Pacifying the Insane

Todd Hayen

Maybe using the word “insane” is overkill, but it makes a better title than using the word “troubled” or something equally innocuous. But maybe “Insane” actually might be the more accurate word to use because this article addresses people who willingly went along with the vaccine fiasco without a tinge of resistance or question. What more appropriate way to describe them?

And how are we pacifying these people? Well, maybe most of you folks reading this are not pacifying sheep, but I know I am. At first, I was the Chicken Little character (as I have mentioned several times in my articles). I was like the kid who overheard a conversation while I was hiding in the closet—a conversation between mom and dad when I was 5 years old: “Sending little Toddy to camp is the best thing for him, we will tell him it is only for a few days and he will have a great time with all of his new friends, but he will actually be there for 2 weeks.” Good lord, how deceiving is that??!! (Of course, my parents never did this, at least not that I know of.)

I started running around telling my sisters, my friends, and anyone who I bumped into that my parents were plotting to kill me. But no one listened. Everyone thought I was a tiny fool. Eventually, I tired of all the fuss and resigned to the horror and got on with it. That is where my analogy falls apart, as all analogies eventually do.

What is different from my story in the vaccine situation is that the “secret” my research revealed early on was that the vaccine was not all that it was trumped up to be (I HAD to use that word!). In fact, it was potentially deadly, and at the very least did not do what it was touted to do and could have serious side effects.

The response that my Chicken Little-self received from non-believers was harsh, toxic, ugly, and abusive. I was labelled all sorts of cruel things, and these attacks got so uncomfortable I gave up my ranting. This seemed a good choice with people who were not close to me. “Screw them,” I eventually said to myself. And although not a very Christian, nor human, way to be, I found myself resenting these people and figuring they were bringing on their own demise. They had ample warning. It is what it is.

This attitude did not work with close people—really close friends, and close family members, including my wife. I truly cared about these people, and no matter how caustic they were toward me when I would try to warn them, I kept at it. But even those earnest efforts dissipated over time. I still worried about them (and still do) but the counterattacks were so harsh it seemed that to keep the peace it was best to just let it go.

After all, they are all adults. They really should be able to put two and two together and see what is going on. I do have to say I admire the people who never have given up, and their spouses have left them, or family members have blocked them and won’t speak to them. But I am weak, and it was just easier for me to slip into denial and try to convince myself, “Well, maybe they got the placebo (6 times?), they will be ok.”

I recently ran into an article a friend on FB posted (a super shrew). Albeit showing up on Global Research, an outed “conspiracy theory” wasp’s nest of misinformation described by the CBC as:

Global Research, features a Canadian domain name and offers an ever-expanding collection of conspiracy theories, such as the myth that the 9/11 attacks and COVID-19 pandemic were both planned in order to control the population. The website also hosts articles experts have attributed to a Russian spy agency.

Yadda yadda.

I still thought it contained some rather sobering information that I would have liked my family and friends to have seen. I caught myself just in time before sending them the link, “No, no, no. This is not a good idea,” I said to myself. It was not found in one of the “trusted five” news sources, The Washington Post, The New York Times, NPR, The Guardian and The Atlantic. So, it would then be considered utter garbage.

And besides that. Why would I want to bring sorrow and regret, and even fear, into the lives of these people? My only incentive would be for my own personal vindication. For them to become aware that they had been injected with a poison that could very well kill them is not an awareness I really feel does anyone much good after the horse is out of the barn. And of course, all of this is contingent on them even reading and believing it, which they definitely would not do.

This approach is akin to doctors in days of old not informing terminal patients of their impending death. It does seem to be the human thing to do, although due to modern ethics, it is no longer practiced. How about treating an insane person passively? “Now, now dear, just relax, all is fine, don’t fret.” That, or something like it, is still an acceptable way to deal with someone who just doesn’t have the cognitive capacity to process complex information. “Don’t let granny know she is suffering from dementia, don’t argue with her, just go along with her. It is best not to get her upset.”

I think this most accurately describes what I am finding myself doing with friends and family. I don’t necessarily agree with them when they tell me that, for example, Biden (POTUS) is “doing the best he can,” or “has good intentions, and means well,” etc. But I just don’t argue with them.

A family member the other day got frustrated with the implication she observed in me that it wasn’t a good thing to just waltz into a world of CBDCs, UBIs, and digital IDs. She said, “Why can’t people just stop talking about all of this and just live their lives.” And I responded, “Because we are headed into a world of global fascism that will make our freedom-less life miserable and unlivable?” That wasn’t a good thing to say. Eyes rolled, and the usual other huffs and puffs ensued. “Yes, dear, whatever you say,” would have been more appropriate for the situation.


But even this tactic of avoiding major conflict is disconcerting. I do have to mix it with a dollop of denial, as explained above, to make it work for me. Maybe it is easier because, like the guy’s realization who is standing on the railroad track, facing the oncoming train, shaking the shoulders of the people facing the other way, that he too will be taken out by the train.

There doesn’t seem to be much point or consolation informing people who are floating carelessly on their cloud of denial that they are about to be destroyed by a speeding train. Particularly if you are most likely going down with them.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Mar 25, 2024 5:07 AM

That was cheery.🤔 Do your friends & family know you write for OG? Nothing pacifying about that. Also, if you’re honest, don’t you like and care about these people a bit less now? Perhaps a lot less? If so, maybe the kid gloves serve no purpose now, the relationships already degraded.

Isn’t there something truly repellent about their thoughtless, unapologetic embrace of the pushy, despotic herd beliefs that have wrought so much harm?

We’re not dogs. Esteem and affection are conditional among humans. Push came to shove here and most were found wanting. Such dramatic occasions for character reveals don’t happen in every lifetime, and you’ve done more than most to sound the alarm, man your Beacon of Gondor. No need to publicly disparage yourself.

Mar 21, 2024 3:26 PM

I won’t be going down with anybody, and neither will you. I refused to participate in any of the bullshit. I will refuse again. This bullshit will come to end. It really will. We will win. Don’t give up or cave in to despair, don’t get blackpilled or enervated. Laugh and defy these bastards in every way possible. Don’t shut up in polite circles, I’d rather be laughed at and ridiculed ( as I have been oh so many times) than go along with any of these sick, demented bastards’ tortures and murderous projects, or worse, to rationalise their evil, and stay quiet. Don’t give in to hate, but fight, every day. When you wake up every morning, no matter how bad your dreams may have been, say to yourself that you belong on this earth you were born into, that you have a place to be and things to do and say, and have a right to be here as much as any man. You don’t deserve to be harassed, bullied, or murdered by these psychopaths and their mentally ill, evil, sick cowardly minions. So don’t be. I am their implacable enemy, and will remain their implacable enemy until God calls me home.

Mar 18, 2024 4:28 AM

I see it as people who enjoy movies with special effects, some are more convincing than others, but nevertheless once you see and understand how those effects are created you never believe them to be real ever again.
Some people just aren’t interested in the mechanics or technology behind it, and just go along with the spectacle put before them, then deride you for pointing out “but it’s not real, and the effects weren’t that impressive”
People can get upset when you shatter their illusions.

Mar 18, 2024 1:52 PM
Reply to  Thunderbolt

Many people would prefer to be slaves (along with their children) or dead rather than have their illusions about the world shattered. That’s the stark reality.

Mar 18, 2024 3:35 PM
Reply to  TRT

Very true, sad but true.

Mar 17, 2024 10:39 PM

the u.k’s agent of Infectious disease and arch miscreant, Neil Fergusson, in an interview with the times in 2020, said, that “copying chinas lockdown policies at the start of 2020, changed the parameters of what Western societies consider acceptable” that when SAGE observed the “innovative intervention” out of China, of locking entire communities down and not permitting them to leave their homes, they initially presumed it would not be an available option in a liberal Western democracy: “It’s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought… and then Italy did it. And we realised we could”.

that being the most concerning part of the experiment, the submissiveness and loyalty to the dictates of the state, it the main dish , not the bug on a side plate, the major concern is, that whatever they place on it, the majority will accept, and if your of those who suffered alienation and ill will for doing the ordinary, thinking things through etc, then you especially will realise the true measure of this this newly revealed power.

Mar 17, 2024 10:15 PM

Thinking outside of mainstream parameters here: What if reality including the people around us in our world are not what we are led to believe? We could explore ideas about why some of us seem so at odds with so many people around us who seem like they have no common sense or critical thinking e.g. the plandemic.

For instance, what if the people who think the following idea are closer to the truth? That the nature of reality is that we are surrounded by NPCs/archons/djinns (to misdirect us and feed on our energy etc)? So this idea could mean that not only strangers, associates, colleagues could be NPCs but also people close to us like some of our friends and family even our husband/wife could be? The idea of NPCs is not a charming idea but it should at the very least be explored

I haven’t come to any conclusions on this myself, just think the idea is fascinating.

