DISCUSS: Assange Wins Right to Appeal

The UK High Court has ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange does have the right to an appeal following his extradition hearing late last year.
Assange was once again absent from the court for health reasons, but speaking outside the court following the news his wife Stella Assange said:
“Now is the moment to drop this case…this case is shameful and it is taking an enormous toll on Julian”
Stella Assange addressing the crowd following Monday’s UK court hearing granting an appeal for Julian Assange: “Now is the moment to drop this case…this case is shameful and it is taking an enormous toll on Julian” #FreeAssangeNOW pic.twitter.com/CzT62FIghs
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) May 20, 2024
As we noted following the deferral of this decision back in February, the Assange case has been used to promote several agendas before now, including trials in absentia, so maybe they are keen to keep it going as much as possible.
It’s also true that some members of the UK press have very much softened their previously violent anti-Assange sentiments. That trend appears to be continuing.
Perhaps a sign that a release may be on the cards, considering Joe Biden suggested, last month, that the US may drop the case entirely.
Whatever the reasons, the stage is set for another appeal hearing later this year, perhaps timing up with the election cycle in both the UK and US.
Certainly, this will be used to propagate the idea “the system works”, and it handily extends some distracting drama, however it ultimately concludes.
But what do you think?
- Why have they allowed the appeal?
- Will the case be dropped?
- If not, will Assange win his appeal?
- Will it be used as leverage in the upcoming elections?
- If so, which candidates will suddenly become “pro-Assange”?
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F.Y.I. When he dissed “9/11 conspiracy theories” back in 2005, we assumed he was a Mossad asset deployed to run limited hangouts.
Pretty hard to believe that anypone who was such a thorn to the MIC would not just have a sudden heart attack, “turbo cancer” or fatal road accident.
They could have easily snuffed Assange out at any point and absoilutely “gotten away with it”- as if anyonw would be able to do anything about it…. CIA and friends have many times removed more politically sensitive targets than this muppet. This is all just a show for the limited hangouts.
The conventional (pseudo-debunking) response to this is something like, “Oh, no! They couldn’t simply bump off a high-profile political prisoner like Assange. It would be too obvious, apart from the prospect of making a martyr of Assange.”
Unfortunately for the complacent, this supposedly commonsensical argument was overwhelmingly refuted by, for instance, the Jeffrey Epstein “suicide”.
I agree that all of the later lawfare machinations involving Assange have a “modified limited hangout” quality. For instance, earlier this year there was a big kerfuffle over whether the US Department of “Justice” would guarantee that Assange will not be subject to the death penalty if he’s extradited to the US.
Why bother with controversial executions when Assange has already been condemned to “indefinite” captivity in a maximum security prison– not serving a sentence, but just on principle while he’s being due-processed for the rest of his natural life? 🤨
Entertainnent and distraction for the “awake” who should know better – rabbit holes don’t end at OffG. Assange is an operation.
Is Assange part of that operation?
Not necessarily. A propagandist is more convincing when he doesn’t know he’s a propagandist. And since he is always expendable, his handlers have no compunction about hammering him with the most awful physical and mental abuse. Which of course makes him look more genuine.
The Legal Limbo Cha Cha Cha, continues……….
I always thought Bugatti was an Italian supercar company, until I was enlightened, they are in fact German. Apart from being based in Alsace (which is actually German), the designers and developers of these cars are also German. A car with 1500 horsepower, what good is that? Just one hundredth of that would be enough to propel a fully loaded vehicle of this size.
I find that impertinent. Why does the whole of society suffer from symptoms of abuse, while these lunatics are driven by nothing more than to increase their madness to perfection. And then to please rich Russian oligarchs or Arab oil barons. If I were given such a vehicle as a present, I would drive it once and then immediately auction it off to the highest bidder.
