[UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…
Kit Knightly

The bird flu narrative is constantly developing, so I figured it was time for an update.
You know…to keep you all abreast of the chicken situation. Ba dum tss!
Back in April the scare stories were about Bird Flu jumping from birds to cattle and from cattle to people, and how – as a result – we should stop eating red meat.
Things have moved on since then. May has been a busy month for bird flu watchers.
Back on May 9th it was reported that 70 people in Colorado were being “monitored” for the disease following “potential exposure”, but no details on the exact nature or method of exposure were ever released.
Another poultry worker, this time in Michigan, became the second official US case on May 21st.
An Iowa egg farm is going to cull over 4 million birds after a single case was detected. Almost 100 million birds have been culled since the “outbreak” began in 2022.
There are now fears that Bird Flu may have spread to the food supply, after it was found in a “condemned dairy cow”.
Four days ago, Forbes reported a “new study” claiming “Drinking Infected Milk Could Spread Disease”. While NPR is warning that “limited testing leaves safety questions unanswered” regarding raw, unpasteurized milk.
But it’s not just chickens and cows we have to worry about now.
The Atlantic is worried about pigs, with Katherine Wu calling them “The Bird-Flu Host We Should Worry About”
Just today the Telegraph reported that a “slight evolution” in the H5N1 influenza strain has allowed it to “adapt to mammalian hosts”.
One ecologist told phys.org that infections in dairy cows are just “the tip of the iceberg”, and that mammals all over the globe are infected.
It’s spreading outside America too. The world’s third human case was supposedly an Australian child recently returned from travelling in India, alongside that two Victorian farms have reported cases of a different strain.
Naturally, China is going along with it, reporting their own fatality due to a third strain of bird flu earlier today.
So that’s the problem chuntering along at a decent pace. How’s the solution coming along?
An article in MedicalXPress discusses the “ethical considerations” for various bird flu interventions.
New vaccines – both for chickens and humans – are being developed with Covid-like efficiency. The human shot is of course mRNA based.
Reuters reports that the US, UK, EU and Canada are all “taking steps to acquire or manufacture H5N1 bird flu vaccines”. Some nations are already considering mandating all poultry farm workers take the shot when it becomes available.
As you can see, things are moving pretty fast – almost all of these stories are from just the last three or four days.
I predicted in my recent article that bird flu was the main contender for “the next pandemic”, and it looks like that’s where we’re headed.
The good news is that the human cases caused a surge in the value of Moderna and BioTech’s stock.
Isn’t that nice?
Of course, that will be nothing compared to the riches that will start pouring in when the new Bird Flu vaccines get emergency approval.
Updated 29/05 to include Iowa chicken culling news.
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Bird flu over the cuckoo’s nest.
It’s an election year and the regime in power cannot win without as many mail-in ballots as it can muster, so a plandemic scam and lockdowns and mail-in ballots loom in our future. That assumes that TPTB don’t panic further than they have so far and simply find a way to either bring in other candidates (convenient resignation(s) or “health scares”) or find a way to cancel the elections altogether. Either way, it won’t be pretty.
I don’t understand why they resort to culling chickens who are thought to have bird flu but they didn’t cull all those idiots who took a pcr test and proclaimed to the world they had covid!
That would’ve saved tax payers money on producing pcr tests, as folk would’ve been scared to take one, saved money on intubating them, saved money on remdesivir prescriptions AND immediately have wiped out a load of useless eaters. Oops, sorry, I meant to say a load of spreaders
Some controlled opposition actors have just been exposed:
Its always good to have one’s suspicions confirmed. They got their buck out of it in the time they were at stage.
I find the bird flu scandemic articles in the MSM frankly hilarious. The desperation from big pharma and the state is so blatant now. Many of the sheeples are awake to the scam and are realising these pandemics are being created in order to fleece the citizens. They tried with monkey pox and others but they are not going to have the desired affect. The last four years have caused many to wake up. They have gone too far and are clearly panicking. They should be running for the hills! If they try to create scandemic 2 this soon it will be their downfall. I was betting on WW3 or a cyber attack. I guess only time will tell…
What are the methods by which birds catch the flu and transfer it to humans?
They read the papers and get with the script.
Will they double down with S&E Vaccines or will they god forbid, offer up HCQ and Ivermectin?
Anyways, the Public Inquiry
This is gonna make you chuckle……
But what we cannot do is make precise determinations
in relation to whether a specific vaccine is safe or
determining matters of causation where death or injury
has resulted from specific vaccines. Safety is
a relative concept, and any determination, if it could
be made, would serve no sensible purpose. Were we to
engage in a process of expressing a determinative view
on the safety of specific vaccines and on causation, we
would be led into an enquiry into matters that would
risk a breach of section 2.1 of the Inquiries Act which,
as you know very well, provides an inquiry panel is not
to rule on and has no power to determine any person’s
civil or criminal liability
Happy days Ahead…….
