Why you should NEVER believe your eyes
Kit Knightly

The ad is simple. A bus is held up in traffic after hitting a fruit cart, a young female passenger looks out her window at a handsome young man in a convertible. She gets out of the bus, gets in the car, and the man drives her away like a chauffeur while she’s eating a candy bar.
The young woman is Audrey Hepburn.
This has massively significant implications on our perception of the world in which we live, in ways nobody really talks about. But we’ll come back to Audrey later.
It doesn’t always seem like it, but humans are innately trusting.
Whether an evolutionary development designed to make functioning as a social group easier, or a vestige of thousands of generations of religious thinking, deep down our automatic position is that most people – most of the time – are telling the truth.
This is a natural inclination that tyrants have understood – and taken advantage of – for centuries.
But however much trust we innately place in others, there’s something we all trust more – our own eyes.
We are visual creatures, and once somebody has seen something – or believes they have seen something – it is almost impossible to convince them they haven’t.
And, these days, would-be tyrants can take advantage of that too.
Unfortunately, the necessary and primal trust our brains have in our eyes lags behind the ability of technology to confound them.
Deep Faking is, as most of us know, a video editing trick that can seamlessly replace one face with another. It’s not especially difficult, or expensive. All you need is the replacee to have a passing superficial resemblance to the replacer, a good number of photos showing different facial positions and the right computer software.
4chan “shitposters” do it from the comfort of their own bedrooms for a laugh, replacing porn star faces with those of actresses, celebrities, politicians, and Nicolas Cage.
Simply put, by the very nature of what it is, deep fake technology must make every video showing any face to some degree suspect.
The potential for fakery doesn’t stop at video, faking audio is getting easier and easier every year. With enough speech samples, voice synthesizers and voice cloners can make anyone say anything. This technology is getting better all the time and can mimic intonation perfectly.
Artificial Intelligence in general can draw, in seconds, any image you care to describe. It can generate photo-realistic faces that could be used as “victims” and “mugshots”, or cast any fake drama with fake actors.
Free online tools can do all of the above passably already. Obviously, governments and mega-corporations would have access to more expensive advanced tools that would probably be near-impossible to detect.
Hollywood movies deploy CGI to bring dead actors back to life, add modern faces to old news footage, burn cities to the ground or make 60-year-olds look 20 again.
Let us return to Audrey Hepburn eating a candy bar and examine it afresh.
Now, it could be argued this ad actually shows the limits of this tech, after all it has an uncanny valley quality and nobody who saw that ad ever thought for a single second it was really Audrey Hepburn.
Well, firstly, that advert is already eleven years old. It’s what a little candy commercial could do over a decade ago. The technology has improved since then.
Secondly, all of that information is contextual.
Back in 2013 when the commercial aired, your brain would have known it’s not supposed to believe what it’s seeing because you were watching a TV ad. Your brain would also have known what you were seeing was impossible, since Audrey Hepburn would have been 84 years old…if she hadn’t been already very, very dead.
Your analytical brain can filter when it has additional information and context. You see the strings when you know they are there.
But imagine it wasn’t Audrey Hepburn, imagine it wasn’t an ad.
Let’s say it is footage played on the news, and instead of a technicolor candy ad it’s a grainy cell phone video showing victim A of terrorist attack X. It’s CCTV footage showing politician B receiving bribe Y. It’s defendant C livestreaming into his trial for offense Z.
The face looks real, the background looks real, the voice sounds real…
…yet potentially none of it is real at all.
But how many people out there process this? How many of us have reset our brains to make “yes, but is the video real?” the first question we ask?
Still, the automatic reaction from most people when people claim “that’s fake” is to scoff without a second thought.
That is old-fashioned thinking.
None of the information posted above is shocking or new, and I’m not suggesting it is. The technology is widely known and some of it is over a decade old, it’s the addition to our mental meta that is lagging behind. Its use is not an automatic consideration yet and it should be.
Simply put – You can’t trust images or videos. Ever. It’s a lesson we all need to learn.
So, we know that fast-developing tools make highly convincing fake news or staged events not only possible but easy. For our final point I want to focus more on the repeated lesson of history people refuse to learn:
They. Already. Fake. Everything.
OK, not literally everything, but a lot. A huge amount. Much more than most people grasp.
It’s a minor example, but in this clip from CNN, two female reporters are pretending to be miles apart doing a satellite interview, when a bus going by in the background proves that they are in fact in the same parking lot, and aren’t separated by more than fifty feet.
A reminder of just how much of the media we consume every day is some type of unreality, one way or another.
You could say “reality”, as we understand it, is barely ever seen in the media. Magazine covers are photoshopped. Interviews are stage-managed. “Scandals” can be largely PR stunts. “Reality television” is full of paid actors in simulated conflict with one another. Every scenario a contrivance, every emotion a performance.
