“Gene-Edited” vs “Genetically Modified” – What’s the difference?
Kit Knightly

Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems!
Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about to get so much better.
Isn’t that a relief?
Five days ago, the WaPo reported that “gene-editors” were:
working to genetically engineer the cow microbiome — and in the process, eliminate methane emissions.
Three weeks earlier the same outlet reported on gene-edited trees for making paper.
In the UK we can expect the first gene-edited wheat to be harvested this year. In the US, gene-edited salad leaves aren’t far behind.
Japan approved “super-tomatoes” that can “lower your blood pressure” years ago now.
Genetically edited potatoes are being created in South America. Wheat in Egypt. Cotton and maize in Ethiopia.
Back in 2022, I reported that gene-edited foods were already being sold to the public as “cheaper”, “more nutritious” and “preventing future pandemics”.
Two weeks ago The Japan Times declared:
“It’s time to embrace a new era of gene-edited food
Now, in case you’re concerned, let me assure you they are talking about gene-edited food, which is great, NOT genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which we all know are a bad thing.
But what’s the actual difference?
It’s hard to tell sometimes, not least because the MSM still tend to use the terms interchangeably (for example the above Japan Times article uses “gene-edited” in the headline, but “GMOs” in the sub-head).
Let’s check the UK government’s handy DEFRA fact sheet from 2021 for some clarification [emphasis added]:
Gene editing should not be confused with genetic modification (known as GM). Genetically modified organisms are those where DNA from a different species has been introduced into another. Gene edited organisms generally do not contain DNA from different species, they contain changes that could be made more slowly using traditional breeding methods.
…did you spot the super special loophole word?
Let’s zoom in for a closer look.
Gene edited organisms GENERALLY do not contain DNA from different species
Hmmm. What an odd place to insert the word “generally”. A cynical person might say its presence renders the entire sentence meaningless.
Nevermind, just rest assured that there definitely is a difference, even if that difference happens to be largely regulatory.
Again, from the DEFRA fact sheet:
At the moment, following a European Court of Justice ruling in 2018, gene editing is regulated in the same way as genetic modification. The UK Government is consulting on changing these rules in England, allowing gene editing research to be used to produce beneficial crops and livestock
Ah, interesting…..
Would it surprise you to learn that the UK government has now changed those rules, via the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023.
As of now the previous regulation on GM organisms no longer applies to “genetically edited” organisms.
The Act itself eschews “Genetically Edited” in favour of “Precision bred” (probably because it sounds more natural), and defines a “precision bred” organism as follows:
(2)For the purposes of this Act an organism [animal or plant] is “precision bred” if—
(a)any feature of its genome results from the application of modern biotechnology,
(b)every feature of its genome that results from the application of modern biotechnology is stable,
(c)every feature of its genome that results from the application of modern biotechnology could have resulted from traditional processes,
whether or not in conjunction with selection techniques, alone, and
(d)its genome does not contain any feature that results from the application of any artificial modification technique other than modern
…which still seems quite vague.
Certainly, the potential is there for the difference between “gene-edited” (GE) and “genetically modified” (GM) to become largely semantic.
I noted in my previous piece that the pro-gene editing PR campaign was global. And the UK’s push for de-regulation is likewise mirrored worldwide – something which is always noteworthy in and of itself.
In February of this year, the European Union voted to “ease regulation of gene-edited crops”.
Three weeks ago, the US-based Genetic Literacy Project headlined “In hopes to cut pesticide use Switzerland edges closer to legalizing crop gene editing”
Just a few days ago, it was reported that ‘Food Standards Australia New Zealand’ (FSANZ) would be using a “new definition” of genetically modified organisms that excluded gene-edited crops.
All this talk of de-regulating and “new definitions” should make everyone raise an eyebrow. Clearly, the potential is there for the mother of all loopholes.
The news is no better on the other side of the New Iron Curtain.
Russia has always been the nation most vocally against GMOs, banning their import, cultivation and distribution on Russian soil. This has been a source of much hope to those investing in the idea that Russia, and BRICS nations in general, are standing against the incipient dystopia unfolding in the West.
Sadly, however, Russia has been investing billions of rubles in “gene editing” since 2019.
China is going the same way. In May 2023 it was reported that:
After decades of bans, China is beginning to plant gene-edited crops
Exactly a year later, China officially approved gene-edited wheat for human consumption.
So, it looks like gene-edited crops are on the menu, no matter who wins the much-anticipated WWIII.
Governments and Big Farmer companies all over the world are hailing the rise of brand new totally brilliant “genetic editing” technology, leaving the regulations on stupid old-fashioned “genetic modification” guarding an empty room.
This is simply the way of the world in the post-Covid, post-truth age – where the powers-that-be reframe, redefine and reinterpret words as they deem necessary. Facts are temporary. Reality malleable. Edit wikipedia and you’ve changed history, if you ever need to you can just change it back.
So far we’ve been talking through the alleged differences between “gene-edited and “genetically modified”, maybe we should take a moment to discuss some similarities.
For example, both GE and GMO seeds and crops could be patented, handing huge amounts of power to a few international biotech giants to hold sway over seed supply, and therefore food supply.