What a farce! That statement is almost an admission by guilt.
Bird ‘flu is what they always trot out when pharma sales are flagging. It is an insignificant disease, so chickens are targeted because they are paltry (sic).
Bird ‘flu is Disease X.
Off topic but re: the fabulous discoveries being made on the genderfront by The Science, I just heard about LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA+ and thought someone had to be taking the piss but apparently not:
“L- Lesbian is a woman who is only attracted to women.
G- Gay is a man who is only attracted to men.
B- Bisexual is a person who is attracted to all genders.
T- Transgender is a person who’s a different gender than they were assigned at birth.
I- Intersex is a person who was born with a nonbinary sex.
Q- Queer is an umbrella term for any noncishetallo people.
C- Cupiosexul is someone who doesn’t experience attraction, but likes sex.
A- Asexual is someone who doesn’t experience sexual attraction
P- Pansexual is someone who is attracted to people regardless of gender.
G- Graysexual is someone who experiences little attraction to others.
N- Nonbinary is someone who isn’t male or female.
G- Grayromantic is someone who experiences limited romantic attraction to others.
F- Fraysexual is someone whos attraction fades after time.
N- Neutrois is someone who falls in the nonbinary spectrum, and expresses androgynously.
B- Bigender is someone who is both male and female, either simultaneously or fluidly.
A- Allosexual is someone who’s sexuality changes.”
I personally identify as Flintosexual i.e. someone who likes to stick his finger up his arse and scream “Yabbadabbadoo!”
Seems the world has completely lost orientation.
Thank you for the extensive list. And here’s me thinking it was:
B- Bisexual
T- Trisexual
Presumably, labeling the whole steaming pile non-binary would not be confrontational enough.
Turns out I’m “Grayromantic”, since I “experience limited romantic attraction” to most people in the world.
Please build me my own toilet in every building.
Let’s look at the logic…
Every sexually reproducing life form has two parents, four grandparents, 8 great, 16, 32, 64… See the pattern? It is binary, powers of two, plain and simple. If you do not identify as binary in some shape or form then you do not identify as human. Period.
For example, that Demonic Thug the idiot shills RTE put up for the Eurovision – that’s not human. It does not represent me!
Thanks for that post George.
Beauty is Truth.
At the very least this is aimed at destroying our food supply.
Bugs anybody?
Yes….maybe farmers as well ? That would suit their agenda !
Can’t see the general populace obeying or getting co-ersed this time though.
Not so soon from the last BS .
Remember Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring? The sound of birdsong lost to “better living through chemistry,” and with it all the presence of life. Now birds are one sign of disease among a neverending supply of threats and fears from ‘health’ (security) industries turning reality on its head, so that we may turn from a planet turned into one big septic tank to more poisons provided by medicine. Meanwhile, birds and other creatures are culled to create captives to engineered scarcity and austerity and dependency by the continuing death march of progress and its poisons of profit and power. Or they are lost to chemtrail posioning of global ‘climate change’ and electromagnetic poisoning of 5/6G rollout and full spectrum dominance from space. In the face of such madness, all creation calls out for fundamental revolution to affirm and defend life, our own and all our relations of being.
It probably because Birds jeopardize Satan’s take over of humanity. We cant have any happiness, nice natural music and beauty here, yes?
the birds are not the problem it is the khazar kagans the name stealers identity thieves those that self identify as yahoo but are arthur koestler the 13th tribe lot.
not semite
do we know that kissinger jacob edwyne david rokerfella skanks epstein island lord mcalpine lord greville janner
are dead
and what of lord saville pop pickers
not half
Maybe, Pfizer’s Bourla will test a new toxic concoction on the remaining Israeli Zionists.
I wonder if there’s a PCR test for every occasion?
If there isn’t, one will be created. You can be sure of that. Before long they will probably be offering us a neat, convenient PCR test to find the gene for conspiracy theorism.
You can be sure that all tests will be done by a stick into your BBBP to collect data to AI.
BBBP (Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration). https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/bbbp-scaffold .Goal: Connecting human bodies with bio-nano technology via an external grid.
Think of how there was instant coordination, identification and reporting for every new “variant” at every airport across most of the world. How was that done? Even military forces would have failed at such magic.
Which was deadlier: A) the gain-of-function Covid19 virus, B) the herd lockdowns or C) the gain-of-money mRna “vaccines”?
The kill rates might be different next round of each, but A) is never going to be zero, viruses do exist but are killing more through fear than bodily pathways.
