10 Questions About Gaza – Part 1
Simon Elmer

I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
W. H. Auden
Here are ten questions everyone should try to answer before adding their unconditional or qualified support to the genocide being perpetrated in Gaza, and which UK politicians, journalists and Zionists have refused even to ask, let alone to answer.
This article is my attempt to answer them.
1. What is a Jew?
Their barbaric acts are acts of evil. There are not two sides to these events. There is no question of balance. I stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. The United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism today, tomorrow, and always.”
Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister (9 October, 2023)
Being a Jew is not the same as being a follower of Judaism, since many Jews are secular. And like all religions, Judaism itself is radically divided between different factions, beliefs, practices and political goals. It isn’t a language, as not all Jews speak Hebrew, which like Arabic is a Semitic language; and fewer still speak Yiddish, the German dialect developed by the Ashkenazi Jews.
For a lot of people, Jews are a race, although there’s no biological basis to that claim; perhaps a culture, although how that encompasses, say, Ethiopian Jews and the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe is unclear; or a set of practices, although whether these extend beyond religious rituals is also in question. Nor is it a nation.
The State of Israel was created by the United Nations in 1947 from the British Mandate of Palestine, and the current population, excluding the occupied Palestinians territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, is 21 per cent Arab and 17 per cent Muslim. And of the 15.2 million people worldwide who identified as Jewish in 2022, 7.18 million live in Israel, less than the 7.3 million that live in the USA.
Despite this lack of a clear identity, being a Jew is officially passed down through the mother, which qualifies the child as a ‘womb-Jew’; but it is also possible to convert to the practices and beliefs of Judaism, which also qualifies the converted as a Jew, whatever their parentage, ethnicity, race, nationality, culture or languages they do and don’t speak. It is also, however, the terrible history of the oppression of Jews.
Indeed, perhaps it is this that is at the core of Jewish Identity, certainly since the genocide of the Jews leading up to and during the Second World War the Jews call the Shoah, the Hebrew word for ‘catastrophe’. On 14 November 1935, the first supplemental decree to the Reich Citizenship Law defined ‘Jews’ not as members of a religious or cultural community but as a race defined by hereditary. It was by this criteria that those falling within the power of the Third Reich were progressively stripped of their rights as citizens and, eventually, selected for extermination. It’s one of history’s stranger outcomes that this definition of a Jew is retained today by both the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and the racially apartheid State of Israel.
Being a Jew, consequently, is now defined less by what it is and more by the threats to its largely manufactured identity, which is to say, by the definition of anti-Semitism. In 2016, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance formulated a definition of anti-Semitism that has since been adopted by 43 countries, including the UK and the USA but not Palestine, and is supported by the United Nations and the European Union. This definition of anti-Semitism includes the following examples:
- The targeting of the State of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.
- Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
- Claiming that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist endeavour.
- Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (e.g. denial of the Holocaust or display of a swastika in Germany).
- Criminal acts are antisemitic when the target of attacks, whether they are people or property, are selected because they are Jewish.
- Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israel policy to that of the Nazis.
I’d like to think that any lawyer worth his fee would pull these definitions to pieces. Does ‘targeting’, for instance, mean with rockets fired from the ruins of Gaza, or in a report by Amnesty International that accuses Israel of presiding over a ‘cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity’? Where does the conception of Israel as a ‘Jewish collectivity’ leave the 1 in 5 of the population that is Arab? And in this age of mass immigration, why does loyalty to a homeland — even if it is an imaginary one — constitute a crime?
Is the British child of Pakistani ethnicity who supports the Pakistani cricket team now to be considered a terrorist threat to the security of the UK? Is the journalist who observes and even celebrates this support now to be condemned as ‘anti-Asian’?
As for the racism with which the State of Israel was brought so violently into existence, it has demonstrated this continuously and with increasing openness through the 75 years of its occupation, starting, most violently, with the Nakba, the Arabic word for ‘catastrophe’.
Finally, the possession of history and its symbols has always been a defining characteristic of fascist and totalitarian regimes, and the State of Israel has repeatedly used anything other than obedient adherence to its accounts of history — not only of the history of the ‘Holocaust’ but of its own history — to accuse the non-compliant of anti-Semitism. As an example of which outside Israel, the author and political satirist, CJ Hopkins, has been found guilty by the German courts for displaying a swastika on his book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich, which even the most COVID-compliant judge couldn’t mistake for a promotion of fascist ideology.
Unfortunately, in its justification for such crude acts of censorship as in so many other aspects of policy — not least of which is its reduction of the Palestinian people to its very own Untermenschen — the policies of the State of Israel and its supporters have drawn and will continue to draw comparison with those of the Nazis.
Despite these and other flaws, the IHRA definition laid the ground on which Zionists today can and do denounce any criticism of Israel and its genocidal attack on Gaza as ‘anti-Semitism’. We saw the same trope deployed by Matt Hancock, the UK Secretary of State for Health during the first 15 months of lockdown, in January of this year, when he publicly denounced Andrew Bridgen MP for raising the dangers of Pfizer’s mRNA gene therapy as ‘anti-semitic, anti-vaxx conspiracy theories’ that ‘have no place in this House or our society’. And in March of this year, Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, employed the same trope when he denounced those opposed to his Ultra Low Emission Zone scheme as aligned with the ‘far-right’, ‘COVID-deniers’, and ‘vaccine-deniers’, to which he later added ‘conspiracy theorists and Nazis’.
Now, in anticipation of the practised outrage of Zionists ready to denounce me as ‘anti-Semitic’ for this brief review of history, my point in saying this is not to deny the existence of a Jewish people or even the right to existence of the State of Israel, catastrophic as that existence has been for the Palestinian people on whose land it has been constructed at such a high cost in death and suffering. The State of Israel exists, and given their genocidal treatment of the Arabs — both Palestinians and Bedouin — with whom they more or less peacefully shared the land for millennia, it is likely to be catastrophic for the Israeli people if it ceased to exist — as catastrophic, indeed, as the erasure of Palestine has been for the Palestinians. Perhaps, given the terror of its existence, many would say the Israelis deserve such a catastrophe; but only the fundamentally religious and the politically fascist entertain such realities.
Any policy for the future of Israel that will stop the killing, suffering and brutal treatment of the Palestinians and Bedouin while not condoning furthers catastrophes must begin from the fact of the existence of the State of Israel — most obviously in the formation of two states, and not a state and its occupied territories. How that will come about and succeed is, hopefully, a problem that will be resolved by diplomacy and not by military means. But it’s hard, if not impossible, to negotiate with a state that is in military occupation of your land, is killing, imprisoning and torturing your people, murdering your new-born children, starving your communities, destroying your farms and businesses, and is intent on reducing the survivors to inmates of a concentration camp. The collaboration of the West in allowing this criminal situation to continue and escalate for 75 years amounts to complicity in the current genocide, which is the inevitable outcome of the apartheid policies pursued with increasing violence, brutality and inhumanity by the State of Israel.
My point in starting with this question — What is a Jew? — is that any solution to the historical reality of Israel and the crimes committed to establish and maintain its existence over 75 years of military occupation will never come from the mystical claims of a Jewish homeland based, as Gore Vidal once said, on the sacred books of a Bronze-age nomadic tribe from the Southern Levant. These are fundamentalist religious beliefs that are employed by the cynical practitioners of Western imperialism to justify the occupation of Palestine and the brutal and increasingly genocidal treatment of the Palestinian and Bedouin peoples. As the coverage and response to 7 October have amply demonstrated, both these beliefs and the politics they serve seek to reduce the terms in which a solution between two polities could ever be arrived at to imperious demands to condemn Hamas ‘barbarism’, to shrill denunciations of criticism of Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza as ‘antisemitism’, to condemnation of the violent acts of desperate people — who, in Israel, are treated as citizens without rights, in the West Bank as a colonised people, and, in Gaza, as inmates of a concentration camp — to ‘terrorism’.
Before lending our voices to this Zionist discourse that has silenced all other voices in the Middle East for 75 years, we should reflect that the terminology used to describe the killing of Israel civilians and soldiers on 7 October by Hamas militants, compared to the many times greater numbers of Palestinian civilians and Hamas militants killed by the Israel Defence Forces both before and since then is deliberate, strategic and in the service of the geopolitical goals of the State of Israel, the United States of America and the West in general.
This is not a conflict between Arabs and Jews, or between Islam and Judaism, and the respective claims of their adherents to that thin strip of land on the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea that has borne the names of Canaan, Palaestina, Judaea, the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Mamluk Sultanate, a part of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate for Palestine. As anyone who has studied the history of the State of Israel knows, it is a conflict whose least murmur reverberates around the world, not only in our Cabinets and Parliaments but on our streets. Those who reduce it to imaginary racial, ethnic or religious identities and their ancestral rights to ancient tribal lands granted to them by their God do so because it ignores the political realities of the present and the history that created them. Any opinion on what has been happening in the Gaza Strip since 7 October that does not simply mouth the discourses of Zionism, Islamic fundamentalism or Western imperialism must begin, therefore, with an understanding of these political realities.
2. What is Gaza?
We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed. We are fighting against human animals and we are acting accordingly.”
Yoav Gallant, Israel Minister for Defence (9 October, 2023)
In 1948, Palestinians fleeing the Nakba fled to the Gaza Strip, whose borders were fixed by the armistice between Israel and Egypt in 1949. Initially administered as a protectorate of Egypt, Gaza was subsequently occupied by Israel in 1967 during the Six-Day War. To encourage Palestinians to emigrate, Israel began to consider and perhaps impose restrictions on Gaza’s access to water. Between 1967 and 2005, Israel established 21 settlements in Gaza that together occupied 20 per cent of its already limited territory. In 1987, on the 20th anniversary of the occupation, the First Intifada launched a series of protests, civil disobedience, strikes against Israeli employers, boycotts of Israeli institutions and the withholding of taxes. In 1994, following the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Gaza’s administration was taken over by the State of Palestine, which also exercised partial authority over areas in the West Bank. However, Israel retained control over Gaza’s borders, airspace and territorial waters, which it began to enclose in a militarised border barrier.
In 2000, the Second Intifada marked the beginning of rocket attacks on Israel by Palestinian guerrilla fighters and the tearing down of the Gaza barrier, which Israel began to rebuild the following year. In 2004, the barrier was extended to the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. In 2005, Israel formally declared an end to its military occupation of Gaza and withdrew 9,000 Israeli settlers from the settlements. In 2006, Hamas, the Islamic fundamentalist political party, won the Palestinian legislative elections and expelled Fatah, the social democratic party founded by Yasser Arafat, from the Gaza Strip. In response, Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip that continues to this day.
Although Israel describes Gaza as a de facto independent state, it maintains direct external control over the Strip and indirect control over life within it. In addition to Gaza’s air and maritime space, Israel also controls six of Gaza’s seven border crossings, only one of which was still open in October 2023, and it reserves and exercises the right for its military, the Israel Defense Forces, to enter Gaza at will. Israel maintains a buffer zone within the already limited territory of Gaza, which in 2010 it expanded to 300 meters, and on which newly-built Palestinian homes are regularly bulldozed. Farmers who try to cultivate the land are gunned down by Israeli Defence Forces. Palestinians, who are effectively imprisoned in the Gaza Strip, are dependent on the State of Israel for water, electricity, gas, telecommunications and other utilities, and the population is not free to leave or enter, or to import or export goods freely. As a result of this blockade, the Gaza Strip, with a population of 2.3 million people on 365 square kilometres of land in which 17 per cent is off limits to Palestinians, is the third most densely populated political authority in the world, and 70 per cent of its inhabitants live below the poverty line.
In December 2021, Israel announced the completion of the enhanced militarised barrier by which its blockade of Gaza is maintained. This runs 65 kilometres (40 miles) around the Gaza Strip and out into the Mediterranean Sea. The double-walled barrier cost US$1.1 billion to construct, extends 6 metres above ground and an undeclared number of metres below ground to block tunnels, and is armed with antennas, cameras, radars and a sea barrier. Watchtowers every 2 kilometres are equipped with remote-controlled machine guns, and motion sensors are inserted into the fence and the ground beyond. As a result of the buffer zone on the Gazan side of this barrier, 35 per cent of arable land and 85 per cent of fishing waters along the Gaza coast are off-limits to Palestinians. Under rules of engagement for Israeli soldiers, any Palestinian in this buffer zone, whether on land or sea, is shot on sight.
After 15 years of maintained blockade — but before the current attacks, which are exponentially worsening the living conditions — 52 per cent of Gaza’s population were unemployed, 80 per cent were dependent on international assistance, and 97 per cent of the drinking water was contaminated. 39 per cent of pregnant women in Gaza and 50 per cent of Gaza’s children were anaemic, and 17.5 percent of children suffered from chronic malnutrition. This is primarily because Israel only allows food imports that are vital for the survival of the civilian population. This threshold of survival is determined using a mathematical equation that calculates the minimum level of calories necessary to sustain Gaza’s population of 2.3 million Palestinians at a level just above the United Nations’ definition of hunger.
