Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us To Be a Nation of Snowflakes
John & Nisha Whitehead

“This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”—Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
What a year.
It feels as if government Grinches and corporate Scrooges have been working overtime to drain every last drop of joy, kindness and liberty from the world.
After endless months of being mired in political gloom and doom, we could all use a little Christmas cheer right now.
Unfortunately, Christmas has become embattled in recent years, co-opted by rampant commercialism, straight-jacketed by political correctness, and denuded of so much of its loveliness, holiness and mystery.
Indeed, the season for giving has turned into the season for getting…and for getting offended.
To a nation of snowflakes, Christmas has become yet another trigger word.
When I was a child in the 1950s, the magic of Christmas was promoted in the schools. We sang Christmas carols in the classroom. There were cutouts of the Nativity scene on the bulletin board, along with the smiling, chubby face of Santa and Rudolph. We were all acutely aware that Christmas was magic.
Fast forward to the present day, and Christmas has become fodder for the politically correct culture wars.
Over the years, Christmas casualties in the campaign to create one large national safe space have ranged from the beloved animated classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (denounced for promoting bullying and homophobia) to the Oscar-winning tune “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” (accused of being a date rape anthem) crooned by everyone from Dean Martin to Will Ferrell and Zooey Deschanel in the movie Elf.
Also on the endangered species Christmas list are such songs as “Deck the Halls,” “Santa Baby,” and “White Christmas.”
One publishing company even re-issued their own redacted version of Clement Clarke Moore’s famous poem “Twas the night before Christmas” in order to be more health conscious: the company edited out Moore’s mention of Santa smoking a pipe (“The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, / And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.”)
In the politically correct quest to avoid causing offense, Christmas keeps getting axed.
Examples abound.
Schools across the country now avoid anything that alludes to the true meaning of Christmas such as angels, the baby Jesus, stables and shepherds.
In many of the nation’s schools, Christmas carols, Christmas trees, wreaths and candy canes have also been banned as part of the effort to avoid any reference to Christmas, Christ or God. One school even outlawed the colors red and green, saying they were Christmas colors and, thus, illegal.
Students asked to send seasonal cards to military troops have been told to make them “holiday cards” and instructed not to use the words “Merry Christmas” on their cards.
Many schools have redubbed their Christmas concerts as “winter holiday programs” and refer to Christmas as a “winter festival.” Some schools have cancelled holiday celebrations altogether to avoid offending those who do not celebrate the various holidays.
In Minnesota, a charter school banned the display of a poster prepared to promote the school’s yearbook as a holiday gift because the poster included Jack Skellington from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas and other secular Christmas icons, not to mention the word “Christmas.”
In New Jersey, one school district banned traditional Christmas songs such as “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night” from its holiday concerts. A New Jersey middle school cancelled a field trip to attend a performance of a play based on Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” because some might have found it “offensive.”
In Texas, a teacher in Texas who decorated her door with a scene from “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” including a scrawny tree and Linus, was forced to take it down lest students be offended or feel uncomfortable.
In Connecticut, teachers were instructed to change the wording of the classic poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” to “Twas the Night Before a Holiday.”
In Virginia, a high school principal debated about whether he could mention Santa or distribute candy canes given that they were symbols of Christmas.
In Massachusetts, a fourth-grade class was asked to list 25 things that reminded them of Christmas. When one young student asked if she could include “Jesus,” her teacher replied that she could get fired if Christmas’ namesake appeared on the list.
Things have not been much better outside the schools, muddled by those who subscribe to the misguided notion that the Constitution requires that anything religious in nature be banned from public places.
In one West Virginia town, although the manger scene (one of 350 light exhibits in the town’s annual Festival of Lights) included shepherds, camels and a guiding star, the main attractions—Jesus, Mary and Joseph—were nowhere to be found due to concerns about the separation of church and state.
In Chicago, organizers of a German Christkindlmarket were informed that the public Christmas festival was no place for the Christmas story. Officials were concerned that clips of the film “The Nativity Story,” which were to be played at the festival, might cause offense.
In Delaware, a Girl Scout troop was prohibited from carrying signs reading “Merry Christmas” in their town’s annual holiday parade.
