We have no piece on their piechart

Sylvia Shawcross

There is a lusty bird that sings at dusk outside my window high in the cedar tree. I’ve never seen him but he warbles wildly and poignantly as if to say for the night, “come live with me and be my love.” He is a lonely child of the wilderness spreading his heart to the dying wind knowing the sun is going down and he will be alone watching the predators on the ground, waiting for daybreak.

On the nights I do not hear his mournful cry I am happy thinking of him with another cuddled in branches somewhere chirping poetry. He is here tonight however. And it will be a long night. As it will be for the world for many nights. Long long nights.

We people of the world watch our leaders with trepidation. It is as if they have gone mad collectively.

But perhaps it is not madness after all. Perhaps it is as mundane as being in debt and held to ransom by the mad. The really mad. The horrific monsters playing with us in ruthless pursuit of ultimate wealth and control. We often say they live above the fray but they “are” the fray—aggressive and competitive and deeply duplicitous with their own for the most part. It is a dance of egos whirling without joy. And those who dance, when left alone, can be found sadly drawing pictures of their future utopias on the walls of the caves. Protected there in the cave, but still in a cave… shut off from the world. Underground where the bats collect at daybreak. Above them in the daylight the children of the earth play. They, in their caves do not know these children. They never did.

However that is beside the point, the real point is we, the mooing herds (who are, through our very existence, guilty of inefficient land usage), have no piece on their piecharts. In fact, all these piecharts, graphs and future projections and all those mountainous piles of words and studies are written for themselves. All these meetings and seminars and presentations are shows put on for their own entertainment. All of it has very little to do with the real world. They are living in a simulation of their own imagination.

In truth the only part the mooing herds play in their visions is where we are expected, cajoled, herded, manipulated, or even threatened to conform to their plans. While they pontificate and draw piecharts on their walls, the mooing herds have maintained the planes and trains and taxis that got them there, made and prepared the food that they will eat, built the rooms, the machines and the furniture they are using, made the beds, ploughed the roads, delivered the goods, photocopied the papers, served the coffee, guarded their asses and showed them where the washrooms were. Because the vast majority of people do not live in a simulation. We know this if only because when we stub our toes it hurts. But they never stub their toes. Apparently.

These kinds of things could not be written if they didn’t make it so damn easy. Really. WHAT world are they living in? It’s not the one we’re living in. Here in Canada, our leader is attacking his opposition by accusing him of supporting a group called Diagalon which according to investigations by the RCMP and others is a harmless “not” terrorist “not” right-wing-extremist group. He is also accusing the opposition leader of not speaking out against Alex Jones, the American “conspiracy theorist.”

In what world does our government live in? It is a case of them picking these odd little things and creating a mountain where moles live. It is perhaps a reason they find for themselves to explain their unpopularity. This unpopularity knows neither economic nor political boundaries. It is pretty much the majority. Nevertheless, it is an odd thing to realize that it is the government itself that is giving credence to conspiracy theory. It is our government itself that believes the conspiracies. It is the ultimate confession by projection and it does not bode well. We have a government afraid of its own makings.

Our leader, in his efforts to reclaim popularity has accused those who do not want to support the “globalist” agenda as being foolishly wishing for the old days and out of touch with the future—Old-fashioned and uneducated one can suppose from the rhetoric.

Why the mooing herds have to explain to our leaders the obvious is quite ridiculous: People are not longing for the old days so much as longing for the days when they had jobs, lower taxation, groceries they could afford, affordable housing, gas prices that were reasonable for such a large country and an optimistic future for their children. They are longing for the reputation of a tolerant and multi-cultural country that did not have huge protests on the streets about one thing or another. They want the peace and good fellowship they have spent generations building. They want what they worked for.

And they do not much like what is planned for the future. At all. Who would? Except those who will find themselves happily living as exceptions to the rules being laid out. The madness of utopian elitism is becoming clearer.

It is in so many ways a tragedy to watch our government. Yes, Canadians do want dental care and childcare and care for the planet and all those things but they are entitled to these things without having to give up freedom, dignity, privacy, and peace. It is simply being presented as a choice that does not have to be a choice. It is mostly how the money is allocated. How are those wars going? Who and what do all these globalist agendas serve? If not the people? A government is a representation of the people and when the majority of people are not included in decisions, it is no longer a government. What is it then?

