Edward Curtin

I am sitting on the beach at the National Seashore, a forty-mile long stretch of the Atlantic Ocean seashore on Outer Cape Cod, established in 1961 by President Kennedy.
The wind is whipping hard and the waves are running wildly high against the shore, and, to paraphrase Thoreau – the sand is rapidly drinking up the last wave that wets it. I am looking far out to the horizon where the sun shimmers on what seems to be the world’s watery edge, creating a strange mirage that I wonder at but find hard to describe.
Earlier, I was rereading Thoreau’s Cape Cod in which he mentioned this phenomenon 150 years ago, not just the mirages across the water but those here along the great stretches of sand. Now I am confused and my mind wanders to other mirages that make me shake my head in wonderment. It is hard to grasp what one is seeing these days.
When Robert F Kennedy Jr, a presidential aspirant, folded his cards and conceded the current pot to Donald Trump – what he euphemistically called suspending his campaign for the presidency – he let his justifiable hatred of the Democratic Party, their undermining of his campaign, and their pro-war and genocidal agenda get the best of him. His trust in Trump is naïve in the extreme. With the issue that Kennedy has made central to his work in recent years – Covid and the “vaccines” – Trump is in the opposite camp.
The investigative journalist Whitney Webb has said:
“The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.”
Furthermore, Trump’s campaign is backed by a host of people – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Joe Lonsdale, and Trump’s vice-president sidekick, JD Vance, among others – who are big promoters and investors in mRNA and DNA vaccine technology. Thiel and Lonsdale are cofounders of Palantir, a company that collects American’s health data while it also works with the CIA.
And the independent journalist Vaness Beeley, while being equally scathing of the Democratic Party’s masters of war, has said the following of this odd coupling:
With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership and paving the way for greater Israel, Clean Break through Abraham Accords and Jerusalem, giving Golan to Zionist occupation. He didn’t NEED to start wars, he certainly didn’t end them, he increased the hybrid war strategy to pave the way for the final solution and Kennedy is fully on board, whatever his title. It’s astonishing to watch people whitewash the Trump role in the empowerment of the Zionist entity which has led to the genocide we are witnessing. There is no one or the other (Trump or Harris) they work as a tag team, oligarchs and deep dark state create the road map. We are already in WW3 and Trump will go to war with Iran, effectively with Russia and China. Why continue supporting a putrid corpse of a US political system? And, by the way, Kennedy support base is not anti-Zionist. They are generally apathetic and prepared to excuse Kennedy’s criminal genocide denial and defence of Zionist apartheid and ethnosupremacism because “America first”. Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership. We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshair.
This too is true, and it runs counter to RFK Jr’s pledge to end all foreign wars. One may have noticed that in his speech suspending his campaign Kennedy said that he disagreed with Trump on certain matters, but he did not conveniently mention that they were in accord with each other and the Democrats in supporting the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians and its push for war with Iran and therefore Iran’s ally Russia. That sounds like one big foreign war to this observer.
While the mainstream media relish ripping Kennedy, they rarely if ever mention his unequivocal support for Israel, for to do so would bind them to him (and Biden/ Harris, and Trump/Vance) in being full-fledged supporters of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. Indeed, there is one taboo that the mainstream corporate media, mouthpieces for the warfare state, assiduously maintain: it is to never report the truth about the power Israel maintains over U.S. Mideast policy through its Israel lobby, and their own complicity in Israel propaganda.
Politicians of both parties are venal reprobates who parade with American flags on their chests as they betray their country. They can only be described as traitors, as the current Biden/Harris administration’s full-fledged proud military backing for Israel’s ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians substantiates.
The recent Democratic Convention was a Hollywood spectacle directed by an American version of Nazi Germany’s Leni Riefenstahl, replete with shouts for the destruction of Russia as well as the Palestinians. (The Biden-Harris administration has just approved its 100th arms shipment to Israel since October 7, 2023.) That they are pushing the world toward nuclear war didn’t disturb them in the least, as they sang and laughed and acted out for a fan base deluded by mirages and auditory delusions produced Tinseltown style.
So American voters are offered a choice of a political alliance of an odd couple in Kennedy and Trump, along with Vance, and a conventional one in Harris and Walz, based on the fallacious assumption that a choice is being offered between the war parties whose raisons d’être are to wage foreign wars for the teetering American empire.
Hovering over and behind this pathetic travesty lies the controlling power of the national security state and its corporate media propaganda for these endless wars and corrupt politicians. Only a skeptically acute mental knife, constantly sharpened, can cut through the propaganda campaign aimed, not at a foreign audience, but at the American people by its own government. Mind control is the name of its game.
What would Thoreau, a man who didn’t vote and refused to his pay poll tax to support war and slavery, think of these strange alliances hiding behind glittering mirages? Though written more than 150 years ago, his words are more than apropos today:
Men have an indistinct notion that if they keep up this activity of joint stocks and spades long enough all will at length ride somewhere, in next to no time, and for nothing; but a crowd rushes to the depot, and the conductor shouts ‘all aboard’ when the smoke blows away and the vapor condensed, it will be perceived that a few are riding, but the rest are run over – and it will be called, and will be, ‘a melancholy accident.’
He made it very clear that one should not lend oneself to the wrongs which one condemns, such as the Israeli genocide of Palestinians or the US/NATO war against Russia through Ukraine that is leading toward nuclear war. By voting for the so-called “lesser of two evils,” one is voting for evil and lending oneself to the wrongs one condemns. It is blatant hypocrisy and a vote for the warfare state.
As synchronicity would have it, down the winding road a short walk from where we are staying, sits tiny Rock Harbor in Orleans where a fleet of fishing boats are docked on Cape Cod Bay. Directly across the road rises a massive tower and huge stone basilica that is part of the compound for The Church of the Transfiguration. It describes itself simply as the Community of Jesus and across its front is a long large sign in red, white, and blue emblazoned with a star and the word JOY.
Since I first saw this anomalous place a few of years ago, it struck me as more than strange and out of place, a ritzy “religious” enclave to a capitalist God. I wondered how it was financed. Intuition told me it was something more than a community of 275 members who claim to be an ecumenical Christian community in the Benedictine monastic tradition, but I didn’t take time to investigate. From the little that I did learn, I was reminded of the American Orthodox Catholic Church in the Little Italy section of the northern Bronx. As Peter Levenda has reported in his trilogy, Sinister Forces, this church was a front for U.S. intelligence agencies in the Cold War with the U.S.S.R. He says,
As it turns out, the AOCC was a front for American intelligence, specifically anti-communist activities in the United States and abroad. It was created by a Ukrainian Orthodox priest with impeccable credentials who ran anti-communist crusades in the States in the 1940s-1960s. Suspected Kennedy assassination conspirators David Ferrie and Jack Martin were members.
It was not until earlier this year when I was contemplating and mourning the self-immolation of Adam Bushnell, the US airman who burnt himself to death outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. protesting the Israeli genocide in Gaza, that I thought again of The Church of the Transfiguration. Bushnell, who was once a member of this church, left these words:
Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.
His powerful words and tragic death moved me deeply. I thought of Roger LaPorte, a former seminarian and a Catholic Worker who in 1965 immolated himself in front of the United Nations building in New York City protesting the U.S. war against Vietnam, while the Catholic Church, led by Cardinal Spellman of New York supported the war with the vigor of John Wayne in The Green Berets. Ruthless jingoism then and now, the lust for killing “others,” such as Vietnamese and Palestinians over the decades. Worthless people to the War Party. And two young men whose consciences drove them to extreme acts of protest.
Yesterday I remembered what I read in The New York Post and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation investigation in February about Adam Bushnell and The Church of the Transfiguration. These reports assert that the church is a cult and that Bushnell grew up here in the Rock Harbor community where his parents still live.
The reports claim that members are mind-controlled and abused, and they are raised to strictly obey and follow some secret agenda. The church says it stands with Israel, which is what Bushnell emphatically came to reject, for he stood with the Palestinians, even literally standing as he courageously took his life in flames.
Like all cults, money doesn’t seem a problem for this strange community. One thinks also of Jim Jones and the People’s Temple and its strange intelligence connections. As John Judge has documented in “The Black Hole of Guyana”:
The connection of intelligence agencies to cults is nothing new. A simple but revealing example is the Unification Church, tied to both the Korean CIA (i.e., American CIA in Korea), and the international fascist network known as the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The Moonies hosted WACL’s first international conference.[217] What distinguished Jonestown was both the level of control and the openly sinister involvement. It was imperative that they cover their tracks.[218]
The sky and ocean here on Cape Cod are very restless and constantly changing, even as people come here to rest, to be still for a while. The movement of the waves and clouds, the shore birds flitting and floating before and above one, the constant breaking of the waves on the shore, and the long looks far out to where the ocean seems to disappear, create dreamy minds, if one allows it. I am no exception, and this place no doubt increases my tendency to mental vagabonding.
Yet I am one with Thoreau when he says, “I fear chiefly lest my expression may not be extra-vagant enough.” For I began with mirages and will drift back to them. They come in many forms, but all contain the sense of being deluded.
This is the lesson of Plato’s Cave and Eastern philosophy’s idea of maya, among many ancient warnings. “Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous,” Thoreau said truly. Yet when we turn to the realm of politics in our times, as we must when vacations cease, we are forced back to contemplate the insidious nature of the scoundrel politicians and leaders of all sorts who capture so many minds with lies and mirages of false hope on the horizon.
Most people don’t like to see the summer end, but another Fall is approaching. A different reality beckons.