The internet is rife with weather reporters leaning into hurricane winds that aren’t there, or paddling canoes in “floods” six inches deep.
Watch this video, allegedly recorded in Egypt circa the Arab Spring:
What are they doing? They appear to be pretending to protest, then freezing to pose for photos, some with fake injuries. Obviously not real, but when presented with only the stills or the video would it ever have crossed your mind?
In Syria the West even faked an entire charity. The “White Helmets” were said to be an organic organization of Syrians dedicated to saving lives. They were nothing of the sort. They were a NATO-funded psy-op and many of their “rescue” videos were clearly staged. They even took part in the viral “mannequin challenge” (a bad PR move that).
“Nayirah”, the Kuwaiti nurse who testified to seeing “babies thrown out of incubators” before the first Gulf War never really existed, she was a part played by the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter.
In his book Bought Journalists, the late Udo Ulfkotte recounts being in Iraq during the war and watching journalists poor petrol on burnt out tanks and cars, miles from the frontline, so they could set them on fire and pretend to be reporting from a warzone.
Remember Rolling Stone’s infamous “A Rape on Campus” article? 9000 words detailing a gang rape that never happened.
Within days of Russia launching its “special military operation” in Ukraine, both mainstream media and social media were flooded with fake and misattributed videos selling made-up stories.
From the very moment of its inception, Covid was an avalanche of fakery both macro and micro.
When it kicked off in China, we were treated so absurdly fake pictures and videos of people supposedly keeling over in the streets from the disease.
The rash of people suffering from “lying on their back in the street wearing a facemask” had spread to Italy by March 2020, but then quickly disappeared, never to be heard from again.
At the height of the panic a Twitter user named TraceyZ claimed two nurses at Swansea Hospital had died of Covid and three more were in the ICU. The claim went viral before the hospital itself contradicted it.
Not only did the five sick nurses not exist, TraceyZ didn’t exist.
The account bearing that name was deleted soon afterwards.
Remember this video a passerby took of “cleaners” on the London underground pretending to clean.
Or this video from inside a Spanish hospital, where the two “doctors” in the foreground are kitted out like extras from Outbreak, while a bemused person in the background watches on in nothing but a T-shirt.
Recall the sheer number of people who committed to “political theater” by pretending to wear masks, like this guy:
The Covid examples go on forever, four years of them and counting.
And those are just the ones we know about, the ones we can prove.
The media landscape is saturated with pretend, and has been for decades.
The technology discussed above doesn’t mean they will start faking things, it means the faking they’ve been doing for years will be easier to do and harder to detect.
The technology exists. The motivation exists. The required levels of dishonesty and corruption more than exist. The lazy entitlement that ‘justifies’ a culture of pretend also exists.
We’re long past the point now where questioning everything you see and/or hear could ever be considered “paranoid”. It’s healthy, rational and even a prerequisite for maintaining your sanity.
We know they’ll fake anything, so we must be prepared to question everything.
This article covers how the establishment could create fake news stories. In the second part of this article we’ll be asking a bigger question: why.
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Remember also, in some cases, technology advancements in other areas of science, can lead to fakes being revealed.
On short video apps like douyin/tiktok I have been shown multiple videos with the theme “which one is real, which one is AI” the AI ones are often quite convincing but they just lack some quality that makes them easy to spot as fake. The interesting thing is the comments which are split between ‘oooh its so good’ and ‘It was easy to tell; AI will never fool me!‘
As Kit said above this is just hobby AI not full throttle military/spook stuff. I now wonder if the whole hobby AI thing that has been put out there to help students cheat on essays and whatever else has been put out there to create a kind of moral panic to, normalize, trivialize and distract from the proper AI which is already in use soon to be.
Everything was always faked. I like it that way so that I can see the reactions of those that believe everything in front of them. It’s how we as humans get ahead. Unfortunately it’s at the expense of all those that never see the reality but the allusion.
Identify the false trait and bet against it.
Now is this ingrained in our DNA? does this mean that if I see something and you dont and it makes me a lot of money that there is something less human about what I did or how I was wired ? I beg to differ.
We are not going to change this anytime soon.
I for one want the technology to push the envelope to the point all these “believers” finally are so confused that they have no idea. Perhaps then they might actually learn something about themselves and start improving it.
As for the rest of you here’s some reality that you probably cant tell. it’s called Global Dimming and it’s real. The world has dimmed in – just watch older movies from the 1970’s – commercials even – outside the world was a brighter – a lot brighter – about 24% more than today and I ask you – did you notice ?
I thought so.
we’ve come a long way since faking the moon landing..
The concept your talking about was pointed out years back in the movie “The Running Man” nothing new about it. The real issue and what you point out very clearly, is the apathetic attitude that has developed in our society, from habituation brain drain. Thanks to the propagandic nature of vusual/audio technology most people are letting totalitarianism walk through the front door.