These on here unfortunately cannot understand that there was a virus created using GOF research. Which is where the Alt news loses the chance of converting more sheeple with pure heresy.
Wow same shit different day. Who actually believes these nonsense articles and “reporters” AKA bare faced liars? No proof of virus, no contagion no pandemic no emergency and that’s proven in the public domain. Liars. Hold them liable for the harm they are causing. Public menaces and disturbers of peace.
A simpler option to consider is pervasive poisoning, exacerbated by other detriments such as poverty (called malnutrition), over-work, loss of livelihood, etc. The link below suggests cyanide arising from industry, but US has tested diluted sarin.
The bird flu panzootic can at most accelerate the denouement of the Covid-19 pandemic. As I described in a previous contribution, this virus is hardly concerned with adapting to humans or other mammals (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/is-the-bird-flu-panzootic-expediting-the-end-of-the-sars-cov-2-immune-escape-pandemic-f4182f36). This has now also ‘technically’ been confirmed: “No amino acid changes were identified in the HA gene sequence from the Michigan patient specimen compared to the HA sequence from the case in Texas and only minor changes were identified when compared to sequences from cows. These data indicate viruses detected in both cows and the two human cases maintain primarily avian genetic characteristics and lack changes that would make them better adapted to infect or transmit between humans” (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2023-2024/h5n1-technical-update-may-24-2024.html).
Mutation PB2 M631L does not make the virus more infectious for mammals (including humans) but merely reflects the selection of a mutation that allows the virus to better replicate in mammalian cells once the ‘spill over’ (which does not require adaptation) has occurred.
In my TSN article, I describe the non-species-specific mechanism responsible for transmission of H5N1 to mammalian species, which in the vast majority of infections leads to no more than mild symptoms. Hence, the whole fuss about a possible bird flu pandemic is scientifically irresponsible. Instead of focusing on the questionable evolution of the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, efforts are once again being wasted on obsolete discussions and preparations regarding the initiation of a possible mass vaccination program against bird flu. That the expansion of this panzootic is related to the mutual immunological interference of ecosystems disrupted by the Covid-19 mass vaccination is of course far beyond the understanding of our public health authorities.
Geert Vanden Bossche, Virologist against mRNA.
You are beating a dead horse.
Research at the home of an “infected” family produced no live virus on any surface. -Prof Hendrik Streeck, (director), Inst. of Virology, U. Hospital at Bonnhas, 2020
There is a Nameless Dread stalking our minds.
Uses every communications media to get into our thoughts,
colonising our thinking…The Dread grows bigger and stronger
as we cant stop thinking and talking about IT…
Thankfully Government provides Medically Assisted Suicide
(MAD) for any who can no longer stand IT…
PM Rishi Sunak thought he heard some foreign VIP say
“England is a small densely populated nation. (I might nuke it !)”
No wonder he’s hellbent on losing an election so
he can get the hell out of the place
(dragooning Youth to defend KfC3 and his Useless-Eater friends_…
Thank you Kit for a neat update. This is of course only one of many spears with which to attack humanity and usher in The Great Reset (CBDCs), some or all might be implemented soon. The Western Financial System is on the verge of a final reset but Digital ID is a prerequisite before CBDCs are launched, suddenly during a bank holiday. Chris Martenson has a smart summary: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/05/29/worried-about-the-whole-system-going-down-chris-martenson-fears-the-great-taking-is-imminent/
In my book (Chapter 13: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020) I speculated that it might be the case during this decade but guessed that the IMF SDRs could offer a viable vehicle. SDRs might be a provisional option if CBDC systems are delayed and events overtake the banksters’ plans. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/alert-fun-time-taiwan-black-ops-jabs?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=116487773&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email
I gave up the Catholic Religion at the age of 15, but I did not give up all the concepts of God, whilst studying physics maths and Bronwen with my friend Paul when we were 16. We both knew exactly what would happen, cos she was incredibly beautiful.
So not wanting to commit suicide, cos we knew she would say no, us two boys came up with the idea that time was not linear – but cyclic – like most things in the universe…
We could do the maths and physics – Paul was really bright – but we came up with the idea together that TIME iS CYCLIC
It does not start from 0 and go on to Infinity forever…
Where is the logic in that? I am not denying any concet of God, like when I asked when I was 5…but why would God start a Universe from nothing when all we wanted to do was to make friends? I got taken to the front of the class and smakcked with a ruler – hand – for asking that..She was called Hannah – 5 like me and taught me how to do my shoes laces up for PE
If time is Cyclic, which I think it probably is, once I am dead, I have no concept of time, and it can take a near infinity of time, and I am aware of myself sucking my thumb, in my mothers womb, the moment I have died.
