Oh what a tangled web Spring weaves

The weird shooting of Donald Trump

Iain Davis

On Sunday night I watched the footy at my Mum’s. Thoroughly deflated by England’s 2-1 defeat to Spain and irritated by BBC “pundits,” I then had the misfortune to watch the BBC evening news’ alleged analysis of the Trump shooting.

Now, it seemed to me that the BBC were asking us all to believe that there are questions to be asked about what happened. Certainly, the story we have all been asked to accept is pretty astounding.

Kit Knightly, writing for the OffGuardian, recently raised the spectre of the FALSE False flag. A Few days later, Trump was reportedly shot in a shooting that can only be described as bizarre. It is worth noting the point that Knightly made:

[. . .] observation would suggest a deliberate agenda of undermining the very idea of objective reality. A move by our controllers to insert themselves as a filter between every person on the planet and the world they experience. The final aim being that everything – everything – the entire fabric of our shared reality – is made up.

Cards on the table, I have done absolutely no research in to this shooting and probably won’t because, frankly, I’m not very interested. What I am interested in is BBC propaganda and psychological manipulation. No one embodies the state propagandist more completely than Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first social media and disinformation correspondent.

The BBC told me and my Mum that, while speaking at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump—a nailed on certainty for the Republican presidential candidate nomination—was shot by a gunman who was positioned 130 metres away on the roof of a building adjacent to the stage. With a clear line of sight to Trump, at 18:11 (EDT) the gunman fired three shots. One of the shots grazed Trumps right ear—because he was looking towards the gunman at the time—but, more importantly, a member of the crowd, Corey Comperatore, was shot and died.

The BBC reported eyewitness accounts from people that said they saw the gunman both moving into position, with rifle in hand, and taking aim—which at least one person captured on camera. One witness said he told the police about the gunman but that they did nothing. The BBC showed a still image of police looking toward the gunman before the shooting.

The BBC showed Mum and I a photograph of the bullet, in flight, as it flew past Trump’s injured ear. A Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, no less, called Doug Mills just happened to click his shutter at that moment. If you can believe that.

The BBC provided a report by BBC Verify—the BBC’s very own factcheckers—who confirmed everything I’ve just relayed to you and then told us what questions we should ask:

How did the US Secret Service fail to stop this. [. . .] The investigation will want to find out why the Secret Service didn’t do more to prevent it.

That’s certainly one question but, given the completely implausible story—something that seems more like the plot of a comic than a “news” report—others definitely spring to mind—pardon the the pun.

We are supposed to believe that the gunman, instead of shooting Trump in the temple, waited until Trump was looking directly toward him before firing his shots. Thus explaining the grazed ear that Trump apparently sustained from a bullet fired from a rifle 130 metres away from him. Certainly, Trump clutched his ear and was then seen to be visibly wounded.

A bullet grazed ear from a pistol fired a few feet away from the target is plausible, I guess. A one centimetre variance in the firing position could account for the near miss. From a rifle fired 130 metres away from the target that “variance” would be measured in nanometres.

The chance of the rifle firing gunman hitting the target but only striking a relatively inconsequential part of the head he was aiming at, over such a distance, is incredibly, almost unbelievably remote. What we can say is that it was extremely fortunate that Trump was facing the right way at the right time, even more fortunate that the gunman chose that moment to fire and that Trump was very, very lucky.

The gunman was said to have been shot and killed by US police snipers and was later identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. So, we are also given to believe that snipers were overlooking Crooks’ firing position. If, as we were told by the BBC, people in the crowd could “see” and film the gunman and they “told” the police about the gunman on a roof, the fact that he wasn’t shot by the snipers—who subsequently killed him—“before” he fired is, well, very, very surprising.

So, given all the evidently inexplicable anomalies in the story we have been given about the shooting it is perfectly natural that people would speculate. Sure, “mistakes” may account for the otherwise ludicrous narrative we’ve been told to swallow, but why rule out any other?

What evidence is there to discount the possibility of a wider plot or fabrication? Frankly, there isn’t any. The official account reported by the BBC is patently absurd in many respects. Of course, it could be true, but it is perfectly reasonable for rational people to doubt it. And what’s wrong with suspecting something else other than “mistakes”?

Enter Marianna Spring.

The BBC rounded of their so-called analysis of the Trump shooting with a concluding segment delivered by Spring. She told the UK public that conspiracy theories and “hate” had dominated social media feeds as a result of Trump’s extraordinary near miss.

According to Spring, this alleged “hate” primarily consisted of people suspecting the whole thing was “staged.” This notion of a “staged” event, Spring claimed, is “evidence free.”

While, at this stage, such contentions are largely “evidence free,” so is the BBC’s assertion that “mistakes” are to blame. The BBC has no more “evidence” than anyone else. Or it certainly hasn’t reported any.

The point is not that one theory is more plausible than another. As I said, I have no idea what explains the outlandish tale of a farfetched assassination attempt. “Mistakes” may well turn out to be the most rational explanation but, in the absence of anything remotely believable, the only way any of us can find out is by examining the evidence.

But that is not what the BBC and Marianna Spring want us to do. They claim that only they, and other approved members of the epistemic authorities, have the wherewithal to undertake the task of investigating and thinking about the evidence. We should “trust” them to tell us the truth, Spring and the BBC will define reality for us, however “fake” it might appear.

In the accompanying BBC article, Spring wrote to expand on her ideas. Marianna explained why the “staged” hypothesis was so hateful:

It’s a word [“staged”] that has become synonymous with conspiracy theories on the fringes of social media, often to cast doubts on an attack or shooting. But in the last 24 hours it has flooded into mainstream online conversation, and posts filled with evidence-free speculation, hate and abuse have racked up millions of views on X. [. . .] As ever, the conspiracy theories sometimes started with legitimate questions and confusion. They centred on alleged security failings, with lots of users understandably asking how this could happen.

The only people “centred on alleged security failings” are the BBC, every other legacy media outlet, and state propagandists like Spring. The rest of us don’t have a clue, all we have is a narrative that makes no sense at all.

There is no evidence to suggest “mistakes” are even worth centering our focus of attention on at this stage. We are simply “told” that is the most plausible explanation by Spring and others like her.

Marianna Spring continues:

What unfolded on X was straight out of the pages of the conspiracy theory playbook, honed on social media by committed activists who deny the reality of almost everything, including the Covid pandemic, wars, mass shootings and terror attacks.

The “conspiracy theory playbook” is a made up, meaningless term Spring peddles without reason and contrary to all evidence. As I have explored at some length in my latest book—yes, I’m plugging it—The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation, there is no identifiable “conspiracy movement;” “radicalisation by algorithm” is baseless nonsense; there are no conspiracy “playbooks,” no “textbook radicalisation” and no evidence of anything that can be called the “conspiracy theorist’s mindset.”

These are empty, accusatory labels stuck on people who dare to question power by Marianna Spring and propagandists like her.

