From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech
John & Nisha Whitehead
“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.”
William Ruger, “Free Speech Is Central to Our Dignity as Humans”
The police state does not want citizens who know their rights. Nor does the police state want citizens prepared to exercise those rights.
This year’s graduates are a prime example of this master class in compliance. Their time in college has been set against a backdrop of crackdowns, lockdowns and permacrises ranging from the government’s authoritarian COVID-19 tactics to its more recent militant response to campus protests.
Born in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, these young people have been raised without any expectation of privacy in a technologically-driven, mass surveillance state; educated in schools that teach conformity and compliance; saddled with a debt-ridden economy on the brink of implosion; made vulnerable by the blowback from a military empire constantly waging war against shadowy enemies; policed by government agents armed to the teeth ready and able to lock down the country at a moment’s notice; and forced to march in lockstep with a government that no longer exists to serve the people but which demands they be obedient slaves or suffer the consequences.
And now, when they should be empowered to take their rightful place in society as citizens who fully understand and exercise their right to speak truth to power, they are being censored, silenced and shut down.
Consider what happened recently in Charlottesville, Va., when riot police were called in to shut down campus protests at the University of Virginia staged by students and members of the community to express their opposition to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine.
As the local newspaper reported, “State police sporting tactical gear and riot shields moved in on the demonstrators, using pepper spray and sheer force to disperse the group and arrest the roughly 15 or so at the camp, where for days students, faculty and community members had sang songs, read poetry and painted signs in protest of Israel’s ongoing war in the Palestinian territory of Gaza.”
What a sad turn-about for an institution which was founded as an experiment in cultivating an informed citizenry by Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, champion of the Bill of Rights, and the nation’s third president.
Unfortunately, the University of Virginia is not unique in its heavy-handed response to what have been largely peaceful anti-war protests. According to the Washington Post, more than 2300 people have been arrested for taking part in similar campus protests across the country.
These lessons in compliance, while expected, are what comes of challenging the police state.
What was unexpected were the campus protests themselves.
For those of us who came of age in the 1960s, college campuses were once the bastion of free speech, awash with student protests, sit-ins, marches, pamphleteering, and other expressive acts showing our displeasure with war, the Establishment and the status quo.
Contrast that with college campuses today, which have become breeding grounds for compliant citizens and bastions of censorship, trigger warnings, microaggressions, and “red light” speech policies targeting anything that might cause someone to feel uncomfortable, unsafe or offended.
Free speech can certainly not be considered “free” when expressive activities across the nation are being increasingly limited, restricted to so-called free speech zones, or altogether blocked.
Remember, the First Amendment gives every American the right to “petition his government for a redress of grievances.”
There was a time in this country, back when the British were running things, that if you spoke your mind and it ticked off the wrong people, you’d soon find yourself in jail for offending the king.
Reacting to this injustice, when it was time to write the Constitution, America’s founders argued for a Bill of Rights, of which the First Amendment protects the right to free speech. James Madison, the father of the Constitution, was very clear about the fact that he wrote the First Amendment to protect the minority against the majority.
What Madison meant by minority is “offensive speech.”
Unfortunately, we don’t honor that principle as much as we should today. In fact, we seem to be witnessing a politically correct philosophy at play, one shared by both the extreme left and the extreme right, which aims to stifle all expression that doesn’t fit within their parameters of what they consider to be “acceptable” speech.
There are all kinds of labels put on such speech—it’s been called politically incorrect speech, hate speech, offensive speech, and so on—but really, the message being conveyed is that you don’t have a right to express yourself if certain people or groups don’t like or agree with what you are saying.
Hence, we have seen the caging of free speech in recent years, through the use of so-called “free speech zones” on college campuses and at political events, the requirement of speech permits in parks and community gatherings, and the policing of online forums.
Clearly, this elitist, monolithic mindset is at odds with everything America is supposed to stand for.
Indeed, we should be encouraging people to debate issues and air their views. Instead, by muzzling free speech, we are contributing to a growing underclass of Americans—many of whom have been labeled racists, rednecks and religious bigots—who are being told that they can’t take part in American public life unless they “fit in.”
