The Great Multipolar Reset: Globalist Vampires in Bed With The BRICS


One thing that is consistent about the blood-sucking globalist vampires—they have an irresistible urge to tell you what they are going to do. Their policy of hiding things in plain sight works as a psychological tool for them, because it paralyses opposition by instilling the belief in the inevitability of a narrative.

A case in point, on the World Economic Forum website, it states in plain English: “The geopolitical landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, giving rise to a world order that is both multi-polar and multi-conceptual.”

This idea of a profound transformation is central to the Great Reset thesis, advocated by Klaus Schwab and his army of useful vampires.

Do the globalist vampires really drink blood and eat babies? I really don’t know because they never invite me to any of their Satanic blood-drinking, baby-eating parties …

Roseanne Barr has some thoughts on the subject though.

One article on the WEF website, in the members only Geopolitics section, an anonymous author (probably Klaus Schwab) does some WEF-splaining:

As global power has shifted, the differences in norms and values among geopolitical heavyweights have become more glaring. The period following World War II, first characterized by the bipolarity of the Cold War and then the unipolarity of US hegemony, has given way to a phase in which power is more diffused. At the centre of this upheaval is an evolution of the respective roles played by the US and China, and a changing relationship between these two economic behemoths. Patterns of influence, cooperation and competition are also changing among a broader group of countries that includes Russia, India, a number of states in Europe and the Middle East, and the Global South (which includes much of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia). Decades ago the political scientist Francis Fukuyama predicted that in the wake of the Cold War, liberal democracy would prove to be ‘the’ model for governance in these places.”

The mention of Francis Fukuyama is a reference to his book The End of History, where he argued that the neo-liberal order of American democracy was the final stage of political evolution. The end of the Cold War in 1990 meant that humanity had reached “not just … the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: That is, the end-point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”

This alleged ideological plateau implies a further expansion of the American rules-based order. It means that the American Empire would continue to expand and exert its dominance over the world until liberal democracy had conquered the whole planet—and then voilà, the United States of the World. He further elaborated, however, that the European Union, rather than the contemporary United States, more accurately reflects what the world might resemble at the end of history.

In other words, an economic alliance with loose borders, parliamentary democracy, a single market and a common currency among its member states. The United States of the World would have a single legal framework that applies to all member states. National sovereignty would be handed over to the global parliament of elected officials who would practice democracy and civil rights for all global citizens.

Though it is true that the EU is a model for the World Economic Forum, the WEF is not naive enough to follow Fukuyama’s hegemonic democratic model, for the simple reason that the WEF have no interest in democracy or the civil rights and freedoms that go with it.

On the contrary, according to Fukuyama’s teacher, Samuel P. Huntington, there is an alternate model that more closely aligns with the WEF’s realpolitik plans for world takeover.

Huntington wrote a short essay that became a book, The Clash of Civilizations, debunking his former student’s hypothesis. Huntington taught at Harvard and Columbia for 50 years and was special adviser to the Carter and Reagan administrations. He was a member of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, along with his fellow elitist, Zbigniew Brzezinski who wrote a blueprint for American hegemony, The Grand Chessboard.

In Clash of Civilizations, Huntington argued that the world was not cruising over a neo-liberal plateau, but rather, evolving into a multipolar civilizational model. He proposed that the world would evolve into several power blocks, divided, yet huddled together in religio-ethnic “poles.”

Endorsed by realpolitik grandmaster, Henry Kissinger—who called it “one of the most important books to emerge after the Cold War”—Huntington’s multipolar Clash became the new foreign policy of the WEF. Zbigniew Brzezinski gushed that it was, “An intellectual tour de force: bold, imaginative, and provocative. A seminal work that will revolutionize our understanding of international affairs.”

Brzezinski wrote the Foreward to the 2011 edition, where he revealed he was initially sceptical of Huntington’s “ambitious scope,” but eventually was won over to the multipolar camp, claiming, “I came to realize that his grand thesis and overarching synthesis provided insights vital not only for understanding world affairs but intelligently shaping them.”

This statement is a complete reversal of his earlier position, that he argued in his magnum opus, The Grand Chessboard in 1997:

“In brief, for the United States, Eurasian geostrategy involves the purposeful management of geostrategically dynamic states and the careful handling of geopolitically catalytic states, in keeping with the twin interests of America in the short-term preservation of its unique global power and in the long-run transformation of it into increasingly institutionalized global cooperation. To put it in a terminology that hearkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”

The WEF’s Great Multipolar Reset encourages collusion, it is a merger of vassals, and an active strategy of joining the barbarians together. Instead of imperial conquest and confrontation, there is cooperation and collaboration among the tributaries.

Klaus Schwab and his army of vampires are bringing all the barbarians to the bargaining table and giving them everything they want, in exchange for unswerving loyalty and obedience to the WEF’s dystopian vision of a technocratic global police state.

What could go wrong?

The second part of the deal, which has far greater implications for America and the West: The WEF are guaranteeing that America will be brought to its knees. The West has created enormous anger through decades of wars, invasions, interventions, sanctions and covert manipulation of nations.

The Global South and the BRICS are only too happy to sign on the bottom line under these terms.

The destruction of America and the West is being accomplished by several nefarious methods:

  1. Funnelling taxpayers’ dollars into useless wars of attrition such as Afghanistan, and now the Ukraine. These money laundering schemes enrich banks, weapons manufacturers and oil companies.
  2. Flood the West with immigrants. Millions of these immigrants are Muslim refugees that were displaced due to the American wars in the Middle East. Muslim anger is pitted against the anger of the declining working class as witnessed in the UK with recent riots and protests. This anger will serve as more fuel on the fire to increase spending on more useless wars of attrition. See #1
  3. Neglect development and infrastructure. America has not put serious money into bridges, tunnels, sewage, power plants and transportation for decades. China has 46,000 kilometres of high speed rail, compared to USA which has none.
  4. Send all the jobs and factories oversees to China, Indonesia, India and other Asian countries. This began in the 1970s when Kissinger went to China and made a deal with Mao Tse Tung to turn China into the world’s factory.
  5. Transfer the wealth of America to the globalists. This happened in two phases so far—in the subprime mortgage crash in 2008 and during the pandemic when the big box stores stayed open and the lockdowns bankrupted thousands of small businesses.
  6. Flood the West with inexpensive, toxic opioids like fentanyl, MDA, ketamine, ecstasy, salvia and GHB. Make marijuana legal, very potent and easy to get, in order to create a sub-culture of homeless people and disaffected, marginalized youth.
  7. Create intense polarization on social media to deflect social unrest away from the architects of the controlled demolition of Western Civilization. Keep the left and the right in a state of perpetual fury through false flag trigger events, such as the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics that was intentionally designed to trigger conservatives, Christians and anyone else that still has morals and sanity.


