The Resistible Rise of The New Normal Reich

CJ Hopkins

So, the German authorities have filed an appeal to overturn my acquittal in criminal court last week. Apparently, their plan is to keep putting me on trial until they get a judge who is willing to convict me of something, or to bankrupt me with legal costs. Silly me, for a moment there, I was actually starting to believe this was over.

Let me quickly review how I got here for anyone just tuning in.

I am an author and a political satirist and commentator. In August 2022, I posted two Tweets criticizing mask mandates and making fun of Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Minister of Health. Both Tweets included an image from the cover artwork of my latest book, The Rise of The New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021).

The German authorities did not appreciate those Tweets, so they (1) had them censored by Twitter, (2) had Amazon ban my book in Germany, and (3) dragged me into criminal court and prosecuted me on trumped-up “hate crime” charges.

Last week, a judge acquitted me of those charges, after which she launched into a tirade in which she insulted me at some length, and then strapped on a “Covid mask” and stalked out of the courtroom. During her diatribe, she made a big show of proclaiming that, by acquitting me of the fabricated hate-crime charges, she was proving that “Germany is not a totalitarian state” … you know, the kind of totalitarian state where books are banned, political speech is censored, and dissident authors are harassed by the police and subjected to ridiculous show trials.

The judge didn’t have much choice but to acquit me, because the relevant German law is clear, as my attorney had reminded her in his pretrial pleading, and because my case had received some international press. Also, the public gallery was packed, and there was a fair amount of independent media in the courtroom.

Unlike the German mainstream media, which have been churning out government propaganda like the proverbial Goebbelsian keyboard instrument for years, and which were too busy covering the totally-organic government-sponsored mass demonstrations against the government’s only political opposition to devote any attention to my political prosecution, the banning of my book, government censorship, and so on, some of the alternative German media are still interested in actual journalism.

The prosecutor, who appeared to be drunk or on some kind of high-grade sedatives, was very clearly unhappy to be there performing in front of a sold-out house. He spent the proceedings hidden behind one of those Plexiglass “anti-Covid” panels that cashiers still have to sit behind in grocery stores and other retail establishments, so I couldn’t make out every word he slurred. The gist of his argument was, although I didn’t intend to “disseminate pro-Nazi propaganda,” I nonetheless “disseminated pro-Nazi propaganda,” by comparing New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany, and “unnecessarily using a swastika in an artwork.”

My favorite part of the prosecutor’s argument was made in a pretrial pleading to the court, not during the actual trial itself. He accused me of “relativizing the Holocaust” because he claimed that comparing New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany is factually inaccurate, which assertion is revealing, and just staggeringly ignorant.

Here’s a translation of the excerpt from his pleading (emphasis mine):

…the accused is interested in relativizing this Nazi tyranny, which is also the aim of supporters of this ideology in a different form. By specifically using the swastika, the accused equates the crisis management measures of the years 2020-2022, which came about within constitutional procedures and were enacted and implemented by and through democratically legitimized institutions, with the dictatorial methods of the Nazi regime and thus – regardless of his intention – promotes the normalization of National Socialist ideas and actions.”

Of course, the history of the transformation of Germany into a Nazi dictatorship by means of “constitutional procedures and democratic processes” is extremely well-documented. In the election of July 1932, the Nazi Party won 37.3% of the vote and became the largest party in the Reichstag. On January 30, 1933, von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Germany’s chancellor.

In the aftermath of the Reichstag fire, Hitler convinced von Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree, which severely curtailed the liberties and rights of German citizens. And then the Enabling Act of 1933 was passed by the Reichstag on March 23. This law gave the government the power to override individual rights prescribed by the constitution, because of a so-called “state of emergency.” All this “came about within constitutional procedures and was enacted and implemented by and through democratically legitimized institutions.”

The judge did her best to stop me from reciting all that history in court, to prevent me from “relativizing the Holocaust” again, right there, in her courtroom, in front of everyone, or to prevent the prosecutor from coming off as a jackass, but it was too late, her questioning had opened the door.

A hilarious episode then ensued, in which the judge projected king-size enlargements of my Tweets on a screen with an overhead projector, like the ones they used to use in elementary school, and then interrogated me at considerable length about whether the swastikas in the offending artwork were “on the mask” or “behind the mask.” For a moment, I considered requesting a recess in which to ask the artist, Anthony Freda, to prepare, sign, and telefax a notarized affidavit to the court explaining the details of his creative process and his state of mind at “the time of creation,” but I remembered that it was only 6AM in New York, which I thought might be a bit too early for Anthony.

Yes, the whole trial was as farcical as it sounds, but, the thing is, prosecutions like mine are never meant to make it into court in the first place. The game the German authorities were playing is somewhat like the plea-bargain game that the prosecutors play in the USA, which American readers will be familiar with from watching all those cop shows on television.

The way this game works in Germany is, they charge you with a misdemeanor crime, and hit you with a hefty fine, but one that is significantly less than what you will have to pay a lawyer to fight it in court. They are counting on you just paying the fine, and avoiding a trial, where a judge can double or triple your fine or even sentence you to prison. It doesn’t matter if they have no actual legal arguments to support the charges. It’s basically just a bullying tactic.

I have never responded well to bullies. I have an aversion to totalitarians, fascists, and other such authoritarian control freaks who get their rocks off intimidating, and dominating, and preying on the weak. My natural instinct, when threatened by bullies and other varieties of fascist creeps, is to get all up their faces and call their bluff.

Which doesn’t always turn out so well. Cops, for example, will just beat the living snot out of you if you get up in their faces, as will most of your hardened criminal types. But it typically works with petty public officials and other such “respectable authorities” … or at least those who are forced to maintain the appearance of adherence to the rule of law and fundamental democratic principles.

This is an important point, because it is The New Normal Reich’s “Achilles Heel.” I explained this in a previous essay, Pathologized Totalitarianism 101, back in November of 2021.

New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate ‘global health crisis,’ and a ‘climate change crisis,’ and a ‘racism crisis,’ and whatever other ‘global crises’ GloboCap thinks will terrorize the masses into [a state of] mindless, order-following hysteria […] This pathologization of totalitarianism is the most significant difference between New Normal totalitarianism and 20th-Century totalitarianism.

