The UK’s “Chicken License” Rebellion – the GOOD way to deal with BAD laws
Kit Knightly

Apologies if you can't read their *ahem* chicken scratch.
As of today, the UK’s “Chicken License” is in full effect. October 1st marked the deadline for registering your chickens with the proper authority.
Moving forward anyone caught with an unlicensed chicken will be in breach of the law and subject to fines and poultry reclamation.
I am entirely serious.
Back in March the UK govt’s “Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs” (DEFRA) announced changes to the poultry registration laws, essentially redefining a “flock” from “50 birds or more” to 1.
So, from now on, everybody in the country who keeps even a single bird – not just chickens, all outdoor birds – has to register as a poultry keeper.
You understand, this is all about protecting birds and the public from avian influenza, not at all about increasing government monitoring with the final aim of stamping down on self-sufficiency.
Banish that cynical thought from your head.
Fortunately, the people of the UK have a tried-and-tested method of dealing with absurdity—more absurdity.
In the run-up to the deadline thousands of people took to the DEFRA website to register their “chickens” – frozen, nuggets, unhatched and even rubber:
Just about to register my bird 🐔🤔
— 𝘽𝙀𝙇 (@Bel_B30) September 29, 2024
Just completed my #chicken registration.
Suprised they didn’t ask for photos…— Richard David On 𝕏 (@Trying_Very) September 29, 2024
The result is that the online service strained…

…and then broke:

That’s all poisoned data flooding the system rendering the register all but useless. A display of the power of malicious compliance.
Good work.
— I Support Farmers Markets (@SupportMarkets) October 1, 2024
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What about registering all those ‘persons’ who are so ‘chicken’ that they comply with stupidity?
That phrase, “malicious compliance” worries me…
They’ll criminalize it and invent stiff penalties for it.
But It’s a damn good idea, and I fully intend to become an expert at it.
People can only be policed to the extent they agree to be policed.
There is an easy solution to this, do a “Conditional Acceptance” letter to their “offer of contract”. If you do not make a counter-offer, they consider that you are dumb enough to take the bite. The Bible clearly says that You as a man are in a higher jurisdiction than the roadside tax collectors. (big topic) Gen 1:26-28, Isaiah 60:21, Ecc 12:13-14, Rom 13:1-2, Exo 19-5, Phil 3:20.
The laws are just an ‘offer to contract’ and so you reply with a serious counter-offer requesting data for their perceived impending problems, with real scientific proof of their statements and/or the reasons why etc.. Stick to the facts in your letter and it is not incumbent for you to prove anything, but instead it is incumbent on them to prove everything they say. Always ask them for proofs. Always have questions.
Do not be angry or call names, just be factual, and ask them to prove not you. They are the alarm bell ringers.
This website is American but no doubt there is a British version. They have a free section to start learning. No difference between American, Canadian or British law BTW. Best to get together as a group and all send a similar letter to the authorities. Bottom line is you send three letters- Registered and get receipts (and keep them) from the post office. That’s the law of three. (from the AKJV Bible)
First one gives say thirty or less days for a reply, from the initial mail date second gives say 20 or less from that same (initial date), third one gives say 10 days for reply (from the initial date). If they do not reply they are in agreement with you and you are home free.
Keep the receipts in a safe place and make a photocopy for any personal visits from the tax collectors. BTW use this for other tax collection schemes they dream up. Print it in black or blue ink only NO COLOUR. and keep a photocopy(s) of each letter.
Offer to contract? More of the sovereign citizen pseudolaw BS. so read:
Sorry but Laws are not an offer to contract, they are not contracts. This is not contact law. .
But which ‘laws’ are you referring to?
A regulation or rule is not a Law. Statute laws are subservient (i.e. beneath) Common Law or Natural Law, and require one to ‘agree’ with said statute. Moreover, which ‘language’ is being used to make such a statute law?
With regard to chickens, who owns the chickens? Is there a receipt? Or are they creatures created by God and for which one may offer said creatures protective accommodation away from foxes or other predators? They, during daylight hours, are as free as the wild birds that frequent gardens, fields, woodland, hedgerow and road. Should they also be ‘registered’? And by whom?
Should we also ‘register’ any eggs – as it is known that a chicken (as well as wild birds) comes from an egg . . .
