This Week in the New Normal #90

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. UK Assisted Dying Law

The UK will almost certainly have legalised euthanasia by the end of the year, if not this government then it will be among the first acts of Sir Keir Starmer’s “progressive” administration after the general election.

The propaganda for this has been going and going and going for years, but it’s been a particularly hot-button issue for the last few months.

Here’s a particularly manipulative example from today’s Guardian:

Woman having assisted death calls for UK law change

It’s all about an unfortunate woman with terminal cancer who is waiting to die under New Zealand’s euthanasia law, she tells the paper the UK should:

“Look at what New Zealand has done, and do it even better. There is a lot of focus on the right to life, but people should have the right to a peaceful, gentle death.”

It’s hard to imagine how, given the last four years, anyone could aspire to be more like New Zealand. But then again I’m not a power-hungry autocrat striving to reshape the world into my own authoritarian hellscape.

It’s the worst kind of manipulative journalism, employing sentiment ahead of reason. As usual with the assisted dying debate, the media only talks about the benefits of the law and never the potential abuses.

Anyway, the assisted dying topic is begging for a longer piece and will get one, especially with a new post-Covid context. In the meantime, here’s a piece I wrote about it years ago:

How long after the “right to die” law is passed will it stop being a “right” and start being a “duty”?

How long before people who don’t avail themselves of their right to die are deemed to be “wasting public money” or “putting a strain on the NHS”?

Will people have their pensions or other benefits halted for refusing to make the right “choice”?

The State already has too much power, and has shown that they will abuse it at every turn. Granting them more would be, in this case, literally suicidal.

2. Google is Watching

This week MSN (and others) reported on the story of K Renee, an author who was locked out of their Google Docs account for “inappropriate content”.

Renee is apparently a romance author known for “raunchy” stories, so it’s not hard to image what this inappropriate content was. As a result of the block, Renee is said to have lost over 200,000 words of work. As an author, I find that idea heartbreaking.

And nobody is really seeing how shocking this story is.

Not only is the Google Workspace service apparently monitoring what you write, it also claims the power to stop you writing it if it’s deemed “inappropriate”.

Is this content being flagged and read by human censors? Or is it all automated and AI-based?

Which is worse?

A reminder for all of us: Keep copies on your own non-clouded storage, preferably not connected to the internet. And keep hard copies if you can too.

3. Israel Bans Al Jazeera

This week Israel announced they would be banning the Qatar-funded news network Al Jazeera. This isn’t anything new as far as Israel is concerned, when you’ve already done war crimes and vaccine mandates, censorship is no big deal.

What’s rather surprising is that they were called out for it by “the West”.

The Washington Post ran a piece headlined:

Israel’s bans Al Jazeera, moves one step closer to autocracy”

Meanwhile, the German government tweeted:

Stomach-turning hypocrisy from those outlets and nations who banned and prosecuted “covid misinformation” and the like.

Seems like the Israel heel turn is picking up pace. More on this during the week.

BONUS: Bizarre imagery of the week

A double helping of messaging this week. Here’s Apple’s latest ad for the new iPad:

It shows the destruction of musical instruments, paint and art materials, games and cameras and myriad articles of human expression and endeavour all replaced with a single digital proxy.

Apple – and Google and all the rest – want to put themselves between you and the world.

And this was Ireland’s Eurovision entry, presented without comment.

It’s not all bad…

It’s Mother’s Day for our American friends, and to mark the celebration of the primal love of motherhood, here is a tiny bird trying to protect its egg from a tractor that would crush her like a bug, with nothing but her wings…

Call your mom.


All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Viktor Orban shilling the “multi-polar world” or the eternal eating bugs bullshit.


There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.


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T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Jun 3, 2024 10:46 AM

@admin You may already have noticed this latest development in the Netherlands (my home country). The BBC reported on it, I’ll include the link. Could it be an item for ‘This week in the New Normal’?

Dutch elections took place last November and an ‘extreme right-wing’ party won by a landslide. After much hassle finally a PM-candidate was put forward last week. He’s not a politician. He’s been head of two secret service departments (2013-2020) and now presides over the ministry of justice (2020-present). Needless to say he’s a major player when it comes to repression of dissidence in recent years.

Nobody could vote for him, he’s not affiliated to any party. Last week the new coalition suddenly presented him and practically nobody expected this to happen. That same day he held a press conference on national television to declare himself ready to take on the PM-job. His lack of experience in this field became very obvious. A few critical journalists’ questions were met with evasive and somewhat nervous responses.

Lastly, the man has been a member of the Dutch labour party for some 30 years (left the party 5 years ago). The new coalition wants to be a ’true right-wing’ government. So it’s ironic that such a man might become PM of a cabinet that doesn’t even include the labour party.

Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3ggvg9ye83o

May 16, 2024 9:19 AM

Animals don’t need fathers:

Not that they’re implying anything about humanity….

