Degenerate Art in New Normal Germany
C J Hopkins

One of the first things totalitarians do when they set about transforming a democratic society into whatever type of strictly-regulated, utterly soul-deadening totalitarian dystopia they are trying to transform it into is radically overhaul and remake its culture.
You can’t impose your new official ideology on a formerly democratic society with a bunch of artists running around loose, making fun of you and your propaganda. No, you need to get the culture business under control, and dictate what is and isn’t “art,” and what types of art are “harmful to society,” and demonize them, and the artists who created them, and censor them, or otherwise erase them.
The Nazis went about this process in their characteristically ham-fisted fashion…
In September 1933, the Nazis created the Reich Chamber of Culture. The Chamber oversaw the production of art, music, film, theater, radio, and writing in Germany. The Nazis sought to shape and control every aspect of German society. They believed that art played a critical role in defining a society’s values. In addition, the Nazis believed art could influence a nation’s development. Several top leaders became involved in official efforts on art. They sought to identify and attack ‘dangerous’ artworks as they struggled to define what ‘truly German’ art looked like.” — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
One of the most ham-fisted events in the course of this process of ideological “synchronization” (a process known as “Gleichschaltung” in German) was the Entartete Kunst (“Degenerate Art”) exhibition in Munich in 1937…

New Normal Germany is not Nazi Germany, so there is no “New Normal Chamber of Culture,” and no new “Degenerate Art” exhibition. The New Normal is a new form of totalitarianism, one which can’t afford to be perceived as totalitarianism, and thus the Gleichschaltung process works a bit differently.
I’m going to use my prosecution as an example, again. I apologize to any regular readers who are sick of hearing me go on about it. I know, I promised not to go all “Late Lenny Bruce,” but the Germans keep providing me with new comedy material.
If you’re not one of those regular readers and thus are unfamiliar with the background of my case, you can read about it in The Atlantic, Matt Taibbi’s Racket News, and in various independent media outlets.
The short version is, back in 2022, I posted two Tweets criticizing mask mandates and making fun of Karl Lauterbach, the German Health Minister. Both Tweets included an image from the cover artwork of my latest book, The Rise of The New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021).

The German authorities did not appreciate those Tweets, so they (1) had them censored by Twitter, (2) had Amazon ban my book in Germany, and (3) dragged me into criminal court and prosecuted me on trumped-up “hate crime” charges. I was acquitted of those charges at my trial in January, but the Berlin State Prosecutor has appealed the verdict.
The latest bit of comic material the German authorities have provided me with is a copy of the prosecutor’s grounds for the appeal. In it, the Oberstaatsanwältin als Hauptabteilungsleiterin (i.e., “The Senior Public Prosecutor and Department Head”) argues that my Tweets do not express opposition to the Nazis, which … she’s right, they don’t. They express opposition to the mask mandates, and lies of the German authorities, and their violation of the German constitution.
My Tweets do not express my opposition to the Nazis because my Tweets assume opposition to the Nazis. They assume that all decent people understand and take it for granted that the Nazis were … well, Nazis, vicious, sadistic, mass-murdering fascists, with zero respect for democracy and the rule of law, who were obsessed with imposing their fanatically insane ideology on the entire planet.
They (i.e., my Tweets) assume that comparing a contemporary group of power-intoxicated, constitution-violating, official-propaganda-spewing psychopaths — for example, the current German authorities — to the Nazis is not exactly a compliment.
The Senior Public Prosecutor and Head of Department, who is clearly not only an expert on the law, and political commentary, but is also an expert on art, and subtlety, and other elements of aesthetics, explains the other problem with my art (i.e., in addition to the problem of opposing the German authorities’ unconstitutional dictates when I should have been opposing the Nazis) in her “Revisionsbegründung” (“Grounds for Appeal”); too much subtlety, not enough “clarity” and “obviousness.”
Here’s an excerpt from the Revisionsbegründung (translation, clarification, and emphasis mine).
The general politically-critical presentation [of the Tweets] does not even begin to express opposition to the NSDAP [i.e., the Nazi Party] and its ideology in an equally obvious and unequivocal way […] Ultimately, the representations express that the accused wanted to emphasize his concerns about the measures in the Corona policy by adding the so-called swastika and the implicit reference to National Socialism. The implication is diametrically opposed to the required obviousness and clarity.”
If only someone had told me about the importance of “obviousness” in works of art when I was back in film school or starting out as an avant-garde playwright in New York City, who knows, I could have been somebody!
