The People’s Court of New Normal Germany – Part Two
CJ Hopkins

So, my second trial for alleged thoughtcrime-tweeting is going ahead as planned on August 15 in Berlin Superior Court (Das Kammergericht). Full-blown anti-terrorism security protocols will be in effect in the courtroom.
Yes, that’s right, the Berlin Superior Court denied my attorney’s motion to rescind their special Security Order, so the German authorities will be putting on an elaborate official show of force, which everyone is welcome to attend!
Or, actually, according to the Security Order, only 35 people are welcome to attend. That’s one of the anti-terrorism security protocols. Also, if you do attend, you’ll have to surrender all your personal possessions (i.e., notebooks, phones, wallets, pens, pencils, other writing instruments, wristwatches, hats, and other head coverings, etc.) and any outwear (i.e., jackets, scarves, etc.) and totally empty your pockets of all items, presumably into a plastic bin like the ones they use at airport security, which the Court’s security personnel will carry away and store somewhere while you attend the trial, and which the Superior Court expressly denies any liability for (i.e., for your items). Once you have surrendered all your possessions, and have been body-scanned and metal-detected, and possibly physically patted down, you will be admitted into Room 145a, where you will have to sit in the rear five rows of the gallery, behind a presumably bullet-proof security barrier, so that the security staff can monitor you during the proceedings.
OK, I know what you’re probably thinking, but the Superior Court’s Security Order is not at all intended to prevent members of the press from attending and reporting on the trial. Members of the press are absolutely welcome! It’s just that they will have to surrender their cameras and phones and their pens and other writing instruments to the security staff before they enter the courtroom. But they are welcome to attend and report on the trial! The security personnel will even provide them with pencils — presumably those little child-sized pencils, which are harder to use as Jason-Bourne-style stabbing weapons — and sheets of paper that they can position on their knees and attempt to make notes on during the trial.
Same goes for all you members of the public. This Security Order is not in any way intended to discourage you from attending the trial, or to intimidate or humiliate you by subjecting you to pointless “security protocols” and treating you like suspected terrorists. No, you are absolutely welcome to attend! You just might want to think about what you bring with you. Sharp objects are probably not a good idea. Likewise anything the Court might construe to be a camera or an audio-recording device. The Security Order is clear about that … there is to be no photographic or audio record of the proceedings.
Oh, and, definitely do not bring any state-of-the-art terrorist “wiretapping technology” with you. The Court is particularly worried about that stuff. Hence the need to subject everyone to TSA-style body-scanning, and pat-downs, and to confiscate their personal possessions, i.e., to ensure that no one smuggles in some sort of remotely-activated wiretapping technology that will infect the judges’ smartphones with some kind of untraceable surveillance software that will secretly record everything they say and transmit it to Tehran, or Moscow, or wherever.
You probably think I’m joking. I’m not. Here’s how one of the Superior Court judges justified the Court’s Security Order in his denial of our motion to have the Order rescinded…
“I cannot see the unreasonable restriction of the press and your defense that you are concerned about, nor any violation of the guarantee of a fair trial. I admit that the restrictions imposed by the Security Order are quite significant; however, they are by no means unreasonable. They are objectively required both by the overall tense security situation (e.g. publicly announced threats of attacks against judges of the Superior Court) and the increased special security requirements in at least one criminal trial conducted in the same courtroom. Since only the courtroom in question is assigned to the Criminal Division (and the other divisions) as a permanent courtroom, and a regular search of the courtroom following every session using suitable technology for recently introduced wiretapping technology represents an objectively unjustifiable burden, its introduction must be prevented from the outset if possible.”
Yes, you read the judge’s explanation right. Apparently, the Court is worried that my readers, or maybe members of the German independent press, might be planning to launch an “attack” on the judges, presumably with their phones and writing instruments, and possibly their head coverings and outerwear (for example, their scarves, which I suppose, in the hands of trained terrorist assassins, could be used to strangle them). In any event, they clearly believe that an “overall tense security situation” exists, one which necessitates these anti-terrorism security protocols at the trial of a 62-year-old playwright, author, and political satirist.
OK, I probably should have mentioned that earlier for the benefit of anyone not familiar with my case. I’m not a terrorist, or in any way terrorist adjacent. I’m just an author and a political satirist. The German authorities are prosecuting me because I criticized them and their Covid mask mandates.
As I explained in my most recent column…
“The German authorities have been investigating and prosecuting me since August 2022. My case has been covered in The Atlantic, Racket News, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Multipolar, and many other outlets … Basically, I am being prosecuted for ‘spreading pro-Nazi propaganda’ because I criticized the Covid mask mandates and tweeted the cover artwork of one of my books, The Rise of The New Normal Reich. Here’s the cover artwork of that book. The other two images are recent covers of Der Spiegel and Stern, two well-known mainstream German magazines, which are not being prosecuted for spreading pro-Nazi propaganda.”

