Nothing is Perfect

Todd Hayen

I was reading an article from KW Norton Borders about AI going rogue and for whatever reason my brain responded in an odd way. Let me try to explain.

Most “subversive” “shrew-type” articles are rather extreme these days—as they should be (in my humble opinion). There is really no point in being wishy-washy about this stuff. It is important to be very clear regarding what is probably going to happen, making the assumption, always, that not enough will be done to stop it. We must make that assumption when attempting to predict the future, as that is really the only honest way to approach it. Otherwise, the whole issue would be, well, “wishy-washy.”

That being said, I thought about a sheep reading this Rogue AI article and could just imagine them rolling their eyes. “Oh please,” they might utter, “Complete sensationalism.” But is it? Certainly, I don’t think it is, but I am sure sheep do.

Let me give you some examples. Norton, quoting a book by David Hughes (Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy), says: “…we as the citizens of this planet are suffering through the irreversible enslavement of humanity.”

Hughes elaborates:

An undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, whose aim is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of global technocracy—a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism that threatens to lead to the irreversible enslavement of humanity. World War III looks nothing like its two predecessors and is waged by the transnational deep state against populations using the novel methods of Omniwar, i.e. war waged in every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognise it as such. The opening campaign of World War III involved the largest psychological warfare operation in history, which I call the “‘Covid-19’ operation.” This was intended to demoralise, disorientate, and debilitate the public, thus weakening its resistance to the intended transition to technocracy. Historically, psychological warfare has served as the prelude to physical war, raising the alarm concerning what is to come.”

Sensationalism? I certainly do not think so, but I am pretty sure most sheep would think it was nonsense. (As I commented in the other day’s article, classic “mountains out of molehills.”)

I am, as usual, troubled by this blanket dismissal of very obvious issues. I do not have a problem with people looking on the bright side with any of this stuff, but to discount it all entirely seems rather stupid (what else is new?) and certainly reckless.

The world is a complex place, and we as a global community have had to face many strange happenings throughout history. Most of these things did not typically sneak up on us with no warning. Yes, many did ultimately play out and were too difficult to stop once they started rolling, but I would say that for the most part, people looked, questioned, wondered, warned, and spoke out. Not anymore.

People (the sheep) don’t seem to pay attention to much of anything unless it is clearly packaged up and presented with absolutely no room for error. The title of this essay points that out. No theory, speculation, or prediction, is perfect, but sheep won’t listen to anything unless they think it is perfect. All they need to assure them that what they are hearing is perfect, is the consensual mainstream. If something they hear is not consensual mainstream, it is not even considered.

The people who expect the nice, neat packages will listen to someone like Fauci until the cows come home. Clearly, Fauci’s babbling is not perfect, but the people listening, and following his nonsense, think it is. These idiots presented all of this not as speculation, but as certainty. It is also presented as the mainstream thought, the ideas that fit into the societal mould of “what is right” “what is good” and “what is best for us.” If you do what they say, then the big scary virus monster will not eat you. If you do anything else, it will.

In reality no one knows exactly how anything will turn out. People like Hughes obviously have their predictions and they state them with conviction (how awkward would any book be if the author began every paragraph with, “I have reason to believe…” or even, “I think da da da…”) Nothing will play out exactly as these critical thinkers imagine, their predictions do not have to be perfect. But their thoughts, predictions, and formulations are not consensual mainstream, therefore they are not considered.

It used to be that anything would be considered if it was the least bit plausible. Or even if only out of curiosity people would investigate something before throwing it out with the bathwater. But curiosity has also made an exit from normal human behaviour. People are no longer curious about anything other than their own neck.

Back when I was a kid there were so many different ways to skin a cat that everyday folk would spend hours in coffee shops discussing this and that. The political parties each were viable and even though any particular person may have had very strong feelings about one party or another, they realized that the opposing views from the opposing party were at least viable and up for discussion. Everyone seemed to be very aware there was no silver bullet that was perfect in its ability to resolve world problems.

We were aware nothing was perfect.

Now the masses seem to think there is a silver bullet and a perfect way to resolution. They think they can sleep well at night, and continue on with their humdrum lives as long as the powers above them say it is all ok. According to them the vaccine was perfect, “You will not get Covid, nor will you transmit Covid if you get the vaccine. It is safe and effective.” Perfect.

There is a perfect solution to the conflict in Europe, “Putin is 100% wrong, Ukraine and NATO are 100% correct. Financially and militarily supporting Ukraine is the perfect way to go.” Same deal in Israel.

Yes, there is opposition to the perfect world order. Us shrews. And on some issues, more than just us shrews. But it is not enough to break the “perfect” spell and get people discussing different ideas, and different paths to solutions.

I have always considered “alternative” thought. And by “alternative” I do not mean less viable or less plausible, but ideas that may be contrary to the ruling power’s position. I think back to the day when most people considered such “alternative” ideas or solutions.