Stamping down on self-sufficiency is certainly part of the agenda, but the aim of that thread is ‘population reduction’, and I’m not referring to the birds.When the consultation for this law change opened, I checked out its further implications on the DEFRA site. The reason they gave for the proposal was because ‘they love us’. Of course! They wanted to be able to contact us in case the dreaded bird flu comes our way. The description of the protocol revealed the truth. Registration is just step one. Compliance affirmation.The next step is that you would be required to give yearly injections of an mRNA ‘vaccine’ to all of your birds.How many millions of people worldwide have died from these jabs? Should we be forced to undergo second hand inoculation? Step three would be administering regular lateral flow tests to all your birds (with a 95% false positive rate), and if even one bird, healthy or not (remember the lie of asymptomatic infection?) tests positive, all of your birds would be killed. Two objectives here: one, make tons of money on the jabs and the jobs for the boys administering them, and two, kill more people off by taking away a simple, nutritious food source obtained from the eggs and the meat. Only around 2% of those responding to the consultation voted for blanket registration. Over 76% voted to keep it as is, ie register over 50 birds.The rest voted for over 10 bird registration. Well, they said, to justify the blanket choice, we did get some support! Apparently that’s all it takes. Consultation scam revealed. Agenda clear.
Then there is incrementalism. First it’s oh just a little registration. Then well we need to pay for the system, then well we think everyone should have an annual course and so it always goes, give them an inch…
Good old Rudi Rooster.
Do not comply with anything that comes from the government they do not have any of our interest at heart.
“One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do”. (Harry Nilsson 1968)
my sister in Wales, UK told me of this. When you meet with resistance to ridiculous conclusions…REDEFINE…passes right over most heads, empty it is true but nonetheless…and becomes voila…appears in the dictionary…”beam me up Scottie”
The moral man or woman rejects any unjust law.
Otherwise what. You obey any law that evil people make? Tha would make you evil too.
What I found was the more unhealthy a nations citizens are, the more draconian the gvt response is to the consequences of bad health, look no further than covid to support this factual theory.
While waiting for its computer problems to clear up, I suggest the UK monarchy watch “The Birds,” the 1963 movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Oh, sorry, I just checked. It’s Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Knight of the British realm as of 1979.
One end of the world scenario involves a large amt of the population suddenly dropping dead like puppets whos strings have been cut.
Who will clean up the mess asks one survivor, the birds says God.
What are they going to do over in England when they find out that Hamas and Hezbollah have been working on fully automatic chickens!!! 700 eggs a minute! That’s firepower!!!
To be in full compliance with that law, all British men who have a wife or girlfriend (or both) are compelled to register those “birds.”
Now if only the British public would take a similar stand against the counter terrorism law they were force fed by Herr Blair. From abroad, as insane as the US has gotten in this terrorist labeling one-up-manship, Britain does seem to have won that particular crown.
As dear leader Joe Biden blurted out during one of his “speeches”: “God Save The Queen.”
no wonder if he said “God Shave The Queen”
Another unfulfilled political promise.
Is this a crime punishable in the Courts with a Jury?
Wonder if Jury Nullification is a thing in the UK
Thank you for mentioning juror nullification, more people need to research and USE this power !
“One has a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.” Martin Luther King
“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Thomas Jefferson
“When a law is unjust, it is only right to disobey.” Gandhi
All three of those you quote may have bitten off more than they could chew because, in essence, ALL laws are unjust – not only those obviously so. This, because no ruling authority has a legitimate right to make laws which everyone must obey. Yet they presume the right to do so because every Constitution gives them that right. But was any Constitution, anywhere in the world, ever voted on by all the residents?
They have guns, and psychopaths on Their side.
The majority can be dead wrong about so many things, and the only reason it is sustainable, is b/c they are in the majority.
lex iniusta non est lex, springs to mind
“Is that a chicken in your pocket, or are you just unhappy to see me?”
(Said the compliance officer).
Invent a disease and blame an animal.
Hey, why not?
Added to the list of things revealed during covid as idolotrous nonsense.
The Law or laws
Unlicensed chicken ownership with intent.
Om le hate crime? (Sorry)
All the posters and flyers I see for missing Dogs and Cats they’re all microchiped.
Russia attacked Ukraine and claimed it was a Special Military Operation (SM0).
