WATCH: The Future of Food is OURS to Decide – #SolutionsWatch
Using our knowledge of the Future of Food agenda, today James explores ways that we can negate that agenda and work toward building up the food and farming systems we will need to build resistant, thriving, independent communities in the future.
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After Brexit it was more paper work and much more money = costs to transport food and supplements and the smaller buyer sellers like myself it became 20X harder.
Covid made it nightmare and some.Loads of friends went titups money wise when the big boys got subsidizes infact loads of the big boys brought up smaller holders to keep the name and change the products and the buyers think it is still the smaller holding. .
take back control psyop was all about the conglomerate organization NGO become more stronger.
What benefites did the smaller person gain out of this 4 year mega ritual.>?
Free Speech Website Launched w/out Elon Musk or Back Door Government Portal.
How long before it’s accused of spreading ‘disinformation’ ?
“2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) – I’m Afraid Scene (4/6) | Movieclips”
We turned up at Crystal Park, in South London, to see Motorhead – and who does Lemmy invite on stage – the one and only Vera Lynn…She must have been nearly 100 years old then – Voice Still as Clear as a Bell…
“Dr. Strangelove • We’ll Meet Again • Vera Lynn”
Vera Lynn knew.
Are These American Psychos and The British Psychos and The Russian Psychos For Real…
Numerous Independent ? (many Ex Govt Spooks) have predicted that www3 is going to start THIS WEEKend”
The Americans, yesterday Responded as Did President Putin)
So far, well at least in London, nothing has happened except my wife didn’t quite get to The Asian “Spiritual Peace Show in Battersea Park”, cos the Bus only got her half way, and as usual most of the Train Drivers are on Strike).
The Americans said Blame The British, we have not Approved of This.
Putin said, quite Clearly – Do You Want to Go To War with Us?
Because if You Stupid Americans And British, Bomb Us in Moscow with Your Super Bombs
You will not wake up in London, Paris and New York in a Cloud of Dust.
You Will Be Dead
“Talking Heads – Psycho Killer (Live at ‘The Old Grey Whistle Test’ – 1978)|”
We are all going to die Mr. Putin. Even you Mr. Putin cant live forever.
WE have the right to defend ourselves against aggression against the American and British people and the innocent populations under our 70 countries Nato Inherent Resolve Freedom peace umbrella. 😐
James finishes with the question of “If we are what we eat” then what does that make us? Indeed, if we really are critical thinkers, this should start to become clear at some point. When we consume violence– and turn a blind eye to it, what does that make us? When we consume anecdotal information– out of fear and basic addiction, in the face of existential truth, what does that make us? According to the American Dietetic Association, as well as the British Dietetic Association– the largest and most respected dietary associations on the planet, everyone, in every stage of life can thrive on a diet devoid of animal flesh and secretions. Everyone. When animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water table depletion, soil desertification, ocean dead zones, and species extinction, not to mention heart disease and diabetes, why is it that we continue to cling to these tired and unhealthy beliefs? Just eat plants for Christ’s sake. Humans could thrive on sweet potatoes alone. That is a FACT. We don’t need to pay people to shove their arm up to their elbow in cow’s asses anymore. We don’t need to pay our “local farmers” to jack off bulls. We don’t need to steal babies from their mothers. We don’t need to enslave, tag, track, inject, or experiment on these animals. We don’t need to grow colossal mountains of feed crops. We certainly don’t need to put things (the equivalence of a menstrual cycle) from a bird’s ass in our mouths. Just eat a sweet potato already. It’s that simple. Oh yeah, and stick another one of them in the ground, and then dig up a hundred more of them in a few months. Stop choosing violence, and then wondering why world is so violent. Put some seeds in the ground today.
“As Long as there are Slaughterhouses there will always be Battlefields.”
Leo Tolstoy
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-09-11. 80 jab
Pushing Drs dead after following science ™ –
. “Neurological emergency” among jabbed (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
It’s the corporate nazis who are destroying food & much else. In 2021 presidential candidate Emanuel Pastreich formed The International Front Against Corporate Fascism.