Remember, the First Amendment acts as a steam valve. It allows people to speak their minds, air their grievances and contribute to a larger dialogue that hopefully results in a more just world. When there is no steam valve to release the pressure, frustration builds, anger grows and people become more volatile and desperate to force a conversation.
The attempt to stifle certain forms of speech is where we go wrong.
In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that it is “a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment…that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.” For example, it is not a question of whether the Confederate flag represents racism but whether banning it leads to even greater problems, namely, the loss of freedom in general.
Along with the constitutional right to peacefully (and that means non-violently) assemble, the right to free speech allows us to challenge the government through protests and demonstrations and to attempt to change the world around us—for the better or the worse—through protests and counterprotests.
If citizens cannot stand out in the open and voice their disapproval of their government, its representatives and its policies without fearing prosecution, then the First Amendment with all its robust protections for free speech, assembly and the right to petition one’s government for a redress of grievances is little more than window-dressing on a store window—pretty to look at but serving little real purpose.
After all, living in a representative republic means that each person has the right to take a stand for what they think is right, whether that means marching outside the halls of government, wearing clothing with provocative statements, or simply holding up a sign.
That’s what the First Amendment is supposed to be about: it assures the citizenry of the right to express their concerns about their government to their government, in a time, place and manner best suited to ensuring that those concerns are heard.
Unfortunately, through a series of carefully crafted legislative steps and politically expedient court rulings, government officials have managed to disembowel this fundamental freedom, rendering it with little more meaning than the right to file a lawsuit against government officials.
In more and more cases, the government is declaring war on what should be protected political speech whenever it challenges the government’s power, reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.
Indeed, there is a long and growing list of the kinds of speech that the government considers dangerous enough to red flag and subject to censorship, surveillance, investigation and prosecution: hate speech, conspiratorial speech, treasonous speech, threatening speech, inflammatory speech, radical speech, anti-government speech, extremist speech, etc.
Clearly, the government has no interest in hearing what “we the people” have to say.
Yet if Americans are not able to peacefully assemble for expressive activity outside of the halls of government or on public roads on which government officials must pass, or on college campuses, the First Amendment has lost all meaning.
If we cannot stand peacefully outside of the Supreme Court or the Capitol or the White House, our ability to hold the government accountable for its actions is threatened, and so are the rights and liberties that we cherish as Americans.
And if we cannot proclaim our feelings about the government, no matter how controversial, on our clothing, or to passersby, or to the users of the world wide web, then the First Amendment really has become an exercise in futility.
The source of the protest shouldn’t matter. The politics of the protesters are immaterial.
To play politics with the First Amendment encourages a double standard that will see us all muzzled in the end.
You don’t have to agree with someone to defend their freedoms.
Responsible citizenship means being outraged at the loss of others’ freedoms, even when our own are not directly threatened. It means remembering that the prime function of any free government is to protect the weak against the strong. And it means speaking up for those with whom you might disagree.
The Framers of the Constitution knew very well that whenever and wherever democratic governments had failed, it was because the people had abdicated their responsibility as guardians of freedom. They also knew that whenever in history the people rejected this responsibility, an authoritarian regime arose which eventually denied the people the right to govern themselves.
The demons of our age—some of whom disguise themselves as politicians—delight in fomenting violence, sowing distrust and prejudice, and persuading the public to support tyranny disguised as patriotism.
Overcoming the evils of our age will require us to stop marching in lockstep with the police state and start thinking—and speaking—for ourselves.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your political ideology is: it’s our civic duty to make the government hear us—and heed us—using every nonviolent means available to us: picket, protest, march, boycott, speak up, sound off and reclaim control over the narrative about what is really going on in this country.
The power elite has made their intentions clear: they will pursue and prosecute any and all words, thoughts and expressions that challenge their authority.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is the final link in the police state chain.
If ever there were a time for us to stand up for the right to speak freely, even if it’s freedom for speech we hate, the time is now.
