England’s Chief Medical Officer admits “we may have overstated danger of Covid”
Kit Knightly

England’s Chief Medical Officer testified before the (token and pointless) Covid Inquiry earlier today, claiming he feared the government “overdid it” when talking up the dangers of Covid.
No kidding, Chris.
The Telegraph reports [emphasis added]:
The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted.
The Chief Medical Officer told the Covid Inquiry he still worries about whether the Government got “the level of concern” right as it introduced lockdowns and shielding measures.
Sir Chris said it was a difficult balance and if anything it was possible that authorities “overdid it” when communicating how dangerous the virus was at the beginning of the pandemic.
Of course, this is all very British understatement combined with “official inquiry dilution”, which automatically transforms “I know we did X” into “I fear we may have done X by accident“.
Whitty doesn’t “think they potentially overstated the danger”, he knows they definitely did. We all do, it’s been pretty much proven.
“Covid” was a tapestry of lies, and a tangle of deliberately inflated statistics created specifically to enable those lies.
That’s all old news.
Yet Chris Whitty himself is a good example of a potentially interesting phenomenon.
From the beginning of the “pandemic” he seemed strangely keen to distance himself from the very panic he was helping to create, and to, in pure Doublethink, underline the complete lack of danger from the so-called “deadly new disease”. See this video, taken from a “Covid Briefing” on May 11th 2020:
Now, that’s not to suggest he was some kind of hero standing on principle – he wasn’t. He was a lying shill who backed the narrative and lies and vaccines as much as anyone – but he seems to have had some level of discomfort with the enormity of the deceit.
I guess you could say this serves as a reminder that – however monolithic the establishment may seem – it is still made up of human pieces that might not always 100% agree about everything.
Yes, the “covid” scam had the backing of almost every establishment institution on the face of the planet, but those institutions are made up of individuals. And at least some of those individuals probably had doubts.
Probably not moral doubts – you don’t climb the heights in intelligence or politics without being some type of psychopath – but maybe rudimentary discomfort over fear of discovery and/or failure, or an ego that doesn’t want to be seen to be the kind of person who tells lies, or one narcissistic eye on how they might be remembered by posterity.
You have to wonder how many there were who in private offered self-serving opposition to one of the greatest lies in history – and how much of a role they collectively played in the ultimate failure of the Covid narrative to go the whole distance.
Something to think on.
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There is another side to this – all the good doctors, nurses and other specialists who raised their heads above the parapet only to lose their jobs. What we are left with are doctors who chose to take the Big Pharma vaccine bribes. What a shitty society.
Spot on- I was friend’s with 2 Dr’s who I saw often lunch etc. Both wife & self are in 70’s & un-vaxxed. I shared real Covid info with these wankers – both elected to Jab their unsuspecting patients with the potentially killer drug. They has NO guts & NO honour & I have lost all contact. Had to get as new Dr -so hard & I trust none of them now.
Flabbergasted by the video.
I have downloaded it.
Covid is, and always was, a mediocre disease. At worst, equivalent to a bad flu – which suspiciously disappeared in 2020! Hmmm.
In the first wave, only 20% of NHS beds in England held patients with a positive PCR test (mostly NOT admitted for covid or having symptoms.)
If we are to have any hope of a return to normality we cannot let them get away with the colossal lie that covid was a once in a century pandemic. Because they’ve made it clear they are planning for “once in a century” pandemics every few years. The audacity of their pandemic preparedness paranoia plan (PPPP?) is mind-boggling. The notion is absurd beyond belief. They want to ruin our lives every few years on the basis of what-ifs and maybes. Without ever having to justify it, beyond “our dreadful predictions never materialised, therefore our response was successful!”
Britain was too responsible. We did it too well. We took this emergency situation maybe a little too serious.
We were too concerned about our vulnerable population should suffer and being hurt, because we in Britain care, we Brits care for people….especially the vulnerable!
“When Adam died, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote a lengthy letter to Wendy.”
‘He was so awesome’: Former Barrie Young Liberal Association member, Health Canada director dies in Ottawa
Dr. Robert Hare, an expert on sociopaths, states that “among the most devastating features of psychopathy are a callous disregard for the rights of others and a propensity for predatory and violent behaviors. Without remorse, psychopaths charm and exploit others for their own gain. They lack empathy and a sense of responsibility, and they manipulate, lie and con others with no regard for anyone’s feelings.”
World Gone Mad
The next set of NCI hearings are now set for Vancouver, British Columbia on October 17 – 19, 2024.
The NCI Hearings start soon in Vancouver, British Columbia! The National Citizens Inquiry is working very hard to bring together all of the components for the Hearings. We invite you to be a part of history in the making.
We encourage you to attend in person if you can. Free Tickets are now available to attend live! We look forward to seeing you!
We will also be live-streaming on our website as well as on X and Rumble
“If I needed you, would you come to me?