These “different” opinions only needed one criterion to make them something to consider—plausibility. How do we know if an idea is plausible or not? Well, that takes some thinking—critical thinking, and maybe even thinking outside of the box. Such things are gone. Gone with the wind.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen
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Jul 19, 2024 6:34 AM

t turned out far too late that Nazis actually and truly loved all good-hearted Americans. Yes, you read actually correctly! Unfortunately of course not you creepy two-legged ones, though, as you had hoped, but just cuddly raccoons who use freshly tapped beer without restraint to regularly get plastered. https://www.foodandwine.com/beer-drunk-raccoons-germany-7692600

And the lovable raccoons in return have proven that they don’t want to rip Europe off by pretending to be “descendants of our species” (it wouldn’t have helped them much either). As the Germans (along with the Irish, Brits and Scandinavians) have always loved nothing more than being completely drunk, they quickly integrated their new American friends as their equals.

But now another danger is looming that nobody expected: pacific oysters, which Germans gorge themselves on to such an extent that they don’t go to work for weeks on end, but just lie around lazily in the corner with their American raccoon friends, even sticking a hose down their throats to pump the remaining beer out of the half-empty barrels. Danger is imminent, but nobody wants to take this eco-biological threat seriously. https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/111750-003-A/re-pacific-oysters-invade-the-wadden-sea/

Professional long-term steady drunkenness can only be learned from the Russkies (also known as “Iwans” since the unsuccessful attempt to take over their barley-corn-filled steppes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSHQctvg8Cw

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 18, 2024 2:15 AM

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution has caused and will continue to cause mass upheaval, displacement, severe impacts, and untold suffering to the peasantry, Indigenous, working class and those belonging to the informal economy. The middle class will not be spared. Yet this depraved new global architecture, dangerous to life, human, sentient and biological, is pushed forward despite advanced knowledge of foretold tragedy – solely for the pursuit of money, profits and power. It is this very fact that shows us unequivocally and irrevocably that promises for a just transition, green deals, new deals, build back better schemes, are nothing but empty, hollow assurances, void of intent. These are the lies they tell. Promises and assertions that are nothing more than alibis.” Cory Morningstar



APTN Investigates: Reliving Indian and Inuit Tuberculosis Sanatoriums

 “What Goes Around Comes Around” by Lenny Kravitz


Jul 16, 2024 1:39 AM

Thanks for the article Todd.
I kinda like to entertain even some “conspiracy theories” that some wd say totally lack “plausibility.” Like they say, “This week’s conspiracy theory is next week’s truth.
Agree that critical thinking should be applied to whatever comes up. Keep asking questions.
Critical thinking has been usurped by brainwashing that govt/corp knows what’s best.

Jul 14, 2024 11:05 AM

“…the world is a complex place”. Yes and therefore TPTB trying to fit a round world into a square box just aint gonna happen… that’s my reason for optimism!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 14, 2024 6:57 PM
Reply to  Sue

Problem is Sue, that’s exactly what they’re trying to do.

And if that round world don’t fit into that square box, they’re going to tax/vax/climate you until it does.

Jul 15, 2024 10:24 AM

No, they aint!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 14, 2024 8:50 AM

Graham Linehan has been desperate to try and gain some access back to Happy Celeb Land ever since he offended against their glutinous trans worship. So he is grateful to recycle Kindergarten spooks like this: 


One thing now made clear is that this whole trans issue, no matter what else it might be, is a bourgeois distraction.

Jul 14, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Trans Agenda is not some bourgie distraction. It is an ideology leading to Transhumanism.

Jul 14, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Lupa

“Surrogacy, the tech repro market, and gender ideology are all parts of a technological system that is deconstructing human sexual reproduction for the market. This is what transhumanism is at root: the cutting up and compartmentalization of humanity for the market. It entails that we are deeply dissociated. We must dissociate from ourselves for this extraction process. We must be melded to and integrated with the machine. This is happening at many fronts. The industries of gender, surrogacy, and tech repro, specifically target and reduce our reproductive capacities to parts of a machine. We are no longer whole biological systems. We are all becoming commodities cut up for the market.” Jennifer Bilek on X

Jul 14, 2024 6:34 AM

< Nothing is Perfect >

“Or what’s a Heaven for?” — Robert Browning.

les online
les online
Jul 14, 2024 1:46 AM

Who’da guessed giant financial corporations were greenies in disguise carrying
out an industrial de-growth agenda in the UK ?

In 2018 some economists ‘concluded that in just the 20 year period, from 1995 – 2015,
excessive financialisation cost the UK economy 4.5 trillion UK pounds in unrealised
Which is probably why ‘[…] 9500 millionaires are set to leave the UK in 2024 […]’ likely
for greener pastures, than because The Labour Party is gonna run the place (down)…

The Great British Betrayal: The Rise of Britain’s Rentier Regime.
‘Britain “the country of choice for every kleptocrat, crook and despot in the world.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 5:11 PM
Reply to  les online

Leftist Liberals and Usury bankers are out of the same vampire tribe. They have no other skills than sucking on other peoples creativity and hard work.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 14, 2024 1:40 AM

We’ve had self-centred, smug and incurious humans (the sheeple) since time immemorial. Today it’s easier than ever with all the modern-day distractions to steal their attention away from what’s really important for all of our and all of life’s survival. Hence their aversion to facts and figures and their need for glitzy CGI and CIA manipulated info packages that so easily lead them astray.