Mar 17, 2024 9:36 PM

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Mar 17, 2024 8:47 PM

As a pro. trickcyclist, surely you know that people may know that you’re right but won’t admit it to your face. You’ve said your piece to them and they can go off and maybe mull it over and even figure you’re right.BUT, they’d never admit it, I wouldn’t.

Mar 17, 2024 6:03 PM

By not taking the shots I am 100% safe from adverse reactions and 99.98% safe from Covid.

When the truth comes out, you can’t unvaccinate yourself.

Mar 17, 2024 4:29 PM

thank you Todd. This is so spot on for me. I tried to warn my nearest and dearest of the vaccine. They ignored me and took it and now have consequences and all I can do at this point is say “I’m sorry” every time they get sick. They did wake up and not take anymore shots but continue to believe that it was life saving for their partner to get the first shot. Tried to suggest protocols for vaccine injuries and they were insulted that I even suggested that. I do recognize that I might as a psychotherapist who continued to see people in person throughout COVID, been shed on multiple times and so have been doing the protocol myself so that I don’t get hit by the same train but recognize there are multiple trains coming at us.

Mar 17, 2024 3:09 PM

This article really sums up so very much of what I have experienced these last years. Thanks Todd! And great discussion too. It helps me hugely to read what others have been through on this journey.

Mar 17, 2024 1:21 PM

Great essay Dr. Todd, it reminds my of Cassandra of Greek Mythology–she is given the gift of seeing the future and then given a curse that no one would believe her.
She was a Chicken Little who was dead right.
My theory on the Blind+Deaf:
1)They are the product (though they don’t realize it)
2)They cannot recognize evil

That is the ultimate conspiracy–that there are evil people who hate us for no reason.
Once you accept this–the scales fall from the eyes.
For the Blind+Deaf to accept this is scary they’d rather remain delusional.
Poor Cassandra knew that Troy would fall and it did.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 17, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  MadLady

Thank you!…

I wrote an article on Cassandra a while back…check it out…


Mar 17, 2024 12:16 PM

You can find your self thinking your some higher being (chosen) better than the rest and names like sheeple which is no different than them calling us useless eaters.

Have some understanding in the high level propaganda effect that has gone in to keeping people hypnotized.
it started pre womb the inception, the ultra scan, mummy & daddy’s diet etc
a life time off programming and then the threat of death by some biblical plague (bs19).

Have a bit of empathy as your supposedly a little bit more enlighten….

You was a sleep once and some are still half awake clinging on to religion or Savior complex like politics.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 17, 2024 4:33 PM
Reply to  mastershock

I do not speak of sheep as anything more or less than they are, I do not wish them harm, I do not think they are “useless” (so I don’t agree calling them “sheep” is the same as them calling us “useless eaters.”) It is a term of identification, and mostly used as a “tongue in cheek” reference. I love sheep. Some of the people I love the most are sheep. I do not wish them harm in any way.

I AM angry with them, I AM disappointed, and I believe that their “ways” and their lack of thinking will more than likely destroy all of us. But they are my brothers and sisters, and I love them equally.

Mar 17, 2024 11:02 AM

Some people are more instinctive than others. I noticed that from the start and usually they were the “less educated”. Education seems to drive instinct out of people. My “educated” friends proceeded to pile on to ridicule and belittle me. Why was I being so ignorant? Why did I have the gall to question the experts? What did I know? How stupid and ridiculous I was being. In the end I became more brazen and defiant and shoved the truth down their throat at every opportunity. Maybe not the best tactic. I read through some of those posts now and I do appear to come across as arrogant but nothing of what I said was incorrect. We are living in a kind of limbo land now everyone is feeling it I think. There will be a Big Bang soon and of course they’ve had four years of studying us and preparing their divisive plans. But hopefully we are also better prepared.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 17, 2024 9:36 AM

One way to try and understand those who still follow the covid tale is for me to look at my own life and imagine I hadn’t tuned into sites like OffG which have provided an indispensable role in connecting with alternate opinions and investigations.   Admittedly this is difficult since it was OffG who predicted the vast barrage of fear porn that was about to erupt back in 2020 and not only warned against submitting to it but made the astute observation that rational discourse would prove futile in the coming months – which tuned out to be years.   Another vital part of this is to assume that I never questioned 9/11 since I have little doubt that those who did would have been at the forefront of covid sceptics.   My imagined naive self would definitely have noted the fear mongering. I know of people who were not “conspiracy minded”, who were generally blasé consumers of news, but who noted the unprecedented cajoling and intimidation of the media. I recall one case of someone I hardly knew but who, in one of the last permitted pub meetings before the Stalinesque lockdown, vented volubly about how absurd the whole thing was. And another went into an explosive parody mimicking fear which was logical given that this was a response to the relentless panic drive.   My imagined naïve self would have reacted like that. And this is why I think there was a considerable portion of the public who at least suspected something was way off about it.   This alternate me may have done what I did do – take a note of the initial statistics in both Italy and in Scotland and observed a clear discrepancy between what was being claimed and what was there.   Maybe.  … Read more »

Mar 17, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Well… I reckon the sequel will be either climate and/another plandemic… Disease X!!! I agree with you about life not qualitatively changing for the masses but for me, as a questioning individual, my life has been turned upside down

Mar 17, 2024 6:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We’re all different anyway, George. If I hadn’t been sucked into energy healing and consciousness research beginning in the 1970s, everything would be……..? So I wound up split between music and the above. I’m happy to be able to say we broke the allopathic paradigm by the late 90s, and put it into practice both in a semi-permanent situation in England which lasted a decade, and at the Glastonbury Festival 1990 as the Alternative Medicine outfit and subsequent international rainbow gatherings, (nothing to do with the woke sleepwalkers) because I realised that if we were able control the ‘medical thoughtform’ in the empty spaces at the edge of national borders where the gatherings were generally held, we could do stuff which broke most if not all of the rules. This didn’t mean that we/I didn’t allow allopaths to work our area, but they were not in control, I was/we were, and they were not to pull any stunts. They could see what we were doing, and the results. which effectively floored them. So consequently when covid arrived, conveniently described by movies like ‘Contagion’ and the Rockefeller Foundation ‘Lockstep’ 2010, And finally ‘Event 201’ I didn’t take it seriously. In fact there’s a fabulous American book which described the extent of the corruption between Big Pharma and the American political establishment at ALL levels in the 80s and 90s in great detail. Intricately mindblowing. It’s a big thick thing and I can’t remember the title. And then there was ‘Mad Cow Disease’ and H1N1 and the taxpayer’s money that got thrown at it for totally useless ‘vaxxines.’ And the totally useless criminal computer modellers. And all the ‘political and media whores and hypocrites. Basically they have attempted to get us to pull a small plastic bag over each of our heads,… Read more »

Mar 18, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  ariel

comment image

Mar 17, 2024 8:27 AM

When the vaxx was first rolled out I really felt like I was going mad. Then it flipped on its head and I felt like the only sane person in the asylum. And we know there is no point arguing or debating with mad people.

Mar 17, 2024 8:06 AM

Is there anyone out there with a story of a relative or friend who has seen the light after being a believer and/or following the herds?

If so, what changed their minds or undermined their beliefs?

Something to give the great unvaxxed hope.

Mar 17, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I haven’t any stories unfortunately. And when 28 out of 30 boys in my son’s class are lined up and sent off to get a shot that supposedly protects against cervical cancer, I really feel there is no hope.

Mar 17, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  Clea

There will be times that you’re going to feel like there is ‘no-hope’ … don’t. If you adopt that sort of feeling then it means that you’re submitting, which is what the swamp-creatures want, and might even be expecting. Be the change you want because those around you might need the role-model that you will reflect. Cheers!
Just remember that you have had the intestinal fortitude to overcome, thus far, a billion$$$ propaganda barrage and need to prep for the obligatory next onslaught which might be more dictatorially enforced … but you will, because you are YOU.
Stay cool … stay focused … share your insights.
United, we stand …

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 7:50 PM
Reply to  Clea

And when 28 out of 30 boys in my son’s class are lined up and sent off to get a shot that supposedly protects against cervical cancer…

Am I reading this right?

Mar 17, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

aye, yes, indeed, they pulled it up here too. That lassie jab, everyone was to report for it, true. Half the boys dingied it ; ), but only half.

Mar 17, 2024 11:07 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Me too ???

Mar 18, 2024 6:04 AM
Reply to  Clea

A jab for cervical cancer in males? Wow! That is something new.

Mar 17, 2024 11:30 AM
Reply to  Johnny

A former colleague of mine (MD) admitted to me (a former MD, who resigned because of convid) that in retrospect, the covidiots were right and that she felt sorry to go along with all the nonsense and mandates and did as if covid was a health problem. She said sorry to me, and felt bad for me, because I took a stand and showed backbone, that I had to resign from a job that I did for years and loved to do.

It’s an excuse and I am happy that she admitted this to me. Yet it is not a full excuse since she is still participating in the madness (still an MD) and doesn’t dare to call out amongst her colleagues what she called out to me. Nevertheless, I do understand her and know that it is difficult to show integrity and morality when everything tries to say to you that you should not be an truthful person if you love apple pie, a nice income, status, etc.