My punishment for doing that (i.e., criticizing the Covid mask mandates, not spreading Nazi propaganda) has been … well, here I am, on trial, again, in The People’s Court of New Normal Germany. The German authorities had my Tweets censored by Twitter. They reported me to The Federal Criminal Police Office, which is kind of the German FBI. They reported me to The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s domestic Intelligence agency. My book is banned in Germany. They have damaged my income and reputation as an author. They have forced me to spend thousands of Euros in attorney’s fees to defend myself against these blatantly trumped-up charges. And now they are going to subject me, and my attorney, and anyone who attends my trial, to this humiliating, ham-fisted, official show of force.
If you’re an American (or a Brit, or Australian, or whatever), and you’re thinking this is just a story about Germany, or the EU … well, I’m sorry, but it isn’t. My case is just one of countless examples of the criminalization of dissent that is happening throughout the West. A lot of Americans don’t realize it, but freedom of speech is protected in the German constitution.
My story is not about the differences between the German and American freedom-of-speech protections. It is about the authorities prosecuting government critics like me on fabricated charges, banning our books, and censoring our political speech.
Once a government starts doing that, the protections in its constitution no longer matter. You are no longer dealing with questions of law. You are dealing with the exercise of authoritarian power. That is what my story is about. Any Americans (and any other non-Germans) who have been paying attention to recent events will recognize what I’m talking about.
As I’ve been saying, repeatedly, for the last four years or so, the global-capitalist power system (or the “corporatocracy,” or “The Powers That Be,” or whatever other name you need to call it) is going totalitarian on us. It dominates the entire planet, so it doesn’t have anything else to do. It is conducting a global “Clear and Hold” op. It is neutralizing internal resistance … any and all forms of internal resistance. The criminalization of dissent is an essential part of that. I’ve been documenting this process in my columns and in my books, and specifically in The Rise of the New Normal Reich — which you can read, unless you live in Germany — so forgive me if I don’t rehash it all here.
The point is, we’re not in Kansas anymore. All that democracy and rule of law stuff is over. It is being gradually, and not so gradually, phased out.
I get that most people don’t believe that. Most people won’t, until it’s too late. That’s how these transitions generally work. Most people can’t see what is coming until it gets here. I see it, but not because I’m a prophet. I’m just a loudmouth, and the loudmouths get crushed first.
Anyway, if you are in Berlin on August 15, and would like to observe The People’s Court of New Normal Germany in action, or just get groped by a German law enforcement officer, the trial is scheduled to start at 10:30AM. Seating is on a first-come-first-served basis. So you may want to show up a little early, given all the scanning and screening and groping, and the “overall tense security situation.”
The address is Elßholzstraße 30-33.
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Grab a doll and ask the German authorities to show you where you hurt them.
News headlines at 7 and lots about rioting and nothing at all about any update on the Southport stabbings or the killer. But I guess nobody cares about that now that it has served its purpose.
Here in America we have a much more streamlined system for dealing with dissent: the people have been conditioned to simply ignore it. “Nothing To See Here” anywhere in America.
All Official Narratives are specifically designed with the help of Big Pharma to work as soporifics. Once you let them sink in there is no longer any room in the American frontal lobe for dissenting views. Just like a good meal, a good Narrative is very filling and puts you right to sleep.
Into pending for a detailed comment on communitarianism with links
Ironic as I left 3 links off the original background comment to avoid pending
Communitarianism – something I have mentioned in various comments.
Just because the alt-media is not talking about it does not mean it is not occuring.
It is the global to local policy enactment.
Local town halls are the ones carrying it out. eg Low traffic neighbourhoods, the precursor to 15 minute neighbourhoods. It is occuring worlwide.
Corporate change agents often masquerading as NGO’s use trained facilitators and mediators to steer the public into pre-defined outcomes. The public are tacitly agreeing to these policies by non-participation or when attending these ‘community,’ meetings, which are organised and steered by change agents are hoodwinked to agree to a very limited, defined outcome using Delphi Technique (developed by RAND corporation).
Debate is stifled and the options available do not allow for views outside of that. For example, anthropogenic climate change is a given, so ‘solutions’ offered will only be those that the controllers want and do not permit ‘denial’ of ACC.
Mark Windows is one of the few people researchers who has exposed the communitarian agenda.
More links to follow in an attached comment, to avoid pending.
The following 3 podcasts from Mark Windows are a good start to understand the Communitarian agenda and how it works:–60838752–59152807–57346178
Admin, now the comment with the three links also went into pending.
