Biden in Rags
Edward Curtin

“You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him now, he calls you, you can’t refuse
When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You’re invisible now, you’ve got no secrets to conceal”
Bob Dylan, “Like a Rolling Stone”
It’s always encouraging when a country’s military commander-in-chief – President Biden, in this case – announces in advance that he knows how he is going to respond militarily to the killing of three American soldiers at a base that supports an illegal and immoral U.S. “covert” war against Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, and all those who oppose the US/Israel slaughter of Palestinians.
Such anxiety to show antecedently that he’s not sitting on his hands is touching. It’s the kind of announcement that all great military leaders make. It is the kind of arrogant stupidity that has long been the norm for U.S. presidents who love war but lose them all while masquerading as conquerors. So it goes, and so it will go.
To add to that, Biden says he doesn’t want a wider war as he creates one, since you can always take him at the opposite of his words. Yet he really has no secrets since his transparent corruption is almost palpable: He supports the Israeli/U.S. genocide in Gaza, the Ukrainian war against Russia, has expanded the war in the Middle East over the past few weeks, and will soon widen it further while the mass media report that he and his cast of fools are trying to “manage” their violent responses to prevent a wider war. The narrative has it that he is trying to outfox Netanyahu, who has often bragged how he has the U.S.A. in his back pocket.
It is hard not to laugh derisively. Now Biden issues an executive order to sanction some Israelis on the West Bank, as if this blatant political move to help his election chances with Muslim Americans is an act of moral statesmanship, while the blood of over 27,000 Palestinians drips from his shaky hands and increases daily.
My guess is that he will, as CIA veteran Larry Johnson suggests, execute his militarily meaningless bombing late today, Groundhog Day [He did – ed.], not so much because he has to endlessly repeat similar macho acts of a Napolean in rags (which he does), but because the South Carolina primary is tomorrow and acts of war are appealing to the state’s military connected voters.
Additionally, to timely “avenge” the lives of the three black soldiers killed in Jordan might help Biden with the crucial black vote in this primary that will positively launch his reelection campaign or set him back on his heels.
Acts of war have long been the magic rabbit American presidents have relied on to bail them out of political jeopardy and to show their macho toughness. In this case, as in others, such as Trump’s 2017 attack on Syria with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles for the false accusation of Syrian chemical weapons use (a continuation of Obama’s war against Syria), the actual damage inflicted is often minor while the headline grabbing showmanship is major.
That these presidents legally justify these acts of war based on the war authorization Congress passed following September 11, 2001 is telling. The so-called war on terror and a supine Congress is the gift that keeps giving the warfare state carte blanche to attack and kill whomever it damn well pleases.
In Biden’s case today, these are the actions of a desperado, a war-loving bumbling puppet who is over or under or out of his head as he feigns outrage at the killing of three soldiers who were placed in a spot where their lives were at risk because they were cogs in an imperial war machine.
Pawns in the game. A very dangerous game in which the Zionists leaders of Israel are as desperate as Biden and whose secret operatives are no doubt plotting a desperate scheme to try to expand the war. Who is jerking whose chain may be questionable, but the dogs of war are barking.
“When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose.”
As Finian Cunningham has just written, “Biden has led U.S. imperialism out of the quagmire of Afghanistan into an even bigger quagmire in the Middle East. With the goading by his equally brainless political rivals, the Americans are plowing further into disaster.”
No rival politician to Biden dares challenge his allegiance to the Israel Lobby and what the inestimable CIA veteran Ray McGovern calls the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex, (MICIMATT), for they too are captives of it. A small demurral on this or that minor point they may make, but they essentially support the imperial hubris of the warfare state and its symbiotic relationship with Netanyahu and his ilk.
We are talking about very stupid leaders who have never learned from their losses and are risking a major war.