And then there’s the fact that all of us have been raised on the dogma that unquestioning obedience is good for us. Only a few will escape this prison, more often than not to our detriment within the prison camp. The sheeple sense this and wish to stay confined for “safety” reasons. 

Not long ago during a video conference with in-laws in Europe I mentioned that I don’t watch TV. The incredulous response: Don’t you have state-funded channels? They are lost to us. Say no more.

Jul 14, 2024 1:15 AM

look out… here we go on a Deep State Disney ride to Hell!


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 11:12 PM
Reply to  sandy

A proof that someone want to do America and our freedom and democracy harm. If they want violence against America, we will give them violence they have never seen before.

So they can see America demand peace, global peace. Peace in China, peace in Russia, peace in Iran, the three shithole countries who only want aggression and war with America and who are against our free way of living!
(talking myself warm, I could talk like that for hours).

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Jul 14, 2024 12:37 AM

Nice to see Wimbledon give an center court standing ovation to the vaccine creator.
comment image

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 14, 2024 6:25 AM

A confirmation, as if anyone needed it, that Wimbledon is not a private members’ sports club, it is a politically active conduit. Presumably they are doing all this nonsense to get their planning permission for developments on Wimbledon Park???

And what has Romeo Beckham done in his life, other than absolutely nothing, to be worthy of being in the Royal Box?

Jul 14, 2024 12:36 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

He’s lived his whole life with the name “Romeo” and hasn’t complained.

I think that says a lot.

And certainly deserves some Royalty.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 5:42 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Wembley and Wimbledon is the same, cash cows and entertainment.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 5:37 PM

She made money to the Elite. Why shouldnt they?
You would do exactly the same to someone who brought millions into your account. Standing ovation, shiny eyes, dreams came forward. She made you day man.

The victims? Everybody die. Somebody are just unlucky, others are losers. Others are winners…………..LOL. Thats how life is man.
You gotta stand up and fight for your share, or believe in Santa Clause  🎅 .

Jul 14, 2024 12:16 AM

Don’t fret Folks.
It’s all been sorted, classified and filed by Australia’s public broadcaster, the ABC.


Yep, these born again ex conspiracy theorists are now on the path to righteousness.

As for the rest of us, it’s all downhill, to hell.

Funny though, no mention in this piece of those other conspiracy theories; WMDs, the communist takeover of the free world and PROVEN war crimes (the ultimate oxymoron) planned and perpetrated by our trustworthy, ‘elected’ governments.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 14, 2024 10:00 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s interesting that they have to prefix any ‘conspiracy theory’ with the words ‘false claims’ or ‘misinformation’.

Almost as if their arguments don’t stand up for themselves……….

les online
les online
Jul 13, 2024 11:57 PM

‘Education Is Important But Meme Making Is Importanter.’

The Great Resist: Best Memes About Memers Resisting With Memes.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 13, 2024 8:34 PM

Well then, that’s the ticket. We just need to get everybody to think critically. Maybe we could start a Critical Thinking College. But then all the other colleges would yell, “Hey, we already do that!”. And we would say, “No you don’t”. And they would say, “You Lie!” And we would say, “No, YOU Lie!” And on and on until everybody would just go home and watch TV or play with their dumb phones. Yep.

Jul 14, 2024 12:30 AM
Reply to  Big Al
Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 14, 2024 1:55 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Here are some critical thinking ‘colleges’:

After Skool
eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g6w2f3ttMM


e.g. https://odysee.com/@RealEyesation:1/Law_vs_Conscience:3


Jul 14, 2024 5:46 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Would this be discrimination against MSM – implying that they are lying?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 14, 2024 6:27 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Ultimately, the decision has to be taken by those that would use the particular colleges. How the screaming match between the colleges works out is less important than the enrolment figures….

Jul 13, 2024 6:41 PM

Covid was military grade propaganda. Look into his eyes. Crisis actors pretending to be at death’s door. A ginormous hoax of global proportions. The new normal. Away from the old. How to transition from a believed social democracy to a real war economy. Without anyone noticing. The rationing began as a way to beat climate change but then merged into the the (imaginary) war effort.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 13, 2024 6:22 PM

The reason these ‘perfect solutions’ are proposed is because people don’t say what about somdething really radical?

Like telling the USA to get out of Europe, relocate all their troops home and pay reparations of a few billion for blowing up Nordstream II. Tell US LNG companies that they’re too expensive, start buying much cheaper gas from Russia again and tell the USA that NATO is no longer a relevant organisation for Europeans who aren’t warmongers, don’t want to be slaves to the US military industrial complex and don’t have the pathetic Russophobia that seems to be intrinsic to certain subsections of the US madfolk/Deep State.

Tell Ukraine to make peace with Russia and kick out Larry Fink and his organisation from that nation. As the Americans are happy stealing hundreds of billions of Russian assets, they can’t complain when some of theirs are stolen too.

What we have to get past are thuggish Americans who think that everything is about killing, stealing, threatening and dominating. 400m+ Europeans don’t agree with them.

