six doctors who treated JFK at Parkland hospital in Dallas when he was brought in with gunshot wounds.
So, is everything a lie? I am afraid to say that probably everything controversial is, or involves big money, or power. The United States, in particular, has taken on this persona of a goody-two-shoes nation that can do no wrong. A nation feeling no guilt regarding global, and domestic, manipulation—no culpability regarding money and power being the prime mover in policies and actions (as opposed to the benefit and well-being of US citizens)—impervious to ethics, morals, and decency. Maybe more so than other nations, the United States simply can do nothing to tarnish it’s “holier than thou” position, so maybe it resorts to lying more than other nations, who clearly care less about the underlying motives to its actions. Most nations couldn’t care less what their citizenry thinks or feels or suffers. Neither does the United States, but they try very hard to pretend otherwise.
The world is a very complicated place. It is time we started realizing this and pull our attention away from the distractions out there and start to be a bit more responsible for what is going on. I know most reading this have already done so. And when I say “responsible” I don’t mean to be saddled with the task of stopping the treachery, or “fixing” the world. But just being aware and conscious and unwilling to believe the lies. This is powerful enough to instigate change. Question everything you hear and take nothing that the puppet masters attempt to feed us for granted. You know the saying, “it isn’t what it seems”? Let’s say instead it is what it seems, but not what they tell us it is. Trust your gut.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Hello, Todd Hayen and everyone!
Do you really want to look down the rabbit hole as deep as you can?
Then study the following 2 links-it’s the best there is (topic JFK):
This man (Miles) is an artist, professional photographer and portrait painter-very helpful in deconstructing the lies presented to us!
And to top it all off, he has acquired a professional knowledge of genealogy.
This mix makes the research the best you can find!
You can find more of his top works at this link:
Best regards to all truth-seeking honest people!
Anekdoten über das Attentat wurden von Regierungsseite
Jahrzehnte lang verbreitet. Ich war in meinen jungen Jahren
Präzisionsschütze, 2. Platz bei Landesmeisterschaf sowie
10. und 11.Platz bei Europameisterschaft. Da habe ich
verstanden das der Attentäter mit derartigem Karabiner
auf die Entfernung ein bewegliches Ziel nie treffen konnte.
Habe auch 1978 Dallas besucht in Begleitung eines Freundes,
ehemaliger US-Militärpolizist, der den II. WK, Korea Krieg und
Vietnam Krieg überlebt hat. Er hat mir unter vorgehaltener
Hand auch gesagt, das es ein Mordanschlag in Auftrag der
Eliten war, aber hier werde ich weitere Details auch nach
60 Jahren nicht erwähnen.
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der wir nur die Wahrheit fürchten müssen.
Trust me: The angels have better things to do than make a high school flag fall over on account of an American politician.
Significant events actually occur in other countries too.
Just think of the thousands of schools where a flag did NOT fall over…
Did they not deserve such a dramatic divine comment every bit as much as you?
If the paranormal is really supposed to be a thing, it is probably much more closely tied to the spiritual aspirations or failures of individuals such as you and me.
Killed by there CIA apparently.
“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence the term conspiracy theorist was adopted so even when the crimes are so apparent there’s no denying them. Moral cowards have an excuse to look the other way.”
One question why would they want to kill Kennedy
They could have just blackmailed him to do what they wanted or just killed his false reputation as a family man.
Just by exposing his prolific sex life with both men and women and probably boys and girls.
Maybe it was a message to all future presidents who may become deluded enough to think that they are in control.
I am waiting for a good alternative documentary exposing the LIE of the 7th of October Surprise attack on Israel from the most heavily monitored people on the planet.
The things they expect you to believe.
“The moon landing has not been exposed” Well, there is a particular, official image from Apollo 11 which strangely enough hasn’t been picked by “moon hoax believers”, yet AFAIK. Did the Eagle land on a mountain plateau or why does its shadow stretch all the way to the horizon?!?
Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth. Anyone not in favour of this is guilty of genocide.
Destroy Israel or support genocide, your choice.
I call on Tod Hayen, Catte Black, CJ Hopkins to support the elimination of Israel or be guilty of genocide.
Wouldn’t elimination of the entire country of Israel be genocide as well? There are Israelis who do not agree with their governments wanton slaughter in Gaza, do they deserve elimination as well? And no, by saying this I’m not guilty of genocide….
Ah straw man manufacture as usual. To criticise Israel = “wanting to wipe Israel from the face of the earth/Jew hate/Hitler worship” etc.
But note as always the difference between an alleged genocide of Jews projected into the future and an actual genocide of Palestinians taking place in front of our eyes right now!
Covert Agencies Again
I did not make this comment. It is funny that 80% of the comments I make are censored but covert agency impersonators are allowed to make me look bad.
What do I owe you for the session?
I was 7. It shook my teachers and my mother. Not my father. Feeding and clothing 7 kids was all he could handle. He disengaged to survive.
Never paid much attention except for the incessant sound of clip clopping hooves.
