Meet the Thought Police
CJ Hopkins

So, my trial for thoughtcrimes in New Normal Germany takes place next Tuesday, January 23rd. It will likely be a one-day affair. It’s open to the public, so, if you’re in Berlin, you can come and watch at the Berlin District Court, Turmstraße 91, Room 371. The proceedings are scheduled to begin at 12:00 noon.
Yes, that’s right, the German authorities are actually putting me on trial for my thoughtcrimes. I stand accused of criminal tweeting because I mocked the New Normal German authorities and pointed out one of their many lies. Here are the two thoughtcrime Tweets at issue.

The one on the left reads, “The masks are ideological-conformity symbols. That is all they are. That is all they have ever been. Stop acting like they have ever been anything else, or get used to wearing them.” The one on the right is a quote by Karl Lauterbach, who, believe it or not, is still the Health Minister of Germany. It reads “The masks always send out a signal.”
The image is from the cover art of my book The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), which was banned in Germany by Amazon, Inc. two days after I tweeted those Tweets … which was also when the German authorities launched the criminal investigation that led to my prosecution and instructed Twitter to censor the Tweets.
Let me back up a bit, and tell you the whole story.
What happened is, I tweeted those two Tweets, and they came to the attention of the Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter (“Hessen 3C”), a department of another department of the Interior Ministry of the Federal State of Hesse. The Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter then reported my Tweets to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt), which launched a criminal investigation of me.
Also, the Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter instructed Twitter to censor my two Tweets, which Twitter did, and sent me this notice on August 30, 2022.

One day earlier, on August 29, Amazon had banned my book in Germany. I don’t have hard evidence of communication between the German authorities and Amazon yet, but … well, it’s obvious what happened, isn’t it?
The Hessen CyberCompetenceCenter is an official “partner” of the German “National Cyber Defense Center” (Cyber-AZ), based in Bonn, which, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office website, “is not an independent authority, but represents a common, cross-agency and cross-institutional platform.” Cyber-AZ was founded in 2011 as part of the implementation of the Federal Government’s Cyber Security Strategy (CSS).
The “core authorities” of Cyber-AZ are as follows:
- Federal Office for the Military Shielding Service
- Federal Criminal Police Office
- Federal Office for Information Security
- Federal Office of the Constitution Protection
- Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
- Bundeswehr command Cyber Cyberand Information Space
- Federal Police
- Federal Intelligence Service
The Federal Office of the Constitution Protection (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, or BfV) is essentially the German FBI. And the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND) is … well, just what it sounds like. Here’s a little tidbit from the BfV website…
“[The BfV’s] main tasks are to monitor and analyse anti-constitutional activities by right- and left-wing extremists and extremist foreigners in Germany and to prevent espionage activities by other countries … The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution works closely with its counterparts at state level and with the other German intelligence services (i.e., the Federal Intelligence Service and Military Counterintelligence Service) as necessary.”
This is the formidable “security” apparatus that has been brought to bear against my Tweets, which allegedly threaten the German constitution by pointing out the German government’s lies about masks and mocking the Minister of Health.
Look, I know what you’re probably thinking, that is, if you’re one of my non-German readers. You’re thinking this Orwellian apparatus is uniquely German and has nothing to do with you. And, OK, you kind of have a point, and you don’t. The structures in Germany and the USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere, are different, but the game is the same.
If you don’t believe me, I suggest you read up on the reporting of this story by Matt Taibbi at Racket News, and Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag at Public (yes, I am persona non grata at Public, but that has nothing to do with the value of their work).
Matt, Mike, and Alex have mostly reported on what Mike dubbed the “Censorship Industrial Complex,” i.e., the US “Thought Police” apparatus, which is natural, as they’re writing for an American audience. But this is not just an American story. And it isn’t a story about Red/Blue politics. And it isn’t a story about “Cultural Marxism,” or “Wokeness,” or “Libtards,” or other such distractions. It’s a story about the evolution of the global ideological/power system that came into being about 30 years ago, and that is gradually going totalitarian on us.
I’ve been covering this story for many years now, satirically and sometimes not so satirically. I’m not going to reiterate all that here. You can read my essays on my blog and my Substack (that is, until Substack is destroyed, like Parler), or you can read my books, unless you live here in Germany. The point is, the global-capitalist system that controls the entire planet we live on is going totalitarian on us, conducting a global “clear-and-hold” operation, cracking down on internal resistance — any and all forms of internal resistance — and it wants us to know this is what it is doing. The system — no, not a conspiracy of bad guys — the system has been broadcasting this message, loud and clear, for a number of years.
The message is, “We, The Powers That Be, are done playing grab-ass. Get in line. Shut the fuck up and follow orders, or we will rain All Holy Hell down on you.” The message is, “Screw Your Freedom!” The message is, “Screw Your Democratic Rights! Screw the Rule of Law! This is the New Normal! We will do whatever we fucking want, and there is nothing you can do about it.”
If you’re having trouble hearing the message, you might want to have a look at this incredibly long thread I compiled, for some reason, in March and April of 2020…
Memories fade, especially traumatic memories, which is why I compiled this 257-tweet thread in March/April 2020, while the "New Normal" was being rolled out. It was never about a virus. It was about implementing a new "reality."
— CJ Hopkins (@CJHopkins_Z23) January 10, 2024
Or maybe just ask the people in Gaza…

…I think they’re probably getting the message.
Or ask Julian Assange, or Donald Trump, or anyone else that The Powers That Be have decided they need to make an example of … yes, even a little fish like me.
Anyway, I’ll be writing more about that, all that global-capitalist totalitarian stuff, perhaps in my German prison cell. According to the original “Order of Punishment” (I kid you not, that’s what it is called), I was sentenced to 60 days in jail or a fine of 3,600 Euros, but now, because I demanded a trial, the judge can come up with a whole new sentence.
We’ll see how things play out next Tuesday.