This whole “super” or “hyper car” mania has a negative vibe, and I can describe why. These prepubescent show-offs are pure vanity gratification, where the swanks can show off and brag to the have-nots. It is also no coincidence that the development of these swaggering four-wheeled projectiles is presumably strongly oriented towards the needs of the Islamic macho mentality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercar_Season
One might think that these Mussulmans are too proud to want to express their machismo in products of the decadent West, which they hate so much, and instead prefer to march through Western cities on the donkeys, camels and goats to which they are entitled, but the opposite is the case. Ms. “Hirschi” (aka Supercar Blondie), who apparently married a Swiss man https://forebears.io/surnames/hirschi, is one of the “Top 30 most influential women in the Arab world”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Mary_Hirschi#Career
< these Mussulmans >
Ernie, your Clash of Civilizations prejudices are showing — and showing signs of wear. It’s been more than 10 years since le famille Rothschild bought up Charlie Hebdo to bolster their Zionazi propaganda by making foul jokes against Muslims and Christians..
You should think more about my comments before you just parrot prejudices yourself, I am neither a Jew nor a Zionist, but my affection for typical Muslim macho behavior is at least as non-existent. Do I prefer Jews to Muslims? I reject both the one and the other. And I am certainly not a capitalist (but not a communist either). I would consider myself a reflective contemporary without adhering to any particular ideology.
Thanks for your frank reply and your admission that not all Muslims are “macho”. I withdraw Zio Capitalist, with apology.
The Brits are so fucking sheepish. In most other parts of the world (outside Nothern Europe) these cars would be immediately vandalised.
The Arabic jabba-the-huts (along with their zionist counterparts) are laughing at how far the Brits and other emasculated northern Europeans are willing to bend over to get shafted.
It is said that cars are “toys for big boys”. But of course a car symbolizes much more in a consumerist society like ours, which is committed solely to appearance and showmanship, in addition to autonomy and mobility, above all status. We adorn ourselves with other people’s feathers (a product of clever developers) in order to appear larger, more powerful, more conspicuous, more significant and supposedly stand out from the rest of the crowd. The car is a penis extension and ego prosthesis.
The problem here is that attention is diverted from the ego to an external fetish, to which one transfers or surrenders one’s own identity, a pseudo-identity that is supposed to compensate for the lack of one’s own personality through powerful exhaust varooming. Of course, this only impresses people who are also equally content-free, superficial, materialistic and nihilistically oriented. At some point, this scam no longer works, at the latest when the fetish you’ve kept has to be sold off due to debt and what remains is the poor devil you only knew because of his car.
< to please rich Russian oligarchs or Arab oil barons.>
Ernie, your Anglo Zionazi Capitalist prejudices are showing.
“Anglo”? Nope, still German. Whoever speaks of “Zionazi” (or “Feminazi” etc.) adopts the vocabulary of our mortal enemies, and at best parades his ignorance.
Whoever speaks of “Russian” oligarchs or “Arab” oil barons is unconsciously repeating Anglo Zionazi Capitalist propaganda.
Not guilty of using the term “feminazi”. There are bad women and good women but, unlike the term “Zionazism” I do not know of any women’s organization devoted to the denigration, expropriation and genocide of men.
The relentless imprisonment of this honest journalist just shows the extent to which those controlling politicians, the judiciary and the media have sunk to prevent their crimes being exposed. Reiner Fuellmich, US/German lawyer, who has been going after the criminals at the top finds himself imprisoned. In a long life I cannot remember such travesties though I admit I had not until this century really been looking for them.
I put these incarcerated individuals on my church prayer list for intercessions because so few people outside of those aware of what is going on have taken notice. Most people think Julian Assange is a rapist because of the WEF-owned media.
Erin brockovich incarnate who took on VW or whatever nonsense fantasy to internuclear/ galactic supreme court!!!!
Exactly what I mean.
Pure nonsense to get the ”wet behind the ears” new alt media lot to part with there hard earned money.