I guess what this woman MD is suffering from what is called ‘institutionalization’ which is something that is very hard to get rid off. I hope she does one day, and having that said: I hope I do one day to. Compared to my former colleagues I have gone a long way to be truthful, faithful, integer, etc, but am not there yet due to lack of courage (feeling that I am still institutionalized). So there you go.

Mar 18, 2024 6:12 AM
Reply to  Willem

Yes, all the pontification does not help us when the tough moment of truth faces us individually, especially in secure jobs or or after entering the trap of debt.

Mar 17, 2024 11:36 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes, I do know someone who will not get any more shots. (Had one)

I don’t know what changed that person’s mind. I think it was witnessing the injuries and realizing, as did many, that it was not safe, not effective.

It is very very difficult indeed to have watched the terrible injury and death over the past 3 years and KNOW it’s injection related and not scream from the rooftops.

I know, I know, we SHOULD scream from the rooftop, but in the moment, when I am standing with family and friends of dead and injured, I am not going to point out the reason. In that moment it would do more harm than good

People will come to it. They already have. They will continue. Like the writer of the post, I have to be very very careful of my motivation. Am I pointing out the obvious for my own vindication or because I believe a person, who is already suffering, needs to know?

Most people in my life know my stance. They know they can speak to me or ask me questions if they need/want.

But I did make my own bumper sticker “Not Safe, Not Effective and Not a Mistake”
Fit nicely right across the fender.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 12:34 PM
Reply to  judith

All the non-vaxxers were playing trombone on the rooftops three times daily, walked around with posters in all major supermarkets to alert we the people….in vain.
Waste of energy and good air.
This will NOT happen again when the real decease X is hitting you.

Mar 17, 2024 2:53 PM
Reply to  judith

So well said. In looking back to the beginning, I wish I had voiced very loudly to my family my concerns about the vaccine. In the early days, reading and watching the experts who were discussing the possible harms of the shot, I was pretty convinced of the danger. I did send my family and friends this information but it was considered by them to be crazy. I was surprised that they did not ask questions about the information I had sent to discuss further, but they were very defensive. I backed off because I do not normally push my beliefs on others…none of my business. However, in hindsight I so wish I had made a pest of myself with this…now there is no point. I actually don’t want my loved ones to realize what is happening as far as possible vaccine harm.

Mar 17, 2024 5:19 PM
Reply to  Skinnymouse

Surprised they did not ask any questions. That, for me, is the thing that makes me most angry. And really, anger isn’t even the right word here, astounded? Flabbergasted. Disgusted. Infuriated. Not one question on what a “covid case” really meant, not one question about a vaccine that does NOT make one immune nor does it make one unable to transmit said disease. Not one question about why that should be forced if it does NOTHING. Not one question about those absolutely idiotic masks, or the social distancing crap. Not one thought for people who lost jobs, homes, perhaps their kids, to this enforced idiocy out of a bunch of people who are known liars, or at least known liars before the covidiocy. Every friend I have, every co worker, is vaccinated. My own family are not, but then I’m estranged from them for other reasons so that really doesn’t do much for me. And I suppose having a sister who I lost long ago to the miracle of “mental health” pharmaceuticals has something to do with my skepticism. Some very smart people believed it all without one question. Those who once knew better than to trust any pretty promises out of a pharmaceutical industry run purely for profit, never mind the serial felonies, now not only refuse to see that, but as you have said, are defensive and highly pissed off one would even point out their own general lack of even basic curiosity about any of it. All we can do now is hope our friends got a placebo. As for hoping they wake up, for now I have given up on that. Like many out here I wonder what the next catastrophe our owners have in store for us will look like and hope to hell I… Read more »

Mar 17, 2024 4:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes they watched Joe Rogen interview with Robert Malone and woke up

Mar 18, 2024 2:35 AM
Reply to  Joanie

Thanks Joanie, and to the other Folks who responded.

Maybe Jesus ( And I’m not a religious person) said it best:
‘I am in the world but not OF it’

Which l understand to mean:
‘I am of Life, not what the world tells me I am, or should be’

That, is freedom.

Mar 18, 2024 6:08 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Some of the regionally promoted champions of the jab dropped dead. Did that change anything? Blessed are the believers, for belief is invincible.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Mar 17, 2024 6:52 AM

It might be better to think of the long game and just try and plant a few seeds of truth and hope that some of them grow inside of others. Meanwhile, it’s probably not your responsibility to bang your head against a wall of ignorance or ignorant people. It seems likely that a lot of adults aren’t adults on the inside; they are children who want the AUTHORITIES to be their parents forever instead of taking personal reaponsibility for themselves and their choices. Why else would they trust the authorities?
Thanks for the article.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 17, 2024 7:10 AM
Reply to  Gordon McRae


Mar 17, 2024 2:54 PM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

Well said. Helps me feel a little better!

Mar 17, 2024 5:19 AM

my own view is not greatly optimistic, i would argue the majority of people are bombarded from cradle to grave with state sponsored media to the point that they do not know any different and are also unable to think any differently. Waking them up when they are subjected to that kind of mind control is probably for many people is not going to happen. This is also seen when many people publicize state sponsored campaigns on social media, Ukraine, jabs, masks, lock-downs, isreal flags, BLM protests etc. Ask one why they support Ukraine, when it boils down to it its because they were told to do so.

Mar 17, 2024 2:56 PM
Reply to  citizen

I truly was one of those people whom you describe. I did not wake up until covid.

Mar 17, 2024 4:41 PM
Reply to  Skinnymouse

I too didn’t wake up until COVID so I empathize with those who can’t hear any of this. But once I was given the information through a friend — she had me watch an interview with internationally known “conspiracy theorist’ and once I did that I could never go back to being “woke”

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 17, 2024 4:49 AM

Good advice from Debi,

There is only one choice, as I see it: disable the One App to Bind Them All, refuse to rely on algorithms, get rid of smart devices that tell you how you are, decline to be directed by a spy phone. Look in the mirror instead: do you look okay? Are you eating, drinking, peeing and pooing? Do you know what day of the week it is and do you consider yourself fairly healthy? If there are no outward signs or symptoms of any illness, presume you are fine and should get on with your life. Ditch the device, ditch the app and ditch the paranoia. After all, whose body is it anyway?


Mar 17, 2024 11:57 AM
Reply to  May Hem

U.K shillum

There is only one choice, as I see it: disable the One App to Bind Them All, refuse to rely on algorithms, get rid of smart devices that tell you how you are, decline to be directed by a spy phone. Look in the mirror instead:

irony coming from a GCHQ / naval intelligence outfit which has done nothing but shill since its inception.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 17, 2024 8:08 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Please explain?

Mar 19, 2024 1:25 AM
Reply to  May Hem

The thing with the UK Column: because of their background
they cannot shake their love for the military.
Can UK Column be a soft power op? Don’t see why not.
Are they, on account of them sharing a military or intelligence background?
No definitive answer to that.

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 17, 2024 3:57 AM

Don’t have that problem myself. All my family and friends are on the same page. But, hell, it’s like the people who vote for Biden or Trump. They bring us all down by participating in the fraud. There’s a lot of em too. But maybe, just maybe, we’re on an upward trajectory. When I think back to the 40’s and 50’s, look at the sheeple acquiescence back then. Then the 60’s kind of jump started the possibilities of modern reality. I can see a progression of the knowledge of reality seeping in, and an ominous crack in the armor of the elite, which is building. But what to do about the fucking sheep? They’re in the way big time.

Mar 17, 2024 3:11 AM

Psychological analysis of why people think and act as they do and often ignore or refuse to acknowledge reality is instructive but goes only so far. The connection between those altered individual psychological states to actual policies need more social outlook. David Hume in his genius wrote paraphrasing: “if reason turns against man soon man turns against reason.” Interestingly, Hume more or less referred to two groups of man/people, One with near absolute power and those nearly powerless. It is clear why elites may turn against reason, As if reason stands between them and more power they quickly turn against reason and create their own reason based on goal seeking subjective reasoning Horkheimer specifically attributed to Nazis but definitely is applicable to any present and past elites. Contemporary elites, all kind of elites political, social, economic, cultural or academic/professional are also subject to the same Hume’s “Law”. Sadly Hume was also right about powerless as he derived his conclusions empirically from observation of feudal society in Scotland or in part new emerging post feudal society in England. In case of near powerless people Hume’s “law” can be translated into something like that. When reasonable acts suddenly produce harm, pain or suffering or cultural condemnation and/or socioeconomic instability powerless people who can’t directly affect causes of such instability turn to often chaotic narratives and unreasonable acts, the acts often against their own vital interests while seeking immediate relief. Such a relief is often in a form of submission to prophets/leaders/authorities who would give them assurances of hope and stability and calm panicky, feverish people down. Such people are easily impressionable, easy to lead by a strongman/authority promising salvation. In absence we have moral chaos and societal collapse. Either way extinction of moral norms and de cohesion of society follows. Hume conceded… Read more »