Returning to the Clash—the short version is that Fukuyama was wrong, Huntington was right.

The reason Huntington was right is because he had the foresight to observe the organic direction the world is heading. Political evolution is an unstoppable force, like all evolutionary processes. There are forces of nature that cannot be resisted or defied: gravity, death, evolution, time and taxes to name a few.

The human race has evolved from primitive tribes, clans and market villages, to city-states, to feudal monarchy, and then to the Westphalian nation-state system. We are witnessing the collapse of the Westphalian system, which is being replaced by a series of transnational power blocks who will align themselves according to their pre-existent geographical locations, that have evolved over thousands of years due to ethnicity, race and religion.

Nations have little choice in our globalized world to band together in economic blocks, in order to compete economically, and defend themselves militarily.

These emerging economic blocks roughly coincide with Huntington’s map:

These multipolar mega regions will be further subdivided into local regions. In one of his last speeches, UN Secretary General Ban Kim Moon spoke directly about regionalism:

The drafters of the United Nations Charter recognized the importance of regional action. And the drafters of the 2030 Agenda also took that appreciation for the pivotal role of regionalism to a deeper level for the 21st century. World leaders recognized the crucial role of regional cooperation in implementing and assessing progress. Regionalism is being harnessed in addressing issues like trade, food and energy security, climate change, connectivity and the outbreak of health epidemics. I am proud that we have strengthened our partnerships with regional organizations such as the African Union, the League of Arab States, ASEAN, and the European Union. Of course, the UN Regional Commissions are central to our work. Every day, they promote regional cooperation and integration and extend their expertise for socio-economic development.”

The Russian think tank Valdai Club has created a new R20 (Regionalism 20) that will oversee the financial development (translation: financial control) of the G20 regions. From their website:

Earlier this year the Valdai Club advanced an initiative to strengthen the global governance framework via creating a platform for cooperation among regional integration arrangements, regional development banks and regional financing arrangements. The main rationale for this idea was the need to promote greater horizontal coordination among the various regional arrangements, while at the same time improving the cooperative linkages between regional and global multilateral institutions. The G20 may be seen as the optimal vehicle for promoting such cooperation, with the new framework of regional cooperation designated as R20 (regional twenty) that brings together the largest regional players across the world economy.”

The Valdai Club is attended every year by President Putin and a host of other alternative darlings, such as chain-smoking Sergei Lavrov whose daughter went to school at Columbia, lives in New York and doesn’t speak fluent Russia. Lavrov also keeps a mistress in London because nothing says anti-globalist quite like having a mistress in the globalist West.

Other alternative darlings, like Pepe Escobar wax enthusiastically about the new R20. From Escobar’s article in 2018:

[Programme Director of the Valdai Club] Yaroslav Lissovolik, former Duetsche Bank and IMF official, at the essential Valdai Discussion Club, which he directs, proposed a horizontal format to coordinate trade and infrastructure integration: namely, an “R20” – as in Regional 20 – that “would bring together the largest regional heavyweights in the world economy represented by 10 regional blocks.”

This “connectivity track” within the R20 format, as Lissovolik describes it, might become the essential platform interlocking many current infrastructure projects, from the vastly ambitious – and well funded – Chinese-led New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to the still quite vague Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), driven by Japan and India.

It’s not about nations; it’s about regional trade blocks. They might well become the uber-building blocks of a post-G20 world after a definitive, world system-shattering moment is brought upon us: when the petroyuan eclipses the dollar.

Looks like the Valdai Club and WEF hired the same interior decorator …

If the BRICS multipolar world is supposed to be at odds with the WEF globalist agenda, it seems very odd and/or horrific that they are actively collaborating together.

The WEF website hosts a plethora of Valdai Club articles:

Who is the guy hiding behind the curtain?

For more info on the Valdai Club:

The Intelligent Age: Globalist Vampire Announces Billionaires’ Revolution

Most commentators within the alternative community have the idea that the world government will arise in the near future in the form of a restructured United Nations, but the truth is the world government already exists.



In a similar fashion to Huntington’s Map, the United States military has divided up the world into 6 zones or “areas of responsibility.” This is used to define an area with specific geographic boundaries where the US military has the authority to plan and conduct operations.

These 6 zones roughly correspond to Huntington’s civilizational map, although Huntington subdivides USEUCOM into Russia and Europe. He also subdivides Asia into India, China, Southeast Asia—Australia is lumped in with the West.

The Pentagon’s white paper for its overall military policy is FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE. Full-spectrum dominance also known as full-spectrum superiority, is the US military’s achievement of control over all dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources in all areas including terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological, and bio- or cyber-technological warfare.

The US military defines it, “The cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment, which includes cyberspace, that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective opposition or prohibitive interference.

Resistance is futile peasants!

The Pentagon, DARPA, NSA, CIA and the 14 Eyes, have spent decades infiltrating, undermining and subverting virtually every nation on Earth. The pandemic revealed the full extent of the power and reach of the so-called New World Order. Every country on Earth complied with the draconian and unscientific lockdowns, mask-wearing, social distancing and forced vaccine rollout. It can be stated without hesitation that the pandemic was the largest propaganda campaign, the largest covert operation and the most deceptive hoax in human history.

The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates recently signed up to the BRICS. This year, it was Russia who hosted the annual summit. In an interview with TASS, the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation on Foreign Policy, Yuri Ushakov, explained:

The abbreviation BRIC — Brazil, Russia, India and China — was the first used in 2001 by Western analyst [Jim O’Neill from Goldman Sachs], who explored the potential for economic development of developing countries and came to the conclusion that it was these four states who will determine the direction of development of the world economy and politics in the 21st century. Thus, in fact, he involuntarily anticipated the creation of our association.”