With regard to the Trump shooting, there is no “reality” for anyone to deny, precisely because the fairy tale we have in hand is nonsensical drivel. We don’t know what the “reality” is, that’s the point. But Spring and the BBC claim they do.

Spring has no evidence—nothing, nada, zilch—to substantiate what she has already determined to be “reality.” We’ve all seen the same footage, the same photographs and read the same reports and absolutely none of it is conclusive proof of anything other than the fact that a shooting occurred during which an innocent man sadly lost his life.

We do, however, get to the crux of Spring’s propaganda:

Incorrect attempts to identify the shooter fed into the various evidence-free narratives. [. . .] On X, political activists and supporters quickly hunkered down in their own echo chambers, reading posts that were recommended by the site’s algorithm and confirmed what they already thought. The rest of us scrambled to avoid this deep pit of conspiracy and speculation. This was a test for Elon Musk’s new Twitter – and it’s hard to say the site passed with flying colours. The other social media sites haven’t been inundated in the same way, perhaps because of their target audience and X’s reputation as a home of political discourse.

Springs certainty about what happened is a clear example of an “evidence-free narrative.” There are some obvious observations we can make.

“Political activists” have just as much of a right to express an opinion as the BBC and Marianna Spring. The BBC and Spring have not avoided the “deep pit of conspiracy and speculation.” They have waded neck deep into speculation and have labelled everyone who thinks their speculation might be wrong as “conspiracy theorists.”

‘X’ failed Springs “test” because it apparently did not censor enough people for her liking. Most of whom were not “political activists,” just ordinary folk equally speculating about an unfathomable and extremely weird event.

This is not the social media environment Spring wants. Marianna Spring is among the legacy media propagandists who have been dispatched to promote state legislation, such as the UK Online Harms Act, designed to censor everything we say online and, ultimately, everything we think.

The idea that Elon Musk is providing some sort of safe-online-haven for political discourse is just as silly as everything else Spring asserts without reason. The only part of her waffle that is vaguely germane is her identification of “echo chambers.” Musk’s X is an online information silo. The shadow banning is rampant.

This so-called failure in the alleged home of “political discourse” is the real target of Spring’s propaganda. In addition to “trusting” whatever bilge she and the BBC offer, we must not raise questions that lie outside the Overton window of our officially approved “political discourse.”

If we do we fail.

So say Marianna Spring and the BBC.

Iain Davisis an independent journalist a researcher from the UK. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. You can claim a free copy of his new book “The Manchester Attack” by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Jul 21, 2024 10:45 AM

The British Broadcasting Corporation wants us to believe it is impartial. Once upon a time, strangely, most of us did believe, and of course the BBC had great journalists who were generally impartial in the post-war years – as well as excellent programmes. Not so much these days, and many of us in Scotland hate the Beeb, where she’s a hectoring old wifie. (Not wi-fi)…When Spring appears (not that I’ve ever seen her) most of us will know it’s a “gullible viewer mind shaping exercise”. How many have cancelled their licences in recent years, I’d, like to know.

Decebalus One
Decebalus One
Jul 18, 2024 3:10 PM

Question no. 1: how in the world BBC’s North Am. senior correspondent and his news crew decided to attend or report about an obscure political rally in rural, remote Western Penn.? Echoes of J. Standley prescient pre- positioning. Q2: Is Marianna Spring her real name? Sounds fake. Q3. Doesn’t seem obvious that her practically desperate attempts to counter the notion of a staged event calling names and twisting the subject into hate speech etc. prove that in fact it was? Simple logic shows their spin meister, gate keeping m.o. gives out the real deal.

Jul 17, 2024 8:19 PM

On Sunday night I watched the footy at my Mum’s. Thoroughly deflated by England’s 2-1 defeat to Spain

eventually the author will figure out that sports is scripted.

Jul 17, 2024 8:37 PM
Reply to  mastershock

remarkable how sharp folk who believe most establishment constructs are fakery but refuse to believe that sacred Sports Ball is controlled

similar to how the highly conspiratorial Trumpeters now fight tooth and nail to refute any claims that this “event” was staged

While the “grown up” lefty laptop class now embraces conspiracy theory with open under-developed arms

but this “awakened” cohort’s selective sacred cow dance is especially awkward

and fun to watch

wanting to be “awake” but not “too awake”

shadow work
it’s gonna be uncomfortable

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 18, 2024 12:54 AM
Reply to  Rueben

The onion of Belief is hefty, its layers many, the peeling of it an incremental chore of a gradually-awakening lifetime. The covered core of the onion, of course, is an unblnking eye…

Jul 18, 2024 1:49 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Yeah well, can they just script it once for England to get over the line ?

Jul 18, 2024 10:41 AM
Reply to  Sidlittle

No. The ‘Wembley Goal’ in 1966 bans this for all eternity.

Jul 18, 2024 3:24 AM
Reply to  mastershock

Not sure about scripted, but it would be interesting to know how many players and officials have offshore accounts to hide their gambling winnings.

Slow down, miss a goal, let the opposition in etc. So many opportunities to ‘hedge your bets’.

Jul 17, 2024 3:49 PM

The clip with the speaker on the hydraulic arm of a tractor. The one made to look like a bullet hit it, puncturing the hydraulic pipe, and the speaker lowering to crash down.

Was that a lucky bullet, grazing Trump and hitting that bit of pipe, distracting the crowd on that side whose heads are all turned that way.

Evidence of a real bullet or just some set up?

Jul 17, 2024 3:12 PM

What is going on with the people in the background of that picture? They’re all sitting there, deeply relaxed and playing with their smartphones, about 30 seconds after multiple shots were fired. I don’t know how I would react in such a situation, but certainly not like this.

Human values
Human values
Jul 18, 2024 1:16 AM
Reply to  Luke

Real Shooting vs. Fake Shooting:


Jul 18, 2024 4:07 PM
Reply to  Luke

The rise of the super phone, with its hypnotic powers, has expanded to include MAGA people. It is, unfortunately, not at all bizarre to see a whole audience more engrossed in what their phones are commanding them to do than in what their cult leaders are commanding them to do.

Besides, if they wait five minutes, the shooting they missed will pop up on their phone and they can see it as it was meant to be seen.

