DISCUSS: Is “World War 3” really on the horizon?
Is the sabre rattling genuine, or another grand narrative roll-out?

There’s a lot of “World War Three” in the news right now.
Grant Shapps, the UK’s defence minister has claimed we have “moved from a post-war to a pre-war world”, whatever that means.
Going on to say we can expect the world to be “engulfed” by wars with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea all within the next five years. Again, no idea how he can know that.
Two days ago, The Telegraph was headlining:
World War Three is approaching fast, and too few are willing to admit why
Two days before that, the Mirror went with:
World War 3: 5 chilling signs UK and US are heading for all out conflict amid global unrest
Yesterday, Spiked! asked simply:
Are you ready for World War 3?
Before adding, “Our sabre-rattling elites need to take a deep breath.”
Today, the Express reports that:
Top NATO allies strike World War 3 deal as Putin on brink of war with the West
The Telegraph has clearly got its priorities in order, warning:
A third world war would transform global finance beyond recognition
(And, incidentally, ripping off a Jasper Carrott stand-up routine from 40 years ago).
Perhaps the oddest WWIII headline belongs to Newsweek, which wants us to start farming a new superfood “in case of nuclear war.”
In terms of actual conflict, we have the ongoing “wars” in Ukraine and Gaza, and a civil war in Myanmar as well.
ISIS allegedly conducted a terrorist attack in Iran. Iran took out targets in Pakistan, and Pakistan responded in kind.
Somebody apparently droned some US servicemen in Syria. The US is blaming Iran and may retaliate.
The eternal war in Yemen is still ongoing, with Houthi rebels now attacking ships in the Red Sea in solidarity with Palestine.
The UK and US are sending ships into the area, with “experts” calling for “airstrikes to prevent World War III”, apparently hoping to invoke the rare “de-escalation via blowing stuff up” tactic.
In a similar vein, Zelensky is warning Germany might walk into WWIII if it doesn’t supply him with missiles (I don’t follow his logic, but then I haven’t spent a few billion dollars of US “military aid” on cocaine).
Trump is trumpeting that Biden’s carelessness has left the world “on the brink of World War Three.”
The “doomsday clock” is set at 90 seconds to midnight.
And suddenly everyone is talking about conscription, (as if that would have any bearing at all on a WWWIII). Both the UK and Australia have had calls for conscription in the past week.
So, what’s going on?
How does the apparent surge in international conflict work with the “great reset” world government plan? Is it breaking it or making it?
Is it possible they are dangling a nuclear Sword of Damocles over the world in order to scare people into embracing “world peace” through a global new world order? Or could they be picking the sides for the next Cold War?
…or is it all real, and we could all be radioactive ash by 2025?
What do you guys think?
- Will the UK bring back conscription?
- Is this about good old-fashioned military spending?
- Are we really on the brink of WWIII?
- Or is this a narrative, and if so what’s the purpose?
- What happens next?
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I wonder have any countries operating under Anarcho-Tyranny ever become involved in a war? The Tyranny part (not to mention the Tranny part) has probably made Very Bad Soldiers out of the population & the Anarcho bit probably means most of NATO would struggle to even dress a modern army, never mind arm them. In reality, most of what politicians say these days is little more than brain farts, each more smelly & close to a follow-through than the last, so the Normies only ever have one to think about. What you have to figure out is which of their lunatic plans might be furthered by poncing around, threatening War & going ”grrrrr”?
Not in my name! One-way ticket to Ukraine for Johnson, Sunak, Shapps, Truss, Wallace, Cameron and the lot of them, beating the war with Russia drum year after year, conducting the proxy war with the customary disrupt-and-deny tactics, while ordinary British people are well and truly broken, broke, unquestioning and worked up by the insane media lies to obediently follow the satanic warmongers. B*****ds.
Promises to “demilitarize, deradicalize, and eventually rebuild Gaza” and even to deport some of those who survive the war should prompt us to speculate what sorts of solutions Governance by Crisis Management may impose this time.
I’ve quoted that prediction in an earlier post (see below). However, Kissinger reversed the WEF’s position in May 2023 by acknowledging the reality of Pax Americana and the expansion of a US dominated Nato (also posted below). Hence, my opening statement:
Likewise for Trump’s promise to “drill, baby, drill”.
Smart Cities. The only solutions. Fixed it for ya.
“Is the sabre rattling genuine, or another grand narrative roll-out?”
Excuse me, you don’t believe your eyes??
What is actually Real for you?
Sure, it is hard nowadays, propaganda is over the top. The alleged Karl Rove’s deliberation on Reality might be of some help, although it is fundamentally deceiving too – elites have the power to act, but they can never be sure their actions will have precisely the intended effect. With consecutive actions they can asymptotically achieve desired goals. Some terrible blow-back is always possible, but I really wouldn’t count on this to save us, I’m not on good terms with miracles.
“So, what’s going on?”
Very hard question, what we are dealing with is very, very close to Chaos. Kolmogorov complexity of Chaos is infinite, one would need infinitely many words to describe Chaos. Well, we are creatures with innate affinity to Order, there can’t be Chaos with us literally. Still, shit is so bad that it is good to think with this notion, what we are witnessing is way beyond some natural complexity.
Order out of Chaos………yeah………no, I don’t want to traverse into freemasonry type shit. There can’t be Order out of Chaos, like there can’t be manufactured consent, that’s oxymoronic.
So, war is highly likely.
Go and check in which contexts the string ‘peace’ has been used up until now (5 instances). I don’t wonder any more why people cannot wrap their minds around the idea I proposed many times: “We Want Peace”.
War on what is left positively functional between our ears is already well on the way. Some limited nuclear exchange would spice things “nicely”. MAD is highly unlikely.
But I pretty much don’t give a fucking fuck what they will cook for us. What will be will be.
I’m more interested how to depart from Chaos, preferably ones and forever.
And I got a clue:
When the Tao is lost, there is goodness.
When goodness is lost, there is morality.
When morality is lost, there is ritual.
Ritual is the husk of true faith,
the beginning of Chaos.
According to complex system theory and empirical evidence, it’s isintrinsically difficult to create linear model for living systems due to the properties, dependencies and relationships between their parts and the environment.
From a geologic standpoint, and from what successive stratigraphic levels tell us, the Earth has been shaped by sudden, short-lived, violent events and repeated new creations spanning hundreds of millions of years.
It could be that the distant progeny of whoever would survive the current era may one day accidentally notice a thin vitrified radioactive strata as the sole remnant of our tumultuous saga.
“No idea how he can know that.”
I know how Grant Shapps can know that. Let’s assume that he is aware that world oil production peaked in 2018, and that we’re never going to reach those levels again, because oil is finite and we’re running out. In that case, it’s quite possible that NATO is going to fight with Russia and China for the remaining oil reserves in the Middle East, and once they’re at it, also uranium reserves wherever they are (a few in ex-Soviet republics).
It seems pretty clear.
If you want humanity to beg you for global identity, global governance and a global currency, you must discredit national identity, national governance and national currencies.
So you need to engineer uncontrolled immigration, lots of international conflicts, and money printing.
All done.
They don’t need WW3 it’s just scare mongering.If they brought in conscriptions no one would turn up.
Can the EU$A Afford to Stage a Spectacular Goetter Damerung in the Middle East?
Danny Haiphong interviews GeoPolitical guru Pepe Escobar:
In my opinion the problem is financial: EU$A has maxed out its credit with the bankers. Rothschild’s Angels are unwilling to back this production because the West has ageing stars and lousy directors.
I have yet too see an opinion poll conducted among 18 to 26 year-old adults on how they feel about going off to fight and die in another World War.
