Why is the Government Paying Farmers to Stop Farming?
Inside the UK’s “food security” report.
Kit Knightly

On November 29th, the British Parliament’s cross-party Environmental Audit Committee published a new report on “Environmental change and food security”.
The timing of the report is more than interesting, considering the UN’s COP28 summit published its own “Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action” (which the UK signed) just two days later. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
The report claims – amongst many other things – that we…
need to adapt our food and farming system to become more resilient to the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss.
This is actually an inversion of the usual argument. The standard line is that we should change our eating habits to prevent climate change (the report still claims this too), but now we are being told that we must change our eating habits or climate change will cause us to starve to death.
Just like the push to change climate into a public health crisis, inverting this argument is about creating a sense of threat, about scaring people. It’s always about scaring people.
But, you’ll be pleased to know, while the reason we need to change may have altered, what we actually have to do remains the same: Eat less meat. A lot less meat.
The report repeats, countless times, the Climate Change Committee’s recommendation that the UK “reduces its meat and dairy consumption by 20% by 2030, and by 35% by 2050”
In a blatant rhetorical trick, it tries to make this figure into some kind of compromise by pointing out that some of their witnesses (eg. noted lunatic George Monbiot) advocated eating zero meat or animal products of any kind.
The report is full of this kind of manipulative language.
For example, on page 48, the authors claim that “the Government does not believe it has a role to tell people what to eat”, but then proceed to quote testimony from “experts” who tell them they have a responsibility to tell people what to eat (even though they really don’t want to).
Sue Pritchard argues people aren’t informed or sensible enough to make these decisions, while Professor Tim Lang essentially argues what we eat is chosen for us anyway:
Everyone thinks they choose their diet. We don’t, actually; we choose it by race, by class, by family, by gender, by culture, by when we were brought up, by the power of advertisers and their expenditure. Nearly £1 billion is spent on advertising food in Britain and it is overwhelmingly the ultraprocessed foods that get that advertising. There is very little advertising, let alone national guidance, for eating more appropriately.
“It’s OK to tell people what to do because choice is an illusion”. Beautiful.
The whole report is basically 90 pages of this kind of sophistic nonsense. If you’ve got a strong stomach and a lot of free time, you can read it all here.
We’re just going to focus on the “recommendations” at the end.
There’s this one…
The Government must show its leadership by upholding standards for the environmental impacts of food production in its trading relationships with other countries.
…which, loosely translated, means charging more import taxes on foods that aren’t “environmentally responsible” (or some other buzzphrase). This would mirror legislation in the EU, where the “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” has been in place since earlier this year.
Of course, the unwritten consequence of this would be higher prices for ordinary consumers. Oops.
Then there’s this one…
The Government’s plans for a strong food curriculum in schools should include science-based education about the environmental impacts of food production, including food waste.
Which doesn’t need to be translated. It’s about indoctrinating – sorry, educating – children.
Or this one, promoting diet-related propaganda:
We recommend…that the Government should publish national guidance on sustainable diets
And there’s this one, which is my favourite [emphasis very much added]:
The Government does not want to tell people what to eat BUT from its plans to encourage people to eat more healthily it clearly understands its role in helping people make better choices.
Other recommendations call for more “Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs)” to limit fishing in some areas of the sea as well as lowering maximum yield limits.
Still more suggest “sustainability ratings” being made a mandatory part of food labeling, and it’s not hard to see how rating all food purchases on a “sustainability” scale can be parlayed into social credit systems or the like.
Another includes a demand to “designate food security a public good”, like education, infrastructure, and national defense (which I imagine would grant some more powers under some act or other).
It goes on and on.
So, for anyone keeping score at home, the report recommends…
- Using taxpayer money to create and distribute anti-meat propaganda
- Educating children that eating meat is wrong
- Publishing “government recommended diets”
- Controlling where people fish and what they are allowed to catch
- Using taxes to raise the prices of foods that are “bad for the environment”
Don’t worry though, “the Government does not believe it has a role to tell people what to eat”. Honest.
The truth is it goes well beyond simply telling people what to do. Perhaps the most concerning issue in the report is the much-praised “Environmental Land Management” schemes, described as:
a critical lever in incentivising a shift towards achieving food security in the context of environmental change
Here’s how they work…
Environmental Land Management schemes pay farmers to do certain things with their land…including to improve the environment”
You’ll notice it says “including” to improve the environment, not only to improve the environment. They never say what else is included, or what it might be in aid of.
Also, “Paying farmers to do certain things”? That’s very vague, isn’t it?
What exactly are these “certain things”?