Jul 18, 2024 7:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

I am a conflicted “truther” type, because in recent years I’ve seen the emergence of a disagreeable syndrome. Since “TDS” is already taken, I suppose I have to use the acronym HTDS: Hyper-Truther Derangement Syndrome. In a nutshell, this describes persons who have evidently evolved past the “legacy” common sense impulse or discipline of reserving instantaneous opinion and judgment on controversial events rife with buzzing, blooming confusion.  Instead, the HTDS mind is programmed to instantly scan and process various reporting and narratives, ostensibly see through the fraud, fakery, and Big Lies with X-ray vision, and authoritatively proclaim the obvious Truth of the Matter to the gullible and slow-witted.  Of course we’re programmed to form instant opinions and assessments of everything we witness. But I’m surprised that so many people are unable or unwilling to acknowledge or accept that real-time first impressions are problematic and even treacherous. Since I suffer from acute Personal Anecdote Derangement Syndrome (PADS), two examples– one from childhood, one when I was a working adult: 1) As a kid in the early 1960s, I was a big Phillies fan. I listened to games on the radio, and religiously watched the televised games. Thus, I was thrilled when lifelong baseball fan Uncle D. (UD) took my brother and me to our first Phillies game. Just sitting in the stands at Connie Mack Stadium was overwhelming and surreal, even quasi-psychedelic. But as the game got underway, I became increasingly secretly embarrassed and even humiliated. I couldn’t intelligently follow the action on the field at all; what I thought was a Richie Allen home run was a routine fly ball, and I likewise thought a real home run was a foul ball.  My secret shame was exacerbated because UD, who’d attended countless games, instinctively knew where to look. He pointed out things like infielders shifting position, runners taking… Read more »

Decebalus One
Decebalus One
Jul 18, 2024 10:01 PM
Reply to  Luke

the video showed was a composite using computer manipulation, the background with supporters was added, front of stage people and the ones in the back do not appear realistic, in terms of respecting geometry, laws of perspective, distances, angles, the images were forged, are contrived, excessive zoom, fixed angle, looks artificial, there are too many people ‘s heads agglutinated next to each other in the background, it resembles Sgt Pepper album cover, people could not have been that cramped or crowded stuffed into each other, the background video is taken from other scenes or events, the edges or sides of the setting give an impression of a fake decorum, not realistic, not real, the whole event could have been altered or created by CGI, it may have been a total scam, a virtually staged propaganda piece. Not credible.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 17, 2024 1:18 PM

“Safeguarding America’s Health.”

Jul 17, 2024 9:54 AM

God bless the United States of Actors.
What. A. Hero.
Wounded, but not down.
Shot, but not deterred.
Fist in the air.
Foot in his mouth.
The show must go on.

After all, there’s no one else.
They are all corporate stooges.
They are all vain, hollow and hubristic.
They are our future.

Holy shit!!!

Jul 17, 2024 9:24 AM

What a fantastic operation. They put together an assassination attempt in such a way that those that want to believe it will, and those that do not want to believe it won’t. What a great way to divide the people, not on the basis of reality, but they have created a reality that can fit what the hard left want and the far right want.

Of course, the reason for creating this reality is to drive the far left and far right further and further apart; yet more divide and conquer, the same old bloody strategy we have been fed for years. Covid was the same, divide and conquer. Biden and dementure was the same, divide and conquer.

God, I am tired of divide and conquer, to the degree that I have decided that I will declare that I am Mr 50-50, my arse is on the fence and is feeling very comfortable. I can clearly see that this was a planned operation, you would have to be pretty dumb these days to think that coincidences like this happen in election politics.

Did a bullet hit White Jesus’s ear, I very much doubt it. That would be way too close as a warning shot, so they would have to have been intending to kill him. But they cannot kill him, he controls the half of the country that is willing and capable of fighting Iran, the enemies of his bestest friends and rulers of the USA.

Totally fake, but I will sit on the fence, just to annoy them.

Jul 17, 2024 12:38 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I’m on the next fence over.
It pains me to say it, but I just don’t care.
Have at it, guys.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2024 12:51 AM
Reply to  judith

This is exactly what is wrong with you women.
Football and murder attempts on a US President is what matters in today’s global politics, and you women just dont care.
We men can have it, as long as you get our wallets. But we men are not finished yet with Trump’s blood spotted white shirt, Lee Harvey Oswald and who was behind and dancing in a street nearby. The world has still a long way to go.

Jul 17, 2024 11:15 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Jesus comes with a sword. Rather be on the side of truth.

Jul 17, 2024 8:53 AM

Sorry Sophie, this comment could not be edited within the time span…


Frustrating most surely, but less than

2.2 SECONDS Freefall
From a Fire…
A long shot ? 😂

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 17, 2024 9:39 AM
Reply to  Balkydj

Hmm…so extending the time made no diff?

Jul 17, 2024 8:20 PM

The edit feature has been broken since the upgrade.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 17, 2024 9:44 PM

FYI, I used it last night. I did it right away, but it worked and it wasn’t before. So something changed. And for some reason, ALL of my comments aren’t going to pending now, just some. That’s a change too.

Jul 17, 2024 11:42 PM

Unquestionably. FYI. Regrettably.
But, worthy attempt… no harm attempting exactly like that.
Just done something similar elsewhere, (related to cooling), that
Brings reference points, before the reset.
It will come with due diligence.
But the root is often absorbing… 😔

Jul 17, 2024 8:44 AM

Oh please, give the girl a break. At least she did not Spring into action like Jane Standley, and become a Psychic by announcing BBC News in advance of the event…
WTC7 – comment superfluous & Spring cannot…

Jul 17, 2024 5:55 AM

Donald Dumb has thus wasted a unique historic opportunity to die a martyr and go down in the annals of American heroic history. This would certainly have had a far healthier effect on American politics than his now very likely re-election.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 17, 2024 4:47 AM

Was Trump in on it? That is the question. And if so, what does that mean. There are two options here, either Crook actually fired a bullet at Trump and barely grazed his ear, making Trump incredibly lucky and which would have caused the Secret Service to be endlessly and mercilessly criticized for allowing it to happen because the top of that building was Number Uno security risk. Or there was no bullet and Trump was in on it. Because if there was no bullet, Trump had to be in on it.

Jul 17, 2024 11:38 AM
Reply to  Big Al

There’s also the possibility that, aside from the patsy waiting to be killed on the roof, there was a real sharpshooter who fired the bullet that grazed Orange Jesus’ ear?

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 17, 2024 3:58 PM
Reply to  Raoullo

That I have a hard time believing. Trusting a sharpshooter to do that would be amazing, with or without Trump’s knowledge. But yes, that is a possibility.

Jul 17, 2024 4:33 AM
Jul 17, 2024 9:00 AM
Reply to  Julian

Excellent link – thanks very much.

Completely ignored by the MSM – those trusted sources, those epistemological authorities – which should surprise nobody:
“All the news that’s fit to print”.

It’s his age… it’s his geography… it’s his loyalty… it’ll even be his wife (and there is a bit to know about her)… anything but his Big Pharma connections. Trump’s last VP totally rolled over when push came to shove.

Are there any MAGA supporters who are genuine because you have to be braindead not to see what Trump is – or are they all larping deep state and secret society assets by now?

Jul 17, 2024 2:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You sorely underestimate the level of braindead-ness in rural America. No need for larpers when you can just dumb them all down with non-education/indoctrination in the public schools.