Whatever happens, one thing I am looking forward to at my trial is hearing the Berlin State Prosecutor explain how what I did in my Tweets (i.e., displaying a swastika for one of the purposes expressly allowed in Germany) was a “crime,” but when German newspapers do exactly the same thing, which they frequently do, the exceptions to the swastika-ban apply.
See, that’s the funny thing about global-capitalist totalitarianism … the authorities can’t go openly fascist. They are forced to at least attempt to appear to pay lip service to democratic principles, and the rule of law, and all that good stuff, which is why they so often sound like idiots who can’t even mount a coherent argument or make an intelligible public statement.
OK, I need to go read some German legalese.
Seriously, though, if you are in Berlin and have nothing better to do next Tuesday, come on down to the Berlin District Court and meet some of the German Thought Police in person. If things go smoothly, perhaps we can all go out and get a coffee afterwards. And if not … well, maybe bring me a carton of cigarettes and a jar of Vaseline.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Good Luck Today.
The Ongoing Post Office inquiry into the Horizon Scandal Seems to encapsulate the failure of the Central Control Grid System. I have followed the discussion between Ian Davis and Catte Black V Vanessa Bealy and Piers Robinson. Debating the New Normal Multipolar World Order V The New Normal Uni-polar Evil Empire.
There is a lively comment section and I have been provoked into analysing it all in a substack entitled “we are all precogs now“.
Thisis a shout-out for CJ Hopkins who is attending his Show Trial in Berlin today, I am sure we all wish CJ the best of Luck Meet The Thought Police
What happened??? What are the news????
Is there an update??
the masks and other forms of compliance were always there, the Governors and mayors of cities were testing their new-found powers that be and using them against the very people they were sworn to serve. The United States government is afraid of its own people, especially veterans who have the training and experience to fight and resist. You had people in grocery stores fucking with others if the mask were not worn or worn right. I would tell these folks what they could do. Governments have become oppressive in either way either too fra right, or too far left, look at them and the y become the same.
Germany is becoming more oppressive and not the Germany I knew many decades ago, when I was stationed there (1974-1977). It has become more against free speech, and embarrassed to let the truth out to the masses. History is beginning to repeat and before long (if not already) the Germans become non-critical thinkers and another form of oppression begins against the German people, and what they tried to get away from since WW2, they also have been carrying the guilt form this war from too many decades, let it go, and move on.
@CJ: It has to be said, on Tuesday, after all you spent more time in Berlin, than JFK:
” Ich bin auch , ein Berliner . . .” , maybe a bit of a doughnut Berliner, for thinking the Germans could have any sense of satirical humour, but , all the same, more of a Berliner than JFK, that’s for sure, (with a satirical nose for humour & intonation).
” I understand judge, I won’t mention the Nordstream Pipeline, economic Sabotage Peak Oil amplifying inflation and increasing government revenues from taxation on their number one income: nor will I cover my eyes, ears or nose from Genocide,
Also of Poets, also of Songwriters, also of Jesters…
Hat man es ? Oder, Ha’ma’s nicht … ? ” quote: Volke Pfisters.
Keep it simple on Tuesday: get to the core.
Good luck 🤞 & best wishes,
You gotta’ laff’ ,
Best wishes for Tue.
Your public visibility should help keep them from dragging you under the bus multiple times like they did to my wife for questioning why a high end grocery store is trespassing her for not wearing a mask. Without public visibility, US courts are Tribunals dishing out punishment for disobedience.
I wish folks would stop identifying Trump as an example of a victim of the system. He is the system and if he could, would be, has done, will do the same as, the elite Rats victimizing the bottom 99% of Humanity. The viable list of victims is limitless within the 99%, but has nothing to do with the rich who are prosecuting this Counterinsurgency Hell.
Wiki was a rat trap, and Assange a lying shill for the “authorities” who was never imprisoned. The Trump trial is 100% fake, to make the Trumptards believe they are free and voting is real. ‘But Trump, “the father of the vaccine” is a persecuted hero!!!!’ Sigh.
You should know all this, including the staged, faux Gaza genocide.
Are you wittingly or unwittingly, part of a psyop? A staged martyrdom? Like Brand and Assange? Or are you just small fry, and an honest, naive, gullible 100% dupe, who was no clue that WWII was orchestrated between all the Masonic leaders to cull the populations, deflate their debt, and institute Bretton Woods?
None of the “constitutions” in any country are valid. A Constitutor is “One who promises to pay the debt of another.”
The country corporations where the populations wave different colored flags, are centrally controlled, privately owned corporations (legal fictions) that farm, steal from and dupe the human debt slave “citizens” inhabiting various land masses, all with fictional borders determining jurisdictions. The courts too, are all incorporated and privately owned. They prop up the fake governments. The media and education does the rest of the brainwashing. The police and courts enFORCE fake laws.
So if your clown court appearance is real, and not a staged piece of theater you should read what happened to Christine Massey first, look at all her work in detail then develop a good legal strategy:
Find the FOI requests for the German health authorities or universities who falsely claim to have isolated and purified viruses.
Question the faux science around the fake viruses and harmful masking, deprivation of oxygen etc.
Gather all the necessary info, it’s all publicly available and show there were no excess deaths in Germany until the rollouts of the vaccine. Show the fake covid tests all have disclaimers. Boxes of masks even contain warning labels.
Reference Stefan Lanka’s case, and his recent work proving anyone can manufacture what the virologists call a virus, without even having a patient sample! Yes, virology is scientific fraud.
That’s something the authorities don’t want on the record. Or you could continue to pretend you have free speech on a technocratic digital prison grid platform, and face a possible fine.
Why bother? how can it be known that (as is described of exosomes) “viruses” are not created within the cell and excreted from it?
If it was “isolated” (after having been created by / excreted from the cell) to then declare it as the source of disease would be quite mad i.e. presence is not proof of causation.
Because they don’t even exist. There’s no such thing as a virus. Ergo, they cannot be isolated and purified. They have isolated and purified exosomes, but not a virus.
Therefore, there are no research papers in existence showing any isolation or purification of any virus.
There are already FOI requests done in most countries, that contradict the lies in the media with regard to the published papers claiming existence of fabricated entities. Are you not aware?