Well, there’s a short list included but it doesn’t get much less vague. It mentions:
- “undertaking certain environmentally beneficial actions”
- “activities that support local nature recovery and meet local environmental priorities”
- and“long-term projects that support landscape and ecosystem recovery.”
All of which can be fairly accurately summed up as “not farming”.
Yes, the British government is actively paying farmers not to farm, and – in truly Orwellian fashion – are doing it in the name of “promoting food security”. (You can read about similar schemes in the US and UK here.)
It goes beyond “telling people what to eat”, into the realm of making sure they don’t eat at all.
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You should start with euthanizing all of the dogs and cats.
No more meat for you…you should eat your own shit…moron!!!
This article is without a doubt among the very greatest of all the articles that have ever been written. I am an old antique, but whenever I come across some new articles that look interesting, I will read them. In addition, I thought this one was fairly interesting, so I think I’ll add it to my collection.
Most British dairy farming is a criminal enterprise- a crime against nature, culture and human health. The truth that the Brits are too thick to face is that dairy products are not good for you, or your children. Most of the British Isles was woodlands, now it’s dairy farms. You are much better off with the woodlands, and other kinds of meat.
You know the world is full of f…… busybodies telling you what you can and what you can’t do. It’s always been thus. 15 minute cities, covid, food which isn’t food, politicians and so on and so forth. There was a time when you could just tell them to f… off, but now they have the legal right to enforcement the law on you. We need a revolution bad.
Has off guardian done any articles on animal testing..? (answer NO)
you do shill articles that sound like you shilling meat meat eat meat and dairy eggs]=
milk and get your animals cattle injected and feed on feed,
equates to being really healthy……LOL
sponsored by the agro chemical big pharma.
this is the type of sshit I would read in there publication,
now the christdom conservative lot shill it.
no vague then you doing some real journalism KIT
what the fuck are people paying you for…??
regurgitate agro chemical big pharma sales manual to increase there yeald
recap. EATING chemical GM chicken/pigs/cow feed on chemicals is apart of the balance diet now.???
only in alt media would they sell this shit as cutting edge information.
you have to be eating this shit to believe it.
Is there any place to live normaly on the Earth soon?
“We walk on the wrinkeled skin of a molten planet that is heated from within by its own nuclear reaction and from without by the rays from a nuclear furnace 90 Million miles away, around which our planet circles. That humans regard this as normal shows how skewed our sense of normality has become”.
If reality mattered, as Denis Rancourt has been at pains to point out, our health is more impacted, not by food, toxins, bad habits or lifestyle but rather stress. Obviously, the stress is not going away.
To be fair, toxins probably don’t help much either, but it’s curious how placebo/ nocebo is rarely (if ever) mentioned in the MSM these days, despite the settled recognition of their effects
More evidence that these people are idiots. If their worst predictions come true, then livestock will become much more important than crops when it comes to food production. There are very few regions where livestock cannot be raised. The same is not true for crops. And even if these predictions are nonsense, the food supply would be drastically reduced without livestock.
It also needs to be pointed out that livestock also provides environmental services. The same cannot be said for most crops.
At last! some common sense on a topic proposed by a would-be Global Regime that floats, insulated from reality, in “an atmosphere of alcohol and hot air”.
Well being visits never involve discussions about improving your diet. It’s always about pushing the latest Big Pharma Concoction. There is no presentation on diet improvement. No dietician on call to help create a shopping list and recipes for which to shop.
Suddenly, that’s all changing. Why is that?
Yes, why are governments always inventing “new hobgoblins which )are purely imaginary” (HL Mencken, U$A circa 1927).
The new world order cannot be achieved without controlled food shortages.
Which New World Order would that be? I’ve lived through three: Hitler’s, Bush’s and Schwab’s..
” O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” “long-term projects that support landscape and ecosystem recovery.” I love it! Suggestion from the other side of the puddle– start with short term project of rewilding Remove Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, various Royal palace properties (early land grab), etc. recover the, let say, 100BC, landscape and ecosystem. Not what they have in mind? As my sister living in Wales says, “you cant make this stuff up”. Kit, thanks for keeping up with the endless drivel. Heigh-ho.
What’s imperative that all these food ordering about tsars are made to disclose their exact diet, 52 weeks a year, every year.
There will be plenty who don’t practice what they preach, and even if they do, they shouldn’t be telling others what to eat, they should just eat what they personally wish to eat.
It’s wrong to try and eliminate meat, because it is essential for a healthy diet. We aren’t herbivores, we are omnivores, and that is our genetic make up.
You don’t tell polar bears to go live in the Rockies, do you? Any more than you tell African elephants to go live in Swedish forests.
So stop telling humans to eat insects, live solely off nuts and vegetables and trying to make out that cows are evil.
