The Scuppering
Sylvia Shawcross

And so the Puppet Masters smiled.
Now children, it is not difficult. Not difficult at all. There’s this thing called the third option. It always exists. It always has. Even in things you don’t think really have an option such as dying e.g. “We’re all gonna die,” say the sanguinely tedious to explain whatever needs explaining at the time. But of course that is not true.
There are the third options such as cryogenically freezing your head, or implanting your consciousness into a robot, or drinking bat blood during a full moon, or going off to paradise or having legacies that live on as if that is any consolation.
Yeah, we’re all gonna die but do we have to die stupid? Surely we could have learned a few things before our expiry date?
Oh I know it isn’t politically correct to call us all stupid, but stupid is as stupid does and we sure do stupid well sometimes. Even politically incorrect as it is.
We weren’t always this way. I blame the idiots with keyboards who invented the on/off thing with computers and stuff. The bloody binary malarkey. Everything is a 0 or a 1. And soon everybody started thinking in 0s or 1s.
Right or Left. Happy or Sad. Correct or Incorrect. Woke or Neanderthal. Agreeable or Terroristic. Vaxxed or unvaxxed. Pro-immigration. Anti-immigration. Pro-LGBTQSL+ or a racist. Pick your binary. Pick your narrative. Hold on to it with everything you’ve got.
Do not look left right or anywhere else. Just stand your silly ground until you freeze your head for posterity. And when you’re reawakened into the new world somewhere way down the line you’ll still have stupid. Mostly we all would. And how do I know that? Because the puppet masters in this current climate are smiling.
And why you may ask are the puppet masters smiling? Because they’re not stupid like the rest of us. They created the binaries to which we all cling like mussels to a crag with wildly draping seaweed hair drifting in the currents of popular opinion. Like predatory seagulls, they’ve grabbed us by the seaweed and are feeding on our stupidity. It is black and white we know and knowing this we are comforted.
How uncomfortable the unspoken third opinion is. And the puppet masters are smiling because they figured out how to make us do the on/off shuffle with such cunning and deception that they always get their way. Which of course is always divisiveness.
“Oh what the hell is she going on about now,” they say to themselves, wondering if they’ll continue reading or not.
Well… I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll know by the time I get to the end of this if the truth be known. After that bad clam metaphor I probably should. This all came about because I found myself watching a Katy Perry video clip. She was dressed like Rosie the Riveter. Now I don’t know if art imitates life or life imitates art but I sure do know manipulation when I see it.
Who among this generation have any clue who Rosie the Riveter was? Why would a popular singer be dressed like the character invented for women during World War II to inspire them to work for the good of the country while their men went off to war? And why would e.g. The National Gallery in Canada be staging an exhibit called “Outside the lines: Women Artists at war?” Or the MLC Research Centre and Gallery in Toronto be staging an exhibit called “Parallels: Women Representing the Great War in Canada and Newfoundland?” Or the University of Manitoba’s School of Art Gallery be staging an exhibit called “Women at War?” Those are only the few I’ve noticed in passing. Isn’t that all rather coincidental?
Well… I don’t know.
Let’s look at a few other oddball things because meandering all over the place is always fun if not annoying for people accustomed to rigidly scripted introductions and conclusions. Canada is back on the world stage yet again being chastised for not fulfilling their financial obligation to NATO who is fighting the war for freedom and democracy in the Ukraine (if that is what you can believe and good luck with that if you do….) Oh the shame of a country that has fallen behind in their duty!
Meanwhile in the Ukraine, women are being conscripted into serving on the front lines and all other Western democracies are discussing women serving in the military as well as men on a compulsory basis. And the battles begin. The glee of those who have suffered at the hands of the #metoo movement going “Nyah Nyah ne nayh nah,” and women considering pregnancy now as an option they never did consider before. And others soon vibrating to the tune of Rosie the Riveter will want to go to war to save something…women’s rights or democracy or freedom or something.
NATO means not being alone.
NATO means protecting each other.
NATO means living in freedom.
NATO means peace#NATOSummit | #WeAreNATO— NATO (@NATO) July 7, 2024
Yeah, figured it out yet? It is not about whether women go to war. It is about the third option. No war. It is not about whether Canada pays NATO. It is about that third option of not supporting a war. It is not about convincing people that freedom and democracy are on the line. It is about war. And the people who profit from it.
