The People’s Court of New Normal Germany
CJ Hopkins

Von links nach rechts: General Hermann Reinecke, Gerichtsprsident Roland Freisler, Volksgerichtsrat Lmmle als Beisitzer
Aufnahmedatum: 07.08.1944
Aufnahmeort: Berlin
Geschichte / Weltkrieg II / Krieg in der Heimat / Deutschland / Widerstand / Attentat 20. Juli 1944 / Gericht
Just when I thought things could not possibly get more shockingly totalitarian in New Normal Germany, where I’m being prosecuted in criminal court (for the second time) for tweeting, the German authorities have gone and surprised me again.
No, they haven’t established an actual Nazi-style People’s Court (pictured above) yet, and, of course, there is absolutely no similarity between the current German justice system, which is totally fair and democratic and a paragon of impartial justice and the rule of law, and The People’s Court of Berlin during the Nazi era, nor is there any similarity between Nazi Germany and New Normal Germany (i.e., modern-day Germany), and I would never, ever, suggest that there was, as that would be intellectually lazy, and tasteless, and completely inaccurate, and illegal, and…well, let me fill you in on the latest.
The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for my next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, my first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with my acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting me on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany. But, wait, that’s not the best part.
The best part is, at my new thoughtcrime trial — this time in Berlin Superior Court — full-scale Anti-Terrorism Security protocols will be effect in the courtroom. Everyone will be subjected to TSA-style scanning and screening, and will have to surrender all their personal possessions and hats and coats and head coverings to the Security Staff, and completely empty their pockets of all items, before entering the courtroom.
No computers, phones, smart-watches, or any other potential recording devices will be allowed in the courtroom. Pencils and sheets of paper will purportedly be provided to members of the press by Security Staff. Members of the press and public will be limited to 35, and, after they have successfully passed their “security screening,” they will be cordoned off in the last five rows of the gallery in the very back of the courtroom, “for security reasons,” and monitored by the armed Security Staff.
For the benefit of any new readers unfamiliar with me and my case, I’m not a terrorist. I’m an award-winning American playwright, novelist, and political satirist. I have lived here in Berlin for 20 years. The German authorities have been investigating and prosecuting me since August 2022. My case has been covered in The Atlantic, Racket News, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Multipolar, and many other outlets, so I won’t reiterate every little detail again here. Basically, I am being prosecuted for “spreading pro-Nazi propaganda” because I criticized the Covid mask mandates and tweeted the cover artwork of one of my books, The Rise of The New Normal Reich.
Here’s the cover artwork of that book. The other two images are the recent covers of Der Spiegel and Stern, two well-known mainstream German magazines, which are not being prosecuted for “spreading pro-Nazi propaganda.”

As anyone (even the German authorities) can see, the Spiegel cover artwork uses exactly the same concept as the cover artwork of my book. The only difference is, the Spiegel swastika is covered by the German flag, whereas the swastika on my book is covered by a medical mask.
Both artworks are obviously intended as warnings of the rise of a new form of totalitarianism. Der Spiegel was warning about the Alternativ für Deutschland party (AfD) — as was Stern with its swastika floating in a champagne glass. I was warning about what I dubbed “The New Normal Reich,” the new nascent form of totalitarianism that emerged during 2020-2023, which is still very much on the rise, and which is thoroughly documented and analyzed in my book (which book was banned by Amazon in Germany at the same time the German authorities launched a criminal investigation of me and instructed Twitter to censor my Tweets, which Twitter did).
The pretext the Court is citing for ordering these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols at my trial is ridiculous, and infuriating. The Court claims that the courtroom in which my trial is to take place is occasionally used for a certain “high-security” trial. Therefore, according to the Court, my trial must also be subjected to Anti-Terrorism Security protocols. Seriously, the Court sent my attorney a fax setting forth this “explanation,” which is, of course, a load of horseshit. The Berlin Superior Court is a huge building containing multiple courtrooms, one or two which are probably not subject to such Anti-Terrorism Security protocols when “high-security” trials are not taking place within them.

No, the imposition of these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols is clearly a cynical ploy intended (a) to suppress coverage of the trial, (b) to discourage the press and public from attending, and (c) to intimidate and harass me and my legal counsel, and any members of the press and public who nevertheless attend the trial in spite of the “security procedures” they will be subjected to.
This cynical tactic — which is not an official press blackout, because journalists can still attend and attempt to scribble notes on their knees with the pencils and sheets of paper provided by the Security Staff — comes as no real surprise. As I mentioned above, my case and my first trial got a fair amount of attention from the international press, enough to put the Court on notice that my prosecution was being watched. So, it’s no mystery why the German authorities would want to discourage any reporting on my “do-over” trial in Superior Court.