Jul 17, 2024 4:29 AM

Re: casualties among the bystanders: I’ve watched at least 20 of these hoaxes go down. In my experience there are never any actual casualties. Reason: the injured person or surviving family could sue. Court proceedings allow for full investigation with subpoenas, etc.

Just cuz you are given a name doesn’t mean that person is dead or injured.

Reminds me– at Sandy Hook they gave a photo of a little girl in a very memorable dress as one of the deceased. Her grandmother supplied duplicates of the same photo and insisted for days that her grand-daughter lived a thousand miles away & was alive and well. Most other photos were of kids wearing clothes that were typical of 15 or 20 years before the sandy Hook event, which was a complete hoax, exposed many times.

Jul 18, 2024 5:53 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The biggest such scam by far was “9/11”. The claims to have identified victims had no substance. No relative claimed or sued for compensation. A government register showed no spike in deaths.

Today, US serfs are being extorted for a much bigger scam in Ukraine. Every one of the “advanced” armaments US and allies sent there have proven to be duds. The only thing slowing down the plunder is the shortage of Ukrainian cannon fodder.

Jul 17, 2024 4:14 AM

ABC News can’t decide if there was a ladder to the shooter’s rooftop or not.

Jul 17, 2024 3:16 AM

The anti-national cleansing wave by the Jewish background powers is progressing. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-bans-right-wing-compact-magazine-searches-properties-four-states-2024-07-16/

Jul 17, 2024 8:10 AM
Reply to  Franz

Jul 17, 2024 3:06 AM

Don’t miss Miles Mathis on the staged “assassination attempt.”

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 17, 2024 4:04 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Excellent Penelope, thanks! This is about all you need to know.

Jul 18, 2024 4:13 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Some of us retain the right to disbelieve Miles Mathis even in his “I speak the Truth” mode. Vis-a-vis his take on the “assassination attempt” – the broken clock syndrome is alive and kicking in his front door.

Jul 17, 2024 1:21 AM
susan mullen
susan mullen
Jul 17, 2024 1:04 AM

In the US this event has now been turned into a desperate neocon advertising campaign for war with Iran: “Don’t forget Iran is trying to kill Trump, Pompeo, Bolton,” an anonymous “human source” told CNN. They don’t mention that Trump assassinated an Iranian official in Jan. 2020 and bragged about it. It’s only Iran that’s bad. Neocons don’t mention that many Iranians and others freely cross the wide open US southern border then are flown around the country with US tax dollars. “Keeping us safe” is the last thing on neocons’ minds. Their point is to keep themselves profiting from endless war scares and to continuously enslave US taxpayers to the weapons industry.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 17, 2024 1:26 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

New Pearl Harbor.

Jul 17, 2024 12:03 AM

Wouldn’t anyone who had just been shot at and had their ear ‘grazed’ by the rifle bullet be just a little bit traumatised? I would think most definitely, but no, fckin hard bastard 80 years old Trump is on the campaign trail two days later.
I know very little about rifles, but would’ve even a ‘graze’ from such a bullet cause more damage?

Jul 17, 2024 12:06 AM
Reply to  Claret

‘wouldn’t’ instead of ‘would’ve’.

Jul 17, 2024 1:11 AM
Reply to  Claret

It’s just a small piece of metal flying at high speed…if it grazes, it grazes so it doesn’t cause much damage…even if it hits it can sometimes go straight through without damaging any organs so it just leaves a scar. in this case it seems unlikely that any bullet was near the orange hitler.

Jul 17, 2024 1:14 AM
Reply to  LOL

ok, a bullet from a large caliber rifle is not likely to go through without damaging any organs!

Jul 16, 2024 11:30 PM
Jul 17, 2024 3:20 AM
Reply to  Brianberou

I’m a fan of Global Research and Chossudovsky but this sloppy binary logic is so disappointing

there certainly could’ve been real bullets fired (with real draths) **AND** a staged ear grazing

These are not mutually exclusive scenarios

Why do the “bad conspiracy theorists” have to explain said deaths?
and why is it such a leap of faith to assume the potential event stagers wouldn’t sacrifice a couple of bystanders due to some ethical threshold held by political saboteurs?

this framing is not just naive and sloppy – it’s a bit depressing- coming from an otherwise very sharp alternative journalism group

OffG is one of the few sites consistently framing these events with automous contextualization free from false binaries or acceptance of massive plot gaps- they occupy a very short list


Jul 17, 2024 8:24 AM
Reply to  Rueben

“ There certainly could’ve been real bullets..”

Just in this sentence your whole thesis falls apart since “ .could’ve been..” is a conditional term.

However since there was a death and injured victim apart from Trump, it is a fact.

Unfortunately, I and others have stated this on a number of occasions some have become lost in a Wilderness of Mirrors !

Names of victims, besides Trump, of assassination attempt.

The deceased victim was identified as Corey Comperatore, 50, of Sarver, Pennsylvania.

The second victim was identified as 57-year-old David Dutch of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who is listed in stable condition. The third victim was identified as 74-year-old James Copenhaver of Moon Township, Pennsylvania; he is also listed in stable condition.

Jul 16, 2024 11:29 PM

MSM is saying it could be staged and the MSM alternative media is saying it is real.
How about that for inversion…

Jul 17, 2024 3:21 AM
Reply to  Approximately

i.e. the False False flag – everyone is being played

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 17, 2024 11:22 AM
Reply to  Rueben

Also, TFIC love a good Double-Bluff (as perfected by James Jesus Angleton)

Jul 16, 2024 11:27 PM

About as real as covid.
thoses who believed in the lab leak wet market seem to be the most brainwashed and believers to this type of horseshit

Jul 16, 2024 11:26 PM

Who bloody cares! Elections are theatre for public consumption… haven’t you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Only those who never read them will say they’re false.

I’m sick of seeing the entire ‘independent’ media parroting the same over and over and over and over… just like it happens with the mainstream media.

les online
les online
Jul 16, 2024 11:09 PM

Well. if i was on the jury panel charged with having to decide if “The Attempt”
was Real or Faked my vote would be for “Faked” – not because i considered it
to be Fake, but because i was not persuaded it was Real… Both sides would
roll out Experts, one side to bring me up to scratch by the testimony of its
Experts and knowledgeable Specialists , the other would provide Experts to
create doubts about the other Experts Expertise and Authoritative Facts…
“Ezra Pound And TS Elliot are
fighting in the captain’s tower, ”
(1960’s folksinger) …
Marianna Spring , like Sherlock Holmes, sees the sinister hand of Moriarty behind
every London Crime Wave… Her job is to turn incidents into vehicles to promote
conspiracy theories about ‘conspiracy theorists’… That much i Know Is real…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 16, 2024 11:05 PM

