Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose?
Kit Knightly

For decades, Israel has been “one of the club”, a proud member of the “good-guy countries”. A handful of regimes protected by a bubble that makes them almost immune to criticism or consequence, whatever crimes and evils they might commit.
No matter how many ships they bombed or children they shot or open air prison camps they ran, the general tone of Western media was the same – Israel are good guys.
Now, there are signs that could change, that the next step in the Gaza narrative will be a heel-turn that makes Israel an official “bad guy”.
The hints have been there for a while, starting almost immediately following October 7th attack last year, and picking up pace in the last couple of weeks.
In fact the Israeli Prime Minister became the first non-African and non-Russian charged with war crimes by the ICC earlier this year.
Now let’s be quite clear here. Netanyahu IS a war criminal. He is a blood-soaked tyrant, guilty of vast amounts of illicit slaughter.
But let’s remember that in the real world blood-soaked war criminals go unpunished – and indeed sometimes get awarded Nobel Peace Prizes – every day. The ICC never moved against Bush or Blair or Obama or Brown or their cadre of war criminal subordinates.
Until recently “Bibi” was in that Teflon-coated club. He has been slaughtering innocents for years and years, while institutions and the legacy media happily ignored the fact. Now suddenly he’s not.
This needs to be interrogated.
The question must be – what is different now?
Two weeks ago, as we reported in This Week, Israel banned Al Jazeera. This received condemnation in the Washington Post and from the German foreign office.
Just a few hours ago, the CBC ran a headline bemoaning the “decline of press freedom in Israel”
Canada, the US, Germany?
These are not places that care about free speech, as their banning of RT (and others) demonstrates, so why the criticism? Why isn’t the Al Jazeera ban bracketed with all the other “acceptable” censorship that’s gone on for years?
Two days ago, the Guardian reported in big red banner headlines…
Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
Why is this suddenly a front-page story? Alongside that, there are at least half a dozen stories on its front page criticising Israel – here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Contrast this to the coverage of Israel in the same paper nine years ago.
A UN court has already ruled that Israel must “stop Rafah offensive and open border for aid”
Brazil has withdrawn their Israeli ambassador while various European leaders voiced condemnation of the attack. Two more members of Joe Biden’s administration recently resigned in protest over US support for the Gaza war, bringing the total number to seven.
Political punching bag Nikki Haley was filmed writing “finish them!” on IDF ammunitions, Rolling Stone immediately dragged her over the coals for it.
On May 27th, Piers Morgan – the plump purple face of managed media himself – was tweeting out outrage over the Rafah attack.
On May 28th, speaking at the UN, President Macron of France voiced his own “outrage” over the Rafah attack.
Yet another Guardian editorial headlines:
The Guardian view on the Rafah offensive: crossing US red lines should have consequences
And even goes so far as to suggest Biden and the US could be held legally accountable for Israel’s actions as well, something that would have sounded absurd as recently as 2015 (the potential fall of the US Empire, and the power shift it would signal, are a story for another time).
Even the staunchest of Israel’s media supporters – the Washington Post and the New York Times – have been loudly decrying Netanyahu’s actions of late.
The pattern is forming, it is definitely much more acceptable to criticize Israel in the mainstream media right now than it has been for decades.
But why?
Why would outlets like the Guardian or Washington Post decide to print anti-Israel articles now, but not ten years ago?
Is it because Israel is suddenly behaving worse than it ever has before?
Of course not. The slaughter in Gaza is an awful crime, but it’s not new. Israel and their NATO allies already had the blood of millions on their hands before this offensive even started. They commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with such monotonous regularity it almost dilutes the meaning of the words.
Is it because ‘even the mainstream media’ is finally ‘waking up’ or finding a conscience?
They are not waking up because they were never asleep, and no, they have NO conscience.
Unless having one becomes politically expedient.
Nothing is so true the mainstream media have to report it, nothing is so morally outrageous the mainstream media bow to their consciences. They don’t have consciences. There is no facility for even recognizing truth or morals, let alone acting upon them.
They are opinion manufacturing machines, that is all. When they say something – anything – even something manifestly true like ‘Israel is engaged in genocide’ – it’s because somebody somewhere wants to tell a story.
So what is the story they are telling? Where is the narrative going?
The rulers of Israel are bloodsoaked sociopaths but they are also an entirely disposable part of a greater malign whole.
Terminology fails us here, because none of us in the alt-media world can ever completely agree on a name for that whole. CJ Hopkins favours Globo-Cap, others use “the elite”, “Deep State”, “Globalists” or “the-powers-that-(shouldn’t)-be”.
Roughly speaking, we’re talking about an overlapping cartel of political and corporate power brokers existing outside the so-called (largely sham) “democratic” power structures and wielding supranational influence in every sphere of human society.
Israel, like most regions and nations, is a base and tool of those powers, but a replaceable one. There is a vast, VAST power structure desperately looking for a way to appease a swelling of righteous anger tens of millions strong, and cutting Israel and its leadership loose might currently be perceived as a way of doing that.
If that stops the slaughter in Gaza then that’s a win for humanity.
But the slaughter means nothing to the narrative managers. Their agenda will be something else entirely.
If Israel really is about to be ejected from the “we can kill indiscriminately and still be good guys” club, what will that mean for the grand chessboard? Or the greater globalist agenda?
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What you are looking at is simply more z1on1st serpentine slithering. They know that they have an image problem so this is pandering to the bleeding hearts until the next crisis , when Israel will be forgotten again and left to carry on as usual.
if 60 years of this is not enough to show what we’re dealing with ( unrepentant, deviously manipulative, highly intelligent psychopaths who will NOT stop) then I don’t know what is.
when the New York Times uses the word “z1on1sts” (now only used by “anti-semites”) again on a front page headline you can wake me up
An ex-israeli on the J problem:
Re “if 60 years of this is not enough to show what we’re dealing with ( unrepentant, deviously manipulative, highly intelligent psychopaths who will NOT stop) then I don’t know what is.”
60 years? The fact that “unrepentant, deviously manipulative, highly intelligent psychopaths” have been ruling the “awake” masses has been a reality for centuries and millennia — The Civilized World’s 2-Class System: The Class of Ruling Psychopaths & The Non-Ruling Underclass
“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter
And as soon as I use the J word i am back in “pending”… this is automated censorship and you know it.