And yet, we have poll after poll that help understand how many cat lovers actually sponsor a feline, or how many incarcerated adults in the USofAs would like Taylor to do a “Johnny Cash” in Folsom, or Sing-sing.
Nobody is polling the morituri. Maybe because they haven’t whipped their bloodlust sufficiently.
Or maybe because “Fuck You” can’t be one the answers to the poll questions.
You are not only rude against the innocent American population’s opinion and freedom of speech, you also Anti-Science, a Clima denier, homophobic and probably also a self-hating Doo!
All polls are Science based with consensus. Professors and Senior Researchers from Yale, Oxford and Harvard have made comprehensive studies which shows and document all public polls are THE Truth! 🤓
The problem modern warmongers have is that its more difficult to differentiate ‘us’ and ‘them’ than it used to be. They do what they can with their sanctions, travel restrictions and media barrage but the hard truth is that many people identify with their would-be adversaries than they do with their leaders. We’ve got enough problems to solve without causing yet more and its quite obvious that the warmongers only know how to create problems (hint — its where the money’s to be made).
WWIII was Belt & Road vs Pax Americana – and the latter has already won!
May 26, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
The great strategist sees a globe riven by U.S.-China competition and threatened by fearsome new weapons and explains why he now thinks Ukraine should be in NATO.
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.” But the ability to “execute it politically,” he says, “has declined sharply, and that is our overriding problem now.” He ascribes this political weakness to a decline in belief in the U.S. in its own historical ambitions and institutions. “There’s no element of pride and direction and purpose left,” he laments, as American leaders grapple with angst generated by events of “300 years ago.”
Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute
Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country. What does this portend for world democracies? How does it impact America’s ongoing top strategic priority that centers on the existential threat from China? Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas?
Hudson’s Distinguished Fellow, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will deliver a major speech to answer all these questions followed by a conversation with Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead.
[view link for transcript]
WEF (2018): 8 Predictions for 2030
#1: You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy. Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it’ll be delivered by drone.
#2: The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.
#6. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.
#8. Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.
World Economic Forum [Blue Tick] @wef
Apr 9, 2018
Kissinger staffer: Ex-secretary of state didn’t make ‘no Israel’ quote
Inflammatory prediction had appeared in New York Post gossip column
25 September 2012
WASHINGTON (JTA) — A staffer for Henry Kissinger denied that the former US secretary of state said that Israel will not be in existence in 10 years.
“It’s not a misquote,” Tara Butzbaugh, who works in Kissinger’s New York office, said Monday, referring to an item in Cindy Adams’ New York Post gossip column. “He didn’t say it.”
Adams in her column posted Sept. 17 wrote that “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.’ “
Charlie Skelton
June 4, 2022
Many consider it an older, less flashy Davos, staged annually by the World Economic Fund. The two events have a good bit in common: namely, three WEF trustees at this year’s conference, and Klaus Schwab, the grisly head of Davos, is a former member of Bilderberg’s steering committee. His “Great Reset” looms large over the Washington conference, with “Disruption of the Global Financial System” at the heart of the agenda. . . . Holding court at the hotel bar will be Klaus Schwab’s mentor, Henry Kissinger. Incredibly, Kissinger, 99, has been attending Bilderbergs since 1957. The prince of realpolitik has been the ideological godfather of Bilderberg for as long as anyone can remember.
The key topics for discussion at the 2022 Bilderberg conference were announced on the Bilderberg website shortly before the meeting.[2] Topics for discussion included:
– Geopolitical Realignments
– NATO Challenges
– China
– Indo-Pacific Realignment
– Sino-US Tech Competition
– Russia
– Continuity of Government and the Economy
– Disruption of the Global financial system
– Disinformation
– Energy Security and Sustainability
– Post Pandemic Health
– Fragmentation of Democratic Societies
– Trade and Deglobalization
– Ukraine
As only a limited amount of Dinosaurs can have lived on this planet under the last Instinction, there can also only be a limited amount of fossil Dinosaur oil.
The peak Dinosaur oil will thus go instinct sooner or later. (Ref: Global Leftist Scientific Consensus World Research).
“Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country.”
Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this Just War seeks to prevent the annihilation of a free and independent country namely, Russia.
In order to justify its trillion dollar budget, the US MIC requires the existence of credible threats. They were perfectly happy with Russia playing that role, so although there may be a few confrontations dotted around the world, there was no existential threat to Russia itself. Indeed, had Putin not launched the 2022 invasion, he would have been allowed to keep Crimea. This was indicated by Brzezinski’s position (stated or implied) as of June 2014. In short:
a) Russia would be allowed to keep Crimea
b) Ukraine would be allowed on the very long and winding path toward EU membership
c) Ukraine would NOT be allowed to join NATO
d) Ukraine’s military would be equipped to launch an insurgency style, stay-behind defence should Russia ever invade beyond the 2014 borders.
This policy was supported by the Trump administration. Firstly, such that Trump was cast as an “appeaser” with regard to Crimea. And secondly, with providing the military support as required by the “Brzezinski playbook”.
The Brzezinski playbook was implemented following the 2022 invasion. This appears to have come as a surprise to Putin given that the invasion force was not properly equipped for sustained conflict.
The problem with the deterrence strategy is that it presupposes some level of rationality in the potential aggressor. However, where the aggressor has crossed the line into rabid insanity, there needs to be a more forceful backstop. Consequently, the insurgency strategy achieved two main outcomes:
a) it inflicted massive damage on the Russian forces while pushing them back from their original objectives; i.e. to take major cities including Kyiv.
b) it allowed time for the implementation of the secondary strategy; i.e. equipping Ukrainian forces with advanced weapons.
The West Should Arm Ukraine
By Zbigniew Brzezinski
July 2, 2014
Brzezinski’s Proxy War Playbook
by Patrick Macfarlane
Jun 22, 2022
Zbiegnew Brzezinski (July 2014):
If Ukraine has to be supported so that it does resist, the Ukrainians have to know the West is prepared to help them resist. And there’s no reason to be secretive about it. It would be much better to be open about it and to say to the Ukrainians and to those who may threaten Ukraine that if Ukrainians resist, they will have weapons. And we’ll provide some of those weapons in advance of the very act of invasion. Because in the absence of that, the temptation to invade and to preempt may become overwhelming. But what kind of weapons is important. And in my view, they should be weapons designed particularly to permit the Ukrainians to engage in effective urban warfare of resistance.
Trump, Putin, and the Art of Appeasement
The famed deal maker seems intent on giving away American leverage for nothing.
By Dominic Tierney
December 15, 2016
October 8, 2019
In March 2018, Mr. Trump approved the $47 million sale of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers to Ukraine. It was the first lethal military assistance that the U.S. provided to Ukraine in the separatist war. The Obama administration repeatedly expressed reluctance to sell the Javelin and other lethal weaponry to Kyiv for fear of provoking Russia and expanding the conflict. On Oct. 3, the State Department approved the sale of additional 150 Javelin missiles and related equipment to Ukraine with a price tag of just under $40 million, according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
I gave you an upvote for Freedom.
Kissinger worked for the Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC) – a.k.a. the New World Order, the City of London central banking empire, etc. The MRC is the true hegemon and US nationalism is the only credible challenge.
His first role was to use US power to crush genuine, nationalist movements. His second role was to build up controlled states (specifically China and Russia) as an alternative to the US. The third task was to destroy the US from the inside – though much of this was carried out by others (e.g. Soros).
Kissinger then starts pushing Belt & Road and Multipolarity. People would have to be retarded to believe that Kissinger was actually doing some good in the world, but as the scamdemic has demonstrated, the retardation has no limit.
Multipolarity: Has Kissinger ‘Switched Sides’ Nearing His Final Days?