Cunningham writes:
“With over 50 military bases strung across the Middle East in 10 countries and with over 50,000 U.S. troops stationed in the region, the Americans are sitting ducks for the resistance. The advent of drones and newer missile technology is a new realm of warfare the Americans have not adapted to with their land garrisons in remote deserts and gaudy warships…They have no idea what is coming to them given the long history of U.S. aggression, provocation, and illegal occupation in the region.”
There are even many usually astute critics of U.S. foreign policy who have recently claimed that the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) recent ruling was a win for the Palestinians, which it was not, as the ICJ appointed Netanyahu to “prevent and punish” those responsible for “genocidal acts.”
Should one laugh?
The savage Israeli attacks on Gaza continue apace with 124 Palestinians killed in the past 24 hours and well over a thousand killed since the ruling. Spinning the ruling to accord with one’s hopes and well-intentioned wishes will not help the victims of the genocide but will only intimate that international law is somehow still operative when it is not.
So the emperor has no clothes or is dressed in rags and we all await Punxsutawney Joe to tell us which way the wind blows.
“He’s not selling any alibis/ As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes/And say, ‘Do you want to make a deal?”
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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It is important to keep in mind that Joe Biden has no mind. Well, not much of a mind, anyway. This man is clearly dealing with severe stages of dementia and is in no way in control of his own life, let alone the (once) mighty US empire. Biden isn’t in control of his own life, so certainly not the United States. No one who continuously forgets where he is, even what day it is, and cannot form coherent thoughts and sentences or even read from a teleprompter correctly can function on their own, let alone work in a leadership position. Somebody else must be calling the shots. They (whoever “they” may be) are deliberately parading around a puppet with no agency of his own as POTUS.
But to what end? To keep the pretence of democracy afloat? When you’ve got a man like that clowning about as POTUS you’re clearly deliberately communicating that someone else behind the curtains is exercising power. It is in fact in and of itself a statement of power: “We’re controlling this guy, he’s not actually “President”, your vote doesn’t matter.” So as salient as the points are that are being made in the article, it’s an imperative to remember that it’s not actually Child Sniffler Joe who’s pulling the strings – as someone is clearly pulling his. And they seem to be hellbent on taking the whole world down with their empire. Ordo ab Chao, anyone?
And yes, one can debate the extend to which this puppeteering of Presidents and Prime Ministers in ostensible democracies has always been the case. Surely in the US since the assassination of JFK, at the very least. But the point is that they’re clearly showing all of this this now, for all to see. So the next question arises: is this purposefully done, or do they just not care anymore? Is sincerely keeping up the appearances of democracy simply too much of a hassle? I cannot shake the thought they’re doing this on purpose, to slowly prime the public for more overtly authoritarian leaders. It is but a small silver lining that the Biden family are so universally hated by pretty much every ordinary folk that maybe some of this disdain can morph into disdain of authority and government in general, as the authorities will continue to make life worse for the 99% regardless of which ogre occupies the Oval Office.
A seemingly minor point, but one actually highly significant, already raised by at least one commentator elsewhere… Why attack what one understands to be a smaller installation just across the border in Jordan, when the real ulcer is the larger American base squatting close by in Syrian National territory? I’d suggest that if not a false flag operation anyway (quite possible), the three US servicemen were killed in occupied Syria, and “Jordan” was given merely to divert from the fact of the American presence in Syria.
Yeah. Jordan officially stated it wasnt in Jordan. The occupied have a legal right to defend themselves. The US and Israel are occupying Syria.
Besides the bases in Syria and Iraq, the current attack on Gaza led to the revelation of a secret base in Palestine itself.
Biden once said Trump will create WW3 in power if attacking Iran, now he is creating it.
While I agree with you here, the thing to remember is neither biden or trump ever really called the shots. Declaring war is way above that paygrade.
Correct. “The Deep State…considers global conflict as the price to pay for maintaining its largesse from the US taxpayer. Continuous warfare is its only business product.”…Philip Giraldi, 11/7/2019, Strategic Culture
– Aeschylus
Only a highly indoctrinated cult could inflict so much devastation upon other human beings. “Normal” people aren’t “average”; those who possess a healthy conscience are the true best of humanity, but letting yourself succumb to a superiority complex that allows you to justify hurting others is a sign of mental weakness.