Also, the gallery was filled to capacity at my original trial in January, where I delivered a rather unusual closing Statement to the Court, which was then published and disseminated widely in Germany. So, again, it is no real mystery why the Superior Court wants to discourage members of the public from attending this new trial by threatening to subject them to these humiliating “security” protocols, and why it has limited the gallery size to only 35 seats.
I assume the German authorities — and by “authorities” I mean the Berlin District Prosecutor’s office, the Berlin Superior Court (Der Kammergericht), and whatever other authorities are intent on punishing me, and making an example of me, for daring to criticize the government’s edicts during 2020-2022, i.e., suspension of the constitutional rights, mask mandates, segregation, the banning of protests, etc. — I assume these authorities are particularly motivated to prevent the press from covering this second trial in Superior Court, because, from what I understand of the German legal system, they are going to “do” me (i.e., convict me) this time.
The way the German legal system works, if they want to do you, is (1) you are acquitted in the lower Criminal Court, (2) the District Prosecutor appeals the verdict to the Superior Court, (3) the Superior Court overturns your acquittal, and (4) the prosecution goes back to the original Criminal Court, which stages a new trial, at which you will be found guilty, because, once the Superior Court has overruled your acquittal, the Criminal Court will convict you based on the Superior Court’s ruling. At which point you will appeal. And on and on and on it will go, until you are broke, or until you give up fighting because you are just so fucking exhausted.
I’m not making this up. This is how The People’s Court of New Normal Germany (i.e., the post-Covid German justice system, which, again, bears no resemblance whatsoever to The People’s Court of Berlin in Nazi Germany, or to the courts in the Soviet Union during the Stalin era, or any other totalitarian “justice” system) … this is how it works in New Normal Germany if you are a critic of the authorities and refuse to meekly accept whatever punishment they want to summarily dish out for whatever they deem to be your thoughtcrimes.
But, hey, at least they’re not going to take me out and put me up against a wall and shoot me, like they did with political criminals in Nazi Germany, and the USSR, so I suppose I should be grateful. I’ll have to work on that.
If you think my case is an aberration, it isn’t. There are many, many other people — critics of the government’s “Covid measures” during 2020-2023 — who are being persecuted and made examples of. Most of these people do not have the financial resources to pay lawyers to fight these prosecutions, so they plead guilty to the charges and pay the fines, which are typically much less than what they would face in attorney’s fees. Being somewhat of a public figure, I thought it was my responsibility not to do that. I’m extremely grateful to everyone who has donated to my legal defense fund, which is how I have been able to cover my legal expenses. There’s enough left in that fund to cover this next trial in Superior Court, so I’m OK for now, financially. I mention that because people are already asking how they can send me money.
What people can do, if they want to do something helpful, is make as much noise as possible about what is happening, not just in Germany, but all throughout the West. Because what is happening is, well, what I tried to capture and analyze in my book. The Powers That Be are going totalitarian on us. They are gradually, and not so gradually, phasing out the so-called “liberal” or “democratic” rights and principles that it was necessary to placate the Western masses with during the Cold War era, which it is no longer necessary to do beyond a certain superficial point.
I have published three books of essays documenting this transition to a new global-capitalist form of totalitarianism, so I’m not going to go on and on about it here. But that’s what all the censorship is about. That’s what all the manufactured hysteria, fomented hatred, fanaticism, the permanent state of “emergency” and “crisis,” the “culture wars,” the cults of personality, the bombardment of our minds with absolutely meaningless nonsense, the naked displays of force, the blatant instrumentalization of the justice system to punish political dissidents, not just here in Germany, but throughout the “democratic” West … that is what all this is about.
I’ll keep my readers posted on the details of my upcoming trial in Berlin Superior Court. My attorney is objecting to these “security protocols,” of course. We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, instead of sending me money this time, maybe try to step back from all the mass hysteria and hatred that we are being inundated with and see the big picture. It isn’t pretty.
Help spread the word about the new totalitarianism, about the phasing-out of our democratic rights. I don’t care which “side” of whatever you are on — Trump, Biden, Palestine, Israel, the culture wars, the cancel campaigns, Covid, Elon Musk, Russia, whatever — and neither do The Powers That Be. Take a step back and try to see the bigger picture … the forest, instead of just the trees. And then make as much noise about it as you can.
We are heading somewhere very ugly … somewhere most of us can’t imagine. Some of us will get there first, but all of us will be there, together, eventually. My story is just one example of what it will be like there, in that ugly place. It isn’t really a story about Germany. It is a story about the end of the myth of democracy, and the rule of law, and all that good stuff. As Frank Zappa once so eloquently explained…
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
It’s something to behold, that brick wall is, especially up close and personal. You’ll see when you get here. I’ll save you a seat.
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Dear Mr Hopkins,
I fully support your wise voice of reason ans keep thumbs for positive outcome of your lawsuit.
In my motherland, Poland, communist censorship- which could also have implicated loss of freedom or life- was a part of experience of generation of my parents and grandparents for nearly half of century. I wish my generation avoid it.
