Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany
CJ Hopkins

The first rule of New Normal Germany is, you do not compare New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany. If you do that, New Normal Germany will punish you. It will sic the Federal Criminal Police on you. It will report you to its domestic Intelligence agency. It will ban your books. It will censor your Tweets. It will prosecute you on fabricated “hate-crime” charges.
I know this, because that’s what happened to me. I broke the first rule of New Normal Germany. I compared New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany. I did it with the cover artwork of my book.

Yes, that’s a swastika on the cover. A swastika covered by a medical mask. I tweeted that artwork in 2022. The German authorities prosecuted me for that, and have convicted me for that. So, now I’m a “hate criminal,” and an “anti-Semite,” and a “trivializer of the Holocaust.”

That’s the second rule of New Normal Germany. You never, ever, display a swastika. Displaying a swastika is not “in Ordnung.” Displaying swastikas is totally “verboten.”
Unless you are the Health Minister of New Normal Germany, and you’re comparing your political opponents to the Nazis. Or unless you are a popular German celebrity, and you’re comparing the Russians and their supporters to the Nazis. Or unless you are a mainstream magazine, and you’re comparing German populists to the Nazis.

In which case, displaying a swastika is fine. And is not “verboten.” And definitely not a “hate crime.”
And that’s the third rule of New Normal Germany. If you agree with the government, obey their orders, and parrot their propaganda, you are not a “hate criminal.” If you are the government, like an actual minister in the government, like the Minister of Health, you’re definitely not a “hate criminal.” And, if you are part of government’s propaganda apparatus, needless to say, you’re also not a “hate criminal.”
However, if you criticize the government, or if you compare the government to Nazi Germany, and if you do that using your book-cover art featuring a swastika behind a Covid mask, then you’re absolutely officially a “hate criminal,” and an “anti-Semite,” and a “trivializer of the Holocaust.”
Here’s how Das Kammergericht, Berlin’s superior or appellate court, explained that in their press release, after they overturned my acquittal in District Court:
The swastika, one of the main symbols of the banned National Socialist Workers’ Party (NSDAP), is used here exclusively to express criticism of the federal government’s Corona policy; A clear departure from the ideals of National Socialism cannot be seen in the posts in question. The comparison of Corona measures, which are supposed to be embodied by the use of mouth-and-nose coverings, with the Nazi terror regime symbolized by the swastika represents a trivialization of National Socialism and the National Socialist genocide of millions of Jews, but not a criticism of it.”
I remember when the presiding judge read that out in court. I remember it distinctly, because the judge to her right, the bespectacled woman with the short white hair (see the photograph of the courtroom above), was glaring at me with bone-chilling hatred.
We got into a staring contest, which she eventually won, because I couldn’t take it for very long. After a minute or so, I started having flashbacks of scenes from The Pianist, Roman Polanski’s film, and of the eyes of medical-mask-wearing Germans when they saw the protest message I wrote on the mask I was forced to wear in grocery stores in order to buy food during the roll-out of the “New Normal” in 2020-2022. That protest message read, “Befehl ist Befehl,” which roughly translates as “orders are orders,” and was the Nazis’ infamous defense at Nuremberg (i.e., “I was just following orders”). If you have never been surrounded by mobs of medical-mask-wearing Germans glaring at you with seething, utterly bone-chilling hatred … well, let me assure you, it is quite an experience. I experienced it, daily, for over two years.
I experienced it again in Das Kammergericht, where my acquittal, back in January, was summarily overturned at the insistence of the Berlin Public Prosecutor. Yes, they can do that in New Normal Germany.
I’m going to spare you the procedural details, and legal arguments, and descriptions of the ham-fisted anti-terror-style security protocols that Das Kammergericht ordered in effect for my trial. If you want to read about that, Aya Velázquez covered it in her recent extensive report, and Dr. Clivia von Dewitz, a German judge and expert on the Nazi-symbol-ban statutes, covered the legal questions in this article before, and this other article after, the trial.
