WATCH: “The Endgame is a World State, Popular Resistance Has Set Them Back”

Kit Knightly sits down with Hrvoje Morić of the Geopolitics and Empire Podcast to discuss what form the planned “World Government” might take, the aspects of capitalism and communism it would absorb, the role of regional conflicts, the potential collapse of the American Empire and much more.

This interview was removed by YouTube within hours of it being uploaded:

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Oct 28, 2024 2:23 AM

Kit and Hrvoje, what do you think 5G is for? Is it at all possible that it is a weapon which can target any neighborhood for destruction? Or even that merely the living creatures of any area could all be killed or incapacitated by revving up the power behind 5G?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 27, 2024 1:26 PM

Rather than there being some form of popular uprising, the retarded 99% are all ready to get biomedically profiled just to play sport. Moreover, they’ll fundraise for the privilege!

Ken Owens leads tributes to ‘passionate’ rugby player who died suddenly
Marc Beasley was described as a ‘top guy’ who ‘was a friend to everyone’
Sep 3, 2024

comment image
Caption: Marc Beasley, who died unexpectedly aged just 37 from a heart attack

comment image
Caption: 50 players took to the field for the Bois Beasley team representing former and current members of the club

The rugby community has come together to pay tribute to a “passionate and dedicated” 37-year-old man who died suddenly from a heart attack. Marc Beasley, from Crymych, died on March 15 from a heart condition which took his life unexpectedly. Friends said he was the “fittest” man, who competed in an ironman competition last year. . . .

The event, which was attended by hundreds of people, raised more than £36,000 for the Marc Beasley Fund, which is a charity initially set up by Marc’s loved ones to finance heart screenings for the club’s players. The fund has grown so much that heart screenings are now being expanded to non-rugby playing people in the area in Marc’s name.

Marc’s sister Heulwen Beasley-Park thanked everyone who donated to the fund and said it would make a significant difference. “It was encouraging to see the community so willing to give to such a worthy cause,” she said.

Oct 28, 2024 4:15 AM

In deaths caused by the military (directly or indirectly), the parallel spin is organising a collective display of grief and restraint. This also applies to avoidable weather and urban disasters.

Paul Bruno
Paul Bruno
Oct 27, 2024 1:19 PM

I call it T.T.T.T.T.T.T.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 27, 2024 12:29 PM

If they thought they could get away with it, they would impose a 1984/Brave New World dystopia overnight.

There must be something stopping them ?

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 27, 2024 12:35 PM

People starting to notice the scam and pushing back perhaps.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 27, 2024 1:01 PM

There must be something stopping them ?

Oct 27, 2024 8:04 PM

I believe what’s slowing things is the technological aspect of the dystopia is still being built. What makes me wonder some days is why roll out Convid without the technocracy back end read to go 🤔

Oct 28, 2024 1:05 AM

I seem to remember that a couple of years ago they did

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Oct 27, 2024 12:16 PM

On the subject of the London rallies yesterday:

Tommy’s convenient ‘arrest’ meant he had an excuse not to attend the rally. Interestingly, a few days ago he was telling his supporters that he expected to be arrested at the airport when he flew into the UK, yet, nothing happened. The script writers added to the suspense by having him ‘arrested’ on Friday instead. What a soap opera.

Meanwhile, Lozza Fox also did a no show at the same rally. The two peoples’ heros bowed out leaving ordinary peeps to turn up, in order to be catalogued by the facial recognition cameras. Tommy even announced on Twatter to his supporters not to wear face coverings, just to make sure.

At the same time the ‘Stand up to Racism’ crew did a counter rally with their Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Party professionally printed placards courtesy of the usual globalist suspects. Barely a non-white face in sight, but plenty of student types and chattering classes do-gooders chanting and marching. Nothing like waving a placard saying ‘Smash Capitalism’ to help the “You will own nothing” agenda. ‘Useful idiots’ is an understatement.

I am sure these do-gooders have not thought it through with what they are aiming for, which will ensure that their own or mummy and daddy’s property and share portfolios takes a dump and the banks go bust. Bye bye, comfortable life and/or a nice inheritance.

All-in-all, a good day for our overlords, as they nudge their agendas along, by creating distractions, burning up public energy in a controlled manner and using seemingly diametrically opposed groups of people led by ‘heros’, facilitators and rent-a-mob agitators to feed media narratives that are then disseminated to the uninvolved and disinterested general public in order to herd them in a given direction.

Oct 27, 2024 12:08 PM

Pentagontube. I love it.