Just one of countless examples. State radio wastes public money (compulsory fees!) on pointless pomp and circumstance instead of on the obligatory task of enlightening recipients and providing neutral reporting/information. The program directors stuff their pockets with unspeakably inflated salaries. This is communism behind a fake “market economy” façade. Like the EUssR burocrats (“commissars”) all these guys are the mouthpiece of the anti-national government agenda they serve.
A Brit makes an effort to speak “Germanic”. Actually a decent idea. Unfortunately, the choice of topics is geared towards current political events and only ever offered in minute snippets. This lacks the receptive response of a like-minded audience.
Moreover, YouTube’s infamous algorithms will presumably do anything but promote popularity, as the one-world language English is ultimately to remain a linguistic vehicle for the transportation of liberal values.
Before anyone asks, “Do you need a hearing aid?”,
I understand that he is American and not British.
Anyone wondering what I meant by “he sees no contradiction in this” in the first paragraph was missing a sentence: “And because successful capitalism always means the free (i.e. borderless) movement of goods, it inevitably entails the global movement of the ‘resource of human material’.”
The contradiction therefore referred to shill Brandy’s (fake) natal attitude, which is simply incompatible with this. After all, he ostensibly claims to be an “advocate of the European peoples”.
He should decide what his main focus is: the free flow of capital and borderless movement of goods – or the protection of indigenous peoples. National capitalism has not yet been invented, apparently Mr. Brandy believes he can square the circle.
CJ it seems they want to bankrupt you.
Nazism/Zionism is a parasitic disorder. Germany and much of Europe was its host during the so called “Great Wars”. The Nazi/Zionist parasite was wide spread throughout the governments, banks and corporations of the day on both sides of the line. When those wars ended with most of Europe in ruin the parasite simply moved on to a new host in the UN and all its tentacles. Also consider that Hitler’s right hand man Martin Borman was credited with setting up 750 companies worldwide with the Nazi’s stolen loot and I believe the rest is history…
CJ Hopkins, it’s just a shame you keep comparing modern behaviours from the globalists [international jewish bankers on top] with “nazism”, when in reality jewish/communism is the worst scourge in history. Even Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated that the jews are the biggest mass murderers in the history of the world, and then portray themselves ass the biggest victims [sic]:
= Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, russian dissident, nobel prize of literature in 1970:
– “… in per capita terms jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.”
= Sever Plocker, jewish writer, in a commentary on the israeli site Ynet, 21st dec 2006:
– “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were jewish. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions and mass death at Gulags. Genrikh Yagoda was the greatest jewish murderer of the 20th century, the GUP’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.”
And of course, most of what you read about WW2 and the holohoax is either distorted, completely false and even inverted.
“Jews” is a racist term.
Like you cannot say “Whites” were the greatest mas murderers and slave traders.
You cannot say “Russians” were the race who killed most people during WWII.
You cannot say “Women” are the most violent sex because females were in charge of Abu Ghraib, CEO’s of the four biggest arm industries in US are females. Why? Because we whichever race we are, are individuals.
You can say an ideology is violent and disgusting, not a race. Zionism, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, whatever ???.
You can say: “A group who confess to this a certain ideology, are violent”. Because this statement can be documented, or dismissed in real life.
Bobby Fischer – Why aren’t the good jews talking against the bad jews?
What will they say about covid in 60 years time.?
Strange that the so called truthers or media outlets called alt media never question it.
Hold it right there Germany! Your Berlin Court will demand visitors relinquish their “hats?” Wow! Blatant antisemitism! Terrible, horrible!
You mean to tell me if a German Jew comes into Court wearing a traditional kippah (yamaka) he will have to surrender it to an officer of the Court?
God almighty! What is Germany coming to?
A dadaist with the frightening name Goebbels invites us on a journey to the Beach Boys, accompanied by nonsense poems by “transmasculine” feminist Gertrude Stein. A listening pleasure of the first order from 2000.
In the eyes of the nihilists, life makes no sense at all. I am now inclined to agree. Because nonsense alone is the only “sense” of the postmodern digital age. “It’s really one of the monuments of our literature, and of world literature.”
Why the Nazis left a Jewish lesbian, who made “degenerate art”, unmolested instead of “gassing” her cries out for an explanation that has yet to be found. Allegedly, her somewhat strange friendship with and admiration for Nazi collaborators made this possible.
Truth is not our friend. You can’t walk it through your neighborhood like a pet on a leash, allowing friends and neighbors to admiringly admonish your truth. We must keep the truth in a hole where we can toss it chunks of raw, bloody flesh so we can think we bought ourselves more time.
It is not Just in Germany
Imagine a charge has been brought against you but before your trial a Judge decides that you can not present your evidence in defence, But also If you ask that those bringing the charge present there evidence to substantiate there claim but this is also denied.
This is what is happening in the charge against Richard D Hall. His trial started on the 22nd of July 2024 at the High Court in the UK and is set to last 4 days.