In other words, this new, emerging form of global-capitalist totalitarianism cannot afford to look like “totalitarianism.” It can’t put on jackboots and black leather trench coats and start goose-stepping around with big fascist-looking banners, and putting people up against walls and shooting them, at least not here in the heart of the empire.

The only way this form of totalitarianism works is if people like my judge, and the countless thousands of New Normal Germans that have been out in the streets here displaying their unquestioning allegiance to the Reich, and demanding the banning of political opposition, and the segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” or displaying solidarity with Ukrainian neo-Nazis, or supporting Israel’s liquidation of Gaza, or whatever they’ve been instructed to unquestioningly support or display solidarity with tomorrow … the only way it works (i.e., this new totalitarianism) is if people, and not just German people, but Americans, and Brits, and Canadians, and Australians, and “Good New Normals” all throughout the West, are allowed to keep telling themselves and each other that they’re “the good guys,” the ones who are “defending democracy,” as they march us down the road to totalitarianism.

Yes, I know, I’m repeating myself. I am going to keep repeating myself. Because the only way this doesn’t all end in an extremely ugly and dystopian scenario is if we get through to those “Good New Normals.” I’m not talking about trying to convince them of anything, or winning arguments about “the virus,” or “vaccines,” or Israel, or Trump, or calling them names. I am talking about confronting them with what they are doing. I’m talking about short-circuiting their mental programming — even if just for a few fleeting seconds — by holding an accurate mirror up to them, and forcing them to look directly into it, and recognize what it is they’ve become.

That is what I did in criminal court last week. It’s why the judge was forced to acquit me, and why she felt compelled to deliver that tirade, and strap on her mask to make a big statement. She could have convicted me. She probably wanted to. In her mind, and in the minds of most New Normals, people like me are existential threats. However, to convict me, she would have had to watch herself make a mockery of the law and behave like a fascist … like a totalitarian functionary.

Call me a hopeless idealist if you want, but I have to believe that somewhere deep down inside even the most fanatical New Normals (or most of them anyway) is a decent human being, with principles, who does not want to be a fascist (or a least doesn’t want to look like a fascist), and who can still be reached, if they can be forced into the position that judge was forced into last week. I have to believe that each brief short-circuit, each momentary glimpse at themselves in the mirror, cumulatively, over the course of time, is eating away at their mental conditioning.

In any event, that’s the theory I’ve been operating under for quite a while. I guess I’ll try it out again at my next show trial.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 10, 2024 5:18 AM

Meanwhile in a parallel universe somewhat resembling a London railway station:


David Ho
David Ho
Feb 11, 2024 9:40 AM

That security guard probably follows his wife around and then grills her every evening, threatening to have her arrested for wasting his time for lying to him.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 11, 2024 10:12 AM
Reply to  David Ho

That’s actually a police officer. You can see his blue “police” badge in a few shots and in the mirror.

David Ho
David Ho
Feb 9, 2024 4:34 AM

It maybe the name of the new vaccine for Disease X has been leaked from the Asset Management Bioweapons Laboratories.

David Ho
David Ho
Feb 9, 2024 7:42 AM
Reply to  David Ho

comment image

David Ho
David Ho
Feb 9, 2024 1:43 PM
Reply to  David Ho

comment image

David Ho
David Ho
Feb 11, 2024 9:27 AM
Reply to  David Ho

comment image

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 8, 2024 11:57 PM

Congratulations on your victory in court! Whether you are an idealist or not is not the issue. Good for you however, sooner or later most astute folks will come to the realization we are living in a Kakistocracy a society ruled by the most evil, depraved, demented and psychopathic among us. In 2024, most people especially those in the West, have been terrified by the constant fear mongering and fear porn to the extent their brains no longer function holistically. https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/impact-fear-and-anxiety, https://www.ajmc.com/view/the-effects-of-chronic-fear-on-a-persons-health
During and after the COVID Psyop people have been conditioned like Pavlovian dogs to respond in predictable fashion when the oligarchs and their minions ring the bells, push the buttons or broadcast particular narratives. Human beings want to belong and need to feel safe; but folks have been/are being terrified and duped and they think conformity makes them safe. They think that by complying with our psychopathic overlords, the plutocrats will treat them better; sort of like the Stockholm Syndrome or a person in an extremely volatile and abusive relationship thinks their abuser will lighten up if they just submit to them. The psychopathic elites are never going to lighten up nor give up their agenda which is to own and control planet earth. So now what?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 8, 2024 10:52 PM

I presume other people here have seen this already, but I must have missed it. She’s a big star, apparently!

Billie Eilish Reveals She Had a Bad Case of COVID
The Howard Stern Show
Dec 13, 2021 #BillieEilish #SternShow #HowardStern
Billie Eilish discloses she got COVID-19 in August and praises the vaccine for stopping it from spreading to her loved ones.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Feb 9, 2024 1:17 AM

Heavily promoted (or rather pushed) on people for reasons unknown, has a bad case of popping up all around the web, can’t sing, pulls silly faces at any given opportunity.
I can only assume she like oter Z rated celebs is asset that was rolled out to influence the masses into doing anything the controllers wated.

What’s not to like for a generation that doesn’t know what real talent is.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 9, 2024 11:22 PM

Beautiful example. These kind of people are world stars in the year 2024………LOL.

She got Covid AFTER the vaccination (like most vaxxed I personally know of) but it was not the vaccination which caused it…..bimm….bimm.  😜  😜 

Feb 8, 2024 5:03 PM

Godfrey Bloom gives the fullest and best sitrep of New Liebour’s role in the New Boer War: the unsymmetrical war between small Farmers who tend livestock and crops, produce meat, veg and dairy on the one hand, and the big battalions of Capitalist Minions in Capital Cities who skim the cream.


Feb 9, 2024 4:28 AM
Reply to  NickM

Small low-tech farmers produce healthy food efficiently, as proven beyond doubt. Yet, “democratic” forces continue efforts to bankrupt, criminalise or evict them. Their cronies produce poisonous food low in nutrition, or enslave us through various forms of hustle.