Now that Starmer has his hand on the wheel it’s top gear to dystopia and the ‘NEW NORMAL) The new 2000-strong police hit squad is the first move on the checkboard and must be countered. The nation’s state can be laid completely at the door of government acting on behalf of their masters. Create the problem of mass immigration then when people have had enough bring in authority and special powers to remove the last of our freedoms.
It’s not Nazis that control this agenda its big money and whoever controls that, (we can all take a good guess).
Our government has no power or authority without our acceptance. Their justice system is a fraud and Starmer himself is a criminal shoehorned into place by the psychopathic elite to protect the likes of Saville the elite’s blackmailer of people in power.
Its very easy to place labels upon people and as seen here in the comments theres disagreement as to which label actually applies.
Isnt it just a case of hate manifesting from multiple corners.
If your in the middle trying to prevent further fury and keep sides apart, both are turning upon you and attacking you instead.
It’s all clearly a situation that has been orchestrated and fomented over the last few years. Many of us saw it coming. Predicted it, and here it is.
Sorry..this comment was meant for the one below yours…
Scary times for those speaking the truth and trying to hold to account the corrupted demons now in power (Nazis)
Double standards. Support and supply a country committing genocide. Support and supply a country who have no chance of victory and has lost hundreds of thousands of innocents in a hopeless war. When the government creates war, chaos, and death that’s okay. When the disillusioned mindless riot (all part of the plan), they are made an example by a state that’s lost its mind.
“Victory” reminded me. In WW2, victory gardens meant growing some of your food. Today, the message is the opposite. It is “Stop being destructive and growing unsafe food; that applies to small and medium farmers too; just trust the benevolent giant agri-businesss to feed you”.
Commies, not Nazis. The Commies are not laying anymore under your bed.
They are now out in the open, boasting bragging about how they succeeded to subdue the world with green energy although we have energy everywhere, sun, wind, waves, gas, m.m..
They made e-money out of thin air and you believed in it.
You believed in the Communist money with your open mouth and bigs stupid eyes into your personal screen…………………………….LOL.
A busy night is advertised here in the UK.
But we are stuck on a post about censorship in Germany.
Soon though I wonder if the instability is going to leap across the channel?
So maybe while this German heading continues, our comments here will have more relevance.
It’s odd for once to read opinions and stories from other nations about what is happening here. Particular the Australian perspective.
They’re willing to give up on facial recognition (for now) if they can get more control over social media:
“Explicit violent threats, and incitements to violence, have gone unpoliced, and dangerous and deliberate misinformation has spread. Both can be weapons used by hostile actors, including enemy states…. Is Elon Musk the legitimate arbiter of whether Mr Yaxley-Lennon’s social media broadcasts are a threat to public order and security in the UK or anywhere else? Isn’t it time we had judicial processes that would allow for the removal of particular material and the proportionate blocking of certain users?”
So, as she admits, death threats and incitement to racial hatred are already illegal – so how exactly would extra “judicial processes” help anything? Help anything except intimidate people into self-censorship that is. How does she know alleged disinformation is “deliberate”? Does “enemy states” include the UK? What other countries restrict social media on grounds of foreign “hostile actors” and does the UK want to be in their company? Who exactly are Elon Musk and Tommy Robinson – or are they just pantomime villains designed to produce a Pavlovian reaction from all “reasonable” people?
Your UK based,>?
I was in London and the south coast doing the Tours.
London was CCTV facial recognition up. Coop, Waitrose, Tesco, Asbo, National rail, bus;s taxi;s getting into St Pauls cathedral, they did a full bag search and Metal scan and charged nearly 20£ for the mugging pleasure.
South coast was the same.
All the major road routes by car is CCTV & facial recognition (if it reads your number plate it read your face.)
I even noticed the digital displays at the bus stops in the towns and mains had camera’s.
U.K was the most CCTV facial recognition surveillance place I visited in Europe.
I am sure the alt media celebrity will tell you different as there paid to show China or Russia bad.
This friendly looking helpful creature is able to read your phone (passports) and body virals and has camera in and is a 5G small tower.

It must be because they are animals they are so horny on these features. I mean they brag about they are coming from the apes yes? Darwin and all that.
Look at this guy here, one of the Founder of Google:
Saying straight out that they are on a 4-legged housecat level just now, but their goal is to be on an ordinary human level in just a couple of years.
My conclusion is we are two species in human bodies here on earth:
One primitive materialistic specie developed from Cain to the the apes into people alike Demis Hassabis, Bill Gates, Klaus Swab.
Another specie was created from Abel spiritually by God into humans with soul.
