Turning Technology

Sylvia Shawcross

Now, I could write about the way the leaves on the maples are beginning to fall without that cold snap at night that drapes the forest in colours. I could. But I won’t because something much more “in the world” is bothering me.

It’s this whole thing in Lebanon with exploding pagers and walkie talkies etc. And it is horrifying.

Perhaps more horrifying than we can truly understand. It goes beyond the casualties and injuries.

Apparently some people are beginning to be afraid of their technology. Who thought we’d live to see that day, eh?

It’s not even that which is the horrifying part though. It is because so many now live in cyberspace, on gadgets. So much so that they are not much in the real world, the tangible world, except perhaps to not step down from a curb without looking or drive the kids to school or make it to work or try to get the darn pickle jar open.

And all those gamers! Shooting and crashing and bombing the enemy in on-line games… But in this case, the explosions are real world. What this act of terrorism has done is brought the real world together with the cyber world and apparently we have no control.

We (well… the tekkie high flyer types) invented technology with the whole idea of control in mind. We can use our gadgets to control appliances, drive cars, fly planes, construct things, analyze things, predict and produce and keep everyone safe even as we invent weapons to kill them. We can use our technology to do all sorts of things. We are in control. We can pick our “Aps” can’t we?

But there is always, as in nature, the unexpected. In other words, there is no actual autonomous control as everyone with their cellphones seems to think. And it is not God (however you conceive Him/Her/it/zem/zay/lgb/they to be), but actual humans with “intent” controlling things it seems in this case. That’s what happens when humans invent technology. Whatever is made by humans can usually be hacked by humans. I’m waiting for that day to arrive with crypto things. We are apparently not God (however you conceive Him/Her/it/zem/zay/lgb/they to be).

This act of exploding devices marks a turning point to the crazy that is the world now. We are probably just at the beginning of crazy. It isn’t the cultural crazy we’re up against now so much as the military crazy. And that is not a pretty thing. But never mind all that…

The problem I have is that I have that Active Imagination character running amok again. We’ve heard a thousand times over in the last few days that it is “not” the lithium batteries that caused the explosions. That these explosions were because additional explosive materials were introduced into the contraptions. This makes me suspicious. Well, it makes my Active Imagination suspicious. The Normal part of me simply accepts and moves on.

What if it “was” the lithium batteries? Can you even begin to imagine! The entire New World/Great Reset/Utopia/Globalist agenda is built on lithium. Lithium is the new oil. Lithium is worth more than its weight in gold and wars are likely being fought over access to lithium fields of the Ukraine, North Korea and Quebec. It’s all about lithium!

We keep hearing the odd stories about electric vehicles going up in flames. Why would that be? What indeed would it mean if it “was” the lithium? “Don’t be silly,” I can hear you say, “If it was the lithium batteries then everybody would have exploding things all over the place and not just for the Hezbollah!”

I would probably have to concede that point I suppose however my Active Imagination is not so willing.

What if ALL these lithium battery gadgets and doohickeys have been ALL manufactured to explode if given the right code? Right from the get go? And what if the people who made all these gadgets were selling that code to the highest bidder? Well! That would change things wouldn’t it?! And what if all of us sitting here in our little homes decided not to do something that the powers that be wanted us to do? They could just buy the codes and have at it!

We’re all doomed!

No wait…Don’t be silly. That’s Science Fiction. Things like that don’t happen. Except that what just happened in Lebanon just happened, just like Science Fiction. Or what we used to think of as Science Fiction. That’s the trouble with Science Fiction: It seems to eventually happen. Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, why are leaves falling when it is not cold yet? That’s what I want to know. Well possibly. There’s also that other What if.

What if all this universal ID/neurotechnology/nanobot injected stuff means they could just buy the right code and we’ll end up exploding from the inside when we don’t behave? Wait, that’s already been done

No. No. Let’s talk about the leaves again shall we?

The leaves are turning. As does the world.

Sylvia Shawcross is a writer from Canada. Visit her SubStack if you’re so inclined.


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Categories: latest, Sylvia Shawcross
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Sep 20, 2024 11:01 AM

How many people on these boards know news and current affairs is now a branch of entertainment in a lot of mainstream outlets?