I haven’t translated that second article (as I did the first), but here’s an excerpt…
“With this decision, the German judiciary is once again moving away from the principles of a liberal democracy, which thrives on the exchange of conflicting beliefs and opinions as well as criticism of government actions. If Der Spiegel and Stern are permitted to use swastikas on their magazine covers, the same freedom must apply to those who criticize the government. When, as here, the judiciary begins to apply double standards, and condemns obvious criticism of the government via the use Nazi symbols, and conducts a trial under inappropriate ‘anti-terror conditions,’ one has to ask oneself how far the judiciary in Germany has departed from fundamental democratic principles. In response to the court’s ruling that such posts are not covered by freedom of expression or freedom of art, what, if not that, is freedom of expression or freedom of art? An American married to a Jew can hardly be accused of ‘trivializing National Socialism’ or of ‘not expressing an explicit rejection of National Socialism.’”
— Clivia von Dewitz, Berliner Zeitung
Or you can read Eugyppius, another German, writing in English in The Daily Sceptic, or Boris Reitschuster, yet another German, reporting in German, or The Epoch Times, or this excellent piece by Milosz Matuschek, which focuses on the legal arguments.
Or, if you’d prefer to hear from the enormous Goebbelsian keyboard instrument that is the majority of the mainstream German press, and you’re able to read German, you can read all about how seditious and insane I am in Der Tagesspiegel, Die Tageszeitung, and the Legal Tribune Online, a legal journal.
For some reason I can’t possibly fathom, Der Spiegel were rather reserved in their coverage. I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that they had printed that big fat swastika on their cover.
It was rather surprising that the mainstream German press turned up to cover the proceedings, as they had been studiously ignoring the story. Maybe the court’s PR people contacted them, or maybe they just smelled blood in the water.
In any event, the atmosphere in Room 145a of Das Kammergericht was dripping with sanctimonious, fascistic authority. It was clear from the outset that the three-judge panel were there to teach a “Covid denier” a lesson, and remind the German public what happens when you break the rules of New Normal Germany.
The judges had clearly already decided to overturn my acquittal, so the rest was just theater, which, apart from my attorney’s lengthy arguments, and my statement to the court, mostly consisted of the judges radiating imperious contempt and seething hostility down at us from the bench like an enormous three-headed Gila monster.
The prosecutor had mumbled two or three sentences in a monotone at the outset of the trial. She didn’t bother to attempt to appear to present an actual legal argument, as that would have ruined the fait-accompli mise-en-scène effect they were obviously going for.
I have to give the courtand the prosecution credit for their dramaturgy. The point of staging a public trial like this — which the prosecution demanded, which is unusual at the appellate level — wasn’t to pretend to be carrying out justice. It was a show of force. A demonstration. A public humiliation ritual. And, all things considered, they staged it well.
It’s embarrassing, but, the truth is, they got to me. At some point during the bizarre proceedings, I started experiencing waves of disturbing flashbacks from 2020-2022, when hate-drunk New Normal Germans were chasing down maskless passengers on regional trains like the pod people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and goon squads (i.e., the German police) were savagely brutalizing anyone who protested against the “Corona measures,” and government leaders, the state and corporate media, and the vast majority of the German masses were fanatically persecuting “the Unvaccinated” with a fervor not seen since the bad old days.
Those flashbacks looked a little something like this…

…so I was a little disoriented as I left the courthouse.
It has taken a few days, but I’ve mostly recovered. After consultations with my fearless attorney, I’ve decided to submit my case to the Bundesverfassungsgericht, i.e., Germany’s supreme court, because … well, at this point, I kind of have to. If I don’t, the precedent the New Normal German authorities are trying to establish will stand, and the right to freedom-of-expression in Germany will have become nothing but a sick fascist joke.
