RCR Monthly – Replacing Biden and Labour’s Big Win

OffG editor Kit Knightly re-joins Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio’s Breakfast Show for their latest monthly chat, talking UK election, possible Biden replacements, the rise of the so-called “far-right” and more.

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Jul 10, 2024 11:45 AM

Has a president ever been replaced before due to dementia..?

this could fuel the cancer theme happening in to U>K where Kate and Charles have cancer, (so they say)

USA with dementia alzheimer could help sell the new

Possible Preventative Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

Projected for early 2024, the trial’s third phase would enroll hundreds of patients with the ultimate goal of gaining FDA approval for the vaccine within five years.

You see there just like us and a new vaccine is on it way.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 6, 2024 12:24 PM

Why did Sunak call an early election?

Most likely because Farage was (presumably) going to set up a social media operation to target the 40% disaffected and habitual non-voters in key constituencies – as was done with Brexit.

AIQ was founded in 2013 by Zack Massingham, a former university administrator and Jeff Silvester.[2] As of February 2017, AIQ employed 20 people and was based in downtown Victoria, British Columbia.[3]
AIQ has attracted controversy over its involvement in the Vote Leave and BeLeave campaigns in 2016 and the Cambridge Analytica scandal that broke out in 2018.
Two years after the Brexit vote in 2016, it was revealed that AggregateIQ had been paid £3.5 million by four pro-Brexit campaigning groups – Vote Leave, BeLeave, Veterans for Britain, and Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party – to design software aimed at aggregating personal data and influencing voters through messaging on social media.[4] Under UK law, co-ordination between groups during an election is prohibited.[1] In May 2018, a Facebook executive testified before the House of Commons Select Committee for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport that Vote Leave and BeLeave were targeting exactly the same audiences on Facebook via AIQ.[5]

Some of Rishi Sunak’s closest allies are facing an angry backlash after being awarded honours by the former prime minister, despite their apparent role in the “insane” decision to call an early election.
In a sign of the growing anger within the party ranks over the decision to call the snap poll – as well as alarm over the way it was conducted – the former deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden and chief of staff Liam Booth-Smith were singled out by angry candidates and aides for their role in the “cataclysmic defeat” that several sources claimed had been made worse by the early election decision.
Booth-Smith was handed a peerage in the dissolution honours list, while Dowden was given a knighthood. Both are said to have backed an early election, with Dowden described as particularly influential.

Jul 6, 2024 5:16 PM

Each Country has done the political switch since covid.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 7, 2024 9:13 AM

Brexit and MAGA exposed the weakness in the Globalist strategy. That strategy involves:

A) controlling the MSM.
B) using the MSM to define the notion of “centre” – such that geno- and demo-cidal technofascism can be labelled as “centrist”.
C) anybody not aligned with the technofascism is labelled “far right”.

As a consequence, masses of ordinary people find they’re not represented in the mainstream – not in the media, nor in politics – so they become disaffected and drop out of the mainstream media and political process. The problem with this is that the proportion of disaffected tends to keep growing – now probably at around 50%. In theory, the disaffected can be targeted by largely bypassing the MSM – as was done with Brexit and MAGA. Of course, the counter to this would be to create fake opposition. Or to taint genuine opposition by linking them to Putin!

“United by only one thing: being anti far-right”

‘Far-right to be the biggest party in Parliament’ as National Rally close to power in France
Jul 7, 2024
‘It’s the first time the far-right has come first in national Parliamentary elections, and at the end of polling day today the far-right is likely to be the biggest party in Parliament.’
Former French Diplomat, Francois-Joseph Schichan, on the rise of National Rally in France

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 7, 2024 1:15 PM


Date range: 25 May – 7 July
Round: . .. First . .. Second
1997 . . . . 67.9 . . . 71.1
2002 . . . . 64.4 . . . 60.3
2007 . . . . 60.4 . . . 60.0
2012 . . . . 57.2 . . . 55.4
2017 . . . . 48.7 . . . 42.6
2022 . . . . 47.5 . . . 46.2
2024 . . . . 66.7 . . . At midday – highest since 1981