Instead, I got myself all confused by artists like … well, for example, John Heartfield. The title of this 1936 piece is “HAVE NO FEAR – HE’S A VEGETARIAN.”

In light of The Senior Public Prosecutor’s argument, I don’t know what to think about this piece anymore. What was Heartfield trying to say? Was he pro- or anti-Hitler? More importantly, was he pro- or anti-vegetarian?
And what are we supposed to think about this? Is Barbara Kruger pro- or anti-shopping?

And here’s an illustration by Anthony Freda, the artist who designed the cover of my book, and who is clearly suffering from a “clarity and obviousness” deficiency!

Oh, and speaking of inadequate “clarity” and “obviousness,” and the displaying of swastikas on German Twitter, here’s a Tweet by Die Tageszeitung, the big “left” newspaper here in Berlin …

Back in November, my attorney filed a complaint about that Tweet with the Public Prosecutor, as an experiment, just to see how they would respond. Of course, they declined to investigate, and prosecute, and cited the same exceptions to the ban on displaying swastikas that apply in my case, and which the judge also cited when she acquitted me in January.
I asked my attorney to carry out that experiment, because, at the time, I was terribly confused about whether Die Tageszeitung opposed the Nazis, or was trying to promote the Nazis, or what exactly all those swastikas and smirking Nazis were doing in a Tweet about “German Muslims” and other “migrant people” and how they think about the Holocaust.
In the end, I decided the Twitter operators at Die Tageszeitung were probably working under the same assumption about how people view the Nazis as I was when I posted my two Tweets, i.e., the assumption that the Nazis were bad and that you do not have to reiterate that to the general public each and every time you include a photograph of them, or a swastika, in your social-media artwork.
But, seriously now, as I noted in court, my case has nothing to do with the Nazis or The Senior Public Prosecutor’s understanding of art. It’s part of the crackdown on political dissent that is being carried out, not just here in Germany, but in countries all throughout the West.
Yes, it’s particularly fascistic in Germany — if you can read German, here is yet another example of a case like mine, but under a different pretext — and it is absolutely focused on critics of the official Covid narrative and the Covid restrictions, but it isn’t focused exclusively on us.
If you can set aside your allegiance to whatever side of whatever you have pledged it to, and have a look at what is coming down the pipe, or is already all the way down the pipe, in the USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, France, and various other countries … well, I strongly recommend that you do that, preferably before we all get “gleichgeschaltet.”
If you need a place to start, I posted links to a few articles on Matt Taibbi’s Notes thing…

OK, that’s it. I need to finish this column and go and up my “clarity and obviousness” game. The last thing I’d want to do at this point is post some other non-obvious art and accidentally “delegitimize the state.” I’m already in enough trouble as it is! Thank God I have The Senior Public Prosecutor’s Revisionsbegründung to refer to!
I tell you, I don’t know where I’d be without these Germans!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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The problem is, even among leftie (old) lefties, Lenie Riefenstahl’s ‘nurenburg Rally’ doc., is admired as awork of art, nevermind the message..
Two names from WW2 that have been flushed down the memory hole: Hermann Josef Abs and Charles Howard Ellis.
I remember a while back Corbett made an appeal for anyone with any info about the BIS and the Nazis. He’s never produced anything on it to my knowledge so I’m assuming he’s not been able to find much. Those Nazis were just crazed psychopaths and the fount of all evil – but they respected Swiss neutrality? Something doesn’t quite add up here…
Excellent link, Jen.
great article
It’s confusing, to say the least that the epitome of wrong, described as “Nazis
;vicious, sadistic, mass-murdering fascists, with zero respect for democracy and the rule of law…”
Is such a perfect fit for the Covid regimes, who are liberals (of whatever degree) the nemises of ‘the nazis’ but so alike if not having surpassed them.
There is an anomaly.
Liberals = Free Competition
Competition = Survival of the Fittest
**Fittest = Nazis
Therefore: Liberals = Nazis
**See post by Dmass at 1.39pm
Since the Nazis resolved the abject economic slavery of Germany, it is important to distract from the causes of that slavery. Hammering the message of Nazi evil helps. Where convenient, Russia can also be blamed, or at least evil Putin. Note: Due to unexpected developments, the Holocaust is on extended leave.
Unfortunately, the “power-intoxicated, constitution-violating, official-propaganda-spewing psychopaths” are not only content with playing doctor with their own populace–which is bad enough, they’re now overtly sponsoring the most cowardly acts of terrorism in foreign lands!
What are we going to do about it? Vote the bums out?
