Tyranny by the Numbers: The Government Wants Your Money Any Way It Can Get It
John & Nisha Whitehead

The government wants your money. It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it.
This is what comes of those $1.2 trillion spending bills: someone’s got to foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity, and that “someone” is the U.S. taxpayer.
The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages, and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to making us any safer.
Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire, welfare state, roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the taxpayers.
According to the number crunchers with the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in order to spend money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, the government is borrowing roughly $6 billion a day.
Basically, the U.S. government is funding its existence with a credit card.
Let’s talk numbers, shall we?
The national debt (the amount the federal government has borrowed over the years and must pay back) is more than $34 trillion and will grow another $19 trillion by 2033.
The bulk of that debt has been amassed over the past two decades, thanks in large part to the fiscal shenanigans of four presidents, 10 sessions of Congress and two wars.
It’s estimated that the amount this country owes is now 130% greater than its gross domestic product (all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens).
In other words, the government is spending more than it brings in.
The U.S. ranks as the 12th most indebted nation in the world, with much of that debt owed to the Federal Reserve, large investment funds and foreign governments, namely, Japan and China.
Interest payments on the national debt are more than $395 billion, which is significantly more than the government spends on veterans’ benefits and services, and according to Pew Research Center, more than it will spend on elementary and secondary education, disaster relief, agriculture, science and space programs, foreign aid, and natural resources and environmental protection combined.
According to the Committee for a Reasonable Federal Budget, the interest we’ve paid on this borrowed money is “nearly twice what the federal government will spend on transportation infrastructure, over four times as much as it will spend on K-12 education, almost four times what it will spend on housing, and over eight times what it will spend on science, space, and technology.”
In ten years, those interest payments will exceed our entire military budget.
This is financial tyranny.
We’ve been sold a bill of goods by politicians promising to pay down the national debt, jumpstart the economy, rebuild our infrastructure, secure our borders, ensure our security, and make us all healthy, wealthy and happy.
None of that has come to pass, and yet we’re still being loaded down with debt not of our own making while the government remains unrepentant, unfazed and undeterred in its wanton spending.
Indeed, the national deficit (the difference between what the government spends and the revenue it takes in) remains at more than $1.5 trillion.
If Americans managed their personal finances the way the government mismanages the nation’s finances, we’d all be in debtors’ prison by now.
Despite the government propaganda being peddled by the politicians and news media, however, the government isn’t spending our tax dollars to make our lives better.
We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer.
In the eyes of the government, “we the people, the voters, the consumers, and the taxpayers” are little more than pocketbooks waiting to be picked.
“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.
Consider: The government can seize your home and your car (which you’ve bought and paid for) over nonpayment of taxes. Government agents can freeze and seize your bank accounts and other valuables if they merely “suspect” wrongdoing. And the IRS insists on getting the first cut of your salary to pay for government programs over which you have no say.
We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.
We have no real say, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.
If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.
It wasn’t always this way, of course.
Early Americans went to war over the inalienable rights described by philosopher John Locke as the natural rights of life, liberty and property.
It didn’t take long, however—a hundred years, in fact—before the American government was laying claim to the citizenry’s property by levying taxes to pay for the Civil War. As the New York Times reports, “Widespread resistance led to its repeal in 1872.”
Determined to claim some of the citizenry’s wealth for its own uses, the government reinstituted the income tax in 1894. Charles Pollock challenged the tax as unconstitutional, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor. Pollock’s victory was relatively short-lived. Members of Congress—united in their determination to tax the American people’s income—worked together to adopt a constitutional amendment to overrule the Pollock decision.
On the eve of World War I, in 1913, Congress instituted a permanent income tax by way of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution and the Revenue Act of 1913. Under the Revenue Act, individuals with income exceeding $3,000 could be taxed starting at 1% up to 7% for incomes exceeding $500,000.
It’s all gone downhill from there.
Unsurprisingly, the government has used its tax powers to advance its own imperialistic agendas and the courts have repeatedly upheld the government’s power to penalize or jail those who refused to pay their taxes.