Live: Midday turnout hits 26.63% in second round of French legislative elections, highest since 1981
Polls opened in the second and final round of France’s snap legislative elections on Sunday with more than 500 seats still up for grabs in the lower-house National Assembly. Midday turnout is reported to be the highest in 43 years, reaching 26.63% at noon. The vote will determine France’s next prime minister, who will likely come from the party or coalition winning the most seats. Follow our liveblog for the latest updates on the French legislative elections.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 6, 2024 11:24 AM

The establishment gotcha against Farage demonstrated that even a decade-old statement could be paraded as appeasement. In the BBC leadership interview, the second question by Robinson was re Putin (@4:00) – and Farage did reasonably okay at dealing with it. And rather than being indicative of a supposed change of UK position on Ukraine, the stunt was all about restricting the Reform vote.


A referendum on the Act of Declaration of Independence was held in Ukraine on 1 December 1991.[1] An overwhelming majority of 92% of voters approved the declaration of independence made by the Verkhovna Rada on 24 August 1991.

Voters were asked “Do you support the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine?”[2] The text of the Declaration was included as a preamble to the question. The referendum was called by the Parliament of Ukraine to confirm the Act of Independence, which was adopted by the Parliament on 24 August 1991.[3] Citizens of Ukraine expressed overwhelming support for independence. In the referendum, 31,891,742 registered voters (or 84.18% of the electorate) took part, and among them 28,804,071 (or 92.3%) voted “Yes”.[2]

Pcnt of . . . . . . . . . Votes . . . Electorate
Donetsk Oblast . . 83.90 . . . 64
Luhansk Oblast .. 83.86 . . . 68

The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson: Nigel Farage, Reform UK
21st June 2024 (Day 30)
Political TV
Jun 23, 2024
Nick Robinson interviews all the major party leaders in the run-up to the general election. How do their policies stack up? In this edition, the leader of the Reform UK, Nigel Farage.

Jul 6, 2024 11:15 AM

This has been in the cross-hairs for ages:

They want to keep eroding any ability of local people to obstruct their technocratic planning whizzes. Putting a Tory in charge will be sold as political savvy to sell it to Tory areas but it’s really another revelation of the unaparty. Building on the green belt shows how real their green credentials are.

These new towns offer plenty of opportunity for both social engineering and political gerrymandering. Expect zero analysis of that.

Labour occasionally talk of decentralisation and devolution but once in power centralisation of power is immediately what they do.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 6, 2024 12:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There’s plenty of green-belt in southern England – around St Albans, Oxford, Bath, etc. Maybe they’ll get what they voted for!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 6, 2024 7:52 PM
Reply to  Edwige
Jul 7, 2024 2:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Reminds me of Peter Pan, telling all the children that Tinker Bell can be saved from death if they all clap their hands to show that they believe in fairies…
Good ol’ Graun … keeping world’s dire problems firmly on a sensible, adult level…

Jul 6, 2024 8:02 AM

Gavin Newsom was the name missing from the consideration of Democrat alternatives to Biden.

He was the one the Fraud was endorsing immediately after the debate. Since then, they’ve gone to Biden, shamelessly repeating the idea that it was merely that he hadn’t had enough sleep (see how much Joe cares!).

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 6, 2024 7:08 AM

New bird flu restrictions from New South Wales, Australia:


Jul 7, 2024 8:12 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Is that the Kiwi Variant or the Albatross Variant?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 5:59 AM

One thing this election has confirmed for me is the shocking naivete of the people around me. One friend, who I know has voted Tory, voted this time for Labour. He said glowing things about Keir and I realised he’d swallowed the media bilge without question. But then, a few years back I’d had a ferocious screaming match with him over covid. He’d swallowed the shit then too.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 6:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve often imagined how conversations would go with those around me if I was to try and engage them in the sore topic of what was ACTUALLY happening and I always sadly come to the conclusion that no-one I know would have the slightest concept of anything I said. They would denounce me as a “conspiracy theorist”, “flat earther” etc. And even those who consider themselves “Right wing” would accused me of being “far Right”. Such is the dreary gullibility and unthinking compliance with the media of everyone I know.