The Western esoteric tradition believes in hermaphroditic reproduction – they think this was humanity’s state before The Fall. See the film ‘Enemy Mine’ for a portrayal in sci-fi. The film’s director Wolfgang Petersen also made films about a spreading “nothing” (‘The Neverending Story’), D.I.D. (‘Shattered’), pandemics (‘Outbreak’) and an inverted world (‘Poseidon’). One of his German films ‘Black and white like day and night’ is about A.I.

May 15, 2024 7:06 PM

Great comparison of Western Empire’s war & wealth pyramid schemes collapsing as it becomes intolerable and incapable of adapting to the transition from growth/boom to maintenance/homeostasis. The ruling classes lock themselves into endless more for themselves and LOCKDOWN of the people to forced compliance to ideology that is itself failure. The external wars double with internal wars on the bottom 95%. THIS TIME, it is up to us to stop the collapse upon us and make sure they bear all the loss in a transfer to Humanity as a whole.


The inescapable fact, the elephant sitting on their faces in 2024+ is the INTEREST ON THE DEBT can not be hidden anymore. $440B last year it will exceed $1.6T next year. All going to the Banksters. This is more than almost all Discretionary Spending which is the true US Federal Budget. The War Budget + this IOTD is more than all yearly Tax Revenues. The history of the Roman Empire and other Western Empires is near identical in trajectory.

comment image?g=1nYva

What is different now is the Empire’s boundaries occupy all of a finite, exhausted, proprietary Earth. Growth, other than live and die refurbishment of the already tapped out planet, is over as a an autonomous “free market” nervous system savior. Humanity must become a self-administering, self-ruling adult Humanity. A first true “civilization” on Earth, as we know it.

May 15, 2024 9:02 AM

What was to blame for pandemics? Farming!

Now he puts much of the supposed jeopardy down to “interconnectedness”. Can’t see how that’s going to be weaponised e.g. in the “you’re not going anywhere” agenda.

The ‘Related Content’ includes leprosy in the USA and how measles is a “deadly” disease.

May 15, 2024 6:40 AM

For readers who like to take the long view – say, 300 Million years – science reporter Anton Petrov reports an “Incredible Discovery About Viruses”.


Apparently the GMO DNA remnant (retro-virus) from a virus epidemic increased the intelligence of our ancestors the fish, the frogs and the shrews by coding for a new and improved molecule molecule, myelin. Myelin sheathing proved to be a better insulator for electrically conducting nerve fibres, thus enabling the evolution of creatures with more tightly packed neurons, longer connections and bigger brains, such as dinosaurs and Homo Sapiens. If this discovery proves to be “Incredible” enough it will become mainstream biological science.

Karl skellenger
Karl skellenger
May 14, 2024 6:05 PM

New Substack for anyone interested in the Astrology of the 2024 U.S. election!


May 14, 2024 9:08 AM

Oh, you’ll never guess what the final reason is going to be….

Vox may well have taken the crown of ‘The Worst Publication Out There’ which given it’s against the Fraud, The Conversation, The Atlantic, inews and others takes some doing.

May 14, 2024 6:01 AM

From the NEW New Normal:

Two Small Bricks Join one Huge BRICS


Little Serbia, victim of gang rape and amputation by NATZO, seeks sympathy and safety in the skirts of Mother Russia.

Hungary is big enough to stand up to bullying by EU$A but looks for comparative freedom and tolerance in company of China.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 14, 2024 6:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

Multipolar World Order incoming.

Brought to you by the same parasite class that created the Cold War (NATO vs Warsaw Pact) and the Unipolar World Order (USA & NATO).

The current gig they created (Western hegemony) is up so they have been slowly creating a new one, BRICS. The centre of their operations is moving eastwards.

I hope you do not live or do not plan to continue living in the West as you cheer on its demise.

May 25, 2024 12:28 PM
Reply to  NickM

Serbia likes to present as “victim”, building upon ignorance of differences with real US crimes later after 2001.
I’m reality they started wars in Slovenia (short), Croatia (bloody) and finally preformed genocide in Bosnia with ethnic “cleansing” of Bosniaks and Croats (murders, torturing, real raping, plundering, shelling..).
What Israel does now to Palestinians is similar to what Serbia did to Bosniaks. Zionists globally consider other goyim a cattle, while Serbs regionally strive for Greater Serbia where value is being blood thirsty Serb and all others are oppressed minority.

May 14, 2024 5:40 AM

Another rare case of sanity in Westminster but MOH still reassuring: No danger of epidemic.


Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
May 16, 2024 11:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

FCUK Farrage. He’s the establishment through and through.

May 13, 2024 10:10 PM

Every country has assisted dying laws it is called being poor or mental sick or elderly.
The west world is the worse.
In the east the elders are respected. in the west there medded up slapped in old people home to be drugged up until the equity runs of on the home then they killed off.
Liverpool health pathway still happens.

