The New Normal Right
CJ Hopkins

OK, this will be one of my non-satirical essays … or mostly non-satirical essays.
It will serve as a companion piece to The New Normal Left, another non-satirical essay that I published in April 2023, which was basically just a reiteration of a speech I gave at a conference in London. It went over pretty well back then.
I republished most of it in my latest column, A Brief History of Global Capitalism. It didn’t go over quite as well this time. Political perspectives appear to have shifted significantly over the course of the last year and a half. Or maybe it was just the word “capitalism” in the title, which, for some reason, annoyed a lot of people.
This essay will also annoy some people. However, that is not my intention, so, if you’re one of those readers who get agitated if you see the word “capitalism” in anything other than an enthusiastically pro-capitalism context, you might want to give this essay a miss.
Also, if you’re one of my regular readers, apologies for the repetition of points that you’ve heard me make many times. Not everyone has read my previous essays, so I need to do that for the sake of clarity, which is what I hope to provide in this essay, rather than, you know, just making people laugh.
Ready? OK, here we go.
The first thing I should probably clarify is what I mean by the term “New Normal.” Naturally, people associate it with Covid. It doesn’t have anything to do with Covid. Yes, the “New Normal” was ushered into being by the “state of emergency” that was imposed on the world from 2020 to 2023, but it didn’t end in 2023, and it never had anything to do with a virus.
You do not transform entire societies into pathologized-totalitarian police states and force people to submit to experimental “vaccinations” because of an airborne respiratory virus that poses no threat to the vast majority of humanity.
The “New Normal” was never about a virus. The term — which I did not make up; it was deployed by the authorities and the corporate and state media — means exactly what it sounds like it means. The “New Normal” is our new official “reality,” just as “The War on Terror” was our official “reality” from September 2001 to 2016.
The “New Normal” is actually an evolution of “The War on Populism” that began in 2016, after Brexit and the rise of European populism, and Donald Trump in the USA. I’ve published whole books of essays on this subject, so I’m not going to reiterate all that here. Essentially, what happened in 2016 was, the global-capitalist system that we all live under switched “realities” like The Party switched official enemies in Orwell’s 1984. It happened over the course of a few weeks.
Most people have probably forgotten by now, but, back in August 2016, we were still very much living in “The War on Terror.” By October, “The War on Terror” was over, and “The War on Populism” was on. “The War on Populism” was our official “reality” from then until the Spring of 2020, when it morphed into the “New Normal” with the roll-out of “the pandemic.”
And now…well, here we are.
OK, let me try to clarify another point. When I say the “New Normal” is our official “reality,” I mean “reality,” not ideology. Ideologies are a dime a dozen. They exist in relation to other ideologies. “Reality” doesn’t. There is only one “reality.” If there is more than one “reality,” they’re just ideologies. “Reality” is singular. It is axiomatic. “Reality” isn’t up for debate. If you debate “reality,” you are a “crazy person.” That’s the whole point of having a “reality.”
I realize this is a difficult concept. If you are having trouble with it, perhaps think of official “reality” as a supra-ideological ideology. I’ve often called it a “post-ideology.” It’s what an ideology becomes when there are no longer any other ideologies to put it in context (i.e., as an ideology). So, it disappears as ideology, and becomes “reality,” and becomes unassailable … or, in other words, “just the way it is.”
Which, of course, is the ultimate goal of every totalitarian movement and system, i.e., to overcode every element of society with its official “reality,” eliminating any and all forms of dissent, which, at that point, no longer has to be suppressed, because it has become inconceivable, literally inconceivable, as in the mind can no longer formulate such thoughts (no more than fish could think critically about water, i.e., if fish could think like that).
In any event, the “New Normal” is our new official “reality.” We are only in the early stages of it, but some of its features are unmistakably clear — the criminalization of dissent, corporate and state censorship, the devalorization of democratic rights and principles, the “pathologization” of political opposition, etc.I have described it as a new, nascent form of totalitarianism. A global-capitalist form of totalitarianism. I’m sorry if that agitates my “pro-capitalism” readers — as I mentioned, that is honestly not my intent — but global capitalism is the system that we all live in. We need to be able to call it what it is, and try to understand how it is rapidly evolving.
It is evolving in an increasingly totalitarian fashion, which, given the circumstances, is not at all surprising. As I put it in those earlier essays…
It’s one big global-capitalist world now. It has been since the early 1990s. GloboCap has no external adversaries, so it has nothing to do but ‘clear and hold,’ i.e., wipe out pockets of internal resistance and implement ideological uniformity. Which is what it has been doing for the last 30 years, first, in the former Soviet bloc, then, in ‘The Global War on Terror,’ and finally, in our so-called ‘Western democracies,’ as we have just experienced up close and personal during the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal, and are continuing to experience, albeit less dramatically. In other words, GloboCap is going totalitarian. That is what the ‘New Normal’ is.”
If any of my staunchly “pro-capitalism” readers are still with me at this point, please, try to relax. I don’t want to confiscate your private property, or raise the capital gains tax on billionaires, or any of that other “commie” stuff. I am neither “pro-capitalism” nor “anti-capitalism.” I’m just trying to explain where we are.
Where we are is in the inceptive stages of the evolution of the first globally hegemonic power system in human history. Communism is dead. Nazism is dead. Every would-be ideological opponent to the hegemony of global capitalism is dead. There are only two major forces in play: (1) global capitalism, which is carrying out that above-mentioned global “Clear-and-Hold” op , and; (2) the reactionary resistance to it.
The character of that reactionary resistance is decentralized and heterogeneous, as is the character of the global-capitalist system. Neither force is a monolithic entity. The basic differences are: (1) global capitalism, despite its heterogeneous elements and the perpetual intramural competition among them, comprises a single ideological system, whereas the reactionary resistance to it does not, and; (2) the global-capitalism system is the occupying force, so it controls the territory — i.e., the entire planet — whereas the reactionary resistance is an insurgency, or, rather, a diverse array of insurgencies, many of which do not entirely understand what they are actually “insurging” against.