Richard is charged with harassment. Not as a result of continuing to contact them or carry out actions that we would normally consider as Harassment. But for writing a book and making a film where Richard expresses his opinion and presents the evidence he has discovered. The photographic and audio evidence that Richard presents does call into question the official narrative. But the state has chosen to hide most of the evidence including the evidence that they claim confirms the claimants story.
As bad as this situation it is even worse in what are called child courts. Where the state can and do decide to take away your children . These are held in secret with all meaningful reporting banned both before during and after the proceedings . Where a much lower burden of proof is required. Little meaningful defence against prosecutions incorrect information deliberate lies possible forgeries .
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I wonder why they chose 22nd of July 2024 as the start date of the trial as 22 is number that seems to crop up a lot.
“No, the imposition of these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols is clearly a cynical ploy intended (a) to suppress coverage of the trial, (b) to discourage the press and public from attending, and (c) to intimidate and harass me and my legal counsel, and any members of the press and public who nevertheless attend the trial in spite of the “security procedures” they will be subjected to”.
As well as in countless other trials in various countries, all those techniques were employed in the judicial proceedings concerning Julian Assange and Craig Murray in Britain. They are obviously undemocratic and directly contrary to the principles of open justice.
I have never thought of Germany – or France – as a free or democratic country. In 1933-45 in Germany it was compulsory to praise the Nazis and hate the Jews; today it is simply the other way round. The idea that citizens should have rights, or should be free to think and say what they believe, is just not understood.
That’s why I – as a UK citizen – voted for Brexit. In Britain, at least the ideas and principles are fairly familiar, and often receive lip service.
You do well to cite the Assange extradition case in which Judge Baraitser conducted the hearing placing Assange in a bullet-proof glass booth at the rear of the court without access to his counsel during his appearance and resisting attempts to have him sit in the body of the court with his lawyers. Mr Hopkins’ case seems so reminiscent of what went on in this country not so long ago. Assange paid a terrible price for his freedom and he may never properly recover from his ordeal even though justice finally prevailed. It’s to be hoped Mr Hopkins is spared the extreme persecutions that Assange was subjected to.
Reasoning according to the rule of law:
We train young men to drop fire on people but their commanders won’t allow them to write FUCK on their airplanes because it’s obscene.
-Colonel Kurtz, Apocalypse Now
From Catch 22 (Joseph Heller)
‘They agreed that it was neither possible nor necessary to educate people who never questioned anything.‘
‘There was no telling what people might find out once they felt free to ask whatever questions they wanted to.’
‘The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.’
‘There was no telling what people might find out once they felt free to ask whatever questions they wanted to.’
Off course there was no telling.
When people feel free to ask, they will ask: “What should I do next after I bombed Hiroshima??”…………….LOL.
Thats what people will ask, and thats why there is no telling………………LOL.
Some troublesome Germans who had to be silenced for the greater glory of the free market:
Mario Ohoven was President of German Fed. Chamber of Commerce for medium-sized businesses from 1998. He wrote to the Chancellor several times to end lock-downs, questioning legality and threatening to sue. He died in a highway crash.
In 2020 autumn, Thomas Opperman, Vice-President of the German Bundestag, criticised the covid restrictions. In late Oct., he demanded a parliamentary debate. Before he could publicise his position on TV, he died suddenly of unknown causes.
Franz Klein was CEO of German Hotels & Hospitality Assoc. When the government tightened the “pandemic” laws, he threatened to sue. He died suddenly.
Figureheads made dead?
We’ll never know.
Unless _ _ _ _
Or perhaps more like faggots for Truth’s death pyre…
Re: Study from Denis Rancourt and Correlation Research in the Public Interest:
Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus
Spatiotemporal Variation of Excess All-cause Mortality in the World (125 countries) During the COVID Period 2020-2023 Regarding Socio-Economic Factors and Public Health and Medical Interventions
Rancourt said the excess deaths his team identified are strongly associated with the combination of two major factors — the proportion of elderly in a country’s population and the number of people living in poverty. Both factors increased peoples’ vulnerability to “sudden and profound structural societal changes” and “medical assaults.”
Italy (ageing) and the US (poverty) being prime examples.
So, ageing populations and widespread poverty did not exist in the year 2020 or earlier?
Of course they did, and they are always the most vulnerable in any ‘event’, manufactured or real.
My point was that the excess death figures incorporated young, healthy and not necessarily poor people – including children… In fact, more so than those over 60 y.o.s
As US actuaries and others in the European life and private health insurance industries stated, the extreme increase in claims due to death (and disability) rose in the young, working population.
Just stating that excess deaths were due to old people dying anyhow is misleading.
Must be ‘Long Covid’, surely?
Convenient, that.