Feb 8, 2024 1:28 PM

I salute you for your courage! In time of great tyranny courage is one of rarest currency to have a and to hold!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 1:06 PM

A new study shows the vaxx saved the lives of 1 out of 15 cases. We should focus on the positive things here in life and not always on the negative! Lives WERE saved!!

This is my opinion and I have the right to have my free speech and my voice being heard!

Feb 8, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

‘Lives were saved’ is totally unproveable. Remember when we were told that someone had died with covid but would have been worse if they had not had the vaccine? The sound of face palms were deafening but still some retards just could not see the irony.
I remember being told that a good way of dismissing so called statistics was the following analogy:- 9 men assault a woman therefore 9 out of 10 people approve of assaulting women. Statistics can make you believe what ever you want it to be but everything in life is 50/50 eg the plane might crash or it won’t.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  semaj

All right, but you cant take away this study says 1 was saved.

Feb 10, 2024 7:29 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Unproved just as covid has never been isolated or proved to exist.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 8, 2024 9:36 AM

Sometimes it’s two steps forward one step back, but normally it’s one forward and two back.

Barbara Anne Dearden
Barbara Anne Dearden
Feb 8, 2024 7:35 AM

The authorities in all EU/UK/AUS/USA are all throwing their toys out of the pram, they know it is ov er for them and they will get more dangerous until they are overthrown

Feb 8, 2024 7:04 AM

Perhaps your show trial is providing you with much material, with more to come, for your next play. It could count as theater of the absurd, or just plain parody drawn from reality stranger than fiction. The judge’s tirade leaving her breathless, after which she dutifully dons her oxygen-depriving muzzle, in support of free speech censorship sucking the last signs of life from everyone’s lungs. And the prosecutor protecting his ‘high’ and mighty slurs (due to the vax instead of other sedative or soma?) behind his plexiglass prison (because science). You can’t make this shit up. But The Holocaust, or rather holocaust, should be relativized. Holocausts are happening every day, now and now and now. From Gaza or whatever sacrifice zone of the world weapons of mass destruction are currently unleashed, to globocap’s jackbooted march of business as usual (economic warfare) murdering millions with starvation and all manner of disease from poisoned pollution, crimes against humanity have long been normalized to become as ordinary as hell on earth. It’s all holocaustic, and there’s what makes the absolute.  When it comes to old normal folks like Nazis, we’re captive to the staged lies of Hollywood if we think simply of stock villains in black leather sadistically stalking prey. They were in their day the grand march of progress for the Volk, making Germany great again, and yada, yada, yada, just like today’s benevolent fascists out to save the day they’re laying to waste. And if it’s not the Jews or communists or other corruptions of Aryan purity, it’s covid or climate change or some crisis (almost anything will do nowadays in ‘our’ more advanced propaganda system) to create opportunities for the master class to perfect their means of power, and wage war on enemies within and without to distract from how we’re all subject to purification. So called civilization, rooted… Read more »

Feb 8, 2024 5:02 AM

What the psycho Allies did to Germany after the War caused permanent mental damage:

Feb 8, 2024 9:04 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Thank you for this link to Unz Review writings on the real history of WW II. It is a treasure trove of red pills.

Feb 8, 2024 3:17 AM

what do the rest of you do?

Feb 8, 2024 3:11 AM

London was like a Village in 1982 when my girl and me moved there..She got a job in the City in the East End…whilst I got a job in Fulham in the West End…

If there was a good band on at the Hammersmith Odeon, or Wembley and I was on early shift, I got the tickets in my lunch break…and she said (total rock chick – still is) come to the Barbican)

Totally inspired by Music and Art

We cuddled up every night and made love. She was on the pill – not yet ready to make babies…

Then we both looked at each other…

Lets make Babies….

We checked the piss tests together – and hugged each other

We are going to have a baby -we were just so happy

Tony * Wife

Feb 8, 2024 2:32 AM

CJ Hopkins,

Yes, you are an American in Berlin, and you do do Stage Plays

As you can imagine I am currently not that keen on Americans, though I do confess that when my girl and me moved from Lancashire to London, we did go and see The Clockwork Orange done live in a little theatre on the north bank of the Thames in Chelsea – and it scared the shit out of both of us. Whilst we kind of knew it was theatre, and had seen the film….

This was 3D for Real….

There was only about 40 of us in the audience….

We had seen Animal Farm Before – and then Peter Gabriel…

But the actors in Clockwork Orange…left the stage and personally terrified the audience( yeh we knew they weren’t going to kill us – cos they were just actors, and Princess Diana might have been there) She was like one of us in Chelsea. Always turned up at the Ballet on the SouthBank with her kids, as we did with ours. She was just kind of normal – like one of us..

I am sure it is pretty much the same now. Some kids are just natural actors and they go to stage school


Feb 8, 2024 12:44 AM

Israel is the new fascist country and Germany supports it. Time for a six pointed star fascist mask

Feb 7, 2024 11:13 PM

Your judge appears to have been channelling that infamous NAZI judge, Roland Freisler.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Feb 7, 2024 10:48 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-02-07. 2015 pan-CV jab: need media to create hype. ‘I’ve lost almost all my faith in the practice of medicine’ (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2024 10:17 PM

Is there no way for you to escape the country? I’m afraid you won’t find justice in that court. In Germany, if you’re innocent and being prosecuted or if you are the complainant wanting to prosecute a real crim, you may win in the lower court but will always lose in the appellate court hearing. They (whoever is behind this prosecution campaign) have the upper hand, own the judges, have more resources and energy than you.

Salvage your life, your marriage, no matter how right you are in everything you’ve laid out before us. Know when to run. https://youtu.be/YOKMVSk4j9w

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 8, 2024 1:11 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The system can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 7, 2024 7:21 PM

And “the new normal” is also the rise of the new poverty:


Pension income needed to retire jumps as family costs rise


The rise is primarily the result of rising food and energy costs, researchers said.

And we hear about “Pandemic priorities” because it seems that “priorities had changed following the pandemic”. Ooh yes it seems that that damned – but curiously convenient – pandemic has caused a lot of change, all of it benefitting those above, none of it benefitting those below.

For example, in-depth discussion groups considered that….

