This Week in the New Normal #91

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Climate Gaslighting Continues
Last month, we were told, was the warmest April on record. When there was a groundswell of people saying “No it wasn’t”, the Telegraph went full gaslight with this headline:
Cold April may be all in your head
Today we’re in the exact same position again, with Sky News reporting it was the warmest May on record:
BREAKING: The UK had the warmest May and spring on record since 1884, according to the Met Office.
How warm did you feel this May? ☀️ 🌧️
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 3, 2024
…despite it fairly evidently not being. It has been unseasonably cold and damp, but I suppose we all just imagined that.
2. NYT Endorses “Lab Leak” Theory
The New York Times published a long article by Dr Alina Chan earlier today, headlined:
Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points”
It’s just one more step in lab leak’s journey from fringe narrative to mainstream alternative, and it’s yet another piece of evidence that it’s nothing but a fallback position.
We told you this would happen.
Here are our final words on the matter, from 2022:
There were the old flu symptoms, there was a new name, and there was a crappy test.
And that is all.
This is the one admission the establishment will never make, because it totally breaks their narrative.
Kills it stone dead.
Every other “admission”, debate or idea – “lab leak”, early treatment, government panic, “we underestimated natural immunity”, “the vaccine trials were misleading” – can eventually be brought back around to justifying lockdowns and other authoritarian “public health measures”.
If not for Covid, then for the next “pandemic”.
3. The “liberal” defense of CBDCs
This is actually a story from two weeks ago but it’s important enough to merit its place. Leftist Economics professor and politician Yanis Varoufakis has written a defense of Central Bank Digital Currency for Project Syndicate:
Who’s Afraid of Central Bank Digital Currencies?
In it he argues that CBDCs will actually be better for ordinary people by breaking the power of major banks like JPMorgan by enabling citizens to deal directly with the central bank.
I won’t go into a point-by-point refutation here, except to point out his arguments elide important facts – such as the fact that central banks are usually private institutions just as much as retail or commercial banks, and that CBDCs are potentially a lot more than just digital money
It’s a sign of an argument made in ignorance or bad faith that he doesn’t once use the word “programmability” one single time.
This will be the sales pitch for CBDC from certain sectors, that they are “anti-Capitalist”.
BONUS: Re-run of the week
Donald Trump has promised to release the JFK, 9/11 and Jeffry Epstein files once he’s elected…
Trump says he would declassify 9/11, JFK, and Epstein files.
Follow: @AFpost
— AF Post (@AFpost) June 2, 2024
…if that sounds familiar it’s because he did the same thing last time too. I’m sure he means it now.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister being an unelected intelligence officer or Mexico’s newest President, a climate scientist who used to work for the UN.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Can y’all not collapse each comment’s paragraphs into a block of text without keys to content established in the from of the comment? You could truncate the same line distance down, making the initial entry shorter, with the 11th line reading “read more”. It turns every comment into a blob.
A CA study for charging drivers by the mile via GPS monitors, billed automatically.
The transition of all things physical to digital, monitored and distributed remotely by non-human machine/AI oversight, a partial function of the Internet of things (IoT), operating via RF/5G micromillimeter radiation, is the divorce of Humanity from self-oversight and personal human choice sacrificed for the sins of capitalism and it’s pilot 1%.
This is but a fractal of the holistic transition to a virtual ruling order forced upon us by those who make policy decisions without our consent. Every facet of “civilization”, society and Life is being transformed from our millions of years of physically limited Earthly existence/survival ecosystem to a digitally reproduced simulation of an artificial reality dreamed up by the greed of the 1%. There is not one day that goes by in 2024 that i do not see another abomination of their supposed conveniences virtualizing into reality without societies feedback and consent. The ultimate goal seems to be CBDC, virtual money, which will make the rich in total control of being infinitely self-funded as they wish, and we will be like penniless farm animals subject to all manner of catastrophe and or punishment. Like Abu Graib. How long can this continue before it all blows up? Not long, i think.
I’m sure this is insignificant, but when they call a month “the hottest ever” they are not referring to any one particular area. Rather, they are basing it on a global reading. This includes places like Northern India, which, though close to the Himalayas, saw record breaking temperatures.
While that doesn’t prove the climate crisis is for real, it does prove the temperature varies throughout the world and that no single area sets the worldwide standard.
But since God is and Englishman, it must follow that if it’s cold in Britain it must be cold everywhere.
The news stories were specifically relating to UK temperatures. I’m not sure where they were taking the readings from..100m below the surface would probably fit the evaluation.
It proves that when they stop blocking out the sun, we experience the normal weather.
Donald Trump has promised
Why would Forbes suddenly be so very concerned about the unemployed? Wouldn’t have anything to do with the imminent mass destruction of jobs would it?–strategies-to-protect-your-mental-health/
Unsurprisingly, the 14 strategies don’t include “get angry at A.I. for taking your job” or “educate yourself about how the world really works – start with ‘Tragedy and Hope'”.
Hariri says their unemployment time will be ludo and play station games.
Dont worry, you will get free internet + $500/mth in universal social score to buy soup…..if you behave.
I don’t understand why OffGuardian can’t accept that many scientists – ones that spoke to Fauci in the first moments of the pandemic – reported that the virus looked like it came from a lab. When you are pulling a scam like Covid you don’t want to rely on one thing – the rule changes, the PCR tests, the statistical manipulation – everything was part of the lie, but that doesn’t exclude an actual, relatively harmless virus also being released. When you have access, why wouldn’t you? Releasing it from Wuhan gives you the extra cover of it being an ‘accident’, something that woupd be harder to argue if it was discovered elsewhere.
In short, an engineered lab leak does not make the Covid ‘pandemic’ any more deadly, or therefore, justify any of the subsequent policies. There is plenty of evidence that it occurred. Is OffGuardian too proud to admit its mistakes? Or is it something else?
So you go from a lot of conjecture about a possible release of a “relatively harmless” (?!) virus to the absolute certainty of,
“Is OffGuardian too proud to admit its mistakes?”
You can “release” whatever you like, it ain’t going to “multiply” and “infect” loads of people to turn them into “hosts”.
Most likely “it” is some kind of poison such as an artifical protein that they somehow spiked (hint hint) lots of people with. Whoever discovers and (publishes proof of) the pre-vaccine method of delivery, if that’s the case, would be a true benefactor of humanity.