America has quite enough territory in the Lower 48 – they don’t need any more than that.

Jul 13, 2024 9:02 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Didn’t you know that American lives are worth more? American citizenship instantly elevates you to a higher level!
Russia seems like the biggest area – a really huge area – not economically controlled by the usual mafia so they must be pretty upset about that! This would explain the persistent organised hate and war campaigns against Russia quite neatly…

Jul 14, 2024 5:51 AM
Reply to  LOL

You never know. A thug you lock up for a crime could be a US operative or new citizen, working to facilitate an invasion.

les online
les online
Jul 13, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“Enough Is Never Enough !”
(Ideological expression of the political economy of capitalism) …

David Ho
David Ho
Jul 14, 2024 11:56 PM
Reply to  les online

Too much is never enough.

Jul 13, 2024 5:24 PM

So the technocrats are enslaving humanity? The first question which comes to mind: when were we not slaves? And the answer is: when we were free to make as much money as our ability and ambition could bring us.

All of which brings question number two to mind (and we all know what “number two” is): when were we not enslaved to money? When did we not need X-amount of money just to survive?

How about we took all the money all the billionaires have accumulated and handed it over to some “primitive” people (if we can find any). Rather than jumping for joy and declaring to the universe “I’m Free!” they are far more likely to use it to cook with.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 11:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, you think you can talk yourself out of this: “We have always been slaves bla bla bla bla bla”. My sincere regrets, you cant.

Jul 13, 2024 5:20 PM

I’ve given up on anyone still drinking semi skimmed (2%) milk. If you haven’t seen through that con there really is no hope for anything else.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 14, 2024 2:00 AM
Reply to  Clea

I’ve given up on any adult still suckling milk.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 6:05 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

All right. But what do you expect instead? A pint of Lager. Diet Cola. Mini Lacto Free Eco Yogurt. Mineral water. Carrot juice?

Jul 14, 2024 5:56 AM
Reply to  Clea

Sugar substitutes are a far bigger threat. I mean all of them. They are even in medicines and supplements.

Jul 14, 2024 7:58 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Oh I know, I steer clear of those as much as possible, but all the people falling for the ‘low sugar’ nonsense will be drinking semi skimmed milk. It’s not so much about the health aspect as falling for what we’ve been told.

My mother for example can’t stand any artificial sweeteners, but offer her whole milk in her coffee and she literally recoils.

Jul 15, 2024 5:18 AM
Reply to  Clea

Skim milk allows separate sale of butter and vitamin E. Removing wheat germ from wheat allows separate sale of protein and vitamins. “Whole-grain” bread is likely to be made from refined flour, with sawdust (added for fibre) and colouring.

Jul 14, 2024 12:40 PM
Reply to  Clea

Not being snarky here, seriously wondering what the skim milk con is?

That it’s just watered down whole milk?

Jul 14, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  judith

I don’t know about a skim milk “con”, and I’m not attempting to preclude Clea’s informed reply. But but here’s my usual wordy anecdotal take from a pro-milk perspective:

Years before the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, when I was still seeing my primary care physician, I obediently but reluctantly followed his order to visit the hospital nutritionist for an evaluation.

She was refreshingly personable and low-key, but when I confessed to using whole milk– mostly at breakfast in cereal and coffee 🥣 ☕, but occasionally indulging the single man’s penchant for swigging gulps from the container– she politely but flatly said, “There’s no reason for anyone older than two years old to drink milk.” It was a verbal shudder.

Although affronted by her dogmatic assertion, I stifled the impulse to reply, “This discussion is over!” and depart in a huff from the office. Instead, I pretended to accept and appreciate this novel insight.

When we went on to develop my “food plan”, she sweetly urged me to consider “weaning” myself off milk entirely; since it was obvious that this proscription was unappealing, she suggested that I first step down to 2%, aka “reduced fat” milk– and after a few weeks or so, switch to 1% “low fat” or 0.1% fat (skim) milk if I really couldn’t give up drinking/using milk altogether.

When I got home, I carefully put the “food plan” folder somewhere to gather dust. Even so, I actually did switch to using 2% milk until the scamdemic, then defiantly reverse-weaned myself back to whole milk.

Anyway, maybe the “con” is to regard whole milk as toxic. My Normal relatives religiously shun whole milk and stick to the watered-down versions, although even they like half-and-half with coffee. Go figure! 🥛 🤨

Jul 15, 2024 1:07 AM
Reply to  Ort

Yeah, I go back and forth on the cow milk thing. Lots of cons out there.

Unfortunately I cannot drink the morning java without it.

I started drinking the skim years ago probably because I thought the fat was bad. In any case, I have now find whole milk too rich!

And I cannot drink Organic milk. I suppose most people would say it tastes the same or better but I find it just too organicky.

What can I say, I’m a child of the 50’s.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Jul 13, 2024 5:14 PM

Precisely so about the average person’s inclination to accept sanctioned narratives without question and reject without examination all else, but I don’t think there ever were good ole’ days of open minded critical thinking on the part of most people.