Oct 27, 2024 10:35 AM

Seems to me that Dr Shiva is the only substantial practitioner of insight into the systems of hegemony that have intruded on the class war that is at the hub of the basket of demons suffocating all freedoms, hijacked with the sticky labels of ignorant distractions.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Oct 27, 2024 8:33 AM

A very good conversation.

Hrvoje is one of the better thinkers in the alt-media space, who can see through the false binaries and the dialectics.

As far as “popular resistance has set them back”, that maybe the case or not, but I use the analogy of a road map to view the progress of the controllers from point A to point B. There are usually various routes to a destination from an origin using different roads. Traffic jams, road works, accidents and so forth can slow down a journey but using other routes will get one to one’s destination eventually, possibly taking more time to do so.

I am sure that the controllers have allowed for such contingencies. They have access to so much information through the internet. The thoughts, feelings and emotions of a large swath of humanity is easy to monitor through anti-social media, comments to media articles and what content they view online. The likely reaction can be gauged and managed by changing short-term plans midstream (a route diversion) as a pressure release valve, where necessary.

Uncle Klaus did warn in July 2020 that “we have to prepare for a more angry world”. They have planned for this, whether it is manufactured or organic.

Finally, when the binaries (duality) that the controllers have created or encouraged, result in enough chaos to tire and wear the population out and the people demand a solution, then the controllers will use this reaction to offer up the solution (singularity). It is likely that there will be a few false offers of hopeium along the way, yet all designed to fail. All leading to the final one, that the people will accept out of exhaustion and desperation.

This will be the ultimate magician’s trick – the show stopper – one that each person who considers themself awake needs to be on the alert for, over the coming years.

Oct 27, 2024 7:59 AM

What popular resistance? Some people posting stuff about the WEF on Twitter? The agenda is being pursued forcefully. They have made huge gains in the last 5 years. Mass migration is increasing in almost every western nation. The quality of national governments and political “leaders” is at an all time low. Personal and nation debt levels keep accelerating. Standards of living is falling world wide. Other than Karl Schwab appearing at the UN in a star trek outfit and declaring himself emperor everything seems to be going their way

Oct 27, 2024 5:49 AM

Alex jones grift..? with it being banned.
cant see why as just watched it nothing dangerous or cutting edge was said.

Oct 27, 2024 3:01 AM

Trump @ Joe Rogan

Not voting = Kamala Harris & the illegal immigrants army of the WEF / Swamp.

The Atlantic last week: Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini

Oct 27, 2024 2:54 AM

“The Endgame is a World State,
Popular Resistance Has Set Them BACK.”

So they’ve spent decades and countless dollars
and used the world’s most advanced AI and
quantum computers to assist in planning their
presumed great reset of our WORLD.


Ya think that neither they nor their AI considered
the possibility of popular resistance more than less
such a thing actually setting them back in any way…..

😔 siiiiiggghhh

Oct 27, 2024 1:32 AM

Their is No Endgame – You are All Religious Maniacs Full of Shit.

Oct 27, 2024 1:21 AM

What I have been trying to explain is not just my love for my wife, children and grandchildren, my ex (still alive but ex( yer know like first love)
mum and dad, children and cat

I never had a dog, but when it all went to sh1t, as it sometimes does, I got home and stroked my cat

Still do

Don’t take the drugs – just get a Cat

Oct 27, 2024 12:39 AM

When you fall in love, its got to be forever, otherwise their is no point

Currently watching Afterlife on Netflix…its only his dog and the postman that kept Ricky Gervais – how tf did he get away with that go go one get jabbed

Any signs of embarrassment?

Oct 26, 2024 11:05 PM

In this movie called Maniac, they imply a future where there are all sorts of mom-and-pop currencies, kind of like bitcoin, that pop up as alternatives to CBDCs.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 26, 2024 11:09 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Like silver and gold 😀
Failing that it’s back to bartering.

Oct 27, 2024 2:57 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

I gave you a like because I agree but let’s face it back to bartering may not be such a bad thing in the bigger picture. Lol

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 27, 2024 12:28 PM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

It may be our only choice if we want to escape the GMO slop they want to force on us. The main hurdle if we want to grow food is the chemtrailers with their ability to turn a beautiful day to shit within a few hours. If the plans continue at this rate, people with their minds and eyes closed are in for a rude awakening.

Oct 27, 2024 4:55 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

If those Folks at this point in the game aren’t “awakened” yet they WON’T be NO matter WHAT. They WILL be in denial about it and they will even die to protect it because Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome on a WORLDWIDE scale fine-tuned and tailored to EACH nation AND PEOPLE… is a BITCH….
Aaaaannd REALITY. 😔👍

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Oct 27, 2024 7:07 PM
Reply to  thejackalsmark

I think it boils down to fear of the unknown. I’ve tried to engage with people only to find they parrot what they see on TV, any mention of forming a community to exchange goods is met with disdain.
That’s what I have experienced, but I hear different tales from county to country.