What about releasing cloned up batches of respiratory disease as aerosols in shopping malls and planes that don’t even need to be transmissible from person to person, but to make a few people ill enough to exhibit flu symptoms, in order gin up a bit of terror. “I got covid, and, OMG!, I nearly died!” someone can say to their friends. And the mass roll out fakes tests to make stacks of Money. Sell masks and ventilators and other shit to make stacks of money. And eventually make a few hundred thousand million dollars profit selling poisonous shit to inject into people.
And ensuring other sinister agendas get served dessert as well.
Yes. i have noticed the covid smell (something like a burnt metal/ weird sweet chemical smell) mostly in LIDL supermarket, which is a big European (German) chain that I often go to out of laziness to walk to the local shops…
The same smell was in my nose for a few days , replacing the taste of certain foods, while I experienced flu symptoms, sometime in 2021, * right after I visited a large hospital for an physiotherapy appointment*.
It was definitely disturbing.
My preliminary theory is that the poison in the covid vaccines was initially dispersed in densely populated/ frequented urban locations, as a kind of test to see how bad it could get, or a pre-dose to enhance the effect of the jabs, and of course *to create the illusion of a new contagious disease*, before they “rolled out” (military jargon) the jabs which make the poison much more effective.
PS: off-g please change the commenting plugin. This is hot garbage. Does not even show bold type.
Oh dear, nature is just so not down with the programme:
It doesn’t state the solution outright but leaves it implicit: forced evolution.
One does wonder what the moths did before they evolved to use the moon for navigation.
Perhaps they were butterflies then.
It strikes me that the theory of evolution is bullshit.
On the other hand, the LGBT shit is an evolutionary dead end, so we can but hope.
The theory of evolution is a theory, not a fact. It is part of The Science, which is Settled. You see, western Europeans figured it all out a century ago!
Then mind control is so bad people have forgotten the same repeated patterns they do each time there is a selection.
This is the 3rd time in 8 year normal Nigel has had milkshake thrown at him.
it is always the same during the build up to the selections. Like Trump in above they can repeat the same bullshit on the electorate and 95% wont even remember.
I am sure theses posters heavily promoted all around London are just coincidence.
James Corden stars in new political play The Constituent at The Old Vic in London.
contrived manufactured staged bullshit. it fits the politicians and U.K is dangerous and new laws brought narrative.
Farrage takes on the role of what is generally referred to as “controlled opposition” in the UK: “I am proud to have crushed the nationalist right in this country.” By “crushing”, Farrage presumably means taking votes away from them. This club of chosen imposters also includes figures like Carl Benjamin (aka “Sargon of Akkad”) or hardcore Zionist Tommy Robinson (“English Defense League”). Their fraudulent labeling is called “civic nationalism”. Everything should remain as it is, so that Nigel can continue to puff his cigar unmolested like his great role model Churchill.
Absolutely. The false nationalists riding to the rescue of the beleaguered.
In 2007 Nick Griffin claimed he was offered shekels to bang on about the “evils of Islam” and never to criticize the banking system. He refused.
Seems Tommy had no such compunctions, judging by his known financial backers. There is also much evidence out there to indicate he is an intelligence asset.
In Tommy’s case it would still be fair to call him a nationalist. It just happens that the nation whose sovereignty and rights he overarchingly pledges allegiance to is not England or the UK.
Speaking of fake opposition. The new “Mexican” (Jewish) president presents herself as ‘left-wing’ a la Bernie Sanders. Translation of her Facebook post:
What is being sold by the controlled and orchestrated lugenpresse as a single “gift for Mexico” is in fact a single bloodshed. Mexico’s first female mayor, a conservative who opposed Sheinbaum, was assassinated the day after the election.
“Heroine” (Underworld ‘s) “Mother Of Invention”
Good one. Shekels are so pessed on Islam because they ban Islam. This is the real evil of Islam and Muslims: They ban usury.
Actually, Farage isn’t alone in the UK. The Liberal Democrats (and their predecessor parties) have always been controlled opposition – manipulating the election result by taking the votes of either Labour or the Tories depending who the ‘deep state’ want to win at that particular election.
One should also remember the unscrupulous war criminal and hypocrite Cameron. In his own country he knelt before the Muslim invaders, while in their own countries he lavished them with NATO war and devastation.
Remember Rupert Murdoch being attacked with a custard/foam pie when he appeared in front of a parliamentary select committee? Like anyone could smuggle that past security….
These things serve a number of functions – it’s mostly telling the liberal-left “hate this guy” but there’s the deeper message that it’s all a circus.
There was the Prescott incident with Chumbawamba as well so it’s not party political – they tried to mainstream that with the “ice bucket challenge” afterwards. It seemed mainly a humiliation ritual combined with an experiment on manipulating behaviour (the fact it was quietly dropped suggests not as much as they’d hoped).
Possibly also a gentle shot-across-the-bows from the controllers?
Dialling up ‘The Science’ (TM) for the answer they wanted:
Level 1 messaging: nothing to worry about with male fertility.
Level 2 messaging: wouldn’t you be so much better off in a Scandinavian culture like Denmark?
Level 3 messaging: “assisted reproduction” is perfectly usual for large numbers of men.
As usual, a closer reading shows the BS. Sperm counts didn’t decline in one country over three years? Bring out the bunting and declare a public holiday! Those three years were 2019-2022 so what they’ve in fact “proved” if anything is that nothing happened during “covid”. As usual (again), the initial parameter of assumptions determined the outcome. And of course there are the usual dodgy numbers – the sample size reduces to 1313.
Still, job done and the MSM can go back to ignoring the issue. I suspect they only covered it at all because of how much traction it gets in the alt-media.
Re: Trump again promising to release JFK files, in Jan. 2020 Judge Napolitano called Don, said he was disappointed he hadn’t kept his promise to release JFK files. Trump’s pathetic, Deep Swamp response to Judge Nap: ““Judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either.” “And I [Judge] said, who is they and what did they show you? And he said, in effect, Judge, sometime when we’re in private I’ll tell you.”” Jeffrey Sachs, apparently believing that Trump was shown the files and entrusted with their secrets, and would thus be able for the rest of his life to reveal them to whomever he pleased, replies to Judge Nap that this exemplifies that since JFK death, US has had no president: Jeffrey Sachs: ”This is it. As one person said, since the Kennedy assassination, there has been no president, there have only been factotums of the system since then. It may well be the most decisive event in modern American history.”…
I don’t believe Trump at all on that. He didn’t see anything.