Tommy 100 names robinson, Rebel media, AJ diinfor whore and even billionare Trump uses the legal fees donate now grift.
You lot will never learn.
I gave your first uptick (against 3 downs). Your prayers for 2 honest men wrongfully in prison must have touched a nerve.
In NZ, 64 year old Liz Gunn, who helped leak the whistle blower Barry Young’s data on vaccine injury, has just been found guilty of assault in a kangaroo court. Let us hope that Barry himself fairs better in his own eventual trial, which has been pushed out by an entire year
Assange to the normal folks is like James o keefe to the wet behind the ears alt media lot.
he didnt really expose anything that wasn’t available with a basic google search.
Any decent truthers have done a better job really exposing and this intelligent opertias comes along and watersdown commercialises fucks it right up by gives it a blame left blame right twist then earns millions in donations for lawyers fees grift scam.
He even had films copy cat tv series made about them.
This theatre legitimises grift journalism and sells the saviour coming to help you programme.
If you got wet or stiff about Erin brockovich then you would fallen for asset Keefe or Assange and recall folks that Assange lived in a embassy for 7 years. (migrant hotel !!) How stupid can one be.??
Erin brockovich photo…. LOL
It is in the interest of the Biden admnistration to not have Assange shipped over before the election – bad PR – they will wait till afterwards to get him. And Trump will also pursue him if he wins. The can has been kicked down the road for a while.
The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. This development has not been properly recognized outside of national security circles. It has been hidden by secrecy, complexity and scale. The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.
These transformations have come about silently, because those who know what is going on work in the global surveillance industry and have no incentives to speak out. Left to its own trajectory, within a few years, global civilization will be a postmodern surveillance dystopia, from which escape for all but the most skilled individuals will be impossible. In fact, we may already be there.
While many writers have considered what the internet means for global civilization, they are wrong. They are wrong because they do not have the sense of perspective that direct experience brings. They are wrong because they have never met the enemy.
—Julian Assange
All that time when he had the opportunity, Assange failed to publiish anything, as he promised, that would tarnish his close friend, Nethanyahu.
He has the right to appeal to the High Court of British Justice — the same “safe pairs of hands” who handed him to his Swedish and EU$A prosecutors on a “honey trap” frame-up, and who authorised his present jailing. Enough said.
RIP Dr.David Kelly.
My movie tip today: “First Encounter”. I’ve not watched it yet, I don’t know what awaits me (sadly not even 1 hour). The sounds of the first generation of digital synthesizers invited me. Allegedly a “highly controversial” director. He allegedly cheated the poor natives out of their fair share. But you know how it goes with them: If you offer them your little finger for comfort, they immediately grab your entire hand and drag you down with them into the Orcus/Abyss. Papua was once divided between the Germans, British and Dutch. Today it is one of the most crime-ridden areas in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Dutilleux
Europeans spreading their poison everywhere.
When you are a child you tend to judge nearly everything on a scale of 0-10. Even if someone is really horrible to you, and you are still alive, you wouldn’t score them lower than zero.
No one can be that horrible
I knew about Julian Assange before Craig Murray because he did computer stuf and so did I. I have never met any of these people, and did not have any communications whatsoever with Anthony John Hill – from Sheffield…who constructed this video from offiical BBC Clips “The Ripple Effect” and posted it on youtube with his own verbal commentary and analyis.
Almost no one then and now has ever heard of Anthony John Hill, who the British Government Extradited from Ireland….and stuck him in the same prison at the same time as Julian Assange.
Julian Assange got out of prison – on worldwide tv – but none of them apart from Anthiny John Hill, had the courage to do such a Brilliant Documentary and get it published on the internet
7/7 Ripple Effect is a 57-minute homemade film about 7 July 2005 London bombings, produced and narrated by John Hill. The film disputes the official account of events, a terrorist attack on public transport in Central London, by four suicide bombers.