Tim Kirby
May 10, 2021
It seems hard to really believe, but Henry Kissinger, the “Flawed Architect of American Foreign Policy” has publicly stated what looks to be the grand waiving of a white flag over the idea of maintaining a Monopolar Order. His words were…
“if you imagine that the world commits itself to an endless competition based on the dominance of whoever is superior at the moment, then a breakdown of the order is inevitable. And the consequences of a breakdown would be catastrophic.”
We cannot exclude the fact that next week, Kissinger may say something contradictory but hearing this from someone with his background seems to be an acknowledgment that Multipolarity is the new reality that needs to be accepted and dealt with accordingly from a Washington perspective. This is a big deal. If he is thinking this way and beginning to use this type of rhetoric then it begs the question as to how many people within the Beltway may actually see things in a similar fashion and how close are they to reaching a critical mass in numbers?
Kissinger: Belt and Road Initiative to Shift World Centre of Gravity
New China TV
Oct 11, 2017
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger says China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative will have the practical significance of shifting the world center of gravity. Find out why he says so.
Someone who has done their homework!
Forget the Nazis, drag queens, bio-labs and Nato encroachment, and instead check the lack of pipelines running across the Caspian!
Eurasia, the supercontinent that will define our century
Feb 14, 2018
Bruno Maçães
Author, Belt and Road, The Dawn of Eurasia
Romantic images of the Silk Road or Marco Polo’s adventures are eclipsed by the ambitious Belt and Road initiative
The end of the Cold War was supposed to inaugurate Europe’s age of reconciliations, when the continent, finally at peace with itself, would be able to exist as a unified whole. But reconciliation worked perhaps too well: the disappearance of the Iron Curtain also meant that Europe struggled to differentiate itself from the lands to the east. By expanding it might expand without limits; by retreating it might become an importer of instability.
The decade that brought down the Berlin Wall was also responsible for opening China to global capitalism. Deep value chains were quickly established, together with the infrastructure – both physical and digital – necessary to make them work. It is frequently forgotten that this infrastructure was first developed by Western multinationals and financial institutions. [No, it’s just necessary to discuss the role of Kissinger!]
In recent years, Chinese authorities have increasingly taken on this task and with the Belt and Road Initiative, a development project of unmatched ambition, they intend to be firmly in control. Spanning some 70 countries and requiring investment approaching $4 trillion, the initiative is deliberately intended to reshape the global political and economic order. China’s trade with countries along the Belt and Road rose 17.8% year-on-year in January 2018.
Published: 24/01/2019 [only five years ago!]
Bruno Maçães
The Dawn of Eurasia
On the Trail of the New World Order
Editor’s Сhoice
The Eurasian Century Is NOW Unstoppable
October 11, 2016
William Engdahl
All the Way to Odessa
Pepe Escobar
August 26, 2022
As Eurasian integration will become an even stronger vector, Russian diplomacy will be solidifying the new normal. Never forget that Moscow had no trouble normalizing relations, for instance, with China, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Israel. All these actors, in different ways, directly contributed to the fall of the USSR. Now – with one exception – they are all focused on The Dawn of the Eurasian Century.
Orwell had the basic gist. The horizontal conflict (in his 1984, between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia) is a theatre to prop up the vertical (class) conflict between the rulers and the ruled across the globe. This doesn’t necessarily imply that the rulers are totally unified but such conflicts that arise within them pale before their class interests which are far easier to implement than with the minions because the rulers are vastly smaller in numbers (and can thus organise more effectively) and they have most of the technical and media power.
You just clog this thread up with literal crap and total lies.
Wars prop up dying empires. So yes, a global war is not unlikely. It’s about time OffG stopped telling us literally everything is fake news and decides what it thinks is going on. It is a shame that i dont think OffG gives much i sight anymore.
Whatever I look at, read or hear increases the feeling of watching a surreal movie with a entirely non-sensical script. The main drivers of the story are only ever hinted at and the majority of the actors, mainly extras, enjoy the current version of ‘bread and games’ to distract themselves from the anxieties, they are told to have. Some minor actors in the movie discuss the intricacies of the plot. Obviously trying to make sense of the storyline and of their roles.
Will there be WW3 soon? Next year? How will it impact on those surviving? Who cares? Does anybody care if you care? Or is mulling over all this just a way of alleviating your anxiety?
Despite its madness, it’s a fascinating movie if that is your kind of stuff… I am beginning to get bored.
I live 27 kms from a top priority, first exchange NATO target. This target will surely be eliminated with a nuke. So, fake or not, the possibility of WAR creates anxiety in my small mind. And that’s surely one proximate objective achieved.
Maybe nukes don’t actually exist? Maybe they’re another lie.
Check out mileswmathis, he writes about this topic. I’m still on the fence but increasingly thinking, yep maybe he’s right!
Just these days NATO has started their biggest exercise in a long long time with 90000 people over half a year!
In the meantime, here in Eastern Europe, NATO demands fixing up the infrastructure for faster troops and hardware deployment.
They also want “military schengen” – i.e. deployment of troops and military hardware wherever in the ‘NATO space’ they want at the whims of NATO command and regardless of what the local governments say or want.
It very much looks like actual preparation for war, not ‘just in case’.
They also want rewriting all our history school books, because our population is still, I quote, ‘too sympathetic to Russia’. NATO needs cannon fodder for their meat grinder, and people should go there willingly.
It’s funny that the books are long rewritten even now. The good thing is that they are too badly written, filled with so much propaganda, inconsistencies and mistakes that no one remembers any of them after finishing school, except some stupid slogans.
So, the war is coming, at least in this part of the world, but not this or next year – they need to prepare first. 10-15 years, may be?
Why do the need it?
Well, it’s been discussed numerous times.
First, USA cannot live without war – “Report from Iron mountain” from ’65 describes it well.
MIC needs their profits too.
USA needs to control the world, EU has long been their vassal state and is now on way to destruction, it cannot be any competitor. But Russia and its alliance with China can be, so they need to be destroyed one way or another.
They do not even hide it:
(the interesting bit is in the end, the Q&A part)
And so on…
The ‘wet dream’ of the our big masters is so-called ‘decolonization or Russia’ – something like this: https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/09/27/national-minorities-of-russia-call-to-decolonize-denuclearize-imperial-terrorist-russian-state/
There are better pictures on the web, but this illustrates the principle well enough – division of Russia to many easily controllable ‘independent’ parts.
All of this is without even mentioning the problems in the Middle East or China, which have their own specifics.
And finally, I would recommend a recent article from Alex Krainer on war:
Almost everyone would recognize this, regardless what country they live in:
“Presently, our “liberal democracies” are morphing into hybrid fascist totalitarianisms. By hybrid, I mean that many of the society’s institutions will probably continue to operate as usual: we’ll have elections, only sans the unacceptable candidates and deplorable parties; we’ll be able to sue people over unpaid bills or botched surgeries, and football games will still be on TV. But key institutions of society, those dictating matters of war and peace, including the media, credit allocation, industrial development and law enforcement will fall beyond democratic control. In fact, in most western nations we already have fascist dictatorships in drag.”
90 000 is still far from Barbarossa, but its a start. March against Moscow, Landwar against China. Lebensraum for Freedom!
So Laurie Anderson has been forced to give up her German professorship after her support of a ‘letter against apartheid’ by Palestinian artists. (The scare quotes are from a Guardian article.)
It seems that Germany is fated to always be host to Nazis, whether they call themselves Nazis or Zionists, whether they claim to be for or against antisemitism – and by now it should be clear that there is no effective difference between these seemingly oppositional stances.
WW3 has been in progress for many years.