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RFK Jr (undated intro to current version of video):
I am fiercely pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines have saved millions of lives. But I want vaccines which are as safe as possible. I want science that is robust. And I want to make sure that we have a regulatory agency that has unquestioned integrity and freedom from conflicts of interest. And we don’t have those things today.
Archived: Sep 29, 2020
The Vaccine Safety Project – Video
The Children’s Health Defense has created a video of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that reviews the process of vaccine approvals, recommendations, post-marketing safety monitoring and concludes with necessary recommendations for improving vaccine safety and protecting our children from vaccine injuries. We hope that parents and vaccine safety advocates will use this video presentation as a tool to educate local policy makers, state and federal legislators and public health officials who need to know the facts about our federal vaccine programs, vaccine safety and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
To access this content, become a lifetime member for only $10. Your support is critically important to Children’s Health Defense’s justice initiatives and gives you access to our members-only content like Robert F. Kennedy’s latest video, The Vaccine Safety Project which dissects vaccine policy concerns one-by-one. You’ll also get access to a 60+ slide powerpoint presentation that outlines fraud and manipulation of vaccine safety data. If you are already a member, please login (right column on desktop or below in mobile).
The Vaccine Safety Project — Video
[intro paragraph as above]
Video Length: 44:25
Come in the game
VIDEO – How the Deep state really played Trump – who was the chief engineer of the lockdowns? (Mar.13, 2024)
Dr. William Makis MD
Mar 26, 2024
Everyone is missing the big picture. Although they are vilifying Bobby for endorsing Trump he is also and for the very first time since he announced his candidacy – receiving fawning and positive attention for his platform. Attaching himself to Trumps coattails was a brilliant strategic move which I highly doubt was his idea and sadly may’ve actually been the Israel Lobby because it is just so devious and deceitful.
How is it possible no one is mentioning Bobby saying “but you can still vote for me” during his rally with Trump and announcing his support? He also said he was going to remove his name from the ten battleground states, which he knows is never going to happen.
Why does Bobby continue to say, “when I’m President” every time he answers questions during his interviews? According to everyone, including this author I thought he endorsed Trump so why is he saying this? Bobby spoke about childhood illnesses the day he was with Trump. After that he then talked about processed foods and from there he went on to discuss chem trails. And isn’t it ironic NOW everyone is talking about Bobby Kennedy and saying what a GREAT move Trump made? Before this – if the man had set himself on fire he couldn’t get such attention.
What solidified BOBBY IS STILL RUNNING FOR POTUS is the ad Nicole Shanahan just released which has garnered over 6 million views. Why are they still purchasing let alone releasing ad’s if Bobby Kennedy endorsed Trump?
Watch the ad – the entire narrative is Independence which is mentioned 11 times and isn’t Bobby Kennedy running as an Independent? They show Kamala for everythng that is BAD and Bobby for everythng that is good. There is no mention whatsoever of Trump.
All of this could mean so many different things. Will they swap Vance out for Bobby? Will Trump be sentenced in September? One thing is for sure and that is Bobby is still running and only he has the answers regarding why.
Mea Maxima Culpa! I was 100% wrong about RFK Jr. “apparent” support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Having read his magnificent analysis many years ago
https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/02/rfk-jr-why-arabs-dont-trust-america-213601/ (don’t know why the link isn’t live…),
I simply assumed that he had no illusions about the reasons for US and Israeli strategy. How could he be unaware of Operation Timber Sycamore, which showed that Obama had spent billions in creating ISIS just as Likud created HAMAS and killed Arafat’s PLO, the legitimate voice of Gaza. The West needs bogeymen to frighten their own, and to justify their own atrocities.
I also may have read that RFK Jr. had likened the 7th October attack to Pearl Harbor. If so, he was 100% correct, because PH was a LIHOP to give FDR his “casus belli”. In fact, I seem to recall that neo-con Zelikow had wished for an act of “Catastrophic Terrorism” (2 years before 9/11) that would provide a “new Pearl Harbor”. If I know this from my faraway burrow in Middle Earth, then damn-well RFK Jr. knows it too. He is far from stupid. So how do we explain his apparent support for genocide? I am sure even Team Trump is savvy enough to know that supporting Israeli genocide is not a vote winner…
I can only surmise therefore that Likud/CIA have such a stranglehold on him that he says such lies in order to lose the support of decent people (like OG commenters?) and hence to lose the election to Bomber Harris. That is why I was suggesting that a private conversation with RFK Jr. might be a better way to gauge his true position.
It is hard for an honest man to understand the complexity of lies. Oh what a tangled web…
RE: Vanessa Beeley quote: “Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership. We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshair.”
This could have been said by Rachel Maddow. It is highly speculative and not supported by facts. This is not a defense of Trump/Kennedy but rather a reminder of Beeley’s partisanship which makes me doubt her claims.
Two nations were “artificially” created post WWII: Israel and Pakistan. About the former you hear the woke MSM & SM, and even here everyday of the year day in day out since decades, but on the former they are mostly mum.
Here a primer: The Rise & Reign of Religious Extremism In Pakistan | Full Documentary
A Different Kind of War
We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.
Press release
Huawei to be removed from UK 5G networks by 2027
Decision follows a technical review by the National Cyber Security Centre in response to US sanctions
From: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, National Cyber Security Centre and The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP
Published: 14 July 2020
“There is no real way to distinguish COVID-19 from influenza based on clinical symptoms because they overlap so much”.
Best get all the jabs, just to be on the safe side… is clearly what they’re implying.
Wow. So they just admitted the tests are a farce, and therefore so was the entire plandemic. But the NPCs are too thick to realise they just admitted it.
I’ve been asked: “What war?”
It’s the war against medical tyranny and the collectivist ideology known as “Public Health”. However, I doubt Warp Speed will be sufficient!
Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment highlighting COVID Vaccine Reactions
“there have been 144,000 adverse reaction reports. But that’s a drop in the ocean compared to the number of actual adverse reactions that there are, because a lot of them aren’t being reported…”
Jun 30, 2024
STUNNING LEAKED AUDIO: 7News Exposed Behind the Scenes
Lies, Lies and More Lies!
Jul 04, 2024
MORE LEAKED AUDIO: Australians in Shock Over Former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps’ Leaked Audio on Vaccine Injuries
“I’ve never seen so many young people having cardiac MRIs in my entire career. There are people who’ve had heart damage, myocarditis, they’ve had heart problems”
Jul 09, 2024
Kerryn Lyndel Phelps AM (born 14 December 1957) is an Australian medical practitioner, public health and civil rights advocate, medical educator and former politician. Phelps is married to Jackie Stricker-Phelps,[2] a former primary school teacher. . . . In December 2022, Phelps said that she and her wife suffered from injuries related to the COVID-19 vaccine.[52]
The vaxx-test dummies now want “medical curiosity” and “compensation”. They are describing the types of vaccine injuries which have been reported for the last few decades – the vast majority happening to children. But because she’s been personally affected by the covid jab, Prof. Phelps is now suddenly interested; and she’s shocked that she’s being shunned by her own class of technocrats.
It’s the war against mass retardation.
Ken Owens leads tributes to ‘passionate’ rugby player who died suddenly
Marc Beasley was described as a ‘top guy’ who ‘was a friend to everyone’
By Jonathon Hill
3 SEP 2024
Caption: Marc Beasley, who died unexpectedly aged just 37 from a heart attack
Caption: 50 players took to the field for the Bois Beasley team representing former and current members of the club
The rugby community has come together to pay tribute to a “passionate and dedicated” 37-year-old man who died suddenly from a heart attack. Marc Beasley, from Crymych, died on March 15 from a heart condition which took his life unexpectedly. Friends said he was the “fittest” man, who competed in an ironman competition last year. . . .
The event, which was attended by hundreds of people, raised more than £36,000 for the Marc Beasley Fund, which is a charity initially set up by Marc’s loved ones to finance heart screenings for the club’s players. The fund has grown so much that heart screenings are now being expanded to non-rugby playing people in the area in Marc’s name.
Marc’s sister Heulwen Beasley-Park thanked everyone who donated to the fund and said it would make a significant difference. “It was encouraging to see the community so willing to give to such a worthy cause,” she said.
They all came together like good serfs, raising money for a ‘worthy cause’.
No, they raised money for a ‘symptom’ not a cause. The cause is the elephant in the room, that they STILL blindly choose to ignore.
These type of people could be dangerous, if only they had the ability to think and act.
The hidden hand and those who carry out its edicts knew in advance that the bulk of humanity are gullible fools who would allow themselves to be treated like livestock and would do nothing even when their very existence is threatened.
The perfect business model!
For adults, evidence does not support the use of ECGs among those without symptoms or at low risk of cardiovascular disease as an effort for prevention.[20][21][22] This is because an ECG may falsely indicate the existence of a problem, leading to misdiagnosis, the recommendation of invasive procedures, and overtreatment. However, persons employed in certain critical occupations, such as aircraft pilots,[23] may be required to have an ECG as part of their routine health evaluations. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy screening may also be considered in adolescents as part of a sports physical out of concern for sudden cardiac death.[24]
CRY’s cardiac screening service is already used by:
Team GB Olympic and Paralympic athletes with the English Institute of Sport
England Rugby Football Union and all Premiership Rugby Clubs
Welsh Rugby Union
Rugby Football League – Super League and Championship Clubs
Lawn Tennis Association
England Cricket and County Cricket Clubs
Professional road cycling teams
Championship Football Clubs
….plus many other elite sports teams and organisations.