I think most people were once better educated at baseline, and civility and manners were esteemed and practiced as a norm (my parents’ generation, born 100 years ago, evidenced both things obviously). So, they were more genteel, and the narratives they (people of the West) were given about big events made them feel virtuous and noble on the world’s stage, and they trusted all institutions implicitly, assuming their virtue.

But those people didn’t know things as we can now, but if they had heard certain things from the New York Times or Chicago Tribune, et al, say the suggestion that western financiers had bankrolled both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, or that Roosevelt had advance intel on the bombing of Pearl Harbor, at least, and more likely wanted and encouraged it, or that the Lusitania was carrying munitions not merely civilians, or that Eisenhower and the Allies had starvation camps in Europe post WWII, or that the Japanese offered to surrender before the A-bombs were dropped, they would have rejected that information out of hand, just as people do today with like info.

So I surmise, anyway. I think things were just more genteel, not more open-minded, and people were just shielded from the need to be, so it wasn’t as obvious then.

Jul 13, 2024 6:43 PM

Definitely. Most people have always blindly accepted official narratives. We now have easy access to alternative information that never existed in the past but it doesn’t make any difference for the majority of people. You could understand the ignorance of the past but today’s is much worse for that reason.

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Jul 14, 2024 12:38 AM
Reply to  TRT

Agreed. The availability of contradicting or just add’l information, even if not with respect to something thought nefarious or malicious, puts in stark highlight the overwhelming tendency of the majority to instantaneous and slavish thoughtlessness, and likely as an instinctive preference, in fact, to take it even further. Some kind of comfort zone, maybe a primal suck-up survival mechanism, I suppose.

The tsunami of add’l and credible information, whether factual or anecdotal, also creates now a visible hard line between nescience, the passive state of being uninformed, commonly called ignorance, and actual ignorance, the active state of ignoring information one has been exposed to. That is, ignorance is a chosen state (of ignoring), and is always willful. My parents were nescient and naive, probably good-willed, but untested by anything like what we now have exposed, so no way to really know.

People today are enthusiastically and smugly ignorant, and happily so. A strange mix of tyrant and slave. Very off-putting. 😟

Jul 13, 2024 4:36 PM

I find this article a bit pessimistic, although I understand the sentiment is hard to resist in these times. I see lots of resistance happening, I’m most familiar with what’s happening in the UK although I no longer live there and there does seem to be hope, as there is in the US too, things are a bit greyer in Europe. The sheep are not so sheep like anymore, there’s active resistance and quiet resistance and I think TPTB have given up on pushing through another pandemic even though they try as hard as they can, people aren’t biting. What happened with Covid was quite unique, a perfect storm which will be difficult to replicate in the same way. You only have to read the comments on the daily mail on any virus/vaccine related article to see that many ordinary people have woken up on that score. Many more people are seeking information beyond the MSM and there’s been a big drop off on people watching the MSM.

There does seem to be a lull at the moment, maybe the calm before the storm, with economic collapse foretold just around the corner. Most people will not fight until it is something that really affects them in a very concrete way. But maybe then it will be too late. Maybe the TPTB will give us the gaza treatment, herd us up into pens and then bomb the life out of us. Or just nuke us, although Hughes thinks that’s unlikely, they are probably just nuking our minds. Who knows what they are planning. You couldn’t live your life expecting the worse always, even though it may be just around the corner. I suspect those living in Hiroshima or Nagasaki did not have a clue about what was about to befall them and they just carried on living their lives until they weren’t. I woke up this morning, the sun was shining, I still have some money so I bought some good things to eat from the market and made lunch for my family, I read a little and enjoyed the sunshine, life doesn’t seem too bad until the moment it isn’t. If we all do our bit, however small but still try and enjoy life which is precious and all too soon over that is no bad thing. But how do we do our bit? That is the burning question, what is to be done, as someone famously wrote all those years ago.

There are different forms of resistance happening in the UK, people trying to create their own communities outside of the system as far as that is possible. There are people resisting the violence of the bureaucracy by standing up to bailiffs and bully boys for non payment of whatever money is demanded of them. There are people fighting the outrageous energy costs scam in very practical ways. There are people resisting the surveillance state by destroying its apparatus, and countless other struggles, there’s uk column and its community, the light paper and its community, countless alternative media including this site. You can also see the embryo of class consciousness developing and the real villain of the piece being pointed out. But what is to be done? More joining up of communities and more praxis, the connection between theory and practice needs to be re-established. One informing the other and visa versa. We are at the end of times but also at the beginning of a new era. These things take time to develop and the TPTB will try their best to divide and control us. But there is always hope, and life is still to be enjoyed as much as possible while trying to establish something better.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 13, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Europe sucks, to be sure. But there is one very good thing about it. The U.K. is no longer part of it.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 14, 2024 2:01 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

The plan is that it soon will be again….

Jul 14, 2024 6:12 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Every one of the mighty G7 countries is a basket case when seen close up. Oligarchic capitalism persists in subverting independence: (a) criminalising small-scale enterprise including farming (b) driving people off the land into urban hovels (c) undermining income and tenure (d) debt trap (e) poisoning homes, environment, food, work, etc. (f) uncontrolled immigration.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 13, 2024 4:18 PM

The box is closed.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

At this stage, either you are permanent inside the box together with Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates, or you are permanent outside the box.