Which brings us to the New Normal Right.
I have described the resistance to the hegemony of global capitalism as “reactionary,” but I do not mean that in a pejorative sense. Most of this reactionary resistance is an attempt to defend traditional values from the value-decoding machine of capitalism.
If I can quote from The New Normal Left again…
“Capitalism is a values-decoding machine. It decodes society of despotic values (i.e., religious values, racist values, socialist values, traditional values, any and all values that interfere with the unimpeded flows of capital. Capitalism does not distinguish). This is how capitalism (or democracy if you’re squeamish) freed us from a despotic ‘reality’ in which values emanated from the aristocracies, kings, priests, the Church, etc. Basically, it transferred the emanation and enforcement of values from despotic structures to the marketplace, where everything is essentially a commodity.”
As the events of the last eight years have demonstrated, there are still a lot of people who have no interest in living in a global marketplace where there are no values, and anything means anything, and everything and everyone is essentially a commodity.
This is what the “culture war” in the West is all about. People are not quite ready to surrender their religious values, their cultural values, their national sovereignty, and other such concepts, and embrace a borderless, monomulticultural, supranationally- governed post-social society that is basically just an endless combination mega-mall and GloboCap theme park.
The thing is, the majority of the resistance in the West is staunchly “pro-capitalist,” or at least staunchly “anti-communist,” and thus is unable to face the fact that it is global capitalism and its values-decoding machine that they are actually resisting. Hence the desperate coining of alternative names to designate the adversary, “cultural Marxism,” “communism,” “wokeism,” “crony capitalism” … the list goes on and on.
The same goes for the non-Western resistance. Most militant Islamic fundamentalists believe they are waging jihad against “the infidels,” or “the Zionists,” or against “The Great Satan, America.” Populists in Eastern Europe believe they’re resisting the USA, or NATO, which they are, but that’s just intramural competition. What they are really up against is the values-decoding machine of global capitalism, which is desperate to get its hooks back into Russia, de-Putinize and re-privatize the hell out of everything, and get those flows of global capital reflowing.
Anyway, that’s the playing field, currently. You got GloboCap conducting its Clear-and-Hold op, neutralizing internal resistance to its global-capitalist Gleichschaltung campaign and implementing (post)ideological uniformity, and you got the internal, reactionary resistance to GloboCap.
So, that works out pretty well for GloboCap. You can’t carry out a Clear-and-Hold op if there’s no reactionary resistance to “clear.”
The catch is, most of the reactionary resistance is not quite scary and militant enough. I’m going to out on a limb here and state that most conservatives are not longstanding members of democracy-hating neo-Nazi militias. They’re just regular folks who want to be left alone to live their lives as they please, and to raise their families according to their values, just like most liberals — and, yes, even leftists — are not fanatical, mask-wearing, censorship-happy, shrieking, totalitarian freaks, but just regular people, with good intentions.
But that doesn’t work for GloboCap. Garden-variety, non-fanatical folks, regardless of their political persuasions, are as useless to the GloboCap Clear-and-Hold op as a one-legged monkey in an ass-kicking contest.
And so that’s where the New Normal Right comes in.
If the New Normal Right did not already exist, GloboCap would be forced to invent it. It needs a convincing boogeyman — or, actually, a diverse collection of boogeymen — to serve as an excuse for its evolution into a pathologized-totalitarian system.
Fortunately, for GloboCap, the New Normal Right does exist, and is becoming uglier and thus more useful by the day. Just like the New Normal Left are playing their part — i.e., as the New Normal’s brownshirts — the New Normal Right are stepping right into their roles like seasoned Hollywood actors.
Their role in this drama is “the far-right extremists.” The “bigots.” The “anti-Semites.” The “Holocaust deniers.” The “neo-Nazis.” The “neo-nationalist insurrectionists.”
In other words, they are playing the part of “Hitler.”
Naturally, GloboCap is playing “America” (i.e., the “good guys” who defeated Hitler), so it needs a “Hitler” to be at war with. It needs a “Hitler” to justify doing away with what is left of our democratic rights, transferring political power from nation-states to supranational global corporations and non-governmental governing organizations, censoring and visibility-filtering dissent, and otherwise continuing to metamorphose into its new totalitarian form. The terrorists are still playing “Hitler” abroad. It needs the New Normal Right to play “Hitler” at home.
Which the New Normal Right is increasingly doing. Emboldened in large part by Elon Musk and other prominent “influencers,” they’re letting it rip with the blatant bigotry, and anti-Semitism, and neo-nationalism, and strutting around like racist bull roosters. Holocaust denial is trending. Rumors of cat-eating Haitians are circulating. Elon, who has been consecrated “Free Speech Incarnate,” is martyring Himself in Brazil and the UK. His disciples are flying around the planet, preaching The Gospel of Elon in their “Free-speech X” T-shirts, and passing out Bolsonaro stickers.

And the Musk Cult is on its way to Washington to rescue the Republic from tyranny!

Yes, the New Normal Right is salty! They are ready for action! The Rebellion is on! Unfortunately, they have no idea what it is that they are actually rebelling against. Intoxicated by a sense of impending victory over the “libtard commies” and their “woke mind virus,” they are playing right into GloboCap’s hands…

…or being led down to the Weser River, depending on how paranoid you want to get.
If I were the showrunner at GloboCap Pictures, I couldn’t have scripted the set-up any better. All we need now is an inciting incident, you know, like terrorists attacking the World Trade Center, Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas attacking Israel, or neo-Nazis storming the Reichstag, or the Trumpians storming the US Capitol, or British racists running amok, or … well, I think you get the general idea.
Something that will enable GlobCap (also known as “The New Normal Reich”) to declare another “global state of emergency,” resuspend constitutional rights, turn loose the goon squads and the New Normal Left again, and maybe even shut down the Internet to protect the public from malinformation, or extremism, or terrorism, or Hitler, or whatever!
Who knows? Maybe they’ll even throw in another apocalyptic virus!
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According to Klarenberg, this is just “deranged conspiracy theory”!