Israel has invaded Lebanon, and is calling it a Limited Ground 0peration (LGO)…
BY ‘LGO’ does Israel mean what it did to Gaza ? Or is calling its invasion of
Lebanon an LGO one of its “War By Way of Deception” deceptions ?
(The US called its attack on Vietnam a “police Action” – very creative !)
Like other OffG readers, Les is confused by the dogma: “They’re all in it together”. Like in WW2 wellmeaning Liberals could not see the difference between victory by Hitler and victory by Stalin. The difference is: Communism won over Nazism and Europe had its “trentes annees glorieuses” of socialism, peace and unity. Until the Empire struck back with Maggie Snatcher and Ronnie Raygun.
The difference between Russia’s anti-Nazi SMR in Ukraine, on the one hand and on the other hand, the U$A’s anti-Communist Genocide in Vietnam and Israel’s anti-Gentile genocide in the Middle East is: that the Anglo-American-Zionazi-Capitalists are losing and the forces of progress are winning. Just like WW2.
Some OffG readers get confused by political labels…
Given a choice they’ll always elect to be ruled by
The Lesser Evil…
An Address:
‘To Those Who Want To Manage The Nuisances Rather Than Suppress Them.’
Communism failed? You’ve got to be kidding us, the covid operation was its greatest success to date! Steady on comrade compadre.
“First They came for your chooks, then They came for your
pussy cat, next They came for ………… ”
All animal meats which compete with little bully gates vat
goo will eventually be culled – to protect us from ‘zoonotic
diseases’… Security has its price – No More Red Meat !…
It was revealed that The Authorities had plans prepared to
cull all British pussy cats during ‘the pandemic’…
The pussies wont be so lucky next time…
How come we can’t up vote the article? Anyway, great piece by Kit!
For what it’s worth And this applies to every country around the world The good way to deal with bad laws Is to remove the bad people Who made the bad laws in the first place so they don’t make any more bad laws in the future Because while as amusing As acts like these In response To totalitarian Regimes May be They aren’t actually changing a damned thing. #JuuuussstSAYIN
Asking for freedom turns rights into revokable privileges. Fuck, registering a damn chicken!
Fuck Registering…
Murder most fowl.
If all people did what their government told them to do, we would have peace on this planet!
Peace i our societies, happiness for our children, joy and satisfaction for our elderly, love between man and woman, and a working day with life quality for all our wonderful public servants.
You do what you feel you must do, disobey and revolt and riots and burn cars, and I do what I feel is necessary to maintain love in our societies!
Control is not love. Just saying.
You assume a benevolent government. Evidence proves that your assumption is wrong.
boomer moment
Am I the only one who got the irony here
But there isn’t any irony.
Somebody has flipped.
Sweet Lord… Erik, what’s happened to you…?
Even if you were right – and you aren’t – doing what an unintelligent government tells you to do is an act of self-destruction.
Off topic but only those Christian loonies argue with The Science:
“Christian teacher fired for refusing to use transitioning pupil’s pronouns
Peter Vlaming lost his job at West Point High School, in West Point, Virginia, after insisting that referring to a biologically female student by male pronouns went against his religious beliefs.”
Of course it’s only a matter of “his religious beliefs”!
“His faith taught Mr Vlaming that “sex is fixed in each person and cannot be changed”.”
“His faith”? Oh those crazy Christian fundamentalists! Us Groovy Left KNOW that men are women and women are men!
We KNOW that. We KNOW that you leftist gay green environmentalists KNOW that we KNOW you dont have a clue about which hole makes babies, and that you dont care and that you refuse to know it.
We not only KNOW it, we KNEW it, and you KNOW we KNEW it. You guys are only seeking attention!
Millions of illegal immigrants can come in unchecked but you have to register chickens!
Beyond parody…
But many of these flocks harbor terrarists.
According to selective “international law”, no government can bar any “refugee”. He may even go to a country participating in brutal invasion of his home country. This is what globalism and the war on wages has come to. This neo-colonialism was one goals of setting up the UN, the head of the serpent. Another principal goal was kleptocracy through debt slavery.
They are all young fighting age males whose real purpose is yet to be revealed..
Could you register your chickens as refugees from the cruel UK government, and claim asylum on their behalf. . .?