While we’re struggling to get by, and making tough decisions about how to spend what little money actually makes it into our pockets after the federal, state and local governments take their share (this doesn’t include the stealth taxes imposed through tolls, fines and other fiscal penalties), the government continues to do whatever it likes—levy taxes, rack up debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its citizens.
To top it all off, all of those wars the U.S. is so eager to fight abroad are being waged with borrowed funds. As The Atlantic reports, “U.S. leaders are essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like China and Japan.”
Of course, we’re the ones who have to repay that borrowed debt.
For instance, American taxpayers have been forced to shell out more than $5.6 trillion since 9/11 for the military industrial complex’s costly, endless so-called “war on terrorism.” That translates to roughly $23,000 per taxpayer to wage wars abroad, occupy foreign countries, provide financial aid to foreign allies, and fill the pockets of defense contractors and grease the hands of corrupt foreign dignitaries.
Mind you, that’s only a portion of what the Pentagon spends on America’s military empire.
The United States also spends more on foreign aid than any other nation, with nearly $300 billion disbursed over a five-year period. More than 150 countries around the world receive U.S. taxpayer-funded assistance, with most of the funds going to the Middle East, Africa and Asia. That price tag keeps growing, too.
As Forbes reports, “U.S. foreign aid dwarfs the federal funds spent by 48 out of 50 state governments annually. Only the state governments of California and New York spent more federal funds than what the U.S. sent abroad each year to foreign countries.”
Most recently, the U.S. has allocated nearly $115 billion in emergency military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine since the start of the Russia invasion.
As Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in a 1953 speech, this is how the military industrial complex continues to get richer, while the American taxpayer is forced to pay for programs that do little to enhance our lives, ensure our happiness and well-being, or secure our freedoms.
This is no way of life.
Yet it’s not just the government’s endless wars that are bleeding us dry.
We’re also being forced to shell out money for surveillance systems to track our movements, money to further militarize our already militarized police, money to allow the government to raid our homes and bank accounts, money to fund schools where our kids learn nothing about freedom and everything about how to comply, and on and on.
There was a time in our history when our forebears said “enough is enough” and stopped paying their taxes to what they considered an illegitimate government. They stood their ground and refused to support a system that was slowly choking out any attempts at self-governance, and which refused to be held accountable for its crimes against the people. Their resistance sowed the seeds for the revolution that would follow.
Unfortunately, in the 200-plus years since we established our own government, we’ve let bankers, corporate turncoats and number-crunching bureaucrats muddy the waters and pilfer the accounts to such an extent that we’re back where we started.
Once again, we’ve got a despotic regime with an imperial ruler doing as they please.
Once again, we’ve got a judicial system insisting we have no rights under a government which demands that the people march in lockstep with its dictates.
And once again, we’ve got to decide whether we’ll keep marching or break stride and make a turn toward freedom.
But what if we didn’t just pull out our pocketbooks and pony up to the federal government’s outrageous demands for more money?
What if we didn’t just dutifully line up to drop our hard-earned dollars into the collection bucket, no questions asked about how it will be spent?
What if, instead of quietly sending in our tax checks, hoping vainly for some meager return, we did a little calculating of our own and started deducting from our taxes those programs that we refuse to support?
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we’re no longer living the American dream.
We’re living a financial nightmare.
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Money, state and capitalism are all creations of man. There is no real reason for them. There is no reason for them to exist. They are not natural. They are not from God. They are not even good. They are all evil and they all serve Evil.
What do you think money is?
Don’t you know that banks create money out of thin air, simply putting numbers on a computer?
They used to print money on paper, on metal, or use other objects as symbols for money. But money is really just numbers, arbitrary, and created by man.
Money is fake. It is a fake system, where the banker, the owner, makes everyone pay debt for him. Yeah, he may call it tax, or he may call it a loan, but whatever it’s called, it means you must pay. If you can’t pay, you must work. If you can’t work, you must sell something you have, like your body parts. This is the system you worship when you think that money, state and capitalism are natural or good.