Still don’t.
Too many other fish to fry. Like some doctors that should placed in a commercial fish fryer. Alive. Head first. Pull them out once they begin to float.
Conspiracy has become an assumption and faith in humanity is all but gone.
Cracked open is good description.
Without accountability, it will never end.
Daniel Natal: The Global Oligarchy Wants to Remake All Nations into Slave Plantations
This discussion reveals the truth about how the American flag was created and no, it wasn’t sweet little Betsy Ross as we’ve been told. So many lies debunked here…
Also, I recommend watching Stamped from the Beginning on Netflix, about the history of racism. The days of referencing ancient biblical text to justify abhorrent policies like slavery are over.
Make of this what you will (the author can heard interviewed on Sage of Quay):
My 2p worth: this is an example of one of their counter-conspiracy tropes, where they mush together some real conspiracies with some of their fake ones and throw it out there as a kind of new meta-conspiracy to distract and lead the unwary astray. Other examples are Tartaria, mud floods and most importantly QAnon.
There are imo some tells: 1) the source – Veterans Today is one that look very doubtful (Fetzer wrote for them and he has been a disinfo spreader on JFK although like any disinfo source there’s some truth in his work as well) 2) ridiculous claims which exaggerate and thereby discredit truths – the author claims human could live to be a 1000 which discredits the idea the average age could be somewhat longer than it currently is 3) gratuitous Egyptian references and numerology – well, surprise if the pyramids and 33 aren’t worked in here (his claim there were 33 MK Ultra sub-projects is a gross understatement and verifiable falsehood) 4) gratuitous hatred of Christianity mixed in – the claim that taking the Catholic host was being poisoned by a biological weapon is ridiculous but it seems they can’t help themselves 5) the acknowledgement of some crucial arguments – here the fakeness of virus theory, in QAnon the acknowledgement of elite paedophilia – to try to convince the conspiracy-minded that the source is on “our” side but burying it in such a mound of b.s. it won’t convert any “normies” 6) recycling some things they’ve done before – those who know Joseph P. Farrell might notice some of work being re-deployed here (like mass death on the Eastern Front in WW2 not being caused by conventional weaponry) 7) logical fallacies – he claims they wanted biological weapons because nukes made areas uninhabitable… well, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were never evacuated 8) trying to make the conspiracy-minded pro-nazi – Hitler was a good guy because he refused biological and chemical weapons? 9) the pointers to current action – he makes the ridiculous claim that current spraying is being done to save us thereby implying nobody should want to have it stopped.
This is not to argue it’s not worth reading and there isn’t some useful information here. There are some suggestive links between MK Ultra and biological weapons – like Frank Olsen’s expertise in airborn sprays and the use of some sites for both activities.
We are being deluged in this now:
Kids – looking totally unharmed and frankly not even bothered – rushing into the arms of relatives.
It’s so pathetically artificial that I once again wonder if it’s a piss take.
And check out the reactions on the thread. Are they for real? This one made me laugh:
“Don’t think I’m gonna see anything more heartbreaking than this today”
You certainly got that right – though not in the way you think!
Are you condemning it or supporting it? Those cute kids have no right to exist on that soil
Those cute kids have been directed in a clearly choreographed circus. Just like the circus of Western news reporters trying their best to look shell shocked in minimally damaged Israeli streets.
Impersonators again. The administrators are working hand in glove with the covert agencies.
The ever relevant Simon Elmer has a pertinent take on “the new colonialism” here:
The colonialism of the past has now been reversed i.e. whereas previously it was a matter of the British (to pick the most obvious example) who would install a small group of whites to dominate a nation of non-whites, now it is the other way around in terms of presentation – which must be emphasised i.e. it isn’t that the non-whites have intruded on us and imposed their own will. No, these non-whites have been chosen in a purely negative sense i.e. they indicate that the majority of the Western population, who are white, are now the “second class citizens”.
To expand,
“….in many respects the British are now a colonised people, much like India was under the British Empire, the Eastern Bloc countries were under the Soviet Union, and South American countries are under the USA. The coloniser now, however, isn’t another country or Empire, but a transnational consortium of financial institutions, global asset managers, information technology companies and the technocracies they form.
As the British ruling class know better than anyone and ruthlessly demonstrated in India, Africa, the Middle East and South-east Asia when they ruled not only our own nation but many others, the colonisation of a country is conditional upon the erasure of its indigenous culture and the replacement of its native leaders with foreigners who have no allegiance, in beliefs or customs, to the conquered people. UK’s woke-compliant leaders — White, Asian and Black — who occupy positions of leadership and seniority in all the UK’s parliamentary political parties, have been appointed by globalists for precisely this purpose.”
Elmer notes that the chosen leaders may be white but it is obviously more effective to have a non-white as a visual representative of the principal.