However Bad You Think Israel Is, It’s Worse“However bad you think Israel is, you can always be sure that information will come out later that proves it’s even worse.”
This song demonstrates the out-of-touch lunacy of fellow zionists Genocide Joe & Bibi the Butcher::
Biden & Netanyahu React To ICJ: ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now (Genocide Remix)’
Donald Trump Says He Is No Apprentice When It Comes To Israel
“The only [candidate] that’s going to give real support to Israel is me. The rest of them are all talk, no action. They’re politicians. I’ve been loyal to Israel from the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me. The only one that’s going to give Israel the kind of support it needs is Donald Trump.”
~Donald Trump, May 9, 2015
Me too. As a holocaust survivor the EU and especially Germany owe me money for the suffering they imposed on me and all my family members. Therefore I support Israel.
Israel cant find a more REAL Israel supporter than me. In this aspect Trump and I are two sides of the same coin!
Its not about money, its about feelings for someone close to you who have a heart of gold.
Update on the World Court Case and subsequent UN Security Council meeting a few days ago with short videos of the speakers, just in case you didn’t have or take time to follow the whole thing:
There is certainly a slightly uncanny resemblance between Biden these days and Yuri Andropov in his final months in power in the Soviet Union. That said, Biden hasn’t been a bad President, and neither was Trump actually – vastly better than their two predecessors.
There is no resemblance whatsoever between Biden and Andropov, whether in the latter’s final months, during his tenure as head of the KGB or since he’s been in the grave, except that one is dead and the other brain dead. And to claim that Biden and the venal Trump were “not bad presidents”, in contrast (none) to the preceding incumbents of that o-so-noble office, shows all the discernment of a bot.
“Bread and Circuses”.
Endless… distractions…
All of it has been scripted and orchestrated to
keep everyone engaged,
distracted, and either
Most of it is all “Wag The Dog” 101.
Chris Hedges, bless his covidised mind, described it thus: ‘War is a force that gives us meaning’
Rubbish! Chris Hedges is anti war & anti imperialist. You’re either misquoting or taken the quote out of context. Source that quote, I Dare You!
I’m not Johnny, but here’s a “source”:
I’m intruding with this response because it pushed a button. I have some issues with Hedges, so I’m not really a fan these days. But I read and enjoyed, or appreciated, this book. As you suggest, it is indeed an “antiwar” book.
However, once I started reading the book it became clear that Hedges and/or his editors and publishers had chosen perhaps the worst possible title for the book. I suppose I picked up enough information about the book’s content from Hedges interviews to finally read it, but for a long while I was put off because without context, the ambiguous title sounds like a ringing affirmation of war.
It turned out that Hedges didn’t mean “war is a force that gives us meaning in a good way”, but the title suggests otherwise. In this regard, it reminds me of Randolph Bourne’s widely-repeated observation that “War is the health of the state.” 🤔
All leftists are anti-war and anti-violence and wants peace. Thats why they are fighting all these wars, and why they create all these camps
Edward Curtin, through reading your works and book, you have reminded me, how I used to be as a child, with a friend (a Roman Catholic Priest – family friend) who we all trust – especially me – when I had given up religion and over the years continued to argue with him, about life,love and God, mainly by long handwritten letters.. He was actually a bit of a rebel for writing and preaching the truth as he saw it in his travels – a bit of a missionary too in Africa (not endorsed or paid for by the Catholic Church) Not just a holy man, but also a lot of fun. Whilst for years, we kept in contact, he kept promising too, but never actually turned up to meet my girlfriend, until she was my wife.
Nice Man. Holy Man. It’s hard to explain – but with some people you can see and experience the goodness of their soul even if they are a total Athiest.
The light shines out.
