This Week in the New Normal #88

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Apparently Weather Modification IS a thing
This week torrential rainfall in Oman and the UAE resulted in some of the worst flooding those countries have ever seen.
Why? Well climate change, duh. But not just climate change…
Climate change and cloud seeding ‘exacerbated’ deadly flooding in Gulf countries
Cloud seeding too. Cloud seeding is the practice of spraying chemicals – usually silver or potassium iodide – into the atmosphere to bond with fine water vapour and cause heavier droplets, which then fall as rain.
So, planes were flying over Dubai and Abu Dhabi spraying chemicals, they must have been…and yet anybody who saw them doing so, and said that’s what they were doing would have been branded a crazy conspiracy theorist.
After all, “chemtrails” are just a paranoid conspiracy theory.
Obviously, cloud seeding, stratospheric aerosol injection and other forms of weather manipulation don’t count.
2. Food Transition Making Strides
A new study has allegedly found that if people started eating herring instead of beef, we could save 750,000 lives.
Two days ago the University of Minnesota Entology Department held an event – The Great Minnsect Show 2024 – where they promoted eating insects. “[It] can be good for you and good for the environment”, according to this article from AOL News.
Prof Sujaya Rao, the head of the department gave a Ted Talk last year simply titled “Why we should be eating bugs”.
Across the Channel, Dutch retail chain Albert Heijn announced this week they will be creating a “food transition advisory council”, with the mission brief of “Making better food accessible together. For everyone.”
According to the write-up in European Supermarket Magazine [emphasis added]:
[The advisory board] meet regularly to explore and discuss the role and power of food and drink in the transition towards a healthy, social and sustainable society.
The Indy has gone the more personal route this week, with a kind of “slice of life” column from a “reformed picky eater” all about how delicious insects are: “Mezcal-cured worms and cricket chilli oil: Why restaurants are ditching beef for bugs”
Which slips the messaging in at the end:
…despite that UN report suggesting that wasps, beetles and other insects are underutilised as food for both people and livestock, there’s some way to go in persuading legislators that bugs have a place in British diets for the sake of the environment and public health. It’s certainly not me, or the thousands of people booking up these restaurants, that need convincing. The bug trend has well and truly landed.
About as subtle as a brick to the face.
3. Google Sustainability
Cards on the table, I have no idea if this is new or not. I just stumbled across it today, and wanted to mention it: “Google Sustainability”
It’s a specialised search engine that tells you how you can do X or Y in the most environmentally friendly way…

Oh, it’s Earth Day, by the way. So, as well as helping us be sustainable, Google has added a feature to their Maps app that “encourages” you to plan “climate-friendly” means of transportation.
Good old Google, so friendly. Not at all the tip of the spear when it comes to global tech-based tyranny in a lovely green box.
If you’re imagining a future where using the “green travel” feature is mandatory, or where refusing to use it impacts your social credit score or something, then shame on you, you cynical so-and-so.
BONUS: Pay-off of the week
This week it was announced that Anthony Fauci has been awarded the prestigious Stearne Medal for “outstanding contribution to public health”, by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
This is my description of “The ScienceTM” from last year…
“The Science” is a self-sustaining industry of academics who need jobs and owe favours. An ongoing quid pro quo relationship between the researchers – who want honors and knighthoods and tenure and book deals and research grants and to be the popular talking head explaining complex ideas to the multitudes on television – and the corporations, governments and “charitable foundations” who have all of those things in their gift.
A better example I could not have hoped for.
It’s not all bad…
Had trouble finding any good news worth reporting this week, but I’m not yet so taken by the bleak demons of despair to suppose that means there wasn’t any. If you have some, put it in the comments below.
In the meantime, enjoy actor Julian Glover reading one of my favourite poems, My Last Duchess by Robert Browning.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention how climate change is creating cockroach infestations or British GPs selling the “climate change = public health” narrative via protest.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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“The Rise of Authoritarianism and Economic Fascism – Control the Supply
“The United States, once a consumer-demand free market society, is currently witnessing the use of government force, and intervention tactics to steer and manipulate the marketplace. Similar to 1930’s Italy, this is being achieved by the state within the state, through the use of selectionism, protectionism, and economic planning between public-private partnership agreements.
“The long-term and unavoidable problem with economic fascism is that it leads to authoritarian and centralized control, from which escape is impossible.
As each industry becomes centralized and consolidated under the few, consumer choice simultaneously disappears. As choice disappears, so does the ability of the individual to meet their specific and unique needs.
“Eventually, the individual no longer serves a role outside of its usefulness to the state—the final exhale before the last python squeeze. ”
So, “garbage in–garbage out”, is the “conservative christian cow farming, anti-nature culture” different than the “conservative christian herring fishing convoy ships, anti-nature culture” ? Garbage logic by any chance, i.e., palaver. Or perhaps you are envisioning small craft herring fisherman? Being apparently unacquainted with small scale grass fed beef farms? Maybe you just dont know WTF you are talking about?
I guess you had to include the bit about replacing beef with herring in the list of bad things, because the biggest off- g donors are beef eaters who refuse to understand that herring is actually the healthier choice (barring marine pollution) just as they refuse to understand that their conservative christian cow farming, anti-nature culture is part of the problem and very much what brought us here.
They likely believe that the “chosen ones”, mentioned in the only book they know, actually includes them.
“Almost hard to believe”:
“Pride of place” goes to… the measles vaccine.
Don’t ask how they eliminated every other independent variable to come to their figures of “would’ve died without a vaccine”.
How lovely, the Fraud cares about everyone’s health…
…except they don’t of course:
1) The you-know-what can’t obviously be mentioned as even possibly one of the causes of increased strokes. The clot shot and strokes… nothing to see here!
2) “The rate of prescribing blood pressure reducing medication remains too low.” More drugs = more ker-ching and more “side-effects” leading to yet more ker-ching.
3) “we can see that lifestyle factors… have increased.” Here’s the justification for increased micro-management of people’s lives.
4) “The aging population “… who caused that again? The same people who caused many of the “lifestyle factors” (like phone addiction and immobility) in the previous point.
5) “Unsustainable” deserves a prize for the more gratuitous linking of climate change to something it has nothing to do with but makes many people afraid. It’s very basic NLP they’re doing here. BTW unsustainable doesn’t mean for the UK population but for the NHS – once again, as we saw during convid, there’s the crazy inversion that the population is here to serve the NHS and not the other way round.
TBC none of this is to deny that there are plenty of people who haven’t taken enough responsibility to educate themselves on their health and who should start doing so.
This week’s Science story is headed: “Incredible Viruses”. Feel free to treat it with the incredulity due to any new scientific discovery. Apparently virologists have recently discovered that what used to be called the body’s “Junk DNA” (ie, DNA for which molecular biologists of the previous century could find no use) is actually a huge load viruses in the body (especially retro-viruses) which are incredibly useful — and the secret of our big mammalian brain.
I’ve always said that viruses are more intelligent than the researchers who study them.
What viruses? A virus is only an irritation of your airways of some foreign agent, nothing else. A virus doesnt have its own life like other deceases.
To my knowledge the word virus was invented and defined as a natural medical decease by the Industry to avoid responsibility and paying for their pollution of any kind.
Playing both false binary ends against the middle. The ZH article below is archetypal system divide and conquer bullshit. Here condemn all protest, except J6, as “Marxism” funded by the Democratic Party. All one has to do is actually listen to the video of the woman protester at the Amazon protest to confirm their temporary blockade of priority capitalism is totally sane and justified throttling of the root cause of Palestinian genocide, 1% violent maintenance of empire. Liberal friends say “Oh, aren’t those Trumpites terrible?” Conservative friends say “Democrat communists are at it again!” Believers in this false binary, are complete dopes seeking a supposed middle-ground-peace that does not exist. Every day is a 360 degree psyop to keep the ruling class capitalist empire rolling forward, obliterating Humanity. Isn’t it interesting how what used to be anti-war, anti-racism, anti-poverty, anti-nuke protest, has now been collectively spun to conservatives as massive, Democrat-controlled opposition? And liberals are punked into thinking protesters are unthinking, unclean, violent, anti-semite monkey wrenchers that are a threat to Humanity? The INCONVENIENT truth being, the root cause of all protest is 360 degree SYSTEMIC FRAUD & CRIME committed on the world’s 99%, everyday. All protest after 2011’s Occupy has been spun as fraud. The system cannot accept valid reasoning for disapproval where once they had no choice. The idea that Occupy was a Soros op, was merely a new strategy to hide FBI CIA SPY ops that have infiltrated and provocateured small portions of all protest, ever since ever to simultaneously destroy and villainize.
As proof the SYSTEM lies 24/7 to it’s serfs, Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, appointed by Trump, stated point blank on NBC Nightly News, two nights ago, that “the FBI does not monitor protest”. Palmer Raids, Cointelpro, J6 FBI provocateurs, documented long, long history aside, then Lester Holt asks the ludicrous question, if Trump wins will you obey his promise to go after those who went after him? Trump appointed. They really do think we capitalist-serfs are stupid as a rock. Well we are, if we continue to give either false binary, or their other false postmodern option, their is no truth, traction.
The pro-Palestinian leftists have many naive participants not aware what they are doing, just believing they are the good guys.
I think the leaders within these leftists movements are more aware the political game and for them its about power. Power to the Left the do-gooders notwithstanding the case or means.
That’s what THEY want you to believe. No matter the disclaimer, anti-war protest after WW2 is valid refutation of Western capitalism & war empire.
I buy that one.