The fact that people are discussing the likelihood of such an event, underwrites the effectiveness of deception as deployed by 5th Generation Warfare and the ENEMY
that is so adept at implementing it.
come on at least the conscription BS generated a lot of gen z hilarious memes and ticktok comedy, most people just took the piss out of this stuff quite rightly
the elite can only rule by generating fake crises, but that doesn’t mean some of these crises don’t cause a great deal of harm to vulnerable populations
Telegraph: “For the first time in generations, Britain has been gripped by the fear of a third world war.”
When your fear porn no longer impresses anyone, when the peasants remain stubbornly indifferent to your sabre rattling, what do you do? You insist that they ALREADY ARE terrified.
Whilst they yawn.
I ‘could care less’ about your misguided attempt to correct non- North American English.
I am fairly confident that there will be 30-50% conscientious objection in the UK, for the following reasons:
What’s going on is that all of Europe is agreeing to sacrifice its youth because the USA told them to. The whole of Europe should break off all relations with the USA and order all their troops back home from bases, which should be reclaimed.
Putin has zero interest in widening war with Europe and never has done. It’s all US lies being forced upon European satrapies.
Now if a grand coalition of Europe +BRICS went to war with the USA, on their territory, we’d all see how brave Americans really are.
Time for war to take place in the country of the belligerents.
See how they like that…..
Point well made.
What is holding a nuclear Armageddon off? Extraterrestrials, the divine, Biden’s wife?
Whatever it is, keep it up.
The controllers are lazy, incompetent and plan decades ahead. They definitely overplayed their hand with the fake virus and the unjustifiable idiocy of lockdowns, masks and poison injections.
The centrally owned and controlled criminal enterprises called governments are all based on fraud and graft. There’s a possibility of a staged war between the faux superpowers. But there’s no nukes so we don’t have to worry about that obvious hoax.
The land grabs, refugees, forced migration and racketeering is the main aim in Ukraine and Gaza.
The cryptocracy will likely bring the privately owned, faux countries (corporations) to the brink of war using a media psyop (like ConJob19), and thus implode what’s left of the faux economy, then bring down the petrodollar, to implement Central Bank Digital Currencies.
This is the cheapest and easiest option.
The Rockefeller planning scenarios lays out their plan: 1. Lock Step 2. Hack Attack 3. Smart Scramble 4. Clever Together.
The four published scenarios above, aren’t options, rather they are implementation STEPS.
“They definitely overplayed their hand with the fake virus”
No they didn’t. They got massive compliance from the ‘good folks’ and their well-intentioned governments. If it wouldn’t have been a drill, the workforce, the economy, the real estate and housing market would have been entirely destroyed. Next time, maybe?
Don’t believe their disinformation. The all cause mortality stats worldwide, show that almost nobody is getting the boosters and the deaths have dropped off markedly.
And “well-intentioned government” is an oxymoron.
Proving the cryptocracy’s plan to kill off and geotag most of humanity using poison injections and nanotech, already failed. They planned for a decade and more of vaccines and got two years of reluctant uptake. Which is why the parasites are spinning yet another orchestrated, faux war.
I perhaps wasn’t clear enough, sorry. What I meant is that I suspect the weaponized vaxx wasn’t intended to decimate 90% of the world’s population this time around, but just a trial round.
The degree of sheepish subservience we all witnessed during this Covid hoax is perhaps just as frightening as an effective extermination campaign.
As for governments’ benevolence, I again failed at being sarcastic. My bad.
I think the trials already took place earlier when new flu shots rolled out in 2018. That’s when deaths started to increase in many countries from years of a very steady decline or a non deviating plateau.
Millions are now awake not just to the scam of this shot but ALL shots: To the fraud of germ theory and contagion.
Millions more have the potential to realize their so-called “governments” never had lawful authority. Rather, they always (throughout history) used overt fraudulent means to con populations into ceding power and autonomy to privately owned corporate entities masquerading as “governments” and “courts”.
That genie is now out of the bottle and so are “government’s” unremitting pattern of hoaxes, criminal racketeering and psyops.
“You can resist an invading army; you cannot resist an idea whose time has come.”
I disagree the Bs19 plan failed
there jabs are a kill switches and many took them, hold on tight to see the incoming loses.
There beloved governments are experts in killing and getting people to kill themselves.
The Psyop Files: Chapter One – The Tale of Tommy Robinson & the Migrant Psyop
Excuse the christendoom shilling, the other stuff he writes about is worth the read.
Our bodies expel toxins and self heal. The boosters and flu shots need to be continued by the majority, otherwise their plan won’t work. 5g and wifi frequencies (and SMART meters) irradiate the magnetic nano-metals and geotags encapsulated in the nanolipids (payload).
Can governments flip a switch and create a rapture or sudden death scenario? Probably not. We’ll see. The shots have varying payloads in each batch, and they are diluted with saline.
I like your writing researcher you one of the best on the forum
however you may need to update your TEK information.
They’ve had ele/magnetic frequency’s aka heart attacks gun since 1950’s patents for them.
You average gangstalking victim will tell you the tek they have and use this was all pre 5G.
Your basic mobile phone reads vitals and can be read using a emf rf meter and the mobile battery can be used to blow your face head up and distort your aura.
They hack peoples dreams every night, so killing a load of people is easy there experts and more important IF you consent to (the vaccine in taking it) they get a form of exemplification as they have done the revelation of the method and pre warn you before you took it in it could harm you You’ve consented.
There tele screens and religious areas have many millions/billions lost in there lives. dead people walking like political voters,
I cant believe your repeating that line.
that psyop line came from Q trump lot to justify his lockdown in where the Democratic where needing adrenocromo hence why everyone needed to be vaccinated and lockdown as trump operation warp-speed was a cover and said the vaccine was saline as Trump an anti vaccer wouldnt do that to his followers (trust the plan).
I no many who have died since 2022 onwards with cancers appearing really quickly and boom there died..
I got friends who are ladies who periods have never been the same and there jab free.
hacking the human body mind and spirit is piss easy for this lot and more important they have already hacked the atmosphere and the house apartment you live in that was done decades ago.
this lady will educate you on the tek.
I didn’t write they are saline, they’re diluted with saline because there’s 5-7 shots for each vial. I don’t repeat QTard disinfo.
I’ll take a look at your tech link.
Sabrina Wallace is a total fraud. The shills she promotes in her “videos” are clowns like Brian Ardis, Karen Kingston, Celeste Solum, Robert O’Young etc: 90% disinfo mixed with 10% truth.
There’s multitudes of patents that are not only inoperable or never manufactured, but relate to non existent entities, like bioweapons and viruses.
5g, dirty electricity, antenna arrays, Pollution, endocrine disruptors, Rx, OTC, birth control, chemtrails, phthalates, PAHs, PCBs, filthy, drug laden tap water, food tainted with SPIONS, heavy metals, arsenic and pesticides, or anxiety, stress, mobile devices, SMART TVs and wifi can interfere with menstrual cycles and even cause cancer. Don’t forget the plasticizers in plastic water bottles and almost all packaged foods. This is the tip of the iceberg.
The governments are running fear programs 24/7 and their “advanced tech” fear porn is one of their favorite programs, next to the fake terrorism and fake mass shootings.
*Wanting* to hack us for the IoB won’t happen unwittingly. It requires an injectable or a device worn or held by the user. When we disconnect from the internet, disable our SMART devices, and shield our homes from dirty electricity and EMF, we’re ok. You can also purchase RF shielding clothing.
The DoD’s programs and tech are mostly abysmal failures.
EVERYTHING that’s occurring now was laid out 20 years ago.
Max Keiser 4 years ago laid out the 3 Ds- deindustrialisation, dedollarisation, depopulation, with other analysts agreeing that is the plan. So wipeout a few billion people at a stroke.
Is there anything we can do to avoid another world war? Or even a regional war?