If he was still alive now he would be ex-communiated re his views of what’s going on in Palestine
You really are a prick
Maybe it is better to misunderstand a song’s lyrics. To make a song mean what you wish it to mean, rather than what it says. Letting the imagination run wild. When ignorance is bliss ‘n all that.
And then to a casual half-listener, Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone” can evoke dreams of being a rolling stone, of living the free, anonymous life. Or visions of geriatric Biden as a Napoleon in rags.
Those delving a little deeper into the lyrics might start to suspect that they don’t imply that at all. That they are more likely to be the proud attack of someone who, having achieved a modicum of fame, now scorning the anonymous ‘rolling stone’. Mocking those now ‘beneath’ him; those little people who once jilted him, ‘never made it’ and are forced to go cap-in-hand to “Napoleons” in rags. As wealth scorns poverty, so fame scorns anonymity.
And as a song’s lyrics can be misinterpreted (whether deliberately or otherwise), so can the meaning of world events. Nowhere more so, than in the Middle East.
A problem that mind-numbing repetitions of ‘genocide’ and its synonyms, doesn’t help to resolve. And niether does the view that all world crimes are committed by the US and Israel, whilst other nations are wholly free from sin. The world is a tad more complicated imho.
Dylan recently said that none of the lyrics of his songs mean what they used to mean. It was a comment on how everything changes with time and circumstances.
Can’t build the house with only one tool
“The scene from the movie “Masked and Anonymous” where Jack Fate (Bob Dylan) encounters ex rebel/soldier (Giovanni Ribisi) who became disappointed in his cause and abandoned fighting.”
Repetitions of the word genocide occur, but so do repetitions of acts of genocide.
What has been clear for decades if Genocide Joe is addicted to genocide, as for the ICJ the first ruling was unequivical, STOP KILLING PALESTINIANS, THIS IS NOT AMBIGUOUS
Nice people get killed.
Parasites fly over in their jets.
It was clear that the US would ultimately follow the same path as its nemesis, the USSR. The path down the drain, that is.
It appears that the Russkis have managed to reinvent themselves and are now on the rise. It’s the Amerikanskis turn now. Their situation is exacerbated by the fact that the whole occidental civilization is on its way down the tubes, due to 1000+1 factors.
We’ve had the chance to live through the most luxurious times in human history during the decades leading up to the convid hoax. Now, we’re blessed with being able to observe how the whole fucking thing is starting to collapse. The Titanic has hit the iceberg, and is sinking.
Fasten your fucking seat belts, it’s gonna be quite a ride.
Those who survive will wake up to a completely different world. Now’s the time to jettison all the anachronistic baggage and look to the future. To propose new concepts to reinvent the world.
Errm always supposing there is going to be ‘a future’. Those who survive will wake up to a completely different world. You’re fucking right they will. Where, when and who is there going to be a future. But I’m 79, so I don’t give a fuck.
You should give a fuck until the end. Why? Because we are men!
We are Devo!
Some are but not all. You cant claim Dirty Harry is Devo, nor Stallone or the Terminator. Mike Tyson was also the real thing. Not Devo!
Only bs’hitters are Devos.
when did it become sane to scrutinize the decisions of lunatics ?
When did it become sane to not scrutinize the decisions of lunatics?
when the mental cases were confined and without influence.
Yeah. Why should we let lunatics decificer for us what lunacy is?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-02-03. 120k USA children “DIED SUDDENLY”. CV jab myocarditis–not rare, mild, or transient. IVM 2nd penicillin (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
For thousands of years the historical pattern has been the ruling elites do unimaginable evil and perversion first to their own tribe/people and subsequently to others around the world using noble sounding verbiage as a cover to justify their wickedness, hubris and murder. Another aspect of this pattern is, the lower classes: meaning the poor, the peons, serfs, tenant farmers/sharecroppers, hourly wage workers etc. rarely rise up to overthrow the overlords. The best they seem able to accomplish is temporarily halt the machines (during the industrial revolution), strike, boycott or engage in non-compliance.
