The Civil War Simulation

CJ Hopkins

“Do not try and bend the spoon—that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...There is no spoon."

It has been slouching toward Bethlehem for the last eight years. The gyre has been widening, the falcon turning and turning, the center losing hold, and so on.

Its hour has not quite come round yet, but something is definitely rising out of Spiritus Mundi. No, not the beast from The Second Coming, but something perhaps just as rough and pitiless.

I’ve been calling it “The Rise of the New Normal Reich.” Others have been describing it with other names. No one can say exactly what it is, but at this point everyone can feel it coming.

Something resembling a new form of totalitarianism … or something resembling civil war.

One thing often leads to the other.

Every new totalitarian system is preceded by some sort of civil war. You can’t just implement totalitarianism out of nowhere. In order to impose totalitarianism on society, you need to tear society apart, pit the masses against each other, foment fanaticism, mass hysteria, and hatred. Above all you need to foment fear.

Once you have torn society apart and whipped the masses into a mindless paroxysm of fear and hate and murderous rage, you can implement your new form of totalitarianism fairly easily, as people will be desperate for the restoration of “order.”

One of the best ways to tear society apart and whip the masses into a mindless frenzy of fear and homicidal rage and hatred until they literally cannot think anymore and are reduced to a robotic state of cognition in which they shut down entirely or are transformed into shrieking fanatical zealots is to (a) terrorize them with fake existential threats, like the return of Hitler, or an apocalyptic virus, or whatever, (b) demonize everyone who refuses to play along with the fake existential threats as yet another existential threat, and then (c) terrorize the masses all over again.

If you do that long enough, what will eventually happen is, the people you demonized as an existential threat because they wouldn’t play along with the fake existential threats you were terrorizing the masses with will rise up against you, and attempt to remove you from power.

At that point, you will be on the brink of civil war, which is exactly what you were trying to achieve. Because, once you’re on the brink of civil war, you can justify the implementation of your new form of totalitarianism without too much trouble.

Basically, what you’re looking to do — assuming you’re the dominant power in this equation — is provoke whatever resistance to your dominance (or your rise to power) exists into forming something resembling a plausible oppositional (i.e., militant) force that you need to suspend constitutional rights and the rule of law in order to contend with.

This civil war that you have instigated, or that you’ve brought a country, or the world, to the brink of, in order to implement your new form of totalitarianism is a simulation, but it is not fake. It is the actual civil war — or the actual imminent civil war — that conceals the fact that there is no civil war, because what is actually occurring is a “clear-and-hold” op.

What is actually happening is, a dominant power — a globally hegemonic dominant power in our case — is eliminating internal resistance throughout the territory it occupies, which in our case happens to be the whole planet. Any and all forms of internal resistance. The character of the resistance makes no difference … Islamic fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism, neo-nationalism, “populism,” socialism, whatever. Any form of resistance that interferes with the consolidation of its global hegemony and commodification of virtually everything.

In other words, the coming civil war (or the threat of civil war) is absolutely real, and is also a simulation concealing the fact that there is no coming civil war.

Yes, I know this is difficult to grasp. And I realize people are all worked up at the moment, but bear with me if you possibly can. I am going to quote a French philosopher. Please don’t freak out. I’ll explain in a moment.

The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth — it is the truth which conceals that there is none.”
Jean Baudrillard

Baudrillard is not saying that there is no truth. He is explaining how simulations work, or one way that simulations work. The fake thing (i.e., the simulacrum) exists to make the real thing seem “real.” If you can copy something, then that thing must exist. The copied thing must be real, right?

Wrong. That’s how this magic trick works.

How it works is, it generates a false dichotomy. It conjures an opposition into existence out of the ether. It summons up a simplistic binary equation (i.e., real/fake, true/false, left/right, us/them) and traps our minds within that equation. Either Disneyland is real or Los Angeles is real. Either you support Donald Trump or you support Joe Biden. Either the Palestinians or the State of Israel. MSNBC or X. And so on.

Or … OK, here’s a simple analogy.

Imagine, if the authorities in charge of a prison instigated a war between two prison gangs, who were actually fighting for dominance in the prison. The gangs are real. The war is real. When it is over, one of the gangs will be dominant among the prison population.

However, everyone will still be in prison, probably under a state of lockdown, which is what happens after a prison riot.

Does any of that sound familiar? I hope so.

Again, I realize emotions are high, what with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and the ongoing liquidation of Gaza, and the ongoing left/right culture wars, and the rise of the Cult of Elon Musk, and the aftermath of the “Apocalyptic Plague of 2020-2022,” and the “January 6th Insurrection,” and so on … but maybe try, just for a few minutes, to step back from all the false dichotomies and all the thought-terminating clichés and the hatred and fear that we are being systematically inundated with, and reflect on where all this excitement is leading us, and how our passions are being instrumentalized … and by whom and for what purpose they are being instrumentalized.

If you think this all ends with America Made Great Again, or Palestine Free, or with Elon Musk marching into the White House with a bathroom sink, or some other “revolutionary” fantasy, well, it doesn’t. It ends up where it ended up in January 2021, with soldiers in the streets of DC. It ends up with Gaza obliterated. It ends up with the prisoners back in their cells. It ends with “the restoration of order.”

I do not know how to stop what is coming … what is “slouching toward us to be born.” I do not believe it can be stopped at this point. I will, however, be observing closely, and trying to make sense of events as they happen. I will probably be paying a fair amount of attention to whoever foments all that fear and hatred and murderous rage I mentioned above, and preys on people’s emotions, and tries to trap people’s minds within those false dichotomies, so that they wind up utterly unable to think, and just shuffle around like robotic zealots logging who is “with them” and “against them.”

I hope you won’t find that too “divisive.”

And, if you do, well, I wouldn’t worry too much. My columns are getting less and less traction these days. I alienated the “10/7 Truthers” recently, and I’m severely visibility-filtered on X, which, as you know, is the only real free-speech platform, and “a crucial historical force,” and “the voice of the people,” or “the new generation,” or whatever.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Categories: CJ Hopkins, latest
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Jul 20, 2024 2:54 PM

The exaggerations of a self-dramatist?…. the inexactitude of someone who plays fast-and-loose with truth?…. or something not quite adding up?….


Jul 20, 2024 1:43 PM

@CJ: Truth be known, it could become “unknown”… like, Donald Rumsfeld. Just plainly forgotten. ? US$2.3Trillion Mislaid in actionable Automated Intelligence for Alpha-Bet.inc. Like “Parallel Platforms” according William Binney. Fink.Blackrock.Aladdin. Hedge them bets, trading highly frequently, officially from 1997 onwards, Gambling on Wars & Requiste Resources, at lightening speed, With HFT Edge on the Hedge, cognisant of HAARP. . . Aladdin became Spellbinding . . . With a 40 Thieves AliBaba cooperative, InCorporated, PR Wise. WPP&Preston Rabl, hey Presto, AladdinInc. controls AirWaves ! ! A Magnetospheric Coup by Master MC. But WHO oversees the Health Implications? Instrumentation? Orchestrations, From the past. Are you Spellbound, or a simulator of fake Dichotomy? Simples. Edge the Hedged & Hidden Issues. Every cloud has a Silver Lining, maybe Even a Silver-Iodide lining, Be it ‘Known’ . Ask on @X, expressly, Enron. Paul, my brother, said, WTC7 See what happens, just hearsay Balky CJ ? To be spraying clouds With Silver Iodide amongst other 🐓 Cock-tales, because you know it makes Sense. EdgeTheHedge Qatar (cutter) 🇶🇦 Emirates now Dictating Our Weather. WHO actually cares ? (D.O.W.) The Dow Jones industrial Average speculates upon & Dow Chemicals Should surely seek Elon Musk’s Approval ? As an Engineer ? Maybe a Chief Engineer should consider… 81.STEEL.COLUMNS 2.2 SECONDS FREEFALL 10 SECONDS FLAT 2.3 TRILLION $M.I.A.$ 4 YEARS COMPUTER MODELLING What was that ? From a Fire ? Impossible. According Fairbanks UniAlaska. Only controlled demolition could achieve that… Well worth asking our Chief Engineer 😂 On Two Fronts, regarding the Weather.Also right now, ‘Tis Extremely Hot in Iran, coincidentally… Keeps them down under Heat Exhaustion. As a Hotspot Executive (job title) , I should know, you defo. Do not want to be hanging around in the midday sun@Iran’sPersianGulfInternationalAirport. @66°Celsius or @152°Fahrenheit, Simulated or Not. Identify the Weather &… Read more »

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jul 20, 2024 1:33 AM

The revolution already happened. 9/23/2020, “Revolution 2020,” Angelo Codevilla, AmericanMind.org, “Our revolution is by the ruling class—a revolution from above. Crushing obstacles to its growing oligarchic rule is the proximate purpose.

But the logic that drives the revolution aims at civilization itself….

[subhead], “The Other Side:” “By 2020, Trump notwithstanding, the barbarians had proved to be the gatekeepers. They cowed the deplorables, punished them to convince them that they are evil and isolated, deprived them of normal social intercourse, and made them dependent on media that pushed politically correct reality down their masked throats.