“Woke is a foreign ideology, manufactured largely by US globalists, propagandists and academics to replace the indigenous cultures of the nation states of the West. The leaders selected to enforce it have been chosen strategically to this end because, as repeatedly demonstrated by Sadiq Khan — the second-generation immigrant voted Mayor of London by a demographic of which nearly 40% are of Asian, Black or mixed ethnicity — anyone who opposes the colonisation of the UK by these policies can be denounced as ‘far-right’, ‘racist’ and other insults from the lexicon of woke.”
This is where the ludicrous assertions of Scottish First Minister, Humza Yousaf come in:
This regarding a country where the population is 96% white!
But Elmer’s essay – along with my comment here – is not a “racist” observation. All of this comes down to the deliberate nullification of prole solidarity by elevating tiny minorities to positions of power, thus presenting the decisions of the rulers as being hostile to the interests of the vast majority.
But the “Left” will of course not appreciate this point. They are not meant to. They are the defenders of this very system of tyranny. Elmer has a deliciously apt observation here:
“This ideological framework …..was uncritically accepted by the unfailingly cretinous UK Left….”
And The Guardian comes in to prove the point.
“Geert Wilders’ win shows the far right is being normalised. Mainstream parties must act”Wilders being the latest “Hitler” clone. (The comparison hasn’t been made explicitly yet but give it time!)
We find that,
“Central to the party’s programme is a radical anti-immigration policy. The PVV declares that ‘our beautiful Netherlands is severely deteriorated due to the ongoing asylum tsunami and mass immigration’. It claims children are “being indoctrinated with climate activism, gender insanity and a sense of shame about our country’s history” and wants to ban Islamic schools, the Qur’an, and mosques, to halt “Islamisation” of the country.”
Note the list of “crazy concerns”:
“climate activism”: the synthetic protests that ultimately aim to impoverish the population further.“gender insanity”: the transgender programme which literally neuters rising generations.“a sense of shame about our country’s history”: this is a more traditional bugbear of the Left in that it is automatically presumed to imply racism, imperialism etc. What they don’t say – or even admit to themselves – is that this cultural aspect is one of the few remaining sources that generate mass solidarity. Speaking of which:
“Mainstream politicians have a moral obligation to uphold liberal democratic norms. While citizens’ concerns about cultural change and immigration can be legitimate, there is something fundamentally problematic about the far right’s idea of a “leading culture”.
Society is inherently diverse, comprising individuals and groups with differing values and preferences. “The voter”, a term repeatedly used by Dutch politicians to suggest that citizens are united in their beliefs, does not exist. Mainstream parties should recognise this and steer well clear of the far right’s anti-liberal frame that there is a “general will”.”
You couldn’t make it clearer. Divide and rule all the way!
BBC: “St Andrews University rector urged to apologise over Israel ‘genocide’ claim”
Newly-elected rector of St Andrews University, Stella Maris criticises Israel and comes under attack from “hundreds of students”. Indeed,
“St Andrews University said it was “dismayed” by the rector’s comments.”
The University itself is dismayed?
The usual bollicks about “antisemitism” and complaints from “a large group of students” who write a letter saying,
“What is truly unacceptable is that you do not care to mention, let alone demonstrate regard for, the two St Andrews students who were recently attacked because of their religion.”
No further info on “the two St Andrews students”.
And the only one opposed to Maris whose name is mentioned is principal and vice-chancellor, Prof Dame Sally Mapstone.
Thus does the media hack machine erect a phony theatre to spin a spurious populism.
The promise of a peaceful ,democratic, equitable America died the day JFK was assassinated.The CIA irrevocably poisoned the body politic that day.
60% of the Public did not believe the official story at the time of his murder.
A new documentary has just been made;What the Doctors saw.This is a good synopsis :
The faker faking a faked fake fakery.
Official history is written one lie at a time and cemented together with myths. “Unprovoked aggression”, “They hate out freedoms”, “A surprise attack” and “Safe and effective”
The present moment is not real. The past a lie.
Ignorance is informing people of their free choice.
Reality is whatever someone else wants it to be.
Mel Stamper – Fruit from a Poisonous Tree p59-60
Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (President, 1913-1921) From the private papers of Woodrow Wilson:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our Chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Whilst drudging through the nethermost pits of the twitter swamp, I stumbled on a den of self-congratulating acolytes of “The Science” which led me to this:
The following was reposted on twitter – clearly as a trophy whereby the poster masturbated his magnificent rod before all challengers:
“On average, people who believe in pseudoscience, suffer from paranoia or schizotypy, are narcissistic or religious/spiritual and have relatively low cognitive ability, are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.”
Don’t you love that “religious/spiritual” as an emblem of disability?
And be reassured that our skylords are trustworthy:
“Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.”
It would be most unscientific of me to note that this begs quite a few questions!
The new priesthood has spoken.
JFK wasn’t murdered by his own government… there was a help from the CIA yes, but who engineered his killing was the Mossad!!!
Read: “Final Judgement” By Michael Collins Piper, the very best book on this subject:
[press ‘pdf’ to download, save and read]
The purpose of the article was to deflect from what you highlighted. There were other important reasons including Federal Reserve authority, CIA authority and Vietnam deescalation.