”It wasn’t always this way, of course.”
Yes, it was, in the United States it was always like that. You shouldn’t believe lies of your “golden past”.
The State exists for these purposes: robbing people, enslaving people, killing people and making people kill each other. Of course, the state is also lying to people.
That is the nature of the State. It is a violent organization of some people against everyone else.
If I were an American which I am not, I would fight myself back on stage and refuse to live in gay shit day after day after day in the only country who have gun rights but with a people who are too brown of shit too sissy to use it and defend it.
French king arguing to National Assembly for establishment of standing Army honestly explained why he need it. He said that he needs Army to collect taxes domestically and abroad so his kingdom and his minions are properly financed.
That applies to all governments worldwide and especially to US regardless of political facades. Taxes are needed to sustain and grow ruling clique and their influence nothing more. All those supposed political/social or economic programs government pushes under many propaganda guises are solely dedicated to that one single end.
So let’s drop illusions that somehow an elitarian system can be reformed. It can’t. The only way out is to create equal, equitable egalitarian society of self governed sovereign people who rule themselves not delegate their unalienable power to bunch of corrupted or easily corruptible elites. The power over people is in itself 100% corrupting as it is associated with reassignment of class identity by mere power of overwhelming institutional interests. New members of elite are preoccupied with one thing and one thing alone namely how to maintain and expand their own power while pretending otherwise. All other considerations rescinded.
Proof is being collected, that the system insists that its crimes be not only forgiven, but struck from the record, forgot about in their entirety. As they can not afford these things to come to light, can you say Crimea.
This can only lead to a number of types of wars, my guess is first economic then kinetic, and your guess is as good as mine with the timing, but total preparation including under social disruption conditions, as well as all out war, can never be done soon enough.
A brief history of the papal bulls and how they affect everyone’s lack of freedom.
America never broke away from the Crown (Temple Crown Inns of Court) controlled by the Holy See, Vatican.
All governments are registered corporations; owned and controlled by the Temple Crown private BAR association franchise, overseen by the Holy See which has a permanent office at the UN and also controls the BIS, central bank cartel and money franchise worldwide.
The fundamental fraud of the Constitution from a lawyer of 30 years experience.
All governments are criminal enterprises, based on fraud. They are privately owned corporations, formed without the consent, will, or welfare of “the people”.
Governments turn all humans into nescient debt slaves through the Cestui Que Vie and Birth Certificate trusts, that back all currencies on earth.
Governments are NOT registered corporations. States are legal entities, corporate bodies. You’re completely deluded.
Numbers… but seldom random nor accidental ones. Here they go again:
These things are all Freemasonic symbols and allegories, not reality.
P.S, It might be remembered that their trumpeted “first picture of a black hole” consisted of one supposedly “real” pixel then the rest was “imagined” from what most people think a black hole looks like. It’s pseudo-science garbage.
Things do feel like they are coming to a head and an embryonic class consciousness is forming. Just looking at the UK there is growing rebellion against council tax, which was just a replacement for poll tax and another way of thieving money off ordinary folk, the wealthy get away with paying very little in council tax compared to the value of their properties. People are pushing back against fines and extortionate power bills, some even by passing meters. There seems to be a lot of different actions happening. Of course none of this can be resolved in the courts as they are weighted against us but can only be resolved politically. We need to steer people away from blaming immigrants as a lot of these stories are planted in legacy and social media, obviously to detract from the real cause of our financial ruin and enslavement. There was a case in the press the other day of a woman who had committed a minor offence of not declaring a few extra pennies from a job while she was also claiming carers allowance, not only did they sanction her but they took her remaining savings using the “proceeds of crime” law! What a cheek given the billions that have been pilfered by Government mates during the plandemic! There has to be opposition to all of this and there are groups fighting these terrible injustices. Things will only get worse but only if we let them and don’t push back against this in way that points the blame firmly at those responsible rather than blaming other groups within society.