Jim O’Neil was the chairman of the globalist think tank Chatham House, previously known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs. O’Neil, who is a certified Baron, shared in an interview how he created the BRIC model: “I wrote a paper called Building Better Global Economic BRICs. It showed you couldn’t run the world properly without having these guys more involved.”

The Brazilian government website readily agrees that, “The idea of the BRICS was formulated by Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, Jim O’Neill, in a 2001 study entitled Building Better Global Economic BRICs.”

During a CNN interview, Baron O’Neil was asked, Did the BRICs resist being grouped? he obligingly answered:

They’ve all been in their own way extremely flattered. I’ve met many senior people in all these countries as a result of it, and they’re all delighted that we chose to put them on the global map in this way.”

So delightful and flattering.

The enemy of the my enemy isn’t really my friend, if my enemies are in bed together.

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Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2024 4:32 PM

This is a bizarre article. How do you manage the “destruction of America” while maintaining the US military’s full-spectrum dominance in a multi-polar world? That’s three contradictions in one short sentence.

Oct 25, 2024 4:24 PM

The Globalist vampires are behind everything, EVEN this site….

Check under your bed every evening!!

J. S.
J. S.
Oct 25, 2024 1:21 PM

It’s long been apparent that regionalism is merely the stepping-stone to full globalism — i.e. a global government. But for a global government to run smoothly, no single region can be too powerful.

Hence the deliberate weakening of the Anglo-American empire.

The author’s seven points are a good summary of how this is being done, yet most people simply do not see it, since they are caught up in the manufactured conflicts and divisions created by the architects of this global system.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Oct 25, 2024 6:16 AM

Gosh, is Sergei Lavrov really a chain-smoker? Well, that changes everything.

Oct 25, 2024 4:04 AM

In addition to the seven methods listed for breaking the USA, an obvious eighth is loading up the national debt to the point where the US is fiscally insolvent. Once the US defaults, its currency will no longer be the default international standard, and its influence significantly diminished if not destroyed.

Oct 25, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  DJK

Already beginning with BRICS. Very hard to say when but we know it’s coming. And so of course do our owners.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Oct 24, 2024 5:45 PM

Your points 1 to 7 succinctly itemise not only how America and the West are being deconstructed, but also the ENEMY’s capabilities to control all things global.

The fact that Russia did not collapse in the 1990s (refer to the Perestroika Deception by Anatolly Golisyn among other notable insider informants – a fact suppressed by all Western intelligence Agencies because they are under ENEMY control) underlies the reality that much of the complex academic interpretation of events is either misplaced or designed to distract or confuse anybody attempting to determine what is actually going on.

The ENEMY’s objective, which has been in place for millenniums, is the takeover of Planet Earth and the extermination of humankind. As stated at the beginning of this article, the ENEMY under their Satanist Cult rule book has to alert everybody of their intentions, which is known as the ‘Revelation of the Method’. Such a warning regarding human extinction has been outlined many times, for example, in UN Agenda’s 21/30.

If we could all align with the bigger (REAL WORLD) picture, we could implement a globally orientated counter strategy, e.g https://icedrive.net/s/8A7z58gxD8RTkWfuSN8S513PFNT2

It is simply a matter of THEM or US. The majority of people are presently unaware that such a thing as ‘THEM’ exists and nobody knows who they actually are. As Sun Tzu observed:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”


Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 8:31 PM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

Come on wise guy. Tell us WHO is WHO?:
Illuminati, The Devil, The 300, HULKEN, Dr. Manhattan, Good Ol’ Adolph??? https://yandex.ru/video/preview/13007405086826335881  😠 

Oct 24, 2024 4:43 PM

Three little words for the article author’s conclusions: It Won’t Work. Or to put it more accurately: It Can’t Work. This is the World, in the process of being destroyed by humans. Does it really matter Who’s On First? Humanity will never come together, even if every globalist says “Pretty Please” or “Your consent or your life!” It simply won’t happen.

Just one small example: Do you see Palestinians crawling to Tel Aviv begging “Please Massa, don’t slaughter us no more! We’ll all take a dive in the Mediterranean! Okay?” No. Because there is a point at which people will find the resolve to resist even the loftiest evil disguised as geopolitical claptrap.

Oct 25, 2024 12:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

I hope so, Howard.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Oct 24, 2024 4:40 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2024-10-23. COVID story reveals corruption science, journalism, etc. Bill Gates must now appear before Dutch court (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

Oct 24, 2024 4:37 PM

Really? Author 009 is promoted by Iurie Rosca after ’92 with the operative pseudonym “Leader”, former KGB agent and Sputnik trumpet. This article is a “butterfly lamp” designed to deceive and to lure Western dissidents into the “sovereignist” fold sponsored by Russian intelligence services.

Oct 24, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Gladius

Polina Kovaleva, the 26-year-old daughter of Lavrov’s mistress, lives in London, and owns a multi-million-dollar property in Kensington, west London


Oct 25, 2024 1:55 PM
Reply to  SuperTrooper

Thanks for the link, it’s eloquent.
Otherwise, watch this:

Here’s Veronika Usatii (kosher, of course) FSB asset, the wife of Michael Schmidt a German businessman connected with the Russians. Event photo:
comment image
Veronika is the sister of Renato Usatii, FSB asset connected to Solntsevskaya Bratva.

Oct 24, 2024 1:18 PM

Lavrov’s daughter lives in Moscow. She’s married to a Russian businessman. I doubt that she is not fluent in her mother tongue.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 8:36 PM
Reply to  Rustydolly77

Its part of the cold war. The best in the Russian government must be smeared on a daily basis in all Western media.
They cannot touch top personalities like Zakharova and Lavrov, so they try by insinuations of proxy family members.

Oct 24, 2024 10:58 AM


If you ask me, I really don’t know why there’s still so much lack of knowledge about the alleged 6 gazillion gnues who disappeared in the HollyKlaus©™®℠. They were simply absorbed by the magnetosphere and etherically atomized, when massive irregularities, so-called protuberances, shook the world from 1941-45. Renowned field theory is undisputed!

