Climate Change Court Cases are on the rise. Here’s why.
Kit Knightly
Yesterday, a group of senior women from Switzerland won what is being called a “landmark” human rights case concerning “Climate Change”.
At a hearing in Strasbourg, the European Court of Human Rights found the government of Switzerland had violated the women’s human rights by “failing to do enough” to combat the alleged effect of ‘man-made climate change’.
Calling it a “decision that will set a precedent for future climate lawsuits“, Reuters reports:
The European Court of Human Rights’ ruling, in favour of the more than 2,000 Swiss women who brought the case, is expected to resonate in court decisions across Europe and beyond […] The Swiss women, known as KlimaSeniorinnen and aged over 64, said their government’s climate inaction put them at risk of dying during heatwaves. They argued their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to such climate change impacts.
The report goes on to add [emphasis mine]:
The verdict in the Swiss case, which cannot be appealed, will have international ripple effects, most directly by establishing a binding legal precedent for all 46 countries that are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights
This case is far from an isolated example. It’s part of an ongoing and widespread legal campaign to associate human rights with the spurious climate change agenda.
Famously, a group of Portuguese teens have been attempting to sue 32 countries for years (it used to be 33, but they dropped Ukraine from the list of defendants when it became expedient to do so).
EHRC “Youth Climate Case” could see courts forcing policy on nation-states
It seems likely neither the Portuguese teens nor the Swiss seniors represent genuine grassroots activism. They are heavily backed by corporate-supported NGOs like Avaaz, the Climate Litigation Network and others. And this tells its own story.
In Strasbourg, the ECHR is already hearing six further “climate change vs human rights” cases (not including the Portuguese teens case which was recently rejected on a technicality).
Other countries from Brazil to South Korea to Australia have similar cases in front of their national courts.
Just last week the Indian Supreme Court found that Indian citizens have a ‘right to be free from the adverse effects of climate change’, a truly bizarre finding that seems dangerously vague.
Those are just the current cases, with this decision in Strasbourg we can likely expect an avalanche of new ones, as Reuters observes, it will “embolden more communities to bring climate cases against governments.”
It’s not hard to see the purpose of this legal campaign.
Generally, supra-national courts handing down legal decisions impacting multiple countries is a way of creating quasi-global legislation in all but name.
For example, as Reuters notes, this single court case representing just 2000 people from one small country effectively forced the creation of a “binding legal precedent” in all 46 signatories of the ECHR, with a combined population of over 700 million people.
More specifically, by tying climate change to human rights governments can justify enforcing increasingly strict climate change policies, while simultaneously making it appear that the judiciary are forcing their hand.
Now they can effectively claim “You’ve got to switch to an electric car, or you’re infringing other people’s human rights”, but also, “don’t blame us our hands are tied by judges”.
It also enables a propaganda campaign of escalating divisive language, mirroring the vaccinated vs unvaccinated messaging during the “pandemic”.
Remember how we were told, “the unvaccinated are filling ICUs and making another lockdown more likely”? Well, in the future, that will become “climate change deniers are violating your human rights by refusing to use a smart meter”.
Perhaps the most concerning aspect of this case is this phrase, repeated everywhere [emphasis added]:
Human rights violated by Swiss inaction on climate
Previously, rights violations have been generally considered active rather than passive. The idea you can violate someone’s rights through “inaction” sets the precedent that courts can – and should – compel action to “protect” the rights of others.
A very slippery slope. After all, if states and governments can be compelled to act, so can individuals.
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I wonder if this “bad news”, can’t be turned into “good news”?….considering the “chemtrails”, “aerosol spraying” or “geoengineering” or whatever they call it this days is bad for us (need to prove that in court), can t we sue our governments for not doing enough too stop them from being sprayed upon us?..pardon my french !
There’s a simple solution to all this: get nations to elect representatives that have as their number one objective the exit from the European Court of Human Rights.
Let me tell those self-righteous, unelected judges in Strasbourg something stark: if you want to make laws, you subject yourself to election. If you want security of tenure and tax-free living, interpret laws that are made by elected officials.