They dont need laws to kill people. Look at what happened when people end up in hospice or institutions or like covid when they couldnt wait to vaccinate the elderly and venerable first..

May 13, 2024 9:38 PM

Irrelevant in musical terms, on account of its international visibility I think the latest Eurovision contest deserves a full analysis, from all the pride flag waving, almost surpassing the usual national flag waving, to the Overton window insistence of commentators on referring to self-proclaimed “non-binary” participants as such, and then to the seeming ritual attempted/ performed by the Irish contestant (how that came to happen is beyond me, and from Ireland no less; also, there was something in it going beyond the theatrical), which I have to admit baffled me then and I am still trying to guess what agenda(s) falls into, all possible options equally hard to digest. (Nothing to say about how Russia is out of the contest but Israel is in.) Etc.

May 14, 2024 9:12 AM
Reply to  Skooshny

The most pertinent fact about Eurovision is that, despite relentless hype, over 5/6s of the UK population didn’t watch it (and that’s believing the official viewing figures).

May 13, 2024 6:00 PM

10 May 2024
Germany to re-introduce slavery

May 13, 2024 5:36 PM

Quite clearly all THEY offer us anymore is self-inflicted serfdom & death. The smiley faces are off and they’ve been coming for us since 911. What’s worse is it’s quite obvious, using their supposed convenience technologies is submitting to have your head cut off. I do not use GOOLE or crAPPLE for any reason. I can’t imagine a reason to cloud work or load anything when it can be worked on and stored locally. Their smart devices, their cloud people, are our overlords tracking us like farm animals or prey. JUST SAY NO!

May 14, 2024 10:19 PM
Reply to  sandy

No Sandy ‘GHOUL’ is much better.

May 13, 2024 3:09 PM

There is evil…. good short poetry film about it.


May 13, 2024 3:08 PM

Talking of the devil….
Which one of these photos do you think Christians consider ‘demonic’ and ‘satanic’?
comment image

May 14, 2024 9:22 AM
Reply to  eliger

These “Christians” only exist in your imagination – there would be no united, agreed-upon response.

There’s nothing remotely concerning about neo-paganism? Veganism and vegetarianism are unalloyed boons to humanity?

The crucial question about Satanism is not whether Christians believe in it (or you or I do) – but do the elites? The evidence is simply overwhelming that they do – or at the very least they are using it as a weapon. This should be more alarming than poor oppressed neo-pagans (who are so oppressed their numbers have exploded which suggests to me this oppression is nothing more than victimhood propaganda).

May 14, 2024 9:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They dont believe in Satan that is chrisydumb Conservative alt media shilling.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 13, 2024 1:53 PM

The launch of the new iPad is just another means to further accelerate the move to digitize everything. It is the slow grind to divorce society from partaking in real life activities such as playing, making and doing.

The rentier society of the future can occur with less resistance when society has been further accclimatized to the virtual world. If people no longer miss owning tangible creative items such as musical instruments, tools, arts and crafts materials, games and toys, those skills and knowledge will also be lost.

Just another step in the dumbing down of society and decreasing individuals ability to be independent.

The acceptance of the subscription (renting) model has already occured in large part with music and reading as dvds, cds, vinyl records and books become less commonplace.

May 13, 2024 6:36 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

This is their “circular economy”. It’s a bait and switch scam. Companies have been doing this with the lower socio economic sector; renting out furniture, appliances and electronics at exorbitant prices. This model will eventually encompass all future needs. It doesn’t necessarily lead to less production of goods, it allows the corporations linked to the financial cartel AI social credit system and WEF (PPP) to profit outrageously and decide (based on your social credit carbon credit score) after your washer stops working whether you can rent a new washing machine together with a “service agreement” plus fees and taxes; like GST or VAT. The faux governments will take a piece of the action with taxes on all monthly rental and license fees. The controllers don’t want individuals purchasing (only renting instead) a new washing machine or car. That’ll be conditional on their monthly carbon credits and digital CBDC’s allowance. The PPP model also cuts out all middlemen and small businesses. No need for stores selling appliances, services or cars. You’ll be dealing directly with manufacturers online, signing up for agreements where they can raise their monthly rental fees without notice or reason. Faux Governments are already bribing people to take in borders, renters, refugees, this will also become the norm, part of the social credit, carbon credit scam. Councils will change zoning laws, then few families will able to live on their own, after the Great Taking. Shared living circumstances with strangers, refugees and illegal immigrants won’t be fun. They’ll ramp up the contagion fear fraud, then use location tracking with an alert, if someone in your building has a “virus” from a fake test, to demand a test for you, then a “vaccine” (poison injection) to keep everyone (in the building, workplace, school) safe. Otherwise off to the quarantine… Read more »

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 13, 2024 8:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It is a return to the days of renting white goods and electrical items (eg TV’s) that was commonplace in 1960’s/1970’s. Except in the planned new model it will apply to everything. Imagine renting underwear? What a lovely thought!

Ida Auken, spoke of the circular economy in her infamous 2016 WEF piece.