A tax rebellion is long overdue and not just in America. Isn’t that what kicked off the American revolution?
Hard-earned money …
Let’s inject a dose of reality into this paranoid self-pitying rant.
Americans, and by extension people elsewhere in the global northwest, don’t work any harder than any other people anywhere else. Some might be better educated than people in parts of the world that have been deprived of education by various means, but lots of them are way more fucking stupid in other places, where people is assigned a different value than in America, i.e. a means to make money. Yet, Americans are arguably the wealthiest nation and enjoy an easy luxurious life.
This is thanks to one thing and one thing only. The American military power which props up the various forms of scheming through which the US controls, pillages, and fucks up the rest of the world.
Sure, lots of motherfucker parasites personally profit enormously from the military industrial complex, more than the rest, but it is the military that backs up the US aggressiveness that assures easy life for all Americans. Like cheap energy, cheap resources, cheap labor, cheap products, all pillaged, stolen, extorted somewhere out there.
The global situation is now kinda changing, due to various factors, in part due to how the gerontocratic fuckers at the helm have fucked up things left and right, and the going is getting tougher. That naturally affect the people, mostly entitled fucking brats, who are going apeshit about not getting as much as before.
Well, look in the mirror. You did absolute shit over decades if not centuries while America was subjugating other nations, wreaking havoc, bombing the shit out of anybody who dared not obey. You continued to elect the same gerontocratic fucks, election after election, and you’ve regarded the rest of the world as untermensch, inferior people, and you touted western exceptionalism.
Guess the tables are turning. Time to take a look in the mirror.
A few days ago my wife was reading Kropotkin’s history of the French Revolution and we were discussing how the aristocracy of feudal Europe – century after century – took a portion of the fruit of each peasant’s farm labor and magically transformed that “peasant created wealth” into the aristocrat’s war machine, police forces, and the local lord’s own payments up the food chain to the king – which funded the king’s even bigger war machine and crowd control services.
Later that day we did our taxes, Federal and State, and we were faced with the inescapable irony of contemplating that over a thousand years after the feudal system began in Europe we peasants in the West still pay our taxes to the “royalty of the day” – and those same psychopathic clowns at the helm of our current Neo-feudal system – still fund their war machine – and still fund their mayhem – with our money and the fruit of our labor.
As the saying goes – “the more things change – the more they stay the same.”
Good description of the PR of China, the other WEF clone and their ideal. Only Xi Jinping and Trump are disturbing their game ploy with too much patriotism. The Uniparty and the CCP want to go back to monopolian moneymaking with fake capitalism over the backs of the plebs on both sides of the Pacific. Clone three the EU made itself an irrelevant spare part.
Utterly satanic.
Hard to know what to do under the circumstances…
When it comes to creating chaos, nobody is smarter than “you-know-who”… and he has a lot of little helpers.
Hey you’re back! Contrary to popular belief the Saturnic Cult of Rome of which all Christians are (unwitting) de facto members, isn’t anything like the Hollywood version. It’s the hell on earth the Catholic Church have deliberately created.
Stop shilling, paranoid dimwit. Save the occultist shit for the next seance of your sect. Stop propagating this vision of the world where people are powerless creatures ruled by the entities which your psychopathic brain fantasizes about.
All Zednářští komunističtí Židé like you, are defacto Satnists:
You show these 5 beliefs daily with each hysterical, abusive lie filled tirade.
Shove that satanist shit up your occultist asshole and stop pushing this supernatural reality. None of the occultist horseshit you promote exists – it’s all paranoid rubbish concocted by your sick mind.
Fuck you, doubly fuck you, triply fuck you, multiply fuck you with your incessant ad hominem remarks vis-a-vis myself. Make that fuck you infinite number of times, you malevolent shill!
You never ever address anything people, including myself say. Never ever. All you do, you unhinged bitch, is attack people ad hominem and push your occultist crap.
No way you’re not a paid shill, nobody can be as fucking stupid and deranged as you (even though some come kinda close).