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 8:44 PM
Reply to  hello

One of my favourites too. Of Pure Blood (1986)………note the 1986 = 9 + (1+8) +6 = 996 = 666. Then we have the 6 mio inside the movie. Perfect!

Science have already proved the 6 mio happened a thousand times, but some secret societies and self-hating doos refuses it’s a fact.

Oct 24, 2024 10:22 AM

Lets look at some areas which are not properly addressed in this article.

The relationship between the BRICS countries and the West has for
the last 500 years been one of : exploitation, enslavement.

Between the International Slave Plantation and BRICS
Between the International Slave Plantation and BRICS – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Another component to control is financial control of a countries resources which in the past was defined as Imperialism but the methods used by the West recently are more subtle but just as effective.

For example, the loans that the plethora of Western controlled financial institutions use to control the assets and natural resources of the Global South which has been well documented, for example Confessions of an Economic Hitman : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

Moreover, the question as to whom controls the major international financial institutions such as the IMF or the World Bank needs to be established. Its the USA which has the largest controlling interest in both of them.

The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) – EveryCRSReport.com

Following on from this point is who controls the finances of the US which of course is the Federal Reserve. Contrary to popular belief, the FED is controlled by a number of US private banks which have large inputs from the City of London and other controlling families.

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve : Eustace Mullins : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

In regards to the BRICS countries who comprises the major control over the finances ie National Development Bank.

% of Total Voting Power
% of Vote Share in NDB
South Africa
Source: IBRD Subscriptions and Voting Power of Member Countries

As to how the BRICS bank actually functions, Professor Michael Hudson wrote in depth essay explaining how and why it is funded.

In it he looks at the fundamental reasons of it existence.

eg. A quote from President Putin

Valdai Club meeting in Sochi, Russia’s President Putin explained how he viewed the needed restructuring. Contrary to much discussion in the West, what is planned is not a “BRICS currency,” but something much more limited: a means of settling payments imbalances along quite different lines from those that have led to today’s crisis.

A BRICS+ Bank: How would it really function? | Michael Hudson

Therefore, it should not really be a surprise that the Global South desires to escape from the Yoke of the Western controlled financial institutions.

The inference that the BRICS institutions were created by and controlled by the Western Globalists does not tally with history and the core tenets of the Western puppet controllers. ie destruction of Nation states, destruction of families mother( female), father (male) and children plus the other pillars of a Nation states institutions.

in looking at the bibliography of Jim O’ Neil’s paper ” Building Better …”

This little snippet was overlooked.

[1] Historically, Russia has had the dual role of being an emerging economy as well as a member of the Global North and was thereby a member of the G8. Russia joined the G7 in 1998, and it was known as the G8 until 2014, when Russia’s membership was suspended indefinitely, and the group reverted to its original name. Lamb, Zachary 2014. “The Group of 8 Industrialized Nations.” New York: Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed September 1, 2021. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/group-eight-g8-industrialized-nationsb

[2] The BRICs was an analytical concept much like other acronyms used to describe other fast-growing emerging markets coined by O’Neill such as MINTs, (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) or MIKTs/MISTs – (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey). Pant, Harsh V. “The BRICS Fallacy.” The Washington Quarterly 36 no3 (2013): 91-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0163660X.2013.825552

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 24, 2024 9:49 AM

It can be stated without hesitation that the pandemic was the largest propaganda campaign, the largest covert operation and the most deceptive hoax in human history.

No, that honour goes to the world wars (first, second, cold); the fake binary of communism and fascism; and the saviour of humanity in the form of the United Nations. It was all a scripted hoax in which the “pandemic” was just a minor scene.

Oct 24, 2024 3:29 PM

Vaccination is the biggest scam perpetuated on the human race. From Jenner’s time it has been on steroids culminating with the covid scam.

Having convinced parents to willingly inject some toxic garbage into their own kids and potentially harm them and even kill them is the biggest scam ever.
in no war would any society sacrifice the babies, children and pregnant women in the name of delusional thinking, it is self destructive as a species.
There is hardly anyone alive today who has not had some toxin injected into them in the name of imaginary viruses and scientific fraud.

And the so called critics are doing a disservice to humanity by censoring or suppressing the scientific fraud, the poisoning of humans and life on this planet with antibiotics , vaccines, claimed GMO( genetic engineering is a myth just poisons everyone)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 24, 2024 9:44 AM

Fascinating !

So the anti-globalists aren’t controlled opposition.

Just a different global ambition.

Can’t we just get them to fight each other like they try to do with us ?

And leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Oct 24, 2024 5:43 PM

THEY don’t just try to get us to fight each other. They succeed. We fall for it every damn time

Oct 24, 2024 8:49 AM

It’s legal now.

The US military can shoot to kill US


Just in case the paramilitary police FORCES don’t have enough weapons or personnel to commit slaughter in the streets of the good and glorious USA.

Oct 24, 2024 9:58 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Something similar passed in Australia in Christmas period ) a few years ago. Think 2020 🤔
It also stated that foreign troupes would be given immunity as well for any locals killed

Oct 24, 2024 10:08 AM
Reply to  Anne

Yes, the Dirty Diggers were on the streets during the Scamdemic.
Aren’t we lucky?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  Johnny

If only Putin hadnt invented and bragged about his new weapons and disrupted our goals in Syria, we Americans could all have been rich today.

But since the dollar now will go down and Yuan will take over, there will be a lot of internal fights inside America to get hold of at least a few Yuan when the dollar paper go up in smoke.
Therefore our military need full power to maintain order in our country.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Oct 24, 2024 7:42 AM

The BRICS ( or BRICS+) cheerleaders from both the alt-media talking heads such a Pepe Escobar et al and the commenters here have yet to address the lockstep actions during the scamdemic of supposedly competing nation states.

I remember one commenter here who did at least try in response to that question from me previously.

However, the most vocal BRICS supporting commenters have remained silent on the issue, even to direct questions. So, once again, would any of you like to have a punt at why ALL BRICS countries and most of the Global South locked down and injected their populations with a dangerous toxic sludge?

The few leaders in Africa who tried to buck the trend and call the scam out, conveniently died of ‘Covid-1984’ or ‘heart attacks’.

Why did China, Russia and Cuba produce their own toxic cocktail and then provided it to the Global South as well as their own populations?