What you are looking at is simply more zionist serpentine slithering. They know that they have an image problem so this is pandering to the bleeding hearts until the next crisis , when Israel will be forgotten again and left to carry on as usual.
if 60 years of this is not enough to show what we’re dealing with ( unrepentant, deviously manipulative, highly intelligent psychopaths who will NOT stop) then I don’t know what is.
when the New York Times uses the word “zionists” (now only used by “anti-semites”) again on a front page headline you can wake me up
an ex-israeli on jewish problems:
Such a glorious civilised culture, just look
As Tilly suggests, “I think America is supposed to go down with Israel’s sinking ship eventually. Its shitty defense of the indefensible Israeli genocide is intended to further discredit the dying empire and facilitate the move toward the new “multipolar world”, maybe via a “limited nuclear war” that would be as fake as the pandemic.”
Interesting. I remember a woman, Angie, predicting this agenda back in 2004, 20 years ago!
“There’s also been another possible motive for the 9-11 attacks that I’ve speculated about since the beginning. Have you ever wondered why the 9-11 official story was so implausible and so sloppily put together? (you know, the simultaneous hijacking of four different planes by people armed with mere boxcutters, the suicide notes found in luggage that inadvertently didn’t make it on the planes, Arabic flight manuals left in cars in the airport, and a million other things they did which seem like obvious plants, or things they didn’t do or create which would have squelched many of the 9-11 skeptics early on.) It’s as if they want us to see through the whole thing. Could the perpetrators, in fact, want a 911 Truth Movement to flourish? And if so, why?”
“Perhaps the perpetrators are deliberately setting up the U.S. to be the bad guy to the rest of the world, perhaps to give the rest of the world the notion that they’d have to consolidate to fight the sole superpower, getting us that much closer to a one world government that so many global elite long for. Perhaps the ‘transparent 9-11 inside job/ mass murder deliberately painted on others for a non-ending war pretext’ is just a part of that, part of the intentional plotting to have the U.S. be seen as the real rogue nation that others must get together to fight against.”
The Creepy Sides of the 911 Truth Movement
doesn’t look like it.
Finish them’: Nikki Haley’s message on Israeli artillery shell
I suspect its no more complicated than that Talmudists do inversion. Very much NOT based on established western models of rationality, truth and goodness. That’s why it seems a bit of a head scratcher – we don’t operate like that. Because they do, they grant themselves literal 360 degree control of all narratives. Or so they believe.
Agreed we don’t operate like that. Morals get corrupted or blurred as does rationality as you say, within the Jewish in-group/out-group mentality.
Well, if you’re deliberately de-populating the Developed World by (statistically) cutting on life-expectancy and on fertility and you’re trying to hide that agenda for as long as possible, then the Gaza drama is an extremely useful weapon of mass distraction and yes, Israel’s “club membership” is very expendable in light of that agenda.
It’s not as if the Israeli government have made it particularly difficult. Did they do it on purpose?
All right, but Israel has to anchor up somewhere, and there is only one place well prepared. Ukraine:
500000 young men dead, millions of local left for Europe, only women and children left to serve a lot of Israeli soldiers preparing the new Holy land.
What about Prince Igor. Will he finally accept baby burning and usury??
We must remember how isReal came about. Britain as usual had a hand init as did the french. sykes picot. lawrence of Arabia bull crap. I recall seeing the film and actually loved until I realised the propaganda behind it and the reasons why. Basically, and correct me if I am wrong, Britain had a heavy hand in creating isReal and really do owe a duty of care to Palestinians as it was Europeans who divided something yet again liked they owned the Arabian peninsula. Like Africa and Asia they created these “line” call territories and exploited them for their own greed and murderous lecherous needs. If Africa had a manufacturing identity and ideology then Europe is finished instead they kill the likes of Saddam and Gaddafi who both wanted to get of the petrodollar blighting their nations and beyond. The struggle continues. Gaddafi had a very complex irrigation strategy and system about to go live. But nooooo guess who killed him abd also bombed the irrigation system and the factory that made the pipes…The West.
Watch China’s Rise in the Middle East 9
Arab summit hears President Xi propose financial aid to rebuild Gaza and recognize an internationally negotiated Palestinian State in Palestine.
100% it’s because, in the Abrahamic screenplay that Zionists are producing and directing, all of the nations are supposed to “betray” Israel in the end times (for the narcissist, anything less than unquestioning servility is betrayal). Then comes the Gog and Magog war, the destruction of Edom, the third temple, the global imposition of the Noahide laws, and the millennial reign of the king in Jerusalem over all of the nations. The Christ conspiracy has pretty much been the container for all the big conspiracies since. The new world order stands or falls with people’s acceptance or rejection of the various myths privileging Zion.
Alls I wanna know is who let them in. No one is talking about this cuz for me everything else about the Gaza war is bullshit and gaslighting. The Israelis absolutely had to know something was afoot and if ever their heavy hand was needed, it was needed sometime before October 7. They shoulda and easily coulda bombed the shit out of all the equipment massing up at the fence. But no. Bulldozers, vehicles, gliders and lots of men, someone had to see it. It’s like how in Syria they missed seeing caravans of white Toyota pick up trucks loaded with Al Qaida fighters. Jesus wept.
< Jesus wept >
In a nutshell. But tears have a solvent property. Jesus’ tears washed the Apart-hate out of South Africa.
“Cry, the Beloved Country” is a 1948 novel by South African writer Alan Paton. Set in Apartheid South Africa, it follows a black village priest …
It was a false flag, plain as day. Paragliders? Give me a break! Israel deliberately supported HAMAS in Gazan elections rather than the more moderate parties with whom a two-state or one-state solution might have been successfully advocated for although, of course, with the scale of genocidal destruction that could be seen as a miscalculation.
Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose?
only if you watch the news then you may think poor old Israel is being bullied.
I am baffled how this could be alt media.
You obviously didn’t read the article, just skipped from headline to comment section. It lists a whole raft of instances of the media and certain states becoming increasingly critical of Israel in a new way. It’s def happening whatever the reason might be.
Most of the billionaires don’t need any more money. What to they do with it anyways? Use it to kill more people or otherwise destroy them (I know it’s not all the billionaires, but geez, it’s plenty). Most people don’t like that. Most people are not in favor of genocides. It takes a special (in a VERY weird way) kind of person to live for that, to engineer genocides and world wars and mass murders. To pull things like trying to get all the Jewish people to move someplace so they can get them to kill and be killed. That type, they are SECRETLY terrified of people who are not like them, and see through their BS. That’s why they gang up with other like minded psychos.