Anthony John Hill was Found “Not Guily” by the Jury – He pesented all the evidence
Watch his video and send him a fiver – he will get fckall from his Source – The BBC, nor the British Government
I wish Julian Assange and Craig Murray well
And Anthony John Hill – The Jury let him out “Not Guilty”- a Free Man.
“7/7 Ripple Effect”
The BBC and their slimy ilk, NOT DOING their job.
So what’s new?
More here:
The BBC. A cancer in our society.
Assange, Snowden, Manning, et al are the sacrificial lambs of the RULE BY PAIN brigade.
Every minute they spend in purgatory is one more nail in the coffin of justice.
“Do as we say, not as we do”
When Manning was in solitary, throughout the sleep period, they would call into the cell through an opening in the door every 0.5-1 hour, demanding “Are you all right?”. Purportedly, this was to check whether the victim was “suicidal”.
Never forget.
Lol. Never happened. They are selling you two of their agendas just in that tiny piece, and you can’t even see: Suicide and trannies.
There’s nobody, even with top secret clearance that has access to military intel in any large format. Information is always siloed. Compartmentalized.
Furthermore Manning never had a high enough rank to have access to any military intel, so leaked nothing, was never locked up and never tortured.
Every piece of disinfo Wiklileaks has ever released is AI generated nonsense created by the State Dept, NSA and CIA.
Manning who transform whilst in stage set up called hollywood production studio supposedly in prison.
Managed to sell the lady man binary trans agenda.
I can’t decide if these commenters are NPCs or agents of disinformation. They consume every narrative as if its all real. Without even questioning the obvious red flags in the psyops and hoaxes.
Nope: all the world’s a stage and you’re the sucker born every minute.
Bread and Circus for the people.
If the US, Sweden, or UK ever had a misgiving as to prosecuting they’d have let him go. Look at the years gone by. This is the punishment without trial. Extending the hopium is how the system perpetuates public false consciousness. The president’s missive is an extension method. “Maybes”, appeals, etc., are how the capitalist 1%’s State operates to neutralize public will to decide policy. If we voted, opinioned or whatever method, asserted public will in a fully informed and vetted public forum, insane injustice like this would never exist. Nor would the 1%’s cloaked totalitarianism.
Assange is a CIA psyop. Please read ‘Deconstructing Wikileaks’ by Daniel Estulin. Excellent background to Assange and Wikileaks’ as Rockefeller funded psyop. Ask yourself why the MSM gives his story so much coverage!
It would certainly explain his dismissive comments about 9/11.
Ah, there is nothing like being stupid. An extremist no less. Everyone can see that your dick of idiocy is hanging out.
Even the thrill of winding up the “supporters” for a giggle is a schoolboy tedium. Yawn..
A box of rocks has somehow convinved itself how bright it is. Most impressive. Keep up the great work!
Yes you are very perceptive, I appreciate your concurrence.
lol. Dunning Kruger effect on a steady diet of msm propaganda with a side of viral delusion.
Claimed the rabies hoax is totally real on another thread.
Yes, you are correct!
Smear, smear, smear
But it won’t work here.
Great to see that my instincts about Assange are correct.
From the forward to ‘Deconstructing Wikileaks’ by Daniel Estulin:
“So when I see Assange receiving The Economist’s New Media Award and being made person of the year by Time, I have to wonder what’s going on, especially when people from those same organisations are attendees at the annual Bilderberg Group conference… but never report on it.”
Has he told his handlers he got a rotten deal?
He’s a bad actor. Even though his entire childhood was supposedly spent in his mother and stepfathers’ traveling stage show. First clue, he’s an actor.
The Ann Hamilton Byrne “The Family” hoax Julian was allegedly involved in as a child, is one of lamest hoaxes ever concocted. Second clue.
“The Family” is a code name used amongst masonic cults, just like “The Order”. Third clue.
When Richard Hall read out the repulsive, salacious details of the patently absurd sex story that “allegedly” stitched Assange up, (the no condom nonsense Eugenicists are obsessed with) it was in your face absurd, because Assange reeks of gaaaaay.