“What are we going to do about it?”
Class action suits by private individuals against Con-19 Nazis. For instance, Local people suing Local Medical Officers who administered experimental substances contrary to Nuremberg Convention.
The State is an organization that never has any legitimacy: the right to rule.
It’s against basic human rights to be ruled, governed and commanded by someone else. The State threatens with violence those who don’t obey it.
But that’s clearly a crime. It’s in criminal law.
Guess what: criminals don’t obey the laws, even those they made themselves, and crime does pay when criminals are in charge.
The State is a criminal organization. It is anti-human and anti-social.
The State didn’t just come from nature or from God, but a small group of psychopaths invented it.
And sure, they are still in charge of the State.
They’ve made it quite clear during the past four years.
Everyone must take this poison shot – or else! Everyone must be imprisoned – or else! It’s WAR, if they say so.
When people don’t have any actual rights, a right to life, a right to live in peace, a right to live freely in equality, a right to free movement and free speech, and so on, people are mere things that someone else owns and controls. It’s impossible to be free while being owned by someone or something.
That all humans are free is a basic human right.
The State has no legitimate right to take away human rights – yet, that’s exactly what the State organization has always done.
We’re born free and equal, and we ain’t going to live and die like slaves.
It’s the State that needs to go away. Humanity stays.
What is the origin of government? The bandit and village warlord, with a starring role for the witch-doctor.
If only those eager to rule had single-handedly created “the State.” But I strongly suspect it was a collaborative venture of rulers and those to be ruled. People are no stranger to blood lust and coveting thy neighbor’s goods.
Perhaps it’s because that dynamic is on such clear display in Israel that OffG shies away from it. Look at the Israeli government. Then look at the “new” Israelis – the Settlers. Then look at the polls – 85% support the genocide; 74% criticize the government…for not doing enough to rid Gaza of its Palestinians.
It isn’t the government – the State – which raids Palestinian homes in the West Bank and drives inhabitants out of their homes. It is the people – who have been armed with automatic weapons.
It’s time, I believe, to put to rest this fairy tale that if only the big bad government would go away humanity could bloom into the perfect beings God and Nature intended them to be.
German art is not that bad. Dance macabre…….after the first. Add a little music and you have a moment of soul.

Get a media studies prof to testify to the obvious instant communication of a swastika on a lockdown mask, on the cover of a book written against the neo-fascist totalitarianism of a West that forced masks, lockdown and vaxxes on people without consent. Court arguments this lame in any other criminal or civil action, not against the State, would be thrown out by the judge and never be heard.
My wife was sentenced to 96 hours in solitary confinement for not wearing a mask while speaking to a store manager that previously OK’s her right to not wear one. A city judge, an “Administrator”, refused video or other evidence, locked her in an adjoining courtroom with 4 cops, without defense lawyer, dictated misinterpretations of law to the jury who convicted her in 30 minutes. The real charge, here, and for CJ, is DISOBEDIENCE to those who have assumed hegemonic authority stolen by consentless, FAKE democratic republics. Laws in these structures are not law, they are weapons of State punishment over the ruling elite’s serf population.
For anything to move forward to democratic equality, all authority needs to move out of government and into the authority of the people to organize and oversee a free society. Until then…
You mean BIG MUTHA!
Haircut Sal, haircut!
Censorship of “degenerate art” nowadays takes the form of appeasing the blandly assumed “taste of the people” which, of course, is never named in such an obvious way. Instead we hear about “changing tastes”, “present day attitudes” etc. which just so happen to coincide with what the moral guardians upstairs require.
The best thing the Gerry’s ever did was hunt down and arrest the monstrous imbecile CJ Hopkins…..and the worst thing they ever did was allow him to escape and continue publishing his drivel!
God almighty he’s doing it again! Can no one stop CJ Hopkins from being obtuse? All my life I’ve heard this expression as “coming down the pike.” Therefore, I KNOW that’s what it should be – not “coming down the pipe.”
Stop him before it’s too late!
“Remove harmful content”
They are the harmful content.
Psychopaths and criminals in suits…
Risking repetition – the German constitution is suspended, it has been since the end of WW2 . Germany is still legally under occupation, which may explain why the leadership of the country seems determined to destroy it.
Yes, Germany is still under American military occupation as is the UK. The responses to covid were similar. Hopkins is an American living in Germany.
The Americans seem to be destroying the German economy like they destroyed the the UK economy in the 1980s using (American state department trained and oil industry stooge) Margaret Thatcher.