Occult means hidden NOT “supernatural”. Your lies won’t stand up to scrutiny.
OCCULT definition from Miriam Webster Dictionary:
occult – verb : cover, eclipse.
occult – adjective : 1. Not revealed, secret 2. Not easily apprehended or understood. 3. hidden from view : concealed.
The more you lie, the more links to the truth I’ll post.
Whatever. Maybe you could report how screwing a light bulb up your ass has worked for ya. Were you able to light it up?
Likewise, you said on the other day that electricity can be drawn out of thin air. How exactly you’re gonna do it?
You’re hilarious …!
Electricity out of thin air was in the link I already left on the other thread. You are too hysterical, argumentative, ignorant and abusive to expand the comment and notice the link.
You’re a funny man:
“Currently, the fingernail-sized device can only create continuous electricity equivalent to a fraction of a volt, writes Vice’s Becky Ferreira. But the researchers hope it can someday become a practical, sustainable source of power.”
You know what a fucking volt is? A fucking ampere? Ohm? Watt Try powering your electric car with a fraction of a volt. Or your vacuum cleaner. Or the fucking streetcar.
How can somebody be such an imbecile? Did you skip physic classes? Did you go to school at all?
Straw man fallacy from a pathological liar and uneducated, ignoramus.
Whatever I am and however uneducated I am, the simple reality is that electricity cannot be drawn out of thin air or somehow obtained without some form of energy input. That goes for all other forms of energy (electricity is NOT a source of energy – the only source of energy is probably nuclear, at least insofar as science is able to establish, it is the primary source of energy for all other sources, where nuclear energy comes from, nobody fucking knows).
You’re an unhinged hallucinating bitch who reads obscure texts and believes all sorts of total horseshit written therein, without having the basic knowledge to determine whatever it is is anywhere near reality.
Your paranoia is examplary, you should donate your brain for research – it would make a fine subject of study into how a human being can become as fucked up as you.
Strawman fallacy? Not really. A simple way of demonstrating that since your knowledge of very basic sciences is so fucking distorted and since you’re so adamant about pushing these nonsensical idiocies, it’s safe to conclude that everything else produced by your deranged brain is about as accurate as your knowledge of electricity.
Incidentally, you will not unfuck up yourself by wildly attacking my virtual self.
Strawman fallacy for dummies explained.
Your reference to the strawman fallacy is a strawman fallacy.
We’re not discussing fallacy types, we’re discussing your paranoid shilling and ongoing effort to obscure reality by pushing an occultist narrative, a parallel view of reality, a phantasmagorical satanist delusion.
Likewise, we’re discussing your complete ignorance of basic sciences so as to demonstrate what a complete idiot you are, where it follows that if you are capable of making such stupid claims in regard to electricity, your claims regarding everything else are just about equally as stupid.
You’re a court jester par excellence, except that you’re just about completely devoid of sense of humor.
Military boy, you are a pitiful excuse of a human being, you are lonely, a loser, or as depicted in this song, a lonesome losing butt fucker.
We’re discussing drawing electricity out of thin air and obsession with occultist shit, not your obsession with who is or isn’t a lonely loser, which happens to be none of your fucking business anyways.
What is your take on out-of-thin air electricity? Have you tried illuminating a light bulb be screwing it into your asshole? Maybe it would work if you stuck out your dick and used it as an antenna. The bigger your penis, the more electricity you might be able to draw. Maybe people could power streetcars like that. Guys would stick out their members, plug a cord into their asshole and off we’d go.
That would be quite undergroundly poetic wouldn’t it?
You know war is just around the corner right, who gives a rats ass about anything but living off grid and producing your own food knucklehead, lets see your progress punk, not the junk coming from your thick empty skull.
Military boy, lets look at your record, you are batting zero on the intelligence scale, this is proved, you brought nothing to the table and didnt even care, you wern’t even amusing
To me you look like a wounded used up useless GI, a willing political proxy pawn, you are conversationally a mean angry ugly, and destabilizing unit.