As Politico reports:
“Patent war looms over Europe’s future supercrops – New rules on gene-edited seeds could pave way for half a dozen big suppliers to strengthen their market domination.
Likewise, genetically edited crops could be subject to Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs) or “terminator seeds”, meaning they cannot reproduce naturally. This, it is argued, is necessary to protect intellectual property and prevent cross-breeding with wild or non-GM species.
Maybe that argument has some merit, but the real-world impact of sterile crops would be farmers entirely dependent on those same biotech giants for seeds every planting season.
So, let’s return to our opening question: What is the difference between “genetically modified” and “gene-edited”?
The answer is potentially quite simple.
“Genetically modified organisms” are a relatively new and largely experimental technology with the power to hand control of the food supply to a handful of biotech firms and which are subject to extensive legal regulation.
“Gene-edited foods” are a relatively new and largely experimental technology with the power to hand control of the food supply to a handful of biotech firms…and which are NOT subject to extensive legal regulation.
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Something very important is missed in the article.
It is well known gene-editing is not like editing text in word-editor, something joe-sixpack might assume. Unintended changes to genome are regularly made on top of intended changes.
Even more important, “all-knowing” scientists know very little about how genes are actually functioning, there are more unknowns than knowns. It is possible we will never know, that this is beyond our reach. In my opinion this is highly likely, not a popular opinion for enlightenment believers.
All this gene-bs amounts to pure monkeying. We will do it because we can, maybe something good will come out. If a fuck-up we will deal with it later….how…somehow ….what a stupid, unwise philosophy.
I like nature edited genetics.. Every gene that is modified must first be edited..[by molecular scissors or some other method] or the modified gene must be inserted into, or deleted from the natural genome<=which sometimes happens by mistake, coincidence, or by environmental forces. No matter the method result is weird. The weird result can be obtained by selecting the abnormal off spring expressed from the normal living stock and mating the abnormal with the normal. Abnormal, which is not natural, is the result no matter how you mix abnormal with normal. The problem is my “digestive system” or “the molecules in my blood steam” or the cells in my liver are not modified to accept objects containing or missing some structural component or some functional component.
Biology uses genes to produce objects with certain structures, functions, characteristics, etc. Objects produced from an abnormal mix of genes (modified, new gene included, edited out, or silenced genes) all lack or possess certain structure or function not present in objects made from a mix of natural genes. Non natural objects result when the expression system works on a not normal mix of genes or on an normal mix of genes which have abnormalities within the genes contained in the mix.
For clarity, a corn cob results when a mix of certain genes are expressed… a human is an object produced by the biology of the female body as it processes a mix of genes resulting from a male and female union. Change the mix, or parts thereof, you change the expression; change the expression you change either the structure or the function or both of the object that is produced. My two cents.
The politics of genetic modified whatever is another example, or why humanity must change the entire nation state system.. Humanity and human rights should come first, and those who are governed by the nation state system should have the right to audit , to track (no secrets allowed) and to veto everything those in the system or those who live off the system do.. But as things stand, the only parties allowed to have a say are the multi national corporations; the objection of the governed is ineligible for consideration. no matter the issue.
Claim of Function is invested to run as gain of function framed in narrative fictions that leverage the carrot and the stick of boosting or choking energy shaped and distributed as blame-conflict and sacrifice for power over life (in concept) not in truth.
The psyop that in the darkness binds them is where the primary deceit operates.
That we (minds) can run off with a mis-taken inheritance as our ‘self+world’ to …eventually bottom out in a desecrated wasteland of inescapable or unmaskable self-hatred, is a pattern to be recognised and released ASAP such that the mindset of a false genesis is nipped in the bud instead of acted out on the body.
When God moves over the living waters – can be recognised in the electric or plasma Universe of charge domains as the patterning expressions of qualities given quantitative tangibility that matters to us as the object of our affection.
That a mis-taken ‘love’ frames us in the object of our affliction is an error that can be corrected by the renewal of our minds.
We cannot of our self do this, but we can notice what we are already doing as an obstacle to love’s awareness, and thus choose not to persist it.
The wish to possess and control life (as if from a mind set over and apart) is a stakeholder to a prison planet.
Methinks we arrive at our starting place. Will we know it for the first time? or hit “New Game!” as a reset of unconsciousness as ‘control’?
Great summary! Thank You! Anyone who ever did a single cloning of anything biological, like expression of a simple protein, knows that to change genes is NOT easy. The forces holding the base pairs together are so big, that it requires BOILING temperature of water to accomplish insertion or deletion of synthetic genes via the old fashioned polymerase chain reaction. CRISP techniques change the genome of plants or animals WHILE USING BACTERIAL proteins/enzymes, which by definition is already MIXING OF THE SPECIES which in nature would never take place!!! Exactly the same LIE was spread in the old fashioned GMO’s production, in which the genes were stitched together in those mentioned temperatures of >95deg C!!! Did anyone see any normal organism/plant replication, including humans, while spending, as WHOLE ORGANISM, minutes in the boiling temperature of water?? A mental distortion of those who claim to change nature to anything better than what nature/CREATOR gave us, is a criminal LIE, in particular while performing that SYNTHETIC process without a knowledge of those, who depend on/live with/love that NATURAL Creation, now being annihilated!
Wont be long before photos appear in supermarkets of suppose farmers in lab coats.