“The bullets were definitely real, as a bystander was shot dead and two more were wounded.” Yes, but: we “know” this how? Follow up question: did people really die in (at?) “The Boston Bombing”? We aren’t examining actual clues/ evidence, on the scene of the Trump Ear Event, like proper detectives (not that proper detectives were involved in this Trump Ear Event Show, after the “shooting,” necessarily, at all). We’re “examining” stories and images about supposed clues. All we’ve EVER really been, on all these Events, are Epistemologists. What is “information,” “what is Real,” “why do we think we know what we think we know?” My take: a) the perfect Iwo Jima, photo opp, mere seconds after a supposed (admittedly slight, and grazing) “shot to the head,” indicates staging and Trump’s, and everyone in the shot’s, complicity. They didn’t have hours to get that “iconic” image right, they got it in seconds, indicating rehearsal. You can’t reherarse very well, in the name of a specfic result, if you have no idea what the result is. So: Trump and his tiny Iwo Jima flash mob were compicit in a staged photo. The photo couldn’t have been staged if the shooting wasn’t. Therefore: shooting staged. b) Real Bullets or faked? Well, do we think Trump would agree to participating in this little skit with live rounds flying? Profoundly unlikely. Trump now has his “iconic” campaign image which makes him appear “heroic,” “tough as nails” and favored by God. The photo opp was the point. Tales of SS incompetence or (wink wink, deliberate) “incompetence” bolster the sense that Trump is a dangerous reformer whom The Man (his boss) wants eliminated. But The Man would have had ZERO trouble eliminating Trump at almost any moment of the past few decades.Why wait until now and… Read more »

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 16, 2024 11:14 PM

errata: apologies for so many choice typos!

Jul 17, 2024 3:32 AM

Absolutely correct – where is our epestemic humility? – we don’t truly *know* who was or wasn’t killed but agian…

People could’ve been killed with real bullets ***AND*** a fake ear grazing could’ve been performed

These are **Not** mutually exclusive scenarios

If they wanted him dead – he’d be gone

If this is just a rando lone wolf he clearly received many (staggering) situational gifts/security lapses and made a shot even more statistically miraculous than hitting him in the head directly

We need to focus on the narrative shift that this event paves the way for

First they divide and conquer and then they further divide the divisions

this is the operating system and clearly Trump is the core of that software – not dispensible (for now) – no other figure head can divide as effectively

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 17, 2024 1:36 PM
Reply to  Rueben

“If they wanted him dead – he’d be gone.”

Rasputin says hi. They eventually did get him, but he didn’t go down easy.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 16, 2024 10:42 PM

Seems weird. Three shots fired including right at Trump and in the picture above, all the people behind him are just sitting there with their phones. Like they’re waiting for the show to resume. That seems weird to me but I haven’t read or seen much more about this.

Jul 16, 2024 11:15 PM
Reply to  Big Al

I’m not saying anything about the event one way or another but in today’s world it really isn’t that weird. People are truly so desensitized and disconnected that what would be surprising if you didn’t see phones go up all over the place.

They are in fact waiting for the show to resume and hoping to capture a “shot” of the show to prove the show happened. It doesn’t even matter if it did or didn’t- it definitely didn’t if they weren’t able to get a photo of it.

The tactile and memory are disappearing in most corners of the world for the time being.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 17, 2024 1:28 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Nah, I get the phone part, but people would be scattering, running, not sitting there. It doesn’t fit.

Denny KirkQg
Denny KirkQg
Jul 17, 2024 1:41 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

this event has taken the genocide in Gaza off the front pages and will now be listed somewhere next to the comics, sports or weather section of the news.

Jul 17, 2024 12:44 PM
Reply to  Denny KirkQg

And all of it has taken the cvid nightmare and destruction off the front pages.
Where it never was to begin with, but needed to be.

Denny KirkQg
Denny KirkQg
Jul 16, 2024 11:18 PM
Reply to  Big Al

very weird indeed. From all of the other shootings that have taken place with a crowd in attendance, it always seems that people in the crowd duck for cover, scream, panic etc…this would be a natural reaction to a shooting that has just taken place. However, the crowd does not react in this way. Very, Very, strange indeed!!!!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 16, 2024 11:24 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Like they’re waiting for the show to resume”

As we know from Youtube clips of REAL people, REAL people panic and stampede when someone shouts “he’s got a gun,” or when they hear REAL bullets whizzing past their heads. I would suggest these people aren’t “real” spectators and/or they heard no bullets.

Jul 17, 2024 7:16 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Maybe they wanted selfies with the stage in the background, to prove their attendance to their contacts.

Jul 17, 2024 12:43 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Exactly! I thought the same thing. Why isn’t anyone ducking? Scared? Surprised? Were they silent bullets?

Jul 18, 2024 3:03 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Big Al, didn’t you know? Tucker Carlson has explained this: You see, cuz Trump acted brave that made all the bystanders follow this heroic leader and be calm too. I guess Tucker doesn’t know about the minute 16 seconds when Trump was out of sight.

Try to avoid the Tucker video; it’s truly nauseating.

Jul 16, 2024 9:51 PM

Andddddd it’s time again to play, “You’re allowed these two questions game.” [e.g., was it a bat or lab?]

And today’s question for our studio audience is – “Did the SS stand down or was it gross incompetence?”

And the answer is…*

*Any answer that states, infers and/or speculates in any way whatsoever that no shots were fired in Trump’s direction is void as unacceptable conspiracy theory.

Jul 17, 2024 3:37 AM
Reply to  jtkong

Again real shots fired does **Not** negate the possibility of a fully staged event – including a fake ear grazing

Of all the easiest (and most clearly visible) bullet wounds to simulate – this is it

As a critically thinking community here let’s get together and assassinate false binaries in our logic

No one will get hurt

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 17, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  Rueben

As a critically thinking community here let’s get together and assassinate false binaries in our logic”


Jul 16, 2024 9:00 PM

Just found out about this!

Of course they killed the lone gunman, this is the Far West after all.

I guess its Trump again for POTUS of dying empire! Trump brought the mRNA vax to the USA, so he deserves another go!  😅 

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 16, 2024 8:40 PM

Marianna Spring is getting upset not because conspiracy theroists are all over the story per se. That is perfectly normal and expected by the controllers and their underlings.

It was expected, based on past manufactured or organic major events, for the conspiracy types to ‘pick-a-side’, discuss the ins and outs of a cat’s arsehole as how it was done, who was involved and a multitude of other minutiae but from the perspective of the event actually being ‘real’, with real victims, perpetrators et al.

When the cynical yet critical thinkers start calling events out as ‘staged’ and victimless or at least in this case that the target was never at risk, then the narratives start falling apart like a cheap suit.

To shrug the shoulders, turn away and refuse to engage in the expected manner and to dismiss it, diminishes the power of the illusion. The magician needs the audience to be enthralled with the show and to expend time and energy on it, which grants it power over them.

Arguably, we have already given too much time and attention to this one, but if in deciding to show no interest in the details of the magician’s methods, the ‘trick’ loses audience participation.

