“Bird Flu is back…so stop eating beef!”
Kit Knightly

If this keeps going, we're gonna need a lot more "bird flu" stock images
Bird Flu is back in the news this week. Again.
The Washington Post is wondering just how prepared the US is for a Bird Flu pandemic.
Apparently, scientists are paying careful attention to migratory birds and seals.
The Mirror is choosing to go even more alarmist than usual, headlining:
Map shows how bird flu is spreading across US – as only two states escape outbreak
Another year, another disease outbreak right?
But wait, there’s more: Allegedly, this latest bird flu outbreak can be traced back to cattle. Because why serve one globalist agenda when you can serve two?
A few days ago the New York Times reported that:
At least one person in Texas has been diagnosed with bird flu after having contact with dairy cows presumed to be infected
Just this morning, the Telegraph reported that:
Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows
Adding a forboding sub-head [emphasis added]:
Experts warn that lax regulations could also see the virus spread to US pig farms
Throwing any pretense of subtlety out the window, the Daily Mail went with:
What you can and CAN’T eat amid America’s bird flu outbreak
Another year, another “reason” we should all stop eating red meat.
Oh, and another reason food prices are going up too.
Strangely, the media seemed to be keeping a tight rein on the fear factor, with some outlets keeping the scary narrative in check, such as Healthline claiming “The Risk to the Public is Still Low”.
…while others prep for escalation. Such as the New York Times asking “Is Bird Flu Coming to People Next? Are We Ready?” and the Daily Mail warning “Be prepared: CDC convenes bird flu outbreak meeting where it tells state health officials to get ready for more human cases”.
So, this isn’t a big scare story…yet. But we’ll see.
In the future they may decide to unleash the bird flu as “the next pandemic” and roll out the steaming fresh vaccine they keep talking about, but not yet.
Right now, it’s just part of the ongoing fear-mongering and the worldwide war on food.
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The “domestic animal” biowarfare causing panic and loss of food.
Climatic Geo-Engineering creating “Anthropogenic Global climate Change”.
If the bird was “sick” just COOK THE DAMN THING!
What could possibly be one of the causes?…
Interesting to note how they suddenly mention toxins and crap food – two things that caused absolutely no illness 2020-2022.
From the Graudian, one of the Wasteland World’s most assiduous Lamestream Fear Mongers
The rural network
Bird flu
Australia’s back yard chicken owners urged to implement biosecurity measures in case of bird flu outbreak
Australia is the only continent free from the highly contagious H5N1 virus, after it was detected in wild bird colonies in Antarctica in February
But with the family cat registered with his local council, Laurence said he would like to see a similar process for his chickens.
“I don’t see that it would be an inconvenience to have a chicken registered, particularly if it means that government would be able to get to us quickly if there was an outbreak … it would be really good if we could register our flock,” he said.
Poultry researcher Dr Peter Groves said bird owners needed to be vigilant to spot unwell birds before disease of any kind began to spread.
There’s a feeling I get
when I look to the WEF.
‘Cause they say now
More bugs must be eaten.
There’s a sign on the wall
‘Cause they want to be sure
That they don’t feed the
Unvaxed heathen.
do some more!!
After the galactic scam, how on earth can anyone be 100% sure that these are not mARN vaccines or any kind other than the one advertised? (I am urphenomenon by the way)
One of their enviro-friendly alt-foods turns out to be unhealthy shock:
Not that I’m impervious to some of the criticisms of cows’ milk either.
No mention of the amount of chemicals sprayed on the GM plant.
Another 10/10 rating for this article.
Christine Massey looks at the information which us actually known about such alleged pathogens. I feel the need to REMIND everyone reading these words: This is what happens when you limit “resistance” to the shots and other mandates and fail to challenge the core of the narrative, virology’s prescriptions and contagion theory.
don’t fall for the “avian influenza virus” hoax, Christine Massey, 4/8/23.