“In-depth” WHAT? Who are they? We’ll never know. but these are the crytpic figures telling us what’s now “the way it’s going to be”!

And – surprise surprise – the way it’s going to be is that we are all going to get shafted!

But of course these crooks know they can’t pad this off on us without a bit of divisory moral outrage:

….women face needing to work for an extra 19 years to retire with the same pension savings as men.

See? It’s the unfair sexist society we have that’s ….um …. causing this!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Women generally live 19 years more than men, on men’s retirement. But this is still not enough for women. They want more.

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Feb 7, 2024 7:08 PM

They picked the wrong satirist with which to f*.
So much of this is about the tyranny of politeness, as though by upsetting the applecart he is the most dangerous threat. It reminds me of a group of millionaires sitting in a 5-star restaurant who don’t want their happiness interrupted by the dirty masses. Instead of The Devil Wears Prada, it should be The Devil Speaks Politely.

Feb 7, 2024 7:04 PM

CJ, you’d best disabuse yourself of the fantasy that there are heroes among the pack of vampires that are the club of elites. When you have high visibility of the public watching their individual behavior they will check themselves. But once they act behind closed doors, with zero public attention, even though you may have 10 witnesses watching, this is not enough. From personal experience, these people rise because they are consciousless mercenaries for their capitalist class. Like the lawyer that tells you fairy tales about what could happen, when the prosecutor, judge and your lawyer, all BAR members, gather behind those closed doors, the prosecuted gets a whipping. If media is watching and the public gets interested and the doors are overflowing with witnesses, the massacre gets unplugged and the privatized tribunal is thwarted. This is the only way forward.

My perception is that 5% at the top and 5% at the bottom of human society are fungible sociopaths. The middle 90% have varying degrees of morality and ethics that see the truth as a valued standard for social behavior, and hesitate at becoming vampires. Our ruling class are Vampires with no ethics and will do anything to keep their status within the Club that maintains them. Once scrutiny is removed from them they go back to vampirism. The only way to stop this class, this club, is to take away their excess wealth and all authority. Without this they might self-regulate for social survival, but still require constant supervision. Imho.

You know what you have to do.

Feb 7, 2024 6:43 PM

WE stand with you C.J
big love from dallas. x

Feb 7, 2024 6:43 PM

Hang in there, C.J.! You are fighting for all of us!

I, like you, believe — or at least want to believe and try to believe — that underneath (at least some of the mindless brain dead idiocy that accepts clearly insane “New Normal” propaganda — there are some decent well-meaning people out there. Some of them are just too scared to say anything. But there is another motive as well, I think. An example: my nephew’s son, a young man in his 20s, died of swelling of the pericardium (the sac around the heart) shortly after getting his second COVID “shot.” My nephew accepted the doctor’s finding that it was just due to his being overweight. But his ex-wife did not, I learned. I contacted her and asked if she wanted support in bringing a case and fighting the findings. Her reply was “No, it hurts too much to think about it.” I can understand her point of view.

And anyway, how “new” is this “new normal”? Haven’t most people always accepted the BS put out by their governments? The difference is in the methods used not in the impact it has.

Feb 8, 2024 5:11 AM
Reply to  mjh

The global inversion and censorship of the harm was so simple: just threaten every medical practitioner with the sack or worse if he ever blames the jab. No, I have not forgotten the allied MSM lies.

Richard Pinder
Richard Pinder
Feb 7, 2024 6:28 PM

Also, the ‘Nasty Socialist’ State Prosecutors of Bavaria are persecuting, harassing and intimidating Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav, because she delivered a powerful speech in Nuremberg condemning medical experimentation without informed consent and warning of a resurgence of totalitarianism and genocidal policies in Germany. The Bavarian Judiciary is essentially considering a Survivor of the Shoa a suspect of the crime of trivialising the Holocaust! A survivor who lost her father in a camp and made documentaries warning of ominous parallels between then and now.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Feb 7, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  Richard Pinder

Vera Sharav is a liar…the only reason she gave that speech was too keep ‘the holocaust’ narrative going!🤥

Feb 8, 2024 12:35 PM

Do you have proof that Sharav is lying?
She seems pretty convincing to me.
Could you direct to anything that proves she’s lying?
Thank you.

Feb 9, 2024 12:02 AM
Reply to  judith

That is not how proof and logic work…

Richard Pinder
Richard Pinder
Feb 8, 2024 4:57 PM

Vera Sharav’s documentaries are mostly about the run up to the Holocaust, and can be seen on the Childrens Health Defense website.

If you want to see a film that shows the Covid vaccine Holocaust. Then watch “Died Suddenly” on Rumble. A gory film about embalmers finding lots of big blood clots killing the mRNA jabbed.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Feb 9, 2024 3:10 PM
Reply to  Richard Pinder

I wasn’t referring too the clot shots, I was on about her being a ‘holocaust survivor’!

Feb 7, 2024 9:15 PM
Reply to  Richard Pinder

Yes, one would think that Vera Sharav would be exempt or immune from criticism, much less lawfare persecution, on the grounds that she is manifestly a living, vibrant personification of the spirit of “Never Forget!”

Instead, I’m reminded of a US slang expression from the early 1960s, probably a euphemistic derivation of the profane version: Forget You!

When even righteous Holocaust survivors express views that dispute and defy official narratives, the overclass flips into “Forget You!” mode. 😠

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 7, 2024 6:01 PM

Sometimes truth gets a win. David Miller, a professor at Bristol University in the UK, was fired in 2021 for “anti-semitism”. He fought back in an employment tribunal suit, alleging “unfair dismissal, breach of contract and discrimination or victimisation on grounds of religion or belief”. He was actually dismissed for criticizing Zionism and, by extension, the State of Israel and, as he most carefully pointed out, being anti-Zionist isn’t the same as being anti-Semitic despite what the IHRA and similar groups insist — and he had the academic heft to back this up. (See https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-68211872 or similar) I’ve always maintained that Zionism is a curse, its a middle European ‘volk’ movement that was born in the later 19th century. (Just like another, notorious, ‘volk’ movement.) As people have done from time immemorial it hijacked a religion, invented its own mythology and developed a solid academic backing for what is really just yet another “master race” ideology. This ability to rationalize and provide academic underpinnings for power is universal but due to the German habit of suppressing anything other than carefully curated information about Nazism people don’t have the opportunity to make that connection. To them ‘Nazi’ is just an abhorrent anomaly, a skeleton in the family closet that they’d rather not talk about. I think this does more harm than good. After all, “Mein Kampf” is a very reasonable and beguiling work (albeit a really, really, tedious one) and its sheer reasonableness is not something that one should shy away from but rather learn from. After all, its not the first time that some populist has promised salvation and Good Times to the masses and then sold out to corporate interests and it’s definitely not the last. People should be aware of how these systems take root and grow and… Read more »

Feb 7, 2024 7:25 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Nazism as with Zionism would have withered on the vine without the input of huge sums of foreign political plus capital input.