Jul 6, 2024 10:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve always been a cynic George, but he last 4 years has pretty much removed any hope I had that we might survive. Possibly as a species, but certainly not as a civilization.

Personally, I have the suspicion that mass media has given the average man the feeling they are informed, whilst giving the (media) owner class the ability to lie like never before.

Jul 7, 2024 12:15 PM
Reply to  Lance

Civilisation was doomed a long time ago as it goes against nature and is a system of slavery. it is insane and cannot survive as its insanity will prevent it from averting disaster or a slow disintegration.

Jul 6, 2024 1:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One thing this election has confirmed for me is the shocking naivete of the people around me.
One friend, who I know has voted Tory, voted this time for Labour. He said glowing things about Keir and I realised he’d swallowed the media bilge without question.

The Hypocrite:

George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 6:46 AM
Today is the vote and a lot of memes are getting pushed. There seems to be a determination to dissuade as many as possible from voting. And another movement to convince you Labour has already won.

I keep wondering. For the first time I think the unthinkable – to vote Tory! This as a tactical move to try and stop Labour getting in. Also to prove to myself that I don’t fall any more for the now anachronistic crap about Left/Right.

Or maybe I’ll spoil my ballot paper?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Approximately

There is no hypocrisy. Please try to think outside the ossified box that the media depends on. Labour and Tory are labels that stand for “Left” and “Right”. There is of course no difference between them in that they both serve the ruling class who decide everything. But there IS a difference in terms of presentation i.e. what the public have been led to expect from that “Left” and “Right”. This is why e.g. the 2000 USA election had to serve up the Republican Party as the govt. The US had already decided on the “war on terror” and needed the “war party” to be in charge.  A different use of the illusory Left/Right paradigm came when Blair’s New Labour finally came to power –Thatcher herself admitting that New Labour was her “finest achievement” since it marked the point where Labour agreed with the Tories and had effectively become “Tory Party 2”. The reason Blair was granted the driving seat (via a tasty arrangement with the Murdoch media) was so that the same neoliberal policies could be continued this time under a “Left” banner. And it worked.  But now in this post-covid work, the rulers have decided to “reverse the polarity” of the rhetoric and are now projecting a “Leftist” mode. This is why Starmer had to get in with the most contrived political campaigns ever. Sunak suggesting reintroducing conscription was an obvious clue that he intend to fail. Cue also the relentless media trumpeting about the impending Starmer victory. And if all that didn’t work we also had another “Right” party in Reform to split the Right vote.  I suggested voting Tory for the reason one of the more intelligent OffG posters, Ennes, suggested “holding your nose” to get in whatever party would be most likely to block Labour. It was a tactical vote.  

Jul 6, 2024 4:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Voting Tory was actually the best choice. The establishment were hyping Labour and Farage for the reason – to get Starmer in.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 6:57 PM
Reply to  Thom

The Tories were the only ones to have the audacity to suggest there was such a thing as biological sex!

For that alone they deserved to win.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 3:42 PM
Reply to  Approximately

Dear Admin I am pending again. And also please try to sort out the block format that the editor has imposed.

Jul 6, 2024 4:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc
Jul 6, 2024 5:27 AM

“To assess the feasibility of exposure-based paradigm for the development of long-acting [permanent?—Nass] contraceptive products.” You don’t title million dollar grants in a word salad unless you are trying to conceal its meaning

Do you understand? This is one of those events which — if YOU make it go viral — can trigger the revolution.


les online
les online
Jul 6, 2024 4:57 AM

‘Labour, with just 20% of the vote controls 64% of the Parliament.’
So will Starmer PM be labeled “Mr 20%” ?
And is 20% a ‘mandate’ ?

Jul 6, 2024 5:48 AM
Reply to  les online

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood
she he will keep everyone on the straight and narrow you can take that to the imf world and b i s banksta
what a shoah

Jul 6, 2024 3:52 AM

free cheese for all free cheese.
they said it on the bbc free cheese for all
queer starmer

so off i trot to my morrisons
got some cheese
and got detained at the door

no cheese today alas
no cheese

queer starmers handlers will give us war
you can see it in his eyes
windows into zion hell
oded yinon in england

dangerous times indeed for the lovers of non kosher diary

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 6, 2024 1:42 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-07-03. 37% reduction in life expectancy for the jabbed. The two major UK parties are under influence of the WEF https://x.com/paulrprichard/status/1808598923449417746

Jul 5, 2024 9:46 PM

there are about 48 million people registered to vote in the UK
the labour party received just over 9 million votes
they have over 60% representation in parliament
think about what you have just done
and tell me about freedom from tyrany …….