Today, at best some will whine about the US,UK, Ashkenazim genocide in Gaza but do nothing about it. Most will pretend not to see or know what is going on so they can still believe this could never happen to them. Meanwhile the ruling class’ psychopathy is rapidly metastasizing and spreading towards them and their families.
On the topic of elected – or, as is increasingly the case, unelected – heads of state, I recently had an amusing discussion with my wife about the old technique whereby an analyst would determine your possible senility by asking who the current prime minister was. At one time, if you didn’t know – or got it wrong, that was a sign of losing your marbles. But now …. well who the fuck can recall who the prime minister is anyway? By this time, any sentient being should have realised it matters not a jot.
I’m beginning to think 0ld Karl Marx, in his numerous
Writings, was trying to elucidate his belief that “We’re
all Jews now !”, or, “We’re all becoming Jew-like !”
There’re that Old Jewish Saying, “When there’s only
two choices, choose the third one !”
Well in The USA they’ve three choices – Trump, Biden,
or bobby jnr…All three are decidedly very pro-Israel, so
even the third choice is The Same !”
Or as Elon Musk said in a recent interview: He’ an “aspiring Jew.”
“Make Usury Great Again” (MUGA) wasnt an intention of the
Protestant Reformation; Its leading members condemned
the usury prevalent at the time (as did Jesus)…
(The people’s customs were being shoved aside by The Law)…
There’s much written about Usury, next to nothing written
about Emotional Usury, an essential aspect of the Emotional
Economy of capitalism…
And then there’s Emotional lobotomies which billionaires develop
when gathering-in their billions, and which Intellectuals appear to
have undergone, too…
States are practitioners of Emotional Usury – they EXPECT your
loyalty and give little in return (Capitalism’s ‘Unequal Exchange’)…
After his mid-20s, Marx stopped mentioning Jews, and switched “bourgois”, a word always left untranslated.
The word ‘bourgeois’ (you spelled it wrong) derives from the French for “town-dweller” and referred originally to the artisans, crafstmen, guildsmen & merchants of moderate means who live in a town – as opposed to the peasantry & the aristocracy. It now has a broader meaning of the “managerial” wealth bracket in general and a cultural meaning of narrow-minded materialism. The traditional English synonym is “middle class”.
It does not either historically, literally, culturally or figuratively mean “Jewish”.
It’s bourgeois. I think. Did he write anything in the mid-20s!? I think he wrote the Communist Manifesto, when he was 30, along with with Fred Engels who was 27 – Then there were the piss-ups. A good boozer round the corner from the British Museum Library. Made a point of sitting down in O7 his favourite seat in the Museum.
Biden? I don’t think so, it’s above his pay grade and the dude doesn’t remember where he is half the time. That’s just falling for the prescribed narrative, i.e., “it’s the president, man”. Therefore, we need a new one. The Zionists are behind all this and U.S. presidents and Congress’ simply follow the script. Until that is fully recognized, the show will go on.
Brilliant. Thank you. I am sending copies to my Congress & Senate Rats with the headline:
Why 50-75% of Eligible Voters Never Vote for Either War Empire Party
“Leaders” are only recognized as such by the people who choose to be followers. Choosing to be a follower is the termination of a lifetime of choices and the opportunities they afford. As a follower, you abdicate the responsibility we each have to make our own best and informed individual choices and, thereby, the best outcomes for society. It is always challenging to find compassion for those who have surrendered their innate sovereignty to the self-appointed elites who are entirely devoid of character and caliber. Although many of the follower class see their behavior as that of good citizens, I would argue instead that good citizens welcome the responsibilities of making informed and moral decisions.
Yeah, pretty much everyone is tired of and disgusted with killers calling from their pulpits to cheer on more killing. Rags or naked, only other killers, or those too dense to see that is their motive, applaud them. There’s more of us than them, so I’m taking every tiny little win I can on getting closer to stopping them, while being no less disgusted.