It wasn’t ‘pointed out’ in The Running Man (an underrated and very prescient movie) anymore than Hal in 2001: A Space Oddity ‘pointed out’ modern AI algorithms or Forster ‘pointed out’ the internet in The Machine Stops. It was Sci-Fi that morphed into Sci-Fact!
The illusion of something can also be created on the ground in real life. Then with the world’s press in waiting, it can be captured on film and a narrative sold to the world.
That seems to have happened during the early days of the Ukraine ‘war’ in Kiev.
A British guy who calls himself Lez Luthor went to Kiev in the first few days of March 2022 and videoed what he saw. The illusion of war in the city was created by clever use of props, such as abandoned cars, checkpoints along with the funneling (kettling) of people at the railway station to give the appearance of a refugee crisis. There were specific ‘action’ zones which were off limits to the public. The press were ready and waiting to create the illusion of a crisis. Meanwhile, life in the rest of the city went on as normal.
There are around 25 short video clips to watch here from Kiev (first videos). Plus many others on his feed. Very informative as to the trickery used.
Jürgen Ziewe ‘Vistas Of Infinity’ Interview by Renate McNay
From the end of Voltaire’s Candide:
In the neighborhood lived a famous dervish who passed for the
best philosopher in Turkey; they went to consult him: Pangloss, who
was their spokesman, addressed him thus:
“Master, we come to entreat you to tell us why so strange an
animal as man has been formed?”
“Why do you trouble your head about it?” said the dervish; “is it
any business of yours?”
“But, Reverend Father,” said Candide, “there is a horrible deal of
evil on the earth.”
“What signifies it,” said the dervish, “whether there is evil or
good? When His Highness sends a ship to Egypt does he trouble his
head whether the rats in the vessel are at their ease or not?”
“What must then be done?” said Pangloss.
“Be silent,” answered the dervish.
“I flattered myself,” replied Pangloss, “to have reasoned a little
with you on the causes and effects, on the best of possible worlds, the
origin of evil, the nature of the soul, and a pre–established harmony.”
At these words the dervish shut the door in their faces.
During this conversation, news was spread abroad that two viziers
of the bench and the mufti had just been strangled at Constantinople,
and several of their friends impaled. This catastrophe made a great
noise for some hours. Pangloss, Candide, and Martin, as they were
returning to the little farm, met with a good–looking old man, who was
taking the air at his door, under an alcove formed of the boughs of
orange trees. Pangloss, who was as inquisitive as he was disputative,
asked him what was the name of the mufti who was lately strangled.
“I cannot tell,” answered the good old man; “I never knew the
name of any mufti, or vizier breathing. I am entirely ignorant of the
event you speak of; I presume that in general such as are concerned in
public affairs sometimes come to a miserable end; and that they deserve
it: but I never inquire what is doing at Constantinople; I am contented
with sending thither the produce of my garden, which I cultivate with
my own hands.”
My name is Andrew Parker
This is far too much of a clusterfuck to be planned!
Caption: Andrew Parker, who works as an actor, was filmed calling the Prime Minister ‘a f***ing p***’ as he canvassed in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex
PUBLISHED: 23:25, 28 June 2024 | UPDATED: 01:48, 29 June 2024
“Utter SCANDAL” – Reform UK’s Richard Tice Hits Back At Channel 4 Undercover Recording
Jun 28, 2024
C4’s Original Report
Undercover Inside Reform’s Campaign – evidence of homophobia and canvasser’s racism
Channel 4 News
Jun 27, 2024
Nigel Farage has always insisted his Reform party is not racist or extremist – dismissing unsavoury comments as pub banter.
But we’ve been undercover inside his Clacton campaign and discovered shocking examples of both.
We’ve also recorded conversations with the senior campaign team which raise questions over whether the party may have breached legal spending limits – something it denies.
Our Communities Editor Darshna Soni has this report which was produced in association with Lee Sorrell Media. And a warning it contains racist and extremely offensive language throughout.
Labour and Tory Spin Doctors Stand United Against This Sort of Thing!
Nigel Farage refuses to directly apologise to Rishi Sunak over racist comments by Reform activists
Channel 4 News
Jun 28, 2024
Nigel Farage claims it was all a set up – after this programme exposed racist and homophobic language among Reform party campaigners, filmed secretly by an undercover reporter. But the Reform leader did say that those who had been “vulgar, drunken and wrong” had been drummed out of the party.
Rishi Sunak – who deliberately repeated the P-word slur used against him, said it was too important not to call out the language “clearly, for what it is”.
And a warning there is some highly offensive and racist language in this report – including the word repeated by the Prime Minister.
The milkshake incident was staged.
Nigel is shill.