I have done this life before, and I will do this life again. In fact I have always done this life and always will…There is no start and no end. Sure you have got Free Will…so be nice the first time, cos there was no first time. You have always done this and always will
No one likes our theory?
Do they think they will have a more interesting existence after death with heaven hell, zero or Cyclic.
You simply can’t beat falling in love. There is no happier state of mind, and I believe if you fall in love, it lasts forever – at least there is a kind of light still there after a near lifetime apart.
My Ex Texted me, almost certainly because she knew I was slowly recovering form Sepsis, and saw the MP on the Telly, recovering from Sepsis who had lost both hands and both feet, and was wondering if I was still alive – are you still on this number Tony?
Yeh, I’m fine.
So we texted each other for a few days around her 69th birthday..I did tell my wife…they actually get on – occasionally meet at Hawkwind Gigs – Both Beautiful Well, Kids and Grandkids and Girls stuff as if they are still best friends at school and run off to the girls together giggling and taunting…nearly 50 years later…
After many years I finally agreed with the logic of not washing Chickens..before you cook them. Its because chickens at least in the UK, are very fresh, and have not been chlorinated, and are highly likely to have a natural virus (or other parasites) which is on their skin which may be harmful to humans.
If you stick your chicken under the tap, you are highly likely to splash from water feedback all these bugs all over yourself and the kitchen surfaces
Where as if you just bung the chicken in the oven all the bugs are killed before you eat it.
I’m feeling a lot better now. Recovering Sepsis can take about a year – and you do get setbacks, when one day you have loads of energy, and the next day you just want to sleep..
But it’s better than getting Jabbed..Full Recovery Possible.
Dunno if I will be up to go Sailing Again, but at least I have an objective to rebuild my streghth and get fit again.
My 2 year old Grandaughter keeps saying – Come on Grandad. – Play with Me in The Garden.
I am trying to keep up.
Sounds like fowl play to me.
So Bill Gates was right all the time.
Couldn’t pass this up. Please share widely.
From Meryl Nass’ substack
A minority group. Ultra radicals, anti-science self-hating doos, environmental polluters….who wants to destroy America!
Yep, that’s what the self-appointed elite are!
Anne Gibbons has her own substack. Cartoon is her latest.
Just trust The Science, damn-it !
Trust The “Science”…That Just Retracted 11,000 “Peer Reviewed” Papers
It’s yet another reminder of why blindly ‘trusting the science’ may not always be the best go-to move in the future.
Zionist shill. Under a fake Pseudo name
If deadly viruses existed, it would long since have wiped out all human and other beings.
Watched an interesting video recently,
The first PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern)
which kinda frizzled out into a nothing burger. A test run, I guess. The same guy, Ferguson, who predicted death and condemnation at the time, did it again to wide applause in 2020.
Bird flu over the cuckoo’s nest
Now that made me chuckle for several reasons. It’s too bad this will most likely fly over the younger generations’ heads. Or should I say it flu?
Ken Kesey = MK Ultra volunteer. Look at where some of the Merry Pranksters ended up – in Silicon Valley boardrooms (like some of the Weather Underground).
How very counter-cultural!
Wuhan ‘flu too.
He ain’t dead, he’s just stuffed.
For some reason it reminds me about nanobots and the moon landing. But thats just me.
Im looking for a disease that came from an elephant in China,
A room with a view.
It was put in a trunk and shipped over I believe.
its nice to know after all these “deadly viruses” most people are still alive
Amazing, isn’t it? I thought we would all be dead by now.
Alternative media said that so it must be true.
Maybe we are all dead……..at least most of us. How can we ever know? Can you count the population or can I? No, so we have to believe Authority.
Meanwhile, the world edges closer to Armageddon!
Because of Rutte?
Read the second article.
‘ A veteran US military observer is not sanguine about the rationality of the US and British officers directing Ukrainian operations. He warns that the British, and also the CIA, have an inordinate faith in special operations to turn the tide, and in their own cleverness to think them up. “What we’re seeing — with Israel, too,” according to this source, “is years of impunity resulting in an epic, murderous tantrum that’s having the opposite of its intended effect. It’s certainly not beyond either of them to play nuclear chicken. Most people would say that if you do that, you’re insane. But they think a special operation playing nuclear chicken with the Russians is clever, potentially effective.”
“And so I think there’s going to be a nuclear war. The people who run things in the West have made up their minds that if they can’t rule, there will be nothing to rule. I guess we must figure now whether British and Ukrainian madness will prevail over US cowardice.” ‘
If they do, its probably because they really want it. Europe destroyed again for geo chess purposes.
“Fuck Europe”, “Liver sausage”, the ruling Bolsheviks dont have much respect for the said.
