AstraZeneca just pulled their Covid jab….why?
Kit Knightly
British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is halting production and supply of their Covid19 “vaccine”. The news was announced yesterday, following the European Medicines Agency declaration that the shot would no longer be cleared for use.
The official story right now is that it has been superseded by “updated” vaccines.
In its statement, AZ said:
“As multiple, variant Covid-19 vaccines have since been developed there is a surplus of available updated vaccines […] According to independent estimates, over 6.5 million lives were saved in the first year of use alone and over 3bn doses were supplied globally.”
The “lives saved” estimate is an interesting one, repeated all over the place despite making almost no sense (but that’s a fact-check for another time).
More interesting is that neither AZ’s official statement nor the write up in the Guardian mentions the ongoing civil action seeking damages in excess of £100 million for those who suffered the “rare side effects” of the vaccine.
In fact, just last week the Telegraph reported that, in court documents, AstraZeneca admitted their vaccine caused thrombotic thrombocytopenia in some people (allegedly 2-3 out of 100,000).
The general buzz has been this is a score for the so-called “anti-vaxxers”. Social media is awash with “I told you so” in various forms. British celebrity medic Dr Ranj has been chased off X/Twitter after he went on TV defending the shot (there was even an allegation he accepted money from AZ, so far unproven).
You can’t blame people for sticking the boot in. It’s cathartic, and fun.
But none of this is really new information. AZ has been known to cause blood clots for years, not just in “anti-vaxxer” circles but “officially” too.
In the spring of 2021 the AZ shot was dropped by over twenty national governments due to concerns about blood clots. A British coroner found the AZ shot had likely killed TV presenter Liz Shaw in August 2021.
The World Health Organization itself admitted the AZ shot caused blood clots in 2021 as well.
AstraZeneca has always been the most “controversial” of the Covid “vaccines” as far as the mainstream was concerned. The one it was most acceptable to criticise. As we wrote in the “Vaccine Wars” section in only our 4th edition of This Week in the New Normal:
The AZ brand of experimental Covid therapy has been the acceptable punching bag of the vaccine roll out. From as early as last December, the AZ shot was being described as an “also ran” compared to the products made by pfizer and Moderna […] It should also be noted that the AZ shot is not an mRNA vaccine, unlike the Pfizer and Moderna jabs. So there might be an interest in bad-mouthing it, if your end goal is to study the impact of mRNA technology on humans.
So, the story could become that viral vector vaccines are “outdated” and need to be replaced with mRNA counterparts, or something along those lines.
It’s also potentially a set-up for a “new and improved” Covid booster of some kind. Two weeks ago the WHO Technical Advisory Group released new “guidance” recommending all Covid vaccines “update [their] antigen composition”, which is an interesting piece of timing all things considered.
Hell, maybe they’ll release a new medicine for people who took the AZ shot – one that “reduces your risk of blood clots”.
It’s certainly peculiar that despite an ongoing court case, an admission their product hurt people and the pulling of said product, AZ’s stock price actually went up.
That could conceivably be some kind of pay-off for being the vaccine lizard tail, it’s at least a sign that AstraZeneca’s “fall” is more controlled than it appears right now.
A story to keep an eye on.
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I think they misspelled the text. It should have read
“According to independent estimates, over 6.5 million lives were slaved in the first year of use alone and over 3bn bozos were created globally.”
Question of what it means saving lives with vaccines is highly problematic and in fact it only works under assumption that disease is endemic not pandemic. As we know trials started about two years before CDC declared COVID endemic in mid 2022. Only from such wrong assumption efficacy rates of 94% were derived. Moreover, endemic assumption means that supposedly all or vast majority of people were already exposed to a pathogen and if they were not dead of disease and suffered no symptoms they already had or developed immunity. So how after they were vaccinated we could judge efficacy of given health outcome to be directly resulting from application of vaccines themselves when more likely much stronger natural immunity already kicked in. How absurd such assumption is can be realized as this similar false methodology is used in cancer drug trials where people who never had any cancer are counted as cured since they have no cancer after taking drug. However the reality was even worse as below paper elaborated. Already in July 2021 was clear that COVID vaccines killed more than they “saved” ironically conclusion was based on Big Pharma own vaccine trials data. Lamenting AZN clots serves as an attempt to exonerate other vaccines that are as dangerous and inefficacious. A paper published in Trends of Internal Medicine. US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity Abstract Three COVID-19 vaccines in the US have been released for sale by the FDA under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) based on a clinical trial design employing a surrogate primary endpoint for health, severe infections with COVID-19. This clinical trial design has been proven dangerously misleading. Many fields of medicine, oncology for example, have… Read more »
The cardinal sins AZ committed were (a) promising not to profiteer, at least initially (b) beating its US competitors to approval.