Whenever in search of a good quote, it is worth considering JFK – in this case, from a Commencement Address to Yale on June 11th, 1962:-
“…For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought…”
I am impressed with Todd’s very early skepticism; though we are the same age, I simply accepted the Offical Version, mainly because my Dad did (he was the same age as JFK). JFK was an icon for us Scottish Catholics (as elsewhere), but as the incessant MSM assassination of his character followed his physical assassination, it was like the end of heroes and heroism, the end of hope. How wonderful to have finally seen through the lies. My breakthrough was in reading Wm. Manchester’s “Death of a President” some years after being given it. That delay was crucial because in the meantime, I had acquired a History degree and had learned to read between the lines. There was a whole unspoken narrative of foreknowledge and callous indifference by the Secret Service, in particular Emory Roberts who was LJB’s bitch. It was enough to start my research.
To finish on the subject of lies, another quote, this time from Bismarck: “Believe nothing until it is officially denied”. As the originator of Realpolitik, he knew a thing or two…
Pain doesnt exist because (a) it’s all subjective, or,
(b) it cant be objectified ?
i was being physio’d for a shoulder injury. The Manipulator
asked, “Your Pain, describe it.’
I offered “It HURTS’, and “It’s really bad !”, which were
clearly very unscientific observations…The therapist responded:
“No. Be more precise, give it a score from 0ne to Ten”, so i said
“7” and objectified my pain…That’s what i like about Science, its
clarity, its preciseness…Though you have to learn its language…
Hilarious. Cannot stand that one to ten rubbish.
These are all staged events, like the Lincoln assassination, which was also faked. They’re Masonic rituals (killing of the king) but without real bloodshed: Their ultimate aim is NOT to topple an uncooperative president. Puppet politicians have zero power, are all actors on a stage, playing roles for an ancient familial cult who profiteer, racketeer and retain power generationally from farming and culling humanity like cattle, then passing power and wealth down to their offspring over centuries and millennia.
The JFK fraud was a “made for tv” event. And the autopsy photos are 100% fake.
Staged assassinations, just like the staged wars, staged space travel, staged pandemics and staged financial crises, reinforce the false beliefs the majority hold that these shill puppets with their fake politics and incorporated courts are REAL. That countries are separate. That political parties are oppositional. That courts are lawful. But all they (politics, nations, laws) really are is a red versus blue, divisive, Hegelian Dialectic smokescreen, hiding the true ownership of the multitude of privately owned corporations (legal fictions) that make up America Inc and every other “country” on earth.
Once you begin to perceive the extent of the fakery and fraud in this world you can’t ever go back to the willful ignorance and mass delusions the majority hold. But you’re not there yet.
You’ve seen a doctored film taken by a 33rd degree Mason, over and over, read the headlines, listened to the news reports. The conspiracy films and documentaries made by Hollywood are all controlled by intelligence and owned by the cabal. You can’t yet conceive that there’s only fakery afoot. That your news doesn’t exist to inform you of any facts whatsoever, rather, feed you disinformation 24/7.
The films and tv you watch tell stories and show destructive behaviors they want people to believe, emulate and mimic. That’s why our world is permeated with violence in media, print and film. Not because it’s desired by audiences or even factual (how much REAL violence have you witnessed first hand?) but because it triggers the fight or flight response, inhibits critical thinking, then our subconscious collates the repetition of signs, symbols, words, phrases and messages. Our subconscious can’t distinguish between real life and a movie. That’s how trauma based, mass mind control works.
I think maybe that you are a staged event.
You are a pain, with a very small p.
Nothing whatsoever would surprise me at this point, but I’m not buying a fake JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm, Evers, assassination.
In JFK’s – please explain what then happens with his family. Did Jackie, John and Caroline visit with JFK on the QT? On Onassis’ yacht? And no one caught on? No one talked?
Same with all the other assassination families.
Where are the DETAILS of the minutae of everyday life after these fake assassinations?
Not being snarky here, but if people are going to make these assertions some proof, no lots of proof, is needed.
Were JFK and RFK hiding out at Hyannisport for years?
I put nothing past the controllers, the real controllers, but I think these assertions are incorrect.
They could go anywhere in the world where they aren’t known. Any type of plastic surgery or disguises were available then. Jacquie obviously was in on it.
Why do the Kennedy’s have to stay in the US? There are private islands all over the world, huge estates the cabal and royal families own, as well as military areas off limits to the rest of us. The Kennedy’s have millions. They can go anywhere incognito. That’s what private and military airports are for.
I don’t need to provide minutiae or proof to assert something didn’t occur. Why do you believe the garbage on tv and in the press? Repetition and consensus. Certainly no proof is ever provided.
I’m asserting it didn’t happen, because the evidence of fakery is overwhelming. Read the entire article I linked to, above.
Nobody would bother to kill puppets. And they never kill their own, otherwise nobody would want to play.