Clearly, Christmas has become one of many casualties in the misguided dispute over the so-called “separation of church and state,” a controversy that has given rise to a disconcerting and unconstitutional attempt to sanitize public places of any reference to God or religion.
Yet there’s a really simple solution to this annual angst of whether students and teachers can display Christmas-related posters, wear Christmas colors of red and green or sing Christmas songs, and that is for government officials to stop being such Humbugs and create a vibrant, open environment where all expression can flourish.
While the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing religion on people or endorsing one particular religion over another, there is no legitimate legal reason why people should not be able to celebrate the season freely or wish each other a Merry Christmas or even mention the word Christmas.
After all, the First Amendment affirms the right to freedom for religion, not freedom from religion.
Hoping to clear up the legal misunderstanding over the do’s and don’ts of celebrating Christmas, The Rutherford Institute’s Constitutional Q&A on “Twelve Rules of Christmas” provides basic guidelines for lawfully celebrating Christmas in schools, workplaces and elsewhere.
Yet while Christmas may be the “trigger” for purging Christmas from public places, government forums and speech—except when it profits Corporate America—it is part and parcel of the greater trend in recent years to whittle away at free speech and trample the First Amendment underfoot.
Anything that might raise the specter of controversy is avoided at all costs.
We are witnessing the emergence of an unstated yet court-sanctioned right, one that makes no appearance in the Constitution and yet seems to trump the First Amendment at every turn: the right to not be offended.
In this way, emboldened by phrases such as “hate crimes,” “bullying,” “extremism” and “microaggressions,” free speech has been confined to carefully constructed “free speech zones,” criminalized when it skates too close to challenging the status quo, shamed when it butts up against politically correct ideals, and muzzled when it appears dangerous.
At the slightest hint of trouble, government officials (and corporations) are inclined to chuck anything that might be objectionable.
Yet when all is said and done, what the police state really wants is a nation of snowflakes, snitches and book burners: a legalistic, intolerant, elitist, squealing bystander nation willing to turn on each other and turn each other in for the slightest offense, while being incapable of presenting a united front against the threats posed by the government and its cabal of Constitution-destroying agencies and corporate partners.
You want to know why this country is in the state it’s in?
The answer is the same no matter what the problem might be, whether it’s the economy, government corruption, police brutality, endless wars, censorship, falling literacy rates, etc.: every one of these problems can be sourced back to the fact that “we the people” have stopped thinking for ourselves and relinquished responsibility for our lives and well-being to a government entity that sees us only as useful idiots.
The Greek philosopher Socrates believed in teaching people to think for themselves and in the free exchange of ideas. For his efforts, he was accused of corrupting the youth and was put to death. However, his legacy lived on in the Socratic method of teaching: posing questions that help young and old discover the answers by learning to think for themselves.
Now, even the ability to think for oneself is in danger of extinction.
As Rod Serling, creator of the classic sci-fi series Twilight Zone and one of the most insightful commentators on human nature, once observed, “We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles but won’t be able to think.”
We face an immense threat in our society from this drive to obliterate our history and traditions in order to erect a saccharine view of reality. In the process, we are creating a schizophrenic world for our children to grow up in, and it is neither healthy nor will it produce the kind of people who will be able to face the challenges of a future ruled by a totalitarian regime.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, you can’t sanitize reality. You can’t scrub out of existence every unpleasant thought or idea. You can’t legislate tolerance. You can’t create enough safe spaces to avoid the ugliness that lurks in the hearts of men and women. You can’t fight ignorance with the weapons of a police state.
What you can do, however, is step up your game.
Opt for kindness over curtness and civility over censorship. Choose peace over politics and freedom over fascism. Find common ground with those whose politics or opinions, or lifestyles may not jive with your own.
Do your part to make the world a little brighter and a little lighter, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll have a chance of digging our way out of this hole.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]. Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at
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If the aim of the neo-Marxists is to demoralise us, then I can think of no better way than to take the joy out of Christmas. I have always found there to be something deeply nihilistic about Marxism; it is as if its adherents want only to make everyone as miserable as they are. Who knows, perhaps this is the equality they are really aiming for. Don’t let them win. Eat, drink and be marry everyone – the Marxists hate that more than anything.