Big Al, I agree 100%. Trump didn’t see anything that mattered. Then lied about it as if he was a fully accredited member of the Swamp sharing their superiority and entitlement to secrets. Then two well known pundits without blinking believe what Trump said. Don’s sole reason for being in politics (other than a wall on day one) was supposedly that he was the one guy who’ll take it to the Swamp–yet he falls in line with them every chance he gets, presents himself as one of them, never lays a glove on them. It’s shocking to me than anyone believes a word he says.
Arrgh! Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch…
It was a “pathetic, Deep Swamp response”. But it’s all the more irksome and outrageous because it wasn’t an answer at all, but an arguably sadistic coy deflection.
Although I have a “truther” interest in JFK’s assassination, I’m too skeptical and cynical to have gotten my hopes up at Trump’s bombastic promise to release all of the illicitly-concealed “classified” material. So I expected a typical Trump double-cross.
But his words surely inflamed disappointed members of the JFK research community, because they amount to a reprehensible tease. Trump disingenuously and mendaciously justifies his cop-out as if he was saying, “No, I’m actually doing ‘enquiring minds’ a favor by not exposing this horrorshow.”
Even if he actually did see “unspeakable” material, which I doubt, he surely knows that this paternalistic wink-wink response will only further pique the curiosity of interested parties. 😡
Hopes are They dont lower The Voting Age to 16,
because there’s a movie about that very thing…
In the movie: soon The Young were electing young
politicians with a remit to cull The Oldies over 60…
That didnt satisfy, so it was then the culling of the
over-50s, then the turn of the over-40s…
I cant recall if the movie ended about when it was
decided to cull the over-30s, or over-24s…
I recall A Great Rejoicing broke out Across The Land !!
With ‘Voluntary’ Euthanasia now readily available
Can The Kids Be trusted ?
“Wild In The Streets”. A Roger Corman classic
Is this the real motive for COVID and the Great Reset (an imminent cataclysm):
The system (financed by compulsory fees!) is once again pressing the moral tear gland. Simply disgusting. What is to be prevented here is (now incomprehensible) obvious: to prevent the AfD from representing particular German interests. Suggestive message: “Anyone who votes for the AfD is an evil Nazi who wants to bring Hitler back to life!” They really call that permanent brainwashing procedure “democracy”!
Appeal to young voters “We couldn’t stop it. You can today.” The European elections are important for the direction of the EU. In an open letter, Holocaust survivors and World War II witnesses have now appealed to first-time voters to cast their vote – and strengthen democracy.
PS. Why these countless “survivors” all live to be over 100 years old despite years of trauma and malnutrition remains their symptomatic secret. By the way, the gentleman in the photo is named “Frankenstein”. The whole agenda program behind it also seems pretty Frankensteinian to me.
To describe some creatures of this world as SOABS
would be a hair-raisingly trivializing understatement.
Forget it. Old people above 60 cant get hold of youngsters with a Smartphone and an Apple MacBook.
They still do not know what memory are. But they can pick up a personal message from the past when they reach 50. TPB has all in calculated in their time line.
The Met. Office says May was the warmest on record
But April was normal in temperature. Who claimed it set a warmth record?
The Met. Office notes that both months were unusually dull. This would make them seem colder than usual. I think that’s what’s going on with regard to May. For April, I’ve no idea.
and the met office sucks who’s cocks? ole BG? Liars.
Freezing spring, wet too. Ongoing now in June. i’d call that a well fukt up growing season here in the NW, we’ve only 3 months left and spring never really happened. . . I’m not fed up rescuing bees, but it’s been a daily behaviour since before Easter . . wtff?
who disagrees?
You think the record heat headlines are a cover up for the real issue?
the real issue? what one? do we know?
Ask the sheeple who stare into the screen and lap up all the nonsense.
Engage with some of them and the brain starts working with things like the recollection of the warm sunny clear skies of 2020. It really doesn’t take much effort but i will admit some are lost.
6/4/24, “Almost All Recent Global Warming Caused by Green Air Policies – Shock Revelation From NASA,”DailySceptic…Inadvertentgeoengineering: “the abrupt 80% cut in sulphur dioxide emissions from international shipping in 2020 has accounted for 80% of global warming since the turn of the decade.” Lack of these particles allowed more sun to get through.
Complete horse poo. I’ve never had to put heating on in May or June. Have this year. When they say global warming you know we’re in global cooling.
Neither. The weather is unpredictable, non linear and chaotic. The maximum is 7-14 days.
Off topic but it fits with the regular dose of New Normal nonsense we are fed daily….
Sir Nigel of the Farage had a milkshake thrown at him today. A big splat across the chops.
Then James not so Cleverly comes out to say it was “unacceptable” against any politician.
Perfect theatre for the masses, ensures more votes for Nige and more protection for poor politicians just going about their daily biz working their socks off to protect and serve us plebs.
Once again the sheeple lap up the amateur dramatics, and seem to believe that Reform is actually a real opposition party rather than controlled opposition. Good grief!
Yes and no.
I still believe that Brexit was a mistake.
Not that it shouldn’t have happened, because Brexit has never been enacted.
But because call me Dave fucked up on the mood of the nation and gambled and lost.
Brexit halted, or paused, the globalisation agenda in EU.
Farage’s backers are a business, sure, but the other choices?
To paraphrase William Burroughs… “They sell you a cure to a disease they create.”
It’s so warm we considered turning on the heating a few days ago!
Had to put our heating on last night here in unsunny Cornwall and we are now in flaming June as we use to call it back in the 50s, 60s and 70s.. Please, please can they engineer just one more summer of ’76 before I die!
I have been banging on about Chemtrailing for years now but for all the deniers I hope you have all seen the explanation and reasoning for Chemtrailing issued by a moron from the Met Office. Find it on the usual forums. Also that some US states are banning Chemtrailing over their area’s. So us ‘conspiracy theorists’ are right yet again, no need to apologise.
its mind control..
They went from Terry wogan to Joe rogan, they went from Boris Yeltsin to Boris Johnson they went from Ronald Mcdonald to Donald Reegan – Ronald Trump.