They will present their fake evidence that masks are needed, BECAUSE there was a novel coronavirus. If CJ’s aware that Massey and others have gathered FOI requests proving that no coronavirus has ever been isolated, purified or proven to exist; found, then that instantly contradicts all claims the prosecution can make regarding his tweets.
Unless displaying a Nazi symbol is some kind of crime in itself.
If, as I described, “they” (that which is called “virus”) are created within cells then they cannot have the “attack from without” functionality ascribed to them – they can then be called whatever one likes.
What do you imagine the little interstitial fluid extracellular vesicles viewed in electron micrscope images referred to as exosomes are? do you not conceive they could have the intercell communication function which is ascribed to them? do you not then conceive that which is referred to as “virus” could have this same (or similar) function?
Having said that the genome computer libraries and associated scaffolding techniques used to create (er, model) their structures are so full of holes that defining their real structure based on these techniques is laughable (as also is basing any functionality on this fabricated, imaginary, structure).
Why then are you so confident that the genome libraries/scaffolding techniques used to create exosome genomes (via the same techniques) are any less laughable than the ones used to generate “virus” sequences?
In summary, virus theory is ridiculous but I can’t esily argue that something doesn’t exist based on the images.
If they do exist (s the images suggest) then they are (surely?) created by something and are likely to have some function (unless simply excreted by cell and swept up by some sort of uneferenced garbage collection routine, in which case: we being 2D data on the event horizon seems to make more sense than most).
No, the images are debris. Cellular artefacts.
Indeed, the exosome genomes are laughable if they’re using NGS. However, the isolation and purification of exosomes has allegedly been achieved according to their claims using differential ultracentrifugation, size-based isolation, and polymer-based precipitation.
A virus was only ever an imaginary, assumed, unfound, unisolated, exogenous, replicating zombie pathogen that contradicts all known life forms.
I explained in my original comment that Stefan Lanka created the same images and cytopathic effect (CPE) virologist’s claim proves viral existence, whereas Lanka used no patient sample, ie; no possible virus.
Thus demonstrating, it’s the faulty methods (sans controls) in virology that facilitates the cellular breakdown (CPE) which is why they invariably use Trypsin, which is toxic to kidney cells.
Of course, virologists use CANCEROUS monkey kidney cells, and CANCEROUS human cell lines, when they are “growing” their non-existent viruses. Because they use the viral growth “isolates” as the base ingredients of their “vaccines”, then add more toxins like aluminum salts and formaldehyde.
It’s not only about pretending there’s a virus in their toxic brew, but really a scam to create the most harmful, most carcinogenic, metallic nano-bio aggregates in vaccines, resulting in dozens of chronic and debilitating conditions, including the delayed onset of cancers. Sickening people for life is the PhRMA business model.
NGS/Filter size aside, to be sure I understand your meaning – do you count exosomes to be as real as viruses (i.e. they too have imaginary genomes / imaginary functionality and images ascibed to them which are Cellular artifacts [i.e. with zero or unknown functionality] too)?
Out of interest, does Stefan have anything to say about how the cell “Cytopathic effect” (cellular breakdown?) like change he observed could lead to, for example, mucus production in the alveoli and resultant respiratory “disease” symptoms?
A first thought is that mucus production, for example, need have no necessary relationship to cell breakdown/death).
The EM images of viruses are cellular debris, artefacts.
Exosomes could possibly be real. Unlike viruses which were never found and always fictional.
Exosomes might be what Naessens calls somatids, or what Bechamp called microzymas.
Lanka only demonstrates the fraud of virology. Does not draw other conclusions.
Mucous production does have a relation to cellular breakdown. Our mucosal system removes dead and damaged cells. That’s epithelial cell shedding.
Mucous production is also an inflammatory response. Hence, respiratory “infections” aren’t infections or diseases. They’re shedding and inflammation related.
Very well said. I agree.
It’s just another nail in their legal coffin, along with no study existing ever proving or demonstrating contagion.
I tried, for years, to convince myself, and others, that terrain was the only reason for illness.
However, based on experience I no longer do – for example germ theory fungi proposition seems plausible.
Could what seems to be “contagion” actually be exposure, of a group, to the same fungi? seems plausible.
Could “contagion” be a bacteria/virus intergroup transmission mechanism? entirely implausible.
Could “contagion” be a.n.other (as yet unknown) intergroup transmission mechanism? seems plausible.
It’s environmental toxins exposing large groups or families to the same toxins at the same time. Creating an epidemiological coincidence.
The onus is then on the victim of poisoning (instead of government or industry) and a “germ” rather than the underlying multiple TOXICOLOGICAL causes.
As for colds and flus that’s SEASONAL detox. Entire families or communities detox almost simultaneously. Change of temp and air pressure in fall-winter or EMF (electromagnetism), lack of sunshine, triggers our detox process.
In Spring, the same as above plus, airborne mold, pollen and pesticide spraying of lawns and agriculture.
However, a detox could be triggered anytime of the year by toxin exposure, Rx, vaccines, poor diet, alcohol, lack of movement, lack of sleep or extreme stress.
Have you read What Really Makes You Ill?
In order to fully understand terrain, it requires a complete rejection of the immune system model, and the idea our body is fighting germs.
A new paradigm shift is required: Our bodies are 24/7/365 filtration systems, liquid bodies of structured water, heart/soul electromagnetic beings as walking talking antennas with a parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, a lymphatic system, a metabolic system, a pancreatic system, an oxygen and blood filtration system, a gut, spinal fluid and brain Microbiome and cell signalling system, a mucosal system, a regenerative cell system etc., etc.
The “germs” are always endogenous not exogenous therefore they aren’t the cause of disease, but an endogenous clean up mechanism.
Our own cells create the bacteria, yeast or fungi (pleomorphism, fermentation) which remove toxins and/or recycle dead or damaged tissue in the case of “infections”.
I can’t see any evidence to support the “immune system model” so I don’t need to reject it.
I haven’t (but was aware of Dawn Lester and David Parker’s work.