All Directed Lunacy Weapons to ensure brains are jelloed to mashed bananas. Slack jaw and spit dribbling down the chin is the portrait of woke American zombified ferocia.
May X be your guide and comfort this year. May you put your trust and hope in X, because X first loved us before we loved X.
Merry Xmas.
Not all these examples are equivalent, children not being permitted to freely do something (wearing red and green) isn’t at all the same as adult teachers requiring them to do something. If it’s public buildings like schools holding Christmas celebrations, then it’s not part of freedom of religion and free choice, it’s expecting the children to engage with it (even if just as a secular holiday). Here in the UK, my father was shocked to realise my school had Christian teaching in assembly and that I, at five, was being trustingly indoctrinated, he had to explain to me that it wasn’t something everyone believed. It should never have been acceptable, and wouldn’t have been for so long if parents had been more aware. Public schools no longer do this, our country is almost entirely secular (incl. Christmas, what ‘true meaning’? Time with family, hopefully thoughtful gifts, charity, Doctor Who on the telly? All more meaningful here than Christianity), and doing far better than the Christofacist US for it.
I’ve also, incidentally, spent the last week making embroidered gift tags, with such Christmassy motifs as red and green baubles, trees, stockings, holly (and a snowflake). So not choosing to be bah humbug about it. But that’s as an independent adult. I still think it’s totally wrong for public institutions (esp. schools) to require Christmas celebrations, and for them to be done with public money like council displays. It’s also everyone’s right to go bah humbug to it all if they do wish to!
This piece is both a warning and a glimmer of hope…
The piece, written by Zach Gottleib, a high school senior, describes how peer pressure has forced narrow minded conformity on his fellow students and how in more private settings many students want to be much more open minded.
The piece is called “Listen Up: The Closing of the Teenage Mind is Almost Complete”. I’ll quote the first few lines from it….
“My revelation came in the spring, after a typical day in 11th-grade AP English. The topic was gender and how the experiences of the authors we were studying related to our world today. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear anything I hadn’t heard many times before.
“Class discussions tend to go like that. We’ve been inculcated with approved positions on issues such as gender identity, patriarchy, cultural appropriation and microaggressions. Any perceived misstep can ruin a reputation in a flash.
“But then something unusual happened. After the period ended, someone floated an opinion that, if shared in the classroom, would have elicited a clanging silence. Hesitantly at first, we found ourselves having a genuine discussion, the air crackling with competing ideas that made the moment feel almost transgressive. I left with more questions than answers, which is how learning should be.”
Its both a brilliant piece of writing (IMO) and a damning indictment of PC thought. Its nothing to do with “left wing” educators, though — as the saying goes “I’m not an educator but I know a lot of them” — because this nonsense is impressed on them. Its a key part of the curriculum for getting a teaching certificate and as any front line teacher will tell you its the administrators that wield power and enforce conformity on the ‘legacy’ teachers. (…and another thing, if I hear someone else blaming “Marxism”…..well, it just shows how little people know about a 19th century economist….)
Xmas in Bethlehem will be nice this year.
Nativity play will be interesting.
wonder if the 3 wise men being pro Palestinian makes them terrorist sympathizers to humas. school Nativity plays get ADL letter for being anti s.
The real Xmas came early online as the vote by outed by the vote Elon who still hasn’t left X
did a vote and 80% wanted Alex jones back on twitter and what the people vote for the people get. 😱
Alex Jones is back on twitter. reinstated by X vote started by elon,
you see voting does work….. 💤
white head on the crack……………..Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us To Be a Nation of Snowflakes
true meaning
Christ mass Holy day.
Where here in the still Christian-cultured world we celebrate through the tradition, myth and religion of Christ, the ancient ceremony of the re-birth of the Sun (sic) on the 25th of December after it lay dead and unmoving for 3-days from the Northern hemisphere’s Winter Solstice.
A true reminder of our connection to each other and to our cosmic reality.
Opt for kindness over curtness and civility over censorship. Choose peace over politics and freedom over fascism.
