The Rise of the FALSE False Flag
Kit Knightly

In my previous article, Why you should never believe your eyes, we discussed new technologies that make the creation of literal “fake news” more possible than ever. In this follow up we’re going to discuss the potential benefits of faking the news vs creating the news.
A false flag operation is generally defined as ”an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party”
The phrase originates in naval warfare, when ships would literally fly a flag of another nation’s navy.
Historically speaking, they are covert military operations carried out with the aim of creating a cassus belli, either initiating, justifying or perpetuating a war.
The attack is very real, only the flag is false.
But recent years have seen the rise of a new idea – the false false flag. That is to say – entirely fake “events” with only the barest relationship to objective reality. Blanks and crisis actors, fake victims and fake shooters.
This concept has been the subject of discussion recently, with the civil suit against Alex Jones for calling Sandy Hook a “hoax” and the on-going trial of journalist Richard D Hall in the UK for suggesting the Manchester Arena bombing was fake. Similar suggestions have been raised about the Boston bombing of 2013 as well. Others, including Riley Waggaman, have raised questions about the recent “terrorist attack” in Moscow too.
Now, I’m not definitively claiming any or all of those events were faked – though of course they may have been. What I’m pointing up is the shift in discussion.
But then, we don’t need to look far for the greatest provably “fake event” in recent times: “Covid”, which was purely a construction of media hype and corrupt science creating an entirely fake pandemic.
Once you’ve absorbed all the facts of the case, that’s the only interpretation that stands up to scrutiny.
In fact it was such a vast infestation of fakery it spawned mini-fakes. It wasn’t so much a fake event as a flock of fakes of varying sizes.
Covid alone proves that the powers-that-be certainly do engage in staged or faked events. And, as highlighted in the first part of this series, it’s been known for decades that news reports are regularly faked, on both the small and large scale.
Yet, still, the question that gets asked whenever the possibility of fakery is invoked is “why?”
Why would a state apparatus with the power to really do something, opt to only pretend to do it?
This is a standard argument made against the idea of state-sponsored fakery, and although it is logically flawed as being purely an argument from incredulity, it is a question we can and probably should endeavour to answer.
So – why would the state, or powerful actors within the state, choose to fake something rather than simply do it?
Clearly we can rule out moral or ethical considerations. That shouldn’t require further explanation. The state has no objection to causing suffering, that has been demonstrated over and over again. It wouldn’t shrink from sponsoring a real terror event just because real people would end up dead.
Indeed, a “fake event” doesn’t even necessarily preclude real death – as (again) “covid” has shown us.
The “pandemic” was entirely fake but those allowed to die through inaction or directly killed by DNRs, denial of care or ventilator-abuse were real.
As was the very real and often very fatal fallout of lockdown and other “anti-Covid” measures.
But, if not a moral objection to inflicting real death and/or suffering, then why would a fake event be perceived as a better option? What benefits does fake have over real?
Well, here are some possibilities for consideration:
- You can’t prove a negative. A fake event, in an odd way, is harder to disprove than a real one. It is quite easy to show the official explanation for a real event is false (think 9/11). But if there is no real event, only a story, then there will be no inconvenient facts to challenge you. And of course it’s virtually impossible to prove a negative – an absence of existence.
- Lack of physical evidence. An extension of point 1, but a fake event cannot be forensically traced back to real culprits. Real gunpowder and explosives are traceable and leave real chemical residue. Fake events have none of this baggage.
- Keeps your options open. A real event is bound by the physical realities of the situation. Your story must try to fit those facts. A fake event is open ended and can fluidly change as the needs of the story changes. Again, we saw this with Covid.
- No real victims. A real shooting or bombing creates real victims and leaves real grieving families who might demand investigations and ask awakward questions (see the 9/11 victims’ families). A fake event has only fake victims who are on your payroll, not only will they never ask awkward questions they are incentivized to conceal the truth.
- Less guilt or regret. Institutions and agencies don’t have consciences, but individuals do. It is generally easier to persuade “foot soldiers” (literal and metaphorical) to pretend to hurt people than to actually hurt them. It’s an extension of the single blank in the firing squad.
- Easier to control. An entirely staged event is easier to control than a real event. For example, a real pandemic disease might fade away too quickly or not be deadly enough. Worse still, it might kill the wrong people – you or your family. A fake disease kills exactly who you say it killed and no one else, and can go away or come back as your need dictates.
Those are all just practical considerations, of course. We haven’t even got into the more unknowable world, the potential psycho-social motivations of what we call the global deep state.
What might be the victory conditions of this psychological war “the Elite” are waging against the people of the world?
As I noted in my article The Perfidious Unreality of the New Normal, observation would suggest a deliberate agenda of undermining the very idea of objective reality. A move by our controllers to insert themselves as a filter between every person on the planet and the world they experience.
The final aim being that everything – everything – the entire fabric of our shared reality – is made up?
Because that is the ultimate demonstration of total control?
Here we come to the point where we should address the key difference between a staged event and real one – the target.
If you need a President dead, you can’t pretend to shoot him. If you need to claim terrorist insurance, you can’t pretend the buildings fell down.
A fake event can only be a preferred possibility when your aim is purely optics.
In other words, the real target of a fake event is always the audience.
It’s always a psychological attack aimed at our perception of the world or of certain groups of humans, or certain alleged dangers.
With the advent of AI generative technology, deep fakes, voice synthesizers and the like, the fact of the matter is we can likely expect a great flood of “fake news” sold to us as real – because why not? Why wouldn’t this option be utilised at least sometimes?
The questions moving forward are – how far has it already gone or will it go? And are we prepared enough psychologically to be able to tell the difference?
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“The “pandemic” was entirely fake but those allowed to die through inaction or directly killed by DNRs, denial of care or ventilator-abuse were real.”
Question: how can someone “die through inaction” against something that doesn’t exist (according to you)?
Say what you want about fake hospital footage, fake vax efficacy, fake statistics. But my own experience says C19 was very real. One member of my family still can’t smell anything three years after getting sick with it. Virus or no virus, something went around. Good for you that you missed it.
What is the biggest false flag operation
The world wars that killed many millions , maimed more .
9/11 and the war on terror many more millions dead
The control of drugs that is called the war on drugs
Covid a bit of marshal law.