I believe change is possible through a constant willingness to apply pressure against their insanities, and a constant demand for real justice, not just show trials. We outnumber them. We have superior goals and purposes. The ever increasing realization of that… that something new? Is the change in us, what is new? That we are realizing through an enhanced ability to communicate with one another, due to our technological advances, that we are not alone? That we have each other?
The problem is that the majority are idiots.
You can solve all the worlds problems on your head but until you deal with this one it’s a non-starter.
So you are insinuating that I am an idiot, just because I believe in my government?
You are talking to me??
There cant be any other, because I am the only one here being among the majority. You are talking to me?
Yes, absolutely.
The REAL TIME question is are the true LEADERS of the Israeli Military Complex old & CRAZY enough to “LIGHT-UP” the Middle East !!!!! A few mushroom clouds over Iran and Syria might make what “Club” the Sociopath Zionists are in rather irrelevant….
But, Hey, Just Bend-Over Everyone….
Israel has said Europe will be the first to receive a nuke…….if they dont bow.
Is a 0.5% sect really prepared to risk being genocided by the 99.5% because they thought they could nuke any part of an entire continent?
No Jew’s life in Europe will be worth anything and as for Jerusalem, it will be bombed to a pulp.
Israel is now full of insane, salivating animals and they are not the Palestinians, they are the Zionist nutcases.
There are innocent people in Israel and Europe who also want this to stop.
If a bunch of millionaires suddenly settle and make your area to a safe heaven for tax and fraud evading, it becomes difficult.
The drums of war are beating relentlessly and ever more loudly against Russia and China. The utter insanity of that goes unremarked, only applauded. Israel will ride out its time on the naughty step, then hold the MENA flank of the NATO offensive.
Dont worry. All these war drums are only about the Digital ID and Digital Currency, nothing else.
Take all your graphene jabs, get a Digital Id and a Smartphone, and you are safe…………LOL.
Yes, US has already “quietly” admitted approving unprovoked attacks on Russian land with US weapons. US isn’t a country, it’s just a mob that bombs people and creates as much misery as possible, all financed by enslaved US taxpayers. US hasn’t actually “declared war” on anyone since FDR admin.
We all see through DaGlass DARKLY- but that doesn’t mean we’re totally blind. We just have ‘limitations’ and should be aware of them… Dirty Harry said.
What I’ve learned in the past 20 years, including 8+ years on the net: All roads lead to DaSynagogue of Satan…….every freaking time! Furthermore – DaSynagogue of Satan would be unable to do anything without the aid and willfully ignorant cheerleading of the churchianity of Western Civilization…….with a seared conscience – both are servants of Satan!
The journey begins here – – and never ends because discovering truth is a process, never an end state for us mortals. It leads you to the Limbraw Library – if or when you get there, put SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN in the search window and you’ll be reading for days…….but which took me years to compile. ….and still compiling.
You’re welcome!
Not all roads. One road leads to Heaven. .
But you are right, all other roads than that One road, leads to the liar………………….LOL.
So, Donny is found guilty on all 34 (3+4=7) charges. Sentencing set for 11 July (7/11), because the docket was just all full up on 11 September. $130k got paid as hush money by the guy who never hushes, because $330k had been felt excessive by all parties to the transaction.
They had to pay because we would all have been shocked, SHOCKED to learn that anybody we saw on TV programs had ever been guilty of a tryst with a porn star.
So where will the script staff spin the narrative?
*Crazy Joe issues a pardon to show he’s a good sport and a delegation of young girls wearing “Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific” conditioner make a personal appeal?
*Donald’s charges are tossed out on appeal to the supreme court after My Pillow manufacturer ships samples of his product to the courthouse?
*Donald reveals at last with incontestable, unimpeachable evidence he has been the REAL PRESIDENT all along and pardons himself?
*MAGA-lomaniacs storm the Bastille and free their boy?
*Deplorables in fly-over land hang their heads in shame and give up?
All kinds of scenarios possible. Stay tuned to this bat-channel.
Coronald McDonald
keeping with the theme of old rituals / celebrations 6/1 to 6/30: June dedicated to Old Roman Goddess Juno – partner of Jove (God of Happiness), protector of marriage and family, and punisher of abusive and adulterous spouses.
Imagine the shock horror of an convicted criminal in the white house. who would of believed it.
Trust the plan. 💤
Biden, around 1:30PM Washington time today (5/31/24) has put forth Israel’s proposal for a solution to Gaza as the US’s offer as well.It does NOT included the Hamas demand for an immediate and permanent cease fire. So much for tossing Israel under the bus.
More of the “peace process” going on since 1960s.
I think America is supposed to go down with Israel’s sinking ship eventually. Its shitty defense of the indefensible Israeli genocide is intended to further discredit the dying empire and facilitate the move toward the new “multipolar world”, maybe via a “limited nuclear war” that would be as fake as the pandemic
Interesting. I remember this woman predicting this agenda back in 2004, 23 years ago!
“There’s also been another possible motive for the 9-11 attacks that I’ve speculated about since the beginning. Have you ever wondered why the 9-11 official story was so implausible and so sloppily put together? (you know, the simultaneous hijacking of four different planes by people armed with mere boxcutters, the suicide notes found in luggage that inadvertently didn’t make it on the planes, Arabic flight manuals left in cars in the airport, and a million other things they did which seem like obvious plants, or things they didn’t do or create which would have squelched many of the 9-11 skeptics early on.) It’s as if they want us to see through the whole thing. Could the perpetrators, in fact, want a 911 Truth Movement to flourish? And if so, why?”
“Perhaps the perpetrators are deliberately setting up the U.S. to be the bad guy to the rest of the world, perhaps to give the rest of the world the notion that they’d have to consolidate to fight the sole superpower, getting us that much closer to a one world government that so many global elite long for. Perhaps the ‘transparent 9-11 inside job/ mass murder deliberately painted on others for a non-ending war pretext’ is just a part of that, part of the intentional plotting to have the U.S. be seen as the real rogue nation that others must get together to fight against.”
The Creepy Sides of the 911 Truth Movement
Sorry, 20 years ago. Getting ahead of myself. Was thinking of 911 itself.
The US deep state & the CIA, have a very dark sense of humour, they let the Jews think they were on-side, part of the Anglo-Saxon club, welcoming Mossad into all the empire’s crimes.
