Let’s talk about…MSM Coverage of Israeli War Crimes

Kit Knightly

Two weeks ago, it was widely reported across all the Western legacy media that Israel had fire-bombed a hospital leaving patients to burn to death in their beds.

A few days later, we were told by the same Western legacy media that Israeli strikes inside Lebanon had destroyed a 2000-year-old village.

Today, CNN’s front page hosts an IDF soldier describing Israel’s practice of using civilians as human shields in Gaza, while the Guardian details an Israeli strike on school-turned-bomb shelter in Gaza.

Now, it’s not at all unusual that Israel should be committing war crimes, they’ve been doing so unchecked for decades.

But what is less usual is seeing these war crimes appearing on front pages and  in headlines in the controlled media.

We’ve all been doing this long to have dispelled any idea the MSM cares about truth.

They don’t care about truth. Not at all. In fact these days their internal structures barely permit them to recognize truth as a concept.

Nothing – nothing –  is so true the media have to report it, no crimes are so brutal they can’t be ignored.

Case in point, in Odessa in 2014 civilians protesting the NATO-backed coup in Ukraine were chased inside the Trade Union building by pro-coup neo-Nazis.

The building was barricaded and set on fire. People climbing out of the windows to escape the flames were shot at.

Forty people died, shot or burned to death. The neo-Nazis responsible celebrated by showing pictures of beetles being set alight (their disparaging term for ethnic Russians was “Colorado beetles” in reference to the orange and black ribbon of St George they wore).

How did the legacy media respond to this murder?

Well, they just lied.

They claimed the protesters set the fire by accident when they were throwing Molotov cocktails off the roof. This was a complete fabrication, contradicted by CCTV evidence, blaming the victims and covering for the fascists,  but so what? They media didn’t care, they just kept repeating the lie and are still doing so today

Truth is irrelevant, narrative is all. That’s how the media works.

They’ve done the same in the past  for Israel , the US, Saudi Arabia, NATO…whoever…countless times over the years.

And yet  here we are, in  2024, with these Israeli crimes all over the controlled news.

They could lie if they wanted, as they usually do.

But they aren’t.

It prompts the eternal question: “Why this? Why now?”


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