The creation of private banks that control the money supply and can cause boom and bust as a method of transferring the wealth and work of the people .
Climate Change used as an excuse to bring in more control
The military industrial complex the international arms trade
All require lies and misdirection . Maybe we should add democracy itself or the pretence of democracy that we are given.
Watch out for The ab coming “Fake Consciousness” without any Moral Responsibility
If the truth is to costly or impossible to find out, you have no basis on which to act.
Back in the kinder, gentler time of 2022, I wrote a piece about the “shooting” in Highland Park. Does anyone remember that one?
I had done my homework regarding Sandy Hoax of course. And in observance of my patriotic duty I had told every who appeared to be listening about the “modernization” of the Smith-Mundt Act and about CIA document 1035-960. I still remember the resulting blank stares.
13 Mar 2016
Wodehouses Spode v Trump
Trump is a man of estimable talents no doubt yet Roderick Spode the Invention of PG Wodehouse, based upon Bennitto Mussolini ´Il Duce´ is always conjured up by the stage persona of The Donald. This claim comes with both evidence and a warning, if you are a Trump supporter and ever wish to hear your Great Leader speak again without recalling Spode and in turn Mussolini, do not click on the following Video. ( brought to you by the time machine mentioned earlier. ´´Too big to bail and one Law for the rich another for the poor´´. As for entertaining the notion that Trump can not be bought? Well, you can not buy something that is already owned and Trump is assuredly owned by Wall Street so they have no need to buy him again, although his debts have doubtlessly been Rehypothecated, let’s not do Derivatives today though!
This links to a nasty hit piece full of childish slander and absurd insult. Obvious TDS; No thanks!
“If you need a President dead, you can’t pretend to shoot him.” 😁 well of course you can (in hindsight!)
Kill Trump and you kill the very successful “divide and conquer” strategy which was the real purpose of the “was it real, was it fake” assassination theatre.
thank you
Trump is not just useful he’s the core driver of the entire Divide & Conquer operating system that entire machine runs on
an especially critical figurehead as they ramp up the “civil war” narrative
he’s essential
if they wanted him dead – he’d be gone
Kill Trump and you massively boost the chances of chaos, violence and civil war, precisely the conditions needed to jusify and impose dictatorship.
They’re saving that for early 2025 when it will be even more devastating.
Exactly! Why would the deep state want to kill Trump in the most public and obvious way possible? That would only serve to make him a martyr, cause people to question the government and the Biden administration, and drive people to look up conspiracy theories about the shooting. It definitely wouldn’t help Biden at all. People would suspect that he was behind the shooting, or at the very least, that he hindered the secret service from doing their jobs?
Here is a recent example of a False False Flag. The attribution of of mass murder to the Hannibal Directive to hide the real purpose of the IDF slaughter of Israeli citizens and soldiers.
Yes, Oct 7 was very clearly an inside job. Like 9/11 was an inside job. But who exactly, on the “inside”?
I see The Hannibal Directive explanation as being a cover story to misdirect thinking away from the more likely scenario where the orders were simply to kill lots of citizens and stationed IDF soldiers in order to blame Hamas for the slaughter. An actual psychological operation that had two objectives. The first being to generate outrage and revenge in the IDF to kill with savage abandon.
Killing civilians and those attending the peace festival plus the deliberate promotion of atrocity propaganda about beheaded babies and mass rape served the purpose to shock the world to curtail critical thinking long enough to begin the planned ethnic cleansing and genocide.
There is no way to excuse the ongoing slaughter and destruction on a blind and unstoppable rage for revenge and a right to defend oneself when all governments and most institutions around the world, along with the mainstream media are all supporting a very obvious mass war crime. Are they that stupid? Or in on it? One would have to ask what is going on here. That Isreal, America, the EU, the UK and the whole mainstream media simply can’t help themselves? They can’t stop? That the “unexpected surprise of the terrorist attack” has locked Israel into a justifiable frenzy of retribution, as victims we all have to sympathise with until the threat has been neutralised? Really?
So the question that really counts is what is the actual purpose of the orgy of genocide, destruction and displacement. Huge sums of money have been expended. It is an investment. The groundwork for a future pay-off is being set. Aside from using, and pandering to psychopathic prejudice, the lust for righteous killing, the securing of a gas and oil reserve could simply be a likely reason. And a canal, maybe. What was 9/11 all about looking back over 20 years?
And to think, many people still scoff at the notion 9/11was an elaborate psychological operation. The world was fooled into believing it was a surprise attack by a bunch of terrorists. It is incredible that even smart, intelligent people can be tricked into believing simplistic official narratives.
“Why would our government kill our own people?” Why indeed.
Why would they lie to us?
Was it really a surprise attack? Really, was it? If it was not a surprise but a structured well thought out plan to steal the gas and oil, surely a psychological component would be needed to move it from “Surprise Terrorist Atrocity” to “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”. And once it became common knowledge that the perps did most of the killing they would have ready the military excuse, a procedure called the Hannibal Directive. This serves the purpose of hiding the deeper more sinister motives and those hiding in the shadows of genocide.
And Trump has been recorded as saying that he likes Hannibal Lecter
Sorry, I don’t get what was ‘false’ about the false flag employed by the Israelis. You expose Israeli motives, but not the false nature of the false flag.
Nice to see staged trending on twiiter.
Was like WWE pre wrestling match hype up.
It looks very staged. Sounded like a BB gun. Nobody in the crowd is running or panicking.
Nobody in that crowd heard an actual gun. I don’t trust it.
I actually believe that Biden was assassinated, and that the blood that was placed on Trump’s ear was Biden’s blood. The staged assassination attempt was really a distraction from the real assassination. Biden had served his purpose, and he was no longer useful to the Democratic party.
forgot this one – how can Focaccia win the Tour de France, it’s an italian flatbread???????? Must be a psy-op!
Dunno. Having seen a few of the stages. They looked like real people riding real bikes to me. With real roads, real watchers, real weather and real road dust. Real teams
Maybe destiny (+ skill, dedication, hard work), rather than your bog-standard ‘NWO’ fix per se?
recent false flags:
the clifton bridge, suitcase scenario
the jay slater missing story
the euros
michael mosely
holly willoughby
the bbc crossbow story
they’re really overdoing now!
confusion reigns and nothing about the weather!!
Must confess they don’t quite add up. At least psychologically
Why does someone travel with suitcases filled with bodies to a CCTV covered bridge to dispose of them. Traveling all the way from London
Only to make a show of attempting to throw the suitcases over its side before scarpering without achieving the objective. Surely some secluded woods or forest would have made more sense?
I know Londoners have a disdainful view of country folk, but that that surely takes the ticker.
Something ain’t quite right …
Nicola Bully
Lucy Letby
Constance Marten and Mark Gordon
Bryana Ghey
Jake Davison
Thomas Cashman
to the list..
“why would the state, or powerful actors within the state, choose to fake something rather than simply do it?”
The state or powerful actors within it have to use deception to get the masses to go along. Without deceived masses going along blindly, the state’s ability to do anything would grind to a halt because there would be few people left to run the machinery.
Moscow just want to be equal partners.
Russians have also CEO’s and CFO’s , swingerclubs and threesomes, Oligarch billionaires, Easy Rider clubs, and Russia has also fake terrorist attacks in the middle of their Capitol. Equal!
As Putin explained it:
“We are nobility like you are doing it, we are Europeans like you, we are equal partners to Astra Seneca, Pfizer and Moderna. We are using all our new hypersonic weapons to show you we are equal partners.
We sing like you, walk like you, smoke like, you and dance like you. WE ARE YOU!”.
The Rise of the FALSE False Flag
I am convinced most of alternative media is fake.
it is Mainstream Media with another lick of paint.
like a big corporate record label that has off shoot fake independents, so the general underground fringe market thinks the latest bands from the indy label is organic and grassroots.
Government operatives certainly infest news sites not directly subject to their control. But most contributors to OG and its kind, like you and me, don’t deceive, distract or disinform. Right?
Must be the coldest summer I remember in the UK yet the sheep still believe we are in an era of global boiling…
They all talk about suffering from long Covid and how evil Putin is.
They are all primed for the next pandemic and the miraculous jabs that will save them and of course protect others…
But which representative can we trust to accurately research and reveal the true opinions of 50m or so adult Brits??
Well given AI and all the other ‘new’ is only new to the public – the military will have had all this for years – it’s surely already been used, and therefore unlikely to be used noticeably more based on its availability.
The Fall of the False Flag.
I think there is much more to come. As long as the majority believe it and do not question it.
The standard MO on any false ‘false flag’ or ‘false flag’ also includes a pre-arranged alternative narrative for the conspiracy theorists. Segments of the controlled/approved alternative media will run with that alternative and then there will be other theories covered by the other parts of the alt-media which are either genuine truth seekers or the next witting or unwitting layers of the operation.
By the time anyone tries to unravel the truth it ends up becoming a confusing mess with a whole lot of division. The waters have been muddied, many will have got lost in the weeds and have given up in the process or have settled on their favourite talking head’s analysis. All as planned.
Most people are not psychologically prepared nor able to tell the difference around these events and are unable to peel back the multiple layers. The purveyors of such psyops are using military grade propaganda and psychological warfare against the people.
Suffice to say, that the scripts seem likely to go into overdrive in the coming months. Realising that these productions are designed to herd the people in a certain direction by using misdirection, reverse psychology and a host of other tricks will require imaginative lateral and critical thinking skills to see through them.
there’s no doubt the Euro’s is a big con, and the sheep (fans) will continue to see it though to its dismal end – bank holidays and knighthoods, the king and politicos give it all away – if i was younger i’d be as far away as possible from the uk lovefest of tyranny
It’s spookily like AI.
They almost seem to learn by their mistakes.
False flags – that’s why the stories about the devil, witches, viruses are so effective at leading most of us trained to accept authority without questioning it to act as required by those who wish to control humankind.
You can’t prove a negative but you can demand verifiable proof.
False flags are useful to the government as they allow them to bring in “emergency regulations” – which tend to be permanent…
As John Zerzan has coined “confusionism”, creating a CIA style theater of dense complexity that may be there, or maybe not, when we hit the digital representations era, a virtual era, all bets have been neutralized. Those making bets now are the observed test victims. Problem is, it’s all a wash for producers and audience. Even the producers are lost but don’t know it. A very dangerous time. I can only say it’s up to us, the bottom 95% marks in this game, to know how to choose one’s actions to benefit Humanity while defrocking the ruling class and it’s insane decision making.
One root tool to perceive the situation: if what you are offered is not a tool for your use and totally under your control at your discretion, then you are being made their tool. Proceed accordingly.
Jul 6
So the one year anniversary of “plane girl” we get hawk tuah girl
Hawk Tuah No Troofer or Normie has figured it out.So il explain…The purpose of Hawk Tuah girl is to INSPIRE folks into THE 4TH(WALL) INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.It’s a marketing campaign.Make you think that doing stupid shit online will get you fame and success.
Lyle Coyotl @Coyotl2021 · Jul 1
#Tuah is and old word in many Southeast Asian languages meaning: honour, prestige, respect or magic power/luck. #Hawk is the avatar of #Horus
#HAWKTUAH = Lord Horus Concerning the #AeonOfHorus,
Crowley wrote: “… the crowned and conquering child, who dieth not..”
Now youy for a bunch of Conservative rep Christians thinking there slick and trendy as Hawk Tuah happens to be voting for Trump.s
The ‘Plane lady’ was an AI deep fake, not a real person, though no one seemed to notice. I wonder if the Hawk Tuah girl is also an AI created fiction.
A great article and made me think about my method of spotting fakery in news stories:
– Start with the premise that everything is fake.
– Look for ‘cui bono’ – who benefits? What change in the law will be recommended to ensure this bad thing doesn’t happen again?
– Look for nonsensical details (the narwhal tusk brandishing ex-con now a hero defender of the public on London Bridge). The Covid scam was so clear in this – William Shakespeare being the first man to have a jab and Matt Hancock stifling a laugh and pretending to cry when he heard about it.
– Look for the masonic numbers – 33 / 66 et al.
– Look for the discrediting of once respected people: nurses / teachers / mothers. The upshot of this is to make the state control of vulnerable people / children seem preferable and safer.
– Look at the absence of follow-up articles for so many ‘big news’ stories. Down the memory-hole in so many cases. If they were true, why would they be dropped so quickly?
– Look at what other story we are being distracted from with this event.
– Finally, look for the inversion of cultural norms in news stories: cathedrals and mosques used to vaccinate people but not open for prayer / trans women being taught how to chest-feed (sic or sick) a baby and being told in the story that it’s every bit as nutritious. This kind of story is becoming far more prevalent and adds to the sense of disorientation in our world.
Having returned (reluctantly) to reading the msm news and having used these methods I’d guess way over half the stories (at least) have some element of fakery in them.
If all else fails, my first point will suffice.
Any other methods that you use to spot the lies?
Don’t just believe what you read,
Check and dubblecheck the source of the news: who is paying this source? what is the sources background, history,…
Check the so called facts, listen to other independable experts (like during covid)
Be careful with the so called alternative media, especially the ones that have a lot of viewers/readers. They could be psy-ops
Don’t see Trump as the president who is going to save you. It’s all propaganda and we saw what Trump did during covid and he was best friends with Epstein for years
Look at the actions of so called leaders and NOT at what they are saying
Be vary wary about people in expensive suits, they are most of the time the real crooks and criminals
For your health, don’t take the word of your doctor as the only truth, they are following standards and don’t disagree with the rules
When your gut says something is fishy, then it probably is 🙂
Always check ‘so-called facts’, like Trump was best friends with Epstein for years’.
A good read is “A Man Called Intrepid”. Its a biography of William Stephenson, a key behind the scenes player in WW2. Its a catalog of people and events which shaped the behind the scenes war against the Axis, There’s literally too much material for me to even hit at highlights but the important takeaway is that this type of work didn’t just start with WW2, it was just regularized and developed, and it certainly didn’t end in 1945.
The book was made into a movie/miniseries in the late 70s which was “partly fictionalized”. This, plus the “new revised” edition of the book could likely blunt the message somewhat. I’d try and find the original edition because as it turns out the truth is often stranger than fiction.
False false flags are pure Platonism. A thing is “false” in being a copy of the Idea which gave rise to it. So a pretend thing is a copy of a copy. Once again, reality copies art.
However, care is needed lest we reach a state – the apparent ideal state the “ruling class” would like us to reach – where we end up ascribing such monumental powers to the rulers that we extend our preoccupation with fakes back even to the Neanderthal. Those in charge of the cave faked the wall paintings to fool their subjects into thinking wild beasts roamed their domain. “Be afraid, Neanderthal peons: be very afraid!”
Maybe we should limit our understanding of man’s devious character to, say, the Renaissance. 1492 sounds about right. Columbus only pretended to discover the New World. Whereas, actually (as I can testify) America never existed – and never will.
Fakery is a fantastic word!
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey, which I am presently reading, is the ultimate warning against believing history or anything told to you by anyone. Richard the Third, as black a villain as any to the public, seems to have lacked any motive for killing the princes in the tower and was probably innocent though his rival, Henry had many. It’s a good read of the most improving kind, even Bertie Wooster might agree.
Dear Off-G,
FYI : I have just ‘liked’ 2 comments and at the same time 2 ‘dislikes’ for the same comment have appeared.
That is because you are not the only person reading this page. Others are here and some are voting on the comments. These votes don’t show in your browser until it refreshes – which it does automatically after you vote.
At that point, not only your vote but all the other votes that have accrued while you were reading will show up for you.
Yes, I understand that happens, but the downvotes (which I did not make) happened twice at exactly the same time as I upvoted. I think that’s a bit odd….or two very unlikely coincidences?
Illuminati is the only explanation. Only Illuminati could have done it.
This is an interesting hypothesis, I’m wondering why the misanthropes trying to ruin the world haven’t tried to use AI to make people think Joe Biden has a functioning brain? The question of why they are outing him now is for a later date.
I do anticipate more fake or false false flag events in the future, the overlords certainly have the psychopathy and the technology to do it. It behooves us to be even more vigilant and attentive to events local and global.
RE:I ’m wondering why the misanthropes trying to ruin the world haven’t tried to use AI to make people think Joe Biden has a functioning brain? The question of why they are outing him now is for a later date.
Well, try this one on for size: The PTB want Trump in the WH. Trump did very little one way or the other when he was in office. It was clear he was not in charge, just like it is clear that Biden is not in charge either. And it would mollify the (health) freedom movement who believes that Trump is their savior with the added benefit of keeping the MSM in the black for another 4 years with TDS.
Yeah. I just don’t understand why health freedom people would want Trump “Operation Warp Speed” though. I do understand why the Zionists would want him though.
They have got dirt on him which makes him blackmail malleable. Also he is really good at saying whatever, to whomever, to make them think he’s got their back. Silver tongued like Larry Silverstein Silver Tongue. I like Sam Husseini’s VotePact. A Biden Supporter teams up with a Trump supporter and they both agree to vote third party of their choice (ANY third party) while maintaining no further aspirations than re-stacking the card deck. Civil disobedience is still possible without actually breaking any laws, and speaking out, writing, and protesting seem to be effective tools against those psychos trying to kill us all. Just need MORE.
RE: I just don’t understand why health freedom people would want Trump “Operation Warp Speed” though
You think cognitive dissonance only happens w/in liberal circles?
Good point
The Uniparty Democrats have warned that if Trump is back in the
Whitehouse, mayhem, riots, destruction, are sure to ensue, meaning
the deep state-funded BLM, and Antifa mobs will be let off their
leashes to go rampaging again…
Of course The Deep State want Trump in the WH – the more trouble
that stirs up the easier to justify States of Emergency & Rule by Decree…
(Recall how the Italian Deep State used the kidnapping of former Italian
PM Aldo Moro in the 1970’s by The Red Brigade to undermine political
support for ‘The Historic Compromise’ – bringing the Italian Communist
Party into government, into sharing power, the CPI being the best
weapon to crush widespread social dissent)…
Yeah, it’s a win-win outcome. Since 2016 at least the PTB have been sowing division among the populace that make previous eras look pacific. I can’t see them passing up the opportunity. And on the conservative side, with the lure of “power” the PTB can clean house on the right and get rid of the unruly types who’ve mistakenly thought that the GOP will represent the interests of the hoi polloi.
Yeah. I do too. Maybe they saw an insanity plea would be better than a guilty as charged plea for genocide? He’s still guilty as heck. But are as many people calling him “Genocide Joe” or are more people just pitying him? The people don’t realize the power of protest. But that is why the killers and war mongers work so hard to prevent them and censor or discredit them in any way possible.
Ultimately this all feeds and leads to the Satanic Cabal’s new technocratic order of things.
They must destroy their past orders they have created to accomplish this and the easiest way to do that is to make the sheeple “believe”.
We are watching big brother wether we want to or not…
Hope I’m not overstepping my boundaries, but I am surprised at the absence of Petra L on the comment section.
I was also surprised that Petra had not commented on Ian’s moonlanding article.
She was attacked by the whole off it head team including the SSbridge and Petra held her ground- they did a article on her.
2 years later there now saying what she said back then and pretending they was wise and onboard from the get go.
Petra believes implicitly in the reality of the moon landings.
She does indeed. It’s the biggest irony that she rejects most of the “big” events as false and yet for some strange reason wants to believe that Neil Armstrong really did have a marvellous night for a moondance.
Yes, I know. Which is why I am puzzled that she hasn’t commented.
I do not always agree with her theories, but I find her comments interesting.
I am watching the Kubrick documentary. Very very interesting.
Dear Admin, I hit the “unsubscribe” button by mistake.
Can you resubscribe me?
Thank you.
Yet she’s smart enough to realize there’s no contagion, no transmissible diseases and no viruses.
That puts her way ahead of all the dunces who believe in superstitions like “contagion” or “viruses”.
Yes I do but I’ve changed my mind on AGW which certainly has given me pause as I was so convinced of it. I believed the propaganda that those who rejected the AGW theory were simply mouthpieces of fossil fuel industry and didn’t realise that there were genuine scientists and others who make a very good case against it.
Climate change is a very complex phenomenon and the AGW psyop doesn’t follow the typical psyop MO whereas most other psyops do follow it (at least the ones I recognise) while the moon landings is a very specific event so I still feel confident about what I believe about those things … but one must always keep an open mind.
Hi Judith, I very much appreciate your notice of my absence. I stopped commenting on OffG although I still return at regular intervals to read the articles because I felt my ideas – few as they are – could get no traction which I found frustrating so I switched focus to my substack and commenting on others’ substacks. While, of course, there’s disagreement on substack too there are more people aligned with my ideas on psyops though not particularly on the moon landings.
I posted comments on Iain’s substack on the moon landings.
Funnily enough I was drafting a post, Are false flags a thing?, when I found this post on the same subject. I’ve actually used Kit’s intro (with acknowledgement, of course) but my thesis – unsurprisingly – is that there is no such thing as a “real” false flag it’s not a case of them increasingly being false false flags – they’ve all been false.
We must start by pointing out all the fake events. Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo, Boston bombing, Manchester, London underground, Brussels airport, Orlando nightclub, the Capitol insurrection including the fake shooting, are some of the demonstrably fake events.
Considering the media coverage of the Alex Jones trial, a coordinated effort to publicise the hoax that Sandy Hook truly was, by all of those fighting for the truth, across the ideological landscape, could be a very fruitful initiative.
I suspect that the Alex Jones trial was also a fake/staged event.
Exactly, he’s never to be trusted.
I never trusted him cos of the shouty man routine he plays. A few years ago I saw him on a BBC TV programme(Panorama or Newsnight…I don’t know) and he was driving the interviewer thru his (eerily quiet) mainstreet in his home town and describing how lively and fun it used to be. He seemed ever so calm and reasonable I couldn’t quite believe it was Alex Jones.He’s an actor and has been an asset for a long time.imo.
The false flag was the most commonly used tool of the conspiracy theorist. Sandy Hook put an end to it.
It came about due to the over use of the concept of ‘crisis actor’ which allowed individuals to claim that there were no casualties, only paid actors. There is such a thing as a ‘crisis actor’ for simulations but not actual events.
They are just like the paid “extras” or “cast of thousands” in any Hollywood big budget spectacular. They all have to sign NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) to keep their mouths hut. They use moulage kits for fake “blood” and silicon dummies as well. They’ve been running these drills, simulations, exercises forever. As long as Hollywood has been making epic films. A military psyop is nothing more than a MOVIE made for “TV News”.
I refuse to work in negative. Never ever will I use more than a few minutes to kick the ball back to the liar. I refuse to waste my life on analysing fake events.
“I believe the earth is a flat pancake with the Pacific and the Atlantic as two hairy hanging testicles beneath, and that we humans are coming from the apes. All known concensus Science support my view”. “Now you should explain why you dont believe that???”
Get lost! Find yourself another sun system. Get off this earth!
It’s amazing how many there have been. You’ve named but a few instances and I’m sure you’ve seen through all on the list.
I haven’t seen Ole Dammegard mentioned here but he’s a truly skilled observer.
This why the supposed shooting of Reagan never happened. Instead, they (the secret service etc) would have just bundled him into the limo, squirted some blood around his armpit, and told him he’d been shot. The point was to stage the coup in favour of Bush. And they could have decided in the hospital whether Reagan would survive or not. Likewise, for Boris going down with “covid”!
The sixth and final bullet ricocheted off the armored side of the limousine, passed between the space of the open rear door and vehicle frame and hit the president in the left underarm. The round grazed a rib and lodged in his lung, causing it to partially collapse before stopping less than an inch (25 mm) from his heart.
The Reagan shooting was fake. So too was Lincoln’s “assassination”, JFK’s, RFK’s etc. Even the Watergate scandal was 100% staged.
They need the public to believe in the blue versus red binary con, otherwise they’d wake up to the conspiracy, racketeering, profiteering and criminal fraud committed by government and the unlawfully stolen tax money.
But have you realized yet, Trump is a Jesuit actor and operative?
Very interesting article, Kit. As always.
What is the target. Good question. “Optics”. Of course.
As for AI. I was in the doctor’s office two days ago. The PA sat down at the computer to write notes while I described my symptoms. She said, “For the purposes of AI, I’d like to record this conversation (on her phone) – would that be OK?”
To which I replied “absolutely not”.
She was fine with that. And, actually, a very thorough PA.
Well, at least she asked.
back in 2005.
I no of a person sectioned under the mental health act because they thought the TV, computer and mobile phone was recording them and later on it would show them they was being recorded like peoples names would of appeared on facebook when 5 hours earlier they was mentioning a person name.
Great article!
Ed Chiarini thinks you can also fake the killing of a president:
Faking the killing of a president is helpful if you want that president-actor (Kennedy) to play another president (Jimmy Carter) later.
The assassinations are fake. But JFK is not Carter, that’s disinfo. Joe Kennedy may have fathered Jimmy Carter, that’s probably why they look vaguely alike. And he also has the nickname Jimmy Kennedy.
The authorities are always staging assassinations. Mostly to make the public believe in democracy, even though it’s never worked and politicians obviously don’t work for “the people”.
If the voters realize all politicians are plants, they’d know their tax money is being stolen, governments are privately owned corporations, racketeering scams and conspiracies to enrich a certain class of people, including politicians, their families and associates.
“ Joe Kennedy May have fathered…”
Ancient Aliens has more validity then this tosh !
What is “tax money”?
You are incorrect, JFK is indeed Jimmy Carter, go to my youtube channel “Stuart Mckenzie”, and search for the video “JFK is Jimmy Carter, and I will prove it with biometrics.
Kennedy is a hero on this site.
especially RFK jr which his nonce children health defence which scams money of its devottees into fake court cases going nowhere ville.
hence the downvotes.
It’s obvious they aren’t the same person. That’s why the down votes.
RFK jnr preserves numerous scams: Firstly 1. the faux courts, 2. and faux Crown Temple Court “legal” system, where it’s really all privately owned, incorporated courts running a private guild that has no lawful authority over a single soul. Then 3. the politics scam, where obvious plants and actors pretend to be politicians in rival parties where dupes vote. Then 4. the virus and 5. contagion myth which have zero scientific evidence behind them, 6. the nukes scare campaign scam and 7. the faux green agenda and 8. climate change hoax and 9. the fake assassinations of his father and uncle, and lastly and most importantly, 10. the separate country scam in a centrally controlled world of privately owned corporate subsidiaries acting as “government” services corporations under one umbrella.
Once you’re in the club (the order, the family) the only way out is a staged death, a name change and a location change.
RFK JUNIOR is an embarrassment. I don’t care how many false prophets (Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Breggin, Bigtree et al) say otherwise.
I’m sure there was an American Military Analyst, who said something along the lines of ‘The best way to run a false flag, was under the guise of a War Game/Training Event’
Covered legally by the “Smith-Mundt Modernization” provision inserted in 2012-2013 NDAA (“National Defense Authorization Act”). Makes it all legal in the USA. As for the UK, Canada and Australia? They can do anything they like to gaslight the populace.
OT but suddenly it’s discovered that UK turnout was much lower than previously claimed:
Funny how they could get this so wrong at the time when more people were paying attention and how this has now dribbled out on a Friday when nobody much’s looking. Almost like it’s an attempt to massage the government’s and the process’s legitimacy…
It’s only come out at all because it can be weaponised. Wrong (or at least drastically partial) explanations can be offered followed by “solutions” that were what they wanted to do all along. Scrapping voter ID requirements (in stark contrast to ultra-surveillance everywhere else) is one obvious example. Lowering the voting age to 16 is another (get them while that brainwashing’s fresh!). Less directly and more long term, political “reform” and wealth redistribution are likely to follow.
Whatever happens, non-voting cannot be explained in the mainstream as a product of disgust at the denial of choice or a rejection of a game that’s clearly rigged and stage-managed but must be explained away by anything else.
I presume the difference is between registered voters and total eligible adults. However, the report is too concerned with pushing a welfare agenda – such that I didn’t bother digging into it. As I’ve said previously, Brexit, MAGA and Reform can win elections by targeting the disaffected non-voters; i.e. they don’t need to play the “centrist” game.
Registered: 48,214,128
Turnout: 59.9% (Decrease 7.4pp)
I haven’t know a time in which works of fiction are so heavily referenced as being “strangely prescient”. Cf. Zombie apocalypse “The Last of Us”.
And this only about a month ago from the Graud:
“The Day After Tomorrow at 20: a strangely prescient ecological warning
The disaster flick is riddled with inaccuracies, cliches and gusts of machismo. But with its global climate catastrophe, it feels more relevant than ever”
Note the sly little hint: “riddled with inaccuracies” (???!!!) And yet “more relevant than ever”.
Well in a way that’s true. There has never been a time when bullshit was “so relevant”!
Never stop hearing about the tranny apocalypse.
Industrial society has far too many working parts for it to be completely controlled. It’s more like a pilot guiding a great ship into harbour, nudging and hunting, but unable to fully alter or effect its eventual course.
Society like the ship grinds on and the various fads we fall for are just of much our own making.
Isn’t it all about confusion?
If they just fed us one story we could concentrate on attacking that narrative.
Even then, with buildings collapsing for no reason and cruise missiles hitting the worlds most defended building, the majority still believe the official narrative.
How much more difficult, then, for any critic to oppose the lies when we are presented with so many red herrings and multi-layered bluffs, double bluffs and triple bluffs.
says the guy who believess Nigel and Boris are outsiders and different!
Boris ? Where did I say that ?
Nigel. Funded by a different mob.
What about that odd story about mass rapes in Cologne on New Year 2016? I see that wiki not only reports this as if it was beyond doubt but casts all criticism as alleging the “rapes” were covered up.
When I first heard about this – voiced on the BBC with the customary certainty – I saw no evidence and indeed the BBC said “These scenes may be disturbing” before showing scenes of …. People lighting fireworks!
After which the entire media breathlessly reported this “atrocity”. Even “dissident” channel Russia Today.
And them when images started to circulate, they all turned out to be images from elsewhere and in one case even an image from a training video!
And yet this deeply suspicious story was the excuse for the German press to produce Nazi type propaganda that was exactly like the old antisemitic stuff only with Muslims aa the target.
“aa the target.”
Should be
“as the target.”
Thank you, snapping OG editor!
Wiki’s cunning redirection of criticism in the opposite direction – “This story is being covered up!” even as every fucking media channel is blaring it at maximum volume – was later reprised for covid. “No-one is talking about covid!” as everyone talked about covid!
According to The Graun and other outlets, hundreds of sexual assault allegations were filed. Arrests were also made.
If you are suggesting that the whole story was fabricated, the motive for fabrication would not have aligned with the agenda at that time. Merkel welcomed 1.2 million ‘refugees’ into Germany during 2015 and 2016. Many arrived after the Cologne NYE 2015 incident.
Welcoming refugees in to create division is a familiar tactic going back to Aristotle. The mass rape scenario was to say the least unlikely considering how vulnerable refugees are. And the scare stories aligned perfectly with the war on terror rhetoric. And then there is the obviously fabricated “evidence”.
they used the rape thing with 7/7.
it was bullshit
Cologne! Slowly I turn… step by step… inch by inch…
For better or worse, my main laptop is in the shop and I didn’t think to back up my document files. I make this prefatory comment to lament that I can’t refer to (and reproduce) more or less contemporaneous comments posted on this fraught topic. So, from memory:
At the time, RT America was still operating; I’d stumbled onto it and it became my daily substitute for US/Western mass-media “news” sources. So I watched both the initial RT reporting and recurring follow-up pieces or references in succeeding months.
I had a mixed opinion of Peter Oliver, RT’s Berlin-based correspondent at the time. He could do straightforward informational reports, but he also had an obvious talent for writing, or at least delivering, sensational reports on the scandalous evil of unchecked immigration– one of the themes of RT’s editorial penchant for schadenfreude-dripping coverage of controversial EU policies and practices.
The original RT story struck me as an obvious fraud, or at least a fraudulent exaggeration of the actual events. It featured bits like “real-time” video clips from the scene of the “mass assault” which, when scrutinized, were dubious low-quality scenes of people running past the recording devices, sometimes with fireworks in the background; these could easily have been clips from amateurs hoping to capture the fireworks display.
The report also included Oliver’s signature sensational, breathless insinuations– including descriptions of the alleged invaders as “appearing to be of North African origin”. There were also allegedly real-time vox pop interviews of ostensible innocent bystanders in the square, mostly exhibiting fright and panic arising from being caught in the stampede of sinister foreign attackers.
I noticed that these visuals and narration conspicuously omitted any specific factual claims of assault from the “vox pop” interviewees, or confirmation by police or other officials; as I recall, at most there were claims that these quasi-victims had been pushed, or even knocked down, by persons frantically running by.
This original story was so fragmented and sketchy that I expected RT/Oliver to return to it with a follow-up that provided sober factual clarification of the mêlée after the hysteria settled down. Instead, when RT returned to the story over the months, it always recycled the same dubious and ambiguous claims– invariably featuring the same “dramatic” footage of silhouettes running around with fireworks in the sky.
Of course, RT’s propagandistic coverage doesn’t directly disprove the official narrative. And I haven’t formulated any theories on why RT would promote a “predatory, vicious ‘immigrant’ invasion” scenario apart from gleefully reveling in the EU/Germany predicament of recklessly inviting immigrants into the EU without adequate checks and balances.
But watching the RT reporting convinced me that there was something other than met the eye– that, and the fact that mainstream mass-media outlets in the UK and EU published suspiciously similar accounts the following day. It was all a bit too pat. 🤨 🎆
There’s no need for anyone to “disprove” the official narrative. It’s the official narrative that needs to be proven.
Mais oui!
That’s what I was getting at when I wrote “directly” disprove, but point taken.
Erm yes, but was anyone actually charged/sentenced? I seem to recall that the whole ‘mass groping’ media stories quickly disappeared.
I managed to find the following article from nearly a year later. The assertion is that the police failed to do their job since there were only 18 convictions including one guy who laughed in court as he was given a suspended sentence.
The police also claimed not to be able to track down many of the other migrant attackers.
Germany reformed sexual attack laws after the incidents. Up until then a woman had to physically resist an attack for it to be considered sexual assault or rape.
The story never disappeared from the media in Germany. It caused outrage for at least a year after.
” Others, including Riley Waggaman, have raised questions about….”
Whilst RW appears to be, for OG, the fount of all ” knowledge ” concerning the events relating to the Russian Federation, there are other sources who write very in depth, very detailed analysis of matters relating to the R.F.
I learned a few things when I was a Civil Servant:
1/ The State sees its role as being to control the populace.
2/ Information is a management tool.
3/ While it’s rare to outright lie, a great deal can be achieved with omission, emphasis and exaggeration.
4/ Why would the public concern themselves with events? They elected a Government to do that for them.
5/ The experts know best and should be deferred to.
Ex-Civil Servants will recognise this outlook. Others may find it hard to believe.
The five commandments of $atan$ $oldier$.
I’m an ex-civil servant and I endorse this message. 😉 👍
Coming next… virtual elections:
The main point is always that the mainstream narrative is false. They seek to hide that behind a smokescreen of confusion and use that to sow division. The 9/11 “debate” about nanothermite vs. directed energy vs. mini-nukes is the exemplar.
There were 3 separate attempts to show that evil Assad of Syria was nerve-gassing his people, besides the White Helmet videos. We heard of something called “barrel bombs”. The claims of the UN OPCW leader got so ridiculous that its entire team in Syria rebelled.
Later, Iranian missiles “or something” hit “or may have hit” petroleum tankers in a UAE port. The problem here was the difficulty in concocting convincing photos, let alone videos.
“that make the creation of literal “fake news” more possible”It was all predicted then again how far in advance are those in the know.
This BBC play from 1968 News Benders has them faking news events including a fake moon landing using a model and a grainy black and white image that would happen just one year after the programme.
I think there are more FALSE false flags than real ones these days.
Is the war in Ukraine real? At very least it’s a war no one seems to be trying to win!
The “new” UK government doing its bit:
Deliberately prolonging wars is nothing new for UK governments – there’s substantial evidence they did this for both world wars. The end date for WW1 appears known from the beginning and was encoded on the number plate’s of the car used in the assassination.
Supporting a corrupt fascist controlled ethnic cleansing regime in Ukraine underlines the moral bankruptcy of the cretin Starmer. We ain’t living in a democracy.
I fear Starmer is the new Trudeau.