‘Clearly, Christmas has become one of many casualties in the misguided dispute over the so-called “separation of church and state”’
In much the same way as the United States and Israel have been merged to pretty much create one country, Christmas and Hanukkah have been merged whereby Christians and Jews together celebrate “the holiday.”
Need I point out who the big winner is by the merging of the United States and Israel?
Need I point out who the big winner is by the merging of Christmas and Hanukkah?
And by the by: as in years past, Lands’ End — a company whose very financial livelihood depends on how good their Christmas is, i.e., Christians buying/getting Christmas gifts — there is no mention of the word. Hanukkah and Menorah, however, can be found.
They deliberately don’t join the dots to the USA pulling out:
What exactly does it mean about the true nature of NATO or the sacred “international rules-based order” when their foundation stone is revealed yet again to be a narco-state? Don’t read all about it here!
As usual, this doesn’t mean support for the other side of the fake dialectic – I suspect the only reason the Taliban were allowed to return and do this is because their real paymasters are looking at the ker-ching to be made from synthetic opioids.
You forgot the vaccines. They just doubled up the amount of drug addicts to jabs, and dont forget the vaxx was also distributed by G7 militaries..
the fake army is for show. the privattees army has always been there all long helping the with production and shipping and laundering of the $$££
very difficult to buy cutting agents in tons to make poppy in to her.
Pete doherty and amy winehouse sure help glamorize her and white and tattoos.
no different than the previous lot before them and them and them.
the real money has always been the educated house wife with her Doctor and the prescription.
we did not no opiates drugs where addictive. repeat!
chasing the dragon. serpent worship. golden brown all names for brown , tan tar
It is just the magic of the “market” AKA “invisible hand”. In approximate sequence, the heroin came from
-. Central Europe via Italian Mafia
-. Golden Triangle, SEA, via shipping containers
-. South America , especially Columbia, via terrorist gangs.
-. Afghanistan, blamed on Taliban.
By 2001, The Taliban had eliminated almost all poppy cultivation. Even after that, how did they refine the opium and transport it? -Gordon Duff 2011-2013 (summary)
In a little over a year, the Taliban government of Afghanistan has reduced the cultivation of poppy by ~80%. -MintPress News 2023
I think it is good that there is a general animosity towards small c christmas in this era. The regime have co opted everything, their rancid fetid malodour of oppressive managerialism smothers everything and people being done or tired with christmas are really just done with having their culture robbed from them only to be sold back as a woke/modern’ counterfeit irredeemable subscription, to be launched and withdrawn over a weekend before the next commercial push is unleashed.
Keep your Bullshit small c christmas jingle it’s long since lost the sense of the Kingdom Come and The Newborn King
Great article, thank you. Chrismas greetings from Battlefield Germany. Same mess here. And yes, it´s important to do one´s part to make the world a little brighter and a little lighter so that just maybe we have a chance of digging our way out of this hole.
Christmas is a cultural festival taken over by capitalists wanting to make a buck for their non-Christian families. The lights go up as soon as Halloween is over, the ads start pouring in weeks before, I just can’t get excited about yet another one of the ‘spend some money because its XXXX day’: New Year; Valentines; Easter; Mothers Day, Fathers Day; bank holidays; etc etc.
Sooner or later they will add in Diwali, Yom Kippur, the Persian New Year (which happens to be the spring equinox) just so we have no freedom from the relentless push-marketing.
I wish the Christmas music commencing the day after Halloween would be somehow considered politically incorrect so it would stop.
Same with the Christmas decorations.
Remember when Christmas holiday started the day after Thanksgiving?
And I don’t mean Black Friday.
This bugs me too, although I expect this irrational expansion or backdating of holiday seasons and celebrations will never be reversed– not in the US, anyway.
I assume that modern marketing, merchandising, etc. “principles” are the cause for creating this slippery slope. But to me, it’s a pernicious expression of our technology and profit-driven culture creating a slippery slope to pathological surrealism.
Launching the Christmas holiday marketing “season” in July is probably the most egregious example, but not the only one. I’d become accustomed to the dreary trend of all of those shitty– er, abominable– “made for TV” Christmas movies clogging up low-rent OTA TV programming starting on Thanksgiving week.