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I’m guessing that people don’t actually know what ‘hamas’ means. And yet it occurs over 160 times in the OT. First occurrence in Genesis 6:11 (noun form, last word of the verse).
In Aramaic it carries a stronger meaning than the Hebrew ‘violence’. That of ‘violently seizing’ (cf hostages), rather than mere violence per se.
In Arabic, it’s just about being ‘strict’. Arabs oblivious to the effect of the word in other cultures? …
< it [the word “hamas” meaning violence] occurs over 160 times in the OT.”
So, simply by reading their Bible the Israelis learn well the meaning of violence (“hamas”). That explains the thousands of hostages in Israeli prisons — men, women and children — “violently seized” and violently treated: beatings, rape, murder, and organs removed for sale.
I read the Old Testament as a boy, and was appalled:
“Ye shall kill even the little baby boy in his cradle” — OT
Most Israelis today seem unaware of how appalling Apartheid and Genocide seems to post-WW2 ears. They remind me of the Europeans in South Africa of my early childhood, 1934-1940. A state of mind called “verkrampte” (cramped, or wearing heavy blinkers). By the time I got to university the blinkers were beginning to open. By 1980 South Africans gave up Apartheid and avoided a Genocide.
I pray the same will happen in Israel, and the people will remove their “man-forged manacles of the mind”.
I think that the battles of the OT were primarily regarded as battles between the gods of the warring parties. Our God is better than your god. The principle in wiping out your enemy being that if you didn’t then survivors would come back to bite you at a later date (as with King Saul’s failure to wipe out Amalek).
While such conflicts can seem harsh to modern ears, at the same time we moderners have benefited from them. Their ancient wars determined our present. Which is why few nowadays feel inclined to worship lumps of stone or metal as gods. And even if people nowadays reject the notion of a God entirely then they at least retain a concept of what they’re rejecting that is unlikely to include physical idols. We have the wars of the past to thank for that
While EU plays Freeze and Seize with Russian funds, Chinese money quietly and quickly moves to safer banks.
Both China and the Fed dump U$ Treasury bonds: Rates will soar to attract U$ investors
America-First Beats AIPAC Candidates in Republican Primary
The Z word is the link between Con-911, Con-WMD, Con-19 and Con-Ten7: Z as in Anglo Zio Capitalism; Z as in naZi; and Z as in Zelensky. The “West” (which includes Israel in the Middle East and ANZ in the Far East) is now governed by a conspiracy of hereditary Corporate NaZi Oligarchs — a large proportion of whom are the naZi brand of Zionist.
Up till now Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim feeling (stirred up by Middle Eastern oil) has been the main link between the Anglo Corporate Fascists and the Zio-naZis: because “Those dirty wogs are hiding our oil under their land”.
But this latest phenomenon, that the Whiteheads report — where governments of the U$A and other “Western” countries brutally suppress the instinctive, natural revulsion of young people against Genocide — especially against genocide of women and children: this crackdown is a sign that the “Western” world is now thoroughly in the hands of a cabal of Nazis. This cabal of Corporate Fascists and Zio-nazis must be rooted out before they plunge the “Western” world into WW3 against Russia, China, Iran and allies from RoW: a war which we in “the West” are bound to lose — and lose heavily.
My regrets to Mr. Whitehead, its the usual leftist destabilise society will make it better new speak.
“Laest mich schlaaaafen” (Let me sleeeep) — Wagner, The Ring.
The Era of Cognitive Warfare.
“To accelerate the paradigm shift toward total surveillance, cognitive
warfare (CW) – a significant upgrade over mere psyops of the past –
has been declared on the global population. The purpose of this war
is to modify human thought, belief, behavior and identity. According to
a 2021 NATO report, cognitive warfare is defined as (emphasis added
throughout): “…a combined arms approach that integrates the non-
kinetic warfare capabilities of cyber, information, psychological and
social engineering in order to win without physical fighting. This is a
new type of warfare defined as the weaponization of public opinion
by external entities. this is carried out for the purpose of influencing or
destabilizing a nation.”