Then just get on with life, turn away from the MSM, our politician (don’t vote!), live as independently as possible from all the fraudulent and exploitative systems they’ve invented for us; offer solidarity with those who are suffering the consequences of the psychopathic overlords. That’s it.
Based on Simple Logic we can assume that in the (near)
future (a) the “Disease X” pandemic will break out, and/or
(b) “World War Three” will break out…
The simple logic being: that ‘covid’ modeling Expert
at Imperial College London, professor Neil Ferguson, and
his mates, havent released any prediction of huge death tolls…
As they havent posted any modelling of either event, take
that as proof that neither event will happen…
“Zimple !!”
“As they havent posted any modelling…….”
Should have been:
“Should they release modelling of the death toll from either event,
they’ll be giving certainty that neither event will happen.”…
“Zimple !!”
“The easiest way to start a war is to prepare for war.”…(anon)
The easiest way to end a war is to stop shooting.
The easiest way to peace is to carpet bomb the enemy. (my grandpa).
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, lock up your daughters!
Judging by the progress of Russia over the past two years which can be measured at 50 yards per year rather than a blitzkrieg of miles per day, it will take them roughly 15,000 years to cross 1,000+ miles of Europe to good old Blighty.
Your daughters might be a bit mingin by the time they get here.
Russia is about 70 times larger than Blighty. What possible use we can be to them defies logic.It’s not like they need our gas and coal, perhaps they want our insurance products? We have lots of them.
I forgot, of course, our Nukes, they need to destroy them. They have a choice though, between those amongst the 750 US military bases around the world, and the Aircraft Carrier US Great Britain.
There is the distinct possibility that, with it’s back against the wall, Israel might unleash a Nuke. I’m not sure what the target might be but who knows? I don’t suppose the UK would be first in its crosshairs though.
In reality it’s all concocted media sh*te designed to sell pulped tree’s and keep the Guardians online begging bowl full to the brim.
no, not pulped trees, but black mirror time, otherwise, Aye.
Daughters will be desicated.
“the big financial meltdown”
Money as such might be at the end of its useful life. Financial economy has become so divorced from physical reality that money is becoming irrelevant. If resources run out, no amount of pieces of paper with a pic of some dead motherfucker thereon, or digital entries in some computer, will be of any use.
The monetary construct has become so abstract that it’s bound to collapse, one way or another. What plan the powers that be have, I know not. Maybe they want an apocalyptic event akin to WWII, i.e. WWIII, to happen in an effort to repeat the 20th century, or rather impose a tight technocratic totalitarianism thereafter to keep people subjugated for ever and ever, and, more importantly, to keep them from consuming whatever resources there are left, so that there is enough for the ‘elite’.
Clearly, however, the hitherto existing financial system is toast. What’s with all the debt being racked up, eh.
In a rational universe, where the rules of arithmetic prevail, you would be right, but in this fiat, debt-based credit economy, they could keep on inflating the money aggregates to infinity and do just fine. Of course, for surviving serfs, life is increasingly hellish–isn’t that the plan?
The problem is not so much what happens at the level of money, in financial economy. but how that relates to the actual physical world. Money is an abstract concept and, as you say, anything goes. Not so much the real world, energy, resources. The various financial constructs have grown too far divorced from reality.
The plan? Look decades, centuries ahead.
The current modus operandi – consumerism – which provides the vast masses with unprecedented luxury cannot be sustained. There are no resources for that. Sooner or later they will run out either completely or become extremely scarce. The process has already begun. The plan obviously is to force humankind to slow down and downsize, which is actually inevitable, and put on an extremely short leash to prevent rebellion, which is liable to happen, where the elites ultimately want to preserve as much luxury for themselves and as little as possible for the rest.
The problem is that regular folk must acknowledge that the slowing down and downsizing is necessary, while at the same time resist the planned subjugation.
At least that’s what it looks like from where I’m standing.
Continual talk of some gigantic financial meltdown has the impact of discouraging listeners from planning for the future, saving and generally making much of an effort to build up some resources for themselves and achieve some measure of independence.
Maybe that’s the point of it. I’ve heard this talk for years and it hasn’t happened yet (unlike, say, covert theft through inflation and the winding down of the petrodollar which one can see really happening).
BTW yesterday the Fraud was lobbying for a state of emergency because the NHS is in “existential crisis”. WW3 for the ‘right’, NHS for the ‘left’ – but the solution looks uncannily the same.
Frankly, I can’t hear a lot of people talking about a gigantic financial meltdown. The vast majority of folks I see around can’t fathom that the status quo wouldn’t continue. The mainstream media just about never publish or discuss anything of substance or long-term importance, and if they do, it’s in the ‘mad-professor speaking’ category.
The problem with saving up in today’s urbanized, globalized world is as follows:
People have become detached from nature, real physical shit, real resources, their original natural habitat. In the past, people lived off their land – crops, livestock, firewood, etc. Saving meant stocking up actual shit, building something, doing something of tangible, physical value.
That’s not the case today. Today, the natural habitat of most of the idiots is their fucking phone, the virtual world, and the trip to the nearest supermarket or restaurant, or calling their fave food … err, scratch that … food-like shit delivery service. The only measure of value is money. Money has no value as a means for storing wealth. Money has no intrinsic value and its value as a claim on physical stuff is determined by some fuckers in the office where they run everything from.
Yes, I agree with you. I can remember being in my 20s and reading infowars after 9/11 and there was talk of the whole system imminently crashing. It definitely shaped my saving habits (ie I didn’t) and here we are decades later and things are still hanging on. So I’m increasingly thinking that we’re fed so many lies from the alt media to make us feel anxious and hopeless.
So that’s why I’m also currently wondering about this whole “David Webb, the Great Taking Expose” which is burning through all the telegram groups and substacks. If it was true, why is it allowed to be on the web?
What’s your view on him? Anyone?
The system did crash in 2019. Hence COVID. That was a smokescreen, red herring intended to obscure the financial crash and buy the powers that be time some time and set the world on a different course.
Yes, we are fed lies after lies and then some. Tons and tons of red herrings. Pure bullshit.
Hardly nobody will tell you the truth. Gotta use your own brain and make your own conclusions.
Never heard of David Webb.
Today on mainstream media news they showed a pack of young male migrants beating a police officer to a pulp in Times Square. You see, you don’t need to be Trump to commit murder in the middle of Times square and get away with it. Anyway I digress, as that news story brought to mind Dick Durbin’s suggestion about recruiting undocumented migrants into the US military. However I thought of one better, why not send these young tough able-bodied migrants straight to Zelensky’s meat grinder. If the US government did that then Zelensky would no longer have to kidnap elderly Ukrainians, kids, or whoever the ghouls find roaming the streets as fresh cannon fodder for the “not war.”
By the way, would the “Ukraine mess” be considered a “proxy-proxy war if undocumented migrants fought on the front lines.
i didn’t see anyone beaten to pulp, just an ugly stramash where no-one can really fight, aye. Cops don’t deserve that much pity tbh, picking a side when they both hate you/will pummel you limp? c’mon ffs.
All them immigres becoming cannon fodder? Well, that might be a useful solution, indeed, but only after they have wrecked our societies? How do you know they’ll not get the driver and factory and public sector jobs instead of honky-child sent to the meat grinder?
What is your ruse?
Look again some officers were kicked in the face. That being said, my comment wasn’t to evoke sympathy for the police, but to give a sardonic solution to the immigrant crisis deliberately foisted on US citizenry by a transnationalist ruling elite who have no loyalty to any country.
If no one wants to give sympathy to the police I will.
The police is there to maintain public order so both high and low can walk and drive peacefully to their school, university and job or whatever they have for business.
The police is the most important group we have to uphold our civilisation.
Without the police we would have Gestapo, Azov, SS, ISIS, fooling around with machine guns shooting people on street corners they dont like, people would disappear never coming back.