In February 2022, Amnesty International made a submission to the United Nation’s Human Rights Committee that was based on its 2022 report, ‘Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crimes against Humanity’. Among its many condemnations of human rights abuses, it stated:
All governments and regional actors, particularly those that enjoy close diplomatic relations with Israel such as the USA, the European Union and its member states and the UK, but also those states that are in the process of strengthening their ties — such as some Arab and African states — must not support the system of apartheid or render aid or assistance to maintaining such a regime, and cooperate to bring an end to this unlawful situation. As a first step, they must recognize that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid and other international crimes, and use all political and diplomatic tools to ensure Israeli authorities implement the recommendations outlined in this report and review any cooperation and activities with Israel to ensure that these do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid. Amnesty International is also reiterating its long-standing call on states to immediately suspend the direct and indirect supply, sale or transfer of all weapons, munitions and other military and security equipment, including the provision of training and other military and security assistance.
This detailed and rigorously documented 280-page report on the human rights abuses committed by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people under its power was immediately condemned by Zionist organisations around the world as an ‘anti-Semitic’ attack on the State of Israel. This condemnation and dismissal of the Amnesty International report was echoed by government ministers in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Austria, the Czech Republic and Australia.
Even before the current attack, the United Nations estimated that, since January 2008, 5,365 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had been killed by the Israel Defense Forces, 1,206 of them children, 586 women; and 62,998 had been injured. Respectively, that’s 1 in 382 of the population that had been killed and 1 in 19 injured in just 16 years. These figures don’t include the arrests, beatings, imprisonment and torture inflicted upon the Gazans by the Israel Defense Forces.
Prior to 7 October, there were about 5,200 Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons. Within 3 weeks of the attack on Israel, this figure has risen to over 10,000 prisoners, around 4,000 of whom were labourers from Gaza working in Israel, plus a further 1,070 Palestinians arrested in overnight raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most are being held in the military base at Be’er Sheva, the capital city of the Negev, where, like the population of Gaza, they have been denied medical attention and water, and are subjected to beatings of their handcuffed and naked bodies, resulting in broken limbs. Much like the prisoners held by the USA in the Guantánamo Bay detention camp, the Palestinians are being held under the Unlawful Combatants Law, which means they are detained indefinitely and without access to judicial review. To qualify as an ‘unlawful combatant’, one only has to participate, ‘directly or indirectly’, in so-called ‘hostile’ acts against the State of Israel.
The readiness with which Jews, in Israel and elsewhere, describe the Palestinians as ‘savages’ reflects the brutality of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, and demonstrates how maintaining and justifying its ‘cruel system of domination and crimes against humanity’ for 75 years has inured them to treating Palestinians as they were once treated themselves. We should bare these facts in mind, and the history of apartheid and genocide to which they testify, before describing Palestinians as ‘terrorists’, ‘barbarians’, ‘human animals’, and all the other dehumanising epithets we’re being encouraged to use in response to the highly unlikely attack on Israel by the militant wing of Hamas.
3. How Did Hamas Escape?
As a Brit, our sense of justice transcends all of this. People who go out and do this sort of thing aren’t somehow freedom fighters or militants. They’re pure and simple terrorists. They are murdering people for the sake of murdering civilians in a hateful, disgraceful, disgusting way. And I say that as a Brit and as a human being as well as a Jew.”
Grant Shapps, UK Minister for Defence, (11 October, 2023)
Given these circumstances, there would appear to be no chance that Hamas, in the early hours of 7 October, could have breached the security barrier around the Gaza Strip at six separate points and gone on a killing spree for 8-26 hours before the Israel Defense Forces arrived. This has led people to speculate that Israel let them through, and therefore to conclude that the USA must have known they would, which means everything that has happened since was planned.
Perhaps the strongest support for these speculations is that the Israel Government has refused to explain why the Israel Defense Forces, with 173,000 active personnel, 193 fighter jets, 38 attack helicopters and 1,760 tanks on standby, and with numerous advance warnings of an attack, took 8 hours to arrive at the Re’im music festival that reportedly had been moved to a location 4 kilometres from the Gaza barrier two days before; a further 30 minutes to reach the Nir Oz kibbutz, just 2 kilometres from the barrier; more than 13 hours to reach the Be’eri kibbutz, about 4 kilometres away; and 20 hours to reach the Kfar Aza kibbutz, also 2 kilometres from the barrier. None of these locations are more than 35 kilometres from the military bases of the IDF’s Southern Command and its two infantry and two armoured divisions stationed in and around the city of Be’er Sheva; and yet it took almost 3 days for the Israel Defence Forces to reach the Gaza Strip barrier.
The second strongest support for the veracity of these speculations is that Western media has either refused to ask how this miraculous assault could have penetrated the most secure border barrier in the world or proposed unlikely excuses about the ‘unprecedented’ speed, surprise and coordination of the attack combined with urgings to look forward to Israel’s response rather than how this catastrophic failure of security and military response could have occurred.
In response to this apparent miracle, the National Unity Government hastily convened by Benjamin Netanyahu has described the Hamas attack as Israel’s ‘9/11’, referring to the terrorist attacks on the US homeland on 11 September, 2001. And, I suppose, if you believe that, half an hour after two passenger planes struck the World Trade Center, causing three towers to collapse on their own footprint, a third was allowed to strike the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Department of Defence and one of the most defended buildings in the world, then you probably do believe that the inmates of the world’s largest concentration camp can escape its high-tech security barrier, and this is your 9/11 moment.
Back in the real world outside the phantasmagoria of US foreign policy, Efrat Fenigson, an Israeli journalist who served in the intelligence service of the Israel Defense Forces for 25 years, gave her opinion about the likelihood of Hamas launching this attack.
A year ago, there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events. And ongoingly, there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions — for me, anyway — about Israeli intelligence. What happened? Two years ago, there was a successful deployment of underground barriers with sensors to alert exactly on these kinds of terrorist breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high-tech armies. How come there was zero response to the border and fence breaches? I cannot understand that. There is no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what [was] coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this? What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossing were wide open? Something is very wrong here. Something is very strange. This chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defence system. So, to me, this “surprise attack” seems like a planned operation on all fronts.
Needless to say, anyone questioning the official account of the Hamas attack is now accused of anti-Semitism. The fact Western media is not addressing it with anything more than the by now familiar round of ‘fact checks’ and ‘debunking’ indicates that this is the question that has been ruled out of bounds; but this is the question every politician and Zionist justifying the genocide in Gaza must be asked.
Sitting at our laptops in the UK or USA or other countries that have refused to call for a ceasefire, we should recall the size of the Gaza Strip over which the Israel Defence Forces — which this year was ranked the fourth strongest military in the world — have complete control. For those in London, this superimposition (below) shows how it fits inside the UK capital. This is worth bearing in mind when estimating the likelihood of Hamas militants breaking out and attacking Israel.

Also of consideration is the benefits both Israel and the USA derive from this unlikely attack. By starting another war in the Middle East, most immediately with Iran (‘All roads lead to Iran’, as the former US Secretary of Defence, Mark Esper, was quick to place in the public’s mind), the US has the means to economically destabilise the Arab nations threatening the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world, which is what BRICS represents. Formed in 2010 by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, in 2024 BRICS is set to welcome Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and Argentina. This would bring 46 per cent of the population of the globe within its orbit, 29 per cent of global GDP and — of most concern to the West — 43 per cent of oil production. Worst still for the hegemony of the West, numerous other states have applied for membership of BRICS, including Kazakhstan, Belarus, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Congo, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.
In confirmation of just how seriously the West takes this threat to its hegemony and, I would suggest, its real interest in Gaza, the USA has sent a second carrier strike group, led by USS Dwight D. Eisenhower with 9 aircraft squadrons, two destroyers and a cruiser, to join the first group, led by the largest carrier in the world, USS Gerald R. Ford, off the coast of Gaza. Clearly, this vast reserve of firepower hasn’t been deployed to help the fourth strongest military in the world kill even more Gazans than it already has.
There is also the strange circumstances recorded in the footage apparently released by Hamas militants of their break-out from the Gaza Strip. I don’t know the provenance of this footage, which claims to show Hamas forces passing through the unarmed Gaza security barrier in the early morning of Saturday, 7 October; but we might ask who is the fair-haired white man in the Ray-Ban sunglasses carrying an assault rifle and directing the motorcyclists in the Hamas headscarves? One thing’s certain, he isn’t Palestinian. By his black uniform, he could be Israeli police. Or is he CIA? Where do we recognise that buzz-cut, gum-chewing strut from? Why is he walking past ‘terrorists’ towards Gaza? Why did he wave at them? What’s he doing there? And where’s the Israel Defence Forces as these militant civilians struggle to get their motorcycles over the ramps laid over the pre-cut fences?

Let’s break this footage, which is taken from the head camera of the Hamas motorcyclist, down into stills. At 0:41, a white man waves at the Hamas militant struggling to get his bike over the ramp (top left). At 0:53, the white man gestures to the motorcyclist and shouts something — perhaps ‘Here’ (top right). At 0:54, the white man passes by the motorcyclist (bottom left). And at 0:59, the white man continues to help other motorcyclists passing through the fence (bottom right).

Here are stills from more footage. At 1:43, in the foreground of the first still (above left), motorcyclists cross into the 300-yard ‘no-man’s land’ on the Gaza side of the barrier. The border fence bottom left of the image is open. Beyond it is the second fence, which is equipped with motion sensors. On the hill beyond is a watchtower armed with antennae, radar, cameras and remote-control machine guns. In the footage, none appear to be operating. At 1:45, in the next still (above right), the motorcyclists pass through a hole cut in what looks like the second fence. Either side of the gap stand men who, in contrast to the motorcyclists, appear to be dressed in military uniforms and flak jackets similar to those worn by the Israel Defense Forces (below right).

In contrast, at 0:44 this still (above left) from the previous footage, shows what the so-called ‘elite’ Hamas militants were wearing: flak jackets over short-sleeved white shirts, combat trousers and trainers, with distinctive, bright-green Hamas scarves wrapped around their heads. Interestingly, we can see in this another still of the White man at 0:54 (below left) that he does have one of the Hamas headscarves, but it’s wrapped around his left wrist. It looks like he’s taken it off someone. Perhaps it was from the man lying injured but still moving on the Gaza side of the barrier (0:32 below right), who appears by his clothes — flak jacket over a white shirt — to be a member of Hamas. But then, who killed this man, if the Israel Defence Forces were not present? And if they were, where are they now? Perhaps the Hamas scarf the White man has picked up is a memento for the folks back in Texas. Or perhaps it’s to identify himself to the Hamas militants. Either way, I can’t see this man living in the Gaza Strip. Can you?

Admittedly, it’s always difficult to derive conclusions from footage whose provenance is unknown and whose quality is relatively poor; but who thinks that the men standing at the gaps cut into the Gaza security barrier are Palestinians or members of Hamas? And if they aren’t, then who are they? It would help if speakers of Arabic or Hebrew could tell us what is being said, what is written on the White man’s uniform, and whether he is speaking either language. But if he does say ‘Here!’, we might ask ourselves what nationality speaks English no matter where they are in the world, even on the Gaza border? I know what my answer would be.
4. What is a Free Palestine?
With God and the IDF’s help, after we turn Khan Younis too into a football field, I’m sure there will be international pressure at some point — hopefully after we finish the job — to rehabilitate Gaza. We need to take advantage of that — to take advantage of the destruction that we will wreak upon them — to tell the countries of the world that each one of them should take a quota — it can be 20,000 or 50,000 — to say that they too should shoulder the burden.”
Ayelet Shaked, former Israel Minister of Interior (23 November, 2023)
The birth of the State of Israel is typically traced back to the Balfour Declaration of 1917 in which the British Government declared its support for the creation of a ‘nation home for the Jewish People’ in Palestine. However, at the time of the declaration, Palestine was a region in the 600-year-old Ottoman Empire with only a small minority Jewish population.
The real basis for its establishment was the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 that was agreed in secret between the British and French governments, and which, in anticipation of the defeat of Turkey in the First World War, carved up the lands now known as the Middle East into states whose borders took little or no account of the ethnic and religious distinctions between the Arab people. At the time, however, it was the Suez Canal running through Egypt between the Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea and the quick access it granted to its Indian and Asian colonies that was Britain’s primary interest, not oil. But the First World War had indicated the importance of oil to the future of the Empire, and it’s within the context of its discovery that the history of the State of Israel must be situated if we are to understand current events.
Oil was first discovered in what we now call the Middle East in the following countries in the following years: in Egypt in 1886, in Iran in 1908, in Iraq in 1927, in Bahrain in 1929, in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in 1938, and in Qatar in 1940. These were all, at the time of the discoveries, formal or de facto protectorates of the British Empire, which in 1947 carved the State of Israel out of its Mandate for Palestine. But oil continued to be discovered in the Middle East after the Second World War: in Syria in 1956, in the United Arab Emirates in 1958, in Oman in 1964, and in Jordan and Yemen in 1984; but by then Britain had withdrawn from all these former colonies, and the baton of colonialism has been passed to the USA.