A separate NATO report for 2022 adds that cognitive warfare “…the
most advanced form of human mental manipulation, to date, permitting
influence over individual or collective behavior, with the goal of obtaining
a tactical or strategic advantage…the human brain becomes the battlefield.
The pursued objective is to influence not only what the targets think, but
also the way they think and, ultimately, the way they act.”
Cognitive Warfare And The Tyranny Of Digital Transformation:
Politician’s motto: “Rule By Deception.”
Cognitive Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation
The real history of the USA. This three part series pertains to the law, banking, the real power behind the “nations” The Constitution Of No Authority. And the internal memo between Inner Temple Crown agents, called the Declaration of Indepedence.
Part 1 (1666-1840)
Part 2 (1840 – 1939)
Part 3 (1939 – 2012)
And for those who want to know the truth about central world control, is tired of the Hegelian Dialectic, the faux binaries, the divide and conquer narratives and the fake Jew World Order psyop, here’s a blog with dozens of well researched articles, cutting through all the illusions, explaining mind control, the Cult of Saturn/Satan and revised human history.
A few good nuggets but “humans are obligate hyper-carnivores” ???
Lol Yeah. But no site’s perfect. He reversed his cancer through going carnivore, so he’s somewhat biased.
Maybe we aren’t meant to eat vegetarian/vegan 100% of the time, or omnivore 100% of the time or carnivore 100% but vary our diet more along paleo lines, eating seasonally, fasting occasionally. In our past history, that could have been carnivore or fish every winter.
There’s no shortage in the Alt media of talk about the physical effects of the Covid mRNA vaccine. Maybe it’s time we talked about the possible psychological effects.
Specifically, in terms of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians. I recall a couple years back reading that Israel was one of the most, if not the most, heavily vaccinated nations in the world. It was practically mandatory.
The question arises whether that well documented poison worked hand in glove with the propaganda poison Israeli children are raised with to produce a hatred so intense that absolutely no atrocity is frowned on by the vast majority.
If there really is a connection, and if billions really were jabbed – it may be time to seriously consider moving to another planet.
No population ever accepts or wants those orchestrated corporate “conflicts”. They only benefit the owners of the corporations fronting as “governments”.
Who raised you with hatred of humanity? Lucifer?
I’ll start a go-fund-me campaign to buy you and Sociopath one way tickets to the far side of the moon. On the Jeff Bezos Prick Rocket.
I think it works the other way around. Israel is not the most Nazi country because the most jabbed, but contrarywise: Israel the most jabbed because it is the most Nazi. Many chapters in the Old Testament are a blueprint for Ethnic Suprematism, Ethnic Prejudice, Ethnic Cleansing and Practical Genocide. Jewish kids in Israel swallow that stuff at school. Like the Nazi Germany, this indoctrination in Ethnic Solidarity makes for a social cohesion which shows up in military strength, industrial efficiency — and social conformity in “being jabbed”.
Yep, it’s important to be able to protest in exactly the way George Soros wants us to:
George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests
That Post article is decidedly “pro-Israel” and the chump change money dumps are branded “anti-Israel”. Notice how the point of view depicted defines a false binary desired by the false binary generating Two Parties. That these protests are not Anti-War. They are anti-war protests as have happened in the past. The SYSTEM has played both sides of the false binary, post WW2 CIA era. By clearly allowing Soros chump change bread crumbs to be MSM news items, the authenticity of ant-war protest is cancelled. The SYSTEM wants two sides with equal lack of authenticity and value as the reigning order. There’s no choice there for the public to rally behind. Hate red vs hate blue neutralizes YOU from knowing whayt’s really happening.. USAID is a subsidiary of the CIA as are a ton of orgs and individuals paid to manipulate perceptions. They were also deep into the Peace Movement since the 60’s with well known intellectuals. The money, from the likes of Soros or State, and the spin gives a false appearance that oppositional movements are inauthentic. By doing this the SYSTEM has it both ways, even in the midst of real opposition. They can have their geopilitical wars of extraction, now on three continents threatening WW3, keep the dollar and it’s debt merchants hegemonic, while hosing up commoner’s money and lives at home while the 1% roll in wealth and authority. The secret is to be aware that every view you see in the mainstream may be a false binary building block requiring cross check research. One red flag on this article is the highly visible floating Soros target that is EVERYWHERE, all the time for conservatives (Republiconned), and the absolute avoidance of the term, anti-war protest. Then, the inclusion of Noam Chomsky, who is absolutely anti-war, pro Palestine,… Read more »
Good points, but ‘anti-war’ is one thing, ‘anti-Israel’ another.