When the shit does hit the fan, those of us who still have a working soul will be torn between helping them in times of need, or throwing everything in the truck and leaving them to fend for themselves.

Oct 27, 2024 7:10 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

In an hour !!!

Oct 26, 2024 10:51 PM

The Hungarian and Slovakian leaders are heroes.

Oct 27, 2024 9:01 AM
Reply to  Edwige

What’s the point of having moderators if commenters are allowed to pose as people they are not? Can I set up as ‘Moderator’ and start posting as that?

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t want the content of these posts banned, just the name of the account. I well know some of the hostile posters here want to start shrieking “censorship!” and don’t want them given the chance.

FTR Viktor Orban is no “hero”. For starters, he wants to expand the EU – not collapse it. The Slovakian leader said some good things about mrna “vaccines” but, like almost everyone else outside of Slovakia, I know nothing else about him.

“Leaders” are not “heroes”. Why does this fake bot account want to put out that some are?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Oct 27, 2024 12:29 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Your ‘admirer’ has been posting with your handle for a week or two, I think.

Since he has the red avatar and not your purple one and has a different writing style, he was easy to spot.

I am guessing all he had to do, was get through pending with a different email address a couple of times and then he was home and dry.

Admin will need to deal with it otherwise it will be open season and it could turn into the Wild West here.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 26, 2024 9:50 PM

They’re panicking.

The “Far right” trope isn’t working.

In UK, the government are making increasingly crazy announcements designed to inflame the public into violent protest.

And we’re not falling for it.

Today’s protest in London with 200 -300,000 people resulted in two arrests (and two from the anti protest)

A spectacular fail for the divisive programme.

Oct 27, 2024 3:05 AM

It’s kind of a similar story in the U.S With the propagandized emotional button pressing Statements And things being done by The government ,as well. But they’re NOT PANICKING. FAR from IT. They plan and account for ALL of these things And as far as protests Unless you go in And rip these corrupt Totalitarian dictators out of their chairs and hang them in public squares For their crimes against their own peoples and humanity And replace them With decent honest people In a reformed system That actually ensures that these people do not Go Rogue again Then you will not fix any of these problems and they know it and they don’t care about your protests or any of that in the end it’s all for show to make you FEEL like They’re PANICKING. Read Sun Tzu guys. Make your enemy believe that you are extremely weak and that they have power over you, when in fact you have beaten them and they’ve never even known or realized that there was a war to begin with.

Oct 27, 2024 5:48 AM

They’re panicking. LOL

RE: Tommy and co

They always needs your money for his court case.
Is an enemy of the state but the states allowing him to hold a rally ( nuremberg style) complete with stage, screens, bands, speakers.
He’s liaised with the police who are out to arrest him and traffic routes were rerouted. Has attended meetings which he filmed, in the house of Lords. But he’s an enemy of the state!!

Tommy gets fake arrested the day before and rebel dassom media run the legal fees scam.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 27, 2024 10:30 AM
Reply to  entitlement

I never mentioned TR.

Millions of people on the streets stopped vaxx mandates.

The fact is that those people on the streets yesterday share my opinions whoever is stirring them up.

I am not naiive enough to believe everything at face value.

Demonstrations are a barometer for TPTB to see where the public mood really is.

It makes perfect sense to rabble-rouse by any means possible to understand the real emotions of the people.

Guaging the mood lets them know what they can and can’t get away with.

Oct 27, 2024 8:25 AM

They (your controllers) organize these protests. And the anti protest.

It allows the people to let off steam and makes them focus on the distraction agendas (forced immigration from the staged, coordinated, orchestrated wars – that the controllers can use to enact censorship statutes for deplatforming, then debanking) so people can’t realize the govt doesn’t have any authority. Never did.

Regardless of voting which is a total con and psyop. (S)electing a pre screened, pre-vetted, masonic candidate, that knows they’re not working for voters: They’re working for the REAL owners of the corps masquerading as govts, as temporary administrators (term limits) of privately owned and controlled corporations.

That’s why they lie every (S)election process. That’s why they have scripts. That’s why they are the rhetorical scapegoats so the people never examine the real corporate and legal structures of how the world functions. It’s all an act. An acting job to work as a front. As a PR agent.

Same thing in the corporate sector for Buffet, Musk, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Gates, Fink, Murdoch, Bloomberg, Jobs, Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild, Rhodes et al, etc.