And, yes, that right is guaranteed in the Grundgesetz (i.e., the German constitution). It isn’t quite the 1st Amendment, but it’s good enough for Germany, and I’m not willing to let it be distorted and made a mockery of by a bunch of fascists, not without a fight.
If you want to help me fight that fight, which is going cost about 12,000 Euros in legal fees, plus whatever expenses I incur along the way, you can contribute to my rebooted “legal defense fund.” If you do, please note the disclaimer at the bottom.
My heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has already contributed! Your engagement and generosity has overwhelmed me once again. I did not want this fight, but now it has to
be fought. If it were just about me, it wouldn’t matter that much, but it isn’t just about me, and it matters, greatly. It is a fight that it is being fought throughout the West, not just in Germany and the USA, and the UK, and Ireland, and Australia, but everywhere that people are fighting to defend constitutional rights and democratic principles.
I don’t know whether I will win my fight, but I know we will win the bigger fight. As I said in my statement to the court, totalitarianism, fascism, never wins. Not in the long run. History teaches us that. And it is history that will judge us all in the end.
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Going straight to the top is often the best strategy. Middle management then oddly seems to acquire the capacity to kowtow, where previously they knew only how to bully.
At least on a good day
Keep up the good work Mr Hopkins. Just purchased your three books.
Don’t mention Azov, of course. Because Germany isn’t supporting fascistss in Ukraine, in fact actual Nazis, is she? In fact she is…Germany earned the respect of many following WW2 and here they are, burning it on a bonfire of unbelievable stupidity and, of course, greed, because these days people in politics and the media pretend to be beacons of righteousness when it’s all about their careers.
CJ is controlled opposition it would appear.
by Miles Mathis
First published October 17, 2022
This is in response to a piece by C. J. Hopkins republished at Zerohedge today. It is entitled
“Gaslighting of the Masses”. Funny, because Hopkins is gaslighting you while teaching you aboutgaslighting. I want to use his article as a game for us. A teaching aid, if you will. You need to start by reading it. It is short and goes fast. As you read, look for the almost buried disinfo. I will tell youwhat it is in a moment, but first I want you to try to spot it yourself. It will be good practice. It may be slightly difficult for some of you, because Hopkins is pretty good at his job. I have said before thatcontrollers of the opposition generally tell at least 80% truth while spinning you the other 20%.Hopkins and his group (who we will look at in a moment) know their audience is pretty smart, since
they were specifically assigned the project of trying to capture my audience—which includes some ofthe smartest people out there. So in this particular piece, Hopkins is nearer 95% truth. There are only a few buried lies here, though they are big ones. Hopkins hides them not only within a field of truths, hehides them beneath his authoritative voice and self-assurance. So go give a look-see and then comeback.”
Quote from Mark Millford below….
Guys, the clue to CJ’s function is in his role as “SCRIPTWRITER” for an outfit called “CONSENT FACTORY”. C’mon, I’ve said it before, and now Miles Mathis has more on the subject:
Martillo – F OFF!!
Dirty mouth got triggered…aw shux.
Mr Hopkins still doesn’t seem to understand that his “New Normal Germany” is just another brick in the evil EUSSR, itself a bigger brick in the evil angloZionaZi empire of filth. His compatriot Pentacon $lumvillains from USSA have been occupying Germanistan since WW2 after Jewish banksters financed Onkel Adolf to fight Russia and destroy each other in the process back in the day, a war that is still going on, by the way. Germanistanners, brainwashed like small children, still see no contradiction whatsoever in their grandfathers slaughter of 28 million Russian and Soviet citiZens as they support the NAZI Zelensky regime in rump Ukraine and applaud and finance the ongoing genocide in ZioNazi occupied Palestine because they “feel so bad about the holocaust of innocent Jews”. Logic is different and no, Germanistanners don’t do logic anymore than his USSAN cousins do logic. Fa$cism doesn’t need no stinking logic and it’s a tad naive on his part to expect such after the insanity of the covaid$ death squirt caper.