The deplorables are angry. But so what?…

Most have felt sandbagged by Donald Trump’s and the Republican Party’s verbally combative but toothless reaction to the oligarchic revolution. They waited in vain for them to use the active and passive devices available to any president or house of Congress to deprive the ruling class of its government-derived powers: commanding and prohibiting, funding and defunding, hiring, firing, rewarding and punishing, accrediting and discrediting to punish violations of freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, of basic civil rights. Instead, these officials largely gave the oligarchic regime a pass. Private persons cannot easily defend themselves while their own officials don’t. Now they no longer care what the Trump administration’s calculations might have been.”…

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 19, 2024 3:23 PM

“AbstractPropaganda is a centuries-old term, and yet scholars and practitioners are still having a hard time defining it and pinpointing what makes propaganda unique. Many existing definitions fail to distinguish between propaganda and marketing, public relations, advertising, or even mass communications, in general. This essay proposes to define propaganda through psychoanalytical research pioneered by Erich Fromm on symbiotic relations. Symbiotic relations, when transferred from biology to psychology and sociology, describe a process of allowing a person to merge with something big and important, therefore creating meaning beyond an individual’s life. As a result, following its religious roots, propaganda acts similar to religion—asking for a sacrifice of individualism in the name of something bigger—god, country, society, or political party. In the end, people willingly engage in propaganda because, although sacrificing something, they receive unity with the bigger powers of other people, organizations, political parties, countries, and so on. As a result, such persons are not alone against the world; they are now a part of a bigger and stronger union.”

Jul 19, 2024 1:44 PM

bitcoin fixes this

Jul 19, 2024 2:57 PM

Do you seriously believe they are gonna let you hold ‘money’ and trade without them taking a cut?

Bitcoin, is a route to Digital Currencies…….

Having it look like a ‘fight’ against the ‘big man’ is like believing TOR is secure from said ‘big man’ prying eyes.

Jul 19, 2024 4:21 PM
Reply to  TFS

If they could have stopped it they would have already. Its whole purpose is to offer an alternative to government currencies. Encryption works.

Jul 19, 2024 9:42 PM

..I don’t think they are that naive, you shouldn’t be either.

Human values
Human values
Jul 19, 2024 1:44 PM

It is not a false dichotomy that truth is true and false is not true. Only the truth is true, and everything false is not true. If we think about numbers, truth is one, lies are many. Lies are created, can be created, by simply imagining them. But the truth is not imagined. Truth is what is, in reality. Truth exists absolutely and necessarily. Lies, on the other hand, are not necessary, are not real, and there is no reasonable justification for them. But when a man believed a lie, any lie, he rejected the truth, fell into sin and became insane. That’s what happens when lies are believed as true. Terrible mistake! Believe any man instead of the truth, and you’re mistaken. People haven’t created the truth. People have only created lies. This is because truth exists regardless of people, and truth isn’t dependent on what people believe. There is no way for a lie to ever become the truth, no matter how many people believe in a lie. So it is not true that repeating lies often enough would make them true. It is never true that 2 + 2 = 5. Beliefs are not above true knowledge. And only true knowledge is worth believing. When we know that 2 + 2 = 4 always and absolutely, we certainly also believe it, and simultaneously, we do not believe any lie that can be created in that mathematical equation. This simple truth applies to everything. Truth wins this war, whether you believe it or not. It’s because this Apocalypse was not started by the Devil or its lies, but it was started by God, and God certainly finishes it. God is the Absolute Truth, the Spirit, not a man or a person. God is All-Powerful and All-Good. If you… Read more »

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 10:08 AM

CIAJ Hoppykins doing his thing: making it complicated so he can be THE ONE who simplifies it for you. Because, yeah: Baudrillard! Some over-used Baudrillard-Matrix citations (with CIAJ’s smarty interpretation) are what we all need. Double-talk will show us the way. “The Truth is that there is no Truth.” Got it! I guess I’ll just stop demanding it, then.

Question: is there ANYTHING essentially different, about this “now,” that requires CIAJ’s helpful explanation….? Are we in some New Deep Shit we weren’t already in, last year, or the year before it? Well: no. Is it just that CIAJ needs any excue to generate some more content…? Shouldn’t we all just focus on what most of us have already known for decades, now? That Psychopaths are running this Farm with endless and obvious Lies? Why is CIAJ adding more useless smoke-machine clouds in some of the spots we gather to discuss things… ?

Oh, wait: I get it!

CIAJ Hoppykins is really just hammering the special words into his follower’s tender heads: THERE WAS AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP… THERE WAS AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP… THERE WAS AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP… which means, by extension, that the concepts of “the presidency” and the “elections” and “the political system” and “Trump the populist outsider insurgent crusader savior” are all to be taken at face value, just like the “9/11 Official Narrative” that CIAJ himself supports! CIAJ is here to protect and project the bullshit!

Well, thanks for the smarty-stuff “explanation,” CIAJ! You’re the Smarty Pants who accidentally tried to publish a book with a sw*stik* on its cover in Germany… oh, wait, sorry, I forgot… the “trouble,” that go you into, was just your “Alex Jones” credibility skit… so it was on purpose.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 9:12 AM

Before CJ’s unmistakable “coming out” via Oct 7 (at which point it was impossible to see him as anything other than either a spook or a very useful idiot – and the difference is sometimes impossible to figure out) he was only marginally effective anyway. His super sarky style soon became obscure in its intention. He was also prone to spouting out his own invented vocabulary which I once tried to follow but soon gave up.

There is one thing I credit him for: his talk about “The War On Death” as the (then) latest phony “War” following the “Wars” on communism, drugs, terror, etc. And he pointed out correctly that this “War on Death” merely took mundane unavoidable facts (the common cold, the various strains of the flu, and the absolutely certain eventual demise of old people) and spun them as “the most deadly evil dangerous unprecedented etc.” 

And I recall a video of him chatting with Catherine Austin Fitts that was a kind of incestuous “love in” where CJH was the “Left” figure and CAF the “Right”.

Still it’s no big deal. I sure as hell wouldn’t waste my time on Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed as any kind of reliable guide to anything other than the latest update on a thoroughly lucrative career giving pep talks to the phony Green corporate sector. Ditto CJH – though he’s clearly a bit more subtle than our Nafeez. 

Jul 19, 2024 9:25 AM

Notice a pattern in wording from OFFG HQ
it seems the BBC is more on it.

Lets recap since that performance the other day.

CJ calls it a ‘assassination attempt’

Silva next article along now calls it a ‘assassination attempt’. (no other mention of maybe something fishy going on) it was a ‘assassination attempt’!!!!!

Kit, may as well called it a ‘assassination attempt’. be keeps within the alt media MIC talking points.

Towing the MIC alt media line.

Remember people alt media will keep drumming in it, keep repeating it
it was a total real ‘assassination attempt’…..on Trump life.

Jul 19, 2024 4:11 PM
Reply to  Approximately

The term “assassination attempt” can also be used ironically – in that this was an attempt to appear to be an assassination.

Jul 19, 2024 8:34 AM

Well, not sure if you’re writing for the wright platform, but it seems most folks on here can’t easily be compartmentalized within the simplistic binaries you describe. I know that much of the sensationalistic examples you refer to don’t excite me at all as you say. I have no doubt you’re a clever man, but your piece also reflects a tendency to prevaricate and a lack straightforwardness. Off guardian is not ‘X,’ and nobody here seem overly worked up with false dichotomy–I would suggest you spend more time reading this comment section. Instead of twisting the meaning of an isolated excerpt from Baudrillard to support your position, perhaps you could explain his complex philosophy—what is your exact point anyway? Are you saying everyone should just shut up and die in their prison cells? BTW, Trump is a power-hungry moron, just as Biden is; Gaza is not being liquidated, the occupying force and their enablers are; left and right are meaningless epithets that fewer and fewer people respond to; Musk already pulls major strings in the White House and will exert even more control once his horse gets in–but will evoke ever more repulsion and disgust by doing so; Covid-19 was not apocalyptic, but the effect of the cumulative foolishness and cowardice of mankind and its idolatry—trust in thieves wearing lab coats and suits—may very well result in Armageddon; January 6th wasn’t an insurrection, but a pretext for the state to consolidate its power. At this stage, only Yahoos would think America can be made great again whilst raping and robing people at home and abroad and basing her economy on murder and genocide. ‘I know this is difficult to grasp. And I realize you’re all worked up at the moment, but bear with me if you possibly can. I am… Read more »

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 19, 2024 7:43 AM

The Hollyood movie ‘Civil War’ was released earlier this year, perhaps as predictive programming or just to stir the pot. The notion of civil war gets thrown around like confetti. The threat of it has been mentioned on and off for at least 10 years as far as USA is concerned.

It seems that even riots and civil unrest in Western countries require agitators and the ‘rent-a-mob’ to gain any traction to galvanize ordinary people to get up off the sofa.