Why did China and Russia, both economically and miltarily powerful, not blow the lid on the whole scam if it was only a Western globalist plan? Even Iran the hated enemy of the West played along.

The BRICS policies during the Plandemic years were more or less indentical to that of the West and the rest of the world.

The opportunity to show a different, honest and open approach was there to be taken and no nation state took it.

If you think that since BRICS nations are generally not ‘woke’ that that somehow differentiates them sufficiently to support their policies then you are actually indirectly in support of their Plandemic policies too.

The reason that wokeism is not being pushed in the BRICS bloc, Middle East or Global South is because the people would reject it. The globalist policies are tailored to fit the identities of the populace be they religious or cultural.

In the West cultural and religious identity has been destroyed over decades and it was therefore very easy to introduce identity politics and woke policies.

Finally, do not forget all the BRICS annd BRICS+ nations have signed on to the UN SDGs through Agenda 2030.

As far as the issues that carry most weight and will affect the daily life of humanity there is little to choose from.

By all means ‘choose you side’ just as the controllers want you to, or you can take a step back and see it for what it is.

Oct 24, 2024 5:35 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Didn’t Carroll Quigley call it out- international bankers controlling everything behind the scenes through central banks co-ordinated by the B.I.S.? Personally, I can’t see how it couldn’t be that way. No money- no food, no money- no mercenaries.

They said what?
They said what?
Oct 25, 2024 8:23 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Absolutely correct, and to prove the point, the very first 2 countries to go into bat for the Scamdenic were 2 BRICS stalwarts, China & Iran

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 24, 2024 6:51 AM

I can’t see what colour Israel is on any of those maps. ?
There’s this from an article in Jerusalem Post 2017:

‘Most importantly, Israel is positioned to guard the world’s Internet. Everything today is traded, controlled and administered online. And Israel is emerging as the world’s number one guardian of the worldwide web. That means, regardless of being a few miles offtrack from China’s Land and Maritime Roads, it is positioned to be the center of both belts.
If Bitcoin is the model for a new Internet-based global currency, Israel is likely to be its guardian too, protecting that currency from hackers around the world. As chief of security for the world’s information and currency, and with energy independence, Israel stands to gain substantial wealth.’


Oct 24, 2024 6:19 AM

“The enemy of the my enemy isn’t really my friend, if my enemies are in bed together.”

I’m trying to work out ways in which that final sentence could be made to make sense.

Of course we can remove the superfluous ‘the’ in the first clause, but we’d still be left with the following logic:

A: X is my enemy.
B: Y is the enemy of X
F: I am friends with Y

The sentence can then expressible as

(A AND B) does not imply F, if NOT B

OR to paraphrase

‘Enmity does not imply Friendship if NOT Enmity’

One possible approach would seem to be to give the words ‘enemy’ and ‘friend’ new meanings entirely eg something along the lines of:

Apples wouldn’t imply that we have a fruit, if there are no such things as apples

But then are sentences still required to make sense anyway in a postmodernist world anyway? If the conclusion sounds good, why worry if it doesn’t follow from the premise

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 9:14 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Its called double-agent and triple-agent. Fixed.

Oct 25, 2024 1:44 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

X,Y aren’t really enemies they want to rule you and then slaughter you in a war that X and Y orchestrate together.

X and Y only pretend to be enemies to achieve those aims because they can’t rule you, steal from you and then murder you without making screeching fake enemy noises while rattling imaginary nukes at each other so you’ll stay under their spell, suckered into their subterfuge, until your very last breath.

They plot to rule, steal from and kill their own populations. And they use war and other faux crises like fake pandemics to achieve their aims.

It’s quite simple really.

Oct 24, 2024 4:16 AM

No doubt the WEF wants everyone in their bed, but a few are giving stiff resistance: Putin, Xi Jinping and Modi. They do what they can to untangle from the financial $ web without upsetting their own populations too much due to (threatening) $anction$ before the US election result.

Oct 24, 2024 4:12 AM

Trudeau will never talk about the real foreign meddling in Canadian politicsThe prime minister sees interference from abroad everywhere, except right under his own nose – or rather, at his back

Hopefully folks in the “free” West can read this RT article. The biggest meddling in Canadian politics were from Trudeau himself vs the freedom convoy truckers, New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh the pro-Khalistani advocate and above all the US and UK (Royal Canadian Mounted Police!).

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 24, 2024 3:35 AM

The fake pandemic kind of showed the deal. I liken it to the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about way back in 1961, but there are other examples. The evil people and their corporations insidiously spread it out throughout the U.S. to communities that soon became dependent on the jobs and good incomes like fentanyl addicts crossing the border. They created enemies and wars to facilitate the use and the need for more, better and more deadly.weapons. Along came the 90’s, post communism, and they needed to spread it out even more, so they started turning U.S. police forces into militaristic forces. Today, you can’t even tell the difference, except most police departments don’t have submarines and nuclear weapons. Then came the zionists -neocons and their Project for a New American Century – Rebuilding America’s Defenses, a ten-year plan to jack the U.S. military budget up to a trillion a year , which is about where it’s at now, and start seven wars in five years for zionist Israel and their Greater Israel delusion. That’s where the dividing up the planet into six zones came into being along with a whole host of other globalist type entities like the Department of Homeland Security. Then came security, for yourself, your home, your computer, your kids, at the airport, on trains, and they ginned up the fear so the lems would buy it all. Presto, we now have the military/law enforcement/security industrial complex. Just one of many “industrial complexes”.

Money and power, power and money, it’s the same in every language. Russia, China, India, we’re all addicts that get hooked on it and that’s what globalism is all about. The only way out is to shout FREEDOM!! as loud as you can and hope that a couple billion people hear you. Good luck. Your mission, if you choose to accept it. . . . .

Oct 24, 2024 2:44 AM

The article while essentially correct on facts makes however a major point that seems unsupported by political developments of at least last decade. If the author’s point was that in fact multi-regionalism was on western dominated WEF agenda supported by global oligarchs for decades then who opposes it in the west now and why?

Who acted to hider foundation of globalism namely global trade and hegemony of US dollar in the west by unleashing unprecedented in history economic and financial sanctions against Russia and soon China that are leaders in globalist and regionalist agenda?