The intent is to traumatize the audience (the profane) and foment fear. Whilst staged wars and staged assassinations provide a veneer of validity that governments are needed and genuine, instead of what they really are, which is organized, racketeering operations, farming and controlling populations through mass deception and mass delusions.
“Camelot” and the whole image of the Kennedy’s was manufactured PR. And JFK jnr is probably Aristotle Onassis’ child. Look at pictures of Alexander Onassis and JFK jnr. Half brothers, with an uncanny likeness.
Government is mind control. And tv and media is their #1 weapon. That’s why tv is called PROGRAMMING. TV Programs. Mind control.
So, radicals are making headway in Holland, Argentina, etc. But I’m not so sure. I trust nothing now and believe anyone making it to the top on whatever side of the left-right spectrum are all shoehorned into place by the same criminal elite.
Wilders is a faker , they are simply buying time by having all these fakers around , Meloni, Orban etc
Notice how theses fakers (as you all them) are using alt media terminologys to law in the voters back again with Donald trump drain the swamp fantasy s.
I believe i got this link from another OFF-G omment recently. It gives an interesting bunch of alternate theories of the Kennedy assasinations.
A bit off topic but here is a typically rich essay from Simon Elmer:
This bit in particular struck me:
“And the criteria for the accusation of racism employed by the ICEC is about as rigorous as a seventeenth-century witch hunt, relying on the anonymised anecdotes of the modern equivalents to Arthur Miller’s Puritan colonists in The Crucible, his allegory of McCarthyism in the USA of the 1940s and 1950s. To qualify as ‘racist’, according to the ICEC definition, there doesn’t have to be intention on behalf of the offending person, merely ‘perception’ of racism by the offended.”
That latter part echoes Billy Bragg’s motto – which I have to construct from memory since the little coward has blocked me: “Perception trumps intention”, the slimy manipulative aspect of which is the unspoken matter of who decides “perception”.
Dr Frantz Fanon:
Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.
or American Acceptionalism…
a·mer·i·can ac·cep·tion·al·ism
/əˈmerəkən/ \ ak-ˈsep-shnə-ˌli-zəm\
1. people that believe in the myth of american exceptionalism that are living in delusion and denial. So once confronted with the fact that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is in fact an empire, not unlike the Roman or British empires before it, they vehemently deny the truth, and defend the American empire anyway.
You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can’t make him think.
In Holland, Far-right becomes F-right > Panic Stations !!
Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy (11 Pages)
I researched and found out, of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.
by Mark R. Elsis
One in 400,000 trillion ? A bit unlikely to be a coincidence, I must admit.
Throwing in a few females would not make much of a difference as we have seen. Golda Meir, Killary Clinton, Mad Albright, Cruella Braverman, Nikki Helley and so on.
I was in 9th grade. When THEY stated all of the information would not be released for 75 years, essentially, when most alive at the time were dead, I knew a fix was in. After hearing a lifetime of lies regarding indigenous genocide, slavery, poverty, assassinations, wars and poverty, there are two ironclad truths. 1) Wherever there is secrecy, there are lies and criminality. Secrecy is warfare, trying win something through deception. It is Empire, conflict for spoils. 2) All of the above is authorized, managed and prosecuted by the rich, the ruling elite, essentially the 1% with management support from the top 5%.
Given the above true. we can see the reasons for the elite to project myths rather than transparency. Secrecy and politics, the art of prosecuting hidden agendas, can only function if the governed give over their authority to make policy to this elite. The myths have created a colonial settler mentality in the governed, rationalizing elite internal and external empire at the governed’s and the conquered’s expense.
Conclusion. Stop being “governed“. Make policy ourselves. Hire employees to make our policies so. Place accumulative wealth limits on individuals and corporations. Ban all secrecy and implement transparency in all public affairs. Ban all “public-private-partnerships”. Public Banking System. Disband the CIA, the FBI and the entire Spy and State complex. Pull all foreign bases and flatten the military to 10%. And on and on.
Not rocket science. It’s the obvious. If we are aware of the non-stop lies, the myth making, and keep centered on the self-governing path, we can get there. But as long as we rely upon an “other”, inevitably rich rats, to make decisions for us, we’re in a 1% death spiral.
I was a teenager in high school when Kennedy was murdered. I became more aware of world events when I went to college and determined I was not going to go to Vietnam to kill other people for the US MIC. My mother’s family’s property was taken by the government to expand US Army Camp A.P. Hill in Caroline County Virginia in the early 1940’s which forced them to relocate North. I was born in Philadelphia and we lived with a great uncle who served as a soldier (not a cook or porter) in WWI; he lost an eye and he told stories of his experiences in Europe and how he was treated when he returned to segregated America.
Despite pro military school propaganda I always was leery of the military because of his stories. So when I independently learned later that Kennedy opposed the wars in Southeast Asia and wanted to disband the CIA I began to view him in a different light.