But, speaking of Halloween: this year, during the first week of October I noticed a similar trend of “Halloween specials” on the tube. I can think of no good reason why broadcast TV should “celebrate” Halloween almost a month before the actual holiday; not that any of it is worth watching, but it ought to have been broadcast, at the earliest, during Halloween week.
I find it disturbingly “creepy” in every sense of the word– a disorienting “trick”, not an early treat. 😠 🎃
I’m sure Charlie Brown and the gang had an airtight contract.
One week before Halloween.
Or face Lucy.
And it doesn’t even have to be a holiday. Maybe a disease so we need a vaccine for everyone no matter their religious position, and masks too-sell, sell, sell. Maybe a new war and the military industrial folks can flourish, maybe Global Warming and the need to go green so we all can survive-sell, sell, sell.
But, at least, we can buy a computer of some kind and get on the internet in some wireless fashion so we can make our views known.
We are all capitalist in some form, I think.
“The lights go up as soon as Halloween is over…”
They didn’t even wait until Halloween was over this year; the Christmas stuff came out a couple of weeks before October was over.
Something else I realized, was that few people seem to put actual candles in their Jack O’ Lanterns; rather, they are buying fake plastic candles that will require regular replacement of batteries. Fire is one of the elements, essential to our understanding and experience of life, but away it goes, in favor of a safer fake fire.
Oh! And all the radio stations playing Christmas music 24/7 from Halloween on!!!
Talk about cost saving.
arent certain U.K councils not putting xmas lights up due to cost of living and energy saving.
who can offend lights when U.K got highest electric gas rate in Europe.
Hope so, I was intensely aggravated to see the lights last year after I’d been ringing and ringing the council trying to access the disability support we’re meant to be legally entitled to (Never got it, and no disability reduction on horrendous council tax!) It’s a total insult to expect residents to pay for Christmas lights so the council have something visible to feel good about doing while everything actually essential to the local area falls apart, and people struggle to keep their own home lights on and to stay warm and properly fed.
Back to the coal mines is my proposal. Actually coal is not that bad. Engineers make filters nowadays. You Brits can do it if you can dream it.
“When I was a child in the 1930s, the magic of Christmas was promoted in the schools. We sang Christmas carols in the classroom.”
Or listen to Bing Crosby sing them:
I melted in fond memory of father-knows-best family values and good old time religion reading this writ, wrapped as it were in a flag and carrying a cross.
When ours, ahem, was a Christian nation, chosen as a city on a hill from which to hurl weapons of mass destruction on those below, a chosen people to settle virgin lands, once they were cleansed of savage heathen and devils, promised lands flowing with milk and honey and fields of plenty, no thanks to the descendants of Ham, to sustain the pilgrim’s progress into new frontiers, nay unto the ends of the earth.
I shed a tear for those who now cry for constitutional protection because Battleground Amerikkka has come to their door, disturbing their Amerikan Dream down to its sweetest, most sentimental traditions of shoving their shit down others’ throats.
And upon reading, I remembered that snowflakes are in the eye of the beholder, as today the industrial indoctrination centers in the land of the free are pushing beliefs of Science, opiate of the masses, to the point of denying basic biology and turning children into transhumanist lab rats. And that ‘ours’ is a nation of slurs and slogans of each against all.
I’m going to go out and find me some common ground with those that wanted to kill me because I wouldn’t take a jab. Ya, right. Then we’ll sing Kumbaya and Imagine and drink some red kool aid while putting up Christmas lights. If my comment on here passes the Off-Guardian censorship review, it might be available for a reply. Life is funny, bees make honey.
Dont worry. The sheeple will try to kill you again when they find out the non-vaxxed have no debt and still have money left in the mattress under the coming big crash.
If you haven’t been good, not only will Santa forget you, but ‘Long Covid’ will get you.
‘It is a call echoed by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), which wants urgent reinvestment in long COVID clinics.
A parliamentary inquiry into long COVID estimated that between 200,000 and 2 million Australians have some form of long COVID, which can include more than 200 symptoms.‘ (ABC news).