Peace. Here. Now.

Here’s an earworm for you. We’ve been at this for a long long time.


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May 6, 2024 9:19 AM

days when they had jobs, lower taxation, groceries they could afford, affordable housing, gas prices that were reasonable for such a large country and an optimistic future for their children.

I don’t see the word freedom or anything about land in there, so they are waged slaves wanting freedumb.

May 4, 2024 1:58 PM

Here’s where we went wrong.

While only wanting what we earned, we don’t want anyone who for whatever reason didn’t do quite as much earning to be greeted by anything but a great big “Keep Out!” sign at the gates leading to this world of “what we earned.” It’s OURS God damn it – we earned it! End of discussion.

Oh really. The thousands of years of struggle and suffering which led humanity up to the time and place where we could “earn our own way with nobody’s help, thank you very much” got kind of lost along the way in the great fog of time. As did the folks who were in our world first and had to be cleared out of our way.

Comedian Robert Colbert, on the old Colbert Report, asked why God put our oil under their (the Arab’s) land. Those wanting “only what we earned” asked why God put our ground under the feet of the savages who never paid their own way and therefore are not welcome in “our world.”

Wrong question; but one the madmen are happy to answer for us..

May 4, 2024 1:49 PM

Somebody supposedly “voted” for Turdeau and his degeneracy. There lies the problem, the gullible unthinking imbeciles in your midst. They have to be “turned” in order to remove the psychopaths. However, at this late stage of the collapse there is nothing left to reform. All will be swept away and God knows what will be born.

May 4, 2024 10:50 AM

Join the discussion or feel free to advocate killing the scapegoats of one’s own projected psychopathy? It is a piss poor metric, but if upvotes indicate anything it is a deep seated hatred of the other that is not up for discussion. How is anybody supposed to ‘discuss’ anything with such an underlying current of animosity and antipathy? FWIW: we all share in the same set of problems that were mostly inherited psychopathy. The ‘them v us’ psychosis is the root cause of all totalitarianism. The constant litany of fear is becoming febrile. Whether or not we have crossed the rubicon of the next wave of fascism is yet to be revealed, but ‘we’ sure are in some haste to catalyse the process. FWIW: I thought the article was excellent. Ignoring the brief foray into dogmatic dualism, we are all in a simulated reality as articulated by many, but I was reminded most of Nietzsche and Arendt who highlighted doctrinal dualism in different ways. Nietzsche because he hated pseudo-christian moralising and wanted us to rise above hate-fueled ressentiment grounded in them-us, good-evil, superior-inferior fascisms. I am reminded of Hannah Arendt again, who warned of the remoteness and alienation of a such Cartesian ideological dogma is the root of totalisation and of the degenerating human condition. She also warned of a scientific worldview reduced to mathematics, not so much the piecharts, but the mathematical modelling itself. I am also reminded of Arthur Jansen’s famous monologue…. I’m not sure how the article provoked the response it got? But it ain’t no ‘discussion’. Language kills noted Korzybski. Ain’t that the truth. It appears ‘we’ learnt little from those who wanted to end totalitarianism for good. Let’s kill the psychopaths, the Jews and those who hate us. Kill em all because the grammar says… Read more »

May 4, 2024 2:30 AM

When I got fired in Oldham, and 10 years later in Ashton-U-Lyne, they were very helpul arranging interviews – we see when you were 16, you worked nearly a week on a building site…Would you like this opportunity again?

So I had to sign on every two weeks to get my dole…

Gizza a job

They said you are very at good at the interview technique, just turn your strong northern working class accent down if you get another interview in London – and get your girlfriend or sister to dress you nice.

May 4, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Why dont you start a blog.?

May 4, 2024 2:02 AM

The soon to be Ex- Guardian Journalists who were too afraid to go to go to Gaza, and so anything but copy and paste sould go to Hastings, and take some photographs, maybe even few short videos and interview the people there – all dressed in Green.

May 4, 2024 1:25 AM

Hastings Traditional Jack in the Green is in Hastings, United Kingdom. in Rock-o-nore Road. We have a wh array of events happening coming up! Monday 6th May 2024.