Anyone have a good source on the Mexican election? Looks like the Network place their gal after much corruption and assassinations.
Mexico has been under bankster control since at least 1862, when the European banks ‘repoed’ the entire country for non-payment of their sovereign debt and placed the Rothschild puppet, ‘Emperor’ Maximilian, on the throne. Maximilian may have left the country five years later, but the banksters themselves never did. They still control the place.
No one here knew who had won yesterday – they had to go for a recount (apparently) except that youtube et al had already called the “Landslide win”.
Very strange that two days after the Israeli embassy was set alight in CDMX, the Ashkenazi Larry Fink Pal Joooo was Selected with her climate change rainbow abortion loving policy. We are totally effed. El Salvador is looking good rn.
OMG how so organic. 10 names Tommy does a non hate march that launches many new faces into the ryhtme repeater sphere of MSM alt media.
5 minutes later boring. bring out the Celebrity jungle rubber dingy boat now rebranded as normal Nigel to pretend to be different then the other two partys and dont you remember last minute.? he dis continued this amazing new organic party called Brexit party now deformed party to then tell the sheeple to go vote Tory last minute . Last time the naive numptys paid him 50£ to join the different political party.
all that is needed is Tucker and trillion pound fined Alex jones and Rfk jr to set up a different political party when the Trump trains fails to delivery (again).
expect The Russel brand to do the same in the U>k now he has found Jesus 💤 .
Unfortunately the ‘ MSM alt media lot’ haven’t figured out there just as asleep as the sheeple that they laugh about.
And your answer to the current shitshow ?
Nobody with a voice has mastershock’s interests at heart ?
Grow up.
Seeds can’t lie. It’s been the worst year for germination in my vegetable patch that I can remember.
dud Seeds….
I’ve had two years of that, across two different sites. Have pals saying the same in their gardens.
methinks it’s beyond mere weather??
Much colder spring this year for sure, still seeing my breath in morning (at sea level) just last week! But waht else?
and it ain’t dud seeds.
certain emf’s (such as that emitted by wifi) will impair germination
acht, dunno, I did think my seed sources maybe had become “dud” but what would do that? maybe your suggestion? i don’t think my immediate environment is overloaded with emf . . but i do live in town??
what is odd is the massive outbreak of “weeds” everywhere locally, simultaneously, sticky willie/cleavers being one obvious example – this plant has went mental everywhere – not normal. [Apparently fatties should chomp it down, makes the gross thin (17thC reference), lol.]
Something is fucking up my seeds anyway, and my treatment of said seeds has not changed. Lack of direct sun and cold temperatures are the obvious culprits . . .but what else?
silent spring for the plants anyway.
Might the sticky willies just be capitalising as it’s been a harsh spring for most seeds?
It started last year when spring was not as cold. Where did all that cleavers seed come from (don’t say birds!)?
Seriously, it is everywhere, gardens, golf courses, parks, amenity shrubberies. At least it’s edible ; )
Saw the same thing with mares tail years ago in a remote wood – suddenly just appeared when was never there before ?? i fully understand seed banks residual in soil, but it usually takes some mechanical disturbance to reveal them.
Not neccesarily some out-there conspiracy, but well odd.
Hmm strange. Are their seeds distributed by wind? I’m very interested in the idea of preternatural forces at work around us, but it could be the right combination of winds carrying a bulk load of seeds. Some small probability, random chance event? Just a guess. Would be interesting to find out. A2
sticky willy spreads mostly through mammals I’d imagine, but probably birds too (to a lesser extent).
it is odd, it seems to have rained seeds??
If you eat them raw, just eat the flower top bit. The hairy stalks will scratch your throat. The tops taste OK though.
Mine is growing like hell. Mine is probably due to correct heavenly interference, and yours bad luck is most certainly due to nanobot HARP, Clima Change vaccination and Bird flue interference.
LOL.”CBDCs will actually be better for ordinary people”…It’s not happening and it’s a good thing.
Also what is an ordinary person and who is it that observes them so?
Down below is ordinary people. You see?
The sentence was correct, we repeat: “CBDC’s will actually be better for the entire global vaccinated and masked population”.
Its only you and me (the ultra radical resistance) cbdc will not be so good for. See? Fixed.
mid week vibes / what is time / we rely on a corrupt calendar…oh well..
..There’s nothing in them system
Of which they create all around..
..They never do positive
They find a joy making people business their own..
Go and have some good ways, true grace…
Thank you Sizzla
The worrying thing about the fucktards chemtrail plans is they seem to be working.
The weather here is shit (sw uk)
The difference between them and us is they can upsticks and live in the nice bit of the world left after their Frankenstein experiments.
Us ? We, literally, reap the whirlwind.
There is very little natural weather.
Yanis Varoufakis’s book: techno feudalism is a tedius read. Him and the novara lot (I kind of lump them all together 😂) think we can tax our way to equality, all it will mean is more tax surveillance for the plebs. In my old age I’ve decided I’m not going to pay anymore taxes if I can help it and spend half of what I would have paid in tax on my chosen good causes! After all it’s illegal in the UK to support terrorist organisations which the government clearly is.
Good. Stop paying fraudulent council tax while you’re at it, and if you’re feeling extra ballsy stop paying for energy and water too. It’s all free.
I’ve never paid council tax, they would send me letters threatening to send me to prison and i would ignore them, nothing ever happened. I guess it depends on the council, this was a big london council, I looked at their accounts, lots of people quietly not paying their council tax.
Well done. They don’t do anything because they can’t. The people who went to prison for it responded to the letters, went to court and paid the price for buying into the charade.
More on Mexico’s new “leader”:
I’d mention who her grandparents were but that’ll deposit me straight into ‘Pending’ so let’s just say that in addition to working for the IPCC the article says she had to borrow charisma, popularity and stamina from her boss/mentor because she has none of her own… and she won an election? Her recipe for Mexico is right out of the Fabian playbook – it’s popular until people start realising the strings attached. He target for Mexico’s murder rate is another encoded 33 (19.4 = 113 = 11×3 = 33). imitating post volcano conditions.
while investing in solar to harness the power of the [ dimmed] sun.
while outlawing , trying to in ireland all heating that’s not electric + cars.