Would you come to me and ease my pain?
If you needed me, I would come to you
I’d swim the seas for to ease your pain …” Townes Van Zandt
I lost friends and family and they lost jobs and some got the jibber due to being bullied.
where is the justice..?
Time shows no mercy to anybody. We are all condemned to death by time.
They will have something substantial to chew on in their last days.
Great article.
I watched the clip you put up and showed friends / colleagues.
They still believed millions and millions dead and it was an pandemic.
He had his orders, presumably.
He’s in Bill Gates’ pocket.
ALL orders came directly from the Pentagon. Gates is merely a walking talking puppet for their Sabbatean Frankist overlords. They ALL are.
Chris Whitty talks a load of bollux. He expresses crocodile tears for his load of croc. Chris Whitty anagrams to ‘cry with shit’.
Still, why anybody believed him and the contradictory statements of the government shows how dumb many people were.
They were all playing a role in governent to test the wisdom of the masses.
Who proved to be severely lacking.
If only they had listened not to The Science but to scientists, they’d have know the mortality risk was 0.15-0.2% overall, which is similar to the IFR of influenza, and 0.05% for those <70 years; much less for children.
This was know in 2021 and earlier.
January 2020
Free speech is simply free speech. You can turn this any way you want it on the server you control, but just kindly fuck off, you and your site. Now this is a real offending statement, if I hurt you feelings and Political Correctness BS. So that’s it from me.
This piece of crap, lied then and still keeps on lying now. Covid Virus never existed, NEVER. It was all a scam with a five star promotion and payments, to terrorize snd prepare the beleiving sheep for tha VACCINE, wich was the actual real desease by injection. Two goals achived here, depopulation and experimentation of bio nanobots on human blood.
today clean up job.
Boris Johnson considered an “aquatic raid” on a Dutch warehouse to seize Covid vaccines during the height of the pandemic, he has revealed in his memoirs.
The former prime minister discussed plans with senior military officials in March 2021, according to an extract from his forthcoming book, Unleashed, published in the Daily Mail.
The AstraZeneca vaccine was, at the time, at the heart of a cross-Channel row over exports, and Johnson believed the EU was treating the UK “with malice”.
Unleashed seems an appropriate title for a book about a dog let loose on a mostly unsuspecting populace.
I see. More balderdash from Boris. Ties in with the historical Operation Market Garden just over eighty years ago when the British Second Army and First Allied Airborne Army tried to achieve a breakthrough over the River Rhine.
I have noticed similarities between WW2 and the Covid operation.
I have sent some letters to Private EYE that they have not published in response to there MD who is following the government on Covid
In Health Warning MD he writes “doctors can try to do the most good for the least harm with the resources available, while keeping patients fully informed of the pros and cons and unknowns.Alas in the 1970s and 1980s informed consent was a rarity.”
Patients were not informed of the pros and cons and unknowns
and there was no Informed consent in the age of the Covid vaccines.
These are some of the pros and cons and informed consent that was not given to patients before the Covid vaccines were administered.
Companies like Pfizer that have developed the Covid vaccines have paid many millions in compensation for products that they have developed have killed or harmed many thousands of people.
Companies like Pfizer that have developed the Covid vaccines had been given immunity from prosecution so if there product harmed you they were not liable for prosecution.
That when they said the Covid vaccines were Safe and Effective
By ‘Safe’ they meant.
The mRNA vaccines was new method of treating viruses and had not been used on humans before on any scale.
That emergency authorizations had been used to license the Covid vaccines.
That limit short term testing of Covid vaccines had been carried out with much of the test methods and results not being released for independent analysis.
That when they said the Covid vaccines were Safe and Effective
By ‘Effective’ they meant that you could still catch Covid and you could still pass Covid onto your loved ones , but your own health outcomes would be statistically better.
Before vaccination people were not informed that your chances of being harmed by Covid reduced drastically the younger you were , so any potential benefit of a Covid vaccines was less and less the younger you were but any unknown harm would remain the same.”
“MD and Private-Eye have detailed how long it was before the problem of bad blood was first realized then longer again before that realization was acted on.
Longer still before any treatment while the pursuit for compensations continues decades later.
But as the Covid vaccines continue to be pushed for all ages without informed consent . Yet the advisability of Covid vaccines or any of the new mNRA vaccines has yet to be addressed. How long before Injury from Covid Vaccines or any of the new mNRA vaccines is stopped.
How long before those already injured by Covid vaccines are acknowledged let alone get compensation,”
“MD On the Role Of Experts eye 1631. Has questioned the role of experts In the Lucy Letby Case. But during Covid we were told to trust the science and those experts that had the message the government wanted , The experts from SAGE and Neil Ferguson despite his history of bad predictions . But many other experts that had a different opinion were castigated for spreading misinformation or disinformation. Even the governments own advisory committee on dangerous pathogens were not listened to regarding the low overall mortality from Covid-19
“All the relevant documents were sent to the Covid inquiry, but no questions were asked.