Who among western globalists of WEF by such desperate sanctions in fact inadvertently or not strengthened Russian and weaken EU industrial and military power even further and severely disrupted global trade?

Who among western WEF globalists wanted to impose sanctions on about 100 countries in the world in last two decades including members of NATO and EU pushing them slowly out of western hegemonic grip?

Is this not in contrast to author thesis? Is that perhaps because multi-regionalism envisioned by Huntington is not exactly what multipolarity of BRICS is all about?

May be global social development visions of Huntington, Brzezinski, Fukuyama or even Goldman Sachs in 2001 assumed global multi-regionalism as a form of US imperial hegemonic rule preserving regional cultural specificities long before western aggressive promotion of so called western cultural universalism, and exceptionalism to argue superiority of western (commercial) culture, commenced on global scale.

Certainly before 1980s except in the west there was no massive worldwide concerted effort to westernize or brainwash regional youth elites via multitude of training programs funded by NED to install them as controllers of western investments and hence assuring their economic influence and eventually political power.

Today millions of young and even now pre retirement people currently in power living in all regions of the world including BRICS+ are intimately tied to the west via ideology, investments, dual citizenship or family ties and support dependency on the west and vassal role of their countries.

Forty years ago US control over countries’ governments and hence assuring pro U.S. imperial policies was achieved via CIA coups or U.S. wars not by mostly youth protest and control over national electoral process via instigation of crises and mass economic and medial manipulation.

After late 1980s there were US/western instigated regime change attempts called euphemistically “springs of nations” in over 50 nations worldwide including BRICS and even in such authoritarian countries like Saudi Arabia. And where such regime changes succeeded they followed by massive western cultural aggression leading by attacks on family and pushing LGBT agenda in direct conflict with local cultures Brzezinski would oppose.

Multi-regionalism of Huntington clearly based on religious sectarianism would reject such imposition of Western cultural agenda based on vague notion of superiority of liberalism.

It seems to me, and there is plenty of evidence for it, that while BRICS definitively embraces globalism they only mean economic globalization without systemic or cultural agenda while strictly retaining their national sovereignty and national identity guaranteed by their regional military power. In short their central and common economic agenda focuses of overthrowing Western economic and military hegemony and preventing new hegemony from emerging and by that defining multipolar world as regional poles of power not just culture/religion that multi regionalism seemed to embrace.

Elena Dix
Elena Dix
Oct 24, 2024 3:29 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Very good comment, Thank you.

Oct 24, 2024 5:46 PM
Reply to  Kalen

The US has to be impoverished and worn out with futile wars which their establishment are happy to go along with, they won’t suffer.

Oct 24, 2024 5:51 PM
Reply to  Kalen

But if BRICS is pursuing Agenda 2030 and exactly the same policies of genocidal vax, CBDCs, fake food etc then what difference does it make to us that they have regional autonomy?

Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia have regional autonomy! Regional autonomy does not mean a damn thing if every region embraces the same anti-human policies.

Oct 25, 2024 11:30 PM
Reply to  Kalen

When the Berlin wall fell and the Soviet Union disintegrated we sang “45 years are enough, time is ours”. Great hope, democracy, freedom, prosperity. 34 years after the fall of “communism”, we fight for our survival as a nation, totally economically and culturally destroyed and depopulated and we sing again “BRICS is here, time is ours, the US will fall”. Pathetic, but people never learn.

Oct 24, 2024 2:16 AM

Gem from 2005: An artist of the postmodern era. His “works of art” include carving policemen out of wood who are giving each other anal sex. He says that anal sex is better than shooting people to death or letting homeless people freeze to death, which he holds against the police. “They’ve been trying to put me in the loony bin for two years. That’s the biggest compliment for an artist in this country!” https://media.gettr.com/group8/getter/2024/10/20/08/a1fb2d90-e93d-dcba-9715-fe5319ce4fef/out.mp4

Oct 24, 2024 2:06 AM

I have just listened to “Best Adhan in the world – Muslim Call to Prayer” -quite braincell orgasmic via Sennheirs HD25’s – almost indestructible – and don’t leak much sound unlike me – which is sometimes embarrassing when I’m singing and she tells me to SHTFU
at 3:00am.

The live version is better – but its much the same chants – very old – tends to raise your spiritual awareness.

“Gregorian Chants of the Benedictine Monks | Catholic Chants for Prayer | Sacred Choir”


So whats the difference – Both Praising God and making good sounds

Oct 24, 2024 1:21 AM


Spielberg’s Floating Hypocrisy

In a world where dreams set sail,
Steven Spielberg spun a grand tale.
With lies as his wind, he crafted his art,
“Hollywood magic,” he claimed from the start.

His yacht, “Seven Seas,” a sight to behold,
Eighty-six meters of luxury bold.
With helipads and theaters for the elite,
A floating palace where riches compete.

But alas! The winds changed; he sold it away,
To a Canadian tycoon who wanted to play.
For one hundred fifty million, it found a new home,
Now “Man of Steel,” it continues to roam.

Yet Spielberg’s not done; he’s back in the game,
A new yacht on the horizon—bigger name!
Three hundred feet long, costing a fortune,
With tales yet to tell in his oceanic cartoon.

So here’s to Spielberg and his nautical spree,
With laughter and lies sailing wild and free!
In the ocean of dreams where stories are spun,
He’ll keep crafting legends until day is done.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 12:34 AM

Correction: “The Royal Institute of International Opium Affairs”.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 24, 2024 12:33 AM

This article merely shows that Fukuyama isn’t/wasn’t very intelligent. You NEVER reach an ‘endpoint of human governance values’ or whatever. You ALWAYS see corruption enter the fray.

What did we see in the smug, self-satisfied USA? Corruption on an absolutely epic scale in the MIC – the most corrupt industry in the world, defence. Corruption on an absolutely epic scale in Congress and on Capitol Hill generally: politicians bought by shameless donors and lobbyists, never representing the people that have to pay their salaries. Corruption on an epic scale on Wall Street, in Central Banks and the like: rampant market rigging, be that gold prices, the value of the dollar, tech stocks, cryptocurrencies, and the poster child of stock market rigging, Tesla.

The universal feature of all human civilisations is the emergence of degeneracy and corruption, as smug satisfied non-elites make out that they are Gods of the Universe.