There is no law on earth guaranteeing a particular climate. It’s impossible to provide it, short of living in the most inhospitable deserts of the world, where you will almost certainly die due to lack of water, lack of food and excessive heat and cold.
The fertile parts of the world, particularly in temperate regions are ALL characterised by climate variability and regular episodes of extreme weather. Go look at the extreme avalanche season of 1951 in Switzerland. Go look at the extreme Chinese floods of the 19th century. Go look at the effects on global climate of the Mt Pinatubo eruption.
If people think they have a right to no hurricanes, no 4 metres of snow in a week, no 38C heat waves, very wet winters, very cold winters, major summer droughts etc etc, then they don’t understand the nature of human life.
The weather isn’t controllable and if the scientists wish to do it, they do so in the short term with zero control over unintended longer-term effects.
Yes, we all don’t need to deal with global warming (even if the majority is caused by man, which is the real question at hand). But giving people (the Elite) power to manipulate weather based on assumptions and bad science will cause many to get deeper into poverty and I bet deaths will ensue. If “we” were really concerned about global warming, then shut down the computer and software industries to save on electricity. How much power do they use for their servers, how much plastic is produced for hardware and computer-related products, and how about we just stop allowing people to own personal aircraft – let them commute in big airplanes like the rest of us. How about the ELITE give up their crap?
Nature continue to be non-cooperative .
Actually I am turning my back to evil. That’s what we must do. You give it no quarter.
Why is it no longer possible to edit my comment mere seconds after I wrote it?
I just don’t care about any of it any more. What’s the use in worrying about what clowns are doing in clown world? Seriously?
I just get on with my life. And no I am not being selfish, I am not turning a back to evil. That’s a lame retort by people who do not understand energy and the spirit.
The Human Right Court should be hearing and ruling that those involved with the mRNA massacre are tried and subsequently condemned terminally for their poisons assault on the human race, not pandering to the greenwashed soldiers of the climate zealots.
that a frail 85 yr old with a heart condition “feels the heat” is nothing unusual. that these “KlimaSeniorinnen” would blame the climate for their own (que sera sera) debility, and that any would consider it so, is delusional. Useful idiots.
Presumably these same elderly ladies are perfectly fine with dying from the cold. They just don’t want to die from the heat…
Why has the government not been doing anything about the weather? Its blowing, snowing, raining, storming, dirty wet shit out there.
I want a clean habitat for myself, sol, palm, view over the sea and no inconvenience! Politicians AAFFFF my arse.
Thanks for the link. Seems that the poor lady has a cardiovascular illness that doesn’t allow her to go outside in the heat. Doctors are baffled at the cause. 🙂
Climate changes depending on where you are.
Weather constantly moves and morphs.
Water surrounds us.
Models may look impressive but are mostly plastic and paint.
They don’t look impressive.
We’re heading toward Mad Max/kill or be killed (or sickened & impoverished) reality awfully fast.
Rancher Raises Alarm as Feds Begin Bulldozing Texas Farms
I’ve been hearing the same since the 80s. Just like the financial collapse, WW3, Fema camps and the zombie apocalypse. It’s always around the corner.
The liquidation of the Gaza ghetto isn’t a side-story to the climate narrative. They need to demonstrate to us the futility of stubbornness and patience. The Palestinians have been teaching the opposite lesson for seventy years, waiting in their tents for three generations while the Zionists desperately scramble to starve, chase or lure them out. Israel was about to break, the whole world could feel it, but the Gazans were nowhere near breaking. They have exactly nothing to lose, nowhere to go, and have never feared death. They just watch and wait, peering over the walls as the Israelis slowly lose their minds. The eventual disappearance of Israel was a foregone conclusion the day it was magicked into existence by the UN. The purpose of the slaughter isn’t to secure Israel’s borders or its future — its borders are smoke, it has no future. The purpose is only to confuse the spectators about the causality Israel’s imminent collapse. If it appeared to the public that stubborn patience had won such an infinitely symbolic war, the tactic would be the primary offensive tactic in all other wars, and it would win them. So if our regimes have any hope to win the “climate war” they’re waging on us, the Gaza gambit must be seen to fail, either through the forcible and permanent “migration” of the entire population, or else through its annihilation. Israel is doomed no matter what happens; our leaders are simply trying to write the legend of its fall before we do. We can’t stop them from diverting the dwindling supply of oil from consumer to industrial uses, if that’s what they want to do… and it is. We can’t drill for it ourselves, or refine it, or ship it, or process the credit card transactions, or print our… Read more »
Other factors the scrooges are worked up over:
-. water resources stolen from Syria and Palestine
-. lack of cheap labour from Palestine
-. BDS
-. huge quantity of gas under the sea off Gaza.