Feb 7, 2024 7:44 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Mr Usher seems to have read neither any Caroll Quigley nor McGregor and Docherty’s two books on WW1.Or Anthony Sutton for that matter.

Nor has he seemingly read any Israel Shahak, else he would not talk of a “hijacked religion”

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 7, 2024 5:12 PM

Onwards CJ and onwards all who love unconditional freedom.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 7, 2024 4:54 PM

Karl Lauterbach: seldom has a public figure worn his inner mental and psychic derangement so visibly on his face.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2024 10:38 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I can think of few more from the US and Israel for instance. “We came, we bombed, they died” or however that evil quote went, ending in a cackle.

Feb 8, 2024 5:16 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

We jabbed. They died, were crippled, or survived in agony.

Feb 8, 2024 12:00 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Bearing in mind how J Ardern looked after a while in office, how they quickly had to pull S Marin of Finland off stage because of apparent coke abuse, how Merkel had shivering bouts in public and how dear old Karl is looking ever more frail I’m asking myself what kind of substances you have to take once you’ve sold your soul to the devils.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 8, 2024 3:34 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Ardern’s another one, deranged and vicious, and Tony Blair simply radiates evil.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 7, 2024 4:33 PM

“…..prosecutions like mine are never meant to make it into court in the first place. The game the German authorities were playing is somewhat like the plea-bargain game that the prosecutors play in the USA,…… they charge you with a misdemeanor crime, and hit you with a hefty fine, but one that is significantly less than what you will have to pay a lawyer to fight it in court. They are counting on you just paying the fine, and avoiding a trial, where a judge can double or triple your fine or even sentence you to prison. It doesn’t matter if they have no actual legal arguments to support the charges. It’s basically just a bullying tactic.”

Exactly – and proof that our legal system is just a farce, a rigged game slanted in favour of big money who can tilt the playing field anyway they want. It takes balls to face that and I salute CJH for not playing along.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 2:29 PM

Did everybody see what I see? Enabling Act of 1933 was passed by the Reichstag on (March) 03 23.
1933 03 23 = 33 3 3, 2+1=3, 9=3 3 3 = 33 33 33 33 =

666 33. This is real folks! THIS is evilness in real time.

j d
j d
Feb 7, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

23 + 3 + 1933 = 1959, 1 + 9 + 5 + 9 = 24, 2 + 4 = 6 = A Universal Day 6 for that date.

Feb 7, 2024 1:14 PM

With regards to the “pandemic”
They went straight for the primordial lizard part of the human brain, fear of the unknown and death.
The propaganda and fear only works if it’s based on the illusion that if you don’t comply, you will suffer and even make others suffer.
Survival instinct is hardwired, not programmed.
The very fact that you brought attention to the wizard behind the curtains, and questioned “the message” that we were all in immediate danger of death if we did not follow orders is why they fear you, the lies don’t work if you speak the truth.
I believe this is why so many people can’t wake up to the fact that they were played, their subsequent programming instills a moral code, one which wrongly has them think they are being virtuous and good by following their “leaders” instruction and to go against that instruction is a betrayal of the herd.
I believe most people, most of the time want to be good people, but unfortunately they are easily swayed by corrupt programming which they can’t decode, and it’s much worse when you can’t reprogram the hardware.
When a malious entity is leading the herd they won’t see it, because they have no reason to look.
Getting the herd to understand that someone cried wolf is the key, and we all hold that key.
I hope their attempt to punish you again fails, and if not, I hope you get to embarrass them a second time.

Feb 7, 2024 8:47 PM
Reply to  Thunderbolt

Ever been to school where you have to chant the right answer, solo or in groups, and any digression from the expected response will be PUNISHED?
Plus ca change, c’est la meme chose.
The herd is trained, for well over a decade, Carrot and stick. Push the correct button, and the supposedly ‘free’ individuals are instantly transported back to the trembling children who are afraid to argue with source of relentless authority and the one and only existential TRUTH.
Our maths master was an overweight Brazilian priest who enforced his idea of discipline with the 3ft board compass. And I won’t get you started on the Jesuit version.
Think of the education the remaining children in Gaza are getting

Feb 8, 2024 5:20 AM
Reply to  ariel

Regretting the loss of education for those children is like regretting the absence of Christmas celebrations last December: quite tone-deaf.

Feb 8, 2024 12:10 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I was/am regretting the pain and suffering inflicted on those left living. A tragedy. How will they cope, and how will it go for them? ‘Education’ in a much broader sense, if ironic.

Feb 7, 2024 12:40 PM

Thank you for this update, Mr. Hopkins.
Well done, you.

Feb 7, 2024 12:01 PM

Is Hypoxia something that concerns the German, or any other, legal/ Medical system?

How many different forms of suffocation are there? Medical Legal Economic…

Feb 8, 2024 5:22 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

The fact that no medical and legal experts (jointly) failed to fight the imposition of masks anywhere says a lot.

Feb 7, 2024 11:54 AM

More “New Normal” predictive programming. If you had any decency you would call it the new abnormal.

Feb 7, 2024 8:48 PM
Reply to  Paul


Feb 7, 2024 10:54 AM

Next time you’re in court, could you ask them to refer you to specific area on the WHOs website, that details the science behind ‘masks working’ and which also details their downside.

Masks, as an NPI (Non Pharmaceutical Intervention), need this to be detailed, as the WHO is the central source of Pandemic and Mitigation truth, whilst also trying to be Worlds Governance on Pandemics.