Chris Cuomo, who was ultra-critical of the unvaxxed and is brother of Andrew who was Governor of New York in 2020, reveals he is taking Ivermectin:
He’s since helpfully clarified that he’s not vaccine-injured and his health troubles are in fact “Long Covid”.
Ivermectin was of course rubbished in 2020 because there had to be no other alternative treatments available to justify the emergency authorisations.
Ah, long covid… Ingenious, really.
Besides this, the blame has fallen on “escape/breakthrough variants”, delayed treatment (delay by who?), stress, nocebo (delusion), inadequate activity, air passengers not flexing legs, low “living standards”, “austerity”, poor food, narcotics, weather, pollution, disinformation
… and “coincidence.”
Long Covid is Long Stupid really.
My covid’s longer than yours.
Just a reminder that everything that comes out of a Chris Cuomo’s mouth is lies. All of it.
Oh yeah ?
Emergency use precluded if there’s an alternative ?
You must be a swivel-eyed conspiracy nutter.
Have a look at this verbal car crash:
From the same article. FDA on EUA.
I have it copied if anyone wants it for reference in the future.
I dare say he has shares in ivermectin. Perhaps the price will go up.
Check out this video expose on Dr. Sam Bailey’s substack re the current bird flu hoax launch in Canada.
Christine Massey (the Canadian bio-statistician behind hundreds of FOIs to universities, health departments worldwide) was accidentally invited by email to the Canadian Health Authorities H1N1 surveillance scam, zoom meeting. Theresa Tam, Canada’s
healthtrans minister (from the CCP in HK) is a joke.It’s quite revealing how the faux authorities run their psyops around non existent diseases using fake PCR tests with irrelevant, non unique sequences, to conduct their H1N1 frauds worldwide, then cull perfectly healthy animals.
And the obvious international coordination of the H1N1 propaganda underway, yet again demonstrating central planning.
The latest is none of the farmers are cooperating. Aw damn!
Excellent news. As I pointed out on another thread, they’re using absurd, unscientific, unverifiable tests for alleged “transmissible” diseases, supposedly jumping from species to species: As a pretext for governments sending small farmers broke, forcing them to sell their land. It looks like a land grab scheme.
It’s also part of the overall class war, an all- out assault on our health, well- being, rights, etc. Acorss the board they’re concentrating wealth and power into fewer hands, reducing the alternatives, while cultivating dependence so that we have no choice but to accept their terms, franken-foods, CBDCs, medical treatments, etc. in order to survive. Of course another crucial aspect is that they want to simply cull billions of us in the process, a lot like they’re doing to all those poor, innocent birds.
good for them. Now if the populace will just do the same. The whole thing reeks of getting us off the meat wagon.
Let’s get ProActive!
How about staying home voluntarily? We start now. No fight with the authorities and no need for militaristic propaganda!
For when the much anticipated and much planned pandemic hit and the UN world health treaty comes into effect, we will officially and mindfully continue to stay home.
And see how the nasty viruses cease to exist.
And see how global warming reverses into global cooling.
And maybe all wars will end?
No, no, no, the wars can’t end! How else will the “defense” contractors and general makes all their billions? And where will “The Science” get their money to fund the many Gain of Function sick, twisted experiments they’re working on? You’re being selfish now and thinking only of the good of humanity and NOT the needs of the Gateses, Soroses Rockefellers, Rothschilds of the world. They have needs too…..
The primary commandment of the religion of greed is Consume!
Gates, Rockerfellers an so an will create a digital tyranny by CBDC. All people should push in this by pandemics (simulated).
The root cause of bird flu is neither viral nor propagandistic: it is hubristic. Humans have hideously evolved over the millennia into beings who see themselves as “better” than nature and therefore should be immune from its darker side. Let the lesser beings (including “lesser” humans) be plagued with illness; but not the infinitely superior beings designated as legitimate humans.
So all the “ruling elites” have to do is say “Disease is Coming!” and the majority of these “superior” beings will demand protection – at any cost.
The Harrisburg PA paper had a story on May 23 about spraying “food processing residuals” on farm fields (subscription only). These residuals come from factory farms and meat processing plants among other sources. But I’m sure this doesn’t have anything to do with the spread of any pathogens.
Meats scraps are also stuck together to form bigger pieces using glue. This is not a joke.
Is there an mRNA Foundation yet? Or is that still called the BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION???
Time for another “leaked DARPA letter from Maj. Murphy” explaining this was just a “vaccine for birds”!?!?
Crapola just gets thicker and thicker and stinkier …
Project “Veritas”. Lol.
Great article —- AMAZING how this was so EXACTLY predicted in the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Future Report —- soooo MAGICAL!