Why do some of the dissidents/champions still presume that covid exists? Are they really that misled?
Imagine being one of those 6.5 million miraculously saved and then realising you’ve been sold a ticking time bomb.
You’ve got to spare a thought for them.
One explanation is that the AZ and J&J vaccines are “viral vector/adenoviral” vaccines and the imperative is preserve the mRNA narrative as investments in various mRNA “treatments” are already in the multi-billions and these investment houses always demand ROI. It’s not too far of a stretch to say that a huge sector of the Pharma Cartel (now Bio-Pharma) is counting on the mRNA “miracle” to revitalize this decaying industry. One of the numerous aspects of the Covid operation was to invent a new market for Pharmaceuticals. It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the “health management system” in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy. It is also impossible to overstate how severe the economic crash of 2019 was for the Pharma Industry. Miraculously for these parasites a phony Pandemic magically appeared in 2020. The problem for Pharma is that they need new diseases (which they create with their products) and blockbuster drugs to continue their Ponzi schemes. Vaccines play an enormous role in this as they are one of the largest ROI “drugs” in the Pharma playbook, have guaranteed uptake via mandated vaxx schedules and have indemnity- a perfect business model. Without “blockbuster” drugs the Pharma Industry essentially falls apart. The plan has been for the mRNA “vaccine” cash cow to be much bigger than the Covid Con itself. The plan is to use similar mechanisms against any imagined viral pathogen in existence and now that they’ve gotten the tech to market they’ll start going down the list using readily “downloadable” mRNA platforms for these new “diseases” they perpetually invent. The industry has been making this aggressive shift away from whatever else they do and into the vaccine arena where they have limited… Read more »
Does the rapacious gluttony of Corporate Capitalschism have no limit?
Thanks again Maxwell.
Well said.
There’s also the trans agenda as a big money maker for Pharma, along with the rest of the medical industrial complex. All those medications, all those surgeries, all those side effects that will require LIFELONG “treatment” along with a divide and conquer strategy as well as implementing the transhumanist agenda. To get to transhumanism for the bulk of humanity will be a huge money maker, for not only the medical industry but for “defense” as well. Too many industries to name here have a stake in that little money maker. I wonder how long it will be before that too becomes something with guaranteed immunity from any nasty side effects. After all, it’s all done out of a deep compassion for humanity, isn’t it?
Most of the treatments are life-long. Curing is bad for business. Even if you feel fine, you must keep going for check-ups and popping pills. Sharing health tips is “unlicensed” misinformation. Remember: Scientific (TM) medicine good, traditional medicine bad.
Jennifer Pritzer, Martine Rothblatt and Tim Gill Foundation, all men, billionaire’s who throw billions into the education systems, pharmaceutical companies and tech companies, Go with OUR flo or no doe.
The Ben Shapiro vs. Louis Farrakhan edit of Covid vaccine advice is one of the most revealing videos.
Good old Louis Farrakhan always pulling the right trigger. Bill Gates knowledge of the nano particle’s input to the deadly vaccine.
There are plenty of people who find Shapiro infallible.
Well, this clip shows him at his most illogical and his most propagandized – just sayin’, in case anybody was thinking of making him Pope or something…
It’s hard to keep up with all the lies, censorship, and bogus fact checking in the face of obvious adverse side effects from these jabs. Most of us know someone who died suddenly, who developed new or additional health issues after taking the shots. That is the elephant in the room. For people in their mid 70’s the overlords and bureaucrats write us off due to old age. But what about the young people dropping suddenly, young women having still births, miscarriages and menstruation problems, healthy male athletes dying at practice or during a game?! The plot thickens.