And while I’m at it, it’s not about the immigrants themselves overwhelming countries, it is about who and what wants to stir up the hatred and divisiveness that would inevitably come from such drastic change? That will inevitably lead to support or non support of overseas wars?
Efforts at peace scuppered again. So if you find yourself in an argument about whether women should go to war, or Canada should pay Nato, or immigrants are ruining the country bringing their wars here…Just go in for the kill: NO MORE WAR.
Only the puppet masters want war. Only them. There is no nobility in war. There is blood and suffering and profit. Let’s not try to die stupid this time round.
Oh hell… I’m too tired to go on. Really. I’ve finished raving. Peace. Here. Now.
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We are being gaslit and propagandized for more war not merely proxy wars like in the Red Sea against the Houthis but direct confrontation wars against nuclear powers! I saw that psychopathic warmonger John Bolton interviewed on PBS yesterday and another guy on Firing Line spouting off about how China is a threat etc. etc.
The US, Germany and Britain have stepped up their efforts to execute mandatory conscriptions. The US/NATO/EU axis of insanity is expanding the war in Ukraine telling the neo Nazis there they can use Western supplied weapons to attack Russian territory. Dementia Joe is railing about how he’s kept NATO together and what Article 5 means so things are getting more intense and war is afoot. Bring on the third option No War!
When the rich wage war
It’s the poor who die
The rich also die, and they dont live any longer than normal people. I once analysed that fake story to the bottom.
But, when I see and meet all these European idiots who believe what the media tells them they believe, I realize they deserve a WWIII. Run sheeple, run!
There was a Jimmy Dore YouTube clip of Mick Jagger appearing somewhere in Canada. The clip shows Jagger praising the Trudeau clan – and getting booed by the entire audience. So what did Jagger do the recover his equilibrium? He praised Canada’s soccer team – and got the requisite applauses.
Moral: if you wish to come out on top, always select Sports Team A as your unitary offering. Or soldiers. Or police. Anyone who carries a gun or throws a ball. The fans’ll eat it right up. And the ruling class will count their lucky stars they came up with three guaranteed winners.
Binary-schminary! As Ayn Rand said: instead of Divide and Conquer “Unite and Rule.”
Jagger got a medal from the Queen. Since then his voice is being exalted when he talk about the upper class.
Thank you Sylvia.
Off topic but kinda the essence of the new scam:
As another example of my unfortunate tendency to dip my toe into the fetid slime of the plastic Left of yore, I encountered, via the Trotters, one commenter called (aptly enough) David Cracker whose latest starts with this waffle-de-doo-dah:
“We can see H5N1 ‘bird flu’ mutating from one taxonomic class (aves or birds) of animal to another taxonomic class, order, family, genus, species of animal (mammalia or mammals, artiodactyla, bovidae, bos, bos taurus or domestic cattle) to another order, family, genus and species of mammals (primates, hominidae, homo, homo sapiens). This makes it easier for us to understand how ….”
Yackety Schmackety Yabba Dabba Doo …….
But my main point comes in an earlier comment from this undoubted genius of the King’s New Clothes Sales Team:
“Current science has no agreed consensus on the definition of biological sex; the current body of research shows strong, observable evidence that, like race, gender and sex are constructs of human society and ruling class ideologies.”
Sex is a “construct of human society and ruling class ideologies”?
Bloody marvellous!
And at this point, our Cracker quotes Marx:
“Scientific truth is always paradox, if judged by everyday experience, which catches only the delusive appearance of things”.
Surely old Karl was – or ought to have been – intelligent enough to sniff out a potential down side to this? But then again, Karl was living at a time when the utter madness of our modern media conveyer belt would never have been imagined. That men could claim to be women would have drawn riotous guffaws from anyone of Marx’s time.
In any case, such fruitless speculations about what historical figures would have thought now are surely to be rejected. We now know that this little “loophole” in the scientific project has met its point of exploitation. And the Trotters, along with so many others, are exploiting this paradox to the maximum.