It somewhat makes the case against your Government.

Feb 7, 2024 8:54 PM
Reply to  TFS

You’ll never find me at their place of business.

Feb 8, 2024 5:27 AM
Reply to  TFS

Till 2019, all the research papers showed masks to be ineffective, even for flu, as the WHO website affirmed. In early 2020 June, WHO flipped its stance. That is The Science for you.

Feb 7, 2024 10:38 AM

September 15, 2022
BERLIN (AP) — The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis said Thursday that Germany agreed to pay approximately $1.2 billion (euros) to Holocaust survivors living around the world in 2023, bringing its total compensation to more than 80 billion euros.

The announcement came as Germany marked the 70th anniversary of the signing of the so-called Luxembourg Agreements, a reparations pact that made it possible for Holocaust survivors to receive a measure of justice for the Nazi persecution of Jews during World War II.

Feb 7, 2024 1:15 PM
Reply to  davetherave

‘There are so many survivors it makes you wonder how many hitler actually killed’ ~ Norman Finklesteins mother.

Feb 7, 2024 8:56 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2024 10:45 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

comment image

Feb 8, 2024 8:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

All true.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 4:22 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

It sounds realistic and plausible. Among Communists, JW’s, and other outsiders.
This figure and the ghetto racism is however still horrible.

Feb 7, 2024 1:34 PM
Reply to  davetherave

comment image

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 7, 2024 6:23 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

This practice of leaving PoWs out in the open to starve and/or freeze to death is actually German practice and, unlike the “Rheinwiesnlager” were deliberately designed for this purpose. They killed literally millions of Russians that way. The German servicemen captured right at the end of the WW2 overwhelmed the Allied armies which is why these temporary facilities were constructed. There just wasn’t the capacity to transfer them to the UK, US or Canada as had been done up to 1945.

One reason why there was so many of them was the rapid Allied advance into the Rhur (350,000+) plus the desperate flight of the Wehrmacht from the Red Army. Although the Red Army proper was under strict orders to treat the German population properly their advance liberated a torrent of slave laborers, PoWs and other displaced persons, none of whom had fond feelings towards the Germans. Add to this the sheer horror of the concentration camps and its actually quite surprising that any Germans were left alive. (Side note here — a German PoW is a camp in the US described life there as pretty good with lots of food and relatively friendly guards. Then one day they were herded into the camp theater and shown the film made about the concentration camps. This wasn’t just sobering to the PoWs, he reported that the attitude of the guards changed markedly after that.)

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Feb 7, 2024 8:35 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Are you aware of what llya Ehrenberg, the top Soviet propagandist during world war 2 said about the Germans?

Feb 8, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

On July 27, 1929, the Allies extended the Protective Regulations of the Geneva Convention for Wounded Soldiers to include prisoners of war (POWs). These regulations state: “All accommodations should be equal to the standard of their troops. The Red Cross supervises. After the end of the hostilities the POWs should be released immediately.” On March 10, 1945, Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, disregarded these regulations by classifying German prisoners captured on German territory as “Disarmed Enemy Forces” (DEFs). The German prisoners were therefore at the mercy of the Allies and were not protected by international law.2

The Western Allies deliberately murdered approximately 1 million disarmed German POWs by means of starvation, exposure, and illness. This Allied atrocity was first publicly exposed in 1989 in the book Other Losses by James Bacque. Dr. Ernest F. Fisher, Jr., a retired colonel in the U.S. Army and a distinguished army historian, wrote the Foreword to the updated version of Other Losses. I quote Dr. Fisher’s Foreword from Other Losses in its entirety:

Feb 8, 2024 5:37 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Most of those in the open-air prisons, with severe prohibitions against feeding them, were military personnel. The civilians fared no better: almost every home was wrecked, and rations were at a starvation level, meant to induce disease and death. To understand the glorious democratic liberators, look up the Morgentau Plan. The Marshall plan replaced it only in name.

Feb 8, 2024 5:38 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The mention of Morgentau sent my comment to Pending.

Feb 7, 2024 1:47 PM
Reply to  davetherave

The bombings of Hamburg and Dresden was the real burnt offering.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 4:32 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Especially when you know UK Foreign office and Bank of England found, founded and financed Hitler’s populist party.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 7, 2024 7:25 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yeah, it always seems that, by this logic, Hitler was a proxy, although he still gets a pat on the back from all the neo Nazis. I can never make sense of this. Sometimes I wonder if being an internet edgelord is more important than making consistent sense. 🤷‍♂️

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 9:53 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

To get or be paid doesnt leave people from guilt.
I think the problem is we want a scapegoat and a hero, but the cruel reality shows everybody were (or are or can be) monsters.
Jeltsin removed Russia’s best man Primakov from his government on the demand from US State Department to get a IBRD loan.
I heard in Latin a Governor of a State saying “everybody can be bought”, it was her experience.
From a keyboard point of view, we will fail on our road to get a larger picture out of all the small puzzles.

Feb 9, 2024 12:39 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The “neo Nazis”, like Hitler himself, are zionist tools. They propagate the zionist propaganda that the primary aim of the Nazis was to eliminate the youknowwhos…..
This, like the tale of the 6 million missing corpses (picked from the pages of “prophecy”), is designed to lay the foundations for exceptionalism.

By creating a picture of the ultimate evil and (falsely) repeating again and again that its primary aim is to eliminate a certain group, you easily deify said group.
If the most evil man in the world is literally dying to kill them all, they must be special ! Or conversely, he is the most evil man because he is trying to kill them and not any other more disposable group.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 9, 2024 11:46 AM
Reply to  Namelessence

There could well be some elements of truth here, but if it ties right back round into Nazi propaganda – ie. a ‘Jewish World Conspiracy’ – then the argument becomes circular. lol.

I can certainly believe that powerful forces in the West have used Jewish suffering to punch a hole in the Middle East and generally silence opposition to their machinations by raising Jews up as martyrs, as you’ve already said. In this way the Jews are human shields. And we can see now, with just a small shift in public opinion, how much hatred of Jews rises to the surface quickly. People have been tricked into a Madonna/Whore complex with Jews, many argue, which doesn’t serve the Jewish people, it in fact places them out on a precarious limb. Many argue a backlash will inevitably occur.