From the NEW New Normal:
50% of AI researchers are in China
China chips will play the U$ game
Uncle $cam peeved to find the things he needs to make war on China are — made in China!
NickM: Nice moniker …
I wouldn’t lay all the blame for ‘making war on China’ on the Yanks, the Brits have been raping China for centuries now. Do recall that it was the Brits who forced the opium-addiction phase onto the Chinese, at gun-point. Now if that doesn’t expose psychopathic tendencies, then Biden is a monkey’s uncle.
Robert Browning, a social critic.
And a very perceptive and clever one at that.
He broke through “the medical atmosphere — the worst of all atmospheres”. Read “Robert Browning” by GK Chesterton, or watch “The Barrets of Wimpole Street”.
Thanks Nick.
I don’t know about you, but when they say they want to tackle ‘Climate Change’ thingymajig, I’d like some bona-fides presented like, I dunno, tackling Pollution or the War Machine or any number of smaller projects.
They tackled the last crisis with ‘S&E’ vaccines and thus their record is so far, underwhelming but fully expected.
Grade A’s all round though, for the ‘Shit Show’, we’re watching.
Some of them actually believe they are playing chess.
High School Lunch Debt Relief
Any greater example of why the US is a Banana Republic domestically?
Another day another thinly-disguised ritual from the Anglo-American lunatic elite:
Looks like today we’re re-enacted the Book of Revelation. Nothing numerologicaly significant about today, it’s only 4/24/2024!
Creating rituals out of their esoteric belief system in accordance with their numerology is literally all they do. This is after the NASA rockets named after the Eygptian god of darkness and chaos blasted off at 3.33 on eclipse day – and there’s still the question of those red heifers in Jerusalem…
China nurtures small innovative companies, neglects the “too big to fail” Behemoths.
BRICS accelerates flight from Theft Prone Bank$
Die Linke
The Real Left in Germany
3,5-5% of the voters. She is a fine woman but the sheeple are not in for moral issues.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-04-22. CDC: jabs caused 14k+% increase USA cancer. Jab’s S protein bone marrow, will get leukaemia or lymphoma (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search for 14000):
COVID Vaccines have caused at least 14,000% increase in Cancer Cases in the USA according to CDC (link).
Not much surprises me after the last four years.
I have to say the MSM’s wholesale backing if genocide took me aback!
Not to mention the baying agreement of the public.
It really is the end of reason.
“I have to say the MSM’s wholesale backing if genocide took me aback!”
The Free Western Press is owned by half a dozen Anglo Zionazi Capitalist corporations. Follow the money.
I seem to remember an Israeli newspaper headline:
“Do we own the News?”
I think it was the Chutzpah with which they announced their holier than thou proclamations that tens of thousands must be driven into the desert to die.
Weird that I have to use a Yiddish word !!! Maybe not.
I”m no fan of the ROP but I can see that this is way beyond self defense.
It is, by definition, genocide
Our WW2 generation saw a lot of genocide, so we drew up careful codes to define and prevent it; under the banner “Never again”.
Here’s one for you “conspiratorially minded”. I just stumbled on the twitter account of one rampant transgender trumpeter Kate Davison who (besides wearing a huge virtue signalling mask for her photo) bills herself as a “Queer historian of sexuality, psy-sciences & Cold War”.
She has written a book called “Aversion Therapy: Sex, Psychiatry and the Cold War” and an article called “Cold War Pavlov: Homosexual Aversion Therapy in the 1960s”. She is clearly well versed in the Pavlovian manipulation of behaviour.
She put up a ban on responses from “unfriendly” interlocutors, before totally obscuring her posts from me.
But here’s where it gets interesting. She has been published by SAGE. Yes indeed, that dodgy body which “advised” the UK government about the UK Covid lockdown.
It’s a Pavlovian small world!
So the trans scam and the covid scam have the same root. Not exactly unexpected but it gives you a warm feeling to find evidence.
Well spotted. Kate Davison anagrams to:
As deviant ok
Dive ok Satan
Davos intake
She was obviously programmed to do what she does.
Lovely admins- where are you? Sociolog is being really rude, obnoxious and totally insulting to other commentators. How is this ok?
Sociolog’s function is to be the devil’s advocate, the court jester, the guy who stirs up shit, the enemy the other freaks crave and wish to wage a keyboard war against. Moreover, Sociolog makes insightful remarks, packed with insightful wisdom, which is appreciated by the more intelligent members of this madhouse.
Your function is to be the fucking snitch who rats out dissenters to the authorities, not unlike the despicable dicks and cunts who were ratting out their neighbors to the pigs during convid.
Did you know that there is no law obliging you to read something you don’t want to? Guess not!
It’s not big and it’s not clever to be rude for the sake of being rude.
Expletives are for emphasis and simply lose their impact when used as every other word.
Think 12 year old here, using dirty words repeatedly to see how far mummy will let that go. Funny, this site may censor certain other words but won’t touch the fucks or motherfuckers. Whatever.
What’s dirty about words like fuck? You find copulation dirty? Who fucked up your head, loser? There’s nothing dirty about no words. The only thing that’s dirty is your mind, more precisely the way in which it has been fucked up by whoever fucked it up.
I like all the words. I’m not a fucking censor intent on erasing some words from the lexis and self-righteously pestering others for using them.
He’s trippin, or not far from it.
Shithead, if anybody is rude, it’s that snitch bitch above. Instead of whimpering about some words, worry about despicable assholes who rat out their fellow citizens to the authorities – be it for using words your fucked up self finds objectionable, for not wearing a face mask, or whatever other fucking reason.
Shove that patronizing self-righteous shit back up your asshole!
“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies – God damn it, you’ve got to be kind” K. Vonnegut
Why don’t you? You’re in danger of revealing yourself as the most self righteous, self pitying and pompous person in this thread right now. Lol
Why don’t you stop lecturing everyone about your ‘right’ to act like a juvenile? And please drop, once and for all. this tiresome ‘devil may care’ affectation. You’re clearly a sensitive-as-fuck person, that’s obvious to everyone. There’s nothing wrong with being sensitive, we all are. However, if you’re also abusive and unbelievably smug it seems less ‘based’ and more resembles something a psychologist should be treating with regression therapy.
So let’s change this behaviour, please. It’s not ok to open every comment with abuse, and that’s obvious. So stop it and be nice. Thanks.
We’ve also had this exchange various times before under your different monikers, haven’t we? A2
Abusive? Absolutely not. Check the dictionary for the meaning of abusive and read carefully my remarks. They contain nothing a priori abusive. Sure, I don’t fuck around the bush and call a spade a spade, but I only tell my interlocutor to get the fuck out of my face when they in fact do get into my face.
I do understand that speaking one’s mind and saying stuff others don’t like to hear is the biggest crime in British society, something all of yous are conditioned not to do since early on, but I wasn’t fucked up that way.
Other than that, I don’t understand what ‘sensitive-as-fuck’ means. But whatever it means, you need to loosen up and calm down. It’s not like every fucking comment I make was carried universal importance, is it. Just punctuating the everyday drudgery …
I’ll punctuate your everyday drudgery if you don’t tone it down lol
And let’s not quibble, just play nice. Thanks, A2
He says if he cant be mean, he doesn’t want to be anything at all, just know that his stay on the rock is very temporary, I’m guessing well under 100 years.
He experiences a more intense reality over there in the continent where life is rough and real men call a spade a spade!
Apart from worryingly referring to himself in the third person (an indication of megalomania), Sociolog’s function is to come on like a real super-radical, posturing magnificently with adolescent brattishness, dazzling you with his assumed prescience, and making you think he’s an all-round iconoclast ….and then …. gradually…. working round to the very positions he pretends to mock. Soon he suggests that all those bastards up there – Gates and Schwab etc. –even though they are undoubtedly bastards, I mean real fucking bastards – may perhaps be not altogether wrong… and then he quickly whoops back to his expletive ridden rant before you notice he’s shilling for the mainstream and indeed has the same contempt for the masses that Gates and Schwab have!
You act like you fucking own this forum. You fucking don’t, Da Papers Man.
He can turn on a dime and give you nine cents change
socio want a black ball?
OffG has a real free comment policy, unlike those hypocrites at the Graud.. I share your pain but look at the column inches raised by some of his barbs! Reminds me of Enid Blyton’s more popular books; The Naughtiest Girl in the School. Or in more modern times, Kelly Bundy or Bart Simpson.
I was about to suggest to Admin, privately, that they give sociolog his own page.
Half of the posts on Offg are now a long argument between him and whoever is calling him out at the time.
If scrolling quickly ate up calories I’d be skinny as a rail.
But then there is free speech and all.
You might wanna shove the “calling him out” and replace it with “inanely ad hominem arguing” in the case of the dimwits who can’t resist the urge to attack my virtual self because they don’t have the brains to respond to the subject matter or “having a discussion” in the case of those who have something to say and engage in a meaningful exchange.
Other than that, isn’t the purpose of a discussion form having a discussion and even an argument? As opposed to an ass-licking fest and/or regurgitating how ‘they’re after you’ in 1000+1 ways and then some?
We’re just scrolling past you now
Cloud seeding is one thing, but tell us how high pressure domes are set up artificially, or the jet streams moved around. That’s real weather. And if an area lacks sufficient moisture and the proper dynamics such as lift, all the cloud seeding that’s doable will not produce a millimeter of rain.