If you come from Eve’s tete-a-tete with the Devil Cain and progressed into the apes, you are trying to meet the level of God. Not very successful yes! 😏
I notice a family resemblance:
Open the pod bay doors, HAL… 🤨
Has anyone found any updates on the actual matter of the Southport stabbings? I tried and could only find updates on one of the victims still in hospital and plenty of stuff about riots and the “spread of disinformation”.
You’d almost think the roots of the stabbing are now irrelevant.
Yes, here. ALL our Western governments are Commu-Nazis, not we the people!!
We have bigger chickens to fry George. I you cant reach 6 mio you should not expect the whole world sticking their nose in the Southport story. With all regrets.
As soon as I figure out what “mio” means I’ll try and reach it.
Watch the news or read a newspaper, and Believe!
No cavity search, what a lousy security.
YOU don’t need to go to court. There is no injured party. If the Citation or invitation or whatever the request for YOU to come to court is in YOUR ALL CAPS NAME YOU dont need to go as are not being asked. CJ HOPKINS is not CJ Hopkins. Its all legalese trickery. Yes they will threaten YOU with arrest, but they can do nothing. YOUR ALL CAPS LEGAL PERSON is a fiction, created to enslave you. You dont need to represent the fiction, it has a trustee who is responsible. That trustee also owns everything you think belongs to you.
Thats cool if you are the trustee.
The trustee is always the crown no matter where you are. CJ Hopkins is always the beneficiary; he does not know that and will probably take responsibility from the crown onto himself.
The court does not allow recording equipment because they are committing fraud.
Don’t be afraid of downticks the government trolls will try everything to keep this fact from our knowledge.
Does he do that w/o a fight? I have yet to see a trustee yield to a beneficiary willingly, its not in the system vocabulary.
The crown never yields concerning the CQV trust or ownership of all things of value. (Because we own fk all) But on the other hand we dont need to accept a statutory court summons because its in the name of the trustee not ourselves. Stalemate. Bravery is the key
But in the name of the beneficiary the summons might have to be accepted, yet these cases are next to nil so what can the crown be worried about, sudden adult extinction as you live under a child ruler in this day and age.
Perhaps the crown has wore out it usefulness going forward.
Australians told to report friends and family for anti-government thoughts
Says opposition leader Peter Dutton, freshly returned from his solidarity trip to Israel with the genocidal Israeli government
This event serves to confirm that the PTB and their underlings are seriously deranged and an unpredictable threat to humankind.
Germany is at it again. In WW2 they were Nazis attacking Russian Ukraina:
“Greatest Tank Battles of WW2 — Kharkov”
“Greatest Tank Battles of WW2 — Kursk”
Now they are NATZO attacking Russian Ukraina. Same result: a brilliantly conceived and meticulously executed failure.
Update: NATZO’s Ukro-nazis seek revenge on Russia for defeating Germany at Kursk. The Nasties get another bloody nose.
Having now seen the Forces of Nastiness defeated twice in my little lifetime, I am confident in the future of Humanity (of Ubuntu, as the Bantu call it).
“….permanent courtroom, and a regular search of the courtroom following every session using suitable technology for recently introduced wiretapping technology represents an objectively unjustifiable burden, its introduction must be prevented from the outset if possible….”
Well that’s bollocks; (1) they could use a different court room, (2) if ensuring ‘wiretapping’ technology not be installed is so important then it would be grossly negligent to not perform sweeps before and after every session, preventative action not withstanding
If the authorised reporters were not from MSM, their owners could object to this.
Notes on the Rise and Development of Patriarchy(Heide Goettner-Abendroth)
Why the Term Matriarchy?
“du hasst”
I suggest that you borrow a hazmat suit and go to the court fully protected from psychosocial pollution — a protection you might rightfully claim. Argument developed and illustrated in Psychosocial adaptation of biohazard safety levels (
In the Hollywood film ‘Casablanca’ the ending involves brave people loudly singing the French national anthem in the face of the evil Nazis. That’s the white people. Hollywood forgot that France was the occupying colonial power in Morocco.
Hopkins is an American. Germany is still under American military occupation and the Covid policies would likely have come from or at the least been approved by Washington.
He repeatedly accused the Germans of behaving like Nazis. It’s deeply offensive. They really don’t like it and I wouldn’t have done it.
“Hollywood forgot that France was the occupying colonial power in Morocco.”
Even better: that’s the classic Good v Evil film in which Ingrid Bergman, the angelically heroic leading lady, refers to the piano player, Sam, a grown man, as “boy”. So many layers!