Most recently, in 2000, oil was discovered in the territorial waters of Gaza. As Israel has declared its intention to ‘manage the security’ of the Gaza Strip indefinitely once it has been ethnically cleansed of Palestinians, the Ben Gurion Canal project, joining the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, has been revived. Locating the latter point in a Gaza Strip razed to the ground and cleared of living inhabitants would considerably reduce the length and cost of the canal, increase its security and offer an alternative to the Suez Canal, which Egypt’s new alliance with the BRICS nations threatens.
These considerations seem to me to be crucial to any discussion of what a ‘Free Palestine’ might look like, and what is meant by this phrase that has become a cry heard not only in the Occupied Territories of Gaza and the West Bank but across the world since 7 October. Two weeks later, I was asked what I meant by this phrase — which I have not used — by David Scott, a former editor of UK Column who has interviewed me several times previously, and which produced the following conversation on Twitter.
David somewhat selectively cited some of these in a news report aired by UK Column on 23 October, so I am reproducing them here in full.
David Scott: I have been asking several politicians today what they mean, exactly, by ‘Free Palestine’. So far, I have not received a single answer from any politician and only incoherent ones from their fans. Which is odd, don’t you think?
Simon Elmer:It might begin with opening the borders to the Gaza Strip, freeing the Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s jails, removing the Israeli settler towns in the West Bank, rebuilding the Bedouin villages destroyed in the Negev, returning Palestine to the Palestinians and compensating them for 75 years of military occupation.
DS: Immediately there are problems. On 7 October, the borders to the Gaza Strip were open. It did not go well for humanity on that day. What makes you think it will be different next time? Secondly, ‘returning Palestine to the Palestinians’, who do you mean and what land do you mean?
SE: If you include Palestinians in humanity — which I do — it hasn’t been going well since 1948 when the State of Israel was created at the point of a gun. But if you mean that Palestine was created by a mandate of the British and its borders are no more real than those claimed in the religious books of a Bronze-age Levantine tribe, I agree. But even if we accept the absurdity that Jews have a divine right to land granted them by the God of Abraham, the historical reality is that Israel is an outpost of US imperialism that allows it to destablise every country in the Middle East that threatens to withhold its oil from the West. If you’re arguing that, after 75 years of occupation, the idea of Israelis and Palestinians living together as they once did is a pipe dream, I agree, and that two states (not one state and a concentration camp) is the solution. But that won’t solve the problem of US imperialism.
DS: Why then did the proposition fail on Arab refusal to countenance the idea in 1937 and again in 1947? And, of course, this is not 75 years of anything, it is 103 years. Why do so many miss out an entire generation of the story? Is it because it shows that their narrative is false?
SE: I’d imagine because, after 400 years under the Ottoman Empire and then being arbitrarily carved up by the British and French governments, the Arab tribes wanted to rule themselves, and suspected — accurately — that an Israel State would be a colony from which the West would control the Middle-East. But that’s 100 years ago, since when a lot of blood has been spilled and continues to be — on both sides, admittedly, but not equally. There is no defence for the treatment of Palestinians by the State of Israel, or for US intervention in the Middle East, or for what is happening now in Gaza.
DS: Not 1948, 1920. Why miss 28 years of the story? Anyway, none of this is addressing my questions. None of this is more than hand-wringing and virtue signalling, as it does not equate to a meaningful, practical way forward. So my question remains: what is meant by ‘Free Palestine’?
SE: The British expressed similar exasperation when people talked of a free Egypt, or India, or Iraq, or Jamaica, or Kenya, or Libya, or Burma, or Britain’s other former colonies. Calling for an end to the brutality of occupation isn’t ‘virtue-signalling’. How it’s done is another question. As the hawks in Washington like to repeat: if Israel didn’t exist they would have had to invent it. And, of course, they did invent it, and for their own ends. The ‘way forward’ for Palestine and Israel isn’t two states: it’s addressing the threat of US imperialism to the rest of the world.
DS: We are not talking about a colony or outpost of Empire, we are talking about a specific problem. If you mischaracterise the problem then any prospect of progress is lost. Those who consider that there is a better solution need to step up and discuss the realities.
SE: If you don’t characterise the State of Israel as an outpost of the US Empire, how do you characterise it? But whatever the solution to the problem of 75 years of occupation is, none of it has bearing on what’s happening right now in Gaza, which under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions is a war crime.
DS: It is a unique situation. Like the Western world as a whole, Israel depends on US support at present, but that can (and will) change. That is not the core of the problem. And once again it is 103 years, dropping 28 years down the memory hole is deception.
Beyond the reference to the British mandate for Palestine being created in 1920 and the refusal of the Arabs to accept the creation of an Israel State — which history has shown to be more than justified — I still don’t understand what David meant by referring to the 28 years between 1920 and 1948, so I cannot respond to his accusation that I was dropping some part of history down a ‘memory hole’.
However, the argument that, since the Arab inhabitants of the Southern Levant didn’t have a country until the British Mandate, and that even then it wasn’t a sovereign state, the Palestinian therefore people don’t exist, is a familiar one no less genocidal in intent for being repeated throughout history. There were no Welsh until the Saxons called them ‘foreigners [Welisc]’; but that doesn’t mean Brythonic tribes weren’t cultivating these isles before the invading Romans named it Britannia.
Nomenclature has always been the tool of colonialists. You might ask why Cymri nationalists want their own nation, and not a Principality of the British Royal Family, when the country now called ‘Wales’ has only existed as a subject nation. In terms of invasion and occupation, the Ottomans were the equivalent of our Romans, the British of the Anglo-Saxons, and the Israelis of the Normans; but living under them all were the people who call themselves Palestinians.
We should recall that the phrase ‘from the river to the sea’ — which refers to the Jordan River on the Eastern border of Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea on its Western edge — and whose utterance has been made a crime in, of all places, Germany, which the UK Government is considering designating as ‘hate speech’, and which Twitter (now ‘X’) has concluded implies genocide and promised to censor under its terms of service, is a platform of the Likud Party of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and appeared in the Original Party Platform of 1977, which states:
The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable. Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israel sovereignty.”
None of us, of course, expect the Likud Party to be declared a terrorist organisation by the UK Government, as Hamas — or, to give it it’s full name, the Islamic Resistance Movement — has been; or for Benjamin Netanyahu to be declared a terrorist, which under international law he undoubtedly is; or for assertions of Israel sovereignty over the Gaza Strip to be declared in violation of international law or even of the terms of service for Twitter.
On the contrary, despite committing some of the worst war crimes and violations of human rights of any member states of the United Nations since the Second World War, the State of Israel attracts none of the condemnation or concerted sanctions the UN and EU currently imposes on Afghanistan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi, the Central African Republic, China, North Korea, Congo, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Niger, Russia, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen and Zimbabwe.
It is within the context of this vastly unequal and incommensurable access to speech, to the law and its enforcement, to the threat and use of military force, to means of defence, to human rights, to means of subsistence, to medical care, and to the unconditional political, financial and military support of the West that any discussion of what a ‘Free Palestine’ means should take place if it is to go beyond the impasse reached by David Scott and myself, and formulate what he rightly called a ‘practical way forward’.
As the UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said two days after the Hamas attack was launched: ‘there is no question of balance’ between these two polities that are not at war, but in a conflict in which one state, that of Israel, exerts its vast, illegal and unchecked power over the population of another.
5. What is the Alliance between the UK and Israel?
Today I’ve seen a glimpse of what millions experience every day. The threat of Hamas rockets lingers over every Israeli man, woman and child. This is why we are standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel.”
James Cleverly, UK Foreign Secretary (11 October, 2023)
In May 2021, the Israel Defense Forces, which included 160 fighter jets, bombed the Gaza Strip with high-explosive weapons dropped on heavily populated areas for 11 days. The planes dropped their loads from high altitude, which facilitated them gaining the velocity required to penetrate the surface of the ground. A delayed fuse meant their one tonne payload of explosives detonated underground, destroying the cellars, bunkers and tunnels in which not only Hamas militants but also Gazan civilians took cover from the bombardment.
In one half-hour period, the IDF dropped 450 such bombs, the largest in their arsenal, at a rate of one every five seconds into the subsoil of Gaza, sending shockwaves through the earth.
The result was 259 Palestinians killed, including 66 children and 41 women, and 2,211 injured. In addition, 6 hospitals and 11 medical clinics were destroyed, 53 schools, a bookshop that held an estimated 100,000 books, as well as 1,042 homes and commercial units in 258 buildings, including 4 residential tower blocks. The Israeli Government claimed these towers were being used by Hamas for military purposes. However, Human Rights Watch has challenged the truth of this claim, declaring that the air strikes ‘violated the laws of war and may amount to war crimes’. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimated that, as a result of these strikes, 72,000 Palestinians in Gaza were displaced.
During the Israeli offensive, social media posts by Palestinian activists documenting the effects of the bombing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were censored or removed and their accounts suspended. Meta subsequently issued a statement that there had been a ‘technical glitch’ at the time. At the end of the month, Israeli police arrested 348 Palestinians. In August 2021, in mass protests along the Gaza barrier, 40 Palestinians were injured, including a 12-year-old boy who was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers. Omar Hasan Abu al-Nil later died from his wounds. The protests continued into September, when more Palestinians were killed by the Israel Defense Forces. During the last days of the air strikes on Gaza, the foreign ministers of Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia visited the State of Israel to expressed their countries’ support for its actions.
In a speech made in the House of Commons during the air strikes, the UK Minister for the Middle East, who at the time was James Cleverly, declared that Israel had a ‘legitimate right to self-defence’. In response to questions about the UK’s arms deals to Israel and its complicity in the deaths, Cleverly added: ‘The UK has a robust arms export licensing regime and all export licences are assessed in accordance with it’.
In actual fact, according to the Campaign Against Arms Trade, between 2013 and October 2023 the UK Government has approved 1,223 Standard Individual Export Licenses for the sale of armed goods to the State of Israel amounting to the value of £496 million. This includes £184 million on technology; £125 million on aircraft, helicopters and drones; £39 million on target acquisition, weapon control and countermeasure systems; £25 million on grenades, bombs and missiles; £49 million on training equipment; £39 million on other electronic equipment; £11 million on directed energy weapons; £5.6 million on armoured vehicles and tanks; £4.7 million on small arms; £2.9 million on warships; £2.4 million on imaging equipment; £2.1 million on ammunition; and £1.2 million on armoured plate, body armour and helmets.
The size of these contracts is in keeping with the practices UK arms dealers. Between 2011 and 2020, the UK licensed £16.8 billion of arms to countries criticised by Freedom House, some £11.8 billion worth to those on the Foreign Office’s own Human Rights Watch List. Of the 53 countries listed, the UK sold arms and military equipment to 39 of them. And far from having a robust licensing regime, the UK had also approved 71 open licences to Israel, which allow for unlimited exports, the contents of which is not published by the UK Government.
On top of this direct arming of the Israel Defense Forces, BAE Systems, the UK arms manufacturer and largest ‘defence’ contractor in Europe, produces 15 per cent of the value of every US F-35 fighter, the same model that was used in the bombing of Gaza in May 2021 and since October and November 2023. At a cost of $80 million each, Israel has ordered 50 of these stealth fighters for its ‘defence’. Of the six F-35 fighters delivered to Israel in 2022, the UK’s share has been estimated at £58 million, far higher than the value of Standard Individual Export Licenses. Since 2016, the total value of the parts provided by UK for F-35 fighters amounts to some £336 million.
In December 2020, Israel and the UK announced a joint military agreement whose contents are classified, but which is thought to cover air, land, maritime, space, cyber and electromagnetic warfare. The British Armed Forces already deploys Israeli-manufactured drones over theatres of war. In November 2021, the UK signed a 10-year trade and defence deal with Israel, promising a closer alliance on cybersecurity and technology, the use of which is not confined to Hamas militants, dissident Palestinians or Gazan children. Israeli spyware has previously been used against journalists, lawyers and human rights defenders in the UK.
On 12 October, 2023, following a meeting with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that, to support the fourth strongest military in the world in its genocidal attack on the 2,375,000 civilians in the Gaza Strip, it was sending Royal Airforce reconnaissance aircraft, 2 Royal Navy ships to patrol the Eastern Mediterranean, 3 Merlin helicopters and a company of Royal Marines.
In support of this decision, James Cleverly, who by then had been promoted to UK Secretary of State for Defence, declared: ‘The UK is clear and has been consistently clear that Israel has the right to self-defence.’
Part 2 of this article will be published tomorrow.
Simon Elmer is the author of The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism. His recent books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022), as well as two volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, both published in 2023.
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I appreciate the intention of this piece but the author has made some important errors here that severely impact the value of this article.
The whole idea of the “lone white man” magically infiltrati8ng Hamas is anchored in fallacy.