It appears you came here looking for someone else to do your thinking, so you can bring it to whoever councilors and get the military brownie points?
But most of all, you are a disgrace to the human race that needs some serious cleaning up. When I see you, I can question weather there is a god.
Thanks for balancing my scale.
Your knowledge of the military dwarfs mine, abovetheground normative asshole.
God? What is that? A prism installed in your mind to perceive the world the way your controlled intended to brainwash you? Sorry, can’t relate to that. I wasn’t brainwashed the way you were. Discuss that with other members of your sect.
There really isnt anything in between your ears, perhaps a vacuum, go figure.
Here’s a second invention from Australian researchers that generates electricity out of thin air.
Yet again you prove yourself an ignorant, lying, vulgar, hysterical, abusive dullard.
No. I’m well enough educated in physics to know that you’re hallucinating. I happen to have studied physics, electronics, so on. You are a total twit who has no fucking clue as to what’s going on.
Anyway, I’m still awaiting your report on the illumination of a light bulb by screwing it into your favorite bodily orifice.
Disabling isnt it, sure you didnt slip and lose your mind somewhere back there.
Right, so I assume that the light bulb thing didn’t work.
Not in the good ol USA, but it has for the Iranians and Russians. Perhaps they will teach your tribe a thing or two in the coming years.
Which begs the question of why it didnt work in the supposed greatest nation on Earth, God gave her first child to your tribe is a valid answer.
Can you say future consequences bitches.
#Re-OccupyThe establishment #AgainstEnshittification.
Why Andrew Bailey Should resign. Or Sunack should grow a pair and sack him ( don’t Hold your breath) Liz Truss Tried and the budget we should have had
I thought this article was below par and drifts away from the target of doing something, as does the tenor of the thread following below. The Shiva Fat Emperor video and Shivas Swarm video make all the points that need to made .
The Saturn cult is a group of elite families, under influence of the God program, that worships Saturn (and its female counterpart, the moon). It governs monotheïstic religions, Christianity (the Catholic Church, the jesuits), Islam, Judaism, freemasonry, the Science Church(Darwinism), and controls the media industry, education system of the jesuits, the entire political and financial system, war industry and the Hollywood film industry.
Utter crap. Deranged horseshit.
“God program”.
You don’t mind talking about evil, but what about good?
Do you suppose that only evil exists?
What defines evil?
Without good, we could not know what evil is.
Evil is synonymous with untruth. It wants to tear down what was made in truth. The natural world, the natural order.
The Logos.
God is simply the One who made us.
Wake up love.
It’s a quote from another site. Not my quote.
The Cult of Saturn, Cult of Baal and the Catholic Church and all offshoots of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are one religion.
The Saturnian Cult from Babylon to Rome.
“Christianity” is a religion. Recognising and following the Christ, in spirit, is not “being religious”.
Christ abolishes all religion.
The way, the truth, and the life.
Identifying our enemies.
The Rule of Rothschild:
Off-G should be running Paul Cudenec’s articles on a monthly basis. Why they refuse to do this is puzzling.
I agree.
aye i agree too
Paul is exceptional in the sense that he is an anarchist, but not an atheist.
He sees meaning in the Universe, and that is special.
Ohhh we are suddenly the Board of Directors of OffG as we pay for OffG through our taxes.
Our lousy Employees refuse to do our bidding and receive orders. Unprecedented!
This comment makes no sense. Are you implying that I’m *ordering* OffG to do something?
“Off-G should be running Paul Cudenec’s articles..”. “Why they refuse to do this is…”.
The whole sentence walks like an order, talks like an order, and sounds like an order. So what is it?
