Judging Character

Todd Hayen

I do think it is interesting these days that people can no longer accurately judge character. This seems to be a borderline-esque example of a lack of object constancy—where a person has a difficult time averaging out another person’s behaviour and only looks at the last thing they did to assess them. This is all probably due to the indoctrination we are all experiencing now, and have been experiencing for years.

I also think we have been inundated with movies for decades that show people acting out of character in surprising unexpected ways. For example, the really nice guy next door who ends up being a serial killer. That sort of character inconsistency just doesn’t happen in real life (explanation to follow).

Yet people always think it could happen—or even that it is likely to happen, no matter how clear it is made that it most likely would not happen. It is a huge fear of human beings that someone they trust will suddenly turn on them—they are then apt to trust them too thoroughly in order to avoid that risk. But again, this turning typically doesn’t happen in real life (not in radical ways—except in romantic relationships where people’s judgement are clouded by “love”).

If someone is an asshole, you usually can tell, intuitively that they are an asshole, and if someone has good character, usually that good character is consistent in their actions and behaviour. There are outliers, of course, and you do have to nurture the skill of intuitive assessment to be decent at making a reasonably reliable evaluation.

However, we are constantly told we cannot “profile” people based on intuitive assessment, so we are being trained to not trust anyone outside the agenda’s list of approved experts. Believe it or not, this also means that those we do trust (those on the list), are often untrustworthy, and it is nearly impossible to stop trusting them. This seems to be a contradiction, but this is what we observe happening right before our very eyes.

Let me further explain and give some answers.

If we have lost the natural ability to assess character, then we, like a blind person, will rely on others to tell us who to trust, who to like, who is decent, and who is not. We determine who we will assign this task (who we will rely on) based on several criteria, none of which depend on our own ability to make these determinations.

The criteria we use to find the person that will lead us to character discernment usually includes something as stupid as a person in authority, a person in a position in government, medical doctors, or maybe other “experts”—but in our current culture, usually sweet talking, lying, politicians. People we have been told to trust, and if we do not trust them, then we are lowly, stupid, deplorable, conspiracy theorists.

Think of this process as being similar to a newborn chick who imprints on whatever it first encounters to be its mother. We imprint on people or positions (such a president or prime minister) we are told to trust. Government we trust. And the imprinting sticks.

This again is an example of losing certain God-given abilities and sensitivities, but not losing them organically, or through some sort of evolution of being, but rather losing them because we are being coerced into losing them, maliciously, intentionally, and nefariously.

We simply have lost the ability to assess our environment properly. The environment includes everything that we come into contact with, whether it be concepts, ideas, medical interventions, climate (weather) or even people’s character. The inner system that used to evaluate, judge, and assess these things has been replaced with an outer system that unfortunately does not have our better interests at heart.

In fact, depending on how far you want to go down the rabbit hole, this “external system” could be as innocuous as a bunch of blowhard narcissists trying to stroke their ego or as mind-numbingly diabolical as Satan himself. And anything in between, such as evil greed and a thirst for political power. As I have made many descents into the rabbit hole, I am tending to believe the answer is rather close to the bottom, and may be at the bottom itself.

Do you see a recurring theme in my writing? I do not do this purposefully, but it seems the same basic ideas keep coming up with just different ways to look at them. Bear with me (or is it “bare” with me—pun intended).

Now, back to the specifics of this article. If we can no longer trust our intuitive assessment of character (and, of course, it isn’t ALL intuitive), then the external system (i.e., “they,” “the powers that be,” “the agenda,” “GloboCap,” or Beelzebub himself) is going to tell you exactly what that character is. This external system will say Fauci, for example, has good character, whereas Dr. McCullough, or Dr. Pierre Kory, does not.

How do they actually tell us this?

Primarily by discrediting who they deem “poor character” through media, censorship, lost licenses, etc. Sheep cannot tell if these discrediting tactics are based on fact, nor can they tell if discrediting someone like, for one example, Dr. McCullough, cuts through their own gut response to his character (assessed through his past credits and past actions, as well as an intuitive, heartfelt, analysis). They should be able to, but they have lost that ability through years of indoctrination (see this article for one possibility as to how this was done).

Could all of the positive information gathered about a McCullough-type be falsified? Technically that is possible, but that is very unlikely. Particularly for a doctor, his or her past accomplishments are well documented. Can we trust our heartfelt assessment? We used to be able to, but I think few of us can anymore. The psy-op to destroy that ability has been very powerful and effective.

Most shrews I have talked to immediately pegged Anthony Fauci as dubious. Was that due to his short stature? His New York accent? His weasley mannerisms? I don’t think so (but maybe his mannerisms do make a negative impression) “Something about that guy . . .” Then Kennedy’s book came out, which only served to document, in one place, a history of dubious activity. Then Covid, then the Senate hearings, then more to come in exposing his evil intentions later down the road. But the shrew gut knew, for quite some time.

We, as a human race, are losing the ability to think, to reason, to logically put dots together, and to trust our intuitive sense of what is right and what is wrong. We are being taught to see things in a polarized fashion, black or white, and then taught to listen to only one source that tells us which is black, and which is white. We no longer (or soon to be) can determine by instinct what is good for us, we cannot discern art from computer junk, we cannot see a human face in such a way that divulges malcontent or benevolence, we can no longer see blatant lies.

Of course, these “senses” are not foolproof, but they give us information that is a part of what we use to determine what is and what is not dangerous in our environment. We have passed this on to others to do for us. And those others do not give a rat’s ass if we live or die.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 3, 2024 10:36 AM

Has it reached tipping point yet?

Trust in medicine in the USA is in steep decline.
But “public health” experts seem blind to the causes.
Jonathan Engler
Aug 02, 2024
A new article in JAMA bemoans a rather precipitous fall in levels of trust in doctors and hospitals during the fake pandemic.

Original Investigation Public Health
July 31, 2024
Trust in Physicians and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a 50-State Survey of US Adults
Roy H. Perlis, MD, MSc, et al

Question: How did trust in physicians and hospitals change during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Findings: In every sociodemographic group in this survey study among 443 455 unique respondents aged 18 years or older residing in the US, trust in physicians and hospitals decreased substantially over the course of the pandemic, from 71.5% in April 2020 to 40.1% in January 2024. Individuals with lower levels of trust were less likely to have been vaccinated or received boosters for COVID-19.

Meaning: This study suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with a continuing decrease in trust in physicians and hospitals, which may necessitate strategies to rebuild that trust to achieve public health priorities.

robert fry
robert fry
Jul 30, 2024 1:09 AM

thanks Todd , I think your article may connect with Ian McGilchrists’ assertion that we are using our left brain now too much as the master and our intuition is relegated to superstition ,also I note this all has happened as we have take science as the new God

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jul 29, 2024 12:04 AM

I reserve my right to judge anyone based on merit or lack of thereof. That said I am willing to offer most one chance and one chance only. Strike 1 and you’re out.
I trust my intuition although I know I am fallible.
Todd I know you are a licensed professional in the province of Ontario. So I know professionally speaking that there are things you can and can not say.
Just ask Dr.Charles Hoffe (different province same game)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 28, 2024 9:14 PM

The moment I saw Lee Harvey Oswald’s face in the media I knew it was him. Per instinct.
I just felt it in my backbone. I knew my government was right about it and doing the right thing!
Same when Osama Bin Laden came out. This kindergarten teacher smile, son of a billionaire contractor whore from Saudi.
I knew immediately HE did 9/11 with a bunch of Afghan Ali Baba thieves with bone knives. It was so obvious.
Osama was jealous on our way of living. He wanted revenge.

Dont tell me from where I have this gut feeling. I just know I am right when I get it. Its like being together with Leonidas in the last battle for Sparta.
We, I and my government, will not give up. We will go the whole way to Tipperary. https://youtu.be/bd8IYLfOBGo

Jul 28, 2024 8:01 PM

This relates to the fact that while most Americans with even a basic understanding of the history of Western civilization have no problem “looking back in time” and comprehending that Western oligarchy has been routinely vile, violent, greedy and psychopathic in nature. From the Roman Empire to Holy Mother Church to the European monarchies this description fits Western oligarchy to a tee. However, almost mysteriously, when routinely faced with endless displays of the same vile, violent, greedy psychopathic behavior from today’s political class and their masters – most Americans can’t seem to exit “denial mode” as they instinctively shimmy and shill for their favorite “lessor of two evils” party and candidate – never facing the reality that they are simply getting to chose which caliber cartridge will be placed in the pistol we’ll all be playing Russian roulette with for the next four years.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 28, 2024 7:44 PM

Well, Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, as they like to tell us for some bizarre reason) has been arrested under the terrorist act.

Bloody controlled opposition.

Jul 28, 2024 10:24 PM

You think the authorities can’t fake an arrest, charges, run fake court cases, fake imprisonments and even fake deaths of totally fictional characters in the newspapers? They can and they do all the time. Enjoy your actors and their phony baloney plights.

Do send all your spare money to the Tommy Legal Defense Fund For Dummies.

illiterate goblin
illiterate goblin
Jul 29, 2024 5:58 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The same lawyer fees; scam grift each month and still they cant see it.

Jul 30, 2024 9:07 AM

You think most blokes wouldn’t do a bit of bird for hundreds of thousands, or millions? Dude. It’s all part of the deal made by these shabbas goyim.