We at least still have our English constitution,although it has not been upheld by we the people who would benefit from it. I say that America is in the hands of the globalist inheritors of the British empire.
Only in Hollywood and within the holoyfake museums.
Revisionist history tells another story but that is banned in 20 country’s as there point like the above statement must be true hence why it needs prison sentences and being cancelled to make it true as truth needs the threat of imprisonment and being cancelled and banned in 20 + country’s if you do not believe it.
When history comes to you enforced by the law, only one thing is certain it has to be a LIE!
…and just like that, the Guardian proper has a really interesting article about WW2 propaganda this morning.
The article is a book review. It deals with a rather imaginative way of spreading anti-Nazi propaganda worked not by being oppositional (“Nazis are bad”) but by being more Nazi than the Nazis themselves (“too bad the leadership is a bunch of gangsters”). The book is probably worth checking out because experience has shown that a lot of modern propaganda has its roots in that era. Its relevant to this article because this type of tool could be called “cultural extremism”, its like a type of herbicide that causes plants to grow so rapidly that they collapse because they outgrow their ability to sustain themselves.
Yes, the Guardian article was interesting but I won’t buy the book (advertised there)
What happen, has happened before. There is nothing new under the sun.
“New Objectivity”??? These words these words.
The Degenerate Art exhibition was the best attended art exhibition of the C20th. Nothing like telling people something is degenerate to pack in the punters! Ham-fisted… or perhaps not?
Re the Nuremburg Trials from last week: it isn’t often mentioned that Martin Bormann was tried in absentia at Nuremburg because it was considered so likely that he had escaped and was living in exile. Among such crazy conspiracy theorists as to believe this have been Simon Wiesenthal, Hugh Trevor-Roper, the Bishop of Munich, Adolf Eichmann and the Soviet KGB. The saga of what was alleged to be Bormann’s skull found in the early 1970s was such transparent nonsense that “ham-fisted” doesn’t even begin to cover it (it also bears a marked resemblance to the sudden discovery of physical remains of the last Tsar just after some serious questioning of his official supposed fate surfaced).
Paul Manning’s ‘Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile’ was the main work on this. Manning was a mainstream journo working for the NYT. He thanks Allen Dulles in his ‘Acknowledgements’ so it’s clearly not going to be the full picture but it’s closer to reality than the mainstream narrative. How many times does one hear Bormann’s name mentioned these days compared to Hitler or Mengele – yet in the later Third Reich he was more powerful than either? Any resemblance between Bormann and the archetypal technocrat is of course purely coincidental.
The Bormann Brotherhood by Stevenson is a good read too. Also, there’s Gehlen by E.H.Cookridge and Skorzeny by Infield. Its a fascinating area of research.
Christopher Creighton’s Op.J.B. (Operation James Bond) was written by the man who purportedly lifted Bormann from Berlin with Ian Fleming. The amount of deceptive cover stories revealed at the end convinced me that the truth is impossible to fathom in anything to do with British Intelligence operations.
And where would we be without these Americans.
Illich wrote that the early Christians (pre institution) held a culture of keeping a bed & a loaf for an unexpected ‘guest’. After 100 years or so this shifted to a collectively funded hostel. A living relational encounter in the Spirit is organised to a utility of convenience or efficiency. The Christian Church-originally fluidly adapting and adopting to local ‘colours’ or cultures of ritual liturgy became the prototype Corporation that centralised & developed organisational abilities to become the Corporate-State of required ‘worship’ along with penalties of exclusion as the idea of a divine right to enforce a ‘loving and just society’.
Illich regards this ‘structural’ usurping of a relational extension of a living – I might say holy encounter – as the scientifically rebranded ‘state’ extending a corporate structure of identity as compliance – as an Overton Window of social access, inclusion or survival.
And in interviews near the end of his life saw it as the anti-Christ – the perversion of the Christian Revelation (Love of God & Brother as one).
He also recognised it as an inevitable result of our deep but active ignorance – as a grievous error that would reveal us to ourselves in the sense of a bottoming out – or Prodigal turnabout.
I felt to sketch my sense of that to illustrate the role and nature of structure in our consciousness and thus our world as a potential usurper of identity by which we are phished – in a direct correlation to the archetype of the Fallen Angel – which is also Narcissus, in terms of exchanging or discarding a living relational participation for a self-imaged conceit or concept of self, world and ‘relationships’ which become something to get from, or get rid of, onto. Taking thought for our ‘self’ is to set the Law of being in reverse because my true or original self is the gift of a reflected love – not in terms of emotional manipulations but energy of attention and intention freely given and freely received – without coercion.