Speaking of which (layers, I mean): it’s striking that so many Mainstreamish “resistance” Influencers, like Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand and Joe Rogan, et al… plus relative unknowns like CJ… were allowed to use “pushback against FauxVid1984” as a way to gain cred among followers. As though, even while the Plague pantomime was peaking, TFIC were already moving on to the next Movie (ie Ukraine… then some UFO comic relief… then the Palestine Genocide… then Trump 2.0)…
Would you cheer if Brand, Fire and Rogan, who are popular and influential critics of government power, corruption and censorship, were silenced?
Their role is to keep the free range sheeple on the farm. They are the electric perimeter fence to prevent escape (to free thinking) but to provide just enough fresh grass (aka chickenfeed) to keep the sheeple munching away while going around in circles.
Then when the time is right, these shepherds will receive their orders to herd the sheeple into the tightest of pens. The plan, if most effective, will mean the sheeple will go voluntarily with the minimal amount of bleating.
“Baa baa”.
“Then when the time is right, these shepherds will receive their orders to herd the sheeple into the tightest of pens. The plan, if most effective, will mean the sheeple will go voluntarily with the minimal amount of bleating…”
And a minimal amount of property damage (unless the property needs to be flipped anyway)…
The reaction of the German authorities, as described by Hopkins, surely validates his earlier accusations. I personally much admire his courage in exposing the Nazi behaviour of this ‘progressive’ state. But what evidence justifies your strange claim that Germany exists ‘under American military occupation’?
< But what evidence justifies your strange claim that Germany exists ‘under American military occupation’? >
That’s a good question. I have no evidence but believe the claim. Why else should Germany keep shtum when The Man from Uncle wrecks the Germans’ economy by blowing up their pipeline to cheap Russian gas? Why else should Germans once again take on the shame of aiding and approving genocide — this time a genocide committed by Anglo-American Zio-nazis?
As of 2024 there are 35,000 active duty US troops in Germany. I never thought much about it until 2015-2016 election season when someone mentioned that struggling US taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to finance thousands of troops in Germany and other countries. At the time, the suggestion that US troops might be removed from Germany provoked panic among some in German government. So of course the subject was dropped. It was then that I realized that the entire US political class is fine with US taxpayers being permanent global slaves. If anyone is under “military occupation,” it’s US taxpayers. The US must be broken up into at least 3 separate countries.
You are seriously mistaken if you think it is the US citizens paying for the stationing of US troops in Germany.
Goodness! The biggest military training grounds (Grafenwöhr, Böblingen, etc.) in Germany are opertaed by who? The biggest US Airforce stationing in Western Europe (Ramstein) is where? The biggest military hospital of the US Army in Western Europe? The milittary wings of teh airports in Frankurt, Stuttgart etc. The supply columns of the US Army going from Nürnberg to Grafenwöhr on the Autobahn? The buses without license plates carrying Ukrainian trainees? They even bring along their psycho cults (Scientology, JW) everywhere there is a US garrison.
The USAFE-AFAFRICA main operating bases are: RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom; Ramstein and Spangdahlem Air Bases
I saw a report of F-22 jets flying into the UK. It turns out they were refuelling before carrying out their usual atrocities in the middle east.
The US after 1945 imported many Nazis who shaped not only their rocket force but their new CIA and older FBI. Operation two half opened Paperclips in Zs to form the infamous iron cross. One common goal was to tackle Russia which was too much of competition.
Through that hypnosis the CCP in China managed to grow silently and become an actual rival, balancing NATO’s dominance.
In the scenario you describe, who then set Washington’s policies?
That would have been supranational organisations such as WHO (agency of UN), GAVI, CEPI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and of course the Rockefellers who predicted ‘Lock Step’ in their report ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’
Unless, of course you believe that Washington also set Chinese and Russian Covid-1984 policies or that of its sworn ‘enemies’ Iran and Cuba. All of which acted identically, without so much as a cigarette paper between them, in the deception and mistreatment of their own citizens during the scamdemic.
That era of worldwide cooperation and abuse of citizens for an non-existent threat is piece of history that the controllers are trying to erase from the public consciousness by creating the illusion of pre-2020 geopolitical tensions, lest too many people join the dots. They are going full tilt to recreate the impression of ‘sides’.
The UK monarchy set Trump administration’s Covid policies.
The military is a possibility.
Who’s behind the US stock market crash ?
— Trump ?
— The Russians ?
— Hamas ?
— ‘bird flu’ ?
NOT the Doos. Again we see a German nasi here in les online insinuating the Doos did it.
You must be German les online, and probably many of the other commenters who wont admit they are nasis behind the curtains ALL of them!
< les online insinuating the Doos did it >
by not mentioning the Doos.
Now how did he manage to do that? Pray explain.
Ohh its an old trick. He mention everybody else whom it cannot and could not be and who is then left to think about?