They dress up and bang drums Some of the girls are really nice including my wife, who is trying her best to get them there.. I just simply do not want to go to go Hastings dressed as a Green Man,banging my Drum..but have massive Respect for the Girls who do.


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 4, 2024 12:09 AM

I agree with your stance. We only want what we’ve worked for and have paid our taxes for. Nothing unreasonable about this.

However, your plea for mercy will never be heard by those addressed. Our governments do not represent the people who voted them in. They represent the lobbyists of all those who refuse to listen to what we, the majority, want. We will never get anywhere by continuing with the farce of voting.

I’m at a loss as to how to get out from under their dominion. I hear a lot about building our own world without their system of oppression and exploitation. But how, if the majority of us, the TV-watching couch potatoes, don’t even recognise that they are slaves to this system and continue to comply?

They will continue to uphold the corrupt and toxic medical pararadigm, they will continue to march into war for the banksters and for the hoarders of wealth, they will continue to consume the fake media messaging,…

les online
les online
May 4, 2024 12:32 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Au Contraire !!
People do get the governments they voted in…
Voters cant be labeled “sheeple” then the governments blamed…
Ever heard a politician opine that if they had an intelligent
electorate they’d never get voted in ?
You cant blame politicians for people voting for them…

susan mullen
susan mullen
May 4, 2024 3:29 AM
Reply to  les online

In the US even if someone “wins” an election, it’s meaningless. First, there’s no law that says he has to do what he promised. Second, for example, the Pentagon can ignore him entirely for 4 years, but he may not care, may be happy just to sit there & get grift for his relatives. To me, the 2016 election was “stolen” because the person I voted for for pres. accomplished none of the things he promised in order to get my vote (except moving the embassy to Jerusalem). He either flip flopped or was simply ignored. In 2017 Congress removed all Russia matters from him. He knew if he wanted to stay politics, he’d have to surrender to Lindsey Graham, and he did. He went on tv to announce he’d changed his mind, now thinks endless wars in Middle East are necessary. In the US, the two main political parties choose the candidates which are always worthless. In 2016 we were finally able to chose our own candidate, the only one who promised to build a wall on day 1. If as a candidate he’d once said, “I promise to ask congress on day one for permission and money to build a wall,” he would’ve been laughed off the stage. He waited until after he was elected to say that.

May 4, 2024 3:28 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

The problem isn’t who promises what and how they deliver or don’t deliver on their promises.

The great unending problem with American politics is that NO candidate EVER promises to maintain a scrupulous fidelity to the US Constitution. Vis-a-vis that “Wall” specifically, the President-Elect SHOULD HAVE SAID he would ask Congress to authorize its construction. But then he would truly have been “laughed off the stage.”

The Constitution is best defined as That Which We Pay Lip Service To. Any candidate who says as his or her or their campaign slogan “Constitution First, Last and Always” might end up with 3 votes.

The American people love the ubiquitous “Wink Wink” from their candidates. As in “I will uphold the Constitution – Wink Wink!”

May 4, 2024 6:10 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

“We only want what we’ve worked for and have paid our taxes for” Let’s put this into an economic perspective corresponding to reality, as opposed to hallucinatory delusion. “With everything stated at constant 2023 values, reported global GDP has expanded by $88 trillion over the past twenty years. But this has been accompanied – indeed, made possible – by a $290tn increase in debt, the latter accounting for only half of an estimated $580tn escalation in broader liabilities over the same period.” That what Tim Morgan says, and I have no reason not to trust the figures, but one doesn’t even have to do that. Unless a person is a total fucking moron, everybody is aware of the massive debt amassed by just about every entity on Earth, ranging from individuals to governments. That debt is financial debt, money, only, and does not correspond to the actual physical debt that has been incurred. It doesn’t take into account the physical – and financial too, for that matter – cost of environmental damage. It doesn’t take into account the cost of steering civilization onto a path of self-destruction due to inherent flaws in its raison d’etre, so on so forth. Likewise, let’s examine the “worked for it”. Much of the wealth we in the West enjoy is the result of wars our empire won in the past and the spoils and slave labor we’ve been able to milk from these victories since. We also massively profit from energy-rich resources (fossil fuels), but let’s focus on work people actually do. Take a hard look at your job and its output translated into physical terms. Does what you’ve produced correspond to the amount of work put into having a new car every few years? Having a house built for you? Flying to the… Read more »

underground poet
underground poet
May 4, 2024 11:45 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

Lets look at the impossibility of your task, if one does the math, they shall find that just in order to pay down their own share of the public debt, every person would have to work free, while still providing for them selves, for a year. (not to mention their own private debt, which is directly related to the cost of living in the first place).