There’s about a 4% chance that something will be found on the ECG. If we do identify an abnormality then we would recommend further investigations in the form of a cardiac ultrasound – which is what we perform most commonly – and sometimes patients are also required to have a 24 hour ECG and an exercise stress test. But at the end of this, about 0.2% of people will have a serious cardiac problem, 1% will be identified with a minor problem and the other 2.8% will be appropriately reassured after thorough investigation.
The question about whether an individual can continue to play sport after a screening depends on what we identify. If a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy or an ion channel disorder is made then, based on the European Society of Sport Cardiology and the American Bethesda Guidelines, we would recommend that that individual does not perform any type of exercise that involves moderate to severe strenuous exertion.
However, on the positive side, there are some conditions that we can diagnose such as the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and cure so that the individual can start exercising again as normal. Minor valve disorders such as mitral valve prolapse, a bicuspid aortic valve, a small atrial septal defect should not preclude exercise but we would recommend five yearly echocardiographic follow up in those individuals.
There ain’t no . . .
12:01 PM · Dec 27, 2021
And for the record I’m triple jabbed and just recovered from covid and who knows what would have happened without the vaccine.
The Cure’s Roger O’Donnell reveals ‘rare and aggressive’ blood cancer diagnosis
Band’s keyboardist says he initially ignored symptoms until his ‘devastating’ lymphoma diagnosis, but ‘the prognosis is amazing’
On 1 September 2024, it was revealed that O’Donnell was diagnosed with lymphoma the previous year. O’Donnell posted a lengthy thread on X for Blood Cancer Awareness Month, stating: “In September last year I was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of lymphoma. I had ignored the symptoms for a few months but finally went,” he wrote, “and after surgery the result of the biopsy was devastating.”[16]
but I do think that there was a time when the NHS and the govt genuinely did want to make us better and have long life, don’t you? Any time I had a problem from the 80s until when they started gagging the docs in the UK I had confidence. Didn’t you? If not, why not ? ( Now I have no confidence. We weren’t allowed to challenge anything, all the parliaments in the ‘ free West’ are talking BS all the time about everything)
There’s always been a mix of policies and attitudes, but the overall agenda of Western medicine for the last century or so has been that of totalitarian social control and eugenics. This was described by Chesterton in 1922 – who referenced The Great State by H.G. Wells et al.
With regard to the most egregious policies, these include:
– The incarceration and abuse of those deemed to be “mentally ill”.
– The whole vaccination agenda.
– The denial of alternative treatments – such as CBD oil.
– The failure to investigate alternative treatments – such as those for cancer.
– The pushing of garbage policies and advice – such as the war against natural fats.
G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922)
H.G. Wells et al (1912)
Prefatory Note to The Great State
It is interesting to note certain juxtapositions; this is not a socialist volume, and the constructive spirit has long since passed beyond the purely socialist range. Neither Sir Ray Lankester, nor Mr. Haynes nor Mr. Fry would dream of calling himself a socialist; the former two would quite readily admit they were individualists. That old and largely fallacious antagonism of socialist and individualist is indeed dissolving out of contemporary thought altogether.
Health and Healing in the Great State
By C. J. Bond, F.R.C.S.
Chapter V. (pp. 143-80)
The enormous importance of the problem makes it a matter of vital concern that the ingoing information and the outgoing energy of a National Health Service should be co-ordinated in one central brain in one department under the control of a Minister of Health, and this Minister must combine in himself, or be able to obtain at first-hand, medical knowledge and a knowledge of biological Sociology; the Health Department will be the most fundamental of all the departments of State. It will be called upon to advise other departments concerning the biological principles upon which education and labour must be founded, upon which the activities of the soldier, sailor, and other public servants must be guided; and upon which the control and reformation of the mentally deficient, the pauper, and the criminal must be carried out.
The USA is a mirage replete with it’s many layered illusions.
Just a few of the illusions that make up the mirage of America.
A once great nation is in the process of being reduced to a failed state.
Your flame is going out…God Bless America…
Not bad for a start.
Could you please describe the “great” years and what made them “great”?
Sorry I know this is off topic really but can anyone tell me if OFFG covere the story about the Sicilian yacht that sank and a lot of people involved in the Hewlett Packard lawsuit died? ( and I think that the lawyer of those persons died around thr same time in a car accident in Cambridge?)
Sorry Ed, I too share your disappointment in RFK Jr.’s apparent sell-out. However, if you put yourself in his shoes, one might catch a glimpse at his rationale. There was no way on God’s Earth that he could mount a campaign that was 100% true to his beliefs (and to his followers). Either the votes would be rigged or he would end up as his father and uncle did. So remaining publicly true to his beliefs is a death sentence so what could he do but equivocate? “Be as Innocent as doves, but as cunning as serpents” (Maybe you need to have a private conversation with him?)
It does no-one any good by bemoaning his apparent duplicity and all that does is to destroy any last vestige of hope, which is precisely what TPTB wish. Never lose hope. Never underestimate the power of hope. Embrace despair, you embrace defeat.
We know that all those millions of soldiers who died (murdered by their own governments) in both world wars have their ‘sacrifice’ traduced annually when politicians claim such tripe as “THEY FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOMS”. To truly honour the fallen, then all wars must end. And by that simple logic, do we allow those who died trying (JFK, MLK, RFK) to have lived and died in vain. By extension, did Jesus die in vain?
I used to look forward to reading OffG for the comments below. But it is getting too depressing as all most commenters do is bitch and moan, while the real criminals laugh all the way to the orgy. Never forget: we share far more that unites than divides us. If we allow ourselves division, we lose.
Finally, RFK Jr. is far from perfect – as he admits. No-one is perfect. Stop looking for perfection and go with the best you can achieve. I for one will never give up hope, even if i am the last man standing.
I haven’t given up hope, but I have none in Harris or Trump and the people the oligarchs put up for president of the US because they are all warmongers and more. Trump, Harris, and RFK’s support for Israel’s genocide is “far from perfect” – it is an abomination. Bobby’s support for Israel is him being “true to his beliefs” and he has waged a campaign that is true to them. Why do you doubt that? I believe him. Not trusting or supporting either Harris or Trump is not hopeless. Why is it hopeless to not make the same mistake again and again? I understand RFK Jr.’s rationale in supporting Trump, but I just don’t agree with him. I wouldn’t trust Trump. I have a lot of hope, but not in a system of politics that is completely corrupted by the power elite’s and the Israel Lobby’s money. It’s not about anyone being perfect – no one is or ever will be – it’s about where we put our trust. Pax, Ed
Firstly, many thanks Ed for your thoughtful response. I am not as old as you, but young enough to remember my parents (and all Scottish Catholics) shock and grief on the assassination of JFK. Only my elder sister fully understood that it was an inside job (she later had the misfortune to work under the evil Fauci, so she is a shrewd judge of character).
The evil forces that grow stronger each day do require immense spiritual courage to confront. Based upon my own assessment of RFK Jr.’s sense of justice and compassion for children, his disregard for his own safety because he is driven by the moral imperative of a powerful conscience, I would keep my trust in him. If you can speak with him face to face, then I would hope he would agree that the genocide of Palestinians (and all killing) is utterly abhorrent and morally repugnant. (His phones will be tapped of course). Whether he – like me – is too naive, I don’t know. But you could level the same criticism at his father and uncle.
Other than pinning one’s hopes on a corrupt system, what is the alternative?
Ed, I agree with all your sentiments and I trust you with every ounce of my being. I also agree that RFK Jr. would appear to have betrayed everything he once championed and ergo, all his gallant supporters like you and me (and a few others ;-). And then I thought about Sirhan, the innocent man still in jail for the murder of RFK. Sirhan was supposedly motivated by RFK’s position on exporting warplanes to Israel. Yeah, right. That plane never flew because there wasn’t a political bone in Sirhan despite his being a Christian Arab refugee – however, the suggestion rather exposed Israel’s hand behind the assassination. Since it most likely that both Israel and CIA were likewise behind the JFK assassination, then it is hardly plausible that a savvy politician like RFK Jr. would sincerely support Israel. But he must gang warily. Look what happened when JFK swore to scatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. If a POTUS was unable, what chance anyone else?
In security training, then later in management of a PR set up we was educated and trained in conflict de-escalation and talking down techniques..
When I see hear Trump, Nigel, Orban Tommyrob em some or Corbin there Tranquilizing the masses with another form of de-escalation and talking down techniques.
Get angry go for a walk calm down which equates to an demonstration or march
Yell scream let it all out.
That is why the populism leaders was brought in before covid to act as that.
“We was educated”
Really ?
Heard “we was” by England’s working class?
Everyone seems oblivious to what is and has always been right before them. I would call it the greatest propaganda coup in human history. It is this weird, starry-eyed notion that the USA – greatest empire in human history – is being played for a doddering old fool by a far lesser empire wanna-be.
Why anyone would entertain the ridiculous notion that Israel is dictating American policy is beyond comprehension – when so very clearly it is the other way around. What’s happening in Gaza and now the West Bank is an American genocide; Israel is merely doing America’s dirty work for it.
America had no choice but to shock-and-awe it alone in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya. But it doesn’t have to get Palestinian blood all over its hands – it has Israel. And it has AIPAC to help lay the blame for its ghoulish genocidal lust in Palestine on the Israelis. American politicians are bought and sold every day – cheaper by the dozen; and always have been. AIPAC is merely a convenient foil, as are the maniacal Israelis.
and the purpose is ….? money for the arms manufacturers? jpy for psychopathic maniacs? both?