Mar 17, 2024 1:33 AM

I can relate to the pain of rebuke, but I also understand the problem will only get worse if not addressed. I was raised in a family where my father was considered the “black sheep” of the family, when his brothers tried to “convert” him back to the “faith” he would bring out his Bible and show them their errors. So this probably helped fuel a detachment from physical family. Iv’e learned a lesson from it that is helping immensely, trust Our Creator, he defined the laws that govern spiritual and physical laws and he uses people to declare things to the world. Wisdom needs to be used in the crowd you are in. I hope you don’t hoist a white flag.

lisa smith
lisa smith
Mar 17, 2024 12:52 AM

Note; still promoting the qr code aka I-phone?, unsubstacked.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 17, 2024 9:57 AM
Reply to  lisa smith

Ha! Exactly. The ‘freedom movement’ is composed mostly of ruling class collaborators: fascists, anarcho-fascists, astroturfers and religious nutcases. Google displays Off-Guardian content as any other MSM content. All roads lead to the ruling class. They think we’re stupid.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 17, 2024 1:25 PM

“All roads lead to the ruling class. They think we’re stupid.” Well…There is that…

Mar 17, 2024 12:41 AM

Four years ago my dad’s care home was locked down. I didn’t see him again until the day he died, a month later.


Mar 17, 2024 2:58 PM
Reply to  Tindle

So very sorry.

Mar 17, 2024 4:39 PM
Reply to  Skinnymouse

Thank you. I guess many had it worse.

Mar 16, 2024 11:59 PM

She ain’t insane – you can classify me as that if you like…So we go shopping at the big supermarket…buy all this stuff, and we pay on her card – same as mine – joint account…and we are driving home, and she suddenly remembers, checks her purse – and goes oh shit, I have lost my card. She has done this in the past just kind of losing her phone on Brighton Beach – yet in both cases my wife got her phone and her card back, and no one stole anything

At Tescos, we drove back, and she sheeplishly asked – I have lost my card..sorry…

And they said yes, you were a bit flustered and left it on the till..

This is yours…Thank You.

I confiscated her card – give it here…

Use your own bank account your own password and your own card..

A couple of years later, she said, I don’t even need a password now…

Still she hasn’t been robbed.

Some people have this kind of aura which is hard to explain, but I am delighted she is my wife and totally honest and innocent and now a brilliant grandmother to our granchildren.

What more could I want in life?

I just wish people would stop killing each other.

The vast majority of the human race are nice…just like you and me – we don’t want to steal anything from anyone and don’t.

She dresses as a rock chick – not a nun. God Bless Her Soul.

None of our close familly got jabbed. Not that daft

Mar 16, 2024 11:55 PM

Unfortunately some people listened to their Drs who they trust blindly. Those same Drs who were compromised and complicit to the insanity that went on. Let’s remember the role of the medical professionals played during this mess and lay off the general public a little. They were ripe for the picking. Most thought they were doing the right thing at the time. I know a lot of people nowadays express some doubt about what went on but they’ve got lots and lots of bills to pay. That’s where they really have us and and where they can turn the screws on tight enough to keep us busy.

Mar 17, 2024 3:05 PM
Reply to  JoeC

This is such a good point. Just about everyone everywhere appeared to support getting the vaccine…and all the doctors I knew of encouraged this…it is not necessarily being sheep-like to follow professional advice. (As a result of seeing this phenomenon I no longer trust doctors in general which is pretty scary for me…but probably should have been more aware of previously…they are just humans, they do not know everything!).

Mar 16, 2024 11:18 PM

As the Pink Floyd song says:
They are ‘Comfortably Numb’:

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 17, 2024 4:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Here’s a goodie …. Hypnagogia: The Experience of Being Half-Awake and Half-Asleep
comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 16, 2024 10:33 PM

It’s not just that they are going down or that we are going down with them. The part that gets me mad is that they are the ones with their unwillingness to even entertain the alternative information you spoon feed them who are causing all of us to go down.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 16, 2024 11:16 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The ‘they’.

Here is an interesting, (I think, first posts at least..) take on ‘they’,


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 17, 2024 8:46 PM

Quantum theory – reality or not – does it matter?; the “loosh” farm – evident to see all around; Mark Passio – yep; …. Thank you.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 11:29 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

They are naturally the state, and the states proxy fighters, and they have every intention of doing what you say if “they” privately feel threatened, and they are feeling that way.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 16, 2024 9:40 PM

I happen to find the “Global Research” site very informative, especially the work done by Michel Chossdudovsky this article was excellent:

Big Al
Big Al
Mar 17, 2024 4:09 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Absolutely. One of the very few I’ve stayed with over the years.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 7:44 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

To my latest info, the whole scam was an obedience test. Laying the puzzle and all the confusion it make sense and logic to me.
In Russia all managers are required to take the jab if they wanna grow upwards.

Mar 17, 2024 11:39 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

I read it every day.

Mar 16, 2024 9:32 PM

Some would have considered Diogenes of Sinope insane when Alexander the Great offered to give him anything he wished for and Diogenes would be granted it… Alexander was casting his shadow across Diogenes, so Diogenes asked him to stand out of his sunlight and Alexander did as was requested.

Was this insanity?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Mar 16, 2024 9:30 PM

A family member the other day got frustrated with the implication she observed in me that it wasn’t a good thing to just waltz into a world of CBDCs, UBIs, and digital IDs. She said, “Why can’t people just stop talking about all of this and just live their lives.” And I responded, “Because we are headed into a world of global fascism that will make our freedom-less life miserable and unlivable?” That wasn’t a good thing to say. Eyes rolled, and the usual other huffs and puffs ensued.

That’s when you slap them on both cheeks.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 7:46 AM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Liked that one. Every time you see a vaxxed fool you slap them on both cheeks.  😅 

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Mar 16, 2024 9:19 PM

After all, they are all adults.

No. They are, to be fair, adolescentized.
They haven’t left the comforts of authority, the diktats thereof and, like “Head Girls”, wish to be over-considerate and falsely compassionate.

Because they are all adults, I do not consider their opinions valid at let therm know on no uncertain terms that they are pimping the “Death Cult” of Western Civilization, and like Mahatma Gandhi said, “… It would be a good idea.”

Also, if they have kids i let them know that they have mistreated their very own children and handicapped them with false security from racketeered medicine! The women shriek; the men haven’t yet wanted to take me out.

Mar 16, 2024 8:06 PM

How did this happen?

BTW here’s a theory about the Kate Middleton doctored photo story – is there another Royal who would like to be able to argue that photos can’t be trusted these days? Involving a certain photo that was highly incriminating against him?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 8:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Probably cant afford to show you the real thing.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 16, 2024 10:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Reallygraceful had a theory about Kate having gone missing: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rLboalqamWw/

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 16, 2024 11:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Nothing accident happens by.
Kate hermo one in a thousand
or trans
but how babies how
thanks edwige george
for us

Mar 16, 2024 7:47 PM

What we need to strive for, to keep ourselves human, is to act with compassion. If consolation is the true motivation, you are likely on the right path. I mean, for instance, not telling the person who has severe dementia that they have an incurable condition, because what can they, or you, or anyone, do about it? Or, even more tragically reminding the person in just the early stages of dementia who can still sort of grasp what you mean of their condition — I have a friend in this situation. But what about trying to “wake up” someone, particularly someone you care about, about a situation they need to face, either to help change the situation if possible or prepare to face it and deal with it in the best possible way? How do you know what is right to do and say? You don’t. That is why your underlying motivation is key.
Now after saying that, I will admit my motives, and probably the motives of everyone who has ever lived (excepting Jesus) are not fully based on compassion. Self centered motives play a big role, ranging from self-preservation to, alas!, self-aggrandizement.
And when our hearts are filled with despair — as yours, Todd, seems to be — it is hard to spread compassion and not just spread despair. Hang in there, friend!

Mar 17, 2024 6:19 AM
Reply to  mjh

Alerting the ill person too early would be hurtful to the medical industry and its investors. Best to let them continuing with the illusion of leaned or heroic efforts, at least until the money runs out.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Mar 17, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  mjh

Dementia is a Western disease that can be avoided with diet and lifestyle.

Mar 16, 2024 6:00 PM

I will ask again: How do you keep a straight face when treating these people?

Couple days ago I blurted out, before she could finish, “how do you know”? Big mistake. She was saying she knew she had Covid……. before I cut her off. Then she went with it again by saying, “Well, I know it was, but it was before they started testing.” I cut her off and I asked again, “How to you know?” That was the end of it. Closed up like a flower on a frosty morning.

And of course, those that were sick early on (including myself) knew they had something. It was the same something that I had dozens of times before during my life. My kids and grand kids had it too as well as their in-laws.

Anyway, she and I never got there. Whoa! Big mistake.

They are not ready. They will never be ready.