Jewish history is strewn with such scapegoating, the idea it’s been politically harnessed is by no means a silly idea, but those at the top benefitting from this are not Jews, they are a collection of wealthy elites of all heritages. Therefore… shall we stop buying into 1930’s ‘Covid’ by believing Big Nazi Lies about Jewish World Domination?? lol. Jewish culture generally prizes education and work ethic, sure, and consequently there aren’t as many blue collar Jews, for certain. Therefore, statistically, you tend to get higher percentages of Jewish people in good jobs with more power and influence. This can be used by neo-Nazi propagandists as ‘evidence’ to serve their ignorant prejudices, no doubt, but there are lots of ethnic patterns like this around the world, and attempting to treat any one group as a single entity based on this is… well… simplistic and daft, many argue. A2

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 9, 2024 11:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

If we analyse of the Jewish role during history, from Jerusalem, Babylon, and the tracks as refugees, whipping boys for Europe’s Royals, usury loaners and tax collectors for Europe’s Nobility, pogromes in Russia, the Biblical explanation is most logical.

The bible mentioning of “the false jews” (zionists) hiding behind the real jews.
We have the perspective. Israeli population is similar to other populations, but have a special role in the geo-political game.

And you are right. The old role as scapegoat can easily be pulled out of the sack again.
With the Royals, Nobility, Zionists, whomever, the real criminals, hiding behind.

Feb 9, 2024 11:50 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The Bank of England was controlled by Montagu Norman who had very close ties with Wall Street and was a member of the Bank of International Settlements. The National Socialist Party was financed by City of London and their subsidiaries.

Feb 7, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  davetherave

One wonder how much those same countries will have to pay the Palestinians in reparations, and I’m also minded to read Norman Finkelsteins ‘The Holocaust Industry (updated)’.

Feb 7, 2024 10:22 AM

You could always plead insanity CJ.

The insanity of the Psychos who rule!! Because they are incapable of simple human decency.

underground poet
underground poet
Feb 7, 2024 12:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The battle between the mental midgets goes into overtime.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 7, 2024 10:17 AM

Meanwhile in the US, it couldn’t be more blatant:

The Western Press Are Just Printing Straight Up Nazi Propaganda About Middle Easterners Now
“It sure is an interesting coincidence how all this mass media demonizing and dehumanizing of Muslim populations is happening at the exact same time the western empire is raining military explosives upon nations full of Muslims.”

Pandemics are not a thing. Think back through your life. How many pandemics have there been? Covid wasn’t one…I don’t believe there has ever been even one” argues Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Feb 7, 2024 10:49 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

The Western Press Are Just Printing Straight Up Nazi Propaganda About Middle Easterners Now

“It sure is an interesting coincidence how all this mass media demonizing and dehumanizing of Muslim populations is happening at the exact same time the western empire is raining military explosives upon nations full of Muslims.”

Identical psyop and news paper articles from 2015 2024 (just before the Big selections) and even the alternative media lot parroting the MSM talking point.

Moslems, Migrants. Borders- threat of war  💤 
and just like that, everyone forget about what happened to them by there own government during ovid and running back to believing the news.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 7, 2024 2:42 PM
Reply to  davetherave

An old theme. You know Moslems have banned usury for centuries, and someone are very very pessed.

Feb 7, 2024 3:12 PM
Reply to  davetherave

INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF DEPOPULATION GLOBALIZATION EXPLAINED BY K. GALALAE. This Lecture from circa 2015 ticks the boxes of the ongoing Agenda very well. I first encountered Kevin’s video back in 2016 when it was posted on YouTube. It will seem familiar ground after the past 4 years, prescient I guess you would have to call it it has aged very well. I uploaded it to Bitchute in 2018 after the mirrored upload was taken off YouTube, up to minute 4.45 of the original upload to Bitchute is the original introduction recorded by Kevin. In the introduction Kevin has a neutral almost apologetic tone regarding what he is about to set out, he says something about it being for everyone’s benefit. On the principle of not shooting the messenger whether the messenger is advocating for or neutral upon the message being conveyed I think this video is so heavily banned for a reason I think it is largely accurate and at the time it was published I found it shocking and it has taken the Pandemic and The Extensive Taboo around 5G to convince me that this information is largely accurate and true. https://grubstreetinexile.substack.com/p/international-system-of-depopulation The international system is a complex structure that encompasses various methods and goals aimed at controlling population growth. It operates through a combination of chemical, biological, economic, and psychosocial means, all of which are orchestrated to achieve specific demographic targets. I have enjoyed C J Hopkins’s writings for many years now that his farcical persecution continues is regrettable. An old internetism was don’t feed the troll, The Internet has become the troll In the Daily Mail, this morning an article appeared regarding Tucker’s Putin interview. As I write this, the article this morning had 3500 comments it is now showing 1700. The comments were about 2/3 to 1/3… Read more »

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2024 10:58 PM
Reply to  roger

And this paper:
Kevin Galalae Turning Nature Against Man

Feb 8, 2024 3:34 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

That paper was way ahead of its time. All the toxic onslaughts–air, water, food, cosmetics, vaccines, etc–were deliberately designed to depopulate. These toxins were not just mistakes and greedy corporations cutting corners to turn a profit. No, no, no. There was always a hidden agenda to sicken, sterilize, reduce longevity and depopulate.

After Covid it’s all so clear now.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  roger

I just cannot get the figures to fit. China has 11 million natural deaths each year out of 1,3 billion.

If we interpolate this figure x 6 (7,8 billion) = 66 million die naturally of age, sickness, traffic, globally.

So when I see the small excess rates from vaxx and other figures it doesnt add up there should be a depopulation due to toxics. Statistics lie.

On the contrary we get older than we did in the times where UK mostly were working in coal mines and cotton fields.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 7, 2024 10:55 PM
Reply to  davetherave

As regards the US-Mexican border opening – the Darien Gap – I listened to a worrying interview between Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein. There are some pretty wealthy Chinese people coming into the US via this leaky border… Listen to the tentative insinuations by Bret Weinstein:


Feb 8, 2024 9:39 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Don’t you find it odd how Weinstein didn’t mention HIAS during the interview?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 8:25 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

.. and that is not the only thing Weinstein didnt mentioned.