The purpose is what it’s been since the Crusades: a war between Christianity and Islam. That’s a war that has never ceased for one nano-second – a war that dwarfs all other wars combined. The resource rich Islamic nations vs. the fertile land rich Christian nations.
It’s an old story. Cult #1 sez WE have true gd. Cult #2 sez NO! WE have true gd.
The rest of us pay and pay and pay.
and the purpose is ….? money for the arms manufacturers? joy for psychopathic maniacs? both?
Here’s a red pill for you, the same people who control Israel control America.
I’ve just posted a short comment, which I’d meant to address to yourselves, but forgot. Is re. the ‘gremlins in the works’ re. a message coming up which wrongly claims that I’d “already voted for that comment”, when I’d only just come onto Off-G a few minutes earlier, and had not seen this article prior to that!
There’s another ‘glitch’/’gremlins in the works’ on this site.
I’ve only just come onto Off-G a few minutes ago, and tried to thumb-up a post near the bottom of the comments on this article. But a message came up, saying, 100% incorrectly, “You have already voted for this comment”. No, I’d NOT ‘already voted for that comment’!!
And that’s not the first time I’ve experienced that ‘gremlin in the works’ on Off-G.
I meant to address the above post to Admin., but forgot.
I’ve encountered the same issue intermittently, Christine (& Admin.), but can’t detect a pattern as to when it occurs. However, if I exit the article and return, I’m able to vote successfully.
Wasn’t me by any chance ?
I was going to reply to Curtin or any number of people in the comments but I don’t have time to reply to each person separately so I’ll just say this on Mass. Trump is no better than RFK Jr is no better than Biden is no better than Harris is no better than any body else that they offer up for you to choose from under an illusion of choice. There is nobody they offer you up there that isn’t bought off or control to extortion or any number of other tools in order to serve the globalists agenda.
In 2024 and after 4 years of one of the biggest cons we’ve had the Misfortune of watching unfold in our lifetimes, if you don’t comprehend that voting and the whole political system is one big con job of good cop bad cop to keep us distracted and divided so that we don’t actually Focus on who’s shaking the Damned jar and robbing Us blind from every direction and poisoning us from every fuckin Direction then you’re either NOT paying ATTENTION or you’re PART of it.
okay,okay , I agree but do you think that there is anything we can do? Does anyody here follow this German bloke called Ernst Wolff . He is German but he does do some of hispodcats in English too. On the eb there is a very good clip of his called ‘ the histoiry of money’ and he posits the view that the US Fed has been controlling the world for a very long time ( at least that is what I understand him to say). I amnot sure what he thinks the solution is . It might be ditching money. Could that work? Maybe it could? I’d rather be a Luddite than than have the shitshow we’ve got today.
Get enough people to do it ?
Go find a copy online and it’s easy to do so, of a book called the most dangerous superstition written by Larkin Rose. If you simply do a search for the title and add PDF after it at the end in your search bar plenty of copies will come up. This book you probably never heard of explains the futility of what many people are trying to do to change things out there right now. And what needs to be done instead. The solution is simple. Stupidly simplistic as a matter of fact. It isn’t complicated at all. Where the problem comes in is convincing the world to put aside their fears and stand up and do what needs to be done once and for all. Because whatever they fear in consequences their governments are doing far worse to them now already. Just as a slower Pace like slow boiling frogs.
Thanks! Looking forward to finding out about it. Whateve solution is proposed, I doubt it’ll be easy. This WEF lot will just set the military on us if they don’t get what they want I think. Bunch of psychopathic Tuesdays the lot of them. People here keep saying we’ve always been controlled and manipulated through our lives ..but there really sin’t true. There really was free speechbefore;
I’d suggest a recent Off-Guardian article by Paul Cudenec, where you can get access to pdf versions of his books describing who is running the world.
I also believe the torrent of hatred aimed at Trump and the assassination attempt on him are because his is outside this “inner circle” of the Great Reset plotters.
Unfortunately, I think the one world government crew has accumulated too much power to be resisted at this point.
The only Power they have is our agreement to participate and comply with whatever it is they want instead of what we the people, their rightful employers, want. And that’s the only real power they have ever had. Everything else is propaganda, mind control tricks, illusions, and lies. And don’t get me started on Cudenec. As for Trump if you believe there’s any real hatred from the so-called powers that be against him and that they actually tried to assassinate him then you haven’t been paying attention to the game, who’s playing it, or how it’s played, at all.
I am very sceptical about the assassintation attempt. I just don’t think you could be shot at like that and not be shaken.
Did Whitney Webb or anybody else ever propose an alternative?
lesser of 2 evils is so last covid.
I’m talking about strategy, tactics, etc. Which alternative strategy do you propose?
I don’t think so but it’s still good to know we’re not mad. It’s still good to see it there in wiritng. I like her
She appears from nowhere around 2017 and is suddenly the go-to, altmedia expert of virtually everything. She’s got “spook” written all over her!
Trump got outsider written all over him with Q droplets alerts helping. 😂
Thank you for this comment. I too have had doubts about Ms. Webb. I tend to be a bit skeptical of anyone who overstates their argument. Yes, evidence backing up opinions is important; but do we really need the history of some current event all the way back to day one in order to make a case?
Just as “too many cooks spoil the broth,” too many facts obscure the point.
I findher very impressive actually
I’m particularly fond of the term “UNLIMITED Hangout” that she calls her site. 😎
Fun fact. Did you know that ONE of a certain spe-CIA-l agency’s favorite NAMES to give their assets is WEBB? #TheMoreYouKnow ! 😎👍
It being implied that if she didn’t propose an alternative, that we ought to just accept the way things are? First, that’s not her job and second, the real problem we face is not the lack of an alternative, it is that most people believe in “mirages.” Under those circumstances, any “alternative” is meaningless.
That’s a statement of Webb’s personal opinion. Journalism would be reporting on the opinion of others. The implication of that statement is that she thinks there ought to be some alternative – a world which is less disappointing. As a journalist, she should have investigated proposals by other people. Has she done any of that? As an individual with an interest, an opinion, and some knowledge (supposedly), it’s a reasonable expectation that she might have some ideas of her own as to what can be done about the “disappointment”; and as to what could be different.
There might be some agreement here. The point I’m making is that there was no viable alternative to Warp Speed. Also, that it takes account of the retarded masses – though it isn’t necessarily sufficient by itself to overcome the problem.
RE: The point I’m making is that there was no viable alternative to Warp Speed
What are you smoking? The “alternative” is that there was no pandemic in the first place. It was creation of a problem for which their policy goal – injecting billions of people with cocktail of toxic substances – was the solution. Even if you buy the notion that there was a pandemic, it was mild, no greater than many flu seasons and not requiring lockdown, masks or “vaccines.” The alternative if you want to use that term, was to do nothing, which would have reduced the impact of the Pandemic TM to nothing, because there was nothing there worth worrying about in the first place. Talk about “mirages.”
We’re talking about the Trump admin policy. Other than Warp Speed, there was no viable option for Trump. The “pandemic” was launched for the purpose of deposing Trump. This is why they (the Trump admin) first declared it to be a hoax. However, if they had continued with that stance, the coup would have worked. Consequently, they changed that stance and instead used the “pandemic” to follow the “smooth transition” agenda. Clever, yes, but surely it’s not that complicated!
RE:The “pandemic” was launched for the purpose of deposing Trump.
Well, I don’t buy that narrative TM. There’s all sorts of concrete evidence that the Pandemic TM had been planned long before Trump was even a candidate for the POTUS (like 20 years prior). One could argue that Trump was not on board with it, but it didn’t really matter as he wasn’t running the show when he was in office (and he won’t be when he gets back into office).
I said “launched” not “planned”. That is:
In order for the Lockstep plan to work, the MRC needed a compliant POTUS. However, the MRC were so desperate to remove Trump that they wasted the planned pandemic on the attempted coup.
For the sake of argument, let’s just say you are right. If the Purpose of the Pandemic TM was to Depose Trump, why then did the near identical Covid policies sprout up in almost 90 countries around the world simultaneously in government after government regardless if they were liberal or conservative?
The stress is on the word “launched”. The pandemic was LAUNCHED for the purpose of deposing Trump. However, that was not the original, intended purpose of the pandemic. The original, intended purpose was Lockstep. Consequently, most of the Public Health response had been trained to implement Lockstep. In most countries, that trained response was triggered automatically.
I’ve said repeatedly that Trump was selected as part of a military operation and that his role was to create the theatrical appearance of a presidency. Conversely, the business of actually “running the show” was handled by people like Pence and Pompeo. They form the Christian Zionist wing of Pax Americana – the other wing being the Brzezinskian Atlantic Council. The foreign policy of Pax Americana is represented in Pompeo’s June 2022 Hudson Institute address and in various statements by the Atlantic Council – specifically those on the Black Sea region. Moreover, in May 2023, following the failure of the Belt & Road project in Ukraine, Kissinger conceded defeat to this policy.
May 26, 2023
Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100
The great strategist sees a globe riven by U.S.-China competition and threatened by fearsome new weapons and explains why he now thinks Ukraine should be in NATO.
Mr. Kissinger leaves no doubt that he believes in a Pax Americana and in the need “to defend the areas of the world essential for American and democratic survival.”
And as I said, Warp Speed had to account for the mass retardedness!
Absolutely why on earth should not having a solution in any way diminish the truth of what she is saying
Can you summarise what she’s supposed to be saying? All I see is an incoherent dig at Trump. That is, what is “disappointing” about Trump enacting a policy when there was no meaningful alternative?