“It’s wrong to try and eliminate meat, because it is essential for a healthy diet. We aren’t herbivores, we are omnivores, and that is our genetic make up.”
That’s really ill-informed. I would not be alive any more, or at least very ill, if that were so.
soon it’ll be just boiled cabbage for dinner,
and boiled cabbage for tea, and
the smell of boiled cabbage everywhere.
or, if little billy gates has his way
soon it’ll be his Spam (Mark 2)** for dinner
Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam !!
**(aka – little billy’s Vat Goo)…
Boiled cabbage – Luxury.
When I were a lad………………………………….
Western food is not worth eating anyway. Take the money and run.
It is true that people on the whole were healthier during WW2 due to rationing forcing everyone to eat moderately and healthily. These proposals have nothing in common with rationing, though. They seem to be closer to ‘price support’ — limiting supply to keep food prices artificially high.
Back in the early days of the EC there were things like ‘butter mountains’, ‘wine lakes’ and so on where literally food was destroyed — milk was poured down coal mines, apples were sprayed with molasses to render them inedible and left to rot and so on. This, as you can imagine, was politically unacceptable but necessary because a lot of European farmers were what would be called smallholders in the UK and were relatively inefficient. Obviously lessons have been learned over the years — you can’t destroy food, not when a lot of people are going hungry (or forced to eat unhealthy food substitutes) so tactics have got a bit more sophisticated, adding in a healthy dose of ‘eco’ this and that and also mixing in a bit of genuine environmental concern. Making sense of this means cutting through the noise, the clutter, and understanding the motivations of the puerps. Which, as ever, seem to be about maintaining and increasing profit with only a nod towards sustainability and nutrition. As usual.
“[Surplus] apples were sprayed with molasses [??] to render them inedible and left to rot and so on. This, as you can imagine, was politically unacceptable but necessary because a lot of European farmers were what would be called smallholders in the UK and were relatively inefficient.”
]My query ??] “Molasses is a viscous byproduct from the refining of sugar. Sugarcane molasses is used to sweeten foods. Molasses is a major constituent of fine commercial brown sugar. It is also one of the main ingredients used to distill rum.” — WikiPedia.
But I get your point. Apple trees are so productive that a householder with an apple tree in her garden [let alone a smallholder!] often puts surplus apples in a box for passers by to help themselves.
There is nothing wrong with apple mountains or wine lakes if you can store the product or give it away free. It is the cash nexus that makes for deliberate waste “to keep prices up” — as producers did with oranges in the 1930s — an era very similar to the present neo-Liberal neo-Fascist era in West Europe. Europe will regret the passing of its lakes of milk and wine, its mountains of meat and veg.
We are all unique so there is no “one” diet, “one” health, or “one” anything for all. What is good for you, is not good for me, and vice versa.
“The reality that everyone is different – physically, emotional, mentally, spiritually – and that this is a good thing because it is for a reason, so that individual contributions can be made to the world. This uniqueness of human beings is a direct manifestation of God and is what fuels the engine of society. But the powerful and the fearful want to stop that engine, to replace human uniqueness with robotic compliance, and with drones – mechanical and biological – so as to install their new religion, the Cult of Sameness.
To do this they have steadily undermined academia in order to advance their ideas. At the simplest level they promote the need for all humans to have X amount of hours sleep, or eat Y number of calories, or walk Z number of steps every day, completely ignoring the reality that this will not work for everyone, because everyone is different. In recent times the media have been brought into the deceit and enthusiastically push the line that there is really only one set of views that are acceptable in their new society and that those who think differently must be cancelled. This is done under the banner of collective wellbeing of course, all the while ignoring the fact that there can be no collective worth a damn unless it is composed of unique individuals, each with their own opinions, talents and abilities, sharing, co-operating and gaining from each other’s differences. Diversity is meaningless unless it includes diversity of thought.
But the experience of uniqueness goes way beyond human beings, and extends through nature, into the very fabric of life itself.”
Extract from “Sameness and Uniqueness” by Richard Abbott: https://www.thehermitage.org.uk/blog/sameness-uniqueness
I plant trees for a living. And my first job this season has been on a Not-farm.
It was a farm, Infact it was a number of farms that have been purchased by a retired banker.
But other than a handful of sheep, most of the animals, formerly cattle have gone.
Hundreds of hectares are virtually empty, and he is planting trees.
There’s expensive barns being converted, new roads, miles of new fences, gates, etc. But hardly an animal. All the local farmers are gone from the land.
You hear about this stuff. But when you witness it for real, it’s rather shocking, because this is really happening.
This landowner is able to just sit back and rake in the money for the mere privalage of owning the land.
Why it sounds almost neo-feudal!
