The Turn of the Screw

Todd Hayen

Remember when you were a kid and saw “thumbscrew torture” for the first time in some late-night horror film? It was the coolest. To inflict so much pain with so little effort—just a tiny turn of the screw and intense wailing would ensue. How cool was that?—horrifying as well.

Although using thumbscrews in the fine art of torture is an effective way to create excruciating pain quickly and effortlessly, turning a screw slowly to avoid notice is also an effective way to make a point. This idea is similar to the slow boil of a certain amphibian we are often reminded of.

There is a difference though. Boiling frogs is a preferred practice used when you expect the frog to be totally oblivious to your efforts to cook him until death. The turn of the screw is effective in slowly educating your subject to complete compliance by slowly taking away freedoms, ease, comfort, and expectation in such a way that the subject notices, but is not struck with exceptional concern.

It would be like buying a cheeseburger from your favourite fast-food restaurant and having the price go up 5¢ every week, and the burger getting 5% smaller with each purchase until you realize after many weeks you are paying 10 times the price for something 1/10 the size from when you started. The turn of the screw. Of course, I am not suggesting anyone has the lack of good sense to eat a cheeseburger from a fast-food joint, oh no, but am just using a possibly familiar scenario to make a point.

We hear people, particularly people of the sheep persuasion, complaining about restaurant meals becoming more and more expensive (or eggs, or hamburger, or toilet paper). Yet no one really considers the real reason why (climate change, of course). We hear similar perplexity coming from the same folks regarding the number of friends who are unexpectedly dying left and right. “Oh, they were a bit old” (59) or “Cancer has always been a horrible disease filled with surprises,” or “Climate change is getting really bad, isn’t it?!” These slight changes in the world (or quite often more than slight) are other examples of the turn of the screw. These turns do add up, but they don’t happen fast enough, or extreme enough, to do much more than make people ask stupid questions—well, at least they are asking questions, eh?

As I have mentioned before in other articles, oftentimes (most of the time, actually) these head-scratcher topics are spirited away with pat “reasons” such as the aforementioned “climate change.” Another good one is “long covid,” which is the catch-all for any of the major side effects we are seeing from the actual jab. No one notices that people not vaxxed are not experiencing “long covid” even if they had at one time or another contracted the “disease.”

One of the most common “reasons” is not really a reason at all, but a denial that anything is amiss. If dead children on school soccer fields are mentioned, often the response is, “Oh, that has always happened.” Or if unconscionable atrocities are occurring in the Middle East or Europe, this news is often met with “There have always been wars.” There have always been children kidnapped, there has always been pedophilia amongst world leaders, children have always had strokes, there has always been rampant drug use, there have always been teen suicides, there have always been excess deaths (that’s a good one, the word “excess” kind of gives it away that it is something unusual).

There is a margin of intensity that the agenda closely monitors to be certain that if the screw is turned, it is only turned enough that people don’t question it too deeply. That is what “the turn of the screw” in this context means. The turn is slow enough that it doesn’t cause shrieks of terror, but fast enough that it creates its intention in as little time as possible.

The agenda is good at testing this rate of turn. They gave a big turn with Covid and the resulting poison vaccine. And look, no one gave it much thought once it was “over.” “Ah, we can turn the screw much faster than we had originally thought!” Of course, I am incorrect in saying “No one gave it much thought.” A lot of us did. Maybe more than they expected, and maybe they will back off a bit on the rate of speed with the next turn. Already people are saying they will not expect social distancing, school and business closures, or even masks on the next pandemic rollout. But who knows?

There are a lot more screw-turnings than just the health stuff. We see it just about anywhere. How about with the gay and trans movements? (I hate to include “gay” in this comment because I think most gay folks would rather just move along—they have made such strides over the past decades, and they are now poised to lose it all thanks to the agenda’s efforts to turn this particular screw). Here we see a lot of screw-turning pushing certain agendas in schools and businesses and in situations like mine (psychotherapy). Most people go right along with it all, and before we know it the screw will be so tightly anchored, there will be no easy way to extract it.

I don’t have the space here to go into other examples, but you don’t have to look very hard for them. DEI is a good place to start, as well as digital currencies, digital IDs, and smart cities, all rife with screw-turnings. If they push that screw in slow enough most people won’t even notice its lethal penetration. At least they won’t notice enough to do anything about it.

2+2 will soon equal 5, and no one, unless they have been asleep for a few decades and have not been slowly acclimated to the turning, will notice anything is askew. Turning screws slowly is a brilliant way to bring about radical change. The folks with this nefarious plan (are they really “folks”?) are doing a superb job. Let’s give them a pat on the back. Well played, agenda, well played. Ugh.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Paul Bruno
Paul Bruno
Jul 22, 2024 9:02 PM

I call it T.T.T.T.T.T.T. (=The Tiptoe To Totalitarian Technocratic Transhumanist Tyranny)

Jul 22, 2024 5:29 PM

What about the Globe lie, the evolution lie, and our spiritual? Expose all of that and they lose every inch of credibility!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 22, 2024 11:16 PM
Reply to  Jason

They dont care about credibility. Think about it. You stand on a scene with a microphone and a power point screen, millions of people see you and hear you.

You are rich, have everything you want, you have the Authority to release money and release funding to anything you like.

You have power to say anything, to lie openly into the screen, to say anything you want.
It doesnt matter. People will believe you and lick your arse the moment you tell them you intend to fund them with $100.

Jul 22, 2024 12:20 AM

I worked for 2 large British Companies – They both sent me on these leadership courses where typically there were 16 students all working for large companies like me residental a week at at a time full expenses accommodation

and so the 16 of you, obviously after tick boxes and managent’s research…they didn’t have mobile phones then – but your management had paid for you to be there.. We did not need badges either.

Fortunately I was in Love with my Girlfriend Now Wife.

The way it works is simple team of 4 in each of 4 different groups, when 3 of them in each team of 4 -75% are Professional Psychologists working directly for or subcontracted to The TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE

I had no interest whatsoever in going to bed with anyone who worked for the Tavistock…I just had to phone my girlfriend and lock my door…

They could tell, I was Rock Solid in Love with My Wife and would not be corrupted by a jam tart.

Jul 21, 2024 11:16 PM

I was extremely upset when I read that Sinead O’connor had died on Wednesday this week a year ago…I drank far too much alcohol, but was only a little sick on Thursday – only, water, sip of milk coffee – no alcohol.

I wake up on Friday morning – No Energy from 75% to less than 10% and I am a bit of a fat bastard – could hardly get up off the loo , get dressed and walk down stairs. I told my wife to go to yoga as normal. but I eventually agreed go on then DIAL


My Wife saved my life – and of course everyone involved in the NHS.

Its hard to believe I am still here nearly a year later. I had absolutely no idea I had Sepsis
, and needed an antibiotic drip ASAP – but the Ambulenceman sussed it straight away, and phoned ahead – clear a bed – we might save this one yet

So it is a bit Spiritual between life and death.

God Bless, Goodnight is Fine in response to someone who is incredibly nice.

“Sinéad O’Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U (Official Music Video) [HD]”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 21, 2024 10:36 PM

It is Hannah Arent’s definition of the totalitarian society, that people’s ability to see what is up and down and the moral compass disappear.

I heard some managers discussing these social engineering “screw” techniques, so its done deliberately. But I am not sure they know what they are dealing with.

Jul 21, 2024 10:29 PM

I encourage 16 year old kids to vote, based on the behaviour of our Grandchildren and me….our youngest is the most beautiful little girl you could ever meet

She is 1 years old and think she’s 2, and is already telling her older brothers to behave.

Main difference between boys and girls

Jul 21, 2024 10:04 PM

Latest turn of the screw in Gaza: the WHO has discovered (rather than invented) the poliovirus in sewage samples, just another sample of p(l)andemic preparedness for global governance cashing in on War, Inc. Keep the bombs coming, and the immiseration growing, but if that’s not enough now there’s the vax on its way. They care.