It would appear that the decision of the ACDP was not something the Government wanted to hear or act upon. The passing of the Coronavirus Act the following week was not impeded”
In Eye 1625 MD had some how forgotten that patients were not kept informed of the pros and cons and unknowns and there was virtually no informed consent regarding the Covid vaccines.
In Eye 1626 Telegraph scare MD disputes the claim that maybe Covid vaccines have helped fuel a rise in excess death. Claiming the same data indicates deaths from Covid not the Covid vaccines as more likely.
Maybe MD has forgotten that deaths registered as Covid deaths were done so in a very liberal manner. That mostly there were no autopsies to confirm cause of death.
That the PCR tests were often run at a reported 40 or above cycles and thus more likely to give a false positive, That cases of Covid were declared without confirmatory symptoms. That recorded deaths from the Flu were greatly lower indicating the possibility that some Flu deaths were being classified of Covid deaths.
But as they say there are lies damn lies and statistics.”
I did get a reply from MD
“Thank you
I’m not saying the data is perfect, I’m saying the imperfect data we have strongly suggests Covid as a far more likely cause of excess deaths than Covid vaccines. But you are of course welcome to disagree and not have any vaccines.
Best wishes
My reply should have been garbage in garbage out
Thank you for your reply.
You did not address the lack of informed consent for the Covid Vaccines that you seemed to have forgotten about in Eye 1625 when you alluded to the rarity of informed consent in the 70s and 80s.
In light of the fact that mRna vaccines was a new method of treating viruses , the past history of medical damage from those producing the vaccines and there immunity from prosecution in case this new vaccine caused damage. with emergency authorisation and limited test results and methods available . This made informed consent essential but was absent without any scrutiny from Private-Eye who have just accepted the official narrative.
I am always amazed at how everyone seems to have forgotten about the 2009/2010 swine flu pandemic scandal.
This is a story that I have followed with the early reports of swine flu and increasing reports over time. But not nearly enough to be declared a pandemic. This problem was solved by changing the definition of a pandemic.
Council of Europe condemns “unjustified scare” over swine flu
“Presenting his report at a committee meeting in Paris, Mr Flynn said, “This was a pandemic that never really was.”
I genuinely ‘cancelled my subscription’ because of MD’s (and Private Eye’s) coverage of Covid. Clearly the the Overton Window applies to them too,
Chris Witty is pretty clear about the very small risk of dying with the virus in the clip of May 2020, He was repeating exactly what he said in March despite two months of new data. I was reassured by his comments from the start and never got caught up in the PANdemIC.
Only there never was a “pandemic “. Whitty lies .
“May have”’ or “potentially” overstated the dangers of covid. What a cowardly and dishonest way of saying you definitely overstated the dangers in order to gain control and do the bidding of big pharma for profits. All of you ahould be charged and put on trial
What can he say, now that everyone knows the vax killed a lot more people than Covid did.
And yet this foul thing:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/27/britain-sick-answer-benefits-crackdown
Change “everyone” to “a small minority” and you might end up closer to the truth. Otherwise it’s really just wishful thinking.
Don’t hold your breath for the proper decision. https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0925/1471932-ray-butler-covid-vaccine/
Of course it was the anticovid injection that killed that young man !!! .🙄😡 5days after he drops dead after taking it! . Johnson and Johnson! Their murderers . Remember the baby powder incident?, they hid for 20years .
If only one child on this planet was endangered by Covid I would personally agree, confirm and approve the whole global operation.
See clearly what a human and goody-goody person I am, and how inhuman YOU are!
Whitty always looked uncomfortable when thrust to the forefront. Not married, no kids…….not casting aspersions but maybe something in his past hangs over him ?
For my sins, I also think that Boris was an unwitting participant. His trip to hospital with er “Covid” was very convenient and likely to remind him of his role (perhaps he was actually sick due to something in his tea ??).
My reaction to Boris’ TV lockdown announcement (actually watched online as I have no TV) was that the oligarchs who told him what to say were not going to be too happy with his performance.
The juxtaposition of “Englishmen are entitled to go to the pub after work” with “You’re not going to do that now though“, said with smirk on face was what moved me from “this is probably a con” to 100% certainty of that.
For what it’s worth, I was told by someone with apparent inside info, that he was really very ill as was reported and that he had hoped the public would fail to take him seriously. So yes something in tea would not surprise me at all.
“So yes something in tea would not surprise me at all.”
Obviously not enough to kill the fat lying cheating pig, mores the pity.
Even behind a mask you could tell he was laughing at anyone stupid enough to believe him.
he’s a weirdo ‘shirt lifter’, that’s obvious-but don’t hold that against him!