Running contra to our Nature – in concept if never in truth – generates oppositional conflict as an innate alarm or dissonance arising from such a condition, and thus a call to release & realign. The ability to mask pain is the capacity to put a call on hold while attending other priorities. Outsourcing the masking defence of such priorities (if it be thy will) develops an ‘ego’ or self-image in masking defences against exposure to pain that became associated with guilt for engaging persistent self-will at cost of awareness and participance in a felt connection to life – such now as to operate as a terror of block and boundary against realignment and connected perspective. The human ‘self-conditioning’ becomes an accepted ‘reality’ in which to compete for position within its archetype of a closed finite and disconnected ‘system’. It is but our mirror, yet to which we are for the most part compelled to look upon, while seeing only a meaningless world upon which to seek to act out fantasy fulfilments that -for all the hit or thrill of a moment – dont. But will set up patterns of dependency and addictive ‘getting’ as a masked priority that keeps us too busy to look within.
Within the moment at hand!
A mind fitted to structure cannot see or hear – for it must see and hear something Else!
In all respects we are creative beings, but the nature of creation is not ingenuity set to the solving of ‘problems’ though it can be harnessed to mask them in ever new ‘solutions’; the creative act is the decision or act of the acceptance of a gift, that by expressing or embodying through us reveals us to ourself and to each other & our world (field of relations).
Mis-creative mind cannot know itself truly in the a tempt to make reality in its own image. But nor can it correct its own error while be-living that it can and has done this.
A light must enter a mind that had effectively made it unwelcome – an interference, a violator, a source of pain & shame to be denied, cast out and attacked – even asymptomatically! – that is as a predictive control mechanism of existential survival, running in our name, but not of our true nature.
That the self-conflict turns upon itself is hardly surprising, for that is its starting place.
Nothing truly leaves the mind of its thinker, but we can believe we can, have and do operate autonomous from the Field of All relation. But it never is or can be, however much priority we give to cutting our strings and becoming a ‘real boy’.
Reality is always already the case but our awareness of reality is through our own. The Gift of Existence may seem to be cast in a Big Bang or Separation trauma, in the Theatre of our current focus of attention and intention.
Who has eyes to see – free awareness and attention?
Where is the gift of sight?
Not in a double bind!
I’m not a pacifist but I love a true peace and recognise our No has to be held in integrity of being or it isn’t held at all, and our Yes becomes meaningless – there’s no-one really there!
Unless we live from our true centre we will be easily manipulated because to be off centre require manipulation. The triggering of the call to war in minds already masked conflict with themselves is pre-loaded.
System capture is never exclusively an outside job.
We will soon be told by ‘the authorities’ what and where our “true centre” is.
Probably in Brussels somewhere…
No contrary views will be tolerated.
All those things mentioned come from thinking and thinking has precisely caused the problems. So we should not try to solve the matter by thinking. We will have to be and put thinking second. If we want to do anything to improve, if we want to, most of them just want to talk or write but they don’t know love, except self-love, those kind of people are the worst. They are neither good nor bad, but they are lukewarm. That kind of holds back improvement out of indolence. But, to end on a positive note, it’s about love not thinking, I think. Read the Bible as a self-help book. It explains a lot of what I’m trying to say. But, it starts with the will to love. Without that, you’d better go fishing or something.
I always get the feeling that the worst people are those who have no self-love…
One might also say that the worst people are those who have too much self love.
Is it conceit, though, or love, the people you mean?
I don’t know.
Too much self-love, or no self love: I’ve been chewing over this question all day, and I’m starting to think your assessment is more accurate.
I have a hunch that love is something we plug into, rather than possess.
Something ‘out there’ waiting for an intuitive response.
We shouldn’t be wasting time trying to love ourselves, when we hardly even know anything important about ourselves.
Love is a relationship to something else; and not to itself, although of course one can appreciate the very existence of such a wonderful thing.
Life is full of clues, but they are not handed to us on a plate.
Like anything worthwhile, some effort is required.
Attacking the state is tilting at windmills.
Fortunately, there is an alternative. You can understand why the state is the way it is, and that it’s all part of an ultimately philanthropic mission. In other words, whereas you cannot change the state (or the world), you can change yourself such that you realise you do not even need to attempt the former.
It may sound incredible, but you should at least recognise that you have it in your power to improve your understanding.
Paradigm shifts await.
You can’t attack an abstract concept. Can you attack the people who have taken over it’s mantle?