How? Geoengineering Watch contends that HAARP is used to shoot energy into the Ionosphere and hence chance the course of jet streams at will. The Ionosphere is extant from a height of 30 miles above the surface to 180 miles. The jet streams flow at heights between 5 and 10 miles. Houston, we got a problem. Any other wild guesses?
Cloud seeding failed in South Africa around 1950. But this attempt in Arabia seems to have got lucky.
With the right conditions, and luck, it can work, in fact work too well, like Rapid City, South Dakota in Summer 1972.
The symptoms of collapse, poverty, crime, war, crumbling services & infrastructure, massive debt for the bottom 90%, massive cash sucked up by the 1%, is represented by the capitalist creators of collapse as the bottom 90%’s fault. The victims, Humanity & Earth, are the criminals, according to them. Rather than vetting the open, truthful root cause of hegemonic exhaustion, they project lipstick gussying up problems with convenience-surveillance, censorship, fascist laws, police state, condemnation of commoners (those poor slots that work, fight and die for 1% sins), more wars, AI, 5G, GM, pills, needles & poisons, austerity, punishment rituals and lockdown.
The 1% have been incrementally sucking up, at the barrel of a gun, every loose nickel since 1971 and we the people NOW live without disposable income. We can’t spend, we can’t create businesses, we can’t take financial risks and get in further debt because income is fugitive, rents and cost of living have been ballooned by these hoales beyond 90% means. Both us and they are trapped in their greedy stupidity, failed state.
This article is an example of how the false binary “conservative” sides are supposed to see symptoms and cheer for police state to save the day. Same as it ever was.
Meanwhile the “liberal” binary throws UBI containment pennies and other false promise policy failures year after year as the War on Humanity continues unabated. Until it all blows, like it is now.
Excellent summary of the current state of our affluent flatulent freedom-lauding Anglo Zionazi Capitalist “West” (which includes Ausralia in the Far East and Israel in the Middle East).
So, What is to be done?
(Hint: The question is the title of an article by Lenin).
The only answer in my estimation is for the 99% to become the policy creation and decision making body, as a collective society self-governing. We can establish standards of consensus and policy that do not infringe on the individual rights of those who disagree. The only exception to this would be a policy limiting poverty and wealth. This would eliminate poor and desperate people on the bottom, and the greedy occupation of decision making “authority” (pay-to-play) at the top. Just think if we had the right of voting approval for existing policy, would we not reverse 95% of them and redistribute revenues to public services rather than war, poverty and their hegemonic disaster capitalism? Yes, we would.
The seeds of self destruction have sprouted and are now bearing fruit. Rotten fruit.
Congratulations Off Guardian for finally mentioning chemtrials.
The “food transition advisory council” mentioned in Kit’s article has that sinister, globalist doublespeak, ring about it.
It reminded me of the “Global Food Council” mentioned in a 3 minute animated video produced by a thinktank called ‘The Forum for the Future’ in 2010.
One of the scenarios set out was called ‘Mega Cities on the move – Plannedopolis’.
A dystopian nightmare which was scrubbed from their website but can still be found on Gootube.
What’s really occurring is that people are beginning to migrate to fresh water sources, the great lakes region and Vermont are experiencing growth where as if there were no immigrants allowed, the population would shrink from the higher cost of living and cold which tends to lead to the ones who can move, to move.
I was astonished when I saw the cloud seeding story in a British newspaper last week treated as fact. Things must be getting desperate in Israel and Ukraine, that’s all I can say!
If I say I did not find Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” particularly inspiring, it’s only because, having read his “Caliban Upon Setebos” (many years ago), I can’t help making a comparison. And, in my opinion, few poems by few poets add up alongside it.
Also, unlike a play, a poem is decidedly better when encountered on paper than otherwise.
Agreed on both points. Caliban is a real creation, both in Browning’s and in Shakespeare’s embodiments of Natural Man dimly susceptible to good as to evil..
Well, obviously .When you read it on paper you put yourself and your experience into it/the words/the lyrics.
Euterpe, the goddess of lyric poetry and music.
Aka ‘Muse.’
A German who you can’t tell is German is a rarity. At first I thought he was Irish. I predict a great future for him. But only if he faces up to the real challenges, which are as follows: Close combat encounters with Papuan cannibals. He learned from self-marketer Fraulein Kuegler that Papuans were not at all keen on her fillets (such as moist salmon folds garnished with curly angel hair).
Dietmar (who presumably died of the Jewish “vaccination”) had the same name, but he was a steadfast Americanist.
Fraulein Kuebler believes in an afterlife. Why she doesn’t remember her past life is beyond her feminine “logic”. This reflects stupidity, but not wisdom. Her empathetic, feminized questioner is incapable of answering her with even a clever question, but instead hands over command of the entire “conversation” to her in advance.
He is the woman-worshipper who canonizes her because he was “born from the womb.” That’s enough to worship her. He is a so-called feeling man who elaborates on emotional spheres without even comprehending the meaning of his brain and the creative power of his own physique.
In 20 years’ time, he will probably still be sniffing around for the wisdom of others and searching for the “meaning” of life without ever having understood it. Life is not what he imagines it to be, but has passed through him without a trace. It was close at hand all the time, indeed there, but he didn’t want to grasp it by the scruff of the neck, preferring instead to theorize about it ad nauseam.
Presumably the son of a single mother, dotty, ruminating, emotionalized, passive, phantasmic, unreal, esoteric, gullible to the point of naivety. Clingy, “glued to their eyes”. These boys did not become real, emotionally, spiritually and sexually mature and self-sufficient adults, but instead constantly “reflected” the (supposed) “emotions” of their environment like a seismograph with a divining rod and “trigger antennas”.
If natives believe in an afterlife, then it is an insult to ourselves to want to imitate them in this primitive superstition and their limited horizons. When a compost heap grows from our molecules, that is a kind of afterlife. That’s all there ever was and can ever be.
But very few of us achieve this status. I am against this nonsense of belief for one simple reason: the supposed afterlife automatically devalues the now, the only thing we have, just as the expectation of the reward and the fixation on it devalues the achievement itself. We then no longer do it for the sake of the thing itself, but for the sake of the expected reward.
The only logic that is permissible is: I don’t believe in any “afterlife” at all, but if it happens for my sake anyway, then I’ll be very positively surprised by it! The only mature conviction is to finally come to terms with the earthly end in order to appreciate, live, enjoy and celebrate the here and now all the more. Everything else is pure spiritual kitsch, irrational dreaming, rubbishing, nothing more.
In German, there is a derogatory term for the “emancipated” “man” (i.e. one who has been trained, tailored or trained by women to meet their needs): Frauenversteher. They used to call him softy. Today they’re called Warmduscher, Sitzpinkler, Lila Pudel, Weiberknecht.
The tragic thing about these immature, emotionally hungry, underdeveloped and sexually needy un-men is that they have no other, alternative program stored in their heads. They must worship and expect pity in return. That’s basically the sad formula in a nutshell.
They make the painful experience of being permanently abandoned by women because women find a toy very flattering but unattractive and uninteresting in the long run. Who wants a yes-man who pleases you and neglects and disregards himself?
Women need friction, resistance, so that they too can grow. The boy “brought up” (in reality spoiled) by a selfish single mother learns to look at the world exclusively through his mother’s eyes, i.e. to develop a sensory system for “female needs”.
This goes as far as attention diversion: “Look, sweety, a bird!” It is against his nature, and yet he constantly repeats this pathologically self-damaging program. It is a deficient personality disorder.
One could say that the corrective and role model of the professionally and socially successful father, who knows how to assert himself and who conveys to the son that his mother is not a “saintly” but a fallible female person, is missing.
The women understander and worshipper is an empathetic, attentive, sensitive, courteous, charming gentleman, a servant. He does everything he can to “win” a woman. He defines himself through his counterpart, without this complement and mirror he feels incomplete.
He practices the skill of making the surrogate mother feel as comfortable as possible. If the woman feels good, only then will he finally feel good too. This goes as far as total self-abandonment and exhaustion, also known as burn-out.
The father leads the son out into the world and shows him how to master it. He cuts the umbilical cord. His message is stern but kind: “You can do it, take courage! I know you can do it, I believe in your potential! After all, you are my son!”
The father is the vital leap into the deep end instead of the feeding mother’s breast. He raises objections when the mother becomes too clingy, overbearing, selfish and controlling. The mature man has thus memorized that neither of his parents was perfect, but both had their strengths and weaknesses.
I’m afraid I lost you when you presumed to tell us what women need.
but ut but, richard vobes says we’re winning … nearly
They can tell you anything.
Another year of England celebrating its “nationhood” by venerating a Knights Templar and flying the Rosy Cross…
Occupation, like slavery, works best when its victims don’t even perceive that they are in that state.
I wonder what figures make a difference. I have always wondered how many politicians know just how small and insignificant the UK is. 0.048% of world surface.
What’s the point of competition in today’s world if it apparently means being the best at being the worst? If it means forfeiting your critical thinking skills in order to get into lockstep with the official narrative of the day?
The TNI (Trusted News Initiative) has its filthy, money grabbing, blood soaked tentacles reaching far and wide:
Senior figures in Australia’s public broadcaster, the ABC, appear to have had some cosy ‘arrangements’ with Big pHarmer.
I hope I live long enough to see the shit hit the fan, and watch all these Turds get locked up.
O/T, but thought I’d provide the link to my response to your kind wishes for me, on an Off-G article a few days ago. The link below takes you straight to my post. Thank you!