The eternal scapegoats is the only group left out on les online’s long long list!
Very very sneaky, but not sneaky enough for Papa here.
It’s because of the evacuation of us citizens from Lebanon.
The us planes that took them out were the last to leave.
Now it’s only by boat to Cyprus for anyone wishing to leave.
Living for decades in a La-La Land of debt.
Chin up, guys! When we are all happy, obedient androids, nobody will be arrested, tried, charged and imprisoned. We’ll all be enjoying our smart city, technocratic serfdom in the utmost peace and joy.
“You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone…” Joni Mitchell
The good old days when Stalin was President. Stalin knew what he was doing.
Serious question When is the edit function actually going to get fixed?
Its been blocked, and you have know a thing or two to get it back.
About a week back, it worked for a single comment.
Can we verify this.
Ive been banned from commenting on x ,, which tells you its two tier thinking.
“Freedom of speech, not freedom of reach.”
Oh. And I forgot the Rothschild gangsters and their central banks
They are only Financial Advisors for the real bad bad guys and girls.
Queen Elizabeth killed 1 billion people in her time without any sheeple noticed it.
This isn’t communitarianism. This isn’t communism. This isn’t fascism. It’s corporatism. Recall that Hitler was financed by Rockefeller, Ford, Bushes, almost every big banker on Wall Street, and most of the American government. This is globalism. This is the One World Corporation. Historically, slavery and servitude always worked better for the rich.
While most of the “free world” was in bad shape, Germany was improving across the bottom of the pyramid, as photo evidence showed. It was getting too much good press. From what I recall, the foreign inputs stopped sometime between 1937-1939.
That’s it, in a nutshell. The same Anglo-American Capitalists who financed and backed the Nazis now finance and back the Zio-nazis.
See Veri Tas below, Aug 6, 2024 9:55 PM on Microsoft backing the Zio-nazi genocide in Gaza.
I’m sorry you have to go through all that. Thanks for staying the course and representing the rest of us. ‘Nightmare’ doesn’t come close to describing the situation, both your personal situation and everything at large.
I see Germany has swung back to the fascist nazi days .What a nightmare it must be like to live there.
Apparently it’s illegal to utter that truth in Germany.
On that note, Microsoft Encourages Employee Donations to Illegal West Bank Settlements, While Barring UNRWA
Last week, a group of Microsoft employees began circulating a petition calling on the company to cease matching contributions to three organizations, the Ma’aleh Adumim Foundation, Ein Prat Academy for Leadership, and the Megilot Dead Sea Rescue Team, which they say “are in direct violation of international law,” citing the Geneva Conventions.
From the petition:
“Microsoft is directly funding these illegal and immoral settlements by allowing these organizations to remain,” the petition states, imploring the company to stop matching funding to the three organizations. “This is not only unethical, but also goes against our inclusive values as a company.”
The internal strife at Microsoft grew worse earlier this year when the company decided to delist the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, the major United Nations program serving Palestinian refugees, as a beneficiary for matching donations for the company.
Source: Drop Site News
Don’t worry, I’m quite alright. Thank you.
I think though that we are going into an information lockdown.
In the sense that content will be tightly controlled from now on in all ways on the internet and in conventional media forms.
Things will happen, but we wont know about them. And attempts to draw attention to them will be blocked.
It will seem normal. Like nothing is happening. Only approved content will be visible.
That’s my view given what I have witnessed in the last few days.
The thing about the internet is that there is so much content, the impression it is still working can be given, when infact it actually is not….
So is it working niw, as you post and we read?
The internet is still working. Scott Ritter, Danny Haiphong, the 2 Alex and dozens more are voices for Truth and Justice on Youtube. Almost but not quite drowned in the babble of noise. But it was ever thus:
“A voice crying in the wilderness” — New Testament.
great comment, thank you.
online search results in the West have (for a while now) the following biases:
1. the commercial interest bias set by the company like Google. this is to optimise revenues
2. ideological bias that follows the company’s ideology
3. political and ideological bias set by the US deep state/The Five Eyes organisation
4. country-specific bias: for example, in australia, this is the australian government imposed bias which they started implementing i guess just before the launch of the Covid experiment.
The truth is easier seen than believed.
It’s been an eye opener about how recent content (Olympic opening ceremony and the male/female boxing fiasco) have been “removed” from the net. I previously thought that impossible. But it seems that the net can be manipulated more intensively than I thought.
Try to find anything anywhere on the 1950s US bio-warfare against (North) Korea, an act that the UN discussed and condemned at that time.