So should RFKJr embrace the administration that mandated the shots?
I used to donate to children’s Health Defense, but ever since JFK openly supported the Gaza genocide, having initially claimed he’d stop the war in Ukraine, I stopped donating.
What is children’s Helath Defence?
It is the organization RFK Jr helped developed with a group of mostly parents with brain injured children due to childhood vaccines.
CHD is an offshoot of the organization he put together to get mercury out of fish.
You can go to Children’s Health Defense on the net and take a look.
They have grown enormously in the past 4 years.
Articles, videos, movies. Lots of resources.
I have been a member since 2020. Although you do not need to be a member to read or watch.
I think they do great work on a variety of topics.
I wish Kennedy had remained there and not thrown his hat into the campaign.
It’s pretty terrible IMHO the opinions he voiced on what is happening in Palestine
RE: I wish Kennedy had remained there and not thrown his hat into the campaign.
By doing this, Kennedy effectively guided the Health Freedom Movement TM into the Republican Party. A party who established the military pandemic protocols via the raft of authoritarian policies in the weeks after 9-11. Electoral politics is a dead end – the “graveyard of social movements.” It used to be that it was the role of the Democrats to kill off grassroots social movements, now it’s the GOP.
it’s What we call… a “Front”
children’s Health Defence is something set up to pretend to care.
More on the horrors of the “covid vaccine”: research and photos.
The jabbed need to emigrate from cities ASAP because EMF radiation appears to stimulate the nanobots
Ihope you are wrong. Like I mug I got jabbed twice
Hard to escape EMF now. It bathes the planet like the plastic micro- and nano-particles, and hundreds of thousands of different poisons. Indoors, there is Wifi, Bluetooth, etc. We have even dispensed with radio, and get music through phones.
I did not read the (badly written) paper carefully, but it does not seem to have covered EMF by (a) frequency (b) variations in pulsing. Wuhan and San Marino were pioneers in rolling out 5G. This subject (5G) seems to have gone quiet, as if the big monsters are marking time.
Magnetic energy inhibits the structures’ growth, whereas a wireless phone charger rejuvenated the nanobots to their peak geometric sharpness
Your paper seems to disprove the notion that the geometric shapes are the results of naturally occurring crystallization. Fascinating… amazing photos. Thank you for the link, mgeo.
US has a “National Seashore”? Is that where illegals and enemy vessels cannot land?,
Yeah pretty much. Anywhere you can find a spot really. It’s all good. These days our borders are open 24/7 like a convenience store used to be. Come one come all to the greatest shit Show on Earth. 😔👍
They rise, they rant, they rave.
Consign millions to early graves.
They steal, they strut, they strain.
Consign millions to endless pain.
They reach for unreachable stars.
They die with empty hearts.
The gods of _______.
It was industrialisation what brought the proles together
in organised groups… That organising gave the proles
some muscle to coerce the Owners Of Everything into
conceding some of the collectively produced wealth the
Owners insisted was theirs…
De-industrialisation has dis-armed the proles – now the
Owners of Everything feel free to take everything back…
“It was only on loan, anyway” – the motto of The Deserving Rich…
Rural peasantries could be decidedly rebellious e.g. the Captain Swing riots. The earliest of them all in official history was the Peasants’ Revolt although reading ‘Born in Blood’ that looks to have been a Templar-Freemasonic operation that used peasant grievances for revenge on the Church and Hospitallers.
It was Marxist guff to putt all the oppositional eggs in the proletarian basket. Rural workers and the middle class were dismissed by Mark which just happened, by addicent or design, to divide opposition to the 1%.
“The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.”
If WE know this, I’m quite sure RFKjr knows it. So, disappointment with that situation is naive, I think. We can’t let this bottomless apparent well of Wishful Thinking cloud our vision forever… can we? This “Camelot” crap needs to stop. Lingering Beatlemania is harmless, at least.
“With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership…”
Because the puppets installed in that theatrical chair dictate policy objectives? (Well, Daddy Bush did, but that was different)
“Lingering Beatlemania is harmless, at least.”
This is pretty naive about social engineering. The Beatles were bigger societal change agents than any politician. The first rock star to advocate LSD wasn’t Mick Jagger nor even John Lennon but Paul McCartney (or whoever he is). ‘She’s Leaving Home’ was a battering ram aimed straight at the family. And who did their very last song laud but the Queen!?
“The first rock star to advocate LSD wasn’t Mick Jagger nor even John Lennon but Paul McCartney (or whoever he is).”
Yeah, so? I used LSD in the late ’70s. Whatever the Social Engineering intent there, I profited from the insights given by the experiences. Too many conservatives jump on this Beatles/ Tavistock theory as if, if there had been no Beatles, we’d all be living in a bucolic Utopia of farmhouses full of pious, multi-generational families, gathering in the village square on Friday nights, to do some segregated square dancing. Fuck that.
“She’s Leaving Home’ was a battering ram aimed straight at the family.”
As if family life is a default benefit in all cases. The family is often one’s first experience of Despotism.
All this retrograde nonsense from conservatuve conspiracy theorists is hilarious: yes, what a pity, the kids no longer believe in Jesus, the outmoded Social Engineering model! Nor in the American flag! Nor in Father! Well: good. THAT’S actually progress. Things were going pretty well in the late ’70s… but then we hit a (post-Beatles, post-Wit) wall. Can you guess what that wall was?
The Beatles were promoted, by TFIC, but the project backfired in many respects. Being a Beatles fan didn’t make one pro-War, pro-Square, pro-Conformity, pro-Corporate Mind. The “social engineering” mistake: The Beatles were a major force in spreading Sex and Creativity and Skeptical Wit among the college kids. Once you give those things (especially SEX) to college kids, or kids in general, it’s very difficult to keep them under control.
The Powell Memo of c. ’69 (if genuine) merely illustrates how hard TFIC had to work to stuff that genie back in the bottle (not that I’m presuming TFIC are a monolith but I’m trying to keep this short). The seriouly damaging Social Engineering you’re handwaving about really took place in the 1980s, during the Reagan Era, as a reaction to what we’ll generalize as “Beatlemania” (after Lennon was assassinated, tellingly)… it wasn’t until that saturation bombing of “Greed is Good” and “Thank You For Your Service” and “AIDS” and “Wilding” that Youth Consciousness went dim and weird and super fucking gullible.
It got so bad that the Draft (in America) was no longer necessary.. kids were signing up like it was just another career choice! Can’t lay that one on The Beatles. Death Metal and Gangsta Rap would be more likely culprits. It’s more likely that those genres (along with parallel trends in Hollywood) were explicitly engineered to change society from the ground up in ways we live with today.
“And who did their very last song laud but the Queen!?”
Aha! I see! Your comment was a comedy routine. I get it. So, either McCartney was spinning a witty scenario in which the late (blood-drenched, then-living symbol, of colonial rule), the so-called Queen of England, was an approachable chick he was sleeping with, or “Her Majesty” was some chick with an ironic, or psychologically accurate, nickname… but, in any case… the tune was pure Evil. The parting shot from… Satan?
To recap: The Beatles were very probably made globally famous to distract from JFK’s open air haircut, yes. But they wrote their own songs, were relatively uncontrollable (explaining why TFIC had to shoot one of them), were as opportunistically instrumentalized as any other global celeb (including Nabokov, who shilled for LBJ or Elvis, who shilled for Nixon), back then, and Paul McCartney was not replaced with a southpaw of identical looks and talent capable of fooling friends and family for decades: dumb theory (and also: why? TFIC simply made new groups, like the Bay City Rollers, more relevant than McCartney… why bother faking a double? Again: dumb).
The Manufacturing of Pied-Pipering Celebs was not nearly so advanced, and under control, and ubiquitous a practise, back then, as now. Tech wasn’t there yet. It was still early in the Technofascist Story. The transistor was young; the microchip a dream on the horizon.
My suggestion: analyze your pet theories critically before you integrate them into your private religion.
These One-Size-Fits-All theories are worse Social engineering vectors than anything The Beatles ever did (well, except John’s “Imagine,” but I blame Yoko for that. She was a pretty effective handler… but not effective enough… so they pulled the plug on JL while he was struggling to work things out).
Its a crazy life indeed.
I don’t care if they were created by Tavistock or by the Wizard of Oz.
I love the Beatles. Always did, always will.
Gorgeous music. And fun.
They are one reason I am glad I grew up in the ’60s.
Baseball and NFL NBL sport stars where the first mania.
the essence of life really starts, when you are still only 1 not yet 2 . You understand everything that is going on, as you explore the world the sea, and the sandy beaches, paddling with your older brothers and friends…and you know, absolutely everyone loves you. no one ever really frightens you, unless its your brother playing a trick, yet you already know, he will do everything he possibly can to protect you in the future.
thats basically what families are like
‘without imagination no “evolving threats” can be perceived’ … (anon) …
I told all my family and friends almost from the start of covid – I believed it at, and thought I has it first..and bought a rotavator about £70 on the internet…to dig your garden and try planting seed potatoes from Scotland and Ireland – and the Cauliflower, Carrot, and Spinach
The Spinach self replicates. the carrots reproduced, possibly not so well cos our cats, thinking they were doing well, didn’t like the smell of carrots
Never tried growing oranges. but strawberries and raspberies and blacberries and blackcurrants, and soon wild grapes and hops just growing over our fence from our neighbours on both sides, right and left, and our neighbour right at the back of our back garden. I did ask my wife, who chats to everyone – have you ever seen a girl, next door at the back..No but he is a nice pleasent bloke – maybe split up with his wife, and he does flirt a bit with me
So another Normal Person too, who probably didn’t get jabbed, nor went out on the street banging his pot and pans
I admit, I still have a bit of a teenage crush,on Jenny Agutter, from the Railway Children, Walkabout and Logan’s Run
“Logan’s run (1976): “You can live! LIVE!!”