The current protests aren’t just anti-war (unlike say the Vietnam War protests of the ’60s, ’70s). They are overtly anti-Israel. Therein lieth the difference. Observable in any of the slogans of a typical pro-Palestine ‘protest’. None of Vietnam War protests were anti-America per se.
So a real binary remains (re Israel):
“I will bless those who bless you…” (Gen 12:3)
The US/West War Machine post WW2 has pushed the UN to turn Palestinians into mirrors of Indigenous Americans pushed into “reservations” on the way to genocide. Israel, economically funded and militarily enabled by the US/West, now acts exactly as did the Nazis towards Jews, Gypsies, dissidents, slackers and undesirable intellectuals.No treaties or agreements are ever respected by Israel and in fact incrementally stolen lands from 1947 on. Just as American Indigenous since Columbus. Any sensible human being knows that should a land be forcibly occupied as Palestine, the very least done should be equal division, both agreeing and sovereignty for both with reparations for the confiscated. This is the minimum for such a crime. “Antisemitism” is now all the rage for use by the SYSTEM to negate all opposition in any form. They must play up the antisemitic meme, by valorizing and creating the obvious conflict, and feeding, not solving it, to keep the Middle East and it’s oil resources under dollar/Western control.
Israel gave back the whole of the Sinai peninsula to Egypt for free, so how desperate for oil they are is debatable.
But ‘Avarice’ is a forgotten factor.
The early Arabs *sold* land to Israeli settlers. It was only when the shift of numbers became tangible that it ever became a problem. So land wasn’t ‘stolen’ in the early days (at least pre-1948); it was sold. By contrast, I don’t recall Indigenous Americans ever selling any land to those who’d arrived with their superior European superior firepower.
So who’s ultimately to blame? Dunno. Some Arabs realized they were doing wrong, even as they sold their land. Make your enemy stronger and you ultimately reap the consequences .. but then who knows the future effects of all their actions
Storyville – Blue Box
This “both sides are to blame” is the script promoted by the West/US for over 75 years and is the backbone justification for profitable and totally evil genocidal violence. American Indigenous peoples did indeed trade or sale land use. Remember Manhattan was supposedly traded for beads? The Indigenous just had no way to envision that anyone could actually think they own land or be as consciously ruthless as the White Man and his arrogant Doctrine of Discovery that was used to justify genocidal greed. Columbus and cohorts genocided 8 million in Cuba/Haiti. And it still goes on today. Not one, not one Indigenous treaty signed with US gov’t has ever been respected by the US gov’t. The Nazis and now the Israelis imitate the same model the US/West forged long ago. Any reparations would be in the multiple trillions of dollars. Incremental theft, lies, treachery and slaughter is a prime process of US “settler colonialism”. It’s a human disgrace. War is the operating system of capitalism and the halting of it would unacceptably allow Humanity to take a breath and realize mass accumulation of excess wealth and authority in the hands of a few idiot fools is not to be tolerated in the 21st C.
And why is that do you think? Take away the illusion of separate sovereign nation states and what is there?
Central world control.
Why won’t the UN ever prevent or stop a single “conflict”? Because they orchestrate them. It’s their policy. Without the wars, there’s no forced immigration. And it stops rebellion of the slaves.
Don’t fall for every divide and conquer psyop the mind control media throw at you like a piece of red meat, with the same old dog whistle.
I had a discussion 35 odd years ago with a decent Church of England man about the limits of Quaker pacifism. We both agreed that it’s limits were crossed when nazis like Hitler turned up, as they had contempt for human decency and negotiation, were riven with an obsession to conquer and were utterly shameless in killing whoever got in their way.