So, the total cost to taxpayers, because that’s who is paying for all this, for the entire prosecution of the author’s supposed “spreading of Nazi propaganda”, is in the neighborhood of what, 20 -30 million euros? Maybe 50 when all is said and done? All while using Nazi tactics to do it? Ya, makes sense. Maybe if Germans had their tax rates raised to 90% they would pay some attention. But probably not.
From the judges to the lawyers to all the admin staff, the legal business serving its master on behalf of their billable hour scam.
Billable Babellian Corporate scam, correctly said, amplified & modulated. 😉 Translators
In demand… 😂 Ok, easy BBC .
The deck is stacked, it has always been that way. The illusion of free societies in the Western world has always been that “an illusion”. The powerful families that run this world have always had 4 aces up their sleeve. They have let the spell wear off now because through their ownership of the 1% they believe they now have absolute control. The destruction and enslavement of the world will now continue full speed ahead. And only if we let them. Remember it’s their house of cards.
Prepare, meditate, pray.
In solidarity with everyone of you.
Speech is famously unfree in places like NK. Therefore, free speech in the West, or at least much freer speech, is no illusion.
C=3, L=12 can you do the math?
Do i need to explain?
In case you missed it, thats 911.
Leaving 11 which represents the 2 towers.
All the above from one Bogus Bullshit Cunts article.
They are mocking you with their numeric puns.
Heres the link saved to the waybackmachine so you don’t need to dirty your browser by going to the original source….
Could be worse. In Room 101 at Aßholzstraße, 33, for example
That’s hilarious. Hat tip, sir.
“You know what’s in Room 101…”
Germany is forging ahead with the Communitarian agenda, the same as every other country under the guise of SDGs, UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
John Goodwyn Barmby was the leader of The Chartist Movement. It is his philosophy that gave rise to communitarianism. He was a socialist of the Fabian variety and in reality the earliest communist thinker.
Even the Morning Star recognises the fact that Barmby was a commie, who founded the Communist Propaganda Society.
My advice to CJ, cut the Nazi angle with the German regime or any of these other regimes and concentrate on them being commies.
Why not place an embossed hammer and sickle on the mask for your next book?
Since, there is no stigma attached to that disgusting symbol of murder and mayhem (we should by now all know why that is), they can hardly drag anyone through the courts for using it.
Call these fuckers out for what they are; totalitarian ideological communists, that wish to subjugate and elevate their social status and wealth while they steal every last cent from the common people.
Funny how nobody ever prosecuted the Webbs, Sidney and Beatrice, for Holodomar Denial in their book ‘The Soviet Union: a New Civilisation’ (most sources include a question mark in the title but my copy has no question mark).
They not only denied mass famine in Ukraine, such shortages as they acknowledged were blamed on the victims with peasants accused of “apathy”. Ultimately, they hid behind ignorance while never admitting that it was the regime’s own denial of freedom of expression that stopped information spreading. The Webbs also showed zero sympathy for the Metro-Vickers’ defendants and denied that Stalin was a “dictator” (while Beatrice Webb was using that very word to describe him in her diary at the same time which shows what lying hypocrites they were).
None of this is “merely” academic – Sidney Webb was Colonial Secretary in the 1929-31 Labour government and refused to do anything about timber imports to Australia that were being manufactured using slave labour from deported “kulaks”.
The Webbs are buried in Westminster Abbey for services rendered. The best that can be said of them is that they weren’t as bad as George Bernard Shaw.
How to explain the different treatment? Different times? Possibly, a little. Different countries? The British ruling class are so open and tolerant compared to those dastardly Germans… really? It looks rather like what Herbert Marcuse would later term repressive tolerance – anything that serves the left, however malicious or idiotic, gets a free pass while anything that might possibly be seen as serving the right gets a ton of bricks dropped on its head. Marcuse was of course one of those Marxists who worked for the OSS, forerunners of the CIA and dominated by oligarchs like the Mellon banking dynasty.
Interesting but unsupported claim. So was Marcuse a conscious asset of the CIA?
Talking of censorship or silencing debate, anyone else noticed that theres a distinct lack of discussion about many of the big things going on in the world right now.
It’s almost like a button has been pressed that has switched of part of the internet in that regard.
I know, no such button exists, but are we witnessing a new form of repression through the deliberate vetting of content before it emerges.
As AI and algorithms get smarter, is certain forms of commentary being selectively ommitted?
The only social media I use is facebook and here commentary has been shifted into specific groups which become echo chambers.
What concerns me most is that resolutions always come through discussion and mediation. This no longer becomes possible when differences in views opinions or ideologies cannot be openly discussed.
Trolling and distrust of certain platforms that over censor also undermine attempts at resolution or for opinions that are more centrist to be expressed.