Jul 21, 2024 9:39 PM

Apollo 11 Arrival on the Moon: 20 July 1969
Mankind’s arrival on the only natural satellite available to the planet Earth took place, as mentioned above, on 20 July 1969. On that day, two of the Apollo 11 crew members, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin were, in that order, the first people to walk on the Moon.

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video is pretty incredible !

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jul 21, 2024 9:19 PM
Jul 21, 2024 8:37 PM

Good Man

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Jul 22, 2024 7:46 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc


Jul 21, 2024 8:36 PM
Jul 21, 2024 8:34 PM

I saw Harold Wilson in Oldham outdoor market in 1964 on a fruit box, when I was 11 years old. I wanted to vote Labour but wasn’t old enough. I argued with my oldest brother, Why have you joined the Conservative Party and The Territorial Army, and got your slightly younger brother to join too

Why do you too want to go to go to War in Vietnam?

So we Elected Harold Wilson

And he told the Americans (and The French) to F’ck Off

No, Our Soldiers are not Going to Vietnam.

Even the Irish were quite friendly then…My brothers told me, what it was like training in the TA…they said if a bloke with an Irish accent, asks for your gun..Do not give it to him.

Everyone in the Press Slagged Harold Wilson off, but he saved both my older brothers from going to War in Vietnam, and I really liked them.

No UK Prime Minister, has had The Courage Since to Tell The Americans NO – F’ck Off

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Jul 21, 2024 8:09 PM


Hamas. Thomas. What’s in a name. Besides phonetic similarity.

A lapse in concentration by an SS Counter Sniper allows a Thomas Matthew Crooks to get shots off, before being summarily dispatched. A lapse in Israeli security leads to the Hamas incursion, before Israel’s inevitable response.

All this from a shooter from “Bethel Park”. ‘Bethel’ being Hebrew for ‘House of God’ (beth-el). And hence a microcosm of Israel itself, the Promised Land. Bethel Park, conversely like ‘Gaza’. that hemmed-in subregion of ‘Bethel’. A shooter from symbolic ‘Gaza’.

The shooter travels from Bethel Park to Butler to carry out his attack. From the House of God to the wine-carrier.

Thomas and Matthew are names of Semitic origin (Thomas – Aramaic, Matthew – Hebrew). The names of Apostles. Thomas the doubter. He who doubted the politics of his father Matthew Crooks and needs to see wounds **in the side** to be fully convinced…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 22, 2024 8:33 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

A lapse in Israeli security leads to the Hamas incursion, before Israel’s inevitable response.

The interesting word “inevitable” casts a whole new light on the equally interesting word “lapse”.

Jul 21, 2024 7:41 PM

Biden goes. The rest pending…

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Jul 21, 2024 8:41 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

He’s been gone a long time now.
Its a one horse (fixed) race .

Jul 21, 2024 7:38 PM


A world still not ready for a completely deep fake President. A few more years away (though Brezhnev could arguably claim historical precedent). Nevertheless, exit Biden stage left/blue/right/red/ to wherever…

Potentially introducing into US politics the dangerous precedent of someone capable of expressing a coherent thought.

A far greater threat to Republicans or to AI-deep fakers? Time will tell

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 21, 2024 9:15 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

250 years and counting, cant ya just wait, like what are the odds that we would be here to cross that adventure.

Jul 21, 2024 7:32 PM

Todd, I got lucky. I have never experienced physical torture. The worst I had was psychological torture from the Catholic Church…especially from the age of 7, when I had my holy communion…

Do not touch the host – that is the body and blood of Jesus Christ in your mouth..If you touch the host ( a piece of flat bread ), I would have committed a mortal sin, and I would go to hell for all eternity.

It did my head in. I certainly couldn’t confess it or tell my Mum.

So I had to become an altar boy, and to be honest, I still believed all this nonsense, and it was good fun. It was my job to prepare the altar wine, before mass, and then look and behave very holy, which I did. I should have joined Oldham Rep Theatre.

Then a mystical revolution happened in my mind about the age of 15. I suddenly realised, that since of 3, I had always preferred Girls, though I wasn’t supposed to. The Girls were really nice to me, and never beat me up. When the bullies beat the shit out of me, in the school playground I stood up and fought back.

So after confession, when I told the priest everything, I wanted to do, as if we had
(tell me more son), I went home, and told my mum and dad, and older brothers and sisters, that I Had RESIGNED – and was never going to Church Again

They all said – Anthony – You are Going to Hell.

So I did Physics and Maths and then Computing, cos I was crap at Art.

Three Grandchildren now.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 22, 2024 11:36 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

So you were an catholic alter boy from 7 to 15 of age preparing the red wine Christ blood to the worshippers by peeing in it.
And you think St. Peter will just open all gates for you and everybody was completely wrong about you?
The church was bs, you were right, and everybody else were wrong yes??

Jul 21, 2024 7:24 PM

Butler Fairgrounds where Trump was allegedly shot is right under the eclipse arc.

Interesting ritual played on the masses in the recent Trump psycho drama.

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Jul 21, 2024 7:57 PM
Reply to  ossam

Cross-hairs moving over the right ear of a presidential nominee (bearing an uncanny resemblance to Trump). Then a sound resembling that of a shot.

Followed by the “Crooks-ed Hilary”” to spot in the audience; master/mistress-mind behind the brainwashing scheme?

History rhyming but not precisely repeating

The Manchurian Candidate (1962) – shooting scene

Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Jul 21, 2024 7:18 PM

The ‘slow boiling of the frog and it won’t notice’ stuff is a rank urban myth. Sharpen up, please.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 21, 2024 10:22 PM
Reply to  Emily Durron

Everybody knows that now, it’s still a useful term. Cuz frogs ain’t very smart anyway. Chill out, please.

Jul 21, 2024 6:12 PM

There is this word, Todd, ‘incrementally.; We understand the ‘mentally’ part, but what about the incre?’ It also occurs in words like ‘incre-edible.’
The immediate search turns up this:
What’s with the language?

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 21, 2024 9:17 PM
Reply to  ariel

Got butchered by someone back there.

Jul 21, 2024 3:15 PM

Arguments such as these have a knack of obscuring facets of reality. This relates to the Buddhist concept of accepting the world as it is, rather than twisting it to make it fit our version.
When I think, ‘turning the screw’, I have a false sense that my position, and the people’s in general, actually matter. For this I am a victim of ‘fighting the enemy they give me’.

““We have to overrule the will of the people, because democracy is at stake,” explained Representative Nancy Pelosi”

If I were to realize that mine and the people’s will are meaningful to only us, then I would focus my concentration on the more important aspect of ‘who’s will and desires supercedes the people?” Because, that in turn shows me who is really ‘turning the screw’.
They want people fighting people, and countries fighting the ‘people’ from other countries, or even people fighting their own country in a civil war. The reality is that people in every country are being attacked by a single source; it isn’t nation against nation or party against party. Pretty easy to see it’s nobility.

Jul 21, 2024 6:03 PM
Reply to  wisenox

Noblesse oblige?’
Was it ever truly a thing?

bill gets
bill gets
Jul 26, 2024 5:23 PM
Reply to  wisenox

It all came from the stoneagebrain,who are ill prepared for modern temptations .
Brain evolution never prepered us for BIG money or GREAT power. Movies,theather,trump
are popular because s.a.brain love stories, millions of years round a campfire have
made it possible

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 2:35 PM

To quote the essay: “The turn is slow enough that it doesn’t cause shrieks of terror, but fast enough that it creates its intention in as little time as possible.”


“The Fabian Society is a very old group originating in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth. Their original emblem was a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing holding a flag with the letters F.S. Today the international symbol of the Fabian Society is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.”

Sounds like a match, eh?

But why isn’t this already an obvious connection? OFFG, why not hire a small committee to assemble an on-site (and ongoing) Wikipedia of terms/ people/ events relevant to the topics discussed here?* Every time I come to OFFG to read the threads regarding the latest event, I feel that some, if not many, of the commenters are commenting from parapolitical square one. Example: the staged “assassination attempt” recently… it seemed that the concept of Crisis Actors was new to some?