I am viewing these events as analogous to media or entertainment spectacles which require high ‘ratings’. The ‘ratings’ success of these type of supposedy real events is the audience engagement. Falling engagement means lower ‘ratings’.

Laughing at the psyops going forward and mocking them will really disempower those who hold sway over humanity as a whole.

Jul 17, 2024 3:49 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes – Absolutely
we can simply ignore these Chuck-E-Cheese simulations but I think we should pile on the mockery as more folks begin to question these increasingly absurd plot gaps

this does in fact make them panic
and for the first time – “both sides” know it’s a joke and are having trouble elegantly spinning selected observations for their team

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 17, 2024 9:21 AM
Reply to  Rueben


I see quiet a few comments here suggesting by-standers really got shot. We actually do not know. Unless, one was a first hand witness closeby to those people, one is relying on film footage and media commentary from both MSM and alt-media talking heads.

Perhaps there were ‘human sacrifices’ although which option would be easier and ‘cheaper’ with no awkward questions to be asked later by family or friends?

I am going to do by best not to give it my time nor energy.

Jul 17, 2024 11:29 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes, it’s a balancing act. To laugh at it, one must give it your attention. Back in the day I gave 911 years of my attention, but that was my psy op education. Now that that’s done, it’s oh yeah, what are they up to this time, the details of the event are not so important.

Jul 16, 2024 8:08 PM

the cameraman the photo guys got clear head shots from every angle
the hole not of the ear but the whole head.

if the camera can see you so can triangulerated sniper kill zone

yes yes i nose i nose whatever way you spell it sumtin smells fishy init

Jul 16, 2024 8:07 PM

Ok. Here is an experiment, but you have to be honest.

1 Vote up. I believe nothing. Never had any jabs and never wore a mask.Vote Down.
2 I believe the ridiculous fake shooting, the BBC version of events and have has 2 jabs or more.

Finally, OG, please turn off the Ai responses, as it would appear most of the comments here are just that. You never know you may get more in your begging bowl as a result. It’s about quality not quantity.

Jul 16, 2024 10:00 PM

And the double jabbed are off to flying start…

Jul 16, 2024 8:03 PM

UK Column^s analysis of the “magic bullet ”

UK Column News – 15th July 2024 | UKColumn

Brian Berlectic^s analysis of the failures and lapses in security of the attempted assassination of Trump plus the misdirection of the murder attempt.

Trump Assassination Attempt: Security Lapses, Manipulating Public Perception (youtube.com)

Jul 16, 2024 7:12 PM

1) “Nicol saw (Crooks) return to the building, this time carrying a backpack, more warnings were issued to command. (Crook) sat down, and began looking at his phone. Trump was running about an hour late.” … 2) “Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing.” … 3) “Crooks began scaling the building, behind and out of sight of where counter-snipers were stationed, according to officers.” =========== Assuming this report is accurate which I have no opinion on- my questions based on following report: 1) Did Crooks come into the venue with the backpack? If so, were the contents of the backpack not examined? If not were was and how was the backpack pre-positioned? If it was pre-positioned was there no pre-rally sweep of the entire venue that would discover such an item? How did Crooks get a gun into the venue” WAs that too planted for him? 2) This gentleman would not go directly up to someone using a rangefinder at such an event as this and question him as to what he was doing with it at the very least? 3) Scaling the building or climbing up the ladder that has been noted in various pictures? If scaling the building he did this exactly how given the equipment he had? If climbing up the ladder how did this ladder get there? How did it get there anyway? Did Crooks bring this large ladder into the venue- zero chance of this right? How did the ladder get there and who put the ladder there?  ================ https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot A Beaver County police officer warned a command center of seeing a man with a rangefinder before former president Donald Trump was shot on Saturday.… Read more »

Jul 16, 2024 9:34 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

It was all due to a lack of manpower in the end. That’s how the mighty USA crumbled back into its “melting pot”.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 16, 2024 10:18 PM
Reply to  LOL

We’d be better off if we crumbled back into our “melting pot.” We’re in our “salad” stage right now, and unless the goal is to destroy the place, it’s not going well.

Jul 16, 2024 6:36 PM

I can’t get into a concert with a small backpack, but an assassin can get escorted to his post with a scope in his hand and have the cops take his portrait on the way there? Where’s his selfie too???


Facilitating crisis is the 1%’s first priority. Being a longtime lefty protester, i can tell you, that if J6 were a left protest, there would have 3000 heavily armed riot police and tall fencing around the Capitol. Anyone breaching the fence would have been slaughtered. Like Kent State. The long list of state facilitated catastrophe spectacles since JFK has peaked. Any citizen that has any trust in anything they see orchestrated by the State, or corporations or private businesses is not paying attention. Eyes on the prize: public discussion, debate, creation and implementation of OUR policies by directing obedient staff employees is the only future Humanity has.

Jul 17, 2024 7:29 AM
Reply to  sandy

The counter-snipers could not see him as he climbed, or thereafter. But they could as soon as he took the shot. That makes sense.

Jul 16, 2024 6:08 PM

SELLING US A CURE TO A DISEASE THEY CREATE There is a video of the two snipers aiming at the shooter while Trump is speaking. The snipers wait for the shooter to shoot, then shoot at him. The sniper with a tripod backed out of his scope, which one observer says is a serious error, just before quickly going back to the scope and shooting, just after the shooter fires, but the muzzle of the gun is flying all over the place and it is doubtful he hit the guy with that much movement. These snipers are shown earlier going up slowly to set up “hours” before the event started, yet never saw this clown on the roof? Not believable.. The incompetence excuses seem to be the only competency of US State security and spy apparatus. We always know the incompetent acts, but never see what happens when they are “competent”. Police across the US can shoot and kill civilians that appear to threaten them with a “dangerous” situation, many times just a pocket knife or even a 10 year old child with a water gun, and get away with it, but here with a past president positively facing assassination, the Secret Service, the highest security agency in the most powerful nation on Earth, hold their fire until the attempt has been executed? MSM told us SS has been told “they cannot shoot first”. So if SS snipers were on Dealey Plaza and were aimed at a shooter, they would wait to have JFK assassinated before shooting? Does anyone not subject to mandatory government obedience, believe this “policy” possible? Does it not legalize assassination? 911 happened supposedly because the FBI ignored the telegraphed kamikaze airliner planning by hordes of Saudis they were actively tracking. JFK, RFK, MLK, MX were all… Read more »

Jul 17, 2024 7:41 AM
Reply to  sandy

“Security and spy apparatus”: When was the last time it detected anything significant in time? It is a vast lucrative con that also facilitates blackmail, insider trading, industrial espionage and silencing dissidents. Without stooges to nail periodically, this giant scam and tyranny would collapse.

Jul 18, 2024 4:18 PM
Reply to  sandy

Well, you know how it is: had the snipers taken out the shooter before he shot, they’d be in the docket on a charge of (horror of horrors) Committing A Hate Crime!