Arabs are not a specific racial group with specific racial characteristics, there are blonde haired and blue eyed Arabs, there are red haired Arabs so the notion that the person you identified must be an Israeli or American because he is fair skinned is completely ridiculous.
The accompanying idea that the Palestinians of Gaza were so dumb they allowed the Israeli/American into conning them into conducting that operation is similarly ridiculous.
A better hypothesis would be that Hamas itself is serving interests other than those of the people of Palestine and Israel staged a “stand down” of their military in order to ensure the success of an operation that they could use to justify further mass murder and ethnic cleansing.
Hamas is an antecedent of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Brotherhood is allegedly a device created in partnership with Western (specifically British) intelligence.
It is reasonable to assume that Hamas plays a similarly two faced role.
If you read Coleman Hughes most recent essay he goes into the conditions of Gaza by looking at the best proxies for population-level health: (1) life expectancy at birth, (2) under-5 mortality, and (3) infant mortality. What he found suggests the lifespan and mortality rate in Gaza before the current war was 46th percentile of nations worldwide, and the lifespan was well above the global average. These numbers don’t go well with the suggestion that Gaza was a concentration camp. ”
According to the CIA World Factbook, 2023 life expectancy at birth in Gaza is 75.7 years. If Gaza were a country, that would put it in the 46 percentile of nations worldwide. If we instead consider all of humanity as one group (not separated by country), life expectancy on Earth in 2023 was 73 years, which would put Gaza well above the global average.
The CIA World Factbook puts infant mortality in Gaza at 14.9 (per 1,000). That would put it in the 43rd percentile of nations worldwide, and much better than the global average (which was 28 in 2021).”
Subsequent to the invocation of the prefatory disclaimer indicating that I have not yet perused part 2 of this most interesting and insightful series of articles, I would posit that like most of the significant crises in the world today, the conflict in Gaza is but one more catastrophic not to mention cataclysmic event that must occur for the Kakistocracy to fully implement the 4 Industrial Revolution, viz. sans events like the one we’ve recently witnessed in the Ukraine and Gaza, the Kak would never be able to invoke all of the machinations (read: agendas) in said lands – and in most of the other regions of the world as well – without evoking robust and retributive outcries and arms being wielded by millions of citizens around the world. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
Most know that Hamas was created by Israel. However, I do question the very existence of Hamas, “suicide bombers” and their rockets. Israel used a combination of CGI technology, controlled explosions and crisis actors to justify this years-long planned genocide. US generals were and are in Tel Aviv aiding and directing the bombing with the blessing of Obama
The concept of Hamas constructed tunnels is a spurious claim. Where do they lead to? Iran? No. Israel? No (if that were so Israel would block and destroy them and Hamas would have infiltrated Israel a long time ago), Egypt? No.
Here is a video about alleged Hamas Rockets being produced with the help of tunnels Hamas militant video reveals how its rockets are made before Israel attack – YouTube It appears to me as an Israeli production. How does Hamas acquire the materials? The drones? The scuba gear?
Here is an interview with an alleged “Hamas” fighter underground.This may be an underground tunnel in Israel. For what purpose it is used, I don’t know Inside the Hamas ‘Terror Tunnels’ Israel Has Been Bombing – YouTube ViceNews is patently CIA.
As most of you know from the fake pandemic, youtube is not a place for the truth anymore. What passes for hard hitting truth and journalism is within the margins of a preestablished boundary of inquiry that benefits imperialism. Videos are contradictory, eclectic and fail to come to any foundational conclusions about anything. They are reduced to nothing more than a binary fallacy to conceal the truth
Someone says below “It’s quite clear we in the UK are on the wrong side of history”.
I agree 100%. It is in fact UNDENIABLE that Israel, US and UK are on the wrong side of history.
How can we deny it when they show us every day?
They are glorying in it. Rolling in and smearing themselves with the blood of the innocents they destroy.
And the controlled media are broadcasting them doing it. Every day now we see BBC, France 24, CNN, MSNBC and many others tell us in heartrending detail of the suffering of the people in Gaza.
No matter how horrified we are at the terrible unprecedented slaughter I think we need to be aware of this very strange development which I continue to try to draw attention toward.
In simple terms, the ruling powers desire us to be repulsed by some of its members. They are inviting us to see them as the vile and heartless murderers they are.
Why is this?
I have told you my hypothesis which I believe has gained in credibility since I first put it here. But you do not have to agree with it in order to see the necessity of asking the question.
Asking why are they wanting us shocked and repulsed by our own leaders is a very important thing to do as it must have some agenda behind it.
What is that agenda?
I believe they intend for a drama to unfold that will be presented to us as “the empire” collapsing and a new age of enlightenment dawning.
I believe we will be told the people of the world have come together and won a great victory over imperial tyranny and this view will be endorsed by much of the independent media as well as the “Left” controlled media.
I believe we will be told we need new supranational bodies (a new “improved” UN perhaps, or perhaps something completely new) to make sure no nations of the future can do the evil things the empire and Israel have done.
And I believe the majority of people will agree because they will be carried along on a great wave of hope and will be bludgeoned on all sides by propaganda telling them THEY are making these choices.
I believe these unelected and unaccountable bodies will be given vast powers to “oversee” the conduct of nations” “on behalf of the people”.
And I think only after these things become reality will the real truth gradually become clear.
We will find these bodies answer not to us but to the same unaccountable powers that previously controlled the empire and that control all governing bodies – the extremely wealthy and banking institutions.
We will find these bodies are in fact less concerned with preventing war and death than with controlling our freedoms to eat, drink, go where we please and live independent of the state.
We will find in fact that we have been confidence-tricked into “demanding” the very 4IR globalism none of us ever wanted.
But I fear by then it will be too late as the institutions will be too embedded.
Indeed they are embedding as we speak. Every day a little more, as James Corbett’s recent article makes so clear.
They are already bringing us global, unaccountable, tyranny, but I fear the slaughter in Gaza is intended as a fast track to “finishing the job”.
Also note how Gaza and its zones and surveillance is a pilot scheme for the globalist cities planned for our future.
More needs saying on that.
Why is that?
They want you to abandon any illusion concerning the absolute totalitarianism they are imposing, even as they keep up the talk of democracy.
There’s a recent article by Israel Shamir pondering the Islamic diaspora to Europe and it’s connection to the Gaza Show which is food for thought. I feel that Gaza is all about extending the border ready for a new role for the light to the world and a display of savagery to daunt any opposition. The oil and gas is not without importance and I’ve read about geological studies from early 20th century that pointed to the wholly land floating on the stuff but strictly hush hush old boy.
Yes, I think you’re on to something with the collapse of empire idea.
There’s plenty of times this could be said about feudalistic aristos, that the amount of senseless harm looked done for the pleasure of it. It’s easy to be stunned at the ultimately self-destructive stupidity of it, pushing the people that bit too far for only minor perceived benefits to themselves (eg. refusing to even enforce sane traffic safety rules in capital cities).
While there were indeed attempts to steer the original Enlightenment revolutions and other social change to their benefit, this went very badly indeed for some of those aristos and upper middle class who tried it (of course those in power will always try to mitigate and corrupt positive change they can’t prevent). Rather than those in power having meant to push the people to breaking point, think that sheer overweening arrogance and belief in their own value systems and propaganda should never be discounted. Kings brought up to believe in their divine right and duty were no more likely to be able to even process contrary ideas than the religious followers this article discusses.
Even this article just takes statism for granted as a value: of course our politicians are going to.
If we can sincerely want a new system, then it’s real and not fake or foisted upon us, we only have to guard against it being co-opted. That concern is no reason us to continue to be complicit with the current system, as the majority still are – small wonder government power considers itself justified when people haven’t even stopped voting for it, even when they believe the real actions of the party they’re voting for don’t at all accord with their own values!
It’s quite clear we in the UK are on the wrong side of history. Under the malign influence of American warmongering psychopaths whose main industry involves death and destruction to those who refuse to conform to their criminality, we are expected to believe the “terrorist” badge of hate unquestionably. As with the Covid scam UK politicians sat idly by as deliberately harmful propaganda was spread and once again it’s another dose of the same medicine. I suggest one writes to whichever spineless political jellyfish represents them in Westminster with these words….
If the reply is the pre printed waffle about ceasefires and terrorism let them know their political careers will be ending soon.
I think we’re past asking our politicians nicely why they’re supporting flagrant evil, in clear contradiction of the wishes of those we’re told they represent. They don’t, they were never really going to, the system itself is essentially evil because it produces such results.
Continuing to engage with this system, even by sending angry letters to MPs, only continues to grant it legitimacy it would not otherwise have by now. We’re (clearly falsely) told the system exists for us, the people, so it’s not the other round: so let those who we’re nicely asking questions be also of the people. Ask each other why we’re letting this go on when we can all see it has nothing to do with what we want or need.
Wow! What a trove of very many important factual historical gold nuggets! Anybody genuinely interested in know and understanding this catastrophic situation should not go pass this article. I have taken many notes to explore further. Thanks a lot Simon for sharing all these valuable information. Looking forward to reading part 2.
Sblomo Sands book ”Who invented the Jews ‘ is a must read for people to understand along with Tom Segev’s 1967
‘Though i wont miss the passing of The American Empire,
i’m not looking forward to living under China’s “Social Harmony” jackboot.’…(anon)…
Plus it promises to be quite a while before the so called passing, which is also something not to look forward too.
Frightening to think we may look back in 2030 to this current and dreadful time as a paradise of freedom.
“Ah remember when we didn’t need a permit to leave our habitation zone“, we will say.
“Remember“, we will say “when we could still use a gasoline car without having to declare our destination and save up carbon credits“.
“Remember when real food wasn’t rationed and too expensive to afford”
“Remember when cricket flour wasn’t added to every processed food item”
“Remember when we could still afford to enjoy being alive”
I so very sincerely hope I am wrong about our very near future.
In the part of China I lived in for 15 years – Guangdong – I saw no evidence of the Social Credit Score although it is claimed to be ubiquitous by western media. The government is irritatingly heavy handed, particularly during the Plandemic. However, again against the narrative, my wife and I were not forced to take the vaccine, nor were most people in China except a small number of hardline counties.
Wow you guys are truly morally bankrupt. Comments here are antisemitc made by foolish posters
Well then tell how we know if one has the moral sense, there is a formula, fool.
This resorting to ancient history is a canard. The present-day Ashkenazi Jews are not Judaeans. They are converted Europeans and Turks. Converted in relatively recent times 1000 years ago. The present-day Palestinians are the descendants of all the peoples who have been living in the Levant for the last 5000 years. Including Crusaders. But most of them are, wait for it, the descendants of Judaeans. Which is typical. People don’t move so much as we are told they do. Ever hear of Cheddar Man.
for years on moon and here message got deleted do not even talk of spooky spare me a fiver for the good of man and the truth craig murray site
message vaporize with my ask a nazi jests and the mention of a jolly good read by any book by douglas reed eustace mullins or the 13th tribe.
some sites shadow ban at least the truth is coming forward if scorcese,coppola,tarantino de niro and pacino are not italian then what then they are very talented identity thieves and benign khazrian at best
the question should now be is anyone in the media not a donmeh agent boris johnson certainly is
Simon Elmer marshals facts and analyses them magisterially!
Having previously read his book, The Road to Fascism, in which he first detailed the deadly and highly sophisticated Israeli cordon sanitaire around Gaza, I had already decided it was impossible that Hamas fighters penetrated it without being permitted to do so. Or that the Israel that financed Hamas in the first place did not ensure that its intelligence services had thoroughly infiltrated that organization and knew precisely what it was going to do. They might even have incited it. And I can only suppose that the Hamas fighters who crossed the lines, ignorant of this, intended only to strike a blow against their hated oppressors, on the principle of “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.” It’s a maxim the populations of the so-called Western democracies would do well to note for future reference.
Otherwise, what did those who broke out/in, or more to the point, the Hamas leadership that commanded them, hope to achieve? Surely it was obvious that Israel’s retaliation would be terrible and massive. Did they gamble that in overplaying its hand, Israel would lose the support of the “International Community”? Good luck with that! Did they even care if they brought down upon their and their people’s heads a götterdämmerung that would put an end to their intolerable situation once and for all?
Improbable as it is, even if those now carrying out genocide in Gaza (for it can only be described as such) were unaware of Hamas’ plan, they recognized instinctively, and immediately, like a majority of Israelis, that it was their golden opportunity to drive the Palestinian “animals” out of Gaza once and for all. The United States had to be in on it from before the start, likely hoping to draw in Iran.
Emboldened by the development of their own fascist project over the last three years, the West’s pro-Israel elites no longer bother to camouflage their admiration for the champions of “might makes right” with even a few “peace process” platitudes. Their propaganda machine has been kept well-oiled these past years by the false pandemic, Ukraine and “Climate”, though they may have miscalculated the extent of Woke’s identification with the victim and the Left’s reversion to antizionist doctrine. Never mind. A slight tweaking of the message (which Off-Guardian recently remarked upon)… And even if that doesn’t do the trick, the whole thing serves as a useful distraction from the Gazas going up all around them.