It isn’t only NGS that is of concern e.g. from 2107:
When I then read, in Lester and Parker’s book:
I wonder what they think the structure of this “genetic” material really is (since it seems likely that nobody really knows).
Knowing the exact structure of something seems a reasonable pre-requisite before attempting to understand how anything interacts with it.
Given half a chance I will read the book but my bullsh*t sensors are already on alert.
The more we seem to know about cell structure and operation the more it seems apparent the vastness of how little we really do know about its structure, operation and cooperation with all of those other cells in its sphere of influencing/influenced.
I appreciate all of your your interesting comment on off-g.
Thanks. That quote simply describes epigenetics vs genetics.
We don’t necessarily have to work from the micro level to make accurate predictions on the macro level. Science is simply theories tested using experiments.
You don’t have to understand charged particle physics, or even agree with the atomic nuclei model, to know electricity is real.
Some reports suggest a 70% equivalence between the human and slug genome (and 50% to ta banana).
A broken down car with an internal combustion engine requires a different mechanic to one with an electric motor.
Epigenetics vs genetics. Not the same. DNA isn’t fiction.
I didn’t say it was – the sequence of DNA, largely, is.
If Exosomes are real (and they are comprised of DNA, RNA, lipids, metabolites, and cytosolic and cell-surface proteins) then there’s a whole lot more to understand about life than DNA.
If (again), for example, they are the, or a, major component of intercellular communication thn we have barely started to understand the complexity of what we are:
It seems entirely plausible that a lack of sunshine (/Vitamin D) tc could be the trigger for some/all instances of the cold but the precise process(es) within the body related to this seem totally hidden (e.g are exosomes part of this process?)
Taking that further, could, alternatively, a (er, faulty) exosome be responsible for the summer instances of the cold? could it become airborne and thereby a source of contagion?
I have no idea and neither does anyone else.
The micro level is exactly what is required to get a handle on this.
Appreciate the video link – i’ll watch the 22 minutes later 😉
Very intersting although i’m bemused as to why both Bruce and the interviewer mentioned the immune system.
I’ll forward that to my daughter whose Masters dissertation was based on Epigenetics.
Of course, as we already knew, the Jesuits knew all about this a long time ago 😀
They can’t come clean about immunology. It threatens vaccines.
Re DNA isn’t fiction, you wrote the structures are unknown, I assumed (incorrectly?) you meant the DNA itself. Obviously most genetic sequences aren’t known or properly understood but epigenetics is the more valid field not genetics. Although there’s fraud in all scientific fields because we are talking about moneyed interests, not basic research. Genetics is currently being used fraudulently and inaccurately.
We aren’t catching faulty exosomes. Or germs from anyone. There’s no transmission. There’s been enough studies done to confirm that never occurs.
If sick people shed toxic biological material, then nurses and doctors would be sick all the time. But they aren’t any sicker than any other occupation.
Skin cells from others can’t harm you. Not mucous or saliva. People kiss and exchange thousands of bacteria. Nothing happens. We don’t become ill. Mononucleosis is a lie. STDs are a lie. There are no sexually transmitted diseases. None.
We have mucosal defences that almost instantly break down bacteria and proteins.
We are not exchanging anything except energy: You may have noticed some people are draining or energizing. Some are calming or humorous. Some are warm or empathetic etc.
But there’s nothing foreign in another, we share almost identical biology even though we look different. That’s our phenotype.
Detox occurs when there’s an excess burden of toxin exposure. Whether that’s through diet, environment or unhealthy thoughts. The entirety of our toxin exposure can create an excessive toxic build up or overload, resulting in cold and flu symptoms. Whereas healthy people don’t have that.
Those who aren’t so healthy, who don’t have an optimum diet and lifestyle or who consume alcohol and other poisons like Rx, or OTC drugs regularly, may detox seasonally or suddenly.
The real source of airborne illness isn’t mycotoxins or exosomes or bacteria but pollutants: Geoengineering spraying. Industrial pollution. Exhaust fumes. PAHs. Offgassing of furniture, paint, formaldehyde, PVCs from products in one’s house. Living in industrialized cities near a dry cleaner, factory or industrial plant. Near lawns, golf courses or agriculture being sprayed with pesticides or effluent run off. And exposure to EMF, dirty electricity and antenna arrays.
Sudden temperature changes, trigger a biological process that’s seasonal like leaves falling from the trees. Or in spring, budding.
We are biologically affected by the seasons but ignorant of this due to indoctrination with lies about germs and contagion, so remain nescient of the link between the seasons, the environment and our health.
TCM and Ayurveda acknowledge those links, but disregard contagion.
Change of seasons triggers innate biological changes for animals and plants: so why would we be any different? We know about circadian rythm. But why are our seasonal rhythms and biological changes so poorly researched? BECAUSE it would explain our detox pathways, expose the fake germ theory and the fraud of immunology.
I eat seasonally, so I can detox more effectively during the year. And I water fast for two or three days, twice a year. Intermittent fasting during the day, gives me time off from digesting food 24/7.
If we are in constant fight or flight mode (media, film, tv, stress, work), or always digesting foods with harmful additives and little nutrition, then that prohibits the natural repair and regeneration process, leading to chronic inflammation and acidosis.
If we (as a society), returned to a less processed, only organic, more paleo type of diet with a focus on raw fruit and vegetables, eating seasonally, people would be far healthier. Nutrition and lifestyle (exercise, deep breathing, stretching, meditation) is a major factor for maintaining health. Equally important are thoughts, stress, sleep, toxin exposure.
Our bodies regenerate and repair naturally, which is why any condition can be reversed.
This is going to have to be my last reply on this subject. But thanks for the responses. Hope you get something from the book link I left.
Being aware of Rossenau’s experiment ( was the primary reason why I tried, for years, to convince myself, and others, that terrain was the only reason for illness.
However, personal experience leads me to now question that.
It’s easy to imagine how contagion could be, for example, limited to the period of time in which the carrier was asymptomatic.
Unfortunately, without full understanding of the mechanism(s) involved, we are left with belief based in faith.
