In the Year 2024, if Man is Still Alive

Sylvia Shawcross

Now, I was reading something about how anybody who questions things as they are is labelled crazy, aka a conspiracy theorist, and the writer likened that craziness to a ragged human sitting on the street corner with a sign saying, “The End is Nigh!” And I thought, but that’s not the definition of crazy abnormal now. Crazy is now anybody on the street corner saying, “The End is Not Nigh!” Now, that would be considered crazy in the world right now.

Those who are religious in some sense are waiting for the Second Coming or whatever end-of-time thing their religion believes because all the signs are there. Those who are fanatically green are waiting for the world to implode from carbon emissions and climate change because all the signs are there. Those who are financially absorbed are waiting for the end of money as we know it and, therefore, the whole purpose of living. Those who suspect that viruses and/or their antidotes are killing us all off are locked in their masks and misery. Those who think an asteroid is coming or nuclear war or AI human genocide or aliens engaging in human bloodbaths… well, there are all sorts of variations on the theme.

They’re all (and I’d hazard the guess that this is most of humanity) sitting in their little boxes of righteousness, waiting for the end with their ultimate “I told you so.” Being fatalistically resigned to human annihilation might not be a healthy way to be. It’s kind of like the tree in the forest kind of thing: what good does it do you to be able to say “I told you so” when, in fact, your audience isn’t there, and apparently, neither are you?

I mean, in theory, eradicating any future is kind of, well, not very positive in that positive-thinking kind of way we’re all supposed to embrace in this ridiculous world. I mean, people wandered around whipping themselves about the end of existence with the Black Death, e.g. and where did that get them? Sure, it was an awful time, but in the end, they either died or they didn’t. And the ones that didn’t were just left all black and blue with egg on their face because they still had to get up every day and do that thing called living because they weren’t dead after all. Much to their annoyance, I’m sure. It wasn’t exactly what they had planned.

I’m not sure that planning on never having a future to plan for is perhaps a good plan as far as plans go. I mean, really….

And so it is that I’m suggesting, and who am I to suggest anything I know, I’m simply suggesting that we stop all that apocalyptic nonsense for the New Year. In 2024, we will have to simply accept that the world is going to go on as it always has, and we can’t escape into fatalistic resignation anymore. And we can all certainly stop feeling so pathologically smug about our brand of certainty about how it will all end.

What’s the bloody point of that anyway? How can you possibly be secretly gleeful about the end of humanity? Mind you there are days (and don’t lie because I know you’ve been there), when you simply think, well, perhaps it is for the best that we all just end up not being here. This usually happens when you watch the news or are standing in an election booth trying to decide between psychopaths to elect or have to phone a government department to clear up something or when you contemplate the notion of eating crickets for Christmas dinner for the rest of your born days or you’ve just watched the latest episode on TLC about someone who ate an entire foam mattress because they felt they just had to.

You gotta wonder at those times, but of course, you have to snap yourself out of that. It’s not e.g. like eating crickets is as bad as having to roast your neighbour on the barbecue or anything. We can manage.

And manage is what we have to do, I’m afraid. It is what humans have always done. We might as well accept this.

We will simply have to friggin figure it all out.


Hopefully, we can do it without all that Weimar Republic-like Fall-of-the-Roman-Empire existential angst manifesting as cultural enlightenment. It wasn’t enlightenment. I mean, it just wasn’t. It was just out-of-control hedonistic madness. We tend to do that now and then. And that just results in self-satisfied totalitarianism on the part of the psychos in charge until the mooing herds revolt. As they are wont to do now and then. Historically. If history matters anymore.

So… Let us assume that we’ll all have to get through the future best we can. And resigning ourselves to no future is not helpful. So do something that shapes the future for the better. And you can start by stopping the divisive hate and promoting peace. How about that?

Not an easy task indeed. Simple acts of kindness one to another might be a good start. It is important for you to remember when you’re going about your end of days that you can’t know which brand of apocalyptic thinking the person you may be meeting might have and so, rather than judging, lecturing, fighting or prodding, how about you just be kind?

And of course, with that in mind, in might be a good idea to actually see the person next to you. I know it is a popular nihilistic pastime now to live in your own bubble on a cellphone, but actually being open and present in the world is a good thing to aim for. It might be worth it. Well, it’s better than self-flagellation, apparently.

May your 2024 be enriched with reality and hope. And courage. Don’t forget that one.