I know. But he’s only supposed to get around 10-15%. That’s enough for the “far right” to be presented as a threat. However, once Reform start getting around 20%, they need to be knocked back. The question wrt Actorgate is why did Farage call it out? Maybe he’s flipped and is shilling for somebody else? Or maybe he’s suddenly got delusions above his station?
The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.
Nigel Farage
Jun 28, 2024
The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up because they are terrified. A new poll just out puts us on 21% — 3 points ahead of the Conservatives.
The ruling oligarchs control the technology just like they controlled the media, the “science”, academia, and the government during the long planned COVID Psyop. They were able to gin up enough fear and hysteria so people would uncritically did whatever they were told and intimidated to do to “save themselves” from a “pandemic” caused by a “novel coronavirus” which in fact was so bogus it had a 98.8% recovery rate for people who were: not obese, did not have numerous comorbidities and not elderly. They duped the masses into taking toxic gene altering injections, now there is a massive die off going on right before our eyes of young and old people.
Now we are being subjected to massive gaslighting about a human caused climate crisis and of course the all war all the time that has been going on since the end of WWII to jack up the MIC coffers. When will people realize we ae being bamboozled and duped 24/7/365?!
I keep thinking of former CIA honcho William Casey’s wet dream of everything people believe being a lie, disinformation campaign complete. Rather than everything literally being a lie (though limited hangouts of truth might make up for such seeming impossibility), perhaps an advanced (techno)totalitarian system would leave people powerless by not knowing what to believe or trust, least of all one another, as if everything is a lie.
It appears we’re already there, or here, to a great extent. Deep fakes are a logical outcome of the media matrix’s virtual worlds of simulacra where image is everything, as bots, already a sizeable presence of personal absence, are projected to overtake people online to amount to virtually all content (if such predictions are to be trusted). But for those endangered species of humans who still live in the real world, deep fakes have overtaken embodied existence as well, transgenderism being one template.
Product placement in movies has become underground advertsing in everyday lives turned into movies, and people have been branded as ads from what they wear to how they talk. Human history is made by deep fakes or pseudoevents, from 911 to convid, false flags to color revolutions; all of which can exemplify how a picture may be worth a thousand words, like the twin towers collapse, while demonstrating by its own words how eyes alone are never enough to manufacture reality without language, if not lack of common sense(s), repeating and contextualizing lies become truth as the dominant narrative consumes us by spectacle.
Old school futurist Alvin Toffler talked of future shock whereby reality would become incomprehensible. Next to today’s transhumanists, who much like The Matrix are reportedly growing human brains (‘organoids’) in labs to feed the machine*, he may sound tame. But he may also remind us that the psychopathy of power has been around for a long time. The motto of the ‘free’ market – Buyer Beware – is one model of longstanding fakery and fraud, as advertised, in a social-economic system where owners over the means of (re)production overwhelm us with what Donald Rumsfiield could call both known unknowns and unknown unknowns in commodified resources of life.
The far greater part of human history, beyond the horrors of civilization upon class rule, is founded upon more human-scaled community conducive to egalitarian relations of trust, absent alienation of lies to legitimate power over rather than with others. A kind of cultural ontogeny following phylogeny might be seen in healthy childhood development as a social being through relations of trust with others in order to achieve trust in oneself for the sake of mature independence and autonomy.
In the end, I keep thinking that any resistance to the new abnormal needs to be rooted in solidarity that’s recovered some common sense of living in the kind of world we want to see, and be.
*They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains Called “Organoids” To Run Computers
A very astute comment niko.
The “Product placement in movies…” paragraph brings to mind a variation that deserves dishonorable mention: advertorials.
For those unfamiliar with the term, it means “a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article”.
This “legacy” definition evidently predates Internet advertising, where advertorials flourish. I often mention checking the aptly-named Yahoo website, where advertorials are liberally interspersed in its home page listing of aggregated “news” stories.
There seems to be a range or spectrum of advertorials pretending to be “news”: in addition to the blatant Amazon ads, there are “reports”– categorized as “lifestyle” or “fashion”– showcasing celebrity rave reviews for some product: “The Wrinkle-Removing Cream Kim Kardashian Swears By!“.
This cyber-potpourri of ostensible “news” mixed with news-like advertisements serves to undermine and blur the distinction between these mutually exclusive categories.
Bah! Humbug! 🤨
“Why you should NEVER believe your eyes”
Quite. This guy has a way with words who persuades us to see the truth – humorous Shouty-Joe need more love from the UK:
The world according to who? The Fullerton Informer:
Bizarre.. how both sides of the media would consider someone ‘anti’ who bought the covidiocy hook line and sinker (testing multiple times a week).
We must not elect starmer to lead britain
“UK Labour leader Starmer opens up about his family’s Jewish traditions”
I second that one mate!