Also, in the speech about “no waste” where she discusses renting items such as a driverless car, electric drill or cookware and having it delivered. She of course sold the concept of the ‘sharing’ economy as a beneficial thing with none of the downsides such as the control mechanism (social credit score/carbon credits) that will attached to the ability to rent.


May 13, 2024 10:53 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Renting and delivery (plus returning) completely contradicts their waste and recycling propaganda spiel.

How can renting a drill, a hammer, lawnmower, a crockpot, or a pair of gardening gloves, cut down on consumption and waste, if all these items have to be delivered then returned after each use? Lol

May 14, 2024 1:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You have to walk.

May 14, 2024 2:45 PM
Reply to  judith

We’d be expelling too much carbon dioxide, so all carbon credits would be gone by the time we reached the local Amazon-Walmart-HomeDepot rental distribution Hub.

The screen message on the CC-CBDC app reads:

“Error 666 – You have exceeded your carbon daily allowance limit. Rental denied.”

May 14, 2024 9:30 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

There’s been a run of stories in the Fraud in the last few days against home ownership culminating in the claim that the “right-to-buy” in the UK will be scrapped soon.

Owning their house is of course the biggest single form of ownership most people have (plus it’s become a de facto source of welfare for the middle classes).

One marker will be if TV property programmes, the staple of daytime TV in the UK, start disappearing. There are signs this is starting to happen with programmes about re-conditioning worn-out goods their replacement.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 14, 2024 6:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The war on home ownership will begin in earnest at some point. The idea that the plebs can own a valuable asset (or assets) to pass on as an inheritance to future generations will be a thing of the past if the controllers are successful.

For example, in Rep. of Ireland the ‘Right to Housing Bill’ is waiting in the wings to go to referendum and will seek to guarantee all Irish residents (not just citizens) the entitlement to a home. With sky high property prices and rental costs many young Irish could be enticed by the apparent benevolent concept.

The reality is that the wave of immigrants which Ireland has imported will most likely be first in the queue. The Bill will allow the Irish regime to requisition second homes and holiday homes to deal with the housing crisis, made acute by the regime’s actions. Next up could then be spare bedrooms. Punitive taxes could be levied to ‘encourage’ compliance to make homes available to add to the ‘housing stock’ – a term used in the Bill when speaking of private property, which in actuality, does not belong to the State.

This Bill is a blatant attack on the rights to private property ownership and to do with it as one (the owner) pleases.

Coming to a country near you, if it passes.

May 13, 2024 12:07 PM

15 minute cities are a crazy conspiracy theory – except when they aren’t:

The main point, it soon becomes clear, is to start pushing for these in the USA.

George Mc
George Mc
May 13, 2024 11:29 AM

Oh this is good:

“Ncuti Gatwa says he feels ‘sad’ for those tuning out of the new season of ‘Doctor Who’ because of its push for diversity” (Business Insider)

Which is kinda reassuring. Because it emphasises that, even though the public have little effect on media shite, it’s still the case that no-one can force them to watch it.

George Mc
George Mc
May 13, 2024 11:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

But expect any number of concerned essays from our designated intelligentsia about “how shockingly regressive” the public are.

May 13, 2024 11:27 AM

What about this thing Nemo who won the price of this new world order song contest, named Eurovision
comment image

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 17, 2024 5:36 AM
Reply to  stella

A truly great singer AND a wonderful human being. In other words the whole package! Mark my words, people will still be listening to the classics churned out by Nemo at the end of the century after next! Move over ABBA, we have a new King and/or Queen of Eurovision! Rise Nemo Rise!

May 13, 2024 11:23 AM

Eurovision is an interesting show. Tells you what you are supposed to believe. Fact is that the satanic ritual of Ireland was unwatchable not only by me but also by those who watched it together with me. Yet Ireland received many votes and the commentators loved it. Either fraud or an Ash experiment or both.

Actually this year’s show was a total freakshow (worse than ever) where a non-binary dude in a skirt sang about how he broke the (genetic) code and performed his final song with the devil’s crown from the Irish singer. Then there was Israel who actually had a good song, but ended almost last according to the objective (cough) jury while the televoters gave Israel the first place (while Ireland protested against Israel), thereby creating a fake binary.

The Dutch dude did pretty well. Although he had a terrible song about Europe, it was catchy and he may have won. But then he could not be chained by Eurovision rules as was shown by his (somewhat) critical questions about this whole ‘war’ in Israel. So a fracas was created (a nonsense story where the guy supposedly threathened a camera WOMAN) after which he was disqualified.

After which the (unchained) Dutch guy added a short song of (what’s his name) with the lyrics ‘Who let the dogs out.’

War=show business
Show business=war

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 13, 2024 12:07 PM
Reply to  Willem

https://youtu.be/ojULkWEUsPs Who let the dirty dogs out?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 13, 2024 12:20 PM
Reply to  Willem

The thing about camp is it’s supposed to be funny. You’re supposed to laugh at it

When the wokeraty get hold of camp and try to ram it down your throat as a real lifestyle option it falls flat on it’s face.