+ crops 🙁
i find this weather mod/having the sun removed, even the moon, it’s barely visible all summer because oft his, very upsetting and go between shouting about it and trying to ignore all the rest of it.
i’ve come to believe that it is essential to envision the good, rather than concentrate on the bad, which isn’t easy.
i’m finally doing the ACIM workbook, and it’s quite marvelous, though i’ve read and watched things about it for the last 2 years, it helps, 30 + years ago i started with the tesxt, it used to come in 3 separate books, they were put together into 1, with the text first, but one needs to do the workbook to get the text. i didn’t know and gave up, like many. alan cohen wrote a book ” ACIM made easy” for this reason. there’s a webinar on tube. i prefer the book, or at least reading it first. it’s a very different perspective. a course in spiritual psychology. metaphysics, though it sounds religious. another block for me. some of us see/refer to the holy spirit as holy mother. makes a difference. and the son ship. well.. had it been conceived now the language would be different.
just as the fact that christianity misunderstands/misconstrues jesus’ metaphysical teachings does not change those.
it was not meant to be a religion.
ACIM sounds a bit like it, but isn’t really.
i’d spaced this so nicely.
If you click on the ‘Read more’, your post will then be visible in the way that you wrote it, with your chosen paragraphs!
This is by no means an endorsement, but what would happen without the CBDC ‘agenda’…. Are we prepared to forage the hedgerows in the UK’s now “green and pleasant land”…. Or are we committed to the lifestyle the centralised banking cartel quite literally afforded us? If we want the lifestyle to continue without the impingement of our cartel facilitated ‘freedoms’ we have a classic cognitive dissonance situation called a “double-bind”. No CBDC, no economy, no economic liberty…. Not so free-market choice.
The globalised economy that produced us, our bodies, our commodities must expand or collapse. We are committed to economic growth whether we like it or not. Nobody has a choice. The only choice is to continue with CBDC but only to make resilient the infrastructure we need for human viability…. Which means investment into local ecological infrastructure, not economic globalisation. If the central agenda is forever growth, our only alternative is to oppose it with relocalised degrowth strategy. Holding on to one’s owned status in the global economy is not an option. We have the choices not to sustain global market-economic anthropology…. But only if we have the clarity of mind enough to make them.
That which can not be sustained, will not be sustained.
Precisely: our bodies and our children’s bodies are unsustainable due to our evaluative ethics….
Would you explain how CBDC is necessary to replace the current fiat currency system?
What difference will it make to “economic growth”?
You also said “No CBDC, no economy, no economic liberty… ” How did you reach that conclusion?
Are you suggesting a zero growth stable economy would NOT require CBDC?
You surely know what is the purpose of CBDC and it has zero to do with economic growth, a stable economy or financial stability.
I hope you can answer the questions above, since you seem to think you understand the role of CBDCs.
From ecological first principles, like I’ve explained a thousand times before. If no one wants to learn the underlying surplus energy economics, then we will continue to misunderstand each other.
The economy grows by doubling its ecological input every 25-30y. Each doubling requires every ounce of matter and energy used before to be used again. The problem on a finite planet is entropy, once energy is used it cannot be reused: therefore economic growth is limited by finite resources.
We passed peak resource and peak energy sometime around 1970, all subsequent growth is economically cosmetic but ecologically destructive. We have severely impeded the ecological viability of the biosphere for our Ponzi scheme, a Ponzi scheme that nonetheless produced all of us, our commodities and our bodies as a socio-ecological metabolism.
“Necessary”? The whole economy is unecessary at the scale it is at… ie global. CBDC is supplemental and extending the current fiat system, it is not a replacement. The necessity is highly qualified that if the economy stops growing, or even being able to service its current debt-burden, it collapses. Nobody wants that.
The qualification amounts to a controlled collapse, bringing finance into public domain away from private lending. Dare I say democratising? “Debts that cannot be paid, will not be paid” but they could be written off, with care.
Economic growth is ecologic destruction in inverse proportion. It is a question of value: what do we value more–economic ‘growth’ or breathing…. or leaving a less habitable, but survivable, planet for subsequent generations?
So if we do not extend the economy it collapses. If we do extend the economy, ecology collapses. Which is more valuable–breath or binary digital <0,1>s?
A zero growth, steady-state economy that respects ecology is the only solution to all this digitised madness. All organisms grow to maturity when they generally just maintain their biomass at a steady-state. Anything else is “allopathic”, degenerative and destructive.
I’m interested in what your theoretic policy is? I mean. the chance of any extended economy privileging ecology over economy by degrowth is statistically non-existent. So do we just keep growing? Do we leave fiat creation in the hands of private bankers? Or do we at least think about bringing fiat into our hands and investing in the future we are currently consuming?
Just say No. GG sums it up well in an easy to understand video for those not well versed in financial doublespeak
And in a split second the MF’s just replace the genuine link with a Mobility scooter vid.
So, the video I originally posted showed an electric 3 wheeled scooter but now it’s gone back to the original GG video. What a complete mindfuck these A-holes like to play.
The ‘growth’ that you speak about is a Ponzi scheme.
Replace growth with stasis and you have a no inflation economy.
The problem is, that’s called communism and has been proved never to work.
Capitalism with a small ‘c’ works well and has done for millennia.
The problem is the big boys are now the only ones allowed to play
A no inflation economy is only called communism if you have a limited vocabulary. I’d prefer to call it life-affirmation. Since when did historical communism not grow?
Every molecule of our bodies is ordered by our economic system, call it what you will…. but cellular-molecular capitalism works well enough for me. Which ‘works’ only if you ignore the great harm done to the majority of all humans that ever lived, and the decimation of biodiversity, the rape of biocapacities, and the murder of millions. And all that violently imposed injustice is embodied by us at the cellular-molecular level. How about we provide for ourselves what we need without exploitation, expropriation and mutilation? For which we need to extend the iniquitous libidinal economy just enough to end greed. Then maybe we can redefine “work”?
Warmest April and May on record.In the north western town I am in.I think people will believe that here because all you see is gorillas walking around with vests and shorts showing off their ‘I wanna be adored” tattoos and Che head calves.Lady and boy gorillas both.National Service ? Not enough mirrors.
“Che head calves” oh fuck me
The women are scary and the men pathetic. Satanic times!
According to Miles Mathis, the Phoenicians are our hidden rulers. I disagree, since they refuse to hide in the Netherlands!