Well, we at least agree on that one. Anything but Labour; the dystopian nightmare in the making.
Anyway, who was that guy who wanted everyone to wear masks and lock down earlier than everyone else…? Some knight I think without the historical precedents…
We won’t. He’s already been (s)elected.
Good one (though the reason for the names switcheroo on those Nordic outposts is long known, sensible for the Scandinavian migrant Icelander hoping to discourage curiosity and further invasion, and pretty clever).
Biden’s election ‘debate’ with Trump. Possibly the best counter-argument to any deep fake/ CGI / ‘crisis actor’ dominated mainstream media.
Even a vaguely similar wig-wearing double would have performed better, were that ever the intention.
Wasn’t there a Finnish MP once that seemed to continue ad infinitum, constantly replaced by younger body doubles? A theme once explored in ‘The Year of the Hare’ by Arto Paasilinna. Could not the Democrats have tried something similar?
attaching a wiki link totally undermines your argument
Hardly. I’ve made multiple edits on Wikipedia.
Perhaps you should try the same before whinging of political bias?
i’m not “whinging of political bias” – i’m suggesting wiki has no credibility whatsoever and there maybe better sources, more reliable and discerning – whinging – is that woke language?
The Huffington Post is concerned:
“COVID Is Surging Right Now” and it’s all down to “the new FLiRT variants” which are “offshoots of JN.1, which was the dominant variant in the U.S. this past winter…one variant in particular is gaining steam right now: KP.3. It’s currently responsible for roughly 25% of cases. Two other variants in the FLiRT family, KP.2 and KP.1.1, make up 22.5% and 7.5% of infections, respectively.”
This is serious stuff! The interflectual mackroflanges are girogerunking at a truly quafrilangular rate!
“Research from Japan found that KP.2, the dominant variant this past spring, was more transmissible than its predecessors and potentially better at outsmarting our vaccines.”
Ah well obviously we need more and more and more and more vaccines!
But here’s what you really need to know:
“Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like the illness will be any different with the FLiRT variants, according to Hopkins. He suspects they’ll trigger the typical COVID symptoms: Fever, cough, congestion, sore throat, body aches and, though less common these days, loss of taste and smell.”
See? Back to the old favourites with hypochondriacs everywhere!
And although The Experts haven’t done sufficient research yet I have a pretty reliable hunch that the most ominous symptom of all will be …
…Just feeling kind of down!
“Is now a good time to get a booster shot?”
Guess what?
“There’s really no wrong time to get a booster shot”
Be sure to line up quickly though. Supplies won’t last!
Dear Admin, Your lovably eccentric new editor has once again mangled my entry. If you’d be so kind as to insert a few spaces between the lines to make it more readable.
In future I’ll just insert oceans of space just to be on the safe side.
Thanks. You actually improved it with italics!
So now, there is the KP variety. Do they do honey roasted nuts with that or just ordinary peanuts?
Cow botty bum belch flavour, fresh as the day they were laid………..
Once again, an opportunity to recommend this prescient song:
You don’t believe what they say on the radio
You don’t believe what you see on the video
Living in the shadow of a doubt today
Still waiting for the smoke to clear away
— J.R.Robertson/The Band, “Smoke Signal” (1971) 💨 👍
The next step is to realize everything they present, true or FAKE, is meant to keep the People from taking over decision making of all policy. Thereby, we need not veer from the root problem: policies that benefit Humanity instead of the 1%. In 2024, the diversions from self-organizing collective policy have exploded in every direction. Wars. imminent potential homelessness for the bottom 95% of Humanity, nuclear WW3, deregulated pollution, ill health, lifelong serfdom and debt, surveillance and police state Panopticon, financial bubbles pushing labor costs past bottom 80% ability to pay. Just off the charts of fear mongering. We know this, FAKE or not. We must keep our eyes on the prize: self-governing of all policy thru a form of collective mutual consent approaching 90% acceptance. This is possible for universal policies such as making the FED a public bank, pulling back all foreign military bases and flattening the war dept to 10%, and placing reasonable limits to wealth and poverty. They want us to believe we cannot do this when, YES WE CAN!
“Candy bar”
Hmm. I didn’t know you were American, Kit.
If he says AloomiNUM then I’ll know there’s no God.
That’s a-LOO-mih-num in Bostonian American.
Yeah, all civilized English speakers know that they’re called… er, “biscuits”, right? 🤔 🍫
In, this case, it’s a chocolate bar.
Clearly we are living under an occupational government run by Judeo-Masonic hostile forces using corrupt politicians as meat puppets to promote their own agenda and loot the treasury. That’s it. Maybe these people aren’t 200 IQ people playing 33-dimensional chess, and are just retarded power-hungry sociopaths.
This isn’t complicated and it isn’t deniable for anyone with two eyeballs and heartbeat. How you choose to react or not is up to you.