Also, we already know that in that song “In the Year 2525 if Man is still alive” should read “In the Year 2525 Man is no longer still alive” because he’s been gendered out of existence. So stop singing that earworm! For heavens sakes. Or you could change it to “if Humanity is still alive” but that’s still not exactly gender neutral which reminds me of everybody and their pronouns now introducing themselves as a sexual preference before you even know them. I don’t much care who you want to sleep with. Really. Most don’t. So stop that!

Oh… neverthehellmind! Nobody ever listens to me. Nor should they necessarily. Be kind. The End.

Not an earworm:

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Dec 29, 2023 5:15 PM

The end was to come before their generation passed away, according to Jesus and His Apostles. Since I believe they were correct about this, the bad times they had foreseen are long passed. Tomorrow is a blank page written entirely by what we do with Jesus today.

Dec 28, 2023 5:03 PM

I really like the banner image used here; the AI art with its half-readable text and mangled faces really fits the subject matter.

Dec 26, 2023 2:47 PM

Sylvia, thanks for good motivational speech. Some people need this and they might take this as a life-philosophy. That is not inherently bad in general nor for them. For them.

But it cannot be a life-philosophy for those who will bring the Change we all aspire to, flourishing humanity. They must be able to dive into badness to get full understanding of it, to get the feel of it. That is necessary for minting solutions that won’t be on the line: Kill the the king, long live the king.

Human values
Human values
Dec 26, 2023 1:14 PM

The end of the world in the Biblical sense doesn’t mean the end of humanity or the end of life. It means the end of sin.

This is the Apocalypse which means Revelation. All sins are revealed, exposed, so that they come to an end. Lies come to an end when the truth is known.

After the Apocalypse comes Armageddon, which means that the powers of the world are defeated. The world of sin is coming to an end, and that’s only a good thing.

Lies from Hollywood films and others serving the Devil have scared people into believing in the lie that ”the end of the world” would be the end of human life and everything good. In reality, it’s quite the opposite.

No amount of believing (or repeating) lies will ever make them true. Only the truth is true.

The Devil has already lost its game. God as the absolute truth and good wins. Nothing and no one can do anything about it. God is above all, all-powerful and all-good.

Dec 26, 2023 5:22 AM

You did it, Sylvia, You made me cry again, but this time from being moved.

reality, hope, courage

and kindness.

Love it!

Dec 26, 2023 1:05 AM

Love this quote: people “introducing themselves as a sexual preference before you even know them. I don’t much care who you want to sleep with.” Absolutely!!
And “simple acts of kindness” as a good start at making the world and the future a better place: 100% agreement with you on that! Happy New Year everyone!

Dec 25, 2023 10:29 AM

the second coming is all of us.

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 25, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Sure, just like Jesus is in all of you too.

Dec 25, 2023 1:53 PM

we are all 1.

Dec 25, 2023 10:18 AM

“Human annihiliation” may be everyone being killed in some sort of armageddon-style event – but think of it more as post-humanism through forced evolution and it isn’t so incredible.

They talk about this quite openly in their WEF forums, it’s no big secret that this is the goal.

Dec 25, 2023 2:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

And this is (a version of) the back story, unfortunately. It’s over an hour but need-to-know.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 4:15 PM
Reply to  ariel

One hour is a bait. Its two hours Ariel. Two fully hours to see if it is junk or only have a single point to pick up. Couldnt you spare us with a summary?

Dec 25, 2023 3:48 AM

Well that was certainly a different twist on nihilism…

Dec 25, 2023 12:17 AM

To all the Off Guardians:
Peace (of mind) be with you.
To all the MSM Zombies:
Merry vaccinations and a scary new fear!

Dec 25, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

if people are lost they need compassion.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 26, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

My ‘normie’ family and friends are still believing all that the MSM spew out, in spite of my having provided them all with a plethora of evidences which should most definitely have caused them to wake up by now. But no… they’re still all fast asleep.

However… a Spanish lady who’s been a friend of mine for 35+ years (she’s been married to her English husband for 53+ years, and lives here in the UK) is now, very slowly, ‘waking up’. She’s absorbed little bits of the information I’ve provided her with, and is now, bit by bit, seeing the world with new eyes. Better late than never…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 11:24 PM

Why we will survive. The fantastic Gunhild Carling Oct 2023. https://youtu.be/P7C7kcYKLC0?t=575 Great Christmas to everybody!