Game, set and match, even without Cass Sunstein, Obama’s nudge czar – introducing Wikileaks to the world (as Chinese dissidents??!!) as a cognitive infiltration, NSA psyop to disseminate complete and utter nonsense and undermine 9-11 truthers.
It’s more likely Estulin is the psyop here, not Assange. Over a decade caged and now tortured to ill health and Assange is a psyop? I don’t believe any “agent” is ever going to tolerate that without ratting out or being executed. He is being brutally punished without crime or trial. Estulin’s assertions are speculative and he quotes Lyndon LaRouche who is positively a CIA psyop.
Its a sort of reverse justice system — jail in a supermax, followed by appeal, followed by indictment etc. A bit of a nonsense if you ask me but it does show just how thin the veneer of due process is covering raw power.
The American prosecutor is a very anarchic beast. If they take a personal dislike to you then their tenacity is nothing short of a vendetta and since they have serious state or federal power behind them there’s no incentive for them to use judgment, they’ll just grind way for the win regardless. (The case of Eric Baldwin and the tragic accident on the film set of “Rust” is a good example — the prosecutor has a been in his/her bonnet and so nothing will stop them.) Since the entire British government and justice system is effectively blindly subservient to the US it puts someone like Assange in serious peril — they won’t let up and there’s no easy way to just turn around and say “Sorry, this just isn’t in the public interest”.
< A bit of a nonsense if you ask me but it does show just how thin the veneer of due process is covering raw power. >
Well said, but the POH (Persecutors On High) might let go of their prey yet because elections are coming and they are losing votes. Assange is still a relatively young man, has a loyal wife and friends, and has carried himself with dignity that bodes well for his resumption of normal life. Think of Solzhenitzyn, still a powerful influence for good after his release and into old age. Where there’s life there’s hope.
Fake Iran’s Fake President faked his death in a fake helicopter’s fake crash. Fake media sensation to follow.
Lets see when the staged event happens in the West, the same demedia will be less stupid and the same viewers wont cry there superhero president/PM died due to wanting to make changes and the deep state was petrified . 💤
You are a moron, eliger.
We could perhaps view the Iranian President as a “fake President” given that the President is not the head of state and it seems to be mostly a ceremonial position with the real power held by the Supreme Leader.
Saying things are a certain way without providing evidence to support the underlying claim is worthless. Where did you get the idea that anyone would just take your word for it without a shred of evidence?
If you really believe that stuff, show us the evidence. If you don’t have the evidence, stop wasting people’s time with infantile attention seeking.
Iran is fake – as in a fake sovereign nation provding fake opposition? Well, for starters:
Obviously they have nothing to do with key globalist institutions:
Have they withdrawn from any of them? I must’ve missed it…
Or with key parts of the globalist agenda:
What about the Iranian Central Bank? Is it one of the ‘good’ ones?…
Finally, let’s add some circumstantial evidence: Iran was part of the British Empire… Khomeini was in Paris during his exile (just the place for an ultra-austere Moslem – or for liaison with foreign intelligence?)…. the 1979-80 “hostage crisis” featured blindfolded hostages paraded as if in freemasonic initiation ritual and ended after a coincidental 444 days…. the new regime promptly embroiled the country in a pointless war that achieved nothing except depopulation, arms sales and ritual blood sacrifice…. Ahmadinejad appeared on the Larry King Show and gave the host a Freemasonic handshake greeting….
Yep, there’s literally no evidence to suggest Iranian sovereignty and opposition are fake.
You make a lot of good points there Edwige but none of what you have said bears any relation to the comment that I made. Given there seems to be confusion on your part as to what I said, I will reiterate.
The comment that I was responding to referred to the “fake crash of a fake helicopter”
:My sole point was to assert that when people claim events are fake, they should provide evidence to substantiate that claim. That is it.