“According to independent estimates, over 6.5 million lives were saved in the first year of use alone and over 3bn doses were supplied globally.” The “lives saved” estimate is an interesting one, repeated all over the place… “.
Very basic numerology – 6 and 5 are the most powerful numbers in the Western esoteric tradition. See hexagrams and pentagrams. 6+5 = 11, their number of magic (10 being perfection in nature so magic goes that one further. Yes, Christopher Guest who turns out to be an English Lord almost certainly knew this in ‘This is Spinal Tap’).
Harry Potter is 5 and 6 letters; he selected a wand of 11 inches; the monoliths in ‘2001’ are 11 ft tall…
And 11 also signifies the fake two fingers up peace sign – the compass and square in a V symbol, the Roman numeral five, the Hebrew V = 6, the Gnostic duality-deuces symbol – that celebrities and politicians are always flashing in pics and on social media.
The profane think … “isn’t that cute, my favorite celebrity or politician must really love peace”. Hehe.
It was not a peace sign, they are mocking the profane, whilst cartel signalling their allegiance to the psychopaths in charge and other “order” members.
And 6 is also 2 lots of 3 = 33 as in 33 degrees of Freemasonry. More 33 meanings explained here.
The V can also be two horns, the “peace” beast.
Don’t worry, they already have their bases covered! All current vaccines are MRNA and injectable meds, such as dental anesthetic and insulin have self asembling nanotechnology, as seen by scientists (Dr. David Nixon and Ana Mihalcea , both on substack) under darkfield microscopy. Plus, they are injecting animals and putting it in food with the same technology. And in chemtrails!!!
I fear that you are correct.
And this is not the only thing they are doing.
I am not a Darwinist, but parents that vaccinate their children, today or for the past 2 years at least, deserve the Darwin Award. Perhaps to be stream like the Oscar awards.
If people say they come from an ape, developed into a cro-magnon man, neanderthal man, stone age man, commie man, nazi man, digital man, we gotta believe them.
They are telling the truth!
Not the ‘chosen ones’, they come from a different stock.
Hell, maybe they’ll release a new medicine for people who took the AZ shot – one that “reduces your risk of blood clots”.
Which is still an increased risk over no jab.
That’s exactly part of the scam. They have a product to treat every “side effect” their magick potion causes.
AstraZeneca just pulled their Covid jab….why?
it is obvious really.
Andrew Bridgen the U.K idiot version of RfKjr wannabe.
with the threat of Nuremberg trails grift.
but it was Reiner Fuellmich court case, Simon dolan keep Britain fooled and Dr Robert Malone and 17000 doctor that applied the pressure and of course Trump and Q and Tucker carslon and Tony stark incarnate Elon Musk who took 2 vaccines to be able to access his own manufacturing plant in Germany that really applied the pressure.
Not forgetting the James okeefe with his heroic incredible undercover work.
Rebel media in Davos bypassing 20.000 of the worlds best poilce to ask questions to Mr Pfizer.
Its a huge win win win win win for the believers in tv Mocumentary soap opera called the news (alt media is apart of that)
I was told (by alt media) that all the vaccine manufactures and CEO’s and politicians involved have all had court summon letters..
Matt Hancock and Tony fauci are in hiding.
We done and keep on donating…
I repeat: the courts – judges and prosecutors – are the most useless and the easiest to subvert.
So you wont be donating for legal fee;s……
Two must watch, brief videos on poison injections for any prospective parent or grandparent:
Dr. Paul Thomas, a paediatrician in Oregon who had his medical license pulled after releasing a study he was asked to do on the health outcomes and history of his patients.
And a 14 minute video – vaccinated versus unvaccinated, pulling data from 3 studies including the one by Dr. Paul Thomas.
0% cancer rates in the unvaccinated.
That doesnt mean the unvaccinated cannot get cancer through other means.
You can fool your WHO Health Authorities once but you cant continue to fool them all the time.
What is never mentioned is that the constituents of vaccines are basically chemical ‘pollutants’, the electrical patterns of which directly permeate and produce changes the body’s electrostatic scalar potential, and its internal electrical fields.