Can’t wait to play Pandemic Whack-a-Mole with all their new and resurrected virus scares. If only there were something we could argue which would logically and coherently invalidate the very factual foundation of literally every one of these ridiculous boilerplate scare campaigns in one fell swoop. Darn. If only I could think of something…
*GASP* Oh no! I think I saw a virus over in the corner; Better fetch my virus-swatter and get to work. I can’t believe they just keep popping up all the time. Oh well, I guess it gives us something important to do, and then we can get credit for saving the world from viruses time and time again. Maybe it’s not so bad after all. DIE VIRUSES DIE!!!!!
Interesting that in the normal course of human evolution, pandemics occur every 100+ years or so, and suddenly, wham! We are in the midst of a never ending virus-spawning machine. Covid, monkey pox, bird flue, hell, I even read in an article that small pox has not been eradicated. The lengths these morons will go to, to be the big bad Boogeyman. Oooohhh, I’m so frightened. Please save me, at any cost!
They’re not morons, they’re evil.
Seeing as smallpox is apparently just the same as all the other poxes, the only difference being the arbitrary classification of different diseases by alleged pathogenic vectors (plus supposed statistical differences in symptomology), it is probably safe to say it has not been eradicated. Not to mention the fact that actual “eradication” of diseases is an absurd concept to begin with.
Have you seen the examples of literally the same picture being used to illustrate several different supposed pox diseases by different health authorities? All of this differentiation is based on the very same magical PCR amplification and theoretical virus construction by computer scam that they used for the COVID nonsense.
If the plan is to run with Avian Flu then the current propaganda stories being disseminated by the usual suspects in the media are likely trial balloons.
The public response through comments to articles, clicks, shares and social media comments will be watched closely and analysed to gauge public opinion. I think depending on that, the decision will be made to run with it or not.
Even if it cannot be converted into a human pandemic, perhaps it will be used to mass cull livestock and poultry thereby affecting the food supply and the price of meat. Reducing demand for meat due to much higher prices, effectively pricing many consumers out of the market. Price is always the weapon of choice, rather than outright restricting or banning something.
You will eat ze bugs, one way or another.
Bingo! You hit the nail on the head, already culling chickens, soon they’ll be destroying cows, pigs sheep et al. It will be a supply issue along with cost, too expensive. Then they’ll ramp up how tasty and beneficial insects and worms are for us!
A two for one. Start with the animals and target the food supply to drive up prices to astronomical levels, then claim human-to-human transmission and turn it into a human ‘pandemic’. But food supply at a minimum..
Yes, that’s their plan. Don’t ignore the land grab aspect, billionaires purchasing acres and acres of land (farm and other use) in America; more control
I am starting to think that their playbooks are becoming more transparent – hopefully that is a sign that they are running out of original material.
It is also clear that with any given one of their manufactured/scripted events that they have several different narratives to parade simultaneously or work through one by one, discarding the ones that the public are not buying.
Having said all that, I believe that we have to be super vigilant for ‘flip the script’ scenarios – the bait and switches – going forward. The controlled/approved opposition and useful idiots in the alt-media space are going be the witting or unwitting pied-pipers to mislead and deceive.
Herding the MSM consumers was easy in the past but as more escape the pen and go in search of alt-media, the alt space becomes more dangerous and harder to navigate with various talking heads, gurus and “trusted” names and websites in situ to be potentially activated to sell a false narrative or personality when required.
Maybe more trasparent for you and me but the majority still believe what they’re told!
We see it as an obvious plan, an agenda, whereas the majority see us as the problem.
Therein lies our problem, and it’s not a small one.
They use the same playbook variations because they work. We have been conditioned and entrained to have short memories, not think critically or connect the dots to see the relatedness of things past and present which is how they can repeatedly dupe the masses into falling for their flim-flam.
Exactly what I was going to say!
This forum being one of their sources
For my part I’m happy to contribute to their ‘research’.
I’m not concerned with catching a bird flu virus.
But I am concerned with eating chicken, eggs or beef that has been inoculated with whatever poison they create in order to “protect us from the bird flu virus”.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Dont eat chicken, eggs and beef. Its that easy.
But we cant avoid a steak once in a while. Grill the steak so all the nanobots and the lipo 666 Satan particles go up in smoke.
Some Scientist ought to research how to destroy these two ingredients in the easiest way in a beef.
Each steak eater pay 10 cents on top of the price of beef to crowd fund a research report with recommendations. It can be done and its feasible. We won again!
The mutating narrative for ‘germ-virus-contagion’ extending to zoonotic (species jumping) and lab-enhanced variants runs as placeholder for the ratcheting of a technocratic surveillance & control of (lab humans as system-assets).