A P.S. to my post to you of yesterday (see link either above or below this post). i mentioned something called energy healing (also called spiritual healing) in that post of a day ago. Energy healing/spiritual healing has an amazing track record, achieves astounding successes, often curing ill-health conditions which ‘orthodox’ Medicine claims are ‘incurable’. I yesterday looked up, online, energy healers in the UK city in which I live.
I found a list of accredited healers on a site re. the Lincolnshire Association of Healers (that making it very easy to work out the city in which I live!).
I phoned one of them, a lady residing in this city, and she will be coming to my home at 6pm this evening to give me some healing! She will be bringing a friend with her. On the info. re. her on the Association’s site, she stated that she only charges for ‘expenses’, but told me yesterday that she won’t even be charging for that, for she loves walking, and will be walking to my home from her place of work!
Many healers etc do choose to not charge; their healing abilities are a spiritual gift, and they thus choose not to charge any fees.
I’m of course not expecting my condition to be cured, but would be so thrilled and appreciative if it might be able to reduce the often horrific manifestations which I experience. If the healing could ‘tamp it down’, then I’d be so grateful for the healing. For my life is now being ‘controlled’ by my ill-health.
She may well visit my home more than once, for many people often have a series of healing treatments. Energy healing/spiritual healing achieves so many successes because it works at our energy/spiritual level, and that ‘transfers’ the healing to the physical body (our immortal energy body/spirit body being the ‘template’ for our physical body).
I was talking last night to someone, and she told me that she’d had a shoulder problem for many years, something which ‘orthodox’ Medicine had not been able to help. She then had a Reiki treatment (one form of energy healing), and that resolved her shoulder problem completely! She said it was amazing, the transformation which it achieved.
Good luck Christine.
Peace be with you.
Thank you for your kind words!
Yes, good luck, the last healer that came to my house was scoping out the locks to see how easy it was going to be to break into the house.
The curtain hid the lock and after they broke the window, it was an inside keyed lock, they made to much noise trying to kick in the door and left very upset.
Imagine that, a crook leaving the scene of his crime mad about the results.
I don’t really think that the Energy Healer who’s coming to my home early this evening (accompanied by a friend) will be coming in order to ‘scope out the locks’!!
The lady has been trained in the healing method by the local Spiritualist Church here, and is totally legit.!
These guys ended up being trust worthy undercover cops, I hear the spiritual ones are undercover fbi, and they are even worse, Jesus already died for their sins so sky is the limit with trust.
Good luck naturally, but I’m not sold yet.
Let us know how it goes! It’s an interesting field I was researching in the 90’s after attending a seminar with a Reiki Master. QiGong (you can do this yourself at home) or using a QiGong practitioner can also produce life changing results.
I’ll reply to your post either later today or tomorrow, okay! Have come online for just a few minutes, prior to having my early-evening meal. If my health permits, will come back here later this evening, if not, tomorrow!
In response to your question.
The energy healer and her friend came to my home yesterday. She carried out the healing treatment, took about 15 minutes. Time will tell as to whether it will create any beneficial effect on my current ill-health.
As I’d mentioned in a post re. this yesterday, she said she would not be charging me anything, not even for ‘expenses’ (which is all that she usually charges anyone), due to the fact that she would be walking to my home, from her place of work; she said that she’s passionate about walking, frequently using that mode of transport to visit her mother, who lives quite some miles from her home, here in this city.
I’ve read quite an amount on energy healing/spiritual healing over the past 29 years (the length of time I’ve been a properly-informed Spiritualist), and its healing modality achieves many, many amazing successes, worldwide. This is because it works on our fundamental spirit/energy body, and the energy which is transmitted from the healer to the client then works on the physical body, and thus healing/curing, or at the very least alleviating to whatever degree, the ill-health condition.
Thanks for your reply. All matter is energy : wave, frequencies, resonance, vibration. That’s why there’s no separation between body, mind and soul. We are spirit just as much as we are matter because they are not separate. The best energy healers are born with mirror-touch synesthesia.
The only thing this so-called reiki healer will do for you is reiki your wallet!
She charged me literally nothing! As I explained in one of my posts. She normally only charges for expenses, but said she wouldn’t be charging me even that, for she walked from her place of work to my home…!
A P.S. to my short reply to you of less than 30 minutes ago: re. the healer having told me that she’d not be charging me a penny, see my post to Johnny of yesterday at 10.55am (a little bit north of this post).
Christine, I don’t wish to appear as someone who would, or even could, “kick someone when they’re down.” However, having read your prior comment which you linked to, I simply must point out vis-a-vis your father’s spirit that “his” callousness adds fuel to my contention regarding spirits (if they exist at all) – namely, that they are totally insensitive to the plight of the “coat” they inhabit (or any other human “coat” being used by any other spirit).
I’ve always considered the suffering of the human (or any species) as the bellwether of morality. Suffering and morality are mutually exclusive – period.
At any rate, I hope your condition finds its proper respite, be it from a healer or, as Researcher suggests, from the power of your own mind.
It’s not just my dad in the (very real) Spirit World who communicated immorally/unethically to a relative on Earth; it’s simply (unfortunately…) the way that souls in Spirit do communicate, re. ‘deaths’/illnesses. Many people around the world have received (unethically transmitted from a relative in the Spirit Dimension) information re. ‘deaths’/illnesses, in (what are termed) ‘readings’ and/or in the things that are termed ‘dreams’.
A large percentage of the things called ‘dreams’ are what spiritually-unenlightened people wrongly assume all ‘dreams’ to be; ie, merely our own mind creating images/pictures/scenarios, whilst we’re (what’s termed…) ‘asleep’. However, a percentage of ‘dreams’ are (proven) 100% factual communications from the Spirit Dimension. To give but one example of many that have been documented around the world: in my early years of researching the survival of ‘death’ truth (late 1994), one book I read (I’ve now read 1000+ books on this vital subject) documented the experience of a woman, a daughter, who, in a ‘dream’, was given the mode, and the date (but not the year) of her mother’s ‘death’. The daughter related that her mother did (do what’s wrongly termed ‘die’ in the mode that had been transmitted in the ‘dream’ AND on the precise date that had been given… 22 or 23 years after the receipt of the ‘dream’. That woman must have been immensely distressed at having been given the information in that ‘dream’… it must have ‘spoilt’ her relationship with her mother for those 22/23 years… ie, due to her fear/terror/stress.
And that is but one example of numerous documented examples of information in ‘dreams’ (and in ‘readings’ via mediums) re. someone’s ‘death’ or illness, where the information given proved to be 100% accurate.
However, Howard, the fact that souls in the Spirit World do communicate unethically/immorally re. that subject, ‘deaths’/illnesses, does not make them ‘evil’, or whatever word you care to use. It’s just a very unfortunate unethical/immoral aspect of their communications. They have no right to do this to anyone on Earth.
N.B., my dad’s spirit is literally the exact-same person who, when on Earth (1932-1982) this time round, was my dad. Ie, my dad’s spirit is literally still the eternal soul who, in his most recent lifetime, was my dad; he now being in the Spirit Dimension in his spirit body, as opposed to being in his physical body when on Earth. I’ve related to you before the fact that the immortal spirit body is what literally animates everyone’s physical body whilst they’re on Earth. At the point of ‘death’, that person’s spirit body literally emerges from the physical body and returns to the (proven to exist) Spirit World (which interpenetrates this physical Earth world).
I won’t flat out suggest that the content of dreams is irrelevant, so I won’t attempt to argue against what you’ve presented. I will only suggest that I personally believe dreams to be purely a physical expression of the need to periodically keep the (physical) eyes moving during the sleep cycle in order to preclude the effect of the eyes sitting still for however many hours a person sleeps. Just like any other muscle in the body, the muscles controlling the movement of the eyes can stiffen if sitting perfectly still for too long at a time.
Admittedly, that physical dimension does not adequately explain the content of dreams. Or, indeed, why some dreams precipitate certain physical reactions. I have had dreams (usually in which I was running) which awoke me because my heart was racing.
I had a dream once where I was hanging onto the deck of a ship and inching my way along to find a place of safety. In the dream I was about to have a heart attack. I forced myself to wake up. I’m absolutely convinced that if I had not forced myself awake, I would have died of a heart attack (I have certain heart problems).
But was my “premonition” a warning from something outside the physical realm? or was it purely a physical response? I have not decided for sure which it was.
Apologies for the delay in my reply to your post, Howard. Have not been online for a couple of days, due to my health suffering.
The things called ‘dreams’ are NOT merely a physical phenomenon; they are what I said in a previous post under this article that they are: ie, that a large percentage of them are merely our own system creating images/pictures/stories whilst our physical body is ‘asleep’. BUT it’s an absolute fact that a percentage of ‘dreams’ are factual communications from the Spirit Dimension (of this multi-dimensional cosmos).
As you will one day find out!! (Ie, when you eventually return [in your very real, immortal, spirit body – the thing which literally animates your physical body coat, and which is the real us: the exact-same us as we are right now, whilst on Earth] to that Spirit Dimension/Spirit World. And then you will be forced to face the fact that “That Englishwoman, Christine, the Spiritualist, was telling the truth. Everything she told me re. the actual nature of the [hugely-misinterpreted] event that’s termed ‘death’ was 100% fact…”.)
The ‘dream’ which you related in your post could have been a number of things. It could have been your own system creating it, OR it could have been your eternal soul reliving, in your ‘dream’, an event in one of your soul’s past lives… one in which you (ie, a previous lifetime of the eternal soul which is currently you, Howard, in the US of A) lived in earlier times; one in which that person may have ‘died’ of a heart attack in the event you describe.