But actually $3.5 billion a year & integration into US security services has allowed the US dark state to control and stitch up the Jews, big time.
The US white supremacists, anti-Semite, nationalist, ‘god fearing’ Christians, that run the US, got the Jews to build a Warsaw ghetto & disenfranchise another religious group as badly as the Nazi Germans had disenfranchised them, with a slow genocide of Arabs humming away in the background for decades.
More recently they have them take an experimental mRNA treatment on a massive scale, like Josef Mengele was back in Auschwitz all over again.
The CIA are even making them elect a true Nazi party into power.
Now to cap it all, The Americans, using bibi netanyahu have also got the Jews to re-enact the genocide of the Warsaw ghetto, except the Jews are playing the Nazis, in this new version.
The CIA’s final aim must be to see a mass murder of the Palestinians on the scale of the Nazi holocaust, to finally discredit the Jews to all humanity…..Oh how the Neo-Nazis, anti-Semitic US security state, the Fourth Reich of America are celebrating their victory over their old foe.
It is the aske-nazi rabbis from Ukraine (chabad) ho have been setting up the Js for victimhood for at least a century- they always demand Jish exceptionalism, segregation and ghettos.
Once again an interesting topic at WarStrike. However, Mr. Balogh would have to pronounce the name of the Jew “Mises” not with the English I, but “Meesis” (see also phonetic pronunciation in the Wiki article). Presumably this strange name derives from Moises, which in turn goes back to Moses. The book title that Balogh could not think of was probably “The Authoritarian Personality”.
(Link to the PDF below the Wiki description)
In an hour’s time, “spergnat” (a word he created himself that has not yet made it into world-wide use) Brandon Martinez (also known as Rebrandon Larpinez), who is extremely disturbed in his ethnic identity, one could say schizophrenic, will start his live stream “The Nordicist Schizo Question”, which, as usual, will probably have no more than 20 of his last most loyal viewers.
In it, he will again spew his hatred of Northwestern Europeans, fueled by his racial inferiority complex, and claim that Nazis were in fact communists who wanted to “exterminate and subjugate all Slavs”. He usually cites sources such as the “Mises Institute”. I will not watch it to his great displeasure as he has been repeating himself like the typical shill like a mechanical talking doll for quite some time.
Apparently, the Omegle child molester now lives in Spain, having been unable to establish a social environment in Bulgaria. He was previously in Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, where he worked as an English teacher for “refugees” while making Hitler salutes in front of the cam on the Internet. But even in Spain, as in his native Canada, he does not feel fully accepted, as his maternal Slavic characteristics, inherited from his supposedly Czech mother, alienate him from it.
My take is the SYSTEM, has become increasingly observable agendas. They need to create more confusion, the CIA operating system to cloak what’s really happening. So we are in this era of incredibly exaggerated extremes, coming out of their SYSTEM. Can there be more insane extremes than the false binary Trump vs Biden? Both worthless in the extreme, with the only publicly useful candidate completely excluded. The agendas of both sides are war capitalism and imminent doom. Israel is just another false binary player in the SYSTEM where each is alternatingly good/bad, condemnable, exalted as needed, while capitalism executes undetered. Look at the US’s Abu Graib. Nothing stops the SYSTEM. They’re hope the public is perceptually lost. But as we can see pointing out their extremes, like here, is exposing their suicidal fraud. It’s just a matter of when we the 99% decide the 1% are worthless, marginalize them, just as they marginalize real threats like Jill Stein or RFK Jr.
All of the nations’ mainstream medias (and alt-media) gathering against Israel?
Perhaps a sign of the End Times. The forthcoming Great War to end all wars (of Revelation 20 / Ezekiel 38), when all the nations gather with God & Magog against Israel.
Typo: ‘Gog & Magog’, not ‘God’.
Thee most sensible honest thing you have written.
Why is it the so called alt media have not mentioned the prophecys they need to happen from the book of doom they all follow.
Everything is going according to plan.
The most honest thing Vagabard has EVER written. Fixed.
Obnoxious zealot and permanent anti-Islam agitator Stürzenberger and his Jewish backers are hypocritically whining that the muzzies they attack and belittle all day long want to kill them. Oh now the cries of this morbidly inflammatory pubertal gang are great again: “See! The Muslims want to murder us all! We were always right! But you won’t listen to us!” And all the Co-Zionists join in. It’s a single ridiculous, childish ham comedy, this whole thing.
As strange as it may seem, there could be other reasons for what’s happening vis-a-vis Israel.
Any and all possible explanations come together in one grand fact: Israel is fast becoming useless as a force for Western and US hegemony. The underbelly of virtually all MSM reporting is that Israel is actually losing its genocide. It can’t defeat Hamas no matter how many innocents it slaughters trying to get the job done. And it’s pulling a Ukraine: it’s fast running out of fresh soldiers to complete its genocidal search and destroy mission in Gaza. All it can do is keep recycling the same battle weary conscripts over and over, thus depriving its economy of manpower.
So, perhaps, the good ol’ USofA may have to step in to “save the day” and complete the genocide for Israel. And, in the process, take over the massive gas fields just offshore.
The taking over of the gas and oil field on and offshore of Palestine / Gaza by UK, US and various billionaire interests has been the plan for quite a way, all along. Rishi’s father had already signed a contract to that effect before Oct 7th, and prospecting studies were completed some years ago, too.
It seems the MO is the same as in the Ukraine – first build them up (the warring party) and then ditch them for the puppet masters to grab the spoils.
In 2001, Afghan Taliban dared to reject an imperial demand for a pileline to be built by Conoco. Later, al-Assad of Syria had the cheek to reject another pipeline.
Apparently now that Mr Putin has proposed the same Afghan pipeline, the Taliban have accepted it! Wonders will never cease…..
Also remember: If mercenaries could be attracted to Ukraine from all over Europe and MENA, they can certainly be attracted as martyrs to Palestine from a larger region. Anyway, NATO is already on the ground in both the areas.
Are you saying they don’t have enough bombs to completely flatten the entire Gaza strip? Didn’t they say they had?
…but maybe if they finish the job they will no longer have a purpose!!
“Some weep at end of quest for statehood” said a NYT headline in 1948! ( see photo posted above)
It seems you are forgetting one very important factor involved in the fetishizing and lionizing of Israel: It is completely tied up with the official narrative and political exploitation of the Holocaust; and this particular narrative is central to the way Western self-proclaimed hero states perceive and present themselves within the broader political discourse.
