Quick Take…Are they going to replace Biden?

Ever since Joe Biden’s senior moments were broadcast nationwide in the first Presidential Debate of 2024, everyone has been talking about replacing him as the Democratic nominee.
And I mean everyone.
Forbes, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, the BBC, the Evening Standard, Bloomberg, The Independent, The Economist, the New Yorker, Sky News, the Financial Times, Reuters, Politico, the Telegraph (the list goes on), all headlining some variant of…
Who could replace Joe Biden? Debate performance has Democrats in crisis talks
Of course, the weird thing here isn’t that Biden went senile, he does that all the time.
In 2019, before he was even “elected”, he was sucking on fingers and ambling around like a care home resident for all the world to see. He’s been like this everyday of his four years of Presidency.
The difference isn’t that Biden has suddenly gone senile, it’s that – for some reason – the media have decided to (finally) take notice.
Which means an agenda is in the offing.
But why?
They don’t need to replace him because he’s senile, as we already established he’s been senile this whole time. They don’t need to replace him to win the election either, because (whoever wins) the election will almost certainly be rigged.
The whole thing reeks of a set-up to be honest. They put him up on that stage knowing he could (and probably would) make a fool of himself so they could float replacing him.
With in 24 hours of the debate, The FT, the Guardian, Sky News, Politico, the Economist and the Specator had already published lists of possible replacements.
Popular names included California governor Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama and good old Hillary (which would be hilarious).
There’s probably a lot of backroom negotiating over who gets to replace him right now, if that wasn’t decided months ago.
Or maybe it’s all psych-out and they stick Ridin’ with Biden.
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🙏 They did replace him.
Age discrimination!
People could criticise Biden for bombing more civilians overseas in 4 weeks than Trump did in 4 years.
People could mention Biden’s lawlessness in cutting the almost finished Russian gaspipe to EU.
People could criticise Biden’s continuation of US overseas regime change operations, or many other things.
But people choose the age discrimination yes? this does not tell a nice story of the media or the nasty public does it?
Who is the sheeple going to elect, select and obey this time; Pol Pot, Steelin, Obumba, Starmerwars, Hitlery,
KH will replace him. Newsom may be saved for 2028.
My money is on Newscum to replace Biden. He’s Jesuit trained and has the family pedigree (father a former judge and lawyer for the Getty family) that screams insider, trained, groomed and 100% manufactured.
He’ll likely replace Biden unless the controllers really want to humiliate the voters by fake electing Biden, for a second time. The results of voting don’t matter and are always rigged. The cryptocracy only need the public to participate in the farce because it’s psychological manipulation, mind control and ceding personal authority. The illusion of public participation/process is all that’s required.
A Women to replace him and become president as seen in the many TV series and many movies and the Simpsons.
Yeah, so they went with Kamala, the word salad, token (East Indian) woman. A continuation of the CIA’s sixties, feminist psyop.
Even their fake elections are just divide and conquer programs.
One possibility is that Biden was loaded up on meds and they misjudged the doses or combinations with the results that were all too visible. This is the standard ‘cock-up’ position.
However two things suggest it won’t wash: 1) The reporting of the MSM – they are utterly shameless about saying black is white if required and yet they didn’t try to pass this off as “the greatest since JFK” or whatever. 2) The timing of the debate – it seems to have been the earliest ever which does indeed allow time for a replacement.
All this obscures somewhat the content of what was said. For example, there was a coherent and steadfast defence of what Israel has done in Gaza made… by Trump. It also obscures real world events – like another weekend of terrible violence in Chicago which again shows the designed futility of the standard response (everyone in Chicago’s relevant power structure is black and they are moving to instigate reparations for slavery – in Illinois! – but somehow this doesn’t stop gangs shooting at each other). The silence of the MSM here, relative to George Floyd, is telling which is not to say the MSM might not wake up to such issues with a weaponised response that involves an increase in federal power and further pushes for gun control.
If there is a replacement, it needs remembering that whoever it is couldn’t beat Biden in the primaries… much like Sunak couldn’t beat Truss.
It all looks designed to destroy any belief in “our democracy” – while maintaining “our democracy” is why we need to be fighting Russia. This sort of pummelling with flagrant contradictions is beginning to look like a familiar strategy.
Whoever puppet the Zionists install, we know he will be ” good for Izzrill “.