The day after the UAE/Oman cloud seeding story there was an article in the Telegraph about Dubai scientists who came to Britain in 2017 to learn how to cloud seed more effectively (I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist).
But it’s absolutely definitely not happening here because the UK government put a statement out saying so.
Those “scientists” went abroad for personal interests. There is little to learn about cloud seeding. You spray the stuff over suitable clouds, try to avoid damage to the plane (from the clouds or stuff) and hope you get results.
Most of the infrastructure in arid countries cannot handle even moderate rain, let alone heavy rain. Remember, cutting corners is a foundation of capitalism.
The tragedy of humankind is that people are such fuckheads.
Instead of using our intellectual capacity to understand that it’s better to live in harmony with each other and our natural habitat and to compete to a limited extent, we use the intellect we’ve developed for the myopic purpose of hoarding as much shit as possible, satiating every sick urge we happen to have, fucking over thy fucking brother in the process, and indiscriminately shitting in the place where we live – that would be the ecological damage our way of life causes.
And instead of giving a thought or two to the aforesaid, fuckheads left and right argue about such red herrings, strawmen, mirages, and utter bullshit as climate change, global warming, eating ze bugs, and all sorts of other utter bullshit.
Wise men are few and far between and usually keep quiet because not only no one will listen to them but they’ll get viciously attacked if they dare say anything that contradicts the mad gluttony of the modern random motherfucker.
Why is the author whining about the Google sustainability feature? What’s wrong with using technology for beneficial purposes, like planning energy-efficient travel? Do you fucking have to drive your fucking gas guzzler instead of taking the fucking train, thus somehow exercising your “freedom” (to be an asshole)? Shouldn’t considerate behavior be the default position? Do fucking people not understand that to be in equilibrium, shit has to be balanced – that freedom needs to be balanced with restraint?
As I said, the tragedy is that people are such entitled self-absorbed fuckheads.
For the energy consumption of the train, this only applies to reasonably full trains over longer distances. Over shorter distances, due to its high weight, the train has an energy consumption that is much higher than that of the car per passenger kilometer. There are also times when trains have low occupancy and there are energy losses with electric trains due to the distances. To make a proper comparison, the entire system must be assessed. In total the energy consumption of the train per passenger kilometer is 9 kWh/100 km and is approximately equal to that of the car (15 kWh/100 km with the average occupancy rate of 1.4 people).
Fair enough. Doing the math is always good. Totally agree as far as assessing the entire system in a holistic manner, as opposed to the reductionist thinking practiced by the random human critter.
Be that as it may, people should, first and foremost, consider whether the presence of their fucking ass really is required at Point B, and if not, which I’d venture say would be the vast majority of cases, stay the fuck put and refrain from redundantly increasing entropy.
Anyways, I see nothing wrong with AI being used to calculate the energy efficiency of tasks constituting the human enterprise in a Waze-like fashion.
Ah yes, we’re making approving noises about the Globalists’ “15-minute city” now. Golly, what a surprise! 🤣
Harmony, fuckheads, fuckheads, fuckheads, motherfuckers, asshole.
Pick the OXYMORONIC one 😖
And for God’s sake, can someone please tell this bloke how to use a thesaurus?
The occasional expletive is fine, but they become tedious when overused.
Too many lagers perhaps?
It’s like being at a FUCKING football game🤪
For fucks sakes, do something about your myopia and worry about the fucking message and not the messenger.
Look around and see how people use the intellect wherewith human critters are endowed to grossly abuse just about all aspects of their existence and the environment in which they exist, as opposed to the occasional fuck here and asshole there.
Misery loves company
You might find it easier to live in harmony with your fellow humans if you didn’t think of them as “fuckheads”. Rhetoric is important. It says far more about one’s self than we may wish to divulge willingly. Be kind and courteous and you will more likely to receive the same in return. Big love.
To begin with, it’s none of your fucking business whether or not and to what extent I, or anybody else, live in harmony with anyfuckingbody. Leave ad hominem shit out of it. You appear to suffer from complete inability to generalize issues, as opposed to relating everything to the (inter)personal level.
Anyway, the issue in question is that people should address underlying issues, as opposed to bullshit like climate change and ze bugs.
Try to tax your wit to a greater extent than usual.
And kindly refrain from patronizing me with this fucking big love shit. You don’t fucking love nobody. That’s all either disgusting pretense or you have no fucking idea what love is. What certainly is it not is sending ‘big loves’ to strangers on an online forum. Frankly, I’m disgusted how the concept of ‘love’ has been perverted this way. In English, you can love a fucking cone of ice cream. Ridiculous! You should know that there are less fucked up languages where the equivalent of the word ‘love’ is reserved for the true meaning thereof.
Okay Socio, let’s get deep.
‘On message’ if you insist.
The message IS Love.
Everything else is a distraction. Junk food for our minds, talking points, philosophical wankery, political fodder.
Wanna save the world?
We can’t.
But we can spread Love
Like a diamond, Love has many facets:
The Love of our Lover/s.
The Love of our children.
The Love of our family.
Even the love of music and ice cream.
It’s just a matter of prioritising.
Love first.
Everything else second.
Love is irresistible attraction, inexplicable fascination, unconditional acceptance, willingness to sacrifice oneself, things like that.
You can love music, but you can’t love fucking ice cream.
Love is love, it can fade away
Ha! I always suspected you were a fan of Mexican soap operas.
They dont have to feel obligated to address anything but the truth, and that’s only if you have doctorate
There is nothing better than using a single sentence, if not a few words, to express a pertinent thought in a witty impactful manner.
Your stamina expressed in the incessant nature of your attempts to do so is remarkable, alas, no fucking cigar. Your halfwit self tragically lacks the other half of wit to make the aforesaid possible.
Keep trying though. Who knows, maybe you can produce something witty by accident. After all, the lexis is not endless and sooner or later the random assemblages of words you keep shitting out will for once make some fucking sense.
Bursts into laughter while hedging my bets.
I noticed the “live in harmony” howler myself. Also this one:
“Wise men are few and far between and usually keep quiet”
Another precept he won’t be putting into practice!
If you weren’t the idiot fascinated with some weirdo on an obscure Internet forum who’s pissing you off by telling you what your normie self doesn’t wanna hear (this phenomenon is called cognitive dissonance) and actually lent a receptive ear to the message expressed hereinabove, your idiotic self would realize that the propensity of your and others of your ilk to shut up everybody who says something provocative, unconventional, irreverent, opposing whatever dogmatic orthodoxy has been rammed into your empty skull (that is empty apart from the presence therein of the said orthodoxy) is one of the major problems of today’s world, for everybody is regurgitating and thus amplifying the same horseshit intended to make you, as the classic says, comfortably numb.
Anyway, what’s in da papers today, Da Papers Man?
“some weirdo on an obscure Internet forum who’s pissing you off”
But of course you are not aware of this.
“this phenomenon is called cognitive dissonance”
It certainly is!
and the irony is that you are one of the entitled self-absorbed, but you seem to be an A** slurper more than a fuckhead. I suspect you love that acrid smell and taste as it sprays your face. diarrhea, people think is funny but its really dark and runny, as it sprays in your mouth! ,,/,,
Your post reminds me of this:
Wisdom Better Than Folly
I also saw under the sun this example of wisdom that greatly impressed me: There was once a small city with only a few people in it. And a powerful king came against it, surrounded it and built huge siege works against it. Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and he saved the city by his wisdom. But nobody remembered that poor man. So I said, “Wisdom is better than strength.” But the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are no longer heeded.
The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.
Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.
Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
Just a bit of wild speculation for New Normal aficionados.:
There is quite a bit of scientific chatter at the moment on the subject of the increase in dementia and CJD and its possible connection to the covid vaxx. It pretty much runs parallel to the excess deaths debate.
Yesterday on the ABC (Australia’s Beeb) they reported that violent crimes in the state of Queensland had increased by 300% since 2020. This is an unprecedented rise in the violent crime rate and it’s difficult to ascribe it to any thing other than Covid and/or the Covid vax. I can’t see any of the social effects of the scamdemic (lockdowns, etc) being the possible cause..
Well here is a sobering thought. CJD is a prion disease and there is a lot of speculation that either the spike protein is itself a prion or the pseudo-uridine modified mRNA is generating a weird protein.
CJD is a terrible disease. It is almost invariably fatal. One of its side effects is causing about 20% of its sufferers to go criminally, violently, insane before they die. These are often the first symptoms.
I leave the rest to your imagination. Should be worse than a Zombie Apocalypse. And the recent stabbing incidents in Sydney are a preliminary manifestation.
Cheerful, huh? Not the new normal but the new abnormal!
Well it is the Kali Yuga. What did you expect?
Spike protein is not a Prion, it contains an amyloidogenic peptide sequence that can catalyze prion protiens, next to another short squence that can cleave human Prions into the scrapie form.
Dr Kevin McCairn PhD, a research neuroscientist specialising in neurodegenerative diseases, has been sounding the alarm on this for 4 years. He’s been censored so much on Twitter and Youtube he’s started his own streaming platform, he’s currently building a lab out of his own pocket to test the jabs in an animal model trying to replicate what has already been shown by other researchers in a petri dish.
Here’s one of his presentations from Nov last year
Thanks for that link to a new whistle-blower site. Dr.McCairn’s video is headed:
Toxic Peptides: from Genetic Vaccines to Covid-19 Virus.