New Report on Replacement Migration Issued by UN Population Division
17 March 2000
Press Release
NEW YORK, 17 March (DESA) — The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has released a new report titled Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to prevent population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
United Nations projections indicate that between 1995 and 2050, the population of Japan and virtually all countries of Europe will most likely decline. In a number of cases, including Estonia, Bulgaria and Italy, countries would lose between one quarter and one third of their population. Population ageing will be pervasive, bringing the median age of population to historically unprecedented high levels. For instance, in Italy, the median age will rise from 41 years in 2000 to 53 years in 2050. The potential support ratio — i.e., the number of persons of working age (15-64 years) per older person — will often be halved, from 4 or 5 to 2.
Focusing on these two striking and critical trends, the report examines in detail the case of eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). In each case, alternative scenarios for the period 1995-2050 are considered, highlighting the impact that various levels of immigration would have on population size and population ageing.
Major findings of this report include:
— In the next 50 years, the populations of most developed countries are projected to become smaller and older as a result of low fertility and increased longevity. In contrast, the population of the United States is projected to increase by almost a quarter. Among the countries studied in the report, Italy is projected to register the largest population decline in relative terms, losing 28 per cent of its population between 1995 and 2050, according to the United Nations medium variant projections. The population of the European Union, which in 1995 was larger than that of the United States by 105 million, in 2050, will become smaller by 18 million.
— Population decline is inevitable in the absence of replacement migration. Fertility may rebound in the coming decades, but few believe that it will recover sufficiently in most countries to reach replacement level in the foreseeable future.
— Some immigration is needed to prevent population decline in all countries and regions examined in the report. However, the level of immigration in relation to past experience varies greatly. For the European Union, a continuation of the immigration levels observed in the 1990s would roughly suffice to prevent total population from declining, while for Europe as a whole, immigration would need to double. The Republic of Korea would need a relatively modest net inflow of migrants — a major change, however, for a country which has been a net sender until now. Italy and Japan would need to register notable increases in net immigration. In contrast, France, the United Kingdom and the United States would be able to maintain their total population with fewer immigrants than observed in recent years.
— The numbers of immigrants needed to prevent the decline of the total population are considerably larger than those envisioned by the United Nations projections. The only exception is the United States.
— The numbers of immigrants needed to prevent declines in the working- age population are larger than those needed to prevent declines in total population. In some cases, such as the Republic of Korea, France, the United Kingdom or the United States, they are several times larger. If such flows were to occur, post-1995 immigrants and their descendants would represent a strikingly large share of the total population in 2050 — between 30 and 39 per cent in the case of Japan, Germany and Italy.
— Relative to their population size, Italy and Germany would need the largest number of migrants to maintain the size of their working-age populations. Italy would require 6,500 migrants per million inhabitants annually and Germany, 6,000. The United States would require the smallest number — 1,300 migrants per million inhabitants per year.
— The levels of migration needed to prevent population ageing are many times larger than the migration streams needed to prevent population decline. Maintaining potential support ratios would in all cases entail volumes of immigration entirely out of line with both past experience and reasonable expectations.
— In the absence of immigration, the potential support ratios could be maintained at current levels by increasing the upper limit of the working-age population to roughly 75 years of age.
— The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require a comprehensive reassessment of many established policies and programmes, with a long-term perspective. Critical issues that need to be addressed include: (a) the appropriate ages for retirement; (b) the levels, types and nature of retirement and health care benefits for the elderly; (c) labour force participation; (d) the assessed amounts of contributions from workers and employers to support retirement and health care benefits for the elderly population; and (e) policies and programmes relating to international migration, in particular, replacement migration and the integration of large numbers of recent migrants and their descendants.
The report may be accessed on the internet site of the Population Division
[bad link]
Here instead:
Wow. Generalize about generalizations much? If this author was not under the influence of at least one type of psychoactive molecule when this was written, maybe he should have been. I’ve never waded through such a painfully incoherent explanation of “I’ve figured out how the world works” and came out on the other side feeling so empty handed. By the way, thanks for referring to your previous masterpiece, and so humbly quoting yourself. That was a nice touch.
Which is why the “reactionary resistance” fails every time.
It is metaphysics that informs ideology and belief, and the anti-human metaphysics of abrahamic religion informed the succession of Empires starting with Rome, which led us to global capitalism and trans-humanism.
The denial of the divinity and intelligence of nature, the body and the feminine is at the root of this as it leads to dehumanisation, which produces compliant slaves. The entire transhumanism project from Melchizedek and the patriarchs of monotheism onwards is about creating a master race and a slave race.
Uh … Abraham was a Roman? Why was I not informed about this at Sunday school? 😅
Former Cop on Starmer’s Orwellian Nightmare. What To Do if Police Tell You to Check Your Thinking?
The New Culture Forum
Premiered Sep 12, 2024
On today’s #NCFDeprogrammed, hosts Harrison Pitt and Connor Tomlinson are joined by former policeman and free speech campaigner Harry Miller of We Are Fair Cop, a group of gender critical lawyers, police officers, writers & professionals dedicated to upholding Articles 8-11 ECHR & removing politics from policing.
They discuss the Orwellian nightmare of Starmer’s Britain and why things are far worse than most people appreciate. What should you do if the police visit you and tell you to check your thinking?
Harry Miller, a former police officer from Humberside, was investigated by police over a poem that he posted on Twitter.
A “cohesion officer” from Humberside Police telephoned Harry and told him that, while his tweets had not broken any laws, he should not to engage in political debate on Twitter “because some people don’t like it”. The officer cited 30 ‘potentially offensive tweets’, but the police have so far refused to identify the tweets they deem to be offensive.
Although no crime was committed, sharing the poem online was recorded as a hate incident.
Its sad to see when Police just give you a good advise on how to get around, you exploit this hand to give them a knife in the back.
“Some people dont like political noise on social media, for your own comfort you should leave it”, and thats it.
Political noise on any media dont move a shit. So why do it when you can make a better day for everybody by communicating with your neighbour.