If you admit that the state of Israel is not the symbol of the Collective West’s righteous crusade against authoritarianism, racism, imperialism etc., how do you maintain the idea that “our” cause is just and true while all the other war criminals are just war criminals? As far as I can see, the only specific reference ever used to justify this pathetic, flagrant hypocrisy is exactly the Holocaust.
Unless they are also prepared to drop this mask and market their imperialist endeavors more honestly, I don’t see how they can just abandon Israel as such. More likely, they are just preparing to cut Netanyahu loose, which would still be a win but a much lesser one.
Holocaust is outdated and obsolete. Israel has been sucking money out of public coffers for 75 years, and everybody today knows the 6 million only is a ritual figure.
Everybody are tired of repeating the same joke. Something new and more interesting is pressing on everybody. “33 million – Never Again” theme for example.
hol0-caust is updated yearly with annual death cult documentaries broadcast in all NATO countries.
Look mate, the State of Israel was first seriously penned as an objective in 1917 by the Balfour Declaration. Not sure what leverage old Rothschild had on the UK Prime Minister, but leverage the First Lord of the Treasury he most certainly did.
Amazing that it happened the same year as the Bolshevik Revolution, isn’t it? Anyone would think that that was part of a multi-decadal conspiracy, eh?
Abolish religion in Imperial Russia, creating a bunch of disaffected Jews. Propose a State of Israel for those disaffected Jews to go to. Organise the Versailles Treaty to ensure that World War II was already inevitable. Enjoy watching the rise of Adolf and his creation of the ultimate justification of the State of Israel.
Then, as the Coup de Grace, bomb the King David Hotel to kill a few resisting British Administrators to ensure that the Jews could flood Palestine as new Israeli citizens, not giving a damn about any of the indiginous inhabitants of the former British Protectorate.
History will declare that the British were hardly great Protectors of the Palestinian Semites, won’t it?
None of that was co-ordinated, it all just happened.
The Rothschilds are no poker players, they are just simple Jews hoping for the best for their people…..they just happened to blackmail all kinds of homosexuals in British life for decades in the 20th century. No Rothschild was ever devious enough to run MI5 or MI6 after all….
the communist revolution was co-opted by “Jish” bolsehviks from an early stage and judaism was not targeted as much as other religions, if at all.
Further most people who identify as Js are not actually religious and most of the eastern European claimants have zero genetic link to any ancient Judeans – they are fake Js.
The communist revolution was co-opted by “Jish” bolsehviks from an early stage and judaism was not targeted as much as other religions, if at all.
Further most people who identify as Js are not actually religious and most of the eastern European claimants have zero genetic link to any ancient Judeans – they are fake Js.
‘Israel, like most regions and nations, is a base and tool of those powers, but a replaceable one.’
Tell it to Israel.
Israel will be “held to account” as Nuclear war is to NATO Vs Russia….. watch half a dozen or so netflix episodes of anything and the formula will become clear
The last Messiah?
Thank you, Kit. You describe it all so succinctly.
The bloodshed and destruction is bad enough, but what is unbelievable, unfathomable, is the fact that it being called out (finally) is not a function of conscience but yet another agenda.
I am, and have been for some time, apolitical, believing it is all smoke and mirrors and the people who look like they are in power are just puppets. The real power is unseen – whatever one chooses to call it.
After the Trump verdict yesterday my phone was abuzz with the “Allelujah!” texts and the praying hands emoji’s. (I’m on the (big) family group text). I did not read the texts, I just kept deleting.
But the frustration grew. It’s none of my business what other’s think or believe but when it is all based on the New York Times I just want to scream. I could have responded with my own texts but I did not and do not want to go that route.
I finally elicited the help of a sympathetic neice who removed me from the group text. (Couldn’t figure out how to do it on my own).
What has been running through my head the past 24 hours is Ned Beatty’s famous monolgue from the brilliant movie “Network”. As true today as it was back then.
Hope this link works.
Thanks again, Kit.
Dear Admin,
Any update on changing the format so that it doesnt look like one huge paragraph?
Does everyone know to click on READ MORE so that the paragraphs are broken up?
I am seeing this all over substack and I believe it is a subtle way of sabotage. Many, myself included, don’t read the big long unbroken comments.
Any way to change this? Or do we address substack?
How many readers of Off-G would be so lacking in intelligence that they’d “not know how to click on ‘Read more’…”??? Not many, I venture to suggest.
It’s not a question of intelligence but of frustration. The “read more” button leaves you hanging. You must take a minute to find where you left off, since the last thing you read before having to “read more” becomes mis-placed within the comment.
I have counted the remaining words in one or two rather brief comments and found – literally – sometimes 4 more words after the “read more.” Really? They couldn’t squeeze 4 more words in?
that is indefensible rubbish- this commenting platform is just bad.
I agree with this. It does not seem based on user convenience. Given the choice, I would rather just have whichever limited number of lines be displayed in the same formatting as the post proper instead of cramming as much as possible together into an annoying wall of text.
You should stop your link before the ?. Just a friendly advice.
This way or this way .
The addiction after the ? is tracking.
Thank you.
The addition (:-P)
Next time you meet someone who works in web development, give them a slap from me. They are all following the same Borg script in making the internet less and less interactive and shitty, while tryingto shove it all into mobile phone screens.
They all are wannabe Apple drones and follow that shitty design ethos of hiding or just removing buttons and controls so as to remove as much agency from the user as possible while maintaining a token useability… they now want badly to replace computers with dumb terminals which is essentially what smart phones are.
I was blissfully unaware just how corrupt the ICC was until highlighted by Corbett re Rwanda in his recent presentation
He interviews Christopher Black, who’s written extensively about ICC corruption and how controlled it is by US/UK/NATO et al…
With that as a background, it become patently obvious US/UK/NATO are throwing Bibi/Israel under the bus.
Coupled with Israels impending water shortage situation, due to which they need to build 30 new desalination plants by 2065,which would require a 45% increase in electricity generation for desalination alone.
Maybe that’s why they have planned to create a New Jersuselem, an Israel 2.0, in Ukraine. Igor Berku (a Ukranian Billionaire oligarch backed by Soros) has been openly campaigning for this project, this interview in was done in 2019 (before Russias special [needs] military opperation…
According to Igor Berkut , the author of the idea and the executive director of the project : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 2019, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for New Israel”. So, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem … in Ukraine.