Covid clinics as ubiquitous as McDonalds ? Now, there’s an untapped goldmine.
Ah yes the dreaded “long Covid” – which remarkably only seems to affect the jabbed. Still in an era of coincidence it is important to recall that Bill Gates achieved a twenty fold increase in profits on his pharmaceutical investments.
Funny (or tragic?) how history repeats.
One of Hollywood’s many ‘heroes’, Tom Hanks, has recently been promoting a virtual reality roadshow, of how the US conquered the moon in 1969. Right in the middle of ‘armageddon’ in Vietnam.
How convenient was that?
And now we’re in the middle of a Palestinian armageddon.
How convenient is that?
From ‘New Zealand Doc’ on Substack:
“What if a nation has achieved a phenomenal triumph which is hailed universally as unique, beneficent and inspiring? Would that nation’s depredations be forgiven? Would this magnificent accomplishment and the enduring halo of its glow serve to run cover for its less palatable activities?
Hint: have the Apollo moon missions given my United States of America an undeserved free pass as they wrought havoc in Vietnam and so many wars since then?“
What is the likelihood that while the US was struggling in SE Asia and in an arms race with Russia, that it would admit failure on the Apollo missions? Obviously not even a slight incentive to stage a glorious show. – replete with numerous technical gaffes just like 9/11.
According to the latest offering from Netflix America is being attacked by those pesky terrorist nations which they have been antagonising and destroying since ww2. This film Leave The World Behind is an exercise in schizoid paranoia where poor old USA is the target of retribution on all levels similar to War of the Worlds only this time it’s in America’s back yard only. I fear for the sanity of those responsible for churning out this garbage whilst ignoring the reality of the warmongering criminality of their own nation. This puerile mentality is a danger to us all.
A truly disturbing movie that was made, I’m sure, with the express purpose of furthering the goals of creating a hell-on-earth dystopia. I fear for the sanity of those who watch this diabolical brilliant/twisted exercise in trauma-based mind control predictive programming. From the rubble/chaos the movie predicts, we will witness the same unfold in reality in the USA and then the ‘solution’: more centralized control: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), online censorship under the guise of ‘online safety’, ad nauseum.
Until now I’ve avoided pointing out the irony of an author who laments the erosion of personal privacy posting Amazon links, but the irony of an author who laments the erosion of the Constitution calling for religious celebrations in public institutions is a little too hard to ignore. The first amendment’s free exercise clause and its establishment clause are equally important. Public schools and town squares simply aren’t appropriate venues for religious displays.
So, ‘humans’ becomes hupersons and ‘humanity’ becomes hupersonity?
Please, can someone get me outa this asylum?
The “Christmas magic” is gone because it was a fake to begin with. “Jesus Christ” is a brainwashing script for domesticated slaves based on a twisted mash-up of pagan figures and jewish messiah stories; and Christmas is one of many examples of pagan traditions co-opted and altered to mean totally different things- the winter solstice in this case.
The red and white of “santa claus” originally comes from symbolic depictions of Fly Agaric mushrooms used by Siberian shamans to enter trance.
You poor misery guts.
Bah! Humbug!
The Christmas magic is as powerful today as it was when it melted the heart of Scrooge (whose business partners are still with us, even richer). And the His Nativity on Christmas Day is as much a reminder of our earthliness as His Crucifixion on Good Friday is a reminder of the redemptive power of God.
Had a wee raw wafer slice of that the last year, was like central heating internally, then a brief crazed period for about 15 minutes that passed sensibly enough.
Didn’t do that when it was dried out (earlier experiment, years back, where we had a good gubful….?).
anyway, is it not best imbibed second hand, through a deer bladder ; )
No snowflake ever feels responsible for the avalanche.
That’s real poetry. Whatever you do, never lose sight of that line. Put it in your next poem.
Many would not understand my poems, but that doesn’t alter the end result or the odds of its outcome.
An anonymous source said that some 30 years ago.
Poetry was never meant for “the many”. It was always meant for the few.