Every one of Con-19’s genetic vaccines (RNA Vaxx) contains the same toxic peptide as does the Covid-19 virus itself; namely, the GM Spike Protein patented by Moderna in 2016. It was genetically modified in the U$A to attack human bloodvessels and inserted into a relatively harmless Corona virus that had hitherto only attacked bats. Then Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein virus escaped from his U$ DoD funded laboratory, and the rest is history.
But we still do not know why the GM spike protein on The Vaxx is so much more toxic than the same GM spike protein in the Covid-19 virus. I suggest that the virus (being a sophisticated product of nature) has more control over the RNA in its own spike protein than Moderna and other Big Pharma companies have over the same spike protein RNA when it is crudely mixed into a primitive manmade RNA Vaxx.
No more BioWarfare Labs!
Back to prohibition of Vaccines unless tested for 10 years or more; tested by independent government agencies.
Viruses do not “attack” anything or do most of the things “virology” talks about- whatever particles they are showing in their electron microscopy are not the things they say they are. It is a scam science created by pharma/ global fascism and is the same psy-op as the devils concocted by the anti-human abrahamic priests in the middle ages, to terrorise and control.
“violent crimes in the state of Queensland had increased by 300% since 2020.”
Yes, I saw a photo of an old lady knocked down by guntoting police.
The good news? This type of music have still not been erased from Youtube: Waltz of Love.
It’s not the herrings that worry me, it’s the sharks and piranhas.
Sharks can be eaten too. They taste but are a little sweeter than Tuna. Just so they do not worry you. Piranhas
In English/British chippies you could always get ‘dogfish’ which is a small shark.
Same in Australia. Where they call it “flake”.
Australia is Britain in a penalty camp. Everything in Australia is copy paste of British low class ruled by British Lords in the centre of London.
Sad but the truth, with facts and reason.
The same for all the so-called Commonwealth countries.
However since all countries are centrally controlled by the Vatican-Holy See using Roman LAW worldwide, corporate infrastructure and the money franchise. The BAR association Crown Temple Inns of Court, own all the corporations masquerading as governments using other VATICAN
supranational orgs; UN, BIS, etc.
Londinium was conquered by Rome 43AD. The Monarchy in the UK are German, and act as envoys of the Vatican as do all monarchies, religions and governments worldwide.
Monarchies and “governments” derived their invalid authority from the fake man made religions. Not the citizens. All supported by FACTS.
This Week in the New Normal:
Trump sold out his base to shovel $US95 billion to
Ukraine and Israel…
But is this the New Normal ? Surely it’s the Old Normal
(aka – Business As Usual) ?
‘Trump obviously knows that his return to the White House
will require sufficient compromise with the national security
hawks and Zionist who run the government. So, we shouldnt
be too surprised that he’s trying to curry favor with them.
But for the people who thought Trump was a straightshooter
then this has got to be a real eye-opener. They thought he
could be trusted, but he’s just another Beltway phony trying
to ingratiate himself with the Washington power elite in order
to shoehorn his sorry arse into the White House.’
“Dont follow Leaders
Watch The Parking Meters !”
)1960’s folksinger)…
In a very funny way, not hah, haah, haaahhh! funny, the vote to hand over another $US95 BILLION to Ukraine and Israel is beyond mere comprehension – because – how is it even possible for a country US34 TRILLION in debt, able to manufacture the $US95 B’llion to give to anyone. If you or I tried that little magic-trick we would most certainly end up in an asylum or a jail.
So is it a ‘New Normal’? Absolutely, straight out of an Easop’s Fable realm …
Just proves the whole system is a pack of card waiting to tumble.
Love see what bank accounts the money ends up…
Just what I was thinking. Where’s all this money really going. Straight into offshore accounts.
Straight back to the secret bank accounts in the City of London and our Green King..
Being spent on new wars and new media campaigns for global cooling and global warming.
bitcoin fixes this
I suspect, without any actual evidence … that bitcoin is only as good as ‘its’ weakest link, ELECTRICITY and there is a nagging idea that it is buoyed by the intelligence perps.
One needs to be acutely aware that Klaus Schlob and his bum-boys have repeatedly ‘warned’ that there will be ‘interference’ with the grid, etc. To my little bird-brain, this telegraphs that the WEF’ers and WHO space=creatures will most certainly phuck-with electrical and wireless power-supplies and blame the normal scapegoats responsible.
I don’t trust money that I can hold-and-fold, so why in heaven’s name would I believe in a ‘coded-figment’ of some wag’s computer generated impulses? For sure it might stir one’s latent greed as it rises-and-falls manipulated by XYZ … but the fact remains that it is backed by … a code???? What is to stop the deviots in Israel hacking the ‘un-hackable code? After all they do have the bees-knees of programs designed to do just that, when the need arises, as has been demonstrated time and time again. Nothing electronic is safe from PROMIS, and other more advanced software. etc. etc.
who are they supposed to be in debt to ? Jehova?
If you think any of that money went to Ukraine I’ve got some nice swampland in Florida for you. It’s a grift. The corrupt officials in fake governments are stealing money hand over fist, transferring it to numbered offshore accounts to divide amongst themselves while they devalue the US dollar. It’s racketeering.
I can’t believe there’s people who still vote and believe in a circus clown show where “the slaves” are supposedly electing dementia patients or reality show character actors to positions of “authority”.
Umm …’Ronald Ray-gun?
Yes. Reagan was a b-grade character actor and dementia patient.
Trump a reality show character actor, seen here rehearsing his presidential faux “nationalist” shtick script in ‘88.
Biden another dementia patient.
Moderately good news:
Some indication that sizeable numbers are waking up to what “net zero” really means.
Obviously they’re response is to change the packaging rather than the substance – but it’s a start.
The slogan has become unhelpful. The slogan has to be changed. Their stupidity is out in open air. They are not even aware of how stupid they are and sound.
“Global warming” turned to “climate change” because there were some problems.
For fun: Building 7 made its way to the Daily Wire. Joe Rogan’s show was cited. Getting interesting. Suddenly the concept that demolition charges assisted in the 9-11 controlled free fall is catching on. Why is that? Are too many people catching on to the idea that climate change is a hoax and the UN really wants us dead? Then there is Earth Day. The first Earth Day happened in 1970 when I was 13 years old. John Muir’s birthday. Now he is being denied credit as having helped found it through the Sierra club. DEI. I was so impressed that I majored in Environmental Biology (EB) in 1974. What a fool. I was pegged by my freshman counselor for the new major called Energy Management. I chose EB. Still Kicking myself.
“Suddenly the concept that demolition charges assisted in the 9-11 controlled free fall is catching on. Why is that?”
Glad to hear that 911Truth is catching on. The site that enlightened me after 10 years in the dark.
“Suddenly the concept that demolition charges assisted in the 9-11 controlled free fall is catching on. Why is that?”
Because it is another layer of misdirection from the truth (with planes being the first layer of misdriection, for the most stupid consumers out there) for the supposedly “awake”.
Getting a whif of the truth requires critical thinking and some basic education in physics and logic, which is apparently in short supply.
for the details see dr judy w.o.o.d. seems that her name is on the spam filter here and she is off limits to off-g!
Living up to your moniker, I see.
The denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, period is normally 30 years.
Then everybody feel safe enough to walk around with a raised moralising finger about what the shitholes did 30 years ago.
US Clean Air Acts of 1970s and 1990 caused Arctic warming per stunning NASA chart by Drew Shindell at Houston Chronicle link. Bush #1’s campaign vs acid rain removed massive amounts of sulfates from atmosphere. Sulfates had blocked sun’s rays.
4/8/2009, “Half of recent arctic warming may not be due to greenhouse gases,” Houston Chronicle, Eric Berger
“According to a new report, half of the recent Arctic warming is not due to greenhouse gases, but rather clean air policies.
That’s the conclusion of two scientists in a new Nature Geoscience paper (see abstract), which is more deeply outlined in this NASA news release.
Here’s a quote from lead author Drew Shindell of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:
The following graphic shows how clean air regulations passed in the 1970s have likely accelerated warming by diminishing the cooling effect of sulfates:.”…
(I’d post the chart but I don’t know how to post photos here). July 2011 PNAS peer reviewed study confirmed the above, ie, in “Conclusion,” post 1970 warming “is driven by efforts to reduce air pollution in general and acid deposition in particular which cause sulfur emissions to decline.”…7/19/2011, “Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008,” Michael Mann (Hockey Stick) was one of PNAS authors.
This is NOT new info, just academic rehash. In early 1970s, it was called global dimming, related to none other than global cooling.
Glad to see someone else remembers the great scare story of 1972: Global Cooling.
We are all here in the comment section close to 90 years old and skin dead, so you are in good hands.
Talking of imagined futures, check out the short film, Utopia by Omoletto (link not included, you can choose the platform) , one element of which has already been realised in San Francisco’s SnapCrap app.
Global boiling in the UK, its bloody freezing cold!
I will start eating bugs once all the globalist’s livers have been consumed…
What is the word for that sense experience where a formerly nails down completely nuts conspiracy theory (chemtrails) is folded into the mainstream gen pops accept-awareness as PERFECTLY congruent with how it’s always been/what we always knew and nobody bats an eye, not even a twitch…as though if people leaked the smallest tell they would something bad would happen.
“Chemtrails!…they are spraying us!”
“Wow, florid symptoms of extreme conspiracy theory paranoia”
“The cloud seeding technology needs better management…”
Ah so now they’re spinning the old covid reversal show transferred to ze bugs. The former went like this:

It was 2020 and the world was ravaged by the deadliest disease since the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. And these evil neoliberal entrepreneurial serving government overlords just didn’t care!