Are they turning on Israel to encourage mass relocation to Ukraine? Can we expect a new Ukranian peace deal with Russia, fitting in with Berkuts “reformatting” timeline? Perhaps with Trump claiming “peace maker” bonafides, perhaps a buffer zone incorporating the recently depopulated front line zones incorporating the Donbas, all ready for mass immigration and meeting Berkuts reformatting timeline?
I was blissfully unaware just how corrupt the ICC was until highlighted by Corbett re Rwanda in his recent presentation
He interviews Christopher Black, who’s written extensively about ICC corruption and how controlled it is by US/UK/NATO et al…
With that as a background, it become patently obvious US/UK/NATO are throwing Bibi/Israel under the bus.
Coupled with Israels impending water shortage situation, due to which they need to build 30 new desalination plants by 2065,which would require a 45% increase in electricity generation for desalination alone.
Maybe that’s why they have planned to create a New Jersuselem, an Israel 2.0, in Ukraine. Igor Berku (a Ukranian Billionaire oligarch backed by Soros) has been openly campaigning for this project, this interview in was done in 2019 (before Russias special [needs] military opperation…
According to Igor Berkut , the author of the idea and the executive director of the project : the next five years is destruction and fragmentation after 2019, and the next five years, after 2024, is reformatting. 2029 is the first step for New Israel”. So, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews are expected to arrive in the New Motherland for the construction of New Jerusalem … in Ukraine.
Are they turning on Israel to encourage mass relocation to Ukraine? Can we expect a new Ukranian peace deal with Russia, fitting in with Berkuts “reformatting” timeline? Perhaps with Trump claiming “peace maker” bonafides, perhaps a buffer zone incorporating the recently depopulated front line zones incorporating the Donbas, all ready for mass immigration and meeting Berkuts reformatting timeline?
Enquiring minds want to know! ^.^
Correction: Not 5 million
but 6 billionexcuse me, 6 million are moving to their old ancient promised motherland and fatherland in Ukraine.Only Putin who still dream he is Prince Igor is trying to stop more usury and baby sacrificing in his neighbour country which is non of his business, because Ukraine is an 100% independent democratic nation where the majority can do whatever they want.
All other nations in the free and civilised International community are against Putin and in a democratic vote, they voted in favour of a new allocation of the 6 million Doos to a new ancient promised land swimming with milk and honey.
Really: Ukraine an ‘independent, democratic nation’?
Ukraine is bankrupt and its puppet time-lapsed President has sold off half its infrastructure to friendly animals like Larry Fink.
The time-lapsed President was elected calling for peace, then promptly betrayed his own people in calling for war in the Donbass and the sacrifice of 500,000 indiginous Ukrainians.
Now apparently, non-Ukrainian Jews are to flood this ‘independent’ country.
You have a funny view on what is ‘democratic’.
What has happened is akin to 1970s Argentina on Steroids, not ‘disappearing’ people but ‘exterminating’ them. Or at least, creating the war for Russia to exterminate them.
The puppet has been funded by the zionist-controlled USA and all of Europe has been ordered to contribute too.
There’s a time and a place to bump off Jewish billionaires, you know….
It was a joke. But it was too funny for our liberal intellectual do-goody leftist behavioural correction team. Its all right Rhy.
The article omits the special attention ICC paid to Serbia.
And don’t forget about the New Jerusalem city in Russia, a replica built centuries ago. Maybe the takeover of Russia is the ultimate goal…? Russia is currently the largest exporter of organic produce.
They will be catching up with quite a few other long-term issues that come along with this as well as with being surrounded by mortal enemies.
Stupid bullshit!! The fucking useless and worthless Pali scum infesting Gaza and the West bank anybody must be get rid of!!! From the river to the sea Israel will be free (of Pali scum)!!!
You’re outnumbered Hank.
By tens of millions.
And if I think that you’re fucking useless and worthless scum infesting whatever shithole you reside in?
Should you be ‘got rid of’????
Shall we have a vote of Off-Guardian readers, eh????
Israel wil be free to perish in the desert
Re: the PTB.
Tell that to Hind Rajab. I’m afraid TPTB have already won that round. People have never not hated each other. It’s a species thing, not a propaganda thing. The fact that a few don’t accept hatred of the “Other” is simply the exception that proves the rule.
It’s a species thing
I vote for that as a step in the direction of self knowledge and understanding of our place in the world, much more of which I think would be a good thing. But It’s actually a thing of multiple species, not just ours:
We commit violence against our prey, if we are predators, but we
reserve hatred for our fellows.
Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression, 1966
I suppose this meme runs a risk of sentimentalism, but maybe it’s more of a reminder how we must be taught to hate, since from the get-go we experience and learn to make sense of a range of emotions, but hardly show settled prejudices and formations of feelings for ideological purposes (isms) without deliberate socialization by TPTB, including stereotypes and demonization of others that propaganda promotes. Similarly, early development of humans, prior to the rise of ‘civilization’, indicates different potentials for how we can live relative to our open and flexible nature as social beings, apart from any claims of biological determinism by a selfish gene for instance, and counter to narratives of social Darwinism and human nature red in tooth and claw.
It is not a “species thing” because the concept of “species” is more of The Science.
Children are not born as victims, or as narcissistic psychopaths, predators and parasites. They are turned into such by a self-perpetuating culture of abuse and *trauma-based conditioning* established by the elites over millenia to maintain human slavery.
You cannot know human nature by reading books or thinking about it.
In short, it’s culture, not nature.
If you posit that Jewish apartheid states are the ultimate goal and where they happen to be are less important to the Khazars and the Ashenazim, then you can see that sacrificing Israel now, just as Ukraine is being cleansed of young men of reproductive age, might be a prelude to Jews trying to take over Ukraine to make it a new Zionist entity. After all, the black earth in Ukraine is far more fertile than what they found in Palestine.
What’s a coupla genocides when the Zionists want the best agricultural land on earth, eh?
Black virgin gold.
Only infested with old tractors and Russian peasants who violated international law when they as vagabonds raised their tents on holy land
😂 playing the Balalaika ✌ 😂 would you Adam & Eve it ?
3 large US multi-nationals have bought 17 million ha of Ukrainian agricultural land, out of a total land bank of 40 million ha. -Australian Nat. Review 2022-06
Would that include a certain prominent billionaire philanthrophist?
That story is sus:
Link is to a site called “fullfact”. Any site with a name like fullfact (or factcheck or D-bunk) is sus.