That’s a familiar and depressing situation, common here in Sussex. The “lifestyle” farm..maybe some horses, solar panels, “regenerative” practices like…er, not cutting hedges or planting wildflowers. But nowhere any food produced. The idea that one can own a farm and fail to produce useful food products ( not oilseed rape or feed-wheat for example) is an egregious form of modern madness.
So that’s why the Dutch and UK regimes are paying farmers to get off the land: for its value as investment in a ‘development’ boom (eg, for sardine cans called “15 minute cities”).
Royal Dutch Shell; owned by Rothschild on both sides of the Channel. The whole cabal of Plutocrats are descendants of wealthy Cromwell and his Dutch money men, their grip on UK strengthened by Dutch Billy and his army of occupation.
Like Al Gore’s carbon credits, follow the money. And follow the power. More than half of the above recommendations involve Tax and Control.
When the Large Landowners took away the Commons Land they also took away the peoples’ right to hunt and fish on what used to be Commons Land; under penalty of death or deportation.
The earth is like a house infested with mice. If the owner of the house were to consult any moderately thoughtful ten-year-old sage, he’d get the same advice: “Don’t leave food out. You’ve got half-eaten meals in the sink, your flour is stored in an open bag on the counter-top, you have never cleaned your stove-top. Hygiene, man! Store your food securely, put it in jars. Leave the Twinkies sealed in the box until you’re hungry enough to eat them all in one sitting.”
So the owner considers the sage’s advice, sees the simple homespun wisdom in it and puts it into practice… only to discover, in the morning, that the now-starving mice have chewed through the gaskets of the flour jars, through the cardboard of the box of Twinkies, and even through the thick plastic of the peanut butter jar — they’re still in there, swimming through the shallow remnants, mouths open and a trail of turds in their wake like basking sharks with the runs.
The sage, again consulted, would admit his mistake without pride or prevarication. “I see at once how I was naive. It’s not that you can’t leave food out; the simple fact of the matter is that you can’t even have it in the house. Take your meals down the pub. Houses are for sleeping and watching TV.”
Humans are the mice that infest their own house. As long as food is produced, humans will be produced to eat it. Cometh the Twinkie, cometh the Man. They’re right to scale back production, nine billion is an order of magnitude too many. But they shouldn’t oughta lie about it.
Such an anticlimax. I have a better analogy for you. Humanity is Winston Smith and you are an agent of Big Brother.
You’re right, of course. The only creatures which deserve to live at all are us featherless bipeds with broad, flat nails. The earth should be either farmland or concrete — the future that both O’Brien and Goldstein are struggling to realize.
A woodmouse DID eat through a 5K Peanut Butter tub in a forest north of Thessaloniki near the Bulgarian border.
Finally, some good news! Did you witness the miracle? Or omen, at the least… if Nostradamus didn’t say something about Thracian woodmice then he should have.
It was unortunately my peanut butter. But I didn’t begrudge the mouse the PB. in fact, I was impressed.
At last I believe my school chemistry teacher; he said mice will eat through a tin can to nibble phosphorus. (Presumably they need phosphate for good teeth.)
Irony alert! (Notice the name: a parody of Green German Girlishnes).
Biodiversity loss is caused by the fact that the beautiful celestial wonderer’s ecosystem has been exposed to the radio and electricity.
Humans are sprouting mega watts of microwave poluttion every second through radio, TV, phone operators, haarp and similar installations all over the world, military, police, hospitals, abc agencies… It’s killing us and the Nature.
Birds, bees, animals, die or experience birth complications. Human organs get damaged due to the emf and radio. Heart disease, diabetes, thyroid all caused by, obviously bad diet and radio, emf. And they are preparing 6G, 7G…
How can we stop them…. We can’t.
We are being cooked as in a microwave machine, no one will ever admit that due to billions invested in the infrastructure.
FCC and others know that. In the 1960 or so, there was a conference in Warsaw, Poland on the radio and the conclusion and evidence presented showcased how destructive nonionasing radio is to the Life in Gaia.
Then, if you are looking for the guilty one, look no further but in the mirror. We won’t drop our fancy spying devices.
We are all guilty retards for allowing that to be happening, just as we allowed them to tax us and imprison us in a tyranny, sweetly called democracy, democracy that’s not the same as liberty.
I pray that some day a solar flare will just fry their systems of the enslavement. I don’t think there is anything we, the small bunch of offg readers can do…
Biodiversity loss is human made.
Climate change is happening everywhere in the cosmos.
Merry Christmas.
They are Killing Us Softly with radiations.
hired an Advertising Agent to brand the damage
as ‘Covid-19’…
The one glove fits all solution again, these people really are idiots and should be exposed as such.