Will there be a national poultry births and deaths register too… one for geese, one for hens, one for ducks, etc? How exciting [not]. Everyone but bureaucrats knows that birds may die young, birds which benefit from a cockerel or two in the vicinity have babies, occasionally foxes or birds of prey fancy a snack and birds disappear from the flock.
It’s complete authoritarian overreach. Won’t people in developing countries, perhaps many of them, be laughing at us? How does that possibly help so-called ‘UK soft power’?
I recently read Joel Salatin’s 2007 book ‘Everything I Want to Do is Illegal’ about the USA and Virginia with incredulity and thought ‘It can’t get that bad here’. Oh yes it can.
Ignore, take the piss … just don’t obey. There’s an old legal concept called de minimis … look it up. It almost certainly applies if you’re keeping a few back garden poultry and not selling the eggs. But even if you are selling eggs, the tax authorities have a rule that you can make modest profits from a hobby and it will *not* count as a business.
For what it’s worth, we were saying the same thing here in the US, about other places, up until pretty much, the plandemic… “It can’t get that bad here.” Oh, Yes… It DID. 😔👍
There will be an annual spreadsheet to provide all those details you mentioned. Someone is finalising a contract for it. It is not that far-fetched compared to a jab pass for people. Not everyone can risk getting locked up in the local jail.
Break the local jail. That’s what the French Revolutionaries did: storm the Bastille!
And that Mr Anderson is the sound of inevitability. They’ve been subtly and not so subtly trying to shove us all towards it throughout the world and it’s looking like the unavoidable conclusion to things in the end. The question is once we tear down their systems and haul them all off to Guillotines and Gallows then what? Do we replace them with equally corruptible puppets or design a better system with better safeguards to ensure that the s*** show happening around the world right now never f****** happens again to any of us
Is there a moral in the film “Chicken Run” and it’s sequel – as with Orwell’s “Animal Farm”? I clearly spent too much time with my children watching children’s films…(En passant, the CIA made a version of Animal Farm but changed the ending such that Capitalism is good, Communism bad. Needless to say, we didn’t watch the CIA version)
So, that’s the rules in England and Wales. Any news about the situation in Scotland?
Hmm, although as a US resident it doesn’t affect me, I don’t get all of the resistance to the government sensibly obtaining a reasonably accurate count of poultry ownership.
After all, if the government lacks an accurate poultry/outdoor bird database, how can Neil Ferguson and his mates at the Imperial College of London possibly create hypothetical worst-case bird flu projections, and accordingly recommend draconian remedies like mass extermination? 🤔 🐔 🐓 🐣 🐤 🐦
Actually, there are already strict controls on poultry rearing, and even veg. cultivation, in some US states. So said John Whitehead.
Who was it prophesied that the next Fascist Leader would be a POTU$A wearing a business suit?
Irony alert!
I’m being deadly serious here, if the newsreaders announced the government had just put though a policy that anyone who refused a jab would be put down, the majority would pretty much if not completely agree with it. We are dealing with NPCs so devoid of morality, sense and courage that they would even start preparing if the target was their eldest child, or grandparent.
It took a while for this realisation to sink in. It used to make me astonished, mad, depressed. Now? If it does not make me laugh because… What else. I have no reaction whatsoever. I know it, therefore I expect it, therefore it does not move me.
The moral response to the government is first to realise it is your enemy, for to align with and uphold truth is to be moral. And then you adjust your actions accordingly. Withdraw, avoid, suspect, spread awareness. The same way you would a known psychopath killer in your neighborhood. But these NPCs have not been given insight, reason, discernment. They have Stockholm syndrome. They will protect their abuser and rather kill YOU for suggesting their abuser is not good. Was it ever thus? I wonder.
The government is only good at three things, lying, stealing and killing. If you are over 30 and haven’t realised this yet, you probably never will.
The price to pay for being so red pilled? I’m very alone in this world. What can you do. It is what it is.
Nonsense. Your reason only ripens from 40 onwards. Why I always had a strong instinct for spiritual and interhuman truth, most things about the system(s), finacial, power, actual policies, the younger history, the lying, deception and depravity *level* etc. you know in a truly fully cohesive clear way (health too), I realised/learned from 45-55. Thank you.
You can be very smart and perspicacious before that – but it will get much better. With 30 most ppl understand pretty little – and the real problem is if you don‘t after. The later age is that of most likely insights (or increase). I‘m sure you haven‘t reach that age and think of adukts as a different species. So you too have a lot to learn.