The vaccine “pollution” pattern can accumulate and create problems if it is not discharged. The fluid aspect (e.g. the water) in our cells can also exchange these pollution patterns, which don’t just come from vaccines alone but with help from numerous other sources in our environment – drugs, xenobiotics, food additives, other forms of ionizing, electrical, and magnetic forms of radiation, ions and other charged particles in the atmosphere etc etc etc., from which there is next to no escape. So, there is already a potential susceptibility or vulnerability to vaccines in most people who take the shot, that’s already been created by this other toxic stuff that we are constantly bombarded with which has certain deleterious effects if we cannot bio-transform it effectively and also discharge it.
But you probably know most of that already!
Yes, exactly. Since virologists “find” alleged viruses, hidden in cancer cell lines and they patent, gene edited combinations of transfected animal immortal (cancer) cell lines, then combine the alleged “virions” with carcinogens (formaldehyde etc) heavy metals, metal ions/salts and synthetic recombinant proteins, to create “vaccines”, they likely form the bio-nano aggregate “contaminants” (original cancer cells) found in that 44 vaccine study.
My current theory is, with essentially zero rates of cancer in the never vaccinated, these bio nano aggregates (original cancer cells) from the vaccines eventually lodge in various organs, tissues of the body after injection, and are then immobilized by macrophages at the sites where the chemical-bio-metal pollutants travelled to, so consequently aren’t cleared, becoming potential time bombs.
Consequently, decades later – during an extra stressful and emotional period in someone’s life combined with other exacerbating factors like EMF-EMR exposure, metabolic dysfunction, chronic inflammation, environmental pollutants etc., these factors coalesce resulting in the body’s inability to clear and excrete, toxic waste, pollutants, inhibit autophagy and apoptosis – and the SNS (fight, flight state) won’t switch back to the PSNS state long enough – that’s when the tumors grow and spread.
Getting a cancer diagnosis (more emotional stress) then undergoing “Cut, Poison, Burn” prevents patients from completely changing their diets, stress level and negative lifestyle factors, to allow the rest, digest, repair, clear, detox, excrete, state.
Apparently cancer was unheard of before “cowpox” vaccines were introduced and autism was unheard of until they added aluminum adjuvants to the toxic cocktails to make them more “effective”…
“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” – Dr. W. B. Clarke
The second video from Dr.Thomas, 14 minutes of children from his own casebook, is not only “a must see” but also a revelation. Facts, real facts about real children whom this medic has treated and followed up for years, in a real family practice. Dr.Thomas adds the statistics (P values) but they are the stats from a family doctor’s casebook, followed up for years, not just some stats picked out by a bureacrat from a pile of academic “meta-studies”.
Results: the children in his casebook whom Dr.Thomas did not vaccinate were healthier in every way, than children whom he had vaccinated: fewer breathing difficulties, fewer infections, fewer behavioral disorders and fewer cases of a dozen other diseases.
If you are a young parent, or the parents of young parents, I urge you to spend a half hour to watch these two videos. It may be the most rewarding half hour in your life.
ps The proper action of the Oregon Medical Board, if they really believed in The Scientific Method, would have been: not to suspend Dr.Thomas’s licence but to check every other family-doctor’s casebook for similar startling differences in longterm general health between the vaccinated children and the unvaccinated.
Great stuff.
Pulling the AZ jab in reality means nothing, since it was already redundant. It is not as if anyone was still being offered it, in the UK at least. The mRNA kids on the block, Pfizer and Moderna, took over in UK as the boosters in late 2021.
Oxford/AZ was the one which was “not for profit”. The sheeple were so enamoured with it at the time, that they clapped like seals on Centre Court at Wimbledon for the developer of it, Sarah Gilburt.
If AZ is to be a fall guy, that blame can only be laid at their feet in UK, Russia (Gamaleya) and a handful of other countries, mainly those in the Global South, since many other countries suspended its use. Plus, with mix and matching of original doses and boosters using viral vector (eg AZ and J&J) with mRNA (eg Pfizer and Moderna) muddies the water further.
Someone in the comments did mention the SPARS pandemic sceneraio. Perhaps, the time has come for the ‘great reveal’ in a limited, controlled manner. Lesson to be learned, blah, blah. A few heads will roll, sent packing with nice fat pensions and let’s all forgive and forget, until the next time.