Because, that seems to be the only thing that matters.
And then there is Kamala… Pres or vice Pres, a mental case with launch codes?
Replace her too: the generals should not have a fall guy or woman after in Hell.
Launch codes…;))
The TV series and films have worked wonder on people.
Not everything that happens is meant to happen. If Biden is being replaced then it’s very much a plan B. Who would suggest doing so after the nominations?
My bet is that his dementia has progressed further and faster than they anticipated. They thought they could get him elected and then replace him. That now looks unlikely.
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
If they want to lose and cinch T as the Uniparty bad-cop prez, they’ll stick with B and throw the race. If they still want to look as though they do not want to lose, but do actually want to lose, they’ll pick anyone except B. If they actually want to win, they’ll pick Newsom. Newsom was a friend supported by Gorden Getty from an early age. He’s smart, he can talk and think on his feet with anyone, and would destroy T in debate, just as RFK Jr. would. If Dems were actually a Liberal Party, they’d have RFK Jr as their candidate. He still likes, apparently, Middle East war empire and shows beliefs in some elite myths, but even those aren’t enough for The Empire.
RFK Jr is 4IR all the way, pushes AI-managed Blockchain government. Not to mention he’s outdoing Biden and Trump in backing the Zionist genocide.
A neat piece of theatre. The pendulum will swing. Wait for a young, hyper organised and squeaky clear sharp suit wearing tyrant to appear.
Seriously, I am less worried about these geriatric clowns than what they are setting up.
They are presented as chaos so order can be unleashed.
I do not care in the least who will become the next Resident. Whether senile or otherwise, they will have no decision making choice regarding the agenda of the global satanic predator class. Frankly though, I would prefer a photogenic farm animal. Perhaps a 36 year old mule born in Texas, thus complying with the Constitution which never stated that the president need be human. I cannot fail not to remember Russell Crowe’s famous line to the bloodthirsty thousands in their seats of the Coliseum after he bloodily dispatched several of his fellow slave/gladiators, “Are you not entertained?” My reply regarding the US presidential fiasco would be “vaguely, but somewhat like 7 day old road kill.”
Last week I commented that I would take 50/50 odds that there will be a false flag incident that would dwarf the impact of 9/11, and the selection will be “temporarily” postponed. After this well planned and orchestrated shitshow Thursday night, and the current very big panic among the Democrat party regulars, I would regard the odds to be substantially greater now. However, I feel that if Big Mike is nominated, its most profound statement in a debate would be to pull up its skirt and pull down its panties. A little truth in advertising. Any dyed in the wool woke Democrat should regard a non-debatable, truth in advertising of its trannyhood, should be both virtuous and advantageous.
PS: I do not regard referring to Big Mike as dehumanizing. In the English language, babies are often referred to with the preferred pronoun “it.”
the guy’s mental decline is not interfering with running the country or the planet at all:
pouring oil on fires around the globe continues unabated. instigating troubles in every corner of the earth is in full steam and creating conflicts where there is none is business as usual. worshipping israel has never been so intense. military hardware manufacturing is running at full capacity. fun with war games destroying environments at pristine locations going according to plan. funding for new and ‘improved’ viruses continues on various continents.
the empire is not showing any signs of slowing down.
An aging, senile President is perfect for an aging, senile nation. It’s not time for America to get rid of Joe Biden – it’s time for Britain, France, Germany et al to get their very own aging, senile leader. (That is, if they haven’t already killed all the folks in the care homes off.)
They talk about his mental decline. They call him sleepy Joe.
What do they call the voters then..?
It was a set up. Neither Biden nor Trump have been officially nominated by their parties, so why was the debate held so early? It was done so Biden who his handlers know is getting worse, could be seen as senile by the whole world and a movement could be launched to replace him. Will they succeed, time will tell.
Ignore it, the election, they could select anything from AI to an undocumented alien for president and the regime abuse strategy wouldn’t even notice but continue unabated
I remember the (s)election in 1980 when Carter and Reagan were both said to be terrible candidates and there was some attempt to puff up the third party “Independent”.
John Anderson turned out to CFR.
The arse licking, bought and souled out Australian Pre$$titute$ are giving Assange a hard time;
Fuck them and the big blue gravy train they rode in on.
they freed Assange. but then, he came to australia. sad, really!
maybe now he can’t go anywhere and can’t say anything. maybe now he has to perform with the wiggles (a tv program for kids if i remember correctly) in order to pay the high rent for accommodation.