May I just say that from the perspective of a mining geologist (Definition of a mine: “a hole in the ground owned by a liar.” — Mark Twain). I appreciate the dry, ironic humor in the post. Sad, but right on.
There is a big difference in newspaper article and reading books
Dolly the sheep happened 5 July 1996
that tells us they’ve been playing with GM before that.
Good old USA have allowed fake cheese cream eggs milk for decades.
Mcccd;’s chips are exclusive to them and GM;d to the eye balls.
which brings up to the food scientist who create flavours for the lovers of fake taste.
If they can create 101 Dalmatians after a film if Paris rockefella lot have the gene patent to the dogs they made famous then
deep state Donald executive order on biotech in 2017 or the Horse meat scandal in meat them your kebabs KFC, tacos is fake GM meat and it is legally allowed.
or supermarket SALMON with red dyed pink in tin IS GM;’D.
that has been about for over decade and some.
Not new.
when I worked an shop in 2009 reese and hearsay biscuit had the wording made with genetic modified ingredients on the label.
An article for 2013 saying about just that and all the chocolates to watch out for.
I have to say that the term ‘modern biotechnology’ is remarkably vague.
Is there a cut off date before which any biotechnology is ‘passe’?
Depending on what that cut off date is, the suite of ‘modern biotechnology’ tools could vary quite considerably.
Which of the following are ‘modern biotechnology’?
How precise is ‘precision breeding’?
How is that precision measured and characterised?
It can be said with certainty that if you can’t quantify ‘precision’ then it is imprecise.
It can be said with certainty that unless you sequence the whole genome after ‘gene editing’, you can’t quantitate the precision of your ‘precision breeding’. Showing you have made precise changes in one gene doesn’t tell you about all the imprecise genetic modifications that you may have inadvertently made in the whole of the rest of the genome.
We must have right to advise and consent and the right to say NO and even banning these products the public finds dangerous. Capitalism/Commerce does not have greater rights than human beings. Our planet, our life, not “theirs”, which all of these technologies are thrusting Humanity into. An ownership planet of trackable serfs on 1% leashes.
That’s right. Get over the reluctance to mention the hallowed C-word.
Of course there’s no difference. This is another piece of Luddite scaremongering by OffG. Editing a Gene to make a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is just another step in the progress of Evolution. The future is calling us but the Luddites want to break the weaving machines and a man waving a red flag walk in front of every motor vehicle. As for flying, if God had meant us to fly He would have given us wings to flap, says Kit Knightly.
You are aiming at the wrong target. The real target is not Technology but Original Sin, says Baudelaire. 0.
NickM, pls pick a single handle for posting here. Using multiple names under a single email address is not good practice and only makes coherent conversation more difficult.
There must be some mistake. Like the time Admin asked me to desist from upticking my own posts.
No offense taken but I must insist that to the best of my knowledge I post only as NickM. Nor do I tick that name; and if I did it would be a downtick for some foolish post I could no longer Delete via the Edit button.
I have posted as NickM and only NickM for years.
Cordially yours, Nicolas George Maroudas
You’re currently posting as “0” – look at your own comment
He knows he’s posting as “0” – he signed the name at the end of his comment! He’s just trying to bluff his way out.
What’s obvious is he posts under numerous ids, but this time he forgot to change out his email, so you were able to see it was NickM using a different name.
He’s outed himself. 🤣🤣
Good spot!
He also said “to the best of my knowledge”. He may as well have said “I don’t recall”.
Is he related to Tommy ten names, I wonder?
Now, now! You know full well that peple like Adolf and Karl have been using nom de plumes for ages and ages and ages. Try not to get too immersed in tabloid trivia. There’s a good chap.
I’m guessing you’re “NickM” right, pretending to be yet another person.
“Luddite scaremongering….” I wish. Science has come to be a synonym for evil – but that’s only because it’s taken all these thousands of years for its true nature to reveal itself. Try as humanity might, it will never separate science from its progenitors: money and war – that umbilical stretches all the way to the edge of the universe.
Speaking of, here a paen to that lofty place:
That was NickM you were replying to – wearing a fake skin. Seems like he outed himself to admins by forgetting to change his email!
Manipulation of traditional math, physics or language is legal fraud!
People would/should know 2 apples + 2 apples can ever be only 4 apples. All other figures than 4 apples is universally defined as a lie and legal fraud.
Same goes for language. Its called semantic manipulation. You must not change the meaning of a universal defined word or universal gramma. It is universal a lie and universal legal fraud.
Conclusion: We are dealing with the Liar. The Liar is trying to control our whole world!
“Linguistic imperialism has always been a tool of colonization, meant to obliterate history and the visibility of the people who were displaced along with their languages. But five hundred years later, in a renamed landscape, it has become a nearly invisible tool.”
Speaking of Nature
Construction union, Assembly of First Nations sign pact to promote Indigenous workforce https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/construction-union-assembly-of-first-nations-sign-pact-to-promote-indigenous-work-force/article35281190/
Why Canada’s boreal forest is gaining international attention https://thenarwhal.ca/why-canadas-boreal-forest-is-gaining-international-attention/
“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.” Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The Gull Next Door https://hakaimagazine.com/features/the-gull-next-door/
By Michael Swifte
By Hiroyuki Hamada
“A priest, an engineer and an economist were stranded together on a desert island. Given their location, fish seemed to be a logical source of food. So, they discussed how to get some. The priest said that the three of them should pray. The engineer said he thought a better approach would be to fashion a net from materials on the island. The priest and the engineer then turned to the economist for his input. With his hand on his chin, the economist thought for a moment and then looked up and said, “Assume a fish.”