Wheels within wheels and cogs spinning wildly to show us all how impotent we are as the great man stumbles kafkaesque like from Process to Process in the Castle ….of mirrors; look over there, not here under your nose. CJ and his theater of the ab$urd just another sideshow like the Uniparty $election skit in $lumville, USSA.
Just donate.
Keep up the good work.
Guys, the clue to CJ’s function is in his role as “SCRIPTWRITER” for an outfit called “CONSENT FACTORY”. C’mon, I’ve said it before, and now Miles Mathis has more on the subject:
Yeah, in fact there are quite many of them out there.
Claiming to be lonely wolves going against the system that first fed them, and now they are on the other side fighting for average Joe.
I can hear it on the tone, but nice to get the feeling confirmed.
Wheels within wheels and cogs spinning wildly to show us all how impotent we are as the great man stumbles kafkaesque like from Process to Process in the Castle ….of mirrors; look over there, not here under your nose. CJ and his theater of the ab$urd just another sideshow like the Uniparty $election skit in $lumville, USSA.
Spot on!
I do believe that the pen of CJ will be mightier than the sword (of State). The imprisonment of Julian Assange on phantom charges, was the forerunner for this type of madness. If people haven’t yet twigged that it is the governments and by extension, bureaucratic-entities, who are in the hands of criminal cartels, well then I’m afraid that the final battle for individual and universal-sovereignty, is going to be fraught with challenges. As I recall, peeps like CJ et al, have been reminding most, for a long time … it is past-time for us all to WTF up because too many in the parasitic Public-Services are quite obviously no longer there to ‘serve-the-people’ … The man from the WEF’s, Klaus Schlob or is it Schwab … made that quite clear.
Where and when will it end?
With a flash and a whimper?
Slightly OT, the symbol of the swastika became a big thing after Heinrich Schliemann’s excavations in Troy 1868-1870. French painter Rochebonne (1884) used the image, traced in blood, at the foot of the stairs whence Andromache had to watch her son Astyanax being thrown from the battlements by helmeted warriors. The painting in Rouen is huge (4.8m x 3.35m) and you feel you could step into it. How prescient the horror seems. And yet the original meaning was to do with Good Luck. Symbols have huge power and their meaning is often switched to their opposites (I am thinking of The Romans’ adoption of the Fasces which originally meant strength through unity, but under the Romans, it was the state’s ability to inflict both corporate and capital punishment.
I would post the images if I knew how…
Click your heals and raise your right arm because “were not in Kansas anymore”.
In solidarity with you CJ.
They have behaved in the very manner to which your tweet alluded…
The irony is clearly wasted on them..
Which shop owner use paint on his shop window to send a message?
The difference I see in these photos is due posters and plates in the 1930’es, and today paint on some shops glass windows.
If you had a shop earning a living, would you paint your own windows with real wall paint to “send a message” to unwelcome customers?
I would not, when a cheap paper plate could do it much better.
US courts are no better. As we can see going back to anarchists and the labor movement, the Palmer Raids and the Red Scare, anti-war, civil rights, the Black Panthers, multi-racial discrimination going back 500 years, and literally any protest, if you disagree with the PTB and their enforcers, the State, then you are to be punished. Not new. My wife, as i’ve said here a few times before, was summarily removed from her constitutional rights, denied video evidence of innocence, locked in a back room while an empty Defense table, prosecutor, judge and jury, instructed to pay no attention to State of Oregon law, found her guilty of trespassing. She spent 90 hours of solitary confinement in county jail and was treated like an animal there. The PTB see us as animals.
Dissent of the ruling class order anywhere on Earth is a punishable crime at their discretion. Constitutions or rights or whatever else they use a propaganda to falsely advertise their FAKE humanitarianism, is just that, FAKE. Until Humanity resists, enacts non-compliance, in every way possible to this everyday fascism, we’re all toast.