That is the crime, that is why the people have a right to be upset, once you are born you are not free, you come attached with the burden that the past never had, you are really a sleeping slave to money, ready to be woken up and get angry at something, pretty much like you are right now.

May 4, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Sociopath

I regret that I can only “Up Vote” your comment once. Luckily, few seem to read Ms Shawcross’s articles (a huge mistake on their part), so you won’t get as many “Down Votes” as you would from an article written by Kit Knightly.

No matter how vociferously most of the commenters in this forum attack those making the decisions, they always seem to hold their punches when it comes to the decisions which have benefited them.

In my own case, Social Security. I need SS to survive – but there’s no fucking way even the pittance I get is based solely on what I earned. I’ve been getting SS since age 66 – I’m now 80. Anything I personally contributed ran out long ago. So it would be the height of hypocrisy for me to shout out “I earned it, God damn it!” No I didn’t. I earned some of it, period.

Klaus "Anal" Schwab
Klaus "Anal" Schwab
May 4, 2024 8:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

You could say that until some two decades ago, when the Internet took off to provide easy access to media outlets all over the world and allowed everybody to be a citizen journalist and report live and voice opinions, the overall perception of the world was shaped by the mainstream media, the papers, TV, radio, all operated by mostly regime-friendly hacks. They created a perception of the West as a benevolent, human rights observing, freedom-loving community, the land of sophistication, greater good, a sort of paradise. The rest of the world was either portrayed as primitive, savage, underdeveloped, antagonistic, or ignored completely, save for occasions when it needed to be demonized for the occasional invasion a.k.a. war to install democracy. That’s, naturally, complete bullshit. The fact is that our empire is extremely aggressive and ruthless. Kills indiscriminately anyone who dares protest. And we all profit from that. The elites more, obviously, we less, but overall, we all enjoy a luxurious life on the backs of the poor fucks out there who slave away for us under the threat of being bombed the fucking shit out of. Lots and lots, if not most, people operate under the West-is-inherently-good illusion, even though the Internet is changing things, and the ugly truth is coming out. The same applies to economics and other aspects of life. The commenter above obviously lives under the illusion of western exceptionalism and intrinsic benevolence. She (I think it’s a she, if I’m not mistaken she was going apeshit on the other day about her husband’s occasional pubic hair and droplet of piss on the bathroom floor – fuck, how would you like to have something like that at home, eh?) is probably not a bad person. Within her narrowly perceived world, that is. Within the reality implanted in… Read more »

May 6, 2024 9:24 AM
Reply to  Howard

The govenrment owes all of it to all of us.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 5, 2024 12:36 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

We are OWED by those who exploit us!

“Between 1950 and 2000, the population of the United States increased 86 percent, from 151 million to 281 million. Over the same 50 years, US GDP soared 3,239 percent, from $294 billion to $9,817 billion. In other words, the production of wealth grew 38 times faster than the population.
Poverty results from the way society is organized.

Volume of Food Production vs Population Growth:

Over the past 30 years, food production has consistently outpaced population growth. In 2008, record food production was accompanied by widespread food riots. Even at the height of the 2008 food crisis, when the number of seriously malnourished people rose to 963 million – almost one in every seven people on the planet 

Poverty is caused by inequality and exploitation, not overpopulation: The problem is not too many hungry bellies, but that food is sold for profit, and too many people can’t afford it. The same is true for medical care. There are not more people than can be cared for, but more people than can be cared for profitably. Because these truths cannot be admitted, social problems are blamed on too many people wanting too much.”

“The myth of scarcity is necessary to reconcile the obscenity of growing wealth alongside growing poverty.”

May 3, 2024 11:56 PM

She knows I, my wife and son and grandchildren love her to bits. She is only about 9 months old,and is so fast she is totally convinced she can fly and does if she sees a moth in the air. She catches them with her paws and eats them mid air. The mice stand no chance….and she is so soft and gentle. She seems to know it is her job to protect us. No vermin in our house

dom irritant
dom irritant
May 4, 2024 8:48 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

do you think vermin know they are vermin? a bit like the other side in a conflict are always vermin

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 4, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

They know it. If you see directly into their eyes you can see it. They know very well they are vermin, and they love it! They love to be vermin!