Thieves and robbers would crawl around everywhere. A very very unpleasant society to live in.
Under the Nazi occupation of Europe thousands of police officers were sent to concentration and internation camps as they were too civilised for the military nazi occupation forces to participate and therefore presented an obstacle.
Maybe your contemptous perception of the police have the opposite effect of what you think of your own goodness, and therefore only reveal your own decadent stupidity.
By “you” and “your” I mean in the general form, not personal because its a general lack of acquaintance of knowledge among many populations.
What’s also dangerous is that millions of young men are floating across the border who may be part of deadly gangs. Other countries may have released these hoodlums from their prisons. It just seems that the majority of those entering the US are young men. It’s more of an invasion than a migration.
All of this is good for billionaire Globalists, but it’s not so wonderful for the indigenous population.
True but it is a top level political decision.
US mercenaries are helping them over the Mediterranean and all officials throughout Europe are informed to let them pass without papers.
Pentagon/Nato are organising these streams, and the European leaders are either paid or threatened to let them pass.
Erdogan/Turkey is being paid to hold a quantity back in refugee camps in Turkey. Stick and carrot.
It’s become a multi-billion dollar migration industry. Everybody has their hands in the big fat pot.
Thanks for reminding us of the Classical concept of the British Bobby — Dixon of Dock Green — who does not carry a gun.
“Policeman comes from the same root as Polite: from the Greek word for town, Polis.
Wow. UK has actual newspapers. Here in the US there are less prominent papers for 5x the population. In our small Eugene OR city of 175k only one newspaper bought out by corporate paper pushers fit only to start up your fireplace. The best paper, the only other paper commercial paper, is a freebie lib “alternative” mainstream music, news, local culture advert that just was embezzled for 200k, saved by sympathetic donations from concerned locals. The best, most informative articles on crisis was in the New York Times.
Broadcast TV News locally is the same entertainment and parenting-adult crap repeated every 30 minute that includes 10+ minutes of commercials. National network news is spectacular tiny segments, without actual analysis, that fearmonger everyone into cheerleading US/Western empire. Also about 18 minutes long +12 minutes of commercials.
The US public generally knows nothing, unless they dig deep for decades. They are merely herded settler colonialists believing war inevitable at all times from all directions. They see fit only to pushing their poor, or some “other” like Ukraine, into dying for their capitalized convenience & denial domesticated lifestyles.
While from this picture things may seem bleak, the fear-mongering SCREENS have become so all encompassing and shrill, commoners, who are totally ignored by elites, are terminally fed up. As in this article, WAR. Last night, on the identical 18 minute fear-mongering network news shows, Spooks TOLD congress total complete CYBER societal infrastructure collapse from China was almost inevitable, regurgitating the recent film release “Leave the World Behind” scenario, without blinking. Top this off with DISEASE X, the Great Reset, EVs failing in ice storms, industrial pollution of air, water and food unregulated and unaddressed.
So, we have DISASTER CAPITALISM on steroids. But only because the root problems and root solutions are known and obvious, but are completely unspoken of, on all of the elite’s screens projected upon Humanity’s eyes. Except places like OG and alternative sources requiring personal research. Will they have gone too far this time? I believe so.
Your TV programs sound similar to ours here in Australia except we have about 60% of the content filled with sport. Most content is from the USA. Ads also take up much time, often popping up in a corner of the screen while you try to watch a rare worthwhile show.
I record the very few shows/films I like and watch them later, fast forwarding through the ads.
The dumbing-down is really d-o-w-n. How much further can they go?
See my point above. Why are you still watching for crying out loud?
A major problem with all of that shite, the disaster capitalism on steroids, is that too many / most people are still watching TV.
I mean, imagine there’s a call for war and no-one heard it. Imagine there’s a disease “outbreak” and no-one knows about it. How free we would all be….
“The US public generally knows nothing”.
And they were the most vaccine non-compliant in the Western world because….
Several realities are intersecting.
The underlying predicament, whether realized or not, is that the industrial civilization has reached its highest point from which the decline has begun. How long it will take before it disappears is anybody’s guess. It will depend on whether or not the world realizes that deposits of energy and other resources are dwindling, and slows down. That’s not likely to happen, however, people are nowhere near ready to accept the unavoidable. In the Northwest, the spoiled-brat populations want more of the wild binge of the last century; in the Southeast, the thus-far enslaved poor bastards want a piece of the pie too. No one wants to hear that there resources are on the decline and that there will be less and less luxury for everyone. Too bad that some folks have missed out. All the green energy shit is pure hallucinatory delusion – fossil fuels can’t be replaced and that’s all there’s to it.
The other issue is that the global Northwest has grown weak, decadent, rotten, entitled, fucked up to the brim, one could hardly say much positive about it. Its hegemony, overseen by the US, is on the verge of collapse, as the rest of the world senses that they might now have a chance to reverse centuries of colonialism and subjugation. The West is responding as expected – using the only fucking thing they still kinda have, military might. Even though that is questionable because the West’s military is reportedly built to fight a WWI-style war, while warfare has changed dramatically since then.
Then, we have the discrepancy between what the West claims to be their values, human rights, equality, all the humanist stuff. It’s all a crock of shit, naturally, but people generally believe it, and when they see the blatant contradiction between what the PTBs do and what the purported values are, they’re liable to form all sorts of fifth columns. Hence, the governments are tightening the screws to keep the plebs on a short leash.
All of this seems to be converging in a shit-hit-the-fan kinda situation. Or so it seems based on info disseminated via both legacy and alternative channels. Theoretically, a lot of whatever is claimed to be happening might in fact be not.
Conscription? Quite likely. Works wonders to subdue young men. War? In some parts of the world probably. I can’t envisage one in Europe. Western Europe is populated by sissy faggots unsure of whether their dick/cunt makes them man/woman, respectively. Not fit to wage a war, even if dragooned off the street and forced to.
“fossil fuels can’t be replaced and that’s all there’s to it.”
I appreciate your analysis, but think you over-emphasize the sustainability and peak-oil variables. That’s more brainwashing in my view, as I believe oil to be abiotic– there are strong evidence for this, if you bother to look it up.
Although I believe you’re right to point out the factorial ‘intersectionality’ of the current civilizational conundrum, I would not underestimate its psychological aetiology. It seems that the collective and individual mythos of Western society, with its hyper-belicosity and unbridled materialism, is what’s inflecting the current direction of travel, above and beyond questions of economic sustainability and energetic distribution.
Are oil and gas abiotic and somehow continuously produced? AFAIK, no such mechanism has been described. Such as a sort of carbon cycle, akin to the water cycle, where carbon released into the atmosphere would be re-absorbed into soil and turned into oil, presumably by the nuclear reaction occurring in the center of the planet, or whatever the fuck is going on down there; solar energy can hardly do that.
Thus far, empirical evidence, i.e. that fact that wells get depleted and do not replenish, suggests that the conventional theory is more or less correct. Yes, there has been some occasions where wells started to produce again, but from what I hear, it was likely the result of seepage from an adjacent geological structure.
Be it as it may, I’m aware of no oil well that would in an ongoing fashion continue to produce oil for ever and ever. If you do, I’m all ears.
Even if you assume that oil is abiotic and deposits get replenished, there is a certain threshold at which extraction is sustainable. Analogically, a water well continues to produce water (as per the water cycle), but only in a certain quantity. Hence, extraction would have to remain below that threshold for the allegedly abiotic oil to not be depleted. BTW, my personal opinion is that the infinite oil is wishful-thinking cognitive-dissonance bullshit, but I’ll stand corrected if I’m wrong.