The international community of zombies keeps this Frankenstein alive.
One of the subset of climate stories where they try to counteract despair:
They don’t want the believers saying “I give up”, they want them saying “we just still have time to tackle this – Great Reset and world state now please!”.
Perhaps butterflies may be brought to the heel of justice for the hurricanes they are certainly causing on the opposite side of the world.
Fluttery little buggers.
We’ll fix their nasty red wagons.
We must impose order on the scourge of rhopalocerian climate-changing chaos. It is further necessary to extend the Internet of Things to assign an IP address to every single tree in existence, not only for the purpose of monitoring it’s CO2 exchange value, but to assure no sound goes unheard for every lonely tree which might fall.
Lawyers : 1
Truth : Nil.
How about we all take the US to court for their endless wars of aggression, their violence infested, puerile entertainment industry and their slow poisoning of millions via their fast food franchises?
And that’s just for starters.
Let us fill lawyers pockets. That will help.
Turn on the news and you get climate bullshit story’s all the time.
I think Sky news is now worse than the BBC .
Turned on news today to be told that tomorrow ‘could’ be the hottest day this YEAR.
Yes this is the breaking news that as spring progresses it is getting hotter than winter.
I wait with baited breath as spring turns into summer to be told that summer is hotter than spring with more scary headlines along the lines “THE HOTTEST DAY YET THIS YEAR”
With weather charts the deepest red or maybe animated on fire.
But then as summer turns to autumn and autumn to winter you can expect more scary news Climate Change disrupts weather bring in unexpected cold blast as nation struggles to survive. Maybe we should sacrifice the first born to appease the weather gods. Ok that’s a bit old school but do they really think we can control the climate.
they can control the climate and they do
Some attempts at controlling the weather to make it rain and the like.
But without much control
Some claim H.A.R.P and the like can control weather also chemtrails.
I read all about this decades ago in magazines like OMNI and Nexus
Even New Scientist and Scientific America magazines some times cover geoengineering.
But even a big volcano can only make a small impact on the climate.
If they could control the climate in the way they would like they would be making climate change obvious.
But they don’t wont to fuck up the climate as they live on this planet.
Much easier just to control the narrative.
That old maxim if you says something often enough it becomes the truth.
Well, the grannies and grandpas were sacrificed on the liberal altar to appease the lockdown gods, and kids on the obligatory human mass vax experiment.
Cutting of heat or electricity from the elderly should be the new normal amongst woke middle class Western women. Save the planet, wipe out those useless white alt right eaters and import a bunch of colored young men who will listen to your money for a few months.
Why even turn on the tv? I don’t believe any good will come of it..
Looked at through the lens of the previous article, which addressed the perception of time from a long-term viewpoint (centuries, millennia), some climate change lawsuit is microscopically inconsequential bullshit, fodder for thought for the endlessly myopic imbecile who needs a fucking telescope to see the tip of his nose.
Instead of whining about some alleged rights, the judicious inquisitive person would ask himself what’s happened to all the stuff that has gone up in smoke from all the fuel that has been burned in the last circa 300 years, while more and more continues to be burned. Another question to ask is how the human enterprise is affecting the rest of the natural world. The more thoughtful individual – the opposite of the gluttonous motherfuckers who live to consume the various forms of shit wherewith they’re inundated – would ask what is the purpose of this civilization, which is clearly intent on destroying nature under the pretext of growth, development. Do humans treat their natural habitat the way they should? Ditto their fellow earthling critters?