Or, the ‘great reveal’ will be much greater and will be used to bring down the current political system and to discredit national governments.. Time to launch a new ‘improved’ system – global technocracy – since national governments can no longer be trusted.
Hi Admin,
Fyi, it seems there is a problem with the voting system, as I have been able to upvote a comment several times and have also been able to upvote and downvote my own comment.
I knew it. Thats why my upvote always have been in the low end. Because my free speech was suppressed the same way Trump lost the election.
“over 6.5 million lives”
Correction to the sacred numbers; over 6.66 Million Lives.
You are not very discrete Nick. OVER 6,5 million and your smashing truth in the face of the public is exactly the same. Manners!
Where did that figure of 6.5 Million lives saved by AZVaxx come from? Same inflated numerology as the 6Million Jews supposed to have been persecuted by the Tsar in 1900, or the 6Million supposed to have been killed by Nazis in
1933-1945; or the 666 mark of the beast on Emperor Nero for crushing the Jewish revolt of 66AD.
Suspect all official figures where scholars lose employment or go to prison for researching the source.
What it means is nothing, man. After a long day, that’s what I think about that. Nothing will change, the show will go on, and 99.9% of the people on the planet will have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. The only solution is revolution. And no, I don’t mean with muskets and colored coats and shit. Problem is, and I was thinking about this earlier, it’s mob rule. The very thing libertarians and others warn about regarding direct democracy, mob rule, is the reason we can’t stop this shit. In other words, it doesn’t matter, they got it anyway republic or not, the majority rules and the majority want this shit, either that or don’t fucking care or are too ignorant to understand what the hell is going on anyway. That’s probably a bigger percentage than we might give credit for. So how do we carry out a revolution as a distinct minority? I don’t know, haven’t they done that before? Far as I can tell however, I think we have the best opportunity for a revolution in the U.S. because of the State/Federal situation, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. I mean, this is supposed to be in our fucking blood. And if we can take over a state or three, who knows. In the end, it’s hard to argue with the Declaration of Independence, if you’re an American anyway, as much as the powers that be and their subservient media will try to avoid. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect… Read more »
I would somewhat disagree.
I would guess that most of the populations are aware of what is going on and the current political administrations don’t care as they move forward meeting the United Nations agenda of depopulation.
We know. They know we know.
But they will never stop lying to cover their asses for crimes against humanity.
Anyone who follows the MSM at least a little bit must have seen the latest admissions that “a small number of people” were harmed.
Anyone with half a brain has figured out that 100% of those injected have or will suffer.
Meanwhile the CDC is still recommending that infants are injected with this poison. If that does not tell a story, nothing will. It is as evil as it gets.
They will never stop lying. All of them. And we know who “them” is.
They just keep moving forward as though nothing happened.
Their asses should be dragged out in the streets, tarred and feathered and shot. And they know it.
Once they start admitting it and their loyal followers that are protecting them stop protecting them, their asses are grass.
Grace. They want grace. “They did the best they could under the circumstances”. Right. Grace them into their graves.
Let’s suppose we depopulated all those evil people that participated in the killings and the covering up of the killings.
Life on Earth would be a much better place no matter what Jane Goodall thinks.
Your guess is nothing more than wishful thinking.
Anecdotal for sure. Wishful too. But the majority of people on X that I see know what is going on. MSM is turning. Just because the focus is on leaders that are still in denial does not mean the populations agree with them. Most is most.
Best time ever!
“2-3 blood clots”, out of 100,000 jabbed and boosted hysterical leftist middle class hot air balloons.
Its 0,003 % out of the entire global vaccinated population. Let me remind you 1,27% of China’s population die from natural death every years.
0,003% blood clots versus 1,27% natural death. Absurd.
Its looks to me as Astra Zeneca pulled their Covid jab simply because they were smeared in MSM for hysterical reasons.
George Orwell: “People will believe what the media tell them they believe”.
0.003% according to whose statistics?
Debilitating or fatal side effects are almost impossible to quantify.
As are the ‘side effects’ of high animal fat diets, fast food, work stress or pollution.
The Turds at the top know this so they can act with impunity.
We are putty (or should that be pastry?) in their greedy, grasping, blood covered claws.