“adukts” are a different species…
I’m 40. Yeah what you say is true.
Thought there are plenty of over 40s who are as I describe above.
The government consist of humans like yourself. They just have to cover arse because they work on a larger scale platform than most.
You can join me on the couch for a bottle of the finest if you like, Paul. I’m 25+ years in and still haven’t reached the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Imagine listening to others who are slowly waking up to what’s really going on and just nodding your head because you knew years in advance. It takes it’s toll. And here we are at the start of the new game. Being awake is a lonely place but we aren’t on our own.
Thank you Thom. It’s one of the few reasons to keep going, knowing there are others out there who get it.
I keep praying to the Lord to meet those people in real life.
The laws tighten gradually. “Influencers” promote the insanity. Most people are too busy, exhausted or broke to discuss the looming threat. I agree that mass resistance can defeat almost anything, but that is just what the oligarchy tries to preempt.
Most people are busy? Go to your town/city centre and you’ll find hordes of working age young people, phone in hand, leasurely walking around during what used to be ‘working hours’. It must be a different kind of busy.
He probably means working people are busier. But that always correlates to a rise in people doing fck all as they are either wealthy off our labour, or supported by the state – again off our labour.
I decided that busting my ass off just to stay afloat just isn’t worth it. not while I am surrounded by the wealthy and the feckless.
I am going into self employment. I am going to keep busting my ass off, but with the potential to see all the fruits of my labour. God willing.
Well done those folks!!
I wish I had thought of registering my imaginary flock of nuggets, fried, frozen and rubber chicks.
The form asks for the location of where the birds are kept? Well,that’s easy…
‘Nuggets’ in any branch of McDonalds
‘Fried’ in the local KFC
‘Frozen’ in the freezer
‘Rubber’ in the bath along with the duck.
Good. Another insane law to be ridiculed. I would add the ridiculous microchipping of cats.
“you are breaking the
lawlegal”; law and legal are not the same thing, if it is not spelt the same it does not mean the same thing. If you have chickens and are going to diminish your status from that of a man, or woman, to a title a number of levels below man, or woman, then that comes with duties and obligations. Such as to register your chickens. Or you, could simply be a man, or a woman, having your property: in this instance the chickens of you. Property, that which is proper to you, that which you, can claim exclusive to all others in a society, is your highest right, the only right, and the foundation of all other rights. Prroperty is that which you, have the right to set the law for as a man, or woman.How much repression will trigger the rEvolution? In some local US jurisdictions, restrictions have been attempted on urban food gardens. Chickens. Now with supposed “liberal”, “progressive” Dims calling for limits to constitutional rights we have a call from the Horse’s Mouth, a former Secretary of State and purposeful loser to GW Bush, calling the First Amendment, our right of free speech, assembly and redress of grievances, a threat to the PTB’s ability to rule. Cancellation of First Amendment rights in the US is the ultimate no-no utterance, that indicates the PTB’s frustration to control peons has fueled them to attempt, ANYTHING. It will be their end.
John Forbes Kerry, his full name, has the anagrams ‘Berserk’ and ‘bonkers’.
“essentially redefining a “flock” from “50 birds or more” to 1.”
Not at all reminiscent of the re-defintion of “pandemic” that was a vital prelude to Convid.
As far as I am concerned, whilst I don’t have any chickens, DEFRA can just flock off!
My chickens identify as transsexual squirrels.
You might have just won the internet today with that one. 💯👏👏👏👏👏💯
Great, I recall the weapons amnesty back in the 90’s during the recession
how Britannia Scotland had no go area’s and violent attack despair horror the media reported.
so good old government launched a weapons amnesty and you all could drop of the weapons to the police station and nothing will be said.
Loads of people dropped of garden waste like broken wood, tree branches, old metal railing (basically it was quicker than taking to the tip).
Not long ago they brought in
Cats being chipped and not getting them chipped would mean 500£ fine and the vets would report your cat,
so the trick is, tell them it is a stray.
Who is honestly going to come around and check if your cat is chipped or your chickens have been registered it like the TV licence thing, it is ruled by fear and consent.
Cat or chicken police will not turn up.
and tell them alt media whores to stop shilling knife attack Britain with it fake videos.
Well said.
Yes, it is ruled by fear and consent but also the authorities like to encourage and enlist the dumb public to do their ‘civic duty’.