Jul 28, 2024 6:35 PM
Jul 28, 2024 9:20 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes indeed. I will fully admit, his idiotic and divisive remark about “childless cat ladies” pissed me off enough to do a little bit of reading about just who this guy really is. He’s a deep state creature if there ever was one. I had a brief moment a month or so ago of outrage and was going to vote for Trump, fully knowing he’d not really do anything to change the overall trajectory, but with some deep-seated idea he’d maybe slow it down. What an asshole I was. But it’s so damned easy to get sucked into the hype, particularly when emotional cues are used. No way in hell I vote for either of them, EVER. I should really thank Mr Vance for waking me up out of that emotional stupor but alas, the only way I can thank him for that is by not voting at all. I doubt that was his intent. Apparently one cannot upload a PDF to this site, or at least I’m not tech saavy enough to figure it out. I highly recommend an article by Whitney Webb on Unlimited Hang Out titled: “The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think.” For those not inclined to read the article, look up Peter Thiel and Palantir to see the money man behind all that nice family values rhetoric. Most out here are probably already aware of who that individual is and who he’s connected to as well, but some haven’t gotten down into that rabbit hole yet. I did not watch your link yet and it probably covers this material as well. I read JD’s book back when it was first published, it came up in an Amazon feed and sounded interesting. Most of it was, although I was pretty put off… Read more »

Big Al
Big Al
Jul 29, 2024 3:53 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Thanks Lizzy for the info. I haven’t had, nor have I wanted to take, time to research much on the guy but it didn’t take much to figure out where that would lead. You confirmed it for me. Just hearing the name Peter Theil reminded me of the Intercept, Glen Greenwald and Pierre Omidyar. And funny enough, I had feelings along the same lines relative to Trump for a bit, but truthfully because of how disgusted I was to think that Kamala Harris could become prez. I almost would rather have Trump. But in the end, same as you, I’m not voting, I haven’t since I stupidly fell for Obama’s bs in 2008.

Jul 28, 2024 6:31 PM

Today’s Corbett Report is excellent

Jul 28, 2024 5:08 PM

I think there are two types of character judgment: one for men, one for women. A tall, imposing, good looking male gets the “Now there’s a man’s man – I’d trust him with my life!”

A buxom, good looking female gets the “Now there’s a real schemer – I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her!”

Conversely, a small, homely male gets the “Now there’s someone I wouldn’t trust to clean my toilet!” And a homely, poorly framed female gets the “Now there’s a woman you can depend on in a pinch!”

Most people go strictly by appearance – and that includes shrews as well as sheep. It’s “what you see is what you get.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 9:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

That’s not what I think when I see a buxom, good looking female.

Jul 29, 2024 4:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not the first thing, granted (that would indeed be “I’d love to f**k that b***h!). But after the hormones recede, what’s left might well be distrust.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 29, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Your mating urge seems a tad adolescent, and, coupled with your earlier comment, suggests a rather elevated level of misogyny.

Jul 30, 2024 4:59 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

These are the perils of presuming to say how a certain type of person might respond: there’s always a danger that someone will assume one is speaking on behalf of oneself.

I personally find the rabid misogyny so prevalent even today in most human societies absolutely abominable. But this feature seems ingrained in virtually every “civilized” society on Earth.

Jul 28, 2024 4:47 PM

As Kurt Vonnegut said, “love is respect”. Respect requires pause and consideration, the benefit of the doubt, before judgement. Giving everyone a break and not yielding to peer pressure, preconceived notions or protocol is giving respect. Questioning what is said, researching the truth for oneself, then deciding what needs to be done, by oneself, is what is rational behavior. Loving behavior. But we need to realize this must come from each of us, through personal consciousness and and a suspension of belief of the media and screens trying to control how society thinks.

Jul 28, 2024 4:45 PM

Having recently observed a JREClips short of Joe Rogan’s interview with Michael Malice wherein the self-described anarchist explains the “NPC Meme” to Mr. Rogan. What struck me about Mr. Malice’s definition was the attribution of the term to anti-establishment schools of thought; an assertion echoed by Wikipedia (see Wikipedia: NPC (Meme) [ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPC_(meme) ]). Without promoting my own interpretation of the term or attributing contextual etymological ownership of it, one thing is certain; its popular use emerges from the exposure, now widely spanning multiple generations, to role-playing games (both analog and digital variations). The psychological transposition of a fabricated, and often disposable, figure from the gaming culture into the non-gaming shared-reality-based culture is alarming for many reasons, not least of which includes the promotion of sociopathic/psychopathic behaviours. There has been much research into the impact of video games on the developing juvenile mind, none of which i am qualified to comment on or able to cite at this time however, its prevalence as a viral meme to dismiss the thoughts, feelings, and lives of broad segments of the population can only contribute to further social estrangement and dissolution, if not pathological violence such as that carried out from war profiteers to school shooter, to would-be assassins.
The NPC meme is not an anti-establishment phenomena, but an establishment co-opted social-engineering construct.
All the world is NOT a stage, and we are NOT merely players!

Jul 28, 2024 4:02 PM
John Milton
John Milton
Jul 28, 2024 4:00 PM

One look at the mugshot of the animals that attacked the police at Manchester airport is enough to get a measure of their character.

But all the wokes see are a pair of innocent, sweet angels.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 5:36 PM
Reply to  John Milton

They need to go back. Permanently.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 30, 2024 6:41 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow


George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 3:58 PM

Just as an update, it seems that the Olympic Teletubbie Smurf footage is rapidly disappearing from the net. What a shame!

Jul 28, 2024 12:19 PM

Sorry- lost me at “a-hole”.
LIke CJ with “f” bombs.
I, naively, expect more.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 12:53 PM
Reply to  judith

I was waiting for him to say “sheep”. And he did!

Jeff Monik
Jeff Monik
Jul 28, 2024 6:45 PM
Reply to  judith

Right on

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 28, 2024 7:39 PM
Reply to  judith

Sorry if my use of “a-hole” offended you, I should know better, and typically I refrain. I can respect the offence.

Now, if “sheep” offends someone, well, I won’t apologize for that. I will keep using that word, as it is a good descriptor, and frankly, I am tired of pussyfooting around this issue. If they typically were not so mean, I would be a bit more thoughtful.

I don’t call individuals sheep (I may say “sheep-like”) but the masses, sheep they are.

Jul 28, 2024 8:05 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Mr. Hayen, thank you for your reply, and you owe me no apologies.

I am not necessarily offended. (I hope I have a thicker skin than that). And I am not above using terms that I have to apologize for myself.

But as many on these sites know, I am sad sad sad and very disappointed that the f word, and terms like the one you used are now part of the vernacular. Not only in “polite society” but in articles, essays, novels and comments.

Oh! And comedy routines. I think Jerry Seinfeld is the only holdout.

I still consider those terms obscenities, and just too easy. Again, not that I am above having used them.

When I see them in an article it just strikes me as a rant rather than thoughtful discourse.

In any event, I respect free speech whether I like certain terms or not. It falls on me to navigate what I read and listen to.

Thank you again for your thoughtful reply.

Jul 28, 2024 10:04 PM
Reply to  judith

I actually liked its usage!

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 29, 2024 7:40 PM
Reply to  judith

Oh pls stop clutching your damn pearls. I don’t know why Hayen apologized to you. You should be apologizing to everyone else for inserting your over-sensitive and irrelevant sense of entitlement, which is of no interest to anyone but your therapist.

Jul 29, 2024 8:13 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Oh dear – clutch clutch – terribly frightfully sorry.

Thought that’s what comment boards were for.

Phoning the therapist now.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 11:54 AM

By this time, it would be the height of idiotic naiveté to expect anything different from the Trotters. But their sheer belligerent tenacity marks a “back burner” programme to keep the old favourite ever ready:


The latest wave of COVID-19 and Biden’s destruction of public health

You may be surprised to hear that we (i.e. the US) are currently in the “ninth wave” of covid mass infection. There is a “rising new variant” with the uninspiring label “KP.3.1.1”.

This suggests that the scary name tactic used previously (Omicron or … that other one, you know? Delta? Sigma?) has been ditched for a more abstract approach which has presumably been deemed more impressive.

You’ll also be pleased to know that the “Long Covid” meme is still there. It’s nice to have a familiar face in the franchise. That’s why they brought David Tennant back for Dr Who. The graphs are still there. And this:

Not a single public health official or politician has encouraged Americans to wear high quality N95 masks to protect themselves, covering up the fact that these masks prevent viral transmission.

They persist in their hope. And, let’s be fair here, it does work on some going by the mask hangers on. And – this is vital for those of you who are eager to get in on the act: the N95 is an American designation. The European equivalent is “FFP2 NR Face Masks”. So remember to ask for that! You don’t want to look a fool!

Astonishingly, the Trotters are trying to connect Biden’s mental decline with his alleged covid infection. Well, you see, without that infection, Biden would still be pounding up and down that stage like a young Springsteen!  

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 10:40 AM


In accordance with our hypotheses, we found that conspiracist commenters were more likely to argue against the opposing interpretation and less likely to argue in favor of their own interpretation, while the opposite was true of conventionalist commenters.

And there it is: reversal of the burden of proof. “Conspiracist commenters” are under no obligation to “argue in favor of their own interpretation”. It is for the “conventionalist commenters” to do the convincing.

But then the clue is in the title:

A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories

To announce a “social psychological study” of “online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories” is to negate these theories in advance. To assume that a “social psychological” study is needed is to presume that these theories are fuelled by psychological ineptitude.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 10:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And how interesting that Adorno is brought in here to link “opposition to officialdom” with “the generalized prejudice ….found to be strong enough to overcome contradictions between different anti-Jewish stereotypes”. And so this “conspiracist” approach is explicitly linked with anti-Semitism.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 11:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The authors, Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas, work for Sage, not to be confused with the dodgy “Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies”. No, THIS Sage is the – ahem! – thoroughly reputable “American independent academic publishing company, founded in 1965 in New York City by Sara Miller McCune and now based in the Newbury Park neighborhood of Thousand Oaks, California.” (Wiki)
Can you trust Sage? Well googling “sage journals” gives us this:

Are SAGE journals reputable?

Sage publishes a rapidly growing list of Gold Open Access journals. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed retaining the quality hallmarks of the academic publishing process that authors would experience in publishing in any traditional Sage journal.

The reliability of their indefatigable rationality can be gauged by this:

COVID-19 surveillance data are rarely collected or disaggregated by gender identity in the United States. We quantified COVID-19 testing experiences and SARS-CoV-2 infection history among transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people to inform testing strategies and public health responses.

An urgent task this! To “quantify” covid testing experiences in relation to “transgender and gender-diverse” people.
Such is the effluvia produced by “rigorously peer-reviewed” articles.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 11:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Or at the very least, Wood and Douglas have written FOR Sage. They are “conspiracy specialists” – kinda upmarket Marianna Springs.

Are Conspiracy Theories a Surrogate for God?