The urge to help is so strong.

My kids are not ready. My white lettered black hat that says I did not comply was plucked from my head as we were leaving the house to go hiking. They will, likely, have a good laugh after I die when they are going through my stuff and find that hat. They will probably joke about how I had threatened to give their inheritance to a cat colony.

Or, maybe they won’t joke about that…….

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

That cat would be the state, right?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 4:36 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

At work, I’m the only one in my department of 21 people who isn’t vaxxed. Every one of my coworkers would get the vaxx plus boosters again. Every single one of them. Same with my family members.

What do you do with these people? Nothing. You’ve already told them, repeatedly. They simply can’t hear.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 7:55 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Social cohesion. It a social contract they enter into with the department.
“We are willing to sacrifices to show our loyalty to the company for our job”.

Its done in many ways, the staff womber bomber together in Disney Land on the Department’s account.
T-shirts and silly hats with the company logo.

Mar 17, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Well, since you ask – I don’t do anything about these people but live my life.

I know this is not a popular stance, but people have the right to get injected ten times if they want.

Just as I have the right not to.

For myself, I keep coming back to “freedom of choice”.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 8:26 PM
Reply to  judith

You’re right, it is their choice, but when it’s friends and family, and children not at the age of reason, and poor gullible people who been terrified, lied and bullied into making a foolish decision; well it doesn’t go down easily.

Mar 17, 2024 10:20 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I’m not saying that I am OK with what has happened. I am enraged and sickened.

I know many who were injured ( a new one today) and who have died.

I have family members injured.

I do nothing but pray about this. Every time someone I love gets a cold these days I am terrified. Because a cold is not a cold anymore once you’ve been injected.

But I think it is insulting to think that people are “sheeple” or don’t have a brain. Many did do research. Just not the research I did. Based on their research and belief they chose the shot.

I have all the sympathy in the world for parents that had to keep food on the table. But I lost income, too. I was lied to also. We all choose.

Mar 18, 2024 6:26 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

For your own safety, find ways to stay away from the recently jabbed ones.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 18, 2024 1:38 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I suspect that’s true, but I’ve been unable to do that.

Mar 16, 2024 4:43 PM

“After all, they are all adults.”

That is the problem. They are NOT adults. They are children fantasizing that those chosen, “elected”, moved “up the ladder” of authority, are inherently, not just superior, but our best and most trusted “leaders” who function as decision makers for Humanity. No questions asked. They are the PARENT, we are the CHILD.

Those of us who question, research and decide on our own are the ADULTS in the room. Until Humanity as a whole and individuals in general disengage from the tyranny of the “leader” class running things through oligarchy and command decision making, we are doomed. Everyone must learn we must consciously participate in decision making applying their active consent, disapproval or passive consent. What we have now is a world of passive consent only.


Mar 16, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  sandy

Are you sure you are not an elected politician? That’s exactly how they think. The existing leaders are not heeding our desires and assume most of us are incapable of understanding. They are leaning in a direction that they think is best. Most are just as confused as their constituents and don’t have the time or the ability to think things through (or they won’t because it will end their kickbacks). Lobbyists are getting the best of them. Academia cannot be trusted. Nor can the AMA or government departments. Government hacks telling other governments hacks what to do. Vicious. All of Congress has bought into the net zero Carbon propaganda. They say things like, “I know Carbon is the problem, But……” (Mitch McConnell comes to mind). They are just arguing over methodology and timing. Completely insane. Few, if any of them are asking the right questions. All they know for sure is this: A segment of the population thinks the world is ending and we need to do something to stop it. All Congress knows is that each of these people has a vote and they want it. They will do anything to get it. Idiot Congresspeople are the problem. The whole thing is ass-backwards and Congress hasn’t realized that they are the asses.

Mar 16, 2024 6:22 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You did not read what i said and instead inserted your own preconceived notions. Direct democracy, voting directly on policy WE create ad as well as approve, is the only future i can imagine that would remove us from the PARENT rat people running the world now.


Mar 16, 2024 8:53 PM
Reply to  sandy

My bad. Sorry. Not the first time. Won’t be the last. I will throw in an up vote.

Mar 19, 2024 1:36 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You Need to Do Better!
(two upvotes plus silly emoji’s)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 16, 2024 10:48 PM
Reply to  sandy

I’ve thought about direct democracy too. However, what to do with the majority who will vote for “safety” over freedom?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 11:32 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The majority can be dead wrong about so many things, and the only reason its sustainable, is b/c they are in the majority.

Mar 17, 2024 8:47 PM

And that of course is why ‘they’ ran (and are still running)
the cherry on the cake covid megapsyop. Because they NEED THE MAJORITY disturbed, confused. divided and gathered around the supportive BIG LIE.
The next one will be bigger, better.
Count on it.

Mar 17, 2024 12:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Freedom needs special protection in any system, including in a direct democracy. Rights and freedoms have to be guaranteed and not subjected to a vote. Otherwise direct democracy might fail too.

Mar 17, 2024 5:18 AM
Reply to  TRT

The common fallacy that democracy or majority rule can create oppression of a miniority, is eliminated when base human rights, bodily and spiritual autonomy, basically unassailable rights of consent or non-consent to everything is made as a constitutional minimum. Everything can be consent based. Don’t like it, don’t obey it, no punishment.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 17, 2024 8:47 PM
Reply to  TRT

It sure would – because of the uninformed/unthinking majority.

Mar 17, 2024 5:13 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

That’s what you have been engineered to think will happen, “they” vote safety over freedom. FALSE!!! Give adequate true information, discussion space and a place not threatened by the system or peer pressure, humans are smart, resourceful and practical. We would not have survived otherwise. We just need to abandon the PARENT rat people’s spider web.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 17, 2024 8:50 PM
Reply to  sandy

Okay. That will take generations of ‘re-education’ for people to give up the lazy someone-else-will-fix-it thinking. But first: How do we get rid of the politicians and, importantly, those they are beholden to?

Mar 19, 2024 1:38 AM
Reply to  sandy

Boomer hate is a difficult trap to escape from.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 8:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Do as the American did on Japan. Bomb the shit out the civil population.

The Americans was of the opinion the sheeple was not innocent. They were co-responsible for their government.
Two nukes and 63 cities in Japan was bombed to the stone age like Dresden. Peace.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 17, 2024 8:51 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

No thanks.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 4:53 AM
Reply to  sandy

No. They are “adults.” Not everyone is capable of thinking critically, or making reasoned decisions; they just aren’t, and even many of those few who are are not going to come to the same conclusions that you have. Some people are simply stupid, and regardless of IQ, most people need and want leaders. Others, while having high “IQ” have no common sense. What you advocate will NEVER happen. Unless, of course, you and yours decide to make decisions for those who you deem children, for their “best interests,” at which point you become the “leaders” that you decry. Then, of course, there are some people whose act are simply evil, by intent. They play by a different set of morals; what do you intend to do with them?

Mar 17, 2024 5:09 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

You have just advocated the very false ideas the ruling elite want you to believe. Humanity is stupid and want to be led like children. Boa appetit!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 7:50 AM
Reply to  sandy

I guess I’m one of the “elites”, then. They see the world as it is, not through rose-colored glasses.

Mar 17, 2024 7:26 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“Not everyone is capable of thinking critically, or making reasoned decisions”

Really? What percentage would you say are this incapacitated? You say you, and the SHARKS that run the world “see the world as it is, not through rose-colored glasses”?

What the Hell are doing here then, when this is a place of total criticism of everything they DO> They see clearly, but do wrongly, is that right?

Read today’s article and the passage about “discontinuities”.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 18, 2024 2:06 AM
Reply to  sandy

So, does that mean you think everyone out of 8 billion people is created equally, equally in the sense of having identical abilities, talents, skills, experiences? The Creator, be it God or Nature, does not bestow gifts equally. Nature, of which human beings are a part, is hierarchical, and competitive. TPTB know this, and exploit it, but they did not create the systems that the limitations and requirements of living on this planet bind us to.

Mar 17, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  sandy

None of those politicians run anything Sandy. They are merely the public relations face of a corporate structure with hidden owners and board members we never see or read about.

What we have is a world built on mass disinformation and mass mind control. Humans are subjected to deliberate disinformation and programming from birth to death, none of it’s accidental.

There’s no way to modify unlawful tyranny it needs to be abolished.