Yes I notice a lot of people prefer the victim/bully role rather than facing the facts.
0,003% according to the figures in the article. We comment the article.
We are commenters, not competitors to the Author who can do his/her theme better.
The aim is we both get wiser on a theme. We praise the knowledge we get, or we give our bid to add our knowledge to the subject.
Keep looking on the bright side, Eric.
“If you dont do something, if you dont say something, if you just do nothing at all, she is gotta get away, into the night”, Jackson Hawke.
Please, my work colleague’s very healthy 15 year son has been is hospital with a brain aneurism.
The whole family were triple jabbed AZ.
They told him it was caused by an infection.
And he is not the only one I know about.
Suggest the decimal point needs shifting a few places to be more accurate.
Condolence. Sad for the boy.
Dr Peter McCullough stated that as at October 2023 17 million had died from the exp. drugs. Must be about 25 million now.
25 mio out of 8 billion. The global birth rate is 1,7% = 140 mio new children.
Humanity will survive without volunteering booster jab freaks.
Apologize for my cynical view on this issue. But I see it as a choice.
Some people took a voluntary risk out of comfort, authority fear, position fear.
Its even worse. The 25 mio is over 2 year. The birth rate equally is 280 mio.
When 1 die from the Vaxx, 10 new babies are born. Ref the official statistics.
You just contradicted yourself. By believing the “media” released numbers. Lol
Don’t be obtuse. You know all the world’s a stage on one page, yet you think some Gematria generated numbers out of an AZ puff press release are indicative of reality?
Ponder why virologists won’t use controls, then get back to us. Also explain why the vaxxed and nasal assaulted now have MAC addresses.
See my remark to Johnny. I am commenting the article, challenging the Author so both he, me, the Editor and YOU could be wiser.
The wiser we all get, the stronger is the force that preserve our civilisation.
So it was humor? Irony? Sarcasm?
It’s no accident, not funny and not an irrelevant statistic.
You might believe the numbers are small. Wait five to ten years. All the military have to do is ramp up the microwave frequencies and the injected will drop like flies.
We aren’t Stalin here… If one murder is wrong then all murders are wrong.
People still don’t believe that what you can’t observe or detect can’t kill you or make you sick. Perhaps a good example is when the Russians were microwaving the US embassy in Moscow in the 1950’s.
John’s Hopkins University people were called in to investigate since the staff were coming down with illnesses. They wrongly concluded it was the microwaves that the Russians were using but failed to realize that it was the potentials that were the real problem and only in the field-free (zero potential gradient) areas! The Russians used it as a ‘test’ to see if the US knew anything about the existence of the technology and the use of scalar potentials. They obviously did not, consequently two ambassadors died and another sickened.
Hi Co. Interesting. Do you have a link for that tech and the ambassador deaths story? Thanks!
Its on page 26 and following. There are other references to it elsewhere apart from this book. Also, have a look at
You can also down load Gravitobiology and other books and papers that refer to the same issue from here: Tom BEARDEN: Books & Papers Rex This includes the book AIDS: Biological warfare as a download. Bearden therefore mentions “viruses” but you have to read between the lines in what he is really getting at in terms of electrodynamics. Here’s a quote from his Annotated Glossary also available free from Rex research:
“Note that when a dimensioned EM field or potential is absorbed by an object, that object also has internal EM fields and potentials which have substructures (usually rather random). However, the internal structure of the absorbed dimensioned entity and the internal structures of the EM fields, potentials, and waves do mix in a direct diffusion process. Hence with continued irradiation, the target can be “charged up” with the desired internal dimensioning structure. This is how the microwave irradiation of the U.S. Embassy accomplished disease induction, using signals with the desired disease dimensioning impressed in their structures, particularly in the potentials”.
Let me know what you think.
Absolutely. A murder is murder. I just dont see the depopulation scheme nowhere. They say 1/3 of the vaxxes were placebo. So what was it? A psy-op only?
The vaxx was at best, unnecessary. There was no reason for anyone to have taken any of them.
My opinion too. The whole Corona campaign was a complete waste of time, energy and lives.
We cant even say it was loss of money because we live in a fiat e-money illusion where nothing has a correct value.