My advice would be you do just fine here. Make reference to Paul Cudenec site in your comments. Thats sufficient. https://winteroak.org.uk/2024/04/15/clarity-and-focus/
Pretty difficult to do for most working people, i.e., not pay taxes. Taxes are deducted from your paycheck. There may be some ways to avoid that, but depends on who you work for. Certainly not if you work for any kind of government (such as city, county, state, federal) in the U.S. which equates to about 25 million, and if you are a small business owner, good luck with keeping your business. Now take the total number of people who work that could somehow not pay taxes (for awhile anyway), and cross that with those in that group that would actually do such a thing, i.e., knowledgeable, activist, rebel, etc., and you aren’t going to raise much of a ruckus. The Infernal Revenue Service (IRS) in the U.S. can be like the Gestapo.
I’ve been having a running battle with Trump supporters about their contradictory and hypocritical stances on things like the national debt and taxes. They bitch and moan about Biden and the democrats, but Trump is openly imperialistic and has called for increasing the DOD budget to upgrade U.S. “defenses”. While he tries to say he’d never use them, i.e., he didn’t and won’t start any wars, just have them to prevent any other country from not toeing the line. So, the MAGA cult is perfectly fine with a 1 trillion per year DOD budget as long as it’s under Trump.
When push comes to shove, it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for? And who is really going to fight?
More population control?
The combined “right amount” and “not enough” positions have always had a clear majority over the “too much”. The latter peaked at 41% in October 2023 and is currently at 36%.
Thinking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, do you think the United States is doing too much to help Ukraine, not enough or the right amount?
How is it possible to have a government that the citizens do not fund with taxes?
How is it that the legislature has not been removed from office for (a) maintaining taxes on the public and (b) spending more money than the govt. has? Will the public accept any action by its so-called representatives?
“How is it possible to have a government that the citizens do not fund with taxes?”
By taking back from the private banksters the licence to print and put into circulation of money. If the government does the printing and circulation there will be no government indebtedness to the banksters and the government will not have to do their bidding – perpetual wars, “health”care scams, etc.
Problem is, every time a national leader tried this, their countries were bombed back to the stone age or at the very least leaders who proclaimed they intended this were murdered.
Very true, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, JFK and Mr. Hitler all wanted to print their own money, look what happened to them. Bombed back to the stone age as you correctly state.
Evan Ndicka collapses v Roma game. Willie Limmond pro boxer suddenly dies before next fight. How much longer ?
Penalty because they only took the two jabs but refused the boosters. 😊
Take the rich off welfare.
The system’s not broken. It’s working as planned.
He can laugh because he’s one of their enablers. A professional propaganda pusher.
The ‘enemy’ is always over there, a foreigner, a non USian.
Never a corporate or government psycho.
It’s a meme using his image, not an ad for Top Gun (he’s sure no maverick) or another impossible mission for the (inter)national security state (or scientology).
Foreign Aid: when poor people of a rich country help rich people of a poor country.
Government is the biggest amd most succesful criminal enterprise…
So I read the article claiming that the Israelis spent $1.3billion on shooting down Iran’s missiles, about a tenth of what it cost to launch them. (The US also spent an unknown, but appreciable, sum on the same operation.) My first thought is “We’re going to be picking up the tab for that”. As usual.
Anyone who thinks that its just our tax dollars at work is deluding themselves. We haven’t run a balanced budget since the Clinton administration in the late 90s. Running up huge deficits is the key to controlling it, and the neat thing is that the people who will gain out of this are the same ones that are benefiting from driving us further and further into debt.
“We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer.”
By more than coincidence? I was thinking about the retreat from Afghanistan today. That was the first time I wrote in OffG that:
“Uncle $cam has maxxed out his cash card and can’t afford war”.
Since then the Man from Uncle has picked a fight with Russia in Ukraine and stripped NATZO’s arsenal to lose that fight. Uncle is now “pivoting” to pick a fight with China in the Philippienes: a fight which Uncle $cam is bound to lose.
If I were Uncle $cam’s Uncle (Uncle Pawnshop) I wouldn’t give the EU$A a war loan..
That is why The EU$A has begun to make war on their own people.
But you Yanks are mistaken in blaming “the government”. The top robbers do not sit in your government, they own your government.