So Trump wins and builds the wall.
In France Le Pen is about to take over.
In Hungary, Orban’s government has neen fined €200 M plus €1M for every day they refuse to allow illegals in.
Poland has spread pigshit on it’s border to deter muslim invaders.
This is happening all over Europe so what are they going to do about their replacement/dilution programme ?
Will the EU collapse ?
Blimey, that Chinese bloke was right when he said about living in interesting times.
Also, attempted elimination of leaders who resist, e.g. Robert Fico of Slovakia.
“Steve Bannon says ‘Maga army’ ready, as he reports to prison”
Sound familiar? What’s the bet that Bannon writes a book called “My Struggle” and sets the scene for a rebirth of the WW2 franchise?
The Russian Federation perspective.
“‘A deeply unfair and unequal country’: report warns of unprecedented far-right gains in UK”
So frets the Graud. They are quoting a “thinktank” called “he Fairness Foundation” whose priorities are revealed in this delightful example of bathos:
“We believe that this is not only morally wrong, but is causing deep damage to our society, economy and democracy, and undermining the fight against the climate crisis,”
Yes the “fight against the climate crisis” (the main cover for pushing inequality) is the true concern here.
“Failure to act now will make us less healthy, productive, efficient, resilient and cohesive.”
The mantra of capitalist bullshit since the dawn of the industrial revolution.
Pay attention to that stoking of the “far-right”. The use of that term to demonise dissent will accelerate. But the covid con showed the start of this manoeuvre: resistance to draconian clamp downs is labelled “Right wing” and “fascist” etc.
I know someone who reads that paper.
We avoid politics unless we’re drunk.
And then the most extraordinary thing happens.
From being an interesting, intelligent person she suddenly spouts the sort of stuff that you quote.
They live among us.
They’re going to put the lifetime actor Farage into the Commons just so Fraud readers can be kept in a permanent state of pearl-clutching hysteria about his latest pronouncement.
And if he isn’t voted in, his “supporters” can launch “a terrifying coup” on Westminster whilst the Groovy Left get palpitations.
Yeah, I must admit I’m looking forward to our drunken rants.
“resilient” is a new favourite and betrays their profound insecurity over their house of cards. The only thing “resilient” here is our desire to destroy it!
Yes as more and more people resist the oligarchs agenda they will call dissenters “right wing” or “far right” terrorists nut jobs. Sadly the comatose masses will fall for the flim-flam and allow the psychopaths who hate all of us who are not in their class, to further their insane anti-human program..
Meanwhile, the Farrrrrrright, like Georgia Meloni and Geert Wilders, will just keep moving us more and more towards overt Zionism & Neoconservatism.
Dont be surprised if the Democrats Convention isnt a
grand Spectacle funded by Big Pharma.
Dont be surprised if Joe Biden strides onto the podium
full of vigour, bold as life…
Big Parma have been secretly working on a Re-juve
Juice Vax, and it’s rumoured Biden will showcase it
to The World…
Dont be surprised if you have to be a millionaire to be
able to afford a shot…
(Possibly the Re-Juve shots are adenochrome made
from the blood of the missing millions US youngsters –
but that could be just a rumour)…
Vote AIPAC and join the winning team.
Make AIPAC great again.
Sometimes it can work putting forward a new candidate at the last minute. Just look at the NZ elections in 2017, when the unpopular Labour government released Ardern late out of the gate. No one had time to figure out who she even was, but being relatively young and female proved enough at the time. Maybe the Democrat party has another fresh faced WEF stooge waiting in the wings?
I thought AOC fit the bill, Seems to have been making an effort to suck up to certain people recently too, but she isn’t even being named as a prospect.
Nah, everyone already knows her and her shtick. It has to be basically an unheard of. Think Obama. No one knew shit about him until he suddenly appeared on the scene, suddenly running for president of all positions.
Examples of left-brain thinking –
The vax are safe and effective,
and President Biden did fine .
(There’s logic in there, somewhere.)
No logic. Just a script.
It’s obviously scripted. My guess is the “Biden” actor was scripted to fumble the debate and the controlled MSM was scripted to throw “Biden” under the bus as well. The “Biden” puppet has worn out its welcome and it’s time for a new puppet- either Trump or a new puppet with a different mask.