Mar 16, 2024 4:33 PM

I don’t care how uncomfortable or angry people get when I’m explaining facts. It’s my obligation as a moral person to tell the truth. For every vile, profane, rude and ignorant rant against my comments, one reader might wake up. That one person is worth the rude abuse. I wish someone had sat me down when I was younger and explained to me how the body works in reality, not the mainstream scientific fiction so l didn’t have to waste 3 decades researching the cause of illness only to find out the right nutrition can prevent and reverse any dis-ease even the alleged incurable types, if you de-toxify and de-stress simultaneously. The body always regenerates cells and tissue correctly under the right conditions. I wish someone had told me all vaccines were poison and 100% unnecessary 15 or 20 years ago before I was misinformed by the schools my son had to be vaccinated to attend. That was an outright lie pushed by the poison Saturn death cult and their employees. I wish someone had told me there’s a parasitic psychopathic death cult ruling the world and its those death cult billionaires, royal families and organized religious orders that have created all our power structures; from banking, trade, insurance, governments, laws, taxes, FIRE sector, agriculture, chemicals, PhRMA, science, media, education to professional associations and unions. It’s a worldwide web of fraud and deception, NOT country vs country or bloc vs bloc. Red vs Blue = Purple. I had to go down about a dozen dead end rabbit holes before I figured out how the worldwide power scam works, historically to the current day. It’s run entirely on criminal fraud, lies and mass mind control. I had to rule out the obvious economics nonsense, the rabid racism, reject all the low… Read more »

Mar 16, 2024 8:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You feel compelled.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 16, 2024 9:29 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

‘compelled’ isn’t a feeling. perhaps Researcher feels angry, with good reason.

Mar 16, 2024 10:51 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Yes. Exactly. I feel morally compelled to speak out. Regardless of the consequences.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 16, 2024 10:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Telling it like it is is all good and well online (until we are hunted down or shut down, that is). However, you’ll be a lonely person if you do that with all your friends.

I tried the gentle approach by emailing my circle of friends very early on, even before the jab roll-out but stopped when I got no response and when the topic de jour was icily avoided during meet-ups.

Not ready for a lonely life in a hut out in the bush.

Mar 16, 2024 11:21 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I have a husband who gets it. He worked in biotech R&D before he retired. He knows how much fraud is in science. A son who I’m trying to educate and teach self sufficiency, to think laterally, critically, and to be skeptical of all authority. None of us are jabbed.

I have several close friends of more than two decades. They are scattered all over the world. We are all on good terms even though they are at different stages of awareness or awakening.

The challenge is going to be finding people in your own community to connect with, to create a support network, start a co-op or perhaps some kind of barter and trade system.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 17, 2024 12:42 AM
Reply to  Researcher

See now why yer going, actual skin in the game, Not me.

It’s a world of fun,

Peggy Hill rules,

Don’t know is my sharpest weapon.

What space ?

Mar 17, 2024 2:01 AM

Yeah. Lucky you! I feel like the protagonist in Idiocracy.

Mar 16, 2024 11:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And we all know who is behind it all. It’s the name we cannot say. Right?

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Mar 17, 2024 8:57 AM
Reply to  rickypop

Dunno you know who you mean.

Mar 17, 2024 9:29 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Rothschilds et al appear to be imposters and not members of that tribe. Front men in a villain/hero, divide and conquer narrative. Obviously playing the villains.

The corporations all posing as countries are privately owned and centrally controlled through this mechanism.

All the organized religions are based on astrotheology and stem from the same Cult, use the same control mechanisms, recycle the same SCRIPTS, and appear to pre-date the last Great Year (Cataclysms) and the Yuga Cycles.

The Cult of Satan/Saturn enslave humanity through occulted knowledge, by hiding natural law, creating artificial hierarchies and false authority using mass mind control and programming of humans from birth to death.

They own all souls on earth, spiritually, physically and fiscally using the 3 Cestui Que Vie trusts.

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 11:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The human body is a very mechanically delicate thing, easily broken w/o even knowing, proper body mechanics alone can fight disease, clearly an advantage to those who do so.

Dont tell the doc though, its not even in his vocabulary.

Mar 17, 2024 12:54 AM

100%. Moving correctly directly affects our biochemistry. Thanks for mentioning that.

Mar 17, 2024 5:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You stated just about no “facts” per se in your rant. You’ve only exposed the extent of your paranoia, lack of education, obsession with satanism, and all sorts of other ways in which you’re fucked up.

You’re somewhat correct in regard to some of the issues about which you’re hysterically squealing, but your paranoia, general stupidity, and lack of formal education (which would have taught you to assess reality objectively) prevents you from coming to reasonable conclusions. Still, you’re an interesting person. There are quite a few people fucked up the way you are, but none is as fucked up as you. You’re a true original. The queen of all fucked up fuckers out there!

As to, for lack of better word, fossil fuels – that is crude oil, natural gas, and coal. It doesn’t fucking matter what their origin is. Likewise, it doesn’t fucking matter whether they’re replenishing, which they probably are, at least to an extent. What matters is that they’re being depleted way, way faster than they replenish. End of story. These fuels are essential to support the current civilization, especially the occidental just-in-time societal structure. They’re becoming harder to extract; hence, problems are popping up. No amount of ranting about death cult and satan, Researcher-style, can do anything about it.

The stuff about self-sufficiency, living in harmony with self, with nature, possibly like-minded community, is right on. You’re correct about that, whether it’s by accident because your randomly operating brain happened to get something right for a change, or because you do possess some minute ability to think rationally, I know not and it matters not either.

Anyway, keep up the good paranoid work. I’m sure I’m not the only one who looks forward to the bursts of your hysteria and sheer imbecility!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 17, 2024 7:18 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

To quote Joseph Heller from Catch-22 “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after you”
That mantra would serve the vast bulk of humanity better than having blind faith in politicians, institutions, ‘science’ and a corrupt system.

To quote Jacinda, the talking horse “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and “Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.”

Are we who read OffG not then all “paranoid” according to our overlords and their minions?

Mar 17, 2024 8:46 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

There is quite a ways between vigilant distrust and uncontrollable paranoia that paralyzes your mind and prevents you from formulating a rational thought.

The fact that the “system”, the powers that be, the elites, is composed of malevolent motherfuckers is a constant, an axiom. Plus, it’s not only the elites, everybody out there are on the one hand brothers and sisters, but competitors too, many intent on fucking you over.

Consequently, many aspects of actual issues are tainted by the fact that somebody is intent on exploiting you to their advantage. That, however, doesn’t mean that the issues don’t exist and are invalid or fallacious or even fraudulent in their entirety. That’s the mistake this dimwit Researcher, and many others, makes. They throw out the baby with the bathwater.

In other words, having blind faith in the corrupt (it’s always been and will always be corrupt to some extent) system is stupid, but it’s equally as stupid to reject everything because there is a degree of corruption, error, perhaps even fraud, etc. in just about everything.

I mean, what do you expect? The world to be perfect? It fucking ain’t.

Mar 17, 2024 11:53 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

I’ll stick with Researcher. I appreciate the absence of the f word.
When it’s one obscenity after another it’s just a rant.

Mar 17, 2024 2:03 PM
Reply to  judith

You wrongly assume that somebody gives a fuck.

Mar 17, 2024 5:07 PM
Reply to  Sociolog

You wrongly assume that I assume anything.

Mar 17, 2024 5:26 PM
Reply to  judith

You know, Judith, in essence you epitomize what’s wrong with the world, with people.

You’ve arbitrarily picked a side, probably because it appeals to you that Researcher is a woman, doesn’t say fuck, shit, motherfucker, cunt, and other words from the lexis you’ve been instructed to consider offensive, and no argument, no fact, nothing will change your position. You’re on an autopilot now and whatever this Researcher says, you’ll swallow and ask for more.

If you had an iota of brain, you’d see that a) Researcher’s rants are just about completely devoid of substantiated facts and b) that she is rabidly rigid about the paranoid horseshit she peddles. Not good, not good. Despite vehemently accusing others of being paid shills, it’s actually her who comes across as one. How? She basically denies and dismisses everything, the very basis of people’s intellectual footing, understanding the world around us. That’s exactly what the current times is about. Obscuring reality. Or rather pushing “narratives” that substitute reality. Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. People believe and trust nothing, 2+2 no longer equals 4.

Beware of idolatry!

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Mar 17, 2024 8:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Pretty good summary, but I don’t understand your boast about not buying so much as a gallon of gas for the last two decades?

Mar 17, 2024 9:33 AM
Reply to  Mark Millward

Lol. Not at all. It’s a point for the SOCIOPATH – a pathological liar pushing the “fossil” fuel lie amongst other lies.

Mar 17, 2024 2:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Imbecile, it’s irrelevant whether so-called fossil fuels are fossil or something else. What’s relevant is that their supply is being exhausted and the ramifications thereof.

I do understand that it’s too much for your bird brain to handle, but stop calling others liers just because you’re too fucking stupid to understand what’s going on.

Mar 19, 2024 2:02 AM
Reply to  Sociolog

Their supply being exhausted was supposed to have occurred
a good while ago now.
The abiotic hypothesis states that wells are slowly replenished over time.

Mar 19, 2024 6:28 AM
Reply to  Mishko_

Supply is being depleted, some wells are exhausted. Low-hanging-fruit cheap oil is a thing of the past.

Supply is very likely being replenished. It matters not whether biotic or abiotic. What matters is that extraction by far exceeds whatever replenishment might be taking place.

In other words, the shit is running out, about the leave humanity, which is totally dependent on oil/gas, up the fucking creek with no fucking paddle.