Also, fullfact only debunks a claim that Zelensky sold Ukrainian land to U$ financial sharks. But Johnny never mentioned the Z word.
Long before they installed the TV comedian Zelensky as president, the U$ “Cookie Coup” of 2014 promoted 2 or 3 similarly corrupt Jewish Presidents and/or President-makers in Ukraine: for instance Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko and Kolomoisky could have sold that land; because Ukrainian land was sold to U$/UK financial interests, of that there is no doubt.
“Yats is our man” — Victoria “F***” Nudelmann, VP Biden’s right hand woman in U$ President Obomba’s Cookie Coup of 2014.
So…..that means the global doo conspiracy theory is right, right?
If Poroshenko is doo, Zelensky is doo, Nuland is doo and Yatsenyuk is doo, and Kolomoisky is doo, the Bolshevik gang is having their way again again again yes??
Rothschild is sitting on 95% of the world’s national bank and he is a doo, and the above gang are probably just part of this network.
Young man cant do a shit, because the old man has all the money.
I agree Nick.
That’s why I said ‘sus’ instead of wrong.
‘Full fact’ certainly comes across as hyperbolic.
Old “factcheck” ploy is to “debunk” one tiny little fact — and leave the reader to infer that all the rest was false as well.
Now “factcheck” goes further, and “debunks” a fictitious Z-word that was never in the argument at all. Is that what they call introducing “a straw man”?
Russia will just take that land back soon.
Zionist money and influence controls America. The Gaza episode is just another chapter in the sordid tale of American corruption.
..And the entire vaccinated American commie population back them up and support them.
If they want to be ‘commies’, they have a right to be and nothing you say alters that. They are the enormous majority after all.
I suspect that your definition of ‘commies’ is ‘anything to the left of Genghis Khan’, which might be an interesting debating point.
It’s far more likely that what you have is a population that still believes the government, still believes the media, rather than being committed communists.
That’s not healthy in an adult population, you know. Innocence is the prerogative of childhood, which is why children need protecting by parents and other adults around them.
Adults should be skeptical, thoughtful, local-focussed democrats with a small D.
They shouldn’t delegate the most important decisions of their lives to grifters calling themselves government officials.
Henry Markow believes that this is the plan as it has been scripted many decades ago, to use Israel as the tool (to be destroyed) to usher in WWIII and a global government. It increasingly looks like he’s been right all along.—israel-could-be-destr.html
Bill Cooper (who ran the old ‘Mystery Babylon’ radio series) was predicting the same thing back in the 90s: that modern Israeli was created to ‘fulfill’ prophecies in Revelation.
So our world is one 3000 year old already scripted predicted theater? Exhausting.
Wake me up when arrive.
Makow is full of it. Where is the big “scandal”? Fauci got off clean form the “congressional hearing” and they are still jabbing victims in many countries- the covid operation will not be called off.
The idea that Israel is a “diversion” is pretty laughable, and he brings up the bogeyman of nuclear war, too. No thanks, this guy is not a good source.
Building up the ICC is manifestly a central part of what’s going on here. It’s one of the central features of the globalist architecture.
It looks great on the surface – and who doesn’t like the idea of a Netanyahu, Bush or Blair having to answer for their crimes? However the reality is much more likely to be a series of show trials for crimes against climate change or crimes against pandemic preparedness.
As for “Israel is our only ally”, show me the treaty. Perhaps the lack of one reveals that treaties – and the whole liberal ‘rules-based order’ they embody – are just more propaganda.
BTW ICC happens to be 933 in numerlogy – so it includes a Freemasonic 33, a Crowleyian 93 and an “as above so below” 96 all in one. Just a crazy coincidence of course…
Does the convenient numerology hold when ICC is translated into other than English?
In Hebrew it does, so yes.
The ICC is a tool of the West, it never prosecutes western criminals, so it is a tool of Western Imperialism, not a globalist architecture at all.
The only way that it could possibly represent the world is if the Russians, Chinese, Africans and Indians get the majority of votes in selecting its top officials, as they represent the majority of the world’s population.
I’ll believe that happens when I see it….
As West is the only free and civilised International community for global peace and freedom on this globe, I see no reason why you would punish hard working innocent people. All other countries are dictatorships. 😇
wrong, Crowley used 94 (9+4=13), or maybe 92 (9+2=11), definitely not 93, as 13 and 11 are more evil than 12!
Fingers crossed. Satan will have to land somewhere else.
He is already here walking among us.
It’s important to understand that Israel was not constructed by the Central Bankers and the families behind them to be a haven for people of Jewish extraction but as a wedge mostly to thwart Arab nationalism, fragment any Arab coalition to plunder the resources of the Near East namely oil.
Moreover, these Central Bankers and their acolytes have no loyalty, no affinity and absolutely no intent to respect any nation since their strategy is to abolish all notions of nation states.
However, they are to a certain degree realists and know that the Zionists have crossed the Rubicon. The only thing that matters to them is their goals.
If executing the whole plan, including the theatre of Oct 7 was all about stealing the oil and gas off the coast, and now that things are looking a bit too ugly, then it is time to point the finger at the expendable psycho patsy, Bibi, throw him under the bus and continue the cleansing employing thirst and starvation and bulldozing the rest into the wasteland desserts of Egypt, all this oil and gas can now be had by the western corporations for pennies.
It’s all about the timing.
I don’t trust the oil/gas narrative. It sounds like a fallback official story that ignores the bigger picture and globalism. Israel already controls Gaza by land and sea, if it was just about oil and gas they could just roll in, occupy the entire place and take what they want.
The fact they don’t do that says it all. This is about optics. Israel wants to be seen to be bombing and killing even though it doesn’t need to militarily. It’s about spreading images of terror, cruelty, slaughter.
Why? To provoke the bigger war the globalists want?
All interesting observations Kit but in my opinion Israel is still Teflon. All this this wishful thinking amongst people with a conscience about justice being served will never come to pass. It never does. During the second invasion of Iraq there was plenty of criticism in the media and even politically but it changed nothing. The invasion went ahead and millions of us felt good because at least we protested it. An important job of the media is to give voice to the genuine feelings of the public. When the “powers that shouldn’t be” lose control of a narrative and the public see through their lies the controlled media is used as pressure valve to give voice to that public outrage. It changes nothing but it gives the illusion that the controlled media is listening and supports public opinion.