Is essay-writer Todd Hayen aware that the modus operandi, he describes, has been the Fabian trademark since the beginning?

Not that I think the Fabians are running th whole show but they are not an insignificant chunk of the mechanism…

A think tank and a membership network

***The Fabian Society is an independent left-leaning think tank and a democratic membership society with over 7,000 members. We influence political and public thinking and provide a space for broad and open-minded debate. We publish insight, analysis and opinion; conduct research and undertake major policy inquiries; convene conferences, speaker meetings and roundtables; and facilitate member debate and activism across the UK.

As a think tank we have a reputation for high quality, politically salient projects that have a real impact on political and policy debate. Our staff team in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh work with leading politicians and policy experts to develop and promote new ideas and to influence the climate of political opinion. Read about our current projects and our four thematic priorities….***

*I have lots of archival material I can donate and would be willing to donate money to a crowdfunder created to hire people to kickstart an OFFG Wiki. Wouldn’t it be helpful to professionalize the knowledge base…?

Jul 21, 2024 8:20 PM

The Fabian society is just one of dozens of think tanks, faux parties and orgs that all serve the same cartel. The cartel control all sides, all religions, all “countries”.

That’s why it never matters who wins elections or even “wars”.

As for those commentariat seeming to have amnesia about governments fabricating terror events or alleged “shootings” to further their control of society and the obedient, cowed, tax slaves, they’re supremely ignorant.

Jul 22, 2024 10:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher

“Capitalism will always win, because, whatever you throw at it, it’ll take it and sell it back to you.”

Jul 22, 2024 2:45 PM
Reply to  Martin

It’s not capitalism it’s never been capitalism, it’s slavery.

Jul 22, 2024 10:18 AM

1884 – 1984 … coincidence ? … interesting

Jul 22, 2024 10:31 AM

1884 …. 1984 … coincidence ? I wonder.

Jul 21, 2024 1:42 PM

As I see all around me, the vast majority wants what is happening. They feel entitled, empowered and want more of it. This feeling of magnificence and being able to control everything seems to be just too overwhelming – people on (digital) cocaine. A tsunami of vanity and narcissism washes over the world and takes away any sense of reason and human measure.

Now, the ones at the very top are approaching the point where they stand a good chance of making it to a global takeover. The long yearning to impose their version of this (general) mindset on the world may turn out to become their final victory. For the first time(?) in human history a “full spectrum dominance” is technically possible, but the main point of it all is that this mindset has expanded and taken over the minds and hearts of the vast majority of the human population. This may sound crazy, but that’s my impression.

If there is a revolution, it must be one of the minds and hearts, a complete paradigm change of where we want to go as a species. Everything else will be a “Le roi est mort – vive le roi” – same, same in new clothes.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 21, 2024 2:32 PM
Reply to  Claus

The feudal system worked very well for those at the top, obviously not so well for the serfs.

The question is will we allow the situation to return ?

The answer is no.

I believe they’ve made a fundamental mistake.
In the relentless pursuit of ‘growth’ we’ve been allowed to accumulate property and status as part of that process.

However slowly they turn up the temperature of the frog pot, even the thickest will realise they’re a bit hungrier or can buy a bit less Pinot Grigio.

I think this is where we are now.

Whatever the black pillers say about alt media, it has a massive influence on people who would otherwise be unaware they’re being mugged off.

Things are moving so fast now it’s difficult to know what’s happening. I believe this is part of the plan.

Apart from that, I know bugger all.

Jul 21, 2024 4:48 PM

I see little parallel between a Feudal Order and human lab-assets.
Terry Jones made a series based on research that made quite a few comparisons to or (then) normal.

Jul 21, 2024 5:45 PM
Reply to  Binra

Mark 15:15 in the video highlights one of the major problems. They’re heavily involved.

Jul 21, 2024 8:41 PM
Reply to  Binra

Brian did you go to Hastings today?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 2:42 PM
Reply to  Claus

There may be an identification between the public and the elite. Perhaps there are large numbers who enjoy reading Yuval Harari and feeling a thrill at this megalomaniacal Strangelovian reconstitution of all humanity even if most secretly know it means that they themselves are in for a speedy extinction. Maybe there’s some masochistic thrill in the idea of being ground down by some “master race”?

It’s a bit like the sentiment expressed in the ever popular depiction of the Grim Wheel of Fate in Carmina Burana:

O Fortune, like the moon changeable, always waxing or waning; hateful life now is harsh and then is caring on a whim; destitution, power it melts like ice.

Fate, monstrous and empty, you are a turning wheel, an evil condition vain for well-being ever melting away, in shadow and veiled you weigh down on me too; now through gambling I have my back bare through your evil-doing.

Fate in well-being and in virtue is now against me; broken, weakened, always in bondage.

In this hour without delay pluck the strings; for through Fate the strong is laid low, all of you weep with me!

Jul 21, 2024 5:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Might not be the place to put this but I feel it reveals a hidden alliance between rich & poor:

“Structure is an organizational factor in the universe, although a secondary and derivative one. It is love that first brings order out of chaos, but structure implements the durable patterns of orderly arrangement.

“Love built your home; structure holds the walls in place. Love built your nation, structure administers it. Love determines the parameters of right conduct; structure formulates the laws that enforce it. Like the mind, structure is good if it serves, and tyrannical if it dominates inflexibly, never submitting to the revisions of love.

“Structure represents the predictable, agreed upon patterns of existence which start with simple forms and build up to complex ones. It is patterning that locks in the differences of potential, and holds organizational formulas in place. For example, structure is what makes the difference between steam, water, and ice even though the ingredients are the same. But structure is not the ‘will’ that determines whether H2O will become steam or ice. That is determined by harmonic adaptations to the environment (love).

“All structure is derivative, and is subject to revision, suspension, or development. You might say that structure is the conservational imprint which allows desirable creations to be stabilized, retained and combined into larger aggregates of form and matter. Structure is what holds things in place.

“Laid upon this grid work are many mind-generated patterns and structural models used by man for control. There are no ‘sacred designs’ preceding reality. This idea has been invented to make you afraid to revise or to dispense with unworkable structures, and to give structures dominance over you.”

“In society, structure is most protected by those who have attained what they want, and, ironically, those who have so little that any thoughts of more loss are

simply unbearable. They also blindly obey it. This is the harmony between the rich and the poor. By contrast, those who establish and implement values based on moderation and mobility use enough structure to make life work without inhibiting growth or freedom.

“You experience the structures of life as blocking attachments, and they actually rob you of your true wealth. Your true wealth is on a much higher level. It is the harvest of love. You have to experience letting go in order to receive. Learn the power of letting go. This lesson is as important as loving your enemies, because when you let go of structure, the real wealth that is there will multiply many times.

Jeshua- from Love Without End by Glenda Green

Ideologically captured minds run slave to ‘structure’ in this sense.
idolising structure as security & control must die to it or in it.

Closed system thinking & cybernetics (systems control) drive a blind structural mechanism that can not release its stake but doubles down it under fear-driven delusions of control.

Jul 21, 2024 6:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

People need to recognise that we are to a large extent running to keep up on a hamster wheel which is getting progressively (sic) and incrementally harder and more resistant to our efforts… I mean the prices of some things I buy are up 400% as an example, even own brand tomato ketchup in the cheap stores is up 120% over the last couple of years, so how many people ARE really feeling the pinch? Because benefits and low wages are not keeping up.
There is obviously a fracture point waiting to happen when yer average family CANNOT COPE any longer.
I recommend getting off the wheel, and taking a good look at it from a safe?? distance. Many of us have sort of done so, but it may involve alienating those we have loved and who believed and we believed they loved us. Is the counter-rotating black pill too painful and bitter to swallow?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 1:06 PM

Two articles from the same day (two days ago) but note the divergence:



The first refers to “the failure of the UK Government …to have a strategy to handle the Coronavirus pandemic”. And “(m)any projects which could have helped control a large pandemic were abandoned by Government”. The response was apparently inadequate and the article ends up by listing, with approval, “six measures that were not taken, but must be, to tackle future pandemics”.