Jul 18, 2024 6:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

No, they would have been praised for actually doing their job for once, So many assassinations in the US without one intervention halting these incidents since JFK. However, police across the US who kill poor unfortunate unarmed civilians that made a wrong move, are preemptively assassinated like ducks in a shooting gallery and never found guilty of murder.

Jul 16, 2024 5:13 PM

My take on it: it’s hard to hit a moving target/head. If you’re not Joe Biden, try standing perfectly still while you shout at an audience. Try not to look around so as to include the entire audience. Or better still: try not to be the over-animated Donald Trump: you’re bound then to get a fatal shot to your head.

Jul 17, 2024 3:54 AM
Reply to  Howard

agreed Howard – but still (forgive my redundancy) – most likely staged
real bullets/real sniper/real lone wolf/real bystander death etc. does NOT negate a fully staged event and even a fake ear grazing

these are not mutually exclusive scenarios
at all

Jul 16, 2024 4:24 PM

“The investigation will want to find out why the Secret Service didn’t do more to prevent it.”

What are the odds that, like the failure of all those three-letter agencies on 9/11, nobody will be sacked, some will instead be promoted and it’ll only be used for a massive increase in deep state budgets? At least nobody can blame it this time on a failure to imagine this might happen… (although they’re so shameless now, who knows?).

BTW there’s fishy numerology here – 13 is the Death card in Tarot, 18.11 reduces to 9/11 and the supposed fatality happens to have CC initials which is 33. July 13th also happens to be the date of Marat’s assassination by Charlotte Corday (another CC).

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 16, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No doubt its going to cost the tax payer, but every little hiccup from here on out is going to be more expensive than the last one.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 16, 2024 3:54 PM

Trying to make sense of anything at the minute is very difficult

I believe this is deliberate.

So many distractions, so many possibilities.

The only thing that seems to be obvious is that it’s all getting more intense.

Could be something big ?

Jul 16, 2024 5:04 PM

One thing (among many others) is this dredging up of previous, and present, attacks on Trump as being now utterly unnnaceptible in the current climate. It seems the “loony left’s” time has come, and there will be retribution to pay. I reckon, at the least, there will be a political coup, everything and anything else is possible.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 16, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Are you talking about US or UK ?

In UK, I sense a mood of buyer’s remorse after only a week of Starmer’s PM-ship.

There is talk of deals with EU regarding taking 100,000 migrants and building on green-belt.

Let alone rejoining the EU.

There are rumours he is toying with inheritance tax -a real red line with UK home owners

If you wanted to foment a rebellion you could do a lot worse.

Jul 16, 2024 6:52 PM

‘Vote in haste(or don’t vote) Repent at leisure.’

Jul 16, 2024 7:28 PM
Reply to  ariel

Except that not that many British people actually did vote for Starmer – 34%. Without the deep state funding Farage, the Tories would probably have got a similar percentage of the vote.

Jul 16, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  Yhom

Unfortunately, it was enough under this corrupt system to give the Insane Blob party a hefty parliamentary majority regardless of the number of people who didn’t vote for them.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 16, 2024 10:32 PM

UK’s fate is to be destroyed by Russia.

Jul 17, 2024 6:25 PM

I guess the term “loony left” sounds very British, but I really meant it to refer to everywhere in the western world that has adopted all these radical, culture shattering idealogies.

Jul 16, 2024 8:13 PM

in the old days it was called jewish lighting thanks to arthur koestlers the 13th tribe we can now called in khazharian askhanazim scotch mist since david cameron and robert maxwell and all the other scotch scots including trump drumpf are not scotch or scots
or maybe they are scotch byt certainly not welsche as in raquel

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 16, 2024 9:38 PM

Could it be a big distraction to hide something even bigger???

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 16, 2024 9:49 PM
Reply to  May Hem

That is my fear.

Jul 16, 2024 10:20 PM

Yes, I also think the tiny details,anomalies and conflicting reports are planted there deliberately as red herrings to keep sceptical minds busy wasting loads of time and energy discussing and dismantling a whole narrative/story which did not happen anyway.
That’s what PsyOps are designed to do I think.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 16, 2024 1:53 PM

All this incident has done for me is completely undermine the “lone gunman” theory of political assassination. There’s no guarantee that Trump’s ear was nicked by a bullet — its politically convenient to think so but I think its more likely the result of being pulled down by the Secret Service — so we’re stuck with the obvious that its a whole lot more difficult to take out your politician of choice than it looks in the movies.

Jul 17, 2024 4:11 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“lone gunmen” narrative or not
if they wanted him dead – he’d be gone
if they didn’t want him to be elected – he wouldn’t be

speculation on the potency/competence of the deep state is absurd –
blaming this incident a group or portly women in suits and cop shades scrambling around like it’s a Drake concert is also tragically ground level grasping

This is a Narrative play – as always

The narrative is shifting
this “event” sets a path for that shift
the question now is what is the new narrative?

“civil war” build up?

they hardly need a **real** trigger event
but they certainly need a pretext and some clumsy hamfisted foreshadowing – Done.

Trump is useful, even essential – for Narrative
to think the global power structure and intelligence apparatus almost lost their primary incendiary figurehead to an 90lbs “lone wolf” gunmen straight out of central casting?

now that’s a miraculous story
dumb but miraculous

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 17, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  Rueben

Trump is useful, even essential – for Narrative”

People who now argue that the Deep State wanted to take Trump out don’t seem to realize that they’re implying, contrary to decades of accumulated knowledge regarding “The Presidency”… that “The Presidency” is not a puppet position, the President’s “powers” are exactly as advertized, and our Overlords have no say as to who gets to sit in that seat! This is SQUARE ONE, GROUNDHOG’S DAY, DISNEY-NORMIE “reasoning”.

What really blew my mind, recently, is that one of the few “researchers” I still considered genuine (Scott Creighton of American Everyman/ Nomadic Everyman), is claiming this Ear Event wasn’t staged and that THEY are genuinely trying to stop Trump! Gak! Is it something in the water…? (well, yes, it is)

Jul 18, 2024 6:04 AM

Jimmy Carter recounted how as a new President, they “sat him down and explained the facts of life”.

Jul 16, 2024 1:21 PM

Ah, pending again.

Jul 16, 2024 8:16 PM
Reply to  antonym

stop talking about the yahoo from khazharia you antisemenite
you have to be censored cos you is a dangerous nazi like those folks in the 1930s bbc fictional story

Jul 16, 2024 12:45 PM

Some MAGA Trump fans STILL think he isn’t a warmonger LOL. so why did he pick war-hawk; ultra-Zionist; Palestine, China & Iran-hating; Palantir-connected JD Vance for his running mate? Also:

JD Vance is only a politician because he was given millions by Peter Thiel.

Thiel runs Palantir one of the most dangerous multi-nationals in the world working in tandem with Mossad, The CIA etc.