There is a driving force of extremely intelligent psychopaths behind the armies of retards, as amply evidenced by “covid”. These guys are more intelligent in psychology and forward planning and execution than almost everyone in the “truth movement” because they are driven by a hon-human satanic force that operates like a computer.
What you see today can make you question what you saw yesterday. It’s no secret that I believe Israel to be committing genocide in Gaza – despite occasional claims by some of “Pallywood.”
Even so, when I saw yesterday a video of starving, emaciated babies; then, today, I see a video of kids around 6 or 7 happily playing – I have to question the “famine” motif. Obviously, one or both videos could have been faked.
The real test is whether or not you even remotely trust the person telling you what happened. The picture is barely worth one word, let alone a thousand.
Coming soon to a screen near you: Project Bluebeam
Are you trying to tell me that the Chinese police don’t use childrens’ fishing nets against assailants?
Coronavirus: ‘SWAT’ team tackle man in training exercise (youtube.com)
Great overview and reminder.
Though ‘trusting’ is maybe more of a combination of operating on automatic and not questioning – overwhelmed by the endless evidence things are not what we’re told.
And most people assume other people are like them. We have a hard imagining how psychopaths think.
Must be close to the end of this version of reality, since we seem to be culminating in confusion and doubt (for good reason as you lay-out) absurdity (including polarizing candidates who would have been rejected out of hand not that long ago) and full-out inversion of what we thought of as reality. (War means peace, democracy = swallowing what they feed you, no power, no influence but lots of loyalty, and being a good citizen to planet requires taking up a tiny bit of space and (soon?) preferably could you please stop breathing? For the planet of course.)
I just know there’s an opportunity for humanity (or some % of) under this level of pressure. Really.
How dare you!
There has also been a parallel movement from, as it were, the other side, where blatantly absurd images are being passed off as what they are obviously not. Primarily, pics of middle aged guys in wigs who, instead of being presented as pantomime caricatures, are named as women in what appears to be all seriousness. And if you say, “For fuck’s sake, it’s a guy!”, you’ll be accused of a “hate crime”!
All if which only goes to show how prescient Philip K Dick was.
“World War 3 is raging – or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fifteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. But up on Earth’s surface, a different kind of reality reigns. East and West are at peace. And across the planet, an elite corps of hoaxers preserve the lie.” ….synopsis of The Penultimate Truth, PKD.
I myself sometimes wonder whether the coming war with Russia will be real or not. After having lived through Convid, I’m convinced they could easily fake a war, too.
Most TV news is scripted. One of the international news agencies may provide the script and locale in advance to the producer. That is how the reporter answers questions so comprehensively, even in the worst conditions.
I have come to feel that the age of film special effects is over. One of the most fascinating books I ever read was one I got out a library back in the 70s and it was precisely about film special effects. And it was intriguing because in those days you really asked yourself, “How DID they do that?”. But this question is only pertinent in an age when everyone assumes the camera never lies. Nowadays everyone automatically assumes the camera lies all the time and everyone knows how it’s done: CGI. Consequently it’s boring.
If course I’m talking about fictional films. But I reckon the public attitude towards news items may be going a similar way.
“If course” should be “Of course”. Editing snapper strikes again.
neither are fairy tales. 1 are folktales full of metaphor, 2 is propaganda.
And they all lived happily ever after _ _ _ _ except for those who listened to the experts
Say “regulatory capture” to pretty much any NPC and you get the blank look of the sheep regurgitating propaganda instead of actual thinking.
Hey, watch what you say!
This is my sister you’re talking about here! 😉
At last, a picture of a vaccinated vehement.
Simply put – You can’t trust images or videos.
Excellent, as you say it is trickery. Enter the Palestinian propaganda. Eons of Jew hatred propaganda has convince us that Jews are evil. Once Zionism was corrupted with the Freemason infiltration we were taught and convinced that all Jews were Zionists and therefore evil, so we automatically hated them and gave them a label Zionist Jews.
In fact the reals Zionists weren’t that at all, They were in fact Freemason Jesuits of the Venetian Cults aka Black nobility, where do you think the blood libel was created? It wasn’t created in Israel, it was created by the very Monarchy we bowed to as citizens of the commonwealth. All tricked into the Royalty belief system.
So sorry to offend many with the truth.
What do you think happened in South Africa? Boer War etc.
Apartheid…? It was the Afrikaners you scream in unison.
No it wasn’t, it was revenge of the Empire using Catholic Christianity (Anglicism) and Merchant class to destroy the Dutch East India company and call it the British East India Capture of the Dutch and its Royalty and then throw the French Huguenots for good measure.
Oh and don’t forget the minerals diamonds and gold to fill the war chests, just so happed to be treasure of war. They lost so we will take it to cover costs.