No matter how many courses in “thinking outside the box” you give these 2-dimensional freaks, they have lost their ability to learn it.

Jul 13, 2024 3:16 PM

Sorry Todd, but I’ve got to call you out for using the old “pre-covid” metaphor of comparing we “humans to sheep.” This is very insulting to the sheep and truth be told they are none too happy about it. The proper “post-covid” metaphor to compare – “humans to lemmings.” This is a much more accurate metaphor at many many levels – and it offers the added benefit of sparing the feelings and the dignity of the – “sheep.” : )

“Hey buddy! Which way to the nearest cliff?” – (“I don’t know, I haven’t checked today. You’ll have to turn on NPR to find out.”)

Jul 13, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  gbossa

At the risk of seeming, or being, pedantic: the settled pop-culture dogma that lemmings commit mass suicide is a myth– more accurately, a deliberate fraud created to spice up mundane reality in a 1958 Walt Disney film, “White Wilderness”.

I’m not a fan of government agencies, but The Alaska Department of Fish and Game provides and corroborates information presented in multiple sources: 

Lemming Suicide Myth / Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior.

I’m not particularly a lemming lover, but this “nature mockumentary” segment was a reprehensible exercise in “artistic license”.  🤨

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 6:24 PM
Reply to  Ort

So what?
I dont care how many Zoological Consensus Scientists deny the lemming theory, if I have seen the sheple running to the cliff jumping out almost every time we have a crisis in this country!comment image

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jul 13, 2024 2:01 PM

Considering Donald Trump and Joseph Biden have both refused to discuss/chosen to ignore the immeasurably important matter of “The brain as the battlefield of the future”, perhaps making neurowarfare/synthetic biology expert James Giordano a household name known across the Earth will force Trump and Biden, and all so-called “world leaders”, into seriously addressing the issue in highest-level public forums.

James Giordano (December 2021): The Human Mind as a Battlefield. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (wordpress.com)

Jul 13, 2024 1:31 PM

One must seriously ask oneself what the Jews
understand by “love” (perhaps pornography?).

Jul 13, 2024 5:42 PM
Reply to  hello

Aha, the ‘Ronald Raygun’ of rock, and Canadian musical literati. I thought it was quite accurate, considering. He struggled to catch the mood, capture the zeitgeist of the times. We are after all at roughly one foot over the edge of the cliff, or if in free fall, we will hit the bottom with a resounding crunch.

Jul 13, 2024 6:30 PM
Reply to  hello

interesting comment/embedded video; as Jasun Horsley (see, ’16 Maps of Hell’) has done some research into said iconic figure of yesteryear; and, moreover, leads one to posit that Sir Cohen must have been some type of agent for the/a system; that, to put it mildly, does not have the average person’s best interests in mind. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 13, 2024 8:30 PM

Obviously you practice zazen … Leonard Cohen did too.

Jul 13, 2024 9:22 PM
Reply to  hello

enough with the cohen

he is talkin about protocol

first we take mahhatten then we take berlin

i seen the future bay it is murder

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 11:33 PM
Reply to  hello

His folk singing is unique, whether he is one of them or not. I doubt you will be able to find someone perfect here on earth, other than our one example in the Bible of Christ.

The above song must be one of his worst, dark demonic. He has done better poesy: https://youtu.be/wMJd16fgrYM

Jul 13, 2024 1:11 PM

what? critical thinking and discernment – well, I never!

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 13, 2024 12:59 PM

It is like a magic trick it is all illusion. People may think that with Covid by using lies and fears those who planed the operation successfully imposed a form of martial law. With mass compliance around the world against peoples wishes. At least that is what they want you to believe. As in the wizard of OZ they do not want you to draw back the curtain to show a weak old man pulling leavers to generate a fake monster and fake fear.
But the truth is different it was mostly the west and rich parts of the world where they concentrated this phycological operation. What happened in China is hard to judge as the news is so controlled. But in much of the third world people were to poor to stop doing what they needed to do. But even in the west most essential services continued. It was mostly the non essential work that was stopped or transferred online. But being payed to stay at home was a welcome break from the rat race. Indeed they now find it difficult to get people to go back to work or back to the office. Many have revaluated there previous lives. This I expect was not the outcome that was planned. But those who wish to be in control are not gods they are not all powerful monsters. But if one plan did not work out as they envisaged they all way have new plans. Be it that old staple of war propaganda or government debt as they borrow money from a bank that they also control as an excuse for central bank digital currency.

Jul 13, 2024 5:10 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I disagree about it being a mainly Western event. I’m sure in isolated rural areas people went on with life but in the cities of many African and Asian countries there were strict lockdowns with businesses shut down. Africa did not escape the totalitarian measures as some seem to think. There were countries which forced people into government facilities after testing positive. The vax rate in Africa was very low compared to the West but the other measures were implemented. Most of Latin America and Asia used draconian measures.The psyop was truly global, although the intensity may have differed across regions.and countries.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 6:36 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I dont see China news controlled in the way you describe it. Its a western false angle.
I see China news controlled in the way that you must not deliberately lie or promote false campaigns.
I have found factual documented news from China which are censured in West.