The book is here in one of scores of open browser tabs 👌
Yes I understand.
I saw and commented on Kauffmans work at the start, can’t be bothered to find the link.
I am glad to see ELIZA has other freinds and that others have similar “PJB” notions.
In a word, no. A more detailed answer is pending.
Thank you so much, CJ, for your forthrightness, fortitude and unflinching ‘give-the-man-the-finger’ posture vis-a-vis the globcap’s current agendas of euthanasia, immiseration and techno-tyranny! God Bless you and your family; and I’ll never forget men s/a yourself who have sacrificed EVERYTHING for the higher ideals and values of valor, courage, integrity, honesty and self-sacrifice! RGB-Y3 out!!
I dont buy it. You cant as a single person arrogantly challenge and say openly in public to a system representing 80 mio Germans “You are a Swastika or Swastika”.
Only a Christ can do that, and you are not a Christ.
You can only point out not arrogantly in public but only officially to the particular authority, that after your opinion an action of theirs has patterns similar to the 1930’es.
Why? Because you are no superior judge above judges. You make the same mistake as you claim them to make. Presenting a crowd of people as untermenchen and yourself as übermench..
Its the same divide and conquer bs. The vaxxers versus the non vaxxers, the self-proclaimed do-gooders versus the by us pointed out evil-doers.
The alternative media should do what the Governments do, and implement ‘Lines to take’.
For Instance, the next time someone gets in your face about masks, the line to take would be something like.
Please provide me a link to the appropriate part of the WHOs website, that details the Peer Reviewed science that ‘masks work’ and that also details their downsides
You must be joking. Science has been producing findings as required by the paymaster for years. In 2020, a new bunch of scientists overturned well-established research and meta-studies on masks.
Then we have only one ‘wack a mole’ to address, that which exists on the WHOs website
Next time our NHS/Politicians says ‘we follow the science’, we need only to ask them ‘the science as detailed on which part of the WHOs website?’
I share this with CJ Hopkins: I have been banned from X (when it was still Twitter) and a number of other sites. But I spread my message wherever I can, and let the reader decide.
It is truly unfair what happened to you and what happened to CJ Hopkins.
Good luck!
Fancy a well paid job in sunny, ‘peaceful’ Australia?
Well, the Australian Defence (we do much more attacking than defending) Force needs you:
‘The ruling class is aware, also, that the capitalist crisis may result in uprisings which “need” to be repressed. In that case, there is a greater likelihood that foreign citizens in the ADF will have fewer qualms with turning the guns against Australian citizens rising up against the Australian government, given their lack of family and background ties. ‘
More here:
Bring your attitude and testosterone.
Guns, tear gas, water cannons, batons and boots will be provided to deal with those pesky protesters and potential revolutionaries.
I read your linked article. I can’t fault the opening assessments; but the advocation for ‘Marxist Vanguard Parties’ here in Australia is a big yeah-nah, get stuffed from me.
Ian Hislop (he of the self satisfied Have I Got News For You) accurately summed up Ken Livingstone’s true “crime” I.e. that he put the words “Hitler” and “Jews” in the same sentence. The Zionist branch of the deep state was just waiting for such a “blunder” and they ruthlessly sprang into action.
So CJH put a swastika on his book cover and those ever ready forces sprang into the action they were waiting for an excuse to do.
Germany and France rank first in terms of the popularity of their passports.
The question here is who the passport applicants are. In any case, American
retirees do not intend to move their retirement home to Germany or France.
Don’t worry about Trump. He’s the 2024 media and Establishment choice. The reason for that is they know he’s happy to be powerless as long as he gets attention, that he had no problem selling out his 2016 voters on day 1 or making Jared Kushner de facto pres.. Heavy censorship is in place to protect Don. I’ve tried to post polite comments to Reuters and other articles mentioning that for example, in August 2017 congress removed all Russia matters from Trump and Medvedev commented at the time that Trump had been humiliated. Immediately, I’m hit with: “Whoa there! Hold on now! This doesn’t conform to our standards.” Even after I revise the comment, it’s still rejected.
And you can be sure that Trump will be in turbo-mode, cutting deals left and right to recoup his legal fee losses.
11/12/2020: – “Donations under $8K to Trump ‘election defense’ instead go to president, RNC,” Reuters”As President Donald Trump seeks to discredit last week’s election with baseless claims of voter fraud, his team has bombarded his supporters with requests for money to help pay for legal challenges to the results: “The Left will try to STEAL this election!” reads one text.
But any small-dollar donations from Trump’s grassroots donors won’t be going to legal expenses at all, according to a Reuters review of the legal language in the solicitations.
A donor would have to give more than $8,000 before any money goes to the “recount account” established to finance election challenges, including recounts and lawsuits over alleged improprieties, the fundraising disclosures show.
The emailed solicitations send supporters to an “Official Election Defense Fund” website that asks them to sign up for recurring donations to “protect the results and keep fighting even after Election Day.”
The fine print makes clear most of the money will go to other priorities.
A large portion of the money goes to “Save America,” a Trump leadership PAC, or political action committee, set up on Monday, and the Republican National Committee (RNC). Under Federal Election Commission rules, both groups have broad leeway in how they can use the funds.
The Trump campaign, the RNC and Trump’s new Save America PAC did not respond to requests for comment.
Leadership PACs such as Save America are often set up by prominent political figures to spend money on other candidates, while also paying for personal expenses, such as travel and hotel stays.
The disclosures would allow Trump and the RNC to channel the donations into other political causes or campaigns, such as the two high-stakes January Senate runoff races in Georgia [both lost by candidates selected or backed by Trump] that could determine control of the Senate and are likely to rank among the most expensive races in U.S. history. [Democrats did gain control of Senate].
Trump’s solicitation website carries a banner headline that says “OFFICIAL ELECTION DEFENSE FUND” and “CONTRIBUTE NOW.”
Scrolling down the page would take a donor
to the fine print, which shows that donations are split between “Save America,” which gets 60% of the money,
and the RNC, which gets the other 40%.