Appeasing Zionists has the same result.
Next time Jews say
‘I feel unsafe in London’,
people should respond with:
‘Good, you deserve to feel unsafe. It’s better than not feeling anything because you were a dead Palestinian, isn’t it?’
Would you say that ‘being anti-Germany’ was wrong in 1939??
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being ‘anti-Israel’ right now. A vast majority of the Israeli population are pro-genocide, so it’s not a government, it’s a people behaving like that.
If the State of Israel wishing to retain the right to exist, it has to retain the belief that non-Jews are not inferior, that people who have lived in Palestine for thousands of years will forever have the right to remain there and that killing non-Jews for land, oil and gas is the act of genocidal terrorists unfit to remain outside a prison cell or, alternatively, a grave.
Don’t gotta pay the protesters, there’s a lot about Israel to hate…
The Nazi Israel government and deeply racist society are particularly abhorrent.
Google front page….
in your face.
The U.K is talking up the war drum pre selections period like its a good thing for woke youngsters to go join the army or end up in prison if you dont.
If I were 18 right now, I’d march with my mates holding aloft banners saying ‘Sunak’s 21 century Charge of the Light Brigade!”
I have read this article many times before, by other authors.
It goes like this: Supposedly free thinking American feels indignant with the USA fascist state and invokes the Constitution, written by the masonic founders of the fascist state.
I don’t agree with the fairy tale that there was any decency in any orginal American republic that got hijacked by “democratic” parasites later. The American project has unfolded as planned.
We are talking about a culture so lost in its ignorance, selfish arrogance, hubris and Biblical delusions that THEY CARVED THE HEADS OF THEIR PATRIARCHS ON A MOUNTAIN after killing off any native folks who might have objected and taking the land… yeah, they really did that, they called it Mt Rushmore, and I haven’t seen any of the “freedom” folks talking about it.
It is real (haha) I’ve seen it. Another over-sized Imperialist gesture.
The Constitution was based on the miracle-denying (aka Masonic) concepts of the French Revolution (hence truths are held to be ‘self-evident’ in Clause 1, rather than “God given”).
But such ideas are the antithesis of the widespread Biblical “delusions” not their complement
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, champion of the Bill of Rights, and the nation’s third president.
And yet . . .
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal,” and yet enslaved more than 600 people over the course of his life. Thomas Jefferson called slavery a “moral depravity” and a “hideous blot,” but continued to hold human beings as property his entire adult life.
And so it went, and so it goes. Delusions stacked upon delusions and upon more delusions.
Zionist money controls the USA. Those who accept it will ensure the warmongering genocidal agenda will continue. Those who oppose them will be silenced.
Unless there is a bloody revolt. Con-911 and the War of Terror show you how bloody the crackdown will be against any revolt.
The fact you have to ask permission to demonstrate as you do in the U.K.
can hardly be called a demonstration.
any real unscheduled demonstration scares the shit out of them.
Usually there the ones alt media wont be allowed to mention as they get orders from HQ in to what ones are allowed to promote.
And even after the protests it continues the same.
If there is no protesting people feel bad because they did not speak up. But do the protest carry any weight? Or do the protesters go home with a warm glow that they tried….hmmm
If a protest is government approved, it isnt a protest. It’s a rally.
There is a difference between approving of its premise and granting the right of anyone, including all political opponents, to protest peacefully, provided they abide by public order rules.
A protest that starts killing citizens, looting commercial property, is not a protest, it is a riot, an insurrection etc etc.
It’s also true in the US, which of course is what the article is about.
It’s a bitter and discouraging proof of The Dumbing of Amerika that when the Orwellian doublespeak label “Free Speech Zones” was introduced, only some fringe critics called it out as an intelligence-insulting oxymoron. 🤨
Pro Palestinian?
What about pro humanity:
O/T, but is my reply to your post to ‘Researcher’, on an Off-G article of a couple of days ago. The link below takes you straight to my post to you.