The Boris trip to hospital struck me as odd. As for Shitty Whitty…
“Not married, no kids…….not casting aspersions but maybe something in his past hangs over him?”
Spot on, Whitty being unmarried and childless absolutely smacks of abject moral deviancy and associated cause for blackmail. No aspersions like you say.
“almost every establishment institution”
Yikes! Dear editor can we get a list of the institutions which were not in lockstep?
I mean just delete almost please and it’s excellent as usual.
“You Got Everything Right!” – Fmr CDC Director To RFK jr.
Excellent speech by dr. Marty Makary:
“I’m trained in gastrointestinal surgery. My group at Johns Hopkins does more pancreatic cancer surgery than any hospital in the United States. But at no point in the last 20 years has anyone stopped to ask, why has pancreatic cancer doubled over those 20 years? Who’s working on that? Who’s looking into it?
We are so busy in our health care system billing and coding and paying each other and every stakeholder has their gigantic lobby in Washington D.C. and everybody’s making a lot of money except for one stakeholder, the American citizen. They are financing this giant expense of health care system through their paycheck deduction for health insurance and the Medicare exercise tax as we go down this path of billing and coding and medicating.
And can we be real for a second? We have poisoned our food supply, engineered highly addictive chemicals that we put into our food. We spray it with pesticides that kill pests. What do you think they do to our gut lining and our microbiome? And then they come in sick. The GI tract is reacting. It’s not an acute inflammatory storm. It’s a low grade chronic inflammation. And it makes people feel sick and that inflammation permeates and drives so many of our chronic diseases that we didn’t see half a century ago.
Who’s working on it? Who’s looking into this? Who’s talking about it? Our health care system is playing whack-a-mole on the back end and we are not talking about the root causes of our chronic disease epidemic. We can’t see the forest from the trees sometimes. We’re so busy in these short visits, billing and coding. We’ve done a terrible thing to doctors. We’ve told them put your head down, focus on billing and coding. We’re gonna measure you by your throughput. And good job, you did a nice job. We have all these numbers to show for it.
Well, the country is getting sicker. We cannot keep going down this path. We have the most over-medicated, sickest population in the world. And no one is talking about the root causes. The Pima Indians are the perfect example. Here is a group where the obesity diabetes rate was less than 1%. The land in New Mexico and Arizona had its rivers supplied, diverted by ranchers and settlers, and the land and the soil was destroyed. The government, recognizing this tremendous injustice, started to send free government food, but it wasn’t organic kale and fruit and vegetables, it was processed and junk food. Instantly, the Pima Indians developed an obesity, diabetes rate of 90 percent. And what did the United States government do? What did our health care system do? The NIH dispatches its researchers to draw the blood of the Pima Indians to look for a gene that predisposes them to obesity and diabetes. What are our leaders doing?
The H in NIH is supposed to stand for health. Where are they spending their money on food as medicine and looking at the estrogen binding properties of pesticides that are driving our fertility rates down? They’re funding research in Wuhan, China, and they’re funding research on a new food compass to replace the misinformation they put out with the food pyramid, telling us lucky charms is healthier than steak. Somebody has got to speak up.
Maybe we need to talk about school lunch programs not just putting every kid on obesity drugs like Ozempic. Maybe we need to talk about treating diabetes with cooking classes, not just throwing insulin at everybody. Maybe we need to talk about environmental exposures that cause cancer, not just the chemo to treat it. We’ve gotta talk about food as medicine and research these areas. 20% of our nation’s kids are on medication. And as you heard, half are obese or overweight. Are they more disobedient than children in Japan or have we poisoned the food supply? Is this a chronic disease epidemic that has been a direct result of what adults have done to children?
We like to blame people for their diseases, but maybe we need to look inward. We see all these shiny objects thrown at us. Politicians talk about, oh, we’ve got a new healthcare proposal. Medicare can now negotiate the prices of ten generic drugs. Don’t be fooled. These are things in the periphery. It’s not to say they don’t have merits, but the proposed program savings in year one by their own description is six billion dollars. In a four point five trillion dollar economy that’s expanding at eight percent per year in the commercial sector, that’s a two hundred billion dollar expansion, we save six billion dollars. The best way to lower drug costs in the United States are to stop taking drugs we don’t need.”
Did Redfield say anything about mRNA vaccines? Thought not.
It looks like RFK Jr has been coralled in to run a controlled demolition of the old vaccines, so that they can bring in shiny new mRNA ones for everything (including acne, believe it or not).
Am I missing something?
Good point.
Forgetting is so wonderful for your brain:
Not the only article of this type that’s been out there in the last couple of years.
Goofy is never anxious, never nervous, never afraid. Goofy is a happy man without any personal problems.
Jail sentences for the lot of them. A total scam from start to finish.
Just for one of them would be a good start. As far as I’m aware, so far not a single individual has been held accountable for their crimes.