The proponents of capitalism need never fret over their cherished system or worry for its safety – capitalism is as safe as safe can be. Why? Because there’s safety in numbers.
There never was nor will there ever be a system which engages so many human frailties as capitalism does – and that’s its guarantee of eternal existence. As long as humans exist, so will capitalism. How do I know this? Because I’m a cynic; and as such I understand human nature.
I know there are some – perhaps even in this very forum – who insist what we have is communism. Why just the other day Herr Trump called Little Bo Peep Harris “comrade Harris.” Such childish (i.e., totally inaccurate) name calling. I suppose next he’ll say his daddy can beat her daddy.
Here’s the bottom line: everyone – everyone – on the receiving end of capitalism gets some trickle down crumbs (needless to day, those on the giving end get nothing). Does anyone actually think a system that hands out electric toasters and the crumbs from gourmet dinners has ever or will ever be chucked by humanity? Reality might decide to scrap it – but, as Mr. Hopkins shows us, reality has become but another plaything of the system (or not).
On an increasingly polluted planet with rapidly diminishing resources, including good soil and water, the ruling psychos must fear for their heirs.
Their lineage of blood soaked avarice will not be compromised.
It’s the people who are polluting the good soil, water and food. It’s called despotic tyrannical idiots in charge
Capitalism worships (= serves) Mammon, and it’s all about Mammon worship (idolatry).
It is a deadly sin, so no wonder this world is like hell on earth.
Well, let me tell you Socialism is even worse to make mammon an idol.
“Workers i all countries unite, march!”. Coming to a State near you…………..LOL.
Sadly, both communism and capitalism (and fascism, and monarchism, etc.) are controlled by the Zionist/Globalist elites in the City of London. You can be sure that any ‘ism’ they throw at us is not for our benefit.
The old-normal fringes (both left and right) would be discussing the Kitsonian, pseudo-operations playbook and raising warnings as to what’s going to happen when the charade of civilised society is no longer necessary.
The UK’s General Frank Kitson reportedly developed the idea of the ‘pseudo gang’ (General Frank Kitson: Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism).
Link redirects to:
How Britain Invented Modern Torture
Kit Klarenberg
Jan 21, 2024
On January 2nd, Frank Kitson, a lifelong British Army officer, writer and military theorist died peacefully in his sleep, at the grand age of 97. It was an undeservedly dignified exit for an individual who directly and indirectly inflicted misery upon untold people, for much of his lifetime. Many will undoubtedly continue to suffer adverse consequences as a result of his teachings for decades to come.
Kitson was a pioneer in the field of counterinsurgency, defined as “the totality of actions aimed at defeating irregular forces.” His assorted views on the topic were informed by Britain’s experience of brutal, asymmetric wars against nationalist rebellions and attempted revolutions throughout the Global South, as its Empire rapidly disintegrated following World War II. In several cases, he was on the literal frontline of these bloody disputes.
Kitson wrote a series of books about counterinsurgency, which were hugely influential internationally. Most notoriously, his proposed strategies for “defeating irregular forces” were deployed throughout “the Troubles” – London’s secret dirty war against the Catholic population of Northern Ireland, and the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Ever since, these methods have been deployed over and again to devastating effect in theatres of war domestic and foreign, by multiple governments.
Even sympathetic mainstream obituaries of Kitson were forced to acknowledge this highly controversial legacy. The Times of London noted how in his final years, “he was still dogged by litigation” from his time leading Britain’s war on Catholics throughout the Troubles. “Threats to his personal security and that of his family continued to the end” as a result of his posting, the newspaper recorded.
General Sir Frank Edward Kitson, GBE, KCB, MC & Bar, DL (15 December 1926 – 2 January 2024) was a British Army officer and writer on military subjects, notably low intensity operations. He rose to be Commander-in-Chief UK Land Forces from 1982 to 1985 and was Aide-de-Camp General to Queen Elizabeth II from 1983 to 1985.
This is the full paragraph from Low Intensity Operations – Subversion, Insurgency, Peace-Keeping by Frank Kitson (p.68; added paragraphing; download available via Wikipedia or at Archive). It seems that two-tier Keir has chosen option one.
Having got the machinery established, the next task for the military leadership is to present to the supreme council a number of issues of a joint military civilian nature on which firm policy rulings should be taken before operations against those practising subversion can start.
An excellent example concerns the way in which the Law should work. Broadly speaking there are two possible alternatives, the first one being that the Law should be used as just another weapon in the government’s arsenal, and in this case it becomes little more than a propaganda cover for the disposal of unwanted members of the public. For this to happen efficiently, the activities of the legal services have to be tied into the war effort in as discreet a way as possible which, in effect, means that the member of the government responsible for law, either sits on the supreme council or takes his orders from the head of the administration.
The other alternative is that the Law should remain impartial and administer the laws of the country without any direction from the government. Naturally the government can introduce new legislation to deal with the subversion which can be very tough if necessary, and once this becomes law the legal services will administer justice based on it. But the resulting situation is very different from that described in the first alternative because in the second case the officers of the law will recognize no difference between the forces of the government, the enemy, or the uncommitted part of the population. Anyone violating the law will be treated in the same way, and the full legal procedure, complete with its safeguards for the individual, will operate on behalf of friend and foe alike.
As a rule the second alternative is not only morally right but also expedient [1] because it is more compatible with the government’s aim of maintaining the allegiance of the population. But operating in this way can result in delays which might be impossible to accept if, for example, it looked as if subversion was going to be used in conjunction with an orthodox invasion or with the threat of one. The system might also prove unworkable if it were found to be politically impossible to get sufficiently severe emergency regulations on to the statute book.
The point of raising this matter here is not to discuss it for its own sake, which out of the context of a particular situation would be pointless, but to describe the sort of issue which ought to be put to the supreme political body by the military authorities after consultation with the other government departments concerned together with all the operational implications both civil and military before the start of operations. Unless this is done, policy on matters important to the outcome of the struggle will just grow up as opposed to being decided on consciously in the light of all the relevant factors.
[1] Robert Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency, p.63.