That’s a problem with democracy. Because of the carnival of elections, some serfs forget their place and try to be uppity with the overlords. They have to be reminded of their “station”, with just the right amount of publicity as examples.
CJ Please provide a link to your court citation document as I would like to check the legal details.
It’s important.
So if Mr. Hopkins’ book and tweets were banned in Germany, was it their doppelganger which caused so much angst in the German legal system? Or did that system reach a long long arm of Johan Law throughout the world to wherever Mr. Hopkins’ books and tweets were not banned? Or does being a citizen/resident/tourist in Germany put everything that person has ever done under German jurisdiction? Just imagine if Mr. Hopkins has scrawled on a wall as a kid somewhere that “Hitler is Cool.” He might have gotten the death sentence!
To clarify and to be read along with my 5.00pm comment:
Mr Hopkins exists only as a legal person/ A corporation. So does CJ HOPKINS
citizen is a person ….a person is a corporation
Corporations can be summoned to court. C J Hopkins cannot. He can be tricked into going to court to represent his fictional corporate id.
Never accept the term Dear sir or the word You as they can mean anyone,
There is no justice in the justice system, they are all corrupt to the core.
To be in court ‘you’ are a trespasser in their jurisdiction and have no rights.
More magical thinking, “sovereign citizen” pseudolaw, BS, so read https://freemandelusion.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/a-rebellion-of-furious-paper-pseudolaw-as-a-revolutionary-legal-system.pdf
It is magical thinking to pretend a corporation (legal construct) is a human being. Justice is a priori between human beings.
That stuff doesn’t work, give it up already. They write the law and apply it as they see fit, and they have the guns to enforce it as they see fit (for them).
Quite clever marketing from the TPIBs, they make sure everyone concentrates on germany as the mind control equates that to the Hollywood Production mass hysteria hoax.
The mindcontrol sit there and go wow wow wow look at how bad Germany is and how terrible whilst forgetting that the rest of the world was just as bad if not worse during covid.
I was not allowed to be served in shops and restaurant for not supplying my contact tracing (address) and not having a mask and not wearing scanning the qr code as did not have a phone on me and they refused to serve me food and drinks, told I could not travel unless.
you can sit there in your fake horror of how bad germany is was with the above story. But dont forget where you live was just as psycho as well as family and friends saying they wouldnt meet up with you if you did not have masks or the jabs.
I think it’s not a competition of ‘where I live is badder than where you live’.
New Zealand and various states in Australia were full-on fascist – the state of Victoria had everyone who had any kind of job, full or part-time or casual forced into vaccination (against the Nuremberg code, no?) or else you lost your means of survival, your roof over your head etc.
That’s a crime against humanity.
Now they’re building a statue of Danny the Dictator, Victoria’s former premier during that fascist era.
Definitely a violation of the Nuremberg Code.All states that had vaccine mandates are guilty of this as they used coercion, and the vaccines were experimental. There should have been outrage from citizens,but so many meekly went along.
Are they for real building a statue of Scumbag Dan? I honestly hope that is true, I’d love to see what the public does to it if it is erected in the town square.
Invoking the Nuremberg Code doesn’t work because not only is it not really a binding law, it applies to medical experiments only, and they claim the mass injections are not a medical experiment. Even if it was legislation, they would just override it because “emergency”. These entities will not be stopped by paperwork.
We have the same problem in the Netherlands. A member of parliament posted a meme, and now he is facing 9 days in jail.
So far democracy.
Glad you’re able to maintain your sense of humor through all this, CJ. Thanks for being brave and fighting this fight for us. By doing so, you’re forcing the muzzled legion of wannabe Nazis to show its true face, and (suprise!) it looks exactly like what you implied with the cover of your book. Impossible for them to deny after this (though they will try…)
They are furious at us.
Why ?
Because they can’t extinguish information freely available on the internet.