“Oh God!” we screamed. “We need to do something!” As the bodies gathered everywhere and Boris was jeering “Let the corpses pile up! I’m an evil profit serving bastard and I just don’t care! AHAHAHAHA!”
So here’s what we did: we organised wildcat strikes everywhere – all across the world thus forcing those evil glutinous shits who only wanted to keep their wretched economy going to sit up and notice.
And within a few short weeks the UK government (which was happy to sit out the 80s miners’ strike for a year without batting an eyelid) suddenly caved in. Boris emerged weeping and on his knees. “Oh forgive me!” he bleated. “What do you want?”
And that was when we forced our prole demands onto him. “We want a lockdown! Masks so we can’t even talk to each other! Distancing! And vaccines! And we want everyone forced into taking the vax! And if the police see anyone out in the street at all, shoot the bastard!”
“And finally – we want the media to squirt out bold prole rhetoric to quash any evil Right Wing bastards who dare to question anything!”
Boris whimpered, “But what about civil liberties? What about resources for other ailments?”
“No!” we screamed. “We want everything spent on covid measures!”
Etc. etc.
So now it’s a case of the legislators fragging their heels over bugs whilst we the great unwashed masses are demanding bugs bugs bugs! Yummy We want to eat them! But they won’t let us!” etc.
Mind you …. wasps, eh?
Who will be eating bugs? The frog eaters in France.
The France people will be the population in the world who will eat most bugs outside or inside a frog.
The French people, this worlds new messiah, will eat all the mosquitoes Bill Gates will make in his labs. Tu es foutu
Good news? – Mike Yeadon waking up from The Science:
The funny thing about myopia sufferers of your kind is your shortsightedness, as pleonastic as it may sound.
It’s like this:
So, viruses do not cause disease, contagion is bullshit, a pandemic of a catching disease is a crock of shit, diseases are caused by multiple factors, they’re a holistic issue. Fine.
Now, let’s apply the same kind of thinking to the COVID pandemic. What was the cause if not the virus? Well, COVID was an economic event. A stopgap measure instigated to avert a financial collapse. That was caused by how perverted the financial system is, how financial economy has become divorced from physical reality, how energy is becoming more expensive in terms of EROEI, so on so forth.
The next pandemic, or an event launched to force people to behave a certain way, will not be averted by running off at the mouth about the non-existence of viruses. That’s fucking inconsequential. The underlying problems are what matters.
So, all of you no-virus freaks, how about pulling your head out of the sand and smelling the coffee? And focusing on shit that matters, instead of on some fucking virus?
Interesting that in all your many incarnations you’ve been so keen to push the idea that exposing the virus fraud doesn’t matter.
It clearly does to your controllers.
I’ll begin by telling you to go fuck yourself, as I tell all motherfuckers like you who accuse their interlocutors of ‘having controllers’, because you’re stupid as fuck and understand shit what I’m talking about or because of some other reason, whatever the fuck that is.
That out of the way, and you now presumably fucking yourself, let’s address the alleged virus fraud.
Insofar as one understand that COVID was not a health event, but an economic event, it was NOT fraud. It was real alright. The virus was used as decoy because nobody would believe them if they imposed the economic measures they did, or other measures with a comparable impact. As heretical as it will sound to your covidiotic self, it is likely that if COVID didn’t happen, the outcome – the economic crash that might have taken place – would have been worse. I know that not, however, just speculating and considering all possibilities because unlike you, I’m not a blinders-on fucking idiot subscribing to a single dogmatic orthodoxy.
In case that the virus fraud of yours refers to the function and existence of viruses per se, that’s a totally inconsequential issue. It makes a difference only to the most obdurate germaphobe.
Yet another highly amusing classic rant from the Globalist-paid troll. Keep them coming, please. 🤣🤣🤣
Whomever told it to get a thesaurus should have though first and not acted!! Now it is using pleonastic.. Soon the comments it makes will consist entirely of swearing and words it found in the thesaurus.
Pleonastic would be a great name for the account actually as it infuses everything it does.
Vyliz si prdel.
Running off at the mouth much?
The stance that viruses-don’t exist / contagion is a fraud designed to engender fear, compliance and willing victims really does matter IMHO. It is manipulation at a grand scale for profit of BigBiz and serves to further consolidate the power wielded over the masses by the psychopathic elite.
Whipping up pandemic fear over a nothing burger and the subsequent baying by the masses for someone else to do something – i.e. give us the meds and vaxxes – is not only disempowering (because the assumption always is that disease comes from without and so must the remedy) but also serves a very dark agenda, as the solution is not to our benefit. It never is.
Kevin Galalae (Turning Nature Against Man)
This entire manipulation, the coercion, the poisonations from BigPharma, masking, lockdowns, people going out of businessm, the 17 – 20 million deaths caused by these injections alone, not to mention the even greater number of people severely injured by these injectables, all of it would go away (well, not the deaths and injuries that occurred) if people learnt to take responsibility for their own health and if they stopped believing the Devil (or the virus) caused their illness and if they stopped believing you can obtain health from BigPharma.
I think this really matters.
So, what really matters to you, then?
Contagion is a phenomenon humans have empirically observed over millennia. Whether they’ve got it completely wrong is a question. They might have. They might have in part. That’s something for scientists to analyze in their stinky lab, not for self-appointed Internet pundits who generally know fuck all about science and have limited general knowledge of anything.
Nothing burger? You must be kidding. Evidently, the financial system was on the verge of collapse in the fall of 2019. If it did, it would have been collapsed, and you can’t unring that bell. The pandemic hoax bought the people at the helm some time. What would the havoc be like if there was a economic crash I know not, but the chances are that it would have been worse than the plandemic.
You might even convid-heretically conclude that the plandemic was a good thing after all.
The claim of 17-20 million deaths caused by the injections is totally unsubstantiated, it’s the same crock of shit as the alleged deaths caused by COVID.
Now, let’s get to the cause of the disease – the economic disease that is. The perversion of the financial system, the disconnect between physical reality and how it’s expressed through money, the overall civilizational decline, and so on. That’s what needs to be addressed because that the cause of the plandemic. Not some fucking alleged virus, some alleged disease, and shit like that.
Learning to take responsibility for one health would be good and it’s an intergal part of teh civilizational collapse, but it’s not the primary issue.
Try to look further than the tip of yer nose.
No, don’t steer this debate to the economy as the reason for the plandemic. We all know about the motivations of the ruling psychos (apart from the aim to cull the population and usher in a one-world dictatorship). So, stay focused.
I say nothing burger, this being the supposed disease that was supposedly caused by a flying virus, because even the scientists you say are the only ones allowed to comment on this admitted that the IFR was 0.3 % or something like that – i.e. a nothing burger.
Further verified by the fact that from a population of around 26 million in Australia, my country, about 800 people died “from Covid” – far, far less than die annually from the supposed flu. Moreover, the majority of those who died “from Covid” most were incarcerated in aged care facilities, fully drugged and vaxxed with the compulsory flu injection, and given no sunshine or Vitamin D supplement and three shitty, deficient meals a day.
Another nothing burger, as far as death rates “from Covid” was concerned.
Also this nothing burger:
COVID-19 had no impact on US death rate so far in 2020. Need to Know. 11 May 2020. The CDC website says the average US death totals since 2015 from all causes has remained unchanged so far in 2020. That means the huge numbers of reported COVID-19 deaths either never happened or they were deaths from other causes mislabeled as COVID-19.
Available at far-in-2020/.
See also COVID-19 pandemic paradox: 2020 has fewer deaths than five years prior. 25 June 2020. Available at 2020-has-fewer-deaths-five-years-prior-454418.
People started dying en masse only after the introduction of the Covid vaxxes. Now, that’s an important factor. All heavily vaxxed countries had an excess death rate and the figures 17-20 million deaths was derived from life insurance actuaries whose role it is to monitor how many claims are lodged with their employer to ensure they’re still making a profit from the premiums paid.
Just one example – showing that they murdered children in the UK (and elsewhere of course:
And, as I said, if humanity woke the fuck up and realised that the virus threat was a lie, the hold which the ruling psychos have over the masses would vanish. Fear creates compliance and a sense of helplessness.
Self-ownership, responsibility IS the primary issue!
We must stop giving our power away.
“We all know about the motivations of the ruling psychos (apart from the aim to cull the population and usher in a one-world dictatorship).”
I don’t know who’s you’s all, you probably got overexcited in speaking for some them all or thought that you need to prop up your rant with a bit of argumentum ad populum, but I, and other thinking creatures, will certainly not attribute the goings-on in the world to psychopathy.
The plandemic WAS AN ECONOMIC EVENT, where what mattered was the cessation of economic activity. The virus and the rebranded flu (why you refer to it as COVID I understand not) were a decoy to force people to accept extraordinary economic measures. Get that through your head already. People would otherwise never comply and a wholesale crash would likely ensue. The economy and financial system was, and is, on life support, probably destined to croak or be euthanized anyway.
The medical aspects of the plandemic, in regard to which you are to a large extent correct, are secondary and inconsequential. They’re not the cause of the “civilizational disease”, to use the medical terminology. Whatever’s wrong with the civilization cannot be cured by treating the symptoms – the virus, the flu, the plandemic. Get it?
Now, if humanity woke the fuck up, they would do something about the unsustainable way of life people lead. Like living on credit – in terms of money, in terms of energy, in terms of resources, in terms of environmental damage we cause to our natural habitat. Because these are the issues that are the root cause of the plandemic.