Simon Elmer has bravely tackled so many sensitive topics. I was particularly impressed by his History of Oil. It is also worth noting that when Britain built the HMS “Dreadnought” in 1905 (the world’s first oil fired warship) some brave MPs asked whence the oil, since Britain had abundant cola, but no oil. Winston Churchill was head of the Admiralty (Jackie Fisher first sea lord) so clearly, even then, there were plans afoot to carve-up the “sick man of Europe” aka Ottoman Empire. One of the forgotten theatres of war was Mesopotamia where the British Army suffered some of its worst defeats) and it also puts a new light on Churchill’s obsession with sending a fleet into the Black Sea via the Dardanelles. Said fleet was stopped in its tracks by the sea mines and the hillside batteries. Hence the subsequent decision to land trips at Gallipoli to neutralise the gun forts – once again woefully defeated. Here in NZ, the myths about ANZAC as being the sacred ground on which the nation grew (bond forever to our Australian brothers) are so pervasive that not a single one of them has any idea what their ancestors were doing in Gallipoli in the first place. Germany was busy building the Berlin to Basra railroad and had all but completed it – but for a chunk to Istanbul – and Germany had mineral rights on both sides of the railroad, thus Germany would have access to oil. It is oil that literally fuels wars and hence this whole charade about phasing out fossil fuels never dares mention that wars are the biggest users of oil and literal destroyers of the planet.
Simon Elmer has also drawn the connection between the (Rothschild) “Balfour Declaration ” and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) was just another part of this charade. This though allows us to see how the film industry is pure propaganda. Peter O’Toole – like Lawrence – was a tool.
Robert Newman’s 10-PART “HISTORY OF OIL” is a must-watch.
It seems I was wrong! Mea Culpa. Dreadnought burned coal which was sprayed with fuel oil to increase its burning. Thus not yet completely oil fired. The drive to oil was on the cards and became policy about 1912 and RN ships gradually converted from coal to oil.
That must have been healthy for the (low-class) sailors tending the engines.
The first engine by Diesel was powered by conveyor belt driven coal dust, it exploded and killed the assistant which is when he switched to liquid oil.
We all have to make sacrifices in the name of civilisation.
This article confirms my impression of oil as the underlying reason for Gallipoli.
The Times of Israel article concerning the Amnesty International report has this:
“Senator Robert Menendez, who heads the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said, “By identifying Israel’s very establishment as the foundation for this accusation, Amnesty International has joined a growing chorus of vicious voices intent on denying Israel’s right to exist through slander, misinformation, and ignoring that both Israelis and Palestinians are responsible for their own fates.””
The old “right to exist” noise which means …. what exactly? Well in practice it’s a blanket rejection of any criticism of Israel i.e. criticise Israel and you are automatically questioning Israel’s “right to exist”.
But that non-sequitur is outdone by the one following: “ignoring that both Israelis and Palestinians are responsible for their own fates.” What the fuck does that mean and what is the connection to this critique of Israel? The only suggestion I can make is that it refers to that vacuous liberal notion of how “we create our own fate” which pays no attention whatsoever to circumstances and blandly presumes the famous “level playing field”.
The German reaction is instructive:
“We reject expressions like apartheid or a one-sided focusing of criticism on Israel. That is not helpful to solving the conflict in the Middle East”
“We reject” – on what basis? That it is “not helpful”. What abject evasiveness and cowardice!
And then,
“the Israeli government called it “false, biased and antisemitic” and accused the organization of endangering the safety of Jews around the world. The rights group released the document despite calls from Israel to not do so.”
“Antisemitic” and “endangering the safety of Jews around the world”. The mewlings of this assumption of victimhood are so obviously used to defend the indefensible.
The plain words racist and discrimination will not suffice for the special race, though they are certainly not Semites.
And furthermore – DaSynagogue of Satan would be unable to do anything without the aid and willfully ignorant cheerleading of churchianity with a seared conscience – both are servants of Satan!
The journey begins here – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – and never ends because discovering truth is a process, never an end state for us mortals.
Indeed, as a Christian I can seldom find fellow believers to discuss Revelation 2:9. They are brainwashed by and fearful of the current culture.
It’s fairly obvious that the demons running Israel are not God’s chosen people.
Another boring article never mentioning religion.
This whole death cult killing is about religion.
It mentions religion right at the start and goes into it in some detail.
Where does it go into the religious dimension of this whole situation ‘in some detail’. I do not read any real exploration of that aspect in Elmer’s article.
On looking again, I see there is less of the religious input than I thought – but then again, I think Simon assesses the situation correctly i.e. that the concept of “Jewishness” as ceaselessly used in the media has nothing to do with Judaism. Most of those who loudly self-identify as “Jews” also loudly identity as atheists. (David Baddiel, Stephen Fry, Rachel Riley)
This seems a crucial passage:
“My point in starting with this question — What is a Jew? — is that any solution to the historical reality of Israel and the crimes committed to establish and maintain its existence over 75 years of military occupation will never come from the mystical claims of a Jewish homeland based, as Gore Vidal once said, on the sacred books of a Bronze-age nomadic tribe from the Southern Levant.”
I’d say the role of religion throughout the past is less significant than it’s usually made out to be. That e.g. the notion that the rise of Protestantism boosted the capitalist revolution should be more correctly viewed the other way round i.e. that it was the rise of capitalist working relations that encouraged the drift to Protestantism.
Maybe you are going a little wrong here. We are talking about either you have a pagan view to the world, or you have a religious view.
The reason why Europe are admired is not only because of capitalism and money creation, but because of the development of civilisation with “all men are born free with equal rights”, “human rights conventions”, development of craftsmen, Engineering, Architecture, Laws, etc.
All this was only developed because of a Christian basis.
If you take the Christian religious basis away, there would be no “born free” nor “human rights” nor high development of legal law.
Just a detail.
You found it boring? You must really be DOA.
Religion is politics. Wake up.
Bullshit it is and always has been about land
Note how the questioning mirrors precisely the form of McCarthyite hectoring. “Are you or have you ever been a communist? Yes or no?”
You haven’t been interrogated by US Immig. and Natz, Have you? The only place they didn’t look was up my ass. And Israeli ‘security. Who shout at you in regularly replaced teams for about 3 hours. After all, you wouldn’t want them to get sore throats.
The visa applications were just like that. ‘Are you or have you ever been,,,,,,in many categories? They still are, only are now online. Except I only know what it was like ‘Pre-Covid.’ PostC the queues are much longer.
“Being a Jew, consequently, is now defined less by what it is and more by the threats to its largely manufactured identity, which is to say, by the definition of anti-Semitism.”
Exactly. We are here facing a negative theology. The emotive effect is not of “protecting a vulnerable group” but of “standing up to designated enemies”. Which is where the charges come in e.g. the mysteriously appearing swastikas, the sentiments of wanting a “genocide against the Jews” recycled anachronistically from Hollywood WW2 movies. These examples reek of planted provocateurs who give a convenient cue to the competitive affectation of complacent outrage posturing.
Hence the reliable dupery of Graham Linehan who gratefully jumps into the moral theatre with this:
This refers to a court case over alleged “antisemitism” at Harvard i.e. the ultimate bastion of bourgeois privilege.
More here:
“Eyal Yakoby, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, described incidents in which Jewish groups received threatening and antisemitic emails, and another in which a swastika was spray painted in an academic building.”
How cheerfully convenient for affluent liberal dupes to vent their self-righteous wrath over, playing a staged game as if they are “brave rebels”.
The Israelis are “vulnerable”, the eternal victim?
“There has never been an oppressor who regarded himself as a victim, and the only victim at that.” – Gideon Levi, who also said that:
the Israelis are homicidal maniacs who believe they have moral immunity. The reasons:
1. They actually believe they are the Chosen People
2. The holocaust gives them permanent victim status and permission to kill anyone they want.
3. Palestinians are subhuman. Animals.
4.- Questioning the history they spout, or comparing their sufferings to that of others, is verboten.
“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
Benjamin Netanyahu
Wrong. RFK jr. just revealed Israel as US most important military Navy base in ME, Israel as US biggest land based Air-carrier to carry out operations all over ME.
This story makes sense when we compare to what has happened during many decades!
Then we got this question about whether the tail is wagging with the dog or what solved.
Papa did it again!
Anyone with an IQ over 90 knows that the October 7 assault could not have been accomplished without Israeli cooperation. Just as the United States could have prevented 9/11, Israel could have crushed the Hamas plan long before October 7 having a year’s advance notice. In both cases these countries needed an excuse, a “new Pearl Harbor”, for their responses. The real question in both cases is why.
9/11 is much more than LIHOP. Merely allowing it to happen doesn’t account for the controlled demolition of three buildings.
Or the odd debris, and lack of sufficient rubble, live video without a plane, toasted vehicles, bldg 7 down in BBC newscast while still standing, put options on airlines…on and on…
9.11.2001 slideshow:
…and all the pre-programming before “A New Pearl Harbor” (PNAC)…
-3hrs of it!
And then maybe take another look at Dresden: https://conspira.org/pgs/dresden
scroll in ‘Pages’ for ‘ Dresden’ > ‘Re-understanding Dresden” -many curious photos (page loads slow).
Other Arab nations are clearly being bated, but as yet hold off, presumably in full knowledge of the closing trap.
My personal thoughts though are that this conflict is a smokescreen for a military build up that intends to engage in Ukraine, placing Turkey in a predicament. The British army openly advertises that it has been training for war in Europe, some 60, 000 Ukraine troops training here.
They will certainly fare much better than the previous 500,000 Ukies that NATZO trained.between 2014 and 2022. By the time those Ukies are ready to leave the UK there will be peace in Ukraine — except that East of the Dnieper will be called Russian Ukraina, as it has been since Catherine the Great. Western Ukraine might be called Galitzia again — but that is up to Poland.
Mister Rabbit – the supra-national part of the US control system did it to themselves, a major False Flag, so they could take revenge on and punish Arab nations for the crimes they had committed and were committing themselves, not to mention the Patriot Act, which they had handily waiting in the wings. 342 pages which advanced the American Police State marvellously.
9/11 and 10/7 were planned and perpetrated by the same forces for the same ultimate objective – for the achievement of the ethnostate.
How come Palestinian horrors are being reported in the MSM though?
There were no pictures of Iraqi (et al) kids being pulled from rubble. The media silence was deafening there.
Does this add up?
Oil you dimwit and to keep bibi out of jail
This is clearly another 9/11 type event. At the very least permitted to happen.
And designed to divide the people.
Which seems to be working!
Muslims are already divided from everyone else due to their insular nature.
Jews think they are the chosen ones.
So it’s easy to manipulate them and get them to fight.
It is even dividing formerly united anti-covid people.
If everyone put their humanity first and their bullshit religions last, we might have a hope to stand united against the globalist tyranny – whatever their evil plans may be.
The Palestinians would already be nicely housed in an Arab State (or even Israel), were it not for their nasty habit of proving to be particularly bad neighbours.
Choosing outright terrorists for leaders hasn’t helped in that regard. Firstly with the Fatah/PLO, and then with Hamas stepping in to fill the 70-virgins-in-paradise vacuum when Arafat did a made-for-television ‘renunciation’ of his violent ways.
They proved to be unworthy guests in Jordan, continually launching skirmishes across the border into Israel. Even going so far as to try to overthrow their host – the more moderate King Hussein. Likewise they proved to be ungrateful tenants in Beirut, Lebanon. And more recently in the Gaza Strip.
Even if Israel did leave their door slightly ajar on October 7, leaving ones door open doesn’t mean that thugs are necessarily obliged to enter and reek havoc. That choice still remains with the perpetrators of violence.
Nevertheless, it does raise a key question:
Q. Why haven’t neighbouring Arab States opened their doors to fellow Muslim refugees. After all, do they not share the same basic Islamic faith? Should we not look out for one’s own? Dog look out for dog.
Surely some brave Arab State could open its doors to them. Reform them, turn them all into moderates. Teach them the error of their ways. How to say ‘Salaam’ to one another on the streets (rather than burning flags/effigies) and not to delve too deeply into the intrinsically violent nature of the Koran.
Some have suggested that it’s a deliberate Arab policy. Allow the Gazans to suffer in order to evoke worldwide sympathy against Israel. That may be a bit too cynical but nevertheless the question of the continued lack of help from Arab States remains unanswered.
Or even ‘wreak havoc’. Thinking phonetically 😳
Oh, havoc doesn’t smell, then?
Usually after the event. Less while it’s going on, as a rule
I suspect that your anti-Semitic collection of recycled anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim smears is out of date. Not worth consideration except by antiquarians.
Not a deliberate ARAB policy, they don’t have that type of pull. But it’s true the media are showing us graphically how evil Israel is being and Israel isn’t trying to hide it.
A disgusting post.
“Choosing outright terrorists for leaders … “
Amazing isn’t it when you think of all the examples of their in-house oppressors choosing murdering terrorists as their own leaders … I guess they were hoping to achieve the same results, or maybe they’re stoopid.