The decline of traditional religion in the West has been matched by a rise in the visibility of conspiracy theories. Are conspiracy theories therefore a replacement for religious belief in an increasingly secular society? Conspiracy theories seem to fulfil some of the psychological needs addressed by religion, such as imposing a sense of order and…

Dim the lights. You can guess the rest.

Karen studies the psychology of conspiracy theories. Her research examines why conspiracy theories appeal to so many people, and the consequences of conspiracy theories for individuals, groups, and society.

Ditto with the “guess the rest”. The “consequences of conspiracy theories for individuals, groups, and society”? Ooh pretty awful I’d expect!   

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 11:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh and – as if you needed to be told! – the question at the top of the article, “What about Building 7”, is never answered or even addressed.

Jul 28, 2024 12:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To assume that a “social psychological” study is needed is to presume that these theories are fuelled by psychological ineptitude.

That is not strictly true. Sociological studies can be interesting in many contexts, since everything people believe in large or small groups will be subject to various sociological mechanisms. Rather, I think the heavy lifting is going to be done by the predictable, politically based definition of “conspiracy theory.” For example, I am sure you will find that the Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory is somehow not regarded a “conspiracy theory.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 3:18 PM
Reply to  Tommy

I have no doubt that “sociological studies” can be interesting and perhaps even important. And, to be fair, I was concentrating more on the “psychological” factor. But to take any theory (whether labelled “conspiracy theory” or not) and skip straight to the psychology (or the sociology?) is surely to negate the theory as an indicator of what actually happened.

Jul 28, 2024 3:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Christopher Bollyn – Tricked Into War: Israeli Zionist Government Was Behind The 9/11 Attack (2018)

Itty Bitty
Itty Bitty
Jul 28, 2024 10:25 AM

Great article. Can I offer one other example for your consideration. I mean the man who brought us the “explanation” for the towers coming down on 9/11, which is now believed as gospel by 90% of “truther” across the globe.

I refer of course to “thermite dunnit“. Brought to you back in 2005 by Dr Steven E Jones. phd.

So who is Steven E Jones? Any red flags for the shrews?

First, he was born a MORMON & still is one. Devout by all accounts.

Second, he got his PhD at STANFORD

Third he was a protegé of LUIS ALVAREZ who whored himself to tell lies about the Kennedy assassination

Fourth he worked on black projects at LOS ALAMOS and INL

Fifth he was used by the DoE to discredit Pons & Fleischman’s cold fusion work

And then he turns up to talk about THERMITE…

yet everyone believes he’s the real deal

Jul 28, 2024 2:46 PM
Reply to  Itty Bitty

I had the chance to meet Professor Jones several years ago. He impressed me as ethical and sincere so far as I could tell. He has produced solid evidence for thermite being used on 9/11. That’s what counts, not details of his private beliefs or work history.

Jul 28, 2024 7:13 PM
Reply to  Rutabaga

Education and work history matters because that’s where INTEL recruit their shills.

If anyone worked at Los Alamos or the DoE they’re 100% asset. No question.

Thermite, who cares, but AE911’s story about “planes and victims” in 9/11 is what matters.

AE911 is the govt set up controlled opposition group, a purposefully ineffective platform to prevent the public learning about psyops and hoaxes govt agencies run, and that governments not only fake ALL alleged terrorism and orchestrate all wars, but they’re the real criminals.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 28, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If anyone worked at Los Alamos or the DoE they’re 100% asset. No question.

Let’s try to hold on to a bit of nuance, yes? Even a person who has worked at Los Alamos might have a conscience, or develop one. Skepticism is essential but we need to look at every case individually.

Thermite, who cares

You can’t be serious. The physical evidence of military grade nanothermite in the dust is literally proof positive of an inside job!

Once you have that then all the rest of the “debate” – about planes, body counts, dancing Israelis et al is irrelevant.

Why else has there been such a concerted effort to distract from and discredit it. Shame it seems to have worked in your case!

Jul 28, 2024 10:01 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I know what the process is for those types of hires. You don’t.

If there’s no PLANES AND NO DEATHS that’s the war on terror over and the entire military, legal, fiscal and govt psyop at risk.

It also exposes other government psyops, like the Cole bombing, the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook and the fake, orchestrated wars.

While YOU and other dupes argue about what explosives were used when YOU don’t have access to any material from GZ or a lab, that’s a controlled opposition tactic.

AE911 supports crisis actors claiming they’ve lost family members! Reprehensible.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 28, 2024 10:53 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I know what the process is for those types of hires. You don’t.

Oh please. You’re just an anonymous internet avatar as am I so let’s not even try the “trust me I’m an expert” line, ok? I mean I could respond by telling you I’ve been head of HR at Spook Central for 80 years, but it wouldn’t mean much would it.

If there’s no PLANES AND NO DEATHS that’s the war on terror over

Maybe. But 9/11 isn’t the simple hoax we see in later psyops. Even with no planes you still have the fact 3 towers were brought down by something. Identifying what that something was – as well as what it wasn’t – is obviously crucial

While YOU and other dupes argue about what explosives were used when YOU don’t have access to any material from GZ or a lab, that’s a controlled opposition tactic.

Simmer down. Your fuse is so short and you’re so touchy.

I think YOU might be the dupe here, you know.

No, I don’t have access to a lab, any more than YOU have access to crisp clear first gen videos of the alleged planes.

But unlike analysis of grainy plane videos, the dust can offer hard data, and so far the evidence for the presence of military grade thermitic material has never been refuted.

Which makes it the strongest indication ever produced that the destruction of the towers was planned in advance and had nothing to do with hijacked planes.

It’s absolutely crazy that so many people have been hoodwinked into missing this fact.

Btw – your oft-quoted Miles Mathis supports the thermite theory – did you know?

Jul 29, 2024 5:35 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I never denied “thermite” and I DO NOT CARE. Stop conflating, that’s dishonest.

If I don’t care I definitely don’t need to “simmer down”. Another lie.

“My fuse”? Don’t project your hysteria onto me. That’s spook tactics. You’re the only one exorcised, since IDGAF about you, 9/11 or thermite.

I knew in 2001, 9/11 was a military operation by the US government.

I def. wouldn’t waste time listening to 9/11 disinfo agents asking for an investigation by a criminal org. Lmao.

The types of explosives used are irrelevant *IF* I know there’s no victims and no planes.

No planes = buildings brought down by explosives by the US GOVERNMENT. Period: end of story. It’s simple logic.

Miles Mathis…? He’s an introduction to some of the hoaxes for baby truthers who aren’t awake. Zzzz

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 29, 2024 6:04 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Goodness how angry and defensive you are. Perhaps you’re very young, or just very insecure. Relax. I respect your opinions a lot more than you respect mine (or anyone else’s). And there’s no shame in not always being right.

The types of explosives used are irrelevant *IF* I know there’s no victims and no planes.

Could you explain why you think that? Surely all evidence that points against the official story is useful and relevant? Why reflexively dismiss any of it?

Your “if you KNOW there’s no victims…” seems almost religious, as if you are dealing in revealed truths. The trouble is most people don’t “know” and it’s a very hard thing to prove. Whereas the physical presence of a specific explosive in the dust is a very solid hook to get attention.

And while I tend to agree that there probably were no planes, and even if there were they were nothing but window-dressing, I think the idea there were “no victims” is a lot more problematic.

I mean unlike Boston etc where it can be argued literally nothing happened beside the odd smoke bomb, on 9/11 three MASSIVE buildings were brought to the ground in the middle of lower Manhattan on a busy Tuesday morning. I’m not sure how easy it would be to do that with zero casualties.

And what about all those who died later from the toxic effects of the dust?

Jul 28, 2024 5:52 PM
Reply to  Itty Bitty

Oh God – a Judy Wood bot!

Jul 29, 2024 7:13 AM
Reply to  Itty Bitty

With such powderful thermate, thermite or nanothermite, I wonder why they need nuclear bombs. Because they cost more?

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 28, 2024 9:15 AM

 For example, the really nice guy next door who ends up being a serial killer. That sort of character inconsistency just doesn’t happen in real life “

Funny how many terrorists who every one says he was such a nice person before we are told committing some act of terror.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a family man with a wife and young child.
But also connections with the military and CIA as well as a patsy
The 7/7 accused were all local lads but we are told had secret lives mixing with terrorist before we are told blowing themselves and others up.
Thomas Alexander Mair  everyone said was a nice man he helped with gardening
teaches English to foreigners doing odd jobs . But we are told he was secretly a far right fanatic with Nazi memorabilia who murdered Joe Cox MP.
Adam Lanza was a quite shy kid but secretly learning to shoot before we are told killed himself and some school kids.
They say you should not judge a book by it’s cover or a leopard by it’s spots
Or a News Narrative by its repetition. Or a scientist by his qualifications.

Jul 28, 2024 9:57 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

we can trust sabbatean frankist khazharian ashkanazim the oded yinon new khazharia
protocols why not.
universal credit for all you can trust the bar the judge the legal medico industry.
we need to feed the worker drones the new british you see the original ones die off real quick today credit score will contain all the truth that is needed citizen
comply and endless bayer monsatan rice and wheat bread and circus for all

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 7:08 PM
Reply to  gordan

Adam Lanza was a quite shy kid but secretly learning to shoot before we are told killed himself and some school kids.”

Adam Lanza never existed; the “details” of his “existence” were based on his “older brother’s” early life. Likewise, photos of the supposedly-murdered children were merely older photos of children reputed to be siblings of the “deceased”. That town was full of Spooks, Crisis Actors and various other Assets. The long video of “Robbie Parker” laughing and swaggering, before he assumed his “grief face,” for the press conference, gave the game away. Along with all the other weirdly chipper/ optimistic parents interviewed in the hours and weeks after the “massacre”. BHO’s regime was the most video-psyop-happy presidency in history. His team seemed to think that video-psyops were the way to go on EVERY issue: gun control, mental health, turrurrisss…throw a video clip from a psyop at it! BHO finally left office in 2016… and all these little skits stopped COLD. Even the beheading-addicted Turrurrissss (Turrurrisss so polite they ALWAYS cut, no pun intended, before the actual cutting of the heads) went on vacation…

… to clear the way for Der Bumble Trump’s production of (drum roll)… FAUXVID1984.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Jul 28, 2024 11:49 PM


Jul 28, 2024 7:50 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 9:08 AM
Reply to  Johnny

The very core of the economic problem from the beginning of recorded time was getting more of what people needed to them in a way that was sustainable given the inherent scarcities of the state of nature.