Dec 24, 2023 10:00 PM

i woke up this morning in a daze, and I could, tell from the noise, that our 3 Grandchildren and our New Kitten were still here. I wanted to go back to sleep, but she said you have got this pig to cook (ham joint – if you soak for it 3 days in water to remove most of the salt) it goes really well with Christmas Turkey..

Most of the reason our Grandkids love staying here, is not because of our Kitten (who they love to bits (sometimes she sneaks in with me and hides to avoid the noise)

So about 10:30 am both my wife and I just want to go back sleep…a bit of peace

Then this afternoon we watched the Telly together – with our kitten and saw The News

OLDHAM now Own Manchester United. She said Don’t Be Daft.

I think he comes from Oldham, but wasn’t 100% certain

I got the impression from her that absolutely no one famous comes from Oldham..

I said well, he has just bought Manchester United, so he can’t be skint…and he is only slightly older than me. We might have gone to the same schools together and or social events…Working Class kid like me

“Ratcliffe was born in Failsworth, Lancashire (now in Greater Manchester),[7] the son of a father who started out as a joiner, and a mother who was an accounts office worker. He was raised in a council house in the town until the age of 10”

“Failsworth is a town in the Metropolitan Borough of Oldham in Greater Manchester, England, 4 miles (6.4 km) north-east of Manchester”

comment image?20080820203255

Dec 25, 2023 10:13 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You never fail to amaze me with your nonsense dear Tony.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Dec 26, 2023 9:48 AM
Reply to  santadoesnot

I totally agree. N.B., I think that ‘tonyopmoc’ may possibly be a ‘bot’…

Dec 24, 2023 8:35 PM

When people generalize about “the world ending,” it seems more and more to me that they’re actually talking about themselves.
I kind of like Kurt’s take.
Kurt Vile
Another Good Year for the Roses
All the best to all you writers contributing articles and to everyone at OG for publishing them, and all the work you do providing us readers with such a banquet for thought.
Anybody in a dark place, may the light point you a bright, new, unexpected way forward.
We’re now on our way back to the warmth and light.

Dec 24, 2023 8:57 PM
Reply to  Matt

(deliberately unavailable online)
Dismiss me, but, dismiss this, and you really missin’ out!
See you down the road…

Dec 24, 2023 8:27 PM

How many ways can you hang yourself?

comment image

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 24, 2023 8:28 PM
Reply to  niko

There are a thousand ways to be wrong, and only one best way.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 4:18 PM
Reply to  niko

In those day we could at least hang the wrong people, horse thieves and like that scum.

Dec 24, 2023 8:26 PM

The devil is in the despair:

comment image

Dec 24, 2023 8:25 PM

Crazy Conspiracy:

comment image

les online
les online
Dec 24, 2023 8:01 PM

It’s Christmas day here in Sydney (NSW) – a bleak, overcast day…
And it’s a Monday, so – Christmas Monday Meme Time…

And ‘covid’ Christmas 2021 – Who can forget:

Dec 24, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  les online

So far not so overcast here, thanks to holiday from the usual ‘cloud’ creation:

comment image

Dec 24, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  niko

The other day I saw one in the sky that looked like an asterisk. They’re just messing with us right in the open. Ha ha dare you to look up, you powerless poisoned people!

Jim Beam
Jim Beam
Dec 24, 2023 7:36 PM

(PS: Please correct my error “attack on JF” to “assassination of JFK”, tyvm)

Jim Beam
Jim Beam
Dec 24, 2023 7:35 PM


Massimo Mazzucco is a filmmaker who was previously a professional photographer. Ever since he made films about the attack on JF or 9/11 and thus questioned the official narrative, he has been considered a “conspiracy theorist”. In this very well-made film, among other things, he has famous photographers judge the NASA pictures of the alleged “moon landing”.

Dec 25, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  Jim Beam

No human has been to the surface of the moon and there is not a singular (non-composite) photograph of the earth as a sphere.

We experience consciousness inside a toroid hologram.

Life is a dream, dreamt by ghosts in the mist.

Dec 28, 2023 10:19 PM
Reply to  Jim Beam

I didn’t “go there” before, thinking I might as well hold onto one last grand illusion. Now that I’ve viewed this brilliant documentary on your excellent recommendation, I’m absolutely certain they didn’t go there. And feel liberated.

Dec 24, 2023 7:32 PM

The fool says in his heart,

“There is no God.”

They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;

there is no one who does good.

God looks down from heaven

on all mankind

to see if there are any who understand,

any who seek God.

Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;

there is no one who does good,

not even one.