No. Zionism was masonic from the start. The blood libel was created with the Talmud and the Zaddikim a long time before the European muppets entered the play. Both Christianity and Islam are Judaic in their essence as they all come from the same doctrine of imaginary Hebrew patriarchs.
The blood libel is a device created to identify and even create enemies- make them believe you are a baby killer so they will lose their shit and come out of the woodworks to attack you, then you can eliminate them one by one using covert means while at the same time proving to anyone watching that they are deranged anti-semites.
Most of the supposedly anti-judaic far – right using the blood libel as their ideological driver have been zionist spooks set up to create a situation that only benefits Greater Israel. This is the secret of their success. Once you let go of ethics and morality it becomes much easier to dissimulate, hide and disguise yourself and your actions.
And who founded the Jesuits? Kabbalist crypto-Jews from Spain.
The framing of the above article says DONT TRUST MSM news.
Okey fair point.
However, the counter argument would say your boys and girls In this newish world of ‘alt’ are just as dodgy with reposting fake videos and promoting fake narratives designed to fuel division and fear
Like this for example…..
The Fake arrest of Resistance GB (regulars on U.K column during the lockdown)
The sad couple behind this video are pathetic spooks or burnt out paranoids who think that every single person present in a confontation with the police is a police plant. True hopeless slaves.
When it suits, they’ll say “eyewitness evidence is the most unreliable” and wheel out the arguments (colour bilndness, hallucinations etc) and psychologist tricks developed over decades if not centuries. The majority cited by the Warren Commission said it was not three shots from the School Book Depository? Their senses were deceiving them!
Then when it suits, they’ll say “you distrust the eyewitnesses? what sort of a scumbag are you?!” The examples are legion and obvious.
The aim is to leave people so punch-drunk by contradictions they give up on logic. It’s been the standard Tavistock playbook for at least half a century. Names like John Rawlings Rees and Kurt Lewin need to be much better known. Tavistock is where Fabianism and the Frankfurt School collide.
Why you should believe your eyes……………………
This was to deep for most the oFFG’er last year, lets see if they can handle the truth now.
Speaking of not believing one’s eyes.
Just saw some excerpts from the Biden- Trump debate and I couldn’t believe my eyes!!!
Evolution is going backwards🤪😜
Just kidding.
THAT, I CAN BELIEVE, after all, it is the US of Asinine.
Although I believe everything you say in this article is true Kit, I for one try everyday to remain trusting and faithful to my fellow humans. I believe this “post truth” era is designed to make us become less trusting and more suspicious of each other. Driving us towards “trusted sources” for our information and sowing division amongst society.
Of course I don’t trust big corporations, government or state regulated propaganda media outlets but then, I never did. However, when it comes to people I meet on the street and in my community, I will always be open and trusting until I have good reason not to be.
I’m not criticising your article when I say this. I just feel its important to distinguish between trusting real people we meet and trusting what we see on our screens.
What do you mean “after 911”?
911 was video fakery
After 911 the fakery and lies went in overdrive to fit in with their plans to keep the world ‘scared of terrorists’ ‘scared of pandemics and flu’ so they can ‘bring democracy’ and ‘protect humanity’
Mr Knightly
It’s not possible to survive the first three years of life without being trusting. You can’t feed yourself, water yourself, keep yourself warm in the first year of life. Not to mention not being able to change dirty nappies. Without a trust in the love of your mother and father, you’d retreat into a catatonic state.
Even when you can walk, you still need help with eating, getting dressed, keeping warm etc etc.But miraculously, if you trust your parents, your grandparents, au pairs etc etc, things work out fine.
Obviously, as life goes on, the harsh reality of real life starts emerging. The key learning is distingishing between behaviour of family members and behaviours outside the immediate circle. The stronger the family bond is, the easier it is to accept the non-familial behaviour outside. You have a safe hidey hole, after all.
The need of humanity to trust in the big bad world is usually a function of a lack of strong and healthy family bonds when young.
Every time there’s a war, you create a new generation of infants whose innocent trust is shattered earlier than optimal. Dead fathers, dead mothers create orphans who will have emotional challenges for a lifetime. Some will come through, far, far more won’t. And the effect of that will be felt by their own children, even if that generation don’t live through a war when young.
One of the reasons the media gets away with what it does is simply that lessons in ‘seeing through the media’ aren’t part of the national curriculum. The media sells trust, when the reality is that it sells lies. Just like a toxic male that uses innocent young females then dumps them, the media does exactly the same. You could also compare them to drug pushers.
My defnition of ‘trust what you see’ is limited to the natural world. I’ve yet to see an apple tree that is, in reality, a pear tree. I’ve yet to sow a tomato and see it mutate into a pepper.
Nothing I see that involves Keir Starmer or Rishi Sunak is regarded as truth. It is regarded as propaganda. It might have some truth, it might just be lies. But all of it is about trying to get me and others to vote for them. Good luck with that…..