As an indication of the retardedness of the new-normal fringes, the above link (i.e. Kit Klarenberg) is the only reference to Frank Kitson I’ve found at Substack:
In his commentary on the so-called “race riots”, Klarenberg promotes the notion of various Zionist conspiracies but dismisses that of the Globalist “Great Replacement”. Moreover, he supports the two-tier, authoritarian policing policy (i.e. option one) – but without ever referencing the Kitsonian playbook!
Global Delinquents
The role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions.
By Kit Klarenberg
Over 10,000 subscribers
Zionist Forces Behind British Race Riots
Kit Klarenberg
Aug 11, 2024
It must not be forgotten either that the deranged “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory was a core precept of the EDL during its five-year-long lifespan, and remains promulgated by Robinson and Britain’s fascist rioters in the present day. This narrative posits globalist elites are covertly engaged in a dastardly connivance to flood the West with Muslims to destroy European culture and create “Eurabia”, an Islamised mega-continent and caliphate. The originator of this profoundly racist, fantasy drivel was “Bat Ye’or” – nom de plume of former Mossad operative Gisèle Littman.
We can only hope the harsh sentences applied to rioters, widespread civil society condemnation of the hatred prosletyised by Robinson et al, and determined activism of antifascist counter-protesters, is sufficient to suppress further flareups of Islamophobic violence in Britain.
Whilst ‘money’ (per se) is devoid of any inherent ideology (being a mere human construct), a typical human’s attitude to it isn’t (cf avarice, charity, greed, altruism…)
Maybe that’s how the concept of ‘money’ differs from ‘Globocap’, which carries with it notions of Globalization (aka the whole world) and capitalism (aka interest on loans)
The former being ok and the latter irredeemably compromised ad infinitum?
We don’t have “capitalism” anywhere. We don’t have “communism” anywhere. Yet everywhere we have slavery.
If a corporation (govt) is taking a percentage of your labor and income, and charging you taxes purely for owning or inheriting property or assets that’s SLAVERY. It’s also criminal theft and criminal fraud.
The corporations fronting as governments, courts, police, tax orgs, central banks etc., are all privately owned. They aren’t public.
Going back to X where I can continue liking Musk’s posts while watching videos of Haitians grilling cats. Geeze! The plan was to finish reading this essay and post a link on X while sending links to some friends and family. Changed my mind after finishing. Never expected that I would come away feeling this way. But you are used to it.
Everyone is waiting for ‘the event ‘ the next thing which launches the final assault and begins the final transformation ritual. Nobody knows what it will be (digital COVID, another in screen fake war, financial megaquake etc.)
Everyone knows it is coming, and everyone knows it will be fake and everyone knows they will have to live as though it were not.
The world is owned and controlled by:-
1. The Rothschilds
2. The Rockefellers
3. Both of the above
If you answered “3” give yourself an A for awareness:).
nah you get a d
they are pr
What they, or whoever, own is the deranged belief that they own the world.
Kabbalists and Masons — that sounds about right to me.
“The culture of the United States was permanently poisoned in by the ashes left from the twin towers. Our best universities are but brand names today used to cover up criminality. Our justice department has become a weapon for rent to the highest bidder, and our military is a tool for money laundering and a weapon for mercenary actions to pursue profits for multinational banks.”
He can’t be president of course, but all his convictions are correct–well, except global warming.
The real issue is not the values people hold, it’s rather the mechanisms to contest those values.
For the global super-rich, the legal system is marvellous. They don’t get murdered, they can pay lawyers more than their opponents can and they can get things stalled in law courts for 20 years whilst they continue on their merry way. They buy the politicians, they buy the Attorneys General and they rig the stock markets.
Sooner or later, someone is going to decide to ignore the rules and just say: ‘these uber rich folk aren’t a greater number compared to us. Let’s forget their money, wipe their bloodlines out and sterilise them in public. See how much good all their money will do them then!’
If the world has no social ties, then these uberbillionaires won’t care a jot if their children and grandchildren get bumped off. They don’t make their money from their children, in fact their children are often ‘useless eaters’ who wouldn’t get too far without daddy’s ueber rich patronage.
I’ve tested this hypothesis through the internet and discovered that Billy Gates was absolutely outraged at the thought of himself being castrated and his bloodline being wiped out. And I didn’t even suggest that he be required to change his name to ‘Ball-less prick’!!!!
Seems that the billionaires DO believe in social systems, especially ones related to bloodline.
Odd that….
If they can’t respect what’s important to us, why on earth should we respect what is important to them, eh????
@Seems that the billionaires DO believe in social systems, especially ones related to bloodline.
Its either that or its to create its own special crime based entirely on the identity of the victim.
I think perhaps their regard for their bloodline is simply a carry over from the days when all empires were hereditary monarchies. The psychopaths sitting for the moment on the throne seemed to have relished having their bloodline fight and kill one another for the chance to be next to plop down on the throne. “May the best psycho win!”
RE: The real issue is not the values people hold, it’s rather the mechanisms to contest those values.
The ruling class is conscious of itself, it plans, it strategizes, it takes action to expand its class power and wealth. The problem is, we (the many) are not a class conscious of itself, not do we do anything to defend – let alone expand – our class power and wealth. I would say it has nothing to do with “values”, that’s just liberal claptrap. It has to do with economic power.
The first step is to be conscious of ourselves as a class (working class), next is class solidarity (which the ruling class does everything in its power to prevent (via divide and rule tactics)) and lastly we take action as class.
The problem is that the vast majority of our class thinks and operates as a retarded mob. Hence, their compliance at getting the jab and their failure to rise up and slaughter the bastards. And there’s no indication of that situation changing.
When Satan Klaus and othe senior middle managers spoke of the “New Normal”, which was then parroted by assorted puppet politicos, I believe it meant something different to CJ’s interpretation of it as a war on populism, although that may have been a part of it.
We were being informed that the freedoms of the past were no longer to be taken for granted. Even though we were never as free as we liked to think, the new normal of pandemics, extreme climate (weather), threats of WWIII and such like, would require the use (read abuse) of widespread emergency powers.