Maybe you can take their place? or they can use your face?
Of course we can attack – according to our means but to what end? The reset of a foundation in attack as basis for life?
Where lies a true defence for life, integrity and a basis for growing trust – without which lawlessness invokes the use of violence as systemic control?
Where indeed? Certainly not in the hands of a bunch of greedy thugs and their scheming minions.
One of the first dominoes to fall under the Nazi regime was the ‘degenerate’ LGBT folk domino (pink triangle symbol). The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin and its literature were burned down (see book burning photos). Opinions within the ‘freedom movement’ (who stand further back in the domino chain) align with that of the Nazis.
FREEDOM MOVEMENT BRAIN: ‘Lockdowns and vaccine mandates are a crime against humanity. How dare the Government attack me! The other groups deserve it – they should be eradicated. In the end I will be spared because the Government can see how special I am.’
History repeats.. Screams that echo inside a re-education centre from different coloured triangles sound the same. The different colours were always superficial.
Solidarity = strength. Division = weakness. Prepare for new anti-government laws that target anti-government ‘conspiracy theorists’ (red triangle symbol.)
“LGBT” folk in Nazi Germany? I would have thought that male homosexuality was well known and officially abominated (which is ironic considering the oft remarked implied latent – or not so latent – gayness of the whole Nazi ideology). Lesbianism was possibly tolerated by not being acknowledged. Bisexuality? Well it depends on the gay pole as already ouitlined.
But “transgenderism”? Did this peculiar chimera exist back then? Was anyone trying to pan that off?
In Berlin.
Nothing is as starkly good & evil as what we were told, assumed true and built our world on.
No such thing as ‘transgenderism’, only trans individuals. Politicians are exploiting the issue for distraction and divide and rule, which is why everyone’s sick of it.
Trans people have always existed. See Native American ‘Two Spirits’ and Ancient Egypt. Third genders exist today in Thai and Mexican culture. Nature creates messiness and variance that doesn’t always fit neatly into boxes. Colonialism sought to eradicate this variance in India and Africa. It could be said that transphobia is a continuation of white Western colonialism, which is why neo Nazis attend anti-trans protests. Either way, trans folk are extremely rare. Most people haven’t met one.
How does a trans woman in Springfield, Wisconsin, whom you’ve never met and who you don’t even know exists, affect your life?
How does the capitalist ruling class who you’ve never met, that wants you either dead or enslaved, affect your life?
So no such thing as “transgenderism” – only “trans individuals”? The quality doesn’t exist, nevertheless people can have the quality?
That’s a handy way of mystifying the entire category. Maybe that’s why everyone’s sick of it?
And so “trans people have always existed” i.e. these people who cannot be defined have “always existed”?
All part of this “messiness and variance that doesn’t always fit neatly into boxes”. Umm …. what are we talking about? Who knows?
But whatever it is, it’s one hell of an important topic since “(c)olonialism sought to eradicate this variance in India and Africa”.
And then we have “transphobia” i.e. a phobia about “transgenderism” which doesn’t exist!
So it’s no surprise that “trans folk are extremely rare”.
“Most people haven’t met one” since it’s pretty obvious that you wouldn’t know one even if you did meet one. I’m guessing they wouldn’t know either!
I haven’t the faintest idea what the last two questions are supposed to mean. A “trans woman in Springfield, Wisconsin” isn’t even going to affect “her” own life by this logic.
As for the capitalist ruling class, “who (I’ve) never met”…. Is this supposed to imply they don’t exist? So e.g. the covid con just somehow happened and no-one is responsible?
And if we are venturing as far as picturing a class that “wants (me) either dead or enslaved”, then there is no need to ask how they will “affect (my) life” since you’ve already answered the question!
“It could be said that transphobia is a continuation of white Western colonialism, which is why neo Nazis attend anti-trans protests”
Oh look, another oikophobic Wokeist. One that affects Marxist language to as to disarm, “capitalist ruling class”.
FYI, when women/feminists e.g. JK Rowling speak publicly against the current trans attack, backed by EU/US/Canadian/Australian legislation, on women, the only persons prepared to get out on the street to protect such women/feminists against thuggish, bashing, biologically male “women” are neo-Nazis.
Btw. nobody is “sick of” transgenderism, there is too much mileage in it, you clearly have no clue of how it fits into the UN Agenda 20230. I recommend you read the US feminist Jennifer Bilek,
Papa can:
See what Minnie Mouse has become in the definitively non-Nazi New Normal.
It’s a statement. State-men(t)?