The interesting thing is not what Weinstein tells us, but the interesting thing is ALL of the other things that Weinstein didnt tell us a shit about, and what Weinstein was trying desperately to keep under the table.

Luckily we have commenters here among us who immediately caught Weinstein in all the things Weinstein not said and were trying in vain not to tell Tucker and his audience. Bad bad Weinstein!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 8, 2024 9:38 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Isn’t pretty much all US politics determined by one or another Jewish lobby? In this instance, does it matter? What I found amazing was the fact that seemingly wealthy Chinese opted for entering the US via this route.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 9, 2024 1:35 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If you were in the archives as known gangster from Sicilia and wanted to joint your pals in NYC, would you say “hello guys” to FBI in John F. Kennedy International Airport?

I imagine it could be some reason similar whatsoever.

Feb 7, 2024 9:26 AM

Germany is a vassal state that serves US empire & “national” means nationwide.
Socialism is a Society led, political ideology that puts People before profit.
Nationalism is a propagandized society, led by extreme antisocial_ist/fascist ideology imposed by the decadent rich threatened by changes to the status quo.

Feb 7, 2024 2:08 PM
Reply to  Tiggs

Actually,I think the common issue is Humanity . We are a flawed species. Some of us are mildly flawed and some of us will cut your throat in a NY minute for no reason at all. If humans were virtually perfect, we did not lie, steal, quest for power and control over others, kept our word, etc. any ism would work-Socialism, Capitalism, Marxism, Communism. People would do the right thing.

However, people are flawed and the people that gravitate to the top and become leaders so often are corrupt and power and control hungry. Damn the other humans!

In the U.S. we are a Constitutional Republic with the voters in control.. Well that was good while it lasted. Now the power hungry, agenda driven, activist are in control. To hell with the voters. They can vote all they want, we have the ballots. And, our legal system is in a shambles.

Humans are flawed-Power and Control rules

Feb 7, 2024 6:14 PM
Reply to  Mark41

Humanity is a practice not just our species & antidote to inhumanity.
Before gender, skin colour & ideology we’re all human beings divided into two groups. Humanity v inhumanity, we all pick a side, its just a question of perception & matter of practice.
Choose wisely & practice well. ✌️🧡

Feb 7, 2024 8:52 AM

Meanwhile, be the “right sort of protester” (i.e. a chaos agent for a cause backed by Fortune 500 corporations) and they pay you millions:


Feb 7, 2024 8:40 AM

It’s interesting that the scene enacted in the Berlin court is similar in a sense to what transpires in relationships. For example at a recent family meeting, one of the family members ranted at me for not taking the clot shots whereupon another family member tried to thwart my response by closing the discussion down. So I posed the question about the Amish whose representatives were asked by the MSM apparatchik why no one had Covid-19, they said “ we don’t watch TV “. This compelled them into silence !

Feb 7, 2024 5:14 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Thank you so much for that Amish quote! (I had not seen that). I do not watch TV (and “structure” very carefully my computer video exposure) – and I have said just that a few times upon being queried as to why I never “got” “Covid” – to utter incomprehension! Thanks again.

Feb 7, 2024 7:20 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

Yes, I watched very carefully how they used behavioural psychology , UK Column did a very good expose on this, to cower people into trembling wrecks via mass communications and even in supermarkets. Bernays and Goebbels would have been enthralled by their nefarious techniques !

Feb 7, 2024 8:55 PM
Reply to  Brianborou


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 9, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

The Amish people should not think they can silence an entire global vaccinated population, and demand to stand outside our Global community and our Common Global Community Core, because everything is connected.

When we have erected the 5G masts, tiny antennas and big TV screens all over the Amish communities, their attack on free speech on completely innocent people and children’s human rights, will be over, and nobody can do a shit about it………and you know it!

Feb 9, 2024 11:34 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You are entirely missing the point. TV was not coined the idiots lantern for no reason. If you base your entire perspective on being been corralled and spoon fed a narrow view point, without using your cognitive, analytical and reasoning, you can be engineered into believing in a WW1, WW2, Reds under the Bed or whatever Hegelian diabolical strategy is being hubble, bubble toiled and troubled !

Feb 7, 2024 8:28 AM

Please can we stop this ‘new normal’ bollocks as just like covid it does not exist, there is no such thing. It is normal or abnormal. If it has to be labelled then retarded fits the bill in relation to any so called or imagined authority.

Daniel Rehahn
Daniel Rehahn
Feb 7, 2024 9:58 PM
Reply to  semaj

Track one “This is not a new normal”… South London speaks:

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 7, 2024 7:49 AM

I must say that, within my family the ‘New Normals’ have no interest in anything but status, money and power. They have been confronted a dozen times over the years, they know exactly what they have done, and the only response they ever have is further scheming to try and consolidate power.

These people do not respond to decency, they respond solely to threats of violence or threats to expose them for what they are and cause them to lose their status, their power and their future capacity to earn more money.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 7, 2024 6:46 AM

Hiding a bad motive under a percieved good motive, is the camouflage they use to fool the masses.
Same playbook with Covid, the jabs, CC, LBGT, BLM on and on.
The massive spike in jab related deaths and injuries has woken up many, as well as the introduction of a few 15 minutes cities (UK) but nowhere near enough.
Sadly the majority still slavishly follow the next government narrative like “Russia bad” and “Israel good” , incapable of an original thought outside of the one expressed in the MSM.
Perhaps once they are locked down, with a restictive CBDC, eating bugs and being forced vaccinated, they will conclude that the conspiracy theorists were right all along, 2030 is in fact 1984…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Feb 8, 2024 7:37 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

They will never ever conclude the deniers were right.

The sheeple will conclude the conspiracy theorists lured them into a trap and saved themselves, just to benefit from the sheeple’s misery. This is what they will do.

Just think how arrogant they were downsizing all deniers, walking around like they have done the right arse licking thing, and won all the tips and favours from the big guys………….LOL.

They will be more dangerous than ever. “I am about to drown and I am going to take you with me”.