Thoreau’s reference to the railroad boom is so very resonant when we remember the way those corporate bosses in the 1800s lined their pockets from lavish US government subsidies extracted under the promise to deliver extraordinary public benefit
they at least actually did end up producing something useful, as a sort of afterthought to becoming filthy rich, in the form of transport links, but what exactly is Big Pharma contributing in exchange for all the special treatment it gets?
Why, “Big Pharma”, is contributing exactly w
hat it was created and designed to contribute.
Control over the masses by chemical means
and depopulation. 😔👍
Kennedy and Trump make a good pair. Neither has said anything against the genocidal agenda at play in Palestine. On the contrary.
Shabbas goyim.
What was
Thank You Capt Birdheart … This is Excellent…And Our Grandaughter is still not 2 years old and knows how to get what she wants from he older brothers, her Dad, Nana and me grandad..
that is “MINE”
There is another Taboo nobody acknowledges:
The Elephant in the room is Mother … (anon) …
Mother fu**er? Mother ,nature? I dunno.Tell me
“Mother, May I” 😂
I remain a massive fan of Edward Curtin. its not just, the similar history re religious stuff – him in USA / Canada (far bigger than Lancashire – The Ribble – where I went fishing, with our Friend the Catholic Priest from Accrington)
I didn’t have to confess anything to him, cos he was my friend…
What a lovely Man
Whilst a total REBEL, extremely well Travelled.
Instead of getting all he really wanted which was just to become The Parish Priest of a little old church by the River Ribble…
He got summoned by The Bishop to The Cathedral in Salford , near Manchester.
There is absolutely no way he would do anything wrong to anyone, and wasn’t accused of anything – except….
You have been travelling in Palestine, to witness the place where Jesus Christ was born…Bethlehem…You were extremely lucky not to get arrested…
Didn’t you see the gun pointed in your face.?
My sister – far more religious than me – told a similar story. No way, I am going to Bethlehem again…I am a Christian not a Terrorist.
Get that gun out of my face.
the community is indeed a cult, children are separated from their parents to be raised in strict fashion, by others. They have an imprint, Paraclete Press- and they ask that contributors/authors produce without compensation. I know of a couple people who made it out…
Let’s stop waffling and beating around the bush – as Andrew Anglin wrote: All presidential and most congressional candidates are running for office to represent and benefit Israel. Plain and simple! Don’t think so?
Understand first – who wants wars? Read all of these – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Who+wants+wars&updated-max=2024-06-08T11:03:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 – these are just the headnotes to articles in DaLimbraw Library – Americans and most of Western Civilization are just cannon fodder!
Neither side is perfect, both are evil, so I’m just going to self immolate (in a way that causes no danger to other people).
When we depend on “leaders” who contract no fixed policy intent or objectives, do not poll constituent policy objectives to actually represent, and autocratically create war empire for the 1% with poverty, racism, injustice, wars, imperialism, and debt serfdom for the bottom 95% of Humanity, this is what we get. To approve that with a vote is insane.
Some leaders have better records than others. Voting accordingly may therefore make sense. Unless not voting can be shown to produce greater benefit.
First off, the covid agenda did not belong to either Trump or Biden. Or Harris. Or Obama. Or Netanyahu. Or whoever else one wishes to blame for what we face. The false binary of politics merely obscures that fact and is the reason this game is played every few years. Same for the wars. Same for the coming financial collapse. Same for all the lies we’ve been told since birth in the USA and the rest of “the West” as well.
The agenda is way beyond the pay grade of any lying ass politician. Perhaps if we would start from that position and quit using the shorthand of “Trump’s agenda” or “Biden’s agenda” we might get somewhere in taking the power structure down. And I will reiterate “might” here, as from what I see there’s very little hope we take this shit show down anytime soon. That binary thinking ensures that.
While I understand completely the point of this essay, we all really need to stop blaming some idiot politicians for what is currently happening. They are only the face of it and they have about as much control over it as we the idiot voters do. Yes, we voters have done our part, but we’ve also been TRAINED to function in this way, and we need to stop discounting that training as well. Ending the binary thinking idiocy would be a damned good start to negating all that training but as we can see, that is much, much harder than it looks. And there’s a reason for that…
The ones who steward and profit by the war empire they empower and facilitate “have about as much control over it as we the idiot voters do”? Ridiculous. Voting for a policy-less personality once every few years is a meaningless ritual that no one should participate in. The overlords are the overlords and slaves are the slaves. Until the slaves rebel and throw the overlords overboard. And it’s coming…
Ah yes, you’re missing the point. When we focus all of our attention on some politician as “the cause” then we tend to vote the other guy in as the Biden agenda, to use one example, is all at fault. I’m in no way saying let the Biden Administration off the hook any more than I am saying the other guy will fix it. Does that make more sense? And yes, until the slaves overthrow those setting the agenda, the overlords who SET the agenda and play us and the politicians like a chess game, then nothing changes. If you really believe any politician has the power to control the overlord’s agenda, then please do go ahead and blame one side or the other, as looking for another solution is apparently simply ridiculous. If you really believe that, then you should be voting, shouldn’t you? Although how choosing sides in this idiocy helps us rebel I surely do not understand.
You’re not reading what i said. “Leaders”, politicians are the problem. I want none of them anywhere. I much prefer obedient employees in government and we the people make the decisions and they obey or are fired. Why are you feeding the false binary bull all of here threw out the window years ago?
While both are unreal there is a big difference between a mirage and delusion. A mirage is caused by reflection of light whereby the viewer thinks he is seeing water or some object off in the distance. A delusional person is one who stubbornly holds onto false beliefs even though there is ample evidence their ideas and beliefs are not real or true. In America today many people are delusional to the point of mental illness. They staunchly believe falsehoods that have been told to them by: their government, corporations, the corporate/social media, their family, their peers, religious leaders or they have cobbled in their own minds.
Delusional people are easily manipulated and controlled. We see examples of this every day in the hyper divisive partisan politics/culture of the US. It manifests as gullibility, dependency and hysteria like during the COVID Psyop for example.
I gave you a like on this because it’s 100% true but you singled out America and I promise you this is a problem around the world. Not in just one location. Not by any means.
So the Trump PR team plays There Goes My Hero” by the Foo Fighters to introduce RFK Jr on stage
OG’s crusade against ‘saviours’ is so predictable, so monotonous. Arguing that some leaders are prefereable top others, with reason and evidence, is not worshipping a saviour! I suspect old leftist nihilism and dislike of critical debate is to blame for the prejudice.
I left the left….
double entendre went over a lot of people’s heads.
mind you the maga supporters are some of the most retarded
I watched a short clip of that video of Trump and RFK Jr out of curiosity to see what would be said, and the second I heard that song I thought the very same thing. I also knew the Foo Fighters would of course sue the Trump campaign for using it (and what a name that is, eh? “Fighters” of what one should probably ask, but then again we know they aren’t fighters for much at all, except money and attention and perhaps that was the point). But while you lambast the MAGA crowd as the stupid ones, I could not help but notice that the line from RFK Jr that got the biggest positive reaction were his remarks on all the poisons in our food, air and water. And about those regulatory agencies that are completely sold out to the very companies they’re supposed to regulate. Huh, who knew “those people” were worried about all the toxins we ingest daily, as we all know they’re merely “science deniers” and only care about getting their hero elected. Many of those rejected the magic elixir, as we all are well aware after having been labeled “MAGA” or “Trump supporter” for not rushing out to get it ourselves. Huh. So who’s retarded here? And personally I wonder just how many of that MAGA crowd saw through the hypocrisy of playing a Foo Fighter’s song in that moment. I doubt we will ever really know, but we can certainly just not even think about that and label them all morons, and that’ll surely help us all overthrow the real masters of the universe, won’t it?
The CC MIC alt media illusion the maga crowd was the ones not to get vaccinated whilst there media heroes all had double jabbed logos on there twitter facebook and website and qued like muppets to get the magical inoculation or wonder drugs.
Boring listening to another MIC politician talking health and internet fashionable whilst selling his devotees out to the game of voting.
Considering this is off g only article about the JFK and Trump and they did 4 for when stage fake had his WWE shooting.
it clearly shows the MIC CC tells many what to print and how to word it.
BTW Ed was a massive seller of RFK until some of the commentators explained why NO.
I like you.
DON’T stop
paying attention.
As for the foo fighters. Funny story about them. Christopher Walken hosted Saturday Night Live Once and they were the musical guest. When he introduced them he put heavy emphasis on the word Fighters. It’s Walken you know. So he introduces them as the “Foo FIGH-tahs!”
You can even see them in the background behind him at the time Giving A confused Smile At the way he pronounced it. But again, it’s Christopher Walken. So everybody loved it. LOL
Has America ever been a real democracy? Haven’t the presidents always been super rich?
So far as I can tell, the only President ever forced to resign did not have great wealth in his background. Could there be a connection?