And they never will be held accountable. That’s the system. Criminals in an expensive suit are never punished, they get promoted
They will be…. just not by ‘the system’.
And the genius of “changing governments” every four or eight years – the real string pullers can run their agenda seamlessly, and the “gaffes”, “catastrophes” are blamed on the “previous government”.
A few public figures are hung out to dry, but this is easy to take when you’ve been made a multi millionaire.
Yeah, a “change” of government.. I’m not aware of any real change as the actors come and go.
And where did this “overreaction” come from?
S.A.G.E. (Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies) minute of March 22nd (322):
“The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent by using hard hitting emotional messaging”.
Whitty’s position isn’t mere bureaucratic in-fighting over blame avoidance – it’s a calculated attempt to salvage the reputation of “the science” by sloughing off responsibility on to expendable politicians. They are there to be lightning rods for people’s anger.
Where’s the Stalinist Susan Michie from S.A.G.E. in 2020 now? “In 2022, she was appointed Chair of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health” (Wikipedia). It was Michie who told an interviewer the public should wear face masks “forever”.
SAGE which imples wisdom which they did not have.
Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie, her full name angrams to:
uh oh afar demonic insanities
oh I hone Satanic Freudianism
is another hideous fin maniac
Saw this on another forum, and was quite intrigued.
It would appear that since RFK Jr joined the Trump campaign, he has ceased to talk about the harms of the injectables deployed on the population as a result of the great plague.
He only has time for junk food, pollution and the childhood vaccine schedule, going so far as to lay the blame for everything on those. Are there any recent declarations by him about the new mass poisoning event?
Unfortunately, RFK Jr seems to have gone completely off of his campaign message, and previous pandemic/vaccine corruption message, since August 2023 during his interview with Jimmy Dore on Dore’s show.
That is when he jaw-droppingly extolled the virtues of Israel and called into question Max Blumenthal’s reporting on Palestine. (Said he would do a sit down with Blumenthal to discuss but it never happened)
The turn-around was astonishing. I suppose I was naive. I did not think Kennedy would win but I was hopeful that his campaign would finally get some national exposure of the lie that we were living through (covid pandemic/vaccines) and had lived through for many many years.
It’s turned out to be politics as usual. I think he got the visit.
Oh, look who has come out in favour of the RFK/Trump show:
That lifts any doubts 😀
At least this is good for children, as I as OffG commenter support everything good for children, so people can see the person and man I really am, and what I stand for! 😇 ohhh forgot my mask 😷 .
Funny he has nothing to say about the recent lot of injectables, the ones that caused so many acute harms?
Its because they are obsolete. Like the black death in the middle age.
Trump is talking about the new shots for the virus Bill Gates predicted and promised would finally make people to wake up.
You need to remember what happened to dad and uncle. I’m sure he fully understands!
His unquestioning support for the zionist entity was already well-known in the alternative news community long before the Jimmy Dore interview you’re citing. When his candidacy was still in the trial ballon stage, Whitney Webb spoke about it in an interview with Ryan Cristián of the Last American Vagabond. Pasta Jardula from the Convo Couch even directly confronted RFK Jr. and his campaign team including Dennis Kucinich about it in interview at least a couple of months before the Dore interview. Jimmy Dore is important figure in that he brings mass attention to some topics in an entertaining fashion, but he’s certainly no pioneer or trailblazer.
I did not know that.
I am unfamiliar with Past Jardula, so the first inkling I got as to RFK Jr’s views was on the Dore show.
Interesting about Whitney. She actually did an interview with Kennedy before his campaign when he was still doing his Defender show on Children’s Health Defense. She also appeared at a big conference that CHD sponsored.
I recently heard her talk about Kennedy’s views but I cannot think of the show where she appeared.
In any case, there were many of us startled and disappointed in Kennedy’s Palestine remarks. It goes without saying that he is entitled to his opinions but a.) I don’t think he really believes what he is saying b.) he may be playing a long game but c.) either way he lost my vote.
But not my appreciation for all of his work with Children’s Health Defense. I wish he’d never left.
By the way, I was not alluding to Dore as a trailblazer. Although I tend to agree with just about everything he says. His show just happened to be where I heard Kennedy.
The BMJ is warned off;
Nobody needed to isolate, nobody needed the mystery juice with no data that was on clinical trial at the time.
< The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted. >
“The Government deliberately overstated the danger of Covid at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has not admitted.
I’m not “potentially overstating” that he should be allowed to repeat this statement at the gallows….
For the crime of mass murder by withholding urgent medical services under Lockdown and by injecting the population with experimental medicinal compounds. Crimes punishable by death under Nuremberg Convention.
Wow, your Chris Whitty video has had over 700,000 views!
Wonder if it will get to 1 million!