They’re trying. They’re trying really hard.
In fact, they’re tying themselves in knots trying.
Information is being exchanged in a way that would have been impossible a few decades ago, and they can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
We see them for what they are and they can’t shut us up.
Tee hee !
Black pill: just wait for a Cyber-Polygon-type event. That’ll shut the internet down in a hurry.
Oh boy, not at all.
So sorry to hear this, I was there during the most extreme measures in Germany, and as an Englishman my perspective was one of utter horror and dismay. I was harrassed on trains by robotic useful idiots, was threatened with being reported to Germany’s internal security services for taking part in anti-lockdown (lock-up) marches and gradually saw the so called left being transformed into the modern equivalent of the brown shirts. Stay strong, and retain your humanist core values in the face of totalitarianism.
What you describe was exactly replicated here in the UK, there was no monopoly in Germany on the fascistic idiocy-it was near global in scope. It’s an important point to stress, and to remember-it really wasn’t just the beastly Germans
It was globalist. Why are people even thinking the countries are separate at this point.
They can’t accept the NWO isn’t new. 1776 at least.
Are you referring to the French Revolution?
That would be 1789.
1776 was the American Revolution
Thank you Sophie, it is just the association with illuminati has been traditionally tied first with the French Revolution.
1776 is the date of the faux revolution in the US led by Crown Temple agents, working for the Crown.
The NWO = NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM is printed on the currency.
1776 is also the date of the creation of the alleged Illuminati.
1776 is also the 100 year anniversary (centenary) of the Cestui Que Vie act in 1666. And the “Great” Fire of London. Both in 1666.
There are no coincidences.
When I wrote “at least”, that’s what I meant.
1776 is likely the public date for the creation of the NWO (for cult members) but the real date is likely 1666 due to the “legal” and fiscal ramifications of the 1666 CQV trust act, which is what really funds all the currencies.
1666 = 666.
666 being particularly significant to the Saturn Cult.
Something must have stirred your pot because when I ask you a question frequently there is no reply.
Well, it interesting that you use these dates since I have asked you a number of times in the past if the NWO is not a rehash of an old world order !
My reply isn’t for *you*. You’re beyond salvation and disingenuous.
It’s for the genuine and curious readers – who have already started to deduce that BRICS vs NATO is a psyop like WWWII.
I will have you know that on the 10th of September, 2001, I accessed the URL http://www.illuminati.org and found a blank screen with the message “We did it, folks” displayed on top in small letters. 😅
Indeed, there is no move toward global, one-world government. It’s existed for a long time. Covid helped demonstrate that.
Thanks for your reply; yes I know this, I left England after suffering 5 months of bullshit here and saw first hand people acting as if the sky was falling in, police harassment for driving my car after 7pm, threatened by armed police in Stansted airport to wear a face nappy, spat at by pensioners in lines to buy a stamp, watched people walk in one direction only around a supermarket (because clearly that confused “the virus” and other marvellously insane displays of compliance.
And, imagine this, Germans helped me obtain fake vaccination papers so I could travel back after ONE YEAR to see my kids, where I witnessed a wonderful act of non compliance after I stood up and said loudly “this is bullshit” and took off a face nappy I had to attach to my head badly to board a flight. Within five minutes, two thirds of the passengers had done the same and followed my lead and the cabin crew could do nothing…a simple act of courage is enough to inspire others at times, as is C.J. Hopkins’ fight with the Deutsch forces of new normal.
It twas indeed global but not entirely uniform. I was finally able to travel to the UK and Europe from Canada in August 2022 and that first day in London felt like my first day of freedom in years. At that time Canada still had mask wearing and restrictions for entry long abandoned in the UK, and the general atmosphere was very different.
My province in Canada where a universal health system exists , tried to impose a charge on the non vaccinated , and patients needing surgery were not scheduled unless they were vaccinated! Same agenda , different transparency.