I was not even trying to say that the helicopter and crash are real, merely that if they were not real, evidence is required to support that claim.
At no point have I or did I assert that the Iranian revolution was an authentic people’s revolution or anything like that.
I do not understand why you would seek to impose views upon me that I have never expressed?
I know that the Iranian revolution was stage managed, I know that Iran and the entire Axis of resistance are allied with the globalists.
Where and when did I say otherwise?
Western media describe Iran’s previous now dead President as a ultra conservative, self-hating doo, a homophobic hardliner who cried out against debt and usury loans a little too often in public.
Forgot to say that Iran’s previous President was also oppressing women.
One thing I know for certain is that Assange wasn’t in the Ecuadorian embassy for as long as claimed in the media. He entered the embassy a few days after it was reported. Why this wasn’t reported accurately I can’t say, but I’ve never trusted that Assange is an alternative voice due to this.
I also don’t trust his fellow travellers (see Craig Murray) as they know he wasn’t in there for as long as claimed either.
Court cases / tribunals / mass arrest. acquittals.
ICC has issued a arrest warrant War crimes prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders, including NetanyahuNo different than Q saying all the democrats where going to get arrest
Trust the plan.
it is aimed a demographic of believers in the voting system.
with respect, its about time people starting growing up as not long ago the same courts said ;”getting vaccinated to work” or ”needing a vaccination to visit hospitals/nursing homes ” was not illegal.
The same people who sold you, vaccine passports to keep you safe.
They repeated the same grift in each different era.
Bush Convicted of War Crimes at Tribunal
Certainly, this will be used to propagate the illusion “the system works.”
Are we sure that Assange is alive?
Possibly it’s the dragging out of the process that’s more important than the end result.
Reminiscent of the Gary McKinnon case a few years back, the NASA hacker; Which too was dragged out seemingly ad infinitum. Yes, McKinnon ultimately won, but the status of the clever ‘hacker’ subsequently plummeted.
May now be the same for the wannabe military whistle-blower. The extended lesson over a few years proving more desirable than a short sharp shock
I was gonna say at least we van drag it on for a bit longer till somebody gives a shit Till I read your comment.
Gary and others in Europe not only infiltrated the super-secure computer systems of the imperial military, they made fools of it, e.g., getting large orders of fast food or other things delivered to it.
Maybe they “allowed” the appeal ’cause, from the start, they knew it was, and now know it is, an obvious lost cause, and that, since they’ve tortured him as long and as much as allowed by law, have irreparably harmed him and utterly destroyed his life, they are satisfied.
I don’t think any politician will get any political capital out of J.A. and I sure wouldn’t vote for anyone who tried.
It’s thanks to the tireless, nameless advocates who worked like hell and never gave up or shut up, people like Misty Winston, for example, who succeeded on J.A.’s behalf where “officialdom” failed miserably.
I’m not sure but there’s a lot of fishy stuff with assange’s team.
A friend of a friend who is close to his team warned them multiple times about Julian getting a covid shot in jail. They ignored him.. later when he got a stroke, I was like fuck… Probably the jabs.
You would think they wouldn’t trust a new shot, especially with the conspiracy shit they know.
Also way back assange said investigating 911 is not important… And funny how WikiLeaks could very well be sitting on leaks about that and covid…. Instead they focused on things here and there.
The covid shot thing could have been easily used to take him out. Or even just say he died of con-vid. They didn’t do this. Hmm
It’s all about endless suffering as punishment that everyone can see. The show must go on.
Makes sense. I’ve known that the MSM has been lying to us about Assange since 2012 and so I’ve considered it a psyop for over 10 years.
If it quacks like a psyop…
No matter what any conspiracy theorist or self hating doo says, I will continue to believe in my government! 😎 .
I think they’re just stalling until after the UK and US election cycles. Starmer’s involvement with Assange’s case makes it a politically sensitive issue.