Its like they say “piss off, you cant do anything to us we have not tried before”.

May 3, 2024 9:47 PM

They never bombed the USA and Canada to Hell, but they did in my road where we live close to Croydon Airport (then London Airport) Main Battle of Britain Airport, where they wouldn’t let my Dad Fly ..as he patched the Spitfires and The Hurricanes up – to be fit AID (aerenaticulial inspection division) – Best engineer they had under enemy fire – too good to die (under enemy fire) – Can you do the Mulberry Harbour now) Yeh ok.

I know he didn’t make it up…cos he told me, what it was like even though he had been sworn to the Official Secrets Act. He didn’t succeed at his blatant attempt..a youg kid who could swim extremely well, said kick you fucker or you are going to kill me too.

He saved his life. They took him to the local nuthouse on the Thames, and transferred him to our local one Boundary Park Hospital, Oldham

They gave him Electro Convulsive Therapy – and he not only made a complete recovery, but went back to work on his motorbike till the age of 72 He had forgotten all his sins, which was not about killing people, but not using a condom, when travelling across the USA and in China as a Merchant Seaman.

Good Dad

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 3, 2024 9:43 PM


May 3, 2024 7:56 PM

I don’t know if it is true, but I found a link from Sasha’s substack post extremely convincing, when I read it yesterday…She was being fact checked, by Reuters, and basically blasted them away with facts with her response
She does art too….but its the link to her mate’s, which kind of blew me away too


May 3, 2024 7:12 PM

At some point in the future, I may meet St. Peter…

What do you want?

Can I speak to the Main Man Please??

“Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac – “Oh Well”, Live@ Music Mash 1969″


Total Gentleman

May 3, 2024 6:25 PM

I was trying to work out how to change my current avatar, and found “Unlocking the Black Box” by Karen Hunt. I wish I could write like this..


Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.”

May 3, 2024 6:02 PM

Peak conventional oil extraction was in 2005. Peak total oil was in late 2018, i.e. including US shale oil. Cheap surplus energy is the lifeblood of industrial society.

Blogs like Our Finite World, Surplus Energy Economics and Consciousness of Sheep have had more on this topic for the past 10-15 years. Things are now slowly going the way they expected and predicted.

Or as John M Greer said in 2012: ‘Collapse now and avoid the rush’.

underground poet
underground poet
May 4, 2024 11:50 AM
Reply to  Neil

Looks like peak ignorance has yet to arrive here, thanks for your contribution though and try to stay out of politics

May 3, 2024 5:51 PM

Do we scare you Sylvia with our warped views on history or what we read..???
Do you need a safe space to be able to read the dangerous comments Sylvia ???
Your country is not the only country that has problems.

We do have some really dangerous terrorist anti vaccine left right-wing-extremist N@azi type groups in the comment section of OFF G. That shocked an new author of OFFG so badly elmo by having A DIFFERENT VIEW POINT on history, the author has now left this site. (pre U.K selection day which I am sure her outboost is totally non coincidental but does fit MSM narrative)

I am so scared of coming to this site now reading the comments, that I have had to get prc tested to make sure I am safe to read the dangerous comments that made a author leave.

I am starting a fund for authors and bloggers that get upset over comments about there works.

Gofundme grow some balls you woke cry baby. 😂 

May 3, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to  mastershock

Stop being so horrible to both Sylvia (who has been posting here for years) and Off-Guardian..

Calm down – and who the fuck are you mastershock? Try ECT as a last resort.

May 3, 2024 5:16 PM

Syl, Brilliant essay topped off by Neil Young, who kind of saved my life. I used to swap records with her. I gave her Led Zeppelin, and she gave me Neil Young, and then she was gone…then my dad dropped dead..but I was only young. When I got over it (as you did then), and as I regained my self confidence, and I sometimes had some luck, I was the loner, 24 and there is so much more, with heart of gold….I didn’t need to fly to New York. Shortly later Neil Young turned up in England. My life became a series of falling in love, and then getting blown away. When I lost my job, she didn’t care…She had a job, and I had a car…So where are we going?