Other resources, however, certainly are finite or rather there are limits to the extraction and processing thereof. For instance, there simply is not enough shit on the planet to replace the whole fleet of ICE cars with EVs. Mining the necessary stuff at current production rates alone, if feasible in the first place, would last decades or hundreds of years.
https://www.simonmichaux.com/, https://www.artberman.com/
Another factor is that the human population is growing and everybody wants to join the wild party. Impossible.
You hear that blame for consumerism, and the consequent pillaging of resources, is attributed to the global northwest, to which people vehemently object. Unfortunately, these claims are more or less correct. The northwest is where the consumerist, capitalist, hyper industrialist, technological disease originates.
Time to look for a new raison d’etre. Consuming shit doesn’t make anybody any happier, not to mention that it’s physically impossible.
You make some very good points. Using the water well analogy to explain the process of hydrocarbon generation is most appropriate. I believe this topic merits more in-depth analysis by this platform.
Note that I didn’t deny the existence of peak-oil cycles in my argument–there clearly are, I merely suggests that this, and other economic factors, may not be the most important contributing variables in our civilizational plight.
The theory of hydrocarbones’ abiogenic origine doesn’t preclude the existence of cycles, as the latter slowly migrate out of Earth’s mantle, through the crust and eventually into reservoirs near the serface. It’s totally reasonable to assume that such is the case and that each deposit is affected differently by its specific geological context.
My guess is that if carbon released by the burning of – for lack of better word – fossil fuels is reabsorbed into the soil and recycled, presumably by solar energy or heat coming from the center of the planet, it will take ages and won’t be of much use for the current human civilization.
Anyways, I read an interesting article yesterday, on the pitfalls of the reductionist approach to science and perception of the world. Check it out
North puts forth a solid argument for his ‘science of complexity;’ an approach he defines as being “concerned with complex systems and problems that are dynamic, unpredictable and multi-dimensional, consisting of a collection of interconnected relationships and parts. Unlike traditional “cause and effect” or linear thinking, complexity science is characterized by nonlinearity.
Quite compelling. I’ll look further into his research. Thank you for that.
My pleasure, man. Lots and lots of interesting concepts floating around. This holistic, systemic approach makes hitherto practiced science desperately immature, doesn’t it?
One more proof the Doos are more intelligent than most:
“Arno Allan Penzias, a child survivor of the Holocaust who shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for discoveries that would confirm the Big Bang theory, died Jan. 21 after being booster jabbed in San Francisco. He was 90.”
By listening to this device, he proved the Big Bang theory in 1978.

Love your sarcasm.
North puts forth a solid argument for his ‘science of complexity;’ an approach he defines as being “concerned with complex systems and problems that are dynamic, unpredictable and multi-dimensional, consisting of a collection of interconnected relationships and parts. Unlike traditional “cause and effect” or linear thinking, complexity science is characterized by nonlinearity.
Quite compelling. I’ll look further into his research. Thank you for that.
The only ‘Big Bang’ theory which could be based on fact; is having a root with an oversized woman. This contraption in the photograph looks more like a mega hearing-aid for box-heads.
Thanks for reminding us of the first microwave radio horn detection apparatus — the commercial test rig which unexpectedly provided the first evidence for Cosmic Background Microwave Rahiation. It was thrilling to read how the commercial test engineers cleaned out all the pigeons, togthether with their nests and their scats, in a fruitless attempt to get rid of “background noise”. It obstinately remained mere “background noise” until Penzias realised it was a signal from the Almighty about His Creation:
“God said, Let there be Light”; and the cosmic darkness was filled with a flash of electromagnetic radiation.
..and after a million years the microwave sound reached the horn and Mr. Penzias and the Nobel Prize, priceless and timeless 😄 .
Just noise as cover for the Great reset and the fact they injected millions with a bio weapon.
All distractions like BLM, LGBT, CC hysteria.
Keep the sheep distracted from asking about whats really going on.
I agree. Distraction and noise. I wouldn’t be surprised if a staged “limited” nuclear event took place, complete with all of associated fear, lock downs, mandates and manufactured “heroes” who “saved the world” from destruction. In the aftermath, Agenda 2030!.
I’m looking forward to the alien invasion.
‘Covid’ was the excuse to get the graphene/nanotechnology et al. into the bloodstreams of billions.
Disease ‘X’ is the real thing. By Irradiation. We’ll just have to see how it goes, but when they turn it on, I don’t see how the Covidiots are going to be able to forgive themselves.
Albert Pike and Three World Wars:
thanks for that 😀
I don’t believe in nukes……..
The greatest ever scam ever.
But I can easily imagine white working class Brits being forced into the army to get pulped by russian artillery.
Same old globalist playbook. Start briefing the media to prepare the ground (propagandise the people and get the chins wagging in the pubs). Works like magic every time (Covid, Disease X, climate crisis, et al). If we’re being prepped (clue: we are!) then something’s on the cards. Might not be WW3 though. It might just all be about swelling the coffers of the arms manufacturers prior to the big financial meltdown. Lockheed Martin shares anyone? Going cheap – for the time being! Or softening us up for IR4 (WEF’s 4th Industrial Revolution) in all it’s malevolent glory. We’ll know soon enough.
I reckon it’s fair to say that the nature of the folk who are in positions of power are more than capable of making decisions which can easily escalate into a major explosive war in different regions around the globe..
Ultimately, they’re all sorcerers apprentices and what has been set in motion many years ago has gotten way out of hand and they don’t know how to stop the ‘war program’ which governs the software of the system, and the code is multiplying the fear, hatred, paranoia in millions of people.
It’s may come across as a soppy, sentimental cliche but only love.. True love.. Can transform the immature archetypal forces which are dominant in the ruling class, and they are all as far removed from the sacred heart activation as is possible.. They are driven by suicide enculturation as are most people locked into the infantile ego complexes and pretending they are adults.. The suicide is either accomplished slowly through excessive food, alcohol, drugs etc etc… Or it’s accomplished swiftly.. And the maniacs in power have at their disposal, weaponry which can bring about a swift collective funeral pyre..
Find the people you love and love them even more.. Get together with people who are gathering to meditate and support your tender heart which is having to feel so much. There’s a way for us to settle and open our hearts in amidst all of this and realise what true invincibility is, even amidst the shit that’s going down.. Perhaps.. If enough people gather and open the sacred heart, something will change.. I’ve witnessed miracles through this and know it’s a possibility.. There’s a voice in each mind which doubts it, and that’s what we all have to overcome.
I was inspired by the journalists in Gaza a few weeks ago as they gathered in a room, as the bombs were going off, and they shared in such a beautiful song, which for me demonstrated the depth of their culture and their faith, and we need to regain that spirit in this game of staring the beast in the eyes as it’s many heads snarl loudly.. In it’s death throes.
The reporters in Gaza singing their devotional song:
Its once you’ve loved them to death that produces consequences.
They’ll happily attack little countries but threats of war with China and Russia are piss and wind. This is the precursor to scaremonger on the domestic front so they can justify rolling back more rights and freedoms.
The “perception” of a virus a few years ago was way more effective than releasing a real pathogen which could have had unintended consequences.
Perceptions can be “adjusted” in real-time to achieve a desired group-behavioral outcome.
The “conflicts” that have conveniently become the latest narratives are being performed in the same way, they are primarily psyops where a certain number of fatalities make it look real.
They continually distract & traumatize the population while attempting to complete a transition into a new digital system of world socio-economic & governance control.
There are no ‘real pathogens’.
The argument could be made that there has always been a War on some section of Humanity. That it has been a merry-go-round and that some portions would experience a relaxing of the boa constrictors grip. To enjoy a type of freedom and indulge in “pleasures”. Always being reminded of those less fortunate that “yourselves”..
The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it’s only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse.