So what does this loophole mean? It means that things are not how they seem! And that means that what seems true to us plebs in the street is not the way things really are. Thus we need a new elevated group to tell it like it is! We need, in short, a new clergy. With a new theology. And the benefit of this new theology over all the old ones is that it can be more “quickly mutated”. “Science” being so open to these new developments, these awfully clever white coats can now tell us one thing today and then reverse it tomorrow because “we have made new discoveries”.
Bloody marvellous!
I should have pointed out that “The Trotters” are that wondrous spookster team, The World Socialist Web Site.
Sylvia in my country in my home town in my own block in my own sick family and within some of my so called normal friends they wanted me locked up and put somewhere because there leaders through the media said it was me that was causing the lockdown extension and the cause of the increase of covid and cases.
THEY them people who wouldn’t usually fight wouldn’t of thought twice about going to war against the unvaccinated and non mask wearing which I was one.
I’ve now seen the same people say what I have said about covid there now screaming migrants..
The more things change the more they stay the same. It is, I agree, a very dangerous dangerous thing, this hate of “the other.” Dangerous times. Reason out the window.
Cf. The Kate Perry video referenced above, here’s Joni Mitchell’s reaction to the post Madonna pop world:
“What would I do? Show my tits? Grab my crotch? Get hair extensions and a choreographer? It’s not my world.”
I reckon the pornofication of pop was inevitable from the start.
Most of the ‘female’ pop stars need all that stuff because they are in fact biological men.
Joni M. could at least have used lipstick. .
“Here is a song for you, I am so blue, so blue, so blue”. She could have used lipstick!
“And while I’m at it, it’s not about the immigrants themselves overwhelming countries, it is about who and what wants to stir up the hatred and divisiveness that would inevitably come from such drastic change? That will inevitably lead to support or non support of overseas wars?”
So as a White Coloniser. irony: off, Shawcross does not live anywhere in Canada where she has to compete with immigrants for
1. rental or mortgage-driven housing
2 seats on public transport
3. public health services
4. places in government schools for her tender-minded children faced with those from cultures of daily physical violence.
5. government or corporate jobs subject to DEI quotas.
Lucky Shawcross, no “overwhelming”, so she can spin us the line about “who and what wants to stir up…” Newsflash for her : it is possible to oppose both open border invasion AND warmongering by NATO.
A certain lack of concern, but very virtuous she is, for native Canadian Deplorables, n’est-ce pas? Fortified by the 2nd conditional “would” in her phrase: “would inevitably come..”
Because it is not WOULD COME, it is COMING NOW.
Hi Jenner. I believe you mistook what I was saying but perhaps it is the way I wrote it.
I wouldn’t be too sure of that. There are many who choose how they interpret what you write and simply must prove their interpretation is not only correct but that you have no right to a different interpretation. They feel the need to school you on things you left out but would probably accuse you of being long winded if you attempted to cover every point to their personal satisfaction. Not worth spending time worrying what some blowhard feels the need to bitch about here.
Here speaks “Deplorable White Blowhard”:
How is the e.g. Somali cultural enrichment where you live, hmm? Busy avoiding Waycist Discrimination by walking alone at night in unlit suburbs on your way to delightful ethnic eateries, are we?
Either the likes of you and Shawcross write what you want to say unambiguously at a time of historical immi-vasion of previously European countries or you don;t, and then you take the consequences.
Great piece, I can count on one hand the number of people I know that welcome the third option of no war. Most are frothing at the mouth for war. That NATO propaganda drive clip was revolting. The WW2 propaganda was very different, upbeat, chipper, and strange. I scrolled the YT comments to see if anyone was calling it out as the old wartime propaganda that it was and is. Nope.
i vote for scuppernongs, or sculpins…
The Dumbest Species Ever?Why ‘intelligence’ is a huge burden
Who Runs the World?And how do they exercise control?
The Ukraine War is FakeFAST EDDY
I can prove it
Hey Syl,
Thank you thank you thank you. I appreciate your stuff and who you are.
What a piece of shit video brought to us by NATO!
Peace Love Truth Music
Thank you Ann for your kind words. 🙂
At your service .
It’s always about money.
War = Wealth for a few.
Pop music = Wealth for a few.
Porn = Wealth for a few.
Covid = Wealth for a few.
Etc, etc, etc.
They are few, we are many.
Time to turn the tables and turf the Turds.
Money is for the plebs… the elites are about total power and control, immortality.