‘Emergencies’, that in order for us to “stay safe” and for the “greater good”, we will be expected to sacrifice the remaining freedoms that we have.
Whether these ’emergencies’ are organic, manufactured or outright illusionary, it does not matter. Restricted movement and travel, reduced or no bodily autonomy, vaccine passports, rationing of water, fuel, food and anything else can be used and sold to the people as being necessary, in order to save the planet or to save humanity. The use of new technology to monitor every human to ensure that they are following the rules and are obedient, along with old school techniques such as snitches doing their ‘civic duty’ will be used to keep the human livestock in check.
The use of the mantra the “New Normal” was them telling us what to expect and that if we ,’go along to get along’, then that is deemed to be consent. Our consent is required for everything that they do, not matter how coercive.
The restriction or removal of individual choice is being enacted – the choice to do what you want, when you want, where you want, how you want and with whom you want. A collectivist top down decree of policies undertaken by an army of witting enablers and useful idiots. That is the “New Normal”
CJ you make a lotta sense mostly and are one of the few people seeing through the BS about BRICS being “anti-globalist”- so what the heck is this?
Putin has been pursuing neo-liberal economics identical to the West since coming to office in 2000. He is now, since the 2020 “covid coup” pursuing globalist policies identical to the West.
Globocap doesn’t need to “get its hooks back into Russia”, because its hooks have been there the whole time.
“ Globocap doesn’t need to …”
Er no !
“ Globalcap doesn’t need to “ get it’s hooks back into “ because its hooks have been there the whole time. “
As usual no concrete evidence to support this theory just more empty rhetoric, but here is evidence which disputes this fantasy!
“ Moreover, at the time of his arrest Khodorkovsky was in the process of negotiating via his Carlyle friend George H.W. Bush, father of the then-President George W. Bush, the sale of 40% of Yukos to either Condi Rice’s former company, Chevron or ExxonMobil in a move that would have dealt a crippling blow to the one asset left Russia and Putin to use for the rebuilding of the wrecked Russian economy: oil and export via state-owned pipelines to the West for dollars. During the ensuing Russian state prosecution of Yukos, it came to light that Khodorkovsky had also secretly made a contract with London’s Lord Rothschild not merely to support Russian culture via the Open Russia Foundation of Khodorkovsky. In the event of his possible arrest (Khodorkovsky evidently knew he was playing a high-risk game trying to create a coup against Putin) the 40% share of his Yukos stocks would pass into the hands of Lord Rothschild.
The crocodile tears of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the violations of Khodorkovsky’s human rights hide a far deeper agenda that is not being admitted. Washington used the Russian to try to reach its goal of totally destroying the only power left on the earth with sufficient military strike power to challenge the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance strategy—control of the entire planet. When seen in that light the sweet loaded words “human rights” take on a quite different meaning. “
Exactly. “Human Rights” is just another cash cow. Boundless hypocrisy from the West.
Geopolitics still exist.
Not according to the world of the Russian bashers !
Geopolitics is as fake as Trump’s ear wound.
Capitalism and communism were never at odds, or an oppositional dichotomy. Just another Hegelian Dialectic. They’re two sides of the same coin. Red vs Blue.
A faux “economic” binary, fabricated to split the world into two factions, all owned by the same cartel.
The wars too, are all fabricated, orchestrated. 100% Unnecessary. They prop up the faux country illusion, to racketeer. Seize land. Create penniless refugees.
Governments are all incorporated rule through fraud and all have the same private owners – the Crown Temple, Holy See.
All roads lead to Rome.
Moscow is the Third Rome.
“..all owned by the same cartel.”
Wrong !
“Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state. “
Meaning – what? That we should take them at face value as presented in the controlled media?
Sure, geopolitics exists, just like party politics exists. Doesn’t mean they represent any type of genuine opposition.
Facts are facts. Both sides in party politics are selling the same shit in different packages. Ditto in geopolitics.
Stop reading the advertizing blurb and check out the ingredients on the back of the box. Do you want your Great Reset with a Russian spin or a western one? It’s Pepsi and Coke. Is that choice?
Rhetoric is no substitute for evidence!
The New Normal:
Another Aurora Borealis? The US Star Wars (Nikola Tesla) ionosphere weather manipulation is underway. Climate change is the veil.
Psychopaths are manipulating this world as we gaze in awe.
Global Capitalism sounds like an oxymoron to me. Global or rather totalitarian perhaps. In this form of capitalism there are no free markets. Competition is encouraged much like a dangling carrot for certain participants within the system. Global Capitalism would appear to function on total cooperation of the controlling parties to dominate and decimate any outside competition by using its administrative technocracy to regulate and control all potentiality by whatever means is most effective. As I said already there is no free market just a centrally controlled system of all things where human beings are its biggest resource and chattel.
For more on this please see:
Also “New Normal” there is nothing “new” or “normal” when it comes to despotism…;)
It’s not an oxymoron, many people conflate capitalism with “trade” and belive in this cartoon version of laissez-faire capitalism put out there to further bolster the “left/right” shindig.
People think it’s “Marxism vs Capitalism” when both are cartoonish constructs of the REAL capitalists, which understand that capitalism isn’t about trade, it’s about monopolies.
Capitalism is about aquiring capital at all costs, capital might be currency, social and financial control, the intoxication of playing God and much more.
Trade however is about natural human relationships,as bartering or trade at the “micro” or community level also comes with interpersonal relations and willing dependecies.
The two are not to be conflated and are not nearly the same.
In this scope even monarchs are the supreme capitalists as there is nothing more capitalist than the ultimate monopoly passed down for generations.
Another analogy sir, would be the drug dealer vs the drug pusher.
The drug dealer says hello, I have these wares are you intrested?
The pusher demands “total devotion” through addiction and coercion, and says “I better not catch you buying fentanyl or covid vaccines from somoene else bitch, or I’ll put a cap in your ass”.
And as you say competition is only dangled as a carrot.
The total block of any real free “competion” isn’t that hard to accomplish, nor is it a secret per se, every financial entity is dependent on BIS,IMF and your various central banks, I mean even black market economies are largely based on what these entities deem is “value”.