The priest, the engineer and the economist
First Canadian-grown genetically modified Atlantic salmon being harvested and sold
What Does “Organic” Mean?
“We’re about to make one of the biggest transformations that humans have ever made to the surface of the planet. We’re going to strip-mine a massive habitat, and once it’s gone, it isn’t coming back.”
If a tree falls…. Bruce Cockburn joins fight against Civic hospital site
If a Tree Falls – Bruce Cockburn
“My favorite moment came in the years when my ǧáǧṃ́p would nod to himself and make the official pronouncement: “It’s going to be a good year for salmon.” In that moment, we felt like little harbingers of hope.
“For most Haíɫzaqv (Heiltsuk) children, the relationship between salmon and salmonberries is the first indicator—a sign from the natural world—we are taught. A good crop of salmonberries, we are told, corresponds to a good salmon run and luck in the harvest, and a poor crop is an early signal that we should turn to other species for our winter stores. We learn about this nourishing interrelationship early in our lives and it goes on to pattern our worldview.” ‘Cúagilákv (Jess Housty)
Thriving Together: Salmon, Berries, and People
“Why then have we permitted the dominance of economic systems that commoditize everything? That create scarcity instead of abundance, that promote accumulation rather than sharing? We’ve surrendered our values to an economic system that actively harms what we love. I’m wondering how we fix that. And I’m not alone.” Robin Wall Kimmerer
THE SERVICEBERRYAn Economy of Abundance
“Genesis” Jorma Kaukonen
To Speak of the Sea in IrishA new dictionary project aims to safeguard coastal Irish words and the unique perspectives they provide.
“Sirens capture my trembling heart
What’s to be will be
Moon is hidden, the deal is done
Spread your wings for me …” Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
Seafaring Song
Only remember that the majority of what we call human beings not only accept this development but also contribute and participate in every little detail in this progress with gleeful and horny eyes.
These people, calling themselves humans, claim they today are intelligent wise at the level of a house cat but in a few years they(the AI people), will reach our human level.
Google Founder Hassibis, AI cat level: min 53:41 UK Column News – 12th July 2024 | UKColumn
I reached my own conclusion. We must separate in two legal separate groups:
1. The 2-dimensional AI people doing what they wanna do within their closed Kindergarten area. Their Playground. (Bill Gates is today the biggest landowner in US).
2. The 3-dimensional Organic people living alongside nature as is. (I guess we will need a new Reservation Treaty).
“This landmark project, located at the northwest corner of Church and Bayly Streets, will boast a dynamic mix of excitement, culture, nightlife, cuisine, and adventure that will cater to every whim and indulgence.
Visit DLive.ca to sign up and receive updates directly from the developer.”
Durham Live
Pickering jewelry store robbery caught on video, 3 suspects at large https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/pickering-jewelry-store-robbery-caught-on-video-3-suspects-at-large
We Asked AI to Write a “Hallelujah 2.0” Duet in the Styles of Leonard Cohen and Jeff Buckley – Check Out the Results https://americansongwriter.com/we-asked-ai-to-write-a-hallelujah-2-0-duet-in-the-styles-of-leonard-cohen-and-jeff-buckley-check-out-the-results/
“BONUS: BIZARRE IMAGERY OF THE WEEKA double helping of messaging this week. Here’s Apple’s latest ad for the new iPad:”
Jeff Buckley
Life on the line
The Oracle of Oyster River
I recommend everyone reads the link to the deep sea mining article. Amazing, and its being done to get resources for batteries and so called renewable energy technologies. Thank you Derek.
The seabed nodules seem to generate oxygen for oganisms there. Of course, that is unimportant compared to profit (plunder). The UNCLOS Treaty will be passed and licenses awarded to the right people.
There is no way anyone can check up any resulting disaster. Remember Corexit used to tackle the petroleum well disaster in the Gulf of Mexico? People are still eating the stuff inadvertently.
“Henry Giroux said there is a war on communal relations, on solidarity, and the imagination.” John Steppling
A War On the Imagination
Hamilton declares state of emergency amid troubles with homelessness, mental health and addiction.
Horwath uses strong mayor powers to direct staff to plan city-sanctioned sites for homeless …
Try landless in the place of “homeless”
Masahisa Fukase – The solitude of Ravens
“One of the things libraries do best is sharing information and collaborating,” she said. “This working group is an opportunity to do just that, better understand the needs and how we can support.” Heather Robertson
How libraries in some other Canadian cities deal with security risks https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/public-library-security-canadian-cities-1.6723364
Library workers punched, spat on as security incidents rise, data shows
Drag storytime at Hamilton library sees full house, as community comes out to support
3 McMaster students banned from campus activities after pro-Palestinian protest, says union
You might want to wait until fall for your next COVID-19 shot, doctors say. Here’s why
Justin Trudeau swarmed by group of ‘angry’ protesters as he walked into Hamilton restaurant
The ties that bind the Liberals and the Bronfmans
“The profound effects of early childhood experiences also hold for humans, Blumstein adds. But even in war zones or pandemics, people may learn to live with higher risks, and wildlife might, too. “There could be learning and habituation processes that may blunt these indirect effects, but I think they’ve shown that this is clearly possible,” Blumstein says.”