As a Canadian I would support Canada leaving NATO and declaring Canada as a neutral country.
Me too.
Off topic – I also support growing food for nutrition instead of for yield which causes declining nutritional values. The government should subsidize farmers who do that as it would save the government money.
‘It’s a woman’s world and we’re lucky to be living in it?’ Shit lyrics. Is AI writing all the songs now because the empty, soulless, meaningless banalities certainly sound like it.
And by the way just a heads up – it really isn’t a woman’s world as two women a week are killed by their partners in the UK. Is that lucky? I don’t think so. Is KP a woman? I don’t think so.
At least we know where we are in the course of human evolution, heaven being peace with no weapons, hell being war with weapons.
This is no longer debatable, but a matter of fact, make of what you will, but don’t try to claim to be in heaven, when all the evidence points to hell as the current destination.
And all we can do is make of it what we will, nothing more, nothing less, it just is what it becomes.
Heaven is within you.
Except there is a test for that, it involves a mirror and can prove weather you have attained the inner heaven status, so far only 3 people out 8 billion have accomplished this task, so unless you are of the Janis Joplin frame of mind, its still a rather long ways a way.
Off topic and probably just a distraction but there’s this from the Graud:
“Swiss right seeks to block Eurovision’s ‘celebration of satanism and occultism’
Conservative groups hope to force local referendums in potential host cities for 2025 song contest
Conservative groups are threatening to block Switzerland from hosting next year’s Eurovision by forcing budget referendums on potential host cities, saying the song contest is a “propaganda event” that “celebrates satanism and occultism”.”
I never watched the Eurovision Song Contest (I don’t think I’ve ever watched it) but I heard about the deluge of occult and demonic imagery which I reckon is a deliberate provocation and it looks like “The Right” took the bait.
So another episode in the theatre of Christians, conservatives, fundamentalists, etc. against Groovy progs “on the right side of history” with (as it just so happens) “the first non-binary artist” who (as it just so happens) went on “to win the contest”.
But of course you’d have to be a jaded cynic to reject the obviously organic and totally spontaneous nature of the contest. “The People” backed by “The Science” quite naturally produced this joyous celebration of all things …um natural.
Diverts attention away from the fact that all governments are privately owned corporations, acting unlawfully.
The BuyBull is written by the Cult of Rome (Satanic-Saturnic) and all the rituals of the Roman Church “are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church.”
The controllers use this distract and divide tactic with all wedge issues like the the trans and trafficking non-sense, immigration, left/right, BLM etc: Rile people up to create faux divisions, or sects and distractions within the one cult.
Controlling all sides is their obvious MO.
Rome has certainly tampered with the Bible, but on the whole it was not a book written by man. No way. Read it and see.
It is true, the authors do not deserve the title “man”.
The “pagan” rituals and symbolism of Abrahamism are not straight copies of the originals. They are always distorted or inverted or mixed up so as to have a very different effect, namely spiritual slavery.
“Pagans” was a term coined by the abrahamic priests to mean anyone who was not Christian ( where the word cretin comes from) or Jish.
in the west, the crescendo of ‘in your face’ has been reached, and the pendulum realigns it’s arc over the ‘pit’ and oscillates right -as the world turns…
23:57 BST suitcase bs.
Do the math.
Stinks of the satan worshipping cunts who think crowley was “cool” and madame blavatsky was a “hot chick”
For reference crowley was a disturbed homosexual rock climber who moonlighted as a secret service operative and madame blavasky was a pig ugly fuckwit who read too many books and never got fucked
& don’t forget that Annie Besant was an old pissant who was very rarely stable…
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could drink you under the table…
And 4 people found this ad hominem worthy of an upvote?
Crowley was bisexual, had women lovers and hired female prostitutes. He was also a freemason and clearly prepared for his role from childhood- there is even a photo of him in ceremonial garb and performing a “magical” posture as a teenager. He apparently tried to rebel against his programming but failed and ended up a heroin addict and likely additionally destroyed by addiction to sex.
Satanism is a product of Abrahamism and its Babylonian origins, and Freemasonry is part of it. All of these -isms are here due to the influence of the Archons. The understanding of the Archons as described in fragments in the Nag Hammadi texts is the real deal on “Satan”- the chief Archon who is identical to Yahweh and is an impostor.