In Australia the AstraZeneca shot was discontinued early on in the vaxx campaign because victims of medical and government abuse with these injections were swamping hospitals with dangerous anaphylaxic reactions. Just saying.
Its all right. I am just checking out the figures floating around. They dont add up.
The picture is confusing.
The A to Z of corporate expedience. It shouldn’t surprise us.
Side effects are “rare”?
Why would a protection against the flu kill ANYONE? Actual health treatments kill NO ONE.
“Rare,” huh? Well, just think of how many people Jack the Ripper DIDN’T kill!
There were about 5 million people in London in 1888. Jack only killed 5. That’s a one-in-a-million shot that he’d kill you. So what was everyone making a fuss about?
Remember the “Star Trek” episode where the disembodied spirit of “Red Jack” (“a hunger that never dies”) is possessing people and committing murders? It’s still alive and it’s running Big Pharma.
Pentagon is running Big Pharma. But no one dares to criticise Pentagon.
Medicine sees side effects as goon squads who are there to protect you. The goon squad enters your house (your body) and starts shooting. When Jack the Ripper is there (an illness) the idea is that it kills Jack and saves the house (you).
There are some problems with this (apt) analogy
1. Why would you start shooting (treating/vaccinating) in a house where there is no sign of Jack the Ripper being there (no illness/signs of illness)
2. Why do you think that the owner of the house can’t solve this problem with Jack the Ripper himself (natural immunity)
3. What makes you think that the cure (goon squad) is better than the illness
4.Who gave the goon squad permission to enter the house in the first place (informed consent)
5.People die every day for all sorts of reasons. But Jack the Ripper has never been the cause for any death, since Jack the Ripper was a spook story. So it is with covid and other Keyser Söze stories
Red Jack fed on fear. So do the people running the Convid scheme.
Cause of death . Suicide by vaccination.Hands up lads ,you chose to have it.Dark place.
This is from the SPARS 2025 plan (I mean pandemic simulation).
“As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine”
“President Archer’s detractors in the Republican Party seized the opportunity to publicly disparage the President and his administration’s response to the pandemic, urging voters to elect “a strong leader with the best interests of the American people at heart.” A widespread social media movement led primarily by outspoken parents of affected children, coupled with widespread distrust of “big pharma,” supported the narrative that the development of SPARS MCMs was unnecessary and driven by a few profit-seeking individuals. […] Conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons.”
Fake bomb wars hiding the biggest of wars.
“Conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons.”
Not a theory; conspiracy fact. There are 2 conspiracies:
1, Military Conspiracy: the U$ DoD (Dept of Defense) have been working on viruses as a bioweapon for decades. Their biowarfare lab in Maryland, U$A was closed down in the decade 2010-2020 because people living near the lab began to suffer SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) due to a lab leak. The virus work was moved to China, where another lab leak may or may not have occurred. That Chinese lab is still funded by the U$A.
2, Pharma Conspiracy: In 2016 (four years before the Wuhan outbreak) Moderna applied filed a U$ Patent app for GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) Spike Protein with a patent “furan binding site” that would attack human blood vessels. This same GMO binding site was found on the spike protein of Corona Virus Con-19 after the outbreak in 2020. This GMO spike protein is found on no other flu virus. How did it get on to Covid-19 except by Pharma conspiracy? That same GMO Spike Protein (or its RNA) is found in The Vaxx; which is why the Vaxx plays havoc with young peoples’ blood supply and the organs which depend on blood supply.
Kit, I asked this question on the May 7th trans. Item.
This is a huge announcement couched in weasel words about the subsequent jabs riding on the shoulders of the pioneering AZ product.
The consensus on here was that it was a test to see if we react.
If we don’t react, we don’t care. They can do what they like.
A green light for the pandemic treaty to be signed later this month.
There are numerous petitionts (if you believe in that sort of thing) against the treaty, now, possbly importantly, called an agreement.
I signed one today with 455,000 signatories but it will be as effective as a chocolate teapot.
The recent uk petition with 156,000 signatures was poo-pooed as not worthy of consideration despite the obligation to debate any petition with over 100,000.
We are in a dark place..
Tyrants respond to pitchforks not petitions..