The trouble is, out of 8 billion people, the majority of them are natural followers.
Part of the purpose of Ukraine seems to be as a gigantic system of outdoor relief for the otherwise unemployable children of the likes of Biden.
I have no illusions about Biden or other Demcrats but compared to the amount of damage that Republicans have done, and will do in the future, to the fabric of American society and our economy they’re relatively harmless. Right leaning politicians have often yielded to the temptation to tolerate or even encourage social extremists because this provides a level of grass roots support that their agenda couldn’t openly command in an ostensibly democratic society. They figure that they can always control these groups but as history has shown us time and again they can’t and the result is invariably fascism (or ‘authoritarianism’ — same difference).
So while we’re stuck with an unsatisfactory choice remember it could get a lot worse. Not for everyone, of course — part of the appeal that the right makes to the masses is based on a sort of lottery where there’s always a winner — or at least the illusion of a winner — to maintain a semblance of credibility. So you’ll always be able to find individuals, working Joes like you or I, that are strong, independent and Doing Just Fine without Government Interference (so if you’re not then its Your Fault). There will be a chosen race, a chosen class, a chosen anything you can aspire to — if nothing else you have a secure job in the police lines keeping those commies under control. Its a con, of course, but generally people don’t figure it out until too late (and even then they’re easily replaced).
Ah! The unparalelled success of Dem. run cities/states in US !
I live in a “Dem run city” and it seems to be OK.
Our state (California) used to be solidly Republican, we introduced people like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan to the national political stage. Unfortunately the R’s got so bad — economic mismanagement, focus on divisive social issues and general miasma of self-centered incompetence — that it switched into the mostly Democratic state we know today. There are outliers but they’re characterized by a focus on social issues (Huntington Beach) and (lame) conspiracy theories (Shasta County), just plain weird to the rest of us.
Yes, we can do better. But we can also do a whole lot worse. The same is reflected at the national level. Spending the federal government into insolvency (so you could “drown it in the bathtub”) might sound like a good idea, especially if you’re on the receiving end of that spending, but all it does is weaken the country.
O boy, one of those.
Here is what the Republicans did to Democrat States, exported all their social problems to the Leftists so the do-gooders had to live with tents, needles and faeces on the streets.
Bad bad Republicans.
After that the Republicans forced the Democrats in Philadelphia to send $40 billions of tax money to support the war in Ukraine.
Bad bad Republicans.
Here is what the Republicans also did to the slaves in the South and the Democratic Party.
Banned slavery and gave the slaves guns so they could defend themselves against Socialists in the Democratic Party who were organised in Ku Klux Klan.
Bad bad Republicans.
KKK was hanging run away slaves from the cotton fields in front of a burning cross because Democrats dont believe in God. They are atheists and use only the Christian faith as a cover.
They believe in the Pagan Gaia which need human blood as fertilizer from time to time to be satisfied. “The Democrats care for our Nature”.
Bad bad Republicans.
Not saying the Republicans are better people than Democrats in general, but Free man, Family, God, King and Nation in this priority seems for me as a little more attractive ideology, than the Democ-rats hypocrisy.
It wasn’t the KKK who brutalized run aways, it was the “owners”, the “Patty Rollers,” Militia and any white person who did so under the cover the the Fugitive Slave Act which was first codified in the US Constitution Article IV Section 2 in 1787! History has shown American evil and depravity are bipartisan, it’s usually psychopathy and money that make Republicans, Democrats, Whigs Free Soilers etc. bedfellows.
I tend to agree. Therefore I wrote ideology to grab on some fact.
The Republic Party was founded alone to ban slavery and establish some civil political rights and the important freedom right for every man.
Ku Klux Klan was founded alone to obstruct and kill anyone who supported this political aim.
Democrat Party has fought that Republican ideological foundation ever since.
But, as you point out its easy to find ugly bugly on both sides and we should not be naive.
…. be naive to rely on labels only.