We live in South London on the edge of the Countryside.

The Milkman has never failed to turn up, even in the depths of snow in 42 years. Glass Bottles reused…it tastes much better than stuff in plastic bottles, almost straight from the cow.

Our new kitten is extremely fast, she’s on goats milk.

The birds are used to our 19 year old cat….but she is fine with the frogs, and the foxes are far more sensible to argue with a cat.

Most of these lunatics in control, are extremely old, and will inevitably soon die off.

comment image?w=1175&webp=1


May 3, 2024 4:28 PM

Neil Young is a traitor.

May 4, 2024 3:47 PM
Reply to  Ruth

But was his song traitorous? A mind honed to perfection by years in the making songs business was as much a victim of Covid as those suffering blood clots.

A dupe may qualify as a “traitor” in a legal sense; but I’m not sure if morality fits the same narrow perspective.

May 3, 2024 2:03 PM

“They are longing for the reputation of a tolerant and multi-cultural country that did not have huge protests on the streets about one thing or another.”

Anyone else notice that the liberaloid, Wokeist “tolerant and multicultural” strikes a discordant note?

Because by Xmas. several tens of millions of illegal male aliens under 35 will have been invited to invade the USA through ther Darien Gap etc. with a total media blackout on the story; what are the numbers in Fidelito Trudeau’s country?

Or in Ireland, where uniformed balaclavas with hidden faces truncheon loval villagers protesting against Sub-Saharan or MENA Cultural; Enrichment.

Ms Shawcross, Diversity plus Proximity equals War.

May 3, 2024 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jenner


Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
May 3, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  Jenner

I suspect I’m significantly older than you Jenner. I remember a different time. It is all not looking good though as you say.

May 3, 2024 1:46 PM

I’ll call your earworm and raise you…

May 3, 2024 11:54 PM
Reply to  Henry

Even after all these years, this song and the Neil Young song make me cry. Frustrated idealism, I suppose. Thank you, Syl, for another lovely essay.

May 4, 2024 12:55 PM
Reply to  Martha

Me too.
And the link between the two dittys…CSN
Oh what a simpler world it was then

May 3, 2024 1:32 PM

For the record, I’d like to exclude myself from the alleged “WE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD”, whoever these whining, self-absorbed, entitled pricks are.

Since we’re kinda talking about Canada, let’s take a closer look. Canada is certifiably the best place in the world (at least that’s what they regurgitate in the papers as far back as I can remember). Peaceful place with plentiful natural resources, a bit cold in the winter, but hot in the summer. All things considered and averaged, one would be hard-pressed to find a better place. Quebec being the cherry on top of the cake, benefiting from the French language that offsets the tedious obdurate omnipresence of English elsewhere on the continent.

After fucking centuries of the fattest possible years, people are now having a hint of lean ones. Too fucking bad. Roll your sleeves the fuck up and dig in. Get to work. Think of something.


Stop this bullshit how the elites have all ganged up on you poor little things. It’s fucking sickening.

Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
May 3, 2024 5:51 PM
Reply to  Sociopath

Ah Sociopath, so aptly named. You are just such a ray of sunshine dear.

May 3, 2024 9:04 PM

Get a life, you whiner.

And since you keep mentioning Canada, take a look at all the people who came there from all over the fucking place, most of them with fucking nothing, and built the country. Despite the fucking snow, as in mon pays c’est l’hiver, c’est l’hostie de neige.

How can you be such a chickenshit weakling?

No, I’m not a ray of sunshine and I’m certainly not your dear. I’m somebody who’s telling to stop fucking whimpering and to pick yourself the fuck up.

And this applies to all of you fucking whiners too!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 3, 2024 11:46 PM
Reply to  Sociopath

Please choose another forum that’s less whiny, then.

underground poet
underground poet
May 3, 2024 6:28 PM
Reply to  Sociopath

No one defends themselves so loudly, as the guilty

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 4, 2024 10:43 PM
Reply to  Sociopath

I trusted my politicians. I trusted my government. I trusted my neighbours. But they all mistreated me. Sucked every penny out of my pocket everytime I earned a dime.

They told me I were naive. I should have participated in “the fight”. What fight? The fight about who can get most cake.