The Transgenerational Cost of Fear https://hakaimagazine.com/news/the-transgenerational-cost-of-fear/
Vaccine ambassadors will promote childhood shots in vastly reduced Hamilton program
Remember when “Eat ze bugs” was a pejorative term to throw at a conspiracy theorist !
That is a link to Reuters who are trying to tell us that China, who pay no royalties on any copyright, are opening up to GMO. The US music business did the same and lost out big time. You notice that Reuters does not address the elephant in the room; will China just take the American technology, the technology they are desperate to sell to China because their own people have no money to buy it, and not pay for it, like they did with ripped off media content, or will they pay for this GMO? You can bet your tight ass that the USA will not receive a penny for this junk. You can also bet that the Chinese are allowing this for a reason, but they will not allow it to be planted in their country.
The big question is this; is there anybody in the USA smart enough to work out what the Chinese are planning? I think we all know the answer to that.
This is so juvenile, the use of China to prove your point. China will do what the fuck it wants to, it will not listen to the USA, and it doesn’t matter how many articles that Zero Hedge publishes that tell us that Russia and China are no longer friends, or the latest series, that China is collapsing and that the output of their 1.4 billion people is soon going to be worthless. Whatever, we know the people are stupid enough to believe this shit.
Here in China I meet so many western arseholes who are living in China yet criticise the system like there is no tomorrow. All, I would like to say most, of these people are complete morons, which makes me think they have been recruited by government; morons recruit morons. Of course, here in China the government recruits the best people it can find, so they are not morons, but in the west, fuck me, is there anybody over 100 IQ?
My impression too.
You know when you have met a charlatan when they advertise what they cannot deliver. I love this shit from the morons in the UK government, you can see that the recruiters in the UK government are totally empty-headed, so they are looking for other empty-headed people to take the top jobs. Of course, the British government has a lot of history, so they use that history to give themselves some credit, but to thinking people, we know that the credit awarded to that government was awarded by people very different to the people who currently work in that government. The biggest money pot in the nation is run by the biggest collective of morons in the country. When you realise that fact, you realise that the sensible people in the UK have no control over the government. Or, they are trying to destroy the UK by putting morons in control.
They banged pots in support of the medical people during Covid; that taught me a lesson, you may think you know how stupid people are, but believe me, there are worse people out there. At least theie numbers are now being thinned out by cancer, there are some diseases you just cannot praise enough.
You make some valid points.
I reckon if you alter your delivery just a tad, you’d get a bit more traction.
With you on the pot bashing, though.
My delivery never was my strong point.
Collective of morons is spot on. Pot banging carried out by the potty people.
Sensible people are not demented by delusion, greed, hatred or blood-lust. Almost by definition. Yes, that is the intractable problem.
We need a “Little Shop of Horrors” scenario here.
Plants and animals that start devouring anyone in a lab coat with a petri dish.
Or how about, did that animal find a way to walk off with our harmonistic retirement?
They say that civilization began with the invention of agriculture. Apparently, it will also end because of it.
I don’t want either.
More from Moninsaneto et al. Franken-foods are already appearing in abundance at our food stores here. Buying at farmers markets while we still can in the hopes of avoiding theses potentially toxic poisons. It’s also the only way we are able to avoid the heavy spraying that Agriculture Canada does on any imported veggies etc. this includes so called “organic produce” from the USA and other countries.
SNAFUBAR anyone?!
If you are serious, that is completely insane.
I’m now supporting RFK Jr in this bait and switch exercise although RFK Jr’s a lolita expressed pro-vax scientologist, as he recently said he will ban GMO’s and make merica healthy again, e.g. draining the swamp with free Ozempic.
Did you actually read Kit’s article? What are the odds RFK’ll ban GEs, too?
All the claims for these Frankenstein organisms have been falsified, e.g.,
– for crops and animals (a) “substantial equivalence” to natural varieties (b) hardier, more productive
– for crops (a) less need for agro-chemicals (b) more nutrients (c) safety of crop and agro-chemicals for people, and biomes; contamination of natural farms is inevitable.
The claims for insects remain unproven:
– for harmful insects, sterility
– for useful insects, disease resistance.
The pseudo-science evades the complex interaction of each gene with the rest of the genome, the cell, the organism and the environment. It took off before the discovery of the gut micro-biome, holo-genome theory, epigenetics, transposons and exosomes. Plants and microbes exchange genes easily through plasmids, even across species. Weeds have already acquired the genes meant to protect against proprietary herbicide. Technically and scientifically, claiming that gene editing facilitates precision breeding is misleading and dangerous. CRISPR editing works only in a few of the targeted cells, and has potential dangers.
~80% of all soya is GMO despite consistently lower yield. GMO wheat, potato and rice have failed in the markets.