Tank a look at how Sri Lanka screwed the pooch with their aggressive management of farm land.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-12-13. 158k excess deaths USA – 1st 9m 2023. Pfizer mRNA construct why spike protein causes disease – 3 concerns (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search Why Spike protein):
“The spike protein has been shown to cause disease; therefore, a vaccine based on the spike protein will promote pathogenesis, not prevent it. The S1 subunit of the spike protein has been shown to shed into the circulatory system, thereby furthering disease.”
‘ Why is the Government Paying Farmers to Stop Farming?’
That’s an easy one
It is because of the BULLSHIT
Globalism. Can see the supine spineless jellyfish inhabiting the Westminster talking shop going along with this crap, just as they did with the Covid scam. It should be apparent that we are not living in a democracy. A new system of governance is required.
We’re obviously not capable of looking after ourselves.
The best we can hope for is a benign avuncular dictator.
Think Billy boy after being visited by the third ghost.
God bless us every one !
“Everyone thinks they choose their diet. We don’t, actually; we choose it by race, by class, by family, by gender, by culture, by when we were brought up, by the power of advertisers and their expenditure.”
This is a straight transcription of Harari’s “the era of free will is over”. It’s also slap-bang in the Marxist tradition ( “Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past.”). This is not to argue they are “really” Marxists – more that they’ll use anything from anywhere if it furthers their agenda.
Like any good lie, there is of course some truth in it. However the part that’s not true is crucial.
Almost all Mexicans love hot pepper ice cream. I bet you just went yuck.
And someone still claims that the Irish have no sense of humor! The only catch: “Jeremy” only ever smiles when things get deadly serious for everyone else. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/meet-jeremy-godfrey-head-irelands-ministry-truth-responsible/
About getting rid of meat, what the plan is, I reckon, it’s to make us all more passive and easy to control. I reckon people on a high-meat diet often have a lot more macho and bravado and attitude than your average mellow, passive vegetarian or vegan, who is easier to indoctrinate and manipulate.
you mean aggression…….some of us ponder that there would be far less war etc if we treated our animals much better rather than farming them in concentration camps. you take on all that fear and misery etc when you eat battery farmed meat especially
It’s a reasonable point. But what do you do about our human dark side – “the human condition” with all its deviations?
football hooliganism scratches that itch if you must or criminal behaviour, i try and keep mine checked by gallows humour and save up any really nasty stuff for situations that deserve it
We humans will be the ones living in the concentration camp instead.
Yes we will if *they* get their way it will be a 15 MINUTE CITY 🙁
But even if there was a ban on meat, this would only be for the proles. The men who start wars would not stop eating meat. They know it’s vital for life.
It’s quite a funny argument besides. I’m not any more aggressive now I eat meat again, however I did become depressed the year I ate plant based.
Tell that to Novak Djokovic, vegan, ultra competitive, world’s greatest tennis player and staunch, to his detriment, unvaccinated advocate.
Ask his trainers what’s in the bottles of liquid regularly passed to him to drink during the breaks in his matches.
The ancient Roman legions were vegetarian. Also, they thought that foods like bread and porridge were “hard” foods, meant for he-men, while meat was “soft” food, meant for women and sissies. No modern person could stand one day in the Roman army. They would march twenty miles in full pack, build a fort, cook their dinner of bread and porridge, and only then go to bed. Every day. Fact.
Perhaps the empire’s fall was due to all the forts they must have accumulated?
Did Roman Soldiers Eat Meat?
What you have done in rhetoric is known as “slanting.” You slant by selectively quoting.
Now I’m gonna quote from the exact same article you quote from:
“Much of Davies’ work in “The Roman Military Diet” is interpretation . . . Roman Soldiers Ate (and Perhaps Drank) Mostly Grain . . .R.W. Davies is not saying the Roman soldiers were primarily meat-eaters. Their diet was mostly grain: wheat, barley, and oats, mainly, but also spelt and rye.”
You see, your problem is that I am right and you are wrong.
Yeah, says he’s a vegan and unjabbed.
Which other multimillionaire celebs do you believe?
I’ve read that he eats fish so not really a vegan.
That is an old stereotype really. Because most of the vegetarians of my acquaintance have adopted the diet from a thought through perspective, they are anything but mellow, passive and easier to indoctrinate and manipulate. In short a pain in the @rse with whom I’d avoid physical conflict.
As, a rule, the vegetarians I have known have low energy, are constantly sick and tend to age prematurely.
To commodify animals is the route of all human conflict and problems. Some great minds recognise this, for example – Leo Tolstoy ~ “as long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields”. Also Einstein was vegetarian, I wonder why 🤔…..
Einstein was a “great mind”? Is that why he only held one patent… for a blouse?