From my perspective America’s devolution into a truly global empire accelerated once the Deep State murdered Kennedy. As Malcolm X rightly said it was a case of “the chickens coming home to roost”.
Now the American Empire is in deep/steep decline. It is in the depravity/hubris stage of imperial and domestic collapse. It is only a matter of time before the implosion is complete unless there is a major moral revival which is highly unlikely given this nation’s true history and current consciousness.
The gvt can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
Are you saying there is no pull up out of the steep dive America is experiencing now?
Its going to be a difficult future for many no doubt, but some European country’s are in an even steeper decline that there could be no return from, that is the leading indicator of trouble ahead for the western, dollar tied down, world.
That is the goal of the globalists so they can usher in their Great Reset to reconfigure the global landscape via social reengineering and a systemic economic restructuring with themselves on the top. Stay well.
They better hope the goal posts don’t get moved to find they are no longer on top.
Most of humanity is unaware of what is being done to them while others are paralyzed by fear, toxic food, air, water, drugs’ and induced helplessness hopelessness dependency on the very systems that are killing them.
There is no doubt that the future will be difficult going forward, but some European country’s will be in an even steeper decline for supporting American ideology, , and thus shall keep Americans a step ahead of their western counterparts.
I remember that moment too as a little boy. My mother took up the newspaper and said “Ohh no, not him”.
I didnt understand much, only that JFK represented a hope and was a symbol of a good leader for the world’s biggest nation for my parents.
Well, now we are here. JFK is and will be remembered.
Many of the big stories of our recent modern history appear to be untruths.
Just a few examples here:
The sinking/sacrificing of the “Lusitania” for propaganda value to justify the US’s entry into WWI.The Pearl Harbor attack (ditto WWII)The Jewish Holocaust of WWI & WWIIKennedys/King assassinationsMoon landingsJohn Lennon assassination9/11War of Terror (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia etc etc)Jan 6 Capitol Hill farceOct 7 2023 Hamas Attack
Evil manifests from generation to generation.
None more so than in the politics and government.
I was in high school when Kennedy was assassinated. My high school was on an Army base. For years and years (and truly only since my awareness of everything has changed with the covid lies) did I even consider that the assassination was a conspiracy. I was definitely a person who followed the mainstream views for most of my life. Now I am questioning everything…a less peaceful way to live, but essential. Thanks Todd for the great article.
“So, is everything a lie?”Looks like Mr Hayen has missed the biggest lie of them all!
And what is there? It’s a lie that everything is a lie?
I never said that, you were the one asking if everything is a lie…I was talking about the big fat lie of all lies!
OK, I apparently did miss it. What is the big fat lie of all lies?
You are not allowed to say it is a lie.
“You know the saying, “it isn’t what it seems”? Let’s say instead it is what it seems, but not what they tell us it is.” I could not agree more, Todd.
So what is so difficult about developing a politics of truth and factual truth-telling about our common world of perception? “Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus” (“Let justice be done though the whole world perish”) especially when truth-telling about our common world really is a matter of life and death? These were the questions Hannah Arendt was compelled to address when her reputation was assassinated (some might say cancelled) by mendacity and lies in the aftermath of the publication of Eichmann in Jerusalem.
That was in 1967: so what has the thinking public been exercising “free-speech truth-telling” (parrhesia, isegoria) to political power about since then? “Lies, Lies and More Lies?” Well it seems like “ideological nescience” when the First World has no general idea of a common world that includes the Third World as an extend extermination camp of First World production; a necropolitical death-world (Mbembe) where the highly racialised order of consumer commodification manifests a “slow-death” perpetrated by radicalised negligence and commodified self-love of economically rational agents for whom no atrocity or abomination is ever enough.
Only perceived infringement of racialised consumer privilege, selfish entitlement and the sacrosanct “free-market freedoms and liberties” to take Unpeopled property for oneself by right seems to move anybody to speech these days – as an excruciating and unstemmable “white lament liturgy” – which seems an awful lot like sickening hypocrisy and absolute evil turning an intentional blind eye to the white exceptionalist consumer order – a de facto “market-totalitarianismism” – that renders the Unpeopled to superfluity in their own place of origin as killable bodies in a consummerised, consumptogenic and commercial administration of life and death or “necropower.”
To “say what is” is to give a factual account of white consumer economics liquidating the superfluousness of Lebensunwertes Leben of disposable blackness whichever is never more “absolutely banal” than contemporary “90% off deals”; “click-and-collect now for christmas delivery” as a “Killable Black Friday” available anywhere via the ‘app’ for today’s totalitarian self-love; of biodigital (virtual) keyboard murderers who have taken the personalised bureaucracy (now with “bonus loyalty points”) of outrageous stupefaction and radicalised and extremised thoughtlessness to unprecedented and unparalleled heights of universalised anthropological evil.
“Let commodified justice and free-choice freedom be done though the whole world perish?” Arendt would be appalled by our inability to say “what is” – let alone do the right ethical-volitional thing – in return for yet another white exceptionalist christmas. Hurry, grab a killer bargain: only available whist common pool stocks and Unpeopled resources last and their racialised labour is free to us.