N.B., the comment may or may not yet have been printed, for I only typed it approx. 30 mins ago.
Apologies for having posted here (a few minutes ago) a link to my post to you on another Off-G article! I’ve just discovered that you’ve already seen it on that earlier document, and responded.
The international courts are even more of a joke than the national ones when it comes to the “globalist” agenda. Israel has as a matter of principle committed war crimes in response to unfavourable rulings in the past. It is exactly like a Jabba-the-hut who will laugh at you for thinking there is any kind of fair or due process that can be applied to it.
You cannot understand what you’re dealing with unless you understand it does not care for any kind of dignity, even its own, and will continue with the Geater Israel program and continue to produce outrageous, insulting lies about it until it is stopped by external forces- preferably natural causes! The collapse of NATO and the USA is the only realistic chance in the material world, but will take some more time and a lot more “collateral damage”…
Sadly i don’t see any future for the Palestinians as an ethnic group. Dispersion is their only chance now and that is a slim chance… their muslim “brothers” apparently are not all that brotherly after all!
Palestinians might thank you for your sympathy but they don’t really need it. Palestinians built Gaza before Israel was ever heard of.
Alexander the Great destroyed Gaza with a small genocide (nothing like the Yahoo’s genocide of 35,000 women and children; Alexander only executed the entire Gazan army — about 4,000 men). Yet the Palestinians rebuilt their City State.
When General Allenby invaded Palestine in WW1 he found Gaza a pleasant well-watered land that exported the barley for Manchester’s beer, and was famous for the fineness of its cotton (guess where the word Gauze comes from).
Because of the brilliant victory of Hamas over the IDF on Oct7, the Palestinian State is now back on the UN agenda. Israel will not only have to pay reparations for Genocide and pay to rebuild Gaza. After that is done, Israel will then have to do what it has been avoiding since 1947: instead of relying on oil powers UK and U$A to help Israelis steal Palistinian land by armed force, Israelis will now have to negotiate with their fellow Semites about how to divide the Holy Land between the Peoples of the Book. Anyone who lives in the Middle East knows that they are in for a treat of bargaining by the masters.
I wish long life to any country and its people in the EU$AA may they survive for as many thousand years as Gaza and its Palestinians have survived.
The repression of the Palestinians is very useful forvfomenting muslim ‘radicalisation’ around the world to maintain the terror threat to an acceptable level.
Where the ICC stands is well illustrated by its readiness to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for kidnapping children and reluctance to arrest Benjamin Netanyhau for policies that actually result in massacring them. It, like all courts, is political and its recent move against Bibi (and Hamas, of course) was designed more to salvage what’s left of its credibility than to actually further the interests of natural justice.
Yes, I thought so too. But this recent action, though laggard, shows that the functionaries in the ICC know which way the world is turning.
“Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis, ” — WikiPaedia
It does no good to shift the field. Pro Palestinian very clearly, very concisely expresses outrage for what is happening to a particular people at a particular period in history. As such, it’s something concrete that can be immediately understood and dealt with.
Pro humanity, conversely, is an abstract concept with no clearly observed referent in reality. Yes, it supposedly encompasses all people on the planet. But because it does not focus attention on something that can be easily identified, it can easily be ignored – or worse, it can be easily manipulated to fit narratives designed to obscure nefarious activities, such as genocide.
“Oh, the poor Israelis are just defending themselves. Have you no sense of humanity?”
The ruling elites need not get too worked up over something designated as “Pro humanity” the way they’ve gotten into a frenzy over “Pro Palestinian.”
“Pro humanity” they can take on board; “Pro Palestinian” not so much.
““Oh, the poor Israelis are just defending themselves. Have you no sense of humanity?””
Sorry to rain on the bankers’ party but Lord Cameron is wrong: Israel being not the Legal Government but merely a Military Power of Occupation in Gaza has no Right of Self Defense. But Hamas, being the Democratically Elected Government of Gaza, has every Right of Self Defence.
Lord Cameron is a banker and the son of a banker. Nuff said about where his interests lie. Lord Cameron must sympathise with fellow banker Lord Rothschild (shareholder with Natan Yahoo in Genie Energy) because “those Palestinians put our gas and oil under their land and offshore waters”.