May 13, 2024 10:25 AM

Israel’s ambassador to the UN shredded his copy of the United Nations Charter to indicate that Israel does not wish to belong to any inter-national organisation that would include Palestine as a nation. His Excellency reminds me of Groucho Marx, who took Exclusiveness to its logical limit:

“I would’nt join the sort of club that would have me as a member.” — Groucho Marx (aka Lord Bertrand Russel).

May 13, 2024 10:14 AM

If you post or host your content in the cloud then you can’t complain if these companies start to misappropriate your data.

That was essentially the whole purpose of the cloud and its no surprise that there is huge Israeli investment in cloud and cyber securities particularly around Intel and Microsoft. Look up the Talpiot program for further details.

Means you are effectively outsourcing your content to Mossad if you use their ‘services’.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 13, 2024 10:02 AM

I hope this isn’t true:

Breaking: Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.

If they are planning to enforce a “climate lockdown” or another fake pandemic, they probably know that no one will buy it so…

May 13, 2024 10:56 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

I do not know the facts, but would not be at all surprised if a large number of those young men of military age with iPhones are NATZO soldiers (aka ISIS aka Al Quaida).

However, the Genocide in Gaza shows a clear difference in response of UN (aid to Palestinians) vs U$, UK and D (weapons to Israel); hence there is still some clear water between the UN and leading NATZO countries. Therefore I would like more details about the composition and funding of able bodied young male immigrants before concluding that they are undercover soldiers of the UN.

For example, ISIS in Syria was known to have been recruited by the CIA from as many as 80 countries worldwide, supplied with cannon-toting Toyota and Humvee flat-back “specials” from Detroit and Australia, and paid $1,000 monthly in cash, delivered on the battlefield if necessary. It was only when the Russian Army in Syria began to shell these “cash vans” that ISIS fighters began to retreat from Syria and “seek asylum” in Europe.

May 13, 2024 1:24 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Been trying to tell people this for a long time now as the arms are being distributed to the various luxury hotels and it also explains why these premises are so heavily secured. But just like trying to inform people about Chemtrails they refuse to believe what they see. Enoch Powell must be pissing himself laughing now saying ‘I told you so’!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 13, 2024 9:23 AM

With regard to Israel, the apparent fall from grace is no accident. The loss of the propaganda war and a continuous failing PR narrative with the parts of the MSM turning against it appears to be a scripted event. Perhaps, at the end of it all, what we know as Israel will be moved to Ukraine, which was, more or less, the location of the original Khazaria.

Though I cannot say with certainly how things will play out, since it is connected with prophecy, there are signs that there is an end times script in the making. It does not have to end in the apocalypse, since humanity can be scripted to be saved. The scripted ‘saviour’ figures will play a role in heralding in this era and directing the masses. It will be difficult for many to accept, since most people assume that things happen organically, when in reality much is scripted with a plan following a master script being the end goal.

The messianic era and its different characters in the Abrahamic religions can be brought to life to effectively fulfil prophecy and cause the followers of the three religions to believe it is happening in accordance with said prophecies and their religious books and texts. The final destination is likely the One World Religion of Gaia/Luciferianism after the ‘saviour’ figures acts out their roles.

It is also worth noting the role of Chabad in the end times messianic era, especially with regards to Trump and Putin who are both closely aligned with them. The article below links through to other pages from the website.


May 13, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Very astute observations.

May 13, 2024 9:20 AM

Back in the day when I was an internet evangelist (I know don’t hate me I was grossly naive but it was great in its heyday), I got rid of all my physical books when I moved country and bought a kindle and proceeded to buy only ebooks. zoom to 15 years later and I had built up quite a library and had bought an additional 2 devices so that I could get over the problem of not being able to lend your ebooks so easily, I would share my devices with friends and family instead. Then one day I forget my password, no problem I can just use the retrieve password function, except instead of just sending me a reset link they also require a passcode to be sent to my phone which I no longer have, anyway to cut a long story short I get caught up in their customer service loop of hell, with the end story being I have lost access to my whole library of books, I gave up in the end and swore never to use amazon again for anything. The moral of the story, keep your physical books, they are important and can easily be shared and passed on to the next generation.

Having said this I recently bought my 89 year old mum an ipad because her eyesight is failing and I can blow up the type real big for her, she loves to read and has wet macular degeneration so it’s a big help and unfortunately the ipad is still the easiest for her to use, I tried other devices and she couldn’t get her head round it at all. I guess technology isn’t all bad.