Fuck right off with this deranged racist bullshit. The Palestinians were western allies in two world wars then we sold them out because we didn’t want jews
civil society is based on land clearance burning slaughter land and property theft
this is not a war the hamas clique are a cut out a classic us uk counter gang
for division of spolis oil gas high speed train and anther rotten shield kosher canal not forgeting giant lpg gas hub at the super china investments ports in israel and what was gaza
is or not real is a crime a real shoah
tip o0f the spear very important like fake ukrainia money laundering hub.
the khazarian mafia now run from a big english eyes wide shut house in engerlund.
it needs to be called a war look at the video all seem fake little electric pointers freezing on the flash bang nothing shown after
a cull a sacrifice moloch baal call it what thou wilt
Jewish Florida State Rep. Randy Fine: ‘We are a people that have been kicked out of every place we’ve ever lived for 2000 years’.
What could be the cause? I wonder…
I wonder why?
It is a people originally of a nomadic character, dedicated to animal farming who, at one time seemed to settle in one land and did so long enough to change their character, working the land and even commerce but not long enough, or to be accurate, not in a sufficiently long and continuous way to be completely shaped by that land and climate or to feel a sense of belonging to it based on lived experience of past and long generations, in the way other peoples whose character and identity were shaped by scores of generations living on the same territory.
They had to leave that land soon enough (some sources attribute that to the mountainous quality of the land), and found that the only way to keep their identity abroad is through a common economic activity that would distinguish them, and be the justification that would keep their religious practices and culture alive and safe from dissolution, and they would even exagerate some of their practices and beliefs so as to make their community more contrasted against the surrounding population. This is not a unique phenomenon as it is seen with communities such as Armenians in Europe, Germans in Slav countries, etc where it is the economic activity that distinguishes and keeps the unity of the community in the foreign land in all its other aspects, even though the Germans could decide to return to their land where Germans continuously still lived on a national German land, and Armenians too, especially after WWI when Armenia as a republic was created.
This entitlement to a return isn’t entirely clear in the case of the descendents of those who only discontinuously settled in Palestine throughout history as other peoples inhabited those regions in the meantime in a more continuous and for longer periods and formed cohesive social settings that got to be shaped by the land and climate, ones which we might assimilate to a nation thereby arousing a genuine sense of belonging to the land which indeed invalidates any other claim of belonging based on other considerations; this, even if there was no Constitution or political organisation as such for these other peoples, whose descendents were the Arab community of Palestine.
The Jewish community which was living among the Arabs in Palestine by the time it was under the Ottoman rule, was, it is true, for the reasons above, close to a distinct political and economic organisation, well structured, with the necessary institutions to allow it an autonomous civil, religious and cultural life and modern practices in, notably, agriculture, but it represented a negligible number, merely a little above of 10% of the whole population, while the Arab community there, which didn’t need to elaborate a distinct political structure because they didn’t need to defend their identity as the majority they were, and thus had a loose organisation. This argument, was sometimes put forward to justify the Zionist immigration policy to the West as one which would help give Palestine a modern, Western kind of political organisation; such was for instance, Churchill’s view. But the Jewish community of Palestine had such an organisation as a long-standing defence mechanism against the host society, to keep their distinctiveness alive, and they applied it wherever they resided as a community, not just in Palestine; while the Arab didn’t feel the need to as representing 80% of the population, not that they didn’t wanted to or they weren’t capable of. Hence this argument is IMO not valid.
Anyway, it is for this self-defence mechanism the diaspora was compelled to adopt that made them the object of an ambivalent treatment by the host populations and States. Indeed, as a result of that mechanism, they couldn’t entirely integrate the social and political life of the host nation and have thereby aroused suspicions and unfriendly feelings, and their almost exclusive dedication to commerce and money lending added to those feelings; the ambiguity coming from the fact that they also were useful as money lenders but at the same time this was also regarded as taking advantage of the poor. For this very activity and their unusual financial knowledge and capacity to quickly raise money they were useful to the ruling classes when they were in financially embarrassed.
Hence, they inspired ambivalent feelings, but when there were economic crises, pandemi**, or other catastrophes they were often pointed at as the cause, and were persecuted and massacred in pogroms; also many myths of cruelty have been invented about them. All due to this defence mechanism which prevented then from melting into the environment no matter how long they resided in the host country.
Part of the Jewish community in the diaspora however, particularly in Western Europe, could abandon their commercial activity and turned into full blown capitalists; this conversion freed them from the need to use that defence mechanism and could integrate the national life. These capitalists were later to have great influence in the political life of Europe to further the interests of their brothers-in-identity whose suffering they obviously couldn’t forget, and twisted manier a political arm, rendered service to the British during WWI, got the Balfour declaration, the British mandate, and finally the State of Israel.
Edit: Sorry, Armenia – the territory on which Armenians lived – wasn’t “created” after WWI; its inhabitants achieved the right to self-determination as an independent republic.
Khazars. They’re Khazars. They have nothing to do with the Levant.
It that’s true, the argument above is strengthened, which is: a claim for a land falls flat against another claim founded on current and peaceful occupation which extends without interruption centuries into the past.
I did not actually want a reply, I have known for 50 years why since I first woke up.
The eternal victims! 😥
The Zionists, and the shortsightedness (I might even say wickedness) of the British government and ruling classes who pretended to make possible the impossible are to blame.
Then those who got shipped to Palestine whether legally or clandestinely could have accepted to go anywhere else to escape their situation in Europe but the Zionists said “Palestine it is”. Then after you get the machinery of immigration going, the whole business takes on a life of its own, especially when the mandate ended and the Zionists took over the State. It was game over for the peace.
It was clear from the American King-Crane report of 1919 that, except for the Jewish community, the rest of the population of Palestine was unanimous against Zionism and the open support it had from the British government (then later from the American Jewry, and by ricochet, the American policy makers). I repeat: anonymous against Zionism, not against the Jews as individuals, most certainly not against the poor devils who had their lives wrecked in Europe; this was the view of the Arabs themselves.
The Jewish community of Palestine, according to the King-Crane Commission report, was just about one out of ten. Hence 9 out of 10 in Palestine by 1919 were against Jewish immigration to the land.
That immigration therefore was forced against the will of the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the land, and against the long-term interest of those who were brought into the land, to whom religious considerations were the least they worried about.
Reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s quip about the rancidly entertaining Frank Harris:
“Frank Harris has been invited to all the best houses in England — once.”
Anyone able to elaborate on the insider trading that took place. It was on the radio today, and my mind went to the put options before 9 11.
Or is the insider trading story, put out by the msm just a false lead.
if it’s out out by the MSM it’s because it suits the establishment whether or not it’s true or false.
Didn’t something similar happen in the course of that Pearl Habour type event in the USofAs da couple decades ago? Hmmmmm …..
Yet another alt media person fighting the previous war not this one. It’s not about empire any more, it’s about globalism, which is going to be introduced as a new and “multipolar” system.
The US (and Israel) are intended to “lose” the PR war and will be sacrificed to give the illusion of progress and change.
These are very dangerous and deceptive times. Please see my comment featured in Catte Black’s recent article.
You’re wasting your breath. Fighting the previous war is safe snd reassuring. People just want to go back to pre-covid times when geopolitics was predictable and all you had to do was hate the empire and love Putin. Globalism is complicated and scary. There are no leader-heroes on our side any more. We can’t cheer for Team Russia and think they have our backs.
No. People would rather relive the simple and dead realities of yesterday than face the bleak globalist horror of post-2020. They’ll keep their eyes firmly shut until it’s too late.
The only one talking any truth about this is Iain Davis and no one listens to him.
I love the way you assume nobody is as clever as you 😀
I love that in your case you prove me right.
I’m restraining myself to say some very harsh words to you.
For most people globalism is conspiracy theory topic. Do you really think that we are able to undo this psy-op with good research, with arguments, with appeals to rationality?
Do you think that slogans as ‘You will own nothing’ can move people from lethargy, from stupor?? Most people already own nothing of significance, why should than give a fuck.
Globalism is big problem majority is unaware of, but is dwarfed by the War on Human Mind. Even more insidious is War on Humanness. Some people are claiming that era of humanism, that started with enlightenment, is passe now. Cult of Gaia is wide spread in various forms as fake environmentalism, animal rights, etc., and empathy is channeled towards them, instead of being primarily a glue that holds society together.
If you have been with us during the scamdemic you probably experienced how the other side was more than less not empathic with us being almost thrown out of society. Not a good feeling when people don’t care about you. Many among us then called the other side sheeple, like they didn’t know that up to 90% of people will succumb the pressure of circumstances according to Milgram.
Are now, in this very moment, people existing in the World with a thought: How other people can stand still watching our suffering?
Millions of relatives of dead and crippled in Gaza, Ukraine and other war thorn places likely have this question, while you (TG) are “playing chess” saying: “The US (and Israel) are intended to “lose” the PR war….”. And not getting how deeply immoral your utterance is. I said Immoral and there is a meaning in this.
The world is having problem with ignorance (e.g. not being aware of globalism), but even bigger with morality!
From Alasdair MacIntyre (After Virtue, 1981):
He is damn right. It’s easy to say: Elites are immoral! It is harder for huge majority to mount a good moral argument against them, that at the end is futile because it has no power. What is morality worth if it has no power. Then it’s verbal masturbation and Alisdair is right. He also says:
My proposal:
We Want Peace.
Nothing more, nothing less…..for the beginning.
No one with good intentions can claim he is against Peace.
Peace is universally acceptable.
The idea of Peace can be emotionally charged and Want needs this more than any whatsoever reasons.
In Russia people have been busted for merely holding a poster with Peace (I didn’t learn that from Riley Waggaman, so much so). And it’s not primarily about authoritarian state, it’s about a real potential power of the idea. We have been able to have protests against scamdemic…why are we incapable to repeat the same for Peace. It would be a monkey-wrench into elites cogs, too.
my comment in Catte’s article
Perhaps peace starts here, by understanding others. Those who focus more on the long term agendas of ‘immoral elites’, the sorts of immoral elites who likely have few qualms about the human suffering they leave in their wake, are not callous, nor are they condoning anything.
Yes, we need humanitarians to chronical the suffering of here and now, to offer their empathy and keep our moral centre alive, but by definition this is also myopic to more long term perspectives. Therefore we also need scouts, lookouts and strategists to study our enemy, to take the long view, and warn us of approaching danger.
I think we’re all on the same side here, honestly. Try to make peace with that, if you can. I think it will help unite our cause. A2
I have a feeling that your response was triggered by my emotionally loaded comment that can be seen and should be seen as a critique of your editorial choices, too.
I purposefully wrote the comment to be stark contrast to TG’s comment. Another thing is my style, that is a matter of different culture, of who I am and last but not least, of language.
I think peace is more a matter of state of mind and unity is about understanding views that don’t go along one’s grain. The latter is particularly hard in case of supposedly opposing Worldviews, for example “individualism vs. collectivism”, a problem that seems to be irreconcilable. In fact, it’s about complementary positions, like ying/yang, something that is hard to digest in western thought. Dammed be Bastiat and similar thinkers, whose one-sided thought in the process poisoned western thought.
Of course, we should praise inventors of semiconductor transistor, their invention made it possible that we have this discussion now. But we should never forget thousands of workers that were/are necessary to materialize their discovery. By the virtue of cooperation we survived as a species and further on achieved wonderful things that would be otherwise impossible.
What you’ve said in second paragraph shows you don’t understand me.
If we lose our humanness, and we are long on this path, we will end in transhumanism. Then there is also that poem from Niemöller, ‘First they came…’
Regarding scouts and strategist against elite’s agendas……think carefully….aren’t the elites attacking precisely residuals of humanness and morality? Naturally, they don’t do this straightway, that wouldn’t pass.
Then look from the other side: what can they deploy against us if we revive, empower and give proper meaning to these notions? Only nuclear annihilation (to end hyperbolically).
So you’re suggesting we remain myopically in the moment, focused on the injustices of the now, keeping our humanity alive, because to look ahead down the road is a) to trade in our humanity and become like our oppressors and b) to risk their swords rather than their pens, if we do manage to unravel their schemes and ‘awaken’ humanity?
Not sure I agree with that. A2
“So you’re suggesting we remain myopically in the moment….”
Are you actually reading my comments?
If yes, then point out concretely to my claim you consider to be wrong or ask for some clarifications. Some of my claims certainly need more argumentation, some might be book length.
You have no ground in my comments to conclude what is quoted above. Implicit in your reply is that I’m one-sided thinker although I think I demonstrated I’m not.
“to risk their swords rather than their pens, if we do manage to unravel their schemes and ‘awaken’ humanity?”
Why do you think I’m writing?
Because I maintain cultivating thought, thinking correctly is utmost importance.
Only a part of humanity can be awakened the way you propose. The rest don’t have capacity to comprehend complex things or have no interest, they just want to live their life. Still, both categories can be reached the way I proposed. So, it’s not about one approach or the other. It’s about both simultaneously and all the others that can be morally justified.