In the late ’90s the Dutch got tired of their ‘purple’ (red from labour mixed with blue from the liberals) government. Controlled op Pim Fortuyn won spectacular against labour frontman Melkert (Melkarth is a Phoenician God).
Back then, the labour prime minister was a phallus (Wim Kok), now we get a Dick in our face? Schoof is past for schuiven, shove in English,.. lol
It looks like the WHO are doing their pandemic gulag anyway:
Off course, a lot of bureaucracy, money down the hole, and only irritations to mankind.
The approval of implants in humans in the same link, reminds me of the first heart transplantation in 1967.
Today they claim 3000 plus is made in the US, a 1000 in Russia. Not exactly a great story in the 50 + years since the first.
Has nobody mentioned that Mexicos new president is jewish? Should we worry about native mexicans being thrown out of their homes and relegated to a tiny area of the country?
She is certainly a networker. Educated in Clima change, virology and a quarantine camp expert.
If I were you I would be a little more discrete about her relative status, as you know the whole world are a bit sensitive about the subject. Here some proposals:
“musha ring dum a doo dum a da”
“a doo doo doo dah dah”
“cook a doodle doo”
“a doo da doo”, or a simple “doo”. Intelligent people will understand what you mean.
Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister…….
What could possibly go wrong !
Beware of Geeks bearing grifts.
If given the opportunity to ask COVID where it came from, it would probably reply, “I just growed…”
It’s all about diverting anger:
“You should be furious.”
But only through OUR script. We’ll supply the rotten tomatoes for you to throw. Whilst you are admiring your hawklike profiles.
(Meanwhile – snigger snigger – you’re still buying the deadly virus bullshit!)
We have had frosts here (west Midlands, UK) through May. It’s a classic case of “increasing the chocolate ration”.
I know SFA about British politics.
Is Starmer gonna ‘drop the vase’;
“Germans were regarded as fiends incarnate … To those of my age … brain-washed nonstop for six years, they meant nothing but revulsion and terror.”
Imagine, in times where the UK is daily hyper-enriched by countless murderers, robbers and rapists from the Third World, what cruel fate the country was subjected to only 80 years ago, when the poor Brits were so unbelievably tormented by the German military operations against Stalin’s empire of Bolshevism, and hundreds of thousands of German POWs, instead of being able to rebuild their homeland demolished by megatons of british bombs, had to support the poor Brits with their own hand’s labor. These evil Kraut monsters even dared to fall in love with their young ladies, a bad habit that only the Tommies, Ivans, Yankees and Frogeaters were allowed to have with frauleins in occupied Germany.
Heaven forbid having a Nazi in one’s family history. Although, it seems certain politicos of today and other elitists did.
What about a communist?
No such stigma attached to that label, despite the commies making Adolf and crew look like mere amateurs in the Top of the Murder Pops. The Grauniad, of course, has nothing but praise for the communist ideology.
Although, no-one really knows the true death statistics, it seems the Bolsheviks were responsible for 60-100 million, Mao and the Cultural Revolution/Great Leap Backwards 100 million give or take 20 million.
A cynic may be tempted to deduce that due to the ethno-religious background of the likes of Engels, Marx and Lenin along with most of the original Bolshevik commissars – who brought the murderous philosophy of communism to the world – that they were absolved of sin. Meanwhile, the National Socialists and the German people as a nation got creamed.
Thank you very much for your very witty contribution. You say exactly what I
think about it. Which can only mean that you came to the same conclusions.
I am now a listener of “Sir” Derbyshire. A very pleasant and humorous person. I had no idea what this outwardly rather inconspicuous man was made of. Moreover, he professes to be a “Germanophile”. I have started to listen to his extensive radio archive with his comments on current affairs and world politics, always starting with Hayd’s “Derbyshire March”.
In his current diary entry, he advertises a so-called conference bike, invented by an American artist with the southern German name Staller, which I have also encountered unconsciously years ago, he saw this in the advertising of a dealer called Hammacher Schlemmer (two German names), which was initially called Hammacher & Tollner (also German name, anglicized from Töllner).
But he certainly doesn’t have to pay $20,000 for it, I read that it should “only” cost $11,000, certainly even cheaper as a five-seater instead of a 7-seater version, and as a used 5-seater version even less. Apparently, this vehicle is even handmade in Germany (under license).
But immediately the nightmare creeps into my thoughts of how our left-liberal, self-proclaimed “educators of the people” immediately misuse this innovation for their ideological purposes in order to “bring together the diversity of the colorful world” and make it “visible”.
They are hawking the idea of bikes for us, (It’s so fun to peddle around your 15 minute prison city!) while the parasite class get to keep their private jets, mega yachts and car collections.
Not surprising they sold the idea as a United Colors Of Benetton advert.
That’s right, I hadn’t thought about it that way. Although you shouldn’t be mistaken. For the yuppies and hipsters, for whom cycling is a kind of demonstrable eco-mania, even though they spend most of their time in their SUVs, there are also luxury bike models that cost a few thousand dollars, pounds or euros per model, unaffordable for any average citizen, even many used cars are cheaper. But these are also the people who can afford to spend 4 euros on an “organic bread”.
Ernie, perhaps lots of people should club together to buy some of these contraptions.
After all, they want us to cycle everywhere, so let’s do it in something as wide as an SUV. See how that goes down in the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN’s) and on those pesky cycle lanes that are popping up like mushrooms.
Amour plate it and we can use it to break out of the 15 minute gulags. It will be like Steve McQueen and The Great Escape except on a pushbike !!
That’s a good comparison, the world is getting crazier and crazier. The only question is where to break out when the world is ruled by madmen while the normals are locked away.
Unlike Mr. Staller, however, I would not take this 220 kg monster through the turbulent traffic of San Francisco, which is polluted with exhaust fumes, and certainly not with small children as passengers, apart from the considerable differences in altitude there, because downhill there are considerable dangers for just one steersman to avoid exposing seven people to a crash at the same time, while uphill is likely to be an arduous undertaking that makes impartial communication impossible. I would only recommend something like this on flat country roads with (alsmost) no traffic, or the extensive dykes on the North Sea coast. This way, “the conference” is also a nature experience filled with fresh sea air.
To summarize, it can always be done differently (previously “unthinkable”), you just have to try it out! So we have to transfer this model to our thinking mechanisms (misguided by the Jews).