Sorry to hear about David Icke daughter Kerry ❤
I found off guardian through Gareth icke twitter and David icke com.
its been a tough year.
I was mildly disappointed that this commentary didn’t end with “Merry Christmas!” 🎅🌲
Reality Check Radio has an important interview with Barry Young (Winston Smith), the whistleblower who revealed the New Zealand vaxxination data. It is a must listen. Pass the link on. The guy is a total hero.
Also reflects very badly on the NZ police.
There’s quite a bit of analysis out there about the New Zealand data already. One is by Steve Kirsch – here:
And discussions with data analysis below:
During the “pandemic”, NZ and Australia kept citizens out while allowing billionares to come and go.
Funny how that worked.
PER$ON$ and non-persons?
One word:Cultural Marxism.
My knee hurts aswell.
“… answer me one question. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of the things that May be only?”
Still the Ghost pointed downward to the grave by which it stood.
“Men’s courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead,” said Scrooge. “But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!”
Thankyou John and Nisha. The end advice was especially beautiful. When I went to school we had predominantly Christian students, but the great thing was that other children who had different religions were allowed to share their own religious traditions and the time periods of them with the group. It was intetesting and educational. We didnt feel forced to believe something because of the exposure. There was respect for other’s rights to believe as they chose. This was before Psychiatry moved into the schools and the dictionaries came out. When I asked why the dictionaries were being removed I was told we were, from then on, required to figure out the meanings of words from the context of the sentence, which of course is impossible.
The fact is, when destructive people get into Education, Governments, regulatory institutions and groups, free thinking and communication is suppressed. The criminally insane would not only have us not talking, or reading with understanding, but not breathing at all. They do though, get in, and that is why we have wars, genocides, “medicines” that kill, and so, so many things that cause massive amounts of destruction in the name of help. We have to continue communicating and when appropriate say “NO!!!!!” No, we do not want another war!!!!! And we do not care if it is not politically correct to say so!!!! We want to keep communicating and breathing- whatever color, race, nationality or region, religion, or not, or economic or political status. We want to BE. And communication is the universal solvent.
Wise words Emilia.
“I was told we were, from then on, required to figure out the meanings of words from the context of the sentence, which of course is impossible.”
Quite possible in general but impossible in particular cases. Your statement, based on your own childhood recollections, throws interesting light on the biography of the philosopher Ludwig Witgenstein. When he was young he believed that one learned the meaning of words by consulting a dictionary or “Tractatus” as he called it (in honour of his mentor, the logician Lord Bertrand Russel). But after taking a year’s leave from Cambridge to teach in schoolchildren, he changed his mind. When Witgenstein returned to Cambridge he wrote a book to promote the notion that children do not learn the meaning of words by consulting a Tractatus but by listening to conversations or playing word games and working out the meaning from the context. Which pained his mentor Russel.
Of course children do both.
Somewhere in Grimm’s Fairy Tales there is a story of a man who escaped Helll because the Devil would have nothing to do with a being who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.
“Logic demands that we choose Either/Or but Nature commands us to choose both.
ps Witgenstein’s little pupils called him Loopy Ludwig.
Respect?? inculcation has always been twaddle
British Ambassador attacked by British Secret Police `
Craig Murray says: Remember, a lot of this started with Prime Minister BLiar and the New Liebore Party.
This removal of Christ from Christmas has a long history. I recall my big sister taking exception over 60 years ago to the use of the term “Xmas” for that very reason. She is one very wise lady.
I presume, then, that your big sister would not be amused by the ironic slogan, “Keep X in Xmas!” 😉🎅
Keep the Cross in Xmas. The Crucifixion and Redemption are implied in the Incarnation and Nativity. Even if nominal Christians are unaware of it.
There is a Crucifixion painted by Michelangelo with an X shaped cross.
Early Christians thought Jesus was born on January 6th.
Funny how Twelfth Night means everyone stops celebrating just before that! Almost as if Jesus’s actual birthday is a cause for mourning…. like Crowley called it “the world’s tragedy”. Publicity for Twelfth Night came courtesy of the Luciferian Elizabethan elite’s biggest psyop.