All right, I fought “the fight” and earned a buck, gold, property, cash. Then everybody got pissed and the Bartender got pissed too.
Everybody told me that was not the way to do it. The fight should have been done for their sake. Bs man. Pure bs.

So today I am sitting with a buck, gold, property, cash and dont what to do with it.
I cant give it to God because all these things are the Devil’s inventions.
I cant give it to family members they are all too greedy. There is no poor too who would benefit.
Poor people like to earn their own fokking money. They despise and dislike charity.

My Grandpa told me hookers and pocket thieves are the only honest people. All right. End.

May 6, 2024 9:36 AM
Reply to  Sociopath

are you a life coach bro, desperately tryin to hype us up to get off our armchairs?> we’re all retired here and you’re talking to yourself again

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 3, 2024 12:53 PM

Sylvia, if you really want things to change, you have to be comfortable with the concept of bumping off the psychopaths, the totalitarian globalists, the Build Back Better/New World Order nazis. You have to be comfortable with the fact that a lot of those monsters are Zionists. There cannot be any more nonsense about Jews being victim groups par excellence. Not all Jews are evil, just like not all Muslims are evil, just like not all men are evil, just like not all homosexuals are victims, not all Muslim women behave well, plenty of evil feminazis exist etc etc. But plenty of rich Jews want us dead, just as plenty of rich elderly men do. Just as plenty of rich Muslims do, a lot of Russian/Ukrainian oligarchs do and I’m sure that plenty of rich Chinese couldn’t give two hoots about us either. Klaus Schwab is an old school Nazi who people should treat as a war criminal. You need to be comfortable calling for the final solution for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, the senior military animals that execute his genocidal plans and the extremist Zionists who will do anything, say anything and deny anything that puts their genocidal masters in the frame for capital crimes. People like Keir Starmer, who brings up his children as Jews. People like Danny Cohen who thinks being Jewish in London is more dangerous than being Palestinian in Gaza. This is not calling for the final solution for the vast majority of decent Jewish people, it is calling for the evil of their most despicable minorities to meet a very timely end. It is not calling for the death of all medical researchers, but it is calling to account all those that wished to euthanase with Midazolam (people like Matthew Hancock), to advance unlawful death… Read more »

May 3, 2024 5:30 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Sylvia Shawcross is a good girl. She writes beautifully, and I am sure she is aware of all the points you mentioned

Sylvia Shawcross
Sylvia Shawcross
May 4, 2024 10:26 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I am. Thank you Tony.

May 5, 2024 9:41 AM

The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion is supposedly a ‘fraudulent document that served as a pretext and rationale for anti-Semitism mainly in the early 20th century’. Whoever wrote it had a crystal ball and whoever said it was fraudulent had a piece of the pie.

underground poet
underground poet
May 3, 2024 6:31 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

God did not put me through hell, so I could put them on easy street.

May 3, 2024 7:20 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Very well put. The solution to The Problem (millennia of elite tyranny and debt slavery) is not arcane or difficult to achieve. In no other species besides humans would an abusive self-declared “elite” have been permitted to survive for another day, never mind a hundred generations. It’s a planetary Stockholm Syndrome.

May 3, 2024 10:58 AM

Succinct and poignant, Sylvia. Across the world the shit is hitting the fan. But we can turn the fan off!

May 3, 2024 10:39 AM

Thanks Sylvia.

We’re going through similar ‘growing pains’ here in Australia.

I wonder when the adults will arrive ?

May 3, 2024 11:36 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Johnny when i look around I am not sure they ever will especially if it means having to sacrifice some of their materialistic pleasures

James Wilde
James Wilde
May 3, 2024 8:52 AM

Can I have permission to post this elsewhere?

Mark EL
Mark EL
May 3, 2024 8:42 AM

A ‘covid’ shill for an earworm! Really?

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
May 3, 2024 8:18 AM

Never mind about THEM. What’s OUR pie chart? Get off the financial system – which can be done overnight, en masse.

May 3, 2024 1:33 PM
Reply to  Pavel Stanford


Fuck THEM. Worry about YOU, US.

underground poet
underground poet
May 3, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to  Pavel Stanford

Many people live on close to nothing everyday, but they dont have to get off the system to do it, I suggest you hitch your wagon to a star.