GE/GMO only survives through corrupted science, totalitarianism and imperialism:
– restricting varieties of farm plants and animals
– evading concerns over safety, e.g., deflecting from the large-scale harm up to the present; in USA, activists are “eco-terroists”
– evading or prohibiting labeling.
The longer-term aims and threats include these:
– Bayer and Corteva already control 40% of the global trade in seeds. The major businesses are registering broad patents, covering details in natural crops that happen to match those in GMO ones.
– crops/animals could be made susceptible to bio-weapons.
– “gene drive” plants or animals pose the threat of unstoppable modification of the biosphere; sterility may spread to other organisms, a terrifying danger.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/natural-farming-cannot-co-exist-gm-crops/5864798 <-GMO dangers
https://www.globalresearch.ca/sickening-profits-global-food-system-poisoned-food-toxic-wealth/5844502 <-GMO threats
Generally speaking:
Does their psychopathic greed and hubris have any limits?
Denial or depression, I have never heard of limits on those.
What else do you do? Money and power is the only thing there is a little joy in.
Who’s that riding in the trunk?
Prince Charles now King and his now legalised mistress Camilla, and not his favourite passion in Australia.
All about King Charles real love and secret passion he was not allowed to get, here: https://youtu.be/XOQsb6o47Cc
Wouldn’t it be funny if they didn’t get back before midnight.
“Reactive oxygen species Seeking Benevolent Benefactor to save the Homo Sapiens”
Hello Me,
OK, here’s the pitch. Your Success/Gold/Federal Reserve Notes and good looks wont save you, but maybe I can, interested?
Radio frequency radiation threatens the terrestrial by very evil men, period, and we need help! BIG Brother has existed since the fifties, and many would argue its much much older fraternities/organizations that date much further into our past, highly probable.
Time is running out for all of us, the atmosphere is not segregated like opinions, and no creature is immune from this forced process of digitization.
We have applications/solutions that need to be further developed and are seeking a immediate funder/ benefactor to lift this project before the (WBAN/IoT MESH) are fully activated and life for biology becomes impossible.
Numerous publications have shown that EMF/radiation affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. (All guidelines have been exacerbated to accommodate the complete slavery of all living creatures, including plants and animals).
It’s pure insanity! Evil is the only correct answer.
Effects include cancer (radiation toxicity), cellular stress (radiation toxicity) , increase in harmful free radicals (radiation toxicity) , genetic damages (radiation toxicity) , structural and functional changes of the reproductive system (radiation toxicity), learning and memory deficits (radiation toxicity) , neurological disorders (radiation toxicity) ect……… and now gene expression in real- time. -Radionic Medicine-
This tech is in the wrong hands, and it’s being used for the benefit of a very small few to win the game. Checkmate!
And finally, soon enough the Intelligent part of the population will realize that the 5 billion odd folks that took the “GOV Koolaid” are not homo sapiens anymore, and are now patented subjects of corporations according to the false rulers. (review cDNA patents)
If you’ve read this and inner stand the conversation needed, we have discovered a biological pathway forward that can counter these effects, and all the while still remaining homo sapien without disconnecting from the SOURCE/GOD.
Our Survival is ONLY going to come when we can help each other. Please HELP us/all.
Biophysics technology designed to transform a photosynthetic systems density.
Sending out an S.O.S.,
Email: OneWithNature2024@proton.me
You can call the cops.
or you can call the Bee Gees,
but the message is the same.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Attention isnt the only thing
shrinking. If they keep shrinking the size of chocolate bars, and
loo paper, how long before they try shrinking us so we can
survive on smaller servings ?
Beware, this new definition tactic is how the western world was ‘cured’ of Polio. They redefined the symptoms! And, bingo, polio disappeared from the western world.
Last time I checked, “editing” a text means to alter it.
Meriam Webster states:
Editing an organism means: “to modify a gene or gene product by inserting, deleting, or replacing DNA sequences.”
Genetic modification and genetic editing is the same thing.
It used to be called “genetic engineering” until the public didn’t like that notion and kept purchasing conventionally or organically grown food.
Then these foods became “genetically modified organisms” (GMOs). We still didn’t like it.
Now we are supposed to like better these “genetically edited” monster foods.
No thanks.
Not only is food being genetically modified under the benevolent sounding label of “sustainability,” but every aspect of the natural environment will be surveilled and commodified:
“A satellite surveillance company with links to U.S. intelligence, former Trump administration officials, U.S. government debt barons and the stablecoin Tether (USDT) announced plans earlier this year to build the “Internet for Forests” in the Amazon rainforest. The satellite company, called Satellogic, plans to join an initiative to rig up one of the world’s oldest and most important forests with sensors and “machine intelligence infrastructure” led by a group called O.N.E. Amazon. O.N.E.”
Sustainability isn’t sustainable.
It’s only sustainable if you’re a techno/fascist billionaire with numerous lucrative government contracts. 😁
With ‘precision’ and ‘efficiency’, why “The War
will be over by Christmas !”
(The War Against Nature, that is.)
Excellent reporting thank you!
Did anyone encounter the story reported yesterday approx 12:15 in the Australian BC
That Hamas and the IDF were hosting (my word) a cease fire for 3(?) days so as to facilitate the vaccination of some hundreds of thousands of Palestine children to protect them from polio……..