I can think of other words that rhyme with ‘banker’ more suitable for ‘Call me Dave’.
I just think of Cameron as a criminal. One anagram of his full name, David William Donald Cameron, is ‘A mad woodland criminal devil’.
Yes, that too. With a dead pig. And photo to prove it.
Ah, but Jewish lives are worth more than goyim ones. Just like European lives were worth more than American Indian ones. Just like blonde haired Aryans were worth more than gypsies.
The world is full of racists and always will be. Racism is the result of tribal belonging aged 8 or 9 turning into festering adult hatred through a lack of emotional evolution to a more mature viewpoint.
All you have to do is apply emotional terrorism to hundreds of thousands of 8-10 year olds, be it through bullying parents, thuggish schoolmasters, social media terrorism etc etc. And you end up 10 years later with a mob of intolerant racist thugs.
I believe the CIA called it MK Ultra. Even if their approaches had slightly different end point targets…..
Responsible citizenship means being outraged at the loss of others’ freedoms, even when our own are not directly threatened. Do you suppose those freedoms to be universal, or do they end at the border? What about the loss of freedom abroad, especially if it produces economic migrants. Are they free? Should we be outraged for their loss of liberty? What if it was our predatory policies, say in Haiti, that caused the destitution…. Do we owe reparation and restitution of inviolable human dignity? In a little known article (“We Refugees”; 1943), Hannah Arendt noted that common humanity and inviolable dignity end as soon as political or economic migrants turn up on your doorstep…. And she should know, because she was one at the time of writing (and was later betrayed by the French, so much for political asylum.) So how far does the sacrosanct status, sacred right, inviolable entitlement and inalienable privilege of citizenship extend for the Whiteheads? And whatever does and doesn’t the civic duty and responsibility entail, ever so non-violently at home…. But what about abroad? “The concept of the Rights of man, based on the supposed existence of a human being as such, collapsed in ruins as soon as those who professed it found themselves for the first time before men who had truly lost every other specific quality and connection except for the mere fact of being humans.”—Arendt: “Imperialism: The End of the Rights of Man (Chapter 5)” Funnily enough, I do not see the Whiteheads as “freedom riders” of their time. The ‘framers of the constitution’ were racists, the bill of rights was exclusively for whites and the First Amendment rights of First Nations, blacks and other ethnic minorities non-existent to this day. So what of ‘free speech’? What of the global rights and inviolable… Read more »
Well stated Bryan.
Reply to Edwige, below.
The Seinfelds apparently donated $5,000. She probably spends more than that on a pair of shoes or a handbag.
They should keep their views and money where they ‘belong’; In their local synagogue.
Where’s the other multi billionaire, happy as Larry?
All donations at that level are tax / vat scams.
In the U.K all big fake charity’s shops try to get the donators to fill out forms. This is so they can claim vat / tax on the free items donated to the charity.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-05-26. 44% miscarriages among the jabbed. Heart of jabbed is working twice as hard. Endless viral infections
Endless fear propaganda.
Your post is ambiguous. Which do you think is “fear propaganda”: Con-19 Lockdown or Harm from RNA Vaxx?
All of ’em.
Was it just an unfortunate coincidence that Charlottesville was the focus of protest – or was this orchestrated to produce an association between the protesters and the far-right remembering what had happened there previously? “Opposing genocide equals nazi” would be the kind of inversion they’d like.
But hang on… Seinfeld’s wife paid for the private goons who cracked down on some of these protests. There was then a protest at one of his events and he started complaining that the protesters were too “woke”.
So protesters are woke nazis!?! There couldn’t be a clearer example that the things are just labels designed to herd the sheep into compliance – and distract from the fact that over 50% of Americans disagree with Israel’s actions in Gaza but less than 5% of Congress do which exposes “democracy” for what it is.
BTW Michael Richards from ‘Seinfeld’ is a Freemason so once again there’s this strange union between that organisation and some members of a certain ethnicity.