It seems to me that it is a bigger boat you’ve rocking than just the German government and that their system is being used to persecute you at someone else’s behest. Off hand I’d say pharmaceutical companies, big banking and global controlers. You’ve been an intolerable fly in their ointment, a thorn in their side. The examples of hypocrisy you cite did not rock the big money/control boat that your works did and therefore came in for no harrassment. Further, now, somewhere, somehow someone is making money and benefitting by perpetuating your case. Find out what agencies and individuals are behind all this and expose them. No more complaints about the system, prosecute the people and their puppets who are persecuting you. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Check out who the prosecutor is.
Sorry, off t, sort of.
Bayer IS a German multi national.
Are you HT? (Herbicide Tolerant);
“Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus is charged with ‘Discreditable Conduct’ under the Ontario Police Services Act for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants. Detective Grus was investigating any potential connection between the vaccination status of the mothers and the sudden deaths of breastfeeding babies.”
This is a listing of news articles, independent media, and video in reverse chronological order – grouped by venue / publisher.It will take some time for me to get this list up to date, and it may not always be current.
See my ‘X’ (Twitter) account for the most current information and links to the Detective Grus case:
I have a collection of Grus Case court documents and transcripts that I freely share with other journalists and news organizations. For access, contact me via email: [email protected]
Donald Best
More Human Than Human
“Well now, when the soul wanders there are things a man must see.
There are trials he must know and there are troubles he must meet.
He must stare in the eyes of evil and know that he is free.
‘Til the good lord calls, keep on wanderin”
Justin Townes Earle
Son of Canadian pastor facing prison for sermon blasts Trudeau before EU Parliament, draws standing ovation
“All protests have to take place within the rule of law. As a person, you don’t get to choose what laws you follow.”
Johnston said Pawlowski showed little remorse and has shown contempt for the rule of law.
“In this case, the accused comes before the court with no sense of remorse. The lack of remorse, the lack of introspection is important in this case because of the fact he is likely a high risk to redo this,” he said.
Calgary pastor gets 60-day sentence for role in protests against COVID measures in Alberta
Dear Mr. Hopkins,
The only reason why the whole German Supreme Court system is following you to the door, is because your wife is a Doo. There is absolutely no other explanation plus…that the entire German system must have gone Nazis…..again.
Hopefully you will get the Dooish World Congress in US to issue a new World Trade War Declaration against Germany again if you get just 100 DEM in fine for insulting the German Public in a sad time for everybody in Europe and US, and elsewhere..
You and your dearest nearest outrage against the German nation since 1929 must come to an new endlösung.
How dare the official Germany criticise your International book of complete free speech without any limitations. 😕 .
How dare they even have an opinion? Havent the Zionist club in City of London and NYC already been teaching Germany twice a lesson, and still Germany continue to think they can act independently ?
Since they started Bombing my Ex’s place (Serbia) to shit in 1999, and then 9/11 (come on I did pure maths and physics at a UK University for a bit. before computing…Whilst I reallu Liked The Americans who came over to England
No one had heard of Microsoft or Apple then
The Americans I met – Massive RESPECT – almost Friends – some still are
EVERYTHING has Changed Now.
The USA has totally embarrassed itself, such some of them are now giving the impression that They are Human , and do not want to kill nearly Everyone through bombs and vax
Eventually The evil self destructs.
Its a turning point…The Rest of the World Just LAUGHS
The Whiteheads mentioned the Nazis in yesterday’s article, now CJ mentions them again, which is a continuing theme of his regarding the New Normal Germany. If I recall correctly, other authors have mentioned them regularly too. It also seems to be a recurring theme in others parts of the alt-media.
It feels as if, we as readers are being subconciously and through NLP programmed, to fear a forthcoming fascist take over. Yet, strangely enough, the authors never mention the communitarian (communism rebranded) take over. A new normal of zero individual property rights for us plebs, be we either poor, working class or middle class. That is communism, not fascism.
Why is communitarianism not talked about by OffG guest authors, with the exception of Iain Davis who does indirectly when discussing the PPP and the rentier economy?
I don’t wish to sound like a broken record but UN Agenda 21 (for 21st century) and UN Agenda 2030 is communitarian. It is this agenda that we have to derail. Not to worry about the nebulous possibility of jackbooted fascists marching down the local high street.
The enemies of the people are in the local town halls and councils assembling the UN Agendas right under our noses and they are certainly not fans of Adolf and crew, yet many are fans of Marx, Lenin and Mao and are Fabian socialists.
If and when you end up owning nothing, it will not have been through the dirty work of ideological fascists but will be at the hands of ideological communists – working with the PPP – placed in positions of influence in your local communities.
CJ Hopkins does mention Stalin in this article and is talking about totalitarianism on the whole as I read it.
The confusion between the labels fascist and communist must be deliberate. The product descriptions on the packets are different but the contents are the same. The manufacturers are the same, the salesmen are the same and unfortunately, the consumers are the same.
Both are totally and officially authoritarian and use ‘own’ industry as an international weapon. CCP does similar since 1949 till today with a semi enlightened mid term under Deng Xiaoping.