If the controllers are wishing to foment civil war or serious civil unrest to enact ‘Ordo ab Chao’, then they will have to try harder. Decades of dumbing down the masses, turning them into lazy, apathetic zombies, now means that most cannot be bothered to get involved. People would prefer to watch the ‘action’ through the lens of someone else’s smartphone at the scene.

Anyone notice that even at protests and disturbances that people are more interested in narcissistic “look at me” behaviour, waving their phone around for selfies or videoing the ‘event’ ? Same with entertainment, be it sport or concerts,

We live in a world of passive bystanders, not active participants.

In short, I am not expecting civil war or unrest anytime soon. Perhaps, only when the plebs are hungry and cold enough.

Jul 19, 2024 11:00 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

When Trump was being led away, not only were there many capturing it on their smartphones but one man was very clearly waving a prolonged devil’s horns’ hand signal.

Would a genuine bystander at a genuine event do this? It seems improbable.

Jul 19, 2024 7:41 AM

Then its time to rise up against the lawyers and bankers. Forget the rest.

les online
les online
Jul 19, 2024 5:09 AM

Anyone notice how The Attempted Assassination drew everyone’s
attention away for NATO’s 75th Birthday Celebration last week at
which War Against Russia was almost openly declared… Michael
Hudson believes Biden’s repeated ‘Russia is about to attack Poland’
claim suggests the USA has decided it’s now time for the US to
fight Russia to the last Pole…

“What do we want ?”
“Bread & Circuses !”
“When do we want them ?”
“NOW !” “Send in The Clowns !”

Jul 19, 2024 9:06 AM
Reply to  les online

Did anyone also notice that it was almost, to the week, 80 years since the July 20th, 1944, plot to kill that other infamous Right-wing German leader, who having survived the attempt the attempt on his life also believed divine intervention saved him and therefore it was his destiny to lead his people to a better future. That turned out well, didn’t it ?

Jul 19, 2024 11:01 AM
Reply to  Shardlake

A plot which was built upon a drill going live….

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 21, 2024 6:27 PM
Reply to  Shardlake
David Ho
David Ho
Jul 19, 2024 5:04 AM

CJ, you have misunderstood the purpose of the Hannibal Directive story as have many others. I see The Hannibal Directive explanation as being a cover story to misdirect thinking away from the more likely situation where the purpose of orders from the US and Isreal Command to the units “responding”were simply to kill lots of citizens and stationed IDF soldiers in order to blame Hamas for the slaughter. As an actual component of the Hannibal Directive psychological operation that had two immediate objectives. The first being to generate outrage and revenge in the IDF to kill with savage abandon. And second,the IDF, but mis-attributed, killing of civilians and those attending the peace festival plus the deliberate, screaming, breathless promotion of atrocity propaganda about beheaded babies and mass rape served the purpose to shock the world to curtail critical thinking long enough to begin the planned ethnic cleansing and genocide. The third and most important purpose is to provide cover, after the facts emerge, to conceal a cynical mass murder to achieve a still hidden unacceptable, even criminal, political objective by claiming that eliminating hostages is an established policy of military expediency. The soldiers responding were just doing their job. There is no way to excuse the ongoing slaughter and destruction as a blind and unstoppable rage for revenge and a right to defend oneself when all governments and most institutions around the world, along with the mainstream media are all supporting a very obvious mass murder war crime. Are world government leaders and media that stupid? Or in on it? One would have to ask what is actually going on here. That Isreal, America, the EU, the UK, and the whole mainstream media simply can’t help themselves? They can’t stop slaughtering? That the “unexpected surprise of the terrorist attack” has… Read more »

Jul 19, 2024 9:27 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Your be banned from his substack for that opinion.

David Ho
David Ho
Jul 19, 2024 7:16 PM
Reply to  Approximately

Yes, I can see here that he down voted me.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 10:18 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Was it really a surprise attack?”

I’m am VERY disappointed that we don’t really get to read/hear much professional discussion and analysis of those guys on hang gliders-mounted-with-machine guns swooping into normally protected airspace and… somehow taking hostages? Why don’t they MENTION this wondrous narrative again. Why won’t they walk us through it? A: Israeli radar picks up like, maybe, a dozen hang gliders violating the airspace… B: the specialists monitoring the airspace fall about laughing so hard that they can’t sound the alarm…C: the insurgents land, and run around grabbing and r*ping people…. how’s the rest go, again?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 10:26 AM
Reply to  David Ho

 “Propaganda is really that effective, so effective that billions of people had themselves injected with poison. Five times.”

A LOT of this smartish people did it because they hate Der Bumble Trump and somehow believed he was against the guinea pigging wackzeen he was fully invested in. Trump hatred had these people under Trump’s control as powerfully as Trump controlled his credulous fans. THAT’S why TFIC are keeping Trump on the screens for as much as is possible.

“Why would our government kill our own people?” Why indeed.”

I have begun entertaining the notion that this Hannibal alibi is used to make sure that freed Israeli hostages don’t give interviews praising their Hamas captors…

Jul 19, 2024 11:07 AM

“billions of people had themselves injected with poison. Five times.”

Indeed – but it’s worth stating that by the official tally 23% of the UK population was never jabbed and, for example, less than 18% of the electorate voted for this government. One of their tactics is paint us as the “marginal” but it’s not true.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, there is the aspect that a BIG part of the function of Propaganda is to convince the target that everyone else is falling for the Propaganda.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jul 19, 2024 4:56 AM

That was brilliant
From the jarring introduction, “at this point everyone can feel it coming”, to in my mind the ultimate summary of “ww2”, at least i have read the relevant paragraph as, what actually happened was, a dominant power — a globally hegemonic dominant power in our case — eliminated internal resistance throughout the territory it occupies, which happened to be the whole planet.

And the dropped bomb return to COVID “everyone will still be in prison, probably under a state of lockdown, which is what happens after a prison riot.”

Phenomenal stuff, I will ramble a bit more and repeat COVID was the Apocalypse/ the great revelation not ‘an ‘ apocalypse not some nonsense end of the USA empire one more cycle of history.

The weird part is and truly that now after COVID the only people I hear voicing concerns are the cowards who didn’t opposed it when it arrived whereas the defeated resistance has peace of a kind.
Whatever I’m tired of naturalistic thinking and the dead minded, we need those whose native language is metaphors.

Jul 19, 2024 3:57 AM

The 10/7 Truthers article revealed that CJ does believe the “facts” that support his world view, despite him always presenting himself as a cynic. A true cynic would accept that he really cannot know what happened, either on 10/7, on 9/11 or at the Trump assassination. CJ is not really a cynic; he uses cynicism to protect his mind from “facts” that he does not like and is powerless to prevent, but he believes lots of facts that he finds acceptable, even if most of them are not real and come from very dubious sources.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 19, 2024 6:44 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

I agree with you that we cannot know what happed on those events you mention, but everyone has their biases, and facts are viewed through those biases; especially ‘facts’ gleaned from these such events.

Your view on 10/7 will be informed by your own biases, just as CJ’s is, and everyone else’s for that matter.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 7:50 AM
Reply to  John Milton

But the burden of proof always lies with those who make the initial claim.

Jul 19, 2024 1:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Unless the initial claim is that something is not the case?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 4:09 PM

That doesn’t make sense. To say that something is not the case, someone must have said it was the case first.

Human values
Human values
Jul 20, 2024 1:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Argument 1: Water is wet.
Argument 2: Water is not wet.

Both arguments need proof, evidence and discriminating.

It doesn’t matter which argument was stated first, or by whom.

What matters is the truth.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2024 6:18 AM
Reply to  Human values

The second argument requires a definition of the word “wet” and so it MUST come second.

Human values
Human values
Jul 20, 2024 7:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Both arguments require the definition of the word ”wet”, as well as other words (”water”, ”is”, ”not”). All words need to be understood.

We can’t know which one of these arguments was first, since we don’t have full knowledge of history. And it really doesn’t matter which was first and which was second.

So is water wet or not?

Or let’s have another example:
Argument 1: The Earth is not flat.
Argument 2: The Earth is flat.
Don’t you think both of these arguments need proof, evidence and discriminating?

Jul 19, 2024 3:45 AM

The “Cult of Elon Musk” … he received a loan of close to 500 million USD from the US government, all part of funding for Tesla. Now tell me how he is anti-establishment, the man of the people.

He also received a personal visit from Netanyahu, so you know he will not be angering the Jewish world any time soon; I wonder what threats were delivered.

He had stepped out of line with Israel (really the American Jews), so had to go pay penance in Israel, similar to the fawning acted out by Trump when he was POTUS; the most powerful man in the world acting out the Jewish rituals and asking for approval from Israel.

Makes you think; those who still can.

Jul 19, 2024 10:31 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

His mother is cabal. And he fakes independence.
Most importantly, he built Skynet called Starlink which is of course not commercial, users cannot cover a fraction of costs.
It’s a US military Star Wars project, war on humanity 2.0, after Convid shot ingredients.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 19, 2024 3:07 AM

The US Democrats ought to be pushing the claim “Donald Trump wasnt the intended target” and focus on the shooter’s lack of ability. That would really stir things up.