So “from the beginning of recorded time”, “people” were dependant on some privileged group for getting what they needed?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Despite that booboo, this is a good article outlining how “the lockdowns amounted to the world’s largest and most elaborate economic head-fake in human history”.

Jul 28, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This piece was written by an unabashed Capitalist George.
Not everything he says makes (common) sense.

Jul 28, 2024 12:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Does it mention any such privileged group? Couldn’t it be read as a problem for people (as a group) solved to a greater or lesser degree by the actions of people?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 28, 2024 3:53 PM
Reply to  PJB

It says “getting more of what people needed to them”

So it suggests two groups – one active and bringing the goods and the other just sitting and waiting.

To avoid this, it would have said something like,

“The very core of the economic problem from the beginning of recorded time was for people to get what they needed.”

But that sounds less impressive i.e. more of a pretty obvious statement. But then the “sustainabilty” issue would not have been so prevalent. Nobody way back in time was thinking “Oh how can I make this sustainable?” They’d think, “Fuck! I need more or I’ll die!” And if they couldn’t get it, sure enough, they’d die.

I suspect that “sustainability” is something that comes in at a late stage when you have to place your trust in some media telling you what’s what.

Jul 28, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Brownstone Inst founder is Jeffrey Tucker who’s an Intel operative, and was part of “The Great Barrington Declaration” a piece of controlled opp non-sense from virus-covid shills.

Brownstone peddles Bitcoin (NSA) and other cabal digital coins.

Digital is the cage that kills cash (anonymity) and has less value and stability than fiat and can be wiped, stolen and deplatformed.

There’s zero anonymity or security in digital or crypto.

Brownstone Org is just a 501c, controlled opp version of Blackstone Org.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Jul 28, 2024 7:43 AM

In my years before the mast, I had to deal with 50 new crew every 2 weeks. It was essential to become a shrewd judge of character, but always with the caveat that first impressions were sometimes wrong – for which I was eternally grateful i.e. trust your instincts, but keep your options open. Some turned out better than expected, and a rare few much worse. Listen to your gut, but don’t trust it entirely.
Charisma does not always align with good character, as we know from Hollywood’s Mr. Sincerity, Tom Hanks. We knew Covid was a Hollywood production when Hanks “caught Covid” in Australia. Hanks seems to be a top CIA asset, and whichever line he is peddling, believe the opposite. There will be many others, I use him only as one example.
As another commenter said, those who try to speak politely and patiently in an interview but get harangued and attacked by the interviewer likewise get my vote. Thus I was alerted to the 9/11 debacle after the founder of AE911 was savagely attacked, but kept his calm throughout. Whenever the MSM goes full tilt, my instinctual aversion to hype kicks in.
We can learn to be better judges of character by applying a few simple rules. As the Covid scam has revealed, plenty of us saw through it, but most academics were mesmerised. Critical thinking and common sense are our best defences. Final Caveat: everything and everyone is corruptible. Those you trust today, may be false tomorrow. Beware false prophets. Its a minefield out there…

Jul 28, 2024 11:42 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

Nigel Farage’s refusal to be goaded by the BBC’s Fiona Bruce and Emily Maitliss recently puts him up there!

Jul 28, 2024 4:40 AM

Is it ‘character’ or personality we are discussing here?
Because there is a difference.

Personality of course, comes from the word persona, which means mask. A mask or masks that many wear to impress or control.

Character, on the other hand, is what we are before we don our mask/s.

Every child, or even a dog, has a unique character before being warped by influences around them, and then often develops a persona to deal with the world.

In other words, ‘character’ is benign and unique, while personality is fake and manipulative.

What say thou?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 4:57 AM
Reply to  Johnny

What if one’s character matches one’s personality?

Jul 28, 2024 5:09 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow


Jul 28, 2024 8:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Character = blameless.
Personality = blameworthy.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 6:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Character is who we are, personality is how we express that.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 6:20 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Hmm…I’d say the opposite. Incongruous is when they don’t match.

Jul 28, 2024 5:29 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I’ve had a joke about this since being a kid. Character is ingrained from the moment the creature is born then sees the world. You see it in a new life almost immediately upon its recognizing its world. Not the joke, btw.

Jul 28, 2024 10:01 AM
Reply to  Johnny

trust the bbc news
trust the proto cull
programme take recent golan
i am surprised the bbc did not blame animal assad for this football genocide has israel not the right to defend innocent syrians lebanese druze from the evil doing lebanese syrian people the spelling may be wong but the words speak sabattean frankist truth
why would the khazharian ashkanazim lies why bb bbc sky news fox why reuters
baphomet molech moshiec the devil riding out why would they all lie in bad faith
football is for all as is sports is real is a beacon of a truth
just because some do not believe it does not mean it is a lie
fool you once shame on you fool you twice you dontes get fooled again and sum
my life already

Jul 28, 2024 3:37 AM

great article; for many reasons not the least of which would be to highlight what the kakistocracy has been doing via decades, nay centuries of social-cum-cultural-cum-physical-cum-psychical-cum-psychological engineering: the outsourcing of each and every inherent quality and characteristic of the primordial human being – and, in theory, concomitant institutions of care and development (i.e., government; education; health; medicine; media; etc.) – to, primarily, modern technology. More specifically, the ability of humans to think, feel and behave have been degraded thanks to the outsourcing of:

THINKING/REASONING/COGITATING (to: AI; AGI; algorithms; cybernetics; etc.)

EMOTIONS (to: smart phones; social media; etc.)

SEX (to: porn; sexting; sexual paraphernalia; etc.)
HEALTH (to: military-cum-medical-cum-industrial-cum-Big Science/Pharma/Corporation-cum-supranational (i.e., UN; WHO; CDC; FDA; etc.) complex)

EDUCATION (to: Prussian School System; Big Business/Corps/Philanthropaths/Silicon Valley)

COMMUNICATION: (to: computers; smart phones; social media; etc.)

PLAY (to: computer games; social media; porn; etc.)

POLITICS (to: spectacle; gamesmanship; psyops; etc.)

GOVERNMENT (to: secret societies; intell agencies; mob; corporations; etc.)

ENTERTAINMENT (to: drugs; netflix; porn; etc.)

As a result, it’s not too surprising for anyone to realize that humanity has essentially been transmogrified into an entity unwilling, nay incapable of discernment or development via intuition, reason – or any other attribute of the erstwhile human being (i.e., creativity; imagination; ethics; common sense; memory; etc.). That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!!

Jul 28, 2024 5:58 AM

You can do anything, especially consume. If you have profitable ideas, you must sell or surrender them. Questioning the distribution of power and privilege is taboo.

Jul 28, 2024 2:54 AM

This era is a giant free test run for our observation and evaluation capacities. It is getting easier after Iraki WMD and Covid2: the Butler clown show was a piece of total amateur work. Still some even on Off-Guardian faltered, even ATL.Too paranoid can become a condition.

Betsey Norton
Betsey Norton
Jul 28, 2024 1:51 AM

It’s amusing that you use Peter McCullough as an example, because My opinion of him and many others has been challenged by my research into the question of whether viruses are real or can cause disease. Because of his credentials, etc, I no longer trust him!!! Many others, who think viruses are real and cause disease are somewhat excused in my mind, as they just have failed to investigate and don’t understand how science works. He does!!!
Pretty complicated for many to discern the truth, mostly because people choose to “relax” by watching mindless television, etc. rather than reading informative books. So little curiosity, so trusting of authority. My trust was broken in the 60’s with the assassinations of all my peace heroes. And I have maintained my curiosity and openmindedness. So few in my circle of family and friends are even willing to read some of my books, which would greatly enlighten them!!!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 28, 2024 6:01 PM
Reply to  Betsey Norton

I so agree with what you say, re. most people choosing to ‘relax’ by watching mindless TV, rather than reading informative books! I’m 65, and since the age of 10 have been a passionate reader of non-fiction books on many diverse subjects. I have a large personal library. My longtime partner returned to Spirit in early 2019, and I thus now read even more than I did way back. Just under six months ago my brother and my eldest niece came to visit me (from their respective homes in another part of the UK to me). I hardly ever used to watch TV (although my partner watched a lot), and so in mid-2021 I decided to cancel my TV licence, and put my TV away in the store-room. Well, my niece (35) stunned me with something she said, during their visit. She said “Why don’t you reinstate your TV, Chris?”. I told her that I have no wish to do so… She thinks that people who don’t watch TV are ‘strange’… She said “But you could watch documentaries…”. I responded by saying “But I don’t want to watch documentaries. I’m a reader and not a watcher…”. She replied “Fair enough…”. Most of my relatives (and also most of my friends) 99% of the time, do not read books. Their chosen method of ‘relaxing’/’entertainment’ is to “watch the box”. And that attitude, of course, is why they all submitted to the injections (at least four each…), and several of them now have quite serious health issues. I’d provided them with much information re. the dangers of the injections, starting a few months before they were ‘rolled out’, and continuing all the way through since then. And yet they STILL choose to ‘watch the box’ and to ignorantly ridicule the facts/truths re.… Read more »

Jul 29, 2024 4:49 PM

Here’s something to bear in mind: just because something resides in a book instead of an electronic box does not guarantee its veracity. Don’t forget: most of what we see on the internet (I won’t dignify TV) started life by being written down, compiled, collated and printed.

Jul 29, 2024 4:45 PM
Reply to  Betsey Norton

In a world where absolute certainty is achievable or even possible, viruses would doubtless go the way of unicorns. However, for all the trillions spent on medical/scientific research, no one really knows what causes certain disease like conditions. There is no reason to automatically assume that viruses began “life” as trickery devised to achieve some nefarious agenda – yes, they may have, but they may also have begun their trek through the world simply as attempts to explain the basically unexplainable.