None of the money flows to Trump’s official “recount” committee fund until Trump’s Save America share reaches the legal contribution limit of $5,000, according to the disclosures.
That means that, before a dollar goes into the recount fund, Save America would receive $5,000 and the RNC around $3,300. Donations to the recount committee are legally limited to $2,800.
If a Trump donor gave $500, for instance, $300 would go to Trump’s Save America PAC, $200 would to the RNC – and nothing would go to his election defense fund.”…
As a still-Leftist, CJH may feel obliged to make the Gaza reference in his article, that the Pallies are victims of totalitarian Globocap.
And there was I thinking that the presence of offshore Gaza natgas absent IDF-expelled Pallies in future and a Ben Gurion Canal nearby to bring Qatari natgas into the Med sufficed to explain the 23k dead. An old-fashioned, ethno-nationalist land and sea grab.
Then we have the problem of Bennie and Hamas both jabbing their peoples Big Time with the poison death shot to make them nodes on the WBAN and/or to get them dead/morbid.
So why invoke Globocap? Am I to think that Bennie is happy to Jab Jews to death on profitable behalf of his bosom globalist buddy, the Greek Jew from Thessalonika Albert Bourla of Pfizer, the one who received the Theodore Herzl Prize for Zionism in ca. 2019? And to impose DPI, digital public infrastructure, on the morbid jabbees so that they can use their CBDC digital surveillance wallets with e-shekels? The requisite surveillance IT being no doubt mostly Israeli in origin?
But if Bennie is happy to do all that, why? because killing off Jews just does not seem to fit the Israeli Right,
There isn’t 23k dead in Gaza. That’s a Masonic number for a start. We have no way to verify those claims. “They” also claimed millions died because of covid and all “they” did was change the death certificates and give millions fake tests. Then they piled up bodies in morgues on purpose, to make it appear those who died of natural causes were covid deaths. It was a total scam.
The wars are always staged between the faux countries. Obviously it’s a land grab. So was Maui. So is Ukraine. They want that land in Gaza because of the gas deal and Hamas is assisting with evacuating the Palestinians and the psyop of war. Watch some Pallywood videos. They’ve (the fake authorities) been coordinating this scam since forever.
Well, I guess we know who rules Germany. Is it really the “German” thought police, or is it something else the Germans, and most everyone else, don’t like to talk about. Funny how the whole thing worked out. At least so far.
What ever happens, CJ, hold your head high: no self-pity and no self-abuse. Take care of your mental, physical and spiritual health. We don’t need a martyr; we need you alive, well and speaking out.
The really ridiculous thing about this absolute nonsense is how Blackrock is mentioned in a subordinate clause. It’s hard to believe that people of our kind can actually be so stupid, but they are constantly trying to convince us of this.
The Jewish platform “Rebel News” also reports diligently on “X” about Klaus and his ilk. It’s unbelievable how stupid these people think we are. Impertinent impudence that! This is “Radio Yerevan”!
How long do they think they can continue to offer us this as truth? Is this “alternative journalism”? Is this a brazen salesman mentality? Is it the deliberate intention to bore all those who have long since been enlightened to tears?
You are stuck in one of their psyops. The fake Jews vs the fake Nazis. It’s just a divide and conquer mechanism because they’re liars on both sides, and are all part of one cult: The cult of Baal/cult of Moloch. They’re gnostics. They use dualism to split the populaces into factions.
The fake jooz are the snyagogue of satan and running the world. That’s not a psy op. Have you read the Bible? No one who has read the Bible could say it was conceived by man.
Disagree. Didn’t you used to have a different name?
The Js and Jesuits, two sides of the same fake religion coin.
All the BuyBULL is 100% BS: Gematria, allegory and astrotheology. None of its literal. It’s reworked Jesuit SCRIPTS. In fact, if you know paganism, and you should or the Ptolemaic religions, then you’ll recognize it as the nonsense it is.
And if you think there’s a god or a great architect there isn’t. That’s the scam they use to make themselves god at the top of the pyramid hierarchy and everyone else a debt slave “citizen”.
And the Js didn’t invent usury either. It’s been around forever as has humanity.
There’s nothing new under the sun.
I look forward to watching your court case (with subtitles I hope) streamed and broadcast live around the world CJ.
The popcorn and drinks are waiting in the pantry.
Give em hell.
I am reminded of the high hopes people in the Free World had in the days after the reunification of Germany as portrayed in movies like
Lives of Others
in the heady days after the Berlin Wall came down. Who would have imagined that the STASI mentality would prevail in the long term. I pray that your warning to Off-Guardian readers about the dangers of using the wrong symbols in 2024 will garner you leniency on your court date.
Winston was sure last week the media claimed the
Right-wing was our ally against Left-wing Extremism…
Yet the media now declares the left-wing is our
ally against Right-wing Extremism !
“We were never at war with Left-wing Extremism !”
it declares…
Can you clarify who you mean by “Winston,” please? Here in NZ Winston Peters is the leader of a minor political party now part of the coalition government…Is that the person you mean? I will comment further if it is.
But in the meantime, we can all agree, I’m sure, that what today passes for “the Left,” extremist or other wise has little if anything to do with what Left meant in the past.
The reference is to Winston Smith in Orwell’s 1984, which you can see from Les Online more or less quoting bits from the novel.
Winston’s job is to falsify history by destroying the written evidence.
Les online seems to be comparing the situation of CJH with the novel in some way, but I don;t get it, myself.
“The left”, like “Right-wing extremism” is an
invention of the corporate propaganda media…
This is not to say left-wingers and right-wingers
do not exist, they do….The corporate propaganda
media (aka – msm) decides the labels and their
meanings to fit their propaganda narratives…
To paraphrase Humpty Dumpty “If the various
“extremism” didnt exist, the propaganda media
would have to invent them”…
When Conan Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes’
evil incarnate Moriarty, it made the stories more
interesting, and provided the author with a
literary device to allow the tales to appear as
Morality Tales without being evidently such…
People were losing their faith in established
religions but The Devil managed to live on in
secular form/literary characters like Moriarty…
The term “natzee” is also an invention of the corporate media whores and yet all the brainwashed imbeciles keep repeating it and nauseum…
Don’t they.