What questions arise here? How can we, the inventors of technology, turn it to our advantage, not (only) economically, but but above all socially? I am trying to concretize the question:
In other words, how can we achieve satisfaction and security through our own skills without having to “involve” the rest of the world? So how can we artfully exclude something that is unnaturally imposed on us?
I would like to elaborate further: Could we also, by consciously making changes to the set screws of “society”, which is fundamentally deceiving us, establish a political system that synergistically reunites our previously completely misguided and irritated attention, i.e. aligns and bundles it for our own benefit?
How should this be created and look in terms of protection, what would and should its foundations be, who can formulate them?
Of course, it must not, never, remain with pure thought, but these thoughts, which can be used under all circumstances, must be cast in concrete instructions for action and be noticeable and tangible, binding for all those who have been adversely affected so far.
I’ve worked outdoors (Seattle) for the past 30 years. Yup. This spring is COLD! June – JUNE! – and I’m still wearing long underwear.
I’m in Richland, WA, southeast WA (Washington). After May, when June hit, it turned to April.
The same on the Wales/England border
Boston, MA USA.
Horrible grey, cold March.
Rainy grey, cold April.
Still wearing heavy jackets in May.
Finally Spring has arrived in June.
Just in time for summer.
Haha. Clever you!
12 c here, cold wind as well. nice for april 🙂 there has been the od warm day, even 2 . what also gets to me, other than missing sunlight is not seeing the moon all summer. i used to wonder about this, now it’s clear that there’s less dimming in winter, more in summer, and so much ” cloud” all night as well. no sun/moon makes me depressed.
Do you follow Jim Lee @climateviewer? You’ve laid out the plan he describes in encyclopedic detail on his site. He’s the expert in all things related to geoengineering.
Reinette Senum is doing a great deal of work with geoengineering.
Initiated a lawsuit in CA.
She recently did a show with a woman who has been tracking the geoengineering for a while. This woman uses a tool anyone can purchase that will tell you what each plane is that is flying in your area and what they are doing.
If you check out Reinette Senum Foghorn Express Substack you can search the show she did last week where they explained all about this tracking device.
I never really took this chemtrail thing too seriously, but it is happening constantly in my area now. Criss crossing across the sky constantly.
Reinette and Jim are close collaborators. Check out Jim’s site is encyclopedic. #cirruscloudsmatter means that the altitude of every single plane is AI adjusted to either produce a contrail or not. The poisons are the aviation fuels — even without adders like carbon or sulfur, but sometimes it’s visible as criss crosses and changes the weather of the day. Geoengineering is also microwave steering and amplification, which you can see on weather radar and in the shapes of the clouds.
no, not so far. thanks.
I’m near you, in RI. It’s been rare to have 2 blue sky days in a row. They fly all of the planes at the right altitude to cause cirrus, that turns to overcast, just about every day. The ocean’s supposed to be super warm, but the wind off the water is still frigid. I’m tired of being cold. Wonder if we’ll have beach days any time soon.
Two of my workers called in yesterday saying they couldn’t come to work. They’d been evacuated during the night by the Fire Department. Floods. Tiny brooks swelled by days of incessant rain had flooded cellars, underground parking, streets, railway tracks.
Oh, but I forgot – Deutscher Wetterdienst informs me that May was ‘very warm’ and if people felt it was actually cold that was only because daytime temperatures were low. But nights were very mild because of the many clouds. They have really pulled the stops out when talking bs.
Ever read Electroverse by Cap Allon? He’s documenting global cooling as we enter a solar minimum. It’s very interesting, but unfortunately behind a paywall so that it’s near impossible for newcomers to be introduced to the idea. (and he’s also mirrored at substack)
You can get the same info for free at Ben Davidson’s Suspicious Observers YT & website. I think the plan is to cut carbon and the rest of their nonsense during the solar maximum and keep their game going as long as possible. When the sun moves towards the minimum, they’ll claim victory as the Earth cools anyway. Then the magnetic field collapses, the magnetic pole shifts, the ice age starts, and we’re all dead anyway, so carpe diem.
Thanks Martha. I’ve heard of him. I can see how they’d take credit for the cooling. I hope the remainder of your forecast doesn’t come to pass, but as I’ve recently learned, earth has suffered numerous cataclysms before, so whatever will be will be.
Ohh come on. Cant we just say its the weather stuoid?
“Now its cold, now its hot, now the sun is shining, now it rains, in my area it snow, one bee left me, a.s.o.,…….”.
We the people have serious things on the agenda no? Folks.
Well, Erik, the sun kinda has something to do with the weather, no?
Like James Delingpole said, “It’s the sun, stupid.”
Sure, but can you do anything with the sun? No!
The solution is Adaption rob2.
You adapt yourself to the prevailing weather. It rains and you take your raincoat on. The sun shines, you put on your sun glasses and shorts. Yes?
No, you want reports, legislation and chatting 24/7 about the magnetic fields between the sun and the earth.
Now you’re just being unnecessarily combative. Why?
So there’s a blogger weather guy (like Anthony Watt or Tony Heller) out there confronting the mainstream tripe which says the earth is heating up, when it’s not – and he’s proving it. He’s on point about everything else we know is a lie (covid etc). Legislation? I don’t know what you’re even talking about, but your strange response has nothing to do with me or the man whose blog I linked to.
You are right. I didnt had to follow that one up. Peace.
You are not an expert authorized to issue public statements about clima change.
Only educated MSc clima experts must say in public comment sections, whether they think the weather is cold, middle, or hot! 🤐
Yep same in northern Italy. Still sleeping in my winter jim-jams. Beans aren’t germinating. Veggie growth is like end of April not start of June!
In NZ we just had, according to the liers in government agencies and legacy media, the hottest summer ever, second only to the year previous.
They were in reality the two most miserable summers I can recall, with constant rain and incessant aerial spraying, something that is continuing into winter. Guess they need some more of those “extreme weather events” that some of the regions have been hit so hard with the last couple of years.