There are the curtain twitchers and busybodies who have nothing better to do than report a neighbour or those with whom they have an ongoing feud or dislike of.
Duing the scamdemic, I remember the public being encouraged to grass up those who broke the ‘rule of six’, or whichever invented nonsense of the week was de rigueur at the time.
The Stasi in East Germany used a huge network of informants, just ordinary people – around 1 percent of the total population – to enhance its own 90,000 agents intelligence gathering operations.
It would not surprise me if in the future one’s social credit score could be enhanced by being a
snitch‘good citizen’.Always best to stay on good terms with the neighbours, or if possible, live in a place with no neighbours close by.
Rural life promotes genuine inter-dependence. Urban life promotes false independence that ultimately ends in slavery. We are very far down the road.
I wonder how many folks are still around that remember
not just the period SINCE, but DURING, and in PARTICULAR,
BEFORE the “Berlin Wall”…
There seem to be some much more important news stories in the world this week than regulations about poultry.
This law is part of the steady global crawl toward separating people from their access to real food. To make us all 100% dependent on the fake food they are busy rolling out.
This itself is part of an even bigger global agenda of removing human freedom and crushing the human spirit.
Most of the “more important news” you are talking about is just noise designed to keep us distracted from this terrible agenda.
I think the “more important news”, including phantom claims of ww3, will fizzle as soon as its purpose is served. But news like the above will end up changing billions of lives and lasting many lifetimes in its effects.
Perhaps I’m wrong, in fact I hope I am.
Thom, it’s about controlling everything, and when it’s about the food supply, I would say that’s very important.
But unlike those other stories, this is actually something people (in England and Wales, at least) can have an impact on through non-compliance … or else through ‘malicious compliance’, as Kit put it.
All stories highlighting creeping globalism are important.
There seems to be much more important stories than someone killing someone. See what I did there?
Poultry is not paltry and eggs-actly the sort of thing we need to fight against!
I have 13 chickens, and of course, I will register them as soon as I get full disclosure regarding the Registration process, including my name in ALL CAPS and the CESTUI QUE VIE ACT.
You give ownership of everything you register to whoever holds the original document/deed/certificate, i.e., your child, car, home, bank account, land, company, etc. Just for a laugh, go to the company house website and check every director’s surname and ask why it’s in ALL CAPS.
Owner is a title that is not man, or woman, it is some levels below man, or woman, and comes with duties and obligations. I, do not own anything, what I, have is property. The all capitals name birth certificate is not you, and it is not yours, it is property of another. The bank account is not yours, the property: in this instance the money; in said bank account is yours. A title or piece of paper to property, the “thing” is not the property itself, it has nothing to do with the property. The land registry is not going to claim your property: in this instance the house and land of you; the DVLA is not going to claim your property: in this instance the car of you; and so on. The “state” can only take “children” from “parents”, pair that rents; if you, do give said man, or woman, the authority by taking a title such as parent, and have a child and or children. Instead of being a man, or woman, having your property: in this instance the son or daughter of you.
The land registry will not claim your property but the fact that the property is in the name of your legal person fiction allows the court to act on behalf of a creditor and remove your keepers rights and throw you out your house.
J.D. I like you and believe you are a lawyer with empathy toward your fellow man. You are using legalese terminology in your response, thank you for that.
In Scotland to be notified to go to court its worded as such:
Procurator Fiscal v You. Therefore the charge is against You and never me.
The Crown acts as trustee for us all as we are all lost at sea presumed dead, and as a dead thing is dead it cannot have rights or freedoms. I am always the beneficiary.
Does a “dead thing”, then, have obligations or duties?
No. A police charge and court summons only acts against your corporate (corpse) id. You must always act with honour and abide by common law as a man or woman. You only give authorities power by consent.
A “thing” does not. Only persons. “Monsters” As I believe
Black’s law dictionary 5th edition, puts it. 😎👍
Well said. 👍
As noted before, the cestui qui vie and all caps pseudolaw BS and the rest of the pseudolaw delusion are solidly refuted here:
Then its simple. Tell the banks, land registry, company house, DVLA et al to alter our names from ALL CAPS and or title to non ALL CAPS and no title and provide full disclosure into the registration process. Simple really. Until that happens you can shove your Zionist misinfo website up your arse.