Psalm 53:1-3

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Paul

Not even one? I am doing good here on OffG with all my wisdom making global peace for freedom Internationally. Its not my fault there is so few end receivers  😇 

Human values
Human values
Dec 26, 2023 12:30 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

”Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except one—God.’” (Mark 10:18)
”Jesus said, ‘Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good.’” (Matthew 19:17)
”Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.’” (Luke 19:19)

Dec 24, 2023 5:54 PM

Dark. Took dark for you. Surprised.

Started thinking about the old lady feeding the raccoons and it brought back my sanity once again.

When you went to black and blue with egg, my mind went to Trudeau.

I think you are misjudging your audience.

The others are the nutcases predicting the end of the world and want us dead to save it.

We are the ones coming to Off-Guardian to stave them off.

Dec 24, 2023 5:32 PM

Sylvia, I find that you regress to your oft-fuzzy and bien-pensant mode with this one. Permit me to briefly present a few instances of what I mean… “Hopefully, we can do it without all that Weimar Republic-like Fall-of-the-Roman-Empire existential angst manifesting as cultural enlightenment.” Now, what exactly do YOU mean? Or “Those who are financially absorbed are waiting for the end of money as we know it and, therefore, the whole purpose of living.” Does this relate by any chance to the legitimate concern that CBDCs will mean the end of human liberty? If so, it’s very fuzzy thinking indeed! You seem to bounce from one thing to another or its opposite without arriving at any one point. Your admonition to “just be kind” is trite and reeks of Woke to me. And trivialising the destructive obsession with gender (“everybody and their pronouns now introducing themselves as a sexual preference”) is just that: trivial. I suspect your facility with written expression has a tendency to make your expression…facile.

Dec 24, 2023 5:21 PM

Words have been used by the bad people to get us into the trouble we are in. We may need something other than words to return to a normal life. For the words have taken possession of the people. People who seem so bewitched, under the curse of madness.
‘They’ (the instigators) seem to hate Christ very much. So that the solution to normal lies in return to Christ? I mean return to real wisdom?

Dec 24, 2023 6:27 PM
Reply to  AntiSoof

Redeeming word back to a true current-cy is the undoing of a false with-ness & worth-ship.
Taking the Name (the true nature of anything) in vain is framing it to serve a personal focus, and then assuming or asserting that as the (narrative) meaning.

This has been a toolset for generating illusions or ‘solutions’ that repackage debt & conflict to maintain an ‘official reality’ or continuity. But of course with a cost that compounds over time taken or bought to maintain our illusions.

How to redeem anything but to give it (the made up mind) to Source and receive the renewing of our mind – as we are currently able & ready to accept – hence a transitional process of continuity instead of invested illusions being stamped out.
This is a free will Universe. Pain can make self-conflict unbearable, but unless we release the cause or conditions of our own conflict, we double down in conflict, loss, & unconsciousness.

We might choose to be restored to our true nature, rather than normalised to a sick society – or a fear driven adaptation to a social masking over the Christ-nature or Innocence of being, for the crucifixion represents a much deeper Self-attack & denial.

I may be unintelligible – but I choose the words that I live in with care as a witness to the More of who & what we are – regardless the drama.
If I wanted to entertain or impact, persuade or convince, I would share the personality level for mutual boosters 😉

the ideas that shape us are those we think in – and never question while living the world they give us as our ‘certainties’ or perhaps ‘normals’.

Dec 24, 2023 4:05 PM

Brilliant! And as I say to myself each morning: ‘I do not comply. I do not comply. I do not comply’. It’s worked so far.

Dec 24, 2023 3:25 PM

And who is saykng that there is no future? What is coming is the end of the world as we know it, not “the “end of the world” per se…

And the “living thing” in this “Brave New World” is going to be increasingly dystopian if people don’t do nothing to stop it right now.

To say this doesn’t make you a “prophet of doom”, but it makes you realistic.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Dec 24, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  Beatriz

In some regard the “end of the world as we know it” IS the end of the world. I think most take it for granted that the planet will still be here, or even if the planet is destroyed, the universe will still be here…I suppose.