AI will not prevent corruption, because AI factory employees are merely drones programmed by humans. Those humans can be- and are already corrupted, which corrupts AI with an inevitability that the snake oil salesmen have conveniently forgotten to point out.

I continue to point out that Klaus Schwab is an unrepresentative old geriatric nazi who should not be given a single piece of publicity. Not one. He represents no-one but a few self-serving billionaires. The majority of the 7.5bn on earth would not miss him if he dropped down dead tomorrow due to Covid vaccination.

The time is now to ignore ‘Establishment’ narratives and defenestrate them with gusto, contempt and absolute lack of mercy.

Show them up for the self-serving corrupt ignorant fools that they are. the MSM, the security services, the billionaires, the placemen/women in politics, the Jewish lobby, the Muslim lobby, the ‘christian’ lobby, all of them.

Oct 24, 2024 9:02 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Like greed, brutality, growth and destruction, corruption is intrinsic to capitalism. As the history of empires shows, it is unimportant compared to delusion and ignorance that will eliminate this crop of ogres too – what the author called evolution.

For the credence given to this mania through the WEF creeps, blame the UN backdoor scam/trap – what Iain Davis called Global Public Private Partnerships.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Oct 25, 2024 10:11 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I don’t see any Muslims or Christians lobbying for anything. Substitute “control” for “lobby” and it’s self evident that it ALL lies in the hands of the other group you mentioned.

Oct 24, 2024 12:03 AM

comment image

Oct 24, 2024 11:34 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Whose that dismal looking blaming the blameless psychopath?

In an odd moment of empathy is he regretting having said “for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me”

les online
les online
Oct 23, 2024 11:58 PM

Hmmm… E-coli outbreak at McDonalds day after Donald Trump
‘works’ at McDonalds… Another Amazing Coincidence !!
Double ‘Hmmm !!’

Oct 24, 2024 6:48 AM
Reply to  les online

It’s beyond the pale.

Oct 25, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  les online

They reported it on the news last night — lots of people supposedly got sick and maybe someone died. It was the onions! And they threw an onion grower under the bus for good measure. No one wants those disease-ridden onions now. I’m amazed they even came up with a back story to that amazing coincidence. I guess it’s necessary to the ritual to give the public some feeling of control that the bad guys were found and they have a new thing to boycott, in order to complete the sacrifice and divert attention?

Oct 23, 2024 11:36 PM

The Pharoahs, the Roman Emperors, the Kings and Queens of England, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and almost every USian President since 1945 probably thought THEY were writing the end of history.

It didn’t happen.

Tens of millions perished as those sick, deluded pricks with Messiah Complexes slaughtered and strutted, but history moved on.

What WILL end history, human history at least, is ecological collapse, and that is closer, much closer than we think.

Oct 23, 2024 11:16 PM

The Americans always do it too soon, making themselves and their Children look completely Evil

Whilst Our Pumpkin Arrives Tomorrow a Week To Prepare for Halloween

We do have a Slide Projector Too

It is always incredibly funny – The Tiny Tots being Brave – Knocking on Our Door..

Like the 5-10 year olds taking over our Road knocking on doors for sweets and frights

Oct 23, 2024 10:28 PM

I enjoyed the article very much.

Oct 23, 2024 10:24 PM

”and anyone else that still has morals and sanity.” Well said! That is why BRICS seems more attractive to me . Ok maybe it’s just a front and really there are just globalist vampires behind BRICS….but I still envy them not having all the strange changing of definitions ( womand/man/trans ; antisemitism). They just seem to be more in your face: ” there is a hierarchy/ government , you must do what we say”..which ain’t nice but it’s better than having all the madness shoved down your throat.

Oct 24, 2024 5:55 PM
Reply to  Camille

How did you miss the part where BRICS was the brainchild of Goldman Sachs? The “western” banking interests are the very one pushing the shift east. BRICS is not an alternative to the Western oligarchy, it is the Western oligarchy wearing a different hat.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 9:32 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Nice link to Goldman Sachs manipulations during all times since the Stock Crash in 1929. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-195229/

Goldman Sachs is said also to have been the Architect behind the Finance theatre, the Development Banks, treasury, of BRICS.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 9:37 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen.

……referred to Goldman Sachs, the world’s most powerful investment bank, as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

At the time, Taibbi was describing Goldman’s role in the 2008 financial crisis and the speculative bubble of mortgage-backed securities assets which later came crashing down.

Oct 24, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  Hannah

but they don’t parrot the trans/ anti semitism stuff at least ( weird definitions etc)

Oct 25, 2024 12:20 AM
Reply to  Camille

Wait until they shove the killer vaxx up your arm.

Oct 25, 2024 10:12 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

yes but I still prefer ‘ we’re horribleµ. Here have this ” to all the BS we get in the ‘ free West’.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 23, 2024 10:03 PM


les online
les online
Oct 23, 2024 9:34 PM

Of course They reveal in plain sight Their plans for total control of us…
They rightly know that the masses are so dis-trusting the masses will
dis-believe what’s occurring in front of their eyes… The masses would
prefer to believe Their plans are a smokescreen hiding Their Real Intentions…
They’ve weaponised the masses dis-trust, use it against the masses, to
control them… (dis-information)…

The ‘success’ of psycho-therapy is wholly dependent on the establishment
of trust by the therapist… No emotional healing can be made if the person
seeking help retains even the slightest inkling the therapist is not there for
him… After all, no one would end up in therapy if their very-important-to-
them Someone had been there for them in their very young years…

Oct 23, 2024 9:13 PM

that photos that upset the clueless Christians and conservative during the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympic…………….

comment image

Oct 24, 2024 6:54 AM
Reply to  suzaloop

Will they mandate the Fat-to take the new weight-loss experimental drug-so they can become legit “workers” and not fat social media woke mascots.

Oct 25, 2024 12:22 AM
Reply to  suzaloop

She looks like she could compete in the Paris Ozempics!

Oct 23, 2024 9:10 PM

“009” is another one of them who lives on twitter or GCHQ
you can always tell a clueless with how they see society in what they AI write.

reality I am a drug worker so have reality world experience – NOT twitter internet psychosis fear porn delusional world.