We have reached peak Australia
Those that got away from the snipers and bombs, will now get cripple-vaxxed or killed.
The Relation of Prophylactic Inoculations to the Onset of Poliomyelitis
Rev Med Virol 9: 219-226 (1999)
“The early triple vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus had also been shown beyond doubt to cause paralytic polio in some children to whom it was administered. The incidence of polio in children recently vaccinated against diphtheria was statistically greater than in unvaccinated children, symptoms showing in the vaccinated limb within 28 days of the initial injection. This scandal broke in Britain during 1949, an epidemic year for polio, other reports soon following from Australia. Papers dealing with this topic are plentiful.
The ability of pertussis and DTP vaccines to stimulate the onset of paralytic polio was first noted in 1909. In every polio epidemic since then DTP injections have caused the onset of polio disease.
Children with polio were twice as likely to have received a DTP vaccination in the two months preceding the onset of polio than were the control children (Korns et al., 1952; Greenberg et al., 1952).
Most of the jabs that do-gooders provide in most war/disaster zones are to depopulate, as the monster Kissinger espoused in an internal directive.
Most of the jabs that do-gooders provide in most war/disaster zones are to depopulate, as the monster Kissinger espoused in an internal directive. These do-gooders are less interested in regions that have little natural resources or strategic value.
Only crazy conspiracy theorists might consider that this smallpox jab might have something to do with sterilisation.
After all, it isn’t as if Israel has previously administered “birth control” without consent (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) or that vaccines have been used for covert sterilisation (https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=81838). Of course, one can find trusty “fact-checkers” denying or at least obfuscating both stories. Netanyahu has agreed to a short-term ceasefire to distribute the vaccine because he’s such a great humanitarian: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn02z5kjn40o. So have Hamas who are just crazed fundamentalists who hate everything Western – except vaccines.
I was actually meant to cite this report:
Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis
But my previous post (I still can’t edit posts here) shows how other vaccines can also cause paralysis / polio.
Yes. Can’t get food,water, medical supplies into Gaza, but those shots will be on their doorsteps in no time.
The humanity brings tears to the eyes.
Sad part of it is, they just needed some time to rearm.
You hit it – same shit with a different name and no regulation and, apropos the cows, a different smell or should I say bouquet.
Kit, you are brilliant as usual. Thanks!
Genetics is a pseudo-science used to patent nature, as “modifications” tested via inaccurate genetic testing is used to collect money…
And here’s an awesome article on the joke of what Crick and Watson discovered….
I’m getting the feeling that, apart from emergency care and surgery, the whole of mainstream medicine is a pseudo-science designed to keep the population, including the animal population, especially pets, subdued and dependent.
And as for genetic research, Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News, has this to say:
The “opportunity within biology to make inequality (not just of wealth) look ‘natural’ has been recognized for a long time. Harvard Geneticist Richard Lewontin summed it up his 1992 book ‘The Doctrine of DNA: Biology as Ideology’:
“The notion that the lower classes are biologically inferior to the upper classes……
..is meant to legitimate the structures of inequality in our society by putting a biological gloss on them”
Medicine as a form of control replacing religion.
So animal husbandry was fake, too? Chihuahuas and Dachshunds evolved naturally? DNA — and it’s modification — are most definitely real.
The research concludes that the handy conclusions – those that serve the dominant political, social, as well as medical paradigms – drawn from the analysis of DNA sequencing are leading us down the garden path, not that there’s no such thing as DNA:
Still Chasing Ghosts: A New Genetic Methodology Will Not Find the “Missing Heritability”
One of the hopes and promises of the Human Genome Sequencing Project was that it would revolutionize the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of most human disorders. It would do this by uncovering the supposed “genetic bases” of human behavior. With a few exceptions, however, the search for common gene variants -“polymorphisms” – associated with common diseases has borne little fruit. And when such associations have been found the polymorphisms seem to have little predictive value and do little to advance our understanding of the causes of disease.
Gene edited or genetically modified ?
Illegal immigrants or irregular immigrants ?
What’s in a word ?
The first example is weasle words, the second is directly from the 2018 Marrakech compact for immigration which makes immigration to a country you like the sound of a human right.
Illegals, legals, “tourists”, refugees, political asylum seekers, investing immigrants, skilled professionals..
Edit the Levis ?
Could spell Evils.
Jean Genie: Aladdin,
Wearables & Deliverables…
Bomb the fk out of them vs Give them the polio vaccine.
Either way the killing gets done.