“These are: a scalable system of testing and contact tracing; a practicable system of isolation; effective border controls and health security at the border; surge capacity in health and social care; stockpiling and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE); and protecting vulnerable people.”

The second article refers to a report which “found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines”.

““We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote.”

This divergence is as extreme as can be imagined. The central insight is that the response to an alleged pandemic CAUSED the surging mortality rates. “The cure” WAS “the disease”.

The second article comes from “Children’s Health Defense” which has been predictably demonised by Wikipedia:

“Children’s Health Defense is an American 501 nonprofit activist group mainly known for anti-vaccine disinformation, and which has been called one of the main sources of misinformation on vaccines.”


“The group has been contributing to vaccine hesitancy in the United States, encouraging citizens and legislators to support anti-vaccine regulations and legislation. Arguments against vaccination are contradicted by overwhelming scientific consensus about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.”

That old “overwhelming scientific consensus”, the hyperbole of which is an obvious hint that we are not talking science at all here.

Naturally Bylinetimes gets a glowing endorsement from Wiki.

Jul 21, 2024 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

When Christine Lagarde was chair of the IMF, she made the statement that, “Vaccines are absolutely necessary for the rollout of CBDC’s.” Makes you ask what kind of self-assembling software was in all those injections.

Jul 21, 2024 8:19 PM
Reply to  Gordon

Think of it in another way, how and why would they want to use CBDC, if not to force compliance with poison injections?

That the use of CBDC may be predicated on the public’s willingness to keep up to date with their vaccine uptake.

They don’t use bullets to hit their depopulation goals.

Jul 21, 2024 5:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

CHD is linked with RFK Jr.; and the latter, at least according to Alison McDowell (‘wrenchinthegears.com’), is a key cog vis-a-vis the next rollout of the medical-cum-industrial complex {under the title, (AI) ‘Wellness’ management}, i.e., precision medicine; nanotech; graphene; blockchain; tokenized democracy; etc.; etc.; viz. RFK Jr. = ‘anti-vax’ = new wave of tech in medicine; health; economy; etc. = post-human! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!

Jul 21, 2024 5:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Hesitancy” is indicative of the linguistic programming that these sub-human reptiles employ ALL THE TIME.

It ain’t “hesitancy” you snakes, it is ABSOLUTE REJECTION!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 21, 2024 10:59 PM
Reply to  LOL

“sub-human reptiles” quite precise description.
Google Founder recently stating the goal is general human intelligence, but today they are only at a four-legged house cat IQ level. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/ai-deepmind-artificial-general-intelligence-b2332322.html .

This is an IMPORTANT feature. They ADMIT they want to be at a general human level, but are today still on an IQ on four legs.
This can only be because they belong to another kind of specie than the human norm.

Jul 21, 2024 12:47 PM
George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 11:39 AM


That barometer of phony Leftism, Bylinetimes, lays out the epic unfolding. Apparently “the Conservatives’ decision to weaken net zero commitments may have been a contributing factor in the party’s worst electoral performance in its parliamentary history”. Because, you know, the Great British Public, being Groovy Lefties, are totally behind those Zero Net efforts on which the future of The Planet depends.

After all, “Mel Kee, head of campaigns at climate advocacy group Green New Deal Rising” (and not biased at all!) “argued that the election result “sends a clear message to the Labour Government about what people want to see from their Government”.”


“She told Byline Times that Green New Deal Rising activists knocked on 10,000 doors during the course of the campaign and “found that transformative change for the climate was high on people’s agenda”.”

Can’t argue with that! Nor, presumably, with the totally popular backed anticipation for the Labour Govt to pursue its “green policies”.

Meawhile Bylinetimes’s current front page has a whole line on The Enemy – “TRUMPOCRACY ON THE MARCH”.

So we’re all set for the continuation of the facilitation of those “Sensible Groovy Left Popular” Concerns:

•   fight against the ever imminent next pandemic.
•   support for trans issues with the increasing pornofication of education, sterilization of youth, and granting of ever more access for predatory perverts.
•   whatever restrictions and immiserations are demanded in the increasingly vague “Saving of The Planet”. 

And criminalisation of those “Right Wing Reactionary” sentiments – which basically means any scepticism shown towards the above concerns. 

William Turner
William Turner
Jul 21, 2024 1:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The British people couldn’t care less for climate policy if they’d known the to cost them. And those that do care who are in the know, i.e. independent businesses, know full well that everything the rulers of the UK are doing in the name of Climate Policy has absolutely nothing to do with net-zero.

For instance; a solar panel company who works with the gov said to me they tried to get solar panels on all new houses but the gov said ‘nope, only 1 panel per house’ and the gov are spending £££’s on windfarms and pylons all down the east coast, trashing the country in the process and this solar panel firm said they’d approached the gov and said ‘if you put several solar panels on each new house and factory you could supplement the need for more energy and it would be green, without building any new windfarms or pylons’. These rulers are either stupid or evil. Acting like a crime syndicate.

Jul 21, 2024 11:32 AM

Perhaps Mr Hayen would like to reflect on the slow-turning screw that inched around for decades as homosexuality was first decriminalized, then normalized before becoming praised and celebrated.

Jul 21, 2024 5:48 PM
Reply to  Lexie

What a sad and pathetic comment. Criminalising homosexuality is not just inhumane and insane, it also creates more gay people.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 21, 2024 8:53 PM
Reply to  Lexie

Criminalisation of homosexual hating religions would be better.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 11:15 AM

I don’t mean to piss you off, nice Admins, but I’ve a couple of posts pending here.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 11:13 AM

In a recent exchange with the excellent Steve Augustine a few posts earlier, the topic of super spook Nafeez Ahmed came up and that sent me on a little trip down the wondrous memory lane of the covid con job. Ahmed writes for the “Bylinetimes”, a Ghost Train Ride outfit that even outruns the World Socialist Web Site in its servile covid fear wankery. See here:


This idiotic and increasingly desperate attempt to resurrect the pandemic porn franchise dates from a mere two days ago. Note the pic of that thunderous propagandist sledgehammer “The National Covid Memorial Wall”. Once again, the merchants of mind control display a Hollywood sensibility for manufacturing cinemascope panoramas worthy of Cecil B DeMille.

As is my wont, I thought I’d carry out another litmus test to find out Bylinetimes’s take on the trans issue. See here:


This was from Sept 2021 and naturally takes the “Deadly Jan 6 Capital Coup” completely at face value. And right away we are in the realm of “The Culture Wars” as “reactionary Far Right bigots” dare to doubt that capitol coup crapology and we are soon into “the co-option of the transgender issue by the religious and far-right, in order to oppose and undermine LGBTIQ and women’s rights”.

No surprise that we get the blasé assumption of the rhetoric of “trans people” and “trans rights” and “transphobia” all unhesitatingly absorbed from the now utterly zombiefied Stonewall mind fuck palace. Stonewall’s rot was obvious from at least as early as February 2021:


But of course Bylinetimes is locked into its intelligence sanctioned conveyer belt of compulsive woke porn hackery.   

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 8:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Too kind, George!

Jul 21, 2024 10:41 AM

Two month agao: “Today we were joined by Fr James Mawdsley and Theo Howard from Vendée Radio to discuss recent events in Gaza, campus protests, and the Antisemitism Awareness Act.”

Jul 21, 2024 9:51 AM

‘Turn of the Screw’ was by Henry James… his brother William was the first U.S. behaviouralist (bot not alas the last). The story features a young boy who’s clearly had some sort of sexual trauma inflicted upon him.