May 13, 2024 12:36 PM
Reply to  Sofia

I went through the same password nightmare with yahoo. I could not access my account. Insane.
Instead of the old “forgot your password?”, – I had to go through the “sending a code to your phone”.
Only, the phone I had listed on my account was gone baby gone.
I spent two days and countless hours on the phone with the wonderful yahoo call center located who knows where explaining the situation. “Can’t send a code to a number that doesn’t exist!”
They were so happy to help me – once I signed up for the monthly maintenance program.
I kept refusing, they kept running in circles.
I finally got a woman who said she would help me (inspite of not signing up for program). We spent 20 minutes going over all the info I had gone over during the past 2 days.
We reached the end of the conversation when she said “Well, I am happy to help you. I can do that. Once you have signed up for……”
I finally called my tech person who made a house call – which I gladly paid for – and we got it sorted. Without signing up for their pathetic maintenance program.

May 13, 2024 12:37 PM
Reply to  judith

Not sure why my comment is all one paragraph. That’s not the way I printed it, and I never read or write comments in one big paragraph.
Am I doing something wrong?
How can I fix, please?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 13, 2024 1:02 PM
Reply to  judith

The comments are showing in condensed form, with ‘read more’ showing. Once you click that it displays as intended.

I’m personally not a fan either. I have passed it ‘up the ladder’. A2

May 13, 2024 3:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thank you!

(not that what I write is terribly important, it’s just easier to read comments when they are spaced out.)

May 14, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The new condensed-snippet format all right once you know to press Read More for the original. It saves scrolling over long posts.

May 13, 2024 1:15 PM
Reply to  judith

what a nightmare! I just gave up!

May 13, 2024 1:17 PM
Reply to  Sofia

but I agree that ipad ad is terrible!

May 14, 2024 6:31 AM
Reply to  Sofia

A great little story with 2 morals:

1, Scripta manent: graven or printed characters are more permanent than electrons. Especially in a dry climate. A copy of a long lost Greek comedy was found in a junk room in Egypt intact after more than 2000 years. It proved to be the original version of an epoch making plot: Boy meets Girl, Boy loses Girl, Boy gets Girl.

2, Technology is a tool. It can be used for good as well as evil.

“Three times shall I shine: first for good, the second time for evil, then for eternal Justice beyond good and evil.” — Green Lantern comics, circa 1945.

May 14, 2024 1:20 PM
Reply to  NickM

indeed, technology is a double edged sword, it is how it is used and for what purpose that is important

May 14, 2024 10:24 PM
Reply to  Sofia

No. Quite a lot of it is actually poisonous. Hazardous to health and the effects are cumulative.

May 13, 2024 8:52 AM
May 13, 2024 3:13 AM

All The Kids Love Nana…

But She is their Grandmother – Not Their Mum.

It is not my Wife’s Job to get them ready for Schoo

They do have a Muml

May 13, 2024 2:59 AM

It was a bit mad growing up in a religious cult when both my two older brothers and two older sisters passed their 11+ and got seperated from the boys and girls they had grown up with since birth (mainly Stockport Cheshire – Posh)

And My Mum and Dad moved to Oldham..and they had to get the busses an trains every day from Oldham to the Other side of Manchester – St Bedes College and Notre Damn

(They told me – its a Fate worse than death)

So my New girl – a Roman Catholic like me…said You are coming with me.

Ok – Where are We Going???

Don’t worry about it – You are coming with me.

We are both still here..and I keep saying Camping Again???

Blessed??? She has put up with me for 42 years…and I am still totally in love with her.

I reckon that is worth an A Star +… and our Grandkids are lovely too…

Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
May 13, 2024 2:18 AM

Who from Off-Guardian writes This Week In The New Normal? This was a super impressive mind boggling emotional post.

May 13, 2024 3:24 AM
Reply to  Ann in Oregon

I assume it’s Kit himself. Kit Knightly is the editor of, and a frequent contributor to, this website.

May 13, 2024 3:40 AM
Reply to  Ann in Oregon

Jun 25, 2018 175 comments
“Right to Die”, or Right to Kill?
Kit Knightly

May 13, 2024 3:07 PM
Reply to  Ann in Oregon

CCTF the maths forums says it is admin staff who write the new normal articles.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
May 13, 2024 2:05 AM

New Zealand is not the only Five Eye member to pass an euthanasia law. Canada passed one a few years ago.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-canada-politics-death/canadian-senate-passes-bill-broadening-access-to-medically-assisted-death-idUSKBN2B93 Of course the verbiage is all peachy positive noble sounding BS but as the writer said it won’t be long before the law is massively abused. It won’t be long before the US enacts one also. Will people who resist the New Normal be deemed mentally ill and candidates for reprogramming (reeducation) and if that fails euthanasia? The globalist are adding another tool to their depopulation arsenal to go along with ecocide, menticide, wars, vaccines and induced famines.

May 13, 2024 8:15 AM

Some Australian states passed this years ago.

May 13, 2024 10:03 AM

Canada also seems to have the most lax regulations and appear to be the most eager to encourage the use of its MAID program. Although NZ is trying it’s best to keep up, with bills to remove restrictions to suicide on the way.