Yes. They supply a hero/villain narrative as the faux binary.
Of course the hero is the “police”. There’s the propaganda. And the crime and macabre violence causes trauma in the subconscious. So the reader sees or believes the world as a highly dangerous place where police really solve crime and get the bad guys.
Whereas in reality, the Masonic police only exist to protect the illegitimate authorities from the people, who are imprisoned debt slaves on a plantation where the prison guards are enforcing illegitimate laws, codes and statutes.
The faux authorities will keep up the fake political left right dichotomy because what they don’t want the public doing is investigating the legitimacy of any constitution, anywhere; or finding out or even discussing who and what Org really owns and controls all the corporations that masquerade as governments.
Hence, we have these ludicrous masquerades, or distract-disinfo psyops, where people (wittingly or unwittingly) participate in the technocratic digital grid that is imprisoning them and their mind into a false reality, filled with nothing but disinformation and hoaxes.
It’s not for anyone’s benefit to be on Twatter or FedsBook or any other SM platform, enriching and empowering their captors.
It is heroic to fight against injustice and it is cowardice meekly to submit to it, but, in the case of CJ Hopkins, an unfortunately paradoxical effect has dominated in his writing. Prior to his prosecution for this “crime,” Mr. Hopkins had a light and limber mind. He saw the world through stubbornly GloboCap-colored lenses, but he did see the world — all of it — and described its many and varied tyrannies in funny, engaging and enraging ways.
Since he decided to fight the charge, his attention has been completely swallowed by it. He sees nothing else, and so he describes nothing else. It’s understandable to be so overwhelmed — and certainly forgivable — but since it was the intended effect of the charges, his disappearance into them can’t help but register as a kind of defeat, for both Mr. Hopkins and for his readers, whether or not he prevails in the justice system, and no matter what he writes about the ordeal, during or after.
These charges were brought in order to silence him precisely because the initial act of censorship did not silence him. He was in a difficult position. I could see it in his early dispatches from exile in a monastery in Italy, when he contemplated merely fleeing the Reich forever: he faced some flavor of defeat no matter which way he turned. There was no right answer… but I can’t help but think he made the wrong decision. He’s too good a writer, too sharp a critic, and too honest a man to have been lost for so long in this solipsistic swamp of personal trouble. There’s too much going on, too much he should have written about but couldn’t. Germany has stolen him from us.
I wish he had fled, like a coward would have done. And I hope, once this ordeal is over, that he can forget about it completely and turn his mind back to the wider world of GloboCap on a full-time basis.
Fortunately, we can think what we like. If Folks were locked up for their thoughts, everyone above twelve years of age would be in jail.
Look on the bright side CJ.
Three meals a day, freedom from the WWW and as much sex as you can handle. Or not.
It would be laughable if not so serious.
Dark times we now live in, an inverted world of evil and corrupted souls.
Good luck and God bless you…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-01-17. Jab S protein, in 3,400 peer-reviewed papers, proven cause heart damage & myocarditis. Also, turbo cancer (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
The congressman lies under the
table, so always be a good man!
Picnic peacefully at the White
House and ask for protection!
Stepping out of line seems easier and harder than ever in the jackbooted march of the new abnormal. Best wishes, CJ.
Take heart, your stance for freedom of thought is in the tradition of people like Henry David Thoreau who refused to pay taxes due to the Indian Removal Act and slavery and Ida B. Wells who was run out of Memphis Tennessee for her fearless reporting on Southern lynching. Courage always has a price to be paid, especially in opposition to evil. We see the consequences of book banning and burnings here in the US of A, the censorship and shut down of debate and intellectual discourse and the hoisting and foisting of the police state, political dogma and propaganda on the masses. I wish you success in your day in court. Stay strong and resolute!
Or ask Julian Assange, or Donald Trump, or anyone else that The Powers That Be have decided they need to make an example of.
The Trump thing is scripted threatre for the NPC dummies that believe fighting the deep state Donald Mar-a-Lago estate was raided by FBI agents FFS!!!
and regarding the Thought police C.J, the sites that published you, censor anyone with a higher IQ than Ronald Donald is getting bullied by the deep state.
I be interested in the book sales if it made any difference as this high published case like yours, which normal folks would never be able to get, your elk seem to make serious noise about there court cases, tribunals or taking the deep state to intergalactic super duper trust the plan courts..
You aint going to prison, it theatre for the alt media believers.
hears one from 2012 rinse repeat and dont forget to donate.
May 28, 2012
Francis Boyle: Judgement at Indonesian hearing may help push case at ICC;
Obama in violation for not pursuing indictment
Bush Convicted of War Crimes at Tribunal
I don’t know if anyone’s compared these offices with the Stasi, that much reviled organization that was dedicated to — wait for it — “monitor and analyse anti-constitutional activities by right- and left-wing extremists and extremist foreigners in Germany and to prevent espionage activities by other countries …” (etc. etc). Obviously there are differences — the Stasi used older manual methods of information monitoring, collection and storage — but I suppose the reason why ‘they’ were reviled and ‘us’ are OK is merely who they work for. Ultimately these organization all had our best interests at heart…
The whole subject of Nazi Germany is much more complex than just “they hated Jews and tried to destroy them”. Understanding this period is the key to understanding modern Germany, and by extension EU, policy, especially in the East. Its too complex a subject to post about here but what I refer to as the “Hollywoodization” of that period, reinforced by things like these dumb criminal statues, really paint an incredibly misleading picture. This period was far more murderous and evil than the Holocaust — you could say that the Jews were just the tip of a very large iceberg of death. The ‘why’ is fascinating — you’ll never look at contemporary leadership in the same way again!
However I imagine you are referring neither to Carroll Quigley nor to Antony Sutton let alone AJP Taylor and Guido Preparata,
Take heart CJ and think of Gramsci who in 1928 got sentenced to: 20 years, 4 months and 5 days of reclusion.