Fighting WITHIN the narrative feeds its capacity to operate AS basis for legal immunities for assuming dictatorial powers via lab-human or animal biosecurity ‘risks’ – that are outputs to the model – as well as the use of the model to predict or project and hype ‘risks’ under ‘thescience’ of philanthropathic (financially & corporately captured) government of rules set in contract law.
That OG readers (let alone the rest of the world) don’t recognise the modelling in which they are ‘medically conditioned’ is the mask & mindset of a scientific technologism.
The thinking structure itself is the root of pathological projections. Hence our thinking cannot ‘see’ its own ‘father’. This is what it means to say ‘they know not what they do’. It has no relationship at all with what they do, but refers to a dissociation or self-ideological capture.
By ‘resisting the evil’ projected to the virus or the ‘infected’ or the ‘vector of infection’ they gain a self-righteous vindication to offset self-conflict. This ‘collectivises’ by mutual agreement to mask and distance in ‘identities of moral superiority set in ‘external ‘authorities’ to which their will is abnegated for protection.
Rationally recognising the lack of substance for virus narratives (model mechanisms) and claims or accusations (diagnostic cursing) of threat – does not in itself free the mind (though it can help release compulsive reaction to ‘defences’).
The split-mind that underlies an active ignorance is undone to expanded perspective – not rebranded thinking that merely redistributes psychic energies in shifting narratives.
Expanding and embracing rather than ‘revolutionary’ denial & destruction of the old for a ‘new’ that remains stamped in the same archetypal patterns AS IF THIS TIME control will operate a different result.
Yeah well, that’s the point of spending some time every day in deliberate meditation in/on the heart space and the inner light and riding the vibration which drives the breath.
On a bad day you get to be confronted with all the mental tricks and gymnastics that the thinking, though not usually conscious thinking mind can come up with. Carl Jung copped out on that one. Occasionally you can and will really see the light.
It’s not about stamping out the old and, revolution-like forcefully instituting the new!
It’s about calling back real science, as opposed to “consensus science,” and seeking the truth (i.e. that deadly viruses and contagion are inventions to serve an alterior motive).
“As you can see, things are moving pretty fast – almost all of these stories are from just the last three or four days.”
Maybe the WHO’s throwing a temper tantrum from not getting its way (yet?) with the pandemic treaty (‘agreement’).
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
So what? It won’t go away until birds are living on this Earth!!! The good thing we don’t start at zero with vaccinations. But as always there are some ill-minded, crazy fuckheads that condemn vaccines…
Birds are overpopulating this planet. If we dont do something now they will take over humanity.
What are they doing here if they only are a cost, never pay taxes and contribute only to society with bird shit, bird flue, bird small pox, black death, syphilis and corona virus from Wuhan? Just asking..
They’re building our miserable future right in front of our eyes
Yep, and most people seem to have no problem with it, nor even for their children.
Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
A CRISPR–Cas9 genetically engineered wolf, sad to say!!!
Like last time (CoviD), it is obvious that many humans will have already have had the disease, with minor symptoms or just as a regular bout of flu (who hasn’t had some kind of flu-like infection in the last year ??).
Thus many will already have natural protection from severe cases of H5N1 flu.
But that will all be denied – again.
Also: Once again, like last time, there will be NO TEST AVAILABLE for H5N1-specific T-cell immunity in humans.
So you and I will not be allowed to test on whether we have already contracted the disease and thus nothing much to worry about.
Same old, same old and the masses are being held in ignorance.
We are back in the European 1600s.
Like last time (CoviD), it is obvious that the entire thing is a have. There’s is no disease, no virus.
Until one recognizes that not only are mRNA vaccines poisonous but that covid19 was a complete and utter hoax, you are still living in your self-imposed matrix.
Guyton’s Medical Textbook acknowledges that viruses have no reproductive system, no locomotion, no metabolism, and cannot be reproduced as live entities in vitro.
Since “viruses” are not alive, they cannot act in any of the ways as ascribed to them by medical authorities except as a functional unit of our normal genetic material inside the cell’s nucleus or the mitochondrian nucleus within the cell.
According to Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, a virus is said to be a minute bit of genetic material (called a genome) which is literally about a billionth the size of a cell.
As such, this description of a “virus” is virtually identical with the description of the remaining genomes of the cell’s mitochondria as well.
At one point, viruses were once living matter and some physiology texts hypothesise that they are the debris of spent cells. Lysosomes that disintegrate the spent cell often fail to break up these “viruses” surrounded by the double-lipid coat membrane.
It is surprising that researchers fail to recognise these for what they apparently are—spent mitochondrian material, particularly fragments of RNA and DNA.
Even though medical authorities mistakenly attribute to this dead cellular debris the powers of life and malevolence, microbiologists acknowledge that viruses are dead bits of DNA in a protein-lipid membrane coat, although failing it realise its source.