There is a reason behind the renewables craze, even though renewable cannot provide a solution.

No amount of denial and wishful thinking and delusional hallucinations will do anything about this. Gotta slow down, downsize, and get ready for a slow return to or the caves or up the trees (select your preferred option).

Mar 16, 2024 4:31 PM

Eventually you’re going to have to be okay with continuing to speak up and deal with the consequences with at least some of these people, or else you sacrifice a part of yourself because I suspect you know that things are only going to get worse and crazier. Toughest issue would be with your wife, of course, but “protecting” adults in this way is just not good for anyone. Stay away from them as much as possible rather than placate denial.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 16, 2024 4:05 PM

For over a century, the dominant and state-enforced religion in the Westernised world has been Medical Materialism; and vaccination is it’s main sacrament. William James described Medical Materialism in The Varieties of Religious Experience – where he also wrote about the tribal, stone-throwing mobs. And G.K. Chesterton warned of the dangers, stating:

The thing that really is trying to tyrannise through government is Science. The thing that really does use the secular arm is Science. And the creed that really is levying tithes and capturing schools, the creed that really is enforced by fine and imprisonment, the creed that really is proclaimed not in sermons but in statutes, and spread not by pilgrims but by policemen—that creed is the great but disputed system of thought which began with Evolution and has ended in Eugenics. Materialism is really our established Church; for the Government will really help it to persecute its heretics. Vaccination, in its hundred years of experiment, has been disputed almost as much as baptism in its approximate two thousand. But it seems quite natural to our politicians to enforce vaccination; and it would seem to them madness to enforce baptism.

G. K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils

To become president of the US, the candidates must swear allegiance to vaccination. Trump is now saying he’ll defund schools which enforce vaccine mandates, but I suspect the religious cult is still too dominant for Trump to be able to stick with that position.

Sep 17, 2015: Ben Carson and Donald Trump weigh in on vaccinations at the Republican debate.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 17, 2024 7:16 PM

Also in Eugenics and Other Evils, Chesterton warned of the Trojan horse; namely, the notion of the “health expert”. The problem now is that almost the entire population of the Westernised world has been bribed and conditioned to the extent that they can’t even comprehend the argument – that the concept of “Public Health” is a highly dangerous absurdity. As a consequence, humanity is being crushed by the totalitarian, collectivist atrocity; while self-professed “health experts” assert that if we were only to turn the clock back a few years, it would all be hunky dory again. BTW: Chesterton was right to say that “experts can only arise out of exceptional things”, but wrong to say that it’s possible to have an expert on madness. One reason why he’s wrong on the latter is that madness is not at all exceptional. Rather, it’s the norm! Also, it’s possible to be an expert on THIS or THAT disease; or even a class of diseases. But it’s not possible to be an expert on the totality of diseases; and it’s certainly not possible to be an expert on dis-ease. — Eugenics and Other Evils (Extract) We now pass from mere individual men who obviously cannot be trusted, even if they are individual [54] medical men, with such despotism over their neighbours; and we come to consider whether the Eugenists have at all clearly traced any more imaginable public authority, any apparatus of great experts or great examinations to which such risks of tyranny could be trusted. They are not very precise about this either; indeed, the great difficulty I have throughout in considering what are the Eugenist’s proposals is that they do not seem to know themselves. Some philosophic attitude which I cannot myself connect with human reason seems to make them actually… Read more »

Mar 16, 2024 3:26 PM

Arrah, I love people. Won’t stop me from from pointing this madness out and trying to explain it, somehow. It is so beyond understanding in normal life. There’s a great word ‘kunlangeta’ used to describe basically a sociopath by the Yupik Eskimo fellows. The two links are behind paywalls but your man quotes both on his substack. We’ve a sociopathic problem.

“Psychopaths are as old as Cain, and they are believed to exist in all cultures, although they are more prevalent in individualistic societies in the West. The Yupik Eskimos use the term kunlangeta to describe a man who repeatedly lies, cheats, steals, and takes sexual advantage of women, according to a 1976 study by Jane M. Murphy, an anthropologist then at Harvard University. She asked an Eskimo what the group would typically do with a kunlangeta, and he replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.”

“The Inuit people of Alaska have a word, kunlangeta, for “a man who … repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and … takes sexual advantage of many women — someone who does not pay attention to reprimands and who is always being brought to the elders for punishment.” Anthropologist Jane Murphy revealed this in a study published in 1976. When she asked how the Inuit people dealt with a kunlangeta, one man told her, “Someone would have pushed him off the ice when no one was looking.”

Mar 17, 2024 6:34 AM
Reply to  ColmSeamus

This article is about another type who makes up the vast majority: the zombie.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  mgeo

You could say this article is about all the Inuit people are Kunlangeta and only one man of them is decent. What do this man do then?
He cant push all the fools off the ice.

Mar 16, 2024 3:22 PM

I’m now thinking it’s far worse than we think. Our leaders are either involved in this NWO or they are terrified. Governments are puppet shows and only act when their strings are pulled. Money is running the show, big money at that. Not some little bank but central bankers.
Massive depopulation and total dystopian control is the aim. Its all there in black and white if you look.
Maybe Jesus was tortured and killed for throwing the money changers out the temple. Maybe its time to get rid of them altogether before we suffer the same fate.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 16, 2024 4:25 PM
Reply to  rickypop

Early days, I’m afraid. It took the Italian partisans more than twenty years to begin dealing with the Fascists the only way that works. However, this does not mean there was not serious resistance from the very start. As David Rovics says, “There will always be resistance … ”

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Mar 16, 2024 3:17 PM

Many thanks for your article. I have warned my family and friends and rather like in ‘Allo, allo’, the UK comedy series I think of ‘Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.’!

But I do keep saying things as and when, and in the Christmas letter. We cannot give up and just let it lie, but we don’t need to badger people either.

Mar 16, 2024 3:10 PM

““Insane” … people who willingly went along with the vaccine fiasco without a tinge of resistance or question. What more appropriate way to describe them?”

Most of my friends and relatives belong to that category. They hold more responsible jobs than I do; many have PhD degrees in “hard science”: physics, engineering, and biology. and medecine. Some have degrees in “soft science”: medicine and psychology. None are remotely likely to be diagnosed as clinically insane; whereas I have been called “mad” more than once in my lifetime. Yet they are all staunch Believers in Con-19.

I suggest better word to describe such behaviour: “Social” (from the Latin, sociare “unite with,” from socius “companion, ally”). As in “Society for the Study of Social Insects”; the most ancient and most successful of societies are those formed by ants and bees.

My mentor, Prof.Robert Harkness, was fond of quoting: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard. Consider her ways and by wise. She works with a will and needs no supervisor”.

Social behaviour has great survival value, based on the Law of Large Numbers. If the insurance benefits of social behaviour demand a certain amount of “Credo quia absurdum” then so be it: survival is more important than reason.

Another word to describe socially conformists is “Gregarious”. From the Latin gregis, a flock (eg, of sheeple). Silly, woolly minded, mutton headed sheep are the outstanding example of Safety in Numbers.

If the insurance benefits of social behaviour demand a certain amount of “Credo quia absurdum” then so be it: survival is more important than reason.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 16, 2024 3:35 PM
Reply to  NickM

See David Icke’s words at the top of the item at the link below.

“Catching ‘covid’ has made people less intelligent – with severe infections reducing IQ the most, new study suggests. No, no. If they believe they have caught a ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist, that is evidence of a pre-existing condition of a reduced IQ”, at:


Mar 17, 2024 5:46 AM

More important than the first sentence of that “study” is its provenance:

“Scientists from Imperial College London analysed data on more than 112,000 volunteers who took Covid tests during the pandemic.
Analysis revealed that those who were admitted to intensive care with Covid scored around nine IQ points lower on average in exams than those who avoided infection.”

Covid-19 “scientists” from Imperial College London are famous for their “mathematical model” which “predicted” precisely what the Westminster regime wants the sheeple to believe ie, predicted that Covid-19 would kill millions in Britain: false.

Mar 16, 2024 4:36 PM
Reply to  NickM

Their lives are based in fear, and that primarily includes the fear of standing out by thinking for oneself. Insane may be the outcome of many years of deep denial, but the reality is that it is ‘self-protection’ within the group and it really won’t matter how disconnected from truth these people are because the society as a whole is totally disconnected from truth & principles and is sick. It’s all fear-based and the only way I can agree with ‘insane’ as an appropriate label is to offer that the society is effectively insane by being collectively suicidal.