Jul 13, 2024 12:46 PM

the last train from germany was it arthur koestler a hero who hated the nazi

later hated by zion for his book the 13th tribe disclosing the khazharian name stealers and identity thieves.

the last train into the camps work shall set you free

the last train to trans central
hollywood land has always been babylon inversion a place for spell craft the lusts of men for starlet who is in fact a man

that is the juice and most certainly a long range protocol

trans world of sports fans

Jul 13, 2024 12:52 PM
Reply to  gordan

forgot to mention billy wilder the director of the above like many eastern euros non semite had very refined comic sensibilities a master of the method story teller just like mel brooks
billy wilder (made up name)

billy wilder like robert maxwell (made up name) went around many of the camps for usa and uk at the end of the war.

billy wilder filmed and refilmed things inside the camps helped cement the story many years later
the shoah that is

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 13, 2024 3:20 PM
Reply to  gordan

>the shoah that is

The propaganda masterstroke was making this about, and only about, Jews.

Jul 13, 2024 9:24 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

fall of the house of usher
and of roth shill

the yahoo are khazharian ashkanazim from the steppe euro russio turkic pirate

not semite usher

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 13, 2024 11:49 AM

Critical thinking has been replaced by ‘Groupthink’

The consenus model is now the go-to format. Unsurprisingly, consensus is not reached by independent, well researched, critical thinkers. It has been co-opted and steered to reach a series of pre-determined outcomes.

The institutions of nations have been infiltrated by change agents and facilitators all driving forward agenda goals. This process has taken decades to perfect and enact. Even to the extent that grassroots resistance movements will quickly by astroturfed by facilitators and mediators who will appear out of nowhere to steer the group or movement away from its original goals and make it impotent.

The public have willingly through apathy and non-participation outsourced their thinking to third parties. From the earliest ages, schooling teaches children to be just sufficiently and narrowly ‘educated’ to partake in the workforce while at the same time instilling reliance upon that very system. A form of rote learning which avoids questioning and independent thought.

The system has created enough mass distractions through entertainment and material pursuits that even those who are of a curious nature do not have the time or choose not to explore those avenues in favour of dumbed down pursuits.

I am firmly of the belief that there will be no sea change in attitude until the masses, particularly in the developed world, suffer real economic and financial hardship. That should be sufficient to concentrate the minds.

The best that we can hope for, is that the controllers overplay their hand enough to wake the people out of their stupor and/or an uncontrolled economic and financial collapse occurs. A collapse whereby the controllers cannot use it their advantage – thereby losing the upper hand – such that ushering in their version of “Ordo ab Chao’ will no longer be viable.

Art Silmon
Art Silmon
Jul 13, 2024 12:21 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Only when everything fails, and one day it will because any success is built on wisdom of the crowd ultimately, will we be free. But by that time we will be back in the caves no doubt sitting out some nuclear induced holocaust winter or man induced climate disorder brought about by foolish attempts to control climate rather than fix something that never needed fixing.

Jul 13, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

sad reality is that 99.9% of the global population have been – and will continue to be – transitioned into an open-air, digital, panoptic prison without being the least bit conscious/cognizant of it, viz. all of the high-tech infrastructure {i.e., 6/7G; satellite constellations; sensors; nanotech; smart dust; BCI; neuralink; smart cities/homes/gadgets; mRNA gene therapies; precision med/food; HIB; SIB; pay-for-success contracts; UBI; AI/AGI; cybernetics; drones; robotics; etc.; etc.; etc.} of yesteryear & today have set the trajectory for humans to transmogrify into the post-human! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!

Jul 13, 2024 10:39 AM

Thinking outside the box?

That involves first turning the box off.

Art Silmon
Art Silmon
Jul 13, 2024 12:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny

No, it involves realizing that you are in a box.

Jul 13, 2024 1:32 PM
Reply to  Art Silmon

we are the box!

T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Jul 13, 2024 10:32 AM

David Hughes’ book can be downloaded for free. https://dhughes.substack.com/p/covid-19-psychological-operations

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 13, 2024 1:43 PM
Reply to  T Greenfield

Fantastic resource. Thanks.

T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Jul 13, 2024 1:53 PM

Indeed my pleasure.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 13, 2024 9:58 AM

Critical thinking was cancelled on 1st September 1973.

That was the day my grammar school turned comprehensive and the cloaks and mortar boards were consigned to history.

The proper teachers left.

My form master theatrically became a missionary in Africa.

All to be replaced with the new crop of trendy, newly minted, left wing idealogues.

The results are all around us.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 13, 2024 9:56 AM

I have just submitted a comment which, naturally, went straight into pending. I tried a different method in that I typed in on Microsoft Word, then copied it into Notepad, then pasted it in here. This was to try and avoid that odd re-formatting into block text. If it doesn’t work, can the Admin please re-re-format?