Jul 19, 2024 2:32 AM

Xi Jinping suffered a stroke? Firing too many generals and business leaders is a strain.
A civil war between CCP or PLA factions: as possible as a US one.

In the EU less, as the plebs are still fed enough bread so docile, what ever the deadly games played with Putin: all not real ?!?

Jul 19, 2024 2:07 AM

At this point, I would like to take the liberty of making a criticism that is obviously inconvenient for the author: I find it extremely irreverent to want to “play politics” with photos of terminally ill children without obtaining their permission, which you would never get anyway.

Jul 19, 2024 1:42 AM

Will it be a civil war or a ‘toilet paper’ war?

Most sane Folks have no reason to fight with their fellow citizens over political issues. It’s just not worth the risks and the expenditure of energy.

Food shortages, on the other hand, really make Folks anxious, and ready for battle.

Interrupt, delay or restrict supplies of essential items and presto; you have a battleground.

A toilet paper war.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 19, 2024 9:55 AM
Reply to  Johnny

That’s why Turdo was so draconian with the truckers.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 21, 2024 6:35 PM
Reply to  Johnny
les online
les online
Jul 19, 2024 1:39 AM

“All violence is political. Politics is violence.” … (anon) …

Jul 19, 2024 12:14 AM

As always, CJ’s work is dead on – crisp and congruent – intoxicatingly lucid deeply appreciated I’ve been a bit saddened by otherwise autonomous content creators (beyond the red-blue Chuck-E-Cheese simulation) who have somehow rallied their energy into the Trump camp for this event (yikes) as a default position against this “Deep State bang-bang fail” narrative (gulp) Not preaching to the choir here – the OffG community gets it – but this is what I posted for the YouTube muppets (lovingly) —– It’s depressing how easy it is to stir up the ferrets into perfectly symmetrical opposing ideology boxes with dueling narratives that miraculously neutralize any understanding of the bigger game i.e. why is not peculiar to more folks that… the deeply conspiratorial Right is now clutching its pearls and viscously attacking any notion that this was staged ? (how dare you!?) while the mid summer mask wearing mainstream mafia Left has all of the sudden become hard core truthers? this flip…peculiar, no? this is a psy-op within a psy-op and both sides – as always – are being played in perfect red/blue Chuck-E-Cheese equilibrium – except this time they flipped the roles and gave each side buckets of glaringly clownish nuggets of doubt to chew on (“smoking gun” overload) e.g. The Right likes..the cartoonishly incompetent “inside job” secret service performance The Left likes…an obvious SS assisted photo-op pause right after the bang-bang with his full body facing the direction of the gunfire etc. both sides know it’s a fake show but both sides are seeing two different scripts while watching that same show – these team-personalized scripts work against each other in a manipulatively graceful (albeit painfully dumb) symmetry – as each team must maintain some level of “overall realness” about the event to secure their version of team… Read more »

Jul 19, 2024 2:12 AM
Reply to  Rueben

“Give em football, booze, sugar sex, and team to be on, and they won’t bother us or ask any real questions”

“Will that work?”

“Of course. It always has, you imbecile!”

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 2:35 PM
Reply to  Rueben

As always, CJ’s work is dead on – crisp and congruent – intoxicatingly lucid”

Hmmm, weirdly, I found it to be murky filler, padded with trivial double-talk (Baudrillard again? Really?), the function of which is to Trojan Horse the catch phrase “the attempted assassination of Donald Trump” into the realm of the subliminally plausible. The images, of the Event, we were given, are SO implausible that Cognitive Clean-Up Assets (like Hopkins) are obviously required. “Don’t LOOK at those old IMAGES again and contextualize them within your knowledge of many precedents, coming to the obvious conclusion ON YOUR OWN…. read THIS FROM A SARCASM PROFESSIONAL.”

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 3:21 PM
Reply to  Rueben

Excellent post! I didn’t quite get CJ’s post until I read a bunch of the comments (on his Substack) and then I saw that CJ hit a nerve that needed to be hit. People (even those that should know better) have been lured into the divide and rule playbook, remarkably easy too. This is not a new tactic for the ruling class, it goes back millennia. It is fascinating that is easier for people to scoff at simulacra (Baudrillard) and spectacle (Debord) who were critically describing this reality 50 years ago than to take what they meant seriously.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

easier for people to scoff at simulacra (Baudrillard) and spectacle (Debord) who were critically describing this reality 50 years ago than to take what they meant seriously.”

It’s not as though these pre-Sokal French mystcs, spouting fashionable twaddle, are tirelessly promoted by the same people who brought you all the other deliberately-snakey nonsense on MSM, right? THEY are different, right? These particular Hackademics were FREEDOM FIGHTERS…it’s just one of those weird twists that TFIC* appear to love them… **

*The Fuckers in Charge
** You may certainly ignore mypoint if you’re just doing your job here (like CIAJ )

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 4:10 PM

You just made my point. Thanks.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

You just made my point.”

It’s hardly surprising that you think you can lead others to think so! laugh. But the point I was making is that anyone making your “point” (and CIAJ’s “point”) is either very new to the game… or on the payroll.

Jul 18, 2024 11:32 PM

Interesting timing of riots.

1) On the 16th November 2020 The World Economic Forum has chosen 36 cities to pioneer a global policy roadmap developed by its G20 Smart Cities Alliance for the ethical and responsible use of data and technology. In the UK, Leeds and London (especially the City of London and Tower Hamlets) and Belfast have been ear-marked to be the main Global Smart Cities.

2) Today Leeds and the Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets have riots. Just a coincidence? Burn ear-marked areas to speed-up the ‘build back better’ into Smart Cities?

This could be slightly similar to Catherine Austin Fitts’ findings – where out of the 37 US cities that were burned and vandalised by the riots a few years ago, 34 of them had Federal Reserve banks located there. She pointed-out that when the “new property owners” (Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street et al) come in they will be close to the Federal Reserve banks locations making these areas easier to transition to a digital-only payment system etc?

Also, now that Starmer’s Labour are in power they want to speed up the introduction of Digital ID (along with the divide and conquer to start civil war)?

Just speculating: noticing patterns, dot-connecting and questioning…

Jul 19, 2024 12:51 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Just seen that South Belfast also had riots two and three days ago! Just a coincidence?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 18, 2024 11:28 PM

OT. The covid enquiry, as expected, recommends the WHO’s pandemic treaty.

Quelle fucking surprise.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 18, 2024 11:01 PM

Not the way I thought it would start but start it has.

Expect COBRA meeting tomorrow with new anti-demo laws.


Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 18, 2024 11:32 PM

For non uk readers, COBRA is an acronym for cabinet office briefing rooms ( with an ‘a’ added for effect)

Snappy, eh ?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2024 10:26 PM

And just to reiterate what we all know: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/israels-911 Note the promising start: “Sorry, but I’ve seen this movie before. I saw it in New York in 2001. On the afternoon of September 11…..” Ah 9/11! Is there anyone in the world who still believes the official account of that mighty steaming turd? So just pause here and consider the implications: CJH is comparing Oct 7 with 9/11 and thereby implying that Oct 7 was a similar mighty steaming turd. You’d think that, wouldn’t you? And there’s this: “Actually, I’m pretty torn up at the moment. Many people are. It’s been quite a week. I was planning to publish one of my satirical columns about the recent events in Israel and Gaza. It was going to focus on the “40 beheaded babies” propaganda. I started it. And stopped it. I cannot do it. Not today. I just don’t have it in me.” Which also kinda makes you think he’s going to take a jaundiced view of those Israeli claims over Oct 7. But our CJ “gets serious”! “Instead, I’m going to drop the sarcasm for now, and say a few things for the record.” Fine CJ! Let it rip “I am not going to condemn the Hamas attack, as hideous as I think it was. I do not condemn things on command, or perform any other kind of tricks on command. If that’s what you’re looking for, get a dog.” See what he did there? He sneaked in an implicit acceptance of the whole Oct 7 official narrative even as he pretends to be taking up a macho pose about NOT going along with it! Clever! And then he sharply deviates into the old “plague on both their houses” malarkey. And does his little concerned pacifist bit etc. But note… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dear admin, the editor seems to have squished the latter part of my comment into the customary sardine tin format. Please let the paragraphs out!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2024 10:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s also mangled the opening which is supposed to read:

And just to reiterate what we all know: 

(A line of space here!)


(Another line of space!)

Note the promising start: 

(Another line of space!)

“Sorry, but I’ve seen this movie before.”

Oh for the happy days of the old editor!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 18, 2024 11:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The editor hasn’t changed to my knowledge. Certainly we have not made any changes, but it’s possible the developers have.

However YOU can fix the issue. The problem is – as I told you before – that whatever editor you use to write your comment inserts HTML code as your linebreaks. This code is used to tell the browser to insert a hard return and create a visual space.

However when you copy your comment and paste it here that code is read as normal text by our software, which means a) all your hard returns disappear and b) your text has code showing where every para break should be.

The only way to prevent this, as I said before, is to use a different editor. If you use a plain text editor like Notepad it won’t insert HTML code. You can then paste your comment here and add the formatting before posting

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 4:56 AM

It’s odd how there is no consistency since the mangling only seems to affect part of the text. And why is this only happening recently?

I’ll try the notepad option though it sounds laborious.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 18, 2024 11:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The system is curbing the upvotes again.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 18, 2024 11:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I am with you on that George. The CJ thing wore off a while ago for me.
I think that he is not alone in showing some dishonesty and hypocrisy. But maybe everyone has their line not to cross ? Many are those who like to think of themselves as neutrally open minded critical thinkers, but in truth they have their limits. ‘You can’t be neutral on a moving train’ as the saying goes, and so we read the resort to the very same denigrating labels and obfuscating chicanery that people like CJ make a name for themselves criticising in other contexts. So we read “truther”, “mind garbage” etc. No argument engaged.
Essentially it is the same as someone like the late Chomsky who was himself way over the radical line for many people, but a kind of ‘stooge’ to others. It surely depends upon one’s breadth of reading and capacity for honest self questioning.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 5:03 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

It’s no big deal since I always found CJ’s posturing ultra smartarse sarcasm wearisome. But his towering hypocritical sanctimony galls me. I can’t say his plight with the German authorities moves me. Frankly I even wonder if that was a stunt. Like the World Socialist Web Site, he could be a product of spookery.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Jul 19, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And within one comment you discredit yourself as smug, sneery, callous and mean-spirited in a way only the truly unworldly can achieve. Didn’t the inexhaustible army of covid avatars teach you anything about how the world actually works? No, everything isn’t a shadow or a spook – if our worldview is too narrow and we’re sat too far away we can struggle to tell what’s three dimensional and what’s projection, but it’s far more complicated than that. Perhaps you reached the limits of your own imagination on this issue, that”s why you copped out into thought terminating conspiracy cliche?

Perhaps you and CJ have more in common than you think?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 9:45 AM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

I “discredit” myself? How? I’ve always acknowledged the limits of sarcasm – especially on the net.

“Truly unworldly” as opposed to “untruly unworldly”? See you can achieve a “sarcastic” effect just by following words used incoherently, which usage you seem to be an expert in. After which your comment degenerates into pure posturing word salad.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Jul 19, 2024 2:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Lesson in economical deflection: 
Pick up on some trivial wording or other in the opening line to create a “critical” effect (doesn’t matter if you’re actually making a relevant critical point or not)dismiss the rest as ‘word salad’.well done, you have successfully deflected and helped to fight the scourge that is meaningful online discourse. Please proceed to twitter, the powers that be love you 👍

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 4:17 PM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

Your concept of a “relevant critical point” and “meaningful online discourse” was basically just a raspberry at me phrased in sophistical verbiage for the sake of giving you an adolescent frisson. And I see you are still engaged in this exciting self stimulation. Carry on. And continue to vote yourself up.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Jul 19, 2024 9:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I was saying you picked me up on a tautological irrelevance instead of actually engaging and I applied “relevant critical point” to you, in that regard, since your stylistic criticisms were irrelevant. Tbh I think your comment at 5:03am was an ‘adolescent frisson’ and you know that, hence your deflection/projection. Since you’re clearly far too self important to read things properly i’m afraid my own frisson is sadly lacking, but I hope it was good for you. All the best.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2024 6:28 AM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

Your “tautological irrelevance” displays an imprecision of language – much like your bizarre use of the word “tautological”. My “stylistic” criticisms are all aimed at your inept use of language. You know big words but show no awareness of what they mean. Hence the tendency to word salad.

My 5:03 comment was aimed at CJH’s defensive use of sarcasm to cover up a pseudo radicalism. What is “adolescent” about that? It’s an important point.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Jul 20, 2024 12:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I can’t say his plight with the German authorities moves me. Frankly I even wonder if that was a stunt. Like the World Socialist Web Site, he could be a product of spookery.

I think this is a callous and fatuous remark. I found it unimaginative and predictable and it let you down. Covid shown me that my own family and friends can become Agent Smiths overnight. No need to assume everyones spooks, it’s naive n simplistic in my book, and discredits you. It’s unhelpful

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2024 2:51 PM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

Very well. I accept that criticism. As with similar suspicions about Julian Assange, it’s probably best to discreetly pass over the matter. Re: CJH, he certainly doesn’t have to be a spook. It’s no big deal to simply ignore him from now on.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 20, 2024 10:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

@George Mc:

Your suspicions re: CIAJ, Assange and all the others are well-founded. The presence you’re doing battle with is using the well-worn “shaming” protocol in lieu of a persuasive argument… you see, you were “callous”… you were “mean spirited”… don’t you understand that this vast network of shills and bots and pied pipers we’re forced to engage with, relentlessly,. whenever we question The State and its schemes… HAVE TO EAT? How else will they earn a living, man? LET THEM WORK WITHOUT YOUR CRUELLY ACCURATE OBSERVATIONS! Laugh

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 8:55 AM

Fair enough. It’s just that Mr McChicken suddenly changed tack there. Suddenly his criticism focussed on the one thing that was clear: me “being nasty” to CJH. To which I thought I’d submit. But then CJH is just so full of shit anyway. And your point about emotional blackmail is well made.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Jul 20, 2024 8:02 AM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

Pure wank and utter drivel. Do you actually read that shit? Try it sometime.

Rob McChicken
Rob McChicken
Jul 20, 2024 12:19 PM

Sorry who are you, george’s guard pup? And don’t throw stones in glass houses mate

James Robertson
James Robertson
Jul 20, 2024 4:41 PM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

I am someone that read your wretched little missive and commented upon it. If you can’t cope with that, you are as weak as your comments!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 20, 2024 10:56 PM
Reply to  Rob McChicken

And within one comment you discredit yourself as smug, sneery, callous and mean-spirited in a way only the truly unworldly can achieve.”

Dear Tenderest Cosmopolitan:

If you’re 25, or younger, you’re forgiven for writing this nonsense. But you should know, in any case, you haven’t made any kind of point with your deployment of the classic Shaming Protocol. Literal millions of shady types, presenting as “leaders,” or “saviors,” have been called out, in much stronger language, than George Mc aims at CIAJ, for their awful stunts and wretched motives, since language began. If frank discourse is too strong for you, stick to Reddit, where Childish Sensibilities wield the mighty downvote to Ratio the mean old Adults! The “downvote” is not a potent deterrent hereabouts… not enough readers… and neither are the Shaming Protocols. On the other hand, when was the last time a commenter has been accused, by another, disgruntled, commenter, of living in their Mommy’s basement… ?


CJ’s shtick is designed for rubes. Non-rubes tend to see right through it. I will gladly wait while you consult with an escargot-sucking Structuralist before replying…. *

*Actually, I won’t wait. Too smug and callous.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 19, 2024 9:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘he could be a product of spookery’
Always a possibility, for example he cites Jeremy Scahill at the end of his ‘truther’ article as a ‘real grown up journalist’. Anyone who has looked at Scahill’s positions and evasions might seriously disagree, or suspect spookery there too.
I think it more likely that Hopkins is victim to ideologically determined myopia. He is not the sole exponent of what I am now calling ‘Narrativism’- i.e. the abandonment of political analysis in favour of purely dissecting ‘narratives’. There is a rather obvious hole in this line of thinking. If someone says, “Left and Right are nothing more than false constructs designed to entrap up in a false binary of contrived narrative” they need to be true to that. To the letter. However, all too often certain outlooks are still rejected out of hand, certain interpretations of conspiracies ignored a priori. Likewise, if the same dissident voice declares that all narratives should be open for scrutiny to the same standards of logic, internal consistency, transparency, forensic analysis, then that must really mean all narratives. If there are certain narratives that are a priori regarded as sacrosanct and unquestionable, then it skews the whole approach and leaves one falsely proclaiming neutrality.
It could well be a cope for ‘Leftists’ (his term) who cannot find a way of accommodating current developments into their worldview.
This is how I regard CJ Hopkins. In fact I think he something of a high priest of Narrativism.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

The Left/Right theatre is something which I think needs to be understood in terms of a media sanctioned inventory e.g. the Right has been associated with “the free market”, “capitalism” and “tradition” – which themselves are highly contestable terms and even self contradicting I.e. that capitalism, as the most mutable system ever, contradicts the stability needed for tradition to survive.

But such nuance is far beyond the vulgar manipulations of the media which only wants to stitch impressions together.
“Leftism” now comprises a sloppy brew of covid/ climate/ trans memes whilst “The Right” is broadly linked with any scepticism towards those “Leftist” memes.

I’m not sure where CJH fits in here since, after some entertaining and relevant observations about how covid marked a new “War on Death”, I lost touch with CJ’s thought owing to his increasingly compulsive sarcasm and tendency to generate a whole new vocabulary which I had neither the strength nor the inclination to unravel.

But I did note how “10/7” marked an abandonment of his former mistrust of the media and thus signalled the point when he became indistinguishable FROM the media.

I did follow one of his comment threads and noted how a statement he made (which was already a vulgar straw man reduction) was challenged and CJ handled the challenge by another sarky diversion towards another straw man.

This lack of honesty is interesting. Is CJH aware of what he’s doing? I suspect he is.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 19, 2024 12:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Left/Right theatre is something which I think needs to be understood in terms of a media sanctioned inventory e.g. the Right has been associated with “the free market”, “capitalism” and “tradition” – which themselves are highly contestable terms and even self contradicting I.e. that capitalism, as the most mutable system ever, contradicts the stability needed for tradition to survive.

I think you are on to something there. Reading more and more through life, I found that the actual ideologies of Left and Right cannot be understood without comprehending both strains. So many in each camp lack the fortitude to read writings that challenge their own value system. I think that CJH fits the bill of someone in a silo mode. It’s by his own admission as I remember.
If the conservative right and the socialist/liberal left have worked toward one ultimate aim or destination, then what is that about and to whose benefit ?
Again I think that honesty is the crucial factor here. If one narrative in particular has determined the window of the mainstream (on both ‘left and right’) and that narrative is alone in a category of one for being an ultimate controversy then that is surely informative ?

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Jul 19, 2024 4:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He’s a scriptwriter. Y’know, writes staged theatricals for actors to perform. Perhaps some of those actors are of the lifetime variety?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 2:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I presume he saw through 9/11″

Well, no. CIAJ has gone on record to the effect that he accepts, pretty much, the Official 9/11 narrative*. Surpring, eh…?

*I can even come back, later, with the actual quote.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 4:18 PM

Jesus! Well that settled it then. A superspook it is.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 5:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc


“Now, before my conspiracy theorist friends get all excited about where I’m going with this, I’m not suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were some kind of US government plot, or extraterrestrial reptilian plot, or that any of the terrorist attacks that have followed — the actual terrorist attacks, that is, not the ones by deranged individuals who swore allegiance to ISIS on Facebook — have not occurred more or less as reported. (Frankly, it doesn’t really matter if they didn’t. The overall effect remains the same.) What I’m calling into question, or examining, or ridiculing, is the ideological narrative surrounding these attacks, and Terrorism, and the War on Terror, or whatever it is we’re calling it this week, and the sanctimony surrounding this narrative, which the “Homeland Generation” has grown up with.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 8:02 PM

Now that is a truly revelatory quote. And it confirms my suspicion:- that CJH’s tortuous ultra smart sarcasm, not to mention his tortuous syntax, all serves to mask a reinforcement of mainstream memes.

And note that “Frankly, it doesn’t really matter if they didn’t.” i.e. if they didn’t occur as reported. Shades of Chomsky there. “Who cares if 9/11 was an inside job?”

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And note that “Frankly, it doesn’t really matter if they didn’t.” i.e. if they didn’t occur as reported. Shades of Chomsky there. “Who cares if 9/11 was an inside job?”

Exactly! What an absurd proposition, to the ears of any rational person, without a hidden motive to provide cover for the instigators of atrocity.

And then to interpret the simple act, of NOT going along with this sort of thinking, as “falling for the Divisive Tactic”… piles sententious nonsense on top of the nonsense. The weasly, semantics-hinged rhetorical strategies of the (un)wittingly complicit…

… deployed, as they are, just about anywhere and everywhere these matters are discussed.

Elsewhere I discuss CIAJ’s connection to major Disinfo-Vector Catherine Austin Fitts. but that comment may still be “pending”.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 20, 2024 3:41 AM

Source? Link?

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 20, 2024 6:21 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Steven’s quote is from this piece :

For me the whole thing reads as pure Narrativism, it being concerned almost exclusively with the change over of societal narrative that occurred in the wake of 911. It basically ignores the questions around the event itself, or implicitly accepts a combination of the official account and the ‘blowback’ position.
Those who questioned the actual events themselves and the motives of the people most suspected of being behind the terrorism- some of us at least, found the CJ’s Globocap model of the world was, well, incomplete let’s put it that way.
Iraq was not about oil. The Neocons are not American imperialists in the conventional sense. etc.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 5:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

For something of more depth, which I wrote in February of 2021: I took a look at CJ’s apparent connection to a very dodgy character of the pseudo-Trewth-con community: “CJ Hopkins has just come out with a book of essays and I have discovered, to my dismay, that CJ’s book is blurbed by noted blackwashing shill, and huckster, Catherine Austin Fitts. I have gone into great detail about Fitts’ misdirections, evasions and lies before. Too often, bullshit Artists like Fitts are included because of their huge audiences, which is attractive to even the most sincere skeptic, unfortunately. If the “movement” of Radical Skeptics can’t be freed of its pied pipers and Judas goats, all of our “awareness” is pointless. Here (again) is a thorough analysis of one of her videos: **** –Careful Analysis of c. 20 minutes of a Catherine Austin Fitts video     Start at 21:49, then listen to the bit where Nolan refers, at 23:30, to “non-human tech” and “meeting the challenge of these Other Beings”… –At 28:40, Fitts talks about the Global Economy being NOT closed. If the Global Economy is NOT closed, then who is it, Off-World, that we’re supposedly trading with? . —At 30:15 Fitts actually insinuates that we (Earthlings) purchased the Moon. Fitts insinuates. Again: note the technique: for minutes at a time, Fitts loads the discourse with Financial Jargon that could be about anything. That’s to dazzle the passive listener: it sounds “smart” and “authoritative”. But where’s the proof for the fantastical UFO propositions she suddenly drops into the mix? She’s talking about “Space Ships” bought with the super-secret Black Budget… but if “we” have reverse-engineered Tech from bona fide UFOs, why is the Pentagon still having trouble invading Syria/ Iran? Is Putin working with “non-human tech” too? . –Listen at 31:35:… Read more »

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 10:10 PM

erratum: where it says “Fitts insinuates” it should say…

Fitts insinuates it, Nolan (her foil) vocalizes it… and Fitts agrees with what Nolan vocalizes.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2024 7:16 AM

I recall a chummy video with CJH and Fitts where they made a big deal about him being the “Left” voice and she the “Right”. I lost touch with her after that but, from what you say, it doesn’t sound as if I’m missing much.

It’s important to be aware of divide-and-rule tactics but, at the same time, no piece put out by an “ally” should be free from scrutiny.

With hindsight the biggest fraud I know is Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, possibly the first on the scene with the critical 9/11 stuff. He certainly fooled Gore Vidal though it was interesting to recall Vidal’s sightly stand offish and hesitant recommendation of the first Ahmed book “War on Freedom”. As an old pro in the media, Vidal would have been very familiar with these honeypot machinations.

Ahmed soon caused doubts by rubbishing “conspiracy theory” and delivering pep talks to corporate gatherings. He turned out to be one of the most aggressive salesmen for the “war against covid” and the “climate change” faction.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 20, 2024 9:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ahmed soon caused doubts by rubbishing “conspiracy theory” and delivering pep talks to corporate gatherings. He turned out to be one of the most aggressive salesmen for the “war against covid” and the “climate change” faction.”

Standard operating procedure, sadly! If only we could AGGREGATE all this info and file it in a dedicated location for study, eh? Every time there’s a “new” crisis it’s like Groundhog’s Day… and so many people fumble to improvise a system to grasp it… not knowing we have decades/ centuries of precedent recorded and analyzed… here and there… in little info bunkers without a coordinating method for aggregation and access… aka… a LIBRARY OF THE HISTORY OF THE WAR ON HUMANITY

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 10:42 AM



Contrary to Yeadon’s claims amplified via Lockdown Sceptics, the peer-reviewed scientific literature on PCR testing for COVID-19 tells quite the opposite story.



There is concern that this extremely important article, which contains a PCR test protocol that has been used to run hundreds of millions of PCR tests across the world, including the UK, was not peer-reviewed. No peer review report has been released, despite many requests to do so.

The former is from corporate cocksucker Ahmed. And Bylinetimes is a spook centre that far outruns the World Socialist Web Site for covid fear wankery.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 20, 2024 10:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ahmed soon caused doubts by rubbishing “conspiracy theory”.. .”

Standard operating procedure, sadly! If only we could AGGREGATE all this info and file it in a dedicated location for study, eh? Every time there’s a “new” crisis it’s like Groundhog’s Day… and so many people fumble to improvise a system to grasp it… not knowing we have decades/ centuries of precedent recorded and analyzed… here and there… in little info bunkers without a coordinating method for aggregation and access… aka… a LIBRARY OF THE HISTORY OF THE WAR ON HUMANITY

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 3:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t agree with your interpretation. I think every gotcha thing you describe above regarding CJ could reasonably be interpreted quite differently.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 4:19 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Like what?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 6:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have already answered that question: “every gotcha thing you describe above”.

I noted in real time that like Ukraine, the Israel/Palestine issue could be turned on or off at will by the PTB. I doubt very much that it was organic. The timing of it seemed near perfect as well. All of a sudden a good chunk of the Right who for 4 years had appeared to be supporters of free speech, now – in lockstep – were calling for censorship of those criticizing the policies of the Israeli state. The health freedom movement, such as it was, split. It no longer has any coherence. The movement no longer seeks truth (if it ever really did); it has already ossified into controlled Narratives.

Divide et impera.

We all seem to be on our own now. (Very dis-empowering.) We are even calling (former?) allies on Off-G shills and CIA plants. The way I interpret CJ’s “Civil War” is that we are all enemies now.

First order observation, that is, direct experience, is the only thing I trust 100% anymore.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2024 8:09 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Oh I see the divide-and-rule policy very well. But CJH is blindly submitting to the Oct 7 narrative as defined by the media and he is doing so in a very aggressive and dismissive way. And from the quote given by Steve Augustine above, CJ also did the same with 9/11.

All of which now leads me to the sobering realisation that the only reason I trusted CJ in the first place was that his twisted sarky presentation fooled me into thinking he was a dissident at all. He isn’t. There is no divide-and-rule with him because he was never with us in the first place.

Jul 18, 2024 9:04 PM

Iain Davis, with a relevant review of the UK Covid-19 ‘Independent’ Public Inquiry (cover-up), another lesson in simulation of the plandemic, with the usual mistakes-were-made problem setting up the solution for more technocratic preparedness:
Failed to prepare? You must be joking!

Jul 18, 2024 8:45 PM

Just one word. Yes!!


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 18, 2024 8:01 PM

So, CJ, how are they going to get rid of folks like me that refuse to engage in false-binaries? It’s so easy not to you know. Here’s a few third alternatives: ‘You either support Israel or Hamas’. NO, I support the right of 99%+ of the Gazan population’s right to life, as blameless, innocent, peacable men, women and children. I do not support ANY of the violence, although I understand that the violence has been asymmetrical for 80 years. ‘Either SARS-CoV2 caused Covid19 or viruses don’t exist’. NO, I am aware that excess deaths occurred across the globe in the early 2020s and I am aware that some say that it was caused by a virus. Whether it was or not does not have a single thing to do with whether or not viruses actually exist. ‘Either you support the EU or you support the USA’. NO, I support an independent UK which retains sovereign power free of the tentacles of the EU and with sufficient independence from the USA that if they start making threats, then withdrawal from NATO is a more than plausible possibility. ‘Greenhouse gases cause global warming OR no warming is taking place’. NO. This silly canard is why billions of dollars have been wasted the past 35 years on ‘climate research’. Greenhouse gases can cause some warming, but its magnitude is sufficiently small compared to multiple epochs of vastly greater variations in temperature compared to the present day, that the concept of ‘natural variability of global temperature’ as the most significant contributor to changes in climate is the most sane default position. Etc etc. I won’t be told to choose between two political parties, I won’t be told it’s rugby or football, I won’t be told it’s organic agriculture or factory-based creation of artificial foodstuffs,… Read more »

Jul 18, 2024 7:57 PM

This just in from the simulators: Biden’s got convid. It’s reportedly a mild fake case of the phantom virus, but just enough to conveniently require his isolation and removal from the political stage, perhaps allowing other manchurian candidates waiting in the wings to step into the specatcle. Who knows? Maybe this time he’ll get a bioweapon, aka vaccine, instead of some saline solution, or some biotech gone haywire contributing to his progressive breakdown, that will deliver, unlike with Trump, a real kill shot.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 18, 2024 11:08 PM
Reply to  niko

It’s been said so well before but we really do deserve better psyops.

This current crop has got to be the worst I’ve ever seen.

I see this as a worrying sign. Instead of pretending a bit, they’ve really said they don’t give a fuck what we think.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jul 18, 2024 7:31 PM

The social divide and familial rifts are widening and the animus is intensifying due to the media induced hysteria and divisions that exacerbated existing racial ethnic class and gender tensions, competition and conflicts. The ideological echo chambers of the mind control apparatus are at work 24/7/365. We experienced this during the COVID Psyop, there will not be a real civil war. There will gaslighting, scapegoating, terroristic acts, vandalism, and even clashes and confrontations between various groups and or the government; but it will not be an all out war like the US CIA foments around the world.
Americans are too fat, sick and out of shape to sacrifice meals, put down our gizmos and gadgets, our prescription medications or overcome our addictions to do what is necessary. Americans lack the intestinal fortitude to fight for their country. Sadly that’s not going to happen domestically even though they will be duped or coerced into being cannon fodder for the coming wars the misanthropes are planning to unleash around the world.
The nihilism and mental illness following the COVID Psyop is metastasizing and it will be difficult to rouse rally and galvanize the people to even try to save themselves. Most are too busy waiting for someone else to do it for them.
We have been conditioned to be undiscerning and somnambulant. It remains to be seen how they will trigger a reaction to the next “crisis” be it Disease X, climate change or a domestic emergency?

les online
les online
Jul 18, 2024 11:33 PM

President Biden has ‘tested positive’ for ‘covid’…
(He will quarantine – and campaign from the basement, again)…
Biden was Vaxxed against ‘covid’ with Safe and Effective Vax + Boosters…
So maybe he has caught a dose of ‘bird flu’… (Symptoms: Pink Eye, yellowed
face – both evident during The Great Debate)…
In which case, if ‘bird flu’ can down The Most Powerful Leader on The Planet,
expect postal ballots, lockdowns, etc in place for the US election ?

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jul 19, 2024 12:37 AM
Reply to  les online

Rest assured the overlords are plotting and planning as always. Their playbook is kinda thin; their scams are semi-successful because they have the media to brainwash us into thinking what they say is reality. They also have the enforcement power of the state to coerce people into going along with the okey-doke like they did with the COVID Psyop. Don’t believe the hype! Stay well!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 5:58 PM
Reply to  les online

Biden was Vaxxed against ‘covid’ “

Nah, he’d have had a heart attack and/or stroke within a month of the jab if he had been. People IN on it got saline (if cameras were rolling). The other lucky ones, without knowing it, got placebos (or juice from vials which hadn’t been shaken properly)…. well, that’s how you run a Drug Trial, isn’t it? They needed to compare the devastating deaths and injuries to a control group, among the Serfy Guinea Pigs, and analyze the differences, before they can finally market their Wondrous Longevity (etc) Gene Tech, safely, to the Super Wealthy…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2024 6:49 PM

And on the topic of spook shilling, I see that the MSM is going large on the covid enquiry as an excuse to party like it’s 2020 again. I was unfortunate to catch the ITN News and I haven’t heard so much repetition on the word “pandemic” since … well probably since the last time I looked at the World Socialist Web Site. Grinding it out whilst I mused dolefully on the absolute certainty I have that everyone I know would instantaneously submit to a reprise of lockdown, masking, vaxxing etc. Indeed, I am also certain that any objection I would have would be even more aggressively pounded away.

The reason is the most depressing imaginable: Everyone I know cannot countenance the merest suspicion that the media lies. Any more than CJH can have the merest doubt about the Zio-baby-bayonetting-raconteur-extravaganza of 10/7. 

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 18, 2024 6:43 PM

It’s impossible for a civil war now in the U.S. There is no north and south, we’re all divided together. I could see pockets of resistance, some rural vs urban stuff. Sheriffs, counties, etc., refusing to go along. Maybe secession efforts could trigger something. But civil war talk is stupid. That’s what “they” want us to talk or worry about as part of the old divide and conquer strategy. We’re in a war against our rulers and those of us that don’t like being ruled are going to have to fight the good fight. That’s what we need to talk about.

And shouldn’t it be “alleged” assassination attempt? If there really was no blood, then it wasn’t an assassination attempt, it was a fake assassination attempt. I think if you call it an assassination attempt, then you are buying that it was real.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2024 6:19 PM

“The 10/7 Truthers”

I keep thinking you couldn’t make yourself more obvious CJ. And you keep proving me wrong.

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Jul 18, 2024 6:11 PM

It is MSM alt media that needs you to care to sell you this
civil war lies.
I ask you a question….Did the fake steal selection create a civil war in the USA that they told you would happen, did it fuck.

What about gun carrying USA or Canada when they injected your children, locked your family’s ups or made you take jabs to work or go out or like now still you cant get into the USA unless you’ve got the cv19 vaccinated.
DID at the time of the worse ever time in our history, did it create a civil war.??? did it fuck. Coz your boys in office according to your alt media heroes (clowns) had it under control.!!! with the help of the alt media tranquilizers.

A.J and the above cIA dassom idiots need your attention in the alt sphere to care so they get view$ with fake as fuck Bohemian Grove to scare the chrrisydumbs with satan under the bed wetters or fake selection’s or WWE war world 3 that is another Fantasy like nukes, or lab leaks bill gate boogie man or an assassination attempts so cheap and fake that Walmart wouldn’t sell it..

the only people that sell this, is your media called alt, that tells you, it is not like MSM.

I dont ever see a civil war, I see people on twitter / blogs click-baiting you for your attention.

Jul 18, 2024 6:06 PM

Baudrillard, fine and dandy, but for me the Situationists skirt the black hole of postmodernism, giving us clear view of The Spectacle that concerns and consumes us still. Their mistake was becoming so paranoid of never being a part of it that they became self disempowered and suicidal. Our problem is to find the proper detachment of observation and critical withdrawal of participation while persistently seeking a consensus view of a functional society sans the 1%’s conflict+war+Commerce modality. The Spectacle manifests a false consciousness in participants. Instead we must be driving our creativity persistently toward a whole consciousness of the social relations Humanity requires to have respectful living on this beautiful but proprietary planet. The Spectacle is the simulation that facilitates THEIR war, conflict, selfishness, poverty, racism and mindless greed for convenience the THEY sell as a cure to THEIR dystopia. They and It cannot continue to function without our energy of participation sustaining it. IMHO, one key way to unplug THEM from their power, is the art of not-doing.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 3:50 PM
Reply to  sandy

Great post!
RE: Our problem is to find the proper detachment of observation…

I think you’ve nailed it. The smears of “shill” and the like toward CJ from many comments could well be interpreted as not finding that proper detachment from the Spectacle. Maybe CJ is too detached and maybe many commenter not detached enough.

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Jul 18, 2024 5:44 PM

What if everyone just turned their collective backs on all the bullshit and the bullshitters, just ignore the bastards.

Musk,Trump,Biden,Zelinsky,every politician everywhere and any other bastard I’ve left out.

D’ya think that might work???

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 18, 2024 6:45 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

I don’t know, I’ve tried it. Nothing has happened yet.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 18, 2024 11:54 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

It would work But you can’t pry the remote control out of the hands of most.

Jul 19, 2024 12:05 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

“Turning a collective back? ”

Does that, as a libertarian, mean not paying your taxes or your car registration or drivers licence and then getting your car or house or other real assets confiscated by the Gubbermint by way of debt recovery?

Where I live, they can do that alright, and will sell your house from under you on account of unpaid fines for traffic offences.

What then? “Give me liberty or give me death”?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 19, 2024 3:56 PM
Reply to  Jenner

RE: What if everyone just turned their collective backs on all the bullshit and the bullshitters…

It also means turning your back on all ideology, which would include libertarianism too (US style).

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 18, 2024 5:32 PM

The only trick I see right now, is people running out of money, when Walmart is empty at 10am, and when granny has to sell land cause the renters stopped paying her, then people are running out of money I tell you.

Jul 18, 2024 5:26 PM

I know what I want if I’m ever reincarnated: I want to travel in CJ Hopkins’ circle of friends. They must be the coolest bananas in the whole wide bunch. They actually believe the great GloboCap has any real power. I want what they’re smoking.

GloboCap Inc. is merely what the species has selected to usher in its own extinction. Humanity has come to the end of its trajectory. But with so many gol’durn people, it’s well nigh impossible to effect the requisite extinction even though the species has run its course. So reality has had to dredge up something from the cesspool.

There’s nowhere for us to go. That cursed VanAllen Belt keeps up bottled up here, so we can never leave (as Neil Armstrong would tell you if he hadn’t signed a blood oath not to). We’ve covered every last aspect of what it means to be human – and it would seem reality has found us wanting.

A simple Amoeba has more gumption, poise, dignity and a most delightfully realistic sens of what it can and cannot accomplish in life – and with a minimum of destruction. It was here long before us; it’ll be here long after we’re history. So think of GloboCap as a very, very big Amoeba whose mission (should it choose to accept it – which it will) is to engulf us all. Bon appetit!

Jul 19, 2024 7:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

All sorts of radiation and other dangers. They keep the supreme sickos down here with us, despite their delusions. That is the only silver lining in this misery.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 19, 2024 6:01 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Globo Cap” was CIAJ HOPPYKINS’ one big contribution to the conversation and I’m slightly surprised that he isn’t hawking ball cap merch, called GLOBO CAPS, on his site…

Jul 18, 2024 5:10 PM

The rise of “cancel culture” has been frightening to watch. Everyone around me has become addicted to human sacrifice-style rituals. The more mercilessly you participate in the destruction of a person’s life, the more virtuous you are considered to be. A chilling atmosphere of paranoia akin to the Salem witch trials has swept the nation and shrouded the world in a sinister fog.

Watching my friends and family and everyone else engaging in this cult-like behavior fills me with dread. It reminds me that none of these people have awoken from their trance. They were taught to destroy anyone who does not conform, and have became addicted to it. With vaccines and masks irrelevant, they turn to any excuse they can come up with to go after new victims, whatever it takes to get their next fix of cheap & meaningless virtue-signaling.

The other day I saw a 20 year old get branded a pedophile, lose his job, get kicked out of his school, lose his social media following, just because he had 17 year old girlfriend.
Not even illegal in his state, but no matter..
I’ve been seeing stuff like that multiple times every day, for many months now continuously ramping up intensity.

The hypnotized masses seize upon any excuse to satisfy their bloodlust and demonstrate their obedience to the demonic ideology. None ever show a shred of remorse, none ever think for a second that what they’re doing might be wrong. On the contrary, for them participation in the ritual sacrifices and absolute loyalty to the ideology has become the definition of morality itself… Shocking to see society so dramatically transformed in such a short time

Jul 18, 2024 4:04 PM

Best meme for 2024 (or since 2020) so far?


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 18, 2024 3:52 PM

Count me in for RC Cola.

Jul 18, 2024 4:53 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Be a Pepper!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 18, 2024 5:18 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Dr Pepper: A doctor you can trust!

I’ll also put in a good word for Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray Soda.

Jul 18, 2024 3:27 PM

Personally I think it’s all down to society, not so much about who is in charge or where they want to take us.

Its us!

Ever been in the middle of an argument and it seems the world might end.
Then you wake up and realise it’s just two people arguing and it’s pretty meaningless in the great scheme of things.

I think we deliver others the power of control because we fail to understand our role in the sequence.

les online
les online
Jul 18, 2024 2:47 PM

Meanwhile, bit by bit, without public attention, the Global
Digital Prison is being constructed… So many deliberate

Jul 18, 2024 3:50 PM
Reply to  les online

Yep, and none of them are looking to see exactly who they are registering their bodies with. Laws of commerce dictate that they can control what they create. Obey a command (sign here, look into the camera) and register your body, then you ‘voluntarily’ subjected yourself because they created the identity. If everything ‘you’ is tied to your identity, they control you.
There is no such thing as in involuntary servitude. The servitude is always done voluntarily through trickery, bribes, trades, etc…

Same with the currency, if you use their currency, they get to control it. If the people issued their own currency free of interest, then TPTB wouldn’t be allowed to control it.
Everything digital is tracing back to the same groups, but people aren’t paying attention to whom they’re subjecting themselves to.
Any currency that the people use, needs to be hard tangible assets with anonymity. The digital stuff may just subject people unknowingly.

Jul 18, 2024 2:43 PM

The Pepsi/Coca Cola tweet says it all – the same stuff, different labels.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 18, 2024 5:41 PM
Reply to  Derrick

Similar, but not the same.

Jul 18, 2024 2:14 PM

To codense this article down into its kern constituent, it is as, Fullermich, Archbishop Vigano and many others have evaluated, a spiritual struggle.

It’s a fundamental fight between good and evil between God and the Devil

Naturally, the atheists believe there is no God, no Devil but the ultimate string pullers behind these strategies of evil most certainly do.

Hence their attempts at destroying God’s creation whether in man or nature !

Jul 18, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

It’s a fundamental fight between good and evil between God and the Devil

That’s the original false dichotomy: Jehovah vs. Satan. In reality, they’re just two Elohim in the same pod.

Jul 18, 2024 7:27 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

” In reality…”

As Keyser Soze said in the film Usual Suspects ” The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. ”


Human values
Human values
Jul 19, 2024 1:55 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

God isn’t in godlessness. Godlessness isn’t in God. These are true opposites. They are not the same or equal. They do not belong in the same pod. They do not go together. As God is the absolute truth and All-Good, the opposite of God is the absolute opposite: there’s no truth, nothing good, nothing necessary, nothing needed and nothing truly desired.

Human values
Human values
Jul 19, 2024 1:58 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Yes, this is the fundamental battle between Good and Evil.

The evil ones lost.

Jul 18, 2024 2:10 PM
red lester
red lester
Jul 18, 2024 1:57 PM

The tories have just got their school report, as it’s the end of the year.

Guess what the conclusions were? I qoute the rabid scum of verizon media:

‘The COVID inquiry, which is being chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, published its 217-page report on Thursday, which found the UK “prepared for the wrong pandemic” – focusing on flu rather than a coronavirus pandemic.
In her foreword to the report, she said lessons must be learned and “never again can a disease be allowed to lead to so many deaths and so much suffering”. A major flaw, according to the inquiry, was the lack of “a system that could be scaled up to test, trace and isolate” people.’

Sounds like Hallett has been listening to the wrong experts.

Jul 18, 2024 6:46 PM
Reply to  red lester

this time lessons will be learned we promise

2 kill more grannies next time with the chabad monkey shot cure all boosters

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 18, 2024 12:50 PM

If we want it to be real, its real because it is real for us. Its our desire, WE want it, and we want it together. Therefore it is as real as it can be. It is that simple as that. You know it, I know it, we know it because we are in that dream together!