Remember: it is a human obsession to know everything, to keep searching until every last bit of existence has been catalogued, named, examined and claimed as part of human knowledge. Humans in their god-like hubris can not tolerate blank pages in their book of knowledge. If it takes a virus to fill a page, then so be it.

Jul 28, 2024 1:38 AM

click on watch on youtube – its fee

Jul 28, 2024 1:36 AM

Still raining in Paris – I have seen the bikes in the puddles..the fact that my name is French, and my Son has a French Sailing Boat…doesn’t come into it….but if you want to put on a good show… We us British Are The Best..

“The Complete London 2012 Opening Ceremony | London 2012 Olympic Games”

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 28, 2024 1:21 AM

PRELUDE ”How we behave in the world is profoundly influenced by how we experience the world, which is profoundly influenced by how we perceive the world, which is profoundly influenced by what we believe about the world. Our collective behaviour is killing the planet. It’s not altogether irrelevant, then, to ask what sorts of beliefs (perceptions, experiences) might be leading to these destructive behaviours, and to ask how we can change these beliefs such that we will stop, not further, the murder of the planet. We have been taught, in ways large and small, religious and secular, that life is based on hierarchies, and that those higher on these hierarchies dominate those lower, either by right or might. We have been taught that there are myriad literal and metaphorical food chains where the one at the top is the king of the jungle. But what if the point is not to rule, but to participate? What if life less resembles the board games Risk or Monopoly, and more resembles a symphony. What if the point is not for the violin players to drown out oboe players (or worse, literally drown them or at least drive them from the orchestra, and take their seats for more violin players to use), but to make music with them? What if the point is for us to attempt to learn our proper role in the symphony, and then play that role.” — DJ, Northern California, January 2016 The Myth of Human Supremacy https://derrickjensen.org/myth-of-human-supremacy/ The Island That Humans Can’t Conquer Sarah Gilman  https://hakaimagazine.com/features/the-island-humans-cant-conquer/ “But just beyond his backyard, the landscape is being altered — to help protect him, and the Yukon capital.” Fire-proofing an entire city: How Yukon is working to protect its capital https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/whitehorse-firebreak-construction-wildfire-risk-1.7206428 AFN national chief to help Prince Charles promote ‘Great Reset’ environmental… Read more »

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 28, 2024 3:12 PM
Reply to  Derek Diamond

@ DJ

OSM cancels performances by Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev

Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you

Alison Blunt


“No competition cancels the tasks of the day that the performer sets for himself at every performance – to touch the human soul, to fully reveal the author’s intention.” – Alexander Malofeev (2016)


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 28, 2024 1:20 AM

About character judgement:

Dr McCullough isn’t the good guy. First he’s perpetuating the scary flying-virus myth and, second, he wants to sell us his “Medical Emergency Kit” which includes, for example, an unbranded version of the scandal-enveloped drug Tamiflu that is neither effective in keeping complications requiring hospitalisation at bay nor safe. 

In fact, the literature is full of evidence that this drug causes serious kidney effects – just like Remdesevir – as well as concerning psychological problems, such as mania, with suicide as a consequence, amongst others reactions. There’s no way Dr McCullough is unaware of all of this.

Also note that Tamiflu, like the Covid jabs, was approved on the basis of fraudulent data.

Dr McCullough is part of the Make-Money-from-Desperate-People team.

Jul 28, 2024 1:17 AM

I did not know who was Responsible for 9/11, and went back to my Flash course – the other side of London, and discussed it with my Lecturer..The rest of my class did turn up a litlle later, and one of them gave me a full authentic possibly the first release of Photoshop. it is entirely possible, I gave it to my Son and said try this… because a few days ago, whilst cleaning out some old stuff…I came across this photo of him and his sister at school..when they were about 13 if that..

He had copied his sisters long blonde hair to his face…and moved the images closer together… I did ask him about this..last week and he confessed.

Good Lad.

He obviously totally loved his sister, but I had to use the points system when we took our young kids on holiday – best behaved for the day – or even the flight gets a toy. He hated that because his Sister nearly always won, cos she was usually (not always) the best behaved.

Having Children and Now Grandchildren is a Blessing in Life

A year ago, I survived SEPSIS…No bits dropped off, and I am Glad I am still here with my lovely wife.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 28, 2024 1:00 AM

Well, in the United States of Amerika, it’s getting kind of hard to judge character when the former and maybe future President of the United States is a flat out psycho and 70 million people voted for him. That kind of confuses the kids. I mean, good grief. Character just ain’t what it used to be. Then again, wasn’t J. Edgar Hoover a cross dresser? I’m not sure if people can no longer judge character more than it’s just that they don’t give a shit. Anything goes so character goes out the window.

Jul 28, 2024 12:35 AM

nor can they tell if discrediting someone like, for one example, Dr. McCullough, cuts through their own gut response to his character (assessed through his past credits and past actions, as well as an intuitive, heartfelt, analysis).

Gut instinct has been derailed; people are too busy looking at their mobile phones to listen to their own subconcious. I disagree with your “(assessed through his past credits and past actions, as well as an intuitive, heartfelt, analysis)” bit; gut instinct is more intuitive than a complicated analysis of someone’s past. But this article raises a real issue, so thanks for that.

Jul 28, 2024 2:13 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Gut instinct happens in less than 1 second – usually but not always correct

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 28, 2024 12:19 AM

“These are some of the key figures helping Canadians comprehend an unfamiliar, invisible enemy.” Giuseppe Valiante, The Canadian Press

A new star is born: Canada’s chief medical officers offer clarity in age of coronavirus

“Dr. Robert Hare, an expert on sociopaths, states that “among the most devastating features of psychopathy are a callous disregard for the rights of others and a propensity for predatory and violent behaviors. Without remorse, psychopaths charm and exploit others for their own gain. They lack empathy and a sense of responsibility, and they manipulate, lie and con others with no regard for anyone’s feelings.” I’m reminded of something Red Cloud said: “They made us many promises, more than I can remember. They only kept but one. They promised they would take our land, and they took it.”

Hare also says, “Too many people hold the idea that psychopaths are essentially killers or convicts. The general public hasn’t been educated to see beyond the social stereotypes to understand that psychopaths can be entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs and other successful individuals who may never see the inside of a prison.” They can be the president, a boss, a neighbor.”

World Gone Mad

Col. Russell Williams timeline

Ex-colonel Russell Williams settles out of court with some victims

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 27, 2024 11:44 PM

“We, as a human race, are losing the ability to think, to reason, to logically put dots together, and to trust our intuitive sense of what is right and what is wrong. We are being taught to see things in a polarized fashion, black or white,
and then taught to listen to only one source that tells us which is black, and which is white.”

Isn’t that the purpose of psyops compounded by relentless propaganda. 🤔 Once the population is disoriented cognitive dissonance becomes the primary coping skill, hence intuitive thought or critical thinking is eradicated.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 11:48 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

We are not all like that Charlotte. And neither are you, or you wouldn’t have written your post.

There’s hope yet!

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 28, 2024 12:10 AM

“While there’s life, there’s hope.”

Jul 28, 2024 2:07 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Yeh, I agree, to some extent,..but have you ever seen a Labrador Dog, who’s role in life is to look after and protect his Friend – a Blind Person – seeming far more sensible than most humans.

We’ve got a Kitten (Pussy Cat) like That

We all Love Her. The Grandchildren do not pull her tail, and we do not need any fly or moth killer… She is Really Clean and Digs a hole to bury her victims – mainly birds, mice and rats…does her business and then covers it up.

She has no interest in the foxes , but I know they look at her in awe.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 11:42 PM

Well, Todd, That was fun !

I really enjoyed your piece but the fight after it was sublime !!

More please .

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 11:34 PM

@Todd Hayen: “We, as a human race, are losing the ability to think, to reason, to logically put dots together, and to trust our intuitive sense of what is right and what is wrong.”

I think The Masses have never been particularly good judges of character; your Fauci example sort of proves it. If Fauci had been tall, good looking (in an accessible way), with a voice of honey… how many skeptics would have had a bad feeling about him? Which is precisely why Fauci wasn’t a front-of-house actor when he was running the AIDS machine for Reagan: they used actors and popstars to front that massive psyop; they used Bowie and Freddie Mercury, et al: physical beauty and/or charisma. And which is why people “believe” in State assets like Clooney or Taylor Swift. Call it the “Kennedy Trick”.

I believe we’re lucky, in a way: now that the Uninhibited Monopolization of Civilization (post-decimated Anti-Trust laws) has reached a startling Apotheosis, we can all be absolutely certain that NO Celebrity (witting or not) comes to smile, on our screens, without being backed by incredibly sinister agendas. Billie Eilish, RFK Jr, Russell Brand: all a part of the Show.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 28, 2024 12:45 AM

And this does not just apply to the world of Hollyweird. It applies to all positions of power, such as politics, as is so obvious these days.

comment image

… and science

comment image

the two areas most influential over our lives, given that The Science has now usurped power of every individual living being and the majority of humans have long ago given up on looking within to find their own moral compass.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Even worse, re: The Selection of State Rulers: TFIC won’t trust you on the cardboard throne unless they have something they can blackmail you with…to keep you in line (without JFKing you, I mean). Before the 1970s, being an adulterer and/or closeted was all you needed to be considered a “safe security risk”.But NOW? I shudder to think the kind of foul misdeeds the postmodern crop of wannabe Mayors, Governors, Congresspeople and Presidents are hiding. BHO was probably the last one they had control over because he was closeted. And they may well soon release that detail about him, to reap some postmodern clout for the character he plays… or maybe they were GOING to until his “personal chef” died under mysterious circumstances, eh? Maybe we’ve been cheated out of what was GOING to be a major new arc in this timeline…?

Jul 27, 2024 10:28 PM

pending pending pending Judging Character software telling you what can be said.
safety for your own safety where have I heard this before.
Judging Character software which allows and controls flow of talk.
dont kill grannie same control mechanism as pending pending pending.

Jul 27, 2024 10:23 PM

Judging Character.

Your trusted recommendation seems to make the freedom circuit con ference shill list.
They get invited to all the top shows whilst screaming there being censored.
They all seem to be able to scam endless lawyers fee;s over and over and still the hypnotized forget.
They pretend to oppose each other yet can be seen hanging out.
selling talking points that sell agendas, whilst proclaiming there freedom fighters.