There is not going to be any ‘draining of the swamp’.


Jul 16, 2024 4:46 PM
Reply to  Ennes

I saw a local (trustworthy) alt researcher posited to their followers on social media “so what do you you make of these connections”? The response was largely just a bunch of Qtards “it’s just optics… trust the plan”…

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 16, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  Ennes

The MAGA cult are the biggest dupes in this whole thing. They simply don’t want to hear about it.

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Jul 17, 2024 10:04 AM
Reply to  Big Al

The Deep State vs the Dupe State…

Jul 16, 2024 12:33 PM

I was hoping for a run down on possibilities rather than another attack on the BBC but never mind. I guess we can all watch the footage and draw our own conclusions if we want to.

I do however keep changing my mind as to which version of events to adhere to. Whether I fall into the camp of believers or deniers.

But I still cannot make my mind up for certain.

Seems likely though that the bullets were actually real which isnt what I expected to end up believing. Which means it was a deliberate attempt that failed.

As to the who and why that’s another series of possibilities that could be debated for ever.

Not every big event has to be fake, and as information arrives opinions are likely to change as evidence emerges.

I might change my mind again.

The implications of this event are quite different depending upon what actually really transpired and it will become one of those events that will always devide opinion, but for me personally I would like to no be fooled one way or the other. Theres only one truth.

Jul 16, 2024 1:19 PM
Reply to  Demiurge

yes, only one truth. 100% fake.

Jul 16, 2024 3:11 PM
Reply to  Demiurge

Seems likely though that the bullets were actually real which isnt what I expected to end up believing. Which means it was a deliberate attempt that failed.

The bullets were definitely real, as a bystander was shot dead and two more were wounded. That, however, merely means that TPTB were willing to sacrifice some innocent people to bolster their ‘assassination’ narrative. There were also innocent people who died on 9/11, remember?

As to the who and why that’s another series of possibilities that could be debated for ever. 

Here’s a strong suspect: the Zionists. Biden is blocked from doing more against Russia by the Republican party’s base, and also blocked from undertaking a new war for Israel by his own base, so he and his party are of no further use to the Zionists. Trump, on the other hand, with his established reputation as a ‘man of peace’ — just like Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson! — will have us at war in a jiffy.

This is it, people. Strap yourselves in. The Big One starts next year.

Jul 16, 2024 9:40 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

i agree this seems to be the plan.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 16, 2024 10:13 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The bullets were definitely real, as a bystander was shot dead and two more were wounded.”

Yes, but: we “know” this how?

Jul 17, 2024 4:23 AM

YES this —>> Epistemic Humility, thank you
we do not **Know** who was or wasn’t killed

it’s ok not to know

as though the collective intelligence apparatus cannot fake graphic death
– but I agree, why would they even bother?

but what I do Know for sure
is that I don’t really Know
and neither do you


Jul 17, 2024 8:33 PM

Just like covid was real due to all those covid deaths…

Jul 17, 2024 7:46 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

This is Biden’s punishment, for not withdrawing as told after the debate.

Jul 16, 2024 12:33 PM

observation would suggest a deliberate agenda of undermining the very idea of objective reality. A move by our controllers to insert themselves as a filter between every person on the planet and the world they experience. The final aim being that everything – everything – the entire fabric of our shared reality – is made up.

BBC? too many at OffG are harping on that same riff daily & loudly: ‘What you see or hear is all fake. Mi5 thanks both, they like folks without discernment.

Carlyle Moulton
Carlyle Moulton
Jul 16, 2024 12:30 PM

The idea that one can look at an event and determine with certainty the cause is absurd.

One can only give a list of possible causes that with varying degrees of probability could be the actual cause.

In the case of the apparent Trump assassination attempt there are at least 3 possibilities:-
1/ A sincere assassination attempt by agents of the deep state that failed by accident;
2/ A sincere assassination attempt by a loan nut that failed;
3/ An intended fake assassination attempt organized by Trump partisans that came perilously close to being real;
4/ ……….

In my opinion 1/ is the most probable and 3/ the least. Aiming at the ear and hoping not to hit the brain is absurd. If the gunman intended to miss and hit the ear his aim was dangerously off.

We know he CIA experimented with truth serums and brainwashing, we do not know that they did not succeed. It is possible that the CIA at any time have a stable of pre-brain-washed individuals who can at short notice can be tailored for a particular purpose either as convicted assassins or scapegoats. The 3 convicted or killed alleged perpetrators of the assassinations of the sixties appear to have been prearranged scapegoats.

I agree with the author of this post that the BBC like most Western MSM is a propaganda outlet pushing the ideas supporting the agenda of the corrupt Anglo/Euro North American Empire aka The US Empire, that is wars with Russia and China and genocide of the Palestinians.

Jul 16, 2024 12:54 PM

Apparently a police man tried to talk down the gunman who then rushed the shot. You hear those first three by the ss rooftop sniper, but many more shots are heard after, by which time trump was on the ground. So my guess is that the first round fired must have been simultaneous with the first shot fired by the ss sniper otherwise you would hear the shot separately.
The rifle was automatic so perhaps as the gunman died his finger stayed on the trigger, hence the rapid five rounds heard after the first three.
The final single shot and the women screaming though needs some clarification.

Jul 16, 2024 5:29 PM

The entire thing is on the face of it fake and absurd. Trump is not an outsider. Watch this space.

Jul 16, 2024 11:58 AM

Maybe Spring will get sprung,
caught with her pantsuit down or hung out to dry when she’s no longer useful to the Fat Controllers.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jul 16, 2024 11:55 AM

Why is it these USA ne’er-do-wells always have 3 names Blah Bob Blabbington etc?

Also “activists who deny the reality of almost everything”?!?? I mean how the hell do you quantify almost everything???

Jul 16, 2024 4:07 PM

Nothing at all to do with the three “ruffians” who did for Hiram Abiff….

Jul 16, 2024 11:30 AM

We all know that old addeg

Jul 16, 2024 11:42 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Oops. (Edit still stuffed).

We’re all familiar with that old adage about ‘History being written by the victors’
Written, produced and broadcast for our infotainment.

It’s now more evident than ever, and the ‘Useless Eaters’ are the vanquished.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 16, 2024 11:20 AM

International security expert Will Geddes:

There is absolutely no way Trump’s camp could have been involved.

As a limited hang-out, they’re now raising the possibility of it being an “inside job”!

‘Could’ve Been INSIDE Job’ – Security Expert Doubles Down On Trump Shooting Suspicion
Jul 16, 2024
International security expert Will Geddes, who suspected something “fishy” related to Trump’s shooting incident, joins Talk’s Cristo for a follow-up on his claims.
Donald Trump made a triumphant entrance to cap the first day of the Republican National Convention, receiving a raucous ovation from the party faithful days after surviving an assassination attempt that has reshaped the presidential contest.
[Quote at 12:00]