True. They no longer draw a hard line between news and drama. They have the same production teams doing a bit of both. A lot of the “news” staff are just “personalities” out of drama schools, or artists, TV writers, ad men, not journalists.

Don’t take my word though, check it out. You’ll have to dig, but you’ll find it.

It’s also now commonplace to fake up (‘enhance’) footage of real events when no real footage could be obtained. It’s normal now. Normalized. Everyone who works in one of those places knows it. Of course they don’t think they are faking anything. They think they are just helping to enhance the viewer experience of real events.

But they don’t really know or care. It’s not in their remit.

Most “journalists” these days rarely work outside a studio. They don’t have foreign correspondents or bureaus loke they once did. There’s not many in house mobile news teams any more that can visit places where events are happening and capture footage. Any “real” on scene footage they screen is 90% of the time sent in by agencies like AP or freelancers. or even just grabbed off of social media.

And it’s never checked for accuracy, let alone reality. I can guarantee that. The people who are bringing you the “news” mostly don’t even know how real it is. And they totally for the most part don’t fucking care. They’re woke and brain dead. It would never occur to them that a story they’re working on might not have really happened, even while they’re “enhancing” footage or making up eyewitness reports (yes, they do that too, to give a “human interest” angle when the “facts” are “too cold”, meaning they just have a skeletal AP report of an explosion or something and they want to make it more dramatic, they will reword the report into first person narration and use an “anonymous source”. It’s considered harmless).

This is just reality. The current events world has lost touch with what it was supposed to be and isn’t that any more. And no one outside that milieu has much idea of this being the case.

I don’t have to tell you how easily an industry in this mess could become party to wholesale fakery and not even realise it.

If you don’t think that is happening more and more, you are wrong. Since the covid restrictions it’s just gone mental. You have no fucking idea. Don’t believe anything coming out of news portals anywhere, because even if it’s just a cat stuck in a tree it’s as likely to be made up to fill a “feel good” quota as to be a thing that happened. Sorry, wish it was different. But it’s not.

Sep 20, 2024 12:10 PM
Reply to  Matt

Appreciated Matt.
I can only speak from my personal perspective. I dont follow any news channels at all. Have no TV. No radio set, no electricity, and only internet on this non explosive phone.
But things still find you even when you switch all that off. Or if you browse through alternative sites etc. And if theres something interesting I will search for it.

I do though know someone who has been living in Lebanon near the border who has like many others now left the country after all the attacks on both sides of the border. For that reason I have taken an interest in what has been happening there. Infact much of what has being going on there has not been reported much in the media (searching rather than following) as other events have been far more pressing no doubt.

Facts are important and mostly we have little or no facts to go on. And as I am sure you are well aware, there are plenty of con-men and con-women who are not part of the mainstream who will whip up a pile of ‘facts’ to fit a particular narrative. Dont listen to them either.

But returning to Lebanon are we to debate the validity of the conflict there?

What we know of Hezbollah again, we can only go by what we hear. And then formulate or speculate an opinion. We can share that opinion (at the risk of being attacked for our opinion) or zip up completely. I know which world I would rather live in, and it’s not a cancel culture one.

In the case of exploding devices, it certainly comes out of something like a spy novel. And rightly its probably nonsense. But then it’s not when you consider how it can be used, and I am not thinking about the furore that the western phone obsessed are going on about. Rather the fact that a militant group has been very successful at hitting back. Unlike its neighbour who literally owns the cell phone networks, the militant group makes use of pagers and radio sets to great effect.

Isreal has every intention of going into Lebanon again. It’s been waiting for its allies to give the all clear, that is when foreigners have managed to evacuate before things get really serious. But it’s taken a long time as the airports have been seriously effected.

Now prior to carrying out an incursion they either really did explode some radio sets and other devices, or they made the whole thing up knowing fear would have a psychological effect upon their enemies.

That’s just my opinion from the woods.

Sep 20, 2024 10:59 AM

Technology is not the sole preserve of assassination for these types.

People have been assassinated in the Press for years, and happy accidents do take place in prison, ask Epstein or the latest potential victim, P.Diddy.

Cars have never been immune to such attempts, and it’s got easier. Everything from food, pills can be intercepted in the supply chain.