At his trial, Gramsci’s prosecutor stated: “For twenty years we must stop this brain from functioning.”
For, say what you will but what is mostly feared by the big cogs is an unshakable conviction and a solid theoretical preparation.
“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”
– Vladimir I. Ulyanov “Lenin”
Perhaps you should ask the judge to rule on whether the First- and Second Reichs were such historical abominations that the term ‘Reich’ can only be interpreted as referring to periods of Jew-culling-, master-race-promoting-, genocidal German inhumanity?
Current global economics are more akin to the Weimar Republic than to the goose-stepping mustachioed woofter managing to convince people he was screwing the arsch off Eva Braun…..
RE: And it isn’t a story about Red/Blue politics. And it isn’t a story about “Cultural Marxism,” or “Wokeness,” or “Libtards,” or other such distractions.
I love CJ Hopkins!
Correct, all UN member-“nations” and their “citizens” are now within the jurisdiction of the corporate Unidroit legal system.
Your lawyer will be representing your all-caps “legal-fiction” that cannot speak for itself, not you the man. We do not consent.
I won’t be stepping ot of line after reading this, best to own nothing and be happy I guess, thanks for the warning.
Maybe if you hadn’t used the word ‘reich’ in the title of your book…everything would have been hunkydory!
The question is why can’t he have used whatever words he chose?
Because of censorship, that’s why.
That’s the world we now live in.
There’s a narrative a people’s that can’t be questioned. Is this the censorship you refer too?
So when Hopkins called for folks too be banned from this site because he didn’t agree with what they said…that’s ok…but when he gets a dollop of the old censorship…oh the horror!
No. I spoke out against censorship. I wasn’t aware of Hopkins’ call for censorship.
You are having a laugh, right?
Here’s your chum at work:
We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution
End Quote
That’s why he’s the “Father of the Covid-19 vaccine”, and why he should be put in prison in the same cell as Fauci.
Remarkable the hypnosis the Trump supporters are still under.
Any still pushing ‘politicians’ (people who are a conduit between whatever is controlling reality and us) are still under the spell.
Correct. It was the “game-changer vaccine” which ended the lockdown. And if it hadn’t been for Trump and Warp Speed, the lockdown would have gone on much longer!
If you disagree with that strategy, what’s your alternative?
See what I mean. Username checks out.
“What’s your alternative?”
To firstly accept understand that all govts were in lockstep & he was following a script. He wanted to deploy the military for door to door testing. He isn’t on your side.
It’s incredible nearly 4 years in that it even needs to be said.
Another victory for celebrity culture and adulation of wealth.. Embarrassingly malleable.
“Lock her up!” Just an obvious charlatan.He assists flipping the script to push for right wing govt. Thus pushing for further social unrest. Divide and rule again.
The “Lockstep” plan is that of the WEF – a.k.a. Kissinger – a.k.a The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy – a.k.a. the Multipolar World Order – a.k.a. BRICS – a.k.a. Belt & Road – a.k.a. The New Israel Project. Alternatively, the Trump presidency is a military operation with the primary objective of derailing Kissinger’s plan. The latter is now in ruins – hence his acknowledgement of the reality of Pax Americana.
May 26, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
The great strategist sees a globe riven by U.S.-China competition and threatened by fearsome new weapons and explains why he now thinks Ukraine should be in NATO.
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.” But the ability to “execute it politically,” he says, “has declined sharply, and that is our overriding problem now.” He ascribes this political weakness to a decline in belief in the U.S. in its own historical ambitions and institutions. “There’s no element of pride and direction and purpose left,” he laments, as American leaders grapple with angst generated by events of “300 years ago.”
Drill, Baby, Drill !!!
“Lockstep” it ain’t!
May 11, 2023
“Drill, baby, drill” will be the first order of business for Donald Trump should he be elected president, the former president said at a Republican presidential town hall on Wednesday. Asked about what would be the first thing he would do to cut food and gasoline costs, Trump simply said, “Drill, baby, drill.”
Jan 12, 2024
‘Drill, baby, drill.’ Americans by wide margin back Trump’s greenlighting of oil and gas projects, our poll shows, as Biden’s renewable push is blamed for hurting US security
A Poll reveals that 49 percent of US adults support the former president’s pro-fossil fuel policy, while only 40 percent disagree. Another 11 percent said they were not sure. Trump uses the phrase regularly on the campaign trail — including at a rally in Waterloo, Iowa, last month. The expression has been used by other Republicans these past two decades.
More NOT “Lockstep”
On June 1, 2017, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States would cease all participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation,[1][2] contending that the agreement would “undermine” the U.S. economy, and put the U.S. “at a permanent disadvantage.”[3][4]
In accordance with Article 28 of the Paris Agreement, a country cannot give notice of withdrawal from the agreement within the first three years of its start date in the relevant country, which was on November 4, 2016, in the case of the United States. The White House later clarified that the U.S. will abide by the four-year exit process.[5] On November 4, 2019, the administration gave a formal notice of intention to withdraw, which takes 12 months to take effect. Until the withdrawal took effect, the United States was obligated to maintain its commitments under the Agreement, such as the requirement to continue reporting its emissions to the United Nations.[6] The withdrawal took effect on November 4, 2020, one day after the 2020 U.S. presidential election.[7]
Trump moves to officially withdraw U.S. from World Health Organization
July 7, 2020
Trump provided a strategy for ending the lockdowns. All you’ve done is provide your opinion about Trump. So I’ll ask again. If you had been president, what would your strategy have been for ending the lockdowns?
The recent death of Gonzalo Lira, the continuing detention of Julian Assange..and many, many more. The gesture is broadly the same: “shut up or we’ll fuck you up”.
I wish you well CJ.
If anywhere, Assange is in the same prison as Epstein laughing with a girl on each knee
That indeed is the message, and those 2 are security assets key to enforcing it.
… to say what? F*k you?
Welcome to being targeted by the gvt, you will have to be armed to the teeth, guillotine proof, and represent yourself in court in order to distance yourself from the system.
The good news is it can be done, bad news is nobody has ever done it.