It turned out as us white exceptionalists couldn’t tell the fucking factual truth about our common reality if our lives and their lives depended on it – which they do. Whichever seems like “nauseating nescience” – which it is.
Bryan, ‘Te saluto.’ You really have turned verbose jargon into poetry. Of all the commenters, nay posters on OG. You outdo us all.
Commodified justice is what it says on the tin. Just another commodity for sale.
‘Do the right thing?’ How? Pick a card, any card, or, ‘here is todays menu of on the left ‘crises,’ on the right, ‘catastrophes’. The Maitre’ d’ recommends the politically correct choices here. at the bottom, sir.’
About whites and ultra whites and consumer whites. UNZ review has a sarcastic piece about that:
The white bowlers deserved to die because they were 1. Whites, 2. Bowlers, only whites do bowling, 3. They voted for Trump.
Therefore the righteous liberals, lgbt and blacks had every right to kill them. .
the identity stealers
growing up it was always jack ruby
later i read arnon milchan a super talented hollywood producer with mossad
was an expert in purchasing weapons systems and nuclear triggers for the
khazarian pirates of tel aviv all on the side while making some rather good movies.
after that i read his the guy who killed lee harvey was named jack rubenstein and thus the final judgement was in.
born out of terror always in terror irgun stern gang
just ask lord moyne not
Scott Ritter (the UN Weapons Inspector who was fired for telling the truth: Iraq had no WMD) predicts on Gaza: Right now the Yahoo is kicking and screaming but it will end he will eat his rice pudding.
(With apologies to Yes Minister)
related to this article
wondeer who marked this down ? the bullshit is not related to the article but simply the name i gavce the video when uploading , wish people can explain their actions
It was good until the flat Earth bit which I think is a bankster device to make people ridicule truthers.
“the Warren Commission was a joke (again, maybe a joke only because it was incompetently put together)”.
It was incompetence that put Dulles and John J. McCloy on the commission with Earl Warren in charge? I think not – it was designed to produce the outcome it did. Hale Boggs was the only member likely to show much independence and his plane disappeared in 1972 when criticisms of the conclusions were starting to hit the mainstream. Dulles (who never missed a session) bullied him into acquiescing at the time with threats of nuclear war if he didn’t.
“I was amazed how everyone else around me was so convinced of the “lie.””
Again it needs stating – if polls are to be believed. the majority of Americans have never believed in the Warren Commission’s conclusions. The consensus was only ever in the Mockingbird media.
The strangest part of the event itself seems to me now that initial throat wound. From where and with what could Kennedy have been shot that would’ve produced that reaction? The symbolic aspect seems too strong to be mere coincidence. Clearly, somebody didn’t like something Kennedy had said which was the message in that wound.
My comment about the Warren Commission report being “only a result of incompetency” was a comment on how I felt at the time, early on in my investigation, not a general comment.
My anecdotal experience, back in the ’70s and ’80s, was that nearly everyone around me, and everyone I read about, thought that anyone who believed Oswald did not act alone and there was an organized conspiracy to kill JFK was a kook. I am surprised to hear what you say. But it certainly was not my experience, unless my memory is suspect, which I guess it could be considering my age.
I am intrigued by your comment regarding the throat wound. The symbology is compelling.
I think Oliver Stone’s JFK in the early 90s changed public opinion and led to a widespread belief in an organized conspiracy, at least in North America.
Yes, I agree. By that time, nearly 30 years later, people (some) started to scratch their heads. The Warren Report was delivered to Johnson in 1964…that’s a lot of years.
didnt stop people in believing 9/11 and many other fakeries like the invented Israeli hostages narrative
It sure didn’t, did it?
Elena Dix
Nov 24, 2023 12:00 PM
Wars are good for business. They generate lots of money for the rich and kill useless eaters.
Here a video everybody must watch.
This is a comment from Syl’s recent post. I watched the 3 & a half hour video.
It answers questions and pretty much clears things up…… Except for how to deal with it. I could use your help, Todd.
Well it’s Masonic, innit.
Thank you for mentioning McCloy. As former CIA director Dulles is the one who gets all of the attention, and while he definitely played a central role, in some ways McCloy was an even more important establishment figure as chairman of the CFR and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank.
The shooting of JD Tippett – the JFK lookalike policeman – has been called the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination. He was shot on the same day (just 30 minutes after JFK) supposedly by Oswald. Maybe it was his body in the trauma room? Jackie Kennedy took the wedding ring off the finger of the body in the trauma room and replaced it with ‘her own’. She was a very slight woman – how would her ring fit a man’s finger? I wonder if the whole theatre of the Zapruder film was a set-up for us to witness the tragic death and was a chance to remove the real JFK before the CIA / mafia / deep state got to him. It would explain away the magic bullet and other nonsense theories.
Let’s face it, the lies go way back.
Way, way back.