Yes. Every time I read it’s “the government” I think the same, whine about govt but never ever mention who really owns it. Great diversion, isn’t it?
Maybe time for a Class Action Suit against Federal Government, its senior officers and Executives, calling ‘fiscal insanity’ incompatible with remaining in office, nor being fit to hold office any time in the future.
Time for Government politicians, officials (usually unelected) to sign on day one an affadavit which states that budgets with deficits of > 10% of GDP cannot be signed off without a referendum of all eligible electors?
Time to state that funding foreign war is not responsible actions of elected officials, hence all funding for such behaviour must be raised by private individuals with no prospect of any funding demanded of taxpayers, the Federal Government nor any Central Banks/Federal Reserves??
The only other alternative is a common platform solely aimed at destroying both the Democratic and Republican Parties for bipartisanal treason and when they are elected they eliminate from the right to hold office all major donors to both parties, all elected officials of those parties that voted for the nonsense and all appointed officials and bankers that aided and abetted the scandals.
If the US people want safety from the Federal Government, now is the time they have to unite, stand firm and desert the two traditional parties in their tens of millions.
If they don’t do that, they can’t complain when the criminals come and steal everything.
Funny. Do you know anything about the law? Anything? Do you know what Absolute Immunity confers? Sovereign Immunity?
You can’t possibly believe a group of “people” (citizen slaves) with no legal standing, all legal fictions the minute they file suit – wholly owned through the Papal Cestui Que Vie Trusts – can sue a corporation (US federal or State) owned by the Crown Temple Inns of Court, in THE CITY OF LONDON, controlled by the Holy See.
The system that created all your fake governments, your fake courts and the debt slave system cannot provide Justice. Ever. It exists to PROTECT the criminal enterprises you call “government”.
It is past time to stop paying taxes to the thieves in government. Any goose should be able to see that your taxes are being given away to the DoD, who have been acting insanely irresponsibly, i.e. not accounting for their budget. If their over-paid budgetary and financial auditors haven’t been able to account for their expenses, STOP giving them free money. The same should apply to ALL the bureaucracies. The US cannot continue to operate, while being a visibly bankrupt nation and still expect to be accorded respect by other countries. The ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ should really be telling the US leadership to phuck-off the next time they apply for any tranch of free money.
In the UK most people pay income tax which is deducted before you are paid so not paying income tax would be difficult for many. However, other taxes such as council tax, the TV licence and road fund tax could be withheld if enough people do it to make enforcement impossible.
The government will gain our ‘money’ by mouse-clicking it to oblivion. Debt will neither bw honoured in real terms nor formally defaulted on. It is the line of least resistance, because .gov can print up however much money it likes. Debt will be hyperinflated away.
Refuse to pay taxes?
The Incarceration Industrial Complex will love that.
John Whitehead, please specify as follows: “The U.S. Government Wants … ”
This because lots of folks here don’t give a crap what the government of the USofAs wants.
That is asking too much. What do “Americans” mean by North America, Latin America, Asia, Asia Pacific, Indo-Pacific, Australasia, etc.? These are attempts to redefine reality – in this case, geography – according to provincial understanding.
Who exactly do we owe the national debt to?
Oh right, the real ones that run the planet… Not governments but the wealthy scumbags who buy power like the Rothschilds who fund both sides of wars.
But what happens if we decide to default on our debt?
Who loses? The wealthy.
It’s always broken when the people who make money on mere ownership AKA rentier capitalism make out like bandits.
Ask Adolph what happens. He defaulted on Germany’s debt and Germany prospered after just a few years.
Ask Gaddafi what happens. He refused to pay usury to International banks and made Libya the world’s welfare state no.1 and introduced the African gold dinar free of usury.
Ask Putin what happens. He paid Russia’s debt down to 10% of GDP, made the national economy gold based and refused to obtain new International usury loans.
I believe in my government, and I believe they are doing the best they can for our sake!
“The BS is strong in this one !” … (Luke’s Dad)…
Love your sarcasm.