They have merely expanded the items for use within their Assassination Portfolio, and their gene collection offers them all sorts of possibilities.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Sep 20, 2024 10:19 AM

How many smart devices do we have in our homes, cars, etc.? Now “15 minute smart cities” takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it? All I know is that the person who invents the device to detect these mini-bombs is a billionaire. Billionaires… creating one profitable problem after another…

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Sep 20, 2024 11:17 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

All I know is that the person who invents the device to detect these mini-bombs is a billionaire. Billionaires… creating one profitable problem after another…

You mean like the ADE 651. Or the Quadro Tracker, or the GT200. All reliably fake and designed to do nothing but line the pockets of monsters in positions of power 😄

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

You are raising one of the pre-planned talking points this event was intended to seed.That”s how it looks to me anyhow. It seems like whenever there’s some psyop type happening there is always a range of 2-4 topics planned in advance to be the focus. And one of those right now is “phone safety”.

I mean who knows who might be the next to have their iPhone filled with Semtex, right?


Be afraid people. Panic. Get hysterical. Throw your phone away. Hate a Moslem. Or a Jew.

Heck hate anyone, we don’t care.

Just keep talking about the latest shit we shovel into your cage. And don’t question it – ever.

Sep 20, 2024 10:15 AM

I notice on Twitter you can’t even express a tiny amount of skepticism over this ridiculous story without being gaslighted.

Snowden is all over it of course, bringing us the tea like the good NSA mouthpiece he is. Just more fodder for the masses so they can ‘debate’ it. Did Hezbollah deserve it? Are Israel the real terrorists? What kind of detonator was it? Did they use Semtex or some new scary black ops weapon? Will our phones blow us up? Blah blah blah blah blah. Trained seals honking and flapping. Real world issues all forgotten.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 20, 2024 12:53 PM
Reply to  Matt

Twitter has become a part of the internet insane asylum, beware of guilt by association.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 9:56 AM

Seriously, is there anything so cartoonish, absurd, stupid and improbable that the majority of people won’t believe it.

Redpill Reader
Redpill Reader
Sep 20, 2024 10:01 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

It doesn’t look like it.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Sep 20, 2024 10:18 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

No, there is not. People like unreality. It’s safe, like watching a movie. They like knowing at some level it’s all fake so they don’t need to be really scared. Like with covid.They could play at being in Contagion and feel like the main character in the movie of their life while same time knowing deep in their subconscious it was just pretend.

Sep 20, 2024 10:57 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Allah’s postmortem Koran

The CCP manifesto

Sep 20, 2024 9:31 AM

Well done Silvia!
A great article and to top it off, it’s totally on topic and in keeping up with what is and has been happening.

Naturally its speculation based upon available information. But that is what freedom expression is all about.

It may well turn out that some sort of detonator was modded into the devices.
But it could well be that your on to something here.

Sep 20, 2024 10:03 AM
Reply to  Demiurge

And…here is our first narrative reinforcer

Sep 20, 2024 10:28 AM
Reply to  Matt

Thanx mate.
Actually for once trying not to be a troll.
I ain’t the enemy….

I am just as sceptical, but also aware that real things, often some unbelievable things can sometimes be true.

Not everything is fake.

In this case I can see both sides of the argument. So I would guess, just like usual from the perspective of someone at one end of the argument might look across and try to tackle the centrist.

Sep 20, 2024 10:45 AM
Reply to  Demiurge

I agree. Not everything is fake. Your life isn’t fake. Neither is mine. Humans get born and live and die and that’s not fake. But the media is fake. I’ll say why in a post up top.

Sep 20, 2024 11:47 AM
Reply to  Matt

Yes the media is mostly fake, and when it’s not it distorts things or hones them to fit a particular point of contention that drives alternative versions of the narrative into the pond.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 9:24 AM

The pagers didn’t happen. It’s just another stupid invented media story with a bit of bad crisis acting thrown in. They’re testing our willingness to believe.

Just take a breath and ask yourself one question. If you wanted to off a bunch of people, and you had such intimate and controlling access to them that you could guarantee the specific pager they ended up using… would filling said pager with Semtex really be your first choice way of offing them?

This is not reality.This is Wiley Coyote world.