Yes, both systems come from the same stable, and are labelled differently. Although, with the experiment labelled fascism, the right to individual property rights was maintained but the State also had a close relationship with business – Mussolini’s definition of ‘corporatism’. In the case of communism, individual property rights were removed in favour of state ownership.
The planned communitarian model will remove individual property rights in favour of preferred corporate partners (perhaps a maximum of 2000 large businesses worldwide as per the WEF partner list) working hand in glove with the State, ie the PPP model, while eliminating ALL small and medium-sized enterprises.
Every destitute person in the Free World believes you.
I hope so, and the chattled too.
Broadly speaking, Fascism requires a Nationalistic component, which focuses on the primacy of the Nation, the People, and its heroes, while communism is Globalist, corrosive and destructive of national identities and cultures. The former is hierarchical, while the latter strives to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator, allowing, of course, for a special Elite at the top to administer and oversee everything.
So they’re both the same with a different name, courtesy of the international banking cartel.
How do you reach that conclusion?
You said it- “an elite at the top”. (Which is bound to have layers). That’s a hierarchy is it not?
Great stuff, in the market on who to blame and that ticks all the boxes.
What can you do if the enemy is funnier than you ?
These guys, okay I’m thinking david mitchell, okay, i said it.
I’m already writing like him, his ..stuff. Never read any, wouldn’t.
He’s ‘on’ a lot, scored the peep show crowd with sick talent
Does he even know though ?
The controllers are all what
Children are O.K. They are the Future of our World
Be Brave…They haven’t done anything wrong.
Encourage Them, to go swimming after school and make new friends.
They have a life to lead.
“Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain, and all the children are insane. All the children, are insane…waiting for the Summer rain…”
I’m tempted to say “don’t turn up”, since you’ve already been proven innocent. Thereby denying follow-up kangaroo courts any credence.
But then I’d probably turn up if it were me. More out of curiosity than anything else.
Let us know to what extent proceedings resemble Kafka’s “The Trial”…
I am not going to diminish the influence of Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (nick name Miranda) and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson…
But my EX, from 45 years ago Hawkwind fan, like my Wife and me (very similar lives since we split up up ) a couple of Children and several Granchidren now which s.he boasts about. She still texts me, but no phone calls, I could confirm it was her with a phone call, still totally Beautiful and highly intelligent and fast
She has already showed me her Grandchildren…Beautiful Kids like she is…
She not unaturally wants to see a photo of our little girl – nearly 2…She says I don’t believe you…I said, well lets see if you can find a photo of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson…’s kids
Even Then Royalty never had a problem with that – nor Lizz Truss – He two daughters were with her when she got chucked out of No 10
Come on Carrie
One of the main reasons, I occasionaly read Off- Guardian is because i Just know, they are going to publish an article by CJ Hopkins. I have bought his book, even his stage plays, and said come to London – maybe get one of your plays on.
Meanwhile, after the most amazing testimony I have seen in the USA since George Galloway turned up 20 years ago, and Donald Trump was nearly Assasssinated (anyone who thinks this a fake – is probably an actor – used to Stage Plays)
The US Congress actually Verbally Terrorised The Director of The Trump Assasination Squad …not asking the obvious question – why did you miss – the only answer she gave – well we nicked his ear…
But what about the other 6 shots – what do you know about this???
How come all of them missed?
Meanwhile whilst , he is probably as guilty as hell for telling most of the truth…(I won’t bore you about 9/11 )
Julian Assange is Free and No none knows who is in charge of the USA, now that the boss of the Secret Intellgience Agency(CIA,FBI,MI6 and Mossad Kamilla said she ain’t meeting him(possible class) has Resigned ( a bit like the Soviet Union under The control of the same Bolsheviks?)
I mean ffs, anything like this in the USA – check out the Automatic Earth – also for family friendly animal videos – I only survived on post there…not in the same class, though I read it every day – mainly for the art
Family photo from Stella Assange
Can you provide us the Court address to write to? I will cc the Chancellor and Der Spiegel. I’ve been using postcards with image and text so that mail is seen by everyone from post office to inbox.
CJ can look after himself, but send him some money or buy his books
Public opinion is peer pressure. Peer pressure influences everything in society.
Although the New Normal Germany is not the same as Nazi Germany it may be far more dangerous in that now there are no enemy states. The Globalists New World control is everywhere, only We The People can bring this Tyranny to an end. Voting for one corrupt politician or another is never going to work. These bankers’ puppets have sold their souls and enslaved their kids for a moment in the spotlight.