I have been highly impressed with James Corbett, since his Briiliant 5 minute analysis of 9/11….one of the worlds first, to compress all the salient facts in short 10 second clips.
The main problem I have with him, is that, I have never found anything much to disagree with him.
““I guess 9/11 was what started my awakening, but it was an awakening that took years to really come to fruition. I knew that something was happening on an earth-shaking scale, but I didn’t understand it in all its implications. I was 21, turning 22. I had just graduated with my B.A. from the University of Calgary. I was fresh-faced and didn’t really understand the implications of what was happening. For a few years I could not contemplate that there was a U.S. government plot. It was too much for me to comprehend.
In 2006, when living in Japan, I moved into an apartment and it was the first time in years that I had had the Internet in my apartment. As I hadn’t had the Internet in my apartment for years, in the intervening time there were a lot of key developments I had been unaware of, including Google Video, YouTube and Podcasts. It was overwhelming as I hadn’t seen it developing. I found I could have any information I wanted to in seconds, so it only took weeks to change my political paradigm.”
Good Man
Another one for the “they weren’t saying this 2020-22” files:
Then there was nothng bad to be said about protein – because of the association with the spike protein. It’s basic NLP.
Stanley Owen Green (22 February 1915 – 4 December 1993[citation needed]), known as the Protein Man, was a human billboard in central London in the latter half of the 20th century.[1] One writer called him “the most famous non-famous person in London”.[2] According to Lynne Truss, Green became such a ubiquitous figure in and around Oxford Street in the West End that he was “present in every black-and-white picture of London crowds that one has ever seen”.[3]
They could have called it spike antigen or something like that. Protein was meant to play down the harm. NB: If a covid pathogen is ever proven to exist, its harm is unproven compared to the jab. The latter is deadly, as shown by (a) over 1,000 research papers (b) tens of millions of injured and dead victims, very few of whom have got compensation.
This guy is apart of the CHD.
like having someone on from
disinfo wars or U.K colon.Whoever has thumbed-down my short post should respect correct spelling, and NOT ridicule it.
So, four people have thumbed-down my 100% accurate statement… they are making it plain that they don’t mind incorrect spelling.
So, those four people thus don’t mind inaccuracies??? So, does that mean that those four people do not mind the FALSE claim that a ‘deadly plague virus’ was sweeping the planet from late 2019 onwards, when of course no such thing was taking place?? Do those four people not mind that the Globalists who run this world (from the shadows) wrongly claimed that a ‘deadly pandemic’ was raging, worldwide, when no such thing was taking place??
Inaccuracy is inaccuracy is inaccuracy… whatever form the inaccuracy takes, it is still inaccuracy!
He misspelled it on purpose I assume
I was always a pretty good speller but during the past few decades Old
Timers has been making steady inroads…
Now i find misspellings scattered throughout my writings and have
become appreciative of a laptops spellcheck.
I had a long antipathy to American spellings, but the PC is set on them –
so my resistance is waning…
“All that’s solid melts into the air.”
You missed “apart”, didn’t you? Not so hot on correct grammar?
By the way, “colon” is spelt correctly.
The group who broadcast re. what’s going on, worldwide, are called ‘UK Column‘, and NOT ‘UK Colon‘. (Yes, I know full well that ‘colon’ is a word, but not in the context of ‘UK Column’).
Okay, so I missed the incorrect ‘apart’; should have been ‘a part of’, of course.
I’m usually very hot on correct grammar, as a matter of fact. Incorrect spelling, punctuation, grammar, always makes me ‘see red’. I’ve been a passionate scholar of many big subjects since the tender age of 10 (am currently 65), and have a large personal library. All I saw in the relevant post, above, was the glaring ‘UK Colon‘, and corrected it.
If the poster (‘illiterate goblin’) did deliberately spell the words incorrectly, then I really don’t see the point. It’s really not funny, not amusing.