They began with the lies of priests, mullahs, pharaohs, kings, queens and emperors. It’s been all downhill, towards hell on Earth for the plebs, ever since.
Testosterone addicted sociopaths and psychopaths have been laying down the laws since Adam was a glint in God’s all seeing eyes.
Fast forward 10,000 years and nothing has changed, except for the fact that now more people can be fooled more often and faster because of mass hypnosis _ _ _ l mean mass media.
The most perverse aspect of all this is that the pathological liars often believe the shit that they spew.
Yes, I write about this is some article somewhere…or talked about it on Jerm Warfare. Humans have been trying to control the masses since larger tribes/nations were formed. And it is clear one way to control masses is to lie to them.
K’uk’ulkan is sated.
This prove that the masses and the rivers of blood can be controlled and stopped by a sign from heaven.
The ApoCalypto can be avoided when it has received enough rivers of blood and heads chopped off.
Like WWI stopped, like WWII stopped, thus also WWIII will only stop when enough heads, rapes and blood letting have been rolling down the rivers of Donau, the Nile, Mississippi, Yangtzhe, Ganga……
Let go folks, for ultimate freedom!
Dental care has improved greatly since then, so there is always that to consider.
From the Electronic intifada: A Sitrep on the Asymmetrical War in Gaza:
The EU$A specializes in destroying little countries (Serbia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Palestine) by fabricating lies about them in order to “bomb them into the stone age”.
As the Afghans used to say, you have the fancy watches but we have the time.
pathological and consummate liars=government
Whilst the majority still believe the official line on WTC 7, surely the most obvious lie, how can the other; much cleverer, crimes be exposed ?
exposing crimes can only work if the public are willing to consider evidence , most are comfortable living a life of lies and so will ignore any facts
Yes, or they will consider some facts but not others. Covid is my prime example here, and I know it’s redundant for me to even bring that up. But damn, it is so true. Most on “the left” know about the lies and corruption and some can cite it chapter and verse about historical moments, but they will not see the lie in real time. And as with JFK, etc now that “those lies” are coming out those same nod their heads and think they’re really getting to the truth now, at least on things in the past. But is the current “exposure” of the lie really the truth? Or is it another game our owners are playing?
Got me. I agree. These “big lies” are so obvious, and so impossible for most to see, we don’t have a chance in hell to get the masses to see the millions of more “clever” ones being made every day.
They can see it. But the question is: do the masses want to see it? Experience tells me the answer to that question is: no, they don’t want to see it. Which leads to a new question: why do people don’t want to see, even if their blindness leads to all some ‘uncomforts’ as fi identified in the jabs?
Most people don’t want to know the truth (even if they suspect that whatever official narrative is not true) for the simple reason that it is much easier not to. I know poeple with whom I have had long discussions in 2020 about the fraud of whatever Covid policy and indeed the existence of a novel disease – or any disease at all telling me recently that they got Covid. It is far easier to say “oh yeah, it’s going around” than to say, “Covid doesn’t exist any more than Santa Claus does, you just had a cold.”
What’s easier? Question nothing or question everything?
They don’t want to see it because it makes them responsible for doing something about it.
I’d say the majority have never heard of building 7. It’s easier for TPTB & the MSM to just ignore it than to try to explain how two planes brought down three buildings.
0 planes brought down 3 buildings as it was CGI
I guess one of the planes was magic just live the Warren Report magic bullet. This bullshit does get recycled.
A simple rule of thumb: nothing that the establishment has ever told us is true. They lie consistently on absolutely every issue and the establishment is the sole source of all the issues as that is their method for generating increased control and wealth.
The problem is SOME things they tell us are true. That’s what gives them legitimacy.
The problem is they weave these strands of truth in with their lies and it is very difficult to see where the truth stops and the lies start.
I think what you say here is very true. Also, if you tell thousands of lies, you are bound to hit on one that actually is true or becomes true.
One can tell a lie in service of the truth, or one can tell the truth in service of a lie.
So one can lie even when they tell the truth now.
As Mark Crispin Miller says propaganda isn’t necessarily false, but it is always one-sided.
Simple – the lies start when they open their mouth.
mixing lies with truth is the key to successful deception. If you bring only lies, nobody will believe you, and you are quickly found out as your lies don’t match the observed facts. If you on the other hand infiltrate your lie into an otherwise seemingly observable event, it becomes much more powerful – if 90% of an event is «fact» and the crucial, event defining 10% is the lie, and you can establish that lie as the «logical» explanation and official narrative of the event, Even though that conclusion is diametrically oppose to what the truth is. You don’t need to lie about everything to completely flip the narrative in your favor.
this is a psychological effect, it’s closely related to and abuse of the Anchoring effect: People will believe the first «official» explanation they receive, and after that, it will be impossible to change their Minds.
“Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.”
-William Cooper-
I have basically stuck with the adage, “consider everything, believe nothing.” But I like Cooper’s better. Because there are obviously some things worthy of believing.
did you review my video it was made in response to your article
No, where is the link?