Whilst you, CJ, endure the ongoing forms and streams of totalitarianism on the material/physical realm, the Kakistocracy is in the process of encapsulating most of humanity within its cyber form of said totalitarianism, i.e., the open-air, digital, panoptic prison; and, whereas the prototype of said prison emanates from the ideas of Bentham and was perspectival, today’s form is more of an offshoot of the members of the Macy Conference (i.e., Wiener; Lewin; von Neumann; etc.) – and aperspectival. Moreover, as opposed to the former type of totalitarianism (wherein, theoretically, one can blame this person or that group), the latter type has been enabled to grow and metastasize thanks to the contributions of not only the Kakistocracy (i.e., DoD; DARPA; Silicon Valley; etc.), but ,ironically, each and every person that has used the internet/social media over the past 30 years or so. Humbling thought to say the least! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
What people have to realize is that “Nazi court” in the grainy black and white photo isn’t actually a “Nazi court”, its the same old German court that would have been used in Weimar times and before. Courts always have the symbols of the state as part of their decor to impress on people that they are instruments of state power so as the picture dates from the 1930s it features the Nazi state. Fast forward or reverse a decade or two and the building’s the same, its just the logo that changed. The people working there won’t have changed much either.
The security protocols are just another way of impressing on the public that they have the power — and you don’t.
Personally, I think that the Germans deny Nazism as a way of avoiding confronting it. So instead of realizing how ordinary it was its treated like a social disease who’s name cannot be mentioned. This allows the form to creep back unchallenged because the ban on the window dressing — and it was just that, windows dressing — is used as the ultimate deniability. (“See, we’re not waving swastika banners so we can’t be fascists…..”)
Good luck CJ.
Looks like this could be what they’ve been looking for.
A disease with a high death rate :
But don’t worry, it’s all in hand:
The new vaccine uses the same delivery system as AZ’ now discredited covid jab so that will probably be passed over.
In favour of……
Ta Da !
Guess what !
A true cohencidence.
Yesterday I watched the Norwegian movie “Troll”, at least partly because I can’t stand computer-animated movies in principle. It’s more or less unbearably artificial computer-simulated Americanized kitsch stuff. I can’t stand anything that’s artificial and unreal. It must be in my nature to reject anything unnatural. Of course, you can be very unnatural and still be creative, that cannot be denied.
But the troll could have its origins in Neanderthals. Since the Norwegians have a close linguistic connection to us northern Germans (simply because of the Danish border), I gave them a chance. I once lived in Norway and even learned some of their language, which is very similar to German in many ways, indeed astonishingly similar, as long as we are not dealing with non-Germanic loan words.
By learning a foreign language, you slip into a kind of glove and get a kind of feeling for the mental framework in which the speakers move and travel by means of this vehicle, including its limitations. In any case, the hero of this, in my opinion, completely misguided theme is a Norwegian with an Indonesian face who, after defeating the Proto-Germanic troll, is shaken by a Neger who says: “Bro!” That’s all you really need to know about it.
Quite right. They’re insufferably boring. You have to go back to the pre-CGI movies (Carpenter’s “The Thing”, the first “Alien”, “American Werewolf in London” etc.) to see unforgettable visceral creepy stuff.
And then there are the old Ray Harryhausen films. Marvellous!
Thank you very much, yes exactly.
For my money, something like this scene, however primitive by today’s CGI standards, is viscerally more effective. Note: there is no bombastic music to build up the drama, which is, at the most basic existential level, simple survival and primacy.
“…because I can’t stand computer-animated movies in principle.”
I can’t stand them in practice.
“Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.”
I see. “Libertarian” clown Lindner: “Dear Janet!”
These creatures sell off everything of value in cul-
tures to the devil. Because they only value what
can be read in their current account balance.
Frankfurt is also the headquarters of the “Euro-
pean Central Bank”. Not without reason it looks
like any major city in the US (and therefore has
exactly the same “problems”). Rothschild came
from there, a little later the “Frankfurt School”.
Forget “pre-crime”, here comes “pre-health”:
The way they’re trying to package this one to appeal both to the Right (economic efficiency) and the Left (caring) is classic Third Way politics and suggests this is serious rather than just more fake binaries. It opens the door to all sorts of medical interventions on healthy people and the emphasis on lifestyle leads straight into the micro-management of every part of people’s lives enforced by a mixture of social credit and insurance company policies.
The amount of money spent on getting you to test for this and that makes no sense when the NHS can’t get an ambulance to a relative of mine having a diabetic crisis .
Until you put two and two together.
They can easily hit print all day long but to actually make things happen takes real effort.
That is what “bio-security” means.
Truth does not need exaggeration.
Most British Courts including tribunal courts have Scans and bag searches and no cameras allowed policy and can hold your phone and pencils under the term (sharps) etc etc.
Been happening for 20+ year, started a bit after 911, pre 911 depending on the court case, being searched by security and metal scanned including no glass bottles or hat or hair metal pins removal (sharps) even the walkmens was not allowed and was requirement for entry for most British courts.
No CJ, not new normal a exaggeration of facts by the author (no surprise there).