It was a play on words, Christine. Designed to imply UKC are not high qualify journalists. In the same vein that people say “scamdemic” or “Natzo”. It’s an attempt to make a point.
Shall we just let it go there? I think enough has been said.
The misspelling was intentional. I wonder what else has slipped your mind…
Why would you think the misspelling was intentional…??
Nothing has ‘slipped my mind’. Why would you think that??? I’m on the ball with many, many things, people who know me well know me to be a very well-educated scholar (I’ve been researching many, many big subjects in life since the tender age of 10; ie, I’ve been researching for 55+ years [I wonder whether you can say the same thing, huh??]. One of my two major subject passions is that of History, I own 400+ scholarly books on that subject, as well as 1000+ more on other non-fiction subjects).
You’ll detail?
In the future, local food will be the only food worth eating. If one looks at the pattern of food production for farm animals, particularly pigs and poultry, industrial food for humans is heading the same way. The purpose of cheap garbage food is to feed the growing urban population who cannot feed themselves. James fails to acknowledge the underlying problem that is fundamental to healthy food production: access to land. Industrial/chemical “agriculture” has monopolised vast areas of productive land and its grip is tightening. Any plan to improve healthy food systems that does not recognise the root cause of the current mess is futile. Industrial society has destroyed the ancient relationship between the population and the generous earth that supports us. Whose land is it anyway?
You raise an important point, there are some creative ways to get around it.
e.g. Incredible Edbile Todmorden: They started planting up public spaces, aka Guerilla Gardening, it started in the early 2000’s, lots of people poo poo’d it, but it’s still going
There’s now an “Incredible edible” network of places on the same model, get in touch to see if there’s a local group or start your own with their help
Landsharing: I watched a couple on a webinar some yrs ago in the US who faced the same problem, they put ads up on local facebook pages looking for people who had land but lacked the skills or physical abilities to work it, at one point they had over 20 gardens and a bunch of voulenteers. I’ve seen similar projects that started this way too, the original couple now run a successful composting business on rented land.
Identify some land that could be used but is doing nothing, or land that is being used for broadacre crops, search the land registry to see who owns it, and approach them to rent it. Lots of farmers are open to renting out parts of their land, they can often get more in rent than they can growing broadacre crops on it, maybe put an ad in farmers weekly.
Council and Church Land: The CofE and the councils have a lot of land, mostly rented out to tennant farmers, you’ll need to show you have the required skillset to farm it, including financial planning, knowledge of the subsidy system etc. You could start building this skill set while Guerilla Gardening or landsharing. Chrches often have land that is hardly utilised, and they’re always short of cash, identify some land and approach the vicar with a business plan. Jesse at No-Till farmers on youtube recently featured a US grower who did exactly this.
Allotments, if you can’t find one locally, or the waiting lists are too long, look for land the local council owns and petition for it to be turned into an allotment site, start a campaign with local people to badger the council for it.
Good Man. Love Todmorden. Missus does it too Down South – both community and helping her mate –
“We dont owe Them anything
because it isnt Theirs.
They took it and claimed it by force
They never owned it
so we dont owe Them anything” … z(anon) …
Off-Guardian’s line: world food crisis is real, Trump’s assassination attempt was fake.
Lost in the woods.
I agree that probably Trump’s assassination attempt was fake. “The world food crisis is real” only because the World Globalist Psycho’s in control are trying to Kill Us All, Jabs, Wars, Bombs, and Poisoning Land with Chemicals, rather than using Traditional Crop Rotation…The Animals – Cows, Pigs, Sheep and Hens, Crap in the Fields one year to Fertilise the Ground for next year, for eg Growing Wheat
World Globalist Psycho’s are the Problem – Not the Indian Farmer with his cow.
The future could be here:
We all should agree that “English” WAS a Germanic language (about 1000 years ago). Two pseudo-Saxons from the weird isle in the North Sea visit “Bavaria” in the Jewrican state of Brainwashington. Whether Roman and Alex spend their night in the same bed remains the inviolable privacy of these explorers.
So, move on, there is nothing to see here?