Flood the West with inexpensive, toxic opioids like fentanyl, MDA, ketamine, ecstasy, salvia and GHB. Make marijuana legal, very potent and easy to get, in order to create a sub-culture of homeless people and disaffected, marginalized youth.

opiates.? MDA..? is called MDMA and is not an opiate.

Make marijuana legal..? is this a christian writing this who never had a joint.
darling, weed or hash has been legal in certain areas of the U.K and E.U for 25 years.

in order to create a sub-culture of homeless people ????? and disaffected, marginalized youth.

Hi K kids have you become homeless coz of K ..? errrr nope.

Hello reality… most of the people we meet who are homeless sofa sleeping actually is from alcohol and medication and losing jobs due to not being able to pay rent due to how high rent costs and not being able to get decent paid jobs and falling into the rent work trap of zero hour contracts.

GHB is a party drug mainly used by the pink pound crowd. NEVER I have ever meet any gay or lezza who has had issues like housing issues using GBH.

Slap together handicap word salad article written by an AI subsidiary of alex jones meets u.k shillum funded by GCHQ.

My frav part…..

Create intense polarization on social media to deflect social unrest away from the architects of the controlled demolition of Western Civilization. Keep the left and the right in a state of perpetual fury through false flag trigger events, such as the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics that was intentionally designed to trigger conservatives, Christians and anyone else that still has morals and sanity.

trigger conservatives, Christians and anyone else that still has morals and sanity.


conservatives, Christians having morals and sanity.


Oct 23, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

I agree with you that the bit about marajauana may be wrong but I thought that the resof it was quite good. Did you like the OG opening ceremony? I thought 009’s comments on it were spot on…more than anything because it is insane all the trans stuff IMHo

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Oct 23, 2024 11:25 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

In fairness to the author I think they were talking about MDA which does exist too, rather than MDMA (ecstasy), since the article mentioned ecstasy separately.

Flood the West with inexpensive, toxic opioids like fentanyl, MDA, ketamine, ecstasy, salvia and GHB. 

MDA has more hallucinogenic effects than MDMA.


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 25, 2024 4:39 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

GHB is illegal in the US and Canada. I have heard it is one of the best treatments for insomnia (it is produced naturally by the body in small amounts).

Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy
Oct 24, 2024 12:30 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

Typo…should read ‘007’

Oct 24, 2024 5:32 PM
Reply to  suzaloop

If they had morals and sanity they wouldn’t get triggered.
Or not so easily.

Oct 23, 2024 8:34 PM

I am well aware of all the horrors in the world, and disgusted with Particularly Our Current UK Labour Government, not only Complicit with Genocide and Wars and Jabs but FEEDING it with Weapons of Mass Destruction to Kill not only us old People in England – but also

ANYONE who Writes The Truth – about These Evil Bastards in Control

Do not write that on the The Internet…

Or You will be Subjected to a Bang on The Door

What the f’ck have we come to?

Who are These Fascists Now in Control in England Too

Oct 23, 2024 8:31 PM

Fukuyama didn’t really say that exactly. Everybody oversimplifies his book. Because they can’t read very well I guess. Or they haven’t the patience to read anything more than the title and the introduction.

What he said was something more qualified, something more like, “If you accept the Hegel/Marx theory about what World History actually is–the constant dialectical conflict of thesis vs. antithesis, the conflict between communism and fascism, for instance–then middle-class American mores would be more or less the synthesis of thesis and antithesis, the stasis at which this dialectical conflict ends, and thus, History, with a capital H, an actual concrete thing, according to Hegel and Marx, that consists of nothing more than dialectical political conflict, ends.” The Hegel/Marx theory of World History is rather loony, actually. Fukuyama doesn’t really totally accept it. In his book, he is just pointing out how his contemporary politics, post-Russian communism and all, kind of recapitulates it.

In other words, the book isn’t saying that wars stop happening or politicians stop gaining power or anything else that gets written down in small h history ends. He’s just saying that the Hegel/Marx thing kind of looks like it might be interpreted as ending at the moment in time when he wrote the book.

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 24, 2024 12:38 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I cant believe they all forgot average Joe.
Average Joe was here, is here and he refuses to go away, ever! No matter what these f…heads says!

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Oct 23, 2024 7:34 PM

It’s a big club…and you’re meeting the working end of it.

Oct 23, 2024 8:46 PM

Evil is not sustainable with these pigs not only in the pig trough but also on the gravy train literally committing mass genocide.

I have seen Animal Farm Live – Riverside Studios Hammersmith

but never thought the brainwashing could ever be so intense that, they would do it for real.

English Literature Grade 1 CSE

English Literature Grade 5 GCE


We had to do two sets of books at the same time – including field trips, and science, geography and maths

Where the f’ck did these horrible people come from – now in control?

Oct 23, 2024 7:17 PM

So, the US military is setting up another puppet it intends to manipulate. That strategy has failed before.

Muppet Show
Muppet Show
Oct 23, 2024 6:54 PM

Flood the West with inexpensive, toxic opioids like fentanyl, MDA, ketamine, ecstasy, salvia and GHB. Make marijuana legal, very potent and easy to get, in order to create a sub-culture of homeless people and disaffected, marginalized youth.

The bit about drugs is laughably ignorant.

The real drugs of concern are fentanyl and analogs ( the only opioid on this list), heroin, cocaine/crack and methamphetamine in all its forms, along with benzodiazepines (valium,xanax,etc ) and other prescribed anti-depressants/anti-psychotics, etc.

Only fentanyl and related opioids are relatively new here and they being made in China and flooding not just the West but everywhere including “3rd world”….often sold by police.

The idea that cannabis leads to homelessness and marginalisation sounds like the ridiculously false -and hence ineffective- anti-drug propaganda of bygone eras.

Oct 24, 2024 7:45 PM
Reply to  Muppet Show

Reefer madness! 🤪

Oct 25, 2024 9:50 AM
Reply to  Muppet Show

OK. But marijuana creates assholes. It’s a well known side effect.

Oct 23, 2024 5:54 PM

Pepe Escobar and the other fanbois are so naive….
They must have been smashed in the head with BRICS 😂

Oct 25, 2024 12:26 AM
Reply to  Rob

Pepe’s biased: he’s Brazilian, so naturally he loves BRICS.