And those days have returned, not only in Germany but here in the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the rest of Herr Von Der Liar’s EU
What’s in a name? Sarah Wagenknecht used to interest me as a rising young Leader of the Left (Die Linke). She is still rising — enough to cause Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany — but now described as Far Right.
And now in the USA the LibDem Oligarch party (Biden, Killary and Harass) are described as The Left.
“By its fruit shall ye know the tree” — New Testament
Sarah the limousine “communist” got back on the political bandwagon just in time and is bought and paid for by the ruling class and simply promoted by the usual suspects who transferred her from the faltering Linke dinosaurs to dilute the rising power of the AFD. “Wagen Knecht” Nomen est omen. German politics is no more than second Divison football.
You are a lion of bravery and strength with the ethics & hindsight of history to know what you are defending & speaking out against. I bought your book C J Hopkins as well as both of David A Hughes books Wall Street the Nazis and the Crimes of the Deep State and Covid 19, Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy both relating Nazi Germany’s history and the parallels with the pseudo pandemic of covid 19. We all need the reality of the truth of history not the propaganda.
An unnecessary expense, Hughes admits he’s recycling the work of Antony Sutton, with an updated veneer of techno-fearporn. We din’t need more fear and Sutton’s work is available online for free. The bastards are poisoning us and using psychology to induce compliance through fear of largely chimerical consequences (thanks CJ).
Is it a German thing: the imperiousness, the hubris, the authoritarianism, the obsessive compulsion, the control freakishness ?
Shit! I probably shouldn’t ask that.
I’m being racist.
Good luck CJ.
I’ll contribute, if I can figure out how to do it🤔
We’ve seen the same arrogant authoritarians in Australia and New Zealand. Strutting like Messiahs, then heading for the hills.
Same as American liberals, too. It’s a ‘new normal’ world after all.
Umm the mother of my younger daughter is a qualified lawyer and judge under the German system. Although she dropped out, as we used to say, I would have to agree with your first proposition. They want their own way and they want it ‘NOW!’
Her grandfather trained the SS’s horses until 1937, when he was formally inducted. You don’t want to know the rest. Her parents’ generation were unbelievable. Recovery from mass psychosis takes forever, if it happens at all.
And is liable to unexpectedly burst out at the least provocation.
Whilst backpacking in the 80’s I met lots of young Germans.
Their anti-semitic “jokes” were beyond belief.
Recovery from mass psychosis is difficult when (a) your people are the key villains in the play (b) you reminded non-stop of that for almost a century (c) your leaders are total traitors (ref. conjab-19 and Nord Stream).
What you describe as a “German thing” is actually very British, old chap to anyone that has suffered occupation and pillage under the “gentlemen” from Pirate Rock; don’t you think?
Endemic to every Empire?
As I’ve pointed out to you before, the Swastika is simply another form of the Zodiac, i.e. a 24 millennia calendar (12 ages). See the rose window of Notre Dame.
Why the heck do we have a 24 millennia calendar?
The clock is ticking ever closer to midnight – 90 seconds as of 2023 (on the 24 hour clock), which translates to 25 years. So, do you really want to spend your remaining time in a crusade for justice? At best, a Pyrrhic victory awaits.
The alternative is to figure out WTF Covid was all about, and the key difference between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.
And, believe it or not, but The Crusades are connected (and not just because crusade and cross are etymologically related).
maybe show a video to explain it.
The Great Year
Narrated by James Earl Jones.
CJ Hopkins, like so many others, fails to understand TPTB (not their puppets) as philanthropic, doing what is best/essential for mankind.
There is a bigger picture, in which Covid (and WW3) becomes understandable (however terrible).
How did we get here again.
We never actually left ‘here’ at all; TPTB were simply content to hide the truth from us for a while, but now they’ve dropped their guard.
Some in Germany were mumbling about using gold to back paper, debt and fiat money.
Hereafter it went down the Hill.