“NATO means different things to different people”…… North (and South, East, West) Accomplices Towards Oblivion.
Sylvia, How are You, Sure I follow the blogs and occasionally comment. Some of my posts appear immediately, but 90% not at all, or so it seems. I am getting better, but not 100% yet, such that I could confidently walk to the pub, dance all night and walk a mile back tonight. But my life is not over yet. wife: “Come on You Lazy Sod – My Friend is Picking Me Up”
me:”She drinks like a fish, yes she is lovely and bubbly”
me: “Get the bus back home, or share a cab” So there is life in the Girls yet too Most of us old blokes, are Crying and Shaking well me mostly, after watching “War Sailor” on Netflix. One of the most powerful anti-war Family and Friend Films, I have ever seen set mostly in WW2 in Norway – just released. Fck the rest doing it for real – killing each other now, I want to go to Norway and make PEACE Best photo of the week
People have always been fkin morons.
Remember when they burned women calling them witches?
We need intelligence tests and psychological testing to weed out the morons and psychopaths from any position of power.
That will fix the issue we have today of morons controlling morons… Aka IDIOCRACY
Who tests the tests?
Katy Perry has ‘excelled’ herself with the release of her latest video “Woman’s World” from which the Rosie the Riveter scene in the header photo is from.
Ho!ding a vibrator in one scene, drinking from a bottle of whisky in another plus plenty of close-up tits and arses. Along with agenda narratives such as transexuality – women standing in front of mens urinals. Also, a spot of transhumanism – Katy being squashed by an anvil and coming back to life with bionic, prosthetic legs.
A great role model for teenagers!
That was the stuff I spotted just watching the video once. Probably, has some occult symbolism in there too, as her previous videos always did.
Jeez, really? I only saw a short clip. I just dunno about this world anymore. I’m not sure what they’ll eventually get into in order to try to shock even more. I don’t even want to think about it.
The link to the whole official video, it’s just under 3 mins long, is in my comment above.
3 million views aready and it’s only been up 19 hours. Madness.
agh…. just watched it. I won’t go there. I just can’t. I just can’t.
It’s a long way since the early 70s when we used to furtively pass around the remains of a shredded porno mag someone found in the local park. God help the kids of today. One 3 minute pop video has more flesh than I ever saw on the top shelves. (And wasn’t it nice to have a time when the only filth was discreetly placed out of regular eyesight!)
No hope of any rebound in the rates of reproduction.
O/T, but you said you’d look out for my posting of the representative booklist; it’s now been published (on the Off-G article of 7 July re. Graham Hancock). The link to the booklist is below, takes you directly to the post:
Thanks, I will take a look.
Hey Teacher!!! Leave those kids alone!!! We don’t need no education….We don’t need no forced control….. la la la
Actually, I do believe in education. If only that was what it was.
Third option…..Sylvia for pres!!!!!
The photo used in the article all look like trannies.
they aint fighting anything it is to make young girl;s think wrestling and playing football and getting tats and telling everyone there private thoughts wearing knickers and bras on tic tok is the way forward.
all aboard the last train to trans central
i remember a tv show in the uk in the 1980s trans world of sports
I know you have posted this before but it seems more appropriate than that silly propaganda song there:
I am very worried about the persuasion techniques going on for war. Polievre, the future leader of Canada, made the statement that he intends to convert the “Woke” into “Warriors” to make military service more appealing or something. And so it goes. We end up with one extreme or another but they’re all in the same boat rowing us to hell perhaps.
Perhaps the only remedy available in recent times, is to round all the cult war mongers up, via press gangs, and incarcerate them all permanently on the modern version of the Narenschiff aka the ‘Fools Boat’ which collects these aggressive fools from port to port on an endless voyage. The good thing is, they can never get off the boat, and will never be allowed the means to wage any more wars!
It will get worse if Carney replaces Freeland. Prenez garde.
Hahaha, the wokelings as warriors? They are only wokelings because they’ve had an easy life, with nothing to actually worry about in it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have had to invent the “problems” that they do worry about. I predict that an army of soft handed, wokelings would last about 5 minutes against an army of actual men.
If the world goes Mad Max, the wokelings will be the first to perish.
They would not last very long in the Russian bombing grounds…. without their smart phones!
phil ochs + cia…?