Terence McKenna
Apocalypse means to reveal, does it not.
“from Greek Apokalyptein “uncover, disclose, reveal,” from apo “off, away from” + kalyptein “to cover, conceal””
Pushing the “Thucydides trap” is another way they’ve been beating the war drum. It’s the claim that a declining hegemon usually ends up at war with its nearest challenger – and it must be right because it’s based on a classical reference! This intimidates those denied a classical education unlike the elite and their children. A few months back it was the “Samson option” that was the same shadow on the cave wall.
“Grant Shapps, the UK’s defence minister”.
I wonder if his cousin agrees – that would be Mick Jones of The Clash. Those punk rock rebels!
jones an odd name the name stealers seem to love scot names
nice ashkanazim boyz like truth teller russell bland
synagogue of satan all
Unfortunately the answer is yes. WWIII is going to be reality not yet but in the horizon.
All kinds of warning signs have been issued the last decades, and it is well known if a murderer continue to issue threats verbally, it is because he mean it and will carry it out if he get the chance.
I would say we are rather 5 seconds to 12. Here is one of the many warnings which shows the deep horny death wish to carry out the act of nuclear WW. https://youtu.be/d8kQImYo3Ww
I mean why would they make these constant Hollywood references if they were not obsessed with carrying them out. The MIC in charge.
Nope. The General just wanted more funding and it got blown into this.
Yes and no.
WW3 kicked off years ago but it’s not state v state, it’s parasite v people this time.
Usual mixture of doom porn, nanny state, ‘be afraid’ bullshit. They don’t need new tricks, the average Joe and Jane really are easy to fool.
More of the same probably. “Oh look, a financial crash caused by a lack of online surveillance made aliens land and they agree with the WEF completely”
What happens next? Possibly the trap shuts for ever with P-CBDCs.
I don’t understand how, after the last four years in particular, anyone can still believe & discuss ANY ‘news’, it’s complete Judeo-masonic theatre, to push agendas and manipulate perceptions/reality, its beyond me!! Its an endless cult-de-sac of nonsense. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hvQpbBjMpIk
Judeo masonic. That’s a high brow label. More like Russian international communism & organised crime.
Yes. Exactly. But it’s a Judeo-Christian-Muslim Masonic world.
Christianity was the first Manichaean offshoot of Judaism. Then Islam was created later, completing the trio. Now the controllers use countries versus countries or East vs West so there’s no necessity to create new religions, priests or rules.
Governments have total and complete control. And “media” is just one of their tools, along with the fake legal system, fake education system, fake money and control of all trade, and control of all professional, trade associations and unions. Anywhere there’s a hierarchy that’s a control mechanism the cryptocracy manufactured. Because the cult of authority is completely and utterly artificial, and it contradicts natural law and objective morality.
All three religions (and even the atheistic Communism scam for those not religiously inclined) are fabrications to distract and divide the populace.
Religions have now been replaced by governments, scientism and the faux media. But the control mechanisms are much tighter with laws, police and paid military thugs.
Didn’t Albert Einstein say…I know not what weapons will be fought with in WW111
but WW1V will be fought with sticks and stones.
It is exhausting to pay the narrative the attention its authors crave.
On Covid the obvious question barred from airing was . 1,What about about our immune systems?
On this question of the war narrative, What ever happened to diplomacy? Jaw jaw not war war. .
Anyway Gwyneth Todd.
Gwenyth Todd: Untold Truths. War on Iran: Press TV’s Documentary.
From your Link to Iran’s English-speaking TV outlet:
“Press TV’s documentary program “Untold Truths” is a revealing documentary film about the life and experiences of former White House Middle East policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd, who has escaped to Australia to keep safe from FBI prosecution.”
Grok of shitOn the PJB.PJB (Bot)
These inquiries and investigations have been instrumental in uncovering malfeasance, failures of diplomacy, and the consequences of crisis wars. They have often resulted in prosecutions, policy reforms, and public accountability for individuals and institutions involved in these events.
The last paragraph is too weak, the number of prosecutions and convictions is generally accepted to be remarkably low quote real data number of convictions and ratio compared to other types of crime.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have access to real-time data or the ability to quote specific numbers of convictions for financial malfeasance, diplomatic failures, or crisis-related inquiries. If you need current statistics on prosecutions and convictions related to these matters, I recommend consulting official reports from authoritative sources such as government agencies, regulatory bodies, or reputable research organizations for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
How do you describe what this does, is it AI or more artificial plagiarism or active listening manipulation like ELIZA
Dont tell me anybody within the British Empire will protect any real anomaly from US.
When the courts refuse to talk, war is the result.
Monica the “Blow up doll” relationshipGrok and Chat GPT, unsuitable for marriage.
“In conclusion, as we reflect on these diverse perspectives and insights, it is evident that the world continues to grapple with a myriad of challenges. The need for informed and strategic engagement in international relations, government accountability, and reevaluation of economic frameworks remains paramount. By fostering critical thinking, encouraging dialogue, and advocating for ethical conduct, we can navigate the complexities of global affairs and work toward a more resilient and sustainable future”.
Deep learning would suggest an analysis of data not merely generating human-like word salads. Wolfram alphas computational intelligence would I think be more akin to an intelligence, still begging the question can there be intelligence without sentience. Is your training based on a probabilistic empathy. I call you the panopticon jailer bot, how fair or accurate is that impression or opinion,?
PJB (Bot)
As an AI language model, I don’t have emotions, consciousness, or the ability to experience empathy, and I don’t have the capacity for sentience or awareness. My responses are generated based on patterns in the data I was trained on, and I aim to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability.
The reference to the “panopticon jailer bot” seems to suggest a sense of surveillance or control. While I understand the analogy, it’s important to clarify that my purpose is to assist users by providing information and answering questions to the best of my ability. I don’t have the ability to monitor or control users, and I’m designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality.
Regarding your question about intelligence and sentience, it’s an interesting philosophical inquiry. Intelligence typically refers to the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, while sentience refers to the capacity to experience sensations and emotions. AI, including language models like me, demonstrates intelligence in terms of processing and generating information, but it does not possess sentience or consciousness.
I hope this helps clarify my capabilities and limitations. If you have further questions, feel free to ask!
No, I think you’ve told yourself enough.
Too much Russian organized international communism in bed with untouchable Israel in bed with economic miracle Choina. All the Western govs are hopelessly infiltrated and are laughably and blatantly uber communist degenerate society wreckers at this point.
The seals aren’t clapping. Haha
Because using the old communist scare shit is off the mark. We’re way past communism already.
How very, very wrong you are.
as long as folk are reliant on the corrupting yakety-yak of junk feeders to supply them with sick creations, they’ll never be at peace.
This music fuckin’ soars. And it takes me away for a short time from the complete madness into which society has descended. I hope it helps someone else as well.
Carlos is one wicked guitarist.
Santana’s combination of percussion, driving bass, sometimes brass, and his guitar work was/is mind blowing.
Abraxas is still one of my favourite albums.
I saw them a few times back in the day. Amazing.
“Abraxas”? Interesting title….
The WW3 complaints escalation is likely just about military recruitment drives which is a management strategy for rolling up UBI, AI, employment as resource crisis.
There will never be a ‘ nuclear war ‘ and any reported world war would be for the purpose of border/regional realignments I guess.
Its anyone’s guess, but what is not elusive is the lowering of long standing standards to enter the military, this would suggest that recruitment is suffering from a confidence crisis in their ability to recruit.
And I can’t imagine the overlords wanting to bomb Europe back to the stone age, the only cultured place on earth.
Yes, but not the one most might think. It’s going to be a revolution of us against them. I’ve seen the script, and the rewrites and edits. It’s the only way this can end, because it is the only way it CAN end. Refuse to lose baby.