A very instructive example of media nonsense is how the England football team has been portrayed the past 10 days. The players and manager trying to claim they played well. Thousands of those who paid thousands to be there begged to differ. They saw what they saw with their own eyes and trusted what they saw. Anyone watching ‘pundit’ Gary Neville on TV should note that his primary allegiance is to Manchester United, then to England. He and his mates will always put Man Utd players before Crystal Palace players. There’s no prominent Crystal Palace mafia in the UK media after all….
As for how the draw has worked out, the past two Euros AND in Russia 2018, well, Gareth Southgate has been a very, very lucky boy indeed. Anyone would think that a few things were arranged behind the scenes. France not topping their group, Belgium ditto.
They do say that you shouldn’t keep watching football if you think it;s all a bit of puppetry with puppet masters behind the scenes.
There’s a case to say that two dozen billionaires want most of the European fan base to stop watching football, so they can take the whole show lock, stock and barrel to more dupable audiences who pay more to watch less, wherever in the world the road show ends up.
We once had an Anti Football League here in Australia.
They held a ceremony each year where they would destroy a football, I think it was a ceremonial burning.
Anyways, they mocked the absurd seriousness of the game, the commentators and the players.
Bloody hilarious.
Pity it passed.
A spoon is the first thing a child sees, and the last thing a well aged adult uses.
It’s as old as the world, it’s called Plato’s cave.
It’s not only trust, although I believe that gullibility is one of the factors why we believe what we are supposed to see, but it is also the desire of people, after a long day of hard/ mind numbing work, to fire gaze and just forget about the world, and where their thoughts are filled with all sorts of nonsense.
You see, the real problem is that thinking takes time, is not always pleasant and can be confrontational. It’s not hard, everyone can think, but it is sooo much easier to believe the show that people get their brains filled with through the papers, tube, phone etc. And so it goes…
Most of it is about minimising the amount of punch ups due to the obvious unfairness and inequality of the world. The way the PTB do that is to try and deceive, deflect, gaslight etc etc.
When someone says to you: ‘you work hard for 8 hours, I get 40% of your earnings’, your immediate reaction is ‘fancy a kettle of boiling water over your head, matey?’ Especially if the sponger is a woman.
Multiply that a million fold each day and you have the potential for civil war, each and every day of the year.
So somehow or other, you have to anaesthetise the reactions of those you are deliberately exploiting.
Its going be Chicago 1968 all over again, even magnified, Joe just committed suicide right on stage, some (not the ones currently in control) are talking of replacements that do not include the vice president, and Trump is about to make peace with the Russians so a war can break out.
Just think of all the possibilities.
< Simply put – You can’t trust images or videos. Ever. >
Go on like that and you’ll find that you can’t trust anything because Life is but a Dream.
No, we can trust our eyes. Eyes as biological organs were evolved several times over, each time by a different species, they are so useful for survival. Eyes are a tried and trusted evolutionary development.
No, there are images one can trust. Family photos. Travel photos. Technical photos. Scientific photos. Videos also.
Caveat emptor (dont be a sucker) is an old rule. And the best way to avoid falling for a Con trick is as it always has been: Watch your own morals.
“Life is not given to us; it is put to us, like a riddle” — Albert Einstein.
Suspect you fell of the rocking horse in your youth and again as an adult it seems. Images you took with you camera can be trusted by you as well as your video’s. That’s all sorry to say
Videos and Images of others cannot be trusted if you have the raw data, how ever you don’t so so you cannot see the manipulation which happens in a flash.
“Scientific photos”, like those Electron microscope computer generated images? You must have fallen on your head too.
Videos and Images of others cannot be trusted [unless] if you have the raw data,
The world is a very puzzling place. Of course it is full of Cons, but one should not be a mug and fall for this line:
“Who do you believe: me or your lying eyes?”
“Way to ultimately agree with the author while appearing to disagree and saying absolutely nothing of any content or merit in the process” — Rob McChicken
Kit’s in fine form!
Note to OffG: it is not possible to use the comment edit function.
It works for me!
Director of Central Intelligence under Reagan, William Casey, quote: “We will be successful when everything the American people believe is false.” I think they achieved that a while ago…
” William Casey, quote: “We will be successful when everything the American people believe is false.”
As reported by Barbara Honegger
No doubt the day after The Great Presidential Debate (2024),
we’ll be reliably informed that the stuff-ups were all Deep Fakes ?
Best Uniparty Presidential Debate Memes:
(Given how it’s said to be easy to create Deep Fakes, can we
really be sure the broadcast debate is really between Contender
Trump, and The Defending Champ ?)
Yes, we can. Because you can’t make that shit up.
Yes. Truth is stranger than fiction, and current candidates for POTU$A are more preposterous than a clown show.