Do you mean Biden? I THOUGHT he was loaded
Yes they’ve always been wealthy and landowners etc. And yes the country has pretty much always been a democracy. But that’s the problem. It wasn’t originally designed as a democracy but as a constitutional republic meaning you are free to do as you wish so long as you do not harm another and impede their freedom as well. That’s it. It was never any more complicated than that. The powers that be hijacked that and turned it into a democracy cleaning the democracy was a good thing because everyone has a say so. Here’s the problem. A democracy which many of the founding fathers were dead set against, is basically mob rule. What the majority wants everyone else must endure as well. So as long as you convince 51% of the people to go along with whatever it is you want, everyone must endure it as well. And that’s where it all went sideways.
Peggy Hall on RFK’s support for vaxx-testing on children and for vaxx mandates!
The Healthy American Peggy Hall
Premiered Jun 25, 2024
Del BIGTREE says His VACCINE CONFIDENCE BILL is “Too Clever” for Some
The Healthy American Peggy Hall
Premiered Jun 13, 2024
Peggy’s wrong on this. She didn’t do her homework. The RFK/CHD strategy is for the vax industry to damn itself. RFK knows that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe” and knows that safety testing was never done on any vaccine for more than a few weeks. So by insisting that he’d support “safe” vaccines, he knows that they don’t exist, and safety testing would prove that they could never exist. So they’d have to be withdrawn from use and mandates. And then he’d never have to declare himself “anti-vax”. If Peggy had listened to RFK speak on the subject she wouldn’t have made this video.
It’s possible that Bigtree & co genuinely think this is some sort of clever tactic. However, I agree with Peggy on this. We don’t need “clever” tactics. Rather, we need straightforward principles – such as medical autonomy and due process. The strategy proposed by Bigtree would undermine such principles.
BTW: as Peggy explains in the video and substack, she has listened to what Bigtree has said; and she’s tried to contact them for comment.
I disagree. Peggy is wrong on this one. If Del’s brilliant lawyer Aaron Siri thinks they have a winning strategy, I’ll trust Aaron’s expertise any day.
When somebody starts advocating a Trojan Horse trick, you’ve accepted the principle of trickery. This may be fine in an individual case, but not with regard to the setting of general principles. That is, I might want a clever lawyer to apply some trick to get me off a charge (whether I did it or otherwise), but I want statesmen to set principles. That’s why we have the Magna Carta and inalienable rights; and why, in principle at least, we have recourse to a lawyer. Moreover, once you’ve accepted the principle of trickery, you have no recourse when you find out it’s you who’s been played!
After listening to many interviews he’s given over the years, I get the feeling he’s a realist, a pragmatist, and not a trickster. He’s willing to fight for the issues he knows he can win, let others fight battles he’s ill equipped for, and though he’s said he’s not afraid to die, he’s not hoping that’s tomorrow. You might make similar decisions if you were in his shoes. I don’t know how he manages to be so brave and outspoken, given his history.
If that’s RFK’s strategy it’s a dumb ass strategy. The testers will use fakery and fraud to declare anything they want safe. Covid “vaccines” were tested by the ‘clinically proven’ criminal organisation Pfizer. What Peggy is saying is no medical intervention should be forced on anyone.
I would agree.
First stop the mandates. Then do what you can to educate people about injection injury.
I believe in stopping the mandates as priority because many people will continue to believe that vaccines are safe. So, fine, vaccine if you want.
But no one should be forced.
I think I understand Kennedy’s tactic here, but the stopping the mandates are more important.
There are lawsuits in the works, and ones that have been settled, regarding ending the mandates. CHD, ICAN, and also Pam Popper’s group with lawyer Tom Renz are to thank for ending mask, distancing, and shot mandates, e.g.
RFK would not disagree. He knows they haven’t been safety tested and have been rubber stamped by a completely corrupt agency. He’s against mandates of any kind, medically. And he’s won cases against Monsanto, so I’m not questioning him when it comes to strategy.
RFK shills believes in safe vaccines.
believed covid was a bio leak weapon.
That’s not quite correct, and you’d know that if you’d listened to his talks. He believes that mandatory safety testing would prove that they are, indeed, unavoidably unsafe. Therefore, he’d never have to come out and say he’s anti-vax. He can say he’s pro-safe-vax, knowing it’s impossible. I think that’s rather shrewd of him. And he knows, from talking with Eric Francis Coppolino that there was no virus, but he’s happy to let others tear down the facade of virology. It’s not his fight. But, there are things happening in these biolabs that need to be exposed and his book is a well researched step towards making that info available.
Brilliant. After reading this, I am personally done with the idea of “lesser of two evils”…how about simply “no evils”…
Thank you, Mr. Curtin. I couldn’t agree more.
A former Kennedy supporter. I wish he had remained at Chilren’s Health Defense. He and that organization are doing so much good work. I loved listening to him and learned a great deal.
Aside from the horrible death and destruction in Palestine and the middle east, I am appalled at the money that is given to Isreal every year (for what??? are they a “third world country”?), and for the addional 14 billion, from what I have read, they have been given by the USA since October 7.
I am appalled that any foreign country would have a lobbying arm in the USA that contributes huge amounts of money to US politicians.
Although I guess all that money was ours to begin with. We send Israel 3 billion every year, and they just funnel it back to us in the form of political donations.
God, what a country!
He had to temporarily step away from CHD because they’re a non-profit and can’t endorse or promote a political candidate. I’ve listened to enough of his interviews to support him. No, I don’t agree with his stance on Israel, but on medical and environmental issues, corporate capture of regulatory agencies, the need to dismantle the surveillance apparatus, and on Constitutional protections, his views are worth voting for.
Yes, I know he had to step away.
I just miss him over there at CHD. I do not support him as President. Quite disappointed on his remarks about Palestine and his allegience to Israel.
I thinks he’s done incredible work at CHD and I had great hope, but I can’t get past the Isreal situation.
Same with Trump. It’s too important to me.
And the fact that they haven’t even addressed it says everything.
I’m guessing that on just about every issue, politicians have to ask “is this the hill I want to die on?”. It’s possible that they want time to tear down parts of the Deep State system before they duck that Israeli bullet. Have you put yourself in their shoes? Most politicians stand up for ZERO controversial issues, let alone that one.
For sure. But isn’t it time we start to hold these politicians accountable?
If you run for public office in this corrupt country then you know what you are getting into.
I think most of them are threatened by the whoever it is that is pulling the strings.
I’m just sick and tired of the politics as usual.
We should get money completely and utterly out of campaigns.
I will never get over what Kennedy has stated about Palestinians and about Israel.
Wish I could. But I can’t. I guess that’s the hill I’ll die on.
But thank you for your courteous discourse.
I understand completely with everyone who replied to me. I’m not talking about YOU dying. I’m talking about HIM dying. Since the world seems to be run by psychopaths, don’t you think picking and choosing which cartel to cross could be a life saving strategy for the candidates? I think his position on I/P is unforgivable. But I’ll still vote for RFK. I’m not excusing him. And I’m not settling. He’s against the WEF and that’s good enough for me. Fight the Israel fight another day, after 15 other catastrophes are solved.
Yes, I understood that you meant him dying.
I just used the expression again in terms of my own feelings.
Unfortunately, he lost a LOT of us with his stance on Gaza. For good. Its a deal breaker and it makes no sense unless his strings are being pulled by a greater and evil force.
Yes. I can’t fathom a reason for his remarks. I think he got the visit.
The fair and circus used to bring the clowns to the cape every now and then, they were the talk of the town back in the day.
Today the clowns do not talk as much, but in their wake the town still talks, talks about going to war with Russia and why have the clowns not return with the fair in recent years.
I guess we will have to wait for the war to find out, for the clowns surely wont be around to tell us where they’ve been, or been hiding their money.
From the start, Trump called covid a hoax. Consequently, most of the MAGA people got the message. They knew that if anything existed at all, it was no worse than the flu; and that Trump favoured therapeutics (e.g. HCQ). Everything else was just theatrics.
If Trump had pushed the “covid is a hoax” line, he would have been slaughtered in the media and most likely impeached. So instead, he declared himself a “war-time president” and used the phantom emergency to set up and finance the operation to counter the attempted coup; i.e. “Warp Speed”.
Trump (Feb 28, 2020): It’s the flu, bro!
Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.
One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that. We are doing great . . .
So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? 35,000. That’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000, it could be 27,000, they say usually a minimum of 27, it goes up to 100,000 people a year who die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t, and we are totally prepared, it doesn’t mean we won’t. But think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people, and we’ve lost nobody, and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.
@10:50: We are totally ready!
Oct 8, 2020
Ask PolitiFact: Are you sure Donald Trump didn’t call the coronavirus a hoax?
Other fact-checkers have agreed with our reading of Trump’s comments. Here’s what they have to say.
Factcheck.org: “Trump did use the word ‘hoax’ but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.”
The Washington Post Fact Checker: “The context of the full quote shows Trump criticized Democratic talking points and media’s coverage of his response to the coronavirus, but does not call the virus itself a hoax.”
Snopes: “Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax.”
AP Fact Check: “The accusation is misleading. So is the selective video editing that made it appear Trump was calling the coronavirus a ‘new hoax.”
Donald Trump holds “Keep America Great” rally in Charleston, S.C.
Global News
Streamed live on Feb 28, 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump attended a “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Charleston, S.C., on Friday, ahead of the Democratic primary happening on Saturday.
Trump delivered his remarks amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and has previously downplayed the virus and its potential impact to the United States.
Really? Trump makes one ambiguous comment and that’s the foundation stone of a whole edifice that he resisted the covid psyop?
Here he is speaking at the launch of the vaccine (that wasn’t a vaccine):
“We’re here to discuss a monumental national achievement. From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores, we raced into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed. It would normally take five years, six years, seven years, or even more. In order to achieve this goal, we harnessed the full power of government, the genius of American scientists, and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution.