Mason non symbolism readers – lead astray by pied pipers deceivers.

comment image

Jul 28, 2024 6:26 PM
Reply to  futurist

McCulloch and Tommy Robinson. Using a masonic point the finger gesture. And the author mentions the DoD frontman; Elon Musk. Lol … nice.

Jul 27, 2024 10:05 PM

People pass to their smartphone to tell them the weather outside their doors …

Jul 28, 2024 1:53 AM
Reply to  stella

Stella, when you go to some of the festivals, we have been to, my wife sometimes gives her, her mobile phone, when the battery runs out…She always gets it back, whilst I am just trying to get some sleep…

There is nothing worse than these “posh” Mums & Dads dumping off all their kids and friends from their Range Rovers, and leaving them in their tents next to us…….

Whiney kid, desperate for a shag..He is extremely lucky I didn’t str@ngle him. Our kids weren’t like that. We camped with them, and they gave the impression of being extremely well behaved.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 30, 2024 5:32 PM
Reply to  stella

You just made our time’s and today’s reality in a nutshell.

I recently had an experience like this one: My son and I wanted to eat dinner at a special expensive beach hotel. He searched and looked in his Smart phone, everything reserved and occupied.

We were only 5 minutes from the hotel, so I said: “wait a minute, I will change that fiat screen reality”.

We drove to the hotel, I entered and asked for a table: “just a minute Sir, yes over here”.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jul 27, 2024 9:43 PM

How do you assess this character ?

The message is clear, so why the promise of further vids ?


How to Escape the Maze – YouTube

Jul 27, 2024 9:36 PM

Judging character, or not, seems after the fact if not beside the point when the basic problem is breakdown in the ability to form character from a loss of personal autonomy and agency. In ‘advanced’ industrial societies, for example, many children are no longer raised so much by people as machines which scramble psyches with programmed perceptions, crazy-making in effect if not design, before there’s even a chance to gain some sense of self-directed consciousness or ego. It’s not at all uncommon for this alone to produce routine inconsistency of personality, whereby what’s presented one minute is gone the next, like rapidly changing shadows on screens and dream sequences, for sleepwalkers uprooted from any ‘subject constancy’ and depth of presence to one’s self able to relate to others in reliable patterns of conduct. Essentially, people are more or less subject to social engineering for all sorts of mind control manufacturing identity, as with the ideal subject of consumer capitalism a codependent addict of stimulus-response behaviorial conditioning. Conditions which contribute to characterless formation, approximating zombie-like mutation, are much more complex. How about all those poisons pumped into us by progress, for example? What’s crucial is that we are social beings whose individuality, and self-actualization, are interdependent with relations to others, and yet we are living in institutionalized relations of society which have eroded a lot of the tradtional communities and common cultures by which humans have evolved.   What’s replaced them are the depersonalized relations of atomized cogs in a mechanical model of society under rule of capital production, profit, and power over people and all life as no more than resources. Patient cultivation of trust among people has been replaced by command-obey bureuacracy and division of labor reduced to assembly-line performances from which personal relations have been removed. Mutual care among people has been replaced by population… Read more »

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 27, 2024 9:42 PM
Reply to  niko

by ‘preservation’ do you mean ‘stuffing’ or ‘freeze dried’ ?

Jul 28, 2024 6:11 AM
Reply to  niko

The modern poisons alone generate more treatment, insurance, surveillance, laws, investigation, prosecution. As RFK once said, the holy GDP goes up. This is progress.

Jul 28, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“If you were the GDP, your ideal citizen would be a compulsive gambler with cancer, who’s going through a drawn-out divorce that he copes with by popping fistfuls of Prozac and going berserk on Black Friday. Environmental pollution even does double duty: One company makes a mint by cutting corners while another is paid to clean up the mess. By contrast, a centuries-old tree doesn’t count until you chop it down and sell it as lumber. Mental illness, obesity, pollution, crime – in terms of the GDP, the more the better.” Rutger Bergmann (Utopia for Realists)

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 27, 2024 9:34 PM

The architect is Satan and his henchmen are willing and able..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 30, 2024 5:45 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

They get well paid. They get the best hotel rooms, the best swimming pools, the best hookers, the best cars, the best jobs, the biggest cigars.

What do you get? The sweaty job to carry your own cross across the streets to your own graveyard while we the people are laughing at you.comment image

Jul 27, 2024 8:51 PM

We’re so used to seeing people ACTING in dramas on TV or cinema that it’s hard to tell the real thing from the fantasy. It’s compounded even more by everyday people unconsciously copying screen characters as well as doing it consciously. A very tangled web has been woven and it’s extremely difficult to break out. It’s the second stage of slavery for the descendants of the whipped and beaten. The third will be the brain chip, thank you lonE skuM.

Jul 28, 2024 6:15 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Not just behaviour. MSM promotes the right way to think about issues, or condemn the wrong views.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 27, 2024 7:36 PM

What some people are unable to comprehend is that people driven by power relationships behave entirely differently to those of equal- or greater power than they do to those they can dominate through callous, brutal behaviour.

When describing the behaviour of someone who is a psychopath toward me, friends of that person try to claim I am ‘whinging’. They’ve not been treated the same way, of course.

The person is consistent in as much as they behave disgustingly whenever they can get away with it, but never risk losing status through behaving like that with those that could put them out to grass.

What is strange is that people supposedly in very senior positions of corporate management can’t see this simple truism: bullies behave worst to those who cannot destroy the things that matter to them….

Then again, perhaps they can see it perfectly well, but as they are using that person to benefit their kids, they can go and preach in their ‘church’ on a Sunday, blithely ignoring their most unchristian behaviour in turning their cheeks to behaviour that would lead to expulsion from the church in which they preach….

The Dead Messenger
The Dead Messenger
Jul 27, 2024 6:52 PM

I have found sincere civility to be a super reliable marker of character, with the sincerity part being intuitively discerned.

If that civility is accompanied by a sense of humor, honesty, and an open, curious mind, I find it’s almost certain that I’m dealing with a person of good character that I could like.

Jul 27, 2024 6:24 PM

Hm. Mr Hayen, I like your stuff. Don’t care for this article, because I hear you over and over saying that “we” cannot discern, cannot, cannot, cannot. Speak for yourself, not for me!

I am not surprised people hear it as a blackpill.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 27, 2024 7:12 PM
Reply to  vera

I’m sorry, you must understand that when I say “we” I am not referring to “you”…or to “myself”…I am making a general reference to “humans at large”. It would be very cumbersome to write anything at all and have to constantly qualify what is meant by “we” “you” “us” etc. Often I do make this distinction in my articles, in this one I guess I did not. Typically my readers are never included in the “we” as I assume that most of us are not sheep.

Sorry again. I will try harder to make this clear in future articles.

Jul 27, 2024 11:26 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

🙂 Thank you for writing back. It’s a pet peeve of mine…
I would love more stuff on how you discern. I took it upon myself to learn it 12 years ago, when I saw through the scam of “I am ok, you are ok.” It’s been a wild ride!

Jul 31, 2024 3:37 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

This fear of being thought part of an editorial “we” is really a sub-set of the Woke phenomenon – though I doubt anyone in this forum would take kindly to the suggestion that they’re acting out the Woke Agenda. It used to be that people gave writers/editors pretty much free rein with the pronouns. But the Woke advocates hate pronouns – call them anything but not a pronoun.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 5:47 PM

Here I go again about to be shot to bits.


Hey ho !

This black pill stuff drives me mad.

I hate the “everyone is controlled oposition” stance. I’ve said it many times on here and been blown to bits for it.

Sorry, my opinion hasn’t changed.

Today in London, Tommy Robinson organised a march against the invasion of UK.

I have to choose a side or stay silent.

I choose Tommy Robinson.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 5:59 PM

As per Bob Dylan, most people “just want to be on the side that’s winning.”

As per Jesus Christ, “I come not to bring Peace, but a Sword.”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 6:13 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Pilgrim, that means a lot, thanks.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 6:26 PM

You’re welcome.

There’s a time to be neutral, and there’s a time to take sides. Increasingly, we’re in the latter.

FWIW, I also choose Tommy Robinson.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 7:39 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Alas, ye downvoters! You may not like the man, for whatever reasons, but his cause is Right and Just.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 8:29 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It’s quite disconcerting how talking common sense is now so revolutionary.

Jul 27, 2024 9:38 PM

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
― George Orwell, 1984

Jul 27, 2024 10:28 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Tommy Robinson (his stage name!) aka Stephen Yaxley Lennon is the very definition of controlled opposition. He is managed and bankrolled by Zionist agents and organisations, working for Israel to stir up anti-Islamic sentiment and turn “the right” away from and make those misguided patriots embrace the elephant in the room in terms of countries who are subverting the UK. This has been known for a long time and is apparent in everything he does. For example, the very first thing he said at his rallly today was “Not a Palestinian flag in sight!”, embracing the massacre of likely 250,000+ people like it means nothing. He is an agent of a foreign power masquerading as a patriotic leader. The two are not compatible.
comment image

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 10:57 PM
Reply to  EmpireOfLies

Well, if I have to choose between Tommy’s world and Andy Chouhury’s, it’s Tommy’s every day.

The problem is, those appear to be our only choices.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 28, 2024 12:38 AM

The lesser evil?!

Dan Green
Dan Green
Jul 28, 2024 11:20 AM

Are they? (See above.)

Go DEEP against these psychopaths. Don’t:

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 11:24 PM
Reply to  EmpireOfLies

I’m aware of all that. If someone else of prominence wants to take up the flag on Tommy’s issues, let them have at it. In the meantime, many in the UK and throughout the West appear to be cowards, or beaten into submission. I guess his time spent in jail was just a stunt.

One battle at a time.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 11:26 PM
Reply to  EmpireOfLies

Weird fact:

Any reference to Tommy Robinson in msm is always suffixed, “Real name, Stephen Lennon Yaxley”

Imagine every reference to Elton John ,(Real name Reginald Dwight) or Kiki Dee ,whilst we’re on the subject, (Real name Pauline Mathews)

Is Yaxley, Stephen, or Lennon some kind of keyword to the underworld ?