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2024 10:31 PM
Reply to  Bob

Early reports had Labour with around 36.7% of the vote,
garnering at least 410 seats…Jeremy Corbyn got more
votes last time, around 40% – but lost…
Rigged elections, or hugh abstention (especially by
young people) ?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 6, 2024 6:52 AM
Reply to  les online

No, just the FPTP system showing what happens when the Right is split in two but the left isn’t. Exactly the same thing happened to elect Mrs Thatcher in 1983 when the SDP and Labour votes were more or less equally split.

This election is the most unrepresentative in history of the UK. It shows that FPTP is not fit for purpose. But there’s always one party at every election that benefits from it and the prostitute Ed Davey is now apparently saying FPTP is OK, despite two generations of his predecessors campaigning for PR as a central plank not of electoral pragmatism, but rather as a deeply held conviction.

Jul 6, 2024 7:56 AM
Reply to  les online

I don’t believe Corbyn was genuine – but it was noticeable how the media kept saying his seat was going to be very close (i.e. anti-Corbyn people: bother to turn out) and it wasn’t in the slightest. If the national polls had been that wrong, it’d be a major scandal.

My guess is they became alarmed at how much traction opposition to Labour’s position on Gaza has gained and wanted to maintain some safety valves.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 6, 2024 7:57 PM
Reply to  Bob

Well….if you can handle my wife, I will take on the election problem.

Jul 11, 2024 8:10 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Issues determine everything-everything everything-everything…

Vote on them. Focus on them.

Never the person, or anger prevails…
Like: Shoot Tony ? He deserves it…
But I truly desire witnessing Ignominy. Stocks & OFFTomatoes.
A very public & PUBLICISED SHAME & permanent STAIN
On all humanity. . . Curveball & kiss my ASS Bliarites Bush-Fires Karma Steering just more Terror but nothing Just: like after any controlled NORTHeXstream explosion, just as they Demolished WTC7 After The DON of all bankruptcy bs financial & moral, having lost $2.3Trillion, enunciated The day before the scientific world & authorities officially entered LalaLand, like
The Pied Piper …
What we teach,
Programmes our
Destiny, kids alike…
Greetings Erik.

2.2.Seconds Freefall
10.Seconds Flat…
I.Vertical Implosion
Wot’ W’Oz’ that ?
From a Fire ?
Ask Swiss Firemen,
Or Uni-Fairbanks Alaska.
Was sagts du …?

Ah yes, well my dearest is under cancer meds. & solutions abound,
For example, can we seriously not agree to stop spraying the dumbest of All Munitions ever invented. One would have to be so fucking dumb to deploy Depleted Uranium Munitions, but hey ho dumb cunts talk covid, not
CANCER… not rocket science, true dumbcunt science.
I jest not, you made me laugh,
Ta 4’dat,

Jul 5, 2024 9:42 PM

‘Nothing Real can be threatened, Nothing unreal exists….’

Everything else is exoneration bias.

Jul 6, 2024 4:48 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Sir Keir Stasi: David Starkey on Labour’s Police State in Britainhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=291XBLyHQkE

Jul 11, 2024 6:49 PM
Reply to  gorden

Sorry Gorden Bennet, but you had better get to grips & STEER KARMA for the CPS Boss Starmer’s decision not to prosecute Jimmy d’Kunt Saville and his Spaedo-ring fenced top of the pops networking: suits you too ?, instead of implicating the Stasi… for a grounded zero good reason ! ?
G’audacity. You made me question your age !
Seriously Gorden.

Jul 11, 2024 7:00 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Yeah good, all true enough for the ‘ All Blacks ‘

Do the Haka . . . 😂

Nice one Kiwi.