Before Operation Warp Speed, the typical timeframe for development and approval, as you know, could be infinity. And we were very, very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before. The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months.”
Then he name-checked various individuals – like the psychpoath Birx (who deserves to be as infamous as Fauci).
He continued:
“As a result of this unprecedented investment, we are exceedingly proud that both Pfizer and Moderna have announced that their vaccines are approximately 95 percent effective, which is a number that nobody expected to be able to get to, far exceeding anything that really we — that anybody thought. We went out and we said, “What do you think a maximum would be?” And I think doctors — we all came up to the conclusion that something like that would be really incredible.
And we have other candidates looking right now. We have some big ones that we’re going to be announcing very soon. We have some companies — great, great companies out there you all know about: Johnson & Johnson and — and others.”
There’s plenty more (like the targetting of seniors) but ending on calling Johnson & Johnson, who put asbestos in baby talc, a “great” company seems an appropriate finale. With opposition like this, how did the psyop ever survive!?
Yes, Trump deserves a little credit for not trying to impose a national vaccine mandate but oppositional to the mainstream covid narrative he was not.
What part of being a “wartime president” are you struggling with? It’s a war. A global mass casualty event. WWII killed a 100 million. This is bigger. Most of the deaths are the libtards and religious cultists who lined-up voluntarily to take the jab. They would have forced it on the rest of us; just like they force vaxx testing on the world’s poorest people. But, now, the whole vaxx edifice is beginning to crumble. The doubt in my mind, however, is that Warp Speed hasn’t killed enough!
And what’s the first casualty of war?
I’ll provide the answer since you seem to be struggling: It’s the truth! Therefore, everything Trump says after declaring himself a “wartime president” should be assumed to be deceptive!
He stopped chemtrails and the Federal reserve is now back in people hands. 😂
These People Are Stupid!
Michael Moore: Trump Calling Coronavirus ‘Hoax’ Is ‘Dangerous’
Feb 29, 2020
Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore blasts the presidents for attacking Democrats in the wake of fears over the coronavirus. Aired on 02/28/20.
Thank you for this I remember Trump saying covid was a hoax but it seems no one else does. Now here is Michael Moore, who I stopped paying any attention to because of his insanity, validating my memory.
They took the bait!
Coronavirus Is A Global Threat. Mike Pompeo Won’t Say Whether He Thinks It’s A Hoax.
28/02/2020 [Fri] 04:52pm GMT
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo refused to say that the coronavirus is not a hoax . . . Rep. Ted Lieu’s (D) question centered around comments made by acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney at a gathering of conservative activists on Friday morning.
Mulvaney played down the disease that is spreading around the world, saying, “It’s not a death sentence, it’s not the same as the Ebola crisis.” He also accused the press of ignoring the crisis because it was too focused on covering the impeachment “hoax.” “The press was covering their hoax of the day because they thought it would bring down the president,” Mulvaney said. “The reason you’re seeing so much attention to [coronavirus] today is that they think this is going to be the thing that brings down the president,” he added. “That’s what this is all about it.” Mulvaney didn’t actually call the coronavirus a “hoax,” despite Lieu’s question, but Pompeo still wouldn’t simply assert that it wasn’t one.
Rep. Lieu questions Pompeo on uranium levels in Iran and coronavirus “hoax” in HFAC hearing
Rep. Ted Lieu
Feb 28, 2020
spoken like a true Q Maga hypnotized cult member.
only thing missing was 5 D chess and that wasnt the real trump the fake trump or drugged up trump.
Who gives a fuck which Trump it was. I support the war (see previous post) not the actor!
You support the fantasy and illusion.
The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC) is a reality. They really do want to kill billions of people.
At least Trump did not mandate the vaccine and said he wouldn’t . Imagine if he had, imagine all the Democrats who would’ve screamed bloody murder?
I dunno. Can you really trust him? He is obviously totally mad.I mean remember when he said that he was gonna get Hilay Clinton prosecuted…and then didn’t and said that she was ‘ very smart’
There are three main aspects to the enemy:
A) Nefarious actors – The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy (MRC) etc
B) The religious and ideological cults – Medical Materialism and Public Health
C) The compliant masses
If anybody can think of a strategy other than Warp Speed, please post it below.
Surely A and B are the same/ overlap?
Whereas the overwhelming majority of medical and public health people believe in what they’re doing and will have taken the jabs, I would assume that Kissinger, Schwab, Gates, etc know the real agenda and therefore didn’t take them.
RFK Jr. tried to raise the matter of flu deaths with Dr. Sanjay of CNN. He said only something like ~10-20 flu deaths in US are confirmed by lab test. The rest are doctors’ opinions, accepted because such figures promote the flu jab. DNR plays a big part in “flu deaths” among the aged, just as for “covid deaths”.
You are referring to Mr. Warp Speed look at all the millions of people we saved with the vaccine, right?
I am a referring to a war which if it weren’t for Warp Speed would have seen several billion people wiped out!
What war is that?
Several million people have had their lives wiped out by warp speed.
The war set out on the Georgia Guidestones – to reduce the world’s population to less than a billion. The “you will own nothing” war. The Great Reset. The war to impose a technocratic, Luciferian religion on the world. THAT war!
BTW: please feel to provide your suggestion for an alternative to Warp Speed.
No speed.
No mandates.
He did what he was told to do. I’m not a Trump basher. I’ve always considered him a bit of a clown.
But my belief is that they are all chosen. For a reason. Trump was the perfect set up guy for the covid nightmare.
I have no faith or trust in any of them.
He prevented nothing as far as I’m concerned.
Trump didn’t mandate anything. Rather, he stated very clearly and repeatedly: “You have your freedoms!”
So according to YOUR plan, we would have been waiting several years for Gates & co to release their “safe and effective” version of mRNA!
I’m not interested in Trump (i.e. the person). I’ve said repeatedly, including on this thread, that he’s an actor playing role.
I really don’t give a fuck about your concerns and who you trust!
Then why this ridiculous discourse to begin with?
“Discourse”!? – I thought you we’re just trolling!
The war against the 60% who would coerce others into getting jabbed. THAT war!
Nov 28, 2021
Switzerland backs law behind Covid pass in referendum
The law provides the legal basis for the so-called Covid certificate to indicate that a person has been vaccinated or has recovered from the disease.
Opponents claimed the certificate, which has been required since September for access to restaurants and other indoor spaces and activities, is creating an “apartheid” system.
Final results showed 62 percent supported the law in a contest that saw voters surge to fill in their ballots.
The 65 percent turnout was the fourth-highest since women were granted the vote in 1971, in a country where the average referendum turnout is 46 percent.
A majority voted against the law in just two of the 26 Swiss cantons, with the highest support levels registered in Basel City and Zurich.
Insults and death threats
Under Switzerland’s direct democracy system, votes are typically held four times a year on a range of subjects. Citizens can propose new initiatives, or trigger referendums on government policy by gathering enough signatures, as happened on the Covid certificate law.
As in much of Europe, Switzerland has seen growing anger over restrictions aimed at reining in the pandemic, and pressure to get vaccinated.
But in a country where the regular votes normally take place in a climate of civility and measured debate, the soaring tensions around the Covid law vote came as a shock.
everybody forgets ALAN DERSHOWITZ is trumps lawyers in the white house.
As I’ve said repeatedly, the Trump White House was a theatrical production. Conversely, the real operation was run by people like Pence and Pompeo. Trump was selected to play a role in that operation. Moreover, that operation is STILL continuing.
Mike Pompeo (Nov 10, 2020):
I am of the belief that they are ALL selected to play a role in whatever operation is at hand.
There are competing and conflicting operations.
Many in the West and Middle East are hypnotized through Islam’s desert mirage + woke smoke to see Zionism as the biggest danger.
Not seeing Islam’s forest for one Zionist tree.
Satan’s biggest feat.
Russia and Israel have in common that they fight for the survival of their respective cultures. Islam has many nation territories outside Philistina to do the same. Most in the West have lost their original cultures to the globalists.
Sad cases of dyscalculia combined with lack of critical observing + thinking.
Trump & RFK jr have clearly the better chance to wreck the Pentagonic forces in dark heart of America, denying that is playing in the hands of the Final War party.
The thing is to not mind the red arrows
Israel has a culture?
Trump & RFK are struggling against militarist America?
What is all this about an Islamic threatµ? What are you talking about please? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about
Weaponising islam is easy.
That’s why it’s being done worldwide.
All you have to do is encourage the numbers and it will self-dynamise.
3rd temple cultist are the most dangerous.
remember USA and the west is Rome and it needs to be destroyed for there coming messiahs
Totally false, the whole world knows Trump is/was powerless. He was ignored by the Pentagon his entire 4 yrs. In July 2017 he went on tv and and announced he’d changed his mind about endless Mideast wars, now thinks they’re necessary. In Aug. 2017, Congress passed a law removing all Russia matters from Trump and assigning them to the Senate. Then-Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote in response: “The signing of new sanctions against Russia into law by the U.S. president leads to several consequences. First, any hope of improving our relations with the new U.S. administration is over. Second, the U.S. just declared a full-scale trade war on Russia. Third, the Trump administration demonstrated it is utterly powerless, and in the most humiliating manner, transferred executive powers to Congress.…The American establishment completely outplayed Trump.”…Trump should’ve resigned.
That explains why the Cabal has fought Trump tooth and nail ever since 2016 – not.
An interesting article, maybe not fully on topic: