Technofascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users
John & Nisha Whitehead

“Internet platforms have a powerful incentive to please important federal officials, and the record in this case shows that high-ranking officials skillfully exploited Facebook’s vulnerability… Not surprisingly these efforts bore fruit. Facebook adopted new rules that better conformed to the officials’ wishes, and many users who expressed disapproved views about the pandemic or COVID–19 vaccines were ‘deplatformed’ or otherwise injured.”
Justice Samuel Alito, dissenting in Murthy v. Missouri
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has finally admitted what we knew all along: Facebook conspired with the government to censor individuals expressing “disapproved” views about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zuckerberg’s confession comes in the wake of a series of court rulings that turn a blind eye to the government’s technofascism.
In a 2-1 decision in Children’s Health Defense v. Meta, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit brought by Children’s Health Defense against Meta Platforms for restricting CHD’s posts, fundraising, and advertising on Facebook following communications between Meta and federal government officials.
In a unanimous decision in the combined cases of NetChoice v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice, the U.S. Supreme Court avoided ruling on whether the states could pass laws to prohibit censorship by Big Tech companies on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
And in a 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Missouri , the Supreme Court sidestepped a challenge to the federal government’s efforts to coerce social media companies into censoring users’ First Amendment expression.
Welcome to the age of technocensorship.
On paper—under the First Amendment, at least—we are technically free to speak.
In reality, however, we are now only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow.
Case in point: internal documents released by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government confirmed what we have long suspected: that the government has been working in tandem with social media companies to censor speech.
By “censor,” we’re referring to concerted efforts by the government to muzzle, silence and altogether eradicate any speech that runs afoul of the government’s own approved narrative.
This is political correctness taken to its most chilling and oppressive extreme.
The revelations that Facebook worked in concert with the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation, followed on the heels of a ruling by a federal court in Louisiana that prohibits executive branch officials from communicating with social media companies about controversial content in their online forums.
Likening the government’s heavy-handed attempts to pressure social media companies to suppress content critical of COVID vaccines or the election to “an almost dystopian scenario,” Judge Terry Doughty warned that “the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”
This is the very definition of technofascism.
Clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, technofascism is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem to achieve a common goal.
The government is not protecting us from “dangerous” disinformation campaigns. It is laying the groundwork to insulate us from “dangerous” ideas that might cause us to think for ourselves and, in so doing, challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.
Thus far, the tech giants have been able to sidestep the First Amendment by virtue of their non-governmental status, but it’s a dubious distinction at best when they are marching in lockstep with the government’s dictates.
As Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes write for The Wall Street Journal: “The First Amendment prohibits the government from ‘abridging the freedom of speech.’ Supreme Court doctrine makes clear that government can’t constitutionally evade the amendment by working through private companies.”
Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution.
The steady, pervasive censorship creep that is being inflicted on us by corporate tech giants with the blessing of the powers-that-be threatens to bring about a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.
Orwell intended 1984 as a warning. Instead, it is being used as a dystopian instruction manual for socially engineering a populace that is compliant, conformist and obedient to Big Brother.
In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.
Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will all be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.
This is how it starts.
First, the censors went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “hate speech.”
Then they went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “disinformation” about stolen elections, the Holocaust, and Hunter Biden.
By the time so-called extremists found themselves in the crosshairs for spouting so-called “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines, the censors had developed a system and strategy for silencing the nonconformists.
Eventually, depending on how the government and its corporate allies define what constitutes “extremism, “we the people” might all be considered guilty of some thought crime or other.
Whatever we tolerate now—whatever we turn a blind eye to—whatever we rationalize when it is inflicted on others, whether in the name of securing racial justice or defending democracy or combatting fascism, will eventually come back to imprison us, one and all.
Watch and learn.
We should all be alarmed when any individual or group—prominent or not—is censored, silenced and made to disappear from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for voicing ideas that are deemed politically incorrect, hateful, dangerous or conspiratorial.
Given what we know about the government’s tendency to define its own reality and attach its own labels to behavior and speech that challenges its authority, this should be cause for alarm across the entire political spectrum.
Here’s the point: you don’t have to like or agree with anyone who has been muzzled or made to disappear online because of their views, but to ignore the long-term ramifications of such censorship is dangerously naïve, because whatever powers you allow the government and its corporate operatives to claim now will eventually be used against you by tyrants of your own making.
As Glenn Greenwald writes for The Intercept:
The glaring fallacy that always lies at the heart of pro-censorship sentiments is the gullible, delusional belief that censorship powers will be deployed only to suppress views one dislikes, but never one’s own views… Facebook is not some benevolent, kind, compassionate parent or a subversive, radical actor who is going to police our discourse in order to protect the weak and marginalized or serve as a noble check on mischief by the powerful. They are almost always going to do exactly the opposite: protect the powerful from those who seek to undermine elite institutions and reject their orthodoxies. Tech giants, like all corporations, are required by law to have one overriding objective: maximizing shareholder value. They are always going to use their power to appease those they perceive wield the greatest political and economic power.
Be warned: it’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.
Eventually, as Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.
If the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s happening already.
With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for our supposed benefit in the Orwellian doublespeak of national security, tolerance and so-called “government speech.”
What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.
Seventy-plus years after Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depicted a fictional world in which books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted and controlled, we find ourselves navigating an eerily similar reality.
Originally published via The Rutherford Institute
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They can only take your dignity if you believe it’s theirs to take.
More evidence the neocon rich are in it together on culling the population.
An inverted satanic world.
Good is bad, right is wrong and the truth is suppressed.
Post a meme and you can end up in prison.
George Orwell was right about everything, only the date he got wrong…
Interestingly Orwell simply reversed the last two digits of the year in which he wrote the book which was 1948 to get a date in the future.
They are in the process of creating a hybrid golem of flesh, nuts and bolts.
Cooking dybbuks.
“When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
“This manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination. Mead et al importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases”
Great short article w links to the study. Just what’s needed for your still-deceived friends:
Great news; a victory for scientfic integrity over the evil restriction on scientific publication by capitalist forces such as Springer.
Excuse my nitpicking, but I wd say evil forces rather than capitalist forces; there is too much loose talk tending to blame capitalism for the acts of specific people. We need to remind people that the alternative to capitalism is communism.
I heartily endorse private ownership of property and of the means of production.
You may be interested to know that Peter McCullough, former vice-chief of internal medicine at Baylor Medical, is now recommending a moratorium on the entire childhood vaccine schedule, along with many other prominent doctors. He did so this week on the Alex Jones show. And McCullough is not anti-vax. He still believes in the usefulness of vaccines in some situations, and sells the smallpox vaccine as effective in this show. But the reason he gives for ending the vaccine schedule is that polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and these other diseases are no longer a danger now that the water supplies are clean. And of course the mRNA vaccines aren’t vaccines to start with. They were engineered to falsely address manufactured gain-of-function diseases like Covid. The current vaccine schedule is therefore nothing but a money maker for these disreputable and convicted pharmaceutical companies. It is doing no good and massive amounts of harm. Along with fluoride in the water and a thousand poisons in our food, this is what is causing the health collapse in the US.
Not just the current vaccine schedule but all vaccines ever nothing but a money maker. Why Peter McCullough thinks the smallpox vaccine is any good beats me. Still, it keeps some people thinking that doctors are generally useful I suppose.
You need to learn something about smallpox. Sometimes the truth is not as simple as one finds attractive.
Dear Penelope, you need present proper arguments and try doing some proper research like I did and then set up your own website. It is not hard.
However, just to make it quite clear vaccines are shit in, shit out. When smallpox innoculation started they used the pus from the pustules and put this back into people.
The body from whom the pus was taken was trying to rid itself of the toxins. It is pointless putting toxins back into oneself or anyone else. One will fall ill if anything at all.
When big pharma refined vaccines they used different forms of poison/toxic chemicals but still as pointless.
Unless you are big pharma and its cronies in which case you are laughing all the way to the bank.
You see the truth is very simple after all.
Over 225 years, the same story has been recurring:
– The death rate for the subject disease was falling before the offer of any new therapy, whether antibiotic or vaccine.
– A new vaccine contained various pollutants.
– It worsened other diseases that had not been serious.
– Doctors were reporting harm, but governments censored the reports – including those I raised.
– There are still no worthwhile vaccines.
-Dr. Susan Humphries (author of Dissolving Illusions),
interview on update to book, 2024
They will create the virus and the antidotes, then pretend to take their time to find the solution. -Muammar Gaddafi (Libya), speech at UN 2009
Thanks, Vestama. I wd add the cholesterol hoax to the list, and the feeding of grain to our food animals. Saturated fat is healthy; corn oil and other seed oils isn’t; further the formerly healthy fats of animals are changed to unhealthy due to all that grain.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-09-02. Lipid nanoparticles block ovaries, traverse placenta, accumulate in adrenals, spleen, lymphatic system, liver (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
tecnnofashism “spouting so-called “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines, the censors had developed a system and strategy for silencing the nonconformists.”
But it was me up first this morning, to go for a pee, and was wondering where is my cat??
The rest of our family safe in their beds –but where is my cat – still a kitten really..
She has taken it upon herself (how could cat do that?)
But she has..she sleeps in the day, but is alive at night…
If I wake up at night she always hears me…and comes to me – just to make sure I am still alive and well..I love her so much, and I know she is just a cat..
She couldn’t get back into our home
She followed my wife into our new porch just after the midnight..she didin’t know she was there and shut the door. She tried everything she could think of to bring us to the fact that she was locked in…and when the milkman turned up just before 6 am, she hid – her big chance to escape – under the shelf in our porch
It was me who opened the front door – so delighted to see my cat, cos I wanted a pint of milk – where have you been girl????
She was so pleased to see me too…
Now it was my turn to make my wife aware of our new porch..
You locked her in all last night..I know she didn’t mean to, and she is fine…
So I went back to sleep, and about 9:00 am my wife said wake up – get up..She woke our son up too and his kids….
I told him to get his shoes on. I thought he was up to it..You need Rubber Gloves too – there are some under the sink…
but he couldn’t do it, and I thought he was as tough as shit, whilst being as soft of me…So it was down to my wife and me..and we had to do it quickly – and the fox was only about 6 months old, and only had one fly on him, so avery recent death (nothing to do with our cat) and highly unlikely to have been hit by car – could see no sign of injury)
Our FOX is DEAD and currently Sealed in 2 Black Bin Bags, in the Bin at the Front of our home..
for the bin men to take away in the morning..
Our Cat is totally innocent. In fact cats and foxes tend to ignoe each other or show mutual respect. I don’t she nor our nearly 2 year old Grand daughterm, knows anything much about the death of our fox, though her older brother will probably tell her
Lol WTF dude
‘We make sacrifices to The Gods only if we feel guilty’ … (anon) …
(Imagine a monkey making sacrifices !) …
You’re born debt free ? NO ! You’re born with innate expectations,
but the Owners of Everything insist you owe them…
I don’t know much about Alex Jones or his legal battles but when I hear that they want to fine him literally A BILLION dollars for something he said to his audience, something not even involving any calls to take action against anyone afaik, and nobody has any problem with the idea that if you publish the wrong thing you deserve to be burdened with this kind of medieval penance, because after all, a “conspiracy theorist” is not entitled to any free-speech protection, wow it really makes my blood run cold
fined 1 billion LOL
It actually adds credence to the idea out there that Sandy Hook was a false flag that never really happened. Because a billion dollar fine would definitely stop a lot of people from looking further into the incident.
‘European “democracies” were devised to pay for Bigger War Loans.” … Michael Hudson.
If only the Middle East didnt have all that oil, and The Donbass region of The Ukraine
didnt have all the mineral wealth the Global Corporations are eager to own – two less
We find ourselves at a precipice being pushed into an abyss of a dystopian, anti-life, programmed, totalitarian society insidiously designed so we cheer and gladly embrace our peonage and enslavement. People intuitively know something is seriously wrong yet they pretend not to, they go along hoping the misanthropes spare them, allow them a modicum of materialism to keep them “comfortable” and keep their gizmos and gadgets the very tools the oligarchs use to enslave them.
I try to remain optimistic with regard to what you have said that “People intuitively know something is seriously wrong yet they pretend not to….”. However, I am still astounded at the number of people who are so deep inside The Matrix that nothing even during the last four years has shaken them from their slumber.
These people are truly NPCs and I use that term to mean that perhaps, they actually are some kind of window dressing within this realm to frustrate and sow despair within those of us who are conscious and alive. With these characters, I find it is best to avoid any conversation beyond frivolous, since it will drain my energy. They are beyond salvation.
There are those who are in denial too, but at least within them there maybe a spark of consciousness that may ignite at some point in the future. The questions are, if and when will it occur and what is the percentage that fit this profile?
Why is that most wise and enlightened people end up as loners. There is in this world only the choice between loneliness and vulgarity (Schopenhauer)
Well, again: The interlocking Octopuses of Tech ARE (tentacles of) The Government. What is this bullshit about some notion of a free-standing “government” imposing its will on Google, et al?
If the “representative government” really were THE GOVERNMENT, how came it to pass that, during Trump’s ride in the ceremonial chair, Trump was universally derided by Big Media, which being The Real Government’s Mouthpiece? If the “government” is really THE GOVERNMENT, who was suddenly in control while Trump was playing the rodeo clown? Never have I read/heard more negative editorializing against a “sitting American president” (usually a sanctified position in American culture, even when it was Dubya; only Nixon got it nearly as badly, from a PORTION of Big Media, but that was because he antagonized the CIA)… which proved, to me, that Big Media is actually more THE GOVERNMENT than “the president/ congress” are. Der Bumble Trump was supposedly Caligula, he was supposedly making Hitlerian moves… yet he was fucking banned from Twitter?
Logic plus Empirical Evidence will solve most “mysteries,” Comrades. If you are willing to allow them to be solved.
I’m not proposing that The Whiteheads are deliberately disseminating propaganda supporting the mainstream notion of Gubmint (which usually also sneaks in a reminder of the “importance” of “the vote”).. but they are propagating limited hangout boilerplate.
“As Glenn Greenwald writes for The Intercept…”
Yadda yadda.
Zuckerberg and Musk and The Google Boys (whoever they are these days) are well-paid figureheads fronting powerful, transnational, Governmental Bodies. Gates is probably an older-school hybrid: a genuine billioniaire and an unelected Government Official with actual power. Figures as powerful as Gates are usually wiser than to put their faces out there… but his Psychopathic Narcissism gets the better of him (which explains why he likes to make “miraculously accurate prophesies” regarding the genocidal schemes he co-authors. His Ego keeps tripping him up and he tips his hand too often: which is good for US). Daddy Bush was a ham, too. They are SUPPOSED to leave those duties to “charming” actors like the Reagan types or the Obama types.
(Speaking of Obama: when are TFIC going to unveil him, triumphantly, as LGBTQ? Wasn’t that the plan from the beginning? Isn’t the Culture Gay enough, yet? Or were those plans scuppered by the recent drowning death of his lover…?)
“Politicians” are old school figureheads being phased out (which explains the blatant absurdity of Biden, Trump, Harris: Duh Masses will be BEGGING for the Technofascist Wet Dream of Government by Algorithm before this particular musical has run its course).
Mere Presidents don’t tell the Technofascist Octopuses what to do. They are merely there to provide the faces to throw the rotten tomatoes at.
His ban on twitter was about as real as him being reinstated on twitter with the vote.
if you believed FBI busted Maralogo for nukes documentes or 10000000000000 court cases then the WWE hulk hogan, shooting.
it is about your focus is what they need for the belief in there system to exist.
“His ban on twitter was about as real as him being reinstated on twitter with the vote.”
My point being that IT’S ALL BULLSHIT
But if you like your bullshit, you can still keep your bullshit! Obama that.
In short, oligarchs rule the world, mafia-like.
There is one last hope for disseminating censored information – and therefore one final tool in the government’s totalitarian grab bag. The hope is of course word of mouth; the tool is listening to everything said by anyone anytime anywhere. And that’s okay with 99% of humanity: having a tiny gadget to entertain them that they can hold in their hand makes all the spying in the world worthwhile.
Granted these hellish devices – mis-named “phones” – can also reveal government atrocities, as they do in Gaza and elsewhere. But really, do we need a picture to pique our outrage? besides which, these pictures have no power to outrage those committing the atrocities. And so what? So what if all the world can see for themselves the horrors being inflicted – so what? Has it changed anything even one iota?
These monstrous devices are living proof that NO technology can be used for good in the long run.
So, if those companies weren’t being directly told to censor let’s say Pfizer and moderna pressure via stock price, it’s ok cause it’s not the government.
It’s not just the government.
2019 it’s ok cause the government covid recommendations.
2022 it is ok as we are the business and we have chosen to do this as it helps the environment and a new one is saftey for staff as it causes less problems due to crime reductions like less breakins due to not having cash on site. !!!
Shops now refuse to except cash, pre covid this was unheard of.
they done the switch a roo.
Could be a lot worse, we could be living in a backwards country where they have no clean water or healthcare and democratic process.
Seriously? In the UK we have water full of poisonous additives which tastes foul, a healthcare system that is on the brink of collapse that is a standing joke to anyone with a few brain cells and as much democratic process as the US uniparty offering IE an illusion.
Our country is worse than backwards, you just haven’t realised it yet.
My tuppence worth from all this valuable information from John W Whitehead is that it exposes the GOVERNMENT as being THE CRIMINAL ENTITY. No ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ the government is involved in criminal activity and should be made accountable for their criminality … just as every other citizen would be. To quote Nancy Pelosi, “Nobody is above the law”, period!
Anti-natalism is anti-capitalism!
It’s the second large article they’ve run on this in the last week so clearly something’s going on (the first was on how wonderful it is to be a “cat mum”). Whether it’s anything more than looking down a list of “extreme right-wing” arguments that appear to have established some credibility and trying to counter them remains to be seen.
They clearly don’t feel confident enough to come out and bluntly say that a collapsing birth rate is exactly what the plan is and has always been in the long-term.
Control 101:
The End.
etc. etc
Scott Ritter’s brilliant analysis of the military situation in genocidal Israel predicts victory for the Axis of Resistance, and a One State solution where the 3 Peoples of the Book will live together in peace. This optimistic video was scheduled to last 20 minutes but went black and silent at 16 minutes — just when Scott said, “All due to the Axis of Resistance”.
Do I detect Anglo Zionazi censorship?
It’s all about the representatives of massive corporations and industries walking into rooms with politicians, closing the door, and saying, “Make it illegal for people to doubt the safety of our product!”
Then the politicians come out of the room, step up to the microphone and start blathering on about truth, democracy and morality.
Spot on.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
…and here’s £50,000 to help you remember.
Indeed: X, out of China, now being kicked out of Brazil by its president (of the supreme court) and threatened by EU czars.
Jack Dorsey was a good ol’ boys member of the Swamp, Musk isn’t, so he must pay.
nerolink with DOD contracts coming out his ass and fake space travel stealing billions from taxpayers and his back story this it all started on in garage.
Musk is a paid member of the swamp cul and so many are worshipping devottee.
Yesteryears of alt right koolaid… sure has been drunk.
Have mercy on the whiteheads & co; they are spellbound by Swamp blackhats.
‘In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.
Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will all be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.’
Mr and Mrs Whitehead need to do a little study on how business cycles evolve. They will remember that when a new disruptive industry becomes mature, traditional channels start to re-emerge in more niche form.
This will teach them that we are not dependent on the internet for information, it was just convenient for around 15 years until the technofascists sought to control it.
‘Mainstream media’ rapidly loses its mainstream status if people simply ignore it. I never seek out news now from BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky, CNN, MSNBC or any other ‘western MSM channel’. I know they are propaganda vehicles, don’t trust them in any way whatsoever and therefore will not consider their choices of information sharing/propagandising as my priorities.
A whole bunch of us are building up digital networks of individual bloggers, vLoggers, Podcasters, Substack Authors etc etc where information sources are far more credible, far less Establishment oriented, far more likely to come from those with on-the-ground access, expertise and knowledge.
The MSM won’t be returning for us, we have given them more than enough chances and they are now firmly in the realms of ‘highly recommended that this multiply convicted criminal is never released from prison’.
I don’t miss a single thing from BBC News. Not one. They can’t even provide honest weather forecasts any more, so why I should trust them to report honestly from halfway round the world is beyond me.
I use msm to inform me how many planes crashed into houses or how many mass killings did we have today, trusting them for much beyond that is the waste of time.
Oh dear.
Newspapers now tend to have vague headlines on the cover (outside) in an effort to boost sales. As an alternative, you can watch TV news for the first few minutes, with the sound off and reading the moving comments below. This tells you what the PTB consider to be big news.
Gees, I wish I had the time to even do that.
Have weather forecasts ever been dependable or even moderately useful? Is there some reluctance in The Science to examine that, a straight-forward issue? Weather apps for the phone are no better when given your location.
Britain cannot make reliable weather forecasts because it is a small island offshore of a large continent in a cool part of the world and bathed by a warm gulf stream. Too many contradictions.
As V said, “Ideas are bullet-proof”. So, it should not be surprising that measures are being put in place to ‘moderate’ the spread of dangerous ideas.
There’s one thing that spreads faster than the mythical airborne virus, and that’s an idea – spread by word of mouth.
The thing is, I know what that idea is – the particular idea that the measures are required for.
It is effectively the ‘zombie virus’: As soon as the idea has been communicated to you, you become the walking/living dead, and the only thing you can think of doing is spreading it to others, and otherwise going insane or on a rampage.
At the moment, the ‘idea’ is non-infectious, but in a few years, that will change…
#Thats why theyve banned smoking in bars clubs.
And that’s why the majority of bars-clubs, eating establishments, and coffee shops are Corporate owed and full of surveillance cameras, complete with audio recording.
Bullshit. What you are spreading here is not an idea but ocultism disguised as a pseudo revelation. That is why we know you are a shil and a spreader of untruths. You dont even have it in you to clearly state your crazy idea that the earth is going through periodic massive cataclysms and one is soon upon us while the psychopaths in charge are only trying to protect humanity, by protecting themselves… You know you cant tell it like that and instead try to envelop it in a mist of allusions and myths? Because stated like I have done it above shows the craziness of it all.
Preserving the species (h sapiens) and mankind’s technological advancement, by ‘protecting the psychopaths in charge‘?
Think it through:
0) The ‘psychopaths in charge‘ protect themselves by hiding under the mountains.
1) The Earth undergoes cataclysm.
2) The only survivors are the ‘psychopaths in charge‘.
3) A couple of decades later, the ‘psychopaths in charge‘ (of sod all) have all died of old age.
4) ?
Research what a drawing board is, get one, and start using it.
Are you implying the “we’re all about to die…” meme is the zombie mind virus?
They spread that all the time using various myths: Contagion. Climate Crisis. Alien invasion. Comet collision. Nukes.
Ordo ab Chao = Chicken Little.
Meanwhile they’re poisoning the fish, the food chain, humans, the environment, irradiating everyone and spraying the skies nonstop.
The cryptocracy just don’t want the “useless eaters” using up resources and increasing the population size: See Page 7
“spread that all the time”
Half truths. Ideas can spread fast but even from small sources and counter to the mainstream narrative. Today’s woke zombies can be turned thus. Once they own nothing most won’t be happy, and they will let the haves know very clear and direct.
Anyway present swamp society is past its sell date and deserves to be recycled.
The Creator has some goodies in stock for his/our future, don’t despair, but needs a clean slate.