Nobody asks questions of that kind. People are empty vessels, self-absorbed gluttonous motherfuckers, a bunch of entitled cocksuckers who whine about their alleged fucking rights, about how some other malevolent pieces of shit wants to deprive them of these rights, about this and that and the other fucking thing. Nobody is able to formulate a deeper thought.
“Nobody is able to formulate a deeper thought. .” Least of all you.
Flies are pesky creatures that can really piss you off when flying around your head. The buzzing can really get on your nerves.
Some people kill flies, spray them with toxic shit, trap them, all sorts of stuff. I don’t. No creature has the right to kill another creature needlessly. I open the window and try to chase them outside. I really go out of my way doing that.
Nonetheless, if a fly refuses to go a keeps pissing me off despite my best effort to get rid of it, I’ll whack the fuck out of it, and that’s all there’s to it. My goodwill and patience are not without limits.
If you were a fly, James, and you are fucking one in the figurative sense, you’d long be a former James or an ex-James, you fucking pesky asshole. Why don’t you fuck yourself off and go buzzing around somebody else, you brainless fucking dimwit.
If you got nothing to say, which you don’t, shut the fuck up.
“Thou shall not kill, but turn the other cheek to your slapping opponent”.
This is the rule in slapping contests, and this is the rule in the scriptures, why there cannot be any doubt about it!
Your testosterone levels seem extremely high today Socio.
Better see your quack.
Looked like the usual to me.
Nah, it sounds more like like a menopausal little rant.
But even if they did, it would go right over your head
Sociolog : one of those keyboard warriors, the useless warts on the arse of mankind who think that the use of the vernacular is big, clever & provides answers.
It does nothing but make the writer appear to be the pussy they probably are.
Anyway, if they’re getting all hot & bothered on here at least a few pesky flies are free of the wrath 😂😂
The KimaSeniorinnen should be locked up in a place of safety as they are a threat to humanity.
How can just 2000 people from one small country wield such ridiculous amount of power.
Because they’re backed by big money. Those 2000 are dupes, period.
“How can just 2000 people from one small country wield such ridiculous amount of power?”
The Gnomes of Zurich.
They don’t. Nobody cares. It’s one of the zillions of lame staged ‘news’ from media and govt to show someone is doing something against a problem that doesn’t exist in the first place.
Very interesting extension of Lawfare by combining it with Colour Revolution. Up till now the Oligarchs have used the courts to attack disobedient politicians such as Trump, and used “cookie” mercenaries such as Azov to install obedient politicians such as Zelensky. Now they are mustering groups of “useful idiots” such as these Swiss Senioras to set up Court Rulings which will act as Precedents against any Unbelieving citizens.
This tactic will undermine the recent progress by ordinary citizens to challenge Oligarchal edicts such as Con-911 and Con-19. More than ever, citizens should take care to clean out corruption in the Courts.
“Thou shalt not deliver false judgment” — Old Testament.
I suppose it’s already here, the climate change “psyop”. This is it. We’ve had our chances in the past because of fore knowledge but haven’t been able to stop them. The last one was the Scamdemic, we knew as soon as it came out because we knew it was going to come out. We also know this. This might be the last vestige for freedom and liberty, because THAT’S what it’s all about, freedom and liberty. Resolve that. Put up or shut up, fight the man, it’s the end of the world as we know it (but I feel fine), but how you feel now isn’t the question. It’s how are you going to feel when they win? And freedom and liberty are like a long lost wind that stopped blowing forever. I think we should declare Defcon One in the serious alternative media freedom seeking community. I propose that to the Elders.
Martial arts are about developing the ability to decimate your counterpart but never actually using that power – it’s its deterrent force and your ability to control yourself that matter. In other words, the martial artist has the ultimate power but never exercises it.
The same applies, by way of analogy, to freedom and liberty, which brainless idiots left and right like to invoke and whine about. Freedom and liberty should be absolute, but should never be exercised in that sense. Instead, people should avail of freedom and liberty to the infinitely minimum extent, particularly so as not to infringe on the existence of other people, other creatures, the natural world.
All that is lost on entitled fucks who think that freedom and liberty are equal to free rein to do whatever the fuck their bird brain concocts, to fuck up whatever they lay their hands on.
Are you just talking to yourself? Because you’re making no fucking sense.
Sometimes you write something intelligent. At least I who have practised martial art understand what you mean here.
I guess thats why its called an art. Because it is really an art to have deadly physical skills and then not using them but to conquer your opponent only by attitude.
I am still looking for the divine manner which is something similar but even much stronger. From art to the divine. Bringing peace by spirit only.
(our woke) Rules based international order!!
All based on enforcement by police/ military with a monopoly on violence (US ~ 2nd amendment.).
How long will “Befehl ist Befehl!! rule this time round?
zoot-zoot, I’ve got my climate suit on !
This scam has already reached the point where Germany is threatening a universal weekend driving ban by June of this year. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a threat with no serious intent to follow through (until next year), the fact that they felt secure enough in their propaganda’s uptake to make the threat at all means this fight is already lost.
It’s difficult to understand why they even bother to justify these already made decisions with generation-spanning propaganda narratives. Why does it matter so much to them what we believe? We hold no cards, there’s no reason to show theirs. They can just take the pot. They can’t possibly still be afraid of a violent uprising — not after the spectacular show of defiance we put up during the “pandemic” — and even if we did overthrow their regime, we’d be the ones banning driving a year later on the advice of our civil service climate advisors, whom we retained because continuity of government is important.
“universal weekend driving ban”
The problem is not the driving ban, the problem is that fucking people should have enough sense in them to refrain from fucking driving at least on the fucking weekend. Can’t you go a day or two without hauling your fucking fat lardass body to some point B? You really think you’ll be fucking missed there? Don’t think so! They have enough fat lardass idiots over there, they don’t need another one.
Stay the fuck put, go for a bike ride (real good to work some of that fat off your lardass ass), go for a jog, fuck your favorite member of the opposite sex (the same sex or one of them transformers if you’re a disciple of faggotism-transmotherfuckerism), etc. Or just lie down and watch the birds.
Isnt that a bit subjective, all the present and future people who are never going to be able to own anything, who’s only wish or dream is to travel and see this land of plenty, and after working their ass off during the week and year, you are now going to try and convince (or compel) them they should have some kind of “sense” and remain cooped up at home on the weekend?
This is not the definition of a good American.
How do you know who is a fat fucking lard-arse?
Plenty of people are not.
The German regime by proposing a de facto lockdown – because that is where it will end up – isn’t going to help anyone shed those pounds or kilos.
If the Germans are so cuckolded to go along with it, then they have no-one else to blame but themselves.
The point I’m making is that the fact that you have a freedom doesn’t mean that you have to exercise it all the time to the maximum extent.
Freedom gotta be counterbalanced by restraint.
I’m curious as to what you think is happening here, Sociolog. Do you think that the elites are disappointed in us? When Boris Johnson invented the automobile and the assembly line and gave us this wonderful freedom — and with such low interest rates on the loan that the freedom practically pays for itself! — did he imagine that we’d have the grace and wisdom not to use the things on the weekend? Did he give us a bit more than a century to learn self-restraint, but in the end we were just too fat to understand, and now he has to step in like a drunken father who really wishes he didn’t have to hit us, but look we’ve brought him to? Do you think he is going to be honoring the weekend driving ban himself?
I think that gluttony being classified as a mortal sin is a good thing, even though I’m as atheist as one can be.
I think that if everybody practiced asceticism, the world would be a better place. The level of consumption, which includes hauling you far lardass ass from place to place in that fucking can of sardines of yours. is fucking disgusting.
I in no way condone bans, I’m saying that people should be reasonable enough not to overindulge in the first place.
I understand that it’s too difficult for you, and most others, to digest. You’re too used to living to consume.
With Australia’s main telco going 5g from July 1st
i guess we’ll be hearing many reports of “bird flu”
jumping species, causing a rash of Sudden Death
Syndrome (SDS) cases ??
“Bird Flu’s” arrival couldnt be more timely !!
Alarmists and disparaging remarks about 5G are out of date in the Five Eyes Fellowship (U$A, UK, Canada, Oz and NZ). They were OK when China had 5G whille we had only 4K. But now that 5Eyes have caught up with 5G technology but Huwei is selling phones with satellite-capable 6G we need to up our number.
Down with 6G!
Im already on “Down with 7G” in my Resistance Controlled Opposition Group. 😎 .
Well then, let’s sue the government for all kinds of stuff. Like how the fake pandemic put us at risk, how wars put us at risk, how taxes put us at risk, how the national debt puts us at risk, how doing nothing about the massive wealth imbalance puts us at risk, how doing nothing about the global psychopath wannabe rulers puts us at risk, how politicians themselves put us at risk, how the election of Trump vs. Biden puts us at risk, etc., etc. Fight fire with fire, man. Anybody know some good lawyers? Aw, never mind.
Pending forever.
You forgot price inflation, that was the real killer.
Ya, that’s a big one. And it ain’t stopping.
Always has been. Ever since Ye Bank of England et Compagnia was set up for Charles 2 by the Medici crime family:
“With charter to issue new coin yearly up to 50% of GNP”
I tracked them back to William the conqueror, I really would have liked to have been there and punched that guy in the nose.
I also wish you were there. Because then you wouldn’t be here.
You can’t get around me.
“let’s sue the government for all kinds of stuff.”
Good idea. Citizens have been doing it recently, and I have been proposing it on OffG as a means of answering Lenin’s urgent question: “What is to be done?”.
But it looks like the Oligarchy have taken up the same tactic: Lawfare against the public by selected groups of Oligarch-friendly citizens.
Please understand as dead entities we have no rights. As every corrupt justice minister, judge, barrister, and lawyer knows. These clowns have sold their souls to the crown (in truth the bankers). Through their legalese deception, we represent our dead fictional identity, giving up our inalienable rights to black-gowned criminals who have sworn oaths of secrecy.
Every court notification is sent to the trustee of your estate (the crown). You accept it because you are a fool and believe MR JOE BLOGGS is Joe Bloggs. Once you understand this, their pack of cards comes tumbling down.
Some brainiac proved that the U.S. Constitution was the only free citizen document in the world, leaving the rest of you to be slaves to your origins of birth.
Its still no bargain mind you, but at least we have a fighting chance until the end.
Have you seen Greg Reese’s recent report “No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government”? This means your politicians will not abide by the constitution, since they’ve sworn no oath of allegiance to the people of the USA.
From his report: “On Jan 10th of 1963, forty-five current communist goals were submitted to the Congressional record. Number thirteen was, “Do away with loyalty oaths.”
That’s okay, still as a citizen I have a rather large voice, and backed by the laws of nature, gvt cant intrude as deeply into my life as it can yours.
And when every citizen has to stand alone against the collective gvt, this can be quite a challenge.
Every irrevocable international treaty is a subversion of national sovereignty. Every legislator is a potential enabler of global oligarchy.
They love the eugenics experiment, until they start to lose. it
It’s truly amazing that this post got downvoted. It’s just telling it like it is.
The real story is that crude oil discovery has been declining since the 60s. We won’r leave oil. Oil will leave us.
All other energy sources are, at scale, derivatives of oil.
Everything else is a cover story.
Those women would be dead within two weeks if we ‘just stopped oil’.
You have no idea what you are talking about, oil and gas are here to stay only b/c they can’t be replaced.
Well, if it had been about My Right to a toxin-free
environment, toxin-free foods, real-meat burgers,
vaccine-free childhood – i might be now cheering…
Using the excuse of “human rights” is not only from the climate change cultists but also from the transgender con. Yet “human rights” are trampled on when there is a fake pandemic, using the excuse of ‘keeping us safe’. Not very consistent, is it?
I used to disparage shallow conversation as ‘talk about the weather’. How I long now for the good old days!
The BBC’s 1970s climate alarm – a new Ice Age – The Conservative Woman
Plus ca change?
“Hunger and death on a scale unprecedented in all our history.”
Sheeple need to be reminded that all anthropogenic warming was a No-No 40/50 years ago.
Some people, however, will believe absolutely anything uttered by authoritative folks who these days, don’t even need a white lab coat.
Well, Spock would know.
🤑 Money, money, makes the world go around, the world go around. Makes the wooorld go round.
What about cold? That kills more people than heat does. Isn’t the government violating our human rights by pushing useless windmills instead of fossil fuels?
“…all is sound and fury, signifying nothing”. Its one thing to pound the table demanding that someone do something and something else entirely to do something about it. I suspect all this will do will keep a notoriously unproductive sector of society in employment.
I’d have loved it when I was a teen truther. The climate crisis is made to measure for the self righteous victim mentality of green shirt stormtroopers putting on the agony, putting on the style, just like little Greta is doing all the while….
Little Greta (Greg) is now growing too old to be cute any more. They’ll need a new puppet soon. No doubt s/he is in training and will soon step upon the stage. Its all theatre and the show must go on.
Your post ended in pure poetry:
“Putting on the agony,
Putting on the style,
Just like little Greta
Is doing all the while”
I wish it was mine. It’s a great skiffle song recorded by Lonnie Donegan I was updating the lyrics to a while back and forgot about till yesterday.
“They are heavily backed by corporate-supported NGOs”.
They aren’t just plucky outsiders armed with nothing but the justice of their cause? I’m astonished…
BTW this “don’t blame us we’re only the government, blame the judges” trick was one they pulled with the Warren Court in the USA to introduce social liberalisation against the wishes of the majority.
social liberalisation?
It’s not a new concept!
The preamble of the 1946 World Health Organization (WHO) Constitution defines health broadly as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”[3] The Constitution defines the right to health as “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health,” and enumerates some principles of this right as healthy child development; equitable dissemination of medical knowledge and its benefits; and government-provided social measures to ensure adequate health.
Geoengineering created the problem, “steered” hive-mind behavior provides the reaction, UN-Agenda2030 has seventeen solutions to “choose” from.
Stupidity, ignorance, evil, or some combination thereof…take your pick.
There is a never ending stream of ‘useful idiots’ willing to do the dirty work of the Globalists.
Usually, it is the young that are wheeled out for climate activism. By choosing a group of Swiss pensioners must be a kind of marketing campaign to show climate alarmism is not ageist. Especially, as older people are much more likely to see through the fog of deception, since the climate brainwashing in the indoctrination camps of the education system did not exist back then.
Worrying about the spectre of rising sea levels and rising temperatures (even if it were true) in a land locked country with cold winters such as Switzerland does seem like open mockery though.
We’re in this mess because Older People couldnt
see through The Fog Of Consumerism…
(aka – We Was Bribed !”)
You’re right about useful idiots. One gotta watch out very carefully not to become one, it’s kinda easy.
That being said, one also gotta watch out not to reject everything outright out of concern about becoming a useful idiot and thus becoming a useless idiot if not a useless fucking idiot.
I dearly love Off Guardian. But I must put a warning out to all users. The “editing” facility is now gone. Once you stick in a comment you will have zero chance to correct it. So you better make sure you get it right the first time.
What, what !!,
‘I dearly love Off’
No, not that, but still…to keep drunks off, that won’t work
New look, comment of the day/week, your on Georgie boy, come on you love it, not got me in yet…
Nice slap for the new (no?) guy last thread.
Least nu OG still plays my music vids for all of your education, so that is fair, until they speak to space I’m not paying (Scottish).
The edit facility still works. It always became disabled after a while.
Edit: I added this bit (but my first attempt at hitting the Edit button gave me an error).
Yes, the edit button is godsend for idiot/ real. gotta be quick thouigh, probably not for stream of concious
Dont got, see ariel has
The edit function is still there
Not if you have closed it once. Maybe Deep State has been sneaking a stuxnet or trojan horse into your program.
You will be glad to know that the Entertainment division of the Ministry of Truth is hard on the climate change case. From Vogue, under the coyly titled “Earth To Us” header:
“Why Having Children Made Me More, Not Less, Hopeful That We Can Fight the Climate Crisis”
Tissues ready? Cue gush:
“When I had my first child at the age of 25, I was, like many new parents, overwhelmed by the strength of my love for him, and by his vulnerability. I would push his buggy down the polluted local high street, unable to quite process the fragility of his tiny head poking above the blankets, surrounded by dust and fumes from passing cars.”
Blah blah “a sense of doom about the environment… an apocalyptic climate-themed front page… guilt, in bringing children into this world … the climate crisis …..existential fear ….planetary in scale….”
So our concerned scribe pens a book that “would take place in a world of climate disaster and upheaval: an imagined time when London is completely under water”. After which, the article reaches a level of bourgeois sanctimonious hand wringing that would make a statue puke.
Anyway, this magnum opus has become a film. The name is, helpfully, “The End We Start From”. I suggest you finish with it. It stars Jodie Comer who is probably grateful for something to do after Killing Eve. Even better for her that this new opportunity casts her straight into the Big Theme demanded by the overlords who will undoubtedly hype it to the skies.
I at the impression now that Normal folks dont really pay any attention to this stuff.
question really is…. who is it aimed for.?
Normal folks are to busy with working out Heating, Gas and the Food bills and the rent again is going up and stressed about the financial aspects of day to day living.
High rat change. Legal warming.
“The European Court of Human Rights’ ruling, in favour of the more than 2,000 Swiss women who brought the case, is expected to resonate in court decisions across Europe and beyond”
“is expected to resonate” Now there’s a clue. Nothing less than a preview of the upcoming new blockbuster. Because this “expected to” is of course code for “We know this is going to happen because we put it in the script.”
So it’s no surprise to go on and read how the verdict “cannot be appealed” and “will have international ripple effects”. “Will Have!” Do you hear!
It will establish “a binding legal precedent for all 46 countries that are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights”.
Gosh it’s almost as if the case itself wasn’t needed at all!
Still, it’s nice to know that my “human rights” extend to protection from … umm … the weather.
Ah yes, I’d heard about those groovy six teens taking on the world. The strength of youth fair makes ya proud! No-one can stop these glamorous young radicals taking on the world! Sticking it to “The Man”! Maybe they should form a punk band with Greta? “Greta and the Groping Gripers”? Could work.
Related: this loon is suing the UK government:
Obviously he’s never heard of the phenomenon of postglacial rebound, which is causing the south-east of Britain to decline while the north-west rises. Or coastal erosion, come to that, since his house is built on sandstone cliffs.
Presumably when he bought the place he didn’t wonder why it was so cheap, and presumably he did the conveyancing himself, because even the worst solicitor in Norfolk would have advised him not to touch the deal with three bargepoles tied and-on-end together.
In the book of W.G. Sebald “DIE RINGE DES SATURN” you can find the story of a sinked city in the year 1328 at east coast of Britain.
Are you suggesting people have the right to be concerned on this account?
As I understand from this book the coastal erosion was happening at a time with no industrial co2 emissions, and this is my point.
You point taken. But it was certainly due to clima change (weather/earth change too).
Poor guys bought a cheap lot for their spared money and thought they finally owned something to show their girl or wife for a future family life with a view over the sea..
NFN=Normal For Norfolk
It just means legal chaos and another Satanic attempt to overrule what has been given from our Commander above..
Law is no more law than anything can be said. “The Supreme Court ruled people have the right to call the sky’s basic colour green and the grass basic colour blue”.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me“.
Oh good god is going to save us all…. again.