Funny how he couldn’t translate his theories into workable technology! (And before anyone says GPS, are you certain it could only work the way we’re told how it works?… ).
“To commodify animals” is one way of phrasing it. Another way is “to consume other animals for food”. And of course meat eaters do consume other animals, just as other animals consume other animals, and isn’t that the way of nature?
I think there is an overlap of dietary trends for all animals hence omnivores eating mainly meat to mainly vegetable depending availability, that is nature. But that said if your eating animals you are eating human (animals) indirectly, by controlling the food supply. 10000 children under age of 5 die of malnutrition daily on planet earth while we are fattening up livestock for human consumption. Also we care as much of the suffering of pigs locked up in gestation crates as we do of Gazens being slaughtered.
“10000 children under age of 5 die of malnutrition daily on planet earth while we are fattening up livestock for human consumption.”
100,000 a day x365 is nearly 4Million infants per year dying of malnutrition. That’s pretty close to my standard guess of 6M people per annum, which has not changed since the end of WW2.
But I do not see what fattening animals or being vegetables has to do with that figure. Children starve because people with guns come to take away land from their parents: as NATZO did in South Sudan and Yemen, or block entry of food into their town, as the Apart-hate State is doing in Gaza, or steal their parents’ money as Oligarchs do all over the world.
UNICEF data tells of 20,000 under 5s dying daily, half of which can be attributed to diseases exasperated / caused by malnutrition.It always amazes me that these figures are never reported.
There are many factors causing malnutrition, extreme poverty and destitution, oppression, inequality and war for example. But it is definitely not because not enough food is grown globally. We could feed 10 billion people if food stopped being a commodity and is shared equally, let people the world over grow Thier own local crops on Thier own land, locally.
The connection I make with feeding animals for human food is that that land could feed far more people if those crops were directed straight to people for food instead of feed for livestock. I believe the ratio is around 10 to 1, meaning you can feed 10 people vegetarian for every 1 meat eater.
The greatest meat / animal product consumption is in the west and wealthier nations, this is where they want us to eat bugs, lab grown meat and impossible burgers, they are growing markets and big capital is getting ahead of the curve to do what it does best, make huge profits. They do not give a fuck about animal welfare or the environment, or human health either. They only healthy human foods are organic fruits and vegetables with minimal processing, but there is no real money to be made out of local cooperatives growing food for local population.
Another point to make is animal consumption in the rest of the world (not the west) is a growing market that is being pushed, FAO data, approx 80 billion land animals are slaughtered for food globally and this is locked in to increase to over 100 billion. Global capital has zero morals.
So yes we should all stop eating meat for many reasons, but it will not happen in our lifetimes as someone said earlier we eat what we are told and programmed to eat.
When given a chance, some of those animals consume us!
Einstein seems to have become a vegetarian during the last year of his life.
Governments paying farmers to do certain things, especially in this day and age with the giant farming conglomerates, is nothing new of course. Looks like a cut and paste propaganda report based on the globalist’s agenda. No big deal, just go buy your own cows, chickens, and maybe a couple pigs. These fuckers aren’t going to win, buck up, man.
Cows and pigs are impractical for almost everyone – and have you forgotten how “bird flu” is being used to clamp down on poultry ownership?
Then start a community livestock farm. Just get with Jimmy Corbett, he’ll show you how.
“Three acres and a cow, and a chicken in every pot” — New Deal slogan by FDR. The slogan was first coined in England by the Distributionists, a Christian Communist sect.
“Chicken in every pot” was Republican campaign slogan of the late 1920s.
Chicken in Every Pot – Political Dictionary
They were paying them to stop farming back in the 30s. It jacks the prices.
Read Grapes of Wrath.
Wasn’t the dust bowl a factor ?
Another outstanding essay thank you.
The article (source of extracts) is a perfect, now normal instance of newspeak.
So much could be said about this but in summary Why is the Government Paying Farmers to Stop Farming? Is more of the old education system creates ignorance, the health system kills people and the justice system is organised crime….
Agriculture is the most blatantly communist victory in the US. The normal incentives and price-informing of “capitalism” are almost completely absent. Any reasonable person with access to land would look at what they can grow and how much the market appears to demand certain products and plant accordingly….oh hell no. This is not even a remote possibility under the usda system. Where is the big money? Mabye I’ll grow those: hemp, tobacco, almonds, cherries, hops, anything profitable really…even simple hay….all of these have a massive regulation barrier that is usually busier paying people to cut down trees and leave land unwatered than to welcome you to grow a “cash crop”. It’s rigged, sickeningly. Fuck em. Where is the farming rebellion in America?
Sorry, as a twelve year vegan (yeah, I know, we’re all crazy zealots) I think Kit is off target and hyping up the hyperbole here.
But what the hell, don’t believe me, do your own research.
All I know is eating animals and/or their excretions doesn’t make sense, ethically, environmentally or from a health perspective.
The Ruling Ghouls obviously have other motives for promoting these changes, and ethnics aren’t part of it.
Hurray for you. I’m not as zealous as you, but I’m in your crazy camp.
If you just think about what animals have inside their bodies–and outside for that matter–that might give you pause.
I guess the propaganda won’t work on you eh, Johnny? You might be able to get a job with them however, you’re right there with them.
I’m sure the remunerations are stratospheric, but the damage done would haunt me.
Oops, that’s a racial faux pas.
Vegans never miss an opportunity to tell everyone they are a vegan!
That old chestnut.
Here’s how it works in the real world Paul:
The inquisitor: “What?!! You don’t eat meat, eggs or dairy. What’s wrong with you?!! All the meat etc that I eat is ethically sourced. So there!!”
Vegan: “Slaughter of sentient creatures, forced lactation and non stop egg production is ethical?”
Inquisitor: “FUCK YOU”
BTW, most vegans will not tell you they are vegan until the passive/aggressive inquisitor asks the question, because they ASSume everyone eats animals.
It ain’t worth the hassle fessing up beforehand.
“Sentience” is an elite construct to weaponise your compassion against you. The brainpower of a rabbit and a human are mushed together as if they are the same thing – like “biodiversity” lumps humans together with fungi.
Animals have no concept of death. They can feel fear and pain which is why slaughter should be as humane as possible (and no doubt industrial production falls short of that much of the time – it’s been designed to for this very moment). If the capacity to feel pain qualifies as sentience then plants are sentient.
Sentience is one of those constructs that is never examined nor questioned – why is that do you suppose? Just an accident? There is however a warm fuzzy feeling from using it.
Like all vegans, you avoid the central issue – if veganism is such a good idea, why are the elite promoting it? It’s been obvious they are since Jay-Z and Beyonce announced they’d gone vegan. You think they have humanity’s health or animal welfare in their hearts?
‘Animals have no concept of death’
Neither do humans. We just think we do. How can anyone have a ‘concept’ about an unknowable state?
‘Humane slaughter’
Is that similar to a truthful lie?
Sentience as defined by the Merriam Webster:
‘feeling or sensation as distinguished from perception and thought’
So animals have no feelings?
Then it must be okay to cook your cat or decapitate your dog?
“So animals have no feelings?
Then it must be okay to cook your cat or decapitate your dog”?
You may have a Vitamin B12 deficiency…
i knew a bulgarian from work who kept pigs back home. they would kill the chosen one with a crossbow bolt to the head before the victim knew what was coming. he says they tasted much better than terrified pigs that knew what was coming
Why does no one consider that insects might have feelings, too? Reminds me of that line in Nirvana’s Somethin’ in the Way: “..it’s okay to eat fish cuz they don’t have any feelings..”
The one thing that always seems to drive bad policy is PATENT PROFITS. Gates wants to make a windfall on his lab meat products.
Enjoy the echo chamber.
Vegans can’t wait to tell you they are a vegan…it’s laughable how they always manage to slip it in the conversation, just waiting for the slightest context- just more virtue signalling.
Eat what you like, just mind your own business about what i chose to eat..
You must live in a hipster town Paul. All the vegans I know are modest and/or reticent about their food choices.
Meat eaters on the other hand.
Well, they’ll throw a portion of animal on a barbecue anywhere and not give a shit about the stench of burning flesh.
Once man’s stench is another man’s gourmet.
Enjoy the carrots…
I do hope you take such a stance regarding abortion?
Or is it OK to kill unborn babies but wrong to kill a pig?
Johnny’s scenario is right. Here’s another way it often plays out in the real world:
Jim, a crypto-vegan at a backyard party, accidentally strays too close to the grill, where Joe is happily flipping patties.
Joe: Hello, friend! What do you want on your burger?
Jim: Ah! Well, they do look good, but unfortunately I just ate before I came here.
Joe: Then eat again! It’s a party, friend. What do you want on your half-a-burger?
Jim: I really wish that I could, but… uhhh… well, it’s my bowels, you see. They misbehave when I overeat, and this being a stranger’s home, I don’t relish the idea of soiling the bathroom.
Joe: Again, friend, this is a party. Have you seen how many bottles Sheila alone brought with her? The bathroom will be smelly and brown from the top to the ground no matter what you do or don’t eat. So I ask you for the third time, friend, what do you want on your two burgers?
Jim: Bah. I have to admit, I’m that dreadful cliche that nobody likes to have around. I’m veg–
Joe: FOUND THE VEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pardon the pun but a nice word salad and totally meaningless.
Sounds familiar Bloobock.
Kinda reminds me of those endless contrived scenarios that pop up on twitter all the time – usually from Zionists obsessed with the idea that everyone is obsessed by them.
Exactly right. This scenario is 100% contrived, just like the scenarios in which the first words out of every vegan’s mouth are, “I’m a vegan.”
I’m not a vegan. I tried it 2004-6 but my body couldn’t manage it. I had however given up meat in 1969. ‘Honk’, my acid ‘big brother, (John Martin Lodge) bass player of ‘Junior’s Eyes’ (a John Peel favourite) was pacing up and down his room. When I asked him what the matter was, he told me the band had another cheapskate German tour in a couple of days. Subsistence money was £3 a day, and there was no vegetarian food in Germany (don’t mention kartoffelsalat) and he didn’t know how he was going to manage it.
So I said, ‘You go to Germany and eat whatever you have to, and I’ll give up meat for you.’ Still off it. More ways than one to get here.
So it goes.
vegan death squad
I know some vegans.
Really,really orthodox ones.
I knew them before their enlightenment and they are still the same people but with a monkey on their backs.
I was curious and asked them at a drinks party how they managed to find vegan wine.
“Oh, we just buy normal wine, you’d never know the difference”
At least that monkey is still breathing.
We’re not telling you — or anyone — what to eat here. But nobody, including those pesky globalists, had better tell us what to eat (or what not to eat). This is first and foremost a question of freedom, not diet. After all, there are few things more personal an intimate than eating.
I’m Vegetarian, Lacto-Ovo, not a Vegan.
But agree with your point “doesn’t make sense, ethically, environmentally or from a health perspective.”
Also, do not see any reason or feel like consuming meat.
Vegetarians tend to be people who have a simplistic view of ethics, the environment and food production.
For example, some 40% of the non-ice land surface is used for food production. More than two-thirds of that land can only be used to support livestock because of climate, topography and soil type. Less than one-third can be used for crops, and most of that land cannot be used to grow crops all year long, year after year. This is why removing livestock from food production would drastically reduce the food supply.
Removing livestock would reduce the amount of food currently produced by crops because these animals consume crop residues (leaves, stems, hulls, etc.) and the waste (seeds, meals, pulp, peels, rinds, hulls, etc.) that comes from food production. Most of the phytomass produced by crops is not human edible but can be fed to livestock.
Finally, animals are killed when land is cleared, and when crops are both planted and harvested. It may even be that a vegetarian diet causes more deaths than a diet that includes meat and milk from ruminants that are raised and finished on pasture.
And I haven’t even begun to list the ways livestock can be used to improve habitats, which is not true for most crops.
“Synthetic food will, of course, also be used in the future. … The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation.”
~ Winston Churchill, 1931
This reminds me of “Gulliver’s travels”.
From wikipedia:
“The king had invested a great fortune on building an Academy of Projectors in Lagado so that it shall contribute to the nation’s development through research, but so far the Academy has yielded no result. The author has vividly described bizarre and seemingly pointless experiments conducted there, for example – trying to change human excretion back into food and trying to extract sunbeams out of cucumbers or teaching mathematics to pupils by writing propositions on wafers and consuming them with “cephalick tincture”.[2] Gulliver is clearly unimpressed with this academy and offers many suggestions to improve it.[3] The author’s ulterior motive on describing this place could possibly have been to point out the senseless side of science in his time. The Academy is home to The Engine, a fictitious device resembling a modern computer.”
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagado
We had prophets, hadn’t we?
Sounds more like Huxley from Brave New World
We’re fooked. No matter the wishes of the unwashed public, and with zero regard for farmers, this Leviathan agenda will be pushed just as relentlessly by Labour after the “Conservatives” are voted out…
Or rather, British taxpayers are paying farmers not to farm.
But then we’ve seen in recent years that British taxpayers have paid doctors not to doctor, nurses not to nurse, teachers not to teach, and continue to pay the police not to police, so why should the farmers miss out?
If only we could pay the government not to govern…
If only…
If there was a “Comment of the Year” prize, I would nominate this.
Err…..don’t we ?
Exactly. How many times do we have to roll this clip out:
Ned Beatty’s NETWORK speech-by Paddy Chayefsky
A corrupt Establishment runs this circus on behalf of the Globalists.
If your honest (!), you can only rely on yourself.
How long have you lived where you live ?
Me 55 years.
Change in farming, not much, happened before me.
Change in sea-level, zero
Change in Climate, zero, weather changes
Change in infrastucture (houses) big time
Thats alchemy, or reality kids
Same as it ever was (since we were created, not very long ago.)