Psychopathy, and psychopathy pumping up the two party illusion, trying to suck the life out of everything good and every forward motion towards life. However, don’t let a psychopath try to define what a psychopath is. They’re pretty tricky.
It’s time to stop voting for the lesser of two evils and dispense with the uni-party.
Not really, the time for that was a long time ago.
Right. Just could end up with a more covert form of evil. Different fingers on the same hand.
Helloooo-ooooooo! Anybody home?
“Is there anybody out there there there? I can only hear you in waves. I have become comfortably numb.”
300 000 Republicans died in the Northern States fighting for abolishing slavery and introduce civil rights.
Even today the Democratic Party have not moved an inch since 1865.
They are STILL working for racism, division and are against any civil rights for we the people!
Was it your intention to flush out the pro-Republicans
on this forum ?
We do not have ‘leaders’ in the sense of this article, they are middle-managers of a corporation which can be found on Dun & Bradstreet.
As corporations they are controlled & steered by the global central-banking system, all under the jurisdiction of the international commercial legal-system called Unidroit.
And THEY are most likely under the galactic bankers
An installed President who’s only decision is regarding his choice of bed time drink.
If anyone believes this incompetent fool is making any real decisions, they equally need medical attention.
A satanic corrupted pedophile as POTUS….whatever happened to the American dream?
Well, you voted them in, you installed them, so you are responsible for what they are doing.
Maybe it is somebody else here who are satanic corrupted pedos and incompetent fools?
If you didnt wanted them there, paid them for being there, they would never be there .
So only yourself can answer the question of why you didnt wanted the American dream to be realised.
The only thing Carlin probably didn’t realise is that leaders are selected, not truly voted in, and they are sluiced through the systems Carlin mentions by our controllers, not on merit (as can be readily seen by their mediocracy) but on the basis of how suitable they are in terms of their corruptibility (previous crimes and/or willingness to be bribed). So, no matter which candidate the gullible public vote for, the overall agenda remains the same. These are structural problems, not just the public’s laziness or self-serving hopes.
Carlin doesnt vote. I dont vote.
If more people didnt vote, and more people didnt participated in the show, it could not be upheld.
We the people refuse to take upon ourselves the obligation and the co-responsibility. We pay the politicians for doing our dirty work.
How do you know you do not vote?
Can you check after the event to see if your name voted for any said party?
Yes. It is registered in the Ministry of Interior. Thats why you have to register in some or another way your ID to be allowed to vote.
It is only WHO you voted for you cant see.
If you dont vote, it is being registered.
“A satanic corrupted pedophile as POTUS….whatever happened to the American dream?”
That even a satanic corrupted pedophile can become the POTUS; is that not the American dream?
No, it’s not. That’s a nightmare, wherever you’re at.
It’s a job qualification. Makes them obedient to ‘Higher Authority.’
Very few Americans, or any other people for that matter, unless they are spiritually evil, want a Satanically corrupted pedophile as their leader; such an idea is beyond the ability of most of them to even consider.
Yes, but isn’t that the problem? They are asleep by definition. Asleep at the wheel, you are definitely going to crash.
That’s the human condition, but it’s not something people consciously desire.
It’s not about ‘consciously.’ You have to consciously face and integrate your shadow. Otherwise you will still constantly see it projected outside, unable to see it as a part of you. Your own negativity, the enemy within perceived as external and ‘not-you.’
So as Gurdjieff liked to put it, the bulk of humanity are asleep, and are husks with an outside but nothing inside. And that has become crucial.
Unfortunately, the vast bulk of humanity, is, and forever has been, largely incapable of doing that.
That being said, the American Dream is not to be ruled by corrupt, Satanic pedos. At this point, America, or what used to be America, is essentially a husk, and whatever comes to fill the vacuum is likely to be immeasurably worse than what came before it, because its inhabitants, awake or asleep or fitful, no longer share a common purpose, morals or ideals.
One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb
The American Dream – you have to be asleep to believe it.