It’s really hard to believe that anyone cannot see thru Trump at this point. The thing about the “files” for 9/11, JFK, and Epstein is, why doesn’t he just say it? (Of course, he can’t say it about Epstein because he was involved). My guess is he hasn’t even seen them or if he has, he’s only seen what has been allowed to be seen, so he doesn’t know any more than the average Joe, or Steve Bannon. And why didn’t he just say it when he was president. That shows what a fake bullshitter he is right there. He’s already admitted he says things just to egg on his base, and they still don’t get it. This is the “mastermind of Operation Warpspeed” for god’s sake. Why the fuck doesn’t that play? And now we’re seeing a whole slew of well known people/celebrities also saying they’re backing Trump, even after the news of the zionist and neocon billionaires now getting behind Trump, and him being convicted as a felon, which actually helps him in this upside down Orwellian world we live. It’s also really hard to believe how fucked up the political system is in the U.S. now. It’s always been fucked up at the highest level, but now it’s surreal. It’s what we used to say when I was in the Navy, FUBAR – Fucked Up Beyond All Repair. The next five months are going to be a real riot.
Situation normal, all f*cked up.
I still believe Trump will take out all the pedos, stop regme change operations and build the Berlin Wall this time.
He couldnt do it the last time, because the LGBT team stole his macho election!
All proof that evolution has either stopped or is in reverse mode.
God (whatever you are) help us!
If you’re praying for a miracle afraid of nature, you have not evolved, you have been domesticated.
People should’ve listened to Devo (the prophets of de-evolution).
Top band RKae.
Still got one of their first vinyls.
I trust that you’re aware that ‘your friend in the sky’ hypothetically, could have been imagined when some wag with dyslexia was calling his canine for help … I suspect that it could have transpired thus: hey doG! … please help me, i’m drowning, or similar 🙂 and along came Brian’s mates, viz. John Cleese and the boys, and translated … and the rest is history.
God in the sky? Did I say that?
God is Life, Love and Truth.
All the rest is pabulum for our insatiable minds.
No disrespect intended. I’m a[n] RC so I know what it’s like having to attend Catechism twice a week and Kerk on Sundays, or else!
Fires of hell.
Keeps me in line.
Heil Mary, Heil Mary, Heil Mary.
Is that how it goes?
Trump said ‘Citizen Kane’ was one of his favourite movies….
Kane runs as an outsider despite being a mega-millionaire… he promises to jail the incumbent if he’s elected to replace him…. the woman who becomes his second wife looks very like a honeypot designed to discredit then distract him… he has two newspaper headlines ready for election night, one proclaiming his victory and the other fraud at the polls (admittedly Trump had grounds for his fraud claims)….
Life seems like a movie re-run sometimes.
It’s all scripted.
Boris had the two opposing versions ready for publication just the same. They’re famous for it.
Yes. They have to keep up appearances though: For their staff, government employees, media lackeys, the punters.
Info is compartmentalized. Siloed. That’s why there’s no leaks of any worth. Real leaks are shut down.
For example, what would be the result of millions knowing Moderna had a CDA and subsequent contract with NIAID going back to 2015 to develop and make the “vaccine” used in the Covid hoax?
And NIAID held all the patents and technology licenses for the “vaccines” and fake tests going back to 2014 and further, deliberately concealing that knowledge from the public.
I wonder what Trump’s ‘Rosebud’ would be?
Geez, don’t the British have thermometers? And why is anyone still permitting the news bimbos to talk down to them? Turn the telly off!
Note to self: If “they” admit it’s a lab leak, it’s fake news.
And CBDCs being good for us, the ordinary people, yea right. Banksters all of a sudden have turned philanthropist. Oh wait, it’s the philanthropists who we need to fear and those who say they’ve only come to help us. – Runnnnnn !
Trump, another evil clown, broke his promise last time he was in office: He never drained the swamp, he smeared the mud all over himself, and licked his fingers!
That’s a sexist comment Veritas.
Should read Bimbos, Himbos and Thembos.
Get with it Mate_ _ _ _ Mateette and Maton(?).
Veri Tas is a lady (ie, not a ‘mate’!) and, as are you, she’s in Australia!
‘Mate’ has become a gender non specific term these days Christine.
Oh, okay! Sorry!
No prob.
In practice, the term “guy”– as in the idiomatic expression “you guys”– gradually became gender non-specific.
But ideological zealots have pushed back, insisting that the referent is exclusively masculine, such that using it to refer to females, or a mixed group, is a reprehensible sexist or misgendering microaggression.
Ah, those guys! 🤨
And now some of those ‘guys’ have become ‘dolls’.
Thanks 😀
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
I have THERMOMETERS in every room, and outside, and I just ordered 3 more.
It’s more accurate than the BBC or the Met Office. And they don’t lie.
All the bad news 😬 .
Liberal Yanis Varoufakis go away. You always miss the train.
Liberal Sheinbaum go away, the first President of Mexico from a Jewish background.
Liberal Pot smoking Holland was lost long time ago.
Liberal Dr Alina Chan, Lab virus Professor, Woman in Frontline, Men hiding behind.
Liberal Global warming theory problem since 1958 promoted by Women in Science.
The Liberal Woman in Power, May, 2013 President Barack Obama tweeted, ” Ninety-seven percent of scientists 97% agree climatechange [emphasis added] is real, man-made and dangerous.”
The two good news 😃 .
“In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” (TAR, p.774.) IPCC Third Assesment Report 2001.
Obama and all his 97% consensus pals have still not seen this little statement on page 774, but it reveals that even a blind hen can find a corn 😅 , and even a global fully vaccinated science consensus of 97% with two open eyes can continue to be blind all their lives.
In the End times women shall lead Nations.
Summertime…and the livin’ is sleazy, as climate ‘science’ rides heat waves for all their worth in fraud.
But did you know it’s also gender season?
‘Genderseason’: New Identity Added To LGBTQ Spectrum
Meanwhile, if heat waves aren’t enough to do you in, there’s always ocean waves. Have fun at the beach.

Holy shit!
Better sell all my bayside and clifftop mansions !!!
And my surfboards as well !!!!!
Ahh the asSALTed air.
Can feel it killing me.
Got insurance?
A lot of us blokes ‘go female’ in the Winter.
As our testes ascend.
Aww C’mon Johnny, it’s not THAT cold.
Anyone mug enough to be sold on CBDCs because they have been told that it is ‘anti-capitalist’ deserves what is coming to them.
More likely is that the ‘free’ money recipients will be the first to be told that their benefits (unemployment, state pensions etc) will be in be form of CBDCs. Take it or leave it. Unfortunately, through necessity most will take it.