When the extremes are thus pushed even further apart from each other, then where is the mechanism, or perhaps the place that can serve the purpose of sorting out those differences.
Without open debate there can surely be no possibility of fixing our societies illness.
COBRA meeting in UK tonight. Expect China style restrictions on free speech.
By the sounds of it targeting Twitter.
As I dont use twitter, sorry X it will make no difference to me, but it’s been interesting to see how it has made a name for itself, and now thanx to these events and statements by Elon who ever he is or isnt, it finds itself in the firing line.
Very interesting time at the moment.
So it makes no difference to you ?
They are so afraid of you and people in general. They are delusional and paranoid.
They are defending their insanity and the criminal system they serve. But they’ve already lost it.
You know Justice is on your side.
But the judge?
shame really, two glaring omissions from the court security measures:
one is the lack of nuclear radiation sensors. the second is the absence of radars for submarine detection.
As bad as this is they are not going to take away your children are they.
This happens in secret child courts and has done so for a long time.
But as it is not happening to you .
The injustice of having bombs dropped on your head after leaving your home to avoid that is also not very nice.
There is a lot of injustice in the world.
But it should always be stated that most laws are not implemented or only done so in a very limited way.
The threat backed up by high profile examples is designed to make you self police yourself. To limit your actions out of fear. It may be unintended but publishing this helps maintain the fear. S you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Like witchcraft, the crime of terrorism is so heinous, so terrible, that the mere suspicion of being one constitutes incrimination.
If anyone even thinks of doing a David/Goliath vs the corpocratic totalitarian police state, that warrants suspicion.
By far the better thing to do (that is actually achievable) is to understand why what is going on is going on – what are TPTB up to?
So, understand why Covid happened. Do not criticise it or complain about it – escpecially not in front of the horses.
I am sure (
show-trail) hearing will come into dispute when your mates bring the pala*** n flag to show your support of being pro terrorist at the ”hate hearing”.Maybe wear a mask and get a number tattoo on forearm to show solidarity to what happen there according to the 10’s of.1000’s of films & TV series.
’33’ (yer right)
Why is this Berlin court making itself total(itatian) ridiculous?
Is there any sign of intelligence on planet Berlin?
Not in Berlin there isn’t. But you could find ridiculous totalitarianism in Paris as well. Or London. Rome. Wherever you care to look in New Normal World.
In the EU yes.
Orbán appears anti-totalitarian and anti-woke. He claims to defend Christian Europe. One or two other populist leaders may stand with him.
Deutschland, Deutschland unter allem!
Judenhuren Nordstream Zwei!!
Dummkopf, Baerbock – Bidenblaes’rin
Olaf Scholz gar keiner Ei!
Bomber Bi-bi, Warschau Seele
Starmer sagte ‘Zu Befehl!
Deutschland, Deutschland, unter allem!
Goldmedallien kommen nicht so viel!!
You derserve an upvote for this, Rhys.
The Lead Fists-Boots of the German Police State reminds one of the old Iron Curtain.
History repeating?
New dance craze same as the old dance craze.
We never really finished the show in 1945. Sovjet stopped in Berlin. US only dared to step into Berlin in 1948. Today we are really too many on this planet.
Someone has to go and it is not me as I am too exceptional and brilliant .
A couple of billion more dead could let us all breath more freely.
Nothing personally, just saying the fact, what is a fact, less spending and more in our wallets………LOL..
Off course this is not popular, but the right decisions have never been popular. READYYYYYY………….MARCH!!!
One thing is for sure, they dont know how to make boots like that anymore.
Because of the 15 of august, I remembered the book from a vietnamite bishop nguyen van thuan, five breads and two fishes, maybe you will also love to read it…
The millions who are going to prison the coming years will love to hear there is hope! They can always hope!!
Hope always ends in failure, and whos going to build all those prisons?
Havent your heard the rumours? AI will be stand in for everybody and everything. US New Generation Robots.
The guy here has the answer:
Venerable Cardinal Francis-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan spent thirteen years in communist prisons in his home country of Vietnam. A priest of extraordinary faith and courage, he still remained in contact with the faithful under his care by sending out secret messages of encouragement and advice on scraps of paper from his prison cell.
< In Five Loaves and Two Fish, Cardinal Van Thuan reflects on his life and his relationship with his God and his Church. Five Loaves and Two Fish is joyful and greatly encouraging, a powerful and contemporary testimony of faith. Like St. Paul, also imprisoned for his faith, Cardinal Van Thuan reminds us that a life devoted to God is the only one worth living, no matter the circumstances. >
“God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform”.
According to Acts of the Apostles, communism is a Christian virtue. Communist China lifted 800 Million people out of hunger. China is also the country with the largest Christian population.
Viel Glück