When knife terror struck the ancient world: Knife terror is not a social phenomenon that is unique to the modern age. As early as the first century AD, before and during the Jewish War, organized knifemen systematically spread fear and terror among the population – until Roman troops intervened.
The newest tyranny is masquerading as normal. It’s useful to be aware of its features, and of the alternatives. Capitalism– individual ownership of property & means of production– is preferable to state ownership. A decentralized capitalism with widely disseminated ownership is the only basis of true individual liberty.
The current system is an outgrowth of the crooked money-creation system and of fascism, among other factors.
Musk with his X is controlled opposition according to some people here with personally knowledge @ UK Off-Guard: trust us, not “them!”.
In other news MI6 has gone SISsy.
UK crime minister’s bag stolen at police conference
Part of the new normal Anglo Left Right and Center is to collectively forget about the permitted Trump assassination attempt saga @ Butler Pennsylvania this July.
Therefore here Indian political crime blogger Bisbo on the job at Youtube in his signature cartoon style on topic:
There was no “assassination attempt”. It boggles the mind how anyone can look at that silly self-contradictory narrative and not see it for what it is – cheap “reality TV” theatrics to get the masses bamboozled and taking sides
If 13/7 @ Butler was fake than I label Off Guardian and many of its “commentators” as fake too.
Part of the New Normal old boys Club playing fake alternative, in “free” UK.
Not taking sides in this US election is making that New Normal a cake walk:
vote Trump in the US, anyone, native, tourist, tramp or illegal alien.
Give the Cabal a harder time than the 2016 US selection, let them sweat.
No one here has forgotten. The ‘assassination’ was simply fake.
Trump would not admit the Colombians were after him before the assassination attempt.
The guitar player is still out there and ready, if Trump refuse to take his precautions!
Is GlobCap as omnipotent as the writer claims? Does it have us a a death grip so tight we can’t escape? Are their Clear and Hold operations working or are there surges and counter surges and pushback/resistance preventing them from total victory? On one level the overlords have pissed off a lot of people around the world who aren’t organized who don’t know the full extent of the war being waged against humanity (to turn us into commodities/units or Zombies and cyborgs) who are isolated and unwilling to coalesce with like minded folks who may not look like them. For example fewer people are falling for the COVID shot okey-doke, or the mPox scam that is a plus. Is this a sign GloboCap is failing? I hope so.
I do agree GloboCap is insidious and evil and has successfully demoralized large swaths of the planet (meaning they have been able to undermine and suppress our morals, values and courage even). There are some of us holding on fiercely. Time will tell whether or not GloboCap will be able to turn us and beat us down to end the resistance.
RE: …the overlords have pissed off a lot of people around the world who aren’t organized [emphasis mine]…
Well, that’s the rub, isn’t it?
What if they threw a martial-law making event and nobody came?! What if instead we all scattered and started tending to our gardens and chickens? What if we used our own local currency and didn’t bother to vote in Federal or State elections?
I think we could learn from one of the most brilliant moves in military history. The Russians abandoned Moscow and went to the country. Napoleon was left with nothing to conquer but a few prostitutes.
Urbanisation is in full swing. Fat cats are buying, or being granted, the vacated lands – and even rivers and lakes. There are many hindrances to moving back, including laws. Ref. the selective raids and fines on organic and coop. farmers. Even if you just feed yourself, the oligarchy can concoct various crimes, e.g., destroying the environment, violating carbon limit, violating conditions, endangering the children, failing to educate them, failing to pay taxes. This is what I see from the reports on real pioneers, even after their experience went through MSM editing.
RE: What if they threw a martial-law making event and nobody came?
That would take organization/coordination – which we don’t have.
Globocap is a very plausible thesis to explain recent history. I like to see things in terms of universal laws (of nature if you like) so … if this is a ‘higher’ form of evolution (something akin to cultural evolution) … that would explain why myriads of connected AND disconnected individuals work knowingly and unknowingly toward the goal of Globocap driven by those underlying natural forces of evolution. In other words, this cultural evolution of the GLobocap system is an emergent property from human society, in the same way that religion or corporations or families might be considered an emergent property. If that is the case, what I truly do not understand is why evolution would drive toward a solution that is not the ‘fittest’? But wait … maybe it is the fittest whether I like it or not. The alternative is the ‘They control the world for their benefit’ thesis. There is quite some evidence for that. The level of intelligence and ability to control minions everywhere to do their bidding in good order … just seems too much to be able to pull off. That’s why I resist that explanation. A simpler explanation might be … the basic selfish nature of genetic evolution, when combined with the unique traits of modern technological society, has got us to exactly where we are today. The nasty people have a major advantage in that they are willing to do anything to get their goals, whereas the non-nasty people self control and limit their actions based on a moral code. That gives the nasties a long term, ratcheting up, advantage over time. If technology can amplify that advantage, maybe the non-nasty group can be overwhelmed? From the point of view of the rest of nature, humans have been in assault mode for many 1000s of years. Now we have turned on ourselves to a new degree. In support of Globocap, is there anything going on right now that is fundamentally different to the entirety of history?
CJ says “Where we are is in the inceptive stages of the evolution of the first globally hegemonic power system in human history.”
It is also possible that we’re in the final stages of this system. Its intensity grows as it nears its death.
The Yanks have already spent BILLIONS on their latest warplane –
and its beset by technical problem after technical problem …
Someone said something like “the more complex the system (machine),
the more brittle it becomes…
‘Tis greatest now and to destruction nearest’ — John Donnne.
I love this comment
We are in the final stages of liberal democracy (such as it is/was).
Let’s hope the Russian bashers, RW etc, take note !
“ …What they are really up against is the values-decoding machine of global capitalism, which is desperate to get its hooks back into Russia, de-Putinize and re-privatize the hell out of everything, and get those flows of global capital reflowing…”
The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations has more than 240 volumes (over 190,000 pages)…..AND hundreds of additional laws added yearly….Yet right wing voters (new alt woke) wear “Land of the Free” T-shirts on the regular.That’s one helluva psyop…Voters are retarded.