Please, discuss, debate, if you are so inclined, instead of coming up with unjustified conclusions. (you know, unity…)
Oh, hmm, yeah, I asked a question.
Are you capable of more than trolling?
I wasn’t sure what your point was, precisely. I didn’t draw any conclusions. I asked a question.
So, it is about trolling, because:
You are engaging in insincere communication
You are using manipulative tactics
Therefore, if you won’t come up with some substance I will end this conversation. I’m saying this so it will be clear to anyone that I haven’t been censored.
I engaged until you became needlessly indignant. I was honestly asking a question, because I wasn’t sure I’d fully grasped your point. 🤷♂️
The Ukraine and Gaza wars have not distracted from the rising injuries and deaths after the jab. Now, China’s distaste for US T-bills also requires deflection. China may take a loss of $0.8 trillion at worst, but at least it will have stopped financing imperial wars.
Knowing and seeing what is right or wrong is NOT the same as ‘taking-sides’. There are some who try to pigeon whole respondents by encouraging fatuous guilt-trips.
murdering innocent people, be they men, woman or children is WRONG. It doesn’t matter whether they be Jew or Gentile, or even Calathumpians for that matter, murdering innocent people is a crime and must be punished.
#1 error
These are the fake jews described by Jesus. They are the epitome of evil.
Few other jews say anything, so they are complicit in evil.
Not only Jews are complicit in this evil. POTU$A Biden is a Christian; PM Sunak is a Hindu. And the polite form is Jew not jew.
Many of them are protesting, but fully censored by their own kind.
‘By there own kind’, yes, it’s all getting a bit Mein Kampf here. You can object to what’s taking place in Gaza without this sort of language. There’s no need to self sabotage, unless that is your aim of course?
All nations coming out in support of atrocities against civilians are equally complicit, surely?
First: The word Jew simply means “from Judea” nothing else.
Second: The article only relates to newer history but lacks the ancient religious history.
Of this can be said the Bible differs between the false Jews and the Jews.
The Jews are those connected to the 1’st Temple of Solomon approx 1000 BC in Jerusalem and the area of Judea.
The false Jews are the Pharisees, Zionists, non-religious people parasitic to Jerusalem and the Judaic religion.
Third: Since the 1’st Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC the Jews related were on the run to suppression, invasions, occupation, slavery, exiled, returned, spread, banned and returned again to Jerusalem to build a Temple III.
Hereof “ancient land, Jewish heritage”.
So the present complete confusion about who is who and who has rights has a 2500 year long line and deep ancient roots.
It’s not an area I claim to have any deep knowledge of, but I would add that there seem to be some complicating factors:
1) The Khazars – the only group to have converted to Judaism. Different groups might have different views to their descendants status as Jews. (Curiously the main Western source on the Khazars was written by Arthur Koestler and there are some very unpleasant allegations against him).
2) The “lost tribes” of Israel – this idea has made it possible for almost any group to have been claimed as Jewish.
3) The Sabbatean branch within Judaism – or should it be regarded as a heresy? The Sabbateans seem to have the same relationship to Judaism as the Gnostics to Christianity and the Sufis to Islam – indeed so much so it’s difficult not to wonder if there wasn’t a single guiding hand/force behind all of them?
Jerusalem was occupied by the Romans for I think more than 100 years around Christ’s appearance in year 0.
In this period the Jews connected to the Temple made a lot of uproar against the Roman occupation and suppression and were slaughtered and banned from entering Jerusalem, Temple II too was destroyed, Jews brought to Babylon as slaves, sold as slaves.
The Christians took over Jerusalem and refused to leave their position. Demanded heavy taxes from their over Lord position.
So many different hostile fractions, Christains, Romans, Khazers, Pharisees, Persians, Rothschilds, Freemason, m.m. claimed their rights to Jerusalem and parasited on the real Jews history from Temple 1, King Solomon, so its impossible today to find the real Jews in this landscape among the many many “false Jew” fractions.
It is more easy to point out who are false Jews than find the needle in a haystack where the real Jews are, whose true roots are to the Biblical faith of Temple 1.
“Thou shall not kill”. There should not be much doubt about what that mean.
So anyone who break this Command is breaking The Law, and are a false Jew.
You started putting little quotes after your comments like Nick M.
It’s the fashion 🤩
I think there’s some confusion within Judaism over whether the Messiah builds Temple III or not. For Temple II, I think Zerababbel (who started it) may have been descended from David, and King Herod (who finished it) had a Hebrew wife and a good architect, so he wasn’t all bad. Temple II being destroyed in 70AD
Maybe Yeshua ha-Mashiak Ben-David (aka ‘Jesus’) is actually the third temple. ‘Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in 3 days’ ‘n all that.
Good point.
I dont remember all in the Revelation but isnt there being build a Temple III in Jerusalem for the false Messiah’s coming? (Rothschild will probably pay for the bricks :-D).
Then it make sense. The true Temple is Christ’s message, the false Temple III is the false Messiah.
Haven’t you heard? It’s Donald Trump. 😅
I heard that joke, been there, done that. 😄 😄
Being a Jew is not the same as being a follower of Judaism, since many Jews are secular.
Right away we are struck with a peculiar feature of Jewish identity. There are no atheist Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc. yet we have a lot of people who identify as ‘Jewish’ who do not attend synagogue, do not celebrate the festivals or keep the dietary laws and do not believe in Yahweh. The term ‘Jewish’ has traditionally meant an adherent of Judaism – i.e. a religious designation. This oxymoron of ‘the secular Jew’ is, it should be noted, a relatively recent phenomenon.
A fellow student back in college days described her background as coming from a non-believing Jewish family. She didn’t identify strongly as Jewish, until that is, she attended synagogue for the first time and was over awed by the sense of belonging, not just to the wide body of Jewish people alive today, but to the 3000 years of Jewish history and the stories therein.
The Jews are described as ‘people of the book’ and so surely it is to the book that we must look if we are to unravel the dual nature of Jewish identity. It is quite clear that the Torah’s central theme is that of a world creating god who chooses one ‘nation’ of tribes as special among all other peoples. It is surely from this notion that both the supremacism and the antisemitism arise. The religious and tribal (racist?) themes are bound together at source.
I would argue that if you were to strip the Judaism from Jewish identity, it would ultimately render the latter term utterly meaningless: Jews are people who either follow the religion or are descended from and identify with other people who follow(ed) the religion.
The problem with trying to make hard definitions around, say ‘Zionists’ as distinct from ‘Jews’ is that, however much it might appeal to our sense of how the world should be, it doesn’t fit the way it actually is. Israel is not a closed society. It is not like North Korea. Yet the children sing “We will annihilate them all”, and only 3% of Israelis think that the government is using excessive force in Gaza. The only mechanism for such insane indoctrination and widespread opinion must be rooted in religious supremacism and extreme tribalism inherent in Israeli society. Certainly the time I stood outside supermarkets encouraging boycotts of Israeli foods grown on Palestinian land, the only arguments I heard back from passers by rested on a reading of the Torah.
Zionism is not a secular nationalism – if such a thing is even possible.
“Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year AgoThe approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200″
Then then watched Hamas train for this operation
Israel response remove guards stop monitoring on weekends move party to border
Don’t respond for hours then send in attack helicopters to kill every one
I guess they could have open the gates and put a sign free kill zone but maybe that was to obvious.
Israel excuse failure of imagination .
Preliminary research from Columbia University and New York University shows bets against the value of Israeli companies spiked in the days before October 7th
This is 9/11 all over again
most of the evidence provided by the Israelis is simply made up Propaganda , Miles Mathis immediately saw that the October 7th narrative was faked and the endless reports of beheaded babies, babies in ovens, rapes, mutilations, kidnapped children, pensioners and women and the ability to project all these stories every day for months in the BBC , Guardian and Daily Mail as a justification for Israels actions , even theArab villains are cartoon cut outs with their bandanas , slogans etc and Israel appears to have lost the footage , whats more most of the enormous number of claimed deaths come from the Israelis firing on their own people to increase the number of dead they can then blame on Hamas that was created by them , unfortunately the small number of well informed and well intentioned people who read off Guardian cannot compete with millions of brain dead zombies who are too busy watching football and celebrity bs to waste time on trying to find out what is really happening
Direct descendant of the founder of Skull ‘n’ Bones and of the only man to be both US President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has this to say about Israel:
Why are these elite bloodline families so demented about this? Their fanatacism is off-the-charts.
The Jewish population in Israel (and many places elsewhere) should be regarded as under trauma-based mind-control. This has been the result (almost certainly intended) of the Holocaust repetition.
On a separate but related (isn’t everything?) issue, the Fraud has this on the Dutch election:
Does Dutch government policy to destroy much of their agriculture get a mention? What does “centrist” mean when they support such a policy? It certainly isn’t “moderation” which we’ve been trained to think is synonomous with “centrist”. Does Wilders posing with the Israeli flag? Strange behaviour for the supposedly “far-right”! What it concludes instead is ” in the Netherlands and its surroundings, God has finally been declared dead, for ever.” What!? Based on Wilders leading the largest single party in the Netherlands, not even forming the government! This is the only the conclusion you’d reach if it was the conclusion you’d already reached because the event itself can hardly sustain the weight loaded on it. BTW declaring ‘God is dead’ doesn’t necessarily mean secularism – it could, and probably does, mean something else like gods with a small ‘g’ and in the plural.
I’d like to recommend anyone taking sides to go through this website as well: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com.
Bad site. Same as the Doo sites. Blaming religion for the perversities the perverters of religion make.
A religion is not a nanny you can blame for you being a spoiled child.
If you burn or kill people in the name of a religion, it is not the religion’s fault but your fault.
Very informed article, and up to date; especially this bit:
“The ‘way forward’ for Palestine and Israel isn’t two states: it’s addressing the threat of US imperialism to the rest of the world.”
As in Israel so in Ukraine; the only two countries with permanent Jewish presidency and the only two currently engaged in major genocidal attacks from EU$A against Rest of World.
I think this article would be even more up to date if the author were to add a PS: seems that RoW is winning.
Also: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2023/12/06/was-al-aqsa-flood-false-flag/
Your Link is to a video headed “From the Book of Ezekiel”.and it is certainly full of fantastic visions:
“Palestinians have moved to the United Arab Emirates and are living in sheer luxury with a basic income for the rest of their lives and we Westerners are paying for it?” Yes, that’s what I claim.”
The link provide the usual story that E-money inside your computer is everything and will triple value, and physical gold is nothing and will become zero.
Please be advised that physical Gold and Silver bullion is real money no matter what these freaks say. Period.
The story about Gaza? You cant hide real truth in the physical world.
The two most important statistics in regard to the UK are these:
So when you see quite how many MPs, who are paid to represent UK CITIZENS, NOT ISRAELI INTERESTS, joining ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ and ‘Conservative Friends of Israel’, you see quite quickly how many disreputable, disloyal, ‘dual priority’ prostitutes exist in the UK Parliament.
I’m afraid that both those organisations must be disbanded, since they are perverting UK democracy in ways that are unacceptable, anti-democratic, racist and anti-semitic (since the vast majority of those the Jews are committing genocides against are semites).
Here is a list of things which should be criminalised in the UK:
All Israeli contracts involving UK national security should be revoked due to the war crimes currently being committed in Gaza. All Israeli companies in the UK should cease to exist and all Israelis working in them should be expelled.
All previous ‘military cooperations’ should be dissolved and the UK should desist from any more diplomatic interactions with Israel until it shows that it knows how to behave.
The US ambassador should be told in no uncertain terms that pro-Israeli pressure will not be tolerated and will be publicly called out. All privacy for US Zionists will be revoked and their craven support for genocides exposed.
All Jews wishing to live in the UK must sign a document explicitly stating that Jews are NOT superior to non-Jews and that all the Old Testament-style racism allowing Jews to treat non-Jews disgustingly is racist and obscene.
The UK Government must declare unequivocally that Israel and/or the USA trying to steal oil and gas from Gazan territory should see a global boycott of the petrodollar and an absolute economic blockade imposed on the State of Israel.
Not that I expect any of those non-violent actions to be instigated by our racist, corrupt, disloyal, unpatriotic MPs and Government Officials.
They are all professional Jew-fellaters and have been for decades.
You started off well and good, the bullet points do seem like a fair point, but your intolerance and authoritarian mindset can’t help but show itself, can it? More with getting UK Jews to sign declarations, thus justifying all the antisemitic claims out there. You, sir, are actually self sabotaging. If that isn’t your goal then I’m puzzled as to how you could possibly be so obtuse. A2
6.- Any minister who covertly sends the military to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Palestine or anywhere else should be locked up indefinitely.
Palaestina Whaaat? There was no such place. It was Judea.
Here Simon Elmer.
In the Hebrew Bible there is one word behind the various English renderings Palestine, Palestina, and Philistia. It is Peleshet. The geographical term Peleshet is used eight times in the Hebrew Bible (Exod 15:14; Isa 14:29, 31; Joel 4:4[=3:4 Eng], Pss 60:10[=v.8 Eng], 83:8[7], 87:4, 108:10[9]).