Many of you are embarrassed to quote David Icke. Why? because you dont have the courage to tell the truth:
Are we supposed to believe that the ‘leaders’ of Hamas, an organisation brought into being by Israel, are so brain-dead that they allow the same force that is bombing Gaza kids to ‘vaccinate’ them because ‘they care about the children’??? It’s insane. Hamas, of course, was all for the fake ‘Covid’ vaccine for Gazans.The Hamas ‘leadership’ condemns Israel’s mass murder in Gaza when they would have known when they were allowed by Israel to breach the fence on October 7th what the consequences would be for Gaza civilians and children. We have seen it over and over in response to the pop-gun rockets delivered by Hamas into Israel.What did the Hamas ‘leadership’ living in luxury in QATAR think was going to happen after what they ordered in the attack on Israeli civilians? It was obvious what was going to happen and what the Israeli government sought an EXCUSE to happen.Why hasn’t Qatar, allies of the West and controlled by the Cult like all these Arab fake ‘royals’ as in Saudi Arabia, been sanctioned and targeted by Israel and its allies for harbouring the Hamas leadership in hotels down the road from the Al-Udaid Air Base, home to the US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) in the Middle East? Qatar has indeed been designated by the White House as a ‘Major Non-NATO Ally’ of the United States.All these questions can be answered when you see that the Israeli government and the Hamas ‘leadership’ are on the same Cult ‘team’. Gaza and Israeli civilians have to realise that they are both being played by the same force that controls the Israeli government, the Hamas ‘leadership’, the United States, Europe, NATO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the whole bloody lot of them.Until that penny drops nothing can change as two civilian populations, controlled by the same evil force, are played off against each other. The Cult hates you both – Arab and Jew – and that’s the game that almost no one can see.
How exactly are they going to genetically ‘engineer’ the cow microbiome?
Stop them from eating or remove their intestines?
Or feed them probiotic yoghurt?
Anyway, I thought lab grown meat was the ‘way forward’ along with soya milk and other non-dairy delights. I wish they would make their minds up.
If you want flavor, you have to stick to the real thing, if not, one goes their own way.
The DEFRA description is entirely correct. In the natural world organisms have been known to borrow/adopt genes from unrelated organisms, it just doesn’t happen very often. Normally the process of evolution is relatively slow so modifications are tested in the environment over generations. Humans have been participating in this for thousands of years, its just ‘selective breeding’ where we intervene to encourage plants and animals that are most beneficial to us, so tweaking the genes of a specific plant is just an extension of the process.
The problems arise when we start producing unnatural hybrids. The driver for this is invariably profit which leads to the production of unusual hybrids with unpredictable (but likely negative) long term effects. This is the problem with GMO — humans are far too good at rationalizing risk when there’s profit to be made and time and again when we’ve had these ‘groundbreaking’ developments we as a society have been left to pick up the pieces when the profiteers lose interests (idea’s useless, profit extracted, whatever — again, we’re really good at rationalizing when it comes to money). The epitome of evil in this regard is the “Roundup Ready” crops where all the really destructive aspects of large scale farming come together to generate monopoly profits at the expense of society, the environment and so on (and you can bet that if — when — it all goes pear shaped we, the people, are going to be left holding the bag).
In the natural world organisms have been known to borrow/adopt genes from unrelated organisms, it just doesn’t happen very often.
I don’t understand how that could happen bar human tech intervention. Are you able to verify that assertion with some examples ?
He’s right to a point, except that “Unnatural hybrids” is the very definition of human tech intervention, not some innocent mingling or tweaking of a natural gene transfer process of evolutionary biology, which it’s self is little understood.
The real point to note in all this gene editing stuff, is that we know next to nothing about the consiquences and wider implications in a very complex, and little understood, natural world.
e.g. Science has yet to even name 90% of soil microbiology, let alone map their processes and fully understand knock on effects of gene editing their neighbours in the environment. Science is only just discovering this microbiology even exists with 3rd gen DNA sequencing that can read their full genetic code for the first time in human history.
The hubris is off the scale.
horse radish, maybe? the tuber with the kick of a frisky filly, brilliant genetic engineering avant la lettre
Reply to
In the natural world organisms have been known to borrow/adopt genes from unrelated organisms, it just doesn’t happen very often. I don’t understand how that could happen bar human tech intervention. Are you able to verify that assertion with some examples ?
I once viewed a documentary of the symbiotic relationship between a bee colony and a male and female pair of orchards in a Brazilian rainforest, the action filmed close-up. In order for the drone is allowed to mate with the queen bee, he must first obtain nectar from a specific spieces of orchards. The drone finds this flower and lands inside the flowerhead which is filled with a liquid nectar. The drone struggles towards a hole in the side of the flower which is slightly above the level of the liquid. Once the drone gets close to the hole, he finds a step below the level of the nectar. As soon as the drone steps into the hole, the flower suddenly closes the hole preventing the drone from flying away and lowers two tendrils on the end of which are two seedpods. The flower (super?) glues these two pods on the shoulder of the drone and immediately releases its hold on the drone. The drone flies away to find the female orchard of the spieces ang again falls into the nectar and struggled into the hole of in the side of the female flower. It again grabs the drone by closing the hole around him. Two dendrils are lowered from the top of the flower and these remove the two seedpods from the shoulder of the drone to fertilise itself and the flower releases the drone. After this adventure, the drone mates with the queen bee. Both the orchard flowers and the bee colony depend on each other for their continued existence. Ask yourself how this can fit in the the framework of neo-darwinian theory of evolution via “random mutation”? Try not to wreck your brain!
hi Theo
You describe an astonishing example of an interaction between species, but I don’t think it amounts to an example of what I was doubting in Martin Usher’s claim.
I appreciate your dispute with evolutionary **theory** and in turn suspect there is a very strong involvement of political correctness in this branch of “the science”, not too mention the need for funding and career progression.
Manipulating and tinkering with genes is not a continuation
of the process of ‘selective breeding’…
Nature decides if the latter experiments succeed or fail…