Greetings and Best Wishes,
No one has valid scientific evidence to show that “avian influenza virus” H5N1 (or any other alleged “virus”) even exists. Here is a Notice of Conditional Acceptance for farmers (to be adapted for your own “country”), thanks to Calvin Perrins and Michael O’Bernicia:
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist:[Link]
Freedom of Information Responses [at the page]
LOL. Ground-up chicken waste??!! So how did a ‘virus’, which isn’t alive and allegedly needs a living host to transmit survive the grinding up of many chickens in order to “infect” a cow which breaks down food with 4 stomachs? It’s more magical than SARS-COV2!!! Oh, and it caused one guy to have pink-eye right? Any hysteria (that will occur if not already) is a test to see what percentage of the population’s IQ is continuing to drop and buy into their obscene and absurd scares.
While “Bird Flu” has all the requisite features we’ve been
encouraged to expect as characteristics of “Disease X,
it lacks the pizzaz, the Shock-and-Awe qualities we’ve
come to expect of The Real Thing !!
Kids are not scared by a Ghost when they know it’s only
you under a white bedsheet…
As a medium for popularising ideas such as ‘Contagion is
a (medical) Science fact’, and belief that hoomins can be
infected by ‘viruses’ jumping from species to species, and
so on – it’s ideal…
That is zoonotic transmission seems to be wot the masses
are being educated about…
They’re holding back on using Their Shock and Awe ammo
’til They’re ready to unleash The Real Thing !
CHD is pushing the avian flu (and bio weapons) narrative very hard, so is Del Bigtree/Highwire.
Bird Flu: What You Need to Know ‘Disease X,’ or rather ‘the next pandemic’ — what will it be? Some warn it could be the bird flu, but only time will tell. Host of ‘Defender In-Depth,’ Michael Nevradakis, welcomes on this week’s guest, Dr. Richard Bartlett, for an engaging conversation about future outbreaks, the bioweapons industry and zoonotic pathogens.
It’s for the birds.
This article is only for birds. What are all these people doing here?
A paper published in 2015 clearly indicated that 100 ppm HOCL kills avian flu virus instantly on contact.
“Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows…”
One has to wonder why there aren’t more regulations regarding what factory farmed animals are fed. At one point, there was an outbreak of Mad Cows Disease when factory owners fed cows grounded up cattle.
If the host dies the virus dies… there is no effing transmission of any alleged virus through ground up chicken waste. Absolute absurd nonsense, though the garbage the chickens are fed and/or injected with could certainly cause illness in anything that eats that, especially a cow that should mainly be eating grass anyway.
Not to mention the hormones and other pharmaceuticals cows are injected with, including mRNA concoctions.
Cutting corners is a foundation of capitalism. That requires regulators and politicians who are “understanding”.
“Monopolistic” capitalism is a euphemism for gangsterism.
It’s a blessing in diguise. Americans are eating unhealthy meat and way too much of it.
Literally all of virology is founded on unscientific methodology and epistemology. Period. And if you think falsifying a hypothesis in any way implies or necessitates proposing or validating another, then you do not understand what science means (you know who you are).
Amen! To me, this is comparable to someone being reliably informed that the currency in their wallet is counterfeit– and the understandably shocked and frustrated victim sharply refusing to credit the assessment, on the grounds that the party asserting that the money is bogus has an obligation to furnish good currency to substantiate the assertion.
No one is going to confiscate their (bogus) bills, and they’ll righteously keep using and passing them unless and until someone exchanges them for the real thing! 🤨
Daily Star is also writing about it. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/world-dangerously-close-next-pandemic-32535600 .
That means there is global consensus about it among not only MSM but also Science. Therefore it must be true.
75% of the entire global vaccinated population cant be wrong!
Excellent discussion here:
“UK MP Calls For Crimes Against Humanity Accountability”- Maria Zeee Interviews Andrew Bridgen
I would not be surprised in the least if the grain giants have been instructed to add toxic chemicals to their poultry products to simulate a “deadly virus.” Here in southern Mexico, I only feed my chickens maize bought directly from trusted small farmers in my pueblo.
Exactly, in terms of the sheer idiocy of a ‘viral’ transmission… through ground-up chicken? How did a virus transmit through that (if they exist) if they must transmit through living hosts? Probably some really bad feed, whether poisoned intentionally or just the normal injections and garbage food.
It’s worse than that. 1 chicken dies. Other chickens test positive for “bird flu virus” via fake test. Entire chicken house gets culled. Media reports “bird flu spreading through entire chicken houses like wildfire”. But you’re smart to source your own chicken feed.
Some poultry feed contains arsenic to control parasites, increase weight and “improve” colour. Some rice from major exporters high in arsenic from the soil. Some pesticides, herbicides and fungicides contain arsenic or cyanide.
How is the project to replace indigenous Mexican maize with genetically mutilated varieties going?
Cricket flu hits Bill Gates insect farm. Is this the end for our phavourite philanthropist?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-04-09. 27% Saudis ‘Bombshell’ Study had Heart Issues After mRNA COVID Shots. Wealth extraction via health care https://twitter.com/paulrprichard/status/1777820248403591677
Anyone else getting pissed off with this constant lying propaganda ? Who the fk do they think they’re talking to ?
The public used to be known as citizens. During the 20th century, citizen became known as consumers. Now the public are suckers, and as the man said, one is born every minute.
The bible says God warned you about what you would get if you selected a King.
But you buttheads refused to listen. Now you reap what you saw…………………….LOL
“Never give a sucker an even break.”
It’s those that buy into this obvious lunacy and lies that I get pissed at. They’ve given their souls over to evil mechanics.
I recall the rule of 6 did not apply to shooting.
No birthday parties, weddings etc but you can shoot grouse under ‘rule of six’ exemptions.
dont worry meat eater next time it will be the unvaccinated!!
Next solution from the ‘frighten you to death’ crew, Bugs don’t get bird flu!
People on the whole don’t get bird flu, there’s been two cases reported in the US. Its a problem for agriculture. And journalists — there doesn’t seem to be any of them that can’t turn an irritating problem into a full blown crisis. (Then the politicians pick up on their screeds and ‘respond to the people’…..and the rest is history……)
(Covid was an exception. Like the “Spanish” flu from 100 years ago it hit an unprepared population, caused problems and then we humans adapted, demoting it to “just another seasonal bug”.)
One has to wonder if those so called journalist are living in the same world as the people reading their articles.
Most of the people who read their articles are not dependent on the publishers for a continuation of their paychecks.
So this week the media managed to up the fear porn against poultry, beef, pork, eggs and dairy products by mentioning ‘diseased’ birds, cows and pigs.
They seemed to have missed a trick, leaving lamb, mutton and goat products off the list.
Perhaps, they did not want over do it, in case some human sheep figure out the attack is against all animal protein food sources.
A few more scare stories aided with fraudulent animal PCR tests and they can start culling livestock and poultry, watch the prices soar and price the public out of meat and dairy. Nudging them in the direction towards bugs, lab grown meat and plant based proteins.
“We didn’t stop you from eating meat and dairy” they will say, “it is just that you cannot afford it”.
They’ll also “discover” a huge gold reserve making our little emergency reserves worthless.
Watch the gold market for a big sell-off just before the “discovery”
Impossible. Gold and silver have been undervalued for decades. Physical money is the only thing that has not been falsely pumped yet. You cant cheat real money.
First you get the market stock and bond crash. Next they ban possession of gold. All Gold to be delivered to the State to cover the black hole in the State finances.
They wont mentioned grouse or peasants etc the para delites big estates roaming animals.
yet FOUL.. only gets this bird flu….which has always been considered peasants food and was mention in the older biblical and moslems texts.
Abosolutely. I was thinking that when I wrote the comment, game and wildfoul will be miraculously exempt from catching “it”.
Any plebs found trespassing onto the land of the landed gentry and the new oligarchs who are tempted to poach some, rather than starve, will be shot.
Oh, just wait…they have provisions for wildlife too.
“Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an allergic condition in which people are allergic to alpha-gal, a sugar found in the tissues of all mammals except humans and other primates. It is also known as mammalian meat allergy, alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, and tick bite meat allergy.
When people who are allergic to alpha-gal eat beef, pork, lamb, or meat from other mammals, they have an allergic reaction that causes a range of symptoms, including a rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms usually occur three to six hours after eating. In some cases, people may have an immediate life-threatening anaphylactic reaction that requires medical attention.”
As if this is some sort of naturally occurring “allergy.” Color me skeptical.
It’s time to become a breatharian! Wait … don’t breatharians also breathe out?
Cold and flu symptoms is just your body going through a detoxification… Nothing to get het up about 💤
Beware: the Seals have been infiltrated by the Navy …
Flus: modern fairy tales told by experts. Like Neil Ferguson, math wizard whose career of corporate corruption proves following the science means following the money.
Perhaps we’re in for another avain culling to manage the market by fear forecasts absurdly disproportionate to reality. Say what you will about bird brains, but it seems only human intelligence could manufacture disease to destroy the flock in order to save it, the only thing viral being such mad methods of scientific management over all life captive to capital’s death march.
Whatever happened to Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring? When birds were not heard because of chemical poisoning of our common habitats, without some enemy of germ warfare made up to cover up causes of destruction. Electromagnetic pollution, weaponized weather raining heavy metal particulate, vaccination of CAFO herds or genetic modification of plants, and more. All forgotten for the flu.
Sooner or later the culling comes back around to us, and if it’s not another psyop like convid there’s always more from cyberpandemics to climate catastrophism to march us to final solutions. The real emergency is our state of siege to emergency, and crisis of governance by controlling interests of capital that’s organized crime against humanity and life on earth.
Some time ago, I read a comment by that vile charlatan Ferguson in which he whined that he has been misunderstood: see, his mathematical models and predictions only seem outrageous to the uninformed because
theywe don’t realize that he and his colleagues were/are tasked to calculate and project worst-case scenarios.It’s not his fault if the relevant authorities rely on his findings to impose mass cullings and animal slaughters! I suppose I should give him credit for not adding that, in any case, he wasn’t even in the room when the overkills were greenlighted– he was out getting a bit of stuff! 🤨
That one’s a real mathemagician, hanky-panky and all.
Reminds me of this line from a song: “O Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood”.
Last evening Sydney teevee (re-)showed “Patient Zero” –
a movie replete with lockdowns, heavy military involvement,
love scenes amid gruesome, frightening death scenes –
the lot !! (And a Really Scary Movie to boot !)
So Something Is Afoot ? We are being Softened Up,
readied for The Real Thing to be sprung on us ?
The problem with “The real thing” is that if there is a real thing “they” would be affected too.
I think there was a “thing” in 2019/2020 which made people very sick. I don’t know what it was but it was enough to convince people that it was a thing.
That we didn’t hear of any Oligarchs dying of the thing suggests that they were able to target a few plebs without any danger to themselves.
Expect similar.
IIRC correctly, there were affected poobahs at the Iranian embassy.
Also this article.
More wealth = more privilege/exception. During any “lock-down” (curfew) or jab totalitarianism, the wealthiest enjoy facilities independent of public ones. They can travel, work or socialise without depending on private facilities. They are exempt from the rules affecting their employees. That includes jabs, access to sunshine, food security, emergencies concerning dependents, etc.
Correction: “without depending on private facilities” should be “freely”
Ah, “Patient Zero”– the prototypical “crisis actor”! 🤒
Bird Flu is an obvious misspelling of a common avian activity in the past tense.
An academic pandemic.