So what ,shows how stupid the sheep are 🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑. We are not interested in anything these criminals say!🙄😡
Follow the money. As usual:
He could say “I was raised in a working class family”, or,
“I was raised in a poor white family”, though the latter
these days might be considered Hate Speech…
He probably doesn’t want to remind people who his father was…
What really rankles me is Trump. And more importantly, those that still support that bastard. And that in no shape or form means a damn thing relative to Kamala Harris, herself a worthless mouthpiece for the oligarchy.
3/16/2020 – “At a press briefing, Trump issued orders to control the spread of the virus in the U.S.: “My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus. And we’re going to have a big celebration all together. With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner and turn it quickly.”
3/17/2020 – Trump told reporters: “This is a pandemic. … I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
5/15/2020 – “Operation Warp Speed, that means big and it means fast,” Trump said from the White House Rose Garden. “A massive scientific and industrial, logistic endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project. We’d love to see if we can do it prior to the end of the year,” Trump said. “I think we’re going to have some very good results coming out very quickly.”
And of course, the first vaunted vaccine came out in December 2020, while Trump was president, and he continues to this day saying that he (and he alone in his mind) was responsible for saving “millions” of lives because of the (fake) Covid-19 vaccine. That’s supporting the false narrative that there really was/is a Covid-19 virus, supporting the fear tactics, supporting the potential genocide happening before our eyes because of Big Pharma’s deadly mRNA vaccines, and supporting the totalitarian digital apparatus overtaking any freedom left on the planet. While his maga cult lap it up and ask for “more, please”.
In what has to be considered one of the greatest crimes in human history, it is unfathomable that Trump is probably going to be president again and so many people are still supporting him and will vote for him. To me, that’s astounding. Even most people who claim to know better are complaining about how he’s going to be cheated out of the presidency and other such nonsense, when the pathetic fool has no business being considered again in the first place. He should be in prison along with all those involved. To me, what he did is UNFORGIVABLE. And of course, not just him, the whole lot of them. But he has to be included no matter how it’s rationalized. No matter that he got JFK Jr., another story, to suck his teat. And it says something, which is the stupidity of the human race knows no bounds.
And I won’t go on about his very recent warning that he will blow Iran to “smithereens” because they’re trying to kill him. The dude is owned lock, stock and barrel by zionist israel.
All politicians are vain and self serving. It’s a job requirement.
But Trump has to be the most vain, rich spoilt brat that has ever put on a suit and been in office.
Everything he says and does is ALL about him.
Trump is the personification of narcissism.
Agreed. I’m almost 70 and I can’t think of a more despicable person in my life. I’m sure there were, and are, but he’s definitely right there. From what I’ve learned, I’d put him ahead of Hitler. And actually, I’m an American. My ancestors came from Ireland in the late 1600’s and ended up traversing the Oregon Trail to Oregon City, OR in 1852. My family and I are still in the area. There’s the issue of the native Americans in all this, but relative to the ideals of the U.S. and the Declaration of Independence (not necessarily the Constitution imo), I think Trump is one of the biggest traitors in U.S. history and his supporters are right there with him, even tho many claim to be “patriots”. You can’t be a patriot imo and be against freedom.
< From what I’ve learned, I’d put him ahead of Hitler. >
You must be either very young or spent your life wrapped in candy floss.
If you want to aquire a faint idea of what Hitler was like, look at Israel’s prime minister Nutty Yahoo: deliberately bombing women and children in Gaza, deliberately destroying hospitals and sanitation, cutting off food, water and medical supplies — 100,000 dead and still counting. Or look at Israel’s Mossad in Lebanon: deliberately booby trapping civilian objects such as phones, radios — even loading a civilian ship with ammonium nitrate — to cause the maximum of damage, pain and death to innocent civilians.
Trump never made the U$ government do anything remotely like that — even though Trump’s father was a Zionist and his son-in-law is a Zionazi associate of Israel’s Nutty Yahoo regime. Trump is no Hitler; not even a little Nutty Yahoo imitation of Hitler.
Oh ! I don’t blame Israel. Being attacked by Muslims everyday their the evil ones!.😡 Good for MOSSAD!!!!💯👍
Anthony Bliar is the most odious c*nt alive
< What really rankles me is Trump. And … Kamala Harris, a worthless mouthpiece for the oligarchy. >
I share your pain, Big Guy. My country too offers a similar political Hobson’s Choice; between a corrupt billionaire and a worthless mouthpiece for the oligarchy.
Vote Communist at the election. If communism has been culturally genocided in your ward, form a cell and issue a manifesto:
“Dives (Latin, the Wealthy) shall not be allowed to enter the New Dispensation because they have enjoyed all their good things already under the Old Dispensation. >
Feb 28: This is their new hoax.
Mar 18: I’m a wartime president.
He was cheated out of the presidency! The Dems cheated . And they are going to do it again.
Lol. No. Whitty’s patently dishonest, unconvincing. Trying to sell a non-existent, unfound “virus” by feigning an imaginary pathogen wasn’t as deadly as first thought, hence still protecting the operation, which was a patently obvious hoax.