Moving the date to December 25th just happened to coincide with disguised pagan heliocentrism and sun-worship. The sun “dies” on the winter solstice and is “resurrected” after three days of stasis.
Who was behind it? Probably who was behind another Christmas “tradition” and couldn’t resist bragging about it:
I get that people feel low in midwinter and want a party. It should be possible to enjoy oneself without consuming toxins or unwittingly taking part in a secret society initiation but, as Western societies are currently constituted, apparently it isn’t.
All the more reason to return to True religion and relegate Christmas to its proper place in the calendar (Christmas Eve and the 40 days thereafter). We’re in Advent, a period of reflection, anticipation, prayer, almsgiving and fasting. It’s a sure and certain cure for commercialisation, Grinches and woke spoilsports included.
All driven by white liberals of course…
My dentist today from Pakistan said “have a nice Christmas” and the local curry house in a recent conversation, remarked that they enjoy Christmas.
I don’t despise many things in the world but white Liberals push the envelope.
“I don’t despise many things in the world but white Liberals push the envelope.”
None are quicker to take offense on someone else’s behalf.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-12-09. Nobel prize protest, global candlelight vigils Dec 10 for all those harmed or 17m deceased from mRNA jab (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4)
From your Link:
“Global candlelight vigils Dec 10 for all those harmed or 17m deceased from mRNA jab”
“The Santa Claus conspiracy illustrates the multi-institutional politics involved in constructing and maintaining a fictional reality. This myth has produced a multi-billion dollar industry, myriad social customs spanning history and geography, ritualized familial and communal traditions, and a host of social norms that dissuade people from questioning or revealing that given reality. How it works is this: parents and peers pressure children into accepting Santa as an empirically real or true aspect of capital-R reality, people in the know are encouraged to maintain secrecy about the ruse, and complicit adults often do not question or consciously help to maintain the latent social functions of Christmas (e.g., personal meaning and fulfillment, social solidarity and cohesion, charity and volunteer work, employment opportunities, corporate profits, tax revenues, international trade relations, etc.). Like surprise parties, sports teams, and most business meetings, the Santa Claus conspiracy is an open secret maintained by conspiracies of silence, elaborate hoaxes, and the conscious employment of mis- and disinformation. For many of the victims of the Santa conspiracy, everybody is in on it, especially those figures of authority they trust most.
If there are large-scale, history-defining criminal conspiracies that exist in the world we live in, there are networks of mutually reinforcing social institutions, organizations, and groups that defend the official, authorized accounts of “what actually happened” from “conspiracy theories” proposed by people labeled as “conspiracy theorists.” I will address that convenient bit of circular reasoning in a future installment, but here take the Santa Claus conspiracy as an instance of the type of multi-institutional politics that would be involved, mundane as it might be. A loosely coupled network of families, friends, teachers, classmates, religious congregations, songs, movies, TV shows, marketing campaigns, toys, store shelves, and even the nightly news and NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) are in on it. Why shouldn’t a naïve child believe in the myth? Not only do people they trust tell them it’s true, but they receive emotional, social, and material benefits, which also serve as further proof that Santa is real.”
Bah humbug !
The goal is to flatten us out into a paper thin, practically nonexistent, range of tolerance. The idea that is masquerading as “diversity” is everything but diverse. If anyone presents the slightest deviation from what the agenda has proclaimed as “the norm” they are punished and accused of bigotry or, in the case of people loving Christmas, white Christian supremacy (where they get the “white” from I am not certain).
In the U.K. the Johnson regime cancelled Christmas claiming that their so called “pandemic” was mutating to inconceivably dangerous levels. Just another example of the sales pitch for “safe and effective” (please don’t mention untested and experimental) drugs to permit the entire world to escape lockdowns. For some strange reason the current U.K. “Enquiry” isn’t demanding actual evidence to support even one of the establishment claims, because all that has been accepted as “fact”.
That’s circling the wagons for you.
“No Christmas For You!” – Foamy The Squirrel:
We did watch “The Box of Delights” as kids and loved it. I, have the video and dvd and still watch it every year as a grown-up: (Episode 3, you, will have to search for the other episodes)
I still love “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
Every time a bell rings….