May 13, 2024 3:13 PM

 Euthanasia law already in place, it is called the government.

Jean Palmer
Jean Palmer
May 19, 2024 7:41 PM
Reply to  eliger

also war with a draft policy is useful for euthanasia?

May 13, 2024 1:17 AM

You want better then this?

Good Luck

May 13, 2024 1:13 AM

The entire point of almost everything is to fall in love and ask her…where are we going next…

How about Camping in South Wales – just the two of us..St Davids Head…so we get there..and its like a wind storm surfing fest..just come in…where do we pay our money for the camping..its that cottage up there on the side of the hill…

So we walk the night sky and the crystal clear…and get back to our tent,,

May 13, 2024 12:51 AM

The bird is a poignant metaphor for the orchestrated tragedy in Gaza.

May 13, 2024 11:32 AM
Reply to  Johnny

That should be orchestrated GENOCIDE. Unforgiveable.

May 13, 2024 12:46 AM

Assisted dying is a mine field of emotion. Another divisive tactic from the Suiturds.
Storing stuff on the Cloud is just dumb.
Eurovision is schizoid narcissism let loose.
The Apple ad was designed to court controversy. Advertising parasites have been exploiting our sensibilities (and our gullibility of course) since the days of yore.

May 13, 2024 12:14 AM

sick of seeing ads for this disguised as cute mum n daughter videos…

Help your kids feel financially independent with a GoHenry kids’ prepaid debit card—it’s a great way for them to learn the value of money

searching for “credit card for children” brings up tons of suppliers, ” Payment cards, especially credit cards, can help your child build credit early. · Having a debit or credit card will help”

Kids can’t learn the value of money properly with like, real money?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 12, 2024 11:54 PM

The reality of assisted dying.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2024 11:10 PM

Geez, their messaging can’t get any darker and nastier. Build back better, the satanic way.

les online
les online
May 12, 2024 11:07 PM

Yes, well being Mothers Day and all that !!
Mothers – they’re a Protected Species. Go
online, dare to asperse ’em, you’ll be called
names worse than ‘virus denier’ or ‘antisemite’ !!
Let’s have none of That…

Being a Mum is hard Work..
When i was about 12 an aunt took me and a
sister off mums hands for the two weeks first
term holidays – to give mum a break…
It was a nice idea – having more than one mum…
Some remote indigenous Australian kids still have
other mums they can go to when things get a bit
tense in their immediate families…

Seems our very remote ancestors practiced what
Darcia Narvaez calls The Evolved Nest – the sharing
of the upbringing of the young (more than one mum) –
something The World could do with, in my book:


May 13, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  les online

Your post about “giving Mum a break” reminds me of an endearing anecdote about the family life of the wolf, recounted by Farley Mowat in “Never Cry Wolf”. I shan’t spoil the story by summarizing it, but “good old Uncle Charley” arrives to give Mum a break by engaging her cubs in a vigorous game of tag.

underground poet
underground poet
May 13, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  NickM

Beware of the pools posing as black ice, many a potential died from drowning in the sorrow of their drink.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 12, 2024 10:51 PM

We are doomed.comment image

May 13, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Pretty sick stuff from a very sick society.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 12, 2024 10:49 PM

The Google Docs story is a salutary lesson about who owns your work once it goes into ‘the cloud’. Clouds aren’t magic, they’re just “someone else’s computer”, so if you want to keep your material confidential or just plain private (or even just keep it) then you need to keep your own copies. By all means move stuff to the cloud if its convenient, just don’t assume its always going to be there for you.

The AlJazera story is important because Israel not only banned the channel in their country but also raided their offices, removing equipment, files and so on. Even then this wouldn’t be too remarkable except that they also did the same to AlJazera’s offices in Nazareth which is nominally in another country — the West Bank. This really underscores the notion that the West Bank is really occupied territory with the Israelis tightly controlling people in those territories (unless they’re illegal settlers, of course….). It is a bit hypocritical for the German government to complain about this, though, since they’ve had an outright ban on “Russia Today” for some years now. (Yes, I know its a Russian mouthpiece — but it does say so on the tin, its not like they’re trying to fool anyone.) The Germans have also been in the habit of prosecuting people that they think are anti-semitic using the definition of anti-semitism promulgated by the IHRA which describes any criticism of Israel or attempts to organize a boycott of the country as ‘anti-semitic’ and so criminal. (As a country they seem to have to get themselves sorted out….they haven’t a clue whether they’re coming or going on this one!)

May 25, 2024 1:19 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Google is off course awful but how many folks know how to avoid? Apart from obvious not using that email.
Degoogled phone is not easy to prepare, majority would need to have it installed. But it is fully usable.
Docs can be kept locally but real alternative is open source software and online office suite developed by UK company Collabora. Single users may use demo version (or install own if tech savvy) and companies may install own private cloud.
Minimal effort conscious people may do is to use Linux desktop with LibreOffice, degoogled phone (Android not Apple, if not fully free) and Collabora online office.