He’s playing a role. Some are given varying degrees of “resistance” or “discomfort” to act out, so as not to appear obviously uniform and lock step.
That’s what the UN did with each faux, privately owned, centrally controlled govt/country: each given varying degrees of force, coercion, and absurd rules to follow to gauge public reaction and pushback to the idiocracy.
Psychological operations like fake pandemics, orchestrated wars, fake terror, unnatural disasters, and faux financial crises are all highly war gamed and planned so the faux authorities, their tech and industry partners can collect and compare data to run these grifts and scams better next time.
I agree with your general point that roles are assigned and fake disagreements initiated, all the way up to phony war posturing, but we can’t assign these people godlike status. They are still individual human beings with individual interests and self interests. Plus a bunch of psychopaths will never make a 100% faultlessly well oiled machine, no matter how global its reach. Too much selfishness, greed and shortterm thinking.
Your last sentence makes a good point: Con-men build up their scams patiently year by year, constantly modifying and refining them.
By and large, governments fabricate ‘laws’ to prevent the people from engaging in those things which are assumed to be a breach of the ‘laws’. Chris Whitty, breached those ‘laws’ and should therefor be held accountable for the breach. Hang the prick up by his knuts, and let him swing-in-the-breeze, while the people deliberate the ‘wheres-n-whyfors’ … as was done with the minds of most people in their respective communities.
Prof, Sir … makes a mockery of the idea of ‘titles’ …
All such titles are a mockery to start with.
As ever, accurate, insightful and important reporting from Off Guardian. Human Rights Lawyer Absolutely Shocked by Northern Ireland Health Bill Consultation. If this legislation passes in Northern Ireland, it will be rolled out in England and the rest of the UK. It is quite simply and arguably the biggest story for the UK right now, because it is test legislation in a UK state (Northern Ireland): https://rumble.com/v5fyfz9-melissa-ciummei-and-the-ni-health-bill-consultation-with-michael-brentnall.html
The excuse seems to be that if another “democratic” country has imposed such a law, we must hasten it too, or have an excuse for it. Even better if we let remote un-elected bureaucrats such as WHO decide.
This is no worse than The Science. At present, this fully corrupted activity consists of obediently approving, buying or imposing what your betters abroad have propounded to be The Science.
“The” Science is the opposite of Science. Science walks humbly on its own two feet and bows to facts. “The” Science walks proudly with its Staff of Office (“Prof. Sir”) and snubs facts.
So when do we get to hang him?
I’ll bring my knitting.
If backpedaling was an Olympic sport, some politicians and their ilk would be gold medalists.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, pangs of guilt are keeping some awake at night.
“Hindsight is 20/20”, as the saying goes.
Overall, Covid was reckoned after a year or so to be ‘about six times more deadly than influenza’. That’s actually fairly deadly, especially to vulnerable groups, but whether its “worth shutting the place down” deadly is debatable. Its just that given the nature of our societies we can’t take time out like this for any emergency, real or imagined, global or personal, without it seriously impacting our society (got to keep making those payments….).
So given that Rancourt and Yeadon, to mention just two, have shown that there was no pandemic at all (Rancourt: care to read his statistical study at his website?) ) and that respiratory pandemics cannot exist (Yeadon), where did you dredge up the “6 times more deadly” prattle?
Martin Usher is presumably a bot, so probably fished it out of his bot-tom!
‘him arse runt’ is an anagram of Martin Usher. I rest my case.
It’s kind of like a puzzle. There are a number of pieces that have to be put together for you to see the entire picture. You’re definitely missing a few pieces.
Here is “Martin Usher”, fake entity and establishment mouthpiece, once again doing what he’s appointed to do and soft selling essential baseline establishment narratives.
He always does it. He never does anything else. Try to remember that
I tried to vote up your comment, but got a message that I have already voted. If people want to spend time responding to propagandists, let them.
I get the ‘already voted’ thing occaisionally when I am sure I haven’t. I find if you try again it should work.
That’s not true. Martin Usher is a reasonable person, and his favourable opinion of IT (information technology) is based on specialist knowledge, but his informed posts get down-ticked by the Luddite element among OffG readers because they go against some cherished OffG beliefs: Science bad, Technology Bad, IT bad, AI bad, Digital devilish.
There was NO pandemic. The PCR tests were egregiously misused. The large but regular annual number of ‘flu’ and pneumonia deaths were massaged into phony C19 deaths. And then miraculously morphed back again.
And they still haven’t given up on it, or on its likely successors.
Please fasten your real safety belts. It’s about to get bumpy.
C. 2021, there was an illustrative graph showing the global death and resurrection of flu. I can’t find it there from c. 2023.
Those who conceded national sovereignty to WHO should be singled out for exposure.
Turn off the telly Martin.
They’ve seduced your mind.