Stop automatically believing everything you see on the fucking multimedia entertainment matrix we call “news”

Sep 20, 2024 9:35 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I am reminded of that episode in the walking dead when all the home made bullets explode in the rifles when fired.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 9:45 AM
Reply to  Demiurge

Yup. Only the effects were a lot better. Obvs this pager thing was a cut price job.

Sep 20, 2024 9:36 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Right; ALL news is fake so stop observing, intuing, discriminating or critical thinking and join the Foke here at Off the G charts who will instruct you what to believe and do.

Sep 20, 2024 9:42 AM
Reply to  antonym

Lithium burns, rather than explodes, although I had one phone battery that grew larger and larger, until it popped the back of my phone off.
Continued using it for a while but then one morning it had enlarged itself so much it popped completely out of the phone altogether.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 9:42 AM
Reply to  antonym

Oh bless your heart. You’re so cute I could take you home and buy you a little basket to sleep in.

Sep 20, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Thankyou so much. Utterly flattered by that, but you will have to get in line with all the others 🙂

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Sep 20, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

I think the pagers happened.

islam is being used to promote its own destruction.

It has been villainised and weaponised by the parasite class for their own ends, 9/11 being the most obvious example.

It is difficult to make a belief system hated if there are no bad traits in it to exagerate.

islam is a rich source of easily identifiable traits which differ from, for example, modern Christianity, eg. physical punishments and revenge/ honour killings.

The publication of videos showing adherents setting fire to opponents or chopping hands off are certainly used to diminish any sympathy for muslims.

Sep 20, 2024 12:34 PM

It was odd that the war on terror ended with covid.
All those. Militants went into lockdown.
All the Islamophobia has no doubt been nurtured in the west, as you say.
In Syria, Lebanon, and Iran, some Christian’s, Muslims, and Jews have managed to live alongside each other. It seems in those countries it is foreign actors who are the cause of so much trouble.

Sep 20, 2024 9:07 AM

It’s all come true:

Sep 20, 2024 9:04 AM

Straight into pending, with only one link….

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Sep 20, 2024 10:22 AM
Reply to  antonym

Sometimes even without a link.

Sep 20, 2024 9:03 AM

It’s this whole thing in Lebanon with exploding pagers and walkie talkies etc. And it is horrifying. Perhaps more horrifying than we can truly understand. It goes beyond the casualties and injuries. Apparently some people are beginning to be afraid of their technology.

Horrifying for you and Hezbollah, brilliant for me: mind blowing. Terrorizing terrorists is non woke. Active Muslims play the victim show only when on the back foot; on the front one they dump LGBBQs from roof tops or fire thousands of rockets on you.
“People’ getting afraid of their technology: what is the problem with that? The Islam meme need some blow back. Let them really copy Moh and stick to knives and swords like that person in Rotterdam yesterday.

For the atheist rest the WEF and the CCP rely on tech as IoT and AI to control the masses; so people getting weary of tech they don’t understand or manufacture, what’s not to like?

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Sep 20, 2024 9:40 AM
Reply to  antonym

You’re so sweetly gullible. There isn’t a mainstream story out there you don’t gobble up and spit right out all over this comment section is there.

Inside antonym’s mind…

“Oh my God they tried to kill Trump AGAIN! (how many times is it now?) . Wow the Establishment must really hate this covid-shilling billionaire let’s all vote for him!”

“Oh my God look how evil Moslems are, let’s all hate them!”

“Terroristst! Grrrr….they got what they deserve for once when those pagers all went boom – and I for one am celebrating”.

Antonym, ladies and gentlemen – the narrative managers look at him and think “yup our work here is done”.

Sep 20, 2024 10:20 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Naive, naiver, Tilly.

Native woke foke or $I$.

Sep 20, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to  antonym

OR, she believes that the Matrix movie plot actually exists 2024 AD.
A bit too early my dear…

Sep 20, 2024 9:01 AM

“wars are likely being fought over access to lithium fields of the Ukraine, North Korea and Quebec.”

Add Iran:
Not that anything’s been going on that suggests a potential war with Iran….

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Sep 20, 2024 10:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Didn’t Tesla solve the whole energy problem a century ago? That’s why it’s so hard to sell this climate crisis propaganda.