Or is it just cut and paste from an online magazine

Jul 27, 2024 11:40 PM
Reply to  EmpireOfLies

“the very first thing he said at his rally today was “Not a Palestinian flag in sight!”, embracing the massacre of likely 250,000+ people”

No he didn’t embrace any such thing. It’s you who has embraced black and white thinking. Or, in your world, if someone waves the Palestinian flag, they have embraced the murder of Druze children?

Jul 28, 2024 3:46 PM
Reply to  EmpireOfLies

Christopher Bollyn – Tricked Into War: Israeli Zionist Government Was Behind The 9/11 Attack (2018)

It should say something more like “mocking” than “embracing” in the text above, although he does openly embrace everything that Israel does without question. Veterans aligning with him and Israel (tragic to see them on stage with this charlatan) should check the history of Zionist terrorism, how they literally carried out massacres, bombings and acts of war against British servicemen and officials numerous times. Christopher Bollyn uncovers this in his exposure of the truth behind 9/11 (link above for example). People need to wisen up to this stuff, and understand how they are behind a lot of false flag terror events (including 9/11 and 7/7) and how their former leader Menachim Begin bragged about being “the father of terrorism”. They are master criminals, that is what I see when analysing this. They use and create people of influence to do their dirty work for them. Tommy is one such person. It is utterly ridiculous and shameful that British patriotism hinges on this turd.
This latest event in the Golan Heights has all the hallmarks of one of their operations, with the next step being the escalation to war so they can carry out the next phase of “securing” the Middle East for Israel. I urge people to watch the documentary I posted to understand what it is I am trying to convey, that the history of Israel is absolutely key to understanding the present. It is probably the most well researched, complete analysis of 9/11 out there.

Jul 27, 2024 11:32 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I figure most of the downvoters are either bots or paid saboteurs. No point bothering to look.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 1:40 AM
Reply to  vera

I reckon they’re “anarchists.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 27, 2024 6:58 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Ah but “the loser now will be later to win”!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 8:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Just been spurrred by your comment to read the full lyrics.

Quite profound.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 27, 2024 9:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

but surely ‘The Times’ he was referring to was ‘The Times’ newspaper ?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 27, 2024 6:59 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Even Bob Dylan is pending!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 7:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s funny, because that post went into “pending” for me too. I blamed it on either Jesus or sword, but maybe it was Dylan after all!

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 27, 2024 9:47 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

me too ! it was dylan wot did it !

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 8:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 8:17 PM

As the kids say

Jul 27, 2024 9:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

try zimmerman sinnerman khazharian ashkanazim
oded yinon man

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 28, 2024 2:28 AM
Reply to  gordan

Mabey you could just shorten it and explain the remainders.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 27, 2024 7:14 PM

I agree with you regarding the constant reference to people being controlled opposition. Did I seriously refer to anyone as controlled opposition in this article? If I did, it may have been a tongue-in-cheek, cynical, reference.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 8:14 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No, you didn’t but you have to admit you alluded to it.

I think you were saying what I have said in my crude way, but in a much more diplomatic way.

Which is great and I like your style.

But for me, I can only say it as I see it.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 10:06 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I agree with you regarding the constant reference to people being controlled opposition.”

Yet how could the Reality be otherwise?

Do we think “YouGoogleInstaFaceBootTube” is a voice of the People? Or all the other “alternate” sites set up to monitor and/or exhaust Dissent? How many non-psychopathic Billionaires are we aware of…?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 11:01 PM

I have never said there is no controlled, paid for, opposition.

I have ALWAYS said that the assertion that everyone with a platform is controlled opposition is an idiotic, lazy position.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 11:10 PM

I have ALWAYS said that the assertion that everyone with a platform is controlled opposition is an idiotic, lazy position.”

That’s a blatantly irrational assertion, I’m afraid. Explain the mechanism by which a Genuine Truth-Teller is platformed, by Powerful People (who own the platfoems), who can only only hope to control The Masses by lying to them. How would that work?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 11:37 PM

Let me get this absolutely straight.

So you are saying that EVERYONE with a platform is controlled opposition.

Sorry but your last sentence/paragragh appears to have been a tad grigioed.

Non comprendio.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 11:49 PM

So you are saying that EVERYONE with a platform is controlled opposition.”

Clearly. What you can’t wrap your head around is the magnitude of the assets of the people who are in tital control of us.

Sorry but your last sentence/paragragh appears to have been a tad grigioed”

There was one typo in it. I typed “platfoem” instead of “platform”. I wrote, essentially:

“Explain the mechanism by which a Genuine Truth-Teller is platformed, by Powerful People (who own the platforms), who can only only hope to control The Masses by lying to them. How would that work?”

Can you explain how a genuine Truth-Teller would gain access to a large, or even large-ish, platform?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 11:49 PM

ha ha: comedy erratum: “total” not “tital”

Jul 28, 2024 9:40 PM

There’s a payoff in his denial IMO. A way of avoiding personal responsibility through willful ignorance and complicity.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 12:09 AM

Ha ha! A down-vote isn’t an explanation or an argument. Please, can you…? Explain how a genuine Truth-Teller would gain access to a large, or even large-ish, platform, if all the owners of these platforms use these platforms to lie to us?

If you can’t defend your assertion rationally… maybe it’s time to question it?

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 28, 2024 2:33 AM

Either that or call them out on your own, easy enough thing to try to do.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 28, 2024 5:31 PM

Hence the value of the Myth of Media Diversity.

Jul 28, 2024 6:04 PM

So you don’t understand what a secret society is, what the media is, or what the government is? lol.

Nobody can get any platform, belong to any political party (they’re all owned by the one cartel) or get in the papers unless they’re a mason and part of an Intel operation.

Sorry to burst your bubble of naïveté, but the world is not a meritocracy.

Jul 27, 2024 9:26 PM

have you been to the knesset is that the correct aaron spelling?
tommy robinson has many times so did jimmy saville
how is that possible?

because the tip of the spear is tel aviver
barbera lerner spector and tommy cockles stone the crows robinson

all working for the same groups as is sunak and queer starmer

eveyside is rotten shield

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 10:00 PM

I hate the “everyone is controlled oposition” stance. I’ve said it many times on here and been blown to bits for it.”

I can empathize. BUT. Simple question to ask yourself: are all big media channels (legacy and internet-based alike) owned and controlled… or are some channels structurally open to Alternative Points of View (especially those which reflect the best interests of the non-Wealthy)?

The answer isn’t nice; it isn’t what we’d like to hear… but an answer being “what we’d like to hear” does not make it True. No one can mislead us more effectively than we can mislead ourselves.

We have to face the unfortunate Reality that “We” (the Serfs) are in a kind of headlock. NOTHING we are allowed to see/ hear/ read, if it comes to millions of us at a time, comes to us against the wishes of Our Overlords. That’s as obvious as it is abhorrent. We balk and prefer to think otherwise. But such balking changes nothing.

The only answer: we don’t NEED “leaders”. We have eyes and ears and the faculty of Logic. We just need to discilpline ourselves to the extent that we stop bullshitting ourselves by self-soothing wth Unreal Visions of the World.

Controlled Opposition is legion. Propaganda is ubiquitous. These tricks only work if we let them.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 10:03 PM

(errata: “discipline” and however else my fingers, wonky keyboard and jumbled thoughts, lurched awry)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 27, 2024 10:37 PM

Predictably, maybe , I disagree.

I don’t trust any source without using my inbuilt bullshit radar.

Nor do I dismiss all information as “fake news” just because it’s been transmitted by a person with a platform.

To take todays example, Tommy Robinson has spent time in prison and suffered personal injury to get his message over.

If he’s “controlled opposition” then I take my hat off to him

Mr Robinson, boy you sure had me fooled there. What a fucking idiot you must think I am.

Likewise Geert Wilders who I have admired for twenty years or so.

Gee, Mr Wilders, you sure had me fooled with your pretending to be under death threat all that time.

Apparently, though, it’s “on message” to think that Assange is one of the gang.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 10:57 PM

I don’t trust any source without using my inbuilt bullshit radar.”

Sometimes Logic is better. Why would the Overlords, who own all channels, grant any platforms to genuine Messiahs?

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 28, 2024 2:37 AM

They would not, which is why waiting for one at this point is, in vain.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 28, 2024 9:40 AM

OK then, try this.

I still believe what I said about everyone with a platform etc.

Let’s change the word controlled to

I’ll give you an example:

Nigel Farage is not the messiah BUT he says he wlll deliver things that I find attractive so I will vote for him.

Because of the nature of the UK electoral system and the inherant laziness of the population, it was safe to let Farage run even though, if he did win, he would have upset the apple cart.

An example of where this strategy failed was Brexit.

Remaining in EU was essential for the bloc’s expansion. Brexit wasn’t meant to happen.

It has deeply wounded the EU. Which of course is a huge player in the globalisation programme and which Starmer has been charged with fixing.

That time, they misread the room.

Dan Green
Dan Green
Jul 28, 2024 11:40 AM

I agree with you that not everybody with a platform is controlled opposition. The giveaway is when that platform quickly gains lots of attention and is promoted and publicised by YouTube etc.

I disagree about Brexit though. What if the globalists wanted it as part of a long strategy to get the UK in the Euro? UK membership of the Eurozone was an impossibility in our lifetimes (support for adopting the currency never went higher than 31% in the UK). Leaving the EU got rid of the UK’s perpetual opt-out and if the UK were to rejoin the union then it would also have to adopt the common currency.

Farage is highly iffy as an authentic messiah. He’s promoted and pushed by the very establishment he claims to oppose. My money is on reform doing very well in a future election, but with a hung parliament and therefore their needing to go into a coalition with a pro-EU party. Reform want to renegotiate the UK-EU agreement or get rid of it altoghether. A coalition deal could result in a referendum with choices between having no deal with the EU on the one hand and rejoining on the other. Don’t despair though. The lovely Mr Farage would negotiate our joining the Euro so it’s win-win for legacy remainers and leavers alike!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 28, 2024 12:10 PM
Reply to  Dan Green


Surely Farage’s usp is exiting EU and establishment of a common market.