The original plan was probably for Harris to take over – but she’s been so inept that isn’t any sort of a runner.
No matter how you cut it, the Corporate Police State is running the show. “Beware the military industrial complex” We were warned. Too little to late for the American Prols. Time for a master plan involving the remaining free people of the world. If you can find any.
People, especially major influential “Journalists” and Politicians need to Break Out of This World Wide Freak Show… and Tell THE TRUTH…
It’s not that hard, but you need to be gentle especially with the Girls you Know..who took a Booster Jab…
She say’s I’m Fine..I know She is Fine, cos my Ex from 45 years ago,,still after us blocking each other for years including the last 6 months
sends me a text message…She probably thought I was Dead..
No still here…
45 years later – She is just so pretty and exactly the same with regards of our understanding of each other – basically falling in love in preperation to get Married and maybe have Babies together..
Neither of us did anything wrong….but we both knew..its not going to work. I wasn’t ready to have children..but she remained even like today, my kind of best friend – more like my sister – where you can say anything and explore each other’s soul…When You Meet a New maybe a New Girlfriend..and she was just so nice giving me advice…
Then My New Girlfriend – Now Wife – Answered The Phone 42 years ago – There is a Call for You.. What was I supposed to say….Neiher of us had cheated or betrayed..
“Edwyn Collins – A Girl Like You (Official Video)”
Maybe Biden will get a massive sympathy vote. After all, Trump was last elected on the ‘pissed off vote’.
Either way, it’s not fair that the rest of us don’t get to vote in the US elections. We ARE the outposts/vassals of the USian Empire.
Whatever they do, I think if they don’t, Trump wins. It’s over, Biden cannot beat Trump. Two reasons and they’re interrelated, i.e., he’s got dementia and cannot and will not be able to serve a full term, and Kamala Harris. This is where that VP pick will come back to haunt them and if I were Trump and the republicans, I would play it up. I can’t think of a worse person for president of this country than Harris, even Trump. Vote for Biden and Kamala Harris will be president.
What a dream team for tptb, they’re well aware by now they can get away with pretty much anything so why not Kar crash Karmala in the US and Least Trust Liz Truss reborn over here. Yes, it will probably get us all killed in a thermo nuclear apocalypse but we’ll also die laughing.
It appears to be about creating a credible election theft. The most amusing part of the whole “debate” charade was the apparent shock of the media pundits that ol’ Joe was impaired. The same people who have been covering for him for the last 3.5 years.
The whole election theft structure which was used in 2020 is still in place and has been reinforced with treatment of the “insurrectionists”. But even the must gullible and distracted citizen would doubt another win by Biden. It’s just impossible to believe that record numbers (that’s what it’s going to take) of people would choose a dementia case as the symbolic head of their nation.
With RFK stealing a “higher than expected percentage of independent voters from Trump” and “mail in ballots tipping 90% in Newsom’s favour” you have a media narrative that will be acceptable to the average citizen.
My betting is They will replace Him with either
Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck…
I favour Donald, as he’s likeable, less manipulative.
And, him having a Rich Very Rich uncle is a Plus,
though whether he can resist The Deep State is an
unknown unknown…
I hope he can…
My money’s on Homer Simpson.
Eeeasily manipulated and bought off with a truckload of Duff.
Montgomery Burns is more likely though.
Did i mention Donald is a duck, not a drake…
That should gain him the votes of A Certain Segment
of the population ?
The United Nations, based in New York, are working hard on a global “solution”..
As Caitlin Johnstone said the next president could be a Labrador retriever or a bottle of Tabasco sauce nothing would change.
More like a Pit Bull or a bottle of Arsenic.
Seriously, does anyone care? Don’t we – here in our echochamber – know that head honcho politicians are mere puppets on a string?
One would think so. Yet, even here in the echochamber I am continually amazed at how seriously it is all taken.
I guess we all have our own world view.
I don’t think we have seen an independent President in the USA since 1963.
A gunshot to the head in broad daylight put a stop to that.
Think of it like covid. Covid has been so normalized even skeptics talk like it’s a real thing too many times. Illusions taught from birth are very hard to overcome. Add in team sport mentality and there you have it. As an American it still shocks me people think it matters. Particularly after both of these candidates making it anywhere near the white hut.