May 12, 2024 10:49 PM

A British woman in love with a German experiences the Anglo-American bombing terror and loses her German husband to the madman Hitler in the carnage on the Eastern Front.


Some audio below the pics https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/46027

May 13, 2024 12:08 AM
Reply to  Benny

What is a Hanswurst? It’s an age-old swear word for a type of character who is practically a nothing and is looked down upon by everyone else.

comment image

These days, the “(post)modern” Hanswurst is no longer dressed in such clownish rags, but in “sustainable” fashion brands such as “Jack Wolfskin”.

May 13, 2024 1:16 AM
Reply to  Benny

As a German, you always wonder where this British infatuation with German military history comes from (“Wheraboos”) . Is this somehow an act of exoneration or an attempt to denigrate the evil Germans as idiots, while they themselves have long since sunk into the mire of “multiculturalism” as a result of the world empire they used as a pawn in the war and which is now invading them? How much longer do they think they can fool themselves with this ridiculous self-delusion without having to take their hands off their eyes?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 13, 2024 12:25 PM
Reply to  Benny

Britain has always used the Germans to do their dirty Empire shit in Europe.
“We have England, and then there is the Continent”.
The Germans just dont know it. They thought they did a good thing.

May 13, 2024 1:19 AM
Reply to  Benny

(pardon, “Wehraboos”, of course)

May 13, 2024 11:16 AM
Reply to  Benny

The same “Weeny” sausage character, Hans Wors in Afrikaans, is a popular object of humour as a tall thin “beanpole”:

“My name is Hans, I’m six foot five.
When I was young I used to jive”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 13, 2024 5:18 PM
Reply to  Benny

As a small child I had a pair of these shorts that a relative had brought back from Austria on a visit. They’re really durable, the only downside being that I’d get some grief from other kids (it was early 1950s Britain…). As for the sausage stereotype, don’t knock ’em until you’ve tried them — Germany knows sausage and they’re incredible in both quality and variety compared to the generic US/UK thing.

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2024 9:28 PM

Be the first to comment ….. and get pended!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
May 12, 2024 10:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Was literally, literreally, (no u love grammar) on when they done it !


More birds under surviving tractors emoji

May 13, 2024 1:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Got a new word for you George.
It’ll give you a laugh. Or a cry:



May 13, 2024 9:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I got pended too, not sure what in my post would have alerted the algorithm.

May 12, 2024 9:28 PM

Yeah, hypocrisy abounds. It’s not even hidden now, it’s loud and proud and right up in your face. I can’t help but remember that all those college students protesting genocide were very probably more than willing to see their un jabbed former friends expelled, unemployed, and starving. I wonder how many openly ridiculed those who protested lockdowns while stating “those people” should just work from home? And yes, sorry to say, when their own Amazon delivery was interrupted because of some trucks not on the roads, I’ll bet the vitriol for those truckers was something to behold.

Wanna protest genocide? That’s great. But do it for ALL genocide, not just the latest one making the headlines in the MSM. Wanna really buck the man? First off, get that idiotic mask off of your face, a mark of compliance if there ever was one. Then take a quick peek at just which side of the fence you were on two years or so ago, and ask yourself just how much of a dissident and humanitarian you really are. You may not like the answer to that if you’re at all honest with yourself.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
May 12, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I’ve long thought Lizzy, the hardest thing for a human to avoid is being a hypocrite. It takes work and thought, and no one can claim 100% success. You’re right though, it’s at all time high now. I guess that’s part of the deal.

May 13, 2024 3:28 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Well put!

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2024 9:27 PM

Google Workspace? Well I already type these comments up in a word doc first. If I was putting a novel together I’d use my own storage and probably print out a hardcopy after every session. But I always figured that everything you type on the net is being watched by someone – or getting signalled up by software clocking various trigger words. I even wonder about spyware lurking in my PC somewhere.
Satanic images in the Eurosong? I don’t reckon it’s about subliminal messages so much as just a provocation to spark off complaints which will gladly be labelled “conservative”, “reactionary” etc. The usual whipped up shite to generate controversy and shore up those “culture wars”.
Speaking of which, Israel is getting the boot from some sections of the media to encourage more division and to try and goad some into making remarks that can be easily branded “antisemitic”. I have visions of a big manufactured “rise of irrational Jew hate” to be blamed on the “inherently evil masses”.
I see the New York Times kicking off their insect nosh article with “For Edible Bug Fans”. Get the feeling they’re not even trying anymore?  

May 13, 2024 4:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I can’t imagine anyone intentionally using anything to do with The Cloud. Don’t they realize by doing so they have forfeited their rights to their material? But people are so fascinated by the Streaming phenomenon that they’d rather be able to Stream their material than keep it.

But it saves so much space on their hard drive. And isn’t that the ultra-modern way: to let someone else take charge of their stuff and make all the decisions on what’s worth saving?