I can’t see him forging an alliance with a pro-EU party but stranger things have happened !

Logically, the EU, as a monolithic bloc trying to accommodate vastly different peoples, is doomed to failure.

The rich countries are cottoning on to the cost, both financially and culturally and the former “poorer” countries are realising that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Isn’t that par for the course for any form of communism ?

Dan Green
Dan Green
Jul 28, 2024 5:24 PM

Surely Farage’s usp is exiting EU and establishment of a common market.”

Do you mean a common market with other non-EU countries or with the EU? The EU common market is the single market and Farage’s Reform party are against the UK rejoining that.

I may well be wrong about Farage being a globalist, but we can only wait and find out.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 3:29 PM

“Sometimes Logic is better.”

And sometimes one’s inbuilt bullshit radar is better, Why not use both?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 28, 2024 8:46 AM


Dan Green
Dan Green
Jul 28, 2024 11:18 AM

Tommy “five passports” Robinson?

He might as well rename himself Colin Ivor Anthony Asset.

My opinion is that he is being pushed as an extreme solution for the problem of extreme islam or far left apologetics for muslim extremism. The idea being that a solution that lies partway between the two extremes. Tommy’s solution is no muslim immigration. I suspect that the establishment’s solution will be a global digital ID, that way we will know exactly who is coming into the country and we can weed out extremists by monitoring their social media usage. The same would go for non-muslims, of course.

There’s no solution when you are dealing with a psychopath other than to ignore and avoid. Thus the only way to deal with the establishment’s psycho-drama is to ignore and avoid. Set up a rural community that is as self-sufficient as possible to avoid the coming psychopathic dystopia as much as possible.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 28, 2024 12:13 PM
Reply to  Dan Green

What if he’s the real deal ?

And what if the 100,000 yesterday get their way ?

I’d be happy with that.

Jul 28, 2024 9:08 PM

They can’t get their way because the MPs control nothing. Nada. Zip. It’s all a psyop to divide and conquer, performed by Freemason operatives.

Even if MPs could change laws, which they can’t (they don’t write them) it wouldn’t matter, because the UNs policy of FORCED IMMIGRATION (from staged wars and faux conflicts) is central to agenda 21.

So all protests, allow the public to blow off steam, widen the gap between right and left, so they’ll never unite against the unlawful system that’s keeping them brainwashed, debt enslaved, poisoned and clueless.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 6:36 PM
Reply to  Dan Green

My opinion is that he is being pushed as an extreme solution for the problem of extreme islam or far left apologetics for muslim extremism. The idea being that a solution that lies partway between the two extremes. Tommy’s solution is no muslim immigration. I suspect that the establishment’s solution will be a global digital ID, that way we will know exactly who is coming into the country and we can weed out extremists by monitoring their social media usage. The same would go for non-muslims, of course.”


TFIC are very good at getting “us” to DEMAND whatever it is they’ve been nudging us to embrace all along. Drugs, Marxism, Queer-Dominant Norms… the next on the list is “Assisted Suicide,” which will very quickly morph into “Peer-Pressure-Suicide”… but first there will be “court cases” as we, The Serfs, take the Gov to court for the “legal right” to use suicide as a soultion for boredom, poverty and/or depression.

TFIC are masters at this game. If they weren’t, how could a few hundred thousand “elite” inbreds, and a million of their minions, control 7+ billion of us?

The Devil’s* greatest trick was convincing us that he’s incompetent.

*Not a Christian, just paraphrasing a famous meme

Jul 27, 2024 5:35 PM

All three have the same bad character and ill intent.

McCulloch and Kory both lie about germ theory, contagion and viruses and neither of them have ever prevented their own patients from previous poison injections or highly toxic meds like Ivermectin.

Since Iatrogenesis is the number one cause of death in the US, and Covid doesn’t exist they’re also spreading misinformation.

It all comes down to intentions. What’s their intention? Obviously, to keep the majority indoctrinated in Rockefeller medicine; a poisoning, eugenics program.

I see three frauds, one who’s a Jesuit and they’re all lying about the invisible unicorn virus and the contagion myth.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 27, 2024 11:44 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The trouble with the “contagion myth” is that it comports with the state of being or getting sick experienced by nearly everyone on the planet, also by non-human life forms.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 28, 2024 12:14 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Blimey !

You’re going for it today.


Jul 28, 2024 4:16 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

It’s an illusion, a superstition that becomes a belief. If your family eats tainted food or drinks tainted water, and you all become ill one after another or at the same time, are you catching something or exhibiting detox symptoms from the tainted food or water?

These mass poisoning events are commonplace, happen in families, in communities, schools, even in entire regions. They could be induced by anything from dirty water or tainted foodstuffs, pesticides, meds, vaccines, environmental pollution, aerosol spraying, EMF activity and natural radiation.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 28, 2024 6:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Assuming you’re right, how do you aim to educate the billions of people whose “lived experience” says otherwise? They’ll all tell you that they’ve caught colds, and they’ve seen it happen to others.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 7:41 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“No Germ” or “Terrain” theory is the FLAT EARTH of human health theories. Mercenary Pharmaceutical Strategies are, of course, killing many of us… but that doesn’t mean viruses/ bacteria don’t exist. Anyone who has ever raised a couple of children knows that there are microscopic (or sub-microscopic) agents which transmit illness. Whatever you chose to call them. Just because I’d like to see an END to Big Pharma and its utter contempt for us Serfs… doesn’t mean i’m ready to return to the 15th (or 11th) century….

Jul 28, 2024 8:33 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

If people want to believe lies that’s their business. It’s not up to me to dissuade them from non-sense. But I do think the contagion psyop is pivotal to deprogramming from the mind control.

Once I realized penicillin was poisonous, fluoride, vitamins and supplements a poison program, all Rx are toxic with a lethal dose level, and vaccines never saved a single life, that’s when I really began questioning everything.

Betsey Norton
Betsey Norton
Jul 28, 2024 2:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Can I upvote you more than once??? The average lay person can believe the germ theory, but “scientists and doctors” know better!!!!!

Aug 12, 2024 6:36 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Your demonization of Ivermectin helped enable the ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ (EUA) of the mRNA quackzines. This is because those so-called ‘vaccines’ could not have been authorized if there were an existing treatment for whatever it is people had who got sick. Which is why there was a concerted campaign to demonize Ivermectin—because Big Pharma knew Ivermectin was a threat to their rollout of the quackzines. By your demonization of Ivermectin, you are aiding and abetting the use of the truly toxic genetic injections. Congratulate yourself for being part of the psyop that helped harm and/or kill millions through the propaganda around Ivermectin and the ‘rollout’ of the quackzines. Your demonizing Drs McCullough and Kory is outlandish, as they have helped thousands—millions—of people see the truth about, and thereby avoid, the toxic clot shots. Do you think their stating there is no such thing as viruses would have helped them reach millions of people with their warning to not get injected? Do you think they would have been dismissed as unreliable by focusing on the ‘viruses don’t exist’ idea? Dr Kory, MD witnessed thousands of people get dramatically better in a short time after starting oral Ivermectin to treat the flu—or whatever was making them sick–that was being called Covid.  Were people sickened by ‘Covid’? (see Off-Guardian’s brilliant deconstruction of how covid could not possibly be a ‘thing’ https://off-guardian.org/2023/03/24/40-facts-you-need-to-know-the-real-story-of-covid/ Or were people sickened by EMF poisoning? Or the ‘flu’? The symptoms from the ‘flu’ are similar to the symptoms from not only ‘covid’ but also from EMF poisoning (see the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Firstenberg). The Swine Flu scamdemic of 1996 happened concurrently with the turning on of the major cell phone networks in the US. The Covid scamdemic happened concurrently with the turning on of 5G Networks. Are these two scamdemics… Read more »

Aug 19, 2024 6:53 PM
Reply to  p53
Jonas Carling
Jonas Carling
Jul 27, 2024 5:26 PM

Best article in quite a few months, Todd.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 27, 2024 5:21 PM

The closer you get to the truth the more of an asshole you are. Au contraire, Peter McCullough has good character, he’s a good person: he believes in the Pandemic TM, believes in the virus called Covid-19. Denis Rancourt does not. Mark Bailey does not – they are assholes.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 27, 2024 10:18 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Denis Rancourt does not.”

Denis Rancourt and I go WAY back, back to when refuting the “global warming/ climate change” nonsense was his primary topic… beyond defending himself from charges of “racism”. I wrote him a fan letter or two and Denis actually invited me to be a character witness, in his defense, at the (years ago) trial. The trial was based on the fact that he used a term, describing a collegue, that would have been fine about 15 years before he used it. He was “cancelled” in the early sense of the word. It was all nonsense, of course. He’s been under attack ever sense and is defiitely a committed “asshole”… as am I and all good people who refuse to agree that 2+2= 5.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 27, 2024 11:00 PM

“Committed assholes” unite! I don’t mean this to be snark, rather a badge of honor!

Jul 28, 2024 5:19 PM

Being “under attack” is not necessarily a badge of truth. After all, if the “system” wishes to plant a mole, it will very assiduously “attack” that person to enhance his appeal.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jul 28, 2024 7:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

Being “under attack” is not necessarily a badge of truth.”

Absolutely correct! After all, look at Super Mole Fidel Castro’s illustrious career. CIA “tried to kill him” what… more than 60 times? Can’t recall the figure… but, darn it, they just couldn’t seem to nail the guy with low-tech security, despite the fact that nailing JFK (or, later, the Pentagon) was a piece of cake! Fidel who pulled off a “revolution” and was interviewed by Ed Sullivan, on location, right after! Not joking; Sullivan, at one point, refers to nearby “revolutionaries” as “youngsters”! Psyops used to be LOTS more fun…

Re: Denis: unlike the “attacks” on Fidel (or Assange), Denis is exhausted and super-marginalized. Even that’s not total proof he’s not “working for them”… BUT… in his defense I can say I haven’t seen ANY red flags on him. Assange was/is a red flag bouquet. If anyone has ANYTHING on Denis, of course, I would read or watch it, to be sure.