Follow the money:
https://www.reuters.com › business › healthcare-pharmaceuticals › vaccine-makers-prep-bird…
Focus: Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans ‘just in case …
The company plans to launch a small human trial of an mRNA pandemic flu vaccine tailored to the new avian influenza subtype in the first half of 2023, he said, adding Moderna could respond “very …
Bird flu vaccination policies by country | Reuters
Exclusive: France picks German, French firms in second bird flu vaccine …
https://www.cbc.ca › news › health › bird-flu-vaccine-human-1.6784487
Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans ‘just in case’ as rich …
There has also been a push among companies to develop a bird flu vaccine for poultry, a market potentially far larger than that for humans. Doses earmarked for wealthy countries
The big turn all governments took in 2020 with covid is part of an underlying programme that will continue regardless no matter how obviously absurd it becomes. The covid panic mongering itself inevitably became less effective so they had to keep introducing variants and then inventing new scares like monkeypox which didn’t take. The fact that these failed didn’t matter. The media still had to push them and will never stop.
It’s the same with the climate crap. I think fewer and fewer believe it but the media still churn it out and are starting to accelerate it. They push it because they have to in order to bring about the changes they want. The question is what will happen when they start to really push the agenda when nobody swallows the surface story.
When the flying monkeys catch it, we’re screwed..
I think they’re going to really start pissing off the cattle ranchers, and out here in the western U.S., it’s best not to tangle with that kind.
So we can expect to be entertained soon by ‘”Bird Flu”. Comedians will love the words to play with – flu, flue, flew, and so on. But it will all be the same old stuff as covid, but with a new name. How many will be fooled this time I wonder?
“flu, flue, flew, and so on”
A flea and a fly in a flue
Were trapped so what could they do?
Said the flea, Let us fly!
Said the fly, Let us flee!
So they flew thru a flaw in the flue.
Prep work (it’s ongoing) Feb 2013 in Australia man….I will cut to the punchline…
“He said 70 per cent of global bird population was farmed poultry, “and they are ultimately the ones that keep the nasty viruses going” ”
The He is a worried Australian expert
“He said 70 per cent of global bird population was farmed poultry”
An appetising market for Vaxx: far larger than the human market.
“Lower price, higher returns” — Anon.
See Joel Salatin, the organic regenerative farmer in Virginia. In his experience small-scale flocks of healthy birds which spend their lives outside rarely get affected. I recommend his 2007 book ‘Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal’. This food fascism was already well underway.
The question that can never be answered; How to they know?
Sir, its worse than that.
Trillions of cicadas will swarm America late this April in a disaster biological attack caused by clima change and the anti-vaxxers.
Tens of millions of Americans will suffer from fungus related deceases, and a major part of US food production will be eaten up by these small nasty beasties made in China.
I saw that Hollywood movie too…
Are they going to count them to know it is one trillion cicadas?
A trillion sounds apocalyptic, good job it is not 34 trillion, just like the US national debt. Imagine counting that in one dollar bills.
University biology departments have been drooling for this event to happen for years. PR for their programs.
Actually, they do count them. Did it as a field exercise in a terrestrial ecology class. Easy to do. It involves spending a while on your hands and knees with a 1/4 meter quadrant and counting everything your find. Much easier with cicadas. Just count their emergence burrow openings. Then you apply simple math.
The big deal in this case is the emergence of two distinct broods simultaneously. The 17 year and 13 year periodical cicadas. Only happens every couple hundred years. There is some spacial overlap of the broods. Local weather determines the exact date they emerge. Early June.
The poor towns that are situated in the overlap zones will have to worry more about lost media crews looking for the bugs. In this case, they ARE actually bugs. True bugs. Order Hemiptera. Sub Order Homoptera. They are distinctly colored black and orange with red eyes. Very cool looking.
Quite an event if you have ever experienced it. EXUVIAE everywhere. Creamy white newly emerged adults drying their wings everywhere. House cats gorging on them. Sidewalks are covered with them. Unavoidable crunching.
The noise from the first to emerge is tolerable. Like listening to a symphony tune it’s instruments. But later, you learn to detest them and beg for their quick death. Then they are gone.
And you are glad.
“True bugs. Order Hemiptera. Sub Order Homoptera. They are distinctly colored black and orange with red eyes.”
Nice to see a contribution from someone with first hand knowledge.