You mentioned “depending on the court case.” Since CJ’s first case did not have these security procedures, and he was acquitted, why would the retrial for the same charges change the security protocols? Also, a case about a book cover does not seem high on the terrorism scale.
CJ is hardly exaggerating the court’s attempt to ‘get him’ this time.
Rationalizing the security protocols misses the point of CJ’s current essay.
we do not talk of protocols here hare here that was a nazi right wing anti semenite trope
all you have to do is read the elders of zion swiss zionist convention minutes and you will sea see that nothing of those protocols came to pass
a brave new world
jurisdiction is the key
once challenged the moving party must verify and validate what they have on you
I’ve shared your latest article on Facebook, wrote a short introduction in Dutch. Very small feat, just wanted to let you know. Ever since I read your series ‘The Covidian Cult’ I keep track of what you publish on the internet. Greetings from The Netherlands.
Satan continues to manifest his henchmen from generation to generation..
I am certainly not a Duginist (“national Bolshevik”), but neither am I a supporter of the “liberal” Western system.
Europe must (re)find its own way, but without getting lost in “spiritual” fantasies.
That kind of court machinery is needed to keep serious stuff like “Nordstrom 2” under wraps. An act of war against one NATO member is supposed to get an armed reaction from the rest of the club.
Meanwhile it has to be kept busy with chickenfeed like yours to keep the bills paid and the show up.
Isn’t obvious CJ?
You’ve lived there for twenty years.
The Germans are perfectionists/control freaks. (I should know, I married into a German family).
That good/not so good racial trait produces some of the finest technology on the planet. Cars, trucks, agricultural machinery, electronics etc etc.
You’ve gone and thrown a spanner into their perfect order.
You vill be dealt viz.
Good luck Bro🤐😷😖🙂
You don’t know the half of it. When I met Lila’s paternal grandmother, the first thing she said to me was ‘Did you steal the van?’ (£827 in the local auction)
Her husband trained the SS’s horses until1937 when he was formally inducted into the SS. After death camps in Poland he got back to Germany and ran a tractor over his leg so he could be an injured farm labourer. I don’t know what he did about the SS tattoo.
This was the late 1990s and it was definitely bubbling, boiling away very close to the surface.
‘Light blue touch paper and stand well back.’
Roland Friesler in the picture was supposedly killed by a U.S. air raid when a column was toppled by the bombing and crushed him. Stalin’s most notorious prosecutor Vyshinsky, noted for his summation “take them out and shoot them like the mad dogs they are”, seems to have died of natural causes.
On the subject of WW2 bombing, I’ve recently read a claim that half the fatalities in the Blitz were caused by home defensive fire (either by falling shrapnel or unexploded ordnance falling to earth). I’d like to know how that figure was arrived at – but it makes sense of war as a depopulation engine driven by a transnational elite.
Firing heavy artillery straight up into the air from densely populated urban areas would tend to do that
The British Royal Air Force made use of incendiary bombs (a deadly combination of high-explosive bombs and incendiaries, I.B. 4-lb. Mk IV incendiary), including bombs containing phosphorus, during the bombing raids on Dresden. These incendiary bombs were intended to create massive firestorms targeting civilian populations. Dresden remained ablaze for weeks.
I’ve seen similar reports about the heavy artillery but I think “friendly fire” (so sweet) is responsible for a lot of deaths in warfare. My father’s brother was shot down by the Royal Navy in WW2, let’s face it, no one likes to think about culling fellow humans. In one of those wildlife TV programmes with wolves attacking oxen I noticed a bull charging a calf out of the protective circle, no comment by the presenter but it was obvious if you allowed yourself to be aware of it. I wonder how much I don’t allow myself to be aware of.
Good luck CJ. Know that there are many of us following your progress and wishing you a speedy victory. As long as you maintain your unique wit and sense of humour you’ll get through this. With every article you write you make a positive difference in the world by shining a light into the dark corners where most don’t dare to look.
Sense of humour, indeed.
All the best to CJ Hopkins.
They’re doing some weird things over there, banning and seizing the property of opposition publications and so on. It’s going on everywhere, but they seem a bit more hysterical.
Till now, I have resisted the idea that there is something about the German collective psyche that makes them vulnerable to manipulation. I am beginning to reconsider that.
Question is – who does the manipulating.
It doesn’t matter – they appear to be easy to lead this way or that.
To me it does. I can cope with our own stupidity and gullibility. But I find that the manipulating has been done by the same bastards for more than a century and I’m fed up with them. I do count the author among them.
You might be right about it being the same bastards. But I can’t see what the author has to do with that.
I’ll try to explain. Every grown up in Germany knows that one MUST NOT show swastikas in public.Allied military authorities had this established even before the war was definitely over. It was later put down into West German ‘national’ law (‘Wiederbetätigungsverbot’). And here comes a US author living in Germany for a long time and pretends outrage that his book cover is being incriminated. Ridiculous. I call this manipulation.
Make no mistake, they’re not alone, we all are.