Viruses, then, are dead genomes from disintegrated cells whose cellular membrane is not completely broken down by cellular lysosomes.
Photos of alleged viruses “injecting themselves” into a cell actually show the cell literally engulfing the “virus” or proteinaceous debris.
A dent, called invaginarion, then forms and the organic matter is surrounded by cellular substance which closes off, forming an impromptu stomach, and the “virus” disappears. The stomach then fills with powerful lysosome enzymes which digest the organic material, breaking it down into ammo acids and fatty acids for recycling or elimination.
This process is called phagocytosis (literally, cell-eating)— the routine process of cellular ingestion and enzymatic digestion of bacteria, dead tissue debris and other errant cells.
Viruses are merely inert organic material totally devoid of all life qualities and are never seen to act.
Photographs purporting to show viruses in action are outright frauds: what is actually shown is an ordinary physiological process of phagocytosis.
Diseases are not infections; rather, they are body purification processes and are not created by bacteria or “viruses”.
Free download:
Others have suggested that the viruses or genomic fragments are important in transmitting immunity (by the immune system taking note) or even in other adaptations. Plants and microbes exchange plasmids easily, a key reason for proprietary crops failing.
Microbes and viruses permeate the entire biosphere and beyond. The concept of shielding humanity from the microbiome and virome is delusional.
There’s no viruses. A genetic sequence is not a virus. There’s no transmission. No contagion.
There’s no immune system. There’s a lymphatic system, enteric system, autonomous nervous system etc. We detox, metabolize and filter environmental toxins, Rx, pesticides, food additives, and our bodies recycle and shed our dead, damaged cells 24/7.
After excessive toxic build up, our bodies automatically initiate mucosal defense/shedding (runny nose, congestion), and fever etc, creating heat shock proteins which chaperone toxins and toxic by-products out of cells, tissues and the body, sweating through the skin, excretion by the liver and kidneys, lymphatic and enteric system.
Symptoms of these detoxification processes are falsely called colds, flus, viruses, bacterial “infections”.
Yes, that’s your belief, which you’re entitled to, but it’s a belief nonetheless, supplied here as a blank statement of fact, which is misleading. Please do not do this.
We both know there’s no isolated, concrete evidence for your belief in dis-ease. In that regard, no-virus believers are at no advantage. Yet they talk as though it’s all proved. Very dishonest.
Please do not use this sort of coercive, bullying tone or appeal to your own authority in this manner again. You are entitled to your beliefs, however we are not a ‘no virus’ club here. It would be an upsetting thing if Offg comments became infected by this sort of tribalism.
No more, and thank you. A2
It’s proven. There’s thousands of papers in pubmed that back up this thesis. It’s called toxicology.
It’s not proven, or you’d be linking to peer reviewed papers of the calibre you demand of virology, not this… whatever this is.
I don’t like your dishonesty, I don’t like your tone. Seems to me you’re trolling it up something proper in Sociopath’s absence.
Just no. No. That’s the last word on this. Discuss honestly, speculate freely, theorise creatively. ALL opinions are welcome, not just yours!! No tribalism. Fuck that!
That’s a warning. Please don’t break the trust we put in our commenters to keep things classy.
Thanks, A2
But I respectfully agree with Researcher’s argumentative line that those making the positive claim of “virus” need to provide proof that it is so….
I think the point is that even if viruses aren’t proved or are totally busted as an idea that doesn’t automatically mean your alternative theory is true does it?
You don’t prove Idea B is true by showing Idea A is a pack of lies do you. They could both be bunkum
I merely offered febrile response, IL-6, toxicology, HS protein complexes, mucosal defense and response, detoxification and metabolic pathways as an alternative explanation for seasonal cold and flu symptoms. And the fraud of virology.
I’ve never claimed my opinions are facts. Everyone’s statements are only ever their own opinions.
Tenets of terrain, however, are supported by thousands of years of successful TCM and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as nutrition, the microbiome, toxicology, fermentation, radiation exposure, stress etc., all available within the scientific literature.
Thanks. I was just responding to their constant claims of an unfound microbe existing and allegedly causing illness without a shred of scientific proof.
If they are going to continually make these statements without evidence and without using caveats, we have the right to rebut.
Thanks for this post. I will look into this some more.
I believe in some form of contagion from some form of ‘germ” from my own life experience so/but it is fascinating to read this essay.
Key word being “believe”.
It’s all belief tho isn’t it. We don’t really know squat about anything in the final analysis. My mate saw a Tassie tiger last year while he was looking for clams on the beach. He says he just looked up and it was standing looking at him, made a weird noise and loped off into the scrub. Ok. Same time we have people spending their lives looking for the little so and so’s and not seeing so much as a striped arse. What does that mean? I don’t know.