Not if they are enhanced from Wuhan in China. They are China cicadas.
As Trump said, they are called that because they come from China.
I remember them well from living in Southern California/ They were a normal part of the background noise.
every time i hear a bird flu story im reminded of the sound when youre trying to start your car again after having waited 10 days and the battery is dead already… 😂
Meanwhile the eclipse euphoria has mesmerized the American population so that they will do anything be around to see the next one.
Ground-up chicken waste fed to cows and turned into steak and burgers. Yum.
Ground filet tips. Cooked rare. Seasoned with Teriyaki marinade sprinkled with onion and garlic powder and brought to room temperature. Fried covered over medium heat about 4 minutes per side. Sesame seed bun. Tomorrow.
What time and where?
I remember when such fodder only caused mad cow disease, leading to many bonfires of carcasses in UK reminescent of the Biblical Exodus. This was because a certain “epidemiologist” “professor” (subsequently a covid expert) said it was deadly. The scientific words keep getting bigger. E.g., diet has become dietETics. But the junk food just gets more fake, poisoned and costly.
“Mad, cow, disease, epidemiologist, professor”.
I googled those 5 words and guess what popped up?
https://www.spectator.co.uk › article › six-questions-that-neil-ferguson-should-be-asked
Six questions that Neil Ferguson should be asked | The Spectator
In 2002, Ferguson predicted that between 50 and 50,000 people would likely die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. He also predicted that number could rise to 150,000 if …
“If is a very big word” — Laconic proverb.
Its a cover for what the poison injections do.
The claimed Bird flu . Nothing will change until the so called critics address the virology fraud.
“Where, in your opinion, does the danger or the disaster lie?
We have allowed ourselves to lose the habit of using our reason.
That is the actual danger or the disaster.
The politicians and the media are taking it upon themselves to delude us into believing everything, for instance, delude us into believing that migratory birds in Asia have been infected with an extremely dangerous, deadly virus.
These mortally diseased birds then keep flying for weeks on end.
They fly thousands of kilometres, and then in Romania , in Turkey, Greece and elsewhere infect hens, geese or other poultry with which they have had no contact, and which within a very short time get diseased and die.
But the migratory birds do not get diseased and do not die, but keep on flying, for weeks on end, thousands of kilometres.
Anyone who believes this will believe too that babies are brought by the stork.”
The media IS the disease. Stop using the factory-farm version, and you will be less poisoned.
It’s unprecedented, but this week the storks are being brought by the babies…
The media thrives on sensationalism. It’s how they get their ‘rocks off’
As for eating less meat, that’s a no brainer.
The link between bowel cancer/heart disease and meat consumption is irrefutable.
That link is like a broken clock, its right twice a day and wrong the remainder.
“The link between bowel cancer/heart disease and meat consumption is irrefutable.”
“Irrefutable” but not very strong (Less than 22%) and associated with “processed ie, junk meat.
“Red (e.g., beef, lamb, goat) and processed meats (e.g., hot dogs, beef jerky, sausage) make up the majority of total meat consumption and have been rising in the United States [2]. Consuming processed meat has been linked to a 6% higher risk of breast cancer [mainly in postmenopausal women], an 18% higher risk of colorectal cancer, a 21% higher risk of colon cancer, and a 22% higher risk of rectal cancer”[3,4].”
This is not to downplay a well known phenomenon in India: a move toward Middle Class Western Lifestyle from the 1970s onward was accompanied by an increase in breast cancer.
No matter what they say I love my $2 cheeseburger.
As I love my steak. But there is nothing wrong with a minced-steak burger either, with or without cheese.
Strange, in my head I still hear that confident Yankess voice from the 1970s proclaiming over the radio: “Yellow cheese is a No-No”.
Where do our old certainties go when they die? To the Medical Establishment: our GP (bless her dedicated heart) still worries about our cholesterol and would like to prescribe statins..
Bird Flu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
I guess one of their main aims is to ban backyard chickens. They will try to ban anything which helps us to be more self-sufficient.