The vast profit from military and other aid to Ukraine is real. As usual, much of it flows back to the major (an desperate) financial centres.
Yes, but they’re not really false flags…they’re more like out and out fakery and theatrics.
It’s all a fckin stoopid soap opera presented as reality.
Thank you. That’s pretty much all wars. The weirdo psychos sell weapons to both sides, and scoop up the spoils left at the end, either when massive public disgust and protest gets so high that they can’t continue their b.s., or everyone is dead. War is a racket. War is a lie. There is always a better way to achieve what they SAY the objective is, but they certainly DON’T want you to know that.
The ‘real event’ where Covid was concerned was:
Who were the beneficiaries?
Well, Jeff Bezos in the first case – Amazon was the single biggest beneficiaries of global lockdowns without exception.
Pfizer, BionTech and Moderna and their instituitonal investors (include dear old Larry Fink in that).
Any secured creditors for Government borrowings to keep national economies afloat – exactly who that is I don’t know, but BIS, Central Banks and the biggest banks on the planet are probably involved.
The whole point of Covid was a global heist. Nothing else.
Now the mafia Dons have seen the money roll in, they will want to do it again. Just to keep their credibility and to stop any uppity ambitious youngsters trying to usurp their place as the capo di tuti capi eh?
I guess the real question is how far the criminals are prepared to go if their bluffs are called?
It would not surprise me if the vast National debts of nations, particularly in the developed world have been collateralised against national assets eg infrastructure, land, natural resources. When the economic implosion occurs the ‘secured creditors’ will then take over the tangible assets of nation states.
In his book ‘The Great Taking’ David Rogers Webb talks of ‘secured creditors’ in relation to having first call on the private assets of individuals and companies in the event of a systemic banking/financial failure.
I have no evidence of this for nation states, but it is certainly possible.
You make some very sound points but who is going to call their bluff in a meaningful way? How are the misanthropes who do this stuff being held accountable? We saw how they censored and suppressed the truth about Kennedy, King, Kennedy assassinations, 9-11, the 2008 financial meltdown and the COVID Psyop and in every case no one was held accountable, indicted or sent to jail.
Indeed. The most basic class analysis would have one conclude just as you have that Covid was a “heist”, the greatest transfer of wealth from the great many to the tiny few outside of war by numerous measures. (Or how about class war?) But the vast majority of our current day Marxists can’t seem to manage that and follow the money.
I suspect the digital currency plot is not just a control freak thing but another heist plan. Everyone’s money is in cyberspace and then “Oops, sorry buddy, we just don’t have a record of that” when the false flag cyber attack happens. Oh, it’ll feel real.
Always listen to your backbone.
You can scream as much you want into cyber space:”My fokking money are gone. Where are they? Who took them?”. No one can hear you.
The address you scream to, you write to is AI. AI is a machine. No one is guilty of anything. The machine defaulted. You can only blame the machine. The perfect robbery, the perfect murder.
They want it only the hard way. They are like spoiled border seeking children, want dad and mommy to set the limits.
As Off-G reports, “classic” scamdemic COVID propaganda periodically resurfaces. My mildly OC habit of “clipping” COVID-related headlines and blurbs posted at the aptly-named Yahoo site went into remission last year, but lately I’m seeing new entries:
I generally don’t bother to take the clickbait and read the actual article, but this time I caved because I was interested to see what “the one unexpected thing” was.
First of all, the article ticked off all of the famous original “protections”: masking, social distancing, and especially keeping up with COVID “vaccinations”. The unexpected expert advice is to avoid “all-nighters” that stress the system and renders one vulnerable to COVID infection.
I know this is par for the course, but nevertheless I was creeped out to see the same old Big Lies so blithely repeated. 😠 😷 🦠 💉
‘No real victims’
oh, man, I wish that was the reason. But it ain’t. Even though victims may be, or possibly are, staged to at least some degree (fi Betty Ung of which Jon Revusky wrote a brilliant essay for which he was… excommunicated as a writer from Unz review, but that is an aside), there are also real victims in false flag events. Think of covid, and the real victims that fell due to negligence of medical doctors (fi by treating pulmonary embolism with ventilation or by ‘compassionate’ use of remdesivir in patients ‘diagnosed’ with ‘covid’). This negligence definitely led to real victims, but do these victims (if they survived) ever step out and say that they were victimized? – No! And why? – Because victims, like ordinary citizens, prefer the comfortable lie, of which which they can read all about in the daily papers, over the ugly truth that continues to hurt them in their subconscious mind.
I pity all of these people, but the pity comes with the knowledge that they are doing it to themselves…
As a favour to the similarly curious, here’s the link to Revusky’s follow-up article on “Betty Ong”. Essential reading, humorous – I had a headache whilst reading but still managed a belly laugh. Thanks Willem!
Many victims of cvid hospital protocol have stepped up and spoken out.
Polly Tommey of Children’s Health Defense went on the road in the VAXX bus, across the United States for over a year, interviewing victims for what she thought would be a vilification of the “vaccine” injuries.
Astonishing to her, and others, were the vast number of families who’d lost loved ones to neglect, remdesivir, ventilators, claiming DNR’s that did not exist, maltreatment, discrimination of the unvaxxed, etc.
The stories are appalling. Frightening. Many took place during the lockdown when you were taken into ER, unaccompanied by family or friends, and then lost to the wilderness.
Many family watched loved ones die from a window in the icu.
There is one major lawsuit by the family of Grace Sharra from Canada. She is a 19 year old girl who was murdered by the protocol.
I suppose that until lawyers are certain that they can profit from the lawsuits, there will be litigation.
If even one lawsuit can create standing and precedence then lawyers will come crawling out of the woodwork. Sorry to sound snarky, but this does seem to be the case.
Polly Tommey is creating a documentary based on all of the interviews. For now you can watch them, free, on Children’s Health Defense.
There is also a book called “What the Nurses Saw”.
Those are not “Covid victims”, they are victims of governmental/medical aggression.
I don’t know where I stated that they were covid victims. I said they were victims of hospital protocols.
I think I inferred that to my mind it is/was agression.
And what about all those people suffering — or dropping dead — from those shots? Can they actually admit to themselves that we were conned? Or is it just easier to accept the official lies and pretend that they (or their loved ones) are the victims of ‘long Covid’?