Israel is “Deeply concerned”.
Ha ha!
well if you lump together everything that’s wrong with the world into a single overarching catchphrase, “global capitalism” or whatever, then kinda by definition there can’t be any other forces or ideologies outside it, right?
I’m reminded of Philip Dick’s story “Faith of Our Fathers”, where a group of dissidents figure out a way to counteract the effects of the psychotropic chemicals the sinister world government has mixed into the water supply, and discover that, once their minds are free of the drug’s influence, they can see through the fraudulently benevolent facade surrounding the Great Leader, but to each individual dissident the tyrant’s true appearance takes a completely DIFFERENT form, always monstrous, but varying from person to person
the trick is not making people believe in an artificial, approved version of reality, it’s rather suggesting that there is any kind of objective, universal reality in the first place
Plymouth, where protests turned into riots…
I live next to Plymouth.
Theres no immigration problem here.
It was weird, most of the leftist anti-protestors came in on the train.
Those on the ‘right’ apparently bussed in an accompanied by many alcohol inebriated skallywags.
Many cockney accents in the crowd.
The orchestrated nature of the events plays out well in this video here.
Internet big event that did not happen in reality world.
You know the ships sinking when respected honest past ambassadors decide to immigrate to escape the tyranny. Craig Murray has been hounded and imprisoned by the corrupt UK In-Justice system. Lawyers, Clerks, Police Chiefs and Judges are in the pockets of the establishment.
When you get a lawyer to represent your dead legal fiction. He wont put your interest first. He wont tell you what is going on and that legalese will be used to trick you into accepting responsibility for an action to which the crown as trustee is accountable.
To tell the truth or express an opinion can now be a jailable offence. Keir Stamerer has only had power a few weeks and you can see whats coming. I will put my shirt on a massive jail building expansion for everyone questioning authority or thinking about it.
They don’t need to build new jails. They’re releasing inmates and replacing them with those who said the wrong thing on facebook or whatever. Its cheaper and all those criminals on the loose help their goal of destabilising society.
Your 2nd para. smells of Pseudolaw, AKA the Sovereign Citizen magical thinking among Anglosphere Freedomites: USA, CAN, AU, UK, NZ. Is that the case?
I long since stopped reading your stuff because your position is a pile of ahistorical crap!
A Brief History of Global Capitalism
CJ Hopkins
Aug 26, 2024
Communism and Fascism were both created by British Intelligence (i.e. the Illuminati; the people who put their symbol above the British monarch). Communism and Fascism were created as a left-boot/right-boot pincer operation designed to crush genuine and democratic social organisation – this operation seen most clearly in Spain in the 1930s.
The aristocracies still exist. In addition to owning most of the important land and other resources, they are the major shareholders in the corporations. Every so often, when the plebs have acquired too much capital, they’ll arrange a clawback in the form of a depression, a revolution, a war, etc. Hopkins, however, doesn’t even mention shareholders! So who does he think owns this “GloboCap”?
The ‘Big Three’ passive asset managers, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street combined are the largest shareholders in 88% of S&P 500 companies.
Vanguard is a mutual and has no publicly traded shares, making it nigh on impossible to know who owns the funds and who are therefore the shareholders of Vanguard, since its fund holders are its shareholders.
Amazing what you can buy with free money..
Everything, including the consciousness of billions of people.
CJ never talks about who founded and owns ‘GloboCap,’ because it might come off sounding a trifle … antisemitic?
Off topic, but I’m so excited I just had to tell someone. I got an ad in my email alerting me there was a dating site for old men! Bad mouth the internet all you want – just don’t try to tell me they’re not looking out for me!
They sure are looking (out) for you! Where have you been browsing the internet, LOL?
This is the only site I’ve ever visited where I gave out my age. Is this a cover for The Dating Game?
It has been alleged that far right activist Tommy Robinson sparked off the UK riots by falsely claiming a child killer was Muslim. Who is Tommy Robinson ? Who funds him ?
The usual suspects.
‘ A notorious hardline, pro-Israel conservative think tank has claimed that it is helping fund the legal expenses of jailed far-right British activist Tommy Robinson.
In a statement published Sunday, the Middle East Forum (MEF) also took credit for funding protests that have taken place in support of Robinson, real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon.
Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson pictured holding gun on Israeli tank near Syrian border
Mr Robinson, who left the EDL in 2009, arrived in Israel on Tuesday, tweeting: “The eagle has landed”.
He later followed it with: “Just walked into a pub in Israel. My home from home.”
paul harris – tommy rob em some BNP EDL grooming gang in his organization.
Real name SYL!
Such a revelation about 20 years late!!
The whole notion of “left” and “right” is an obsolete construct born out of customary practice in the UK Parliament. It may have been relevant 100 or even 50 years ago but now it just serves to confuse. Maybe that’s the whole idea.
Actually, I think it goes back to the French Revolution of 1789 when supporters of the king stood to the president’s right, and supporters of the revolution to his left.
Today, the terms left and right still hold their original meaning, where the King is to the right of his aristocrats, who are to the right of the upper-class, who are to the right of the commoners; and where erring toward the liberty and right of the many is left, and where erring toward the authority of “the few” is right.
That said, I too believe that we need to think in terms of up and down these days rather than left or right. The problem with using left and right today is the differences in meaning across the Atlantic. Many of the causes of the left in Europe (privacy, working class rites, reigning in the ever growing state apparatus of oppression) are the causes of the right in USA and vice versa.
It’s always been up vs down really. All the rest is distraction and outrage. In the US the “parties” are switching theoretical sides for the moment. As divide and conquer it has always worked for those really in control. Confusion to distract works too.
What are “working class rites?” Holding the flag of St. George? Soccer fandom? Shopping for inexpensive food and clothes? Joe Sixpackness? Chav-dom?:-))
It is a clever way of saying “poor people”. Since the system is invariably “democratic”, ii is inconvenient to admit the existence of the poor, let alone the destitute and homeless.