Some more points about the alleged Trump assassination attempt:
1) One of the main purposes, it now seems to me, was to get libertarians behind “hate speech” laws. Republican-leaning outlets have been full of complations of Democrats calling for bad things to happen to Trump pre the event.
2) The footage of the claimed fatality looks convincing although the CC initials remain dubious. I’ve not yet seen an analysis of whether the alleged shooter, Trump and the stated victims line up in a plausible manner. One of the biggest reveals about JFK is that the shot that slightly wounded James Tague does not line up well with Oswald’s supposed location but seems much more likely to have come from the Dal-Tex building. There’s footage of people claiming a second shooter from the Trump rally.
3) Trump’s repeated remarks about his shoes shortly after the shooting are extremely weird if ths was an organic event. I don’t particularly like nor trust Ole Dammegard but he has shown how many of these shooter events feature images of shoeless people or peopleless shoes. It’s happened again and again, far too often to be random: it’s some sort of marker.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 10:25 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I never read the James tale but have seen two movie versions – one a TV movie and the other the marvellously creepy old 1961 feature, “The Innocents”, with Deborah Kerr.

The tale features a governess who is given the task of governing two children who are supposedly possessed by the “evil” spirits of two earlier (adult) servants. The Kerr movie is intentionally ambiguous in that we don’t know if the possession is real or if it’s a projection onto the kids from the repressed and mentally disturbed governess.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 10:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The James tale was also turned into an opera by Benjamin Britten who seems to have had a dodgy fixation on kids.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 9:22 AM

Off topic.

Are you wondering why prices are skyrocketing? Well it may have something to so with … Taylor Swift! No kidding!

This comes from another hydra head called Axios.

We launched Axios in January 2017 based on this shared belief: The world needed smarter, more efficient coverage of the topics shaping the fast-changing world. We pledged to put our audience first, always.

How considerate of them!

They tell us:

Europe has a Taylor Swift problem: “Eras Tour” sparks inflation jitters


The Swifties are wreaking havoc across the Atlantic — or, at least on European economic data.

Why it matters: “The Eras Tour” is a source of faster price increases as concertgoers spend on food, tickets and hotels. That’s making for a cruel summer, pushing inflation rates higher with possibly more distortions to come.

Analysts attributed a surprise surge in Swedish inflation in May to three Swift concerts in Stockholm that drove up the city’s hotel and other service prices.

It comes right as British and Eurozone policymakers are trying to assess whether price pressures have receded enough to lower interest rates.

What they’re saying: Swift’s concerts, along with other high-profile events like the Olympics and the Euro 2024 soccer championship, will boost inflation in the services sector this summer, says Krishna Guha, the vice chairman of investment advisory firm Evercore ISI.

Conclusion: The “cost of living crisis” is entirely the fault of you dumb masses being Taylor Swift fans!

Jul 21, 2024 9:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Almost 300,000 went to see her at the Melbourne Cricket Ground over three nights.
We’ve gotta be the dumbest in the world.
Though I will admit; she’s good at what she does. Whatever it is😖

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 10:17 AM
Reply to  Johnny

She’s a “philanthropist”. Of course all celebs are!


Note the title “Wealth and philanthropy” – these things obviously go hand in hand!
Grab a swatch at these saintly connections:

•   ranked first on DoSomething’s 2015 “Gone Good” list
•   received the Star of Compassion from the Tennessee Disaster Services
•   got the Big Help Award from the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards
•   sang at BBC’s Children in Need concert and raised £13,000 for the cause.
•   donated $100,000 to the Dolly Parton Fire Fund.

Good old Dolly does her bit too! I don’t know if Taylor has a fund named after her yet but I reckon it’s only a matter of time.

Jul 21, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Jonathan would be turning in his grave.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 12:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

$100,000 (£78,000) may sound a lot to the average person, because it is.

Yet, Swift earns $2 billion a year before tax. That is $5.5 million per day, or $228,000 per hour including while she is asleep.

Putting it into context, her donation of $100,000 to the Parton fund is the same as a Brit on average earnings of £35,000 p.a donating £25 of their earnings.

Neither, does the average person in being charitable receive the free publicity and recognition which could help them to earn even more.

It is a no lose situation and usually a big gain for the top zlebs.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 12:11 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I miscalculated.

Her donation of $100,000 is the equivalent to a donation of ONLY £4 by the average British worker. Not even the price of a pint.

Jul 21, 2024 8:31 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

In percentage terms it may be the same but not in disposable income terms.

Someone on 35k a year is thinking about where every penny goes and probably doesn’t have any or much to spare.

Whereas with the mega rich “celebrities”, their disposal income is hundreds of millions that they can never spend in a lifetime, which is why they set up foundations, and donate to “charity”, as tax grifts, as PR stunts and as agreements to reimburse the Masonic cartel that nurtured, trained, promoted them, and oversaw their publicity and popularity, longevity, deals (like Swift + Kelce, a faux relationship to promote the NFL) and who they’re allied with and obligated to, forever more.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 11:00 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Seems she gets around 200,000 – 300,000 for each typical 3 day gig in any given location depending on the size of the venue.

She and her handlers are making a lot of ‘bread’ from this ‘circus’. Upto $5 billion from this world tour alone.

Oh well, the circus will keep keep chugging along, until, if and when, the bread people put in their mouths becomes scarce.

Jul 21, 2024 11:17 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

The massive disparity between the ‘earnings’ (because no one really EARNS that much) of the elite and the wage slaves is an injustice of the highest order.

We have failed as a civilisation.
Gorillas are more civilised than us.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 21, 2024 11:50 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

They print bread now like its going out of style, full faith and credit of gvt, now that is becoming scarce.

Jul 21, 2024 11:08 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Pretentious crap aimed at gullible adolescents.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 21, 2024 11:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

She gets daddy to pay for all those kids to see her, so we could have a lot of dumb daddies.

Jul 21, 2024 7:10 PM
Reply to  Johnny

“She” is a he. Look closely.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 1:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Noam Chomsky (in one of the good points he made) noted that newspapers are misunderstood. Everyone assumes the news is the product being sold and the customers are the ones who buy the paper. Chomsky said that the real customers are the advertisers who pay for placing the adverts whilst the reading public are the product i.e. what the advertisers are paying for. In short, the news is a subterfuge to lure you in.

You might say something similar to pop stars like Taylor Swift. She is a subterfuge. The real customers are the various “philanthropic” organisations backed by Swift who thereby allows them an avenue through which to influence the product which is the general public.

So Swift and the rest of these celebs are an ever changing lure to pull us in.

Jul 21, 2024 9:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s no news in newspapers. The papers are selling 100% mind control, not real news.

The ads are revenue for the papers, they pay the bills and generate more revenue and sales for the cartel (advertisers), but the real purpose of the papers is to keep people brainwashed, disinformed, stuck in a worldwide game of fraud and deception so the same cartel that owns the private governments (and the advertisers) can farm large populations of people for profit, while maintaining complete control.

That can’t occur without a press selling lies. Same too, the fake education system.

Jul 21, 2024 6:04 AM

This video is a brilliant wrap-up of The Big Picture of what’s really happening. There is new, more detailed info than you’ve heard elsewhere. A discussion well worth listening to., about the Republican Convention & those who are manpulating our future.


les online
les online
Jul 21, 2024 4:28 AM

Intelligence is implicit in nature…
Ego is implicit in all creatures great and wee…

Kai in der Kiste
Kai in der Kiste
Jul 21, 2024 4:05 AM

“Kai in the Box”: A German children’s novel from
1924 (including ‘Inspector Bumser’). More topical
than ever before, but actually all the time already.

Kai aus der Kiste
Kai aus der Kiste
Jul 21, 2024 3:26 AM

In other words: Trump’s trombone sounds are about as substantial as Alex Jones’ “potency pills”. The American public has long been conditioned by Hollywood cinema (we know who’s behind it) to pay attention to the label, the rest doesn’t matter. One might think that this is a quality worth learning for all non-Americans. But what will happen when the impacts get closer and closer? “Mastermind” Jared Taylor says in his latest video that he has stopped laughing because years ago he wouldn’t have believed his co-pilot Mr. Kersey if he had said something like ‘Black people run America’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-W-FbgIETI

Jul 21, 2024 3:19 AM

“The rich, whether using government agencies, or corporate research institutes, conducted much classified research from 1960s on concerning how to distract, confuse, and misdirect opposition to financial monopoly. The solutions offered were a mass media intended to dumb down the population, and create dependency and addictions to certain forms of stimulation, as well as the promotion of cultural [and sexual] identity, over class and economic issues, as a topic for debate.

“Cultural identity politics is an ideal way to keep the working people of the United States from coming together. In a sense, the cultural identity politics served much like Jim Crow to create unnecessary antagonism between working people that served the rich well.

“Thus, behind the curtains from the 1990s, but especially in the last decade, a variety of private foundations, Homeland Security operatives, and other invisible players started to fund, and to encourage, the growth of identity politics at the university, and in the media precisely to keep the country from focusing on, and coming together on, financial monopoly and rule by the banks.”

Jul 21, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Other major approaches:
-. uproot undesirable outliers including farmers
-. make needless change, especially thosee that make livelihoods precarious
-. promote debt selectively.

It is very late in the ride to doom. The trans crowd are separating children from parents, and either molesting them or helping to mutilate their sexual organs. Capitalism has poisoned almost all food, medicine and environment. The “free world” is determined “free” the world through war.

Jul 21, 2024 3:49 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The one thing we never think to ask: why is it so easy to get people to turn on each other?

It’s always been done and always will. Could it be we’re focusing on the phenomenon inside out? That in fact it isn’t the “ruling class” that seeks to “divide and conquer” but rather it’s the people themselves who in effect demand of their “leaders” an opportunity to turn against others of their kind.

Of course, that would negatively impact our nice, neat little view of ordinary people as essentially decent folks who simply get all twisted up by evil “leaders.” And that’s a non starter in some circles.

Jul 22, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  Howard

True, but it’s a characteristic that’s ripe for exploitation

Jul 22, 2024 10:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

# Critical Theory

Jul 21, 2024 2:58 AM

Aint progressivism grand.

Kain in der Kiste
Kain in der Kiste
Jul 21, 2024 2:56 AM

Jul 21, 2024 1:38 AM

I hate to include “gay” in this comment because I think most gay folks would rather just move along—they have made such strides over the past decades, and they are now poised to lose it all thanks to the agenda’s efforts to turn this particular screw.

In ten years you will be saying the same of the trannies.

Any minority that is being promoted is a threat to the majority; the majority is forced to bend to the wills of the minority. The majority no longer call the shots.

Gays are a minority who have forced the majority to bend to their wishes. They are all a part of the undermining of majority rule.

Feminism is slightly different because they are not a minority, but the goals of feminism are the same as the promotion of any minority that undermines the essential activity of all humans for humanity; having children, done most successfully as a part of traditional family life.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 21, 2024 1:44 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I disagree with you, gays have merely asked for equal rights under the law. If you’re saying that you being a homophobic racist should not be challengeable, you’re on sticky ground.

If gays start saying they have to have preferential rights, that entirely different.

Jul 21, 2024 3:53 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for some to insist that gays do indeed demand “preferential rights.” By that, what they mean is that simply by asking for “equal treatment” gays are ipso facto demanding “preferential rights” – since God and his minions worldwide have made it clear that gays do not deserve and must never have “equal rights” with straights.

Jul 21, 2024 11:37 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Is the law to defend children or to defend those adults who choose to get married? If it is to defend children, the primary resource for the success of the future of the nation, then gays do not need equal rights. If it is to defend the adults, then why is government getting involved in private relationships? The adults can sign contracts, such as a pre-nup, they are adults, not children.

Oh, and please don’t accuse me of isms; I can read that the only reason you do it is that you have no argument to contribute. Let’s act like adults, ok.

Jul 22, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Were there no history of persecution; and no struggle to get out from under that persecution – then a simple contract signing ceremony would be sufficient. Unfortunately, there is a swath of humanity which would return to the days of persecution in a heartbeat.

Also, surely it’s been made obvious that in the entire history of humanity no group has been anywhere near as exploited and had their rights systematically ignored as children. So whatever might be a perceived value in denying gays equal rights, it is most emphatically NOT to “defend” children.

Jul 23, 2024 12:35 AM
Reply to  Howard

There are no rights, only priviledges. By “gay rights” I assume you mean the “right” to get married or the “right” to parent someone else’s children?

The “right” to get married is a tax break, intended to assist the formation of a family and have children … ooops. The “right” to parent someone else’s children, should the government really be putting tax money into that?

As you say, given the exploitation of children throughout history, how can giving a gay couple the “right” to exploit someone else’s children considered to be progress. What about the “right” of a child to have a father and a mother? Or is that not a right? Rights are selectively what the crazies say they are?

Jul 24, 2024 4:17 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

You seem to be conflating the social with the biological. At present ALL children have a father and a mother – biologically. Though not all have both in the social sense. An absent father (or mother) is perhaps as devastating to a child in his or her social development as never having had one. Conversely, an abusive father can impair a child socially.

Adoption is not the willy-nilly process you imply, wherein just anyone can walk into an orphanage and pick and choose; there are in place definite standards.

The issue of rights is complicated by the inclusion of “Natural Rights.” There cannot be said to actually be any such thing – not if the totality of living entities is considered. To the extent there may be such rights, they necessarily derive from the imperative of survival. Parents, or other caretakers, are needed for the survival of a child. Tax breaks have nothing to do with a child’s survival. Besides which, any “breaks” provided fall far short of covering the actual cost of raising a child.

Jul 21, 2024 1:02 AM

Screwed. Every which way but loose;


Frank Russell
Frank Russell
Jul 21, 2024 2:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The author of the post you attached most certainly has Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 21, 2024 2:37 AM
Reply to  Frank Russell

Nah, he has common sense. The real TDS is afflicting those that think Trump is on their side. They just made it up to try to hide their cult worship.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 12:22 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Actually, TDS is very real… and it’s precisely that mechanism which allows Der Bumble Trump to control both his followers and his haters: whatever he appears to say or think, his haters do precisely the opposite, as passionately as they can, which is a sly form of blatant control over these people. Wackzeen Uptake in “progressives” was HUGE because they thought they heard Trump disparage Big Pharma’s Toxic Moon Shot and, therefore, embraced it. His followers were likely to be hesitant regarding the WAckzeen, because they cherry-picked the same message of “anti-vaxx” from Trump, despite the fact that Trump was/is heavily invested in the product. Der Bumble Trump is a plutocrat, not a Hippie… but he’s also a ham. He loves the spotlight, he loves how famous The Man has made him (since the 1970s). But he definitely WORKS for The Man.

Jul 21, 2024 12:54 AM

Off t.

NATO is a force that gives the US of Aggression meaning, and blood soaked profits:


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 21, 2024 1:46 PM
Reply to  Johnny

When the USA engaged in friendly fire to hole Nordstream II, it actually holed the NATO alliance.

Just like Israel bombing Gaza has caused Israel to lose terminally in the court of global public opinion.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 21, 2024 12:01 AM

In my experience, the slow turning of the metaphorical screw isn’t eliciting any questions at all. Those that might still need to ask questions – such as why? – are doubling down in their fog of fake positivity. Any digging into the why would be more painful than the incremental change for the worse which they pretend to happily accept because of …. climate change, the terrorists, internet high-school bullying or Chinese hacking, long Covid or a new virus, or inclusivity, or to keep us safe, or …..

For the rest of us, the all important question of ‘why’ was asked long ago and we’ve come up with a variety of scenarios based on “their” own documents, conferences, speeches, and actual experience to which we are not blind like those who never ask ‘why.’

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 21, 2024 1:49 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If the values of greed lead to ever greater power, then the values of greed will be the values that predominate in the circles of power.

There’s the greed on Wall Street, in the Boardrooms of arms manufacturers, the greed of politicians, the greed of the MSM owners.

Greed basically places zero monetary value on human qualities like compassion, selflessness, generosity, humility and the like.

Small wonder that those qualities are entirely absent from US-Israeli machinations worldwide.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 20, 2024 11:30 PM

If we let the Satanic Cabal institute CBDCs it will allow them to take screw turning to a whole new level. Imagine a Swiss Army knife of control and slow torture…
NO CASH=NO FREEDOM use cash more frequently and

The Digital Age has created the Digital Slave fight back now or be caged.

Jul 21, 2024 5:44 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

CBDC may be misdirection; as the smaller/local digital currency rivulets appear to be the proverbial trojan horse; that will, eventually, enable the kakistocracy to unite said waters into one gigantic ocean of power and control. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 20, 2024 11:17 PM

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.”

Hello, Todd Hayen! I’m quite curious: what are “Consciousness Studies”…?

Jul 21, 2024 2:05 AM

Is that an Augustinian question Steven?
After all, consciousness, like the soul, is beyond our comprehension.

Frank Russell
Frank Russell
Jul 21, 2024 2:12 AM

Good question.

Jul 21, 2024 2:24 AM

Established Jung visited India in 1937-38 and met some yogis but went stayed far from the Two that had the best psychology-yoga experience: his mind didn’t like competition or fresh ideas.

Jul 21, 2024 3:15 AM
Reply to  antonym

Ideas or under-standing?

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Jul 20, 2024 10:48 PM

Turn of the Screw within the last week has got me thinking most of them have forgotten about covid. They’ve gone back to sleep.
They call it professional wrestling! But its fake.
Politics is professional wrestling!
Pinned on twitter the last few days was The RNC
Hulk Hogan and Dana white gave speeches
Kid rock was there.
Hulk hogan rips his T shirt on stage and screams Trumpa mania.
You got to be retarded at this level of the game to
not see the insult played on who ever believes this bullshit.
Only thing missing from most alternate sites including sad to say some of OG’s authors was them wearing an ear bandages as solidarity to Trump.

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Jul 21, 2024 3:16 AM

with ‘H.H.’ the parallels to “Idiocracy” are hard to miss…

Ulrich Schmid
Ulrich Schmid
Jul 20, 2024 9:34 PM

Thanks Todd, you could not have said it better!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 20, 2024 9:16 PM

The only antidote for the next series of psyop bullshit will be a Musk Neuralink or Thiel’s facial recognition scan. 😁

The ghoul techno/fascists are expert “screw turners.” Cognitive dissonance is their specialty.

Case in point, are all those hoped filled proles who attend the Orange Idiot’s rallies. Little do they know that the obnoxious phony is working with surveillance companies funded by the CIA and the DOD. These companies tracking devices actually rooted out the Jan. 6 protesters for indictment and prison.

Jul 21, 2024 8:08 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The funny thing is, I noticed European pundits are so discombobulated with their own domestic political farce that they become enamoured with the American tragicomical reality show and end up giving credence to it–Canucks and Aussies do it too! Some of the folks you’d had thought were quite brilliant end up praising Trump for his ‘courage’ and for being a true Conservative! They really believe the man is the Deep state’s nemesis!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 21, 2024 11:57 AM
Reply to  Raoullo

Unfortunately, the plebs being drawn into the “PayPal Mafia honeypot” symbolized by an Orange Idiot are looking for a political savior.

However, Independent media influencers swooning over Trump are compromised by techno/fascist bucks flowing into their social media platforms.

And if that’s not the case, they’re allowed to pursue their political activities on platforms like Twitter, Rumble, etc… so they can unwittingly act as a “honeypot data retrieval” for techno/fascists who despise both the populists and the antiwar Left.

Jul 20, 2024 7:55 PM

So what are the solutions?

They are actually pretty simple. The tptb’s main tools are fear, deception, divide-and-rule, and technology, so… Do not comply with any of the global establishment’s diktats and shun ALL the technology that is part of the digital gulag (especially the 5g and smart meters, smart phones and other gadgets which all are the backbone of the grid), ignore all the psyops and do not get divided in any way, shape or form (remember the real tyrants are the supremacist globalist establishment not normal everyday people). Don’t ever let them divide and conquer us as they want to try to start a civil war – we have all been deceived: both the natives of our countries and migrants; only undercover establishment radicals like Tommy Robinson et al on one side and undercover extremist, violent radicals on the other are tptb divisive tools). Ally with as many people as possible locally, nationally and internationally.

Probably wise now to focus on the world WE would like to live in and if enough of us get together we can organise our own systems locally and beyond (but be being extra vigilant about any secretly parachuted-in local UN Agenda21/2030-trained facilitators who will use deceptive tactics including behavioural manipulation on us e.g. the Delphi Technique; see Rosa Koire’s work for detailed info) and we can then circumvent the global establishment and their tyrannical plans.

Let’s be honest, excluding any type of radicalist or the fifth column (which we should be vigilant about and against), we folk, no matter how different our background have more in common with each other than not. Despite what the global establishment repeatedly says and imply about us – that we are serfs to be herded, depopulated and controlled – it is ALL lies. The truth is that we DO have inalienable rights which can never be taken away from us. Look, they have used billions and billions of pounds, hours, resources, propaganda, tried poisoning us and dumbing us down for hundreds of years but STILL too many of us are completely awake to the depth of the tyranny – they cannot take away our intelligence, wisdom and spirit, no matter how hard they try!

In a nutshell: Do not comply; unite with folk in our local areas (and beyond), shun all the ‘smart grid tech’, be vigilant against psyops, manipulators and any divide-and-rule tactics, and focus on our vision of the world we want to live in and build-it. Also, importantly do not be afraid, keep being joyful and your vibrations high because we are in a psychological and spiritual war.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jul 20, 2024 11:58 PM
Reply to  Ennes

In US the solution is to separate US taxpayers from the entire political class, in particular the Pentagon. US must be broken up into at least 3 parts. SW states could join Mexico, for example. US exists today only to enslave US taxpayers to its global genocide machine. Whatever happened to Neutrality Acts of 1930s? Answer: US elites loved the idea of being “international,” loved idea of sneaking weapons to UK.

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 21, 2024 12:13 AM
Reply to  Ennes

No, we, collectively, don’t have more in common with each other than not. I’ve got neighbors I don’t agree with shit on. I’ve got neighbors that are pigs, who on orders, would shoot your ass for not following the laws made by our rulers. We just went thru a fake scamdemic where many, many people were calling for me to be put in a detention camp, barred from entering grocery stores, and told my freedom didn’t mean shit, because I wouldn’t take a killer jab. This is pollyannish bullshit, sorry to say. Our divisions are not going away, and they aren’t all caused by our rulers.

Frank Russell
Frank Russell
Jul 21, 2024 2:18 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Easier said than done.

Jul 21, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Frank Russell

Sadly, it’s “easy” and “go along to get along”, and wanting to fit in, that got us into this mess.

Jul 21, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  Ennes

That is a simply excellent comment to a great article, and is the best response to the helpless plea “yes, but what can we DO?”

Those are absolutely practical, doable, common sense solutions requiring no financial outlay – in fact, there are financial savings when one doesn’t buy those addictive surveillance tools.

However, this shunning of audio and visual surveillance and data collection technology – SMART phones, SMART t.v.s, fridges and other appliances, Alexa, cameras in vehicles and door bells, home security systems etc. necessitates tolerance of some inconvenience – you know…..how things were before this technology was introduced!

Principled and committed ‘Luddites’ 🤣 will also:

o shun online purchasing, credit card use and the use of the ‘tap/contact’ option on credit and debit cards

o always respond ‘yes, please’ when asked the by retail checkout cashiers ‘would you like a receipt?’ – obvious when an item might later need to be returned, but particularly asinine when you’ve paid cash

o strive to speak to a human being when seeking services of any kind – even the automated phone options (press ‘1’ for whatever, etc.) have a ‘stay on the line to speak to an operative’ option, although you have to be persistent to reach it

o wherever possible, use either in person attendance, hardcopy forms via post office mail or telephone contact (but with a human being) to respond to government correspondance – avoid online communication with ‘authorities’ – it only supports the drive toward ‘online everything’

o only use payment checkouts staffed by a human to pay for goods – resist the convenience of the self-service checkouts

The more we reject ‘the turning of the screw’, the less power we give away.