Mar 16, 2024 4:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

I do not know your friends, but I can say for sure that most of the ‘science’ they learned was theoretical dogma, and that their jobs are for companies and institutions who are very much a part of the problem. They have done well out of this system, most will not bite the hand that feeds. Their lives (financial comfort), those of their family, and their future, depends on them not stepping out of line.
I have an incredibly intelligent and educated aunt, yet she does not believe in a single conspiracy theory and fully backs all of the main narratives. She has worked for the government her whole life.
Such people tend to be atheists, they are not spiritual at all. For the spiritual know there is more than this life, and its trinkets. And in the end, how good you had it in this life means sod all to our creator.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 17, 2024 5:00 AM
Reply to  Paul

I have an aunt like that. She’s a beautiful person in almost every respect.She has a 160 IQ. You’re not going to tell her anything, yet she’s demonstrably, and objectively wrong about almost everything.

Mar 17, 2024 5:55 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Thanks for that amusing anecdote. Taken together with the post by Paul, above, it reminds me of the poem by Coventry Patmore:

“Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever”.

Life is full of mysteries, we should walk humbly and try to be kind:

“Humility is endless” — TS.Eliot.

Mar 17, 2024 11:56 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Mar 17, 2024 12:15 PM
Reply to  NickM

All power to the sheeple. https://youtu.be/cswKwvlV2Nc

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 16, 2024 3:09 PM

I empathize with you. I was in the same boat .I tried to explain to family and friends why I refused to take the jab: it was untested, Moderna had never brought a product to market, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson have paid billions in fines, Black people should never trust the government remember the Tuskegee “Experiment” , there is no permanent “cure” for any existing coronaviruses etc. all to no avail. I just continue to love them and hope for the best. Some are experiencing health challenges now, we are in our late 70’s and I know some of their issues are jab related.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 16, 2024 2:55 PM

Everyone is ready for different truths at different stages of their lives.

I hold the pragmatic opinion that if all 18 year olds knew the truth, very few of them would ever bother to breed.

I learned this lesson about being ready for different truths when I knew someone who had experienced fairly awful things in her country of birth, Algeria, but had found a better life in Europe.

To her, seeing the truth about family members was something she had to face up to young, so she was bemused about my need to see the best in my own family. I learned several years later that her view on certain things were right and my hopes were delusions. But at the time, I wasn’t ready to face them.

In a much more minor way, I also knew a Vietnamese who escaped the horrors of his country on a boat taking him to Hong Kong, on a journey where he worried several times that he was going to die. So a decade later, merely being gridlocked on the M25 orbital motorway around London was as nothing to him, in total contrast to the hooting, foaming-at-the-mouth British drivers for whom 10 minutes of delay was ‘Outrage, outrage!’

You won’t be able to get everyone to agree with you on everything, Mr Hayen, no matter how hard you try. And you don’t really get the chance to select for others those things that they will agree with you on.

You have to decide what differences are less important than the relationships and what differences are relationship breakers.

That’s pretty much the limit to our powers of persuasion, in my experience…..

Mar 16, 2024 2:33 PM

Yes yes yes, I too know: the big V is still – and will remain perhaps till God sends Jesus back down here to carry the true believers up to heaven to avoid the anti-Christ and so forth – the ultimate gift that keeps on giving death and destruction. Yadda yadda yadda.

But could we manage to squeeze just a few Palestinian children in between the endless – and I mean endless – horror stories about the big V? I get it – we get it – you get it – they get it – he, she and it get it: the Covid pandemic was a real bummer. There’s nothing further to be said about it (maybe we could start writing articles and comments backwards and upside down and even somehow get the net to replicate crayon (for the little ones, don’t you know).

Insight, hindsight, UFO sightings: all important aspects of understanding what’s happening in the real world. But for God sake, there are other things going on besides pandemics.

I realize OffG had a few articles at the start of the genocide. But – please! – don’t be so gauche as to expect any self-respecting blog to run it into the ground! That honor is reserved for the big V alone! Got it?

underground poet
underground poet
Mar 16, 2024 6:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

Dont know who the big V is, but your second coming has come, and gone.

Now what?

Mar 17, 2024 7:12 AM
Reply to  Howard

I too was surprised by OffG’s limited reference to NATZO’s crucifixion of Ukraine, and to Israel’s genocide in Gaza. But OffG is after bigger game: Global Conspiracy, where “they’re all in it together”: WEF, WHO, UN, U$, EU, Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all.

OffG bangs on Con-19 because it is the biggest drum in a Global Conspiracy; Plutocrats vs Humanity. Whereas Ukraine and Palestine are mere local fractures in a messy collision between a declining EU$A and a rising RoW (Rest of the World).

Mar 17, 2024 12:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Isn’t that interesting? I feel just the opposite. ( I’m assuming you mean the V as in vaccine.)

I know that their is huge suffering in Palestine. I have believed that for some time. There is huge suffering in many places. I wish I could stop it all.

But I do believe that Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, Iran, Syria, as horrible as the suffering is, is still just smoke and mirrors. It’s all created. All wars are created. Someone is profiting in more ways than one.

Right now I think that there is attention being brought to all of these wars to the intentional exclusion of the mass murder and injury, in so many ways, that has been wrought the past four years because of the contrived pandemic and its aftermath.

Many people are still suffering and being ignored and gaslit. And they are STILL pushing these shots.

I believe that as long as our attention is focused on wherever there is a war no one will ever wake up to vaccine injury beginning on the first day of life. THAT should have everyone’s attention. Until that is fully exposed and dealt with nothing will change.

Mar 17, 2024 9:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Listen: they’re (just?) working it out of their systems, it’s a detoxification process.

Mar 16, 2024 2:32 PM

Thank you very much for your articles they “talk” my heart ❤️

Mar 16, 2024 2:29 PM

Hi Todd, thanks again!
Sounds to me like you (and everyone) would be better off spending your time being and working with people who appreciate and profit from knowing you, the gifts and insights you bring, the work you do and the friendship you offer.
Forget about the rest, they only seem to be dragging you down.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 16, 2024 2:28 PM

The key is that those who trust(ed) the system and the establishment succumbed more easily to the propaganda.

There is also socio-economic element to this. Those who have benefitted most from the system economically speaking are far more likely to trust it. Of course, there are exemptions to this, but it is my belief that the exemptions who live successfully within the system – where success is measured in financial and economic terms – had an ‘awakening’ at some point in their lives. Whether it be a major geo-political event (eg 9/11) or something personal in their lives, such as at the workplace or other life event(s) that caused them to question and doubt the system.

Those who still trust the system do so for two general reasons. First, they consider themselves ‘winners’ within it and therefore have confidence in it. Second, to recognise that there are people they trust(ed) conspiring against their best interests to the extent of outright evilness, would cause their world view to crumble. A 180 degree wordly view shift would be to much to handle, such so, that living in denial is more comforting.

Next, education (indoctrination) has a noticeable effect.

One U.S survey showed that those most trusting of the Convid jabs were educated to Bachelors or Masters level. Those without formal degrees AND those with PhDs were least trusting – two opposite ends of the education spectrum.

Since education to Bachelors and Masters levels is less about independent thinking than it is about rote learning – whereas, PhD’s on the other hand have to do their own research and formulate thesis – it is my assertion that the ability to think critically is affected.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 16, 2024 7:58 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

After nearly two decades of education, the PhDs got to see how the sausage is made!

Among these dark Satanic Mills!

comment image

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Mar 17, 2024 7:31 AM

Point taken.

Though they seem to have less indoctrination than others, they are still the sausage and not the butcher.

Mar 17, 2024 9:05 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Ahh, so you understand why I decided to NOT go to university. Even for FREE, with support grants.
Watching them already turning into entitled idiots.

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Mar 16, 2024 12:57 PM

I get where you’re coming from, but leaving loved ones in the state of “ignorance is bliss” is like a gross dereliction of duty.

Sure, we don’t want them to overly despair and turn their world upside down, it needs to be done slowly and carefully, but if we don’t gradually educate them it means that we have left them to the wolves. The evil bastards will have won.

Never give up. Never capitulate.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 16, 2024 6:09 PM

You’re so right. If we decide to stop trying to wake up our loved ones to what’s really going on, it would be a ‘gross dereliction of duty’.

I mentioned here on Off-G a few weeks ago how aghast I was when my eldest niece (35) a few weeks ago responded to an email which I’d sent to a number of my family members here in the UK (it having been the latest such email of mine, to them, of the countless numbers of such emails sent to them since very early in 2020, part of my attempt to wake them up [I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years]) with the following words “This sort of communication is unacceptable! I’m [part of] your family! Families don’t talk about this sort of thing!”.

As I commented when I mentioned the above on this site a couple of weeks ago, I was speechless when I read my niece’s words, above!
The ‘normies’ simply don’t want to know the actual facts, the actual truths… they (unfortunately…) want to continue to ‘believe’ what the people on their beloved TVs ‘tell’ them…

I’ve sent my family members two further emails since then, re. what’s really going on.
But yes, you guessed it… still no response from them, in that regard (though we all get on well enough, re. ‘ordinary life’).

Mar 17, 2024 7:23 AM

” Families don’t talk about this sort of thing!”.”

That’s the soothing syrup. Like, “There’s no such thing as Society” or “The end of history”. Life becomes family, shopping and entertainment.

Keep your nose close to the grass, and never ask about the man with the dog.