Jul 13, 2024 12:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

you are dangerous you are a menace we need delay because you may be threat to others but mainly because you are a threat to yourselves.

the simple fact that i am replying to yourselves is proof that you have multi pull no personality
banallity of evil or whatever way you speil it

Jul 13, 2024 9:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You cannot escape the temporary reformatting into a block of text – it happens if the comment exceeds a certain length and is happening because a medicated 19-year old IT drone somewhere decided this is “smart” design.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 13, 2024 9:53 AM

In my experience, everyone around me – at least as far as they present themselves to others (an important point) – has simply carried on in the post-covid world as if it was the pre-covid world. As far as everyday activity goes, it seems the same but with a few troublesome inconveniences e.g. rising prices, crappier goods, etc.

When the covid thing was raging I made the mistake of making my views known, was predictably derided for being a conspiracy nut and this led to the most blazing confrontation I’ve had – and which, interestingly, was provoked by the other guy. After which, I never bothered to even mention it, knowing such openness to be futile.

And this is what leads me to be coy about what others believe. For all I know, every second person I meet could think the way I do but, like me, have resigned themselves to silence. I only know that on the few occasions when I have made hints I have been rejected speedily.

I noted before that on the very day we were all sent home for the lockdown, one of the staff had made cynical noises about “the bug”. That’s when it struck me how necessary the lockdown was. Had people been left to carry on normal face-to-face working practices, there’s a very good chance that a general scepticism would have taken root. But isolated before their TV sets and radios, everyone was indoctrinated into this state of fear. And even if they rejected it all, they’d be led to believe that everyone else swallowed it. Thus the reshaping of public perception.

And it’s important to realise that this public perception isn’t merely a matter of what folks think but of what they’re prepared to state openly with each other.

But there was a recent test of what my work mates think when the boss noted that the local council no longer took covid to be a special case and recommended that everyone treat it as a regular flu i.e. the council admitted that it had been in fact, at most, the regular flu all along. Did my buddies think, “Oh thank fuck! We can stop pretending!” Of course not! They thought, “Oh my God! How can the council not take this terrible scourge seriously?”

But then again there has been a similar attitude towards transgenderism. And when I once unwisely dropped an irreverent remark about some prick who decided he was really a pussy, I had a rather icy reception and for a tense week even thought I might be bound for a course of “correction”. 

My conclusion: Most people are formed by the media in the sense that they are formed by adopting the mores of the community – and these mores are formed by the media.

Jul 13, 2024 1:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No covid at the Euro’s
But covid at the Tour de France where major cyclists now have to utilise ‘health protocols’ and wear masks when interviewed by the media ..
Oh, and covid in the family, where mother in law visits son and daughter – daughter has a snifle and takes a covid test, only for it to be positive, so mother in law is returned home for her own safety – i kid you not!!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 13, 2024 2:05 PM
Reply to  Bob

I still see the die-hards (or should that be the die-easies?) with their masks on outdoors amongst a maskless crowd. And I wonder if those masked ones go around with a smug sense of “Yeah they’ll all be dead soon”?

Jul 13, 2024 3:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

you could be onto something there, smug fuckers just love to bask in the glow of self-righteousness and tend towards the vicious, a bit like religious zealots

Jul 13, 2024 5:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Never, never, NEVER watch or listen to the BBC,or any other propaganda unit. This way you stop self-injecting their masters vicious, poisonous LIES.

Jul 13, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Bob

hmmm, actually, that’s given me an idea…….

Jul 13, 2024 7:40 PM
Reply to  Bob

Must be the magical powers of the Rhine again!

How long will people put up with this nonsense? Coming to terms with their ability to lap up all the BS is the hardest thing.

Jul 13, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I continue to find it hard to believe that, generally, if anyone has a sniffle, the first thing asked is : “have you taken a test ?”.
It is still heavily doctrinated in my country (UK) and, whilst not apparent most days, simmers just below the veneer of everyday life.
True, I don’t believe many folk would be so easily taken in but, given another fake pandemic, I think the majority would comply and that would be enough traction for some would-be shrews to fall into line.
There are some glimmers of hope in the geo-political spectrum but I think the Globalists have, once again, got enough of their people in place to be able to inflict another atrocity.
Some leaders won’t comply but we know what happens to them, don’t we ?

Jul 13, 2024 9:16 PM
Reply to  DavidF

-“have you taken a test ?”
-“what for ?”
-“covid maybe?
-“what for ?”
-“so you know if you’re contagious”
-“what if I am? did you get vaccinated?”

I think it will take a real case to persist after this.

Jul 13, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In video game lingo they are “NPCs”- non-playable characters in video games are almost always cardboard cutouts of utterly generic “citizens” repeating the same clichéd lines over and over.

Jul 14, 2024 7:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

After schooling, there is life-long political and commercial propaganda. If you persist in Wrong-Think, the West does not brainwash like evil Communists. Instead, it provides psychoactive medication, consumption or debt.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 14, 2024 6:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Never underestimate the sheeples stupidity. I think even the Elite were surprised and chocked over how easy it was to make the simpletons go along.