“Though the definite origins of the word “Palestine” have been debated for years and are still not known for sure, the name is believed to be derived from the Egyptian and Hebrew word peleshet, which appears in the Tanakh no fewer than 250 times. Roughly translated to mean rolling or migratory, the term was used to describe the inhabitants of the land to the northeast of Egypt – the Philistines. The Philistines were an Aegean people – more closely related to the Greeks and with no connection ethnically, linguistically, or historically with Arabia – who conquered the Mediterranean coastal plain that is now Israel and Gaza in the 12th Century BCE.
As early as 300 BCE, the term Judaea [Judea] appears, most likely to describe the area where the population was predominantly Jewish. It was distinguished from Palestine and Syria. Coins with the word Judaea or something similar were produced at the time of the first Jewish revolt (66-70 CE). In the 2nd century CE, the Romans crushed the revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba (132 CE), during which Jerusalem and Judea were conquered, and the area of Judea was renamed Palaestina in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.
Hope this helps to clarify
The Arabic for ‘Palestine’ is ‘Filastein’ or Falastein pron.’Fill-ah-steen’ Very like ‘Phillistine,’ no? It’s very like the Egyptian ‘fellah’ which means ‘farmer or land worker.’ Linguistics are better clues than politix.
Your copy and pasting some basic facts, but still not making much sense. You firstly assert that there was “no such place” as Palestine, but then talk about the word apparently deriving from Egyptian and Hebrew for peleshet. So which is it – Palestine never existed, or it did ?
If it never existed, why did ancient writers, like Herodotus refer to Palestine ?
Can you also explain what the point is in telling as that “the Philistines were an Aegean people – more closely related to the Greeks and with no connection ethnically, linguistically, or historically with Arabia – who conquered the Mediterranean coastal plain that is now Israel and Gaza in the 12th Century BCE” ?
And what does that have to do with anything in the present ?
“As early as 300 BCE, the term Judaea [Judea] appears, most likely to describe the area where the population was predominantly Jewish”
Again, your point is ?
“the area of Judea was renamed Palaestina in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel”
It was already being referred to as such by some of the Greeks. Did the Romans explicitly state that re “minimising Jewish identification” as the reason for a name change, if so, provide a direct primary source.
‘ For those in London, this superimposition (below) shows how it fits inside the UK capital. This is worth bearing in mind when estimating the likelihood of Hamas militants breaking out and attacking Israel.’
Yeah, that, plus the fact that Israel has been bombing Gaza for years on end and that there are still buildings intact to bomb!
Can’t we just conclude that the whole story is bullshit? – That will save a lot of words and energy.
Yup, those middle-easterners are all drama queens who love the sound of their own wailing.
Did the Brits love the bombs whistling down on their heads during the Nazi Blitz?
Oh, they didn’t mind. Stiff upper lip and all that. 😂
I hope you got the irony though.
A cup of tea, I dont think the Brits noticed.
Is there a paragliding club in Gaza? Or was there one, perhaps offering training in the few open spaces and fields within sight of er..the perimeter. The question being, how did these pilots attain the skills to fly fully tooled-up paramotors on such an audacious mission when there’s nowhere to practice?
Paragliding has been a sport in the Holy Land for ages — especially in a strong breeze near the sea. It was an old trick first used by Fatah and long forgotten — hence regained new surprise value.
And how did they get on the front page of ‘The Economist’ years before the event?
It’s not as if it’s the first time ‘The Economist’ has predicted things well in advance of the event.
surprised it wasnt on the Simpsons
i used to do paragliding to a basic level , you would never use them in such a scenario , you need a lot of space and height to take off and your weaponry would weigh you down , i am ex TA , its all scripted BS , also in addition to a clear take off from height you would need the right type of wind , also seeing as the border had been breached with bulldozers they wouldnt need paragliders at all that would be very easy to shoot down mid air , also what the hell were the Israeli army doing ? sleeping , this is either a LIHOP or a MIHOP and in my view its a made it happen on purpose .
Covert Agencies
The covert agencies will be here soon. They will heavily downvote the article. Tilly Petersen and Red Pill Reader will cast doubts on the unprecedented and inhuman assault on the concentration camp. There will be hordes of others claiming that the genocide is a distraction. We will be urged not to take sides. Iain Davis or Catte Black or Kit Knightly or CJ Hopkins will write a comment upholding those sentiments. That comment will be pinned and will receive hundreds of upvotes. Comments supporting the victims will also be heavily downvoted. As will this comment in the unlikely event it is published.
Can you stop implying anyone who disagrees with your position (a position of one-note outrage apparently) of being ‘controlled’.
I’m going to warn you politely and officially about that. Please put more thought into what you write here. This isn’t a place for cheap, manipulative, emotional tactics or to simply offload.
It seems to me you’ve gotten worse since you’ve realised people are happy to discuss the tougher issues in a fair and open way, discussing things like Israel and Judaism etc. Since you can’t bluster about Offg turning a blind eye anymore, you’ve retreated more and more into this trolling behaviour.
Can you please give yourself a makeover? Thanks. A2
I found your comment unintelligible. The hostility is obvious and perhaps understandable though not noble or disinterested. This is a time for circling of wagons and defending what most would consider indefensible. On a site that claims to be critical of world government that defence has to take an ambiguous and convoluted form. There is on this forum a curious phenomenon of large numbers of commenters descending on threads of certain kinds. Prior to the current (one sided) conflict threads on the JFK assassination (which generally were sympathetic to the victim) attracted large numbers of posters that attacked JFK and his legacy and the article itself. This despite the fact that the articles never strayed into forbidden territory. One recent JFK article was surprisingly free of this phenomenon. It was then that I learned about RFK jr’s transition from a defender of children’s health to something quite contrary. The voting pattern took a form that was consistent with the views of those that arrived in large numbers.
To me it seemed obvious that these influxes were signs of control. In addition the new posters that arrive are fairly consistent in their views.
I post here because the forum I last posted on shut down. I was attracted by the anti scamdemic stand which was quite rare at the time. Even then and ever since the discourse was limited. The current situation has had a strongly polarising effect. We are back in the post 9/11 “you are with us or with the terrorists” atmosphere. Your warning is almost as blunt as Dubya’s. I am certainly not with the (real) terrorists. If a makeover means moderating my comments on Bibi or Genocide Joe I decline the suggestion regardless of the consequences.
The only hostility in this exchange is coming from you, I feel.
This would seem to make sense, I don’t get your point here.
We are an anonymous forum and we don’t screen commenters. We could ask people to sign up and sign in, but we don’t. Yes, this forum is constantly buffeted by the solar winds of the web. I’ve personally stopped guessing people’s agendas, my suspicions have been disproved too often 😅. Perhaps your suspicions are just the natural ebb and flow of opinions, or perhaps you’re 100% right. We can obviously never know for sure. This is all normal, btw, and it comes with the territory when hosting an open comment forum (an increasingly rare thing, as I think you appreciate based on your remark below). It is what it is, and I think we’ve got the balance working well here at Offg, helped in part by a proactive, interrogating and robustly human admin team.
Which forum was it, out of interest?
The warning and request above still stands. Please come here prepared to communicate and enter into a dialogue, not just dispense one-note moral outrage and impugn Offg’s motives. That verges on spamming. Thanks. A2
When have I EVER cast doubt on the genocide? You just keep lying through your teeth to discredit anyone who tries to look beneath the surface of this narrative and talk about deeper agendas. WHY?
Why are you conflating outrage over the massacre with total acceptance of the official story? That’s what the establishment do when they want to shut down inquiry.
Are you genuinely too stupid to understand that suggesting the genocide is being used as a cynical distraction is NOT THE SAME AS SAYING IT ISN’T HAPPENING OF DOESN’T MATTER. I don’t think so.
For some reason you desperately want to stop people talking about the globalist angle and how these outrages are being used to promote fake multipolarity and you’re using establishment propaganda tactics to do so.
Great Article
Even if it doesn’t mention the banksters. Commendable is the coverage of the 10/7 false flag. Apparently Israel will be cutting up and burying hundreds of cars destroyed by the “IDF” ‘s Apache assault helicopters in Israel on that infamous day. Destruction of evidence a la 9/11 one would think. Israel says it is being done out of respect for the dead and for the sake of the environment.
Mr Fish’s view:
Can I just say when Sunak says ‘we support Israel’, you can count me out because I do not! I am furious that this government supports the mass slaughter of civilians! I am sickened by the inhumane treatment of Palestinians and looking at the history it’s clear Britain was largely to blame for what is happening now. To be honest I had taken little notice of what has been happening in Gaza, now it’s made me sit up and take notice and I am horrified at what I see.
Most of the world is horrified at what we see. The systematic aerial targeting of women and children goes against our most deep seated instincts.
It’s all so blatant, though. I can’t help thinking maybe Israel are being positioned as a fall guy here (or positioning themselves?). What possible motivation could they have to look so bloodthirsty? Religious fanaticism? I’m skeptical, honestly. Many Israeli Jews, as the article describes, are non-practicing and must be fully aware that appearances are extremely important in the arena of war.
And since the Jewish lobby allegedly controls much of the media, why are so many Palestinian horror stories sneaking through?
Yet there clearly is considerable control, since any question of 10\7 has been completely shut down.
It just doesn’t quite add up for me atm. It’s very confusing. A2
Maybe the UN will sally forth, on a Noble Steed, named ‘The Greater Good’ with a solution to the Worlds ills?
It’s more than time for the UN to act on their proposal for a Palestinian State in Palestine. News flash: UN Chief to invoke Article 99:
https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=fHHPepOmOb4
UN chief invokes Article 99 on Gaza – powerful, rare toolUN chief Antonio Guterres has invoked what is widely considered the most powerful diplomatic tool at his disposal.In a letter to the UN Security Council, Gut…
Walking up and down in front of Capitol Hill with a poster saying “we want peace” and “we are the people” is an even more powerful diplomatic tool.
“What possible motivation could they have to look so bloodthirsty?”
Not only to look but to be so bloodthirsty.
That’s the trouble with you youngsters; nobody believes in Original Sin nowadays.
Patient: “I suffer from a sense of sin”.
Psychiatrist: “How unusual”. — TS Eliot, The Cocktail Party.
I think you missed my point.
Yes Sam , but the Israeli Armed Forces are very gung-ho. Possibly largely because thev’ve never been faced with really serious opposition, a la Ukraine.
I know this because all my 3 female first cousins, although daughters of an orthodox family, joined the IDF at 18 although they didn’t have to, My only male first cousin (the eldest) was a bit of a peacenik and a Jerusalem and reservist paramedic because he didn’t want to kill
If you don’t join up it looks really bad on your CV in Israel.
What reason? Stupidity?
I think that might be a bit naive.
The control over the media is unlikely to cover those within the Arab countries for instance, which have modernised their equipment and their means of getting information. Technologically, they are peers with Western media, and therefore also subject to the same manipulation by their own governments and local/regional interests. But all in all, I’d contend that in this time and age it is very difficult to keep “unwanted” information from circulating unless one closes all channels of circulation even the information one wants to circulate.
On the bloody looking side of this conflict, the argument put forward is that Israeli military can’t distinguish Hamas from civilian population; that they use civilians as human shields; they wear civy clothes and look the same as the people around; thus, the argument goes, the only way to “defeat” Hamas is to clear the land and the buildings from its population and go after those who remain after getting warned to leave, whom therefore are assumed to be from Hamas. This is IMO what is driving the intense pounding of Gaza with its bloody toll of deaths so that those who remained there would only be those who have some business to do there. Israeli military isn’t facing any distinct army with distinct uniforms, etc, so they are driven to do a messy job out of the whole business; this also proves the failure of their intelligence apparatuses.
The problem I find with the above is the implicit assumption that Hamas can ever be eliminated; for it is just the political and military expression of a conflict; it may also be filling a void the other expressions of resistance may not be filling; and as long as the conflict hasn’t been solved satisfactorily, that expression, just like a recurrent symptom, will keep coming back.
That’s what I can’t understand.
No. The systematic aerial tagetting of any group except a direct military force is monstrous.
Since the corrupt scumbag Sunak declared he is pro war, doesn’t it obliges us, the taxpayers to cease to pay taxes? Please enlighten me.
we really need a way to see who marked down your comment
Off-G tried that option briefly.
i dont object to being marked down but not by trolls who have been directed at the platform , also isnt it better to explain what it is you disagree with> anonymous dislikes can be used to rig a discussion as i have found over many years
Is the existence any of the dozens of Muslim or Christian states ever questioned here?
No. Why?
The banksters control all of the world.
Is the existence of two brutal empires ever questioned here?
You bet your sweet bippy it is.
B/c its a big world that does not speak w/one voice.
Great stuff, thanks.
israels 9/11 indeed. an inside job. and arabs are semites too right. for all those who stand with israel – you all got blood on your hands. if you support a murderer knowingly you are a murderer too.
Quality article. Thanks for sharing