They’ve all been placed there by a consortium who hide the real owners.
The real owners of your world, of your fake countries remain hidden while the FRONTS take all the heat. Whether that’s a political front, like a Churchill, Thatcher or a Starmer. They’re all in the same club, working against the people.

Tommy and his milieu are govt agents and Freemasons. It’s all fake, all the time. All your news is fake or staged. It’s always been this way.

The govts, police and military, are actually organizing all the protests through the sub orgs, they create and through their agents.

Oct 27, 2024 10:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I wish it were possible for me to give you a legitimate thousand thumbs up for this comment! I don’t know if it’s correct to say good man or good woman but it’s definitely correct to say good damned research. I wish more people would bother to do so.

Rather than clutter up And derail the topic Of a particular thread, please feel free To reach out and contact me via My social media accounts On Instagram or telegram
Which should be rather obvious to find. 👍

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 27, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Please see my reply above to “entitlement”

Oct 27, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I would say that the Civil Rights Marches, the March on Washington, back in the sixties had a good deal to do with changing civil rights law in the USA.
I’d say the same about the Viet Nam protests.
Perhaps there were infiltrators, but by and large, I think those protests were a force for good.
I think a good deal of the protests now are orchestrated. Like everything else, it seems.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 27, 2024 1:29 PM
Reply to  judith

If there are enough involved it will change policy.

Vax mandates are a good example. Millions of Germans and Austrians told the government that we’re not having it. They backed off.

Goverrnments can’t make water flow uphill. If the resistance is too high, they will avoid outright rioting and possible coups.

Peaceful demos aren’t going to hold their feet to the fire but they tell the government how close they are to tipping point.

Oct 28, 2024 12:56 AM
Reply to  judith

Those protests, even the riots were all orchestrated and organized by the controllers. As far back as you care to research. Nothing’s organic.

If you watch this and this as an example of an actor/asset. Then read this. You’ll see the fabricated narrative they’ve told the public through the fake media, isn’t believable.

Just occult, astrological rituals being re-enacted on your tv as alchemical, psychodrama, trauma based, mass mind control.

Every single person in the “civil rights”, anti-war movement, women’s lib movement, communism etc., is a plant. Even the KKK, is a govt run operation.

Nothing but CIA, FBI and NSA controlled actors and assets. All Freemasons, Jesuits etc.

It’s Order out of Chaos.

Oct 26, 2024 9:22 PM

Fan bloody tastic discussion! G&E is one of my favourite podcasts and Kit one of my favourite writers so this was great. We need more of this caliber of discussion! I just feel like so much alt media these days is just talking round the same nonsense as the mainstream, so much dead discussion. Moments like this where we get to hear genuine discussion of reality feel so rare.

Oct 26, 2024 8:57 PM

I liked the discussion, the subjects, the clear logic. Sometimes I had to move speed to 1.5x when Hrvoje was speaking but turn it back to normal for Kit. Yes, a better mic would help. Thank you !

Oct 26, 2024 7:25 PM

FDA suppresses “psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals.” –RFK, jr
Psychedlics?? Can someone tell me what beneficial psychelics are being suppressed?

Erik Nielsen.
Erik Nielsen.
Oct 26, 2024 10:11 PM
Reply to  Penelope

These swamp in nature opens up your mind.comment image
“Up in the three I am damn sitting, and I am far far away. Man the darkness is dark. And I am far far away, and I am dreaming about a guy who is me. Man I am sick.” https://youtu.be/06p_9FLG9s4

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 26, 2024 11:41 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Are psychedelics legal in the United Kingdom?
“Psychedelic substances are still very much controlled in the UK,” says Blest-Hopely, who is also the founder of Hystelica, a UK-based community of researchers aimed at investigating psychedelics and their effects on female biology.
“Psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are both still Schedule 1, defined as having ‘no therapeutic benefit’ and requiring a licence from the home office (government)…

Where Are Psychedelic Drugs Legal In The US?

Oct 28, 2024 1:03 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Veri Tas, only Marijuana is legal here AFAIK. Why in the world would Robert Kennedy jr be FOR legalisation of LSD? sounds bizarre to me– especially as the other suppressed things mentioned are great criticisms of US medical establishment.

Oct 26, 2024 6:16 PM

Kit, try a different mic the next time… You don’t sound clear in interviews…. Sounds kind of digitized without a good balance of the frequencies.

Oct 27, 2024 3:11 AM
Reply to  Rob

I see that in a lot of people’s podcasts these days. They’ll get lots of nice equipment in the lighting and everything else but don’t do a solid sound check before they go live.