Try it, people, it feels so empowering!

Jul 23, 2024 12:08 AM
Reply to  Lulu

Yes, absolutely, great points.

Jul 20, 2024 7:49 PM

Another turn for the shrew to take on turns of the screw, but still no clue what to do?

comment image

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 20, 2024 7:51 PM
Reply to  niko


Jul 21, 2024 2:11 AM
Reply to  niko

It all seemed so obvious and straightforward then.
No wonder he was dealt with;

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 12:05 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Anyone who posts a reference to Lennon’s assassination gets extra points from me (Google “Allard K. Lowenstein,” btw, and note the similarity of the hits: same year, even). BUT remember: it was Klaus Schwab who was calling for a “revolution,” in 2020, with FauxVid1984 as the pretext… but his idea of a “revolution” is “The Great Reset”.

TFIC have been pushing for this “revolution” for quite some time. Even before FauxVid1984, I saw an article, in the Financial Times, harping on the inequities of Capitalism….! TFIC want to replace the old control system with a much more powerful version that will slam us all into a Neo Feudal State so fast we will barely notice. It’s already started (the Internet/ Social Media/ Smart Phones are key aspects of the infrastructure of the Neo Feudal Gulag). Oh and Elon Musk is neither a genius nor a billionaire (he is as much a billionaire as the comfortably-retired Jeff Epsetin IS)… but he IS the character who fronted the beginning of Sky Net and he will continue to work to make himself look too “relateable” to seem sinister when he really starts pushing those BRAIN CHIPS.

In this “revolution,” You Vill Eat Ze Bugs! Cash will be a germ-ridden thing of the past. So will possessions (I’m afraid Johnny L., much as I love him, was a bit of a New Age/ New World Order dupe on that one… but that’s why OH NO! was his handler)… and privacy… and freedom of movement… freedom of speech… the right/capability of natural sexual reproduction… all are on a list of things that this “revolution” is designed to remove.

NEVER trust a celebrity! Even if they genzuinely mean well, they have little birds whispering sinister bullshit in their golden ears…

Jul 21, 2024 12:25 PM

So how does it work?
One is groomed for, or flukes fame, and then one is given a stern talking to.

“Obey, or else”

We’ll never know, because the dead tell no tales.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 12:54 PM
Reply to  Johnny

So how does it work?”

People like Lennon, who are used and then terminated by TFIC, are unwitting… because they don’t need to be witting. First he was used (along with his beat combo) to get the World’s mind off the JFK coup. When it was recognized that he was a very influential loose cannon (ie they had created a monster) they sent OH! NO! after him. He promptly lost his direction, got sucked into heroin and navel-gazing, and was alienated from most of his old friends, hanging around with, and trying to impress, intelligence assets like the Yippies. There’s a live concert the Beatles put on in Germany, 1966, before Revolver was released: John is goose-bump-inducingly majestic, in command, strong voice and perfectly-executing the “I Feel Fine” riff while singing a solid lead over it! The John of 1980 could not imagine doing that, was very much reduced/ weakened. What a loss! He only needed a little more time to figure it all out…

When Carter lost the election, and the Right Wing Coup came out in the open, it was “safest” to be rid of JL. I fear that OH! NO! had motivations to assist in the scheme: too many sinister clues to go into here but they are striking.

I think the “CIA” (whoever they really are, now) is much more sophisticated about it now. And their control tools are MUCH more powerful. But, witting or not, Celebritoes do NOT really get away with going off-script. When they appear to be saying “the unsayable” they are actually reading off that script. From what i can tell, for example, Kanye West, who spoke some pretty useful truths (about showbiz), tucked as they were in clouds if nonsense… he got in big trouble for that. The counter-attack was immediate and thorough. And then… when his fame fades sufficiently and he’s out of the spot light… “something” will happen to him and it will seem like sad trivia to his former fans…

Jul 22, 2024 1:50 AM

Revolving doors.
As in politics.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 12:55 PM
Reply to  Johnny

My length reply is “pending”… so hang on…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2024 8:29 PM

“Even before FauxVid1984, I saw an article, in the Financial Times, harping on the inequities of Capitalism….!”

The rhetorical reversal of 2020 was indeed a wonder to behold. We’d had four decades of capitalist triumphalism. (Remember “The Loony Left”? When did you last hear that?) And then – covid, and wham! The Groovy Left surged tsunami like everywhere. “People Before Profits”, “We’re all in it together” etc. And that Bible for the now high profile Leftism, Bylinetimes, even gave us a crash course in how all those dissident groups (Occupy, XR etc.) had “transformed the political landscape” whilst the World Socialist Web Site even gave us a(n unwittingly hilarious) account of how the lockdowns had been forced by “us” onto “them”.

And The Left themselves – “loveably” gullible as always – just couldn’t resist. Capitalism was over! Boris Johnson had been “dragged kicking and screaming” into lockdown i.e. the very lockdown whose presentation he had been secretly hatching with an American PR company!

Just as the Russian ruling class were quite happy to ditch the Soviet façade for exactly the same power structure with a different name, the Western ruling class were quite happy to “go communist” … whilst maintaining the same power structure.

Only this time, there was to be none of that Thatcherite blather about the “small entrepreneur”. Nah, the age of small business – or even medium sized business – was over. The old pre-2020 model could no longer be maintained in the face of increasing centralisation. Now we are to be “commies”. And the Groovy Left have never been more excited. So excited that they fail to note how those big business organs are the very ones proclaiming the “death of capitalism”. Just as they continue to blame all this unprecedented theft on an “opportunism” whose pretext they are happy to shill for.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 8:17 AM
Reply to  niko

Be wary of anyone high profile calling for a “revolution”. At best they are naïve, or worse are controlled opposition. In the past, Russell Brand had called for a revolution, and more recently a one world government – figure that one out.

Revolution didn’t work out well for the Russian or French populations. Revolutions throughout history had a habit of being co-opted events or directly funded and steered by the ‘management’ to consolidate further their grip on wealth and power using rebranding techniques.

Lots of Pied Pipers to choose from and none have the best interests of the serfs at heart.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Russell Brand had called for a revolution, and more recently a one world government – figure that one out”

One look at that picture of RBranded hugging a giggling Yuval “Buy My Books, You Useless Eaters!” Harari… is all anyone needs in order to rumble that super-promoted Sesquipedalian Mockney-Fabian.

Jul 21, 2024 12:20 PM

Not sure where Brand is at, though it’s fairly obvious he’s more in love with Mammon than mankind.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 1:03 PM
Reply to  Johnny

On the Fabian Society’s website (“The Future of the Left since 1884”) RB gets endorsed by his sinister bretren:

The Fabians are worth looking into. It was the cuddly old Fabian G.B. Shaw who went on record about society’s need for “death panels”…

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 5:53 PM

Billy Goats parroted Bernard Shaw’s eugenicist point of view during an interview, where Billy casually mentioned death panels as a topic that is ‘sadly’ taboo. Yet, it was obvious he yearned to value a human life, in dollars and cents, and decide who should live or die based on the financial cost of the healthcare that they receive.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 12:51 PM

I should have been clearer; it was a rhetorical statement for those who think he is not an insider nor a shill.

His ‘Pied Piper’ series of children’s books rubbed it in further. Plus, his actions such as flashing the ‘Obey’ amulet at Katy Perry during an interview, indicated that he was her handler while they were married.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 21, 2024 1:44 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I should have been clearer”

I should have been clearer that I was agreeing with you!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 21, 2024 5:43 PM

LOL. Good to see that we’re on the same page!