However the powers that be play it, whatever rules of law they invoke to advance their rule above the law, opportunists to this crisis on all sides agree on one thing: people on the ground caught in this conflict count for no more than pawns to be sacrificed on the grand chessboard of geopolitics. That one thing alone is why we the people should turn on them.
check out Albert Pike’s latest…
Could it be that Israel have overplayed their hand?
The fact is that they are the “West’s” toehold in the ME has given them special privilages up to now and allowed them expansionist projects, backed by US and NATO, which no other nation would have got away with.
Maybe their special status was just another construct to maintain the holy war.
Maybe Israel has outlived it’s usefulness
US neocons wanted to get rid of Bibi. Spillage of blood is irrelevant to them.
Either Zelenskyy’s mansions need renovations, or he’s updating his collection of luxury cars:
Nah. It’s all for blow.
Defending the indefensible is a task beyond the scope and/or understanding of mealy mouthed, self serving politicians.
They are out of their depth and doomed to drown in their own ocean of lies.
History is replete with their ilk.
What world are you living in? Politicians defend the indefensible every single day. It’s their function. It’s all they do.
They ‘defend’, they fail.
That was my point Tilly.
The worldwide cynicism/distrust of politicians is proof of that.
Unfortunately we are stuck with them.
In the UK, they pay the prostitutes of the media to do that for them. Have you seen the lies the Daily Jewishgraph prints on a daily basis? Anyone would think that the Government had said: ‘Do what you’re told or you’re sold to Abu Dhabi!!’
Arse kissing is an art form and full time vocation for presstitutes worldwide.
Globalists hate nationalisms, be they Serbian, Syrian, Russian, American, Dutch or Israeli. They will support any strong organized group going against these, be they secular atheists, Islamists, Marxists, protesters, bureaucrats or criminal gangs.
Hamas might drag Egypt down too: two nations gone for the price of one. Libanon is already dead.
Globalists love nationalisms there the most easiest to control with nonsense and fake outspoken PM MP who end up locking them down and selling them out quicker.
Nationalisms are much more powerful than the groups I mentioned above. Take Islamism for example: there exist dozens of Islamic nations today despite the endless calls for one Ummah over centuries. Or bureaucracies, full with Marxists; they only work together in an EU or NATO Brussels and get heavily criticized for that at home: a dead end. A nation the more natural bigger unit above a clan or tribe. The UN became a joke.
No way. As long as Jewish trillionaires own the EU$A, as long as Jewish billionaires fund the election expenses of U$ Presidential candidates, as long as UK Prime Ministers aim to retire with a cushy directorate in House of Rothschild, so long as Western media are owned by Jews, so long as EU$A businesses, professions and State apparatchniks contain an unfair share of Jews (much more than proportional to population) for so long will Israel be free from the river to the sea. Because Israel is not only a little sliver of a country sandwiched between the Jordan and the Med but also — like the tip of a mighty iceberg — Israel is the combined economic, political and cultural power of world Jewry.
The cleverest part of the Israel psyop is the way it’s manipulated people like yourself into becoming genuine racists – which of course serves no one but the ruling elite
Sorry to disabuse you, Tilly. As a friend said when someone called me racist for expressing disapproval when a so-called First Black President of the U$A was spending U$ blood and treasure bombing Libya and Syria before pivoting to China: “Nick, anyone who thinks you are racist does not know you very well”.
Here is another comment that you will consider racist: A numerically disproportionate amount of the ruling so-called Elite – a Latin word meaning The Chosen or The Elect (Fr. Les Elus) — are among the Chosen People.
Another comment that some people might consider “genuinely racist”:
“Love of money is at the root of many evils” — Old Testament.
“A numerically disproportionate amount of the ruling so-called Elite – a Latin word meaning The Chosen or The Elect (Fr. Les Elus) — are among the Chosen People.”
Lol. You mean the Jesuits? Freemasons? Death Cult of Saturn? Because the Sabbatean Frankists (Franks were Germanic-speaking people who invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century) who front Zionism are a Jesuit-Vatican created sect of the late 19thC and all have Germanic genealogy. They’re not remotely Judaic, they don’t follow the Torah, they’re Saturnists/Satanists.
Sorry to give you a downtick, but Latin and French do not seem your strong point. You do not get my point; which is, corruption of language.
“The Elect” (les Elus) originally referred to The Christian Elect in Heaven, those blessed mortals who saved their souls by doing good deeds, enriching the poor, and preaching Faith, Hope and Philanthropy. To see the noble old word Elite applied to a greedy, profligate, malicious, poverty-creating, death and destruction dealing Leadership of the EU$A makes my teeth grind.
But the “chosen ones” refers to the self appointed rulers (hidden hand) who act as gods among men. They unlawfully farm all humanity as dead slaves through the PAPAL Cestui Que Vie trusts and admiralty law (Roman, Greek) which is Colorable, (meaning only need have the appearance of law) and unlawful.
Since the SATURN death cult wrote the BuyBull, Torah, Talmud, Quran, Hindu texts, Book of the Dead using their GENERATIONAL inherited wealth and power, it’s irrelevant what language they translated scripts from, the goal was only to deceive the public by lying, occult true gnosis and use artificial religions as their personal, manmade control mechanism to program slaves into subservience, steal wealth, divide and conquer, just as they continue to do now with all the privately owned corporations masquerading as nation states.
I learnt Latin and French at school. A+ in both.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the “chosen ones” comes from Judaism and while you may think it stands for “christians”, you are reading Judaic tribal lore and cannot get over the scam. Christianity is repackaged Judaism for global export (via European empires) and runs essentially on this scam.
Christians think they have a “god” who chose them to rule the world, but in fact they are ruled by the actual self-proclaimed chosen ones who hoodwinked them!
Testa-MENT = MIND control script.
The cryptocracy tell the public one thing in their scripts whilst doing the exact opposite, by creating, monopolizing, disseminating and forcing money onto the “dead” slaves, while stealing it from them. They don’t want the slaves to collect it and control it as they do, so fabricate scriptures, to disguise their lies and crimes.
“Rules for Me, Not for Thee”
The root of all evil is the false beLIEf in authority the cryptocracy claim over humankind within the artificial power constructs they erect. Laws always come before money, and all laws originate from the Roman cult of Saturn.
That’s the controllers’ aim. Another divide and conquer narrative supported by zero evidence, only “reports” (hearsay) from such and such “authority”.
As meaningful and real as every other hate and fear campaign of the last 2,000 years or more of the cryptocracy.