One-world dictatorship – sounds fucking disgustingly awful. Even if such “dictatorship” were global governance administered by well-meaning people, it would get eventually hijacked by opportunists, corrupted, and used to oppress people. But you know what? The devil’s advocate in me says that if fucking people behave so recklessly (you do understand that the gluttonous behavior of consumerist capitalism is unsustainable, don’t you?) what other means can be used to deal with that predicament, other than forcibly put people on a short leash? Or you really think that everything is hunky-dory and if anything is wrong, it’s the fault of the “psychos”?
Self-ownership, responsibility? Sure. How exactly do you practice that? You’re what? British, American, Canadian? You do understand that your luxurious life is derived from how your state, or the empire whereof it’s part, exploits other countries and their peoples, courtesy of the “psychos” you refer to above, who make the exploitation possible to provide you with all that luxury?
I’m sick and fucking tired of one thing – the self-pitying whining of brat fuckers who are all of a sudden getting a little bit less of the luxury to which they believe themselves entitled based on thereby perceived western exceptionalism and superiority.
Giving your ‘power’ away? You might wanna give a thought to whether you have any power at all. All of us in the West live a life of luxury thanks to an usurpatory financial system (essentially the US dollar) backed by an aggressive military (NATO). In the past, we had brainpower and skills. No more. We’re going down, the ROW is rising. That’s your cause of the plandemic. Worry about that.
You: “The medical aspects of the plandemic, in regard to which you are to a large extent correct, are secondary and inconsequential.”
Inconsequential? They are the declared goal !!
Here’s a table of excess mortality from across the world for the years 2020 – 2023:
Hurry (everyone) if you want to take a look at the official – i.e. acknowledged / admitted – figures for your respective countries because the table will be removed at the end of May.
Given that so-called turbo cancer is on the rise and that, according to medical researchers, 50% of those with myocarditis will die within 5 years of developing myocarditis, and given the fact that these injections impair fertility, expect excess deaths and reduced reproduction (in western countries) to continue to increase over the coming years.
Depopulation through medicine (“if we do a really good job with vaccinations, the population can be reduced by 10 – 15%: – Bill Gates), and through toxic food, artificial food scarcity (i.e. starvation), toxic aerial spraying, and perpetual warfare is their mission. Looks like they are not letting up.
Also radiation (including 5G), harmful work conditions, very poor wages, rising prices. IMO, the fall in fertility everywhere is less due to costs/careers and more to infertility, especially in males. The syncitin hormone in jabs (in use for some time) prevents the lodging of the embryo in the uterus. That’s Science and Big Money for you.
You know nothing about my life. Had no luxuious upbringing, that’s for sure.
And I’m not self-pitying. I’m calling for self-responsibility and self-ownership. Here’s what this means:
Who Owns You?
It is you who is the perpetual whiner (at everyone here). You can’t or won’t even define what it is you want, how you see a world going forward that may let life on earth thrive.
They paying you overtime now? Thank goodness for the Union of Globalist Trolls, eh?
Ramping up the next big scare:
The perverted financial system is precisely the problem. Its build on linear zero sum, limited physical resources and endless money in order to maintain power in order for the bankers to maintain ownership and usury revenue.
Your EROEI or EROI is typical examples of the fantasy world bankers and lawyers live in.
Reality is the opposite. There is unlimited resources and limited real money.
just ban this motherfucker already
Yeadon has got his head straight for a couple of years now. He’s a bit diffident for having been Big Pharma-lie-sed for so long.
Faucci receiving an award for his contribution to health is not unlike Kissinger receiving in 1973 a peace prize. Maybe some kind Zionist group could provide Netanyahu with an Hitler award for group think.
Trump brought peace in the middle east by moving Jerusalem and then killing Soleimani,
however on closer look it was a ritual like soloman building 7.
When I go outside now, I walk around with my mouth open in case I can get a free snack.
And that wasn’t the first time, either. I can remember watching a Ted talk on the subject a full ten years ago — and the video dated from 2010:
It’s global. If this isn’t a plan to starve us into submission by blocking out the sun then I don’t know what is. Remember that growing your own food causes climate change according to the WEF. New deal anyone?
Putting a garden in this year. Anything to cause the climate to change.
What type of herring? Red herring I presume?
Meanwhile in reality:
Crisis in the International Monetary and Financial System
“The acute crisis of capitalism in 2019 was also reflected in warning signs regarding the international monetary and financial system (IMFS). In May 2019, the yield curve on U.S. treasuries inverted, historically a harbinger of recession (Jones, 2019).
The S&P price/earnings ratio in 2019 was the second highest of all time, even higher than in 1929 and 2007, again indicative of a coming recession (Bourbon Financial Management, 2019). CEOs obviously knew that trouble lay ahead, with record numbers resigning (Atkinson, 2019).
This was not to be just any recession, however. This was, potentially, to be a system-destroying recession (Wolff, 2021). The storm clouds had been gathering for some time, viz. the Long-Term Capital Management crisis (1998), the “global” financial crisis of 2007/8 (more accurately described as a crisis of the “Atlantic banking community” [Nesvetailova & Palan, 2008]), and the Eurozone debt crisis. First, the banks had to bail out a hedge fund; then, the public had to bail out the banks; then, sovereign nation-states went bankrupt. Since 2008, the system had been on artificial life support in the form of “quantitative easing” plus near-0% interest rates. The next major crisis always had the potential to prove fatal (Wolff, 2021).
The erstwhile Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, warned at a meeting of the world’s most senior figures in international finance in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in August 2019 that “the deficiencies of the IMFS have become increasingly potent. Even a passing acquaintance with monetary history suggests that this centre won’t hold” (Carney, 2019).
The previous week, BlackRock had published a seminal report arguing that conventional monetary and fiscal policies will not be enough to deal with the next economic downturn (BlackRock, 2019). The report proposes completely remaking the financial system based on the idea of “going direct,” i.e. abolishing the split-circuit system that keeps central bank reserves and retail money separate (as is necessary for a democratic system of “no taxation without representation”) and instead establishing a direct connection between central banks and individuals’ private accounts.
This is what the drive towards central bank digital currencies (CBDC, cf. Strohecker, 2023) is all about, with the public having been primed for the rollout of digital currency via the cryptocurrency mania of the 2010s (the crucial difference being that CBDC will be centralised rather than decentralised). If implemented, central banks will be able to freeze individuals’ bank accounts, or take money out of them, or impose conditions on the way that “money” (just a voucher system by this point) is spent, and no financial transaction anymore will be private (Davis, 2023). Put bluntly, it is a system of financial enslavement, more “direct” than “debt slavery.” Dissidents will be financially outcast, as already indicated by the abortive move to freeze Canadian truckers’ bank accounts and those of their supporters in January 2022.
On September 17, 2019, a crisis in the U.S. repo market saw the secured overnight lending rate briefly hit 10% (vs. its prior 2019 rate of 2–3%), prompting the Federal Reserve to step in and provide additional liquidity. As Titus (2021) demonstrates based on Federal Reserve activity, this was the moment when the decision was made to put the “Going Direct” plan into action, and with it the entire manufactured “Covid-19” crisis: “It’s easy if not trivial to look at a timeline of monetary events and see that the official monetary response to the ‘coronavirus pandemic’ went into effect before there even was a pandemic.”
– David A. Hughes, “COVID-19″, Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy” (Pages 11-12)
Financial meltdown exit stage right.
‘Pandemic’, evil Russians, Chinese, aliens, global warming enter stage left.
Sit back and enjoy the show.
Until the next financial meltdown anyway.
Those “evil Russians, Chinese” and Iranians don’t worry about the West’s “Financial meltdown” because they have been starved of Anglo Zio Capitalist fiat currency (“sanctioned”) so stringently that they have learnt to manage with their own resources.
“Who is my best friend? My dearest enemy: the one that keeps me up to the mark” — Bernard Shaw, Revolutionist’s Handbook.
BRICS accelerates flight from Theft-prone Western Bank$
“David A. Hughes received his MA from Christ Church, Oxford, his MSt from Worcester College, Oxford, and his Ph.D. from Duke University.”
He’s providing an alternative – but false – explanation for those who know there’s no Covid.
The truth:
In 2011 the Vatican announced its plans for a one world bank under UN control: “To reform the international financial system from the perspective of a public authority with jurisdiction universal ”
The Crown Temple, Holy See, Vatican run and own all the fake countries, money franchise, legal system, central and retail banks, all publicly listed corporations, the stock and bond markets, market makers, brokerages, and more: Religious corps, unions, charities, education institutions, professional associations and more. And every man women and child on earth using the immoral Cestui Que Vie trusts.
Further proof:
Governments are corporations.
The Great Taking on Ellen Brown’s blog.
The Cestui Que Vie Trusts. That’s what really backs all the currencies. Bonded, traded birth certificate trusts and bonds. All humans as nescient slaves.
“Government’s are corporations” (sic)
Is that supposed to be news? A revelation, the exposure of some conspiracy theory, or what? Look it up in the fucking dictionary. It says so.
Of course fucking governments are fucking corporations. How else would you want a collective body to act as a single entity?
Try “researching” (first look up the actual meaning of this word, hint: it does not consist of your delusional hallucinations) some real knowledge using respectable sources, as opposed to half-fucking-wit youtube shit-videos.
Female of course you knucklehead
Thanks Researcher. I suggest everyone here just skip over sociolog’s comments. Don’t feed him by answering.
They run and own shit. The only thing they run and wholly own it its entirety is your in its entirety fucked up paranoid head.
You are becoming an ass gasket, the thing between your ass and the toilet