When George W. Bush was “re-elected” as President, it finally dawned on me that absolutely anything was possible.
Good ole George W. Oh how I yearn for those glory days of George’s regular faux pas
The depraved Dems are in a bit of a pickle not that it makes a difference, as the ruling elite would be content with either “demented genocide Joe,” or the “Orange Idiot.”
That being said, if Mr. Creepy was replaced wouldn’t “cackling Kamala” be his natural replacement. After all, how could the Dems save democracy and overlook a woman of color.😁
In 2020 when the national security state installed an unpopular
crook as president and an even more unpopular woman as vice president they probably never thought the 2024 presidential campaign would be such a farce.
But then again, the neoconservative warmongers are happy with either Trump or Biden, as the two dotards will continue the bloodbath in Ukraine and Gaza.
When Olivier and Gielgud paced the stage, did they write the script?
Only if they were interested in performing a black comedy.
Ernst Wolff, author of World Economic Forum, The Global Shadow Elite:
He has previously suggested the replacement might be Michelle Obama.
Big Mike Robinson?
I’ve been predicting this for at least a year. Interestingly, it was the Democrats who came up with early debate idea. Biden CHALLENGED Trump…😂
And then they could swap Donald for Melania.
May as well, plastic rules in Hollywood.
I have been very unimpressed with the Biden team, not just the individual who heads it. Foreign policy under Blinken seems to be totally out of touch, we seem to reel between misstep and disaster, and our economic policy seems to be just as disorganized. A lot of this could be blamed on Congress, especially the GoP, who appear to be more focused on scoring political points than actually getting any work done.
Even though they’re a bunch of dangerous incompetents I’d still vote for them over “the other lot”, though. Trump is barely more coherent than Biden — he babbles a lot but doesn’t really say anything — and he’s easily led around by anyone who understand flattery. He’s pretty awful but the people he enables are beyond the pale, dangerous to a fault.
So we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. At this point I think that Putin would be our best choice for President. He has a good grasp of history, economics and world affairs and is obviously extremely smart and focused and has a background in practical politics. Too bad that he’s Russian and already has a job. People here in the US are too hyped up on our own exceptionalism for the most part to notice that by and large the global agenda is being set by people like Putin and Xi with our best shot being to just react to events (mostly rather lamely). Just branding these people as ‘dictators’ and trotting out tired, and increasingly unrealistic, cliches about freedom isn’t going to hack it any more. People expect results, not fiddling while Rome burns!
Not w/o a fight.
This was the plan all along. The knew. It would have been so easy to beat Biden. It was a trick to push him out. Wouldn’t it be great if Trump was replaced too?! That would be the ultimate! Throw Mama from the train! Crisscross!
Quick, tell them they can have Starmer.
There has been several Biden’s…
I wouldnt rule out CGI either.
CGI is Rubbish. You can’t Fake a Football Match
CGI fooled you on 9/11.
England were Rubbiish until Toney came on
Ivan Benjamin Elijah Toney (born 16 March 1996) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League club Brentford and the England national team.
Hmm, is this an oblique defense of The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present?
After all, Old Uncle Joe may be movin’ kinda slow– but he’s a notorious sniffer. 🤔 👃
Better than the Babylon Bee!
Just different types of butts that have exactly the same function.
Expelling SHIT.
Who will lead?
Also when someone says seriously “if you don’t vote you don’t have a say”
We’ve long known that the electoral system is bankrupt. What’s different is that this is being shown prime time. Is this possibly a set up for a takeover by the armed forces and a government of “national unity”?
Doubtful, most of todays talented military are having difficulties tying their shoes, politics is out of the question, a sacrificial war perhaps, but that’s the top and even that would only be for a short while.
Yes, it’s weird. Biden just being Biden but suddenly everyone is saying he ‘can’t’ run. But then it’s a bit the same with our general election in the UK – media have been telling the public who is going to win, and how big, all year. Democracy doesn’t seem to come into it. If you say anything else beneath the line you get some creep trying to argue.
Or you just get banned. That’s what happened to the founders of The Off-Guardian over at the actual Guardian. And that’s why this fine website exists: because Kit and Catte and some other people decided that they would have their say somewhere on the internet — even if not at the Graun. So here we are, nearly a decade later. What a ride that’s been!