< six times more deadly than influenza’. That’s actually fairly deadly >
Except that actually the Covid-19 virus wasn’t six times more deadly than any other strain of annual Covid flu. The very first results from Wuhan showed that patients ill enough to be hospitalised with Covid-19 were no more likely to die than patients hospitalized with annual flu in the U$A.
Sorry, Martin, usually I defend your posts because you obviously know more about Information Technology than the OffG readers who downtick you; but on Covid-19 it is a grave mistake to allege that it was any more dangerous than annual flu.
The only thing unusual about Covid-19 (as compared with thousands of previous strains of annual Covid flu) is its unique U$ Patent GMO Spike Protein, patented by Moderna in 2016, which causes SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) but rarely causes death.
But nobody will ever catch Prof.Sir.Whitty admitting to a U$ Patent GMO Spike Protein, the one that causes people with Covid-19 to suffer difficulty in breathing.
Any real number divided by 0 is equal to infinity. So, convid is infinitely more dangerous than many other threats. Except that dividing by 0 is meaningless.
Buttholes got it right again on their last album in 2001, huh,
The Weird Revolution – Butthole Surfers (youtube.com)
He reminds me of my chemistry teacher, Mr. Jenkins, in his white lab coat who would tell us about the science in a bored, seen it all before, manner.
Mr. Jenkins, though, never looked shit scared like he was reading an autocue.
Christopher John MacRae Whitty, his full name, will anagram to:
Pharmacy whore inject Roth shit
What? Are we backing off? Will our elite “scientists” (who seem not very interested in the truth) start saying “nah it wasn’t as bad as we thought” and “maybe new technologies weren’t really necessary” and so it is no longer a relevant question whether they were “effective”. Interesting… NOT! Disgusting.
The list of crimes is overwhelming. Going right back to the early days when people were being unnecessarily murdered on ventilator death machines.
Ventilators took longer. Starvation was faster. Narcotics to suppress breathing (midzolam, morphine, etc.) was fast. Some who would not die got a special blue jab.
No money left in the funds specifically meant for social services and retirement payments. But limitless funds for wars or donation of armaments.
How THEY allot the finances tells you EVERYTHING.
In 2020, my open-mindedness about the possible authenticity or legitimacy of the newly-declared Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic snapped shut when they employed the bait-and-switch technique of announcing “two weeks to flatten the curve”, then instantly flipped to implementing (bogus) draconian public health protocols indefinitely, i.e. until a COVID vaccine was formulated and distributed to informed consenting recipients.
But as a retired civil servant, aka “state worker”, my crap detectors confirmed the fraudulent nature of the scamdemic when I saw that lavish funding streams for various anti-scamdemic initiatives, public and private, had already been prepared. To discerning eyes, his rapid “turnkey”-level funding gave away the game. 🤨
Yes, the Rockefeller Foundation ‘Lockstep’ program described it all in great detail in 2010, and it was, of course, planned much earlier. Like the Deage.com population reduction statistics for 2025 which also have disappeared from mainstream awareness.
Huh, vid didn’t show,
anyway here’s a better one
John Maus – Keep Pushing On (youtube.com)
Still touring UK next month, kids
TV probably still stands as the medium from which the majority of the population get their “news”. And from what I just heard on ITV News, they’re hedging the bit about Whitty overstating the “pandemic” by saying he may also have understated it. All of which pales into insignificance at the blasé certainty of a further statement that THERE REALLY WILL BE ANOTHER PANDEMIC!
TV and not To Be.
That IS the question.
To View and be hypnotised.
To be and BE awake.
When the TV is on, one is in the company of Users and Abusers.
To find out all about the next pandemic, just interrogate Bill Gates.
The only person who has ever interrogated Bill was his missus. Look where that got her.
Touring next month, far-right kids !
Hey Moon – YouTube
I am a phantom over the battlefield, or something…,
John Maus – Over Phantom (youtube.com)
According to many loads died and that is what is needed to keep the lie going,
even in the alt section some say it was the worse flu they ever had.
but denying that at the moment with covid it is not arrestable offence.
give it a few years it will and has the same psyop type of feel as another thing that cant be mentioned.
that holy of holy denier thing that gets you cancelled, job lose and possible prison etc etc.
looking back on history, this covid thing will be the worse thing that happened and never again.
question to the comment board
Thw wisdom of Whitty…… “I think people always, at the beginning of pandemics, underestimate that it’s actually the science that’s going to get them out of the hole, not all the other things. The other things are holding the line until the science does the work” yet another Guardian article today that’s broaching the possibility / probability that they’re ready for round 2 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/sep/26/future-pandemic-as-big-as-covid-is-inevitable-says-whitty?CMP=share_btn_url
Part of the strategy here is they’re trying to ring-fence “science” and direct any blame at politicians (who are always expendable).
The Guardian!🙄 That leftist rag!. Liars