Still, my point is, if I say the world is ending I am implying MORE than “as we know it” but not a complete disappearance of everything or even what then represents humankind. More than likely, if something called a human still exists, or something humans constructed, what will be left will take the form of “robots” or “synthetic biology made in the image of the creator, humans”…that is good enough for me to then call it “the end of the world”…yes, also the end of the world “as we know it”…but being replaced by something that, to me, doesn’t really count, and something I don’t really want to know…

Dec 24, 2023 6:26 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

More correctly, Todd,
‘the end of the world as we thought we knew it.’ But ‘we,’ and possibly our parents, (and maybe our teachers too) were mistaken.
This is ‘The Apocalypse,’ like it or lump it.
iDeal with it?’

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 10:13 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Its a difficult to explain for people who are not bible strong.
Im not talking about belief and faith, but about logic rational thinking and conclusion.

The bible is the only book who provide an answer to every things beginning, why we are here and a solution to the absurdity of our living.
It says the heart of the Creation and the strongest force in our universe is love.

This our earth and all living are thus based on love and not a synthetic thing.
Robots, cold Reaper drones, flat reality screens, IoT do not belong here.
I checked up on the Quantum computer, full of holes and loose ends, “we must work to improve AI”, fiddling fiddling “now AI turned out wrong again”.

If we look to the history in the bible, several similar events as of today happened in periods; Noah’s Arch, Sodom and Gomorrah, Tower of Babel, Victory over the Dragon, maybe more.

With the Rainbow as God’s promise and further Christ gift to our hearts we can take or reject, the logic conclusion I made is that all this IoT and robot bs end up in spaghetti and be crushed, as just another attempt to “save the planet”.

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 25, 2023 12:21 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

This is dubious,

” Does his name appear in the book of life? ,his name does not appear lord! And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”

Revelation 20:15

The bible was not tooting its own horn here, it knew more important books were to be created and used as a foundation for a book of life. Who’s names?, Whos books? Whos lake of fire? You may ask. Well the ones not written in the bible silly.

Tip of the day: When it comes to books, there is no best path.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 5:07 PM

Fluffy. The book of life appears after Christ’s 1000 years. The second death.
Not much use in our prevailing conditions. But what we can use is, that we lived worse periods and survived.
Gloria thinks she will survive, she has a lot of life to live and a lot of love to give. Without books. https://youtu.be/CRMvKFJ5fZM

Dec 26, 2023 4:41 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The bible is the only book who provide an answer to every things beginning, why we are here and a solution to the absurdity of our living.
Then again there is another sect of Humanity who that their holy book does exactly the same?
But on the other side of the argument civilization [and religion] existed existed in many places before the Abrahamic derived religions were even thought of. It is a funny old world

The Urban Poet
The Urban Poet
Dec 24, 2023 3:12 PM

Thank you Sylvia, a great article. I often enjoy your work. You bring a different kind of energy in your writing on OffG.

It is important to retain hope, despite how bleak the situation we are facing together in our world.

I have wanted to reach out and connect with the excellent writers here, and especially with the brilliant readership and commentary community that has built up around OffG. It is up there with the Substack community as the most respectful, knowledgeable and intelligent commentary I have come across.

Unfortunately I am away so much it is not often possible, due to the super-hardened security on the systems I generally have access to, as various scriptblockers and filters prevent me from commenting.

Whilst I actually have some time for myself over this festive period, I wanted make that connection, and thank you all for creating such an open and hospitable environment.

Last Monday I submitted my own important message of hope and inspiration in these dark times to OffG, hoping to reach out and make that connection, but sadly my emails went without even the courtesy of a reply. Although one member of OffG staff did sign up to our Substack as a result, so I guess the article was not that bad. 😉

Anyway, seeing as this wonderful place is built as a response to the heinous crime of censorship, hopefully I will at least be allowed to share myself and connect with you through these comments.


Seasons Greetings to you all, may your festive periods be filled with love, hope, peace and the joy of quality time with your families.

Dec 26, 2023 11:02 PM
Reply to  The Urban Poet

What a nice seasonal greeting to us all comment readers, Poet.
I checked out your substack, and think your article is just excellent. I hope OffG publishes it!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Dec 24, 2023 2:31 PM

2024 awaits!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 24, 2023 12:53 PM

Pretty dull rendition of the song. Surely this is much better:

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 24, 2023 6:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The real thing is always better, for some reason ;-). Even Zager and Evan’s voices are better.

Copying someone or something, Artificial someone or something, Fake news and Plastic tits will always be bs. But a special kind of specie here on earth like it.

But ok, we are living with cockroaches and mosquitoes too, so it seems to be a condition here on earth. So we will have to get around it.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 25, 2023 7:28 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I’m proud to be a fossilised reactionary that never made it out of the 70s! By which I of course mean the 1870s!

Dec 25, 2023 1:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

here in sweden we do it on the Eve not the day,
Hence boxing day musings issue forth during the festivities in the Anglo/Yank sphere.
I did wonder if Ukraine adopting the Gregorian Calendar would be doing it Continental or US style. How all so desperately “Brumaire” of them.
Absurdity from the Germanic sense of humour ripping Santa “Kluass” if you haven’t seen them here they are.
Klaus Schwab presents: VaxxMas Hits ’23
TIME LIES | Greatest Schwabs Vol. 15
TIME LIES – The Great Hear Set (feat. Klausi McSchwab)
” Jag lärt mig att talar svenska, för allt kommer att olicka inte det blir”. Jag fiser fortfarande men bara i kommentarerna”
The Klaus Schwab greatest hits and the original album was a highlight of the late summer for me and the Christmas hits release is a timely reminder of why the WEF seems to have cottoned on to what a PR disaster Schwab has been for an otherwise successful transition into the new age of reheated,” Arbeit Macht Frie.”

Dec 27, 2023 12:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

hooray for the original!

Dec 24, 2023 12:48 PM

Off T

Order in the house
[gavel banging]
To hardened hearts on the left, to hardened hearts on the right
I’m in love 
< Rutshelle Guillaume – Rete La >
[Order, order..]
Another booster if you’re apathetic

Pisco top up, wait..

underground poet
underground poet
Dec 24, 2023 12:45 PM

Its the end of ideologies that start wars. Humans will always be around to do the living thing, but will always fight to the death for their ideology thing.

Dec 24, 2023 12:13 PM

Good points made all round. But placid acceptance that the world is run by various interlinked criminal organizations that mean individual and collective peoples, harm is tantamount to approval of their means and methods—and of the unfortunate outcome. Accept what one cannot change, but change what one should never accept.

Dec 24, 2023 12:04 PM

And here’s the news, with it being Christmas and all:
‘War is over, if you want it, now.’

Dec 25, 2023 11:31 AM

and that’s actually true, but starts within us, aka our judgments/blame ectr. self hate even, all creates discord.

Maarten "merethan"
Maarten "merethan"
Dec 24, 2023 10:26 AM

“Crazy is now anybody on the street corner saying, “The End is Not Nigh!” Now, that would be considered crazy in the world right now.”

Ha, that gives me flashbacks to Danny and Charlie’s “Everything is OK”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGA9ZUEa3ZY & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzyPMx1Yx8o

Man, 14 years ago is such a long time.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Dec 24, 2023 10:21 AM


I think it’s a self fulfilling prophesy.

A downward spiral into cynicism if you will.

The internet is good at dumping a whole steaming heap of information on us.

A lot of us choose to look for plots against us and, of course, the internet delivers !

I find that watching anything war related makes me so angry. How can those idiots sign their lives away to make a billionaire or two even richer !

Maybe questioning everything is healthy but can we go too far ?

Seek and you will find – whatever you want the truth to be !

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Dec 24, 2023 10:06 AM

Great article.
The prophets of doom need recalibrating, that’s for sure.

Dec 25, 2023 11:30 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

end of the world as we no it is not necessarily doom.

Dec 24, 2023 9:41 AM

Let’s have a politically incorrect season of Love.
Without all the bullshit.

Danny O'Thebes
Danny O'Thebes
Dec 24, 2023 9:25 AM

I’ve seen the movie “Alive”, AKA “We all had to eat each other”. I don’t fancy eating crickets much so I guess it depends on how easily it is to get the neighbour onto the barbecue. 😎

Dec 25, 2023 10:11 AM
Reply to  Danny O'Thebes

I’m reading Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’.

Boy, does he love cannibalism!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Dec 25, 2023 5:31 PM
Reply to  Edwige

As I said, we are now two “human” species here:
One who comes from the Cro-Magnon man bending over who developed into the Computer man bending over seeing all reality through their Messenger.
A Second raised up human who live in the organic world outside Metaverse.

Danny O'Thebes
Danny O'Thebes
Dec 26, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I’ll have to dig it out and read it again as I was just a teenager when I read it and don’t remember too many details now I’m an old git. I notice Jubal Harshaw comments on here from time to time though and he always makes me think I must read it again. But I’ve got Michael Herr’s “Dispatches” and “Meditations in Green” by Steven Wright to re-read once I finish “Ghost Rider” by Neil Peart. There’s just not enough time in the day anymore. 🙃